Abstract is: Management Information Systems Quarterly, referred to as MIS Quarterly, is an online-only quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal that covers research in management information systems and information technology. It was established in 1977 and is considered a major periodical in the information systems industry. An official journal of the Association for Information Systems, it is published by the at the University of Minnesota. The current editor-in-chief is Andrew Burton-Jones, University of Queensland. The journal had the highest impact factor (4.978) of all peer-reviewed academic journals in the field of business from 1992–2005. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2015 impact factor of 5.384.
scientific journal | Q5633421 |
P6981 | ACNP journal ID | 42197 |
2841717 | ||
P1159 | CODEN | MISQDP |
P8375 | Crossref journal ID | 55525 |
P1250 | Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO | 14150 |
P1609 | Dialnet journal ID | 20683 |
P1662 | DOI prefix | 10.253 |
P1058 | ERA Journal ID | 18070 |
P646 | Freebase ID | /m/0dzlh3 |
P8903 | HAL journal ID | 7133 |
P1160 | ISO 4 abbreviation | Manag. Inf. Syst. Q. |
P236 | ISSN | 0276-7783 |
2162-9730 | ||
P7363 | ISSN-L | 0276-7783 |
P1230 | JSTOR journal ID | misquarterly |
P1277 | JUFO ID | 63427 |
P1144 | Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) (bibliographic) | 85652044 |
P4730 | Mir@bel journal ID | 2516 |
P1055 | NLM Unique ID | 9882271 |
P243 | OCLC control number | 805082941 |
P856 | official website | http://aisel.aisnet.org/misq/ |
http://www.jstor.org/journals/02767783.html | ||
http://www.misq.org | ||
https://misq.org/current/ | ||
P10283 | OpenAlex ID | S57293258 |
P3181 | OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID | 34155 |
P7662 | Scilit journal ID | 2892895 |
P1156 | Scopus source ID | 12402 |
P1025 | SUDOC editions | 03933953X |
155358413 |
P495 | country of origin | United States | Q30 |
P1240 | Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level | 2 | |
P98 | editor | Arun Rai | Q22095785 |
P571 | inception | 1977-01-01 | |
P8875 | indexed in bibliographic review | Science Citation Index Expanded | Q104047209 |
Scopus | Q371467 | ||
Social Sciences Citation Index | Q1090953 | ||
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P921 | main subject | information science | Q16387 |
P291 | place of publication | United States | Q30 |
P123 | publisher | University of Minnesota | Q238101 |
P1476 | title | Management Information Systems Quarterly | |
MIS quarterly |
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Q114042730 | An Examination of Work-Related Correlates of Job Satisfaction in Programmer/Analysts |
Q115444893 | An Information Systems Keyword Classification Scheme |
Q115444932 | An Investigation of Information Systems Use Patterns: Technological Events as Triggers, the Effect of Time, and Consequences for Performance |
Q107413992 | Are Social Media Emancipatory or Hegemonic? Societal Effects of Mass Media Digitization in the Case of the SOPA Discourse |
Q129092406 | Assessing Common Method Bias: Problems with the ULMC Technique |
Q128341895 | Assessing the Design Choices for Online Recommendation Agents for Older Adults: Older Does Not Always Mean Simpler |
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Q129719950 | Beyond the Privacy Paradox: Objective Versus Relative Risk in Privacy Decision Making |
Q120913275 | Building Change-Readiness Capabilities in the IS Organization: Insights from the Bell Atlantic Experience |
Q129720181 | Built to Learn: How Work Practices Affect Employee Learning During Healthcare Information Technology Implementation |
Q129092003 | Business Intelligence and Analytics: From Big Data to Big Impact |
Q129092643 | Business Intelligence in Blogs: Understanding Consumer Interactions and Communities |
Q121133045 | CASE Tools as Organizational Change: Investigating Incremental and Radical Changes in Systems Development |
Q129091893 | Can Online Wait Be Managed? The Effect of Filler Interfaces and Presentation Modes on Perceived Waiting Time Online |
Q128341879 | Capitalizing on Health Information Technology to Enable Advantage in U.S. Hospitals |
Q130413990 | Causal Inference Grounded in Causal Diagrams: Benefits, Limitations, and Opportunities for the Information Systems Field |
Q129092873 | Cocreating IT Value: New Capabilities and Metrics for Multifirm Environments |
Q64112908 | Cocreation of Value in a Platform Ecosystem! The Case of Enterprise Software |
Q57255739 | Communication Media Repertoires: Dealing with the Multiplicity of Media Choices |
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Q129091880 | Comparing PLS to Regression and LISREL: A Response to Marcoulides, Chin, and Saunders |
Q129600959 | Comparing Platform Owners’ Early and Late Entry into Complementary Markets |
Q124757265 | Comparing Potential and Actual Innovators: An Empirical Study of Mobile Data Services Innovation |
Q60305777 | Computer-Aided Systems and Communities: Mechanisms for Organizational Learning in Distributed Environments |
Q129092320 | Conceptualizing Generalizability: New Contributions and a Reply |
Q113213512 | Connecting the Parts with the Whole: Toward an Information Ecology Theory of Digital Innovation Ecosystems |
Q129721806 | Consumer Preferences, Cannibalization, and Competition: Evidence from the Personal Computer Industry |
Q111901270 | Cross-Cultural Software Production and Use: A Structurational Analysis |
Q128350305 | DICE-E: A Framework for Conducting Darknet Identification, Collection, Evaluation with Ethics |
Q129644846 | Depicting Risk Profile over Time: A Novel Multiperiod Loan Default Prediction Approach |
Q61795106 | Design Science in Information Systems Research |
Q58615180 | Design and Implementation of Decision Support Systems in the Public Sector |
Q110511972 | Developer Centrality and the Impact of Value Congruence and Incongruence on Commitment and Code Contribution Activity in Open Source Software Communities |
Q129719514 | Did I Buy the Wrong Gadget? How the Evaluability of Technology Features Influences Technology Feature Preferences and Subsequent Product Choice |
Q128351232 | Digitization of Music: Consumer Adoption Amidst Piracy, Unbundling, and Rebundling |
Q36435805 | Digression and Value Concatenation to Enable Privacy-Preserving Regression. |
Q101957078 | Do Experts or Crowd-Based Models Produce More Bias? Evidence from Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia |
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Q129092434 | Does PLS Have Advantages for Small Sample Size or Non-Normal Data? |
Q129710954 | E-Mail Interruptions and Individual Performance: Is There a Silver Lining? |
Q129710855 | Economic Experiments in Information Systems |
Q129092331 | Editor's Comments: Does MIS Have Native Theories? |
Q114042734 | Effect of Cultural Differences on Motivation of Analysts and Programmers: Singapore vs. the United States |
Q59411357 | Effects of Competition Among Internet Service Providers and Content Providers on the Net Neutrality Debate |
Q129092432 | Efficiency or Innovation: How Do Industry Environments Moderate the Effects of Firms' IT Asset Portfolios? |
Q129599802 | Electoral Competition in the Age of Social Media: The Role of Social Media Influencers |
Q56112552 | Empirical Research in Information Systems: The Practice of Relevance |
Q114585643 | Examining Assumptions: Provocations on the Nature, Impact, and Implications of IS Theory |
Q115444936 | Examining How Chronically Ill Patients’ Reactions to and Effective Use of Information Technology Can Influence How Well They Self-Manage Their Illness |
Q129720442 | Examining the Effects of Interfirm Managerial Social Ties on IT Components Diversity: An Agency Perspective |
Q115444934 | Expecting the Unexpected: Effects of Data Collection Design Choices on the Quality of Crowdsourced User-Generated Content |
Q102362829 | Explaining Data-Driven Document Classifications |
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Q84367410 | Genres of inquiry in design-science research: justification and evaluation of knowledge production |
Q127761260 | High Reliability in Digital Organizing: Mindlessness, the Frame Problem, and Digital Operations |
Q128339744 | How Do Adopters Transition Between New and Incumbent Channels? |
Q127768955 | How Does Strategic Alignment Affect Firm Performance? The Roles of Information Technology Investment and Environmental Uncertainty |
Q129574020 | How Ephemerality Features Affect User Engagement with Social Media Platforms |
Q122475208 | How Information Technology Matters in Societal Change: An Affordance-Based Institutional Perspective |
Q129092547 | Human Capital Development For Programmers Using Open Source Software |
Q115213574 | IT-Enabled Self-Monitoring for Chronic Disease Self-Management: An Interdisciplinary Review |
Q129721222 | Identity Management and Tradable Reputation |
Q56455316 | Information Exchange and Use in Group Decision Making: You Can Lead a Group to Information, but You Can't Make It Think |
Q108466825 | Information Security Policy Compliance: An Empirical Study of Rationality-Based Beliefs and Information Security Awareness |
Q129721750 | Information Spillover and Semi-Collaborative Networks in Insurer Fraud Detection |
Q58284203 | Information Systems as a Reference Discipline |
Q129092414 | Information Technology and Firm Profitability: Mechanisms and Empirical Evidence |
Q60961026 | Information Technology and the Nature of Managerial Work: From the Productivity Paradox to the Icarus Paradox? |
Q128340477 | Intensifying to Cease: Unpacking the Process of Information Systems Discontinuance |
Q115444921 | Interpersonal Conflict and Its Management in Information System Development |
Q115444897 | Investigating the Support Role of the Information Center |
Q127759758 | Is Best Answer Really the Best Answer? The Politeness Bias |
Q121656813 | Key Information Liability Issues Facing Managers: Software Piracy, Proprietary Databases, and Individual Rights to Privacy |
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Q115444896 | Measuring User Participation, User Involvement, and User Attitude |
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Q114947964 | More Is Not Necessarily Better: An Absorptive Capacity Perspective on Network Effects in Open Source Software Development Communities |
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Q127760568 | Nurturing Online Communities: An Empirical Investigation |
Q62269984 | On Product Uncertainty in Online Markets: Theory and Evidence |
Q56226556 | On the Test-Retest Reliability of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use Scales |
Q57536012 | Outsourcing to an Unknown Workforce: Exploring Opensurcing as a Global Sourcing Strategy |
Q129551230 | Passing the Torch: How Parental Privacy Concerns Affect Adolescent Self-Disclosure on Social Networking Sites |
Q56226549 | Perceived Usefulness, Ease of Use, and Usage of Information Technology: A Replication |
Q56226554 | Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology |
Q128341653 | Platform-Based Function Repertoire, Reputation, and Sales Performance of E-Marketplace Sellers |
Q129601399 | Prejudiced against the Machine? Implicit Associations and the Transience of Algorithm Aversion |
Q129092438 | Principles for Conducting Critical Realist Case Study Research in Information Systems |
Q129604894 | Profit vs. Equality? The Case of Financial Risk Assessment and A New Perspective on Alternative Data |
Q114042731 | Programmer and Analyst Time/Cost Estimation |
Q58284230 | Qualitative Research in Information Systems |
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Q56083308 | Radical Innovation without Collocation: A Case Study at Boeing-Rocketdyne |
Q56226562 | Re-Examining Perceived Ease of Use and Usefulness: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis |
Q129092015 | Recommendation Networks and the Long Tail of Electronic Commerce |
Q110744251 | Recommending Remedial Learning Materials to Students by Filling Their Knowledge Gaps |
Q115444933 | Responding–or Not–to Information Technology Project Risks: An Integrative Model |
Q129600010 | Review Moderation Transparency and Online Reviews: Evidence from a Natural Experiment |
Q30053496 | Review: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues |
Q129600973 | Reviewing from a Distance: Uncovering Asymmetric Moderations of Spatial and Temporal Distance between Sentiment Negativity and Rating |
Q56674930 | Revisiting DSS Implementation Research: A Meta-Analysis of the Literature and Suggestions for Researchers |
Q128350856 | See No Evil, Hear No Evil? Dissecting the Impact of Online Hacker Forums |
Q109151363 | Seeing the Forest and the Trees: A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents to Information Security Policy Compliance |
Q129092773 | Shackled to the Status Quo: The Inhibiting Effects of Incumbent System Habit, Switching Costs, and Inertia on New System Acceptance |
Q127768956 | Sharing Is Caring: Social Support Provision and Companionship Activities in Healthcare Virtual Support Communities |
Q56226563 | Software Evaluation and Choice: Predictive Validation of the Technology Acceptance Instrument |
Q129092740 | Standards Competition in the Presence of Digital Conversion Technology: An Empirical Analysis of the Flash Memory Card Market |
Q110866256 | Statistical Inference with PLSc Using Bootstrap Confidence Intervals |
Q114125601 | Strategic Information Systems Revisited: A Study in Sustainability and Performance |
Q129091855 | Style Composition in Action Research Publication |
Q128350948 | Synthetic Knowing: The Politics of the Internet of Things |
Q56455311 | Technology Adaptation: The Case of a Computer-Supported Inter-Organizational Virtual Team |
Q59442138 | Technostress: Technological Antecedents and Implications |
Q111217878 | Telemedicine in the Upper Amazon: Interplay with Local Health Care Practices |
Q129721771 | Text Analytics to Support Sense-Making in Social Media: A Language-Action Perspective |
Q121224560 | The Application Software Factory: Applying Total Quality Techniques to Systems Development |
Q113219250 | The Dependent Variable in Research into the Effects of Creativity Support Systems: Quality and Quantity of Ideas |
Q121327846 | The Economics of Software Quality Assurance: A Simulation-Based Case Study |
Q114950312 | The Effect of Codes of Ethics and Personal Denial of Responsibility on Computer Abuse Judgments and Intentions |
Q129646491 | The Effect of Posted Prices on Auction Prices: An Empirical Investigation of a Multichannel B2B Market |
Q129091951 | The Effectiveness of Online Shopping Characteristics and Well-Designed Websites on Satisfaction |
Q125306559 | The Effects of Communication Media and Culture on Deception Detection Accuracy |
Q114042733 | The Effects of Using a Nonprocedural Computer Language on Programmer Productivity |
Q57308662 | The Effects of Virtual Reality on Consumer Learning: An Empirical Investigation |
Q127761417 | The Experts in the Crowd: The Role of Experienced Investors in a Crowdfunding Market |
Q129091866 | The Hole in the Whole: A Response to Allen and March |
Q61795113 | The Identity Crisis within the Is Discipline: Defining and Communicating the Discipline's Core Properties |
Q129091800 | The Impact of Analyst-Induced Misinformation on The Requirements Elicitation Process |
Q114820235 | The Impact of Digitization on Content Markets: Prices, Profit, and Social Welfare |
Q102362798 | The Impact of Explanation Facilities on User Acceptance of Expert Systems Advice |
Q115444898 | The Impact of Information Technology on Middle Managers |
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Q129721805 | The Sustainability of Polycentric Information Commons |
Q114947965 | The Takeoff of Open Source Software: A Signaling Perspective Based on Community Activities |
Q129722187 | The Value of Reciprocity in Online Barter Markets: An Empirical Investigation |
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Q56386595 | Toward Agile: An Integrated Analysis of Quantitative and Qualitative Field Data on Software Development Agility |
Q109151360 | Toward a Unified Model of Information Security Policy Compliance |
Q129721678 | Tuning Out Security Warnings: A Longitudinal Examination of Habituation Through fMRI, Eye Tracking, and Field Experiments |
Q124820720 | Understanding Fit and Appropriation Effects in Group Support Systems via Meta-Analysis |
Q124217399 | Understanding the Link Between Information Technology Capability and Organizational Agility: An Empirical Examination |
Q115444895 | User Developed Applications: Evaluation of Success from the DP Department Perspective |
Q128341864 | Using Organismic Integration Theory to Explore the Associations Between Users' Exercise Motivations and Fitness Technology Feature Set Use |
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Q30588572 | Improving the use of health data for health system strengthening |
Q37919534 | Studying gender and injuries: a comparative analysis of the literatures on women's injuries in sport and work |
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