collection or exhibition size

number of items in a collection or exhibition

collection or exhibition size is …
instance of (P31):
Wikidata property for items about organizationsQ18608993
Wikidata property related to eventsQ22964785
Wikidata property related to artQ27918607
Wikidata property for quantitiesQ52513243

External links are
P1628equivalent property
P3254property proposal discussion

P2302property constraintsubject type constraintQ21503250
range constraintQ21510860
allowed units constraintQ21514353
allowed-entity-types constraintQ52004125
property scope constraintQ53869507
P2875property usage tracking categoryCategory:Pages using Wikidata property P1436Q57631788
P1659related propertyquantityP1114
number of recordsP4876
has works in the collectionP6379
amount catalogedP7328
P2668stability of property valuesometimes changesQ24025284

Reverse relations

related property (P1659)
Q57631788Category:Pages using Wikidata property P1436
P7328amount cataloged
P6379has works in the collection
P4876number of records

properties for this type (P1963)
Q111638077Pinterest board
Q67776928folk song collection
Q48085397municipal library of Japan

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