TripAdvisor ID

identifier of a place (region, hotel, restaurant, attraction), in TripAdvisor

TripAdvisor ID is …
instance of (P31):
Wikidata property for authority control for placesQ19829908
Wikidata property related to tourismQ29110152
Wikidata property for authority control for hotelsQ56505345
Wikidata property for an identifier that does not imply notabilityQ62589320
Wikidata property related to e-commerceQ62606615
numeric identifierQ93868746
Wikidata property for authority control for restaurantsQ102357699

External links are
P1282OpenStreetMap tag or keyKey:contact:tripadvisor
P3254property proposal discussion
P1896source website for the property
P8966URL match pattern^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?tripadvisor\.[a-z-]+\/(\d+)

P9073applicable 'stated in' valueTripadvisorQ1770710
P17countryUnited States of AmericaQ30
P1630formatter URL$1
P2378issued byTripadvisorQ1770710
P2302property constraintdistinct-values constraintQ21502410
item-requires-statement constraintQ21503247
format constraintQ21502404
single-value constraintQ19474404
property scope constraintQ53869507
allowed-entity-types constraintQ52004125
P2875property usage tracking categoryCategory:Pages using Wikidata property P3134Q29110148
P1659related hotel IDP3607 point of interest IDP3714 hotel IDP3898
Expedia hotel IDP5651
P4354search formatter URL$1&searchNearby=false
P1629Wikidata item of this propertyTripadvisorQ1770710
P2559Wikidata usage instructionsThe ID is from the URL of a place's page, specifically the digits following the "-d" if the page has one, or following the "-g" if not. Examples where Xs are digits: gXXX-dXXX or Tourism-gXXX.
L'identifiant provient de l'URL de la page d'un lieu, en particulier les chiffres suivant le "-d" si la page en a un, ou suivant le "-g" sinon. Exemples où les X sont des chiffres: gXXX-dXXX ou Tourism-gXXX.
L'ID di un'attrazione è contenuto nell'URL, in dettaglio sono le cifre che seguono il "-d" se sono presenti, altrimenti le cifre che seguono "-g". Un paio di esempi sono le X in: gXXX-dXXX oppure Tourism-gXXX.
Die ID stammt aus der URL der Seite eines Ortes, genauer aus den Ziffern nach dem „-d“, wenn dieses vorhanden ist, oder nach dem „-g“, wenn nicht. Beispiele, bei denen Xs Ziffern sind: gXXX-dXXX oder Tourism-gXXX.

Reverse relations

related property (P1659) ID hotel ID
Q29110148Category:Pages using Wikidata property P3134 hotel ID point of interest ID
P6647Zagat ID
P6641Zomato ID ID

properties for this type (P1963)
Q123349660geolocatable entity

Q1770710TripadvisorWikidata propertyP1687