Wikidata property for an identifier that suggests notability | Q62589316 |
Wikidata property related to biographical dictionaries | Q97584729 |
P3254 | property proposal discussion | |
P1896 | source website for the property | |
P8966 | URL match pattern | ^https?:\/\/(?:dx\.|www\.)?doi\.org\/10\.3318/dib\.(0[01]\d{4}(?:\.[A-D])?)\.v1$ |
P9073 | applicable 'stated in' value | Dictionary of Irish Biography | Q5273969 |
P17 | country | Ireland | Q27 |
P1921 | formatter URI for RDF resource |$1.v1 | |
P1630 | formatter URL |$1.v1 | |
P4876 | number of records | 10615 | |
P2302 | property constraint | format constraint | Q21502404 |
distinct-values constraint | Q21502410 | ||
single-value constraint | Q19474404 | ||
item-requires-statement constraint | Q21503247 | ||
allowed qualifiers constraint | Q21510851 | ||
label in language constraint | Q108139345 | ||
allowed-entity-types constraint | Q52004125 | ||
property scope constraint | Q53869507 | ||
P2875 | property usage tracking category | ??? | Q123581912 |
P4354 | search formatter URL |$1 |
Q123581912 | Catégorie:Page utilisant P6829 | related property | P1659 |
Q5273969 | Dictionary of Irish Biography | Wikidata property | P1687 |
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