(P625, lat/long) | 40.2286731 / -74.3046767 |
unincorporated community in the United States | Q17343829 |
P11693 | OpenStreetMap node ID | 8726018993 |
P17 | country | United States | Q30 |
P2044 | elevation above sea level | 118 | |
P131 | located in the administrative territorial entity | Monmouth County | Q502424 |
Freehold Township | Q1077969 | ||
P421 | located in time zone | Eastern Time Zone | Q941023 |
elevation | 36 |
import_uuid | bb7269ee-502a-5391-8056-e3ce0e66489c |
name | Monmouth Heights at Freehold |
place | neighbourhood |
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