helpful animal killed by hero's enemy

narrative motif documented in Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature

helpful animal killed by hero's enemy is …
instance of (P31):
narrative motifQ1697305
folklore motifQ2995443

P528catalog codeB335.
P1343described by sourceMotif-Index of Folk-LiteratureQ114946518
P1269facet ofdeath of helpful animalQ115089454
P2341indigenous toJapanese peopleQ161652
P1382partially coincident withtreasure found in slain helpful animalQ115093199
speaking horse-headQ115093275
unsuccessful attempt by enemy to kill helpful animalQ115093693

Reverse relations

facet of (P1269)
Q115093697a small animal (hare, bitch) gives timely warnings to the hero about the trap prepared by his enemy
Q115093695faithful animal killed in battle
Q115093700helpful cow to be killed because of refusal to help stepdaughter
Q115093691life of helpful animal demanded as cure for feigned sickness
Q115093690man attempts to kill faithful serpent at wife's instigation
Q115095930treacherous wife forces husband to kill helpful dog
Q115093694wife demands magic parrot who has accused her

partially coincident with (P1382)
Q115093275speaking horse-head
Q115093199treasure found in slain helpful animal
Q115093693unsuccessful attempt by enemy to kill helpful animal

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