vigilance test

narrative motif documented in Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature

vigilance test is …
instance of (P31):
folklore motifQ2995443
narrative motifQ1697305

P528catalog codeH1450.
P1343described by sourceMotif-Index of Folk-LiteratureQ114946518

Reverse relations

facet of (P1269)
Q118767924continual pricking with pin in order to remain awake
Q118767920dirk stuck into thigh in order to keep from sleeping
Q118767922grains slowly munched in order to keep from sleeping
Q118767915test: sleeping by princess three nights without looking at her or disturbing her
Q118767903test: speechless vigil in church
Q118766085test: vigil at tomb
Q118767917thumb cut and salt put on it in order to remain awake
Q118773132waking contest
Q118767913watch for devastating monster

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