Algorithms for Lattice Fermions


Algorithms for Lattice Fermions is …
instance of (P31):
free and open-source softwareQ506883
research softwareQ95001953

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P856official website
P1324source code repository URL

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describes a project that uses (P4510)
Q108041871Applying the tempered Lefschetz thimble method to the Hubbard model away from half filling
Q108041857Avoiding ergodicity problems in lattice discretizations of the Hubbard model
Q92221314Charge-Density-Wave Transitions of Dirac Fermions Coupled to Phonons
Q98193861Coexistence and Interaction of Spinons and Magnons in an Antiferromagnet with Alternating Antiferromagnetic and Ferromagnetic Quantum Spin Chains
Q57385309Confinement transition of ℤ gauge theories coupled to massless fermions: Emergent quantum chromodynamics and (5) symmetry
Q108041860Dimensional crossover in the SU(4) Heisenberg model in the six-dimensional antisymmetric self-conjugate representation revealed by quantum Monte Carlo and linear flavor-wave theory
Q50012362Dirac Fermions with Competing Orders: Non-Landau Transition with Emergent Symmetry.
Q108041861Electronic ground state in bilayer graphene with realistic Coulomb interactions
Q92742100Emergent Coherent Lattice Behavior in Kondo Nanosystems
Q89994919Entanglement Hamiltonian of Interacting Fermionic Models
Q108041855Entanglement studies of interacting fermionic models
Q91184934Exploring the Kondo Effect of an Extended Impurity with Chains of Co Adatoms in a Magnetic Field
Q108041880Fast and stable determinant quantum Monte Carlo
Q108041879Fermi Surface Reconstruction without Symmetry Breaking
Q108041874Fermion bag approach to Hamiltonian lattice field theories in continuous time
Q108041873Fermion-bag inspired Hamiltonian lattice field theory for fermionic quantum criticality
Q48514288Finite-size effects in canonical and grand-canonical quantum Monte Carlo simulations for fermions.
Q108041856Fractionalized Fermi liquid in a frustrated Kondo lattice model
Q91330049Fractionalized Metal in a Falicov-Kimball Model
Q108041876Fragile Topology and Flat-Band Superconductivity in the Strong-Coupling Regime
Q108041868Half-filled Landau levels: A continuum and sign-free regularization for three-dimensional quantum critical points
Q108073327Higher Order Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo Methods
Q108041864Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice: From static and dynamical mean-field theories to lattice quantum Monte Carlo simulations
Q103811156Kondo Breakdown in a Spin-1/2 Chain of Adatoms on a Dirac Semimetal
Q108041872Lefschetz thimbles decomposition for the Hubbard model on the hexagonal lattice
Q108041866Local moments versus itinerant antiferromagnetism: Magnetic phase diagram and spectral properties of the anisotropic square lattice Hubbard model
Q108041869Mutual information in heavy-fermion systems
Q108041870Numerical evidence of conformal phase transition in graphene with long-range interactions
Q108041862Orthogonal metal in the Hubbard model with liberated slave spins
Q108041877Phases of the ( 2+1 ) Dimensional SO(5) Nonlinear Sigma Model with Topological Term
Q59523508Quantum Monte Carlo impurity solvers for multi-orbital problems and frequency-dependent interactions
Q88145712Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation of Frustrated Kondo Lattice Models
Q108041867Revisiting the hybrid quantum Monte Carlo method for Hubbard and electron-phonon models
Q108041878Search for correlation-induced adiabatic paths between distinct topological insulators
Q108041865Statistical error estimates in dynamical mean-field theory and extensions thereof
Q92761075Superconductivity from the condensation of topological defects in a quantum spin-Hall insulator
Q90859200The role of electron-electron interactions in two-dimensional Dirac fermions

Q108041803pyALFdepends on softwareP1547
Q107897614The ALF (Algorithms for Lattice Fermions) project release 1.0. Documentation for the auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo codemain subjectP921

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