earth and planetary science

academic discipline

earth and planetary science is …
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academic disciplineQ11862829

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Q52447769"Quinquevalent" Nitrogen and the Structure of Ammonium Salts: Contributions of Alfred Werner and Others
Q55933830"TNOs are Cool": A survey of the trans-Neptunian region. VII. Size and surface characteristics of (90377) Sedna and 2010 EK139
Q56335721(90377) sedna: investigation of surface compositional variation
Q54087269A Fundamental Relation between Supermassive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies
Q56679919A Revisit of Global Dimming and Brightening Based on the Sunshine Duration
Q36895252A blot on the profession
Q57275801A planet-sized transiting star around OGLE-TR-122
Q41119408Al-Fārābī on Extramission, Intromission, and the Use of Platonic Visual Theory
Q52443347Albert the Great on the Classification and Localization of the Internal Senses
Q30040349An update of observed stratospheric temperature trends
Q41157572Anglo-Saxon Plant Remedies and the Anglo-Saxons
Q47683553Anthropology and Evolution: A Comment on Wells
Q28314704Arctic sea ice decline: Faster than forecast
Q64012808Arrhenius and the intergovernmental panel on climate change
Q56659722Attribution of the present-day total greenhouse effect
Q52410512Biographical Origins of Francis Galton's Psychology
Q64287119Black Hole Mass Scaling Relations for Early-type Galaxies. I. M BH–M *, sph and M BH–M *,gal
Q59409688Black Holes in Elliptical Galaxies
Q55872093Black Holes, Galaxy Formation, and theMBH- Relation
Q78799896Bouguer, Lambert, and the Theory of Horizontal Visibility
Q41133379British Responses to Psycho-Physiology, 1860-1900
Q33919271Buffon and Daubenton: Divergent Traditions within the Histoire naturelle
Q107469578CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs. V. Luminosities, colours, and spectral energy distributions
Q56837392Climate Impacts From a Removal of Anthropogenic Aerosol Emissions
Q56168454Coevolution (Or Not) of Supermassive Black Holes and Host Galaxies
Q67224563Consistent multi-decadal variability in global temperature reconstructions and simulations over the Common Era
Q51232084Darwin's Ecology and Its Influence upon His Theory
Q41179055De Juvamentis Membrorum and the Reception of Galenic Physiological Anatomy
Q59486164Detection of orbital motions near the last stable circular orbit of the massive black hole SgrA*
Q55868322Discovery of a Candidate Inner Oort Cloud Planetoid
Q58383748Disentangling greenhouse warming and aerosol cooling to reveal Earth’s climate sensitivity
Q55893374Dynamical evidence for a central mass concentration in the galaxy M87
Q34176268E. B. Wilson's "Destruction" of the Germ-Layer Theory
Q22255407Evidence for a distant giant planet in the solar system
Q52476632Evolutionism and Richard Owen, 1830-1868: An Episode in Darwin's Century
Q55980152Expansion of the world's deserts due to vegetation-albedo feedback under global warming
Q63087930First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. I. The Shadow of the Supermassive Black Hole
Q59732360Formation of massive seed black holes via collisions and accretion
Q54202951Formation of supermassive black holes by direct collapse in pre-galactic haloes
Q68886096Formation of the first supermassive black holes
Q52449134Francis Galton's Statistical Ideas: The Influence of Eugenics
Q41119402From Association to Gestalt: The Fate of Hermann Lotze's Theory of Spatial Perception, 1846-1920
Q56679764Fundamental parameters and spectral energy distributions of young and field age objects with masses spanning the stellar to planetary regime
Q41119399Georg Cantor: The Personal Matrix of His Mathematics
Q52469563Giovanni Garzoni of Bologna (1419-1505), Professor of Medicine and Defender of Astrology
Q90902580Global Carbon Budget 2019
Q29026704Global and regional climate changes due to black carbon
Q53952308HSTSTIS Spectroscopy of the Triple Nucleus of M31: Two Nested Disks in Keplerian Rotation around a Supermassive Black Hole
Q52466526Harvey and the Problem of the "Capillaries"
Q109932664Heat stored in the Earth system: where does the energy go?
Q30409548Henry Cavendish: A Study of Rational Empiricism in Eighteenth-Century Natural Philosophy
Q51341783Herschel's Dilemma in the Interpretation of Thermal Radiation
Q55878462High Proper-Motion Stars in the Vicinity of Sagittarius A*: Evidence for a Supermassive Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy
Q55952446Huehuecanauhtlus tiquichensis, a new hadrosauroid dinosaur (Ornithischia: Ornithopoda) from the Santonian (Late Cretaceous) of Michoacán, Mexico
Q47179089Inquiring into indicators and origin of catastrophic events at stratigraphic boundaries
Q28741043Is 27 really a dangerous age for famous musicians? Retrospective cohort study
Q55893497Is the black hole in NGC 1277 really overmassive?
Q69124588Is there a maximum mass for black holes in galactic nuclei?
Q110700086It is wrong to claim that the public won’t follow covid rules just because the government don’t
Q54104058Land/sea warming ratio in response to climate change: IPCC AR4 model results and comparison with observations
Q55869219Measuring Distance and Properties of the Milky Way’s Central Supermassive Black Hole with Stellar Orbits
Q69026364Modelling the black hole silhouette in Sagittarius A* with ion tori
Q68911943Moving objects in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
Q59702885Multicentennial variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and its climatic influence in a 4000 year simulation of the GFDL CM2.1 climate model
Q55919787Near‐Infrared Spectroscopy of High‐Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei. I. A Metallicity–Accretion Rate Relationship
Q55918522Near‐Infrared Surface Properties of the Two Intrinsically Brightest Minor Planets: (90377) Sedna and (90482) Orcus
Q34194185Nettie M. Stevens and the Discovery of Sex Determination by Chromosomes
Q52125117Nineteenth-Century Medical Psychology: Theoretical Problems in the Work of Griesinger, Meynert, and Wernicke
Q47766490Ninety-Fourth Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (to January 1969)
Q34231632Old and New Physiology in Sir Thomas Browne: Digestion and Some Other Functions
Q47766503On the Pao p'u tzu nei p'ien and the Life of Ko Hung (283-343)
Q54007260On the Rotation Period of (90377) Sedna
Q69149636On the number density of 'direct collapse' black hole seeds
Q41119414One Hundred Fourth Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (to January 1979)
Q52476629Parting of Gold and Silver with Nitric Acid in a Page of the Codex Atlanticus of Leonardo da Vinci
Q52267437Pattern Recognition in Descartes' Automata
Q60015795Peri-urbanisation and multifunctional adaptation of agriculture around Copenhagen
Q40750891Philip Gosse's Omphalos, Edmund Gosse's Father and Son, and Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection
Q71707268Pneumatic Action in the Klepsydra and Empedocles' Account of Breathing
Q57456103Pregabalin and gabapentin become controlled drugs to cut deaths from misuse
Q56002012Recent Arctic amplification and extreme mid-latitude weather
Q58384471Reconciling warming trends
Q69031737Relativistic collapse and explosion of rotating supermassive stars with thermonuclear effects
Q63112262Revisiting the Unified Model of Active Galactic Nuclei
Q69363430Russian Opposition to Darwinism in the Nineteenth Century
Q55868525SINFONI in the Galactic Center: Young Stars and Infrared Flares in the Central Light‐Month
Q41119374Science Education for Women in Antebellum America
Q70291081Science in American Society: A Generation of Historical Debate
Q33972429Some Early Appraisals of the Work of John Mayow
Q41133388Some Early Chemical Analyses of Proprietary Medicines
Q59760282Stars Nearer than Five Parsecs
Q54203055Stellar Orbits around the Galactic Center Black Hole
Q68916431Supermassive black holes and their host spheroids. II. The red and blue sequence in the M_BH_-M_*,sph_Diagram
Q57533576Supermassive black holes from ultra-strongly self-interacting dark matter
Q40750883Taddeo Alderotti and Bartolomeo da Varignana on the Nature of Medical Learning
Q48616070The Anatomical Method, Natural Theology, and the Functions of the Brain
Q67841949The Development of High School Biology: New York City, 1900-1925
Q56805961The EBLM project
Q54239742The Enzyme Theory and the Origin of Biochemistry
Q44341777The Functions of the Brain: Gall to Ferrier (1808-1886)
Q56149419The Gray Herbarium of Harvard University
Q34214713The Motivations of the Scientist: The Self-Image of Albrecht von Haller
Q22337168The Protoplasmic Theory of Life and the Vitalist-Mechanist Debate
Q41119404The Sensory Core and the Medieval Foundations of Early Modern Perceptual Theory
Q54203063The Supermassive Black Hole of M87 and the Kinematics of Its Associated Gaseous Disk
Q41119390The Victorian Conflict between Science and Religion: A Professional Dimension
Q54202973The black hole mass, stellar Mass-to-Light ratio, and dark halo in M87
Q63644353The brief era of direct collapse black hole formation
Q68745373The critical radiation intensity for direct collapse black hole formation: dependence on the radiation spectral shape
Q56018739The establishment of Soviet power in Transcaucasia: The case of Georgia 1921–1928
Q59781672The origin and evolution of the Peace Vallis fan system that drains to the Curiosity landing area, Gale Crater, Mars
Q55921536The solar neighborhood. XXXII. The hydrogen burning limit
Q58909832The structures and total (minor + major) merger histories of massive galaxies up to z ~ 3 in the HST GOODS NICMOS survey: a possible solution to the size evolution problem
Q59873826Tripling the capacity of a point-to-point radio link by using electromagnetic vortices
Q55881623Troodontids (Theropoda) from the Dinosaur Park Formation, Alberta, with a description of a unique new taxon: implications for deinonychosaur diversity in North America
Q40910930Two Unpublished Essays on the Anthropology of North America by Benjamin Smith Barton
Q68175315Understanding black hole mass assembly via accretion and mergers at late times in cosmological simulations
Q21030635Updated world map of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification
Q55033473Viewing the Shadow of the Black Hole at the Galactic Center.
Q41157565Vital Forces: Regulative Principles or Constitutive Agents? A Strategy in German Physiology, 1786-1802
Q52469672Vitalism and Reductionism in Liebig's Physiological Thought
Q41119386Walter Fletcher, F. G. Hopkins, and the Dunn Institute of Biochemistry: A Case Study in the Patronage of Science
Q55923823What drove the dramatic retreat of arctic sea ice during summer 2007?
Q44120322William Charles Wells and the Races of Man
Q52459532Éloge: Charles Donald O'Malley 1907-1970
Q41119379Éloge: Joseph Schiller, 1906-1977
Q52447768Éloge: Richard Harrison Shryock, 1895-1972

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