software resource

part of a software application accessible, whether it be a data or a program

software resource is …
instance of (P31):

sublass of (P279):
information resourceQ37866906

External links are
P10376ScienceDirect topic IDcomputer-science/software-resource

P361part ofapplicationQ166142

Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
Q115329945MusicBrainz release
Q115329880MusicBrainz release group

subclass of (P279)
Q122335104Aparat channel
Q63198389Discord server
Q111661787Discord sticker
Q65598177Facebook event
Q68592347Facebook interactions
Q85336683Facebook like
Q116081600Matrix Space
Q123471990PeerTube video
Q111638077Pinterest board
Q107102162Spotify playlist
Q87410555Telegram channel
Q110314248Telegram channel
Q110888858TikTok video
Q106841600Twitch clip
Q110888775Vimeo video
Q111513362Wikibase claim
Q111513007Wikibase entity
Q111513414Wikibase referenceRecord
Q111513406Wikibase statement
Q111513443Wikibase statement rank
Q107658963Wikidata value
Q28502153X Moments
Q111603184X list
Q99767403X topic
Q17558136YouTube channel
Q110989651YouTube channel page
Q110991181YouTube channel subscriber
Q110991190YouTube channel videos
Q110875209YouTube comment
Q110902956YouTube playlist
Q63412991YouTube video
Q110875197YouTube video comments
Q110875533YouTube video description
Q110991175YouTube video dislike
Q110875554YouTube video like
Q63185508YouTube video views
Q113001686audio chat room
Q110832792database object
Q1273201email box
Q110854677network resource
Q1844938private message
Q17176533software component
Q113001597sticker pack
Q7673190table cell
Q113360966unavailable software resource
Q3604202user account
Q20058247user review
Q110926844video in Niconico
Q4112087virtual card

main subject (P921)
Q59237525An Effective Methodology for Measuring Software Resource Usage
Q90734832QuanTP: A Software Resource for Quantitative Proteo-Transcriptomic Comparative Data Analysis and Informatics
Q37235411Tissue-specific regulatory network extractor (TS-REX): a database and software resource for the tissue and cell type-specific investigation of transcription factor-gene networks

P10376ScienceDirect topic IDWikidata property exampleP1855
Q110902959software qualitypart ofP361

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