has goal

desired result or outcome

has goal is …
instance of (P31):
Wikidata property for causes and effectsQ28746712
Wikidata propertyQ18616576

External links are
P3254property proposal discussionhttps://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Property_proposal/objective_of_a_project_or_mission

P2302property constraintallowed-entity-types constraintQ52004125
property scope constraintQ53869507
subject type constraintQ21503250
P2875property usage tracking categoryCategory:Pages using Wikidata property P3712Q59569210
P1659related propertyhas useP366
may prevent diseaseP4954
in opposition toP5004
statutory purposeP6346
P2668stability of property valuenever changesQ23611288
P580start time1800-01-01
P1629Wikidata item of this propertygoalQ4503831

Reverse relations

related property (P1659)
Q59569210Category:Pages using Wikidata property P3712
P366has use
P4954may prevent disease
P6346statutory purpose

properties for this type (P1963)
Q955824learned society
Q163740nonprofit organization
Q104637332planned process
Q7210356political organization
Q96247293type of management
Q96251375type of policy
Q96273743type of test

P533targetsubproperty ofP1647
Q4503831goalWikidata propertyP1687

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