Management Information Systems Quarterly

academic journal

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Abstract is: Management Information Systems Quarterly, referred to as MIS Quarterly, is an online-only quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal that covers research in management information systems and information technology. It was established in 1977 and is considered a major periodical in the information systems industry. An official journal of the Association for Information Systems, it is published by the at the University of Minnesota. The current editor-in-chief is Andrew Burton-Jones, University of Queensland. The journal had the highest impact factor (4.978) of all peer-reviewed academic journals in the field of business from 1992–2005. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2015 impact factor of 5.384.

Management Information Systems Quarterly is …
instance of (P31):
scientific journalQ5633421

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P6981ACNP journal ID42197
P8375Crossref journal ID55525
P1250Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO14150
P1609Dialnet journal ID20683
P1662DOI prefix10.253
P1058ERA Journal ID18070
P646Freebase ID/m/0dzlh3
P8903HAL journal ID7133
P1160ISO 4 abbreviationManag. Inf. Syst. Q.
P1230JSTOR journal IDmisquarterly
P1277JUFO ID63427
P1144Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) (bibliographic)85652044
P4730Mir@bel journal ID2516
P1055NLM Unique ID9882271
P243OCLC control number805082941
P856official website
P10283OpenAlex IDS57293258
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID34155
P7662Scilit journal ID2892895
P1156Scopus source ID12402
P1025SUDOC editions03933953X

P495country of originUnited StatesQ30
P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level2
P98editorArun RaiQ22095785
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScience Citation Index ExpandedQ104047209
Social Sciences Citation IndexQ1090953
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectinformation scienceQ16387
P291place of publicationUnited StatesQ30
P123publisherUniversity of MinnesotaQ238101
P1476titleManagement Information Systems Quarterly
MIS quarterly

Reverse relations

published in (P1433)
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Q115444936Examining How Chronically Ill Patients’ Reactions to and Effective Use of Information Technology Can Influence How Well They Self-Manage Their Illness
Q129720442Examining the Effects of Interfirm Managerial Social Ties on IT Components Diversity: An Agency Perspective
Q115444934Expecting the Unexpected: Effects of Data Collection Design Choices on the Quality of Crowdsourced User-Generated Content
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Q102362796Explanations from Intelligent Systems: Theoretical Foundations and Implications for Practice
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Q129092547Human Capital Development For Programmers Using Open Source Software
Q115213574IT-Enabled Self-Monitoring for Chronic Disease Self-Management: An Interdisciplinary Review
Q129721222Identity Management and Tradable Reputation
Q56455316Information Exchange and Use in Group Decision Making: You Can Lead a Group to Information, but You Can't Make It Think
Q108466825Information Security Policy Compliance: An Empirical Study of Rationality-Based Beliefs and Information Security Awareness
Q129721750Information Spillover and Semi-Collaborative Networks in Insurer Fraud Detection
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Q129092414Information Technology and Firm Profitability: Mechanisms and Empirical Evidence
Q60961026Information Technology and the Nature of Managerial Work: From the Productivity Paradox to the Icarus Paradox?
Q128340477Intensifying to Cease: Unpacking the Process of Information Systems Discontinuance
Q115444921Interpersonal Conflict and Its Management in Information System Development
Q115444897Investigating the Support Role of the Information Center
Q127759758Is Best Answer Really the Best Answer? The Politeness Bias
Q121656813Key Information Liability Issues Facing Managers: Software Piracy, Proprietary Databases, and Individual Rights to Privacy
Q114845401Legal Issues in Computer Software: The Written Contract
Q128342016Love Unshackled: Identifying the Effect of Mobile App Adoption in Online Dating
Q104884753Managing Risk in Software Process Improvement: An Action Research Approach
Q128350558Managing the Crowds: The Effect of Prize Guarantees and In-Process Feedback on Participation in Crowdsourcing Contests
Q113219385Mapping the Intellectual Structure of MIS, 1980-1985: A Co-Citation Analysis
Q115444896Measuring User Participation, User Involvement, and User Attitude
Q128341760Modeling Multichannel Advertising Attribution Across Competitors
Q114947964More Is Not Necessarily Better: An Absorptive Capacity Perspective on Network Effects in Open Source Software Development Communities
Q127768693Mutual Understanding in Information Systems Development: Changes Within and Across Projects
Q127760568Nurturing Online Communities: An Empirical Investigation
Q62269984On Product Uncertainty in Online Markets: Theory and Evidence
Q56226556On the Test-Retest Reliability of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use Scales
Q57536012Outsourcing to an Unknown Workforce: Exploring Opensurcing as a Global Sourcing Strategy
Q129551230Passing the Torch: How Parental Privacy Concerns Affect Adolescent Self-Disclosure on Social Networking Sites
Q56226549Perceived Usefulness, Ease of Use, and Usage of Information Technology: A Replication
Q56226554Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology
Q128341653Platform-Based Function Repertoire, Reputation, and Sales Performance of E-Marketplace Sellers
Q129601399Prejudiced against the Machine? Implicit Associations and the Transience of Algorithm Aversion
Q129092438Principles for Conducting Critical Realist Case Study Research in Information Systems
Q129604894Profit vs. Equality? The Case of Financial Risk Assessment and A New Perspective on Alternative Data
Q114042731Programmer and Analyst Time/Cost Estimation
Q58284230Qualitative Research in Information Systems
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Q56083308Radical Innovation without Collocation: A Case Study at Boeing-Rocketdyne
Q56226562Re-Examining Perceived Ease of Use and Usefulness: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Q129092015Recommendation Networks and the Long Tail of Electronic Commerce
Q110744251Recommending Remedial Learning Materials to Students by Filling Their Knowledge Gaps
Q115444933Responding–or Not–to Information Technology Project Risks: An Integrative Model
Q129600010Review Moderation Transparency and Online Reviews: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Q30053496Review: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues
Q129600973Reviewing from a Distance: Uncovering Asymmetric Moderations of Spatial and Temporal Distance between Sentiment Negativity and Rating
Q56674930Revisiting DSS Implementation Research: A Meta-Analysis of the Literature and Suggestions for Researchers
Q128350856See No Evil, Hear No Evil? Dissecting the Impact of Online Hacker Forums
Q109151363Seeing the Forest and the Trees: A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents to Information Security Policy Compliance
Q129092773Shackled to the Status Quo: The Inhibiting Effects of Incumbent System Habit, Switching Costs, and Inertia on New System Acceptance
Q127768956Sharing Is Caring: Social Support Provision and Companionship Activities in Healthcare Virtual Support Communities
Q56226563Software Evaluation and Choice: Predictive Validation of the Technology Acceptance Instrument
Q129092740Standards Competition in the Presence of Digital Conversion Technology: An Empirical Analysis of the Flash Memory Card Market
Q110866256Statistical Inference with PLSc Using Bootstrap Confidence Intervals
Q114125601Strategic Information Systems Revisited: A Study in Sustainability and Performance
Q129091855Style Composition in Action Research Publication
Q128350948Synthetic Knowing: The Politics of the Internet of Things
Q56455311Technology Adaptation: The Case of a Computer-Supported Inter-Organizational Virtual Team
Q59442138Technostress: Technological Antecedents and Implications
Q111217878Telemedicine in the Upper Amazon: Interplay with Local Health Care Practices
Q129721771Text Analytics to Support Sense-Making in Social Media: A Language-Action Perspective
Q121224560The Application Software Factory: Applying Total Quality Techniques to Systems Development
Q113219250The Dependent Variable in Research into the Effects of Creativity Support Systems: Quality and Quantity of Ideas
Q121327846The Economics of Software Quality Assurance: A Simulation-Based Case Study
Q114950312The Effect of Codes of Ethics and Personal Denial of Responsibility on Computer Abuse Judgments and Intentions
Q129646491The Effect of Posted Prices on Auction Prices: An Empirical Investigation of a Multichannel B2B Market
Q129091951The Effectiveness of Online Shopping Characteristics and Well-Designed Websites on Satisfaction
Q125306559The Effects of Communication Media and Culture on Deception Detection Accuracy
Q114042733The Effects of Using a Nonprocedural Computer Language on Programmer Productivity
Q57308662The Effects of Virtual Reality on Consumer Learning: An Empirical Investigation
Q127761417The Experts in the Crowd: The Role of Experienced Investors in a Crowdfunding Market
Q129091866The Hole in the Whole: A Response to Allen and March
Q61795113The Identity Crisis within the Is Discipline: Defining and Communicating the Discipline's Core Properties
Q129091800The Impact of Analyst-Induced Misinformation on The Requirements Elicitation Process
Q114820235The Impact of Digitization on Content Markets: Prices, Profit, and Social Welfare
Q102362798The Impact of Explanation Facilities on User Acceptance of Expert Systems Advice
Q115444898The Impact of Information Technology on Middle Managers
Q112075017The Impact of Shaping on Knowledge Reuse for Organizational Improvement with Wikis
Q61795114The Information Systems Identity Crisis: Focusing on High-Visibility and High-Impact Research
Q109299312The Interplay of IT Users’ Coping Strategies: Uncovering Momentary Emotional Load, Routes, and Sequences
Q129092660The Negative Consequences of Measurement Model Misspecification: A Response to Aguirre-urreta and Marakas
Q129721805The Sustainability of Polycentric Information Commons
Q114947965The Takeoff of Open Source Software: A Signaling Perspective Based on Community Activities
Q129722187The Value of Reciprocity in Online Barter Markets: An Empirical Investigation
Q69094522The impact of information management on the organization: Two scenarios
Q56386595Toward Agile: An Integrated Analysis of Quantitative and Qualitative Field Data on Software Development Agility
Q109151360Toward a Unified Model of Information Security Policy Compliance
Q129721678Tuning Out Security Warnings: A Longitudinal Examination of Habituation Through fMRI, Eye Tracking, and Field Experiments
Q124820720Understanding Fit and Appropriation Effects in Group Support Systems via Meta-Analysis
Q124217399Understanding the Link Between Information Technology Capability and Organizational Agility: An Empirical Examination
Q115444895User Developed Applications: Evaluation of Success from the DP Department Perspective
Q128341864Using Organismic Integration Theory to Explore the Associations Between Users' Exercise Motivations and Fitness Technology Feature Set Use
Q99359456Using Polynomial Modeling to Understand Service Quality in E-Government Websites
Q129091501Value Cocreation and Wealth Spillover in Open Innovation Alliances
Q129631849What Disrupts Flow in Office Work? The Impact of Frequency and Relevance of IT-Mediated Interruptions
Q127768799What Users Do Besides Problem-Focused Coping When Facing IT Security Threats: An Emotion-Focused Coping Perspective
Q129710935When Social Media Delivers Customer Service: Differential Customer Treatment in the Airline Industry

cites work (P2860)
Q36061197Behavioral health providers' beliefs about health information exchange: a statewide survey
Q30588572Improving the use of health data for health system strengthening
Q37919534Studying gender and injuries: a comparative analysis of the literatures on women's injuries in sport and work

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