
human resting position; body weight is supported primarily by the buttocks in contact with the ground or a horizontal object such as a chair

DBpedia resource is:

Abstract is: Sitting is a basic action and resting position in which the body weight is supported primarily by the bony ischial tuberosities with the buttocks in contact with the ground or a horizontal surface such as a chair seat, instead of by the lower limbs as in standing, squatting or kneeling. When sitting, the torso is more or less upright, although sometimes it can lean against other objects for a more relaxed posture. Sitting for much of the day may pose significant health risks, with one study suggesting people who sit regularly for prolonged periods may have higher mortality rates than those who do not. The average person sits down for 4.7 hours per day, according to a global review representing 47% of the global adult population. The form of kneeling where the buttocks sit back on the heels, for example as in the Seiza and Vajrasana postures, is also often interpreted as sitting.

Wikimedia Commons category is Sitting

sitting is …
sublass of (P279):

External links are
P1014Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID300263970
P2581BabelNet ID00071865n
P935Commons gallerySitting
P646Freebase ID/m/015c4z
P227GND ID4128909-2
P8408KBpedia IDSittingDown
P486MeSH descriptor IDD000077708
P672MeSH tree codeG11.427.695.575
P6366Microsoft Academic ID2776370487
P12596museum-digital tag ID78395
P10283OpenAlex IDC2776370487
P4235PatientsLikeMe treatment IDsitting
P3417Quora topic IDSitting
P7775RationalWiki IDSitting
P5160Thesaurus for Graphic Materials IDtgm009665
P2892UMLS CUIC0277814
P12086WikiKids IDZitten
P2347YSO ID13022

P828has causesitting downQ124455525
P910topic's main categoryCategory:SittingQ6979713

Reverse relations

depicts (P180)
Q19897621Achter Zwischentitel - Toilette auf Kythera
Q19897604Das Lied des Cherubin
Q19897634Das Trikot
Q19897606Das Zwischenspiel der Minerva
Q19897603Der Engel (der Apotheose)
Q19897632Der Hosenbandorden
Q19897608Der Mann und die Wilde
Q17443044Der Tod der Kleopatra
Q19897626Der erste Seufzer
Q3794238Der junge Routy in Céleyran
Q19897595Die Begierde
Q19897609Die Bevollmächtigte
Q19897585Die Etüde
Q17319951Die Lesende
Q29644838Die Liebe empfängt die Geschenke von Diana, Apollon und Merkur
Q87458122Die Malerei und die Skulptur präsentieren das Porträtmedaillon von Ludwig XIV
Q19897627Die Schöne und das Biest
Q19897641Erinnerungen an früher
Q87457492Junge Harfenistin
Q17491841Justine Dieuhl im Garten von »Père« Forest
Q64504360Jüdische Hochzeit in Marokko
Q87456437La République
Q29842309Lambert Sigisbert Adam
Q29644810Mahlzeit nach Rückkehr von der Jagd
Q87457783Mausoleum Kardinal André und Hercule de Fleury (Lodève, 1653-Paris, 1743), 1. Modell
Q19897588Milch vom Liebchen
Q4025363Monsieur und Madame Manet
Q29656139Möglicherweise Porträt von Catherine de Vogelaar, Ehefrau von Hermanus Amija
Q64651951Personifikation des Morgens
Q17494564Schlafende Odaliske
Q19897642Sechster Zwischentitel — Die Waage von Kythera
Q17491962Sitzende Frau mit der Vase (Porträt der Mlle. E. Musson)
Q29649237Sitzende Madonna mit Kind
Q11092006Stele Louvre E 27113
Q1228420Stimmung in Rot
Q29650464Triptychon der Madonna mit Kind mit Engeln und Heiligen
Q19897644Venus und Cupido
Q19897629Zehnter und letzter Zwischentitel - Das Theater der hundert Skizzen. Schlußszene
Q3716021Zwei Mädchen
Q20054306"Oriental Dancer", also known as "Salomé"
Q49848540A Carioca
Q18718684A Cellist
Q20268974A Child Visiting his Grandparents on a Sunday
Q17093269A Childhood Idyll
Q21699165A Despot
Q15979305A Dutch Idyll
Q16324551A Family Supper
Q17334699A Girl with Flowers on the Grass
Q20491152A Good Story (Portrait of Robert Loftin Newman)
Q48417226A Lady Reading a Letter
Q17276095A Meal of Oysters
Q16860460A Monk With a Beguine
Q18599074A Musical Family
Q17320954A Nymph Dancing to a Shepherd's Flute-Playing
Q19925227A Portrait of Geneviève Bouguereau
Q20487683A Reading
Q20064503A Salon
Q63809967A Seated Nymph
Q20441328A Seminole Woman
Q20469429A Song
Q18547082A Studio Idyll. The Artist's Wife and their Daughter
Q8187529A Studio at Les Batignolles
Q20277128A Woman Playing the Bandora
Q108336968A Woman and a Boy in an Interior
Q2629423A Young Girl Reading
Q72298247A Young Student at His Desk: Melancholy
Q18688885A Young Woman Having Her Hair Braided
Q21044798A blind woman in her room
Q19279134A difficult choice
Q121438692A lady bathing by a river, with two turtledoves
Q21042583A luncheon. The artist, his wife and the writer Otto Benzon
Q117350729A seated Prince - Deccan Miniature Painting 19th century
Q19339092Abandoned Psyche
Q17321816Academic Study of a Man and a Woman
Q2656755Achille Emperaire
Q17519439Achille Henri Victor Gouffé
Q3605053Adam and Eve
Q9281692Adam and Eve
Q17490657Adolphe Crémieux
Q17583668Adoration of the Magi
Q5989258Adélaïde of France Tying Knots
Q1125919After a Bath. Woman Drying the Back of her Neck.
Q18599075After the Bath
Q18711064After the Bath
Q59248201Alexandre Dumas son
Q19606318Alexandre et Diogène
Q17490671Alfred Beurdeley
Q17490672Alfred Beurdeley
Q18573429Allegory of Arts
Q18573674Allegory of Justice
Q19887146Allegory of Peace and Abundance
Q47412198Allegory of Vanity and Repentance
Q19969041Allegory of the Seine River
Q21375954Allegory of the city of Paris
Q3937455Alphonsine Fournaise
Q19015792Altarpiece of the Resurrection of Christ
Q783051Ambroise Vollard
Q2842418Ambroise Vollard
Q19341508Amour menaçant by Falconet
Q113391295Amour menaçant by Falconet
Q3612418An Allegory of Fortune
Q123358228An Italian peasant girl
Q19273957An allegory of the French revolution
Q28840027Angel Engraving the Memory of Francis II on a Tablet
Q5644804Annah the Javanese, or The Child-woman Judith Is Not Yet Breached
Q65097519Anne d'Autriche, reine de France
Q65097491Anne of Austria and Marie-Thérèse of Austria, queens of France
Q29655311Anne of Austria, Queen of France
Q26709693Anne-Henriette de France
Q65097398Anne-Marie de Bourbon, future princess of Conti and Louis de Bourbon, count of Vermandois
Q59248189Antoine-Vincent Arnauld, perpetual secretary of the French Academy
Q59339774Antoinette-Elisabeth-Marie d'Aguesseau, Countess of Ségur
Q64491332Antonin Personnaz
Q17611907Antony and Cleopatra
Q17495978Apartment Corner
Q58237638Apollo Caressing the Nymph Leucothea
Q19368692Apollon and Marsyas
Q18573816Apollon, Euterpe and Urania
Q28531311Arhat Tamrabhadra (musée Guimet)
Q17490746Armand Fallieres
Q2873059Around the Piano
Q17490752Arthur Fontaine
Q23008941Artois children
Q15392270At Breakfast
Q3701088At the Milliner's
Q8208907Au Moulin de la Galette
Q17490779Au sermon
Q12142552Auguste Renoir
Q29649146Baby Jesus with a bunch of grapes
Q797932Babylonian Captivity
Q18917859Bacchant Playing with a Faun
Q17347652Bacchus and Ariadne
Q20881588Bacchus and Ariadne
Q106848057Baillargues war memorial
Q683274Bal du moulin de la Galette
Q116908277Bankier David Seligmann, Freiherr von Eichthal
Q27313254Banquo's Ghost
Q681431Barberini Faun
Q18451493Barking Up the Wrong Tree
Q19275392Baroness Krüdener
Q4862984Baronne de Rothschild
Q3312011Bathers (Les Grandes Baigneuses)
Q19861896Bathers by the Edge of a River
Q17490824Bathers with Red Cow
Q19816847Bathing Child
Q19886800Bathing Madchen
Q9169712Bathsheba Bathing
Q19863020Bathsheba Bathing
Q19863039Bathsheba Bathing
Q19863036Bathsheba Observed by King David
Q19863044Bathsheba after the Bath
Q32496Bathsheba at Her Bath
Q19863025Bathsheba at Her Toilet
Q2900098Bathsheba at her Bath
Q19863049Bathsheba at her Bath
Q17335301Bathsheba at her Toilet
Q19863028Bathsheba at her Toilette
Q19863029Bathsheba at her Toilette
Q19863030Bathsheba at her Toilette
Q19863024Bathsheba at her bath
Q19863035Bathsheba at her bath
Q19863041Bathsheba at her bath
Q19863051Bathsheba at her bath
Q19863037Bathsheba at her toilet
Q19863022Bathsheba at her toilet, seen by King David
Q19863026Bathsheba with King David's Letter
Q19863050Bathsheba's Bath
Q15877622Bazille's Studio
Q18710251Beach at Atlantic City
Q119147239Beggar Boys Eating Grapes and Melon
Q4883392Bella and Hanna. The Eldest Daughters of M. L. Nathanson
Q2551806Belvedere Torso
Q1142058Benois Madonna
Q18574573Bertel Thorvaldsen, the Danish Sculptor
Q17490865Berthe Morisot with a fan
Q20099019Big Sister
Q21730762Blonde Girl with a Rose
Q2909916Bonaparte Visiting the Plague Victims of Jaffa
Q20487231Book of Pictures
Q106868307Bookplate: woman, lotus, flower, sitting, chair, cat
Q1187500Boy with Thorn
Q17522155Boy with Thorn
Q2450139Boys Eating Grapes and Melon
Q19962649Breakfast in the green
Q18673018Breton Women Attending a Pardon
Q3842391Bridgewater Madonna
Q17189254Brothel Scene
Q65097466Brother André painting Our Lady of the Rosary
Q42751030Buddha making a gesture of appeasement
Q47463267Buddhas Shakyamuni and Prabhutaratna-EO 2604
Q11898687By the River of Tuonela, study for the Jusélius Mausoleum frescos
Q19887332By the fire
Q59539719C'est le silence qui emporte le vent
Q619287Cafe Gurzuf
Q19860050Caipira Cutting Tobacco
Q29648077Cardinal Bessarion
Q64682378Cardinal Mazarin
Q39183639Cardinal de Bouillon
Q79416834Caroline, Queen of Naples and her children
Q26839339Cat, Two Kittens and a Vase of Flowers (Study)
Q18917032Catechism Lesson
Q17166788Charles V Picking up Titian's Paintbrush
Q19428587Charles de Sainte-Maure, Mouchy
Q59339700Charles-Amédée-Philippe Van Loo
Q21005841Charles-Claude Flahaut de la Billaderie
Q17491009Charlotte Dubourg
Q20486720Chee-a-ex-e-co, Daughter of Deer without a Heart
Q17491057Chez soi
Q20540732Child on Sofa
Q22117629Children on a Farm
Q18674614Christ and His Mother Studying the Scriptures
Q29654712Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery
Q3221348Christ as the Suffering Redeemer
Q2354080Christ in the Wilderness
Q19007777Christophe Gabriel Allegrain
Q20355316Churchyard at Fløng
Q18658481Cinderella at the Kitchen Fire
Q18177763Claire Sennegon
Q19007737Claude Henri Watelet
Q21730711Claude Renoir, playing
Q2980775Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Condemned Prisoners
Q17355240Cleopatra killing herself
Q327780Colonna Madonna
Q17491097Colonna Romano
Q18938638Conquest of the Skies
Q17354350Conquête de passage
Q19967254Convent Interior in Rome
Q3689716Conversion of the Magdalene
Q20487001Coo-coo-coo, The Owl, an Aged Chief
Q18599186Corn Husking
Q106873904Corneilhan war memorial
Q18177751Corot at his easel
Q20022530Corot in the workshop of Dutilleux
Q1016012Count Lepic and His Daughters
Q17322343Cows in a Meadow near a Farm
Q3697659Cristo passo
Q3201862Cupid Disarmed
Q29644830Cupid Ordering Mercury to Announce his Power to the Universe
Q8777422Cupid and Psyche
Q2270768Cutting the Stone
Q3208366Céret War Memorial
Q18599299Dalecarlian Girl Knitting. Cabbage Margit
Q20537507Dama desconocida (Unknown Lady)
Q28736607Dance Hall
Q4451145Dance at Bougival
Q29648066Dante Alighieri
Q9202853David Playing the Harp in front of Saul
Q19828300David and Bathsheba
Q19863031David and Bathsheba
Q19863034David spying on Bathsheba
Q119998525De Eland
Q3697655Dead Christ Held by Two Angels
Q3697653Dead Christ Supported by Two Angels
Q9024773Dead Lucretia
Q3863235Death of Adonis
Q11931012Death of Cleopatra
Q17442910Death of Cleopatra
Q18662760Death of Cleopatra
Q17491205Degas and Évariste de Valernes
Q10954Democritus meditating on the seat of the soul
Q1131476Deposition of Christ
Q20099457Der kleine Liebling
Q18683315Diana Bathing
Q59925043Diploma para a Associação Comercial do Rio de Janeiro
Q29839754Dom Cesare Benvenuti
Q5302978Down on His Luck
Q16782292Drunken old woman
Q16782316Drunken old woman
Q129366Drunken old woman
Q3863239Dying Cleopatra
Q848790Dying Gaul
Q19008787Dying athlete or wounded Roman soldier
Q5332757Echo and Narcissus
Q29857305Edmé Bouchardon (1698–1762)
Q19947165Eighty and eighteen
Q65097406Elisabeth Farnese, Queen of Spain (1692-1766)
Q65097266Elisabeth of Orleans, Duchess of Guise
Q65097371Elisabeth-Philippe-Marie-Hélène of France, known as Madame Elisabeth
Q47707095Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess Palatine
Q17491300Emile Verhaeren
Q18616087Emma in a Purple Dress
Q3399461Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès (1748-1836)
Q17491343Ernest Legouvé
Q66823496Establishment of the French Academy of Sciences and of Paris Observatory
Q20440687Et besøg i et skomagerværksted
Q17491350Et l'or de leur corps
Q20469417Evalina Palmer Sicilianos
Q21748949Evening Play in Svanninge Hills
Q19369311Fairy with Griffins
Q19304024Family Portrait
Q18713969Fan Painting (with mustard seed garden)
Q581804Farnese Bull
Q29654906Fath Ali Shah (1797-1834), ruler of the Qadjar dynasty
Q17494956Father and Daughter
Q16354729Faune aux enfants
Q29839969Felicité Robert de Lamennais
Q19886876Female nude
Q19888234Female nude with parrot
Q5442918Femme Lisant
Q47518892Femme africaine
Q23448445Femme assise
Q17491463Femme nue au chien
Q21730716Femme à la lettre
Q6106755Ferdinand Guillemardet
Q20505428Figure in Sunlight (Artist's Wife)
Q119292562Figurine (n° 0010, Ensérune museum)
Q87830388Figurine of seated woman-AO 1324
Q8563481Five Bathing Women at a Lake
Q3796141Five O'Clock Tea la mall sau pe centru?
Q20486802Foot War Party in Council, Mandan
Q10497716Fountain pond
Q59248151François, Marquis of Barbé-Marbois (1745-1837)
Q65097983François-Charles-Hugues-Laurent Pouqueville (1770-1838)
Q65097278Françoise Charlotte d'Aubigné with her aunt Madame de Maintenon.
Q65097343Françoise d'Aubigné, marquise de Maintenon (1635-1719)
Q65097913Françoise-Athénaïs de Rochechouart, Marquise de Montespan and her children
Q65097344Françoise-Marie de Bourbon known as Mademoiselle de Blois and Louise-Françoise de Bourbon known as Mademoiselle de Nantes
Q949323Fray Hortensio Félix Paravicino
Q18823006From Trocadéro Gardens, Autumn
Q392352Frédéric Chopin's tomb
Q20667899Funerary stele of Phainippos and Mnesarete
Q29837589Gabriel-François Doyen
Q17493995Gabrielle Vallotton doing nails
Q3756784Gabrielle and Jean
Q17275894Garland of Flowers around an Allegory of Farming
Q17519476General Nicolas Philippe Guye
Q860930Gertrude Stein
Q17347045Giotto as a Child
Q18603689Girl Shelling Peas
Q17331822Girl at the Piano
Q20441601Girl in White
Q5564477Girl in a Wetsuit
Q17491792Girl in the Garden
Q19962653Girl playing mandolin
Q102036787Girl sitting on a bed
Q20441663Girl with Rabbits
Q3713925Girl with a Fan
Q3929320Girl with a Polka-Dot Blouse
Q20859091Girl with a cat
Q125376033Girl with loose hair and tulips
Q18689474Giuseppina Grassini Playing Zaire
Q17341374God Holds Adam and Eve Responsible
Q481447Goethe in the Roman Campagna
Q17492966Grand Duke Alexis of Russia
Q72991433Graziella, friend of Lamartine
Q26772440Grazing Sheeps
Q18711096Greek Interior
Q29864794Greek Sultana
Q30579480Green Green
Q10638575Grover Cleveland
Q87482400Gudea statue B-AO 2
Q59339692Guillaume Coustou the Younger (1716-1777)
Q19861901Gynaeceum or ancient Greek Interior
Q18917887Habakkuk and the Angel
Q20505039Half Draped Figure
Q104627935Half-nude girl holding a comb in her hand
Q116035965Headless seated figurine crossed hands
Q19337416Hebe asleep
Q20026922Helen of Troy
Q5706425Hell's Kitchen
Q15526285Henri Cordier
Q17493952Henriette Bernheim, stepmother of the artist
Q65097321Henriette-Anne of England, Duchess of Orleans, known as Madame (1644-1670)
Q19369375Hercules and Omphale
Q18572426Hercules on the Pyre
Q19369376Hesiod and the Muse
Q3937564Hilaire de Gas
Q10524271Hins Anders
Q113162955Hjalmar Wasler
Q1626128Homage to Delacroix
Q57198736Hommage to Boucher by Jean-Paul Aube-RF 1005
Q23641895Honoré de Balzac
Q29848883Hugues Desnotz
Q18551901Ida Ilsted, the Artist's Wife
Q18533341Idyllic River Landscape with Figures
Q19961792In Santaham
Q19961800In Werner's Rowing Boat
Q16965482In a Roman Osteria
Q21000832In the Month of June
Q20064547In the Port of Algiers
Q11892639In the Sauna
Q18720401In the Studio
Q1659469In the Summer
Q3228161Ingres's Violin
Q19926278Interior View of Temple of Diana in Nîmes
Q19609365Interior of the Temple of Diana in Nîmes
Q20188751Italian Girl
Q106368397Italian Woman. Study
Q59820864Italian girl
Q29862859Italian sitting, leaning on her knee
Q17276211Italianate Landscape with Resting Peasants
Q17276210Italianate landscape
Q20501088James Buchanan Johnston
Q17340763Jan Verkade (1868-1946) Painting under a Tree at Hattem
Q29648750Jan van Wassenaer
Q59339717Jean Henri Riesener
Q17490659Jean Lucien Adolphe Jullien
Q29863315Jean-Antoine de Mesmes, president of Paris'Parliament.
Q65097338Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Marquis de Seignelay (1651–1690)
Q59248114Jean-Baptiste de Belloy, cardinal
Q19015572Jean-François Marmontel (1723-1799)
Q29839236Jean-Louis Lemoyne
Q29840215Jean-Pierre Thénot
Q17491751Jeanne Lanvin
Q3807752Jeantaud, Linet et Lainé
Q20099476Jeune Fille au chat
Q3178029Jeune fille de Mégare
Q29644469Jeune garçon assis
Q20058526Johann Anton Sarg and three friends playing whist by candlelight.
Q55018482John Evans, Llwynffortun
Q17491818Joseph Nicolas Robert-Fleury
Q19007757Joseph-Marie Vien
Q18782296Joséphine de Beauharnais, Empress of the French
Q65097418Joséphine, Empress of the French
Q2479220Judith at the Banquet of Holofernes
Q17491836Julie Manet
Q29650058Jupiter and Antiope
Q6314660Jupiter and Semele
Q941416Jupiter and Thetis
Q59248193Jérôme, count Soulès, lieutenant-general (1760-1833)
Q25391172Kan-Gao, Cayenne Chinese
Q10543635Karin Peeling Apples
Q20441864Kenyon Cox
Q19413439L'Enfant à la cage, Pigalle
Q113485290L'Industrie at Palais Brongniart
Q3819661L'Orchestre de l'Opéra
Q17491856La Bergère
Q21849420La Carriole du Père Junier
Q19925252La Comtesse de Cambaceres
Q18701379La Douleur
Q955670La Femme à la cafetière (Woman with a Coffeepot)
Q5963443La Fuensanta
Q3210771La Montagne
Q17354848La Mort de Sophonisbe
Q18702477La Méditerrannée
Q3210962La Méditerranée
Q17492131La Navigation
Q3211175La Nuit
Q18710329La Nymphe Salmacis
Q10552362La Pucelle
Q3212360La Robe rose
Q3824626La Toilette
Q3824633La Toilette
Q3821388La barque à Giverny
Q6461173La chiquita piconera
Q109531711La lecture
Q20475823Lace Makers, Bruges
Q19925248Lady Maxwell
Q17275737Lady attending to her toilet
Q9200999Lady in Blue
Q20019121Lady in Turkish dress, reading
Q20487672Lady in White (No. 2)
Q19962483Lady with fur cape
Q17322014Landscape with Bathsheba
Q64184281Landscape with Hunter
Q64184763Landscape with Hunter with Dogs on a Leash
Q6057315Landscape with Jupiter and Io
Q17276241Landscape with Shepherds
Q3373686Landscape with two nymphs
Q17334749Laren interior
Q6494773Last Words of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius
Q14626964Latona Fountain
Q29656006Lawyer reading in his study
Q1167912Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe
Q17579673Le Roi David accordant sa harpe, ME 80
Q23641903Le Rêve du Poète
Q25541602Le Toucher
Q17493462Le Violoncelliste Pilet
Q29842372Le chevalier de Nanteuil-Lanorville
Q2384215Le génie du mal
Q133508Leda Atomica
Q19405452Leda and swan
Q3829339Leda and the Swan
Q11753618Leda and the Swan
Q17020127Leda and the Swan
Q19358295Leda and the Swan
Q28044786Leda and the swan
Q25540915Les Arts
Q3632882Les Baigneurs 1890
Q23009006Les Oubliées
Q3234845Les Poseuses
Q19393213Life of Humanity: Salvator Mundi
Q3936373Lilas, Temps gris
Q19273791Lise Aubin de Fougerais
Q17493881Lise au piano
Q27974799Little Bather
Q18177363Little Girl With a Doll
Q3640080Little Girl in a Blue Armchair
Q110786311Little Naked Girl Sitting
Q20064876Little Suzanne
Q19413390Little girl with bird and apple
Q18720246Loft Bed
Q22117482London Pride
Q3837030Lorenzo Pagans and Auguste de Gas
Q65097497Louis XIV and Anne of Austria
Q65097316Louis XIV holding the plan of the royal house of Saint-Cyr
Q19404776Louis XV récompense la Peinture et la Sculpture, Berruer
Q65097410Louis XV, King of France (1710-1774)
Q59248143Louis XVIII in his study at the Tuileries
Q19275627Louis de Ronchaud
Q65097362Louis, Dauphin of France
Q17490669Louis-Alfred Natanson
Q17495239Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince Imperial
Q17493923Louise Riesener
Q65097340Louise-Marie de Bourbon (1674-1681)
Q38395329Luigia Cattaneo-Gentile
Q152509Luncheon on the Grass
Q3268045Luxe, Calme et Volupté
Q17493548Léon Cogniet
Q19966514L’Étude - Jean-Honoré Fragonard - MI 1059
Q18786229Madame Bonaparte at Malmaison
Q17493955Madame Bonnat
Q2962671Madame Cézanne in a Yellow Chair
Q63989252Madame Cézanne in a Yellow Chair
Q22337851Madame Cézanne in the Garden
Q3275261Madame Cézanne à la jupe rayée (Madame Cézanne in a Red Armchair)
Q17494005Madame Gaston Bernheim de Villers
Q17494010Madame Georges Bizet
Q686105Madame Georges Charpentier and her Children
Q29837742Madame Jousserand
Q17494036Madame Lwoff
Q29855505Madame Pasteur, née Madeleine Alexandre ( 1773-1841)
Q17493971Madame de Loynes
Q34775959Madame la Dauphine Marie-Antoinette, as Hebe
Q3847862Mademoiselle Dihau Playing the Piano
Q17505777Mademoiselle Dihau au piano - Toulouse-Lautrec - 1890 - MTL.132
Q58216909Mademoiselle Lescot par Roques
Q108068331Mademoiselle R.
Q6727098Mademoiselle Rose
Q29842418Mademoiselle de Lambesc et le comte de Brionne
Q3842386Madonna and Child
Q18572519Madonna and Child
Q18572992Madonna and Child
Q18573595Madonna and Child
Q18573909Madonna and Child
Q19968950Madonna and Child
Q18573082Madonna and Child Enthroned
Q18916190Madonna and Child Enthroned Surrounded by Angels
Q18572273Madonna and Child adored by Sts. John the Baptist, Francis of Assisi and Catherine of Alexandria
Q18573246Madonna and Child between St. Justina and St. George, with a Kneeling Benedictine Monk
Q29952071Madonna and Child between Two Donors
Q29648827Madonna and Child with Saints
Q28065717Madonna and Child with St Dorothy
Q18565862Madonna and Child with St. Benedict, St. Quentin and Two Angels
Q18573049Madonna and Child with St. Jerome and St. Gregory the Great
Q18572452Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist
Q18573603Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist
Q18565860Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist and Three Angels
Q18572525Madonna and Child with St. Zenobius, St. John the Baptist, St. Anthony and St. Francis of Assisi
Q3213774Madonna and Child with Two Angels
Q18572929Madonna and Child with Two Angels
Q3842519Madonna and Child with the Young Saint John
Q3842520Madonna and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist
Q18573605Madonna and Sleeping Child
Q17331755Madonna and child
Q429752Madonna between Two Saints
Q1516449Madonna of Chancellor Rolin
Q17331378Madonna of Humility
Q17335801Madonna of Humility
Q17334334Madonna of Humility (Madonna dell'Umiltà)
Q18573328Madonna of Justine
Q29654610Madonna of the Eglantines
Q3842633Madonna of the Rose Garden
Q64826839Madonna with Child
Q17581119Madonna with Child, named Nostre Dame de Grasse
Q4274332Madonna with child and John the Baptist
Q6728519Madras Rouge
Q18564687Magdalen with the Smoking Flame
Q19389919Magdalene on Golgotha
Q3210253Magdalene with the Smoking Flame
Q23636116Mainbocher Corset
Q3218257Majas on a Balcony
Q109442292Majas on the Balcony
Q24020478Man at Table
Q56695948Manlius Torquatus sentences his son to death
Q11768670Marguerite Gachet at the Piano
Q3290768Marguerite de Conflans
Q16910479Marie Adelaide of France as Diana
Q16910493Marie Adelaide of France as Diana
Q29862722Marie Anna Charmois
Q3937621Marie Antoinette and Her Children
Q81091172Marie Leszczynska, Queen of France, and the Dauphin
Q81089639Marie Leszczyńska, Queen of France (1703–1768)
Q71828509Marie Thérèse of Austria in Royal Costume
Q71828511Marie Thérèse of Austria in Royal Costume
Q65098024Marie-Adélaïde of France, known as Madame Adélaïde
Q65097350Marie-Anne-Victoire, Infanta of Spain (1718-1781)
Q65097440Marie-Annunciade-Caroline Bonaparte, Queen of Naples and her children
Q18719530Marie-Antoinette seated, in blue coat and white dress, holding a book in her hand
Q65097493Marie-Caroline de Bourbon-Sicile, Duchess of Berry and her daughter Louise-Marie-Thérèse
Q65097505Marie-Joséphine-Louise de Savoie, Countess of Provence
Q65097908Marie-Thérèse of Savoy, Countess of Artois (1756-1805)
Q835286Mars Being Disarmed by Venus
Q3849979Mars and Venus with Cupid and a Dog
Q17494205Marthe Mellot
Q20488417Mary Elizabeth Francis, the Artist's Daughter
Q17320369Mary Magdalene
Q18225338Mary Magdalene
Q20017508Mary Magdalene Between Two Angels
Q18711755Mary Magdalene as Melancholy
Q19960406Mary Magdalene as a hermit
Q10577188Mary Magdalene in a Grotto
Q17583309Mary Magdalene in the desert
Q19886732Mata Moana
Q29862725Maurice Robert
Q20487298May Flowers
Q1985071Medici Madonna
Q19960344Meditation on the History of Italy
Q17494240Meditation. Madame Monet on the Sofa
Q17116915Mercury with Reed-Pipe
Q29654689Middle panels of the altarpiece of the seven joys of the Virgin
Q29646144Miniature of a woman sitting in an armchair.
Q19953571Mischief and Repose
Q18621172Miss Dorothy Quincy Roosevelt (later Mrs. Langdon Geer)
Q17494306Monseigneur Pierre-Louis Péchenard
Q29645145Monsieur Levett et Mademoiselle Glavani
Q17494312Monsieur et Madame Bernheim de Villers
Q16872753Monument to Charles Garnier
Q107108550Monument to Déodat de Séverac
Q19861888Moorish Bath
Q18084501Mozart family
Q20501794Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Goodrich
Q28810793Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Yoe & Daughter Mrs. Mary Elizabeth
Q20490868Mrs. John Quincy Adams
Q20488058Mrs. Joseph Wright
Q20488055Mrs. Richard Alsop
Q20524307Mrs. William T. Evans and Her Son
Q18683325Mythological portrait of Louis XIV and the royal family
Q20099439Mädchen mit weißem Tuch und Katze im Arm
Q18177772Mère Marie-Héloïse des Dix Vertus, Mother Superior of a convent in Boulogne-sur-Mer
Q28064646Naked Reading Woman
Q3742371Naked Woman in a Landscape
Q47517393Naked Young Woman
Q20469303Natalie with Violin
Q3337235Nave Nave Mahana
Q26710085Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux
Q21617337Norbertus van Couwerven, abbot of St Michael's
Q23639893North America
Q59339698Noël Hallé (1711-1781)
Q62092326Nu feminino
Q117379141Nude Girl
Q19857856Nude Study
Q104626049Nude girl with a basket of apples
Q19961805Nude in Fire Light
Q19886879Nude with Apple
Q19886770Nude woman
Q3713947Nude woman, Anna
Q17494550Nymph and Bacchus
Q87451872Nymph shell - Coysevox
Q17451496Nymph with a Scorpion
Q18710360Nymph with a shell
Q18912792Nymph with a shell
Q18573904Nymphs and Satyrs
Q17275895Nymphs filling the horn of plenty
Q3047015Odalisque with Slave
Q57265825Oedipus at Colonus by Jean-Baptiste Hugues-RF 842
Q32649904Officers of the Amsterdam guild of gold- and silversmiths in 1627
Q116945627Old Farm Couple at Table
Q17495745On a bench in the Bois de Boulogne
Q2481954On the beach
Q17493030Orange Merchant
Q19923979Oriental Lady
Q50405682Ouled Naïl de Biskra
Q18547075Our Daily Bread
Q29864415Painter in his Studio
Q28810616Pakihi or Sand Spit Id, Thames
Q113433426Pathological Female Figurine
Q20424793Paul Déroulède
Q17494916Paysan assis (Farmer sitting)
Q20469327Peasant Girl
Q26220155Peasant Woman Darning Stockings
Q26220135Peasant Woman Sitting on a Chair
Q29840229Peasant woman in the countryside of Rome
Q17493756Peasants from Flagey back from the Fair
Q17275810Peasants in an inn
Q2732274Penitent Magdalene
Q29655695Penitent Magdalene
Q572697Pesaro Madonna
Q20501666Peter Bell Smith
Q20200011Phi-figurine of a woman holding a child
Q29644783Philippe de Vendôme, grand prieur de France
Q6543739Phryne before the Areopagus
Q57563907Pierre Mignard
Q29648072Pietro d'Abano
Q19405377Pluton enchaînant Cerbère, Pajou
Q19405019Plutus, dieu des richesses, Flamen
Q3399374Portrait d'Alexandre Lenoir
Q17495350Portrait d'homme
Q17495351Portrait d'homme
Q17495292Portrait de Marcel Proust
Q19925259Portrait de Mlle. Brissac
Q17495174Portrait de la mère de l'artiste
Q17014176Portrait de l’éditeur Eugène Figuière
Q56233122Portrait of Abel-François Poisson, marquis de Marigny
Q56160078Portrait of Abraham de Vries
Q3399371Portrait of Adeline Ravoux
Q3399378Portrait of Adèle Besson
Q3399505Portrait of Alphonse Leroy
Q3399375Portrait of Ambroise Vollard
Q3562820Portrait of Ambroise Vollard
Q56628738Portrait of Angelica Agliardi de Nicolinis
Q64652015Portrait of Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu
Q64651941Portrait of Asdrubale Mattei di Giove
Q19965889Portrait of Carl Moll
Q55417191Portrait of Cecilie Thoresen Krog
Q17491003Portrait of Charles Garnier
Q15615004Portrait of Charles-Pierre Pécoul
Q3399419Portrait of Cooper Penrose
Q17276048Portrait of Cornelis Ploos van Amstel (1726-1798)
Q860919Portrait of David Garrick
Q19117069Portrait of Denis Diderot (1713-1784)
Q29651096Portrait of Dona Isabel de Requesens
Q1585399Portrait of Doña Isabel de Porcel
Q843044Portrait of Dr. Gachet
Q17023940Portrait of Dr. Gachet
Q18612730Portrait of Dr. Otto Rühle
Q17276049Portrait of Elisabeth Troost (1730-1790)
Q42957868Portrait of Elizabeth Charlotte of the Palatine with her Slave
Q17495335Portrait of Emile Augier
Q2529703Portrait of Emile Zola
Q26847000Portrait of Eugénie Noir, the Artist's Mother
Q51789821Portrait of Francisco del Mazo
Q3089617Portrait of Frédéric Bazille Painting
Q4992187Portrait of Frédéric Chopin and George Sand
Q17491571Portrait of Gabriel de Yturri (1864-1905)
Q49019670Portrait of Gabrielle Vallotton
Q18815224Portrait of Gabrielle Émilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise du Châtelet
Q17519475Portrait of Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos
Q21042629Portrait of Georg Brandes, critic and writer
Q20872006Portrait of Jacques Seligmann
Q18782739Portrait of Jean-Philippe Rameau
Q3937584Portrait of Jeann Hébuterne
Q73125569Portrait of Julien Boilly as a child
Q860916Portrait of Lady Clan Henderson
Q29839230Portrait of Louis Galloche (1670-1761), painter
Q7232289Portrait of Louis Guillaume
Q65097916Portrait of Louis XV of France
Q29855620Portrait of Louise Vernet
Q1990128Portrait of Lucrezia Panciatichi
Q19925223Portrait of Léonie Bouguereau
Q3937610Portrait of Madame Cézanne
Q17495248Portrait of Madame D... (recto) ; Portrait of a lady (verso)
Q15615000Portrait of Madame David
Q16649045Portrait of Madame Devaucay
Q3399409Portrait of Madame Emilie Seriziat and her Son
Q16536048Portrait of Madame Renoir
Q59339702Portrait of Madame Royale and Louis Joseph, Dauphin of France
Q65097481Portrait of Madame de Montespan
Q2105271Portrait of Mademoiselle Claus
Q9068379Portrait of Manuel Godoy
Q18918203Portrait of Marguerite-Julie Morel
Q30349277Portrait of Maria Smit, wife of Gideon de Wildt
Q64652089Portrait of Maria Teresa of Naples and Sicily
Q17494154Portrait of Marie Monnom
Q65097910Portrait of Marie-Antoinette of Austria
Q3937630Portrait of Mary Cassatt
Q17582553Portrait of Michel Robert Le Peletier des Forts
Q2046584Portrait of Miss Ethel Warwick
Q17190953Portrait of Miss L. L.
Q20891091Portrait of Mlle. Lange as Danaë
Q58240668Portrait of Monsieur Du Moustier
Q126467Portrait of Monsieur and Madame Auguste Manet
Q20487294Portrait of Mr. Wiley
Q18939474Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. John Julius Angerstein
Q19868939Portrait of Mrs Bacon
Q29654507Portrait of Mrs Isaac Cuthbert
Q20355332Portrait of Mrs. Bertha Brandstrup
Q28792247Portrait of Mrs. Poullain-Dumesnil
Q108304133Portrait of Odette Loubat (40.1.12)
Q17275756Portrait of Paulus Potter
Q15617821Portrait of Philibert Rivière
Q72922023Portrait of Piat-Joseph Sauvage
Q18822447Portrait of Pierre Lacour the Younger
Q3399458Portrait of Pierre Sériziat
Q123201359Portrait of Pope Leo XIII
Q65097366Portrait of Princess Louise Marie of France (1737-1787)
Q2855146Portrait of Professor Benjamin H. Rand
Q29654574Portrait of Ralph Willett
Q17492870Portrait of Robert de Montesquiou
Q20504571Portrait of Sanford Saltus of New York
Q1551926Portrait of Stéphane Mallarmé
Q17495329Portrait of Thaddeus Natanson in chair
Q17495858Portrait of Thadée-Caroline Jacquet
Q18573238Portrait of Thomas Stachel
Q428274Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami, called Fedra
Q17496092Portrait of Victoria Dubourg
Q12142537Portrait of Vivant Denon
Q20475639Portrait of a Lady
Q20524782Portrait of a Lady with a Dog (Anna Baker Weir)
Q27576644Portrait of a Lady with her Daughter
Q18822285Portrait of a Man
Q18925567Portrait of a Man
Q29655563Portrait of a Man
Q29656195Portrait of a Man
Q29656091Portrait of a Man with a Cane
Q28073925Portrait of a Premonstratensian
Q116919698Portrait of a Seated Lady
Q18822372Portrait of a Sitting Man Leafing Through a Book
Q19861832Portrait of a Woman
Q73012418Portrait of a Woman
Q108593478Portrait of a couple (2010.4.1)
Q29541936Portrait of a lady in a purple dress
Q19887904Portrait of a lady with a red scarf
Q64652030Portrait of a lady, traditionally identified as Elisabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate (Princess Palatine at the well)
Q66363569Portrait of a woman
Q29654501Portrait of a woman, called Countess Oxford
Q17495143Portrait of a young lady
Q18519125Portrait of an Elderly Lady in a Bonnet: Red Background
Q27616369Portrait of an Elderly Widow Aged Forty with a Child
Q29855649Portrait of an artist in his studio
Q72365234Portrait of an unknown familie
Q29648993Portrait of een vrouw uit Lübeck
Q21061223Portrait of landscape painter Frederic Sødring
Q17495192Portrait of the Artist
Q18684879Portrait of the Artist's Sister-in-Law, Adele Harms
Q17495355Portrait of the Cardinal Lavigerie
Q18939483Portrait of the Children of Ayscoghe Boucherett
Q23653935Portrait of the Duchess of Orleans
Q18822428Portrait of the Duke of Orleans
Q18670528Portrait of the Honorable Mrs. Seymour Bathurst
Q18760598Portrait of the Léonard family
Q29645245Portrait of the Marquis de Marigny and his Wife, Marie-Francoise Constance Julie Filleul
Q55423799Portrait of the Painter Kitty L. Kielland
Q65097373Portrait of the Princess of Lamballe
Q29656289Portrait of the Reepmaker Family
Q21065371Portrait of the Swedish painter Jeanna Bauck
Q47893391Portrait of the artist at his easel
Q17319982Portrait of the artist’s wife, Marie Fargues, in Turkish dress, formerly identified as Maria, Countess of Coventry
Q17495357Portrait of the count of Montalivet
Q21073019Portrait of the painter Anton Melbye
Q29837789Portrait of Étienne François, duc de Choiseul
Q29650001Portrait of Étienne Jeaurat (1699-1789), French painter
Q17023954Portrait paintings of Dr. Gachet
Q20537933Portræt af Ida Ilsted, senere kunstnerens hustru
Q3859806Poseuse assise, de profil
Q1119387Poseuse de dos
Q65097364Posthumous portrait of Louise Elisabeth of France (1727-1759), Duchess of Parma, in court dress
Q59339694Posthumous portrait of Louise-Élisabeth de France, Duchess of Parma
Q60475169Prater Landscape
Q113433090Pregnant figurine clay and shells
Q59925044Primeiro estudo para o Martinelli para a sala de jantar (Alegoria)
Q116907920Prince Karl Egon II von Fürstenberg
Q3765046Prophet Joel
Q3410198Psyche Abandoned
Q19753127Psyche Abandoned
Q17315628Pygmalion and Galatea
Q10357231Queen Sophie
Q18713957Raja Surendra Vikram Shah at the age of 15 with his prime minister
Q9556530Reading a letter
Q18572600Reading by the Fire
Q20536897Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Q59925532Retrato de Antônio da Silva Prado (Barão de Iguape)
Q59925266Retrato de Dona Josefa Ribeiro Gavião Peixoto
Q59925551Retrato de Dona Maria I
Q59925395Retrato de Frei Antônio de Santa Úrsula Rodovalho (Bispo de Angola)
Q59925194Retrato do Papa Inocêncio XIII
Q66683002Return from the Hunt
Q11092220Revelry at an Inn
Q55018441Richd. Elliott, Devizes
Q17495358Robert, count of Montesquiou-Fezensac (1855-1921)
Q50085667Robespierre by Boilly
Q4292427Ruins of the Oybin
Q20680200Rural dance with pipers
Q325981Réunion de famille
Q18574049Saint Bernardino of Siena Preaching
Q18815216Saint Cecilia
Q21192419Saint Cecilia
Q19318986Saint Emerentia
Q18916184Saint James the Greater as a pilgrim
Q18815413Saint Jerome
Q18917945Saint Jerome
Q29648060Saint Jerome
Q29654680Saint Jerome Meditating
Q3463874Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness
Q798034Saint John the Baptist, known as Bacchus
Q18916181Saint John the Evangelist
Q3949054Saint Lucy
Q18917839Saint Mary Magdalene in Penance
Q577248Saint Matthew and the Angel
Q775562Saint Peter
Q29648044Saint Thomas Aquinas
Q9396557Saints Louis and George with the Princess
Q20054313Salome's Dance
Q16599636Samson betrayed by Delilah
Q9074913Saul and David
Q18684961Schiele with Nude Model before the Mirror
Q20004130Seated Arabs
Q17490939Seated Breton Man and Woman
Q26839334Seated Cat
Q18684934Seated Couple
Q17491790Seated Girl
Q80074062Seated Italian Woman
Q18938626Seated Naked Woman, Looking Right
Q29644955Seated Nude
Q63346432Seated Woman
Q102036693Seated Woman
Q18177346Seated Woman With Bare Bosom
Q113412059Seated figurine with legs tucked to the right
Q54865830Seated man-A 40
Q113412842Seated statue with raised neckline
Q20200000Seated woman holding a bird and a flower bud
Q29839343Seated woman, sleeping"
Q97819907Seated woman-A 109
Q20064875Self-Portrait (In the new studio)
Q17275877Self-Portrait as a Hunter
Q19273424Self-Portrait with Her Daughter, Julie
Q7447989Self-Portrait with Model at Bergamo
Q27614641Self-portrait in Hunting Dress
Q29655733Self-portrait with Easel
Q19005175Self-portrait with Her Daughter, Julie
Q17320083Self-portrait with Jan Maurits Quinkhard next to him
Q17515936Shepherd Playing the Flute
Q2897072Shepherd with Flute
Q55412242Siesta in an Osteria in Sora
Q20487548Sir Robert Laird Borden
Q17495628Sita and Sarita
Q43257085Sitted buddha meditating-EO 1116
Q43950083Sitted woman-MA 6126
Q20973150Sitting Nubian
Q23948782Sitting Nude
Q47543434Sitting on a rock
Q536395Slave Market in Rome
Q19888135Slave market
Q21281829Sleeping satyr
Q15877651Sleeping woman
Q21012273Smallholders in the village of Ring
Q19960430Socrates discovers Alcibiades in a brothel
Q20469440Spanish Senorita
Q20504714Spotted Tail
Q20504716Spotted Tail's Wife
Q11088732Spring dream
Q29647697St Cecilia
Q18573058St Jerome Dreams He is Whipped on Christ's Order
Q11769022St Mary Magdalen
Q18572416St. Peter Weeping before the Virgin
Q46239Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Q102036687Study for Cornish Fisherman
Q21181748Study for Echo from Echo and Narcissus
Q19960630Study of a Faun
Q18577832Study of a Man with Grindstone
Q4528214Study of a Nude
Q116262037Study of a Seated Man in Profile
Q18601281Study of a female model
Q72162798Study of an old woman
Q20018451Stèle funéraire de Mènios et Nikopolis
Q14942039Summer's Day
Q18720335Sunbathing Girl
Q18386367Sunlight in the Blue Room
Q20483335Susan Pickering Bemis
Q19205428Susanna Bathing
Q1134060Susanna and the Elders
Q3978277Susanna and the Elders
Q17323710Susanna and the elders
Q19897001Susanna at her Bath
Q1330237Susannah and the Elders
Q930535Tahitian Women on the Beach
Q17519493Teresa Sureda
Q57820058Teti-N 1583
Q18621183That Gentleman
Q3900691The Anglers, Study for la Grande Jatte
Q29656118The Apothecary
Q19387870The Apparition
Q18822359The Artist Painting a Family Portrait
Q47303743The Artist's Mother
Q20354342The Artist's Wife by Lamplight
Q775407The Balcony
Q15934397The Baptism of Christ
Q19861912The Bath
Q19897102The Bather
Q20100518The Bather
Q19961810The Bathers
Q18919286The Beach at Saint-Clair
Q2622172The Bellelli Family
Q1000128The Bohemian
Q19925251The Broken Pitcher
Q9209559The Brothel
Q18605972The Butterfly
Q1165042The Card Players
Q17277953The Card Players
Q18822389The Cherry Eater
Q1196533The Chess Players
Q3172226The Child's Bath
Q17493685The Children of Gabriel Thomas
Q3222406The Chord
Q1169395The Concert
Q29857313The Count of Artois and his sister Clotilde
Q17519487The Countess of Fernán Núñez
Q29472683The Courtesan
Q5966403The Cradle
Q2568551The Dance
Q20680198The Dance
Q20054304The Dance of Salome
Q7476471The Dancing Class
Q19858294The Daughter of Herodias Dancing
Q728373The Daughters of Catulle Mendès
Q2752079The Dead Christ with Angels
Q12899375The Death of Cleopatra
Q16268294The Death of Cleopatra
Q17437087The Death of Cleopatra
Q17437127The Death of Cleopatra
Q17443638The Death of Cleopatra.
Q3210835The Death of Leonardo da Vinci
Q636537The Death of Marat
Q19308202The Delicate Musician
Q11800904The Deliverance of Arsinoe
Q29656286The Directors of the Crossbow Militia
Q3232149The Doctors of the Church
Q69495955The Dowager Princess of Conti
Q29842411The Duchess of Chaulnes Represented as Hebe
Q65097377The Duke of Chartres and his Family
Q531329The Embarkation for Cythera
Q41637000The Embarkation for Cythera
Q18686242The Embroiders
Q18762449The Empress Joséphine
Q69495960The Empress Marie-Louise watching over the sleep of the King of Rome
Q9401827The Entombment of Atala
Q21494774The Erechtheum, Athens, with Figures in the Foreground
Q15874391The Excommunication of Robert the Pious
Q3898510The Fall and Expulsion from Paradise
Q3649506The Fall of Phaeton
Q2885144The Faux Pas
Q369810The First Mourning
Q18917873The Flight into Egypt
Q12184056The Flower Girl
Q18811444The Foundation Mass of the Trinitarian Order
Q19953709The Fruit Vendor
Q20100499The Game of Lotto
Q3898507The Garden of Eden with the Fall of Man
Q3529956The Gardens of the Villa d'Este at Tivoli
Q18748871The Goose Girl
Q19861886The Great Bath at Bursa
Q2501284The Great Bathers
Q17492045The Green Reader
Q19860057The Guitar Player
Q776175The Harvesters
Q34775217The Holy Family
Q18573221The Holy Family with Three Saints
Q58202713The Imperial family in 1756
Q17579787The Journey and Adoration of the Magi
Q2502068The Judgment of Solomon
Q108073639The Knitter Asleep
Q15973749The Laundress
Q20099024The Letter
Q29851461The Little Bather; Harem interior
Q214619The Little Mermaid
Q15978422The Little Milk-Girl
Q3793584The Little Peasant
Q17493150The Little Schoolboy
Q7748439The Lord is My Shepherd
Q18748440The Lorelei
Q18720372The Love Nymph
Q18922918The Luncheon
Q16652033The Madness of Titania
Q3039856The Magdalen Reading
Q17519492The Marchioness of Villafranca Painting her Husband
Q2088930The Milkmaid of Bordeaux
Q20505366The Misses Mary and Hannah Murray
Q19860117The Model's Rest
Q17627502The Moneychanger and His Wife
Q29656441The Moneylender
Q29846422The Muse Calliope
Q29845176The Muse Terpsichore
Q29846609The Muse Urania
Q5967115The Music Lesson
Q780986The Night Café in Arles
Q5971282The Nut Gatherers
Q12843310The Nymphaeum
Q476458The Oath of the Horatii
Q6745929The Odalisque
Q25394315The Odyssey
Q3988570The Organ Rehearsal
Q17315738The Origin of Painting
Q17315710The Origin of Sculpture
Q20267485The Painter Sigurd Swane
Q3210251The Penitent Magdalen
Q18748546The Penitent Mary Magdalene
Q731639The Plum
Q18177466The Pond, Three cows and a Crescent Moon
Q17627498The Prisoner
Q1897389The Procuress
Q5901183The Proposition
Q212616The Raft of the Medusa
Q17492043The Reader
Q3178376The Reading
Q17027738The Reading
Q18917081The Repentance of Saint Peter
Q3210250The Repentant Magdalen
Q20017492The Repentant Mary Magdalene
Q64491278The Republic
Q431571The Return of Spring
Q29649820The Rich Man and Lazarus
Q19969035The Seine River
Q19969030The Seine and Marne Rivers
Q20020016The Shepherdess in the Alps
Q18393790The Snake Charmer
Q20489343The South Ledges, Appledore
Q20487685The Spinet
Q20881043The Story Book
Q18177696The Studio
Q20978127The Surgeon with Wife and Daughter
Q18003128The Thinker
Q154571The Thinker
Q9198364The Time and the old woman
Q3918344The Toilette of Esther
Q19388690The Travelling Angels
Q19388179The Travelling Poet
Q34504218The Tric-Trac Players
Q3227830The Triumph of Venus
Q10871494The Two Bathers
Q47384936The Two Friends
Q9632679The Two Sisters
Q18572422The Union of Drawing and Color
Q87454401The Union of Painting and Sculpture by Jacques Buirette
Q3080509The Valpinçon Bather
Q20489348The Victorian Chair
Q20427981The View from the Temple of Athena on the Acropolis
Q20502482The Violet Kimono
Q64651919The Virgin Enthroned with the Child between Saint Jerome and Saint Peter
Q3213795The Virgin and Child before a Firescreen
Q26934139The Virgin with Angels
Q18618545The Visitors
Q18748535The Waning Honeymoon
Q12838427The Wave
Q18918209The Wedding Proposal
Q185255The Wedding at Cana
Q18572965The Wedding of the Virgin
Q1219859The White Slave
Q18919329The Wood
Q3201763The Worried Lover
Q3794239The Young Apprentice
Q5659824The Young Beggar
Q19925231The Young Brother
Q19887171The Young Shepherdess
Q113154596The absinthe drinker
Q17492940The artist's son and his wife
Q29839307The artist's studio
Q17493711The brothers Bernheim-Jeune
Q20421073The chalk sellers-At Noon
Q59751427The child with the doll
Q951954The clownesse cha-u-kao at the Moulin Rouge
Q65097450The comtesse du Cayla and her two children
Q17491911The contessa marie-blanche de polignac
Q11835099The family of Philip V in 1738
Q61070284The family of the Duke of Penthièvre called la tasse de chocolat
Q19886847The first awakening of Eve
Q2875363The holy Jacob and the magician Hermogenes
Q20087106The maiden from Tapiola
Q62512885The mocking of Christ
Q19326053The pancake maker
Q19888171The penitent Mary Magdalene
Q106739507The reader asleep
Q19888129The rest of the models
Q17491665The seated armed Man
Q21039065The sick man
Q17331927The suicide of Lucretia
Q17583496The sweet melancholy
Q21699191The tasting
Q65097312The young Louis XIV with his brother Philippe and his governess Françoise de Souvré, marquise de Lansac
Q20549841Thorvaldsen modellerer "Natten"
Q29862474Three Women of Gand
Q1321055Tilla Durieux
Q19092276Tomb of Charles de Maigny
Q17495887Tommy Thomas
Q19336684Torchère à la couronne by Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse (musée d'Orsay, DO 1979-87)
Q23898Triptych of the Sedano family
Q19392119Triumph of Alexander the Great
Q3108260Trois Baigneuses
Q2837807Truth, Time and History
Q17491222Two Children
Q18683320Two Figure Studies of a Young Woman
Q17334682Two Girls Blowing Bubbles
Q18602508Two Girls with Sunbonnets in a Field
Q116765106Two Incredible Sitting Black Snowmen
Q17495826Tête de jeune fille au turban vert
Q43306232Tête de vieille
Q17434855Ugolin entouré de ses quatre enfants
Q14614445Ulysses at the court of Alcinous
Q428985Un coin de table
Q19404872Un fleuve, Caffieri
Q28810553Untitled. [Loyalty Islander]
Q29656524Vanitas allegory with thinking scholar
Q18600846Venus Cythereia
Q603703Venus and Adonis
Q1988152Venus and Adonis
Q4009567Venus and Adonis
Q4009569Venus and Adonis
Q4009570Venus and Adonis
Q4009571Venus and Adonis
Q4009572Venus and Adonis
Q4009574Venus and Adonis
Q9372004Venus and Adonis
Q17331265Venus and Adonis
Q17335284Venus and Adonis
Q17341008Venus and Adonis
Q9372002Venus and Adonis (Rubens, 1614)
Q17075322Venus and Cupid
Q9372005Venus and Mars
Q2393412Venus and Mars Surprised by Vulcan
Q7920622Venus and Music
Q18565909Venus and Vulcan
Q17496081Venus in Paphos
Q17275907Venus trying to prevent Adonis from going hunting
Q7920648Venus with a Mirror
Q4245125Venus, Adonis and Cupid
Q2780005Verzetsmonument (Wildervank)
Q17495330Victor Hugo
Q18147608Victorious France
Q17581115Vierge de Pitié avec saint Jean et sainte Marie Madeleine - RA 590
Q20392020View of Lake Fure near Rudersdal, North Sealand.
Q20022416View of a Roman house
Q19953656Violets, Sweet Violets
Q19966884Virgil's Muse
Q20539090Virgin and Child
Q3842514Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Angels
Q15974340Virgin and Child with Saints Stephen, Jerome and Maurice
Q18565884Virgin with Scales
Q87456446Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet, dit) (1694 1778) écrivain
Q15731486Voltaire Naked
Q45618965Votive stupa-MA 1175
Q20491151Waiting for the Doctor
Q19953653Waiting for the procession
Q20026947Water Nymph
Q3869871When Will You Marry?
Q121463543While waiting for the Moment that never comes
Q12958201Whisperings of Love
Q20064548William B. Ogden
Q17496190William Ewart Gladstone
Q18245185William Howard Taft
Q3937675William Sisley
Q19966640Wolfgang and Maria Anna
Q16038535Woman Arranging her Hair
Q3713911Woman Combing her Hair
Q18243477Woman Dressing
Q18686535Woman Milking a Cow
Q22965268Woman Playing a Guitar
Q17276070Woman Playing the Sistrum
Q21006766Woman Reading
Q20432578Woman Seated in a Garden
Q26844625Woman Seating on a Cushion
Q111829950Woman With a Burning Candle
Q108593784Woman in a park
Q3713907Woman in her Bath Sponging her Leg
Q17340779Woman of Huizen sitting under a Tree
Q47682777Woman reading nude
Q17491423Woman sitting on Edge of a Bath Sponging her Neck
Q10467459Woman with White Stockings (La Femme aux bas blancs)
Q18915957Woman with a Fan
Q17491966Woman with cat
Q17276080Woman writing a letter
Q19861897Women at the Bath
Q2734892Women in the Garden
Q71718551Wooded Landscape with a Cornfield
Q17276271Wooded landscape with cottages
Q17305026Working in Marble
Q4373335Young Boy Peeling a Pear
Q29654541Young Girl Holding Flowers
Q20540517Young Girl Seated
Q17491812Young Greeks Attending a Cock Fight
Q72798343Young Italian woman sitting on the rocks in Capri
Q29645318Young Painter in his Studio
Q20100622Young Woman with Flower Basket
Q17492637Young Woman with a Mandolin
Q17791476Young Women Bathing
Q14940548Young girl in a park
Q17491765Young woman in pink dress
Q17491784Young woman powdering
Q20680202Young woman with a hurdy gurdy and a child with tambourine
Q1713330Young woman with cats
Q28810650[Figure sketches]
Q28810556[Seated figure and child]
Q47461179bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara on Mount Potalaka-EO 2444
Q18609795cinerary group
Q16928450fontaine de la rue Cherche-Midi
Q3076294fontaine du jardin Villemin
Q19753111funerary monument of Jacques-Auguste de Thou
Q29643501portrait of Louis-Charles Maigret
Q58237537portrait of mademoiselle de Charolais
Q19961803red stocking
Q17491297Émile Bastien-Lepage
Q17491298Émile Loubet
Q29837794Étienne François, duc de Choiseul
Q113434350Ħaġar Qim seated statue
Q64494994Albert Besnard
Q17490668Alfred Armand
Q17490673Alfred Chauchard
Q17490674Alfred Leroy (tableau)
Q17490675Aline Jean
Q29643184Allégorie : La Naïveté
Q29643180Allégorie : l'Inspiration
Q29836954Allégorie des arts
Q17490681Alphonse Daudet et sa fille
Q17490685André Benjamin-Constant
Q17490690André-Marius Aillaud et Jacques Pierre
Q29654624Anna Selbdritt
Q29840371Antoine André Ravrio
Q29650155Apollon et Diane ; Le Printemps ; Diane et Actéon ; L'Été ; Apollon et Marsyas ; L'Automne ; Apollon et les Muses ; Diane et Endymion ; L'Hiver
Q17490713Après le bain
Q50131582Arhat assis
Q29836939Ariane abandonnée
Q87456792Ariane abandonnée par Thésée
Q119701035Arlésienne devant les arènes
Q87458936Assistant du sacrificateur
Q47933719Autoportrait de Joseph-Félix Bouchor en peintre de l'armée
Q29654424Autoportrait de l'artiste au béret basque
Q17582382Autoportrait devant l'esquisse de la chute des anges rebelles
Q42763279Autoportrait ou l'Homme à la pipe
Q87458611Bacchante portant un satyre enfant sur l'épaule droite
Q87451381Bacchus enfant, dit aussi Jeune Bacchus à la panthère
Q18689452Baigneuse antique
Q29651276Bannière à deux faces ; D'un côté, saint Martin officiant ; De l'autre, la Vierge et l'Enfant avec saint Jean-Baptiste
Q19405277Berger assis
Q87452154Berger flûteur
Q17490862Bergères au crépuscule
Q87453045Blanche Felon et sa fille
Q50089612Bodhisattva assis
Q87460625Bonchamps (Charles, marquis de) (Anjou, 1759 ; Saint-Florent-le-Viel, 1793), général vendéen
Q87454053Buffon assis (Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de) (Montbard, 1707-Paris, 1788), naturaliste, intendant du Jardin du roi
Q17583692Bélisaire recevant l'hospitalité d'un paysan ayant servi sous ses ordres
Q29654425Carlos de Beistegui
Q87456301Charles Rollin (Paris, 1661 - Paris, 1741), écrivain et historien
Q29857573Charles Théodule Deveria
Q87457758Chasseur au repos, dit aussi Adonis se reposant de la chasse, ou Le Repos du chasseur
Q17579540Christ au tombeau de la vision de saint Grégoire
Q56600003Christ couronné assis bénissant
Q17491084Claude Bernheim de Villers
Q21779206Clef de voûte ornée de la Vierge à l'Enfant
Q21808552Clef de voûte ornée du Christ
Q17491094Colette sur un fond de jardin
Q19535651Colosse nu assis
Q87457706Composition allégorique (La Loi ?)
Q26248364Cornélie, mère des gracques
Q17491115Corot peignant
Q38620045Coupe type B V 1090
Q106363103Cérès, étude nue
Q29650006César-Gabriel de Choiseul, duc de Praslin
Q29650007César-Gabriel de Choiseul, duc de Praslin
Q16038495Dans le bleu
Q87456377Deux femmes [l'une les mains jointes]
Q87453520Deux saintes femmes
Q87452695Deux saintes femmes [l'une les bras tendus]
Q87456715Deux soldats
Q87454067Dieu le Père
Q17583803Dieu, la Vierge à l'Enfant et deux martyrs
Q29651115Diogène et le philosophe
Q17491263Douce rêverie
Q17491311En Normandie
Q87460657Enfant Jésus assis
Q29651439Enfant assis sous une treille
Q17491325Enfant lisant
Q17491342Ernest Dugit
Q87459638Etude pour un Christ mort ou une figure gisante
Q29856036Eugene Pujalet
Q106365273Eve après le pêché
Q29839993Faust dans son cabinet
Q108484852Femme assise cousant dans le jardin
Q17491421Femme assise dans un canapé
Q106363765Femme assise mettant son bas
Q72947631Femme assise à demi-nue
Q17491450Femme en toilette de bal
Q17491453Femme et enfant dans un verger
Q52063559Femme nue assise se lavant les pieds
Q17491472Femme nue se coiffant
Q17579663Femme peignant un enfant sous un feuillage
Q87451692Femme pleurant sur un sarcophage ; Un génie funéraire renverse une torche : au revers
Q108600582Femme à la table basse
Q17491417Femme à sa toilette
Q125024454Femmes au cagnard
Q17491487Femmes au jardin : femme assise au chat
Q17491499Fernande Mathey sur la plage
Q29836902Figure ailée
Q29836944Figure allégorique
Q87451631Figure allégorique (La victoire ?)
Q29836855Figure féminine écrivant
Q17491515Fillette à la poupée
Q17491410Félix Vallotton
Q64491363Gabrielle Vien
Q17491584Geneviève Bernheim de Villers
Q19405138Gladiateur mourant
Q87459359Gladiateur mourant
Q3775602Grande Baigneuse
Q17491626Groupe sur la plage
Q17491628Guillaume Dubufe
Q17491630Gustave Geffroy
Q19345351Génie appuyé sur un casque, tenant une corne d'abondance, la lettre H et deux sceptres de France et de Navarre, buste tourné vers la droite
Q87454634Génie appuyé sur une cuirasse portant une couronne et un pennon aux armes de France
Q87457500Génie portant la couronne et un pennon aux armes de Navarre
Q87456449Génie tenant la lettre H et les deux sceptres de France et de Navarre entourés d'une couronne de laurier, buste tourné vers la gauche
Q17491651Henri-Xavier Fontaine
Q87452117Hercule aidant Atlas à supporter le globe céleste
Q87458087Hercule appuyé sur un terme avec quatre femmes asises (projet d'un monument au Peuple français)
Q87458991Hercule arrachant la tunique de Déjanire
Q87456439Hercule au repos
Q19753100Hercule gaulois
Q19404917Hercule sur le bûcher
Q64491270Hilaire de Gas
Q29655543Homme assis à son bureau
Q124808991Homme à la pipe
Q87454383Hébé versant du nectar à Jupiter
Q87453826Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
Q87458963Jean Racine (La Ferté-Milon, 1639 ; Paris, 1699), écrivain
Q59248149Jean, dit Poton, seigneur de Xaintrailles (?-1461)
Q29862557Jean-François de la Marche
Q29837358Jean-Marc Nattier
Q17491755Jean-Paul Laurens
Q17491768Jeune Femme assise
Q17491769Jeune Femme assise dans un jardin
Q29654503Jeune Femme et Petit Garçon tenant un chat
Q17491785Jeune Femme sur la plage
Q17491803Jeune Mère
Q19161219Jeune Philipine
Q87454352Jeune athlète au repos
Q72922406Jeune femme assise
Q106364605Jeune femme assise
Q106364533Jeune femme assise au tambourin
Q64871401Jeune fille
Q87457073Jeune fille à la chèvre
Q58177432Jeune fille à la cruche
Q29843057Jeune homme travaillant
Q60181493Jeune pêcheur napolitain jouant avec une tortue
Q64495046Joseph Chenavard
Q124814849Joueur de guitare
Q79416829Jérôme Bonaparte assis dans le parc de Wilhelmshöhe
Q17334738L'Enclos à vaches
Q64826819L'Enfant Jésus, sauveur du monde
Q29856042L'Enfant au papillon
Q17493514L'Enfant à la poupée
Q96107495L'Europe et le taureau
Q58217817L'Heure du rendez-vous
Q17493861L'Homme et la Femme
Q87455229L'Innocence, dite aussi Jeune fille tenant un lézard mort
Q19119791L'Ivresse de Silène
Q87458105L'amitié qui pleurant sur un tombeau
Q64504368L'enfant prodigue
Q64491417L'homme au violon
Q65184472L'impératrice Joséphine
Q65184476L'impératrice Joséphine
Q12877601L'Âme de l'artiste
Q17493839L'Éventail de plumes
Q29840065La Bretonne
Q42764399La Caladoise
Q17491895La Chimie
Q17491899La Cigarette
Q17491910La Comtesse Lovatelli
Q87451488La Comédie
Q17583652La Coupe et la Lyre
Q17491928La Couseuse
Q17579545La Cène
Q17319959La Dame aux dentelles
Q17491940La Dame en gondole
Q17491951La Duchesse d'Uzès
Q17491958La Famille Dubourg
Q17491968La Femme au perroquet
Q17491969La Femme aux gants
Q17491970La Femme de l'artiste
Q29654520La Femme en blanc
Q17491964La Femme à l'éventail
Q29836869La Force
Q87453543La France moderne protégeant les Arts
Q29864631La France, au milieu des rois législateurs et des juriconsultes français, reçoit de Louis XVIII la chartre constitutionnelle
Q29857283La Félicité
Q17492009La Grammaire
Q87456742La Guerre, dite aussi la Victoire
Q21640945La Guérison de la fille de la cananéene
Q29836909La Géométrie
Q29836882La Justice
Q16142818La Lecture
Q17492036La Lecture
Q72993883La Lecture
Q87458402La Loi, dite aussi La Muse de l'Histoire écrivant le nom de Napoléon
Q17579782La Légende de Saint Nicolas. Le Miracle des trois clercs. La dotation des trois jeunes filles
Q17492086La Marquise d'Hervey Saint-Denys en Diane
Q17492087La Marquise d'Hervey Saint-Denys, assise
Q17582384La Mort de Cléopâtre
Q115267459La Muse d'André Chénier
Q17492125La Musicienne
Q29836867La Musique
Q17492104La Mère de l'artiste
Q17492089La Mécanique
Q18523149La Nymphe Salmacis
Q87451449La Paix
Q17492146La Peinture
Q17579706La Pentecôte ou la Descente du Saint-Esprit sur les apôtres
Q17492153La Physique
Q42764407La Plage
Q87454062La Pleureuse
Q29836950La Reine Mère Anne d'Autriche, la Reine Marie-Thérèse et le Grand Dauphin enfant
Q29650151La Religion et les Vertus Théologales
Q87455951La Religion terrassant l'Hérésie ; également nommée : L'Hérésie terrassée ou Victoire de l'Eglise Catholique sur l'Hérésie
Q17492253La Roumaine en robe rouge
Q29650598La Sainte Famille avec le petit saint Jean-Baptiste et sainte Catherine
Q72167496La Sainte Famille avec saint Jean-Baptiste
Q29651292La Sainte Famille avec sainte Catherine et le petit saint Jean-Baptiste
Q29651283La Sainte Famille et la Sainte Trinité. L'Enfant Jésus présente à un singe, symbole du mal, les raisins de la passion que lui tend saint Joseph
Q17492290La Sculpture
Q29836861La Sculpture
Q87451411La Sculpture
Q17492376La Tasse de thé
Q87453282La Toilette de la jeune mariée
Q17579543La Toilette du prince
Q17492413La Tricoteuse
Q29836872La Valeur
Q17492468La Vicomtesse de Calonne, assise
Q87454892La Vierge assise et l'Enfant
Q29651492La Vierge au fuseau
Q29649980La Vierge et l'Enfant
Q29650106La Vierge et l'Enfant
Q29650107La Vierge et l'Enfant
Q29650156La Vierge et l'Enfant
Q29651204La Vierge et l'Enfant
Q87460651La Vierge et l'Enfant dite Vierge d'Olivet
Q29650161La Vierge et l'Enfant entourés d'anges
Q29650109La Vierge et l'Enfant entre saint Joseph et saint François
Q29651359La Vierge et l'Enfant sur un trone entourés d'une sainte, saint Paul, saint Pierre et saint Dominique
Q29644750La Vierge trônant avec l'enfant Jésus entre saint Jean-Baptiste et sainte Parascève
Q29651121La Vierge à l'Enfant
Q29651241La Vierge à l'Enfant entre sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie, sainte Agnès et le petit saint Jean
Q29650115La Vierge à l'Enfant et saint Jean-Baptiste
Q29650100La Vierge à l'Enfant et sainte Anne en gloire
Q29654623La Vierge à l'écritoire
Q29651055La Vierge à l'œillet
Q29651208La Vierge, l'Enfant Jésus, sainte Marguerite, saint Benoît et saint Jérôme
Q27021542La Villégiature
Q73119223La dame en noir
Q87455776La douleur
Q106473055La jeune mère
Q87453619La poésie et la musique célébrant la gloire de Louis XIV
Q87455740Le Brandebourg
Q87452145Le Christ au pressoir
Q29650101Le Christ mort entre deux anges
Q29650538Le Christ mort soutenu par la Vierge et saint Jean
Q87451442Le Christ se préparant à entrer à Jérusalem
Q87460266Le Combat de l'Art contre la Nature
Q17492866Le Commerce
Q29654713Le Comte Christophe Urbanowski
Q17492916Le Dessinateur
Q29643328Le Dessinateur
Q87456253Le Dieu de la Santé montre à la France le buste de Louis XIV, roi de France
Q29842409Le Duc de Chaulnes, représenté en Hercule
Q87457026Le Fils du juge prévaricateur, dit aussi La Justice de Cambyse
Q87454078Le Forgeron, dit aussi L'Architecture
Q17492946Le Fumeur, époque de Louis XV
Q29655080Le Joueur de guitare
Q21684452Le Jugement dernier : La Résurection des morts - Le Triomphe de la Croix, signe du fils de l'homme - Le Christ en majesté
Q17579544Le Lavement des pieds
Q17493069Le Menuet de la Princesse Maleine
Q29844807Le Petit Dessinateur
Q17493169Le Poète à la mandoline
Q66107700Le Repos des faneurs
Q125124766Le Sommeil
Q87453220Le Temps découvrant la Vérité
Q17493426Le Théâtre
Q87452177Le ciseleur
Q87456024Le fils de Zaleucus
Q87453233Le génie de l'histoire
Q72917129Le peintre François Souchon, ancien directeur de l'Ecole de peinture de Lille
Q64918281Le petit pâtre
Q87454326Le peuple le pleure
Q64491316Le père Hyacinthe Loyson
Q87454405Le repos de Bélisaire aveugle (v.490-565)
Q17579701Le roi David et ses musiciens
Q64504392Le veuf
Q17493611Les Bulles de savon
Q17331175Les Joueurs d'échecs
Q18810261Les Princesses Ielena et Alexandra Kourakine, filles d'Alexandre Borissovitch Kourakine
Q17579552Les Quatre Fleuves du Paradis
Q21782641Les Vierges sages et les vierges folles
Q87456236Licteur, les jambes tournées vers la droite
Q87458603Licteur, les jambes tournées vers la gauche
Q87452400Lion assis
Q17493912Louis Bouglé
Q29863302Louis XIII
Q29837125Louis de Lorraine, cardinal de Guise
Q87456398Louise Colet en Penserosa
Q29857307Louise Élisabeth de Maille Karman
Q17493932Ludwig Metzl
Q87455462Lutteur au repos déposant son ceste
Q17493555Léonce Bénédite
Q72271618L’homme endormi
Q17493950Madame Adolphe Salles
Q17493951Madame Adrien Bénard
Q29842421Madame Adélaïde tenant un livre de musique
Q29864714Madame Belloc, sa Fille et le Peintre
Q17493957Madame Boucher
Q29837367Madame Boyer-Fonfrède et son fils Henri
Q17493964Madame Collas et sa fille
Q17493965Madame Cordey faisant de la tapisserie
Q19117086Madame Dangé faisant des nœuds
Q17494002Madame Frédérique Elisabeth Planat de la Faye
Q17494008Madame Geffroy
Q17494018Madame Henri Vaquez
Q17494027Madame Jean-Georges Müntz
Q17494032Madame Josse Bernheim-Jeune et son fils Henry
Q17494033Madame Jules François Dietz
Q19008682Madame Regnault de Saint-Jean-d'Angély
Q17494048Madame Reine Thadée Natanson au collier de perles
Q17494050Madame Revelin
Q29837574Madame Vestier
Q29842406Madame de Sombreval, représentée en Érato, muse de la poésie lyrique
Q17493949Madame À. Devillez et son fils Louis-Henri Devillez
Q17493976Madame Émile Bernheim
Q64652027Mademoiselle de Nantes, duchesse de Bourbon
Q87459657Maquette de tombeau, dit d'un maréchal de France
Q17584321Maquette pour un Monument à Clémence Isaure
Q64491322Marie Hauptmann
Q64652092Marie-Caroline-Louise, reine de Naples
Q29836159Mars et Vénus
Q87456036Mathieu Molé (Paris, 1584 - Paris, 1656), premier président du Parlement de Paris, garde des Sceaux
Q29855260Menagère saxonne
Q26847022Michel Ange et Jules II
Q87457089Michel de l'Hôpital (Aigueperse, Puy-de-Dôme, 1507-près d'Estampes, 1573), chancelier de France
Q50660618Midas transformant en or le rameau d'une yeuse
Q87451409Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, dit) (Paris, 1622 - Paris, 1673), écrivain et comédien
Q29839336Monsieur Dubreuil
Q29862493Monsieur Meyer
Q17494315Monsieur et Madame Paul Jamot
Q106948577Monument de Gustave Foëx
Q87457022Monument funéraire, dit du prince Alexandre Mikhaïlovitch Golitzyne (1718-1783)
Q87453302Moïse et un Pharaon
Q29654553Mrs Allan Maconochie of Meadowbank et l'un de ses fils
Q17494352Mrs Heugh
Q29863324Mère Angélique Arnauld
Q17494263Mère de l'artiste
Q17494253Mélodie du soir
Q87454385Métabus, roi des Volsques, fugitif, tenant sur ses genoux sa fille Camille endormie (sculpture)
Q87453895Napoléon III à cheval, en costume militaire romain
Q17494375Napoléon-Joseph-Charles-Paul Bonaparte, prince Napoléon
Q87455267Nicolas Poussin (Les Andelys, 1594-Rome, 1665)
Q17494522Nu de jeune femme
Q87452461Numa Pompilius et Manco-Capac (fondateur de Cuzco, Pérou)
Q87453009Nymphe de la chasse
Q87457745Nymphe de la chasse
Q87459595Nymphe tenant des roseaux et génie des Eaux, dite parfois, Nymphe et génie des Eaux
Q29655551Négociant dans son cabinet
Q87455292Obélisque dit aussi Pyramide
Q10612959Oscar II
Q17494592Ouled Naîl
Q17494638Paul Leclercq
Q64652012Paysage à la femme qui se lave les pieds
Q29840013Pensée sur la brièveté de la vie
Q17494979Petite bretonne assise
Q17494990Philippe Rousseau
Q17494998Pierre Mathey
Q17495000Pierre Roger-Marx
Q64651992Portrait d'Abd-El-Kader
Q108073855Portrait d'Elise
Q73119846Portrait d'Emile de Girardin, journaliste et homme politique
Q17495344Portrait d'Henri Brisson
Q42764445Portrait d'Utrillo
Q29651254Portrait d'ecclésiastique
Q29654711Portrait d'enfant
Q29645285Portrait d'homme
Q29648654Portrait d'homme
Q29654571Portrait d'homme
Q29836562Portrait d'homme
Q29655448Portrait d'homme assis dans un jardin et accoudé sur une balustrade peinte
Q29648790Portrait d'homme désignant une pendule
Q29643515Portrait d'homme tenant un compas
Q29650160Portrait d'homme tirant son épée
Q29647914Portrait d'homme écrivant une lettre
Q29644681Portrait d'un homme et de sa fille
Q29863473Portrait d'un homme tenant un buste de Caracalla
Q29863471Portrait d'un magistrat
Q72916731Portrait d'un théologien
Q29650086Portrait d'une femme avec un enfant
Q119496906Portrait d'Élisabeth Grange
Q106682385Portrait de Jean-Pierre-Casimir Marcassus de Puymaurin
Q17451030Portrait de Juliette Courbet
Q72682332Portrait de Louis-Désiré Blanquart-Evrard
Q29654786Portrait de M. Dennery
Q23639145Portrait de Madame Adélaïde d'Orléans
Q124001102Portrait de Madame Corone, née Bras
Q17627509Portrait de Madame Raoul-Alfred Philippe
Q17627544Portrait de Mademoiselle Stéphanie Brousset
Q106682181Portrait de Mademoiselle de Puymaurin
Q64652129Portrait de Marie Caroline Auguste de Bourbon, duchesse d'Aumale
Q64871407Portrait de Marie-Louise-Amélie, Grande-Duchesse de Toscane
Q72461515Portrait de Nicolaas Mutsaerts
Q79416843Portrait de Pauline, princesse Borghèse
Q106398341Portrait de dame
Q29837803Portrait de famille
Q17495123Portrait de femme
Q29643505Portrait de femme
Q29654505Portrait de femme
Q29655600Portrait de femme
Q17495128Portrait de femme : la tasse de thé
Q29654792Portrait de femme assise
Q115014551Portrait de femme au livre
Q42764453Portrait de femme aux roses rouges
Q29654496Portrait de jeune femme
Q64504370Portrait de jeune femme en blanc
Q17495152Portrait de jeune fille au chat
Q65184469Portrait de l'Impératrice Joséphine en costume du sacre
Q72681520Portrait de l'architecte Charles Benvignat
Q17495161Portrait de la Baronne Hallez-Claparède
Q28792256Portrait de la baronne d'Astier de la Vigerie
Q17495171Portrait de la fille de l'artiste
Q26710455Portrait de la reine Marie-Amélie
Q64652118Portrait de la reine Marie-Amélie
Q29650045Portrait de madame Valérie Schaye
Q64652050Portrait de mademoiselle de Clermont aux Eaux minérales de Chantilly
Q115161500Portrait de vieille femme
Q29645241Portrait des trois filles d'Alphonse Jacob-Desmalter
Q29650128Portrait du cardinal Charles de Guise de Lorraine
Q17495375Portrait du peintre Ossip Lubitch
Q29650031Portrait présumé de Giuseppe Baretti
Q29654567Portrait présumé de Hannah More
Q29839144Premier chapitre de l'ordre du saint Esprit tenu par Henri IV dans l'église du couvent des Grands Augustins à Paris
Q87452752Projet de fontaine ( ?)
Q87453242Projet de monument funéraire (titre récent) ; esquisse pour le mausolée du comte d'Harcourt (titre ancien)
Q87457058Projet de monument à l'architecte Germain Soufflot (Irancy, 1713-Paris, 1780)
Q87456751Quatre captifs
Q17495453Reine Natanson et Marthe Bonnard au corsage rouge
Q29650069Représentation symbolique de l'eucharistie avec la Trinité, les Quatre Évangélistes et divers saints
Q17495505Romain Coolus
Q87456385Sacrificateur [Numa ?]
Q87458400Saint Augustin
Q87454582Saint Grégoire
Q87455227Saint Jean
Q87456746Saint Jean Baptiste
Q29837010Saint Jean Népomucène et saint Ignace de Loyola devant la Vierge à l'Enfant avec sainte Anne
Q29654940Saint Jean-Baptiste enfant dans un paysage
Q87459316Saint Luc
Q87456691Saint Marc
Q87451930Saint Matthieu
Q29657125Saint Paul
Q29843164Saint Paul
Q26709683Saint Pierre en pape
Q87455736Saint-Jean à Patmos
Q29651235Sainte Famille avec sainte Ursule et saint Paul
Q87452428Sapho et Phaon
Q87456234Satyre au repos
Q17579664Sculpteur taillant un chapiteau
Q29654836Scène du 29 juillet 1830
Q18810239Serguei Saveliitch Iakovlev
Q29654580Sir John Beckett
Q42293884Socrate enseignant
Q87453295Soldat assis
Q87453069Soldat assis appuyé sur son bouclier
Q17495639Soldat convalescent assis
Q29837365Sujet grec moderne après le massacre de Samothrace
Q76529636Suzanne surprise au bain
Q17495755Tahitienne dans un paysage
Q20422213Toilette du matin
Q17495901Tous les bonheurs
Q17495937Trois petites filles dans un paysage
Q29857837Turc fumant, assis sur un divan
Q87456698Un fleuve
Q29843059Un poète
Q26248388Une baigneuse
Q87460259Une femme assise, adossée à une stèle tenant deux enfants serrés contre elle ; un troisième est debout
Q87458939Une jeune mère et ses deux enfants
Q29647804Une partie de cartes
Q87458606Vase funéraire
Q19861908Veillée funèbre
Q72942539Vieille femme mangeant au coin du feu
Q17496096Vieille femme priant
Q87453878Vierge assise allaitant l'Enfant
Q87451620Vierge de douleur
Q17584090Vierge à l'Enfant
Q17584145Vierge à l'Enfant
Q29648891Vierge à l'Enfant
Q29654697Vierge à l'Enfant
Q87451934Vierge à l'Enfant
Q29648934Vierge à l'Enfant dans un paysage
Q17579784Vierge à l'Enfant. Crucifixion
Q87455952Vulcain et des Amours forgerons
Q87458370Vénus et Adonis, ou Vénus pleurant la mort d'Adonis
Q87453239Vénus qui ordonne un message à Mercure
Q29862487Wolf, dit Bernard
Q17496193Yvonne, portrait
Q87458601Zaleucus se crevant un oeil
Q17334640atelier de modiste
Q16766640portrait de Santiago Ramón y Cajal
Q87454929saint Jean l'Évangéliste
Q21699236Âge pour concevoir
Q17491389Ève bretonne
Q17491299Émile Vandervelde
Q29855805Énée, débarque à Carthage, se présente devant Didon
Q17491358Étude autopsychique, portrait de l'artiste
Q17491369Étude de femme nue

instance of (P31)
Q7532085Sitting in salah

facet of (P1269)
Q25450307Sitting health
Q114551354equestrian pose

subclass of (P279)
Q7332932Riding-like sitting
Q896545brace position
Q17662147cross-legged sitting
Q111874304sidesaddle riding
Q123915254sitting with legs crossed
Q116288577sitting with wide open legs

has use (P366)
Q2516194Tibetan rug

item for this sense (P5137)
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main subject (P921)
Q55311573A Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot in Sitting Position with a Review of Training Activities.
Q28822830After the Meeting
Q62542839Is the time right for quantitative public health guidelines on sitting? A narrative review of sedentary behaviour research paradigms and findings
Q58725124Perceptions of the acceptability and feasibility of reducing occupational sitting: review and thematic synthesis
Q103777851Review of Measuring Microenvironmental Changes at the Body-Seat Interface and the Relationship between Object Measurement and Subjective Evaluation
Q64980894What is the effect of interrupting prolonged sitting with frequent bouts of physical activity or standing on first or recurrent stroke risk factors? A scoping review.
Q98944040Worldwide surveillance of self-reported sitting time: a scoping review

predicate for (P9970)
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Q2290751Sitzredakteurfield of workP101
Q110459162getting upfollowsP155
Q124455525sitting downfollowed byP156
Q124455525sitting downhas effectP1542
Q2207370seatdifferent fromP1889
Q79261956Sciatic nerve compression as a complication of the sitting positioncites workP2860
Q6979713Category:Sittingcategory's main topicP301

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