Legal Entity Identifier

identifier for a legally distinct entity per ISO 17442

Legal Entity Identifier is …
instance of (P31):
Wikidata property for items about corporationsQ22964476
Wikidata property for an international standard identifierQ27038669
Wikidata property for an identifier having a checksumQ48710051
Wikidata property to identify organizationsQ21745557

External links are
P1628equivalent property
P2235external superproperty
P1793format as a regular expression[0-9A-Z]{18}[0-9]{2}
P2264Mix'n'match catalog ID292
P12508ONIX codelist ID44/42
P3254property proposal discussion
P1896source website for the property
P8966URL match pattern^https?:\/\/search\.gleif\.org\/#\/record\/([0-9A-Z]{18}[0-9]{2})

P9073applicable 'stated in' valueGlobal LEI indexQ55259097
P10726class of non-item property valueLegal Entity IdentifierQ6517388
P2429expected completenessalways incompleteQ21873886
P1921formatter URI for RDF resource$1
P1630formatter URL$1
P4876number of records1439460
P2302property constraintdistinct-values constraintQ21502410
conflicts-with constraintQ21502838
single-value constraintQ19474404
format constraintQ21502404
subject type constraintQ21503250
property scope constraintQ53869507
allowed-entity-types constraintQ52004125
P1659related propertyISINP946
ISO 9362 SWIFT/BIC codeP2627
P3303third-party formatter URL$1

Reverse relations

related property (P1659)
P4156Czech Registration ID (IČO)
P10421ELF code
P2627ISO 9362 SWIFT/BIC code
P8174Slovak Registration ID

Wikidata property (P1687)
Q55259097Global LEI index
Q6517388Legal Entity Identifier

properties for this type (P1963)

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