Alfredo Benso


Alfredo Benso is …
instance of (P31):

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P496ORCID iD0000-0003-3433-7739
P1153Scopus author ID7006074596

P108employerPolytechnic University of TurinQ392897
P735given nameAlfredoQ645734

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author (P50)
Q28393475A systematic analysis of a mi-RNA inter-pathway regulatory motif
Q34176222Building gene expression profile classifiers with a simple and efficient rejection option in R.
Q60787630GPU acceleration for statistical gene classification
Q100391621IL6-mediated HCoV-host interactome regulatory network and GO/Pathway enrichment analysis
Q37270376Reducing the complexity of complex gene coexpression networks by coupling multiweighted labeling with topological analysis
Q113319169The integration of clinical data in the assessment of multiple sclerosis – A review
Q60787600Using Boolean networks to model post-transcriptional regulation in gene regulatory networks
Q60787618Using gnome wide data for protein function prediction by exploiting gene ontology relationships

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