ISO 3166-2 code

identifier for a country subdivision per ISO 3166-2 (include country code)

ISO 3166-2 code is …
instance of (P31):
Wikidata property for authority control for administrative subdivisionsQ55977691
Wikidata property for an international standard identifierQ27038669

External links are
P1628equivalent property
P10787FactGrid property IDP873
P1793format as a regular expression[A-Z]{2}-[A-Z0-9]{1,3}
P1282OpenStreetMap tag or keyKey:ISO3166-2
P3254property proposal discussion

P9073applicable 'stated in' valueISO 3166-2Q133153
P3713category for value not in Wikidata???Q32069226
P3734category for value same as Wikidata???Q32069227
P2302property constraintproperty scope constraintQ53869507
single-value constraintQ19474404
distinct-values constraintQ21502410
item-requires-statement constraintQ21503247
allowed-entity-types constraintQ52004125
format constraintQ21502404
P2875property usage tracking categoryCategory:Pages using Wikidata property P300Q26250092
P7452reason for preferred rankcurrently valid valueQ71536244
P1659related propertyISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codeP298
IETF language tagP305
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codeP297
P1629Wikidata item of this propertyISO 3166-2Q133153

Reverse relations

related property (P1659)
Q26250092Category:Pages using Wikidata property P300
P305IETF language tag
P773ISO 3166-3
P2898Swedish county letter
Q32069226Categoria:P300 assente su Wikidata
Q32069227Categoria:P300 uguale su Wikidata

Q133153ISO 3166-2Wikidata propertyP1687
Q906278country codeproperties for this typeP1963

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