My French Coach and My Spanish Coach

2007 video game

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Abstract is: My French Coach and My Spanish Coach are educational games developed by Sensory Sweep Studios and published by Ubisoft for the Nintendo DS, iOS, PlayStation Portable, and Wii. They are part of Ubisoft's My Coach series, and were released for the Nintendo DS on November 6, 2007 in North America, for the Wii on November 23, 2007 in Europe, and My Spanish Coach was released for the PlayStation Portable on October 7, 2008, and iOS on June 6, 2009. For their releases in Europe and Australia, the games were renamed My French Coach Level 1: Beginners and My Spanish Coach Level 1: Beginners. French and Spanish language teachers assisted with development of the gameplay for both games, which concentrates on teaching French or Spanish using lessons and minigames. As the player progresses the lessons, the gameplay uses increasingly complex words and phrases. The games received praise and criticism from various video game publications; they praised the games' effectiveness in teaching the language, but lamented their repetitive nature. The next installments in the series, titled My French Coach Level 2: Intermediate and My Spanish Coach Level 2: Intermediate, also developed and published by Ubisoft, were released in Europe on November 23, 2007 alongside their Level 1 counterparts.

My French Coach and My Spanish Coach is …
instance of (P31):
video gameQ7889

External links are
P12290DoblajeVideojuegos game IDmy-spanish-coach
P646Freebase ID/m/03h2dlk
P12215Game Classification game ID10803
P12001GamerProfiles game ID5V7N
P2816HowLongToBeat ID6295
P4685Nintendo of America Game Store ID (former scheme)CaTlK4yWOrU9zERr1Ztipt-B_CUeyQGP
P8351vglist video game ID19267

P495country of originUnited States of AmericaQ30
P178developerSensory Sweep StudiosQ7451115
P750distributed byApp StoreQ368215
Nintendo eShopQ3070866
P437distribution formatdigital downloadQ54820071
P404game modesingle-player video gameQ208850
P136genrepuzzle video gameQ54767
language learning video gameQ60616268
P479input devicetouchscreenQ165970
P306operating systemiOSQ48493
Nintendo DSQ170323
P577publication date2007-11-06

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

Egyptian Arabic (arz / Q29919)مى فرينتش كواتش اند مى سپانيش كواتشwikipedia
      My French Coach and My Spanish Coachwikipedia
      My French Coachwikipedia

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