tasks contrary to the nature of animals

narrative motif documented in Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature

tasks contrary to the nature of animals is …
instance of (P31):
folklore motifQ2995443
narrative motifQ1697305

P528catalog codeH1024.
P1343described by sourceMotif-Index of Folk-LiteratureQ114946518
P1269facet oftasks contrary to laws of natureQ118766071

Reverse relations

facet of (P1269)
Q118772700task: chasing a hare into every trap in a high tree
Q118772698task: milking a bull
Q118772699task: placing frogs in a tree
Q118772703task: procuring bird out of season
Q118772702task: sowing dragon's teeth
Q118772705task: spinning wool still on goat's back
Q118772701task: teaching an ass to read
Q118772704task: teaching animal to speak

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