place of burial

location of grave, resting place, place of ash-scattering, etc. (e.g., town/city or cemetery) for a person or animal. There may be several places: e.g., re-burials, parts of body buried separately.

place of burial is …
instance of (P31):
Wikidata property for birth or deathQ18608756
Wikidata property for specifying the location of an eventQ18635217
Wikidata property related to burials, graves, and memorialsQ51122237
Wikidata property related to religions and beliefsQ22983697

External links are
P3254property proposal discussion

P3734category for value same as Wikidata???Q42533343
P7087inverse label itemburied hereQ66310902
P2302property constraintallowed qualifiers constraintQ21510851
item-requires-statement constraintQ21503247
subject type constraintQ21503250
none-of constraintQ52558054
property scope constraintQ53869507
value-requires-statement constraintQ21510864
value-type constraintQ21510865
conflicts-with constraintQ21502838
allowed-entity-types constraintQ52004125
P2875property usage tracking categoryCategory:Pages using Wikidata property P119Q23909089
P1659related propertyplace of deathP20
image of graveP1442
category for people buried hereP1791
date of burial or cremationP4602
P2668stability of property valuesometimes changesQ24025284
P1647subproperty oflocationP276
P1629Wikidata item of this propertygraveQ173387

Reverse relations

related property (P1659)
Q23909089Category:Pages using Wikidata property P119
P1791category for people buried here
P4602date of burial or cremation
P570date of death
P1442image of grave
P2351number of graves
P19place of birth
P20place of death
P2324quantity buried

Wikidata property (P1687)
Q123001848inferred from place of burial
Q12131650location of burial

properties for this type (P1963)

Q26236257Literature, Geolocation and Wikidatauses propertyP3176
Q19389637biographical articleinappropriate property for this typeP8952

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