semantic markup

markup used to indicate meaning of parts of a document (as opposed to concrete formatting)

semantic markup is …
sublass of (P279):

P1889different fromformatQ2085518
P7167does not have effectformatQ2085518
P1552has characteristicseparation of presentation and contentQ3511030
P366has usetagQ658349
P461opposite oftext formattingQ2407816
P2283usesmarkup languageQ37045

Reverse relations

main subject (P921)
Q57887742A Collaborative Semantic Annotation System in Health: Towards a SOA Design for Knowledge Sharing in Ambient Intelligence
Q57753994A Framework for Ontology Enriched Semantic Annotation of CCTV Video
Q62046251A Method for Assessing Website Communicative Efficacy Using a Semantic Annotation Tool
Q56705594A Terminology Service Supporting Semantic Annotation, Integration, Discovery and Analysis of Interdisciplinary Research Data
Q66710983A Wikipedia-based Framework for Collaborative Semantic Annotation
Q61044338A context‐based process semantic annotation model for a process model repository
Q62627922A framework for semantic annotation of digital evidence
Q79776275A hybrid system for the semantic annotation of sulco-gyral anatomy in MRI images
Q38380084A hybrid system using symbolic and numeric knowledge for the semantic annotation of sulco-gyral anatomy in brain MRI images.
Q57649655A robust technique for semantic annotation of group activities based on recognition of extracted features in video streams
Q57004891A semantic annotation framework for retrieving and analyzing observational datasets
Q57748387A semantic annotation framework for scientific publications
Q57722141A time-sensitive historical thesaurus-based semantic tagger for deep semantic annotation
Q58156026A user-oriented semantic annotation approach to knowledge acquisition and conversion
Q62724347A way toward analyzing high-content bioimage data by means of semantic annotation and visual data mining
Q35927361Adapting content-based image retrieval techniques for the semantic annotation of medical images.
Q61677558An Experience Developing a Semantic Annotation System in a Media Group
Q59195527An Integrated Framework for Semantic Annotation and Adaptation
Q59142135An Integrated Support to Collaborative Semantic Annotation
Q57695524Apolda: A Practical Tool for Semantic Annotation
Q57695525Apolda: A Practical Tool for Semantic Annotation
Q37206419Application and evaluation of automated semantic annotation of gene expression experiments
Q105626244Assessing semantic annotation activities with formal concept analysis
Q34392519Automated semantic annotation of rare disease cases: a case study
Q54839242Automated semantic annotation of rare disease cases: a case study.
Q38387168Automatic semantic annotation of real-world web images
Q36442489Automation and integration of components for generalized semantic markup of electronic medical texts
Q36676922Case Study: Semantic Annotation of a Pediatric Critical Care Research Study
Q62046252Cerno: Light-weight tool support for semantic annotation of textual documents
Q66711287Cognitive Linguistics as the Underlying Framework for Semantic Annotation
Q59313740Combining a REST Lexical Analysis Web Service with SPARQL for Mashup Semantic Annotation from Text
Q90009767Consistent Semantic Annotation of Outdoor Datasets via 2D/3D Label Transfer
Q38412158Content-based histopathology image retrieval using a kernel-based semantic annotation framework.
Q59702416Cost-Effective Semantic Annotation of XML Schemas and Web Service Interfaces
Q58710509Creating and Exploring Semantic Annotation for Behaviour Analysis
Q91294716Cross-lingual semantic annotation of biomedical literature: experiments in Spanish and English
Q42307299DAML-S: Semantic Markup for Web Services
Q33383572Data federation in the Biomedical Informatics Research Network: tools for semantic annotation and query of distributed multiscale brain data
Q87869614Data mart construction based on semantic annotation of scientific articles: A case study for the prioritization of drug targets
Q33726594Desiderata for ontologies to be used in semantic annotation of biomedical documents
Q59146952Device-Oriented Automatic Semantic Annotation in IoT
Q62629774Domain Patterns and Semantic Annotation of Web Pages
Q62709094Efficient Web Browsing with Semantic Annotation: A Case Study of Product Images in E-Commerce Sites
Q65946867English-Turkish Parallel Semantic Annotation of Penn-Treebank
Q62047921Event detection and recognition for semantic annotation of video
Q64744004Expert Crowdsourcing for Semantic Annotation of Atmospheric Phenomena
Q62709067Exploiting semantic annotation to supporting user browsing on the web
Q66710890Exploring Flickr's related tags for semantic annotation of web images
Q57339119Extraction and Semantic Annotation of Workshop Proceedings in HTML Using RML
Q38424487Fast and accurate semantic annotation of bioassays exploiting a hybrid of machine learning and user confirmation
Q30579651Harmonization and semantic annotation of data dictionaries from the Pharmacogenomics Research Network: a case study
Q59665582Improving Classifiers for Semantic Annotation of Software Requirements with Elaborate Syntactic Structure
Q28730732Improving integrative searching of systems chemical biology data using semantic annotation
Q38377147Integrating semantic annotation and information visualization for the analysis of multichannel fluorescence micrographs from pancreatic tissue.
Q62709041Interleaving Ontology Mapping for Online Semantic Annotation on Semantic Wiki
Q96577452Interreader Variability in Semantic Annotation of Microvascular Invasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma on Contrast-enhanced Triphasic CT Images
Q28658294Knowledge extraction and semantic annotation of text from the encyclopedia of life
Q58614855Knowledge representation and semantic annotation of multimedia content
Q99997387Latent Topic Fusion-Based Cross-Media Image Semantic Annotation
Q57005836Lightweight Semantic Annotation of Geospatial RESTful Services
Q58883124Location based semantic annotation for ward analysis
Q57676077MATAWS: A Multimodal Approach for Automatic WS Semantic Annotation
Q57722274Measuring MWE compositionality using semantic annotation
Q64360028Medical Data Integration and the Semantic Annotation of Medical Protocols
Q55266042Microblog-genre noise and impact on semantic annotation accuracy
Q30868297Missing semantic annotation in databases. The root cause for data integration and migration problems in information systems
Q36162840ODMSummary: A Tool for Automatic Structured Comparison of Multiple Medical Forms Based on Semantic Annotation with the Unified Medical Language System
Q31104352ODMedit: uniform semantic annotation for data integration in medicine based on a public metadata repository.
Q57491959OVerFA: a collaborative framework for the semantic annotation of documents and websites
Q59195574Object and event detection for semantic annotation and transcoding
Q59386222On semantic annotation of decision models
Q35914397Open semantic annotation of scientific publications using DOMEO.
Q38385909Parsing error correction of medical phrases for semantic annotation of clinical radiology reports
Q105575885Providing Semantic Annotation for the CMU Grand Challenge Dataset
Q20987307PubChemRDF: towards the semantic annotation of PubChem compound and substance databases
Q59109295RETRACTED: Crowd Sensing Based Semantic Annotation of Surveillance Videos
Q66711500RadSem: Semantic Annotation and Retrieval for Medical Images
Q66708883SASL: A Semantic Annotation System for Literature
Q58605223SIFR annotator: ontology-based semantic annotation of French biomedical text and clinical notes
Q58562080SMITag: A social network for semantic annotation of medical images
Q66709042Scalable Semantic Annotation of Text Using Lexical and Web Resources
Q37676521Scientific Reproducibility in Biomedical Research: Provenance Metadata Ontology for Semantic Annotation of Study Description
Q58881871Semantic Annotation and Reasoning for Sensor Data
Q62718942Semantic Annotation and Retrieval Approach for Historical Testcases
Q61833956Semantic Annotation and Retrieval of Images in Digital Libraries
Q57976196Semantic Annotation and Retrieval of Services in the Cloud
Q57317876Semantic Annotation and Retrieval: Web of Hypertext – RDFa and Microformats
Q60176218Semantic Annotation for Microblog Topics Using Wikipedia Temporal Information
Q87814232Semantic Annotation for Web Services Based on DBpedia
Q30098399Semantic Annotation of Data Processing Pipelines in Scientific Publications
Q101489179Semantic Annotation of Documents Based on Wikipedia Concepts
Q57005800Semantic Annotation of Geospatial RESTful Services Using External Resources
Q57005886Semantic Annotation of RESTful Services Using External Resources
Q56460161Semantic Annotation of Scholarly Documents and Citations
Q58882840Semantic Annotation of Ubiquitous Learning Environments
Q99622514Semantic Annotation of Web Data Based on Ensemble Learning and 2D Correlative-Chain Conditional Random Fields
Q62629555Semantic Annotation of Web Pages Using Web Patterns
Q57774590Semantic annotation and search of cultural-heritage collections: The MultimediaN E-Culture demonstrator
Q28649562Semantic annotation for biological information retrieval system
Q38431245Semantic annotation for concept-based cross-language medical information retrieval
Q42362959Semantic annotation in biomedicine: the current landscape
Q38399162Semantic annotation of 3D anatomical models to support diagnosis and follow-up analysis of musculoskeletal pathologies
Q31168541Semantic annotation of Web data applied to risk in food
Q34084851Semantic annotation of biological concepts interplaying microbial cellular responses
Q37508665Semantic annotation of clinical events for generating a problem list
Q62708851Semantic annotation of cognitive map for knowledge sharing between heterogeneous businesses
Q48096593Semantic annotation of consumer health questions
Q28751437Semantic annotation of morphological descriptions: an overall strategy
Q28661780Semantic annotation of mutable data
Q57499414Semantic annotation of text documents using modified probabilistic neural network
Q28152380Semantic annotation of the Danish CLARIN Reference Corpus
Q59412658Semantic annotation of video fragments as learning objects: a case study withYouTubevideos and the Gene Ontology
Q33393938Semi-automatic conversion of BioProp semantic annotation to PASBio annotation
Q33752744Semi-automatic semantic annotation of PubMed queries: a study on quality, efficiency, satisfaction
Q62708710Solving Conflicts in Video Semantic Annotation Using Consensus-Based Social Networking in a Smart TV Environment
Q38414857Standardized Semantic Markup for Reference Terminologies, Thesauri and Coding Systems: Benefits for distributed E-Health Applications
Q38388089The CLEF corpus: semantic annotation of clinical text.
Q37588187The epidemiology ontology: an ontology for the semantic annotation of epidemiological resources
Q56267138The impact of frame semantic annotation levels, frame-alignment techniques, and fusion methods on factoid answer processing
Q38377415Tool-supported Interactive Correction and Semantic Annotation of Narrative Clinical Reports
Q66710910Towards Tailored Semantic Annotation Systems from Wikipedia
Q38380401Towards a Semantic Web of Things: A Hybrid Semantic Annotation, Extraction, and Reasoning Framework for Cyber-Physical System
Q58631307Understanding subjects contained in Dunhuang mural images for deep semantic annotation
Q104754013Use of a modular ontology and a semantic annotation tool to describe the care pathway of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in a coordination network
Q57389427Using as a Semantic Markup Format
Q57589398Using semantic annotation for ontology based decision support in product family design
Q108265869X-LiSA: cross-lingual semantic annotation
Q56637727X3D Fragment Identifiers — Extending the Open Annotation Model to Support Semantic Annotation of 3D Cultural Heritage Objects over the Web
Q30854196iPad: Semantic annotation and markup of radiological images.

Q2085518formatdifferent fromP1889
Q1189978Semantic HTMLsubclass ofP279
Q7625198structured documenthas part(s)P527
Q8728632Category:Semantic markup templatescategory combines topicsP971

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