Wendy M. Kohrt

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Q101330462A Randomized Controlled Trial of Ovarian Suppression in Premenopausal Women: No Change in Free-Living Energy Expenditure
Q37140532A losing battle: weight regain does not restore weight loss-induced bone loss in postmenopausal women.
Q33917435A new approach for flow-through respirometry measurements in humans
Q36312889A novel index of whole body antilipolytic insulin action
Q41037479A relative L-arginine deficiency contributes to endothelial dysfunction across the stages of the menopausal transition
Q36983046A two-year randomized controlled trial of progressive resistance exercise for Parkinson's disease.
Q33675908Acute Calcium Ingestion Attenuates Exercise-Induced Disruption of Calcium Homeostasis
Q33286718Acute effects of 2 hours of moderate-intensity cycling on serum parathyroid hormone and calcium
Q92716959Acute estradiol treatment reduces skeletal muscle protein breakdown markers in early- but not late-postmenopausal women
Q43678614Acute exercise effect on postabsorptive serum leptin
Q33705465Acute modulation of adipose tissue lipolysis by intravenous estrogens
Q33711592Acute sex hormone suppression reduces skeletal muscle sympathetic nerve activity
Q47348606Additive effects of weight-bearing exercise and estrogen on bone mineral density in older women
Q36608531Addressing the gaps: sex differences in osteoarthritis of the knee
Q36778789Age-related differences in body composition by hydrodensitometry and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
Q44269158Ageing, exercise and food restriction: effects on skeletal muscle glucose uptake
Q34363250American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand: physical activity and bone health.
Q89623401Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors Combined with Exercise for Hypertensive Seniors (The ACES Trial): Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Q91986160Appendicular lean mass is lower in late- compared to early- perimenopausal women: potential role of FSH
Q36523317Assessment of functional status and quality of life in claudication
Q92363045Association between objective sleep duration and bone mineral density in older postmenopausal women from the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures (SOF)
Q36936337Association of functional impairment with inflammation and immune activation in HIV type 1-infected adults receiving effective antiretroviral therapy.
Q35046163Association of serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and cognition in older adults: sex steroid, inflammatory, and metabolic mechanisms
Q33309740BMD decreases over the course of a year in competitive male cyclists
Q35017714Biochemical markers for assessment of calcium economy and bone metabolism: application in clinical trials from pharmaceutical agents to nutritional products
Q97677701Body Composition Changes in Response to Moderate or High-Intensity Exercise Among Older Adults with or without HIV Infection
Q36597571Body composition and bone mineral density after ovarian hormone suppression with or without estradiol treatment
Q46256694Body composition of healthy sedentary and trained, young and older men and women
Q91978839Bone Biomarker Response to Walking under Different Thermal Conditions in Older Adults
Q33728585Bone loss over 1 year of training and competition in female cyclists
Q34579994Bone mineral density across a range of physical activity volumes: NHANES 2007-2010
Q36392479Bone mineral density at femoral neck and lumbar spine in adults with type 1 diabetes: a meta-analysis and review of the literature.
Q43702649Bone mineral density response to estrogen replacement in frail elderly women: a randomized controlled trial
Q35784816CCR5 expression is elevated on endocervical CD4+ T cells in healthy postmenopausal women
Q50867219Calcium Supplementation Attenuates Disruptions in Calcium Homeostasis during Exercise.
Q34090671Calcium supplementation and parathyroid hormone response to vigorous walking in postmenopausal women
Q36487580Changes in blood flow and cellular metabolism at a myofascial trigger point with trigger point release (ischemic compression): a proof-of-principle pilot study
Q71628489Changes in insulin action and GLUT-4 with 6 days of inactivity in endurance runners
Q36567441Community-based walking exercise for peripheral artery disease: An exploratory pilot study
Q35231863Comparison of functional status instruments in HIV-infected adults on effective antiretroviral therapy
Q51562933Comparison of short-term diet and exercise on insulin action in individuals with abnormal glucose tolerance.
Q51750783Continuous scale physical functional performance test: appropriateness for middle-aged adults with and without Parkinson's disease.
Q43948672Contributions of total and regional fat mass to risk for cardiovascular disease in older women
Q36570943De novo generation of adipocytes from circulating progenitor cells in mouse and human adipose tissue
Q98281383Decline in endothelial function across the menopause transition in healthy women is related to decreased estradiol and increased oxidative stress
Q47220620Demographic and Clinical Factors Associated with Non-Surgical Osteoarthritis Treatment Use Among Patients in Outpatient Clinics
Q90149322Dermal Calcium Loss Is Not the Primary Determinant of Parathyroid Hormone Secretion during Exercise
Q80496350Deuterium dilution: the time course of 2H enrichment in saliva, urine, and serum
Q72570737Differences in cardiovascular adaptations to endurance exercise training between older men and women
Q72010337Differential effects of estrogen treatment on bone mineral density of the spine, hip, wrist and total body in late postmenopausal women
Q53762331Early High-Intensity Versus Low-Intensity Rehabilitation After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Q35719827Early neuromuscular electrical stimulation to improve quadriceps muscle strength after total knee arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial
Q51741130Early neuromuscular electrical stimulation to optimize quadriceps muscle function following total knee arthroplasty: a case report.
Q54268645Eccentric exercise induces transient insulin resistance in healthy individuals
Q47681828Effect of High-Intensity Treadmill Exercise on Motor Symptoms in Patients With De Novo Parkinson Disease: A Phase 2 Randomized Clinical Trial
Q47239225Effect of endurance exercise training on left ventricular size and remodeling in older adults with hypertension
Q68651216Effect of exercise on glucose disposal: response to a maximal insulin stimulus
Q54251935Effect of exercise training on left ventricular performance in older women free of cardiopulmonary disease.
Q70595388Effect of prolonged exercise on muscle citrate concentration before and after endurance training in men
Q73709748Effect of resistance exercise and growth hormone on bone density in older men
Q73687524Effects of 10 days of endurance exercise training on the suppression of whole body and regional lipolysis by insulin
Q39098639Effects of 2 Years of Exercise on Gait Impairment in People With Parkinson Disease: The PRET-PD Randomized Trial
Q73270915Effects of DHEA replacement on bone mineral density and body composition in elderly women and men
Q62112341Effects of Dehydroepiandrosterone Replacement Therapy on Bone Mineral Density in Older Adults: A Randomized, Controlled Trial
Q95521175Effects of Endurance Exercise Training on The Motor and Non-Motor Features of Parkinson's Disease: A Review
Q86262571Effects of Endurance Exercise Training on The Motor and Non-Motor Features of Parkinson's Disease: A Review
Q112758074Effects of Estradiol on Immunoglobulin G Glycosylation: Mapping of the Downstream Signaling Mechanism
Q43610712Effects of HRT and exercise training on insulin action, glucose tolerance, and body composition in older women
Q91315899Effects of Testosterone and Progressive Resistance Exercise on Vascular Function in Older Men
Q72711188Effects of age, adiposity, and fitness level on plasma catecholamine responses to standing and exercise
Q54291437Effects of aging, gender, and physical training on peripheral vascular function
Q45831034Effects of aging, sex, and physical training on cardiovascular responses to exercise
Q39420132Effects of endurance exercise and hormone replacement therapy on serum lipids in older women
Q38265464Effects of endurance exercise training on the motor and non-motor features of Parkinson's disease: a review.
Q100530946Effects of estradiol on biological age measured using the glycan age index
Q35667580Effects of estrogen replacement on metabolic factors that influence physical performance in female hypogonadism
Q73590762Effects of exercise involving predominantly either joint-reaction or ground-reaction forces on bone mineral density in older women
Q44496836Effects of exercise training added to ongoing hormone replacement therapy on bone mineral density in frail elderly women
Q67802851Effects of gender, age, and fitness level on response of VO2max to training in 60-71 yr olds
Q31094398Effects of ground and joint reaction force exercise on lumbar spine and femoral neck bone mineral density in postmenopausal women: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Q43577845Effects of hormone replacement therapy on cognitive performance in elderly women
Q43592590Effects of hormone replacement therapy on serum lipids in elderly women. a randomized, placebo-controlled trial
Q35346214Effects of increased meal frequency on fat oxidation and perceived hunger
Q90064101Effects of resveratrol or estradiol on postexercise endothelial function in estrogen-deficient postmenopausal women
Q36817175Effects of testosterone and progressive resistance exercise in healthy, highly functioning older men with low-normal testosterone levels
Q70129137Effects of treadmill exercise to exhaustion on the insulin response to hyperglycemia in untrained men
Q44513336Effects of trimonthly progestin administration on the endometrium in elderly postmenopausal women who receive hormone replacement therapy: a pilot study
Q92522337Elevated plasma homocysteine and cysteine are associated with endothelial dysfunction across menopausal stages in healthy women
Q36442450Endothelial function is impaired across the stages of the menopause transition in healthy women
Q71885985Endurance exercise training decreases capillary basement membrane width in older nondiabetic and diabetic adults
Q54241113Endurance exercise training reduces glucose-stimulated insulin levels in 60- to 70-year-old men and women.
Q34007611Endurance exercise training to improve economy of movement of people with Parkinson disease: three case reports
Q67291407Endurance training decreases plasma glucose turnover and oxidation during moderate-intensity exercise in men
Q58987535Erratum to “Exercise and Bone Mineral Density in Premenopausal Women: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials”
Q37275947Essential role of estrogen for improvements in vascular endothelial function with endurance exercise in postmenopausal women
Q30355579Estradiol Priming Improves Gonadotrope Sensitivity and Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines in Obese Women.
Q37669682Estrogen or raloxifene during postmenopausal weight loss: adiposity and cardiometabolic outcomes.
Q37646832Estrogens regulate glycosylation of IgG in women and men
Q44799148Evidence that androgenic and estrogenic metabolites contribute to the effects of dehydroepiandrosterone on cognition in postmenopausal women
Q36584276Exercise and bone mineral density in premenopausal women: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Q68803027Exercise and recovery ventilatory and VO2 responses of patients with McArdle's disease
Q37170261Exercise and the preservation of bone health
Q37926770Exercise attenuates the premature cardiovascular aging effects of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Q36368880Exercise for people in early- or mid-stage Parkinson disease: a 16-month randomized controlled trial
Q36172423Exercise improves cognition in Parkinson's disease: The PRET-PD randomized, clinical trial
Q68651230Exercise training enhances leg vasodilatory capacity of 65-yr-old men and women
Q44373945Exercise training improves fat distribution patterns in 60- to 70-year-old men and women
Q29048640Factors associated with ambulatory activity in de novo Parkinson disease
Q52893573Food restriction suppresses muscle growth and augments osteopenia in ovariectomized rats.
Q53241062Frail older women's participation in a trial of hormone replacement therapy: perceived benefits and concerns.
Q36844115Functional impairment is associated with low bone and muscle mass among persons aging with HIV infection.
Q45415025Functional movement training for recurrent low back pain: lessons from a pilot randomized controlled trial
Q88308936Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist in premenopausal women does not alter hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to corticotropin-releasing hormone
Q36225314HIV, aging, and advance care planning: are we successfully planning for the future?
Q74510895HRT preserves increases in bone mineral density and reductions in body fat after a supervised exercise program
Q38820897Hematopoietic-to-mesenchymal transition of adipose tissue macrophages is regulated by integrin β1 and fabricated fibrin matrices.
Q28706277Hormonal modulation of connective tissue homeostasis and sex differences in risk for osteoarthritis of the knee
Q91779199Hormone Therapy as a Protective Factor for Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Q47309730Hormone replacement therapy does not augment gains in muscle strength or fat-free mass in response to weight-bearing exercise
Q36191796Hysterectomy is associated with large artery stiffening in estrogen-deficient postmenopausal women
Q90853954Increase in Lactate Without Change in Nutritive Blood Flow or Glucose at Active Trigger Points Following Massage: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Q37061274Increases in bone mineral density in response to oral dehydroepiandrosterone replacement in older adults appear to be mediated by serum estrogens
Q52382537Influence of Estradiol Status on Physical Activity in Premenopausal Women.
Q70542247Insulin resistance in aging is related to abdominal obesity
Q36459951Insulin secretion and clearance after subacute estradiol administration in postmenopausal women
Q68532737Insulin secretory capacity in endurance-trained and untrained young men
Q67977784Insulin-like growth factor and apolipoprotein B
Q33643819Intravenous estrogens increase insulin clearance and action in postmenopausal women
Q54075859Leptin response to insulin in humans is related to the lipolytic state of abdominal subcutaneous fat.
Q35346276Loss of bone strength in response to exercise-induced weight loss in obese postmenopausal women: results from a pilot study
Q40378376Loss of skeletal muscle mass with aging: effect on glucose tolerance
Q74005148Low-intensity exercise as a modifier of physical frailty in older adults
Q33643802Lower-body adiposity and metabolic protection in postmenopausal women
Q28391267Luteal phase dynamics of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones in obese and normal weight women
Q52639103Maintenance of Serum Ionized Calcium During Exercise Attenuates Parathyroid Hormone and Bone Resorption Responses.
Q92710526Maximizing precision and accuracy of the doubly labeled water method via optimal sampling protocol, calculation choices, and incorporation of 17O measurements
Q36575692Mechanical contributors to sex differences in idiopathic knee osteoarthritis
Q37398975Mechanical pain sensitivity and the severity of chronic neck pain and disability are not modulated across the menstrual cycle
Q84189011Menopause medicine: exercise and weight gain
Q36147006Minimally invasive total knee arthroplasty improves early knee strength but not functional performance: a randomized controlled trial
Q34171476Minimally invasive total knee arthroplasty: surgical implications for recovery.
Q43635296Modest lifestyle intervention and glucose tolerance in obese African Americans.
Q89997549Modulation of Energy Expenditure by Estrogens and Exercise in Women
Q35346363Multiplexed analysis of steroid hormones in human serum using novel microflow tile technology and LC-MS/MS.
Q34565979Muscle forces or gravity: what predominates mechanical loading on bone?
Q36644474N-acetyl-4-aminophenol and musculoskeletal adaptations to resistance exercise training
Q36643021Neural and psychosocial contributions to sex differences in knee osteoarthritic pain
Q94455849New insights into resting and exertional right ventricular performance in the healthy heart through real-time pressure-volume analysis
Q35195386Oral dehydroepiandrosterone replacement in older adults: effects on central adiposity, glucose metabolism and blood lipids
Q37769527Osteoarthritis in women: effects of estrogen, obesity and physical activity
Q35187854Outcomes before and after total knee arthroplasty compared to healthy adults
Q54954757Ovarian Hormones Regulate the Production of Adipocytes From Bone Marrow-Derived Cells.
Q35054170Oxidative stress contributes to large elastic arterial stiffening across the stages of the menopausal transition
Q78170896Peak aerobic power is an important component of physical performance in older women
Q73867530Physical and performance measures for the identification of mild to moderate frailty
Q57795359Physical function improvements with moderate or high-intensity exercise among older adults with or without HIV infection
Q41105042Plasma glucose kinetics during exercise in subjects with high and low lactate thresholds
Q41154325Plasma glucose kinetics in a well-trained cyclist fed glucose throughout exercise
Q77189465Plasma leptin concentrations are only transiently increased in nephrectomized rats
Q92309847Precision exercise medicine: understanding exercise response variability
Q35150736Predicting functional performance and range of motion outcomes after total knee arthroplasty
Q74220685Prescribing exercise intensity for older women
Q50882212Preventing Fat Gain by Blocking Follicle-Stimulating Hormone.
Q35608983Progressive resistance exercise and Parkinson's disease: a review of potential mechanisms
Q42697509Progressive resistance exercise restores some properties of the triphasic EMG pattern and improves bradykinesia: the PRET-PD randomized clinical trial
Q45115107Protection of bone mass by estrogens and raloxifene during exercise-induced weight Loss.
Q34058942Quadriceps and hamstrings muscle dysfunction after total knee arthroplasty
Q77789744Rapid suppression of bone formation marker in response to sleep restriction and circadian disruption in men
Q51532887Regional differences in interstitial glycerol concentration in subcutaneous adipose tissue of women.
Q28081942Regulation of Body Composition and Bioenergetics by Estrogens
Q41138349Regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism during and after exercise
Q36237248Regulation of energy expenditure by estradiol in premenopausal women
Q72789885Relationship between glucose tolerance and glucose-stimulated insulin response in 65-year-olds
Q36205955Relationship between intensity of quadriceps muscle neuromuscular electrical stimulation and strength recovery after total knee arthroplasty.
Q35234942Relationship of physical function and quality of life among persons aging with HIV infection
Q34753568Relative contributions of adiposity and muscularity to physical function in community-dwelling older adults.
Q73480611Response of serum leptin concentrations to 7 d of energy restriction in centrally obese African Americans with impaired or diabetic glucose tolerance
Q104101284Right ventricular function and cardiopulmonary performance among patients with heart failure supported by durable mechanical circulatory support devices
Q36393360Risk factors for falls in HIV-infected persons
Q73568938Role of nitric oxide in skeletal muscle blood flow at rest and during dynamic exercise in humans
Q64971700SAT-LB087 Combined Sleep Restriction and Circadian Disruption Negatively Alter Bone Turnover Markers in Women.
Q46665487Salivary cortisol determined by enzyme immunoassay is preferable to serum total cortisol for assessment of dynamic hypothalamic--pituitary--adrenal axis activity
Q71788637Serum leptin levels are reduced in response to exercise training, but not hormone replacement therapy, in older women
Q95313122Sex Differences Across the Lifespan: A Focus on Cardiometabolism
Q38048718Sex differences in osteoarthritis of the knee
Q35165992Sex differences in the association of thigh fat and metabolic risk in older adults
Q92883970Sex differences in the burden of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular risk across the life course
Q45291623Sex hormone suppression reduces resting energy expenditure and {beta}-adrenergic support of resting energy expenditure
Q93024136Sex-specific effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on bone mineral density and body composition: A pooled analysis of four clinical trials
Q94509518Sleep Restriction with Circadian Disruption Negatively Alter Bone Turnover Markers in Women
Q99545564Sleep duration and bone health measures in older men
Q37161380Study in Parkinson disease of exercise (SPARX): translating high-intensity exercise from animals to humans
Q33680546Subcutaneous adipose tissue insulin resistance is associated with visceral adiposity in postmenopausal women
Q73194187Suppression of whole body and regional lipolysis by insulin: effects of obesity and exercise
Q35850060Tetrahydrobiopterin improves endothelial function and decreases arterial stiffness in estrogen-deficient postmenopausal women
Q35656027The Impact of Marijuana Use on the Successful Aging of HIV-Infected Adults
Q28390898The beneficial effects of exercise on cartilage are lost in mice with reduced levels of ECSOD in tissues
Q47578293The importance of the circadian system & sleep for bone health.
Q55067945The regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism during and after exercise.
Q35025003Timing of Ibuprofen Use and Musculoskeletal Adaptations to Exercise Training in Older Adults
Q35153132Timing of ibuprofen use and bone mineral density adaptations to exercise training.
Q47559438Trabecular bone quality is lower in adults with type 1 diabetes and is negatively associated with insulin resistance
Q37274176Tumor necrosis factor-α inhibition improves endothelial function and decreases arterial stiffness in estrogen-deficient postmenopausal women
Q34772565Two-year exercise program improves physical function in Parkinson's disease: the PRET-PD randomized clinical trial
Q92764545Type 1 diabetes onset at young age is associated with compromised bone quality
Q36134963Type 2 diabetes exaggerates exercise effort and impairs exercise performance in older women
Q38389158Understanding the Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Physical Activity-Induced Health Benefits
Q47619887Validation of the doubly labeled water method using off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy and isotope ratio mass spectrometry
Q36888620Vascular and metabolic effects of sex steroids: new insights into clinical trials
Q88317504Vascular dysfunction across the stages of the menopausal transition is associated with menopausal symptoms and quality of life
Q62112345Waist circumference vs body mass index for prediction of disease risk in postmenopausal women
Q37347549Walking economy in people with Parkinson's disease
Q74065409Whole body leptin kinetics and renal metabolism in vivo

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