seedling recruitment

development of viable seedlings in a new place

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Q57122914A spatially explicit analysis of seedling recruitment in the terrestrial orchid Orchis purpurea
Q35690687A widespread plant-fungal-bacterial symbiosis promotes plant biodiversity, plant nutrition and seedling recruitment
Q56776686Alien seedling recruitment as a response to altitude and soil disturbance in the mountain grasslands of central Argentina
Q112770244Alternate Bearing, Predator Satiation and Seedling Recruitment in Quercus Robur L.
Q56879798An 11-yr exclosure experiment in a high-elevation island ecosystem: introduced herbivore impact on shrub species richness, seedling recruitment and population dynamics
Q112768983AreDeschampsia caespitosa(L.) Beauv. Tussocks Safe Sites for Seedling Recruitment in the Succession of Wet Meadows?
Q35836201Arthropod invasion disrupts Cycas micronesica seedling recruitment
Q51148701Author Correction: Interactions count: plant origin, herbivory and disturbance jointly explain seedling recruitment and community structure.
Q39413699Beneficial effect of spider presence on seedling recruitment of the tropical rainforest tree Dipteryx oleifera (Fabaceae).
Q56976278Biotic and abiotic drivers of tree seedling recruitment across an alpine treeline ecotone
Q111289008Biotic interaction effects on seedling recruitment along bioclimatic gradients: testing the stress-gradient hypothesis
Q112833034Bird communities and seedling recruitment in restoring seasonally dry forest using the framework species method in Northern Thailand
Q38963146Birds and neotropical mistletoes: effects on seedling recruitment.
Q60445619Bracken fern facilitates tree seedling recruitment in tropical fire-degraded habitats
Q113096791Burning Influences on Wiregrass (Aristida beyrichiana) Restoration Plantings: Natural Seedling Recruitment and Survival
Q56363402Canopy manipulations of exotic Bitter Willow (Salix elaeagnos) forest for indigenous seedling recruitment: A pilot study
Q110510626Canopy openness and topographic habitat drive tree seedling recruitment after snow damage in an old-growth subtropical forest
Q112955148Causes of Recruitment Limitation at Abrupt Alpine Treelines
Q58417559Characterizing the Litter in Postfire Environments: Implications for Seedling Recruitment
Q115466063Choice of density-dependent seedling recruitment function affects predicted transient dynamics: a case study with Platte thistle
Q57878344Climate and soil factors influencing seedling recruitment of plant species used for dryland restoration
Q61468145Clonal expansion and seedling recruitment of Oregon grape (Berberis nervosa) in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forests: comparisons with salal (Gaultheria shallon)
Q112769845Comparative ecology of seedling recruitment in an oligotrophic wet meadow
Q81407675Comparison of seedling recruitment under arborescent palms in two Neotropical forests
Q57020636Conifer seedling recruitment across a gradient from forest to alpine tundra: effects of species, provenance, and site
Q116208153Constant gardeners: Endozoochory promotes repeated seedling recruitment in clonal plants
Q111159708Correction to: The effects of invasive grass on seedling recruitment of native Atriplex polycarpa (Torr.) S. Watson (Chenopodiaceae) shrubs in the San Joaquin Valley of California
Q38693423Defaunation and habitat disturbance interact synergistically to alter seedling recruitment.
Q63564234Defoliation effects on seed dispersal and seedling recruitment in a tropical rain forest understorey palm
Q113085998Demographic processes limiting seedling recruitment in arid grassland restoration
Q113106652Demographic, seed and microsite limitations to seedling recruitment in semi-arid mine site restoration
Q111495300Designing microtopographic structures to facilitate seedling recruitment in degraded salt marshes
Q48069293Development of a spatially-distributed hydroecological model to simulate cottonwood seedling recruitment along rivers
Q113185701Differences in the facilitative ability of two Mediterranean shrubs on holm-oak seedling recruitment in Mediterranean savanna-forest ecosystems
Q111375984Direct and indirect effects of a dense understory on tree seedling recruitment in temperate forests: habitat-mediated predation versus competition
Q57034512Dispersal vacuum in the seedling recruitment of a primate-dispersed Amazonian tree
Q106621095Does habitat manipulation enhance native woody seedling recruitment in a dryland river floodplain?
Q56459232Dry Forest Restoration and Unassisted Native Tree Seedling Recruitment at Auwahi, Maui
Q64233925Dwarf shrub facilitates seedling recruitment and plant diversity in semiarid grasslands
Q58648834Earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris) affect plant seedling recruitment and microhabitat heterogeneity
Q34534462Effect of Resting Patterns of Tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis and Saguinus mystax) on the Spatial Distribution of Seeds and Seedling Recruitment
Q112766892Effect of Seasonal Rains and Floods on Seedling Recruitment and Compositional Similarity in Two Lowland Tropical Forests
Q57195221Effect of litter, leaf cover and cover of basal internodes of the dominant species Molinia caerulea on seedling recruitment and established vegetation
Q57050194Effect of reduced-impact logging on seedling recruitment in a neotropical forest
Q33459088Effect of seed predation on seed bank size and seedling recruitment of bush lupine (Lupinus arboreus).
Q113794394Effects of Dispersal Pattern and Mammalian Herbivores on Seedling Recruitment for Virola michelii (Myristicaceae) in French Guiana1
Q111221988Effects of Management Practices and Topography on Ectomycorrhizal Fungi of Maritime Pine during Seedling Recruitment
Q57020249Effects of Small Rodent and Large Mammal Exclusion on Seedling Recruitment in Costa Rica1
Q57010799Effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza on community composition and seedling recruitment in temperate forest understory
Q60516439Effects of different mowing regimes on seedling recruitment in alluvial grasslands
Q60516604Effects of flooding and its temporal variation on seedling recruitment from the soil seed bank of a Neotropical floodplain
Q58406724Effects of flow pattern on riparian seedling recruitment on sandbars in the Wisconsin River, Wisconsin, USA
Q64005618Effects of forest fragmentation on Heliconia acuminata seedling recruitment in central Amazonia
Q33587881Effects of forest fragmentation on the seedling recruitment of a tropical herb: assessing seed vs. safe-site limitation
Q110620568Effects of propagule pressure and priority effects on seedling recruitment during restoration of invaded grassland
Q47810353Effects of resource availability on seedling recruitment in a fire-maintained savanna
Q113188859Environmental factors controlling seed germination and seedling recruitment of Stipa bungeana on the Loess Plateau of northwestern China
Q51309832Erratum to: Temperature, precipitation and biotic interactions as determinants of tree seedling recruitment across the tree line ecotone.
Q60445654Experimental Assessment of Factors Limiting Seedling Recruitment of an Amazonian Understory Herb
Q62557136Experimental Studies of Seedling Recruitment from Contrasting Seed Distributions
Q113191708Experimental seed sowing reveals seedling recruitment vulnerability to unseasonal fire
Q34335657Experimental test for facilitation of seedling recruitment by the dominant bunchgrass in a fire-maintained savanna
Q60393872Extensive hydrochory uncouples spatiotemporal patterns of seedfall and seedling recruitment in a 'bird-dispersed' riparian tree
Q58108220Facilitation vs. apparent competition: insect herbivory alters tree seedling recruitment under nurse shrubs in a steppe-woodland ecotone
Q112889945Factors Influencing Future Canopy Composition at Tiromoana Bush, North Canterbury, New Zealand
Q114624655Feathermoss seedbeds facilitate black spruce seedling recruitment in the forest-tundra ecotone (Labrador, Canada)
Q60493854Fire increases Eucalyptus globulus seedling recruitment in forested habitats: Effects of litter, shade and burnt soil on seedling emergence and survival
Q58861971Fire recurrence and emergency post-fire management influence seedling recruitment and growth by altering plant interactions in fire-prone ecosystems
Q100711637Fire-stimulated rainforest seedling recruitment and vegetative regeneration in a densely grassed wet sclerophyll forest of north-eastern Australia
Q56481708Flowering, seed dispersal, seed predation and seedling recruitment in two pyrogenic flowering resprouters
Q53132663Forest encroachment into a Californian grassland: examining the simultaneous effects of facilitation and competition on tree seedling recruitment.
Q112795123Functional traits, not productivity, predict alpine plant community openness to seedling recruitment under climatic warming
Q56774458Habitat modification inhibits conspecific seedling recruitment in populations of an invasive ecosystem engineer
Q115447469Herbaceous-layer diversity and tree seedling recruitment are enhanced following Rhododendron maximum shrub removal
Q112795504Herbivores reduce seedling recruitment in alpine plant communities
Q57015331Herbivores, seed banks and seedling recruitment in mesic grassland
Q113176248Hierarchical Control Over Seedling Recruitment of the Bunch-Grass Themeda triandra in a Semi-Arid Savanna
Q117043316High genetic diversity in the landscape suggests frequent seedling recruitment by Euphorbia virgata Waldst. & Kit. (leafy spurge) in the northern U.S.A
Q63613165High seedling recruitment of indigenous tree species in forest plantations in Kakamega Forest, western Kenya
Q112795745How does spatial micro‐environmental heterogeneity influence seedling recruitment in ironstone outcrops?
Q28111831Impact of two invasive succulents on native-seedling recruitment in Neotropical arid environments
Q60445606Importance of animal and plant traits for fruit removal and seedling recruitment in a tropical forest
Q59163112Importance of seedling recruitment for regeneration and maintaining genetic diversity of Cyperus papyrus during drawdown in Lake Naivasha, Kenya
Q112669967Improving dryland seedling recruitment using fungicide seed coatings
Q113088093Increased soil temperature and decreased precipitation during early life stages constrain grass seedling recruitment in cold desert restoration
Q30716890Influence of litter and weather on seedling recruitment in a mixed oak-pine woodland
Q110704528Influence of tillage systems on vertical distribution, seedling recruitment and persistence of rigid ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) seed bank
Q58078568Initial cottonwood seedling recruitment following the flood of the century of the Oldman River, Alberta, Canada
Q62563542Interacting effects of canopy gap, understory vegetation and leaf litter on tree seedling recruitment and composition in tropical secondary forests
Q60314871Interacting effects of grazing and habitat conditions on seedling recruitment and establishment
Q41419400Interactions count: plant origin, herbivory and disturbance jointly explain seedling recruitment and community structure
Q104204510Interactions of Factors Affecting Seedling Recruitment of Blue Oak (Quercus Douglasii) in California
Q38794066Interspecific associations in seed arrival and seedling recruitment in a Neotropical forest
Q38941746Intraspecific and phylogenetic density-dependent seedling recruitment in a subtropical evergreen forest.
Q91264243Invasive ants disperse seeds farther than native ants, affecting the spatial pattern of seedling recruitment and survival
Q56480512Invasive potential of Eucalyptus globulus: Seed dispersal, seedling recruitment and survival in habitats surrounding plantations
Q56748030Invasive sweetclover (Melilotus alba) impacts native seedling recruitment along floodplains of interior Alaska
Q112795857Lichens facilitate seedling recruitment in alpine heath
Q39040861Life and death of Picea abies after bark-beetle outbreak: ecological processes driving seedling recruitment
Q33951857Light limitation and litter of an invasive clonal plant, Wedelia trilobata, inhibit its seedling recruitment
Q56774284Linking seed dispersal, germination and seedling recruitment in the invasive species Berberis darwinii (Darwin’s barberry)
Q115417968Litter and its interaction with standing vegetation affect seedling recruitment in Tibetan alpine grasslands
Q33576586Local adaptation enhances seedling recruitment along an altitudinal gradient in a high mountain mediterranean plant
Q114176368Masting benefits seedling recruitment of Armeniaca sibirica through directed dispersal by rodents
Q114083246Masting increases seedling recruitment near and far: Predator satiation and improved dispersal in a fleshy‐fruited tree
Q112815790Microhabitat availability and seedling recruitment ofLobelia urens: a rare plant species at its geographical limit
Q56950070Microsite and litter cover effects on soil conditions and seedling recruitment in a saline agricultural system
Q64230641Microsite conditions in retrogressive thaw slumps may facilitate increased seedling recruitment in the Alaskan Low Arctic
Q57070052Modelling seed dispersal to predict seedling recruitment: Recolonization dynamics in a plantation forest
Q64935019Multiple stages of tree seedling recruitment are altered in tropical forests degraded by selective logging.
Q112788005Natural seedling recruitment and regeneration in deforested and sand‐filled Mangrove forest at Eagle Island, Niger Delta, Nigeria
Q39101172Negative density dependence of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment in a neotropical palm
Q60529801No changes in seedling recruitment when terrestrial mammals are excluded in a partially defaunated Atlantic rainforest
Q117433297Optimum light transmittance for seed germination and early seedling recruitment of Pinus koraiensis: implications for natural regeneration
Q72993128Patterns and sources of variation in flowering, seed supply and seedling recruitment in surfgrass Phyllospadix torreyi
Q57604608Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. salzmannii seedling recruitment is affected by stand basal area, shrub cover and climate interactions
Q112768166Plant Regeneration Above the Species Elevational Leading Edge: Trade-Off Between Seedling Recruitment and Plant Production
Q81306118Plants as reef fish: fitting the functional form of seedling recruitment
Q62551223Poachers and Forest Fragmentation Alter Seed Dispersal, Seed Survival, and Seedling Recruitment in the Palm Attalea butyraceae, with Implications for Tropical Tree Diversity1
Q60445611Positive relationship between fruit removal by animals and seedling recruitment in a tropical forest
Q58649115Post-Fire Seedling Recruitment and Morpho-Ecophysiological Responses to Induced Drought and Salvage Logging in Pinus halepensis Mill. Stands
Q100713077Post-fire Seedling Recruitment in Coastal Heathland in Relation to Regeneration Strategy and Habitat
Q114176807Pre-emergence processes limit seedling recruitment in two direct seeded Acacia spp.
Q35537472Primate extirpation from rainforest fragments does not appear to influence seedling recruitment
Q58205047Process-based modeling of temperature and water profiles in the seedling recruitment zone: Part I. Model validation
Q58205051Process-based modeling of temperature and water profiles in the seedling recruitment zone: Part II. Seedling emergence timing
Q112828780Pronounced effects of slug herbivory on seedling recruitment of Brassica cultivars and accessions, especially those with low levels of aliphatic glucosinolates
Q111094235Pulse seedling recruitment on the population dynamics of a columnar cactus: Effect of an extreme rainfall event
Q115435456Quantifying seed and establishment limitation to seedling recruitment of arable weeds: an example of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli)
Q60399724Relationship between litter produced by Calamagrostis epigejos and seedling recruitment of mesic meadow species in mountain conditions
Q33304243Relative effects of mammal herbivory and plant spacing on seedling recruitment following fire and mining
Q99400579Riparian vegetation model to predict seedling recruitment and restoration alternatives
Q114174632Roads limit of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment of Quercus chenii in an urban hillside forest
Q57195257Rodent population dynamics affect seedling recruitment in alpine habitats
Q38982488Rodent seed predation and seedling recruitment in mesic grassland
Q58195626Role of climate and herbivory on native and alien conifer seedling recruitment at and above the Fennoscandian tree line
Q113700461Roles of dispersal and predation in determining seedling recruitment patterns in a foundational marine angiosperm
Q57150139Salt stress limitation of seedling recruitment in a salt marsh plant community
Q58834884Seed Banks, Fire Season, Safe Sites and Seedling Recruitment in Five Co-Occurring Banksia Species
Q56802610Seed Dormancy and Seedling Recruitment in Smooth Barley (Hordeum murinum ssp. glaucum) Populations in Southern Australia
Q101105359Seed Germination and Seedling Recruitment of Cupressus funebris in the Three Gorges Area,China
Q112782357Seed abundance versus substrate limitation of seedling recruitment in northern temperate forests of British Columbia
Q58387908Seed abundance versus substrate limitation of seedling recruitment in northern temperate forests of British Columbia
Q115467698Seed and microsite limitation for seedling recruitment of Quercus wutaishanica on Mt. Ziwuling, Loess Plateau, China
Q110703997Seed bank and seedling recruitment of endangered Tephroseris longifolia subsp. moravica (Asteraceae)
Q107968318Seed dispersal and seedling recruitment of trees at different successional stages in a temperate forest in northeastern China
Q113183084Seed fate and seedling recruitment in monkey latrines in rustic cocoa plantations and rain forest in southern Mexico
Q33317020Seed predation by Neotropical rain forest mammals increases diversity in seedling recruitment
Q110705046Seed rain, soil seed bank, seedling recruitment, and survival of seedlings on a glacier foreland in the Central Alps
Q79375282Seed shadow, seedling recruitment, and spatial distribution of Buchenavia capitata (Combretaceae) in a fragment of the Brazilian Atlantic forest
Q47674122Seed supply limits seedling recruitment of Eucalyptus miniata: interactions between seed predation by ants and fire in the Australian seasonal tropics
Q46642588Seed trait-mediated selection by rodents affects mutualistic interactions and seedling recruitment of co-occurring tree species
Q47946390Seedling Recruitment Strategies in Obligate-Seeding and Resprouting Banksia Shrubs
Q55773407Seedling Recruitment and Stand Regeneration in Spruce-Fir Forests of the Great Smoky Mountains
Q115340105Seedling Recruitment and the Maintenance of Clonal Diversity in Plant Populations--A Computer Simulation of Ranunculus Repens
Q112770473Seedling Recruitment in Forests: Calibrating Models to Predict Patterns of Tree Seedling Dispersion
Q111262960Seedling Recruitment in Oryzopsis hymenoides: Are Desert Granivores Mutualists or Predators?
Q60569775Seedling Recruitment in the Long-Lived Perennial, Echinacea angustifolia: A 10-Year Experiment
Q110756238Seedling Recruitment of Native Tree Species in Active Restoration Forest
Q60518282Seedling recruitment and facilitation dependence on safe site characteristics in a Himalayan treeline ecotone
Q57208035Seedling recruitment and population ecology
Q107968046Seedling recruitment and seed-/microsite limitation in traditionally grazed plant communities of the alpine zone
Q39221848Seedling recruitment and survival of an endangered limestone endemic in its natural habitat and experimental reintroduction sites
Q92218911Seedling recruitment correlates with seed input across seed sizes: implications for coexistence
Q57015309Seedling recruitment dynamics of forage and weed species under continuous and rotational sheep grazing in a temperate New Zealand pasture
Q107967696Seedling recruitment factors in low-diversity Hawaiian wet forest: towards global comparisons among tropical forests
Q58387835Seedling recruitment in a hurricane-driven tropical forest: light limitation, density-dependence and the spatial distribution of parent trees
Q112821787Seedling recruitment in a semi-arid steppe: The role of microsite and post-dispersal seed predation
Q110705050Seedling recruitment in deciduous forest herbs: the effects of litter, soil chemistry and seed bank
Q60516443Seedling recruitment in flood-meadow species: The effects of gaps, litter and vegetation matrix
Q112796827Seedling recruitment in flood‐meadow species: The effects of gaps, litter and vegetation matrix
Q108920771Seedling recruitment in mountain grassland restoration: Effects of soil preparation and grazing
Q114223096Seedling recruitment in response to artificial gaps: predicting the ecological consequence of forest disturbance
Q110704830Seedling recruitment in semi-natural pastures: the effects of disturbance, seed size, phenology and seed bank
Q60297627Seedling recruitment in subalpine grassland forbs: Predicting field regeneration behaviour from lab germination responses
Q55841626Seedling recruitment in the invasive clonal shrub, Mahonia aquifolium Pursh (Nutt.)
Q57964227Seedling recruitment of Succisella inflexa in fen meadows: Importance of seed and microsite availability
Q56784264Seedling recruitment of the exotic grass Andropogon gayanus (Poaceae) in northern Australia
Q89565045Seedling recruitment patterns in a Belizean mangrove forest: effects of establishment ability and physico-chemical factors
Q55845360Seedling recruitment patterns over 4 years in an Australian perennial grassland community with different fire histories
Q112390873Seedling recruitment patterns over 4 years in an Australian perennial grassland community with different fire histories
Q107968693Seedling recruitment responses to interventions in seed-based ecological restoration of Peninsula Shale Renosterveld, Cape Town
Q111173939Seedling recruitment under isolated trees in a tea plantation provides a template for forest restoration in eastern Africa
Q100715098Seedling recruitment, seed persistence and aspects of dispersal ecology of the invasive moth vine, Araujia sericifera (Asclepiadaceae)
Q58385474Seedling recruitment, survival and facilitation in alpinePinus uncinatatree line ecotones. Implications and potential responses to climate warming
Q113082151Sheep trampling on surface-lying seeds improves seedling recruitment in open sand ecosystems
Q60445650Short seed-dispersal distances and low seedling recruitment in farmland populations of bird-dispersed cherry trees
Q103815634Site amelioration for direct seeding of Caladenia tentaculata improves seedling recruitment and survival in natural habitat
Q110704961Soil seed bank, seedling recruitment and actual species composition in an old and isolated chalk grassland site
Q81337618Spatial aspects of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment in orchids
Q39303713Spatial patterns of grass seedling recruitment imply predation and facilitation by harvester ants.
Q112770285Species Interactions in a Successional Grassland. I. Seed Rain and Seedling Recruitment
Q56441944Strategies for restoring tree seedling recruitment in high conservation value tropical montane forests underplanted with cardamom
Q58078575Streamflow requirements for cottonwood seedling recruitment—An integrative model
Q33775811Strong microsite control of seedling recruitment in tundra
Q112850521Studies on persistence strategies of perennial pasture legumes in lowland pastures
Q60496868Substrate-associated seedling recruitment and establishment of major conifer species in an old-growth subalpine forest in central Japan
Q30969889Temperature, precipitation and biotic interactions as determinants of tree seedling recruitment across the tree line ecotone
Q97411695The Influence of a Seedling Recruitment Strategy and a Clonal Architecture on a Spatial Genetic Structure of a Salvia brachyodon (Lamiaceae) Population
Q35662337The Interplay among Acorn Abundance and Rodent Behavior Drives the Spatial Pattern of Seedling Recruitment in Mature Mediterranean Oak Forests.
Q112810275The Role of Isolated Trees in Facilitating Tree Seedling Recruitment at a Degraded Sub‐Tropical Rainforest Site
Q83791620The analysis and interpretation of seedling recruitment curves
Q110704386The benefits of seed banking for red maple (Acer rubrum): maximizing seedling recruitment
Q114697869The demography of tree species response to climate: seedling recruitment and survival
Q57195179The effect of management on productivity, litter accumulation and seedling recruitment in a Carpathian mountain grassland
Q89566904The effect of mollusc grazing on seedling recruitment in artificially created grassland gaps
Q114093595The effect of seed-dispersal timing on seedling recruitment is modulated by environmental conditions that vary across altitude in a threatened palm
Q111164140The effect of succession stage on seed rain and seedling recruitment in overgrown Molinia caeruleae meadows
Q36382316The effects of elevated CO2 on seed production and seedling recruitment in a sheep-grazed pasture
Q111159694The effects of invasive grass on seedling recruitment of native Atriplex polycarpa (Torr.) S. Watson (Chenopodiaceae) shrubs in the San Joaquin Valley of California
Q113186458The effects of land use and microsite availability on early seedling recruitment of Acacia tortilis (synonym: Vachelia tortilis) in a southern African savanna
Q56449977The exotic palm Roystonea oleracea (Jacq.) O. F. Cook (Arecaceae) on an island within the Atlantic Forest Biome: naturalization and influence on seedling recruitment
Q56784063The impact of introduced ship rats (Rattus rattus) on seedling recruitment and distribution of a subantarctic megaherb (Pleurophyllum hookeri)
Q57264718The influence of ants on the dispersal distance and seedling recruitment of Leucospermum conocarpodendron (L.) Buek (Proteaceae)
Q100711182The influence of fire and rainfall upon seedling recruitment in sand-mass (wallum) heathland of north-eastern New South Wales
Q113186677The influence of seed supply and seedbed on seedling recruitment in shelterwood-treated jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest
Q62549657The interacting effects of clumped seed dispersal and distance- and density-dependent mortality on seedling recruitment patterns
Q58357098The role of nurse functional types in seedling recruitment dynamics of alternative states in rangelands
Q37501773The role of seedling recruitment from juvenile populations of Carex brevicuspis (Cyperaceae) at the Dongting Lake wetlands, China
Q52860614The value of trophic interactions for ecosystem function: dung beetle communities influence seed burial and seedling recruitment in tropical forests.
Q61697953Topsoil properties and seedling recruitment in Lavandula latifolia: stage-dependence and spatial decoupling of influential parameters
Q112823206Unraveling the roles of various ecological factors in seedling recruitment to facilitate plant regeneration
Q57405876Variation in bradyspory and seedling recruitment without fire among populations of Banksia serrata (Proteaceae)
Q38947893Vertebrate herbivory impacts seedling recruitment more than niche partitioning or density-dependent mortality
Q111377496Vertebrate predation on Holm Oak, Quercus ilex, acorns in a fragmented habitat: effects on seedling recruitment
Q112785030Water regimes, seedling recruitment and establishment in three wetland plant species
Q34583086Wind-dispersed seed deposition patterns and seedling recruitment of Artemisia halodendron in a moving sandy land
Q39169851Young restored forests increase seedling recruitment in abandoned pastures in the Southern Atlantic rainforest.

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