bishop of Orvieto-Todi

ordinary of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orvieto-Todi in Italy

bishop of Orvieto-Todi is …
instance of (P31):

sublass of (P279):
Latin Catholic bishopQ102039658

P2389organization directed by the office or positionRoman Catholic Diocese of Orvieto-TodiQ873561
P1365replacesbishop of OrvietoQ105562754
bishop of TodiQ105563275

Reverse relations

position held (P39)
Q582395Benedetto Tuzia
Q1181869Decio Lucio Grandoni
Q1526360Giovanni Scanavino

replaced by (P1366)
Q105562754bishop of Orvieto
Q105563275bishop of Todi

Q873561Roman Catholic Diocese of Orvieto-Todiposition held by head of the organizationP2388

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