
(being deprecated, find alternatives at WD:P642) qualifier stating that a statement applies within the scope of a particular item

of is …
instance of (P31):
partially deprecated Wikidata propertyQ37911748
Wikidata qualifierQ15720608
Wikidata property used as "depicts" (P180) qualifier on CommonsQ70564278
restrictive or non-restrictive qualifierQ122233685

External links are
P3254property proposal discussionhttps://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Property_proposal/Archive/8#P642
P11914Wikibase World IDP30

P6104maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject Deprecate P642Q133296555
P2302property constraintone-of constraintQ21510859
allowed-entity-types constraintQ52004125
none-of constraintQ52558054
property scope constraintQ53869507
conflicts-with constraintQ21502838
P2875property usage tracking categoryCategory:Pages using Wikidata property P642Q35489153
P1659related propertypart ofP361
applies to partP518
main subjectP921
applies to jurisdictionP1001
criterion usedP1013
valid in periodP1264
facet ofP1269
has part(s) of the classP2670
valid in placeP3005
used byP1535
relative toP2210
applies to taxonP2352
object of statement has roleP3831
identity of object in contextP4626
subject senseP6072
closest approachP6354
applies to name of objectP8338
applies to workP10663
object of occurrenceP12912
identity of subject in contextP4649
applies to name of subjectP5168
subject lexeme formP5830
applies to peopleP6001
class of object(s) of occurrenceP12913
agents of action have roleP12993
class of agent(s) of actionP12994
agent of actionP12995
characteristic ofP13044
P2668stability of property valuecontinuously changes / unstable identifierQ23611587
P2559Wikidata usage instructionsLa palabra «de» tiene muchos significados y otros idiomas (como el chino) carecen de palabras que sirvan como traducción directa de la palabra inglesa (o española). En general, es preferible usar propiedades más específicas que esta.
A palabra «de» ten moitos significados e outros idiomas (coma o chinés) carecen de palabras que servan como traducción directa da palabra inglesa (ou a galega). En xeral, é preferible usar propiedades máis específicas que esta.
英语中“of”一词包含很多不同含义,其他语言经常未必有直接对应英语含义的字词。绝大多数情况下,我们建议您使用更针对性的属性。备选方案请参阅[[Wikidata:WikiProject Data Quality/Issues/P642]]
英語中「of」一詞包含很多不同含義,其他語言經常未必有直接對應英語含義的字詞。絕大多數情況下,我們建議您使用更針對性的屬性。備選方案請參閱[[Wikidata:WikiProject Data Quality/Issues/P642]]
영어 단어 "of"에는 여러 뜻이 있고, 다른 언어에는 이에 정확히 대응하는 단어가 없을 수도 있습니다. 대부분의 경우에 보다 더 구체적인 속성을 사용하는 것이 바람직합니다. 대안 속성들에 대해서는 [[Wikidata:WikiProject Data Quality/Issues/P642]]를 참고하세요.
This property is being deprecated; use only where no more appropriate property exists. Replacement properties are listed at [[Wikidata:WikiProject Deprecate P642/Use cases]].
このプロパティは非推奨で廃止過程にあります。他に適切なプロパティがない場合にのみ使用してください。代替のプロパティは[[Wikidata:WikiProject Deprecate P642/Use cases]]に挙げてあります。
Kata bahasa Inggris "of" memiliki banyak arti dan bahasa lain seperti bahasa Tionghoa seringkali tidak memiliki kata yang sepadan dengan arti bahasa Inggris. Pada banyak kasus disarankan menggunakan properti lebih spesifik daripada properti ini. Untuk properti alternatif, lihat [[Wikidata:WikiProject Data Quality/Issues/P642]]

Reverse relations

related property (P1659)
Q35489153Category:Pages using Wikidata property P642
P12995agent of action
P518applies to part
P10663applies to work
P13044characteristic of
P12913class of object(s) of occurrence
P6354closest approach
P13269directs readers to
P1269facet of
P3776inhibitor of
P12912object of occurrence
P2210relative to

P10663applies to worksubproperty ofP1647
Q32866922Q32866922Wikidata propertyP1687

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