social classification

social class as recognized in traditional or state law

social classification is …
instance of (P31):
Wikidata property related to slaveryQ98929163
Wikidata property related to classification schemesQ108566342
Wikidata property for items about peopleQ18608871

External links are
P3254property proposal discussion

P7087inverse label itembelonging to this social classQ83854824
P8274living people protection classproperty likely to be challengedQ44597997
property that may violate privacyQ44601380
P2302property constraintsubject type constraintQ21503250
value-type constraintQ21510865
P2875property usage tracking categoryCategory:Pages using Wikidata property P3716Q30283307
P1659related propertynoble titleP97
P1629Wikidata item of this propertysocial statusQ189970
social classQ187588
personnal status in FranceQ16677918

Reverse relations

related property (P1659)
Q30283307Category:Pages using Wikidata property P3716
P97noble title

Wikidata property (P1687)
Q116010745Catalan bourgeoisie
Q5516638Gaelic nobility of Ireland
Q927915Nobility of Hungary
Q971558Nobility of Russia
Q479867Nobility of the German-speaking area
Q124488124Nobility of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Q7383298Ruthenian nobility
Q83854824belonging to this social class
Q10536391introduced nobility of Sweden
Q306045nobility in Austria
Q4958878nobility of Brazil
Q14914903nobility of Croatia
Q4993744nobility of Denmark
Q4349149nobility of Finland
Q1450700nobility of France
Q353672nobility of Iceland
Q6071688nobility of Ireland
Q2643547nobility of Norway
Q2077463nobility of Portugal
Q27333632nobility of Serbia
Q2554364nobility of Spain
Q1065129nobility of Sweden
Q2301448nobility of the Netherlands
Q3769470nobility of the United Kingdom
Q16677918personnal status in France
Q187588social class
Q62274283unintroduced nobility of Sweden

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