
controlled environment of reduced complexity

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Q92887331A Polyphasic Approach for Assessing Eco-System Connectivity Demonstrates that Perturbation Remodels Network Architecture in Soil Microcosms
Q58317526A lake as a microcosm: reflections on developments in aquatic ecology
Q46899701A microsatellite based method for quantification of fungi in decomposing plant material elucidates the role of Fusarium graminearum DON production in the saprophytic competition with Trichoderma atroviride in maize tissue microcosms
Q115465550A novel microcosm to identify inherently competitive microorganisms with the ability to mineralize phytate in solum
Q58493775A rapid and cost-effective quantitative microsatellite genotyping protocol to estimate intraspecific competition in protist microcosm experiments
Q92568372Abrupt declines in marine phytoplankton production driven by warming and biodiversity loss in a microcosm experiment
Q81465186Absence of carbon transfer between Medicago truncatula plants linked by a mycorrhizal network, demonstrated in an experimental microcosm
Q113033448Abundance and species richness in natural aquatic microcosms: a test and refinement of the Niche-Limitation Hypothesis
Q46361939Adaptive radiation of Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 in experimental microcosms provides an understanding of the evolutionary ecology and molecular biology of A-L interface biofilm formation
Q115458511Advancement in soil microcosm apparatus for biogeochemical research
Q34414804Ammonia oxidation-dependent growth of group I.1b Thaumarchaeota in acidic red soil microcosms
Q56476994An introduced tree species alters the assemblage structure and functional composition of wood-decaying fungi in microcosms
Q39226730Application of microcosmic system for assessment of insecticide effects on biomarker responses in ecologically different earthworm species
Q74149048Aquatic Actinomycete-Fungal Interactions and Their Effects on Organic Matter Decomposition: A Microcosm Study
Q112840830Aquatic Microbial Ecology: Water Desert, Microcosm, Ecosystem. What's Next?
Q60536321Are microcosm volume and sample pre-filtration relevant to evaluate phytoplankton growth?
Q33243448Are natural microcosms useful model systems for ecology?
Q60289600Assessing the Contribution of Micro-Organisms and Macrofauna to Biodiversity–Ecosystem Functioning Relationships in Freshwater Microcosms
Q94546069Assessment of Cu and CuO nanoparticle ecological responses using laboratory small-scale microcosms
Q115462956Assessment of microbial community function and structure in soil microcosms exposed to glyphosate
Q43982974Assessment of the probabilistic ecological risk assessment-toxic equivalent combination approach for evaluating pesticide mixture toxicity to zooplankton in outdoor microcosms
Q41719210Bacteria and mosquito abundance in microcosms enriched with organic matter and treated with a Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis formulation
Q59292243Bacterial microcosms obey Taylor's law: effects of abiotic and biotic stress and genetics on mean and variance of population density
Q46298635Bacterial strategies along nutrient and time gradients, revealed by metagenomic analysis of laboratory microcosms
Q60273655Bacteria–flagellate coupling in microcosm experiments in the Central Atlantic Ocean
Q58648822Belowground interactive effects of elevated CO2, plant diversity and earthworms in grassland microcosms
Q60480249Big answers from small worlds: a user's guide for protist microcosms as a model system in ecology and evolution
Q56636590Biodegradability of soy biodiesel in microcosm experiments using soil from the Atlantic Rain Forest
Q57726384Biogeochemical effects of macroalgal decomposition on intertidal microbenthos: a microcosm experiment
Q91421846Bisphenol A attenuation in natural microcosm: Contribution of ecological components and identification of transformation pathways through stable isotope tracing
Q43814046Both species sorting and neutral processes drive assembly of bacterial communities in aquatic microcosms
Q60508513Cadmium pollution triggers a positive biodiversity-productivity relationship: evidence from a laboratory microcosm experiment
Q74202045Can phosphorus limitation inhibit dissolved organic carbon consumption in aquatic microbial food webs? A study of three food web structures in microcosms
Q86649814Cell density and non-equilibrium sorption effects on bacterial dispersal in groundwater microcosms
Q58379662Changes in bacterial activity and community composition caused by exposure to a simulated oil spill in microcosm and mesocosm experiments
Q38550749Characterization of root colonization profiles by a microcosm community of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi using 25S rDNA-targeted nested PCR.
Q46287962Chlorpyrifos interacts with other agricultural stressors to alter stream communities in laboratory microcosms.
Q111491594Chronic Low Level Hydrocarbon Amendments Stimulate Plant Growth and Microbial Activity in Salt-Marsh Microcosms
Q58379694Combined effects of nutrients and small-scale turbulence in a microcosm experiment. I. Dynamics and size distribution of osmotrophic plankton
Q58379696Combined effects of nutrients and small-scale turbulence in a microcosm experiment. II. Dynamics of organic matter and phosphorus
Q51151955Community and ecosystem effects of intraspecific genetic diversity in grassland microcosms of varying species diversity
Q34809211Community assembly in the presence of disturbance: a microcosm experiment
Q88785657Community structure follows simple assembly rules in microbial microcosms
Q115458901Comparative analysis of growth and physio-biochemical responses of Hydrilla verticillata to different sediments in freshwater microcosms
Q81578177Comparing field and microcosm experiments: a case study on methano- and methylo-trophic bacteria in paddy soil
Q57252366Comparison of 16S rRNA and 16S rDNA T-RFLP Approaches to Study Bacterial Communities in Soil Microcosms Treated with Chromate as Perturbing Agent
Q114641739Comparison of Survival of Different Species of Bacteria in Freshwater Microcosms
Q112832289Competitive interactions shape plant responses to nitrogen fertilization and drought: evidence from a microcosm experiment with Lilium bulbiferum L. and Secale cereale L.
Q63761800Conjugal transfer at natural population densities in a microcosm simulating an estuarine environment
Q111158277Conservation of a Critically Endangered Endemic Halophyte of West Portugal: A Microcosm Assay to Assess the Potential of Soil Technology for Species Reintroduction
Q88586078Copper Dynamics and the Mechanism of Ecosystem Level Recovery in a Standardized Aquatic Microcosm
Q58412110Coral reef mesocosms and microcosms — successes, problems, and the future of laboratory models
Q57062353Could native predators help to control invasive fishes? Microcosm experiments with the Neotropical characid,Brycon orbignyanus
Q115454849Crop species selection effects on stormwater runoff and edible biomass in an agricultural green roof microcosm
Q54351160Culturability and persistence of Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis (syn. Francisella asiatica) in sea- and freshwater microcosms.
Q60644970Dechlorination of hexachlorobenzene in treatment microcosm wetlands
Q83970201Degradation of tributyltin in microcosm using Mekong River sediment
Q41940714Development of Soil Bacterial Communities in Volcanic Ash Microcosms in a Range of Climates
Q46829197Different behaviour of methanogenic archaea and Thaumarchaeota in rice field microcosms.
Q60537671Disturbance alters habitat isolation's effect on biodiversity in aquatic microcosms
Q63944999Diversity and vertical distribution of magnetotactic bacteria along chemical gradients in freshwater microcosms
Q59383666Does the natural “microcosm” created by Tuber aestivum affect soil microarthropods? A new hypothesis based on Collembola in truffle culture
Q43237517Dynamic changes in microbial community structure and function in phenol-degrading microcosms inoculated with cells from a contaminated aquifer
Q112162011Dynamics of cyanobacteria–ciliate grazer activity in bitrophic and tritrophic microcosms
Q56973371Early successional patterns of bacterial communities in soil microcosms reveal changes in bacterial community composition and network architecture, depending on the successional condition
Q113697756Ecological Effects of Daily Antiseptic Treatment on Microbial Composition of Saliva-Grown Microcosm Biofilms and Selection of Resistant Phenotypes
Q112305730Ecological Impacts of Aged Freshwater Biofilms on Estuarine Microbial Communities Elucidated Through Microcosm Experiments: A Microbial Invasion Perspective
Q46583821Ecological changes in oral microcosm biofilm during maturation
Q45907808Ecological effects of spring and late summer applications of lambda-cyhalothrin on freshwater microcosms.
Q38959895Ecological effects of the herbicide linuron in tropical freshwater microcosms.
Q51197996Ecological effects of various toxic agents on the aquatic microcosm in comparison with acute ionizing radiation.
Q51203312Ecological evaluation of gadolinium toxicity compared with other heavy metals using an aquatic microcosm.
Q44057308Ecological impact and environmental fate of perfluorooctane sulfonate on the zooplankton community in indoor microcosms
Q90450894Ecological impact evaluation by constructing in situ microcosm with porous ceramic arrowhead
Q35886339Ecological impacts of time-variable exposure regimes to the fungicide azoxystrobin on freshwater communities in outdoor microcosms
Q98711045Ecology of Heterotrophic Aerobic Bacteria of Playa Lakes and Microcosms
Q113749732Effect of Different Plant Monocultures on Nitrogen Removal Performance in Wetland Microcosms
Q57238340Effect of an Alcaligenes faecalis inoculant strain on bacterial communities in flooded soil microcosms planted with rice seedlings
Q36202076Effect of different root endophytic fungi on plant community structure in experimental microcosms
Q110530997Effect of enhanced salinity on the chlorophyll-a concentration and partial pressure of CO2 of a sewage-fed freshwater aquaculture pond: a microcosm experiment
Q57854481Effect of imbalanced nutrients and immigration on Prymnesium parvum community dominance and toxicity: results from in-lake microcosm experiments
Q115453424Effect of plant diversity on phosphorus removal in hydroponic microcosms simulating floating constructed wetlands
Q57136028Effect of plant root symbionts on performance of native woody species in competition with an invasive grass in multispecies microcosms
Q115455254Effect of plant species richness on methane fluxes and associated microbial processes in wetland microcosms
Q115465045Effect of sediment-associated copper on ecological structure and function of aquatic microcosms
Q115454124Effect of vegetation on nitrogen removal and ammonia volatilization from wetland microcosms
Q113710624Effects of Basal Resources, Predation, and Alternative Prey in Microcosm Food Chains
Q33364811Effects of a herbicide-insecticide mixture in freshwater microcosms: risk assessment and ecological effect chain
Q44046747Effects of a mixture of two insecticides in freshwater microcosms: II. Responses of plankton and ecological risk assessment
Q40214489Effects of chlorpyrifos, carbendazim, and linuron on the ecology of a small indoor aquatic microcosm.
Q45351360Effects of elevated CO2 on communities of denitrifying bacteria and methanogens in a temperate marsh microcosm
Q114746973Effects of fertilizer and weed species richness on soil nematode community in a microcosm field experiment
Q86712058Effects of freeze-thaw stress on bacterial populations in soil microcosms
Q51206457Effects of gamma-rays on the populations of the steady-state ecological microcosm.
Q50135483Effects of imidacloprid on the ecology of sub-tropical freshwater microcosms.
Q114755189Effects of initial plant species richness in microcosms: preliminary results
Q36018958Effects of inter and intraspecific diversity and genetic divergence of aquatic fungal communities on leaf litter decomposition-a microcosm experiment.
Q115437368Effects of leaf litter mixtures on the decomposition of Quercus serrata and Pinus densiflora using field and laboratory microcosm methods
Q24803144Effects of microcosm scaling and food resources on growth and survival of larval Culex pipiens
Q56771030Effects of mixing pine and broadleaved tree/shrub litter on decomposition and N dynamics in laboratory microcosms
Q110711357Effects of nutrient loading and insecticide application on the ecology of Elodea-dominated freshwater microcosms II. Responses of macrophytes, periphyton and macroinvertebrate grazers
Q115454401Effects of plant diversity and sand particle size on methane emission and nitrogen removal in microcosms of constructed wetlands
Q56982251Effects of resource availability on mycelial interactions and 32P transfer between a saprotrophic and an ectomycorrhizal fungus in soil microcosms
Q60547980Effects of soil macrofauna on other soil biota and soil formation in reclaimed and unreclaimed post mining sites: Results of a field microcosm experiment
Q114751497Effects of species richness and nutrient availability on the invasibility of experimental microalgal microcosms
Q60508512Effects of species richness on cadmium removal efficiencies of algal microcosms
Q39397762Effects of the antibiotic enrofloxacin on the ecology of tropical eutrophic freshwater microcosms
Q58390618Effects of turbulence on the composition of phytoplankton assemblages in marine microcosms
Q45251867Effects of zinc on leaf decomposition by fungi in streams: studies in microcosms
Q57238353Efficacy in aquatic microcosms of a genetically engineered pseudomonad applicable for bioremediation
Q115387765Emergent phases of ecological diversity and dynamics mapped in microcosms
Q43232908Enrichment and characterization of a sulfate-reducing toluene-degrading microbial consortium by combining in situ microcosms and stable isotope probing techniques
Q33310478Enrichment of anaerobic benzene-degrading microorganisms by in situ microcosms
Q56995560Environmental detection of Penicillium marneffei and growth in soil microcosms in competition with Talaromyces stipitatus
Q60232828Evaluation of the combined effects of dimethoate and spirodiclofen on plants and earthworms in a designed microcosm experiment
Q43284842Evaluation of the intrinsic methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) biodegradation potential of hydrocarbon contaminated subsurface soils in batch microcosm systems
Q44151617Evolution of prey in ecological time reduces the effect size of predators in experimental microcosms
Q47839539Evolutionary rescue and local adaptation under different rates of temperature increase: a combined analysis of changes in phenotype expression and genotype frequency in Paramecium microcosms.
Q112821523Excess phosphate loading shifts bacterioplankton community composition in oligotrophic coastal water microcosms over time
Q111810908Fate of 15N-nitrate in unplanted, planted and harvested riparian wetland soil microcosms
Q42263736Fate of pathogenic bacteria in microcosms mimicking human body sites
Q33261531Field and microcosm experiments to evaluate the effects of agricultural Cu treatment on the density and genetic structure of microbial communities in two different soils
Q59383662Field and microcosms decomposition dynamics of European beech leaf litter: Influence of climate, plant material and soil with focus on N and Mn
Q54283031Field calibration of soil-core microcosms: Ecosystem structural and functional comparisons.
Q86652167Field calibration of soil-core microcosms: Fate of a genetically altered rhizobacterium
Q112829098Food consumption of the cockroach species Blaptica dubia Serville (Blattodea: Blaberidae) using three leaf litter types in a microcosm design
Q93009009Fragmentation mediates thermal habitat choice in ciliate microcosms
Q115455631Fungal denitrification potential in vertical flow microcosm wetlands as impacted by depth stratification and plant species
Q45759893Fungal networks serve as novel ecological routes for enrichment and dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes as exhibited by microcosm experiments.
Q60254691Gene flow favours local adaptation under habitat choice in ciliate microcosms
Q61136855Grazer effects on prokaryotes and viruses in a freshwater microcosm experiment
Q113879894Greenhouse gas emissions from a sandy loam soil amended with digestate-derived biobased fertilisers – A microcosm study
Q57013957Growth of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in soil microcosms is inhibited by acetylene
Q36179208Habitat Complexity in Aquatic Microcosms Affects Processes Driven by Detritivores
Q55030336Habitat orientation alters the outcome of interspecific competition: A microcosm study with zooplankton grazers.
Q89568161Habitat patchiness affects decomposition and faunal diversity: a microcosm experiment on forest floor
Q80152126Harvest reserves reduce extinction risk in an experimental microcosm
Q61022857History of land-use intensity can modify the relationship between functional complexity of the soil fauna and soil ecosystem services – A microcosm study
Q104582971Hopping on: Conspecific traveller density within a vehicle regulates parasitic hitchhiking between ephemeral microcosms
Q39624252Hydrocarbon biodegradation by Arctic sea-ice and sub-ice microbial communities during microcosm experiments, Northwest Passage (Nunavut, Canada).
Q58056405Impact of oil contamination and biostimulation on the diversity of indigenous bacterial communities in soil microcosms
Q33497585Impacts of heavy metal contamination and phytoremediation on a microbial community during a twelve-month microcosm experiment
Q73091720Induction of the viable but non-culturable condition in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in liquid microcosms and sterile soil
Q47696493Influence of Darkness and Aging on Marine and Freshwater Biofilm Microbial Communities Using Microcosm Experiments
Q43349188Influence of season and plant species on the abundance and diversity of sulfate reducing bacteria and ammonia oxidizing bacteria in constructed wetland microcosms
Q88158761Influence of soil fauna and habitat patchiness on plant (Betula pendula) growth and carbon dynamics in a microcosm experiment
Q48479048Influence of temperature and soil water content on bacterial, archaeal and denitrifying microbial communities in drained fen grassland soil microcosms
Q35731546Intact soil-core microcosms for evaluating the fate and ecological impact of the release of genetically engineered microorganisms
Q89263122Integrated methodological approach reveals microbial diversity and functions in aerobic groundwater microcosms adapted to vinyl chloride
Q62084981Interactions between nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in gnotobiotic microcosms planted with the emergent macrophyte Glyceria maxima
Q83044485Interactions between testate amoebae and saprotrophic microfungi in a Scots pine litter microcosm
Q73689712Intertidal mesograzers in field microcosms: linking laboratory feeding rates to community dynamics
Q47362965Is phosphorus limitation of planktonic heterotrophic bacteria and accumulation of degradable DOC a normal phenomenon in phosphorus-limited systems? A microcosm study
Q46223672Linking ecological impact to metal concentrations and speciation: a microcosm experiment using a salt marsh meiofaunal community
Q110084425Linking food webs to ecosystem processes: Piecewise linear models of soil microcosms
Q51721451Linking species-area and species-energy relationships in Drosophila microcosms.
Q35124744Links between sulphur oxidation and sulphur-oxidising bacteria abundance and diversity in soil microcosms based on soxB functional gene analysis.
Q112305352Litter Quality Is a Stronger Driver than Temperature of Early Microbial Decomposition in Oligotrophic Streams: a Microcosm Study
Q39562930Local knowledge, environmental politics, and the founding of ecology in the United States. Stephen Forbes and "The Lake as a Microcosm" (1887).
Q115693449Long-term survival and plasmid maintenance of Escherichia coli in marine microcosms
Q58418449Loss of Estuarine Bacteria by Viral Infection and Predation in Microcosm Conditions
Q44520602Magnetotactic bacteria in microcosms originating from the French Mediterranean Coast subjected to oil industry activities
Q56876419Mechanistic analogy: how microcosms explain nature
Q51727937Metacommunity influences on community richness at multiple spatial scales: a microcosm experiment.
Q43284832Microbial community-level toxicity testing of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates in aquatic microcosms
Q30928386Microbial population and activity in wetland microcosms constructed for improving treated municipal wastewater
Q86649423Microbial trophic interactions in aquatic microcosms designed for testing genetically engineered microorganisms: A field comparison
Q56047544Microcosm Experiments have Limited Relevance for Community and Ecosystem Ecology
Q33297831Microcosm experiments can inform global ecological problems.
Q46234703Microcosm-based analyses of Scots pine seedling growth, ectomycorrhizal fungal community structure and bacterial carbon utilization profiles in boreal forest humus and underlying illuvial mineral horizons
Q57641111Microcosm-based analyses of Scots pine seedling growth, ectomycorrhizal fungal community structure and bacterial carbon utilization profiles in boreal forest humus and underlying illuvial mineral horizons
Q57019140Microcosms as Models for Generating and Testing Community Theory
Q60429588Mineralization of organic nitrogen and carbon (fish food) added to anoxic sediment microcosms: role of sulphate reduction
Q30735765Moderate warming in microcosm experiment does not affect microbial communities in temperate vineyard soils.
Q115395395Monitoring the diversity of Rhizobium meliloti field and microcosm isolates with a novel rapid genotyping method using insertion elements
Q42846876Monitoring the survival of fish-pathogenic Francisella in water microcosms
Q83213723Natural microcosms
Q51144531Nectar yeasts: a natural microcosm for ecology.
Q54787135Nested PCR detection of Archaea in defined compartments of pine mycorrhizospheres developed in boreal forest humus microcosms.
Q37075681Nitrate and the Origin of Saliva Influence Composition and Short Chain Fatty Acid Production of Oral Microcosms.
Q114724793Nitrate enrichment does not affect enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in aquatic microcosms but may affect other strains present in aquatic habitats
Q112770506Nitrogen and Lignin Content as Predictors of Litter Decay Rates: A Microcosm Test
Q56558729Nitrogen and phosphorus mass balance, retention and uptake in six plant species grown in stormwater bioretention microcosms
Q115452768Nitrogen removal responses to biochar addition in intermittent-aerated subsurface flow constructed wetland microcosms: Enhancing role and mechanism
Q112832307Nitrogen, water, and phosphorus uptake as functions of fine-root mass in greenhouse microcosms of Poa pratensis
Q115458561Nitrous oxide emissions from surface flow and subsurface flow constructed wetland microcosms: Effect of feeding strategies
Q35857816Nutrient Limitation in Surface Waters of the Oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean Sea: an Enrichment Microcosm Experiment.
Q57405956Nutrient Release and Community Metabolism Following Application of Herbicide to Macrophytes in Microcosms
Q115310701Nutrient concentration in tissue of the macroalga Enteromorpha as a function of nutrient history: an experimental evaluation using field microcosms
Q115458718Nutrient removal in constructed microcosm wetlands for treating polluted river water in northern China
Q115438022Nutrient removal in gravel- and soil-based wetland microcosms with and without vegetation
Q34576529On the reproducibility of microcosm experiments - different community composition in parallel phototrophic biofilm microcosms.
Q112761528Parasitoid-mediated indirect interactions between unsuitable and suitable hosts generate apparent predation in microcosm and modeling studies
Q74832007Persistence and Dissemination of Introduced Bacteria in Freshwater Microcosms
Q44990110Persistence of genetically engineeredErwinia carotovora in perturbed and unperturbed aquatic microcosms and effect on recovery of indigenous bacteria
Q110615799Phenotypic plasticity of Pseudomonas aureofaciens (lacZY) introduced into and recovered from field and laboratory microcosm soils
Q58390615Phytoplankton response to intermittent stirring and nutrient addition in marine microcosms
Q59887492Pinus halepensis litter decomposition in laboratory microcosms as influenced by temperature and a millipede, Glomeris marginata
Q115452327Plant growth and pollutant removal from wastewater in domiciliary constructed wetland microcosms with monoculture and polyculture of tropical ornamental plants
Q115454515Plant species diversity impacts nitrogen removal and nitrous oxide emissions as much as carbon addition in constructed wetland microcosms
Q115456468Plant species richness enhances nitrous oxide emissions in microcosms of constructed wetlands
Q54239694Plasmid DNA in a groundwater aquifer microcosm--adsorption, DNAase resistance and natural genetic transformation of Bacillus subtilis.
Q62084571Population Dynamics of Light-Limited Phytoplankton: Microcosm Experiments
Q43169225Population dynamics and gene transfer in genetically modified bacteria in a model microcosm
Q115455388Positive effects of plant diversity on nitrogen removal in microcosms of constructed wetlands with high ammonium loading
Q113036755Predator-prey cycles in an aquatic microcosm: testing hypotheses of mechanism
Q114083417Predators minimize energy costs, rather than maximize energy gains under warming: Evidence from a microcosm feeding experiment
Q37551874Predicting the process of extinction in experimental microcosms and accounting for interspecific interactions in single-species time series.
Q110853197Preliminary evidence of effects of Phragmites australis growth on N2O emissions by laboratory microcosms
Q50125221Prey diversity, prey composition, and predator population dynamics in experimental microcosms
Q92359339Radiation effects and ecological processes in a freshwater microcosm
Q113700627Rapid adaptation of predation resistance in bacteria isolated from a seawater microcosm
Q72204807Recombinant and wild-type Pseudomonas aureofaciens strains introduced into soil microcosms: effect on decomposition of cellulose and straw
Q58412093Reef corals, zooxanthellae and free-living algae: a microcosm study that demonstrates synergy between calcification and primary production
Q113400699Regenerative functions and microbial ecology of coral reefs: Labelled bacteria in a coral reef microcosm
Q115340690Regulation, Stability, and Diversity in A Model Experimental Microcosm
Q30804321Relative importance of nutrients and mortality factors on prokaryotic community composition in two lakes of different trophic status: microcosm experiments
Q115349313Removal Efficiencies of Cations in Microcosm-scale Wetlands of Different types
Q115453158Removal of metals and their pools in plant in response to plant diversity in microcosms of floating constructed wetlands
Q57001421Response of degradative enzymes to N fertilization during litter decomposition in a subtropical forest through a microcosm experiment
Q43310535Responses of benthic fish exposed to contaminants in outdoor microcosms--examining the ecological relevance of previous laboratory toxicity tests
Q110679708Responses of litter decomposition to temperature along a chronosequence of tropical montane rainforest in a microcosm experiment
Q50896712Saprophytic growth of inoculated Frankia sp. in soil microcosms.
Q115458914Seasonal effects of 19 plant species on COD removal in subsurface treatment wetland microcosms
Q42641643Seawater-atmosphere O(2) exchange rates in open-top laboratory microcosms: application for continuous estimates of planktonic primary production and respiration.
Q43450518Sediment resuspension effects on the benthic microbial loop in experimental microcosms
Q59945442Small-Scale Distribution of Interstitial Nitrite in Freshwater Sediment Microcosms: The Role of Nitrate and Oxygen Availability, and Sediment Permeability
Q114751438Species Richness, Species Composition and Population Dynamics of Protists in Experimental Microcosms
Q115468384Species and genotype diversity drive community and ecosystem properties in experimental microcosms
Q57013527Species richness and evenness respond in a different manner to propagule density in developing prairie microcosm communities
Q39271196Stability and resilience of oral microcosms toward acidification and Candida outgrowth by arginine supplementation
Q115473015Studying biodiversity–ecosystem function relationships in experimental microcosms among islands
Q115454430Substrate influences on archaeal and bacterial assemblages in constructed wetland microcosms
Q43285567Sulfate-reducing bacterial community response to carbon source amendments in contaminated aquifer microcosms
Q54058901Survival and conjugation of Bacillus thuringiensis in a soil microcosm.
Q115696127Survival and detection of an introduced Escherichia coli containing the porcine somatotropin gene from a waste treatment microcosm
Q114344612Survival and ecological effects of genetically engineeredErwinia carotovorain soil and aquatic microcosms
Q84496571Survival and virulence of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in water microcosms
Q54039999Survival of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid degrading Alcaligenes eutrophus AE0106(pR0101) in lake water microcosms.
Q74148930Survival of a GFP-Labeled Polychlorinated Biphenyl Degrading Psychrotolerant Pseudomonas spp. in 4 and 22 degrees C Soil Microcosms
Q115454074Susceptibility of constructed wetland microbial communities to silver nanoparticles: A microcosm study
Q51504158Temperature affects leaf litter decomposition in low-order forest streams: field and microcosm approaches.
Q39067108Temporal dynamics of microbial communities in microcosms in response to pollutants
Q115431820Temporal variability in water supply controls seedling diversity in limestone pavement microcosms
Q95643626Terrestrial Isopods Porcellio scaber and Oniscus asellus (Crustacea: Isopoda) Increase Bacterial Abundance and Modify Microbial Community Structure in Leaf Litter Microcosms: a Short-Term Decomposition Study
Q46862113Tetracycline modifies competitive interactions in experimental microcosms containing bacteria isolated from freshwater
Q83106108Tetracyclines and tetracycline resistance in agricultural soils: microcosm and field studies
Q115459578The acidic lignite pit lakes of Germany—Microcosm experiments on acidity removal through controlled eutrophication
Q61937679The combined effects of energy and disturbance on species richness in protist microcosms
Q59866719The differences in carbon dynamics between boreal dwarf shrubs and Scots pine seedlings in a microcosm study
Q46923562The dynamics of community assembly under sudden mixing in experimental microcosms
Q114188735The effect of experimentally simulated climate warming on the microbiome of carnivorous plants – A microcosm experiment
Q89565559The effects of between-habitat dispersal rate on protist communities and metacommunities in microcosms at two spatial scales
Q115457118The effects of dredging on nitrogen balance in sediment-water microcosms and implications to dredging projects
Q47320050The effects of energy input, immigration and habitat size on food web structure: a microcosm experiment
Q83982585The effects of pH change and NO3- pulse on microbial community structure and function: a vernal pool microcosm study
Q85197115The evolution of biofilm-forming Wrinkly Spreaders in static microcosms and drip-fed columns selects for subtle differences in wrinkleality and fitness
Q111495985The growth of bacteria and the fungus Phaeosphaeriatypharum (Desm.) Holm (Eumycota : Ascomycotina) in salt-marsh microcosms in the presence and absence of mercury
Q110710421The impact of petroleum hydrocarbons (diesel) on periphyton in an impacted tropical estuary based on in situ microcosms
Q52713477The influence of fertilizer level and spore density on arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of transgenic Bt 11 maize (Zea mays) in experimental microcosms.
Q33794459The role of experimental microcosms in ecological research
Q36102207The use of terrestrial and aquatic microcosms and mesocosms for the ecological risk assessment of veterinary medicinal products
Q115943501The utilization of microcosms to test invasion biology hypotheses
Q60344142The yield of microphytobenthic chlorophyll from nutrients: Enriched experiments in microcosms
Q92806615Tracking Replicate Divergence in Microbial Community Composition and Function in Experimental Microcosms
Q36175240Transcriptomic responses of a simplified soil microcosm to a plant pathogen and its biocontrol agent reveal a complex reaction to harsh habitat
Q115458534Understanding self-organization of ecosystems under disturbance using a microcosm study
Q56451427Unraveling microbe-mediated interactions between mosquito larvae in a laboratory microcosm
Q46738728Unveiling the Metabolic Pathways Associated with the Adaptive Reduction of Cell Size During Vibrio harveyi Persistence in Seawater Microcosms
Q63364423Use of 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes to investigate the occurrence and selection of sulfate-reducing bacteria in response to nutrient addition to sediment slurry microcosms from a Japanese estuary
Q105182273Using microcosms to study gene transfer in aquatic habitats
Q51210935Validation of microbial community structure and ecological functional parameters in an aquatic microcosm designed for testing genetically engineered microorganisms.
Q115459328Water uptake in green roof microcosms: Effects of plant species and water availability
Q51613710Water-sediment exchanges control microbial processes associated with leaf litter degradation in the hyporheic zone: a microcosm study.
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