
identifier for an item in the catalogue of the Swedish National Library

Libris-URI is …
instance of (P31):
Wikidata property for authority control for peopleQ19595382
Wikidata property for authority control by VIAF memberQ55586529

External links are
P1793format as a regular expression[a-z\d]{12,}$
P3254property proposal discussion
P8966URL match pattern^https?:\/\/libris\.kb\.se(?:\/katalogisering)?\/([a-z\d]+)

P9073applicable 'stated in' valueLIBRISQ1798125
P2429expected completenessalways incompleteQ21873886
P1921formatter URI for RDF resource$1
P1630formatter URL$1
P1552has characteristicVIAF componentQ26921380
P2378issued byNational Library of SwedenQ953058
P6104maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject Authority controlQ88300058
P2302property constraintformat constraintQ21502404
distinct-values constraintQ21502410
allowed-entity-types constraintQ52004125
property scope constraintQ53869507
P2875property usage tracking categoryCategory:Pages using Wikidata property P5587Q61035012
P1659related propertySELIBR IDP906
LIBRIS editionsP1182
Nasjonalbiblioteket photographer IDP1847
P4354search formatter URL$1
P2668stability of property valuenever changesQ23611288
P1629Wikidata item of this propertyLIBRISQ1798125
P2559Wikidata usage instructionsFound in (librisxl) field of VIAF record (eg, and "justlinks" JSON (eg

Reverse relations

related property (P1659)
Q61035012Category:Pages using Wikidata property P5587
P1182LIBRIS editions

Q1798125LIBRISWikidata propertyP1687

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