Abstract is: Helcmanovce (Hungarian: Nagykuncfalva) is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia. In 2011 total municipality population had been 1490 inhabitants.
(P625, lat/long) | 48.83055556 / 20.87222222 |
municipality of Slovakia | Q6784672 |
P968 | email address | obechelcmanovce@stonline.sk |
P646 | Freebase ID | /m/0g1zxg |
P1566 | GeoNames ID | 724726 |
P2326 | GNS Unique Feature ID | -842211 |
P782 | LAU | SK0421526541 |
P9957 | museum-digital place ID | 45509 |
P856 | official website | http://www.helcmanovce.sk |
P11693 | OpenStreetMap node ID | 26036418 |
P402 | OpenStreetMap relation ID | 2382074 |
2382051 | ||
P6766 | Who's on First ID | 101843889 |
P2046 | area | 12.85 | |
P1464 | category for people born here | ??? | Q65671083 |
P1792 | category of associated people | ??? | Q10132512 |
P17 | country | Slovakia | Q214 |
P2044 | elevation above sea level | 425 | |
P571 | inception | 1297-01-01 | |
P395 | licence plate code | GL | |
P473 | local dialing code | 053 | |
P206 | located in or next to body of water | Hnilec | Q743746 |
P131 | located in the administrative territorial entity | Gelnica District | Q220968 |
P1705 | native label | Helcmanovce | |
P1448 | official name | Helcmanovce | |
P1082 | population | 1414 | |
P1249 | time of earliest written record | 1297-01-01 | |
P910 | topic's main category | Category:Helcmanovce | Q8972685 |
FileName: Helcmanovce-gelnica-flag.svg
Description: Flag of Helcmanovce, Slovakia
Artist: EnzoTC
License: Public domain
alt_name:de | Hannsdorf |
city_id | 526541 |
ele | 403 |
import_ref | city_import_sk_1 |
name | Helcmanovce |
old_name:hu | Nagykunchfalu |
place | village |
population | 1528 |
postal_code | 055 63 |
region_id | 801 |
source:name | http://earth-info.nga.mil/gns/html/cntry_files.html,www.statistics.sk | https://helcmanovce.sk/ |
wikipedia | sk:Helcmanovce |
admin_level | 10 |
alt_name:de | Hannsdorf |
boundary | administrative |
name | Helcmanovce |
old_name:hu | Nagykunchfalu |
ref | 816001 |
type | boundary |
admin_level | 9 |
alt_name:de | Hannsdorf |
boundary | administrative |
name | Helcmanovce |
old_name:hu | Nagykunchfalu |
ref | 526541 |
type | boundary |
wikipedia | sk:Helcmanovce |
Q65168996 | Helcmanovce railway station |
Q112093313 | Csákyovský kaštieľ |
Q112093314 | chrám sv. Michala Archanjela |
Q112093315 | pomník padlým v I. a II. sv. v. , reliéf |
Q112093316 | pomník padlým v I. a II. sv. v. , reliéf-kópia |
P6766 | Who's on First ID | Wikidata property example | P1855 |
Q8972685 | Category:Helcmanovce | category's main topic | P301 |
Catalan (ca / Q7026) | Helcmanovce | wikipedia |
Helcmanovce | wikipedia | |
Helcmanovce | wikipedia | |
Helcmanovce | wikipedia | |
Esperanto (eo / Q143) | Helcmanovce | wikipedia |
Helcmanovce | wikipedia | |
Basque language (eu / Q8752) | Helcmanovce | wikipedia |
Helcmanovce | wikipedia | |
Nagykuncfalva | wikipedia | |
Helcmanovce | wikipedia | |
lmo | Helcmanovce | wikipedia |
Helcmanovce | wikipedia | |
nan | Helcmanovce | wikipedia |
Helcmanovce | wikipedia | |
Helcmanovce | wikipedia | |
Helcmanovce | wikipedia | |
Helcmanovce | wikipedia | |
rue | Гелцманівцї | wikipedia |
Serbo-Croatian (sh / Q9301) | Helcmanovce | wikipedia |
Helcmanovce | wikipedia | |
Хелцмановце | wikipedia | |
Гельцманівці | wikipedia | |
war | Helcmanovce | wikipedia |
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