
active stratovolcano located in Basse-Terre Island, Guadeloupe, French West Indies

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Abstract is: La Grande Soufrière (English: "big sulfur outlet"), is an active stratovolcano on the French island of Basse-Terre, in Guadeloupe. It is the highest mountain peak in the Lesser Antilles, rising 1,467 m high. The last magmatic eruption was in 1580±50 during which the current lava dome was emplaced. More recent eruptions have been phreatic in type. On February 8, 1843, an eruption of La Grande Soufrière caused by an earthquake killed over 5,000 people. Significant seismic activity in 1976 led to a mass evacuation of the island's 72,000 residents. There was a bitter, and well-publicized, controversy between scientists Claude Allègre and Haroun Tazieff on whether evacuation should occur. Allègre held that inhabitants should be evacuated, just in case, while Tazieff held that the Soufrière was harmless. The prefect decided to evacuate, erring on the side of covering his back. The volcano erupted on August 30, 1976, but much less severely than predicted by the Allègre side. There were no fatalities and no significant damage, except for the large cost of the evacuation. While the island was deserted, the German filmmaker Werner Herzog traveled to the abandoned town of Basse-Terre to find a peasant who had refused to leave his home on the slopes of the volcano. His journey is recorded in the film La Soufrière.

Wikimedia Commons category is Soufrière, Guadeloupe

(P625, lat/long)16.0438 / -61.6634

Soufrière is …
instance of (P31):
lava domeQ534282
sports venueQ1076486
highest pointQ3393392

External links are
P8826edition humboldt digital IDH0010326
P1417Encyclopædia Britannica Online IDplace/Soufriere-volcano-Guadeloupe
P3219Encyclopædia Universalis IDvolcan-de-la-soufriere-guadeloupe
P646Freebase ID/m/0430sp
P11840French sports venue numberI971240002
P1566GeoNames ID3578370
P1667Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names ID1106534
P1886Global Volcanism Program ID360060
P227GND ID4118737-4
P2326GNS Unique Feature ID-1203797
P8189J9U ID987007539158305171
P244Library of Congress authority IDsh87001139
P11693OpenStreetMap node ID6123853763
P1848protected areas INPN CodeGUA0008 ID7457
P214VIAF cluster ID315529892
P12800Vikidia article IDfr:Soufrière_(Guadeloupe)

P2044elevation above sea level1467
P912has facility???Q121076111
P3018located in protected areaGuadeloupe National ParkQ1028479
P131located in the administrative territorial entitySaint-ClaudeQ996400
P706located in/on physical featureBasse-Terre IslandQ153822
P186made from materialbasaltQ43338
P4552mountain rangeGuadeloupeQ17012
P361part ofGuadeloupeQ17012
P6375street addressLa Soufrière 97120 Saint-Claude
P2660topographic prominence1467
P3815volcano observatoryVolcanological and Seismological Observatory of GuadeloupeQ3348500

Wikimedia Commons Images

P18: image

FileName: Guadeloupe 114 - Sommet de la Soufrière 1467m - Guadeloupe.jpg

Description: Sommet de la Soufrière 1467m - 2 - Guadeloupe

Artist: No machine-readable author provided. Ofol assumed (based on copyright claims).

Work is copyrighted.
License: CC BY 2.5
Attribution is required.

Reverse relations

highest point (P610)
Q153822Basse-Terre Island
Q1028479Guadeloupe National Park
Q183416Windward Islands

Q4697990Air France Flight 212 (1968)locationP276

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Category:Soufrière, Guadeloupewikimedia
Egyptian Arabic (arz / Q29919)جبل لا جراند سوفريرwikipedia
brSoufrière (Gwadaloup)wikipedia
cebSoufrière (bolkan)wikipedia
      Soufrière (Guadeloupe)wikipedia
      La Soufrièrewikipedia
      Soufrière (Guadeloupe)wikipedia
      La Grande Soufrièrewikipedia
      La Soufrièrewikipedia
Basque language (eu / Q8752)Soufrière (Guadalupe)wikipedia
      Soufrière (Guadeloupe)wikipedia
      לה סופרייר (גוואדלופ)wikipedia
      La Grande Soufrièrewikipedia
      La Grande Soufrièrewikipedia
      スフリエール山 (グアドループ)wikipedia
      수프리에르산 (과들루프)wikipedia
      Sufrieras (Gvadelupa)wikipedia
mkСуфриер (Гваделуп)wikipedia
      La Grande Soufrièrewikipedia
      Soufrière (Gwadelupa)wikipedia
      La Grande Soufrièrewikipedia
      Суфриер (вулкан, Гваделупа)wikipedia
      Soufrière (Guadeloupe)wikipedia
      Soufrière, Guadeloupewikipedia
swLa Grande Soufrièrewikipedia
      蘇弗里耶爾火山 (瓜德羅普)wikipedia

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