Easily setting up a local Wikidata SPARQL endpoint using the qEndpoint

scientific article published in 2022

Easily setting up a local Wikidata SPARQL endpoint using the qEndpoint is …
instance of (P31):
scholarly articleQ13442814

External links are
P8978DBLP publication IDconf/semweb/WillervalDM22
P953full work available at URLhttp://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3262/paper10.pdf
P5875ResearchGate publication ID364321138

P50authorDennis DiefenbachQ47515110
Pierre MaretQ47536210
Antoine WillervalQ114839010
P2860cites work???Q18507561
Sesame: A Generic Architecture for Storing and Querying RDF and RDF SchemaQ42307290
Towards a Question Answering System over the Semantic WebQ50418915
Getting the Most out of Wikidata: Semantic Technology Usage in Wikipedia’s Knowledge GraphQ56010228
Binary RDF representation for publication and exchange ( HDT )Q58049416
HDTCat: Let’s Make HDT Generation ScaleQ101086211
Wikibase as an Infrastructure for Knowledge Graphs: The EU Knowledge GraphQ109364981
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectWikidataQ2013
SPARQL endpointQ26261192
P1104number of pages7
P5072presented inThe Third Wikidata WorkshopQ112055391
P577publication date2022-11-04
P1433published inProceedings of the 3rd Wikidata Workshop 2022Q115053286
P1476titleEasily setting up a local Wikidata SPARQL endpoint using the qEndpoint

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