Wikidata property of BVMC identifier | Q112678614 |
Wikidata property for authority control for writers | Q55650689 |
P1793 | format as a regular expression | ([3-9]|[1-9]\d{1,4}) |
P2264 | Mix'n'match catalog ID | 203 |
P3254 | property proposal discussion | |
P1896 | source website for the property | |
P8966 | URL match pattern | ^https?:\/\/data\.cervantesvirtual\.com\/person\/([3-9]|[1-9]\d{1,4}) |
P9073 | applicable 'stated in' value | Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes | Q4903493 |
P2667 | corresponding template | Template:BVMC person ID | Q24044764 |
P17 | country | Spain | Q29 |
P1921 | formatter URI for RDF resource |$1 | |
P1630 | formatter URL |$1 | |
P2378 | issued by | Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes | Q4903493 |
P6104 | maintained by WikiProject | WikiProject Authority control | Q88300058 |
P2302 | property constraint | format constraint | Q21502404 |
distinct-values constraint | Q21502410 | ||
single-value constraint | Q19474404 | ||
subject type constraint | Q21503250 | ||
property scope constraint | Q53869507 | ||
allowed-entity-types constraint | Q52004125 | ||
P2875 | property usage tracking category | Category:Pages using Wikidata property P2799 | Q54936291 |
P1659 | related property | BVMC work ID | P3976 |
BVMC place ID | P4098 | ||
BVMC organization ID | P10834 | ||
P2668 | stability of property value | values can be added | Q23611840 |
Q4903493 | Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes | Wikidata property | P1687 |
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