answers found in other world to questions propounded on the way

narrative motif documented in Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature

answers found in other world to questions propounded on the way is …
instance of (P31):
narrative motifQ1697305
folklore motifQ2995443

P528catalog codeH1292.
P1343described by sourceMotif-Index of Folk-LiteratureQ114946518
P1269facet ofquests to the other worldQ118765977
P2341indigenous toIndianQ862086
Chinese peopleQ6501380

Reverse relations

facet of (P1269)
Q118772989question (on quest): Have you see my prince?
Q118772987question (on quest): How can ants secure longer life?
Q118772986question (on quest): How can mice rid themselves of cats?
Q118772981question (on quest): How can the girl thus far avoided by suitors marry?
Q118772985question (on quest): When will a certain water-animal be freed from an annoyance?
Q118772984question (on quest): When will a ferrier be released from their duty?
Q118772988question (on quest): Where does Bras-de-Fer (Ver-sous-Terre) live?
Q118772982question (on quest): Where is the lost key?
Q118772983question (on quest): Where is the lost princess?
Q118772995question (propounded on quest): How can a man and woman be freed from their annoyance
Q118772980question (propounded on quest): How can the prince be cured?
Q118772993question (propounded on quest): Is a poor shepherd known to God?
Q118772994question (propounded on quest): When can certain structure be finished?
Q118772991question (propounded on quest): Why can't the child talk or the dog bark?
Q118772990question (propounded on quest): Why can't the dragon king ascend to the sky?
Q118772979question (propounded on quest): Why do the live stock die?
Q118772996question (propounded on quest): Why does kingdom go well by day and burn by night?
Q118772978question (propounded on quest): Why does not a certain tree flourish?
Q118772977question (propounded on quest): Why has spring gone dry?
Q118772992question (propounded on quest): Why is the cow so severely beaten every day by her calf?

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