oak panel

painting support made of a thin oak wood plank

oak panel is …
sublass of (P279):
painting supportQ861259

External links are
P8519RKD thesaurus ID62548

P186made from materialoakwoodQ2075708

Reverse relations

made from material (P186)
Q111829030Abweisung Joachims im Tempel
Q116285212Abziehendes Gewitter
Q116283822Allegorie der Erlösung
Q116294930Altar der Heiligen Sippe (Köln)
Q50106836Alte Frau beim Kaffee
Q50115689Alter Mann mit Kohlentopf
Q116283586Amelsbürener Altar
Q116285983Anbetung der Hl. Drei Könige
Q116283526Anbetung der Könige
Q116283909Anbetung des Kindes (ehemals Rückseite der Kreuzigung Christi)
Q116283930Anna Selbdritt mit zwei Heiligen und Karthäusermönch
Q116286079Anna und die Hl. Familie
Q123377852Anrufung von Pestheiligen
Q116284728Ansicht der Ludgerikirche in Münster von Südosten
Q116284589Ansicht des Schlosses zu Münster (von Osten)
Q116284587Ansicht des Schlosses zu Münster (von Westen)
Q116286196Auferstehung Christi
Q116286244Auferstehung Christi
Q116283968Auferstehung Christi (Rückseite: hl. Katharina)
Q116286198Ausgießung des heiligen Geistes
Q116286078Begegnung von Anna und Elisabeth
Q111829367Begegnung von Joachim und Anna
Q50325577Besuch der Minerva bei den Musen auf dem Parnass
Q116294954Beweinung Christi mit der Stifterin Katharina (?) Rinck
Q116284434Bildnis Albert Bussmann
Q116284526Bildnis Wilhelm von Sonveld
Q116285155Bildnis der Annette von Droste-Hülshoff
Q116285271Bildnis der Jets van Aytta im Alter von 25 Jahren
Q116284604Bildnis des Dichters Theodor Däubler
Q116284598Bildnis des Grafen Eberwin III von Bentheim
Q116284430Bildnis einer Frau mit Rosenkranz
Q50323833Bildnis eines bartlosen Mannes
Q116284439Bildnis eines bärtigen Mannes
Q116283577Blankenberch-Retabel (so genanntes) mit Marientod (nach Conrad von Soest)
Q121685575Blick auf ein Dorf mit seinen Bewohnern, die Schafe in einem Bach waschen und versorgen
Q121685584Blick auf ein Dorf mit seinen Bewohnern, die Schafe in einem Bach waschen und versorgen
Q43095962Blick auf ein Flusstal mit Figuren
Q116284581Blick aus meinem Fenster
Q104529374Brasilianische Landschaft
Q116283503Brauner Wald
Q116284039Brustbildnis Anna Angela Gräfin von Galen geb. von Ascheberg (1773–1806) in Trauerkleidung
Q116284139Brustbildnis Annette von Droste-Hülshoff (1797-1848)
Q116286269Brustbildnis Arnold von Raesfeld (1550-1621)
Q116285159Brustbildnis Bernd Knipperdollinck (um 1490-1535)
Q116284427Brustbildnis Ernst Wilhelm Graf von Bentheim (1623-1693)
Q116284412Brustbildnis Friedrich Leopold Graf zu Stolberg-Stolberg (1750-1819)
Q116285190Brustbildnis Johann Bockelson van Leiden (um 1509-1536)
Q116284780Brustbildnis eines jungen Herrn
Q116284370Brustbildnis eines älteren, graubärtigen Mannes
Q50108801Buchenwald mit Jäger
Q116286232Büßende Maria Magdalena mit Engeln
Q116284528Catharina von Sonveld (geb. Kelder)
Q116283920Christus am Kreuz
Q116284435Christus bei Maria und Martha
Q116283825Christus in der Vorhölle
Q27981893Christus und Nikodemus
Q116283661Christus vor Pilatus
Q116284599Christus zwischen den Mühseligen und Beladenen
Q116285989Darstellung Jesu im Tempel
Q116284303Das Abendmahl
Q116284373Das Gefühl
Q116284378Das Gehör
Q116284381Das Gesicht
Q116285154Das Haupt Johannes des Täufers
Q116284192Das Tirolermädchen
Q116284304Das Verhör Christi vor Herodes
Q116284792Der Evangelist Johannes
Q116284783Der Evangelist Lukas
Q116283908Der Evangelist Lukas malt die Muttergottes (»Lukasmadonna«)
Q116284785Der Evangelist Markus
Q116284790Der Evangelist Matthäus
Q116284377Der Geruch
Q116284374Der Geschmack
Q116284389Der Hof eines Palastes
Q116285122Der Streik
Q107438484Der Tod Mariae
Q116285787Der Trinker (Jan Buschmann trinkt)
Q116283725Die Apostel Petrus und Paulus
Q116286208Die Auffindung des wahren Kreuzes
Q116284310Die Entkleidung Christi
Q50321698Die Heiligen Johannes und Hieronymus
Q116286195Die Heiligen Vitus, Benedikt, Comas und Damian
Q116286036Die Himmelfahrt Christi mit Frucht- und Blütengirlanden
Q116286207Die Hl. Helena ermahnt Judas
Q116285547Die Kinder des Malers Carl Gustav Carus
Q116283832Die Kreuzabnahme Christi
Q116286413Die Muttergottes
Q116284189Die Münsterschen Bänkelsänger Flör und Kösters
Q116283951Die Seele vor dem Richterstuhl Gottvaters
Q116283967Die Speisung der Fünftausend mit Stadtansicht Antwerpens
Q30056059Die Taufe des Mohrenkämmerers
Q124789171Die Versuchung Christi in der Wüste
Q116284206Die Weinprobe
Q116284408Die büßende Magdalena
Q121555628Die vier Jahreszeiten: Der Herbst
Q116286211Dornenkrönung Christi
Q116286200Dunkelbärtiger Apostel mit Stifter
Q116284718Durchzug der Juden durch das Rote Meer
Q50321816Ecce Homo
Q116284307Ecce homo
Q116283975Engel mit Harfe
Q116286258Familienbild des Grafen Rietberg
Q50114185Flußufer mit Rindern
Q116284393Fragment einer Gebirgslandschaft
Q116286185Fragment vom Hochaltarretabel aus Liesborn: Engel beten das Christkind an
Q116286184Fragment vom Hochaltarretabel aus Liesborn: Trauernder Engel, von rechts heranschwebend, mit goldenem Kelch
Q116286205Fragmente eines Altars: Marter der Zehntausend, linker Flügel, Außenseite: Marter des heiligen Achatius
Q116286206Fragmente eines Altars: Marter der Zehntausend, rechter Flügel, Außenseite: Gebet und Sturz der Märtyrer
Q116286043Frau mit Waage
Q115532448Frauenbad mit Spiegel
Q116283576Fürbitte Marias bei Christus mit den Hll. Walburga und Augustinus
Q116294929Geschichte des heiligen Sebastian
Q116286201Graubärtiger Apostel mit Stifter
Q116284473Handelsjude am Tisch
Q116283589Heilige Agnes
Q116286204Heilige Barbara
Q116283973Heilige Maria Magdalena
Q116285210Heilige Nacht
Q116286203Heiliger Gregor
Q116286179Heiliger Johannes der Täufer und heiliger Georg
Q116283706Heiliger Michael als Seelenwäger
Q116286213Heiliger Sigismund
Q116286197Himmelfahrt Christi
Q116286103Hochaltar, linker Flügel: Maria der Verkündigung (Außenseite)
Q116286102Hochaltar, rechter Flügel: Auferstehung Christi (Innenseite), Verkündigungsengel (Außenseite)
Q116286081Holländische Schiffe vor St. Helena
Q116284015Holländische Stadtszene
Q116284620Holzsammlerin auf Sylt
Q116284722Hüftbildnis Anna Catharina Schlaun geb. Rehrmann (1709 - nach 1773), zweite Ehefrau von Johann Conrad Schlaun
Q43095692Hügelige Landschaft mit Fußvolk und Planwagen
Q30067766Isarlandschaft bei München
Q104528524Israeliten nach dem Roten Meer
Q116286199Jüngstes Gericht
Q116284517Jüngstes Gericht. Epitaphbild für Heinrich Nyenhaus (+ 1604) und seine Familie aus der Lambertikirche in Münster
Q116283974Kreuzabnahme Christi mit Stiftern
Q116286202Kreuzigung Christi (ehemals Rückseite der Anbetung Christi)
Q27981844Kreuztragung Christi
Q114828810Landschaft mit Christus und den Emmausgängern
Q116283500Landschaft mit Hecken
Q116285945Landschaft mit Hirte und Herde
Q43129337Landschaft mit Jagdgesellschaft
Q116285093Landschaft mit Silhouette der Stadt Münster von Osten
Q116284391Landschaft mit Staffage
Q116283494Landschaft mit gelben Blumen
Q116284462Lots Weib-Lots Flucht aus Sodom
Q116285850Louise Rincklake mit Blumenkorb
Q107435877Madonna auf dem Throne mit singenden und musizierenden Engeln
Q115345480Madonna des Bürgermeisters Meyer (Kopie)
Q50113141Madonna mit Kind
Q116285252Madonna mit Kind in Landschaft
Q112298879Madonna mit dem Stifter
Q116286094Malerin im Atelier
Q116283675Maria auf der Rasenbank
Q116284055Maria mit den Aposteln Andreas und Thomas und Stiftern
Q116294947Maria und Johannes auf Golgatha mit der Stifterin Christina Edelkynt
Q116283507Marianne Geyer-Pankok, Erika und Aline Pankok nähend im Garten sitzend
Q116286248Marienaltar, Mitteltafel
Q116286247Marienaltar, linker Flügel
Q116283713Marienfelder Tafel
Q116283595Marienretabel aus Herzebrock (Mitteltafel: Reproduktion)
Q116283646Marter der Zehntausend
Q116286188Marter der Zehntausend
Q116286190Marter des heiligen Erasmus
Q116284312Martyrium des Heiligen Sebastian, Replik
Q50325841Maskentanz unter römischen Ruinen
Q116283583Messe des heiligen Gregor
Q116286360Miniatur: Bildnis eines Ehepaares
Q116283615Mitteltafel des Kreuzaltar-Retabels aus Liesborn
Q116284162Moulin de la Galette
Q116286007Musikalischer Wettstreit zwischen Apollo und Pan: Das Midasurteil
Q116283588Muttergottes mit heiliger Katharina und Stifter
Q116285131Mädchen in Brügge
Q104524465Männliches Bildnis
Q27982370Männliches Bildnis in ovaler Steinkartusche
Q116285994Noah/ Östliches Dorf
Q98107259Paulus Modestus Schücking
Q116285986Porträt Anna Chemnitz
Q116284761Porträt Hermann Jordan
Q116284432Porträt Martin Chemnitz
Q116284504Porträt der Tochter Erika
Q116286080Porträt des Groninger Professors Altink (?)
Q50108492Porträt des Julius Johann Baptist Leth
Q116283534Porträt eines 42-jährigen Herrn
Q116284523Porträt eines Knaben
Q116284524Porträt eines Mädchens
Q116286072Porträtstudie Dr. Walter Gerhardt
Q29960022Predigt Johannes des Täufers (nach Pieter Bruegel d. Ä.)
Q107437680Preußische Artillerie
Q116283959Rechter Altarflügel mit den Heiligen Katharina, Barbara, Johannes der Täufer und Johannes der Evangelist
Q116286052Ruhrrevier II (Vs.), Der Geburtstagsbrief (Rs.)
Q117225913Rückkehr vom Jahrmarkt
Q116283827Sassenberger Altar
Q116284448Scheidender Winter
Q116284725Schloss Bevergern von Nordosten
Q116283634Schweißtuch der heiligen Veronika ("Vera Icon")
Q116286176Sechs Tafeln vom Hochaltarretabel des Zisterzienserklosters Marienfeld: Christus und Maria
Q116286173Sechs Tafeln vom Hochaltarretabel des Zisterzienserklosters Marienfeld: Christus vor Pilatus
Q116286175Sechs Tafeln vom Hochaltarretabel des Zisterzienserklosters Marienfeld: Darstellung Christi im Tempel
Q116286170Sechs Tafeln vom Hochaltarretabel des Zisterzienserklosters Marienfeld: Gefangennahme Christi
Q116286174Sechs Tafeln vom Hochaltarretabel des Zisterzienserklosters Marienfeld: Grablegung Christi
Q116286171Sechs Tafeln vom Hochaltarretabel des Zisterzienserklosters Marienfeld: Verspottung Christi
Q116286261Selbstbildnis und Porträt seiner Frau, Anna tom Ring
Q116286034Siesta am Hofe der Mediceer (endgültige Fassung)
Q116294949Steinigung des hl. Stefanus
Q124288356Stilleben mit Meerschnecken
Q116286251Stillleben mit Brathühnern, Obst , Brot, Weinkrug und Glas
Q116284580Stillleben mit Disteln und Kette
Q116285280Stillleben mit Erdbeeren in einer chinesischen Porzellanschüssel
Q29906765Stillleben mit Früchten und Seeschneckenhäusern
Q116284779Stillleben mit Römer, Brezel und Mandeln
Q116286068Stillleben mit Römer, venezianischem Glas, Brot und Oliven
Q30057025Stillleben mit Silberschale und Becherschraube
Q116285116Stillleben mit Spielkarten und Schachbrett
Q116286038Stillleben mit Weingläsern und dem Wappen von Nassau-Vianden
Q116284148Studie aus dem Ibizenkischen Tagebuch
Q116283584Tafel mit der Legende des Hl. Laurentius
Q116286180Tafel mit sechs Aposteln
Q116286182Tafel mit sechs Aposteln
Q116285277Tafelnde und tanzende Gesellschaft
Q50102905Tiroler Holzfäller
Q116286246Tod des Hl. Martin von Tour, Hl. Georg als Drachentöter
Q116284060Totenbildnis Dr. Heinrich Vendt (1521-1609)
Q116284735Totenschild der Fürstin von Gallitzin aus der Kirche in Angelmodde
Q116286100Vanitas-Stillleben mit Nautiluspokal und Bisamapfel an goldener Kette
Q116286262Vase mit Lilien und Iris, Vase mit Schwertlilien und Iris
Q50108933Verschneites Bäumchen
Q50108233Vieh an der Tränke
Q50123104Viehweide. Schwarzwaldlandschaft
Q114828572Volkszählung in Bethlehem
Q121552912Waldlandschaft mit Jägern
Q121551351Weiden und Hügellandschaft mit spielenden Dorfbewohnern, im Hintergrund die Apfelernte
Q124773382Weite hügelige Landschaft mit Rast auf der Landstraße
Q116285103Westfassade des Domes mit dem Domplatz zu Münster
Q116284601Westfälische Bauerndiele
Q107437717Wilder Stier
Q116284538Wümmelandschaft mit Brücke
Q116286415Zwei Bildnisse eines Ehepaares
Q43093379Zwei Männer die Zweige zusammenbinden
Q116285261Zwei Schornsteinfeger
Q116294952Zwei Seitenflügel mit Maria und Kind auf der Mondsichel
Q116285215Zwei kleine Mädchen hühnerfütternd
Q116283580„Nikolaustafel“ mit den vier Kirchenvätern Gregor d. Große, Hieronymus, Ambrosius und Augustinus
Q50973125"What Does Man for Money!"
Q23928655'Old Mr Cartwright'
Q52249820'Pandy', a Black Labrador
Q50951848'Rembrandt's Mother'
Q118885085A Banker and His Wife
Q50977915A Basket of Flowers and a Tazza
Q21121966A Beach Scene with Fishermen
Q52387626A Boor Asleep
Q26706676A Boy with a Mousetrap
Q108541578A Boy with a Nosegay
Q61744347A Bridge over the River near Amsterdam
Q64537426A Calm Sea
Q60606827A Camp Scene
Q57250772A Castle by a River
Q104534339A Cavalry Skirmish
Q119821147A Chemist in His Laboratory
Q52300763A Child with a Goat
Q61743202A Children's Bacchanal
Q61744684A Children's Bacchanal
Q26693422A Choir of Angels: From Left Hand Shutter
Q50868295A City Livery Company barge on the Thames at Richmond
Q52300589A Classical Landscape with Women Bathing
Q52223481A Commander, possibly Lord William Howard (1593-1640), previously misidentified as Admiral Robert Blake (1599-1657)
Q28873391A Company at a Meal
Q18599949A Conversation
Q60606861A Conversation by the Sea
Q26713967A Cottage and a Hayrick by a River
Q52300666A Country Road
Q126454946A Couple Making Music
Q18599893A Couple and a Shepherdess in a Landscape
Q28884964A Dentist in his Surgery
Q60605654A Dutch Farm with the Ruins of the Huis te Kleef
Q118984682A Dutch Horse Fair
Q118895856A Dutch Landscape: View of a Flat District (probably Rheden)
Q62748791A Family Group by a Fountain
Q64800279A Farm
Q44588398A Fisherman's Family in their Cottage
Q119923513A Flemish Interior
Q28061162A Forest Stroll
Q50904897A French Ship and Barbary Pirates
Q9019496A Game of Chess
Q60607934A Girl Watering Plants
Q23929357A Grey Horse
Q119880475A Harbour Scene
Q29940222A Hermit
Q29940033A Hermit at Prayer
Q50908031A Hermit at Prayer
Q61745004A House by a Canal near Amsterdam
Q66011020A Hunter and his Dogs
Q55759082A Lady Drawing
Q28024051A Lady and Gentleman Riding through a Wood
Q85235614A Lady at Her Toilet
Q8703020A Lady in Her Bath
Q52299640A Lady of the Wenlock Family, aged 13
Q52251174A Lady with her Nurse
Q52300608A Landscape with Cottages
Q26708002A Landscape with Cows, Sheep and Horses by a Barn
Q26692500A Landscape with a Shepherd and his Flock
Q119625817A Laughing Child Holding a Wicker Rattle
Q23928826A Light Breeze
Q52300623A Magus at a Table
Q52300840A Man and his Wife
Q71136947A Man feeling his Purse (Touch)
Q21425334A Man seated reading at a Table in a Lofty Room
Q27795053A Man with a Pipe
Q23928551A Man, called Thomas Bond
Q53864883A Market Place
Q105403715A Merry Company
Q117215278A Merry Company Playing Tric-Trac
Q117214345A Merry Musical Company
Q117215452A Merry Musical Company
Q50903532A Monk
Q118886209A Musical Party
Q106365671A Musician Drinking
Q18601306A Nobleman's Sleigh on the Ice
Q119010134A Nymph and a Cupid
Q117215180A Party of Gamblers and Smokers
Q64539777A Pass in the Apennines
Q61744391A Peasant Courtyard with a Mill
Q118890491A Peasant Driving a Laden Mule
Q50987707A Peasant Wedding
Q52251069A Peasant filling his Pipe
Q26510744A Poulterer's Shop
Q50985667A Prince's Yacht (Statenjacht) and other Vessels
Q118891286A River Estuary
Q52300546A River Scene
Q26705930A River Scene with Distant Windmills
Q60633137A River Scene: Evening
Q62745341A Riverside Inn
Q26493058A Road winding between Trees towards a Distant Cottage
Q56753774A Road with Soldiers in the Village of De Bilt, near Utrecht
Q12902421A Roman Triumph
Q21121968A Scene on the Ice near a Town
Q119824161A Shady Pool
Q47486899A Shepherd with His Flock
Q118890073A Skirmish of Cavalry
Q21499250A Slaughtered Ox
Q119701903A Sluice, Wooded Landscape with Figures on a Path
Q105545939A Smiling Youth Wearing a Black Hat with a Feather and a Clay Pipe in the Brim
Q104625750A Soldier and a Girl – in front of the Belvedere
Q57273060A Street Scene in Cologne
Q119499778A View in Suffolk
Q118984553A View of the Island of Walcheren, with the Castle of Westhoven
Q26706490A View on the Tiber
Q53864916A Village Scene
Q23928830A Village on Fire
Q104535621A Wagon with a Peasant Family, a Woman Carrying a Baby Crossing a Ford, Two Horsemen behind
Q60630593A Watermill
Q26705543A White Horse, and an Old Man binding Faggots
Q28538715A Windmill near Norwich
Q64539456A Windy Day
Q52300569A Winter Landscape
Q23928838A Winter Scene on the Ice
Q27981894A Witches' Kitchen
Q106362811A Woman Scouring a Kitchen Pot
Q18599369A Woman Washing her Hands
Q26708031A Woman and a Fish-pedlar in a Kitchen
Q64791839A Woman and a Young Man at a Window
Q3766162A Woman bathing in a Stream (Hendrickje Stoffels?)
Q21018746A Wooded Landscape with Travellers on a Track by a Pool
Q57554540A Woodland Glade with Cottages
Q118875883A Young Lady Aged 21, Possibly Helena Snakenborg (1549–1635), Later Marchioness of Northampton
Q60634486A Young Lady Playing the Guitar
Q26708424A Young Man holding a Ring
Q64515592A Young Man in a Red Cap
Q52300920A Young Man wearing the Order of the Annunciation
Q52301217A Young Man with a Pink
Q52300482A Younger Brother of Anna Maria Siedonia Mockels
Q104532744A battle scene
Q104574516A battle scene
Q116285988A boy in the storage room holding a deer's foot in front of a dog
Q21601951A child with bird
Q114707330A cow's head
Q56284470A female lutenist
Q114720892A hermit reading
Q61439535A kitchen interior with a maid preparing meat and gentlemen drinking at a table beyond
Q114720893A kneeling hermit, reading
Q117205246A lighthouse in the dunes
Q122200199A moonlit coastal landscape with two fishermen in the foreground
Q122310228A mountainous landscape with a figure passing a timber shed in the foreground
Q104539013A nymph, a cupid and satyrs against landscape
Q114769745A picnic in a parc
Q24036332A river port.
Q104528401A rocky mountain valley with shepherds and cattle
Q116910554A scholar reading in a study
Q117205173A soldier drinking in a forge
Q123777610A still life of tulips, hollyhocks, Maltese cross, an iris, narcissi, auricula, an opium poppy, marigolds, apple blossom, a carnation and other flowers in a terracotta urn with grapes and peaches
Q117228639A still life with fruit, vegetables, a parrot, a squirrel and a monkey in a landscape
Q104528359A still life with various pottery, bread, a lamp and plucked poulty in a niche
Q121703928A study of four dogs
Q104603414A war commissary, an officer and a transportation soldier
Q23038732A woman plaiting her hair.
Q60649503A workshop with an alchemist
Q28132782A young woman with bangs.
Q104596227ABC – the first reading lesson
Q104664805Abelard and Heloise
Q121547146Abraham receiving bread and wine from Melchizedek (?) (Genesis 14)
Q19318902Abraham, Sarah and the Angel
Q104532431Absalom propitiating friends (2 Samuel 15:2-5)
Q117226089Achelous' banquet with Theseus and Pirithous (Ovid, Metamorfoses)
Q121543885Achilles among the daughters of Lycomedes
Q52196233Achilles discovered amongst the Daughters of Lycomedes
Q27981391Actaeon is changed into a stag and killed by his own dogs
Q116286268Adam and Eve
Q116296193Adam and Eve
Q104533960Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:1-7)
Q119083311Adelaide Mary, Mrs Philip Bedingfeld
Q116772375Adoration by one of the Kings; Ecce Homo (reverse)
Q21558868Adoration of the Child
Q106750783Adoration of the Child
Q55851412Adoration of the Kings
Q4981247Adoration of the Magi
Q27581787Adoration of the Magi
Q30085624Adoration of the Magi
Q50889668Adoration of the Magi
Q104532159Adoration of the Magi
Q104532222Adoration of the Magi
Q104532788Adoration of the Magi
Q114745006Adoration of the Magi
Q118875036Adoration of the Magi
Q121500818Adoration of the Magi
Q121511582Adoration of the Magi
Q121546920Adoration of the Magi
Q121547865Adoration of the Magi
Q104533194Adoration of the Magi (Matthew 2:10-11)
Q2741537Adoration of the Shepherds
Q21589271Adoration of the Shepherds
Q56676831Adoration of the Shepherds
Q29958033Adoration of the magi (centre)
Q121547347Adoration of the magi (interior left wing)
Q117225814Adoration of the shepherds
Q117226504Advancing soldiers plunder a village
Q121686706Aeneas and his family fleeing the burning city of Troy
Q104533732Aeneas carrying Anchises out of burning Troy
Q117226116Aeneas carrying his father Anchises from the burning Troy
Q114769922Aeneas, leading Ascanius, escapes from burning Troy, carrying his father Anchises
Q50949325Affray between Peasants and Soldiers
Q121704882After reaching the shore after crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites gather around the corps of Joseph; the Sea closes over the army of Pharaoh (Exodus 14:26)
Q21891750Agony in the Garden
Q29955410Agony in the Garden
Q50910130Agony in the Garden
Q18601058Alchemist in his Laboratory
Q52223537Alessandro Farnese, 3rd Duke of Parma (1545-1592)
Q27981720All Saints
Q121687837Allegorie of the negative consequences of love
Q104535874Allegory of Austria with Ceres and Bacchus
Q28813476Allegory of Caritas.
Q22008997Allegory of Christian patience with Chronos releasing her from the shackles
Q28828565Allegory of Fortune
Q104535817Allegory of France with Athena and Hermes
Q29954592Allegory of Industriousness and Licentiousness
Q104535797Allegory of Italy with Venus and Apollo
Q21996858Allegory of Salvation
Q104535819Allegory of Spain with Juno and Mars
Q105404125Allegory of Summer
Q104534784Allegory of Taste
Q50989963Allegory of a Smell
Q121691567Allegory of autumn
Q104534889Allegory of enthroned injustice
Q30056545Allegory of fire and air (two of the four elements)
Q123347742Allegory of smell (one of the five senses): a woman in a flower garden
Q121691561Allegory of summer
Q50326068Allegory of the element air
Q50326082Allegory of the element earth
Q50326095Allegory of the element fire
Q104526179Allegory of the five senses
Q29959594Allegory of water and earth (two of the four elements)
Q114706472Allegory of winter
Q119152045Allegory on militairy Honour and Virtue
Q29951687Allegory on Death
Q117226511Allegory on the brevity
Q114769842Alpine landscape with wayfairers
Q124685262Altar Panel with Five Passion Scenes
Q48451805Altar Panel with a Portrait of a Donor in Scarlet under the Protection of St Anthony
Q124750820Altar wings
Q29951337Altar wings: Coronation of the Virgin
Q29954466Altar wings: Presentation of Jesus at the Temple
Q29955660Altar: Jonah spewed out by the sea monster
Q29954749Altar: Three young men in a furnace
Q21674555Altarpiece of St. Nicholas
Q124467088Altarpiece of the Seven Joys of the Virgin
Q116283581Altarpiece with Scenes of Christ’s Passion and other Saints from Haldern
Q124789846Altarpiece: Adoration of the Magi
Q124789855Altarpiece: Nativity of Jesus
Q124750306Altarpieces: The Saints John Evangelist, Catherine and Barbara
Q124750313Altarpieces: The Saints Ursula, Christina and John the Baptist
Q50325940Amorous couple in a park
Q52202711An Alchemist
Q26700472An Allegorical Subject (The Just Ruler)
Q121705323An Allegory of Sight: Venus and Cupid in a 'Kunstkammer'filled with art, anauralia and a monkey
Q106465670An Allegory of True Love
Q89104101An Apostle
Q29950644An Astronomer with a Globe
Q50866504An English Ship Leaving the Coast
Q50855852An English Ship Running Towards a Rocky Coast
Q26693136An Estuary with Fishing Boats and Two Frigates
Q77975931An Evening Meal
Q119041489An Interior of an Old Bakehouse, Bank Street, Norwich
Q118984968An Interior with Card Players and a Blacksmith
Q26707899An Interior with a Man offering an Oyster to a Woman
Q50905108An Old Couple (Peasants with a Pitcher)
Q26706181An Old Peasant caresses a Kitchen Maid in a Stable
Q21416454An Old Scholar Near a Window in a Vaulted Room
Q52681297An Operation on the Shoulder
Q50980304An Outdoor Banquet
Q52295744An Unknown Boy possibly a Member of the Acland Family
Q52301040An Unknown Man
Q52300752An Unknown Officer
Q52300649An Unknown Woman
Q121697145An angel appears and reveals a well of water to Hagar (Genesis 16:7)
Q121696646An angel wakes the prophet Elijah (1 Kings 19:5-6)
Q60669136An interior with two men, one of them pulling a knife
Q21406843An old man sleeping ne
Q118402639An old woman drinking
Q114744941Andromeda chained to the rock
Q117228283Angel of the Annunciation of Christ's birth
Q121547148Angle of the Annunciation (below); fragment of a scene from the life of a Saint? (above)
Q104626761Aniene river
Q117214339Animal Allegory
Q104766195Animal Painting with a Genet
Q121702411Animal satire with monkeys eating, drinking and smoking in an interior
Q64798972Animals Grazing beneath Trees
Q52300466Anna Maria Siedonia Mockels (1624-1650) as a Child
Q21495736Anna and the Blind Tobit
Q119854605Anna teaching Mary to read surrounded by a floral wreath
Q23929479Anna van den Corput
Q118883202Anne Fanshawe (1607–1628), First Wife of Thomas, 1st Viscount Fanshawe
Q121833833Annual fair in a village amongst the trees
Q29837149Antoinette d'Orléans, duchesse de Retz (1572-1618)
Q50984205Apelles Painting the Beautiful Pancaspe
Q50915536Apollo and the Muses
Q50977878Apollo and the Muses
Q29955059Apostle Philip, Andrew, Matthew, Thomas
Q121698875Apparition of the Virgin to a knight of the order of Santiago
Q104627198Apples in a basket
Q50978291Arcadian Landscape with Shepherdesses Bathing
Q122453857Arcadian landscape with cattle and peasants along a lakeside road
Q78627670Archangel Gabriel; The Virgin Annunciate
Q27063556Archangel St Michael, St Andrew and St Francis of Assisi with the Calvary
Q118629857Archangels (panel probably from a reredos representing the Nine Choirs of Angels)
Q23929374Archbishop Laud
Q117225905Archer and woman
Q29542157Architectural interior.
Q220859Arnolfini Portrait
Q112229993Arrival of the Visitor
Q19961590Art and Rarity Cabinet
Q121704880Art connoisseurs in a painting collection, a monkey with glasses in the foreground, to the right so-called 'Anes Iconoclastes'
Q28047562Arthur Devis
Q23693388Artist's studio with self-portrait.
Q117532728As Elijah prays, God sends fire which burns up not only his sacrifice but also the altar itself; the people fall prostrate(1 Kings 18:36-40)
Q116286209Ascension of Mary Magdalene
Q104534774Assault on travellers
Q104535551Assault on travellers
Q27981891Assembly of Witches
Q121543696Assumption of the Virgin
Q113162328Assumption of the Virgin Mary by Aelbrecht Bouts
Q104535814At a fishing port
Q105419577At the Dentist
Q50985436At the Well
Q50322531At the tax collector's office
Q119450765Augustus and the Tiburtine Sibyl
Q104665845Autumn landscape
Q104599380Autumn landscape with a cottage at waterside
Q106377371Axel Oxenstierna af Södermöre (1583-1654), greve, rikskansler
Q104535468Bacchanal scene with nymphs and satyrs
Q104538548Bacchanalia: Mankind before the flood (Mt 24:38-39)
Q116296040Back from the pilgrimage
Q26706023Backgammon Players
Q50973197Backgammon Players
Q118985384Backgammon Players
Q104540770Bagpipe player
Q23928476Bagpiper and Girl
Q650086Balaam and the Ass
Q104607176Balcony with flower pots
Q104532861Ball scene
Q115321931Banquet of the gods
Q121683663Barak comes to Jael's tent; she shows him Sisera's body
Q117226274Barn interior with a hunting company departing
Q117225889Barn interior with peasant company
Q114745102Barnyard with woman at a well
Q28095865Barthout Regenboog (b.1680)
Q19926078Basket with flowers
Q104628030Basket with fruit
Q118878768Bath Scene
Q117226536Bathing nymphs being spied on by a faun
Q50325620Bathing woman
Q19863030Bathsheba at her Toilette
Q116295013Bathsheba receives an invitation from David (2 Samuel 11:4)
Q50938266Battle Scene
Q50951116Battle Scene
Q74198342Battle Scene
Q118887446Battle Scene
Q104533820Battle around the fortress on the rock
Q27949272Battle at the foot of the mountain.
Q104523801Battle between horsemen and foot soldiers in front of a fortification
Q114246163Battle of Carnival and Lent
Q9173390Battle of Orsha
Q50323965Battle of the Israelites against the Amalekites (Joshua 10: 1-27)
Q104532759Battle on Vught Heath
Q117226574Battle with cavalry against infantry
Q114745148Bay with fortress on the shore
Q62566453Beach Scene
Q119699006Beach and Fishing Boats, Rugged Cliffs Beyond
Q104529392Beach scene
Q117226560Beach view overlooking a rough sea with many ships
Q114769787Bear hunt
Q50891016Bearded Man with a Pearl Necklace
Q21541684Bearded old man
Q22443800Bearing of the Cross
Q28802423Bearing of the Cross
Q26256968Bearing of the Cross with St. Veronica and ancient ruins
Q50325133Before the village inn
Q104533363Belshazzar's feast (Daniel 5:1-31)
Q101114591Belshazzar's great feast, during which he and his courtiers desecrate the golden and silver vessels that were taken from the temple in Jerusalem, a hand appears writing on the wall (Daniel 5:5), 1625
Q81046491Benjamin Dass
Q114779164Bethrothal of St. Catherine
Q64532771Betrothal Portrait of a Man
Q104622902Birch trees
Q114769852Bird Hunting on a river near a village
Q75398619Bismarck with hat
Q117226572Black piebald horse in a field
Q104641648Black-white shield
Q881025Bladelin Triptych
Q110276151Bladelin Triptych Annunciation (exterior, closed)
Q110275988Bladelin Triptych Nativity (central panel)
Q20789972Blasted Oak near a Pond
Q28060609Blind Beggar
Q104653178Board no. 10 ‘Our trips’ and board no. 11 ‘My exhibitions’ from the ‘My diary’ cycle
Q104651384Board no. 12 ‘My paintings and sculptures’ and board no. 13 ‘My monumental works’ from the ‘My diary’ cycle
Q104652656Board no. 14 ‘War years 1939-1945’ and board no. 15 ‘1945-1954’ from the ‘My diary’ cycle
Q104652715Board no. 16 ‘1954-1962’ and board no. 17 ‘My individual exhibitions in the years 1954-1962’ from the ‘My diary’ cycle
Q104651412Board no. 2 ‘Sankt Petersburg period 1909-1916’ and board no. 3 ‘Ekaterinoslav-Uman 1917-1920’ from the ‘My diary’ cycle
Q104651413Board no. 4 ‘Years 1920-1923 Vilnius-Warsaw’ and board no. 5 ‘Years 1923-1924’ from the ‘My diary’ cycle
Q104651416Board no. 6 ‘Years 1923,1924 Orvieto, Ferrara, Florence, Venice’ and board no. 7 ‘Year 1924’ from the ‘My diary’ cycle
Q104651414Board no. 8 ‘Year 1925 Rome’ and board no. 9 ‘Years 1925-1929’ from the ‘My diary’ cycle
Q104529256Boeren in een herberginterieur
Q104771955Bouquet in a Clay Vase
Q27008163Bouquet of Flowers
Q114745109Bouquet of flowers in a glass vase
Q104534475Bouquet of flowers in a vase, insects and tiny creatures
Q25714051Bowing nude.
Q64799749Boy Teasing a Dog: Nightscene Lit by Pinewood Torch
Q104534571Boy and a laughing girl
Q59565112Boy with a Birdcage in a Window
Q50915440Boys Bathing
Q52300693Boys flying Kites
Q119790090Boys with a Trapped Bird
Q110737348Brawling Cardplayers
Q117845941Brawling peasants
Q118889175Breakfast Piece
Q18573430Breakfast Piece with Lobster
Q60645310Breakfast piece with oysters and an orange
Q104622924Bridge on the Seine
Q118986249Brigands Attacking Wagoners
Q114706457Broad riverlandscape with cattlemen and travelers
Q30096075Bucolic scene (shepherd scene ?)
Q39067440Buildings and Gardens
Q114769753Burning city by night
Q55956617Bust of Rembrandt's Mother
Q55956664Bust of Rembrandt's father
Q21473970Bust of a Man Wearing a Turban
Q116910364Bust of a Man with Wavy Hair and a Jewish Hat
Q22116506Bust of a Young Bearded Man
Q21486188Bust of a Young Jew
Q21476815Bust of a Young Woman Smiling, possibly Saskia van Uylenburgh
Q21540082Bust of a boy with plumed beret
Q104532469Bust of a laughing boy
Q21849079Bust of a man in a gorget and feather bonnet
Q21696706Bust of a man wearing a gold chain
Q21505634Bust of a man wearing a golden chain with a cross
Q21505198Bust of a man with a cap
Q22023354Bust of a man with a fur hat
Q117225839Bust of a woman in profile
Q21971408Bust of a young woman, formerly known as Rembrandt's sister
Q112626641Bust of an Old Man
Q21568760Bust of an Old Man with a Beard and a Cap
Q29542425Bust of an obese man
Q21850125Bust of an old bearded man with red cap
Q114745029Bust of an old man
Q116910658Bust of an old man in phantasy costume
Q21523085Bust of an old man with a bald head
Q116910649Bust of an old man with a beard
Q21597679Bust of an old woman in a white cap
Q104529756Bust-length portrait of Seneca
Q53870378Butchered Pig in a Stable
Q60606543By the Riverside
Q18599190By the Seaside
Q104531734Cabbages on a Table Top
Q119942452Cader Idris
Q104627931Cage with a canary
Q42310216Cain Slaying Abel
Q27702296Cain slaying Abel
Q52223497Called Don John of Austria (1547-1578) but possibly Jean VI duc d'Aumont (1552-1595)
Q114745252Calm sea
Q59194909Calm: A Fishing Boat at Anchor
Q70885517Canal Landscape in a Village
Q59592112Canal in a Dutch City
Q20925122Canal with Bridge
Q104635091Canale Grande in Venice II
Q52195871Capriccio of Leghorn (Livorno)
Q52195880Capriccio of the Grand Harbour, Valletta, Malta
Q121686034Capture of a fin whale
Q50987675Card Players
Q42152662Card players
Q52223042Cardinal Thomas Wolsey (c.1473-1530)
Q106771444Caricature of an Artist
Q114036745Caritas (Charity)
Q61744363Carnival in a Village
Q29955959Carrying of the cross
Q104627110Carthusian shrine
Q27980403Cartouche decorated with flowergarlands surrounding a portrait of archduchess Maria Anna of Austria (1610-1665)
Q114613167Cartouche with flowergarlands surrounding a depiction of the Holy Family
Q117226561Castle at the waterfront
Q60646175Castle on the waterfront with fishermen
Q30095779Catching crayfish.
Q52213595Catherine Poley, Mrs Edward Barker (1600-1665)
Q119457634Catherine of Austria (1507–1578), Queen of Portugal (copy of Antonis Mor)
Q18760507Cattle Drinking
Q50947010Cattle and Shepherds at Rest
Q59506787Cattle at Pasture
Q50943717Cattle at a Ford
Q49401918Cattle in Stormy Weather
Q118987713Cattle in a Field, a Village beyond a Wood
Q106364676Cattle in a Landscape
Q104532480Cattle in the pasture
Q106365272Cattle near a Barn
Q47487074Cattle on a River Bank
Q119923821Cattle on a River Bank
Q85015434Cattle with a Herder
Q50196148Cavalier Holding a Dappled Grey Horse
Q50949122Cavalry Attak (Military Skirmish)
Q118992306Cavalry Engagement against the Turks, with a Church in the Background
Q118992641Cavalry Engagement against the Turks, with a Distant View of a Town
Q50985140Cavalry Skirmish against Infantry
Q117214862Cavalry Skirmish near Water
Q26692068Cavalry attacked by Infantry
Q123233657Cavalry battle near a bridge in a hilly landscape
Q114769849Cavalry battle with assault on a convoy
Q117225866Cave with a hermit
Q117226533Cave with ancient sculptures and women bathing
Q55844626Cave with fountain with women bathing
Q123667958Census in Bethlehem by Pieter Brueghel the Younger
Q105165875Center Panel and Left Wing of the High Altar Retable from Isselhorst
Q3395798Cervara Polyptych
Q104534595Chalice and lemon
Q119849162Charles Bathe Grant (1866–1898), Fellow (1891)
Q52223512Charles Bourbon 'Connetable de Bourbon' (1490-1527)
Q52223333Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham KG (1536-1624)
Q119684079Charles I (1600–1649), and Henrietta Maria (1609–1669), with a Laurel Wreath
Q3399420Charles VII, King of France
Q18685972Charles de Solier, Sieur de Morette
Q29862197Child in prayer
Q116772813Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules
Q104627816Children and roosters
Q21684020Choir of Angels
Q121500457Christ Blessing
Q50896089Christ Carrying the Cross
Q119889067Christ Carrying the Cross and the Mater Dolorosa
Q78627767Christ Carrying the Cross, with the Crucifixion; The Resurrection, with the Pilgrims of Emmaus
Q61743031Christ Child
Q26493213Christ Crowned with Thorns
Q122374453Christ Crowned with Thorns
Q29921221Christ Crowned with Thorns with Kneeling Benedictine Nun as Donor
Q52208876Christ Salvator Mundi
Q28802269Christ among children
Q104534782Christ among children
Q52300784Christ and Saint John the Baptist (possibly a right wing of an altarpiece)
Q29955584Christ and his disciples on the mount of olives
Q55862581Christ and the Magdalene
Q29871364Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery
Q21518319Christ and the Woman of Samaria
Q118891244Christ and the Woman of Samaria
Q104534994Christ and the adulteress
Q30096138Christ and the adulterous woman
Q54371035Christ and the woman taken in adultery
Q104532202Christ appearing before Mary
Q121697875Christ appearing the Virgin
Q117228599Christ appearing to Mary Magdalene as a Gardener - Noli me tangere
Q104534890Christ appearing to disciples after Resurrection (Mark 16:14-18; Luke 24:36-38; John 20:19-23)
Q26706940Christ appearing to the Virgin
Q29954119Christ appears to the apostles
Q121512647Christ as Man of Sorrows (left), Mary, Mater Dolorosa (right). On the coat of arms: Christ on the cross with the Arma Christi
Q121547202Christ as Salvator Mund with Mary and John Evangelista
Q121688086Christ as Salvator Mundi
Q121539412Christ bearing of the cross (left); the Crucifixion (center); the Resurrection of Christ (right)
Q114745254Christ bearing the cross
Q104532140Christ bearing the cross and St. Veronica
Q116294992Christ before Caiaphas, the Annunciation and the Visitation
Q50947891Christ before Pilate
Q117225328Christ before Pilate
Q121539522Christ before Pilate
Q104525085Christ blessing the children
Q117226614Christ blessing the children
Q21623194Christ carrying the cross
Q29954203Christ carrying the cross
Q50323691Christ collapsing under the cross on his way to Golgotha
Q117225787Christ crowned with thorns
Q121686877Christ driving the money-changers from the temple
Q117228672Christ driving the money-changers from the temple with a whip
Q121544231Christ expiring on the cross
Q116205659Christ heals a paralytic in Bethesda
Q116918780Christ in a landscape
Q121687307Christ in distress, sitting on the cold stone
Q117225893Christ in limbo
Q106858204Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane
Q22672656Christ in the House of Martha and Mary
Q114745217Christ in the house of Nicodemus
Q537192Christ in the house of the Pharisee Simon
Q106374651Christ in the Сrown of Thorns
Q114810126Christ makes himself known; the soldiers fall to the ground
Q121691804Christ meets Veronica, who has a cloth to wipe his face
Q29955404Christ on Mount Olive
Q29954464Christ on Mount Olive (altar piece)
Q18685767Christ on the Cross
Q47008555Christ on the Cross
Q89905798Christ on the Cross
Q21601138Christ on the Mount of Olives
Q29951825Christ on the cross
Q30056306Christ on the cross
Q114745056Christ on the cross
Q121696166Christ on the cross
Q29954189Christ on the cross with the saints Peter, Mary, Mary Magdalene, John the Evangelist and Barbara, with three donors
Q29954192Christ on the cross, Mary and the apostles Jacob, Peter, Andrew, Thomas and Bartholomew
Q29902644Christ on the mount of Olives
Q30098098Christ on the road to Calvary
Q26699640Christ presented to the People
Q104636646Christ rescuing St. Peter
Q104525171Christ showing his wounds (John 20: 25-26)
Q21815305Christ sitting on the cold stone
Q104532144Christ stripped before crucifixion
Q3697598Christ with Mary and Martha
Q107438957Christ with Young St. John and Angels
Q29953797Christ with crown of thorns
Q104532335Christ with disciples on the way to Emmaus
Q121704832Christ's collapsing while carrying the cross and the meeting with Saint Veronica
Q116918038Christ's dispute with the doctors in the temple
Q117226114Christ's dispute with the doctors in the temple
Q104588545Christian Golgotha, sketch
Q104532910Christian deeds of mercy (Matthew 25:35-36)
Q4373334Christina of Denmark, Duchess of Milan
Q104532593Church interior
Q104532662Church interior
Q120356337Church interior with Christ driving the money-changers from the temple
Q121685589Church interior with a Jesuit, a cardinal and a bishop chasing Luther and Calvin
Q104535162Church on fire
Q104629580Chłopiec w kapeluszu
Q106772346Cimmerian Sibyl
Q117228742Cimon and Pero
Q104528504Cimon and Pero (Roman Charity)
Q114745108City gate next to a river
Q114769751Classical ruin with view of a city in the background
Q105581767Coastal Scene with a Wijdschip Off-Shore, a Moored Pink, and a Man-O'-War at Anchor Beyond
Q50324091Coastal scenery with lumberjacks
Q114745014Coastal view with fishermen and men on horseback
Q21586301Cologne Diptych
Q18573440Company Making Music
Q18600047Company in a Peasant's House
Q29959622Company of an officer, soldiers and young women in a guardroom
Q104636259Composition 214 A
Q104600233Concert for cello and harpsichord
Q21729841Congratulations on the Arrival of Prince Ferdinand (Adventus Seren. Princ. Gratulatio)
Q26380996Constantijn Huygens and his (?) Clerk
Q104526084Constantine directing the Building of Constantinople
Q104597498Constitution of the 3 May. Four-Year Seym. Commission of Education. Partition 1795 AD, from the series “History of Civilization in Poland”
Q104535056Conversation while drinking wine
Q111218538Conversion of Saint Paul
Q21936647Copy of Self-portrait in Oriental Dress
Q56676897Cornelia or Elisabeth Vekemans
Q29914157Coronation of Pope Celestine V (1294)
Q104597926Coronation of the First King, 1001 AD, from the series “History of Civilization in Poland”
Q29952634Coronation of the Virgin with donors
Q119026242Cottages at Clappersgate near Ambleside, Cumbria
Q28113703Country House and Park
Q117214474Country Road with Resting Pilgrims
Q29907132Country lane
Q30095705Country tavern
Q104532612Countryside landscape
Q104578675Countryside landscape
Q104590208Countryside landscape
Q104590747Countryside landscape
Q104532582Countryside landscape with peasants
Q104533919Countryside landscape with staffage
Q118879161Court of a Venetian Palace
Q104525249Courtyard of a palace
Q27979083Cow herds and washing women near the water
Q104534540Cow in the pasture
Q119765904Cowherd with Cattle on a Path beneath a Cliff
Q63231273Cows and Herdsman by a River
Q104541923Cows at the waterhole
Q104542041Cows at the waterhole
Q104552253Cows in the pasture
Q114745052Cows on the pasture
Q106358110Cripples Receiving Alms
Q27981899Croesus displays his treasures to Solon
Q28803861Crossing of the Red Sea
Q104532528Crown of thorns (Matthew 27:29-30; Mark 15:17-20; John 19:2-3)
Q104533474Crucifixion (Matthew 27:35-38; Mark 15:24-28; Luke 23:33; John 19:18-20)
Q29955942Crucifixion Altar: lamentation of Christ (outer part: fragment of an Angel, an Apostle and founders)
Q26234187Crucifixion of Christ
Q18683177Crucifixion retable from Soest
Q2390211Crucifixion with a Donor
Q104532438Crucifixion with the bust of a praying nun
Q23928638Cumanan Sibyl
Q119010135Cupid Disarmed
Q23929215Cupids Harvesting
Q20354381Cut-Out Trompe l'Oeil Easel with Fruit Piece
Q121544571Cyparissus mourns his stag (Ovidius, Metamorfosen, X, 106)
Q18599364Dance in a Cottage
Q50937990Dancing Peasant Couple
Q116985014Dancing and music-making nymphs in a cave
Q104635455Dancing in a street
Q59687543Dancing peasant couple in an inn
Q104532126Daniel in the lions’ den
Q104649781Dark figure
Q50903102David Playing the Harp for King Saul
Q50322515David and Goliath
Q114707039David as harpist at Saul's court (1 Samuel 16:14-23)
Q21406179David with the Head of Goliath before Saul
Q119908458David's Dying Charge to Solomon (after P. van der Horst)
Q121549097David's triumph: the women of Israel come out to welcome David, singing, dancing, and playing tambourines and lyres; David holding the head of Goliath (1 Samuel 17:54)
Q29909032De H. Hiëronymus met de heilige nonnen Paola Romana en Eustochium
Q104527219De aanbidding van de Wijzen
Q104525561De aanbidding van de Wijzen (Mattheüs 2: 11-12)
Q29955087De apostelen Bartholomeus, Thomas, Johannes de Doper, Johannes de Evangelist, Mattheus en Petrus
Q17812399De encyclopaedisten in de bibliotheek van de koning
Q29955865De heilige Bartholomeus
Q50324061De schepping van de dieren (Genesis I : 20-25)
Q119033146Dead Birds
Q104533528Dead birds and a cat
Q17525775Dead partridge and fruits
Q104532433Death of Absalom (2 Samuel 18:9-15)
Q104554649Death of Prince Józef Poniatowski
Q104590789Death of Tęczyński in the Franciscan church
Q121547116Death portrait, head and shoulders
Q104631088Decorative panneau
Q121697769Deer lying in a landscape
Q104597472Defeat at Legnica, from the series “History of Civilization in Poland”
Q54539938Delft, view of the Oude Delft with the Gemeenlandshuis
Q23928603Delphic Sibyl
Q117227507Democritus and Heraclitus
Q104536823Denial of Saint Peter (Matthew 26:69-75; Mark 14:66-72; Luke 21:54-63; John 17:15-25).
Q29950667Dentist by Candlelight
Q104541124Departure for hunting
Q21725399Descent from the Cross
Q104537064Descent from the Cross (Matthew 27:58–59; Mark 15: 45–46; Luke 23:52–53; John 19:38)
Q121698271Descent from the corss
Q121511822Descent from the cross
Q104532210Descent into Hell
Q114720357Descent of Christ into Limbo
Q119456049Desiderius Erasmus
Q21953926Diana Bathing in a Landscape
Q50934658Diana and Actaeon
Q52300852Diana and Actaeon
Q117225795Diana and Actaeon
Q104528501Diana and her nymphs and trophies of the hunt
Q115792700Diana and her nymphs surprised by Aectaeon
Q30093599Diana and the sleeping nymphs
Q117226537Diana bathing with her nymphs
Q121691739Diana discovering the pregnancy of Callisto
Q29951739Diana returning from the hunt
Q122982149Diana with her nymphs discovers the pregnancy of Callisto
Q104532670Diana's judgement of the nymph Callisto
Q117225819Dice players in front of a wall with view into a landscape
Q104534936Dido and Aeneas hunting
Q18600834Dido's Sacrifice to Juno
Q116286422Die Begnung von Jakob und Rahel
Q50325688Diogenes searches for an honest person with his lantarn
Q116283592Diptyck with the coronation of mary; God the Father (left panel); Mary (right panel)
Q64800128Dirt Road with Farmhouse and Board Fence
Q104532782Distributing bread to the poor
Q50951432Divine Service in a Rock Grotto
Q60668049Doctor with an urinal and two women in an interior
Q123577811Dogs chasing a swan
Q61745295Domestic Scene
Q104525995Domestic milk processing
Q28554793Don Quixote Addressing the Goatherds
Q124766765Donator with Saint James
Q124799894Donor family
Q29951713Donor family: Antoine Humbelot with his sons
Q29955616Donor family: Jacqueline de Chantraines with her daughters
Q124789346Donor image of the Cologne patrician family Rinck
Q29952624Donor image of the Cologne patrician family Rinck: Saint Anne
Q29952627Donor image of the Cologne patrician family Rinck: Virgin Mary
Q21679990Donors with Saint Peter and Saint Thomas
Q47811512Dordrecht Harbor by Moonlight
Q121697999Double portrait of two donors
Q118876605Dr William Gilberd, MD
Q323079Dresden Triptych
Q63183771Drinking and smoking farmers in a tavern
Q64912227Drinking and smoking peasants
Q117226522Drinking and smoking peasants in an inn
Q117226301Drinking musician
Q104529272Drinking peasants in an inn
Q60445316Drinking place in a rocky landscape
Q49413747Driving the Cattle out to Pasture in the Morning
Q114769809Duck hunt
Q28803285Duck hunt and a pond.
Q114769858Duck hunting in a forest landscape
Q80869Dull Gret
Q50942772Dune Landscape
Q50932560Dune Landscape in Darkness
Q20820624Dune Landscape near Haarlem
Q61264011Dune Landscape with Fence, ca. 1647
Q70897057Dune Landscape with Figures
Q43093270Dune landscape with two horsemen
Q117377482Dune landscape with a farm
Q117226183Dune landscape with a horse-drawn wagon
Q117422375Dune landscape with a tree-stump
Q123233666Dune landscape with a view of Haarlem
Q123907568Dune landscape with figures
Q117227479Dune landscape with travellers and peasants
Q43094762Dune landscape with trees, cattle and shepherds
Q118887793Dutch Cavaliers and Their Ladies Making Music
Q50948457Dutch Fishing-Boats Shooting their Nets
Q28537137Dutch Landscape with Cattle
Q119684485Dutch Shipping in Stormy Weather
Q50854286Dutch Ships in a Rough Sea
Q106365480Dutch Village with a Church
Q66499124Dutch frigate and other ships off the coast; on the right side a pier where ships are loaded
Q104533984Dutch landscape
Q117226636Dutch landscape with a country road
Q117226639Dutch landscape with a gate
Q114745008Dutch river landscape
Q114745012Dutch village of farmers
Q60669034Dutch winter landscape with skaters
Q104627915Dzieci z ptaszkiem na drążku
Q104627937Dziewczyna z girlandą kwiatów
Q104627933Dziewczyna z jabłkiem w oknie
Q104627925Dziewczynka w pomarańczowej sukni
Q43281796Earthly Vanity and Divine Salvation (obverse)
Q104601734Eastern scene against a landscape
Q18889784Ebba Ridderstad
Q22081397Ecce Homo
Q29898581Ecce Homo
Q29964573Ecce Homo
Q117225342Ecce Homo
Q430069Ecce Homo
Q50972536Ecce Homo with Pilate and a Tormentor of Christ
Q30093873Ecce homo
Q104526056Ecce homo (Johannes 19:13-16)
Q118680493Edward IV (1442–1483)
Q52204477Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset ‘Protector Somerset’ (1506?-1552)
Q19911425Edward VI (1537–1553), When Duke of Cornwall
Q50324516Elderly woman with a coat
Q116296149Elegant company in conversation, playing music and smoking in an interior
Q104527998Elegant company of men singing and playing music in an interior
Q114761073Elegant company playing and singing in an interior
Q117205127Elegant company playing music and drinking in an interior
Q28060831Elegant company playing music in an interior
Q121696107Elegant company playing music in an interior
Q121695143Elegant party in an ornate palace garden: allegory ofthe five sences
Q114745245Elijah and the widow of Zarephath
Q104527185Elijah and the widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:7-24)
Q116284186Elisabeth at the desk
Q114721065Elisabeth of Denmark (1524-1586)
Q118876377Elizabeth I (1533-1603) (the 'Armada Portrait')
Q28016111Elizabeth I when a Princess
Q118880799Elizabeth Willoughby, Lady Hickman, Daughter of William, Lord Willoughby of Parham
Q118677007Elizabeth of York (1466–1503), Queen of Henry VII
Q28060814Elizabeth of York, wife of King Henry VII of England
Q28024065Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia (1596-1662)
Q118680091Emperor Charlemagne (c.742–814)
Q116945565Emperor Charles V
Q28020493Emperor Maximilian I
Q115190947Endymion with spear and horn / shepherd with staff and horn
Q50860473English yachts leaving a Dutch harbour
Q104535887Ensemble (Allegory of Hearing)
Q11765899Enthroned Madonna and Child with Angel
Q114761058Enthroned Mary with child and two angels making music
Q116918777Enthroned Virgin with angels
Q18760514Entombment of Christ
Q104536418Entombment of Christ
Q104553049Entombment of Christ (Matthew 27:59–61; Mark 15:46–47; Luke 23:53–56; John 19:38–42)
Q114745121Entrance of a forest
Q63104667Entrance to a Forest
Q121695150Entrance to a village with peasants carousing
Q55851120Entrance to the forest near Frankfurt
Q28797317Entry into Jerusalem
Q104571789Episode from the French wars
Q104535062Episode from the Thirty Years' War
Q29955381Episodes from the Passion and the Resurrection of Christ
Q27025630Episodes from the Passion of Christ: Christ carrying the cross, Christ nailed to the cross, the crucifixion
Q104533929Epitaph of Zygmunt Piwnicki
Q29955158Epitaph of the Clergyman Jakob Udeman van Erkelenz
Q30094188Equestrian fight
Q119702415Estuary Scene with Shipping, Figures in the Foreground
Q29585693Etienne Chevalier with St. Stephen
Q23928637European Sibyl
Q47014969Evening Landscape
Q116897503Evening Landscape
Q30094422Evening Mass in a Gothic Church
Q66821199Evening game of kolf in a Dutch village
Q104603883Evening in the studio, sketch
Q104534519Excursion to the attic
Q29898392Expulsion of Hagar
Q123777627Extensive river landscape with sailing ships and rowing boats
Q114745186Extraction of the stone of madness
Q114769754Fable of the Eagle and the Raven with the Colosseum in the background
Q104595906Fair in Balta, Podolia region
Q64800198Fairy Dance in the Alder Grove
Q106359449Family Group in a Landscape
Q55814899Family Portrait
Q64547368Family Portrait in a Landscape
Q104535201Family scene
Q104567495Family scene indoors by candlelight
Q52300556Farm Buildings seen through an Archway
Q60644438Farm in afternoon light
Q114719993Farm interior with woman scrubbing a caldron
Q114745235Farmers playing music
Q106363724Farmhouse in a Storm
Q56763841Farmhouse near water
Q119625827Farmhouse with Figures
Q60644694Farmhouse with cattle and shepherds
Q29905994Feast of the Olympian gods
Q119151949Feast of the gods
Q50324456Feast of the gods in the forest
Q104533936Feast of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-13)
Q122761795Feasting peasants near a village
Q104626411Feeding a horse
Q104612246Feliks Jasieński at the organ, sketch
Q114769826Female Personification
Q23929302Female Pilgrim
Q104532353Female head turned to the right with a pearl necklace
Q52223486Ferdinand Alvarez de Toledo, 3rd Duke of Alba (1508-1582)
Q118680652Ferdinand II of Aragon (1452–1516), King of Spain
Q56763844Festoon of fruit suspended from a rope, in a niche
Q114720584Festoon of fruit, hung in a niche, with insects and a snail
Q104627156Figural scene with donkeys
Q104650090Figure of a saint
Q114745318Figure study of a young man as Christ
Q119829262Figures on a Shore, a Mother with a Child, a Grey Horse, a Cart Beyond
Q28026126Final battle of the siege of Troy.
Q104533451Finding of Erichthonius
Q104532330Finding of Moses – Allegorical family portrait
Q60668990Fire in a village by night
Q104532153Fire of Sodom, Lot with his daughters
Q27949289Fire of a church with staffage and cattle.
Q28797516First love letter
Q50917679Fish (Still Life)
Q28061918Fish Dealers on the Shore
Q60646389Fish Seller selling a Herring to a Boy
Q60646432Fish Still-life
Q56676814Fish still life
Q117226506Fish still life
Q104524717Fish still life with a jug and glassware
Q114745009Fish still-life
Q60669114Fisher with salmon steaks
Q104532847Fishermen at the coast near Scheveningen
Q104532560Fishermen at the seaside
Q119741870Fishermen on a Beach with Boats
Q52195898Fishermen selling their Catch on the Beach
Q119954321Fishing Boats
Q18573643Fishing Boats at Sea
Q59195943Fishing Boats near a Sandbank in a Calm
Q69555545Fishing Boats near the shore in calm weather
Q64800385Fishing and Sailing Boats under a Broad Sky
Q23662463Fishing boats at the shore.
Q121686375Fishing herring busses
Q30056523Fishing nymphs
Q117225904Fishwife in a window opening
Q50899947Five Children in a Landscape
Q50949306Five Female Members of the Kerchove Family with a Man in the Guise of Saint James the Elder, 34 years old
Q60643476Five men playing music in an interior
Q104532655Five senses
Q21996691Flagellation of Christ
Q117215288Flat Landscape
Q114745001Flat bottomed boat and row boat in stormy zea
Q117215667Flemish Village Green
Q119824181Flemish Village Merrymaking
Q114745152Flight into Egypt
Q121547134Flight into Egypt, with reapers in a landscape beyond
Q122147213Flora and Venus (Spring)
Q121539991Flora and Zephyrus in a garden, or the elements Earth and Air
Q29959610Flora im Blumengarten
Q24020318Floral Still Life
Q55236935Flower garland with Dragonfly
Q104530181Flower still life in a niche
Q50414247Flowerpiece in a niche with a bird nest and a snail
Q26678235Flowers in a Glass
Q118882340Flowers in a Niche
Q17583751Flowers in a Vase
Q121705214Flowers in a Wanli Kendi
Q121705236Flowers in a glass beaker on a table
Q114745082Flowers in a glass vase on a plinth
Q114706537Flowers in a glass vase on a stone ledge
Q114704592Flowers in a niche with an open curtain
Q114707074Flowers in a roemer with a butterfly and a fly
Q114721005Flowers in a roemer, with a grasshopper and a lizard, in a niche
Q123501924Flowers in a vase on a marble ledge
Q121052684Flowers in a wicker basket on a marble ledge
Q117225776Flute player
Q50909546Fluvial Landscape
Q119807046Footbridge over a Stream, with a Woman, Child and Dog
Q60445141Ford in Southern Landscape
Q50898855Ford over a Cascade
Q105442355Forest Landscape
Q50918314Forest Landscape with Hunters
Q50951102Forest View
Q104603724Forest edge in winter
Q104532450Forest landscape
Q104533913Forest landscape
Q104598930Forest landscape
Q114769856Forest landscape with a lake, hunters and farmers
Q104528465Forest landscape with a river
Q122453855Forest landscape with cattle and peasants in an open space
Q122453854Forest landscape with cattle and peasants near a bridge over a waterfall
Q117226565Forest landscape with duck hunters
Q114769859Forest landscape with fox hunt
Q104525118Forest landscape with resting farmers
Q114769847Forest landscape with the penitent Mary Magdalen
Q117226538Forest landscape with three bathing nymphs
Q117226516Forest landscape with travellers
Q114769760Forest landscape with watermill
Q114769749Forest landscape with wayfairers
Q50323757Forest roas along water
Q29903575Forest scenery with the flight to Egypt
Q116294964Forest still life with a snake, grasshopper and butterflies
Q104626730Forest stream in winter
Q114769804Forum Romanum with Temple of Castor and Pollux
Q104597489Founding of the Academy, 1361–1399–1400 AD, from the series “History of Civilization in Poland”
Q104596745Fountain near Yalta. From the journey to Crimea
Q117205348Four Capuchin monks
Q121698229Four Passion Scenes
Q44589676Four Peasants Drinking and Smoking at an Inn
Q114769812Fox hunt with a castle in the background
Q104534610Fragment deski z odwrocia obrazu Matki Boskiej Śnieżnej z kościoła św.Teresy w Wilnie
Q105192912Fragment from the Liesborn Altarpiece: St Joseph from the Adoration of the Magi
Q105199576Fragment from the Liesborn High Altar: Angel with Chalice turning right
Q105199748Fragment from the Liesborn High Altarpiece: Angel with Chalice turning left
Q105194242Fragment from the Liesborn High Altarpiece: Head of St Joseph
Q105193203Fragment from the Liesborn High Altarpiece: Holy King
Q105200084Fragment from the Liesborn High Altarpiece: Mourning Angel
Q104627154Fragment of a house with two trees
Q124393426Fragment of a kermesse: the procession
Q104627228Fragment starego domu
Q28797435Frances, Lady Reynell, of West Ogwell, Devon
Q119860380Francis Bacon (1561–1626), Viscount St Alban
Q52214198Francis Hervey (1534-1601/2), aged 30
Q20020084Francis I (1494–1547), King of France
Q22081618Francis of Assisi.
Q98109344Franz von Fürstenberg by Johann Christoph Rincklake (LWL-Museum)
Q118680574François I (1494–1547)
Q52223435François de Lorraine, 2nd duc de Guise (1519-1563)
Q106364748Frederick V of Bohemia
Q104605925From a fair in Italy – Venice
Q28797404Frozen River with Skaters
Q60646597Fruit Still life with Lizard
Q50383930Fruit and Flowers on a Marble Table
Q50359874Fruit on a marble plinth in a basket with a mouse and a butterfly
Q116294792Fruit still life under a tree
Q60649673Fruit still life with a wine glass
Q117226611Fruit still life with grapes and peaches
Q116772818Fruit still life with peaches and grapes
Q114745294Fruit still-life
Q114720925Fruit still-life with grapes, peaches and apricots
Q104533454Fruit, lobster and wine
Q117226264Fruits still life with peaches, grapes and butterflies
Q114745237Fun on the ice
Q116283937Funeral of Mary
Q542066Gabrielle d'Estrées et une de ses sœurs
Q62743953Gambling Scene at an Inn
Q107098730Game of Chess
Q28940826Game of Nine-pins with View of Antwerp
Q117228638Game piece with dead partridge, gun and hunting bag
Q104537122Garden of love
Q121540264Garland of flowers around a Virgin and child
Q104532770Gathering manna (Exodus 16:14-17)
Q104534781Genre scene
Q104536978Genre scene
Q104532479Genre scene in a tavern
Q104532475Genre scene in an interior
Q104536007Genre scene in the countryside
Q104627222Genre scene with a cart
Q104534099Genre scene – in a tavern
Q50325899Gentleman and Lady with a Chess Board
Q50988447Gentleman in Oriental Costume
Q118882669George Villiers (1592–1628), Duke of Buckingham
Q734834Ghent Altarpiece
Q104601700Giardino Garnier – Bordighera. From the journey to Italy
Q104627199Girl against the background of a landscape with a windmill
Q104627230Girl holding a rose in her hand
Q30116702Girl in a Window
Q104596166Girl peeling potatoes
Q64786771Girl with a Burning Torch
Q104627908Girl with a canary
Q104587416Girl with a doll
Q104627163Girl with a red plait
Q117225870Girl with grapes in a window
Q121120642God creating all living Creatures (Genesis 1:24)
Q21684028God the Father
Q121510782Golgotha: Longinus piercing Christ's side
Q29909831Gothic church architecture
Q119108373Grandmother's Birthday
Q50950849Grotto with a Walking Couple
Q104553086Group of peasants listening to a reading
Q114718929Group portrait of an uinknown couple with five children
Q123685263Guardroom interior with a trumpeteer and spectators
Q117225899Guardroom with military paraphernalia
Q104628259Głowa chłopca
Q104626916Głowa dziewczynki
Q104627920Głowa dziewczynki w lokach
Q104627916Głowa dziewczynki w niebieskim kapeluszu
Q104630013Głowa dziewczynki w różowym kapturku
Q104628780Głowa kobiety w czarnym kapeluszu
Q104630291Głowa żony
Q121697149Hagar flees into the desert (Genesis 16:7)
Q50916565Hagar in the Desert
Q117226607Half figure of a farmer with a chicken
Q104528055Half figure of an apostle reading
Q116910513Half length figure of an old woman
Q104533963Haman begging the mercy of Esther (Esther 7:6-7)
Q106366483Harbour Scene
Q18601017Harbour Scene with Reflecting Water
Q50978238Harbour with Boats
Q52299509Harnham Ridge, near Salisbury
Q114769848Harvest Scene, the summer
Q118874983Head and Shoulders of a Girl in Red Cloak over Blue Dress
Q1304358Head of Christ
Q20809879Head of Christ
Q21526824Head of Christ
Q52220319Head of Christ
Q118874429Head of Christ
Q21540672Head of Christ (after 'Dinner at Emmaus' in Louvre)
Q104538547Head of Christ in the crown of thorns
Q104604555Head of Jew Hassid from Złoczów
Q104532055Head of St John the Baptist (Matthew 14:6-12; Mark 6:21-29)
Q77998987Head of a Bearded Man
Q21936805Head of a Bearded Old Man in High Beret
Q118877632Head of a Patriarch or Saint (Peter?)
Q118888502Head of a Woman
Q50898356Head of a Young Girl
Q28060645Head of a Young Woman
Q111317190Head of a bearded man looking left
Q117225835Head of a bearded old man
Q18120976Head of a boy
Q104627659Head of a boy in a hat
Q104626970Head of a boy in an unbuttoned collar
Q104598826Head of a dark-haired girl
Q104626918Head of a girl in a hat
Q104626914Head of a girl with a half-open mouth
Q104626952Head of a little girl in a blue dress
Q104626933Head of a little girl in a dark beret
Q104627220Head of a little girl in profile
Q104626912Head of a little girl with unloosed hair
Q121547834Head of a man
Q104705662Head of a peasant woman
Q104594543Head of a woman
Q104532357Head of a woman in profile
Q104532377Head of a woman looking ahead
Q104532371Head of a woman looking down to the right
Q104532378Head of a woman with eyes looking up
Q104602840Head of a worker
Q104585489Head of a young woman
Q22085084Head of an Old Man
Q106657694Head of an Old Man
Q118878701Head of an Old Man
Q119625998Head of an Old Man
Q21416535Head of an Old Man in a Cap
Q119905597Head of an Old Woman
Q117205206Head of an old woman
Q119944808Heath Scene
Q29897204Heilige Barbara
Q99938195Heilsspiegelaltar - Augustus and Sibyl of Tibur
Q116265810Heinrichstafel: Crusified Christ lifted up and surrounded by angels
Q116265836Heinrichstafel: The battle of St. Henry II against the disbelievers
Q116265767Heinrichstafel: The imperial coronation of St. Henry II and the handover of the realm sword
Q28105409Helena Reneman (died 1679). Wife of Geert Swartte
Q23928623Hellespontic Sibyl
Q52223525Henri de Lorraine, 3rd duc de Guise (1550-1588)
Q52223548Henri de Montmorency, Constable of France (1534-1614)
Q118678836Henry Airay (1560–1616), Provost (1599)
Q52223214Henry Fitzalan, 12th Earl of Arundel (1511?-1580) (after Steven van der Meulen)
Q52223447Henry Howard, 1st Earl of Northampton KG (1540-1614)
Q23928611Henry II
Q23928617Henry V
Q118678571Henry VI (1421–1471)
Q23928606Henry VII
Q62846381Henry VII
Q118678164Henry VII (1457–1509)
Q118680653Henry VII (1457–1509) (Masters version)
Q118679249Henry VIII (1491–1547)
Q118874207Henry VIII (1491–1547)
Q119456112Henry VIII (1491–1547)
Q118874753Henry VIII (1491–1547) (framed version)
Q118874681Henry VIII (1491–1547) (unframed version)
Q23642680Henry VIII and the Barber Surgeons
Q117225857Hercules on Olympus
Q121691018Hercules with a few slain animals
Q71828559Hermann Hillebrandt de Wedigh
Q104528435Heuvellandschap met muscicerende en dansende nimfen en saters
Q124751188High altar from St. Columba
Q29957993High altar from St. Columba: Death of the Virgin Mary
Q29954472High altar from St. Columba: Presentation of Mary
Q50989286Hilly Landscape
Q50948605Hilly Landscape with River View
Q114745072Hilly landscape
Q117205315Hilly landscape with a lake in the foreground
Q114769803Hilly landscape with peasants
Q114769844Hilly landscape with rider on a flodded path
Q117205290Hilly landscape with trees and a small waterfall
Q114756721Hofvijver seen from the Doelenterrein
Q104532340Holy Family
Q104532331Holy Family with Angels
Q104533572Holy Family with St. John and St. Nicholas
Q114745240Holy Family with the cherry branch
Q104533915Holy Trinity (Throne of Grace)
Q9362431Holy Trinity of Wrocław
Q30057604Holy family
Q117205209Holy family and Saint Willibrord
Q121704918Homage to Solomon: the queen of Sheba gives Solomon gold, precious stones and spices (1 Kings 10:1-2)
Q23891533Homage to art and the muse
Q571416Honeysuckle Bower
Q117205349Horse being led to water
Q50939127Horse in a Landscape
Q17583723Horse standing under a gate
Q48718463Horseman in front of an Inn
Q47486872Horsemen in a Landscape
Q114745051Horses in front of tents
Q121704680Hound with a rabbit and a musket in a landscape
Q119703726How Sir Galahad, Sir Bors and Sir Percival Were Fed with the Sanc Grael; but Sir Percival's Sister Died by the Way (The Attainment of the Sanc Grael)
Q28547780Hudibras and Ralph Taken Prisoner
Q119035238Hull Whalers in the Arctic
Q28019823Human activity on a Mediterranean coastal landscape
Q121686469Human kind during the Golden Age
Q121687147Human kind during the Golden Age
Q50918429Hunters Riding Out
Q50991278Hunters after Fowling
Q50895013Hunters at a Well
Q114745122Hunters at a farm
Q61744374Hunters in a Forest
Q104541119Hunters on a river bank
Q106769721Hunting Scene: The Kill
Q104532404Hunting a wild boar
Q104627896Hunting game
Q104585384Hunting scene
Q114769744Hunting scene near a river with houses on a rock
Q119717587Huntsmen with Dogs
Q56556140Ice Scene
Q104528444Ice Scene
Q117215067Ice Skaters in front of a City Gate
Q104533912Idolatry of Solomon (1 Kings 11:1-6)
Q104533561Illustration to the Old Testament prophecy
Q121691529Imaginary double-portrait of the brothers Hubert van Eck (?–1426) and Jan van Eyck (?-1441)
Q123583988Imaginary of the Porte du Rivage in Brussels
Q21414299Imago Pietatis
Q27493180In Praise of Herring
Q104599118In a grove
Q104582332In a tavern
Q104551995In front of a tent
Q104533679In front of an inn
Q104587517In the farmyard
Q104534625In the kitchen
Q104533819In the painter's studio
Q104586595In the painter's studio
Q104570445In the servants’ chamber
Q104535141In the tavern – playing “Handjeklap”
Q114745195Incantation of a demon
Q26250711Injustice enthroned (Satire on Louis XIV in Dutch war 1672-78/79?).
Q27980930Inner view of the Jesuit church of Antwerp
Q104529287Inside of a cave with sculptures and sleeping shepherds
Q23689860Insurgent of 1863.
Q24034716Insurgent patrol.
Q23689849Insurgents during the night.
Q26252110Interior genre scene.
Q107061914Interior of Antwerp Cathedral
Q119789820Interior of Antwerp Cathedral
Q119789876Interior of Antwerp Cathedral
Q106357591Interior of a Barn
Q119789867Interior of a Cathedral: Night Scene
Q50903161Interior of a Church
Q50979276Interior of a Church
Q118985319Interior of a Church
Q106864382Interior of a Church at Night with a Procession
Q18600085Interior of a Cowshed
Q50888110Interior of a Gothic Church
Q50942873Interior of a Gothic Church
Q50980707Interior of a Gothic Church
Q50991231Interior of a Gothic Church
Q117205225Interior of a Gothic church with some visitors
Q50988686Interior of a Pantry
Q50889244Interior of a Peasant House
Q114745099Interior of a Renaissance hall
Q18601392Interior of a Stable
Q50938911Interior of a Stable
Q50949427Interior of a Stable with a Milkmaid
Q60668799Interior of a farmhouse
Q60668778Interior of a farmhouse, with a farmer sitting by a fireplace
Q121704908Interior of a gothic church with figures attending mass
Q117225808Interior of a guardroom with soldiers preparing to leave
Q117226580Interior of a peasant kitchen with a man and child in front of a chimney
Q104528571Interior of a peasant's house
Q121514164Interior of a tavern with an acrobat and a bagpipe player
Q110662436Interior of a tavern with smoking peasants
Q104535086Interior of an old church in Delft
Q112241534Interior of on inn
Q50914481Interior of the Antwerp Cathedral
Q50886121Interior of the Antwerp Cathedral at Night
Q11926784Interior of the Buurkerk in Utrecht
Q27982830Interior of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Antwerp (Archduke Leopold Wilhelm received by the clergy)
Q22315212Interior of the Church of St. Lawrence in Rotterdam
Q85016618Interior of the Grote Kerk, Dordrecht
Q121812265Interior of the Laurenskerk, Rotterdam
Q117228741Interior of the Nieuwe Kerk in Delft
Q50257093Interior of the Nieuwe Kerk, Delft, with the Tomb of William the Silent
Q28493271Interior of the Nieuwe Kerk, Haarlem
Q50906933Interior of the Oude Kerk (Old Church) in Amsterdam
Q124728013Interior of the Oude Kerk in Delft with the tomb of Piet Hein
Q106772719Interior of the Oude Kerk, Delft
Q104622546Interior of the posthumous exhibition of Jan Stanisławski
Q64916375Interior view of a dutch farm house
Q30097026Interior view of the St. Lorenz church in Nuremberg
Q44844472Interior with Peasants
Q28100300Interior with Peasants Eating and Drinking
Q118986360Interior with a Cavalier Drinking and a Couple Embracing
Q121692225Interior with a artisan working with his wife cooking in the background
Q117226525Interior with a doctor and a sick woman
Q114745315Interior with a man and a woman sewing
Q60668810Interior with a man perfoming surgery on a shoulder
Q119120592Interior, Girl Reading
Q9387034Introduction of Christianity in Poland
Q117228306Irises, tulips, roses and lily of the valley in a vase with a lizard, a butterfly and a dragonfly before a niche
Q28842725Is Kabbalah telling the truth?
Q50949775Isaac Blessing Jacob
Q118876178Isabella of Bourbon (1436–1465) (formerly identified as Margaret of York)
Q29952321Israelites leave Egypt (Exodus)
Q62748364Italian Coast Scene
Q20017804Italian Evening Landscape
Q58647814Italian cemetery with a shepherd and cattle
Q104534754Italian landscape
Q104535241Italian landscape
Q114744969Italian landscape
Q114745076Italian landscape
Q104534897Italian landscape with a Herd
Q24199995Italian landscape with donkey.
Q104535237Italian landscape with hunters
Q104532830Italian landscape with ruins
Q30095662Italian landscape.
Q50981136Italianate Landscape
Q50886755Italianate Landscape with Shepherds
Q50984682Italianate Landscape with Women Washing at the Well
Q58564948Italianate landscape with a house in the bend of a river
Q104524179Italianate landscape with a resting hunting party
Q116913521Italianate landscape with a woman on a mule in conversation with a man
Q117226548Italianate landscape with cattle
Q121686577Italianate landscape with large bridge
Q117743647Italianate port
Q124032160Italinate landscape with the story of Orpah, Ruth and Naomi (Ruth 1:11-22)
Q23906276Jacek Malczewski - Music, the left part of the triptych
Q121691474Jacob burries the idols under the sacred oak at Shechem (Genesis 35:4)
Q104534621Jacob’s dream
Q51849342Jacqueline de Rohan
Q115655803Jael kills the sleeping Sisera by hitting the nail through his temples
Q23928783James I and VI
Q119685256James VI and I (1566–1625)
Q28020478Jan van Hembyze (1517-1584)
Q118875484Jan van Scorel (1495–1562)
Q20091565Jane Seymour
Q118874739Jane Seymour (c.1508–1537)
Q104597972Japanese woman
Q78676845Jason Poisoning the Dragon
Q121547640Jeanne Peschard (died 1468) and her daughters, Jacquette and Catherine Budé, as donors
Q28871336Jesus among the Doctors
Q113162049Jesus at Simon's by Aelbrecht Bouts
Q104636596Jewish wedding
Q104629642Jew’s head
Q116294834Job and his family in former wealth at a meal, surrounded by other scenes from his story (Job) with a portrait of Gentina Solaro
Q104525609Job plagued by evil spirits
Q114828900Job seated on a dunghill between his wife and his three friends (Job 1-42)
Q29952504Johann von Aich, mayor of Cologne, with his two sons
Q18573413Johannes Mellinchus
Q119698760John Berney Crome (1794–1842)
Q119948763John Chambre (1461–1549)
Q118878674John Coxwell (1516–1618)
Q119030217John Crome (1768–1821)
Q28043410John Fletcher
Q119010635John Frere (1740–1807)
Q119699631John Herring, Mayor of Norwich, 1799 (after John Opie)
Q120023270John Pawson
Q119843626John Wesley (1703–1791)
Q52223054John Wycliffe (d.1384)
Q29920914John the Baptist preaching
Q116910639John the Baptist preaching
Q121501886John the Evangelist
Q27336468John, Duke of Burgundy
Q29871365Jonah Leaves the Whale's Belly
Q105403959Jonah with the Whale
Q106877472Joos van der Burch and Saint Simon of Jerusalem
Q22672398Joris van Zelle
Q119845839Joseph Birch, Mayor (1848–1849)
Q42185590Joseph Selling Corn
Q50927970Joseph Selling Grain in Egypt
Q119036515Joseph Stannard (1797–1830)
Q17319696Joseph and Potiphar's Wife
Q121705685Joseph and his brothers (Genesis 42:6-27)
Q60669038Joseph and the pharao Potiphar's wife
Q122982137Joseph is sold for twenty pieces of silver by his brothers to the Medianites (Genesis 37:28)
Q21422900Judas Repentant, Returning the Pieces of Silver
Q4445300Judgement of Cambyses
Q21013240Judgement of Cambyses: The Arrest of Sisamnes
Q104534064Judith in the tent of Holofernes (Judith 13:4-6)
Q27979129Judith shows Holofernes's head to the people (Judith 19)
Q29919259Judith with the Head of Holofernes
Q29938854Judith with the Head of Holophernes
Q66664706Judith with the Head of Holophernes
Q5956432Juno discovering Jupiter with Io
Q29919334Juno, Argus and Io
Q23929506Jupiter and Antiope
Q50901439Jupiter and Mercury Punishing the Nymph Lara
Q121543233Jupiter reassuring Venus
Q114769924Jupiter, in the guise of Diana, seduces the nymph Callisto
Q104601494Józef Mehoffer in the studio
Q104528546Kaartspelers in een herberg
Q99566962Katharina of Bora
Q118875877Katheryn of Berain (1540/1541–1591), ‘The Mother of Wales’
Q50887992King Ahasverus crowing Esther
Q114745135King Balthasar
Q29951401King Balthazar
Q50324995King Charles I of England (1600–1649) in an arched hall
Q64520929King David Handing the Letter to Uriah
Q52301099King Henri II, King of France (1519–1559) on Horseback
Q52204637King Henry VI (1421–1471)
Q52204606King Henry VII (1457–1509)
Q52204649King Henry VII (1457–1509)
Q52252490King Henry VIII (1491-1547)
Q52204598King Henry VIII (1491–1547)
Q52204725King Henry VIII (1491–1547)
Q52223067King Henry VIII (1491–1547) (after Hans Holbein the younger)
Q52300934King Philip I, King of Spain, ‘the Fair' (1478-1506), as a boy
Q24034983King Władysław Łokietek breaks negotiations with the Teutonic Knights
Q118677086King of Denmark
Q20881447Kitchen Interior
Q64787161Kitchen Interior
Q18600225Kitchen Scene
Q104772092Kitchen Scene with Calf's Head and Painting of Wedding at Cana
Q18599671Kitchen Scene with Christ in the House of Martha and Mary
Q60464954Kitchen Still Life
Q50928313Kitchen Still Life with a Copper Cauldron
Q50913099Kitchen Still Life with the Supper at Emmaus
Q114745178Kitchen interioe
Q114745037Kitchen piece
Q117225892Kitchen scene with the road to Emmaus and the supper in Emmaus
Q29903703Kneeling donor with hunting clothing
Q104532737Knight in armour with a German order
Q104596026Kościuszko at Racławice, sketch
Q104627630Krajobraz wiejski z drzewami
Q104631448Kwiaty w koszyku
Q119717605Lady Frances Honywood
Q19911416Lady Guildford (Mary Wotton, 1499–1558)
Q118880491Lady Hawkins (d.1620)
Q15728639Lady Jane Dudley (née Grey)
Q62341964Lady and Cavalier
Q85228705Lady playing the Lute
Q61578050Laid Table with Cheese, Fruit and a Passglass
Q6481761Lamentation Over The Dead Christ
Q28802046Lamentation of Christ
Q29834691Lamentation of Christ
Q107438421Lamentation of Christ
Q121501884Lamentation of Christ
Q29953946Lamentation of Christ (after Raphael)
Q29903763Lamentation triptych: Lamentation of Christ (followers)
Q60606904Landing a Boat
Q29965642Landing place in a river
Q50913024Landscape (Mountainous Landscape with a River)
Q119947600Landscape (probably Suffolk)
Q107587192Landscape In Moonlight with Three Windmills
Q104532878Landscape at a waterfall
Q104591942Landscape at sunset
Q104600412Landscape at sunset
Q31202588Landscape at sunset.
Q63889750Landscape at the Edge of a Village
Q105441323Landscape by Moonlight
Q104586299Landscape from Vallée du Cousin
Q38243941Landscape in Moonlight
Q117228250Landscape near Haarlem
Q119056963Landscape near Haarlem
Q104615395Landscape study – Mulleins in front of a cottage
Q121694016Landscape wit a path in a forrest
Q121547667Landscape with Lot made drunk by his daughters; in the background th destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:33-34)
Q28060079Landscape with milk maid and cows near a reiver
Q117214466Landscape with Ancient Round Temple
Q50897741Landscape with Animals
Q47011128Landscape with Bowlers
Q105403403Landscape with Bridge
Q120536202Landscape with Cain slaying his brother Abel (Genesis 4:8)
Q50973017Landscape with Cattle
Q50989678Landscape with Cattle
Q59779914Landscape with Cattle
Q105442293Landscape with Cattle
Q118985368Landscape with Cattle
Q118987612Landscape with Cattle
Q119923944Landscape with Cattle
Q119930619Landscape with Cattle
Q119838307Landscape with Cattle and Herdsmen Seated on a Log
Q105441742Landscape with Cattle and Town in the Background
Q114769810Landscape with Christ on the road to Emmaus
Q114769863Landscape with Christ tempted by Satan
Q47015737Landscape with City on a River
Q106360973Landscape with Cottages and a Rider
Q61743167Landscape with Cows
Q119700615Landscape with Cows in a Pool by a Clump of Trees
Q118894973Landscape with Deer
Q121693937Landscape with Diogenes and Alexander
Q119924164Landscape with Figures
Q18602103Landscape with Figures and Cattle
Q52146920Landscape with Figures bathing near Classical Ruins
Q50942164Landscape with Fishermen
Q50881274Landscape with Fowl
Q119499846Landscape with Haystack
Q50944109Landscape with Herdsmen
Q47487681Landscape with Hermit
Q116897595Landscape with Hut and Draw Well
Q52248114Landscape with Lake
Q117225842Landscape with Mary Magdalene in penitence
Q117215682Landscape with Meleager and Atalanta
Q117228244Landscape with Mercury, Argus and Io
Q98150069Landscape with Minerva Expelling Mars to Protect Peace and Plenty
Q50980829Landscape with Morra Players (The Small Limekiln)
Q119685429Landscape with Norwich Castle and Cathedral in the Distance
Q121539911Landscape with Pan nd Syrinx (Metamorphoses 1:689-713)
Q106364820Landscape with Peasants Fetching Water
Q50984184Landscape with Peasants Playing Bowls
Q104534463Landscape with Rebecca and Eliezer
Q118984793Landscape with Rijswijk Castle, Holland
Q119954430Landscape with Roman Ruins
Q106359494Landscape with Ruins
Q119925157Landscape with Ruins and Figures
Q63978888Landscape with Sandy Road
Q26520757Landscape with Satyrs
Q119085744Landscape with Sheep and Ducks
Q18601371Landscape with Sheep and a Sleeping Shepherd
Q47011118Landscape with Shepherd
Q49393775Landscape with Shepherdess and Shepherd Playing Flute
Q20972455Landscape with Sluice
Q118984554Landscape with Sportsmen Shooting
Q114828802Landscape with St. Jerome
Q64787383Landscape with Tavern
Q47010878Landscape with Tower
Q119932953Landscape with Travellers Resting
Q119753652Landscape with Travellers Resting and a Couple on Horseback
Q50912831Landscape with Travellers and Sheep
Q50889227Landscape with Travellers at Rest
Q119685389Landscape with Trees and a Cottage at Felbrigg, Norfolk
Q114769861Landscape with Venus lamenting the dead Adonis
Q117225767Landscape with Venus, Bacchus and Ceres
Q105441664Landscape with Waterfall
Q20925213Landscape with Windmills near Haarlem
Q50982032Landscape with a Castle by Night
Q20925398Landscape with a Church
Q119700618Landscape with a Church in the Distance and Figure in a Red Shawl
Q21487096Landscape with a Coach
Q105441748Landscape with a Coach
Q119012273Landscape with a Cowherd
Q106357856Landscape with a Farm
Q50887155Landscape with a Forge (The Flight into Egypt)
Q118985343Landscape with a Hawking Party
Q117215271Landscape with a Herd at a Watering Place
Q119879884Landscape with a Hunting Scene
Q56720377Landscape with a Shepherd and his Herd by a City gate
Q118986567Landscape with a Stag Hunt
Q118878202Landscape with a Town in the Middle Distance
Q118877519Landscape with a Wayside Inn
Q105441329Landscape with a Windmill
Q104541974Landscape with a bridge
Q104627147Landscape with a bridge and cows (Espaly)
Q117226559Landscape with a bridge over a stream
Q104590802Landscape with a bunch of trees
Q104602795Landscape with a bunch of trees
Q104532828Landscape with a castle
Q104532874Landscape with a castle
Q104599393Landscape with a cottage
Q104599524Landscape with a cottage
Q117228246Landscape with a cottage and figures on the riverbank
Q123907569Landscape with a cottage besides a ditch
Q104532652Landscape with a creek and cattle
Q104627745Landscape with a factory chimney
Q104533733Landscape with a genre scene
Q104559661Landscape with a herd at the forest edge
Q104532482Landscape with a horseman and a dog
Q117226051Landscape with a market
Q104576926Landscape with a mill
Q114707357Landscape with a mill and the church of Laag-Elten
Q104620399Landscape with a moon
Q117228245Landscape with a raid on a carriage
Q104596181Landscape with a riverat sunset
Q104577591Landscape with a road
Q121696154Landscape with a road
Q107443460Landscape with a ruin at a stretch of water
Q104624096Landscape with a sailing boat
Q21477701Landscape with a seven arched bridge
Q104607241Landscape with a shrine
Q107443455Landscape with a tower
Q114721438Landscape with a traveller, a church beyond
Q104531955Landscape with a windmill and a bridge
Q121705200Landscape with an allegory of the four elements
Q116294874Landscape with an old woman and a child with a dog on a road leading to a country estate
Q115452471Landscape with bathing men
Q115452472Landscape with bathing nymphs
Q116141501Landscape with bathing nymphs
Q122724532Landscape with battle scene
Q117205296Landscape with bridge over a river
Q104533811Landscape with cattle
Q112229859Landscape with cattle
Q117228833Landscape with cattle
Q107436016Landscape with cattle and a shepherd
Q30057597Landscape with cattle and bathing woman
Q122453856Landscape with cattle and peasants near a farmhouse
Q114761004Landscape with cattle, ducks and a litter of pigs near a cottage
Q29959638Landscape with chapel
Q114744971Landscape with farm
Q28020452Landscape with farm at a river
Q114745224Landscape with farmers
Q114769755Landscape with farmers returning from the corn harvest, with perspective on the right on a woman in a cornfield, Ruth in the field of Boaz?
Q121696539Landscape with farmland near a castle
Q121548342Landscape with fighting and fleeing animals (after the Fall of Man ?)
Q30058232Landscape with fighting animals
Q121555577Landscape with figures on a forest track
Q115940879Landscape with four cows and a milkmaid
Q104532566Landscape with goats
Q117226547Landscape with grazing and resting cattle and a milkmaid
Q117228251Landscape with herd of cattle
Q114769927Landscape with horeseman giving alms to a begging pilger
Q104535556Landscape with horsemen
Q104532597Landscape with horsemen on the road
Q114769930Landscape with hunters and wayfarers
Q60663884Landscape with nomads
Q117205249Landscape with nymph and a satyr (?)
Q70900835Landscape with peasants resting
Q104535004Landscape with people and cattle
Q22083359Landscape with robbers sharing loot.
Q104572957Landscape with rocks
Q104533934Landscape with ruins
Q104535837Landscape with ruins and staffage
Q117225850Landscape with scenes of the temptation of saint Anthony
Q120685444Landscape with sheep, two shepherds beyond
Q104533704Landscape with shepherds
Q114709709Landscape with soldiers surveying the aftermath of a battle
Q104532880Landscape with staffage
Q117205292Landscape with tall trees and a walker along the water
Q18599834Landscape with the Disobedient Prophet
Q121546919Landscape with the Good Samaritan tending the wounds of the traveller (Luke 10:25-37)
Q27982699Landscape with the Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Q117205181Landscape with the flight into Egypt
Q50323684Landscape with the judgment of Midas
Q117225887Landscape with the penitent Saint Jerome
Q50323630Landscape with the rest on the flight into Egypt
Q104622236Landscape with the sun shining through
Q123163660Landscape with the temptations of St. Antony amongst ruins
Q50324027Landscape with travelers and bittern hunter
Q28802374Landscape with travellers and cattle
Q114769750Landscape with travellers on a wooden bridge with view on a moated castle in the background, an allegory of Spring?
Q121685611Landscape with travellers resting, a village beyond
Q104553379Landscape with trees, lake and boats
Q104599452Landscape with water and bulrush
Q117228249Landscape with waterfall
Q28802348Landscape with windmills.
Q104595118Landscape – Farmstead
Q104597921Landscape – Godebski's villa in Valvins
Q104560107Landscape – Paplauja near Vilnius
Q104592272Landscape – View of Vallée du Cousin
Q104600429Landscape – a horse on the pasture
Q104612367Landscape, sketch for “Strange garden”
Q121543497Landsdcape with a shepherd and his flock
Q121543519Landsdcape with a shepherd and his flock
Q119954404Lane Scene
Q19321101Large Round Pietà
Q86852543Large Ships and Boats in a Calm
Q2844476Last Judgement
Q21671833Last Judgement
Q114745219Last Judgement
Q29953682Last Supper
Q104532355Last Supper
Q121547828Last Supper
Q117226532Latona changes the Lycian peasants into frogs
Q18601474Laughing Jester
Q104532346Leda and the swan
Q50885604Left wing of the Memling Crucifixion Triptych: Christ Carrying the Cross (exterior: The Archangel Gabriel )
Q20076437Legend of the Relics of St. John the Baptist
Q28803594Let the little children come to me
Q19905364Lieven Willemsz van Coppenol (born about 1599, died 1671 or later)
Q21722884Lion Hunt
Q121697763Lion standing in a landscape
Q28029260Lions in a Landscape
Q104627150Little girl carrying brushwood
Q104626067Little girl in a blue dress
Q104626969Little girl with a basket of apples on her knees
Q104627906Little girl with a doll
Q104626964Little girl with a fringe
Q104626911Little girl with a goat
Q104626943Little girl with a red ribbon
Q104627887Little girls with grapes
Q104626941Little girl’s head
Q104627204Little girl’s head
Q104629785Living-room interior in Lusławice
Q121692483Llandscape with a resting hunter and a fruitseller: Allegory of Summer
Q121692492Llandscape with activities on and around the farm: Allegory of Spring
Q121692487Llandscape with the harvest of the grain: Allegory of Autumn
Q29920841Looting of a luggage train
Q104533958Lot Fleeing from Sodom
Q64515649Lot and His Daughters
Q106365517Lot and his Daugthers
Q107124417Lot made drunk by his daughters (Genesis 19:33-34)
Q66010591Lot with his Daughters
Q105404257Louis II of Hungary
Q118676437Louis XII (1462–1515)
Q50945625Loving Couple
Q474409Lucca Madonna
Q121511677Lucretia's suicide
Q121693084Lucretia's suicide
Q17583748Lucrèce au travail
Q28538632Lucy, Countess of Carlisle, and Dorothy Percy’s Visit to their Father Lord Percy, when under Attainder ...
Q116294923Lyversberg Passion
Q29955766Lyversberg Passion: Adoration of the Magi
Q29952643Lyversberg Passion: The Annunciation
Q61473576Madame Perregaux
Q121698220Madonna Enthroned
Q21443775Madonna and Child
Q27501880Madonna and Child
Q27982689Madonna and Child
Q52128998Madonna and Child
Q116838130Madonna and Child
Q117225820Madonna and Child
Q117832398Madonna and Child
Q43133135Madonna and Child on a grass bench.
Q29822761Madonna and Child with Saint Anne
Q27980407Madonna and Child with St Anna in a Flower Garland
Q24470863Madonna crowned by angels
Q29958027Madonna enthroned
Q70505990Madonna of Ears
Q3213791Madonna of Jacob Floreins
Q102105771Madonna of the Cherries
Q104532174Madonna with Child Jesus
Q104532215Madonna with Child Jesus
Q104533524Madonna with Child Jesus
Q104533530Madonna with Child Jesus in cartouche and flowers
Q104532130Madonna with Child Jesus in the window
Q117205133Madonna with Child before an altar
Q107437616Madonna with Christ Child
Q104636071Madonna with the Infant Christ
Q21677185Madonna with the Saints Catherine and Barbara
Q121698179Madonna with veil
Q50989758Magdalene Washing the Feet of Christ
Q114745262Male portrait
Q124789668Male portrait
Q21823340Man Wearing a Plumed Beret and Gorget
Q50912587Man Writing
Q104591761Man against the sea – Sudanese
Q104603736Man and a child, from the series “Seasons – summer”
Q104532499Man at the table
Q114745228Man drinking and a woman offering him a fish
Q18688161Man in Classical Dress, possibly Philip Herbert, 4th Earl of Pembroke
Q21369078Man in Oriental Dress
Q21866316Man in a Beret looking Left showing a Fist
Q27979775Man in a Fur Wrap and Pleated Collar
Q21406066Man in a gorget and a plumed cap
Q116910361Man in armor
Q5013634Man of Sorrows
Q27565352Man of Sorrows
Q29952151Man of Sorrows
Q118874198Man of Sorrows
Q104553679Man sharpening a pen
Q105441375Man with Jug
Q116910706Man with a Jug
Q118886834Man with a Jug
Q3937422Man with a Roman coin
Q114745287Man with a baret
Q104541766Man with a pipe
Q30097877Man with letter and woman with a jar in an interior
Q114745279Man with pipe
Q121856845Manoah's sacrifice; the angel ascends in the flames (Judges 13:1-20)
Q26692170Marco Barbarigo
Q20187138Margaret of Austria
Q118680588Margaret of Austria
Q119726651Maria Cleophas with children
Q104529436Maria en kind voor de paradijspoort
Q56676893Maria van Ghinderdeuren
Q107441979Marien Altar from St. Gereon
Q23928850Marine Deitie
Q104534409Marine landscape
Q104541244Marine landscape
Q104560514Marine landscape
Q104533662Marine view with the Vlissingen port in the background
Q27978344Market Scene
Q50932793Market Scene
Q50986506Market Scene
Q119082497Market Scene by Candlelight
Q114709681Market day in Gent (Ghent)
Q117215684Market in Small Town
Q114744997Market scene and the parable of the workers in the vineyard
Q22009418Market scene with a poultry seller.
Q104591640Marketplace in Dobruja
Q104595345Marketplace in Munich
Q104595430Marketplace in Przemyśl
Q121696371Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
Q117228194Marriage of Saint Agnes
Q115298716Mars and Venus
Q119757026Marsh Mill, Norfolk (Mill at Reedham)
Q116945190Martin Luther on his deathbed
Q104627143Martwa natura na niebieskim tle
Q104632479Martwa natura z fajkami
Q117225783Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Q121697909Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Q104532068Martyrdom of St. Crispin and Crispinian
Q104537162Martyrdom of St. Lawrence
Q104532430Martyrdom of St. Sebastian
Q50978674Martyrdom of the Apostle Jude Thaddeus
Q101150344Martyrdom of the Theban Legion
Q118875290Mary I (1516–1558), Queen of England and Ireland
Q114828462Mary Magdalene
Q50990642Mary Magdalene Reading
Q114745036Mary Magdalene and St. John the Baptist
Q121705726Mary Magdalene and the choice between Good and Evil
Q121462182Mary Magdalene holding the unguent jar
Q61742822Mary Magdalene in the Desert
Q28802157Mary Magdalene under the cross
Q59492995Mary Neville, Lady Dacre
Q114828769Mary and Child, enthroned
Q114745153Mary and Christ with angels making music
Q116285120Mary and child
Q121498841Mary as Mater Dolorosa
Q121697942Mary as mourning mother
Q29958022Mary enthroned with the Christ child
Q121514377Mary surrounded by angels, saints and figures from the Old Testament (recto left), Holy Trinity surrounded by angels, saints and figures from the Old Testament (middle), Saint John the Baptist surroun
Q116283593Mary with Child and Angels
Q121687484Mary with Child and a landscape with the flight into Egypt
Q121547242Mary with child
Q21600952Mary with the Child
Q107438747Mary with the Christ-child
Q29952675Mary with the Christ-child next to a plant trough
Q104971879Marzipan Gateau from Königsberg
Q50325860Masked dance near Roman ruins
Q15674230Massacre of the Innocents
Q15691130Massacre of the Innocents
Q116913002Master at the easel
Q26493239Mater Dolorosa
Q27565389Mater Dolorosa
Q121498827Mater Dolorosa
Q28831573Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange
Q60668885Meadow landscape with cows and sheep
Q119806942Meadows near Norwich
Q28926159Meal in the Barn
Q17541505Meal of 14 militia guardsmen
Q104528406Meergezicht met een visser
Q118888075Meleager and Atalanta
Q121539975Meleager presenting to Atalanta the head of the Calydonian boar
Q104650576Memory of a summer
Q11777486Mercury and Argus
Q27982056Mercury and Jupiter in the House of Philemon and Baucis
Q121833831Meridional landscape with Diana and Actaeon
Q117225336Merra-Making in Front of Front of a Cottage (Reconciliation between Netherlandish Peasants and Spanish Soldiers)
Q50887649Merry Company
Q50914261Merry Company
Q108385554Merry Company
Q66010770Merry Company (Brothel Scene)
Q50980849Merry Company (Das Bohnenkönigfest ?)
Q50905880Merry Company Making Music
Q50943317Merry Company Making Music
Q117215700Merry Company in a Military Camp
Q50888804Merry Company in a Tavern
Q55618845Merry Company in an Interior
Q18601321Merry company
Q116294950Merry company
Q117226007Merry company
Q121696521Merry company in a forest
Q28831093Merry company in the park
Q119151954Merry company making music and dancing in a brothel
Q104532503Merry-making in a tavern
Q47693659Merwede Tower, Artist Sketching
Q50324955Meyer Madonna
Q104627568Miasteczko na wzgórzu (okolice Le Puy z Chateau de Polignac)
Q117226546Milk maid with cattle in front of a farm house
Q50323614Minerva and the muses
Q104649811Miracle in Cana of Galilee
Q27980146Miracle of Saint Ignatius of Loyala (study)
Q323032Miraflores Altarpiece
Q119671687Miss Julia Smith
Q119422540Mme Mosselmann
Q104640147Modern thought
Q57403283Monastery in a Landscape
Q104532501Monastic landscape
Q2741541Monforte Altarpiece
Q104537500Monk at the bedside of an ill woman
Q118678004Monsour de Nassau (1451–1504) (also known as Engelbert of Nassau)
Q118877640Moonlight Landscape with River
Q119797146Moonlight Scene
Q119685383Moonlight Scene, Carrow
Q50979757Moonlight View with a Fire
Q59588681Moonlit Landscape with a Broad Stream
Q50934454Moonlit View on a River
Q104622058Moonlit hill
Q104601718Morning in Porto Cruz Maurizia. From the journey to Italy
Q114745227Morning toilet
Q104521864Moses Strikes Water from the Rock
Q29349230Moses Striking Water from the Rock
Q64787739Moses Striking the Rock
Q87345953Moses Striking the Rock
Q116044999Moses and Aaron
Q117225818Moses and Aaron before the Pharaoh
Q117225995Moses and the Israelites with the coffin of Joseph on the shore, while Pharaoh's army drowns in the Red Sea (Exodus 13:22-31)
Q104526178Moses and the Israelites with the coffin of Joseph on the shore, while Pharaoh's army drowns in the Red Sea (Exodus 14: 22-31)
Q50908344Moses before the Burning Bush
Q114761131Moses found by the pharao's daughter
Q42668740Moses strikes water from the stone
Q121691534Moses striking water from the rock (Exodus 20:1-13)
Q117226310Moses striking water from the rock, so the people can quench theri thirst (Exodus 20:1-13; Numbers 20:2-13)
Q117225997Moses takes the bones of Joseph with him; with his people safe on the shore, Moses raises his hands and causes the water to return (Exodus 14)
Q111595881Moses, Aaron and Miriam and other women celebrate the crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus 15: 1-21)
Q59453870Mother amusing her child
Q104628794Mother and child
Q63413832Mount Calvary of the Wasservass Family
Q105958258Mountain Hike
Q114769805Mountain Landscape with a Forge and Watermill
Q104532421Mountain landscape
Q104535342Mountain landscape from the Rheinland
Q104626391Mountain landscape in winter
Q121691615Mountain landscape with Loth and his daughters
Q114769816Mountain landscape with Venus, Adonis and Cupid
Q104533674Mountain landscape with a bridge
Q104533976Mountain landscape with a broken tree
Q104533529Mountain landscape with a caravan
Q114769783Mountain landscape with a drunk and riders
Q117226626Mountain landscape with a waterfall
Q124097804Mountain landscape with boats at a mooring place in the bend of a river
Q117205320Mountain landscape with buildings along a river
Q30096977Mountain landscape with caves
Q121695186Mountain landscape with country folk dancing and merrymaking outside taverns by a small lake, a maypole in the distance
Q114745223Mountain landscape with farmers and travellers
Q50323610Mountain landscape with fir trunks in a stream
Q104533923Mountain landscape with staffage
Q116284405Mountain landscape with the sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22: 9-13)
Q114769813Mountain landscape with travellers
Q29964689Mountain landschape with travellers
Q104528587Mountain pass with soldiers attacking peasants
Q114745116Mountainlandscape with a hunter, shepherd and cattle at rest
Q63213964Mountainous Landscape
Q63213979Mountainous Landscape
Q64787751Mountainous Landscape with a River, in the Foreground a Village with Several Boats Moored at the Bank
Q117227510Mountainous Lanscape with travellers
Q121689875Mountainous landscape with Mercury and Herse
Q114769759Mountainous landscape with a caravan traveling through a mountain pass
Q116296375Mountainous landscape with a harbour
Q114769932Mountainous landscape with assault on two wayfarers
Q114769758Mountainous landscape with boats on a river
Q114769845Mountainous landscape with goose herd and view on a harbour in the background
Q114769933Mountainous landscape with horseman and wayfarers on a mountain path
Q114769843Mountainous landscape with hunters and donkey caravan
Q114769846Mountainous landscape with hunters near a broken bridge
Q121705361Mountainous landscape with natural arch
Q114769935Mountainous landscape with reclining woman in the foreground
Q114769931Mountainous landscape with river valley and pilgrims on a mountain path
Q120777870Mountainous landscape with shepherds and cattle
Q121695728Mountainous landscape with the Feast of Herod and the Dream of Joseph (Marc 6: 21-22, Matthew 2: 13)
Q114706800Mountainous landscape with the Good Samaritan tending the wounds of the traveller (Luke 10:25-37)
Q43094270Mountainous landscape with the temptations of Christ
Q114769929Mountainous landscape with travellers
Q116687418Mountainous landscape with travellers
Q114769934Mountainous landscape with travellers on a hilly road
Q50323976Mountainous landscape with valley and rainbow
Q114769748Mountainous landscape with wayfarers and fisherman
Q104532131Mourning of Christ
Q104532242Mourning of Christ (Matthew 27:59–61; Mark 15:46–47; Luke 23:53–56; John 19:38–42)
Q50323287Moutainous landscape with four riders and two beggars
Q118876307Mr Bill, Dean of Westminster
Q119803317Mrs Soame
Q114745077Music company
Q23906327Music – central section of the triptych
Q23906303Music –triptych
Q23906290Music, the right part of the triptych
Q28057385Music-making Angels
Q28061792Musical Company
Q104541928Musical duo with wine
Q117226172Musical entertainment
Q22083331Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine
Q104532426Mystical marriage of St. Catherine
Q285392Mérode Altarpiece
Q104532529Narrow road of virtue and wide road of sin (Matthew 7:13-14)
Q29952790Nativiti (altar piece, with the Cucifixion op Saint Peter and a martyr as outer parts)
Q6980131Nativity at Night
Q104532175Nativity of Christ
Q29480667Nativity of Mary by Master of the Life of the Virgin
Q121691827Nausicaa and her friends frolicking on the beach, in the thicket the seeping Hercules
Q119810096Naval Engagement
Q50881459Nelson and the bear
Q119806974Nelson's Column at Great Yarmouth
Q121539508Nicasius and Georg Hackeney with Saints Nicasius and George (interior left wing), the Death of the Virgin (centre panel), Christina Hardenrath and Sibilla van Merle with Saints Christina and Gudula (i
Q20020055Nicolas de Neufville, seigneur de Villeroy
Q42297856Night fishing
Q29965081Night scene with children
Q114769923Nimrod and the building of theTower of Babel (Genesis 11:3-5)
Q104535255Noah’s family and animals in front of the ark (Genesis 7:1-3)
Q64787780Nocturnal Canal Landscape with Fishing Boats
Q104599323Nocturnal landscape
Q121686392Nocturnal seascape with sailing ships
Q114745309Noli me tangere
Q119042589Norwich Cathedral, Norfolk
Q116840410Nursing Madonna
Q55759427Nursing Mother
Q50896928Nymphs and Satyrs
Q106358938Nymphs in a Cave with Antique Ruins
Q50912262Nymphs in a Grotto
Q104533921Offering scene
Q104535153Officer writing a letter
Q104598074Ogonowice in the region of Radom
Q26528150Oil Sketch for High Altarpiece, St Bavo, Ghent
Q104597645Ojców – Boy against the rocks
Q50932916Old Couple with a Spinning-Wheel
Q114035772Old Gentleman on the Terrace
Q106768675Old Lady with Rose
Q18599274Old Man
Q21981110Old Man
Q44191887Old Man Mending his Pen
Q118892216Old Man Writing
Q20557928Old Man in Prayer
Q106364758Old Man with a Beer-jug
Q50944902Old Man with a Beret
Q29960340Old Man with a Globe
Q18599894Old Man with a Jug
Q50973404Old Tower on a River (The Pellekusport at Utrecht?)
Q119949202Old Trowse Bridge, Norwich
Q18599275Old Woman
Q118891746Old Woman Reading
Q18599366Old Woman Reading the Bible
Q30096234Old Woman and Boy by Candlelight
Q28798126Old Woman with a Basket of Coal
Q112626507Old Woman with a Fur Cap Holding a Jug and Singing
Q104529768Old farmer resting together with a dog
Q104534987Old man and a boy eating from one bowl (Allegory of Taste)
Q104533962Old man in a skullcap
Q55844356Old man in oriental costume
Q121514791Old man praying
Q114745083Old man warms his hands
Q117226165Old man with a pipe and a plate with fishes
Q104532837Old man with a pipe in the window
Q50325042Old man with a red cap
Q28828724Old man with a sphere.
Q28830908Old man with an hourglass.
Q21481304Old scholar in a study
Q104533823Old woman and a boy with a candle
Q104552175Old woman indoors
Q56163588Old woman selling chestnuts and red herring
Q116910472Old woman weighing gold
Q104630459Old woman with a Rosary
Q117205267Old woman with a purse and a coin
Q64800028On a Country Road
Q104589484On sleighs through thaw
Q119810344On the River Yare, Norfolk
Q122971857On the Warnow near Schwaan
Q119806939On the Yare at Whitlingham, Norfolk
Q104532554On the frozen canal
Q104651418Opening board for the first part of ‘My diary’ and board no. 1 ‘First period 1889-1909’
Q18601013Oriental Harbour
Q104587476Oriental rider on a white horse
Q50942210Orpheus Charming the Animals with his Music
Q18599718Orpheus Playing for the Animals
Q104533116Orpheus among the animals
Q104541140Our Lady of Pochaiv
Q27445219Our Lady of the Milk
Q21540375Oval Portrait of a Young Woman in Flat Lace Collar
Q104649249Oval with a southern sea
Q114745212Owl as a decoy
Q55814386Oyster Breakfast
Q104618956Painter Janusz Nawroczyński in the studio, sketch
Q104618869Painter Roman Laskowski at the table, sketch
Q114778962Painter's box decorated with landscapes
Q23611013Palette with a young gypsy (Odalisque).
Q104626801Palette with scenes from the history of Poland
Q55864004Pan and Syrinx
Q111371302Pan and Syrinx
Q50950619Pandora (?)
Q121693963Panoramic landscape with a hunter on the foreground
Q121689481Panoramic mountainous landscape
Q121683223Panoramic riverlandscape with the predication of Saint John and the baptism of Christ
Q121691791Panoramic view of a city under siege
Q21965811Parable of the Hidden Treasure
Q50901037Parable of the Unfair Judge (Luc. 18,1-8)
Q104532249Parable of the great banquet
Q104532161Parable of the unjust steward (Luke 16:1-13)
Q104607060Parapet of balcony with flower pots
Q3207988Paris Parliament Crucifixion
Q104533914Park landscape with a group of hunters presenting tropies to the ladies
Q104532434Parley of Absalom with Ahithophel and Hushai the Arkite (2 Samuel 17:1-15)
Q113727853Passport Please
Q119879473Pastoral Landscape with a Ruin
Q29866372Pastoral Scene (Corydon and Silvia)
Q104533863Pastoral landscape
Q104534016Pastoral landscape
Q104534870Pastoral landscape
Q104537255Pastoral scene
Q104541958Pastoral scene
Q104541960Pastoral scene
Q114745241Pastoral scene
Q104541983Pasture land
Q107436018Pasture with tree
Q50324527Paternal Duties
Q50257557Path through the Dunes
Q64788017Path through the Dunes
Q50947786Path to a Brook
Q61053079Peaches on a Tin Plate
Q50891470Peasant Court with an Old Woman and a Cat
Q86744027Peasant Family and a Dog beside a Hearth
Q44195564Peasant Family by a Hearth
Q105442006Peasant Interior
Q106362821Peasant Interior with Two Women
Q105403677Peasant Wedding
Q117306055Peasant Wedding Dance
Q117225845Peasant Woman with a Jug
Q117225812Peasant and satyr
Q104534982Peasant bacchanalia
Q44205404Peasant company in an interior with a man with a violin
Q114721041Peasant in an interior treating his wounded knee
Q104582528Peasant taking a pinch of snuff
Q117226623Peasant wedding
Q118906129Peasant wedding outdoors
Q50892520Peasants Dancing in a Barn
Q106368070Peasants Drinking
Q29951103Peasants Drinking and Dancing at an Inn
Q64902555Peasants Fighting at an Inn
Q29921009Peasants Fighting at the Village Inn
Q106365191Peasants Playing Blind Man's Buff
Q106358897Peasants Singing at an Inn
Q105404161Peasants Wedding
Q26706939Peasants and Cattle by the River Merwede
Q44592365Peasants at an Inn
Q111551105Peasants by the Hearth
Q117225856Peasants carousing in a tavern
Q104557223Peasants drinking wine
Q117228832Peasants fighting
Q116916836Peasants fighting in an interior
Q121505401Peasants fighting over a game of cards
Q50890295Peasants in a Tavern
Q50942700Peasants in a Tavern
Q50897425Peasants in an Inn
Q26692556Peasants making Music in an Inn
Q56163559Peasants playing cards at an inn
Q121702755Peasants playing cards in an interior
Q117225891Peasants' repast
Q104591544Pejzaż górski
Q104622935Pejzaż miejski (Esplanade des Invalides)
Q11824954Pendant portraits of the mayor of Bruges Willem Moreel and his wife Barbara van Vlaendenbergh, originally parts of a triptych
Q107099189Penitent Magdalene
Q62844898Penitent Magdalene (Allegory of Greed)
Q116294990Pentecost, the Massacre of the innocents and Christ's dispute with the doctors in the temple
Q2529962Perseus Freeing Andromeda
Q23928683Persian Sibyl
Q104532154Persian Sybil
Q114769827Personification of Abundance (Abundantia)
Q114769825Personification of Charity (Caritas)
Q114769823Personification of Earth (Cybele)
Q114769822Personification of Faith (Fides)
Q114769828Personification of Fertility (Ceres)
Q114769824Personification of Hope (Spes)
Q114769829Personification of Virtuousness
Q24343269Philip I the Fair as young man
Q118676573Philip of Cleves (1467–1505), 2nd Lord of Ravenstein
Q27800480Philip the Fair
Q118630541Philip the Good (1396–1467)
Q27981847Philip the Handsome (1478-1506)
Q28032163Phillip II (1527-1598), King of Spain
Q114761091Philo of Alexandria
Q3381192Philosopher in Meditation
Q18599638Pig Market near St Jacob's Church in the Hague
Q50978312Pig Slaughtering
Q124753852Pilate washing His Hands
Q114745259Pilate washing his hands 'in innocence'
Q104533814Pipe smoker in a tavern
Q104618207Plain-air sketch from Zwierzyniec
Q119422536Plateau above a Valley
Q104627169Play in a village
Q104532865Playing backgammon
Q104564732Playing checkers
Q117226031Playing children in front of a statue of Hercules
Q50122651Plundering Cossacks
Q119017256Plymouth Coast from Plymouth Sound, Devon
Q119013748Plymouth Old Jetty under the Citadel (?)
Q119017180Plymouth Sound, Devon
Q119017284Plymouth, Devon (?)
Q104619034Poisoned water well, sketch
Q22911051Polish marionettes (Les Marionettes polonaises).
Q29920847Political allegory
Q50324396Pond in the forest
Q23689815Pont Neuf in Paris
Q104650359Pop singers
Q50943374Porch and Quadrangle of a Palast
Q104627144Pork heating
Q104536993Port city
Q104536987Port scene
Q121688029Portat of a gentleman in a fur coat with a letter in his left hand
Q104601685Porto Maurizia. From the journey to Italy
Q111635400Portr. of Martin Luther
Q104532250Portrai of Lady de Haerlefels
Q3399374Portrait d'Alexandre Lenoir
Q50321238Portrait historié of Anna van Bergen, Marchioness of Veere (?-?) with her son, as Mary and child
Q114829157Portrait of Volckera Knobbert (1554-1634)
Q104551053Portrait of Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski
Q118732777Portrait of Adriaen Cromhout (....-1588)
Q50947969Portrait of Adriaen de Bruyn van Blanckevort
Q122447438Portrait of Agnes von Mansfeld-Eisleben
Q50321422Portrait of Albert III 'the Courageous' of Saxony (1443-1500)
Q121685780Portrait of Albert Vorst
Q104587961Portrait of Aleksander Branicki (1821–1877)
Q22004393Portrait of Alessandro Farnese
Q19928010Portrait of Aletta Adriaensdochter
Q104554563Portrait of Alojzy Żółkowski (father)
Q121549232Portrait of Anna Mockema
Q116284737Portrait of Anna tom Ring
Q121696174Portrait of Anthonis van Printhagen, named Ledersack
Q104533661Portrait of Anthony van Dyck's wife Mary Ruthven
Q7232256Portrait of Antoine, 'Grand Bâtard' of Burgundy
Q44243189Portrait of Antoine, bastard of Burgundy (1421–1504)
Q104553920Portrait of Antonina Krasińska née Czacka
Q27981207Portrait of Archduke Ferdinand II (1529-1595)
Q104540622Portrait of Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu (1585–1642), cardinal
Q114745068Portrait of Arnout van Zuylen van Nijvelt
Q104600341Portrait of Artur Potocki
Q114910959Portrait of Atke Abbema (....-....)
Q104626704Portrait of August Sokołowski, historian
Q116296275Portrait of Barthélemy Alatruye (?-1466), echtgenoot van Marie de Pacy
Q104534961Portrait of Beatrix Gibels van Linschoten
Q121686251Portrait of Bieuwck van Camminga
Q104600098Portrait of Bona Ossowiecka
Q3399498Portrait of Cardinal Niccolò Albergati
Q27036612Portrait of Catharina Entens (1602-1660)
Q60684014Portrait of Catharina Treu with her Still Life with Fruit
Q18683410Portrait of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Q116296356Portrait of Charles the Bold
Q104540620Portrait of Cicero (106–43 BC), Roman orator
Q50943480Portrait of Claes van den Kerchove as Saint Nicolas of Myra
Q29918257Portrait of Claudia de Valois (1547-1575)
Q121685798Portrait of Coenraet van Thuringen
Q21528907Portrait of Cornelia Pronck
Q43093532Portrait of Cornelis van Campene (1516-1567), echtgenoot van Josiene van Putten
Q107291654Portrait of Cyriacus Kale
Q104541017Portrait of Daniel Chodowiecki (1726–1801)
Q109321074Portrait of Daniel Nijs
Q121509089Portrait of Diego de Guevara
Q121696185Portrait of Dirk van Enghuizen
Q121544894Portrait of Domingo Ruzzola, called Domenico di Gesù Maria (1559-1630)
Q17335740Portrait of Dr. Ephraïm Bueno
Q121698161Portrait of Dr. Hermann Langenbeck
Q117205180Portrait of Edzard I, Count of Oost-Friesland
Q56346244Portrait of Eleanor of Austria
Q50321540Portrait of Eleonora of Portugal (1436(?)-1467)
Q121512616Portrait of Eleonora van Oostenrijk, koningin van Frankrijk (1498-1558)
Q22341193Portrait of Elizabeth of Valois, Queen of Spain.
Q117225816Portrait of Emerantia van Driel (1598-1660)
Q123485803Portrait of Emperor Charles V
Q27981241Portrait of Emperor Matthias (1557-1619) when Archduke, in the guise of P. Cornelius Scipio Major
Q27981198Portrait of Emperor Maximilian II (1527-1576)
Q17331775Portrait of Engelbrecht II, Count of Nassau
Q17525168Portrait of Erasmus in interior
Q110572054Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam
Q104551536Portrait of Ernest Schröder
Q121539943Portrait of Eusebia (?-360), wife of Emperor Constantius
Q104551870Portrait of Feliks Bentkowski
Q105581716Portrait of Frances Howard, Countess of Hertford
Q56676896Portrait of Frans Vekemans
Q121546252Portrait of François Thomas de Carignan, Prince of Savoy (1596-1656), commander in chief of the Spanish army and Governor-General of the Spanish Netherlands
Q85953925Portrait of François de Coligny
Q105403752Portrait of Frederic III the Wise, Elector of Saxony (1463–1525)
Q114910957Portrait of Frouckje van Goslinga (...-1616)
Q30096163Portrait of Gaspard de Crayer (1584-1669)
Q28086504Portrait of Geert Swarte (1603-1675)
Q28100213Portrait of Gerard Beelaerts (1613-1643)
Q50930452Portrait of Gertrud Cronenberg, second wife to Adriaen de Bruyn van Blanckenvort
Q28020215Portrait of Gillis Mostaert I (1528-1598)
Q3937546Portrait of Giovanni di Nicolao Arnolfini
Q104688068Portrait of Gottfried von Raesfeld
Q104627254Portrait of Halina Pruska
Q24381967Portrait of Hector van Bouricius
Q21515049Portrait of Hendrickje Stoffels in silk wrap
Q116306479Portrait of Hendrina van Arnhem (1625-1671)
Q22001346Portrait of Henry VIII of England.
Q121696181Portrait of Herman van Keppel
Q50942061Portrait of Hieronymus Haller
Q104600419Portrait of Hipolit Świeykowski
Q122899210Portrait of Isaac Pietersz. Kistemaker
Q114829149Portrait of Jacob Arentsz. van der Graeff (1586-1651)
Q17343012Portrait of Jacob de Gheyn III
Q28088778Portrait of Jacob de Graeff (1579-1638)
Q114745257Portrait of Jacobus Trigland (1583-1654)
Q114710022Portrait of Jacobus van der Bergh (1639-....)
Q104532217Portrait of Jacques du Mont
Q104627984Portrait of Jadwiga Niemojewska
Q21528774Portrait of Jan Boursse, Sitting by a Stove
Q116295000Portrait of Jan Henricksz de Veer
Q22669544Portrait of Jan Strick van Linschoten
Q121512218Portrait of Jan van Wassenaer (1483-1523)
Q50977963Portrait of Jan van den Kerchove
Q50933507Portrait of Jan van den Kerchove and Three Male Members of the Kerchove Family
Q121547787Portrait of Joan 'the Mad' of Aragon and Castile (1479-1555)
Q121698418Portrait of Joan Thornbury, wife of Richard Wakeman
Q27801064Portrait of Joan of Castile
Q27981846Portrait of Joan the Mad
Q116307399Portrait of Johan Kelfken (1583-1652)
Q114828666Portrait of Johan de Mauregnault (1540-1587)
Q50951564Portrait of Johan van Beverwijck and his Family
Q121697864Portrait of Johan van Huchtenbroeck (1563-1601)
Q121856806Portrait of Johan van Wassenaar Warmond (1624-1678)
Q121685790Portrait of Johan van de Sande
Q50914823Portrait of Johan van der Veken
Q111175014Portrait of Johann Froben
Q64788216Portrait of Johann Philipp Völker
Q29951952Portrait of Johann von Melem
Q105403760Portrait of John (I) the Steadfast, Elector of Saxony (1467–1532)
Q114757047Portrait of Joost van den Vondel
Q110655611Portrait of Joris Vekemans
Q43092683Portrait of Josiene van Putten (1528-1554), echtgenote van Cornelis van Campene
Q64788232Portrait of Justina von Holzhausen
Q104597582Portrait of Józef Szujski
Q104599990Portrait of Katarzyna Potocka née Branicka (1825–1907), wife of Adam
Q120638197Portrait of Katherine Parr (1512–1548), Queen of England and Ireland
Q114910958Portrait of Kempe van Donia (1554-1622)
Q50986108Portrait of King Charles IX (1550-1574)
Q110970335Portrait of King Charles IX of France
Q121697885Portrait of King Henry VII (1457-1509)
Q50939816Portrait of King Louis II of Hungary (posthumous)
Q114756987Portrait of L. (Levi) de Hartog (1835-1918)
Q121696170Portrait of Land Commander Bodo, Count of Hohenlohe
Q121696066Portrait of Land Commander Dirck van Holland
Q121696052Portrait of Land Commander Dirk van der Horst
Q121695829Portrait of Land Commander Gerrit Splinter van der Enge
Q121696057Portrait of Land Commander Gijsbert van der Goije
Q121696047Portrait of Land Commander Gosen van Rossum
Q121696033Portrait of Land Commander Hendrik van Hackfort
Q121696040Portrait of Land Commander Johan van Drongelen
Q121685805Portrait of Land Commander Johan van Haeften
Q121696062Portrait of Land Commander Ludolf van Bun
Q121696029Portrait of Land Commander Nicolaas van der Dussen
Q121686038Portrait of Land Commander Reinier van Opburen
Q121685815Portrait of Land Commander Seger van der Sluse van Huesde
Q121687360Portrait of Laurens Jacobsz. (....-1603) and his family
Q85417384Portrait of Lidia van Vredenburch (?-1679), with a Young Negro Page
Q104540631Portrait of Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé (1530–1569)
Q121501143Portrait of Louise of Savoy as Sibylla Agrippa
Q114745189Portrait of Louise van der Noot
Q104587451Portrait of Ludwika Groppler
Q104534478Portrait of Maerten Soolmans (1613–1641)
Q21468669Portrait of Maertgen van Bilderbeecq, Wife of Willem Burggraeff
Q104590513Portrait of Maksymilian Gierymski
Q64876369Portrait of Marchese Ambrogio Spinola
Q29954243Portrait of Margaret of Austria (1480-1530) as Mary Magdalene
Q116772821Portrait of Margaretha Völker, née Von Holzhausen
Q64788362Portrait of Margarethe von Holzhausen
Q104533944Portrait of Margarita de Vos (?)
Q22231164Portrait of Margret Halseber
Q114829087Portrait of Marguerite le Prince
Q104605470Portrait of Maria Fabijańska née Sokołowska, artist’s wife
Q64788364Portrait of Maria Jacobina Völker
Q110653214Portrait of Maria Teding van Berkhout
Q104628292Portrait of Marian Szczyrbuła
Q116296278Portrait of Marie de Pacy, wife of Barthélemy Alatruye (?-1466)
Q50975409Portrait of Marijtgen Jansdr., the Artist’s Mother
Q20887903Portrait of Marten Looten
Q114760090Portrait of Martha van Eeden
Q116283965Portrait of Martin Luther
Q50898690Portrait of Mary of Hungary (Mary of Austria, Queen of Hungary)
Q20277173Portrait of Matthaeus Yrsselius (1541-1629), Abbot of Sint-Michiel's Abbey in Antwerp
Q28831563Portrait of Maurice, Prince of Orange-Nassau in gilded armor.
Q18642311Portrait of Maurits Huygens (1595-1642)
Q29952519Portrait of Maximiliaan I van Habsburg (1459-1519)
Q114828685Portrait of Meyndert Sonck (1626-1675)
Q104626496Portrait of Ms. Lauter
Q104603974Portrait of Myrton Michalski
Q6106766Portrait of Nicholas Kratzer
Q117215672Portrait of Nicolaas Cromhout
Q43094346Portrait of Nicolaes Smelsinc (1561-1629)
Q114756931Portrait of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)
Q104623093Portrait of Olga Boznańska
Q21470328Portrait of Petronella Buys
Q117205186Portrait of Petrus Aegidius (1486-1533)
Q50981560Portrait of Petrus Egidius de Morrion
Q121504990Portrait of Petrus Ricardus (1545/6-1616)
Q106962229Portrait of Petrus von Clapis
Q18683342Portrait of Philip II of Spain
Q50943979Portrait of Philip II of Spain
Q92431062Portrait of Philip the Good
Q121501891Portrait of Philip the Good (1396-1467), Duke of Burgundy
Q121501883Portrait of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy
Q111146465Portrait of Philipp Melanchthon
Q27966357Portrait of Philipp Melanchton
Q120692156Portrait of Philipp the Good
Q21470339Portrait of Philips Lucasz. (....-1641)
Q104540627Portrait of Piotr Gembicki (1585–1657), bishop of Kraków
Q121547369Portrait of Pope Adrianus VI
Q120492196Portrait of Pope Paul III
Q50946189Portrait of Prince Maurice of Orange (Maurits van Oranje-Nassau)
Q116285250Portrait of Prince-Bishop of Münster Christoph Bernhard von Galen (1606-1678)
Q105404057Portrait of Queen Anne, Wife of Ferdinand I of Habsburg
Q50894585Portrait of Queen Mary of Hungary (Mary of Austria, Queen of Hungary)
Q17324399Portrait of Reinoud III of Brederode
Q22081816Portrait of Rembrandt
Q104534456Portrait of Rembrandt’s mother (?)
Q108542548Portrait of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester
Q111729376Portrait of Roman emperor Vitellius
Q104540625Portrait of Sappho (fl. 7th/6th c. BC), Greek poet
Q64788427Portrait of Simon George of Cornwall
Q5296650Portrait of Sir Thomas More
Q121544901Portrait of Sir Thomas More
Q27031998Portrait of Sjuck van Burmania (1597-1650)
Q43092582Portrait of Sophia van Amerongen (?-?)
Q104535059Portrait of St Casimir (1458–1484), prince
Q104535014Portrait of St. Gregory the Great, Pope? (540–604)
Q104584251Portrait of Stanisław Czachórski (1853–1904), artist’s brother
Q22922431Portrait of Sultan Mehmed III (1595-1603).
Q64788432Portrait of Susanna Völker
Q121696177Portrait of Sweder Cubbinck
Q50322248Portrait of Thomas Godsalve and his Son John
Q121685542Portrait of Ulbo van Burmania
Q121547829Portrait of Vasco da Gama (1460/69-1524)
Q22002924Portrait of Vojtěch II. z Pernštejna
Q104534787Portrait of Volkera van Beresteyn (1624–1653), wife of Salomon van Schoonhoven (1617–1653)
Q104541077Portrait of Wespazjan Kochowski, Nieczuja coat of arms (1633–1700), poet and historian
Q21539735Portrait of Willem Burggraeff, husband of Maertgen van Bilderbeecq
Q116984805Portrait of Willem I 'the Silent' van Oranje-Nassau (1533-1584)
Q116306851Portrait of Willem Kelffken (1601-....)
Q27150245Portrait of William Warham
Q124415804Portrait of William of Croÿ, lord of Chièvres
Q28831623Portrait of William of Orange
Q104590678Portrait of Witold Urbański
Q28097141Portrait of Witte de With (1599-1658)
Q47492811Portrait of Wolfgang Wilhelm, Count Palatine and Herzog von Neuburg (1578-1653)
Q104540630Portrait of Władysław IV Vasa (1595–1648), King of Poland
Q104627461Portrait of Władysława Bucewińska
Q104699458Portrait of Włodzimierz de Rosenwerth Rużycki in a Polish costume
Q104705677Portrait of Zofia Lewenstern née Taczanowska
Q24692195Portrait of Zofia Potocka née Branicka.
Q104627358Portrait of Zygmunt Dworzak (1867–1925), painter
Q123570247Portrait of a 27-year-old man with a flat lace collar, in a painted oval
Q121695582Portrait of a 29 year old man
Q21596897Portrait of a 39-year-old Woman
Q21467968Portrait of a 40-year-old Woman, possibly Marretje Cornelisdr van Grotewal
Q117225930Portrait of a 46-year-old man
Q117226618Portrait of a 56 year old man
Q50324341Portrait of a 60-year-old Man
Q21501685Portrait of a 62-year-old Woman, possibly Aeltje Pietersdr Uylenburgh
Q117225804Portrait of a 69-year-old man
Q116913337Portrait of a Benedictine monk
Q111645658Portrait of a Cartographer with his Wife
Q20809822Portrait of a Donor Praying
Q11945393Portrait of a Elderly Lady
Q27330886Portrait of a Elderly Man
Q18600964Portrait of a Family
Q50978423Portrait of a Family
Q18689079Portrait of a Fat Man
Q117214386Portrait of a Fifteen-Year-Old Young Lady
Q117215095Portrait of a Gentleman
Q118677463Portrait of a Gentleman
Q108541638Portrait of a Gentleman of the Selwyn Family
Q118888777Portrait of a Girl, Aged 16
Q50942262Portrait of a Knight of the Saint James Order
Q2439462Portrait of a Lady
Q23928892Portrait of a Lady
Q27982114Portrait of a Lady
Q62749104Portrait of a Lady
Q106776559Portrait of a Lady
Q117214078Portrait of a Lady
Q118883991Portrait of a Lady
Q119625899Portrait of a Lady (possibly Anne de Pisseleu, 1508–1580, Duchesse d'Étampes, Mistress of François I)
Q118876356Portrait of a Lady Aged 29
Q118888721Portrait of a Lady Wearing a Wreath of Roses
Q17863937Portrait of a Man
Q18602111Portrait of a Man
Q19905235Portrait of a Man
Q23928654Portrait of a Man
Q26713638Portrait of a Man
Q27895166Portrait of a Man
Q50894456Portrait of a Man
Q50899402Portrait of a Man
Q50908818Portrait of a Man
Q50918902Portrait of a Man
Q50928955Portrait of a Man
Q50931595Portrait of a Man
Q50941002Portrait of a Man
Q50944121Portrait of a Man
Q50944832Portrait of a Man
Q50948315Portrait of a Man
Q50978556Portrait of a Man
Q50979134Portrait of a Man
Q50980687Portrait of a Man
Q50983909Portrait of a Man
Q50988140Portrait of a Man
Q50991212Portrait of a Man
Q64788336Portrait of a Man
Q104534800Portrait of a Man
Q106771893Portrait of a Man
Q106854790Portrait of a Man
Q118874656Portrait of a Man
Q118884965Portrait of a Man
Q19911434Portrait of a Man (Sir Ralph Sadler?)
Q20557864Portrait of a Man Wearing a Black Hat
Q21515060Portrait of a Man Wearing a Red Doublet
Q118882151Portrait of a Man Wearing a Ruff
Q64788342Portrait of a Man aged 46
Q119625772Portrait of a Man in a Black Dress
Q118874319Portrait of a Man in a Red Hat
Q18683180Portrait of a Man with Carnation
Q27977974Portrait of a Man with Gloves
Q21421084Portrait of a Man with Millstone Collar
Q61744822Portrait of a Man with Rings
Q117215620Portrait of a Man with a Carnation
Q19911507Portrait of a Man with a Rosary
Q2392901Portrait of a Man with a Turban
Q50947193Portrait of a Man, possibly Christiaan or Cornelis van Beresteyn
Q18599922Portrait of a Man, possibly a Self-portrait
Q50938790Portrait of a Noble Infant
Q50972504Portrait of a Noble Infant
Q118680614Portrait of a Nobleman Wearing the Order of Saint Michael (perhaps Odet de Foix, 1485–1528, Vicomte de Lautrec)
Q19905305Portrait of a Old Man
Q50890048Portrait of a Prelate and a Young Man
Q105404015Portrait of a Red-bearded Man
Q17863944Portrait of a Woman
Q17905826Portrait of a Woman
Q21475059Portrait of a Woman
Q23698605Portrait of a Woman
Q50888245Portrait of a Woman
Q50900440Portrait of a Woman
Q50909619Portrait of a Woman
Q50934487Portrait of a Woman
Q50973281Portrait of a Woman
Q50975827Portrait of a Woman
Q50989897Portrait of a Woman
Q50991538Portrait of a Woman
Q64788442Portrait of a Woman
Q64788444Portrait of a Woman
Q117228267Portrait of a Woman
Q118874615Portrait of a Woman
Q118875788Portrait of a Woman
Q20557788Portrait of a Woman Wearing a Gold Chain
Q64788447Portrait of a Woman aged 37
Q28565524Portrait of a Woman in Red
Q50892420Portrait of a Woman with Carnation
Q21421143Portrait of a Woman with Millstone Collar
Q2072801Portrait of a Young Fiancée
Q2409245Portrait of a Young Girl
Q104534467Portrait of a Young Girl
Q118886150Portrait of a Young Girl Wearing a Lace Collar
Q50950357Portrait of a Young Lady
Q20056650Portrait of a Young Man
Q26513995Portrait of a Young Man
Q26706414Portrait of a Young Man
Q51600730Portrait of a Young Man
Q18574020Portrait of a Young Man Standing in a Landscape
Q56240506Portrait of a Young Man wearing a Plumed Hat
Q29856245Portrait of a Young Man with a Dark Beret
Q27982217Portrait of a Young Merchant
Q19911475Portrait of a Young Woman
Q21467871Portrait of a Young Woman
Q50890459Portrait of a Young Woman
Q61744335Portrait of a Young Woman
Q105403952Portrait of a Young Woman
Q21468651Portrait of a Young Woman (formerly seen as oval portrait of Oopjen Coppit)
Q18574022Portrait of a Young Woman Standing at a Parapet
Q3399411Portrait of a Young woman with a Winged Bonnet
Q121698020Portrait of a bearded man
Q43092624Portrait of a boy
Q21570312Portrait of a boy with long hair
Q116962004Portrait of a clean-shaven man with a spotted fur collar
Q104650206Portrait of a clown
Q117226091Portrait of a couple with their young daughter
Q121687093Portrait of a family
Q60323143Portrait of a fat lady (Petronella Dunois Groenendijk?)
Q21528894Portrait of a forty-seven-year-old man, formerly called Aelbert Cuyper
Q121694608Portrait of a gentleman, wearing a white ruff
Q114745040Portrait of a girl
Q117228332Portrait of a kneeling donor
Q27979368Portrait of a knight
Q121501588Portrait of a knight
Q104534882Portrait of a lady
Q22341262Portrait of a lady (Margaretha de Vos, wife of Frans Snyders?).
Q104600335Portrait of a lady in a frill and a cap
Q42298211Portrait of a lady in a lace collar
Q124040903Portrait of a lady with a large ruff
Q43139776Portrait of a lady, probably Janke van Donia
Q104591649Portrait of a lady, sketch
Q28801399Portrait of a man
Q29952053Portrait of a man
Q43094993Portrait of a man
Q92256434Portrait of a man
Q104532244Portrait of a man
Q104533949Portrait of a man
Q104534609Portrait of a man
Q104547272Portrait of a man
Q104550109Portrait of a man
Q104553664Portrait of a man
Q104577877Portrait of a man
Q104600616Portrait of a man
Q104601943Portrait of a man
Q107438391Portrait of a man
Q114745089Portrait of a man
Q114745107Portrait of a man
Q114829140Portrait of a man
Q116295037Portrait of a man
Q117226261Portrait of a man
Q120579917Portrait of a man
Q121501625Portrait of a man
Q121504997Portrait of a man
Q121698158Portrait of a man
Q123312323Portrait of a man
Q28822719Portrait of a man aged 39 with an inkwell
Q117228690Portrait of a man at age 26
Q121686219Portrait of a man holding a book in his hand
Q121510971Portrait of a man holding three arrows
Q121692137Portrait of a man in a Russian coat
Q104534505Portrait of a man in a frill with a fur collar
Q104533706Portrait of a man in a fur cap
Q104612661Portrait of a man in a hat
Q28831732Portrait of a man in a lace ruff.
Q104533845Portrait of a man in a painted oval frame
Q104532197Portrait of a man in a yellow jacket
Q121856810Portrait of a man in armour
Q121696300Portrait of a man in black doublet with golden buttons and a white ruff
Q121510969Portrait of a man wearing a coat with a fur collar
Q121501732Portrait of a man with a big fur collar
Q22003149Portrait of a man with a book.
Q121503523Portrait of a man with a cup
Q117226594Portrait of a man with a fur cap and a pipe
Q107281801Portrait of a man with a lute
Q123399633Portrait of a man with a pointed beard, seated in an arm chair
Q104626922Portrait of a man with a smoking pipe
Q29900938Portrait of a man with gloves
Q116286483Portrait of a man, aged 30
Q114703547Portrait of a man, at age 31
Q121698337Portrait of a man, identified as François de Clèves, Duc de Nevers (1516-1562)
Q121550541Portrait of a man, possibly Dirck Jacobsz. Rosecrans (?-?)
Q21509305Portrait of a man, possibly Harder Rijcksen (after1600-1637)
Q116294996Portrait of a man, possibly Herman van Gouda
Q116296246Portrait of a man, possibly Jan van Luxemburg, lord of Ville
Q17813582Portrait of a man, possibly Palamedes
Q104588702Portrait of a man, study
Q116284440Portrait of a monk
Q29953846Portrait of a mother (the daughter is overpainted)
Q117225801Portrait of a musician
Q104532740Portrait of a nobleman
Q107098980Portrait of a painter, with a miniature of the artist
Q117226617Portrait of a peasant girl with a churn and an egg basket
Q121551295Portrait of a pilgrim
Q117225800Portrait of a pilgrim journeying to the Holy Land
Q29901476Portrait of a red-bearded man
Q118922612Portrait of a semi-nude woman
Q117205142Portrait of a seven-year-old boy from the Tedingh family
Q114745188Portrait of a six year old girl
Q29952080Portrait of a twenty-year-old man
Q24192167Portrait of a woman
Q28105028Portrait of a woman
Q29955503Portrait of a woman
Q104532394Portrait of a woman
Q104582820Portrait of a woman
Q104603894Portrait of a woman
Q114709776Portrait of a woman
Q114828565Portrait of a woman
Q116910586Portrait of a woman
Q121503369Portrait of a woman
Q121504928Portrait of a woman
Q123399634Portrait of a woman
Q104761572Portrait of a woman at a window
Q116296317Portrait of a woman with a pomander
Q114828457Portrait of a woman with a rosary
Q104541962Portrait of a woman with a ruby pendant
Q116286486Portrait of a woman, aged 27
Q114720647Portrait of a woman, traditionally identified as Lady Corbett
Q23662582Portrait of a young Italian.
Q27908662Portrait of a young lady
Q104532345Portrait of a young man
Q114721678Portrait of a young man
Q114745027Portrait of a young man
Q116910431Portrait of a young man
Q121544918Portrait of a young man
Q121543931Portrait of a young man with a big ruff
Q114721832Portrait of a young man with a scroll
Q55930409Portrait of a young prince
Q114745149Portrait of a young savant
Q29951998Portrait of a young woman
Q117225799Portrait of a young woman
Q104588658Portrait of a young woman in a hat
Q21515145Portrait of a young woman with a pleated collar and a lace cap
Q22006689Portrait of a young woman.
Q117214879Portrait of an 80-Year-Old Woman
Q21469157Portrait of an 83-year Old Woman (possibly Aechje Claesdr, mother of Dirck Jansz Pesser)
Q17341588Portrait of an African Man (Christophle le More?)
Q117214840Portrait of an Elderly Man Holding a Tally Stick
Q64788130Portrait of an Eldery Man (Archduke Albert VII. (1559-1621) ?)
Q112626498Portrait of an Elegant Man
Q112626500Portrait of an Elegant Woman
Q27982216Portrait of an English lady
Q107258220Portrait of an Englishman
Q29949658Portrait of an Officer
Q18600278Portrait of an Old Lady
Q50893702Portrait of an Old Man
Q21530716Portrait of an Old Woman (Prophetess Hannah)
Q104541783Portrait of an Orthodox clergyman
Q59480974Portrait of an Unidentified Boy
Q107258623Portrait of an Unknown Gentleman
Q118874586Portrait of an Unknown Gentleman
Q119892772Portrait of an Unknown Gentleman
Q50907073Portrait of an Unknown Lady
Q118875999Portrait of an Unknown Man
Q119891486Portrait of an Unknown Man
Q50943561Portrait of an Unknown Noblewoman
Q43096030Portrait of an Unknown Woman
Q104533580Portrait of an abbot
Q117225813Portrait of an officer in a cuirass
Q117227518Portrait of an old Jewish man wearing a large cap
Q117228063Portrait of an old Jewish man wearing a large cap
Q43132405Portrait of an old man
Q104525379Portrait of an old man
Q104532842Portrait of an old man
Q104591651Portrait of an old man
Q104533652Portrait of an old man in a frill
Q21540389Portrait of an old man with disheveled hair
Q104591644Portrait of an old man, sketch
Q104526166Portrait of an old woman
Q104630185Portrait of an old woman
Q104533931Portrait of an old woman in an armchair
Q116910620Portrait of an unknowm man
Q123846969Portrait of an unknown Family from Enkhuizen
Q117205341Portrait of an unknown boy with a dog
Q106033729Portrait of an unknown family on a terrace, 1645-1648
Q30094943Portrait of an unknown family: a father with his three sons
Q29901347Portrait of an unknown man
Q29952023Portrait of an unknown man
Q29953866Portrait of an unknown man
Q29953879Portrait of an unknown man
Q29965263Portrait of an unknown man
Q43096014Portrait of an unknown man
Q55997419Portrait of an unknown man
Q114828728Portrait of an unknown man
Q114829213Portrait of an unknown man
Q114829223Portrait of an unknown man
Q117205188Portrait of an unknown man
Q117205342Portrait of an unknown man
Q117225932Portrait of an unknown man
Q117226082Portrait of an unknown man
Q117227520Portrait of an unknown man
Q121501731Portrait of an unknown man
Q121540020Portrait of an unknown man
Q121698025Portrait of an unknown man
Q122792152Portrait of an unknown man
Q116294940Portrait of an unknown man aged 41 yeras
Q27006170Portrait of an unknown man in shepherd's dress: selfportrait of Jacob Lois (?)
Q116945583Portrait of an unknown man with a spotted fur collar
Q114756950Portrait of an unknown man, wrongly identifed as Thomas Morus
Q29955507Portrait of an unknown master builder
Q115624243Portrait of an unknown praying man
Q117226129Portrait of an unknown scholar in his study
Q27982362Portrait of an unknown woman
Q55998579Portrait of an unknown woman
Q114745057Portrait of an unknown woman
Q114829219Portrait of an unknown woman
Q114829354Portrait of an unknown woman
Q121687876Portrait of an unknown woman
Q123299994Portrait of an unknown woman
Q122930496Portrait of an unknown woman in a historical dress
Q27006122Portrait of an unknown woman in shepherd's clothes
Q111081165Portrait of an unknown woman with braided blond hair
Q23869238Portrait of brigadier Józef Piłsudski
Q116912998Portrait of count Reinhald III van Brederode
Q116912625Portrait of een man met gevouwen handen (mogelijk Benedetto Portinari)
Q117205257Portrait of een unknown young man
Q43140265Portrait of emperor Maximillian I
Q121540363Portrait of emperor Vespasianus
Q116772783Portrait of hertog Adolf van Kleef (1425-1492)
Q114759936Portrait of probably Wycher Oosting (1618-1690)
Q126832777Portrait of the Doctor of the Elector of Brandenburg, Leonard Thurneysser zum Thurn of Basel
Q50945156Portrait of the Duarte family
Q114709722Portrait of the Twent family
Q104586922Portrait of the artist’s father
Q104629776Portrait of the wife against the background of Forum Romanum
Q114759937Portrait of waarschijnlijk Elisabeth Schultinck
Q104626915Portrait study of a little girl
Q117226143Portrait study of a woman, in profile to the right
Q21675422Portraits of Filips Dominicle and Barbara Ommejaeghere
Q124832428Portraits of François Colibrant and Lysbeth Biers
Q29953840Portraits of a Couple: Female portrait
Q29951100Portraits of a Couple: Male portrait
Q104604492Portret kobiety ze szczygłem
Q104630068Portret męski
Q29953818Portret van Sir Brian Tuke (?-?)
Q104630301Portret żony z córeczką
Q19319075Possibly self-portrait of Clara Peeters, seated at a table with precious objects, ca. 1618
Q114761094Poultry farm
Q114707090Poultry yard with a girl feeding chickens
Q104626386Power of the source
Q118629820Powers (panel probably from a reredos representing the Nine Choirs of Angels)
Q112626544Prayer Before the Meal
Q104532226Prayer in the Garden
Q29964496Praying hermit
Q104612804Praying man
Q104540765Praying monk
Q22084524Praying old woman
Q114769786Preaching of John the Baptist
Q106750827Presentation in the Tempel
Q29954078Presentation of Jesus at the Temple
Q19818376Presumed Portrait of Madeleine of Burgundy presented by Saint Mary Magdalene
Q119040116Presumed Portrait of William Shakespeare
Q70344979Pretiose Recognized
Q104532749Priests of Bel with families during a secret night watch
Q116283960Primeval people
Q23929085Primrose – Self-portrait with wife
Q121698885Prince Luís of Portugal, Duke of Beja (1506-1555) and a Dominican saint
Q118629847Principalities (panel probably from a reredos representing the Nine Choirs of Angels)
Q119016313Probably Cornelis Rudolphus Theodorus Krayenhoff (formerly known as Tiberius Cavallo)
Q104532333Processing of dancing pairs
Q104526171Procuress, young woman and a man in an interior
Q104604791Profile of a grey-haired old man
Q121547641Profile portrait of Louis XI, King of France (1423-1483), wearing the collar of the Order of Saint-Michel
Q121698245Prophet Jesaiah predicting the return of the Jews
Q50899102Protectors of the Young Artist
Q104595880Przy stole
Q118986464Putting to Sea
Q104534536Pyramus and Thisbe
Q117205252Pyramus' death
Q23928659Queen Anne Boleyn
Q52204486Queen Catherine (of Aragon) (1485-1536)
Q52223259Queen Elizabeth I (1533–1603)
Q106307469Queen Elizabeth I (1533–1603)
Q50325014Queen Henrietta Maria in an Arched Hall
Q52223165Queen Mary I (Mary Tudor) (1516–1558) (after Hans Eworth)
Q50973556Queen Mary Tudor
Q104533562Raising o Lazarus
Q27949235Raising of Lazarus
Q116913001Reading man
Q121555589Rebekah offers Eliezer a drink from her pitcher (Genesis 24:1-67)
Q104640814Red composition
Q52204521Reginald Pole (1500-1558), Cardinal and Archbishop of Canterbury
Q104532497Release of St. Peter from prison (Acts 12:5-8)
Q21693737Rembrandt's father
Q21448477Rembrandt's mother
Q62107336Rembrandt's mother
Q114745263Rembrandts 'Self Portrait'
Q124759337Representations of Saints
Q124759283Representations of Saints: Saint Maurice with four Comrades
Q124759371Representations of Saints: Saint Ursula with four Virgins
Q60646393Rescuing the Birds from the Cat
Q21076087Rest at a Stag Hunt
Q104532543Rest during the flight to Egypt
Q117215358Rest in front a Country House
Q21884105Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Q27306929Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Q27970564Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Q29965101Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Q50887868Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Q56096977Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Q126888522Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Q50931424Rest on the Flight into Egypt (?)
Q20098714Rest on the Flight to Egypt
Q114744982Rest on the Flight to Egypt
Q29960236Rest on the flight into Egypt
Q114745156Rest on the flight into Egypt
Q121693683Rest on the flight into Egypt (Matthew 2: 13-14)
Q49445901Resting Herd
Q114720908Resting Travellers Outside City-walls
Q18600080Resting at a Tavern
Q106359534Resting at a Tavern
Q117205294Resting hunters with two horses and dogs
Q104532459Resurrection of Christ
Q29953004Resurrection of Jesus
Q20020102Resurrection of Lazarus
Q29955207Retabel: Knight with his squire
Q29954089Retabel: Two young men with feather beret and turban
Q29287202Retable de l'Annonciation Pierre de Wissant
Q104597507Retaking of Rus. Wealth and Education, 1366 AD, from the series “History of Civilization in Poland”
Q120644928Return from the fair
Q64521020Return of the Prodigal Son
Q119727334Reverend Robert Newton
Q28802232Rhea Silvia
Q104532494Rhine landscape with a waterfall
Q50891218Rhineland Landscape
Q50945804Rhineland Landscape
Q104534320Rich man descending into hell
Q23928646Richard I
Q52223468Richard Bancroft (1544-1610), Archbishop of Canterbury
Q118680542Richard III (1452–1485) (arched surround version)
Q104587482Rider on horseback with greyhounds
Q114744948Riders fighting
Q117226136Riding school in an Italianate landscape
Q104627161Rifleman and head
Q50911221Right wing of the Memling Crucifixion Triptych: The Resurrection (exterior: The Virgin Annunciate)
Q119954387River Bank with Cottage
Q18599667River Landscape
Q106357803River Landscape
Q106359931River Landscape
Q117197761River Landscape
Q60662576River Landscape by Moonlight
Q66686098River Landscape by Night
Q64788539River Landscape in the Evening with Resting Wanderers
Q64788545River Landscape in the Morning Light
Q18601957River Landscape with Boats and Fishermen
Q47793650River Landscape with Bridge
Q68440647River Landscape with Castle Loevestein
Q29959945River Landscape with Castle Nijenrode
Q57207894River Landscape with Castle ruins
Q106360969River Landscape with Cattle
Q121691219River Landscape with Christ and the Centurion of Capernaum
Q28060959River Landscape with Ferry
Q64788542River Landscape with Ferry
Q119496842River Landscape with Ferry Boat and Cottage
Q68150047River Landscape with Fully-laden Ferry Boat
Q64788547River Landscape with Peasants on the Way to Market
Q64788550River Landscape with Rise of Cliffs
Q70884435River Landscape with Sailboats
Q64788552River Landscape with Ships at Moonrise
Q50901767River Landscape with Trees, Watch Tower and Ferry
Q20540329River Landscape with a Ferry and a Church
Q17524530River Landscape with a Ferry near a Farmhouse
Q18599882River Landscape with a Fortress
Q60663788River Scene with Milking Woman
Q52256854River Scene with a Ferry Boat
Q64436177River Scene with an Inn
Q118986874River Scene: City and Cathedral
Q105441317River View by Moonlight
Q119741663River and Distant View, Woman Driving Cattle
Q104577174River landscape
Q104604628River landscape
Q114745013River landscape
Q114745053River landscape
Q114745205River landscape in a mountainous area
Q117229282River landscape with a dilapidated building
Q117226571River landscape with a village by moonlight
Q104528454River landscape with a village in the distance
Q114769862River landscape with duck hunt near a bridge
Q121503743River landscape with elegan party
Q114769925River landscape with elegant company and hunters on the banks of a river
Q114745071River landscape with farm
Q121548231River landscape with fisherfolk resting on the shore
Q60668821River landscape with fishermen
Q123399636River landscape with fishermen, a town beyond
Q117226041River landscape with sailing vessels near a jetty
Q114745232River landscape with staffage
Q123281182River landscape with the tower of the church of Overschie
Q115568317River view with fishermen on a boat, and a view on Haarlem in the background
Q104528410River view with sailingboats by moonlight
Q118894563River with a Castle and Shipping
Q104528462Riverbank with willows and a herd of cattle
Q104524821Riverlandscape with a rowboat
Q114769855Riverlandscape with a village and travellers in a galley
Q60668902Riverscape with an oak forest and resting shepherds
Q43219708Riverside with Fishing Boats
Q18600078Riverside with an Old Tower
Q104649772Road (White road)
Q119824150Road Scene with Cattle
Q118878448Road Scene with Travellers and Cattle
Q20746144Road in the Dunes
Q104534788Road in the countryside
Q27981034Robbers attacking Travellers
Q52223458Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury KG (1563–1612) (after John de Critz)
Q52204458Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester (1533 – 1588)
Q52223273Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester KG (1533 – 1588) (after Sir William Segar)
Q18573728Rocky Coast with Ships and Figures
Q29959605Rocky Landscape
Q50991178Rocky Landscape
Q119625992Rocky Landscape with Figures
Q119925252Rocky Landscape with Figures and Mountains
Q104536892Rocky landscape
Q104533477Rocky landscape with a horseman
Q117226303Rocky landscape with a stronghold near the coast
Q117225868Rocky landscape with a trumpet player
Q121694038Rocky landscape with hunters on their way
Q117226651Rocky landscape with the flight into Egypt
Q114707242Rocky landscape with the temple of Tivoli on a rock
Q121695904Rocky landscape with travelers
Q52223197Roger Bacon (c.1214-1294)
Q50900617Roman Ruins and the Monument of Igel
Q60643590Roman landscape with Christ and the centurion of Capernaum
Q114744978Rooster and diamond in a landscape
Q118876886Rose Hickman (1526–1596), Daughter of Sir William Lock, Wife of Anthony Hickman
Q114718842Rough mountainous landscape with figures
Q18599310Round portrait of a boy with beret
Q117226534Ruin with oriental figures
Q119011090Ruined Tower with Figure
Q55750413Rustic Courtship
Q104599710Ruthenian woman – head of a peasant woman
Q121689111SS. John the Baptist and Anthony Abbot
Q50937750Sacrifice of Manoah
Q125136872Sacrificial festival
Q104532909Sail boats on a river
Q104533494Sail boats on the sea
Q104582726Sail boats on the sea
Q50948410Sailboats in a Breeze
Q114744942Sailboats on the open sea
Q50934030Sailing Boats in a Thunderstorm
Q104629999Sailing boat on a sea
Q106368267Sailing-ships in the Mouth of a River
Q121417373Saint Adrian
Q118630594Saint Agatha Holding Pincers and a Breast; Saint William of Norwich with Three Nails in His Head (panel from a rood screen)
Q23869357Saint Agnes.
Q52208895Saint Andrew
Q114745128Saint Anne, the Virgin Mary and child
Q116912807Saint Anne, the Virgin and the Child
Q114745289Saint Anno with donor Peter von Clapis
Q94671208Saint Ansgar
Q119701103Saint Anthony of Padua with a Nun
Q20199585Saint Anthony the Hermit
Q104532071Saint Barbara
Q29955858Saint Barbara (exterior: fragment of an Annunciation)
Q29951285Saint Barbera and the donor Sibylla Rinck-Kannegießer
Q52208928Saint Bartholomew
Q29954122Saint Benedict and the apostles Philippus, Matthew and James the Younger
Q121547137Saint Catharine of Alexandria dressed in red
Q29920293Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Q107438958Saint Cecilia playing the virginal
Q27067775Saint Christopher
Q50321404Saint Christopher
Q111965843Saint Christopher
Q121547133Saint Cornelius, full length, holding a horn
Q118678392Saint Denis Converted by Saint Paul (panel from an altarpiece)
Q118680025Saint Denis Preaching in Paris (panel from an altarpiece)
Q118678853Saint Denis Tortured on the Gridiron (panel from an altarpiece)
Q118678168Saint Denis Watching the Eclipse (panel from an altarpiece)
Q118675979Saint Donatien (triptych, right wing)
Q117225837Saint Elijah of Egypt, the hermit
Q50905472Saint Elisabeth of Hungary
Q50942714Saint Erasmus
Q118630543Saint Etheldreda
Q64577313Saint Eustace in a Landscape
Q104532170Saint Francis
Q121547826Saint Francis
Q119981157Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata
Q114745300Saint Francis comforted by a musical angel
Q50894221Saint Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy
Q114770904Saint Francis reveives the stigmata
Q124796120Saint George
Q18929107Saint George dragged through the city of Diospolis
Q64788625Saint George?
Q117205184Saint Hieronymus in a landscape
Q29955872Saint Hubertus
Q29952631Saint James the Great
Q27818467Saint Jerome
Q50981907Saint Jerome
Q104533600Saint Jerome
Q104533792Saint Jerome
Q117225780Saint Jerome
Q117225784Saint Jerome
Q121697870Saint Jerome
Q124795865Saint Jerome
Q119905701Saint Jerome (after Albrecht Dürer)
Q50914559Saint Jerome (right wing of a triptych)
Q52300803Saint Jerome in a Landscape
Q50990775Saint Jerome in his Study
Q117225848Saint Jerome in his study
Q121695733Saint Jerome in his study
Q17335362Saint Jerome in his study by candlelight
Q124753641Saint Jerome in the Wilderness
Q104532223Saint Jerome meditating in his study
Q121547847Saint John on Patmos
Q121514977Saint John the Baptist
Q50906058Saint John the Baptist (left wing of a triptych)
Q50944360Saint John the Evangelist
Q52208884Saint John the Evangelist
Q121514978Saint John the Evangelist
Q121546105Saint John the evangelist
Q121691427Saint John the evangelist
Q117225939Saint John's vision on Patmos and the martyrdom
Q21815237Saint Joseph
Q29952820Saint Joseph
Q118632112Saint Joseph Gathering Firewood (triptych, inside of left wing)
Q118591589Saint Leonard with a Crozier and Manacles (left panel); Saint Agnes (or Saint Catherine) with a Sword and a Book (right panel)
Q121698903Saint Lucy and Saint Agatha
Q26695602Saint Luke painting the Virgin
Q26703809Saint Luke painting the Virgin
Q121691423Saint Marc the evangelist
Q121698907Saint Margaret and Saint Mary Magdalene
Q52208907Saint Mark
Q118675991Saint Martin Dividing His Cloak (triptych, left wing)
Q119625803Saint Martin and the Beggar
Q119924496Saint Mary Magdalen Contemplating a Crucifix and a Skull
Q64514368Saint Matthew
Q27980547Saint Maurice
Q104541001Saint Michael Archangel
Q104532147Saint Michael Archangel attacking the dragon
Q111593631Saint Norbert overcoming Tanchelm
Q117225855Saint Paul
Q121547827Saint Paul
Q52208918Saint Peter
Q104537570Saint Stanislaus resurrecting Piotrowin
Q116295026Saint Ursula protecting the eleven thousand virgins with her cloak
Q64873778Saint Veronica Displaying the Sudarium
Q30057443Saint Veronica has a cloth to dry Christs face during the way of the cross
Q116294946Saint Veronica with veil with the image of Christ
Q121547879Saint Vincent on the Cross in Aspa (fragment)
Q116295018Saints Ambrose, Cecilia and Augustine
Q29954256Saints Anno and Gregor the Moor
Q50942759Saints Cecilia and Valerianus
Q121547135Saints Joachim an Anne and the education of Mary beyond
Q116295016Saints Mark, Barbara and Luke
Q50940582Saints Paul and Barnabas in Lystra
Q114745246Saints Peter and John heal a crippled beggar at the Golden Gate
Q29955890Saints Stephen and Maurice
Q104585903Sale of jewels
Q50939562Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist
Q50905242Salvator Mundi
Q114745119Salvator Mundi
Q50946811Salvator Mundi (Christ Blessing)
Q104713898Samian Sibyl
Q107098921Samson and Delilah
Q117215656Samson and Delilah (Judges 16: 4-20) - cpy after Adriaen van der Werff
Q112746273Samson destroying the Temple of Dagon
Q119033850Samuel Marsh
Q104596159Sand workers, sketch
Q114745041Sandy forest trail with shepherds
Q104533910Sandy landscape with travellers and cattle
Q104654018Santa Maria della Salute
Q121697153Sarah's burial in the cave of Machpelah (Genesis 23:19)
Q28026113Saul and David in the cave of En-Gedi
Q28048480Saul's anger at David
Q118680586Saxon Kings Frieze (Athelstan)
Q118680598Saxon Kings Frieze (armoured knees)
Q118680590Saxon Kings Frieze (gabled panel with unknown king)
Q118680573Saxon Kings Frieze (half-width gabled panel with unknown king)
Q118680572Saxon Kings Frieze (head of a king with a red hat)
Q118680570Saxon Kings Frieze (sceptre and praying figures)
Q119930625Saying Grace
Q114745144Scattered houses of a village
Q42669210Scene at the well.
Q89031249Scene in a Brothel with the Holy Family on the Flight into Egypt
Q104535540Scene in a fishing port
Q104636672Scene in a park
Q104532516Scene in a tavern
Q104532977Scene in a tavern
Q104533001Scene in a tavern
Q104534778Scene in a tavern
Q104535638Scene in front of a tavern
Q121697578Scene of the Peasant War
Q2446983Scenes from the Passion of Christ
Q116294985Scenes from the life of Job (recto); Mary Magdelen and Job (verso)
Q104595890Sceny mitologiczne
Q57399688Schloss Loenersloot in Holland
Q116913005Scholar in his study
Q116770976Schöppingen Altar
Q28874543Scraping fish.
Q119951499Sea Piece
Q119690218Sea Piece with Fishing Boats
Q104532853Sea battle
Q104623431Sea coast
Q104535165Sea cost near Scheveningen
Q117226558Sea piece with an upcoming thunderstorm
Q104622796Sea, sketch
Q104580462Sealing a letter with wax
Q106805274Seascape (I)
Q106808327Seascape (II)
Q50866419Seascape with Sailors Sheltering from a Rainstorm
Q117228744Seascape with the 'Aemilia' under full sails
Q52250921Seascape: Storm at Sea
Q50894703Seashore at Scheveningen with Fishermen
Q26531716Seashore with Fishwives offering Fish
Q50990296Seaside in Scheveningen
Q22338554Seaside landscape with ancient ruins on the coast
Q104533729Seaside landscape – River mouth
Q118891208Seated Shepherd with Cows and Sheep in a Meadow
Q114745221Seated Virgin and Child
Q98100660Selbstbildnis by Johann Christoph Rincklake
Q26708344Self Portrait aged 24
Q116910624Self Portrait, with opened mouth
Q21409402Self portrait
Q21819904Self portrait
Q116285491Self portrait
Q21409384Self portrait with a velvet beret and gold chain
Q116910593Self portrait with gorget and beret
Q117225996Self-Portrait at 18 years old
Q19844638Self-Portrait in a Black Cap
Q21448628Self-Portrait in a Flat Cap
Q29970825Self-Portrait in a Window
Q112626457Self-Portrait of an Artist Seated at an Easel
Q21370789Self-portrait Lit from the Left
Q104635982Self-portrait against the background of Vilnius
Q21418987Self-portrait as a Citizen
Q122930507Self-portrait as sheppard
Q29480001Self-portrait at work.
Q21558298Self-portrait in Oriental Dress
Q21519924Self-portrait in a fur coat with gold chain and earring
Q104604890Self-portrait of Rembrandt
Q116283554Self-portrait of Wolfgang Heimbach (c. 1613/1616-c. 1678)
Q104627232Self-portrait study
Q21481383Self-portrait wearing a beret
Q21409404Self-portrait with Feathered Beret
Q21517508Self-portrait with Gold Chain
Q30087827Self-portrait with a pipe
Q25713989Self-portrait with a pipe.
Q18226124Self-portrait with architectural elements in the background
Q18655609Self-portrait with breastplate
Q50889786Semiramis Ordering to Kill Her Husband King Ninus
Q104629829Serene life
Q121514921Series for Isabella of Castile with scenes from the Passion of Christ
Q23928666Serjeant William Lovelace
Q104532334Sermon of St. John
Q104650194Sermon on the Mount
Q29952592Seven-Joys-Altar: Annunciation to Mary
Q29958054Seven-Joys-Altar: Ascenscion of Christ
Q29953443Seven-Joys-Altar: Assumption of Mary
Q29906329Seven-Joys-Altar: The nativity
Q60669032Sewing mother with two boys next to a cradle
Q104527814Sewing woman, Cavalier and maid by candlelight
Q117226630Sheep and goat with music-making shepherds in a landscape
Q50880825Shepherd and Shepherdess with Their Flock
Q104533728Shepherd with goats and sheep and a carriage on the right
Q59507245Shepherd's couple with their herd in a wooded landscape
Q50945344Shepherds and Animals in a Cave
Q106361026Shepherds around a Log-fire
Q104547853Shepherds with cattle
Q104627153Ship in a city
Q117228312Shipping activity in a harbour at the bottom of a fortress
Q69409435Shipping in a Calm
Q119496603Shipping off a Coast
Q50862124Shipping off the coast near a lighthouse
Q83854791Shipping on the Boven-Merwede river, with Gorinchem beyond
Q119056079Shipping on the Medway
Q50868392Ships Becalmed on a Rocky Coast
Q114745073Ships and rowboats in strong breeze
Q114745055Ships at sea, beach and village in the dunes to the right
Q43219550Ships in a Gale
Q50896030Ships in a Storm
Q124097795Ships in a heavy storm, a rocky coast at the left
Q114721301Ships in a southern harbour
Q19925234Ships in a storm off a rocky coast
Q50934077Ships off the Coast
Q60659049Ships off the coast, in the foreground a man on the shore
Q114745002Ships on roadstead
Q117228243Ships on the Westerschelde near Vlissingen
Q104532476Ships on the sea
Q104533488Ships on the sea
Q18599923Shipwreck on a Rocky Coast
Q60606082Shoeing a Horse
Q121856815Shoemaker smoking a pipe in his workshop and a woman scraping carrots
Q104650562Shooting range II
Q106772898Sibyl of Cumae
Q11824958Sibylla Sambetha
Q124789424Siegen Altar
Q29906336Siegen Altar: Carrying the Cross
Q29953446Siegen Altar: Saints with female founders
Q29954528Siegen Altar: Saints with male founders
Q26708350Sight (Portrait of Robert van den Hoecke)
Q21406189Simeon in the Temple
Q17275824Simeon's song of praise
Q28056879Singing Angels
Q117225774Singing couple
Q104532498Singing lesson
Q51951295Sint Anthonispoort, Former City Gate of Amsterdam
Q106307522Sir Amias Paulet (c. 1533–1588)
Q52223246Sir Christopher Hatton KG (1540-1592)
Q52223342Sir Francis Drake (1540?-1596) (after Marcus Geeraerts, the younger)
Q52223288Sir Francis Walsingham (1530-1590) (after John de Critz)
Q119113792Sir George Burrows (1801–1887)
Q119142406Sir George Burrows (1801–1887) (after a portrait by George Richmond of 1871)
Q28028632Sir Henry Guildford (1489-1532)
Q52223366Sir James Wilford (1516?-1550) (after Hans Eworth)
Q52299654Sir John Cutts
Q118887782Sir John St John (c.1585–1648), 1st Bt
Q119703727Sir Launcelot Prevented by His Sin from Entering the Chapel of the Sanc Grael: Sir Launcelot's Vision of the Sanc Grael
Q52204532Sir Nicholas Bacon (1509-1579)
Q118887723Sir Robert Honywood (1601–1686) Diplomat and Translator
Q119949477Sir Thomas Browne (1605–1682)
Q52223401Sir Thomas Egerton, 1st Viscount Brackley (1540-1617)
Q27700070Sir Thomas More
Q52223077Sir Thomas More (1478-1535)
Q52223388Sir Walter Mildmay (1520?-1589)
Q119801431Sir William Butts (1485–1545)
Q120029448Sir William Butts (1485–1545)
Q52213571Sir William Hervey, MP (1585 - 1660)
Q118876853Sir William Hickman (d.1625), Kt
Q23928672Sir William Lovelace Kt. of Bethersden
Q23928686Sir William Lovelace Kt. of Woolwich
Q118876922Sir William Peryam (1534–1604)
Q114769831Sitting female figure, a personification
Q114769832Sitting female figure, a personification
Q114769833Sitting female figure, a personification
Q114769830Sitting female figure, a personification, Claritas or Fama?
Q117226526Sitting woman with a velvet jacket doing needlework
Q117226529Six smoking men in a room
Q24359982Six-year-old Girl holding a Cherry
Q59588864Skaters on a Canal
Q104535359Skating by the city walls
Q119069321Skating in Holland
Q104534805Skating near the city
Q104533939Skating on the canal
Q22085140Sketch for a Decapitation of a Saint Woman (St. Catherine?)
Q104602978Sketch for the painting “Potocka in Bakhchisaray”
Q104589094Sketch for the painting “Wernyhora”
Q104626920Sketch of a head with fair hair
Q104604907Sketch of a landscape - Pond
Q104627217Sketch of a male figure
Q50891496Skittle Players
Q3764894Skittle Players outside an Inn
Q21504243Slaughtered Ox
Q50917729Slaughtered Pig
Q105403439Slaughtered Pork in a Paesant Interior
Q114745175Slaughtered pig in a stable with two children playing
Q104534785Slaughterhouse interior
Q23906502Sleeping Hurdy-Gurdy Player
Q105403863Sleeping Woman
Q29965162Sleeping girl
Q29941309Sleeping guard of a grave with a crossbow
Q29952835Sleeping guardian of a grave with sword and halberd
Q28801946Sleeping pig.
Q104533476Sleeping woman
Q29542304Smallschip and frigate in stormy waters.
Q26492661Smell (Portrait of Lucas Fayd'herbe)
Q104535246Smoker with a pipe and a pitcher in his hands
Q104535202Smokers in a tavern
Q117226621Smoking and card-playing farmers
Q64913281Smoking and drinking men in an inn
Q29921006Smoking peasants
Q50227263Soldier and his Horse
Q52261761Soldiers and Banditti resting on Rocks and playing Cards
Q52261769Soldiers and Banditti resting, conversing and climbing on Rocks
Q114769743Soldiers attack wayfarers
Q114721436Soldiers by a fire
Q116285279Soldiers playing cards in front of a ruin
Q117228219Soldiers playing dice in an interior
Q123367846Soldiers preparing an ambush
Q104529280Soldiers smoking and drinking in a barn
Q104533992Soldiers’ fight
Q117226075Solomon's idolatry (1 Kings 11:7-8)
Q118986163South-West View of Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
Q117225841Southern bay at sunset
Q114745085Southern landscape
Q117205300Southern landscape with a bridge and a tower
Q117226553Southern landscape with a shepherd and cattle
Q117205308Southern landscape with shepherd and herd of cattle
Q117205298Southern landscape with waterfall and shepherds with cattle
Q27032910Sports on the Ice
Q59589669Spotted Duck
Q119685338Sprowston Mill, Norwich
Q114829420St Christopher, Antwerp-Baltimore Quadriptych
Q105229219St Dorothy from St Walburgis Church in Soest, wing of a tabernacle
Q119456298St Dunstan (909–988), Archbishop of Canterbury
Q26713310St Jerome in his Study
Q119889073St Luke
Q105229250St Odilia from St Walburgis Church in Soest, wing of a tabernacle
Q117215615St Sigismund and St Adalbert
Q117215608St Wenceslas and St Vitus
Q21809336St. Anthony Abbot and St. Paul the Hermit
Q104532132St. Anthony and St. Paul
Q116294978St. Bernard of Clairvaux in the catherdral of Frankfurt
Q104525267St. Bernard with a kneeling nun, ca. 1530-1540
Q116915911St. Christopher
Q71828451St. Jerome in his Cell
Q61746692St. Jerome in the Desert
Q2390197St. John the Evangelist on Patmos
Q114745136St. Joseph
Q104526322St. Luke cutting his quill
Q28822669St. Mary Magdalene
Q104532169St. Mary Magdalene
Q50323509St. Onuphrius receiving Communion
Q116915913St. Stephen
Q116967969Stag Hunt
Q104534551Stand with vegetables and a hare
Q104605636Stanisławski against a landscape with a windmill
Q50218365Starting for the Chase
Q104627061State dignitaries from the interwar period
Q111353159Statue of Albert I in a niche
Q111353560Statue of Charles V in a niche
Q111353670Statue of Ferdinand II in a niche
Q111353176Statue of Frederick III in a niche
Q111353173Statue of Rudolf II in a niche
Q104549472Statue with an urn
Q21725634Statues of Emperors of the Hapsburg Dynasty
Q58191019Stephan Weinandus Pighius (1520–1604)
Q52204439Stephen Gardiner (1483 – 1555), Bishop of Winchester
Q52223111Stephen Gardiner (1483–1555), Bishop of Winchester
Q119954392Stepping Stones
Q117215116Still LIfe with a Skull - Vanitas
Q50892475Still Life by a Stable
Q119711784Still Life in a Garden
Q50951549Still Life of Fish on a Seashore
Q50972591Still Life of Fish on the Shore
Q50414070Still Life of Flowers in a Vase with a Bird's Nest
Q50949573Still Life of Fruit with a Stone Vase
Q119806948Still Life of Hamper with Dead Wood Pigeon and Leveret
Q113146329Still Life of a meal with a fruit pie and a Jan Steen jug on a draped tabletop
Q117213757Still Life on a Table
Q60048733Still Life on a Wooden Table (Mesa)
Q64789266Still Life with Apple and Insects
Q106360256Still Life with Crab and Fruit
Q106368058Still Life with Doves Hanging from an Iron Hook
Q118986148Still Life with Fish, Bread and Fruit
Q106357526Still Life with Fishes and Birds
Q106361255Still Life with Flowers and Fruit
Q106359453Still Life with Fruit
Q64789481Still Life with Fruit and Plucked Duck
Q119631745Still Life with Fruit, Lobster and Silver Vessels
Q64789510Still Life with Fruits
Q64789527Still Life with Fruits
Q50929872Still Life with Grapes, Peaches, Cherries and Black Currants
Q50990658Still Life with Nautilus Cup
Q50899706Still Life with Orange and Venetian Glass
Q64789633Still Life with Pear and Insects
Q19923802Still Life with Pewter Jug, Fruit and Cheese
Q50991608Still Life with Pie and Roemer
Q50909171Still Life with Pie, Glasses and Tazza
Q50947088Still Life with Roemer, Silver Flagon, Bread and Oysters
Q106364610Still Life with Rummer and Fruit
Q106358898Still Life with Rummer and Grapes
Q55428853Still Life with Silver Vase
Q50887940Still Life with Smoking Paraphernalia
Q18601352Still Life with Tulips
Q50951810Still Life with a Ham, Silver Decanter and a Roemer
Q104531735Still Life with a Jug, a Berkemeyer and a Lemon on a Table
Q119025861Still Life with a Loaf of Bread, Wine and Plums
Q18599861Still Life with a Vase of Flowers
Q114719310Still Life with a gilt cup, a silver tazza, glasses and pewter plates with food on a draped table
Q118890924Still Life with an Upturned Roemer
Q104535407Still life
Q104660725Still life
Q114745192Still life
Q113727250Still life (toebackje) with smoker's paraphernalia
Q114709988Still life of a quince, grapes, a walnut and hazelnuts on a wooden ledge
Q112876315Still life of cheese and fruit on a laid table
Q123524539Still life of citrus fruit, wine glasses and a pretzel on a stone ledge
Q120777922Still life of fish, vegetables and kitchen utensils
Q117228820Still life of flowers in a glass vase
Q23902753Still life of fruit heaped in a basket, next to an urn
Q121685941Still life of fruit on a table covered with a dark cloth
Q50620952Still life of fruit upon a marble ledge, a bird's nest to the right and a basket of flowers above, insects throughout
Q71573048Still life of fruit with a wine glass
Q96049813Still life of fruit, dead birds and a monkey, by Clara Peeters
Q114707381Still life of fruits and shells on a stone balustrade
Q117215702Still life with Oysters
Q122818532Still life with a basket of flowers and fruit
Q114709810Still life with a game seller holding up a hare
Q114828658Still life with a glass tazza, bread, oysters and a knife
Q104604656Still life with a green pitcher
Q104534572Still life with a herring
Q104532891Still life with a lobster
Q104630387Still life with a melon
Q104534613Still life with a nautilus chalice
Q114720546Still life with a peeled lemon, orange slices, an oyster, plums and grapes, a façon-de Venise glass filled with white wine displayed on a partly draped table
Q104533692Still life with a pitcher, a chalice, a bread roll and shrimps
Q114707233Still life with a roast chicken, a tazza of sweets, a plate of olives, a cup screw and fruit
Q121692154Still life with a roasted capon, oysters, bread and an artichoke
Q60646566Still life with a silver tazza, rummer and oysters
Q104535281Still life with a watch
Q41203013Still life with a wicker basket (Dessert).
Q114761170Still life with butterflies, lizard and snake
Q120633171Still life with crayfish, oysters, chestnusts and olives
Q114769808Still life with drinking vessels, fruit and pastries
Q117228823Still life with fish, crabs and oysters
Q104640002Still life with flounders
Q21674386Still life with flowers
Q104530217Still life with fruit and a lobster
Q122812542Still life with grapes on a pewter dish, a vase of flowers and other fruits
Q121697612Still life with herring and glass of wine by candlelight
Q117226613Still life with late summer fruits, insects and butterflies
Q104534453Still life with old dishes
Q117215624Still life with oysters and a crayfish
Q113110509Still life with roemer and fruit
Q29960010Still life with rummer, oysters, lemon and olives
Q22086357Still life with shrimps and crabs on a tin plate
Q113666400Still life with smoking requisites
Q104528493Still life with snipes and a powder horn
Q60646580Still life with tobacco, rummer and oysters
Q104553264Still life – fruit on the table
Q104532831Still life: lobster, lemon and wine
Q59593826Still-Life with Peaches
Q112229847Still-life with big glass
Q19319120Still-life with cheesestack, bread napkin and pretzels
Q112660462Still-life with ham, red herring and beer
Q70086633Storm over a Fishing Harbour
Q61744755Stormy Sea with Ships
Q41793802Street before the Haarlem Gate in Amsterdam
Q21069203Street in a Village
Q60669168Street scene in an Italian city
Q114769752Strollers conversing on a country road near the Temple of Hercules Victor (S. Stefano delle Carrozze), formerly identified as the Temple of Vesta in Rome
Q114829070Struggle between Carnival and Lent
Q27979319Studies of Dogs
Q104640995Study for Don Quixote
Q30094984Study head of a pensive old man
Q27981748Study head of an old man, hunched over to the left
Q21832753Study of Susannah Bathing
Q30097526Study of a Head
Q119052924Study of a Head
Q105403561Study of a Male Head
Q116910644Study of a bearded man
Q104626852Study of a dog (Malina)
Q104623825Study of a girl /Aniela Franczak/
Q30094291Study of a head
Q104626959Study of a little girl
Q104627167Study of a peasant in a hat
Q104603558Study of a woman
Q104627792Study of a woman in a black and white cap
Q104626972Study of a woman in a dark dress
Q21888094Study of an Old Man in Profile
Q21406264Study of an Old Man with a Gold Chain
Q17275984Study of an old man (Rembrandt's father)
Q104621051Study of clouds
Q117215674Study of the Head of a Young Woman in White
Q104606932Submontane landscape
Q104599339Suburban winter landscape
Q29902764Suffer the little children to come unto me (Matt. 19:14)
Q121688911Summer landscape with figures
Q104622928Sun over a garden
Q121547869Supper at Emmaus
Q19960862Supper at the House of Burgomaster Rockox
Q115863578Sur le motif
Q106362965Surprised in a Barn
Q21884121Susanna and the Elders
Q22222604Susanna and the Elders
Q50930084Susanna and the Elders
Q50984614Susanna and the Elders
Q117225873Susanna and the elders
Q104526174Susanna en de ouderlingen (Daniël 13: 20-22)
Q117228264Susanna harassed by the Elders (Daniel 13:1-63)
Q98106147Sybilla Catharina Elisabeth Schücking by Johann Christoph Rincklake
Q29954384Sybilla von Aich, born Reidt, with four daughters
Q104532148Sybil’s prophecy: “Ara Coeli” vision
Q104557959Sławków Gate in Kraków
Q117226501Tarquinius and Lucretia
Q18574258Tavern Scene
Q106365725Tavern Scene with Pipesmokers
Q28871819Tavern interior
Q117225806Tax collectors
Q121698935Te Riviere Castle
Q27974490Temple of Janus (Templum Jani)
Q121690069Temptation of Christ in the wilderness
Q21672332Temptation of Saint Antony
Q104532214Temptation of St. Anthony
Q104532205Temptation of St. Anthony (Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea, Vitae Patrum)
Q41152420Temptation of St. Athony
Q50359049Terracotta Vase with Flowers and Fruits
Q50897498Tha Flagellation of Christ
Q117226006The parable of the royal wedding-feast
Q119041575The 'Lion' and 'Calder' off Goole
Q4680634The Adoration of the Kings
Q21589442The Adoration of the Kings
Q21600419The Adoration of the Kings
Q26678545The Adoration of the Kings
Q2489939The Adoration of the Magi
Q18685744The Adoration of the Magi
Q28797465The Adoration of the Magi
Q28801984The Adoration of the Magi
Q29954989The Adoration of the Magi
Q50939169The Adoration of the Magi
Q50972899The Adoration of the Magi
Q104526158The Adoration of the Magi
Q106583311The Adoration of the Magi
Q106583737The Adoration of the Magi
Q117215576The Adoration of the Magi
Q117215705The Adoration of the Magi
Q121322736The Adoration of the Magi
Q121499579The Adoration of the Magi
Q118679149The Adoration of the Magi with Saint Margaret and a Nun
Q121691936The Adoration of the Magi, set in a capriccio view of Rome
Q50941525The Adoration of the Shepherds
Q50951205The Adoration of the Shepherds
Q117215639The Adoration of the Shepherds
Q118876772The Adoration of the Shepherds
Q116984956The Adoration of the shepherds
Q50324053The Adulteress before Christ
Q50932811The Alchemist
Q50990168The Alchemist
Q50951014The Allegory of Public Welfare
Q50949628The Allegory of Sight
Q1698794The Altar of St. John
Q1212937The Ambassadors
Q18601056The Angel Raphael Leaving Tobias's Family
Q18573313The Angel Taking away the Stone from the Grave
Q116910363The Angel in the House of Tobias
Q18508776The Annunciation
Q29911336The Annunciation
Q29958113The Annunciation
Q50951374The Annunciation
Q107438510The Annunciation
Q116283969The Annunciation
Q117229164The Annunciation
Q118630715The Annunciation
Q121511433The Annunciation
Q121512660The Annunciation
Q121685050The Annunciation
Q121689476The Annunciation
Q121501893The Annunciation by the Tiburtine sybil to Emperor Augustus; Angel of the Annunciation (verso)
Q117215421The Annunciation to the Virgin
Q121514437The Annunciation with Saints Peter and Elisabeth of Hungary
Q98150513The Annunciation, Adoration of the Magi, The Circumcision
Q106773292The Apoll of Miletus - Ludger tom Ring d. Ä. - LWL 996 LM
Q116827429The Apostle James the Great
Q27981771The Apostle Simon
Q29952358The Archangel Michael with donor
Q5820880The Argo
Q106877133The Arrest of Christ
Q50979056The Arrival of the Visitors
Q23775592The Artist's death
Q28056204The Ascension (copy after Leandro Bassano)
Q30056581The Assumption of Mary (after Dürer's woodcut from the Life of Mary B. 94)
Q111075900The Assumption of the Virgin
Q50901990The Autumn
Q50951780The Autumn
Q50987850The Bacchus Singers
Q18508794The Bad Thief to the Left of Christ
Q22080650The Baptism of Christ
Q29908928The Baptism of the Eunuch
Q104530838The Baptism of the Eunuch
Q117229366The Battle with the Amazons
Q119852978The Betrothal of Saint Ursula
Q56559441The Bird Trap with the Flight into Egypt
Q62274265The Birth of Henri IV
Q118875913The Birth of the Virgin
Q43388981The Bitter Draught
Q21475539The Bittern Hunter
Q63280001The Blind Fiddler
Q50986970The Blind Hurdy-Gurdy Player
Q29898132The Burial of Christ
Q52300794The Calling of Andrew and Simon Peter (possibly a left wing of an altarpiece)
Q119450429The Calling of Andrew and Simon Peter (possibly a left wing of an altarpiece)
Q50939538The Circumcision
Q60643428The Circumcision
Q18608264The Company of Captain Banning Cocq
Q22662436The Concert
Q30098548The Concert of Cats
Q47010830The Conquest of Tunis by Charles V (1535)
Q50887671The Continence of Scipio
Q111433402The Continence of Scipio
Q26706614The Conversion of Saint Hubert: Left Hand Shutter
Q19587171The Conversion of Saint Paul
Q119107111The Corner of Maltravers Street and the High Street, Arundel, West Sussex
Q29444007The Courtesan
Q114721425The Creation of Eve (Genesis 2:21-23)
Q50905270The Crossing of the Jordan
Q50915919The Crowning with Thorns
Q18930512The Crucifixion
Q26493219The Crucifixion
Q50897605The Crucifixion
Q50938194The Crucifixion
Q50946290The Crucifixion
Q50988952The Crucifixion
Q121503257The Crucifixion
Q122374419The Crucifixion
Q50951735The Crucifixion (fragment)
Q118678227The Crucifixion (panel from an altarpiece)
Q121556326The Crucifixion in a wintery landscape
Q118676170The Crucifixion with Mary Magdalen at the Foot of the Cross (triptych, centre panel)
Q118885565The Crucifixion, with the Fall of the Rebel Angels
Q27981889The Damned being cast into Hell
Q50891902The Death of Cleopatra
Q117229434The Death of Cleopatra
Q121544749The Death of Seneca
Q26516268The Death of the Virgin
Q18929078The Decapitation of Saint George
Q64800077The Decapitation of St John the Baptist
Q20011632The Departure of the Shunammite Woman
Q118891954The Departure of the Shunammite Woman
Q50911090The Descent from the Cross
Q61743727The Descent from the Cross
Q105441882The Descent from the Cross
Q121503113The Descent of Christ into Limbo
Q121683231The Descent of Christ into Limbo
Q117229379The Devotion of Artemisia
Q27981699The Doctor
Q29178975The Doctor's Visit
Q83558075The Doctor's Visit
Q44517276The Donkere Sluis at the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal in Amsterdam
Q28797423The Dormition of the Virgin
Q50876388The Dutch Flute 'St John Baptist'
Q21997542The Elevation of the Cross
Q29952725The Engagement of Mary (verso: upper half of the Coronation of Mary)
Q50888085The Entombment
Q50982099The Entombment of Christ
Q2276130The Epiphany
Q61917370The Ethiopian king
Q25711737The Evening in the studio.
Q50991959The Expulsion of Hagar
Q50932458The Fall of Man
Q29954584The Fall of Man: Eva offers the fruit to Adam (Genesis 3:6)
Q114745194The Fall of the Damned
Q594406The Fall of the Rebel Angels
Q50989360The Fall of the Rebel Angels
Q50905907The Fat Kitchen
Q44537895The Feather-cutter
Q47486608The Ferry Boat
Q119790014The Ferry, Moonlight
Q118890546The Fiddler
Q26705878The Finding of the Infant Moses by Pharaoh's Daughter
Q104597443The First Parliament in Łęczyca, from the series “History of Civilization in Poland”
Q43861382The Fishwife in her Marketstall
Q116295022The Flagellation of Christ
Q18915238The Flagellation of Saint George
Q64800395The Flémalle Panels
Q52552818The Foot Operation
Q98148676The Ford
Q50323302The Four Evangelists
Q52300893The Four Seasons, Autumn Wood-cutting
Q118879588The Four Seasons, Spring: Sheep-Dipping
Q118879799The Four Seasons, Summer: Haymaking
Q118876727The Garden of Eden with the Temptation in the Background
Q104526184The Garden of Love
Q119269803The Gate
Q104597412The Golden Age in Literature in the 16th c., from the series “History of Civilization in Poland”
Q21558277The Good Samaritan
Q125491086The Great Flood
Q30108651The Greengrocer
Q56186484The Guardroom
Q29352741The Harpsichord Lesson
Q122374458The Head of St John the Baptist
Q20177624The Hermit
Q50985279The Holy Ark falling in the hands of the Philistines
Q29951630The Holy Family
Q50947820The Holy Family
Q50991941The Holy Family
Q27980406The Holy Family in a Flower Garland
Q121696512The Holy Family with Saint Anna
Q50942727The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and the Infant Saint John the Baptist
Q121688406The Holy Family with an angel in a landscape
Q121688301The Holy Family with an angel; the flight into Egypt in the background
Q106672013The Holy Family with angels, surrounded with a flower garland in a wooded landscape
Q117225897The Holy Ghost descends upon Mary and the apostles (Pentecost) (interior), the ascension of Christ (interior); the Holy Kinship with three figures (exterior), the Holy Kinship with six figures (exterior)
Q11765907The Holy Kinship
Q117229153The Holy Kinship (front), kneeling man at an altar, grisaille (back)
Q22259840The Holy Trinity
Q126872005The Holy Trinity
Q21679989The Holy Trinity with Donors and Saints
Q50896063The Holy Trinity with a Donor
Q117214564The Horse Market in Valkenburg
Q50951511The Hunting Party
Q50906512The Idolatry of Solomon
Q116962202The Infant Christ and St John
Q119750829The Infants Christ and Saint John Embracing (after Leonardo da Vinci)
Q119017117The Inner Harbour, Dockyard, Plymouth and Hamoage, Devon (The Tamar River Passage)
Q52300534The Interior of a Barn with an Officer
Q117215506The Interior of a Palace
Q52300681The Interior of the Church of St Catherine, Utrecht
Q64787086The Interior of the Oude Kerk in Delft
Q104527057The Israelites after the passage trough the Red Sea (Exodus 14: 22-31)
Q44941933The Itinerant Musician
Q117228252The Jews bring their offerings for the Tabernacle.
Q30093577The Judas Kiss
Q23928674The Judde Memorial
Q50896004The Judgement of Paris
Q18929056The Judgement of Saint George
Q28058334The Just Judges
Q104595169The Krakus crossing the river
Q52300342The Labourers
Q114745118The Lamentation
Q116918774The Lamentation
Q114745034The Lamentation of Christ
Q117225335The Lamentation of Christ
Q121544446The Lamentation of Christ
Q121545894The Lamentation of Christ
Q116890134The Lamentation of Christ with Angels
Q15934829The Lamentation over the dead Christ
Q27468542The Last Judgement
Q29954394The Last Judgement
Q29899073The Last Supper
Q121686306The Last Supper
Q118631741The Last Supper with the Institution of the Eucharist and Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet
Q64515511The Legend of St. Christopher
Q106773290The Libyan Sibyl
Q29511770The Life of Mary: Joachim meets Anna at the Golden Gate; in the background the Annunciation of the birth of Mary to Joachim by an angel (verso: upper half of the Crucifixion of Christ)
Q29952721The Life of Mary: the Annunciation (lower half of the Crucifixion of Christ)
Q29953424The Life of Mary: the Assumption of Mary (verso: lower half of the Coronation of Mary)
Q119801269The Little Cooks
Q52614962The Luteplayer
Q52300771The Madonna and Child
Q106378529The Madonna and Child (copy)
Q52300865The Madonna and Child with Two Music-making Angels
Q52300905The Madonna and Child with an Angel
Q1747569The Madonna in the Church
Q121547350The Madonna with SS. Augustine and Hadrian
Q121704903The Madonna with the Trinity, flanked by angels making music
Q60661294The Madonna with the cherries
Q121690349The Madonna with the family of mayor Jakob Meyer zum Hausen
Q26707946The Magdalen
Q7749380The Magdalen Weeping
Q50987633The Magdalene
Q4009967The Man of Sorrows in the arms of the Virgin
Q50939401The Man of Sorrows with the Instruments of the Passion
Q17276224The Mariaplaats with the Mariakerk in Utrecht
Q116296406The Marriage of the Virgin
Q21997753The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Q116963088The Martyrdom of the seven sons of St Felicity
Q19321081The Mass of Saint Gregory
Q29879103The Massacre of the Innocents
Q96910162The Massacre of the Innocents
Q52300814The Massacre of the Innocents (after Pieter Bruegel the elder)
Q106357418The Meeting of Esau and Jacob
Q21617030The Members of the Guild of the Large Crossbow of Malines
Q21129709The Merchant Georg Gisze
Q49463908The Milkmaid
Q118894561The Mill
Q50911656The Miracle of Saint Justin
Q50935814The Mocking of Christ
Q118874900The Mocking of Christ
Q111373068The Mocking of Saint Thomas of Canterbury
Q50933994The Month of January
Q50911113The Month of September
Q118632172The Mounted Escort of the Magi (triptych, inside of right wing)
Q28797630The Mourning Mary Magdalene
Q50324209The Music Lesson
Q28056272The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine
Q64787760The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine (Colour Sketch for the Altar of the Church of the Augustinian Fathers in Antwerp), verso: Two Cavalry Battles
Q21600399The Nativity
Q50980358The Nativity
Q61742518The Nativity
Q101445666The Nativity
Q52300997The Nativity at Night
Q52301013The Nativity at Night
Q26689455The Nativity, at Night
Q119954395The Open Gate (after James Stark)
Q23898968The Outskirts of a Wood
Q107570423The Pancake Woman
Q117226164The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
Q38549190The Paradise
Q603751The Peasant Wedding
Q29980568The Penitent Magdalene
Q375216The People's Census at Bethlehem
Q50325517The Physician
Q118984606The Physician's Visit
Q28532699The Pilgrimage to Canterbury
Q49405476The Poor Painter in his Studio
Q18686031The Portinari Triptych
Q21598236The Presentation in the Temple
Q50947418The Presentation in the Temple
Q118679036The Presentation in the Temple
Q22672612The Prodigal Son
Q50984911The Prodigal Son amidst the Whores
Q114828619The Prodigal son wasting his money
Q117226518The Prophet Elijah in the house of the widow of Zarephath
Q121505970The Proverbs
Q50913847The Punishing of Cupid
Q21589123The Queen of Sheba in front of King Solomon
Q9378385The Raising of Lazarus
Q117213673The Raising of Lazarus (John 11: 43-44)
Q119932951The Rape of Proserpina
Q26689529The Rape of Tamar by Amnon
Q26509395The Rape of the Sabine Women
Q111600742The Rape of the Sabine Women, circa 1635 or earlier
Q119824207The Ratcatcher
Q26693176The Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Q118875588The Resurrection
Q50990205The Resurrection of Christ
Q63391776The Return from a Pilgrimage to Saint Anthony
Q119858494The Rhine near Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Q26706187The Rich Man being led to Hell
Q116772817The Ripa Grande in Rome
Q28927376The Road to Calvary
Q105441697The Sacrifice of Manoah
Q50941716The Satyr at the Peasant
Q50945556The Sense of Smell
Q257048The Sermon of Saint John the Baptist
Q106362892The Ship Wreck
Q118874236The Siege and Battle of Pavia
Q26511892The Small Dort
Q44537369The Smoker
Q55713530The Smoker
Q52379289The Smokers
Q106366906The Song Interrupted
Q26706254The Soul of Saint Bertin carried up to God
Q50917599The Spring
Q50991802The Spring
Q28060199The Springweg in Utrecht
Q116283971The St. Anne (fragment)
Q2646680The Stoning of Saint Stephen
Q18600009The Story of the Farmer and the Satyr from Aisopus' Fables
Q29954451The Suicide of Lucretia
Q50882045The Summer
Q50941297The Summer
Q52300957The Temptation of Christ
Q12013489The Temptation of St Anthony
Q121695364The Temptations of Christ (Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13)
Q26332660The Temptations of Saint Anthony
Q60048738The Temptations of Saint Anthony
Q60048739The Temptations of Saint Anthony
Q100998180The Three Graces
Q29564544The Tired Traveller
Q120015617The Tomb of Sir Richard Edgcumbe (d.1489), at Morlaix, Brittany
Q50941018The Tower of Babel
Q21423346The Tribute Money
Q48604358The Tric-Trac Players
Q18685962The Trinity and Mystic Pietà
Q116296220The Trinity with angels with the Arma Christi
Q56182289The Trumpeter
Q107184393The Two Holy Families
Q62274367The Union of Henri IV and Marie de Médicis
Q29349161The Unruly Guest
Q105441965The Vagabond
Q29399994The Village Alchemist
Q68851845The Village Lawyer
Q29887436The Violin Player
Q118874184The Virgin
Q64790993The Virgin Mary and Mourners at the Cruzifixion
Q121498843The Virgin Mary as Mater Dolorosa
Q50983874The Virgin Nursing the Christ Child
Q118675958The Virgin Reading (left wing); The Angel of the Annunciation (right wing) (triptych, closed)
Q837829The Virgin and Child
Q26513509The Virgin and Child
Q50943682The Virgin and Child
Q50974870The Virgin and Child
Q118676141The Virgin and Child
Q114779064The Virgin and Child by a Fireplace (Right Wing of a Diptych)
Q117225343The Virgin and Child in a Landscape
Q26513829The Virgin and Child in an Apse with Two Angels
Q118680664The Virgin and Child with Angels
Q118679310The Virgin and Child with Saint John
Q26492545The Virgin and Child with Saint Peter and Saint Paul
Q121514975The Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine and Barbara, and John Donne of Kidwelly and his family
Q117225345The Virgin and Child with St Anne
Q118629963The Virgin and Child with St Anne
Q26506892The Virgin and Child with Two Angels
Q26693302The Virgin and Child with a Donor
Q116296133The Virgin and Child with a Franciscan Founder
Q121498691The Virgin and Child with angels in a Loggia
Q50984366The Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist
Q119795077The Virgin and Saint Joseph at Bethlehem (recto)
Q52300988The Virgin and Saint Joseph at Bethlehem (recto) and Virgin Annunciate (verso)
Q104525041The Virgin and child with the infant Saint John, in a wooded landscape
Q117226127The Virgin feeding the Child
Q50937813The Virgin of Mercy with Carmelite Monks
Q112229853The Virgin takes six monks under her protection
Q50887687The Virgin with the Infant Christ Drinking Wine
Q26708395The Virgin, Saints and a Holy Woman
Q105441703The Vision of Zacharias
Q52300878The Vision of the Emperor Augustus
Q21600417The Visitation
Q29952718The Visitation with a portrait of donor Johann von Hirtz (?-?)
Q26692794The Wandering Musicians
Q50903476The Way to Calvary
Q36708028The Wedding Feast
Q105836351The Wedding at Cana
Q50908503The Winter
Q50975496The Winter
Q18600093The Wrath of Ahasuerus
Q121690073The adoration of the Kings (Matthew 2:1-12)
Q114745244The adoration of the Magi
Q116294997The adoration of the Magi
Q116772816The adoration of the Magi
Q117225809The adoration of the Magi
Q121514477The adoration of the Virgin and Child by St. Martin with Sts. Peter, Paul, Agnes and Thecla
Q29905743The adoration of the kings
Q114745134The adoration of the kings
Q114745133The adoration of the kings (Melchior and Caspar)
Q117225832The adoration of the magi
Q30097901The adoration of the shepherds
Q117226020The adoration of the shepherds (Luke 2:8-20)
Q121555632The aftermath of a battle
Q116910601The angel Raphael leaving Tobit and his family
Q123592744The angel leaves Manoah and his wife (Judges 13:20)
Q114745170The annunciation to the shepherds
Q116984979The annunciation to the shepherds
Q117226159The annunciation to the shepherds
Q117226161The annunciation to the shepherds
Q116847244The apostle Jude Thaddaeus reading
Q29902992The apostle Paul
Q114707269The apostle Paul with a sword
Q116847245The apostle Simon Zelotes
Q111292035The archangel Michael defeats Satan and the rebellious angels (Revelations 12:7-9), 1620
Q62414796The arrest of Christ
Q114745255The arrest of Christ
Q117227464The arrest of Christ
Q121545736The arrest of Christ
Q121503116The arrest of Christ: Judas is kissing him
Q116294991The ascension
Q117225879The ascension of Christ
Q121501724The ascension of Christ
Q125390260The bagpipe player and the merry woman
Q117228262The barber's room
Q2022232The battle between Carnival and Lent
Q121551357The battle between Carnival and Lent
Q121544831The battle of the amazons
Q114720910The beautiful cook
Q29953213The beheading of John the Baptist
Q60668595The beheading of Saint John the Baptist (Mark 6: 22-29)
Q121514554The beheading of St. John the Baptist, Salome dancing during the banquet of Herod in the background
Q108773556The birth of Christ
Q121695351The building of theTower of Babel (Genesis 11: 3-5)
Q29955966The carrying of the cross
Q121539512The carrying of the cross
Q121539510The carrying of the cross (left), the descent from the cross (middle), the resurrection (right)
Q114745007The continence of Scipio
Q117226519The continence of Scipio
Q50323647The continence of Scipio (Livius 26:50)
Q123171496The conversion of Paul on the road to Damascus
Q104526067The conversion of St. Paul
Q117226545The cow milker
Q29951808The crucifixion
Q29955935The crucifixion
Q114745151The crucifixion
Q116294903The crucifixion
Q116295038The crucifixion
Q117225810The crucifixion
Q117244048The crucifixion
Q121547525The crucifixion
Q121695561The crucifixion of Christ and the two malefactors on Golgotha
Q121696525The crucifixion of Christ and the two malefactors on Golgotha (Matthew 27:45-58; Mark 15:33-45; Luke 23:44-52; John 19:25-38)
Q117228192The crucifixion of Christ with Saints
Q121684874The dance around the golden calf (Exodus 32)
Q121540169The daughters of Cecrops find the serpent-shaped baby Erichthonius (Ovid, Metamorfoses II: 552-561)
Q29911316The death of Mary
Q121543886The decapitation of Saint John the Baptiste
Q121692975The defeat of Sennacherib ( 2 Kings 32: 20-21; Isaiah 37:36-37)
Q117205193The deluge
Q121698009The departure of S. Ursula
Q117225766The deposition
Q121696481The descent from the cross
Q116283574The descent of the Holy Spirit (interior right); Saint Cecilia (exterior right)
Q116296115The donor, possibly Aelbrecht Adriaensz. van Adrichem with St. Peter (left); the donor, possibly Elisabeth van Dorp with St. Paul (right)
Q122982138The dragon bursts after being fed by Daniel (Daniel 14:26)
Q121689657The entry into Jerusalem: people spreading their clothes before Christ on the ass, and waving palm branches (Matthew 21:1-11, 21:14-16; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-40; John 12:12-19)The
Q114769757The fable of the satyr and the peasant
Q117771824The finding of the True Cross
Q121697317The fish seller
Q121684399The five wise and the five foolish virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)
Q29953205The flagellation of Christ
Q29918910The flight into Egypt
Q121554578The flight into Egypt (Matthew 2: 13-15)
Q104528153The fortuneteller
Q114744985The four evangelists
Q114745295The four evangelists
Q21675294The ghost of Samuel appears to the witch of Endor; Saul falls prostrate to the ground (1 Samuel 28:3-20)
Q118601733The holy Family returning to the Holy Land
Q104525266The holy Servatius with a kneeling abbess, ca. 1530-1540
Q121686369The holy family with angels making music
Q50323480The judgement of Midas
Q117205191The judgement of Midas
Q123747329The judgement of Paris
Q116295006The lamentation
Q29951910The lamentation of Christ
Q114745020The lamentation of Christ
Q28061389The lamentation over the dead Christ
Q3278365The last judgment
Q114745208The letter with the black seal
Q28019800The liberation of Saint Peter (acts 12: 7-8)
Q29951207The life of Mary: the presentation of Mary in the temple
Q121691487The marriage-feast at Cana
Q29951652The martyrdom of Saint Cyriacus
Q117225991The massacre of the innocents in Bethlehem
Q114769853The meeting of David and Abigail, who kneels before him and brings him supplies for his men (1 Samuel 25:23)
Q121683653The meeting of David and Abigail, who kneels before him and brings him supplies for his men (1 Samuel 25:23)
Q117226084The meeting of Nausicaa and Ulysses: Ulysses, almost naked, comes out of the bushes; Nausicaa and her companions are startled at the sight
Q29953650The miraculous multiplication of bread and fish
Q121515087The mocking of Christ
Q107103362The mourning Dido, 1687
Q44426185The painter in his studio
Q29915045The parable of the blind
Q104526177The parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)
Q121555558The parable of the rich man and poor Lazarus
Q107438885The paradise
Q121696318The peasant's wedding: handing the presents to the bride
Q121696323The peasant's wedding: the wedding meal
Q117226027The penitent Mar Magdalene
Q121686478The penitent Mary Magdalene
Q121856803The penitent Mary Magdalene
Q30057425The penitent Mary Magdalene contemplating in the wilderniss
Q121688271The presentation in the temple
Q121544407The presentation in the temple (Luc. 2:22-38)
Q116772758The presentation of Christ in the Temple
Q29952171The presentation of Christ in the temple
Q115452400The presentation of the Christ-child in the temple
Q117229364The prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)
Q114745015The prodigal son at the inn
Q29951981The raid
Q121503128The raising of Lazarus
Q117226647The rape of the daughters of Leucippus
Q121549663The rest on the flight into Egypt with John the Baptist as child
Q121539519The resurrection
Q29953007The resurrection of Christ
Q30096001The resurrection of the blessed
Q29899117The sacrifice of Abraham
Q114745097The sacrifice of Jephtah's daughter
Q121691743The slaves of Love or the Triumph of Cupid
Q121543070The sleeping Diana and her nymphs spied upon by satyrs
Q29953330The suicide of Lucretia
Q117225871The suicide of Lucretia
Q114721357The surgeon's office
Q121702436The temptation of Saint Anthony
Q52475421The temptation of St Anthony
Q62994007The temptation of St. Antony Abbot
Q116945569The three electors of Saxony: Fredric the Wise, John the Steadfast and John Frederic the Magnanimous
Q104526689The tomb of a Lord from the Van Tuyll van Serooskerken-family
Q114769857The triumph of Bacchus
Q121704879The triumph of Bacchus
Q114769762The triumph of Ceres
Q121704812The triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite
Q114769761The triumph of Venus
Q121698412The virgin with child and grapes
Q121547868The virgin, child and angels
Q29955590The visitation
Q116294984The visitation and the legends of the foundation of S. Maria ad Nives in Rome, with the donor Claudio Villa
Q121704898The wedding at Cana (John 2: 1-11)
Q117306057The wedding dance
Q121556332The wedding dance
Q123281179The wedding dance
Q115321930The wedding of Peleus and Thetis
Q114829228The wedding-party; in the background Lot and his daughters
Q104528364The wickedness of mankind and the ark of Noah (Genesis 7)
Q123933696The yawner
Q60669078Thisbe with the dead body of Pyramus
Q118878617Thomas Bilson (1547–1616), Bishop of Winchester
Q52223138Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556), Archbishop of Canterbury
Q19857305Thomas Cromwell
Q52223091Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex (c.1485-1540)
Q52223307Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk KG (1536-1572) (after Hans Eworth)
Q23928707Thomas Lovelace
Q118878618Thomas Lyte of Lytes Cary (1568–1638)
Q52223225Thomas Radcliffe, 3rd Earl of Sussex (1526 – 1583)
Q52223354Thomas Sackville, 1st Earl of Dorset KG (1536-1608)
Q118884572Thomas White (1550–1624)
Q107359219Thomasaltar, Fragment des rechten äußeren Flügels, Szene oben: Anbetung der Könige
Q119078929Thorpe River, Norwich (View through an Arch of Whitlingham Church)
Q50190932Three Horses in a Meadow
Q104762312Three Peacocks
Q119794744Three Peasants Seated
Q114745249Three ducks in a landscape
Q118629844Thrones (panel probably from a reredos representing the Nine Choirs of Angels)
Q28048334Tiberius Cavallo
Q21551494Titus Posing for a Study of an Angel
Q104628311Tobias and the angel
Q114769788Tobias and the angel
Q114745222Tobias and the fish
Q114769789Tobias catching a fish
Q21461963Tobias healing his blind father
Q59677259Tobit and Rapael in a Wood
Q104630520Toilette – Woman combing her hair
Q104648737Toledo or Family – Motif from Andalusia
Q121544706Tomyris and Cyrus
Q121544708Tomyris and Cyrus
Q121547512Tower of the old church
Q71138139Town Crier with Stick and Gong (Hearing)
Q50323289Town in a vally
Q50941262Town on a River (Brussels?)
Q104688394Town on fire
Q121693224Trajan and the widow
Q29953532Transfiguration Christ
Q30094399Transfiguration Christ
Q114769785Travelers on a trackway
Q104534584Travellers in a cave
Q104533683Travellers in the forest
Q117225900Travellers passing through a village in winter
Q114745065Travellers resting in front of an inn
Q104595486Travelling seller of fabrics in a peasant cottage
Q104552386Tribute penny (Matthew 22:15–22; Mark 12:13–17; Luke 20:21–26)
Q3428057Trinity Altarpiece
Q27037885Triptych of Jean de Witte and Maria Hoose
Q104532213Triptych of Immaculate Conception, central section: Allegory of Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary; left wing: Portrait of the founder, Mathias Laurin, Lord de Watervliet; right wing: Portrait of th
Q27311135Triptych of St Christopher
Q116296209Triptych of the Descent from the Cross
Q123938048Triptych of the Entombment
Q17324095Triptych with the Crucifixion
Q121689083Triptych with the Saints Peter, Paul and Andrew
Q118874652Triptych – The Adoration of the Shepherds
Q50882317Triptych. Central panel: The Adoration of the Magi; left wing: The Nativity; right wing: The Circumcision
Q104532229Triptych: Adoration of the Magi, Adoration of the Shepherds, Circumcision
Q27652633Triptych: Scenes from the Lives of St. Antonius and Paulus
Q104664794Tristan and Isolde
Q104539140Triumph of Amphitrite
Q117225872Triumph of Death and The Last Judgement
Q50323493Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite
Q104603879Trumpeters of the 2nd Uhlan Regiment
Q121539364Tryptich of the duke and duchess of Bourbon
Q104657635Trzy kwadraty
Q124789893Two Altarpieces
Q28026364Two Cavalry Troopers Talking to a Peasant
Q231953Two Chained Monkeys
Q66362600Two Cows and a Goat by a Dead Tree
Q20274808Two Cows and a Young Bull beside a Fence in a Meadow
Q47487120Two Horsemen at a Tavern
Q50990245Two Hypocrites Praying
Q29536956Two Lovers under an Arbour
Q117215666Two Men tying Branches
Q50949930Two Monks in a Rocky Cave
Q118892827Two Shepherds with a Mule and a Dog in a Hilly Landscape
Q22083000Two Tax Collectors
Q26706483Two Tax Gatherers
Q119457474Two Wings of a Triptych: The Virgin and The Angel of the Annunciation
Q50945389Two Young Oxen
Q117226174Two boys playing with a bird in a wooded landscape
Q114721432Two boys playing with a cat in a classic ruin
Q117205302Two calves
Q104627158Two children
Q104627152Two children on a balcony
Q59677621Two children with a cat and birdcage in a window
Q121697399Two fools
Q104627216Two heads
Q104532525Two heads of apostles
Q104627919Two heads of little girls in a garland of flowers
Q23890871Two heads of old men
Q115452215Two horses in a dark cave
Q104594652Two horses, sketch
Q104538472Two martyrs, St. Adalbert (956–997) and Stephen (?–36)
Q29960305Two nymphs with hounds
Q116910553Two old men disputing
Q104525347Two peasants
Q117228755Two peasants smoking and drinking
Q121698546Two women in a kitchen
Q106361031Unknown Man
Q124789962Unknown couple
Q104537614Upper section of the overdoor with a medallion bearing the image of an old bearded man
Q52157796Vanitas Trompe-l’oeil Letter-rack, with Death Notices
Q114745181Vanitas still life
Q114745313Vanitas still life
Q116296333Vanitas still life
Q114745081Vanitas still life with a globe and a skull
Q120742600Vanitas still-life with aportrait of Leendert van der Cooghen
Q104523010Vanitas stilleven met een beeltenis van Van Dyck
Q104771171Vase in Niche
Q114707128Vase of six tulips in a niche
Q4008945Vase with Irises
Q117293962Vase with a single tulip
Q121690990Vegetable seller
Q117228593Venus and Adonis
Q115298713Venus and Adonis as lovers (Ovid, Met. 10:529-559)
Q117035001Venus and Adonis resting in an extensive landscape, with Cupid and hunting dogs and their quarries
Q29958106Venus and Amor
Q117205326Venus and Amor
Q62340692Venus and Cupid
Q107125590Venus and Cupid
Q28831393Venus and Cupid.
Q29952855Venus and Mars at the forge of Vulcanus
Q121705274Venus at her toilet; an allegory of vanity
Q30057103Venus und Amor in der Schmiede des Vulkan
Q116968046Venus with Cupid the Honey Thief
Q125425035Venus, Cupid and Bacchus
Q115478958Venus, Mars and Cupid
Q117215669Veronica and the Angels with Arma Christi
Q107437060Vertumnus and Pomona
Q26706224Vessels Moored off a Jetty
Q59296711Vessels in a Breeze
Q50876428Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson (1758-1805), 1st Viscount Nelson
Q107099517Victim of Priapus
Q119013632View across Plymouth Sound from Barbican, Devon (Sutton Pool towards Drake Island with Mount Edgecumbe beyond)
Q118989410View at the Mouth of a River
Q104698462View from Alupka. From the journey to Crimea
Q25711742View from Istebna I. Forest.
Q104619692View from Istebna II. Cottage
Q104619717View from Istebna III. Farmyard
Q25711760View from Istebna IV. Cottage.
Q104619667View from Istebna V. Church
Q60644544View from the forest on a landscape at night
Q111643063View of Brussels from the Northeast
Q20824418View of Burg Bentheim
Q50903063View of Cologne from Northwest
Q106358143View of Egmont
Q50983923View of Haarlem
Q123469796View of Haarlem from the South
Q64442200View of Huis te Merwede near Dordrecht
Q50113903View of Ischl
Q56787165View of Nijmegen
Q118896932View of Old London Bridge from the West
Q47015731View of Rhenen
Q38400863View of Utrecht
Q120536216View of Utrecht as seen from the northeast
Q104627867View of Venice. Santa Maria della Salute
Q27974898View of Wageningen
Q121685617View of a castle on a river, with a village on the other side
Q28130213View of a channel.
Q114769926View of a city with skaters on the ice
Q104536044View of a river valley
Q114745095View of a ruin of a Gothic church
Q114745120View of a village street
Q117227434View of a village with peasants feasting
Q104529841View of a village with visitors from the city
Q104586474View of marshes at sunset
Q104563990View of the Avignon port
Q23933593View of the Binnenhof in The Hague
Q114760023View of the Brink in Assen
Q119716614View of the Danube
Q23933526View of the Groenmarkt looking towards Westeinde in The Hague
Q23938100View of the Haarlem Bavo Church from the Groenmarkt
Q64538282View of the North Port at Hoorn
Q41793944View of the Oude Delft Canal, Delft
Q117743645View of the Valkhof at Nijmegen
Q15788961View of the ambulatory of the Grote or St. Bavokerk in Haarlem.
Q104541412View of the city
Q104534499View of the interior of the St. Bavo Church in Haarlem
Q23711357View of the port in Avignon
Q21976057Village Barber's Shop
Q28925898Village Doctor
Q117215671Village Kermess
Q118893246Village Scene
Q64790958Village Street with People Resting near a Farm
Q117215555Village Tavern with Fiddler
Q106357894Village Wedding
Q19857302Village among Trees
Q104532589Village buildings with peasants
Q114744939Village fair
Q114745225Village fair
Q116257728Village fair
Q18601010Village festival
Q27007520Village fire at night
Q121695155Village kermesse
Q121683876Village kermesse on the day of St. George
Q27005736Village looting at night
Q27007489Village looting at night
Q30056093Village musicians (Allegory of hearing)
Q114745238Village on a river bank
Q30057213Village view
Q117706330Village view with
Q30097818Village with a mountaine winery
Q101242934Vineyard altar
Q19327483Violinist with a skull and a music book
Q104533564Virgin Mary with Child Jesus
Q114828696Virgin Nursing the Christ Child (Virgo lactans)
Q11935330Virgin Suckling the Child
Q27514386Virgin and Child
Q29955822Virgin and Child
Q64790967Virgin and Child
Q114719594Virgin and Child
Q114828762Virgin and Child
Q116296182Virgin and Child
Q116296359Virgin and Child
Q117225833Virgin and Child
Q117225896Virgin and Child
Q121500361Virgin and Child
Q121694439Virgin and Child
Q121504559Virgin and Child adored by Saint Martin and other saints including Saint Peter, Agnes, Mary Magdelene, and Anthony
Q79031576Virgin and Child with Angels
Q29898171Virgin and Child with Saint Anne
Q116945453Virgin and Child with Saint John
Q29954316Virgin and Child with Saint Margaret and Dorothy and angels playing music
Q116772764Virgin and Child with angels
Q114745155Virgin and child
Q123233651Virgin and child
Q121507448Virgin and child beneath a vine
Q113272084Virgin and child in the veil
Q116296395Virgin and child in the veil
Q114745110Virgin and child on the cresent of the moon
Q121547231Virgin and child seated before a lectern
Q121697947Virgin and child with angels
Q29952952Virgin at prayer
Q121547821Virgin of the 'Consellers'
Q607598Virgin of the Consellers
Q64514465Virgin of the Rose Garden
Q27981096Virgin with Child
Q116772754Virgin with Child
Q117225925Virgin with Child
Q121547842Virgin with Child
Q121500454Virgin with child
Q121503554Virgin with child
Q121547832Virgin with child and angels
Q121547748Virgin with the sleeping Christ child
Q114745129Virgin with the sleeping christ child
Q117228286Virgo lactans
Q104532437Vision of St Jerome
Q117214305Visitation of Virgin Mary
Q29846209Visitation, Virgin and Elisabeth
Q104591540W lombardzie
Q104640562W pracowni
Q29951950Walk with a horse
Q118876714Walter Hickman
Q14540798Warendorfer Passionsaltar
Q56876816Watchtowers in an Estuary
Q19928771Water mill near a farm
Q117225782Waterfall in a mountain landscape
Q117226507Waterscape with a sailing boat on calm water
Q28538552Watteau Study by Fresnoy’s Rules
Q104665795Wayside trees
Q104649034We wnętrzu
Q117215647Wedding Feast on a Village Green
Q123537155Wedding dance in open air
Q28807609Wedding in a peasant house.
Q104627547Wedding procession in front of a church
Q50932693What Pleases Everybody!
Q115491353While Samson sleeps in Delilah’s lap, she beckons his enemies to come hither and cut off his hair (Judges 16:19)
Q119684476Whitlingham, Norfolk, Lane Scene with River on the Left
Q104612324Wife’s portrait study, sketch for “Strange garden”
Q117226600Wild sea with ships in front of the Gibraltar coast
Q118878696William Aldersey (1543–1616), Mayor of Chester
Q52223235William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley (1520-1598) (after Marcus Geeraerts the elder)
Q118881871William Hart
Q52223179William Herbert, 1st Earl of Pembroke KG (1501-1570)
Q52223152William I, Prince of Orange, 'William the Silent' (1533- 1584)
Q119727098William Irvine (1814–1899)
Q118875277William Paulet (c.1483–1572), 1st Marquis of Winchester
Q23928692William the Conqueror
Q104603928Willows at a pond
Q104599489Willows at waterside
Q50934240Windmill on the Seaside
Q104607018Window with flower pots
Q29951265Wing of an Altarpiece: Saint Catherine and a Donor
Q21406281Winter Landscape
Q106362938Winter Landscape
Q117214307Winter Landscape with Bird Table
Q117215628Winter Landscape with Bird Trap
Q54556056Winter Landscape with Church
Q105404176Winter Landscape with Iceskaters
Q59829246Winter Landscape with Lime Kiln
Q43094366Winter Landscape with Reed Cutters
Q64791713Winter Landscape with Snowfall near Antwerp
Q50195763Winter Landscape with Wooden Bridge
Q56570045Winter Landscape with a Bird-trap
Q56570470Winter Landscape with a Bird-trap
Q56571501Winter Landscape with a Bird-trap
Q50949114Winter Pastimes
Q65006779Winter Room (eastern wall), Rosenborg Castle
Q65009181Winter Room (northern wall), Rosenborg Castle
Q65007070Winter Room (southern wall), Rosenborg Castle
Q65007069Winter Room (western wall), Rosenborg Castle
Q65006197Winter Room, Rosenborg Castle
Q50934740Winter Scene
Q23925392Winter Scene with the Amsterdam City Gate Heiligewegspoort
Q50324542Winter landscape
Q60658839Winter landscape
Q104533974Winter landscape
Q104599480Winter landscape
Q104604669Winter landscape
Q104614238Winter landscape
Q104615261Winter landscape
Q104532871Winter landscape in the countryside with a building
Q121690796Winter landscape with a duck hunter
Q104598875Winter landscape with a stream
Q104598916Winter landscape with cottages
Q114769756Winter landscape with fishermen on a frozen river near a watermill
Q56682758Winter landscape with mill and sleigh
Q117226576Winter landscape with skaters
Q873639Winter landscape with skaters and bird trap
Q114769782Winter landscape with skaters and sledges on the ice
Q104529398Winter landscape with skaters near a town wall
Q114769797Winter landscape with skaters, kolf players and the flight into Egypt in the background
Q114709798Winter landscape with the Flight to Egypt
Q43094468Winter landscape with the massacre of the innocents
Q121705344Winter landscape with travellers passing through a village
Q114769784Winter landscape with wolf hunt
Q56872019Winter on the River
Q104617995Winter thaw
Q121690596Winterlandscape with skaters on a canal in the city
Q121692479Winterlandscape with wintersports: Allegory of Winter
Q104532221Wise virgins and foolish virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)
Q114745280Witch cuisine
Q59594163Witches' Kitchen
Q118878449Witches' Sabbath
Q23689869With an order (An aide-de-camp from 1830).
Q24331089Wolves attacking sleigh cart
Q8030682Woman Bathing
Q105419606Woman Catching Fleas
Q18602144Woman Drawing Water from a Water Urn
Q119839568Woman Gathering Sticks in a Wood
Q50887069Woman Playing a Guitar
Q29253102Woman Playing the Lute
Q117214942Woman Selling Fish
Q22744131Woman and a jester
Q28874522Woman flaying a fish and a child
Q119852947Woman in White, Seated on a Terrace
Q104605847Woman in a pink scarf
Q104532619Woman in front of the mirror
Q59677360Woman tuning her lute
Q21979759Woman wearing a turban holding a book
Q30093897Woman with a letter in a tavern
Q104539179Woman with a pitcher in the window
Q24036981Women at the stove.
Q118894795Wooded Landscape
Q106363847Wooded Landscape with Farmhouses
Q50904023Wooded Landscape with a River
Q50941828Wooded Landscape with a River
Q50986661Wooded Landscape with a River
Q21540466Wooded Landscape with a Ruin
Q21006805Wooded River Bank
Q119685418Wooded Stream with Anglers and a Man on a White Horse
Q29954363Wooded hilly landscape
Q117226192Wooded hilly landscape with a stone bridge crossing a river
Q114744951Wooded landscape
Q123758583Wooded landscape with Orpheus playing the violin; trees and rocks move, beasts and birds are enchanted
Q104524674Wooded landscape with Tobias and the Angel (Tobit 6)
Q117226070Wooded landscape with a couple by a stream
Q121693829Wooded landscape with a deerhunt
Q117226286Wooded landscape with a hermit
Q121694055Wooded landscape with a river and travellers on their way
Q117226305Wooded landscape with a robbery
Q116913522Wooded landscape with a skirmish between cavalry men and infantry
Q116294790Wooded landscape with a view of an extensive valley
Q121548337Wooded landscape with a village
Q114706988Wooded landscape with animals and a ruin
Q121696159Wooded landscape with battue on a deer
Q114769798Wooded landscape with boar hunt near a river
Q121696516Wooded landscape with city in the background
Q121548815Wooded landscape with deer hunt
Q121833832Wooded landscape with deer hunt
Q114769864Wooded landscape with falconers returning from the hunt
Q116552211Wooded landscape with figures returning from the market
Q114769802Wooded landscape with huntsmen on horseback
Q116294789Wooded landscape with peasants on a road along a river
Q121693985Wooded landscape with people resting on the side of a pathway
Q117205319Wooded landscape with rider at a river
Q121695979Wooded landscape with shepherds and cattle fording a stream
Q27979922Wooded mountain landscape with lumberjacks
Q115908142Wooded river landscape with a house
Q21006779Woodland Scene with Lake
Q116918549Woodland landscape with a fisherman and several travelers
Q29951734Woodland scenery
Q119839566Woodman in a Forest
Q119803261Woody Landscape with Cattle and a Stream
Q104626771Work in a field
Q117215707Workshop - Portrait of a Man
Q117215699Workshop - Portrait of a Woman
Q9355519Worship of the Golden Calf
Q119625870Yachts Sailing in a Breeze
Q119729812Yarmouth Jetty, Norfolk, Boat Returning from Wreck
Q119685381Yarmouth Jetty, Norfolk, Moonlight Scene
Q119053089Ye Auld Hoose, Cathcart, Glasgow
Q50937686Young Couple Drinking Wine
Q50985528Young Couple in a Garden
Q24284344Young Girl at a Cradle
Q55758486Young Lady at her Breakfast
Q117215694Young Man Presenting a Rose to a Young Woman
Q18599897Young Man with a Glass Goblet
Q104596693Young Tartar in Gurzuf. From the journey to Crimea
Q17336120Young Woman in Fantasy Costume
Q117215693Young girl
Q116918772Young girl with still life
Q117227476Young man as a shepherd
Q50324927Young man with a wreath on the head
Q114745310Young man with wine tankard at a table with smoking accessories, a violin, playing cards and books
Q114745316Young woman and a girl at a fish stall
Q115686762Young woman at her toilet
Q114761079Young woman drawing water from a well
Q21706031Young woman holding a carnation
Q114709688Young woman plays a cithern
Q114721089Young woman reading a letter at her toilet
Q104626850Zwożenie zboża
Q27956930[Compositional Sketch for] The Death of the Regent Moray
Q17558097after the Meal
Q28061259cabin near water
Q23928572called Nathan Field
Q28060255cottages near river
Q28060342family - portrait in interior
Q28060867mountain landscape
Q28061473old woman reading
Q111635409portr. of Catharina Bora
Q112229281river landscape with fishermen
Q104524198rocky landscape with nomadic family
Q104529863temptation of Saint Antony Abbot
Q114828474the lamentation
Q104532592“Enough is enough” – proverb illustation
Q112626381“Self-Portrait” with a Plumed Beret
Q29837077Charlotte de Roye, comtesse de la Rochefoucauld
Q17582373Combat de cavalerie
Q111652189Donateur en prière
Q111652188Donatrice en prière
Q121462646Déposition de croix
Q123469412Environs de Fontainebleau
Q51844223François Ier
Q124316647Jésus et la femme adultère
Q123986069L'adoration des Mages dans la neige
Q17582378La Haye vue du Nord
Q29211686La Passion du Christ
Q17492294La Seine à Bezons
Q125749101La mine de cuivre
Q29110867Le Christ portant la couronne d'épines
Q121614632Le Couronnement de la Vierge avec sainte Catherine et sainte Barbe
Q17493015Le Liseur blanc
Q117809050Le génie du tombeau
Q126392056Le vendeur de guimbardes
Q123469400Les mouettes
Q117809063Les oiseleurs
Q124857898Les possédés de Gerasa
Q121462645Martyre de sainte Agnès
Q121462644Martyre de sainte Catherine
Q126392206Paysage anthropomorphe. Portrait d'homme
Q126392283Paysage antropomorphe. Portrait de femme
Q124377845Paysage au cavalier
Q29862962Pierre Forget, seigneur de Fresnes
Q124377816Portrait d'un artiste
Q125416336Portrait de Jean Charles della Faille, seigneur de Rijmenam
Q125416438Portrait de Marie van de Wouwer, épouse de Jean, dit Charles, della Faille
Q29654400Tête de Christ
Q17583713Tête de vieillard
Q121511872Vierge à l'Enfant
Q116296337Volet gauche du retable de la confrérie de la Sainte-Croix à Furnes. Avers : Sainte Hélène devant le pape à Rome. Revers : Le Christ succombant sous la croix
Q29223431la Fuite en Égypte
Q29223430saint Jean donnant la communion à la Vierge
Q121856811Aan tafel zittend amoureus paar
Q114828702Aanbidding van de wijzen
Q114828713Aanbidding van de wijzen
Q114914050Aanbidding van de wijzen
Q121549047Aeneas en zijn familie ontvluchten het brandende Troje
Q121555433Aeneas en zijn familie ontvluchten het brandende Troje
Q120030099Allegorie op de Hoop
Q114810157Allegorie op de vergankelijkheid. 'De oude man en de dood'
Q121555403Allegorie van de vrije kunsten en de vergankelijkheid
Q123347741Allegorie van het gehoor (een van de vijf zintuigen): een musicerende vrouw
Q118998583Allegorie van het water (een van de vier elementen)
Q117226295Bebost berglandschap met opkomende regenbui
Q121685041Bebost landschap met een pelgrim, wandelaars, herders en schapen
Q121508622Bedevaart van de lijders aan de vallende ziekte te St. Jans-Molenbeek
Q121688167Bergachtig landschap met een rivier en daarlangs een bospad
Q121546789Berglandschap met de bekering van Paulus op weg naar Damascus
Q117716134Berglandschap met de doop van Christus
Q117716131Berglandschap met een snelstromende rivier en waterval
Q115940869Berglandschap met herders en vee
Q123180503Berglandschap met herders, boeren en reizigers
Q117716133Berglandschap met hertenjacht
Q122761811Berglandschap met pelgrims bij een grot
Q117227452Berglandschap met reizigers op een pad
Q115858012Berglandschap met ruïnes, rechts uitzicht op zee
Q28060287Bevroren meer met grote tent en schaatsers
Q43094077Bij de Oude Kerk te Amsterdam
Q114828741Bij de plattelandsheelmeester
Q120435640Bijeenkomst van heksen en gedrochten
Q118765902Binnenplaats van een paleis met een wandelend paar; op de achtergrond een doorkijk naar een tuin
Q121555636Bloemen in een deels vergulde vaas met daarop een voorstelling van een ruitergevecht
Q114706580Bloemen in een glazen vaas in een nis met vruchten en hagedis
Q114720418Bloemen in een glazen vaas op een stenen plint met aalbessen en kruisbessen
Q121682127Bloemen in een glazen vaas, met een sprinkhaan en vlinders, in een nis
Q121556454Bloemen in en rond een hoge glazen vaas, met schelpen, op een stenen plint
Q114828992Bloemen rondom een meisjesportret
Q121704782Bloemenkrans rond een medaillon met de Madonna en kind met Johannes de Doper
Q114719821Bloemstilleven in glazen beker met braamnoppen, schelp en egelantier, op een stenen plint
Q43092867Bloemstilleven met horloge
Q119778013Bloemstuk met keizerskroon in top in een glazen vaas
Q123577785Boer bij een waterput wordt opgeschrikt door fantasiemonsters
Q121702300Boeren in een herberg
Q121434174Boeren in een interieur met afbeeldingen uit het dagelijkse bestaan
Q123233661Boeren interieur met een meid bij een waterput en koeien in de deuropening
Q123468792Boerenbruiloft in de open lucht
Q114828859Boerenbruiloft op een erf
Q118903439Boerenerf met huisraad; links een doorkijk naar een glooiend landschap
Q121552907Boerengezelschap bij een boerderij
Q123577822Boereninterieur met een rokend en drinkend gezelschap met rechts op de voorgrond een stilleven
Q121508712Boerenpaar met een spiegel
Q122063776Boslandschap met Latona en de Lycische boeren (Ovidius, Metamorfosen)
Q117227567Boslandschap met de verzoeking van Christus
Q121686486Boslandschap met een dorp aan de voet van een berg en een hooggelegen kasteel
Q117716132Boslandschap met stoet reizigers bij een dorp
Q117227465Boslandschap met twee boerinnen
Q120685479Boslandschap met twee rustende reizigers
Q123501922Bosstilleven met egel en muis
Q27010578Brand in een huis aan de Boerenvismarkt te Rotterdam, rechts de Laurenskerk
Q114913990Calvarie met stichterspaar
Q114829349Carnaval en vasten
Q28060893Cavaleriegevecht in een dorp
Q114828782Christus Triumphator
Q121513671Christus aan het kruis geflankeerd door HH. Maria en Johannes
Q116295035Christus aan het kruis met Maria en Johannes
Q121500385Christus als Man van Smarten
Q121501087Christus als Man van Smarten
Q121547155Christus als Man van Smarten met geheven handen
Q121498657Christus en Johannes de Doper
Q121501772Christus en Johannes de Doper
Q121503117Christus en de Kanaänietische vrouw
Q121495188Christus en de Samaritaanse vrouw bij de bron (Johannes 4:7ff)
Q114709875Christus en de apostelen
Q116457531Christus geneest de blinde op weg naar Jericho (Marcus 10:46-52)
Q121688159Christus in het huis van Simon de Farizeeër
Q123524473Christus op de koude steen
Q116294832Christus overhandigt Petrus de sleutels van de hemelpoort. In de achtergrond andere voorstellingen uit het leven van de H. Petrus
Q121503109Christus te gast bij Simon de Farizeeër
Q115655807Christus verschijnt aan Maria Magdalena
Q121503110Christus verschijnt aan Maria Magdalena
Q121503124Christus voor Pilatus
Q121688667Christus zegent de kinderen
Q28100460Compositie de taak
Q28095365De Geseling van Christus
Q121503984De H. Anna-te-Drieën
Q116729609De H. Barbara
Q116945504De H. Barbara
Q116945503De H. Catharina
Q116729608De H. Catharina van Alexandrië
Q116294972De H. Christoforus (links), de H. Rochus (rechts)
Q121551324De H. Dorothea
Q117244435De H. Elisabeth met stichtster
Q121511570De H. Elisabeth van Hongarije
Q116294994De H. Familie
Q117244036De H. Familie tijdens de rust op de vlucht naar Egypte
Q121434175De H. Hiëronymus in zijn studeervertrek
Q121513694De H. Jozef (links), twee koningen in aanbidding voor het Christuskind (midden), Balthasar (rechts)
Q117244432De H. Judocus met stichter
Q121539255De H. Maagschap
Q121547140De H. Maagschap van Maria: Maria Cleophas en Alpheus met hun kinderen
Q121687642De H. Maagschap van Maria: Maria Cleophas en Alpheus met hun kinderen
Q121547141De H. Maagschap van Maria: Maria Salome en Zebedeus en hun kinderen
Q22081689De H. Maria Magdalena
Q121511579De H. Petrus
Q121507135De H. Petrus met Pieter van de Woestyne (links), de gekruisigde Christus tussen een engel en een duivel en een knielende monnik (midden), de H. Margaretha met Margaretha de Gruuthuuse (rechts)
Q121498609De HH. Barbara (links) en Catharina van Alexandrië (rechts)
Q121547145De Heilige Familie
Q121552081De Heilige Familie
Q121503839De Heilige Maagschap: Anna en Joachim met Maria Cleophas en haar vier zonen
Q116294802De Madonna van Loreto
Q114930522De Verkondiging aan de herders
Q121555653De Verloren Zoon bij de hoeren en zijn terugkeer tot zijn vader
Q121550367De Verloren Zoon wordt uit het bordeel gejaagd (Lucas 15:11-32)
Q114704479De aanbidding der herders
Q117226331De aanbidding der herders
Q121502157De aanbidding van de Wijzen
Q121500370De aanbidding van het Christuskind door Maria en Josef
Q121498329De afdruk van het gelaat van Christus op de zweetdoek van de H. Veronica
Q121498646De afdruk van het gelaat van Christus op de zweetdoek van de H. Veronica
Q43095279De alchimisten
Q121503123De bespotting van Christus
Q121505288De bewening
Q116294928De bewening (voorzijde); Heilige vrouwen (achterzijde)
Q121499109De bewening van Christus
Q121509812De bewening van Christus door Maria
Q118732776De boetvaardige H. Hiëronymus biddend in zijn cel
Q121503261De bruiloft te Kana
Q121548940De bruiloft te Kana
Q121548827De bruiloft te Kanaän (Johannes 2:1-11)
Q118732774De bruiloft van Peleus en Thetis
Q121550528De dode Christus door engelen beweend
Q121502290De doop van Christus en de H. Jacobus de Meerdere verslaat de Saracenen (links), de kruisiging omringd door de zeven vreugden en de zeven smarten van Maria (midden), de boetvaardige H. Hieronymus en d
Q114704515De doornenkroning
Q121540139De everzwijnjacht
Q116295019De geboorte
Q121504347De gevangenneming van Christus (midden) en engelen met de martelwerktuigen (links en rechts)
Q121551310De gevangenneming van Christus; in de achtergrond Christus voor Kajafas
Q116294974De grote Calvarieberg
Q121434170De heilige Lodewijk van Frankrijk
Q121503130De heilige vrouwen bij het graf
Q121503122De intocht in Jeruzalem
Q43094003De kreeft- en krabbenverkoper
Q121500382De kruisafneming
Q121833829De kruisafneming
Q114810125De kruisdraging
Q121502382De kruisdraging (links), de kruisiging (midden), de opstanding (rechts)
Q117228374De kruisiging van Christus
Q117228335De lactatio van de H. Bernardus van Clairvaux
Q121500378De maagd Maria toont de Man van Smarten
Q121503115De maaltijd in Emmaüs
Q121503127De nederdaling van de H. Geest
Q116296306De presentatie van Maria in de tempel
Q121498652De roeping van de apostelen Andreas en Simon Petrus
Q121501771De roeping van de apostelen Andreas en Simon Petrus
Q121549046De sloop van de Antwerpse citadel, 23 augustus 1577
Q115315271De smalle en de brede weg
Q117227523De strijd tussen Bréauté en Leckerbeetje op de Vughterheide, 5 februari 1600
Q121503121De transfiguratie op de berg Thabor
Q121704781De triomf van Bacchus
Q121704702De triomf van Neptunus en Amfitrite
Q116294909De verheerlijking van Maria met heiligen
Q121547143De verloving van Maria en Joseph
Q121503111De verschijning van Christus aan Maria
Q119514421De verzoeking van Christus door de duivel met de steen (Mattheus 4:3-4;Lucas 4:3-4)
Q116205655De verzoeking van de H. Antonius
Q121702067De verzoeking van de H. Antonius
Q121704757De vier elementen: vier allegorische vrouwenfiguren in een boslandschap met flora en fauna
Q121500383De wenende vrouwen en H. Johannes
Q121503120De wonderbare vermenigvuldiging van de broden en vissen
Q28095468Dode vogel
Q28092501Dood konijn
Q118998599Dorpsgezicht met kerktoren
Q118998600Dorpsgezicht met kerktoren
Q117355706Dorpsplein met veemarkt
Q123474804Dorpsstraat met markt
Q115306230Drieluik met Christus en de overspelige vrouw ; middenpaneel Christus en de Samaritaanse vrouw, zijluiken binnenzijde storm op het meer en broodvermenigvuldiging; buitenzijde twee maal H. Bisschop
Q116295021Drieluik met Maria en kind in een omsloten tuin (middenpaneel); Johannes de Evangelist (linkerluik); De H. Paulus (rechterluik)
Q116294931Drieluik met de HH. Barbara en Dorothea met het Christuskind (middenpaneel); de H. Bruno en een kartuizer monnik (binnenzijde linkerluik); de H. Bruno en een non (binnenzijde rechterluik)
Q121547342Drieluik met de aanbidding van de Koningen (middenpaneel); de aanbidding van het Kind (Geboorte?) (linkerluik); de opdracht in de Tempel (rechterluik)
Q121688733Drieluik met de kruisiging (middenpaneel); Ostentatio Christi (binnenzijde linkerluik); De bewening (binnenzijde rechterluik); De HH. Antonius van Rivoli, Barbara, Sebastiaan (buitenzijde linkerluik);
Q120400734Drinkend en rokend gezelschap in een herberg
Q114720517Druiven en kersen op een Wan Li-schotel, daarvoor vruchten, een schelp en een noot
Q121547963Een aanval op een konvooi
Q118732773Een bal in een paleis
Q120633185Een chirurgijn en zijn assistent opereren een man na een duel
Q123516078Een militaire colonne verlaat een dorp na een plundering (Wommelgem na de plundering in 1589)
Q120400731Een paar, achtergelaten op een onbewoond eiland (Jacob Cats, Houvelick III, Bruit)
Q28096322Een stadstuin
Q116939443Een veerpont op een rivier; op de oever een boerderij
Q123488607Een vrouw bekijkt een schotel wafels
Q114719324Elegant gezelschap rond een tafel op een terras
Q114829374Elisabeth de Bourbon
Q121499087Engelen met de martelwerktuigen
Q121499091Engelen met de martelwerktuigen
Q123281185Fantasiegezicht met de Porte du Rivage in Brussel
Q121812266Fantasiepaleis aan de oever van een rivier
Q114828556Fantastisch rotslandschap met verzoeking van Antonius abt
Q114828889Faun en nimf
Q117306046Feestend gezelschap tegen de achtergrond van een imaginaire stad aan een baai
Q122281210Feestende mensen in een dorp
Q116305536Fragment van een mansportret
Q116307427Fragment van een mansportret
Q114828514Geboorte van Jezus
Q114828673Geboorte van Jezus
Q114828675Geboorte van Jezus
Q114914094Geboorte van Jezus, Aanbidding van de wijzen en Opdracht in de tempel
Q114914009Geboorte van Jezus, Annunciatie en Gedeon
Q122374287Gekruisigde Christus tussen de H. Maagd en Johannes
Q123418978Gezicht op Den Haag vanuit het zuiden
Q27010561Gezicht op de Leuvehaven Wz na de brand bij de stoomsuikerraffinaderij van P.H. Tromp
Q121833834Gezicht op de wallen van een stad
Q43094253Gezicht op een baai met schepen
Q121689131Gildestuk met maaltijd en onderaan een boogschietwedstrijd
Q123777612Glooiend landschap met overval op enkele huifkarren door een plunderend leger
Q120295991Guirlande van bloemen en vruchten rond een voorstelling van de Heilige Maria met het Christuskind
Q121500401H. Hieronymus verwijdert een doorn uit de poot van de leeuw
Q114829264Harpspelende engel
Q122374334Heilige Agnes en Heilige Catharina
Q120536196Heilige met schedel in een heuvellandschap
Q123685259Herberginterieur met een rokende boer aan een tafel
Q120536220Herbergscène met pijprokers
Q114829126Herbergtoneel met vier figuren
Q43132797Hercules in gevecht met de reus Antaeus
Q116764108Het Laatste Avondmaal
Q116984918Het huwelijk van Jozef en Maria
Q121539345Het laatste oordeel
Q114760229Het ouderlijk huis van Charles Rochussen aan de Leuvehaven na de brand van 14 mei 1849
Q116913539Het sterfbed van Maria
Q121856798Het toilet van Diana
Q121499083Het verraad van Judas
Q121555654Het vertrek van de Verloren Zoon en de Verloren Zoon hoedt de zwijnen
Q114828585Heuvelachtig rivierlandschap met Christoffel
Q122281211Heuvellandschap met dansende boeren bij enkele huizen
Q122868513Heuvellandschap met postwagen
Q114707031Heuvellandschap met reizigers
Q123474809Heuvellandschap met reizigers en vee
Q114828797Hieronymus in een landschap
Q123254545Hollandse residentie op Anjere Point (Anyere, Java)
Q121503080Hoofd van een man met baard
Q114704618IJsgezicht met veel figuren; op de achtergrond de ruïne van het Huis te Merwede bij Dordrecht
Q120199475Infanta Isabella in het habijt van de Clarissen
Q121505215Interieur met boerenfamilie en burgers
Q123312320Interieur met een musicerend paar
Q117227472Interieur met een plukkende vrouw en slapende hond
Q120706943Interieur met een schoenmaker, een vrouw met naaiwerk en een vrouw die de was afhaalt
Q118765903Interieur van een gotische kerk
Q117743649Interieur van een kerk
Q121856816Interieur van het laboratorium van een alchemist
Q121701600Interieur waarin een man zijn voet laat behandelen, op de achtergrond een tandarts
Q114709561Jager valt een kantklossende vrouw lastig
Q121503468Johann Friedrich de Grootmoedige bij het damspel te Innsbruck
Q28095796Johanna de Graeff (1608-1660)
Q119514382Johannes de Doper in de woestijn
Q121495125Johannes de Doper in de woestijn
Q123501956Jonge man snijdt tabak
Q123685250Jonge vrouw drinkt uit een glas dat haar is aangeboden door een bediende, een man kijkt toe
Q117227529Jongeman zingt bij het luitspel van een vrouw
Q28105687Jonkvrouw Elisabeth Christine Melvill van Carnbee
Q123777646Kantkloster in een interieur
Q120633137Kat op tafel met een stilleven van vissen en zeefruit
Q117743648Kerkinterieur bij avond
Q116827430Kerkinterieur bij kunstlicht met een doopplechtigheid
Q122724538Kerkinterieur met dienst
Q121548343Kerkinterieur met wandelaars en een bedelaar
Q121685375Keukeninterieur met keukenmeid en visstilleven
Q121686238Koeien en ander vee
Q116947939Kop van een oude vrouw
Q121683270Kopstudie van een grijnzende oude vrouw
Q116294922Kruisiging met apostelen
Q116814899Kustgezicht met het laden en lossen van schepen
Q124048577Kustlandschap bij avond met een herder en zijn dieren
Q116814904Kustlandschap met de ontvoering van Europa
Q28060188Landschap bij helder maanlicht
Q116471361Landschap met Jupiter en Callisto
Q123509964Landschap met Mercurius en Argus
Q43094308Landschap met boerderij en hooiberg
Q116814903Landschap met boerderij tijdens een storm
Q123399656Landschap met boeren aan de maaltijd bij hun dieren
Q43092366Landschap met boerenhofstede aan duinrand
Q28060700Landschap met boerenwoning
Q43132897Landschap met de Emmausgangers
Q121549829Landschap met de rust op de vlucht naar Egypte
Q121549177Landschap met de vlucht van Aeneas uit Troje
Q117716139Landschap met een doorkijk in een bos
Q123777606Landschap met een ruiter en jagers te voet op een pad langs een rivier
Q116814905Landschap met een weg langs een boerderij
Q124048555Landschap met grazend vee
Q28061029Landschap met grote bomen en rustende reizigers bij een landweg
Q123312319Landschap met herderin en schaapskudde
Q114721830Landschap met herders, vee, ruiters en een reiswagen bij een waterput
Q123777605Landschap met jagers op een pad langs een rivier
Q28060446Landschap met landhuizen langs een zandweg
Q24020243Landschap met oude eik
Q123501986Landschap met reizigers op een weg langs een bosrand
Q119685506Landschap met reizigers op een weg langs een duintop
Q56676815Landschap met rivierdal en valkenjacht
Q43094383Landschap met rotsen en zee
Q116827419Landschap met ruiters en een koets op een weg langs een
Q118765923Landschap met twee reizigers te paard die de weg vragen aan een herder
Q123266869Landschap met veel figuren voor een herberg
Q121548747Landschap met wandelend gezelschap
Q117227525Landschap met weg door een dorp
Q116916249Landschap; Diana ontdekt de misstap van Callisto
Q116912930Legende van het leven van de H. Dymphna: de H. Dymphna en haar gevolg schepen zich in
Q116912929Legende van het leven van de H. Dymphna: de H. Dymphna hoort van haar vader zijn intentie om haar uit te huwelijken
Q121509134Legende van het leven van de H. Dymphna: de H. Dymphna wordt gedoopt door Gerebernus
Q121509145Legende van het leven van de H. Dymphna: de koning verneemt dat zijn dochter Dymphna is gevonden (op de buitenzijde: de HH. Dymphna en Lucia (in grisaille))
Q121509139Legende van het leven van de H. Dymphna: de soldaten van de koning zijn op zoek naar zijn dochter Dymphna
Q121509167Legende van het leven van de H. Dymphna: het lichaam van de H. Dymphna wordt teruggebracht naar Geel (op de buitenzijde: twee mannelijke heiligen (in grisaille))
Q116912931Legende van het leven van de H. Dymphna: het vinden van de lichamen van H. Dymphna en Gerebernus
Q114719079Lodewijk XIV op weg naar een kasteel (Chateau de Vincennes?)
Q116295031Luik met de aanbidding van de wijzen en de H. Ursula (voorzijde); De engel van de annunciatie (achterzijde)
Q121547365Luik met de presentatie
Q117255126Madonna met kind
Q115478942Madonna met kind omgeven door een bloemenkrans
Q28061577Man met globe (Heraclitus?)
Q121685458Man met pijp
Q121685452Man met zwarte hoed
Q114828842Maria Magdalena
Q28091611Maria Pots. Echtgenote van Thomas van der Mark
Q116294865Maria in de Paradijstuin
Q114914025Maria lactans met peer
Q114828700Maria met Kind
Q121547528Maria met Kind
Q121689092Maria met Kind
Q121689118Maria met Kind
Q114914147Maria met Kind, Maria Magdalena, Agnes, Catharina en Barbara (drieluik)
Q116295005Maria met de noot
Q121686569Maria met het Christuskind en Johannes als kind
Q114828755Maria met kind
Q116772773Maria met kind
Q117229176Maria met kind
Q121511678Maria met kind
Q121547127Maria met kind
Q121503378Maria met kind (mogelijk een fragment)
Q116296128Maria met kind aan de borst
Q117228336Maria met kind aan de borst
Q121547229Maria met kind en de H. Bernardus van Clairvaux
Q121547129Maria met kind en een engel
Q121498730Maria met kind en vogel en kersen
Q121501686Maria met kind en vogel en kersen
Q121501784Maria met kind en vogel en kersen
Q116772757Maria met kind gezeten voor een zodenbank
Q121500322Maria met kind in een gotische kathedraal met de H. Ildefonsus
Q116295032Maria met kind op de maansikkel geflankeerd door de HH. Joris, Thomas, Jacobus de Meerdere, Andreas, Hiëronymus en Stefanus en graaf Gumprecht II von Neuenahr en zijn familie
Q114721845Maria met kind staand op haar schoot
Q114721829Maria met kind voor een borstwering met doorzicht naar een heuvellandschap
Q121503838Maria met twee Christuskinderen en Johannes de Doper als kind
Q121547150Maria ontvangt de blijde boodschap (onder); fragment van een scène uit het leven van een heilige? (boven)
Q121501118Marie met kind
Q114930527Marteldood van Erasmus
Q117228782Musicerend gezelschap in de tuin van een kasteel
Q116233684Naaiende vrouw in interieur
Q121553368Pan en Syrinx
Q117359518Paneelschildering "Vanitas stilleven" op eikenhout door een Noord-Nederlands schilder (monogrammist CB), midden 17de eeuw
Q121551353Panorama landschap met een allegorische voorstelling van de overgang tussen winter en zomer
Q118732775Panoramisch gezicht op een rivierlandschap met een stadje aan de monding
Q121551373Paradijselijk landschap met een allegorie op de vier elementen
Q114828817Petrus en Paulus
Q121705595Petrus vindt de stater in de bek van de vis (Matt.17:27)
Q117227471Portret of tronie van een jonge man
Q28097033Portret van Dr Johann Philipp Vogler (1746-1816)
Q28104919Portret van Johan de Brauw (1532-1617)
Q28090762Portret van een echtpaar
Q116305793Portret van een man
Q124729361Portret van een onbekende oude vrouw op haar doodsbed
Q28086623Portret van een vrouw
Q28104817Portret van een vrouw
Q116307521Portret van een vrouw
Q28106742Portret van een vrouw, mogelijk Margaretha van Hoogenhouck (1588-1648)
Q116466109Portret. Borststukken in olieverf van het echtpaar A.Everwijn in vergulde eikenhouten lijsten. Periode 1810-1830. Hollandse school.
Q114709902Reizigers en ruiters bij een drenkplaats
Q121500355Reliekschrijn van de H. Ursula: Aankomst te Basel
Q121500351Reliekschrijn van de H. Ursula: Drie scènes uit het leven van de H. Ursula: Aankomst te Keulen (links); Aankomst te Basel (midden); Aankomst te Rome (rechts)
Q121500352Reliekschrijn van de H. Ursula: Drie scènes uit het leven van de H. Ursula: Vertrek uit Basel (links); Aankomst te Keulen (midden); Marteldood van de H. Ursula (rechts)
Q121500354Reliekschrijn van de H. Ursula: Maria met kind en stichtsters
Q121500356Reliekschrijn van de H. Ursula: Marteldood van de H. Ursula
Q121500353Reliekschrijn van de H. Ursula: de H. Ursula beschermt de Maagden met haar mantel
Q121547357Retabel van de aanbidding van de drie wijzen (middenpaneel); De Keulse stadspatronen (binnenzijde eerste zijluiken); De H. Ursula en haar gevolg (binnenzijde tweede linkerluik); De H. Gereon en zijn g
Q116947925Rijnlandschap met aanlegplaats
Q121812268Riviergezicht met aanlegplaats bij een herberg
Q118998598Riviergezicht met een kasteel op de rechteroever
Q119685505Rivierlandschap met beboste oever
Q114720470Rivierlandschap met een hengelaar op een brug, achter hem een groep pratende mannen
Q123000717Rivierlandschap met een herberg bij een aanlegplaats
Q114706773Rivierlandschap met een molen op de linkeroever
Q124023135Rivierlandschap met in de verte een dorp
Q119685504Rivierlandschap met kasteel en poortgebouw op linkeroever
Q123281186Rivierlandschap met kasteel op rechteroever
Q28061851Rivierlandschap met landlieden en veerboot
Q121551378Rivierlandschap met op de oever visverkopers
Q114707175Rivierlandschap met rietsnijders
Q121856817Rivierlandschap met rustende reizigers aan de oever en koeien in het water
Q117716135Rivierlandschap met ruïne
Q123758527Rivierlandschap met schepen bij een aanlegsteiger
Q28061554Rivierlandschap met vee en een man met juk
Q123501935Rivierlandschap met vissers
Q123777626Rivierlandschap met vissers in een roeiboot; op de rechteroever een dorp
Q114719317Roemer, sinaasappel, druiven en een stuk brood op een schotel
Q117306060Rotsachtig landschap met links een ijzermijn en rechts een brede rivier
Q123347738Ruitergevecht bij een heuvel met een galg
Q28061430Ruitergevecht in de duinen
Q27009474Ruiters op verkenning
Q116294935Rust op de vlucht naar Egypte
Q114719970Rust tijdens de valkenjacht
Q116296290Ruzie onder bedelaars
Q114828789Salvator mundi
Q28060479Schapen, ram en geit in een weide
Q122772457Schepen op een stormachtige zee
Q123200910Schepen op woeste zee
Q28094818Schipbreuk aan rotsachtige kust
Q28107044Schipbreuk op een rotskust
Q122374335Sint-Gummarus (keerzijde: Gekruisigde Christus met Maria-Magdalena)
Q114914168Slag bij Clavijo
Q121513127Stichter ( Willem Moreel; links), Marie met kind (midden), stichtster (rechts)
Q117229145Stilleven met aardbeien, frambozen en artisjokken
Q61781151Stilleven met bloemen
Q123777617Stilleven met druiven en andere vruchten, een glazen vaasje met bloemen, een omgekeerde mand en schelpen op een tafel
Q114709830Stilleven met een omgevallen tazza, een zoutvat, een roemer en een fluitglas en een tinnen bord met ham
Q114710026Stilleven met een pauwenpastei, een tinnen bord met gebraden gevogelte en tinnen borden met zoetigheid en citroenen
Q27584998Stilleven met een slechtvalk op zijn prooi
Q115807303Stilleven met fruit en bloemen
Q114709799Stilleven met grote roemer met wijn, geschilde citroen op een tinnen bord, mes, walnoten en hazelnoten
Q114720446Stilleven met nautilusbeker, boeketje bloemen in porseleinen vaas en schotels met vruchten
Q117336802Stilleven met perziken
Q121685556Stilleven met schaaldieren
Q115649813Stilleven met schelpen en een kreeft
Q119514457Stilleven met tazza waarop vruchten, wijnglas, brood en oesters op een donker kleed
Q123524489Stilleven met vruchten op een porceleinen schaal
Q120217223Stilleven met vruchten op een schaal en een boeketje bloemen in vaas, rondom schelpen, vruchten en insekten
Q123631304Stilleven met vruchten, brood en een zilveren tazza
Q123524540Stilleven met wijnglazen, een stenen kruik, een Wan Li-schotel en een papieren zak met noten op een deels met een groen kleed bedekte tafel
Q121856765Stilleven van dode vogels in een nis
Q123501988Stilleven van een dode haas en gevogelte in een landschap
Q118668483Stilleven van een gedekte tafel met wijnglas, citroenen, aangesneden pastei, zoutvat en zilverwerk
Q123312325Stilleven van oesters, artisjok, drinkgerei en vaatwerk
Q114719927Stilleven van tinnen borden met ham, haring en brood, een roemer en een kruikje
Q120706940Stilleven van verschillend fruit en een wijnglas in een nis
Q120295993Stilleven van vruchten en een roemer wijn
Q123524538Stilleven van vruchten en schaaldieren, met een omgevallen tazza, pronkbeker en een wijnglas à la façon Venise
Q114720475Stilleven van vruchten op een Wan Li-schotel met daarbij schelpen, ander vruchten en een sprinkhaan op een stenen plint
Q115620991Stoomschip 'Gironde' op de Maas te Rotterdam
Q28060451Strandgezicht bij Katwijk aan Zee
Q123524536Strandgezicht met een ruiter bij een visverkoopster
Q116030665Strandgezicht met hijskraan en veel figuren
Q124032159Strandgezicht met kar en visafslag
Q115726370Studie van een vrouw met zwarte sluier
Q121548318Syrinx achtervolgd door Pan (Metamorfosen 1:689-713)
Q122374369Taferelen uit het leven van de Heilige Dimpna van Geel: 's Konings verspieders brengen hem het nieuws over Dymphna's schuiloord.
Q122374366Taferelen uit het leven van de Heilige Dimpna van Geel: De waardin van een herberg in Westerlo herkent de muntstukken van de bespieders [recto] / Marteling van de H. Lucia [verso].
Q122374368Taferelen uit het leven van de Heilige Dimpna van Geel: Dimphna's vader maakt zijn intentie bekend haar uit te huwelijken.
Q122374372Taferelen uit het leven van de Heilige Dimpna van Geel: Doop van Dymphna, met op de achtergrond, de dood van Dymphna's moeder [recto] / H. Mis en geven van aalmoezen [verso]
Q122374365Taferelen uit het leven van de Heilige Dimpna van Geel: Dymphna en haar gezellen op het punt in te schepen.
Q122375764Taferelen uit het leven van de Heilige Dimpna van Geel: H. Dymphna en H. Lucia.
Q122374370Taferelen uit het leven van de Heilige Dimpna van Geel: Ontdekking van de lichamen van de Heiligen Dimpna en Gerebernus.
Q122374367Taferelen uit het leven van de Heilige Dimpna van Geel: Translatie van het lichaam van Dymphna naar Geel [recto] / Abt Antoon Tsgrooten en pater Willem Sapels [verso]
Q121508845Terugkeer van de kermis
Q114917059Torenretabel met Kindheidscyclus
Q121550318Triomf van de lente
Q121550327Triomf van de zomer
Q122374470Triptiek van het Laatste Oordeel
Q121501738Tronende Maria met kind op een overdekt terras
Q114828743Twaalfjarige Jezus in de tempel (retabelluik)
Q121513338Twee belastingontvangers
Q121689101Twee binnenluiken met een mannelijke (linkerluik) en een vrouwelijke (rechterluik) stichter
Q121555560Twee kunstliefhebbers aan de maaltijd in een kunstgalerij
Q119778052Twee manden met bloemen, tulpen in een steengoed vaas en een boeketje van lissen en lelies in een glazen vaas
Q123777631Twee mannen en een vrouw drinkend en lachend in een herberg; links in de achtergrond kaartspelers
Q117227513Uitdeling bij een kloosterpoort
Q117255110Vanitasstilleven met schedel en globe
Q117225933Vechtende boeren bij het kaartspel
Q115309275Veertien neogotische kruiswegstaties met gouden achtergrond
Q121856792Venus en Adonis als liefdespaar
Q115569854Venus en Cupido
Q120199449Venus en Cupido
Q123281180Verkoopster van groenten en vis in een venster
Q114828456Verzoeking van Antonius abt
Q121548392Vier jongens in een bos, één haalt een nest met jonge vogels uit een boom
Q114828484Visioen of de Lactatio van Bernardus
Q114720623Visverkoop op het strand
Q114828721Vlucht naar Egypte
Q116294924Votiefpaneel met Johannes de Doper/ Genadestoel met heiligen en schenker
Q124040902Vrolijk gezelschap met een doedelzakspeler in een herberg
Q123399660Vrouw doet de was in een keuken
Q123281193Vrouw met een baby op schoot
Q116465894Vrouwfiguur voor een raam, 1900–1910
Q114719866Vruchten in een Wan Li-kom, met daarvoor een tulp en vruchten, op een stenen plint
Q118712961Vruchten op een porseleinen bord, bloemen in Wan Li-vaas, schelpen, wat kersen en bessen
Q117273323Vruchtenstilleven met schelpen, kikker, hagedis en vlinder
Q119685515Vruchtenstilleven op een houten tafel met rechts een Venetiaans glas met wijn
Q114709574Vulcanus onthult het overspel van Mars en Venus ten overstaan van de andere goden
Q121683861Weids landschap met de kruisdraging van Christus
Q116449947Weids rivierlandschap
Q123399653Weids zuidelijk landschap met een rustende wandelaar op de voorgrond
Q121513129Willem van Overbeke met patroonheilige (linkerluik); Maria met kind (middendeel); Johanna de Keysere met Johannes de Doper (rechterluik)
Q116827415Winterlandschap met gezicht in een dorp aan een rivier
Q121686362Winterlandschap met ijsvermaak
Q117716124Winterlandschap met kolfspelende schaatsers bij een dorp
Q123692693Winterlandschap met twee arresleeën op een oplopende weg
Q114720521Witte lelie en andere bloemen in een steengoed kan
Q43094038Zeegezicht met duinen en een vissersdorp
Q121856818Zingende jonge vrouw met liedboek in haar linkerhand
Q117716130Zuidelijk landschap met een weg langs ruïnes
Q122868552Zuidelijk landschap met herder en zijn kudde bij een vervallen toren
Q124054402Zuidelijk landschap met ruïnes bij een waterval
Q122724534Zuidelijk landschap met schaapherder
Q120435626Zuidelijk landschap met twee herders en hun kudde
Q122639880borststuk van een oude man met baard

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