magic object points out unchaste woman

narrative motif documented in Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature

magic object points out unchaste woman is …
instance of (P31):
folklore motifQ2995443
narrative motifQ1697305

P528catalog codeH411.
P1343described by sourceMotif-Index of Folk-LiteratureQ114946518
P1269facet ofchastity test by magic objects or ordealsQ118766041
P1382partially coincident withdog betrays woman's infidelityQ115093277

Reverse relations

facet of (P1269)
Q118771627apple as chastity test
Q118771633catching salmon as proof of virginity
Q118771636dust of Tabernacle as chastity test
Q118771615magic bed and pillows as chastity test
Q118771610magic bridge as chastity test
Q118771605magic chair as chastity test
Q118771600magic drinking horn (cup) as chastity test
Q118771621magic harp as chastity test
Q118771623magic lamp as chastity test
Q118771629magic mirror as chastity index
Q118771602magic pin as chastity test
Q118771597magic plant as chastity test
Q118771618magic spring as chastity test
Q118771612magic statue as chastity test
Q118771593magic stone as chastity test
Q118771595magic tree as chastity test
Q118771609mantle as chastity test
Q118771635swan as chastity test

Q115093277dog betrays woman's infidelitypartially coincident withP1382

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