Self-Instruct: Aligning Language Model with Self Generated Instructions

scientific article

Self-Instruct: Aligning Language Model with Self Generated Instructions is …
instance of (P31):
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P818arXiv ID2212.10560
P1324source code repository URL

P50authorNoah A. SmithQ38882473
Hannaneh HajishirziQ104633932
P2093author name stringYizhong Wang
Swaroop Mishra
Daniel Khashabi
Yeganeh Kordi
Alisa Liu
P275copyright licenseApache Software License 2.0Q13785927
P921main subjectGPT-3Q95726734
large language modelQ115305900
P577publication date2022-12-20
P1433published inarXivQ118398
P1476titleSelf-Instruct: Aligning Language Model with Self Generated Instructions

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