Škoda 30Tr SOR

full-sized low-entry trolleybus produced by Škoda

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Škoda_30Tr_SOR

Abstract is: The Škoda 30Tr SOR is a full-sized low-entry trolleybus produced in cooperation of Škoda Electric (subsidiary of Škoda Transportation) (electrical equipment and assembly) and SOR, which supplies the body based on the bus SOR NB 12.

Wikimedia Commons category is Škoda 30Tr

Škoda 30Tr SOR is …
instance of (P31):
trolleybus modelQ42319471

sublass of (P279):
low-floor trolleybusQ118134004
rigid trolleybusQ118134105

External links are
P646Freebase ID/m/012m296k

P1071location of creationLibchavyQ1121374
P176manufacturerSOR LibchavyQ2377690
Škoda ElectricQ10404612

Reverse relations

Q9361781Trolleybuses in Praguevehicle normally usedP3438

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

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      Škoda 30Trwikipedia
      Škoda 30Tr SORwikipedia
      Škoda 30Tr SORwikipedia
      Škoda 30Trwikipedia
      Škoda 30Tr SORwikipedia

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