related category

Wikimedia category is related to this item

related category is …
instance of (P31):
Wikidata property about Wikimedia categoriesQ18667213

External links are
P3254property proposal discussion

P7087inverse label itemrelated category ofQ110463533
P2302property constraintdistinct-values constraintQ21502410
allowed qualifiers constraintQ21510851
inverse constraintQ21510855
value-type constraintQ21510865
property scope constraintQ53869507
allowed-entity-types constraintQ52004125
P1659related propertytopic's main categoryP910
category for the water basinP1200
category for people born hereP1464
category for people who died hereP1465
category for people buried hereP1791
category of associated peopleP1792
category for films shot at this locationP1740
category for employees of the organizationP4195
category for films in this languageP5996
category for members of a teamP6112
category for alumni of educational institutionP3876
category for pictures taken with this cameraP2033
category for recipients of this awardP2517
category for eponymous categoriesP6186
member categoryP6365
P2668stability of property valuesometimes changesQ24025284
P1629Wikidata item of this propertyWikimedia categoryQ4167836

Reverse relations

subproperty of (P1647)
P5996category for films in this language
P1740category for films shot at this location
P10280category for honorary citizens of entity
P1464category for people born here
P1791category for people buried here
P1465category for people who died here
P1200category for the water basin
P1792category of associated people

related property (P1659)
P4224category contains
P3876category for alumni of educational institution
P4195category for employees of the organization
P6186category for eponymous categories
P7861category for files created with program
P6112category for members of a team
P2033category for pictures taken with this camera
P2517category for recipients of this award
P1792category of associated people
P6365member category
P910topic's main category

Q4167836Wikimedia categoryWikidata propertyP1687
P971category combines topicsinverse propertyP1696
Q12310021subjectproperties for this typeP1963

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