transgenic rice

rice genetically modified with genes from another species

transgenic rice is …
sublass of (P279):
transgenic cropQ123738403

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main subject (P921)
Q4774387026-Week oral safety study in macaques for transgenic rice containing major human T-cell epitope peptides from Japanese cedar pollen allergens
Q118407301A 90-Day Toxicology Study of Transgenic Rice Expressing Lysine-Rich Protein Fusion Gene in Sprague-Dawley Rats
Q85034798A 90-day toxicology study of high-amylose transgenic rice grain in Sprague-Dawley rats
Q115732704A Non-destructive Terahertz Spectroscopy-Based Method for Transgenic Rice Seed Discrimination via Sparse Representation
Q118401540A Preliminary Study on Toxicological Evaluation of Transgenic Rice Flour with a Synthetic cry1Ab Gene from Bacillus thuringiensis
Q47948792A Sulfonylurea Herbicide Resistance Gene from Arabidopsis thaliana as a New Selectable Marker for Production of Fertile Transgenic Rice Plants
Q39084178A TFIIIA-type zinc finger protein confers multiple abiotic stress tolerances in transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Q46425962A biologically active rhIGF-1 fusion accumulated in transgenic rice seeds can reduce blood glucose in diabetic mice via oral delivery
Q33324396A built-in strategy for containment of transgenic plants: creation of selectively terminable transgenic rice
Q43076593A double built-in containment strategy for production of recombinant proteins in transgenic rice
Q50748486A fluorescent antibiotic resistance marker for rapid production of transgenic rice plants.
Q43168400A green fluorescent protein fused to rice prolamin forms protein body-like structures in transgenic rice
Q42055928A leaf-section bioassay for evaluating rice stem borer resistance in transgenic rice containing a synthetic cry1Ab gene from Bacillus thuringiensis berliner
Q100960094A moso bamboo transcription factor, Phehdz1, positively regulates the drought stress response of transgenic rice
Q36302484A new transgenic rice line exhibiting enhanced ferric iron reduction and phytosiderophore production confers tolerance to low iron availability in calcareous soil
Q40337574A non-destructive screenable marker, OsFAST, for identifying transgenic rice seeds
Q46266635A novel fungal arsenic methyltransferase, WaarsM reduces grain arsenic accumulation in transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Q41608714A novel soybean (Glycine max) gene encoding a family 3 β-glucosidase has high isoflavone 7-O-glucoside-hydrolyzing activity in transgenic rice.
Q54319716A polyethylene glycol-mediated protoplast transformation system for production of fertile transgenic rice plants.
Q52680399A potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor gene provides pathogen resistance in transgenic rice.
Q47152777A precise and consistent assay for major wall polymer features that distinctively determine biomass saccharification in transgenic rice by near-infrared spectroscopy
Q35185739A rice chloroplast transit peptide sequence does not alter the cytoplasmic localization of sheep serotonin N-acetyltransferase expressed in transgenic rice plants
Q43077982A selectively terminable transgenic rice line expressing human lactoferrin
Q115784548A simultaneous extraction method for metabolome and lipidome and its application in cry1Ac and sck-transgenic rice leaf treated with insecticide based on LC–MS analysis
Q53454485A three generation reproduction study with Sprague-Dawley rats consuming high-amylose transgenic rice.
Q47892383A three generation study with high-lysine transgenic rice in Sprague-Dawley rats
Q57523183A transgenic rice cell lineage expressing the oat arginine decarboxylase (adc) cDNA constitutively accumulates putrescine in callus and seeds but not in vegetative tissues
Q48088422A transgenic rice seed accumulating an anti-hypertensive peptide reduces the blood pressure of spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q33367048A type I element composed of the hexamer (ACGTCA) and octamer (CGCGGATC) motifs plays a role(s) in meristematic expression of a wheat histone H3 gene in transgenic rice plants
Q33367349A wheat histone H3 promoter confers cell division-dependent and -independent expression of the gus A gene in transgenic rice plants
Q37383806A whole-genome analysis of a transgenic rice seed-based edible vaccine against cedar pollen allergy
Q41979959AMT1;1 transgenic rice plants with enhanced NH4(+) permeability show superior growth and higher yield under optimal and suboptimal NH4(+) conditions
Q74179597Aberrant chloroplasts in transgenic rice plants expressing a high level of maize NADP-dependent malic enzyme
Q44881047Accumulation of rice prolamin-GFP fusion proteins induces ER-derived protein bodies in transgenic rice calli
Q83129855Accurate determination of zygosity in transgenic rice by real-time PCR does not require standard curves or efficiency correction
Q46084362Acquired resistance to the rice blast in transgenic rice accumulating the antimicrobial peptide thanatin
Q46529521Activation of the gene promoter of barley beta-1,3-glucanase isoenzyme GIII is salicylic acid (SA)-dependent in transgenic rice plants
Q72553643Activity of a maize ubiquitin promoter in transgenic rice
Q44874511Activity of the 5' regulatory regions of the rice polyubiquitin rubi3 gene in transgenic rice plants as analyzed by both GUS and GFP reporter genes
Q38445824Activity regulation and physiological impacts of maize C(4)-specific phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase overproduced in transgenic rice plants
Q82467208Adsorptive loss of secreted recombinant proteins in transgenic rice cell suspension cultures
Q111439870Advance in understanding gene flow and introgression from transgenic rice to its related species
Q54238631Agrobacterium-mediated production of transgenic rice plants expressing a chimeric alpha-amylase promoter/beta-glucuronidase gene.
Q118401252Agronomic Traits in Progeny of Transgenic Rice Mediated by Biolistic Bombardment
Q52740146Alteration of leaf metabolism in Bt-transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.) and its wild type under insecticide stress.
Q34822678Alterations in siRNA and miRNA expression profiles detected by deep sequencing of transgenic rice with siRNA-mediated viral resistance
Q92542171Altered regulation of porphyrin biosynthesis and protective responses to acifluorfen-induced photodynamic stress in transgenic rice expressing Bradyrhizobium japonicum Fe-chelatase
Q54011252Amplification and analysis of T-DNA flanking sequences in transgenic rice
Q114117844An Integration of Transcriptomic Data and Modular Gene Co-Expression Network Analysis Uncovers Drought Stress-Related Hub Genes in Transgenic Rice Overexpressing OsAbp57
Q46980713An efficient method for organic acetylation and use of DL-phosphinothricin as a negative selection agent in argE transgenic rice
Q33357931An increase in melatonin in transgenic rice causes pleiotropic phenotypes, including enhanced seedling growth, delayed flowering, and low grain yield
Q34525921An increase in unsaturation of fatty acids in phosphatidylglycerol from leaves improves the rates of photosynthesis and growth at low temperatures in transgenic rice seedlings
Q36361606An osmotin from the resurrection plant Tripogon loliiformis (TlOsm) confers tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses in transgenic rice
Q33343509Anaerobic induction and tissue-specific expression of maize Adh1 promoter in transgenic rice plants and their progeny
Q37157778Analysis of Magnaporthe oryzae Genome Reveals a Fungal Effector, Which Is Able to Induce Resistance Response in Transgenic Rice Line Containing Resistance Gene, Pi54
Q47188839Analysis of Recombinant Human Serum Albumin Extraction & Degradation in Transgenic Rice Extracts.
Q38937876Analysis of Recombinant Proteins in Transgenic Rice Seeds: Identity, Localization, Tolerance to Digestion, and Plant Stress Response
Q118406485Analysis of Relationship Between RVA Profile and Amylose Content of the Transgenic Rice with Antisense Waxy Gene
Q118403231Analysis of Resistant Spectrum to Rice Blast in Transgenic Rice Lines Introduced Lysozyme Gene from T4 Phage
Q52090461Analysis of T-DNA- Xa21 loci and bacterial blight resistance effects of the transgene Xa21 in transgenic rice.
Q33882703Analysis of five novel putative constitutive gene promoters in transgenic rice plants
Q42141586Analysis of rice Act1 5' region activity in transgenic rice plants
Q46825597Analysis of substrate specificity of pig CYP2B22 and CYP2C49 towards herbicides by transgenic rice plants
Q50504977Analysis of the APX, PGD1 and R1G1B constitutive gene promoters in various organs over three homozygous generations of transgenic rice plants.
Q39616121Analysis of the Wsi18, a stress-inducible promoter that is active in the whole grain of transgenic rice
Q40487873Analysis of the differential gene and protein expression profile of the rolled leaf mutant of transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Q56751017Analysis of the physiological mechanism of salt-tolerant transgenic rice carrying a vacuolar Na+/H + antiporter gene from Suaeda salsa
Q49160397Analysis of transgenic and non-transgenic rice leaves using visible/near-infrared spectroscopy
Q120464326Analysis on Patent in Industrialization of Transgenic Rice
Q111500550Anatomical Structure on Flag Leaves and Adventitious Root of Transgenic Rice with BADH cDNA in Rainfed Farming
Q50535000Antihypertensive activity of transgenic rice seed containing an 18-repeat novokinin peptide localized in the nucleolus of endosperm cells.
Q51839516Antisense phenotypes reveal a functional expression of OsARF1, an auxin response factor, in transgenic rice.
Q74244458Antisense waxy genes with highly active promoters effectively suppress waxy gene expression in transgenic rice
Q64933489Application of anoxia with glucose addition for the enhanced production of hCTLA4Ig in transgenic rice suspension cell cultures.
Q51322259Application of terahertz spectroscopy imaging for discrimination of transgenic rice seeds with chemometrics.
Q50510040Arabidopsis ATAF1 enhances the tolerance to salt stress and ABA in transgenic rice.
Q39318358Arabidopsis CBF3/DREB1A and ABF3 in transgenic rice increased tolerance to abiotic stress without stunting growth
Q39619365Arabidopsis enhanced drought tolerance1/HOMEODOMAIN GLABROUS11 confers drought tolerance in transgenic rice without yield penalty
Q54089101Arginine decarboxylase transgene expression and analysis of environmental stress tolerance in transgenic rice.
Q36136104Arsenic biotransformation and volatilization in transgenic rice
Q46425251Ascorbic acid deficiency leads to increased grain chalkiness in transgenic rice for suppressed of L-GalLDH.
Q33812107Assembly of double-shelled, virus-like particles in transgenic rice plants expressing two major structural proteins of rice dwarf virus
Q111440002Assessing transgene escape and its environmental biosafety impacts:a case study in insect-resistant transgenic rice
Q50855839Assessment of long-term cryopreservation for production of hCTLA4Ig in transgenic rice cell suspension cultures.
Q73574686Assessment of utility of meiosis-associated promoters of lily for induction of germinal ds transposition in transgenic rice
Q118401491Assessment on Gene Flow Through Detection of Sexual Compatibility Between Transgenic Rice with bar Gene and Echinochloa crusgalli var. mitis
Q92866664Association between sheath blight resistance and chitinase activity in transgenic rice plants expressing McCHIT1 from bitter melon
Q42040904Avidin expressed in transgenic rice confers resistance to the stored-product insect pests Tribolium confusum and Sitotroga cerealella.
Q115643848Beta glucuronidase activity in early stages of rice seedlings and callus: A comparison with Escherichia coli beta glucuronidase expressed in the transgenic rice
Q92576085Bioaccumulations and potential human health risks assessment of heavy metals in ppk-expressing transgenic rice
Q79440467Biochemical safety evaluation of transgenic rice seeds expressing T cell epitopes of Japanese cedar pollen allergens
Q52676616Biodegradation of Cry1Ab protein from Bt transgenic rice in aerobic and flooded paddy soils.
Q91987802Biological influence of cry1Ab gene insertion on the endophytic bacteria community in transgenic rice
Q40055854Biologically active human GM-CSF produced in the seeds of transgenic rice plants
Q54423275Bioreactor engineering using disposable technology for enhanced production of hCTLA4Ig in transgenic rice cell cultures.
Q36669456BrUGE1 transgenic rice showed improved growth performance with enhanced drought tolerance
Q118403878Breeding of Selectable Marker-Free Transgenic Rice Lines Containing AP1 Gene with Enhanced Disease Resistance
Q92061011CYP71Z18 overexpression confers elevated blast resistance in transgenic rice
Q36693844CaPUB1, a Hot Pepper U-box E3 Ubiquitin Ligase, Confers Enhanced Cold Stress Tolerance and Decreased Drought Stress Tolerance in Transgenic Rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Q44112230Callus induction and regeneration from mature seeds of indica rice minghui 63 and anti-fungal assay of transgenic rice plants
Q64105406Carbon and nitrogen partitioning of transgenic rice T2A-1 (Cry2A*) with different nitrogen treatments
Q47157239Cellular Localization of Wheat High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunits in Transgenic Rice Grain
Q84565239Cellular localization of dual positional specific maize lipoxygenase-1 in transgenic rice and calcium-mediated membrane association
Q111502511Change of Micro-structure in Transgenic Rice of pepc Gene from Maize with High Photo-efficiency under the Strong Light with 1-Butanol Treatment
Q43073882Changes in nitrogen assimilation, metabolism, and growth in transgenic rice plants expressing a fungal NADP(H)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (gdhA).
Q74302608Changes in photosynthetic carbon flow in transgenic rice plants that express C4-type phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase from Urochloa panicoides
Q48228445Characterization and functional analysis of three wheat genes with homology to the CONSTANS flowering time gene in transgenic rice
Q38789795Characterization of Agronomy, Grain Physicochemical Quality, and Nutritional Property of High-Lysine 35R Transgenic Rice with Simultaneous Modification of Lysine Biosynthesis and Catabolism
Q37405019Characterization of Salinity Tolerance of Transgenic Rice Lines Harboring HsCBL8 of Wild Barley (Hordeum spontanum) Line from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Q76395465Characterization of enhancer trap and gene trap harboring Ac/Ds transposon in transgenic rice
Q51111587Characterization of human cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4-immunoglobulin (hCTLA4Ig) expressed in transgenic rice cell suspension cultures.
Q28345888Characterization of rice anthranilate synthase alpha-subunit genes OASA1 and OASA2. Tryptophan accumulation in transgenic rice expressing a feedback-insensitive mutant of OASA1
Q54435241Characterization of rice tryptophan decarboxylases and their direct involvement in serotonin biosynthesis in transgenic rice.
Q38891227Characterization of the stress-inducible OsNCED3 promoter in different transgenic rice organs and over three homozygous generations
Q52724340Characterization of the transgenic rice event TT51-1 and construction of a reference plasmid.
Q58562975Characterization of transgenic rice expressing fusion protein Cry1Ab/Vip3A for insect resistance
Q44325841Characterization of transgenic rice plants over-expressing the stress-inducible beta-glucanase gene Gns1.
Q50707698Chemically induced expression of rice OSB2 under the control of the OsPR1.1 promoter confers increased anthocyanin accumulation in transgenic rice.
Q47834354Chloroplast overexpression of rice caffeic acid O-methyltransferase increases melatonin production in chloroplasts via the 5-methoxytryptamine pathway in transgenic rice plants.
Q47684061Chloroplast-targeted expression of synthetic cry1Ac in transgenic rice as an alternative strategy for increased pest protection
Q86947370Chloroplastic and cytoplasmic overexpression of sheep serotonin N-acetyltransferase in transgenic rice plants is associated with low melatonin production despite high enzyme activity
Q91864506Chronic toxicity study in Sprague-Dawley rats on transgenic rice T1c-19 with cry1C* gene
Q42604180Cloning of a wheat puroindoline gene promoter by IPCR and analysis of promoter regions required for tissue-specific expression in transgenic rice seeds
Q99237724Co-Overexpression of OsNAR2.1 and OsNRT2.3a Increased Agronomic Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Transgenic Rice Plants
Q50318793Co-expression of P173S Mutant Rice EPSPS and igrA Genes Results in Higher Glyphosate Tolerance in Transgenic Rice.
Q53922455Co-expression of a modified maize ribosome-inactivating protein and a rice basic chitinase gene in transgenic rice plants confers enhanced resistance to sheath blight.
Q46478183Co-expression of proteinase inhibitor enhances recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor production in transgenic rice cell suspension culture
Q53455629Co-expression of soybean glycinins A1aB1b and A3B4 enhances their accumulation levels in transgenic rice seed.
Q54109633Co-integration, co-expression and co-segregation of an unlinked selectable marker gene and NtFAD3 gene in transgenic rice plants produced by particle bombardment.
Q60476760Comparative analysis of key nutrient composition between drought-tolerant transgenic rice and its non-transgenic counterpart
Q47739666Comparative analysis of miRNA expression profiles in transgenic and non-transgenic rice using miRNA-Seq
Q64898177Comparative evaluation of nutritional compositions between transgenic rice harboring the CaMsrB2 gene and the conventional counterpart.
Q38312379Comparative functional analysis of six drought-responsive promoters in transgenic rice
Q39378818Comparative functional analysis of three abiotic stress-inducible promoters in transgenic rice
Q36000568Comparative proteomic analysis of early salt stress-responsive proteins in roots of SnRK2 transgenic rice
Q50633839Comparison of promoters in transgenic rice.
Q102074456Compositional differences in hybrids between protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase (PPO)-inhibiting herbicide-resistant transgenic rice and weedy rice accessions
Q90013425Comprehensive transcriptomics and proteomics analyses of rice stripe virus-resistant transgenic rice
Q55510030Concurrent Overexpression of OsGS1;1 and OsGS2 Genes in Transgenic Rice (Oryza sativa L.): Impact on Tolerance to Abiotic Stresses.
Q53174697Constitutive expression of CaPLA1 conferred enhanced growth and grain yield in transgenic rice plants.
Q38927731Constitutive expression of DaCBF7, an Antarctic vascular plant Deschampsia antarctica CBF homolog, resulted in improved cold tolerance in transgenic rice plants
Q46856619Constitutive expression of pathogen-inducible OsWRKY31 enhances disease resistance and affects root growth and auxin response in transgenic rice plants
Q74192382Constitutive expression of the defense-related Rir1b gene in transgenic rice plants confers enhanced resistance to the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea
Q46125932Control of starch synthesis in cereals: metabolite analysis of transgenic rice expressing an up-regulated cytoplasmic ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase in developing seeds
Q37276119Creation of transgenic rice plants producing small interfering RNA of Rice tungro spherical virus.
Q52664667Cry1Ab protein from Bt transgenic rice does not residue in rhizosphere soil.
Q86982960Cry1ab/c in different stages of growth in transgenic rice Bt-shanyou63
Q51124080Cryopreservation of transgenic rice suspension cells producing recombinant hCTLA4Ig.
Q48073140Cultivation of transgenic rice plants with OsCDPK7 gene and its salt tolerance
Q50217948Cytotoxicity evaluation of the whole protein extract from Bar-transgenic rice on Mus musculus lymphocytes
Q45355985Delay in virus accumulation and low virus transmission from transgenic rice plants expressing Rice tungro spherical virus RNA.
Q43924703Deletion of the C-terminal 138 amino acids of the wheat FKBP73 abrogates calmodulin binding, dimerization and male fertility in transgenic rice
Q40198810Dengue virus E glycoprotein production in transgenic rice callus
Q51540310Deposition mode of transforming growth factor-β expressed in transgenic rice seed.
Q46106769Deposition of a recombinant peptide in ER-derived protein bodies by retention with cysteine-rich prolamins in transgenic rice seed
Q114925286Detection of Alien Genes and Analysis of their Integration Position in Transgenic Rice by Fluorescence <I>in situ</I> Hybridization
Q118410085Detection of GUS Protein and Its Expression Pattern in Transgenic Rice Plants
Q91265343Detection of mPing mobilization in transgenic rice plants
Q40321787Developing a matrix reference material for screening of transgenic rice
Q58803570Developing dual herbicide tolerant transgenic rice plants for sustainable weed management
Q42017972Development and characterisation of transgenic rice expressing two Bacillus thuringiensis genes
Q54420835Development and evaluation of transgenic rice seeds accumulating a type II-collagen tolerogenic peptide.
Q35690813Development of Selectable Marker-Free Transgenic Rice Plants with Enhanced Seed Tocopherol Content through FLP/FRT-Mediated Spontaneous Auto-Excision
Q44807900Development of a non-lethal selection system by using the aadA marker gene for efficient recovery of transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Q57151048Development of a novel transgenic rice with hypocholesterolemic activity via high-level accumulation of the α' subunit of soybean β-conglycinin
Q42025147Development of insect-resistant transgenic rice with Cry1C*-free endosperm
Q41993336Development of leaffolder resistant transgenic rice expressing cry2AX1 gene driven by green tissue-specific rbcS promoter
Q43103892Development of transgenic rice containing a mutated beta subunit of soybean beta-conglycinin for enhanced phagocytosis-stimulating activity
Q45983749Development of transgenic rice expressing mite antigen for a new concept of immunotherapy.
Q38336581Development of transgenic rice plants overexpressing the Arabidopsis H+/Ca2+ antiporter CAX1 gene
Q52581408Development of transgenic rice seed accumulating a major Japanese cedar pollen allergen (Cry j 1) structurally disrupted for oral immunotherapy.
Q52210742Developmental and Hormonal Regulation of Rice [alpha]-Amylase(RAmy1A)-gusA Fusion Genes in Transgenic Rice Seeds.
Q90981319Dietary Exposure to Transgenic Rice Expressing the Spider Silk Protein Fibroin Reduces Blood Glucose Levels in Diabetic Mice: The Potential Role of Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 Phosphorylation in Adipocytes
Q82518388Different effects on triacylglycerol packaging to oil bodies in transgenic rice seeds by specifically eliminating one of their two oleosin isoforms
Q43271922Different responses of plant growth and antioxidant system to the combination of cadmium and heat stress in transgenic and non-transgenic rice
Q123139524Differential impact of Bt-transgenic rice plantings on bacterial community in three niches over consecutive years
Q35830610Discrimination of Transgenic Rice containing the Cry1Ab Protein using Terahertz Spectroscopy and Chemometrics
Q48078041Disease resistance against Magnaporthe grisea is enhanced in transgenic rice with suppression of omega-3 fatty acid desaturases.
Q39343681Dissecting root proteome of transgenic rice cultivars unravels metabolic alterations and accumulation of novel stress responsive proteins under drought stress
Q83509024Distinct cellulose and callose accumulation for enhanced bioethanol production and biotic stress resistance in OsSUS3 transgenic rice
Q118414219Diversity of Endophytic Fungi in Transgenic Rice Seeds from Different Planting Sites Based on PTN System
Q47795260Down-regulation of OsSAG12-1 results in enhanced senescence and pathogen-induced cell death in transgenic rice plants
Q33268223Dramatic reduction of crop-to-crop gene flow within a short distance from transgenic rice fields
Q39292955Drought stress-induced compositional changes in tolerant transgenic rice and its wild type.
Q41368032Dual gene expression cassette is superior than single gene cassette for enhancing sheath blight tolerance in transgenic rice
Q52047051Ectopic expression of OsMADS3, a rice ortholog of AGAMOUS, caused a homeotic transformation of lodicules to stamens in transgenic rice plants.
Q80547548Ectopic expression of a cold-inducible transcription factor, CBF1/DREB1b, in transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Q33434540Ectopic expression of a cold-responsive OsAsr1 cDNA gives enhanced cold tolerance in transgenic rice plants
Q37348730Ectopic expression of a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase gene PtCYP714A3 from Populus trichocarpa reduces shoot growth and improves tolerance to salt stress in transgenic rice
Q33779168Ectopic expression of foxtail millet zip-like gene, SiPf40, in transgenic rice plants causes a pleiotropic phenotype affecting tillering, vascular distribution and root development
Q118401289Effect of Dominant Waxy Character on Kernel Weight of Transgenic Rice with Antisense Wx Gene
Q111439836Effect of cry1Ac/cpti transgenic rice on enzyme activity and nutrient availability in paddy soil
Q37728476Effect of overexpression of kinase- or RNase-deficient OsIRE1 on the endoplasmic reticulum stress response in transgenic rice plants
Q34754676Effect of salinity tolerant PDH45 transgenic rice on physicochemical properties, enzymatic activities and microbial communities of rhizosphere soils
Q52765591Effect of straw leachates from Cry1Ca-expressing transgenic rice on the growth of Chlorella pyrenoidosa.
Q57523352Effective control of yellow stem borer and rice leaf folder in transgenic rice indica varieties Basmati 370 and M 7 using the novel δ-endotoxin cry2A Bacillus thuringiensis gene
Q118408052Effects of Anti-Fungal Transgenic Rice on the Target Fungal Diseases and the Non-Target Bacterial Diseases and Insect Pests in Paddy Fields
Q116643192Effects of Bt Protein Expressed by Transgenic Rice on the Activities of Protective Enzymes in Wolf Spider(Pardosa pseudoannulata)
Q36028010Effects of Bt-transgenic rice cultivation on planktonic communities in paddy fields and adjacent ditches
Q35992811Effects of CaMSRB2-Expressing Transgenic Rice Cultivation on Soil Microbial Communities
Q111786348Effects of Chitanase and Glucanase Transgenic Rice on Three Species of Soil Collembola and One Species of Annelida
Q99605735Effects of Kifunensine on Production and N-Glycosylation Modification of Butyrylcholinesterase in a Transgenic Rice Cell Culture Bioreactor
Q89975710Effects of Overproduction of Rubisco Activase on Rubisco Content in Transgenic Rice Grown at Different N Levels
Q40121508Effects of Transgenic Rice Infected with SRBSDV on Bt expression and the Ecological Fitness of Non-vector Brown Planthopper Nilaparvata lugens
Q84313224Effects of an exogenous xylanase gene expression on the growth of transgenic rice and the expression level of endogenous xylanase inhibitor gene RIXI
Q118404291Effects of and Ecological Safety Insect-Resistant Cry1Ac/sck Transgenic Rice on Key Non-Target Pests in Paddy Fields
Q44948319Effects of herbivorous insect stress on the growth and yield-related traits of insect-resistant transgenic rice
Q54344547Effects of hydrostatic high pressure on the structure and antibacterial activity of recombinant human lactoferrin from transgenic rice.
Q98706486Effects of insect-resistant transgenic rice lines MSA and MSB on non-target pests Nilaparvata lugens and Sogatella fucifera
Q42030926Effects of silkworm hemolymph on cell viability and hCTLA4Ig production in transgenic rice cell suspension cultures.
Q111439876Effects of straw decomposition of antifungal transgenic rice on the amount and diversity of soil bacteria
Q91628775Effects of straw leachates from Cry1C-expressing transgenic rice on the development and reproduction of Daphnia magna
Q52701436Effects of transgenic rice expressing Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab protein on ground-dwelling collembolan community in postharvest seasons.
Q40221694Efficacy of transgenic rice expressing Cry1Ac and CpTI against the rice leaffolder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée).
Q37159302Efficient Production of a Bioactive Bevacizumab Monoclonal Antibody Using the 2A Self-cleavage Peptide in Transgenic Rice Callus
Q58543553Efficient and Fast Production of Transgenic Rice Plants by Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation
Q42000924Efficient generation of marker-free transgenic rice plants using an improved transposon-mediated transgene reintegration strategy.
Q44545935Either soluble or plastidic expression of recombinant protoporphyrinogen oxidase modulates tetrapyrrole biosynthesis and photosynthetic efficiency in transgenic rice
Q53299867Elevated production of melatonin in transgenic rice seeds expressing rice tryptophan decarboxylase.
Q42050521Elite Indica transgenic rice plants expressing modified Cry1Ac endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis show enhanced resistance to yellow stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas).
Q42007760Elongated phytoglycogen chain length in transgenic rice endosperm expressing active starch synthase IIa affects the altered solubility and crystallinity of the storage α-glucan
Q46074344Embryo-specific expression of soybean oleosin altered oil body morphogenesis and increased lipid content in transgenic rice seeds
Q79504921Endosperm tissue is good production platform for artificial recombinant proteins in transgenic rice
Q79611013Enhanced conversion of plant biomass into glucose using transgenic rice-produced endoglucanase for cellulosic ethanol
Q56900011Enhanced delivery of siRNA complexes by sonoporation in transgenic rice cell suspension cultures
Q33784560Enhanced dihydroflavonol-4-reductase activity and NAD homeostasis leading to cell death tolerance in transgenic rice.
Q33574439Enhanced disease resistance and drought tolerance in transgenic rice plants overexpressing protein elicitors from Magnaporthe oryzae
Q39373163Enhanced drought tolerance in transgenic rice over-expressing of maize C4 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase gene via NO and Ca(2+).
Q39573222Enhanced drought tolerance of transgenic rice plants expressing a pea manganese superoxide dismutase
Q39605493Enhanced heat and drought tolerance in transgenic rice seedlings overexpressing OsWRKY11 under the control of HSP101 promoter
Q40772750Enhanced leaf photosynthesis as a target to increase grain yield: insights from transgenic rice lines with variable Rieske FeS protein content in the cytochrome b6 /f complex
Q44570900Enhanced methionine and cysteine levels in transgenic rice seeds by the accumulation of sesame 2S albumin
Q90982340Enhanced photorespiration in transgenic rice over-expressing maize C4 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase gene contributes to alleviating low nitrogen stress
Q43002197Enhanced production of melatonin by ectopic overexpression of human serotonin N-acetyltransferase plays a role in cold resistance in transgenic rice seedlings
Q50460097Enhanced production of reducing sugars from transgenic rice expressing exo-glucanase under the control of a senescence-inducible promoter
Q40561122Enhanced resistance to blast fungus and bacterial blight in transgenic rice constitutively expressing OsSBP, a rice homologue of mammalian selenium-binding proteins
Q48298869Enhanced resistance to seed-transmitted bacterial diseases in transgenic rice plants overproducing an oat cell-wall-bound thionin
Q42039426Enhanced resistance to the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea conferred by expression of a cecropin A gene in transgenic rice
Q47293620Enhanced sheath blight resistance in transgenic rice expressing an endochitinase gene from Trichoderma virens
Q46091738Enhanced tolerance to chilling stress in OsMYB3R-2 transgenic rice is mediated by alteration in cell cycle and ectopic expression of stress genes
Q39432950Enhanced tolerance to drought stress in transgenic rice plants overexpressing a small heat-shock protein, sHSP17.7.
Q74192391Enhanced tolerance to salt stress in transgenic rice that overexpresses chloroplast glutamine synthetase
Q50999566Enhancement of recombinant human serum albumin in transgenic rice cell culture system by cultivation strategy.
Q115770800Enhancement of salt tolerance in transgenic rice expressing an Escherichia coli catalase gene, katE
Q90794247Enhancing trehalose biosynthesis improves yield potential in marker-free transgenic rice under drought, saline, and sodic conditions
Q42859399Evaluation of alternatives for human lysozyme purification from transgenic rice: Impact of phytic acid and buffer
Q64260013Evaluation of basophil activation caused by transgenic rice seeds expressing whole T cell epitopes of the major Japanese cedar pollen allergens
Q42084879Evaluation of metabolic alteration in transgenic rice overexpressing dihydroflavonol-4-reductase
Q95383222Evaluation of seed storage protein gene 3'-untranslated regions in enhancing gene expression in transgenic rice seed
Q84443489Evaluation of seed storage-protein gene 5' untranslated regions in enhancing gene expression in transgenic rice seed
Q37091503Evaluation of seven function-known candidate genes for their effects on improving drought resistance of transgenic rice under field conditions.
Q118403442Evaluation of the Impact of Insect-resistant Transgenic Rice on the Feeding and Oviposition Behavior of Its Non-target Insect, theBrown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Homptera: Delphacidae)
Q98707224Evaluation of the effects of insect-resistant cry1Ac/sck transgenic rice on the parasitoid communities in paddy fields
Q28535469Evaluation of the potential effect of transgenic rice expressing Cry1Ab on the hematology and enzyme activity in organs of female Swiss rats
Q46970825Evaluation of the stress-inducible production of choline oxidase in transgenic rice as a strategy for producing the stress-protectant glycine betaine
Q79406951Evaluation of tissue specificity and expression strength of rice seed component gene promoters in transgenic rice
Q58856731Evidence for genomic changes in transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.) recovered from protoplasts
Q81301581Excision of a selectable marker in transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.) using a chemically regulated Cre/loxP system
Q51958729Excision of a selective marker in transgenic rice using a novel Cre/loxP system controlled by a floral specific promoter.
Q47119074Expression Profiling of Ribosomal Protein Gene Family in Dehydration Stress Responses and Characterization of Transgenic Rice Plants Overexpressing RPL23A for Water-Use Efficiency and Tolerance to Drought and Salt Stresses
Q53902875Expression and Purification of Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-4 and -6 from Transgenic Rice Seeds.
Q86046558Expression and characterization of recombinant human alpha-antitrypsin in transgenic rice seed
Q35236588Expression and functional validation of heat-labile enterotoxin B (LTB) and cholera toxin B (CTB) subunits in transgenic rice (Oryza sativa).
Q54400684Expression and immunogenicity of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli heat-labile toxin B subunit in transgenic rice callus.
Q52567233Expression and immunolocalisation of the snowdrop lectin, GNA in transgenic rice plants.
Q39171078Expression and inheritance of hypersensitive resistance to rice hoja blanca virus mediated by the viral nucleocapsid protein gene in transgenic rice
Q78891993Expression and localization of human lysozyme in the endosperm of transgenic rice
Q42068324Expression and purification of recombinant human serum albumin from selectively terminable transgenic rice
Q88917768Expression level of Rubisco activase negatively correlates with Rubisco content in transgenic rice
Q57523142Expression of Arabidopsis GAI in Transgenic Rice Represses Multiple Gibberellin Responses
Q28345511Expression of Arabidopsis GAI in transgenic rice represses multiple gibberellin responses
Q57156408Expression of Bioactive Lunasin Peptide in Transgenic Rice Grains for the Application in Functional Food
Q37857188Expression of Chlamydophila psittaci MOMP heat-labile toxin B subunit fusion gene in transgenic rice
Q80938571Expression of Escherichia coli branching enzyme in caryopses of transgenic rice results in amylopectin with an increased degree of branching
Q80124503Expression of Helicobacter pylori urease subunit B gene in transgenic rice
Q111503410Expression of RsICE1 Gene and Its Regulation Function of Cold Responsive Signalling Pathway in Transgenic Rice
Q100530113Expression of Trigonopsis variabilis D-amino acid oxidase in transgenic rice for cephalosporin production
Q74776039Expression of a Late Embryogenesis Abundant Protein Gene, HVA1, from Barley Confers Tolerance to Water Deficit and Salt Stress in Transgenic Rice
Q54258220Expression of a Maize Ubiquitin Gene Promoter-bar Chimeric Gene in Transgenic Rice Plants.
Q46958530Expression of a bacterial alpha-amylase gene in transgenic rice seeds
Q81789014Expression of a bacterial flagellin gene triggers plant immune responses and confers disease resistance in transgenic rice plants
Q39100801Expression of a bifunctional fusion of the Escherichia coli genes for trehalose-6-phosphate synthase and trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase in transgenic rice plants increases trehalose accumulation and abiotic stress tolerance without stunting growt
Q46602129Expression of a calcineurin gene improves salt stress tolerance in transgenic rice
Q91236963Expression of a cucumber alanine aminotransferase2 gene improves nitrogen use efficiency in transgenic rice
Q36656110Expression of a functional recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor from transgenic rice seeds
Q46511643Expression of a fungal glucoamylase in transgenic rice seeds
Q35926948Expression of a monocot LHCP promoter in transgenic rice
Q52733834Expression of an Acidothermus cellulolyticus endoglucanase in transgenic rice seeds.
Q46065932Expression of an elicitor-encoding gene from Magnaporthe grisea enhances resistance against blast disease in transgenic rice
Q57523359Expression of an engineered cysteine proteinase inhibitor (Oryzacystatin-IΔD86) for nematode resistance in transgenic rice plants
Q50633121Expression of anti-K99 scFv in transgenic rice tissues and its functional characterization.
Q39318352Expression of barley HvCBF4 enhances tolerance to abiotic stress in transgenic rice
Q40519414Expression of bioactive human interferon-gamma in transgenic rice cell suspension cultures
Q81622100Expression of cholera toxin B subunit in transgenic rice endosperm
Q39499204Expression of cold and drought regulatory protein (CcCDR) of pigeonpea imparts enhanced tolerance to major abiotic stresses in transgenic rice plants
Q70876782Expression of functional oat phytochrome A in transgenic rice
Q46324746Expression of functional recombinant human lysozyme in transgenic rice cell culture
Q46761477Expression of human growth hormone in transgenic rice cell suspension culture
Q54943875Expression of hybrid fusion protein (Cry1Ac::ASAL) in transgenic rice plants imparts resistance against multiple insect pests.
Q35955018Expression of hypoallergenic Der f 2 derivatives with altered intramolecular disulphide bonds induces the formation of novel ER-derived protein bodies in transgenic rice seeds
Q57736782Expression of rice OSH1 gene is localized in developing vascular strands and its ectopic expression in transgenic rice causes altered morphology of leaf
Q28283823Expression of snowdrop lectin (GNA) in transgenic rice plants confers resistance to rice brown planthopper
Q48078948Expression of the GUS fusion gene controlled by the tomato rbcS3A promoter in transgenic rice
Q45410974Expression of the fusion glycoprotein of Newcastle disease virus in transgenic rice and its immunogenicity in mice
Q73435201Expression of wheat puroindoline genes in transgenic rice enhances grain softness
Q39033650Expression pattern and activity of six glutelin gene promoters in transgenic rice
Q47348558Expression pattern of UidA gene under the control of rice glutelin GluA-2 gene upstream sequence in transgenic rice endosperm
Q82916441Extraction and purification of human interleukin-10 from transgenic rice seeds
Q59062655Fertile transgenic rice plants regenerated from transformed protoplasts
Q42054641Field evaluation of resistance of transgenic rice containing a synthetic cry1Ab gene from Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner to two stem borers
Q74163062Field evaluation of seed production, shattering, and dormancy in hybrid populations of transgenic rice (Oryza sativa) and the weed, red rice (Oryza sativa)
Q58573710Fitness Cost of Transgenic Rice Under Saline-Alkaline Soil Condition
Q46366743Flavonoids from the grains of C1/R-S transgenic rice, the transgenic Oryza sativa spp. japonica, and their radical scavenging activities.
Q74180338Frequency and pattern of transposition of the maize transposable element Ds in transgenic rice plants
Q39625730Functional analyses of ethylene response factor JERF3 with the aim of improving tolerance to drought and osmotic stress in transgenic rice
Q39096837Functional analysis of rice DREB1/CBF-type transcription factors involved in cold-responsive gene expression in transgenic rice
Q39616124Functional analysis of six drought-inducible promoters in transgenic rice plants throughout all stages of plant growth
Q39751348Functional incorporation of sorghum small subunit increases the catalytic turnover rate of Rubisco in transgenic rice
Q44873194Gene expression enhancement mediated by the 5' UTR intron of the rice rubi3 gene varied remarkably among tissues in transgenic rice plants
Q50492299Gene flow from transgenic rice to red rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the field.
Q44278675Generation and immunogenicity of Japanese encephalitis virus envelope protein expressed in transgenic rice
Q56639358Generation of Transgenic Rice Lines with Reduced Contents of Multiple Potential Allergens Using a Null Mutant in Combination with an RNA Silencing Method
Q46910553Generation of a transgenic rice seed-based edible vaccine against house dust mite allergy
Q91408614Generation of marker-free transgenic rice using CRISPR/Cas9 system controlled by floral specific promoters
Q81711931Generation of selectable marker-free sheath blight resistant transgenic rice plants by efficient co-transformation of a cointegrate vector T-DNA and a binary vector T-DNA in one Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain
Q46236187Generation of stable 'low phytic acid' transgenic rice through antisense repression of the 1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate synthase gene (RINO1) using the 18-kDa oleosin promoter
Q36944508Generation of transgenic rice with reduced content of major and novel high molecular weight allergens.
Q90189530Genetic and Global Epigenetic Modification, Which Determines the Phenotype of Transgenic Rice?
Q53923913Genetic manipulation of gibberellin metabolism in transgenic rice.
Q94450748Genome-wide analysis of Jatropha curcas MADS-box gene family and functional characterization of the JcMADS40 gene in transgenic rice
Q33528148Genome-wide gene responses in a transgenic rice line carrying the maize resistance gene Rxo1 to the rice bacterial streak pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola.
Q91734367Genome-wide identification and expression profile of HD-ZIP genes in physic nut and functional analysis of the JcHDZ16 gene in transgenic rice
Q44385239Glufosinate ammonium-induced pathogen inhibition and defense responses culminate in disease protection in bar-transgenic rice
Q40217465Good manufacturing practices production of a purification-free oral cholera vaccine expressed in transgenic rice plants
Q104476071Grains of Wisdom: Transgenic Rice for Oral Allergen Immunotherapy in Japanese Cedar Pollen-Allergic Patients
Q45360696Hairpin RNA derived from the gene for Pns9, a viroplasm matrix protein of Rice gall dwarf virus, confers strong resistance to virus infection in transgenic rice plants
Q54380277Heat-inducible Cre-lox system for marker excision in transgenic rice.
Q101040584Hepatic Steatosis Alleviated in Diabetic Mice upon Dietary Exposure to Fibroin via Transgenic Rice: Potential STAMP2 Involvement in Hepatocytes
Q46487640Herbicidal and antioxidant responses of transgenic rice overexpressing Myxococcus xanthus protoporphyrinogen oxidase
Q36677836Herbicide resistance of transgenic rice plants expressing human CYP1A1.
Q40131502Herbicide-induced anthocyanin accumulation in transgenic rice by expression of rice OSB2 under the control of rice CYP72A21 promoter.
Q101570751Heterologous expression of heat stress-responsive AtPLC9 confers heat tolerance in transgenic rice
Q79798145High accumulation of bioactive peptide in transgenic rice seeds by expression of introduced multiple genes
Q28731233High level expression of Acidothermus cellulolyticus β-1, 4-endoglucanase in transgenic rice enhances the hydrolysis of its straw by cultured cow gastric fluid
Q73285473High level of expression of recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor in transgenic rice cell suspension culture
Q77910092High-level expression of maize phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in transgenic rice plants
Q54394986High-level expression of modified gene encoding human adiponectin in transgenic rice.
Q44117901High-level production of lactostatin, a hypocholesterolemic peptide, in transgenic rice using soybean A1aB1b as carrier
Q53498002High-level production of recombinant trypsin in transgenic rice cell culture through utilization of an alternative carbon source and recycling system.
Q40260194High-level production of yeast (Schwanniomyces occidentalis) phytase in transgenic rice plants by a combination of signal sequence and codon modification of the phytase gene
Q51145971High-level tryptophan accumulation in seeds of transgenic rice and its limited effects on agronomic traits and seed metabolite profile.
Q92933348High-throughput phenotypic screening of random genomic fragments in transgenic rice identified novel drought tolerance genes
Q93196370High-throughput sequencing analysis of microbial community diversity in response to indica and japonica bar-transgenic rice paddy soils
Q43168719Higher-level accumulation of foreign gene products in transgenic rice seeds by the callus-specific selection system.
Q46750295Highly effective expression of glutamine synthetase genes GS1 and GS2 in transgenic rice plants increases nitrogen-deficiency tolerance.
Q33794428Highly phosphorylated functionalized rice starch produced by transgenic rice expressing the potato GWD1 gene
Q44461101Histochemical analysis of CaMV 35S promoter-beta-glucuronidase gene expression in transgenic rice plants
Q54267158Homologous expression of cytosolic dehydroascorbate reductase increases grain yield and biomass under paddy field conditions in transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L. japonica).
Q50485458Homologous expression of γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase increases grain yield and tolerance of transgenic rice plants to environmental stresses.
Q35062230Hydrogen peroxide regulated photosynthesis in C4-pepc transgenic rice
Q96644849Hypotensive Activity of Transgenic Rice Seed Accumulating Multiple Antihypertensive Peptides
Q35955067Identification and evaluation of ω-3 fatty acid desaturase genes for hyperfortifying α-linolenic acid in transgenic rice seed
Q55111812Identification of Rice Genes Associated With Enhanced Cold Tolerance by Comparative Transcriptome Analysis With Two Transgenic Rice Plants Overexpressing DaCBF4 or DaCBF7, Isolated From Antarctic Flowering Plant Deschampsia antarctica.
Q90025883Identification of sugar response complex in the metallothionein OsMT2b gene promoter for enhancement of foreign protein production in transgenic rice
Q45356559Immunogenicity of a neutralizing epitope from porcine epidemic diarrhea virus: M cell targeting ligand fusion protein expressed in transgenic rice calli
Q98776179Immunological and Symptomatic Effects of Oral Intake of Transgenic Rice Containing 7 Linked Major T-Cell Epitopes from Japanese Cedar Pollen Allergens
Q47105279Impacts of elevated CO2 on exogenous Bacillus thuringiensis toxins and transgene expression in transgenic rice under different levels of nitrogen
Q54596222Improved Agrobacterium-mediated co-transformation and selectable marker elimination in transgenic rice by using a high copy number pBin19-derived binary vector.
Q47694822Improved short-term drought response of transgenic rice over-expressing maize C4 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase via calcium signal cascade
Q46363172Improved stress tolerance and productivity in transgenic rice plants constitutively expressing the Oryza sativa glutathione synthetase OsGS under paddy field conditions
Q81394387Improvement of human lysozyme expression in transgenic rice grain by combining wheat (Triticum aestivum) puroindoline b and rice (Oryza sativa) Gt1 promoters and signal peptides
Q39967052Improvement of recombinant hGM-CSF production by suppression of cysteine proteinase gene expression using RNA interference in a transgenic rice culture
Q74314504In Planta visual monitoring of green fluorescent protein in transgenic rice plants
Q28188360In vivo evidence that Ids3 from Hordeum vulgare encodes a dioxygenase that converts 2'-deoxymugineic acid to mugineic acid in transgenic rice
Q80018985Increased Rubisco content in transgenic rice transformed with the 'sense' rbcS gene
Q52573984Increased baculovirus susceptibility of armyworm larvae feeding on transgenic rice plants expressing an entomopoxvirus gene.
Q43965238Increased nitrogen-use efficiency in transgenic rice plants over-expressing a nitrogen-responsive early nodulin gene identified from rice expression profiling
Q84522831Increased α-tocotrienol content in seeds of transgenic rice overexpressing Arabidopsis γ-tocopherol methyltransferase
Q52681130Indicated detection of two unapproved transgenic rice lines contaminating vermicelli products.
Q45959204Induced tyramine overproduction in transgenic rice plants expressing a rice tyrosine decarboxylase under the control of methanol-inducible rice tryptophan decarboxylase promoter.
Q54374964Inducibility of three salinity/abscisic acid-regulated promoters in transgenic rice with gusA reporter gene.
Q42005934Inducible expression of a fusion gene encoding two proteinase inhibitors leads to insect and pathogen resistance in transgenic rice
Q44644816Induction of H2O2 in transgenic rice leads to cell death and enhanced resistance to both bacterial and fungal pathogens
Q52777588Influence of transgenic rice expressing a fused Cry1Ab/1Ac protein on frogs in paddy fields.
Q118404848Inheritance and Expression of Potato Proteinase Inhibitor Gene II (pinII) in Transgenic Rice
Q78971193Inheritance and expression of the cry1Ab gene in Bt ( Bacillus thuringiensis) transgenic rice
Q72568681Inheritance of gusA and neo genes in transgenic rice
Q84212114Inhibition of allergen-induced airway inflammation by low-dose oral immunotherapy with transgenic rice seeds independently of immunoglobulin e synthesis
Q83453019Innate factors causing differences in gene flow frequency from transgenic rice to different weedy rice biotypes
Q64889525Inoculation With Piriformospora indica Is More Efficient in Wild-Type Rice Than in Transgenic Rice Over-Expressing the Vacuolar H+-PPase.
Q50096529Integration and expression of Xa21 in transgenic rice CX8621
Q84523243Intercellular production of tamavidin 1, a biotin-binding protein from Tamogitake mushroom, confers resistance to the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae in transgenic rice
Q38488675Investigation of possible horizontal gene transfer from transgenic rice to soil microorganisms in paddy rice field.
Q34556654Iron accumulation does not parallel the high expression level of ferritin in transgenic rice seeds
Q44144492Isolation and purification of recombinant human lactoferrin (rhLF) from transgenic rice and its antibacterial activities
Q47379039Isolation of five rice nonendosperm tissue-expressed promoters and evaluation of their activities in transgenic rice
Q39608778Isolation of the endosperm-specific LPAAT gene promoter from coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) and its functional analysis in transgenic rice plants
Q120523431Issues of Transgenic Rice Industrialization
Q37681146JcDREB2, a Physic Nut AP2/ERF Gene, Alters Plant Growth and Salinity Stress Responses in Transgenic Rice
Q27675333Large-scale production of functional human serum albumin from transgenic rice seeds
Q118406352Lethal and Sub-Lethal Effects of Transgenic Rice Containing cry1Ac and CpTI Genes on the Pink Stem Borer
Q48113862Light-regulated and cell-specific expression of tomato rbcS-gusA and rice rbcS-gusA fusion genes in transgenic rice
Q92618641Limited effect of planting transgenic rice on the soil microbiome studied by continuous 13CO2 labeling combined with high-throughput sequencing
Q34345866Limited fitness advantages of crop-weed hybrid progeny containing insect-resistant transgenes (Bt/CpTI) in transgenic rice field
Q57523106Linear transgene constructs lacking vector backbone sequences generate transgenic rice plants which accumulate higher levels of proteins conferring insect resistance
Q46872783Long-term toxicity study on transgenic rice with Cry1Ac and sck genes
Q52181093Longevity of 5-azacytidine-mediated gene expression and re-establishment of silencing in transgenic rice.
Q40263958M cell-targeting ligand and consensus dengue virus envelope protein domain III fusion protein production in transgenic rice calli
Q90976349Maize WRKY114 gene negatively regulates salt-stress tolerance in transgenic rice
Q41991967Marker-free transgenic rice expressing the vegetative insecticidal protein (Vip) of Bacillus thuringiensis shows broad insecticidal properties
Q90859367Marker-free transgenic rice plant overexpressing pea LecRLK imparts salinity tolerance by inhibiting sodium accumulation
Q38489348Matrix attachment region from the chicken lysozyme locus reduces variability in transgene expression and confers copy number-dependence in transgenic rice plants
Q57523285Matrix attachment regions increase transgene expression levels and stability in transgenic rice plants and their progeny
Q53374553Melatonin promotes seminal root elongation and root growth in transgenic rice after germination.
Q44295783Melatonin-rich transgenic rice plants exhibit resistance to herbicide-induced oxidative stress
Q44913970Metabolic profiling based on LC/MS to evaluate unintended effects of transgenic rice with cry1Ac and sck genes.
Q46114041Metabolic profiling of transgenic rice with cryIAc and sck genes: an evaluation of unintended effects at metabolic level by using GC-FID and GC-MS.
Q114867821Metabolome Comparison of Transgenic and Non-transgenic Rice by Statistical Analysis of FTIR and NMR Spectra
Q83415000Metabolome analysis of photosynthesis and the related primary metabolites in the leaves of transgenic rice plants with increased or decreased Rubisco content
Q30900245Metabolomic changes in grains of well-watered and drought-stressed transgenic rice
Q38313858Microarray analysis of genes differentially expressed in melatonin-rich transgenic rice expressing a sheep serotonin N-acetyltransferase
Q38631243Microarray dataset of transgenic rice overexpressing Abp57.
Q53179945Modified accumulation of selected heavy metals in Bt transgenic rice.
Q36449429Modulation of the polyamine biosynthetic pathway in transgenic rice confers tolerance to drought stress
Q60476802Molecular analysis and quantitative detection of a transgenic rice line expressing a bifunctional fusion TPSP
Q52183756Molecular analysis of transgenic rice.
Q86615622Molecular and genetic characterization of elite transgenic rice plants produced by electric-discharge particle acceleration
Q54779680Molecular breeding of transgenic rice expressing a xylanase domain of the xynA gene from Clostridium thermocellum.
Q34055587Molecular breeding of transgenic rice plants expressing a bacterial chlorocatechol dioxygenase gene
Q57523295Molecular characterization of transforming plasmid rearrangements in transgenic rice reveals a recombination hotspot in the CaMV 35S promoter and confirms the predominance of microhomology mediated recombination
Q38058462Molecular strategies to engineer transgenic rice seed compartments for large-scale production of plant-made pharmaceuticals
Q35942345Monitoring the efficacy of mutated Allium sativum leaf lectin in transgenic rice against Rhizoctonia solani
Q50905697Morphology and photosynthetic enzyme activity of maize phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase transgenic rice.
Q37855753Mucosal immunity in mice induced by orally administered transgenic rice
Q43939926Multiplex event-specific qualitative polymerase chain reaction for detecting three transgenic rice lines and application of a standard plasmid as a quantitative reference molecule
Q58091852N-glycan Remodeling Using Mannosidase Inhibitors to Increase High-mannose Glycans on Acid α-Glucosidase in Transgenic Rice Cell Cultures
Q31137260N-linked glycan structures of human lactoferrin produced by transgenic rice
Q58595432NGS sequencing reveals that many of the genetic variations in transgenic rice plants match the variations found in natural rice population
Q85091154Native polyubiquitin promoter of rice provides increased constitutive expression in stable transgenic rice plants
Q64100225No Effect of Bt-transgenic Rice on the Tritrophic Interaction of the Stored Rice, the Maize Weevil Sitophilus Zeamais and the Parasitoid Wasp Theocolax elegans
Q52858399No effect of Bt-transgenic rice litter on the meiobenthos community in field ditches.
Q72905716Non-systemic expression of a stress-responsive maize polyubiquitin gene (Ubi-1) in transgenic rice plants
Q34273856Non-uniform distribution pattern for differentially expressed genes of transgenic rice Huahui 1 at different developmental stages and environments
Q48082980Novel transgenic rice overexpressing anthocyanidin synthase accumulates a mixture of flavonoids leading to an increased antioxidant potential
Q38229883Novel transgenic rice-based vaccines
Q118403487Observation of the Sexual Incompatibility Between Wild Rice(Oryza officinalis Wall) and Transgenic Rice by Fluorescence Microscope
Q111506169Obtainment of OsCatC Overexpressing Transgenic Rice and Analysis of Its Mechanism Underlying Salt Tolerance
Q34296919Occurrence and ecological consequences of transgenic rice gene flow: a review
Q120523569On the Strategic Implementation of Intellectual Property Rights in China’s Industrialization of Transgenic Rice
Q91723871Oral Immunotherapy for Allergic Conjunctivitis Using Transgenic Rice Expressing Hypoallergenic Antigens
Q40091210Oral immunisation of mice with transgenic rice calli expressing cholera toxin B subunit fused to consensus dengue cEDIII antigen induces antibodies to all four dengue serotypes
Q45403033Oral immunization with transgenic rice seeds expressing VP2 protein of infectious bursal disease virus induces protective immune responses in chickens
Q43521889Oral immunogenicity and protective efficacy in mice of transgenic rice plants producing a vaccine candidate antigen (As16) of Ascaris suum fused with cholera toxin B subunit
Q38109791Oral immunotherapy for allergic diseases using transgenic rice seeds: current state and future prospects
Q43560444Oral immunotherapy with transgenic rice seed containing destructed Japanese cedar pollen allergens, Cry j 1 and Cry j 2, against Japanese cedar pollinosis
Q54199140Oryzacystatin exogenously introduced into protoplasts and regeneration of transgenic rice.
Q51145038OsDSSR1, a novel small peptide, enhances drought tolerance in transgenic rice.
Q34628613OsSDIR1 overexpression greatly improves drought tolerance in transgenic rice
Q37532970OsSGL, a Novel DUF1645 Domain-Containing Protein, Confers Enhanced Drought Tolerance in Transgenic Rice and Arabidopsis.
Q42854891OsSUV3 transgenic rice maintains higher endogenous levels of plant hormones that mitigates adverse effects of salinity and sustains crop productivity
Q50652969OsiSAP1 overexpression improves water-deficit stress tolerance in transgenic rice by affecting expression of endogenous stress-related genes.
Q42290899Over-Expression of OsHOX24 Confers Enhanced Susceptibility to Abiotic Stresses in Transgenic Rice via Modulating Stress-Responsive Gene Expression
Q50517632Over-expression in the nucleotide-binding site-leucine rich repeat gene DEPG1 increases susceptibility to bacterial leaf streak disease in transgenic rice plants.
Q37361972Over-expression of Arabidopsis thaliana SFD1/GLY1, the gene encoding plastid localized glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, increases plastidic lipid content in transgenic rice plants
Q34179795Over-expression of BvMTSH, a fusion gene for maltooligosyltrehalose synthase and maltooligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase, enhances drought tolerance in transgenic rice
Q39106575Over-expression of OSRIP18 increases drought and salt tolerance in transgenic rice plants
Q34049236Over-expression of OsHsfA7 enhanced salt and drought tolerance in transgenic rice
Q48212887Over-expression of a barley aquaporin increased the shoot/root ratio and raised salt sensitivity in transgenic rice plants.
Q43781889Over-expression of a cDNA for human ornithine decarboxylase in transgenic rice plants alters the polyamine pool in a tissue-specific manner
Q50616795Over-expression of a glutamate dehydrogenase gene, MgGDH, from Magnaporthe grisea confers tolerance to dehydration stress in transgenic rice.
Q57523376Over-expression of the oat arginine decarboxylase cDNA in transgenic rice ( Oryza sativa L.) affects normal development patterns in vitro and results in putrescine accumulation in transgenic plants
Q113899204Overexpression of AtMYB115 gene in transgenic rice exhibits increased early regeneration and results in dwarf phenotype
Q33340198Overexpression of OsRAA1 causes pleiotropic phenotypes in transgenic rice plants, including altered leaf, flower, and root development and root response to gravity
Q101469924Overexpression of OsRLCK241 confers enhanced salt and drought tolerance in transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Q84564542Overexpression of OsRab7B3, a small GTP-binding protein gene, enhances leaf senescence in transgenic rice
Q51018212Overexpression of SBPase enhances photosynthesis against high temperature stress in transgenic rice plants.
Q64226740Overexpression of a MYB Family Gene, , Increases Drought and Salinity Stress Tolerance in Transgenic Rice
Q38942005Overexpression of a NF-YC transcription factor from bermudagrass confers tolerance to drought and salinity in transgenic rice
Q43016872Overexpression of a protein disulfide isomerase-like protein from Methanothermobacter thermoautotrophicum enhances mercury tolerance in transgenic rice
Q39445520Overexpression of an Arabidopsis thaliana galactinol synthase gene improves drought tolerance in transgenic rice and increased grain yield in the field
Q87108584Overexpression of an endo-1,4-β-glucanase V gene (EGV) from Trichoderma reesei leads to the accumulation of cellulase activity in transgenic rice
Q36352004Overexpression of cold-inducible wheat galactinol synthase confers tolerance to chilling stress in transgenic rice
Q73642076Overexpression of rice OSH genes induces ectopic shoots on leaf sheaths of transgenic rice plants
Q47842808Overexpression of rice serotonin N-acetyltransferase 1 in transgenic rice plants confers resistance to cadmium and senescence and increases grain yield.
Q97599349Overexpression of sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase enhances photosynthesis and growth under salt stress in transgenic rice plants
Q47414111Overexpression of the barley aquaporin HvPIP2;1 increases internal CO(2) conductance and CO(2) assimilation in the leaves of transgenic rice plants.
Q57523208Overexpression of the calcium-dependent protein kinase OsCDPK2 in transgenic rice is repressed by light in leaves and disrupts seed development
Q34531267Overexpression of the wasabi defensin gene confers enhanced resistance to blast fungus ( Magnaporthe grisea) in transgenic rice
Q34589010Overproduction of C4 photosynthetic enzymes in transgenic rice plants: an approach to introduce the C4-like photosynthetic pathway into rice
Q60913024Overproduction of native endo-β-1,4-glucanases leads to largely enhanced biomass saccharification and bioethanol production by specific modification of cellulose features in transgenic rice
Q46621651PDH45 transgenic rice maintain cell viability through lower accumulation of Na(+), ROS and calcium homeostasis in roots under salinity stress.
Q40571564Pathogen resistance of transgenic rice plants expressing mitogen-activated protein kinase 1, MK1, from Capsicum annuum.
Q48120886Pathogen-induced production of the antifungal AFP protein from Aspergillus giganteus confers resistance to the blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea in transgenic rice
Q98226919PeSNAC-1, a NAC transcription factor from moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) confers tolerance to salinity and drought stress in transgenic rice
Q120626205Performance Evaluation of Social Regulations for Application of Transgenic Rice Technology
Q96229750Performance of hybrids between abiotic stress-tolerant transgenic rice and its weedy relatives under water-stressed conditions
Q33519692Performance of hybrids between weedy rice and insect-resistant transgenic rice under field experiments: implication for environmental biosafety assessment
Q81718195Pesticide results help China edge transgenic rice towards market
Q96614159PheASR2, a novel stress-responsive transcription factor from moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis), enhances drought tolerance in transgenic rice via increased sensitivity to abscisic acid
Q115241274Phenotypic and transcriptomic analysis reveals early stress responses in transgenic rice expressing Arabidopsis DREB1a
Q51143885Phloem transport capacity of transgenic rice T1c-19 (Cry1C*) under several potassium fertilizer levels.
Q39184937Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase regulation in C4-PEPC-expressing transgenic rice during early responses to drought stress
Q34000138Photosynthesis, plant growth and N allocation in transgenic rice plants with decreased Rubisco under CO2 enrichment
Q118405500Photosynthetic Characteristics of Transgenic Rice with PEPC+PPDK Gene
Q81358578Photosynthetic characteristics and tolerance to photo-oxidation of transgenic rice expressing C(4) photosynthesis enzymes
Q111502012Physiological Changes of Transgenic Rice under Drought and Heat Stress
Q111506127Physiological Mechanism on Seed Germination in C4 Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Transgenic Rice (Oryza sativa) by Exogenous Sucrose under Drought Conditions
Q47775088Physiological characteristics of the primitive CO2 concentrating mechanism in PEPC transgenic rice
Q46796323Phytoremediation of metolachlor by transgenic rice plants expressing human CYP2B6.
Q57137833Phytoremediation of the herbicides atrazine and metolachlor by transgenic rice plants expressing human CYP1A1, CYP2B6, and CYP2C19
Q39243196Pigeonpea Hybrid-Proline-Rich Protein (CcHyPRP) Confers Biotic and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Transgenic Rice
Q51626295Plasma membrane localization and potential endocytosis of constitutively expressed XA21 proteins in transgenic rice.
Q90075135Poaceae Type II Galactinol Synthase 2 from Antarctic Flowering Plant Deschampsia antarctica and Rice Improves Cold and Drought Tolerance by Accumulation of Raffinose Family Oligosaccharides in Transgenic Rice Plants
Q121031998Polyphosphate Accelerates Transformation of Nonstructural Carbohydrates to Improve Growth of ppk-Expressing Transgenic Rice in Phosphorus Deficiency Culture
Q42027161Population dynamics of Sesamia inferens on transgenic rice expressing Cry1Ac and CpTI in southern China
Q38345386Porcine lactoferrin expression in transgenic rice and its effects as a feed additive on early weaned piglets
Q39354804Porphyrin biosynthesis control under water stress: sustained porphyrin status correlates with drought tolerance in transgenic rice
Q33235389Potential effects of Bt transgenic rice on soil micro-ecosystem
Q46024183Potential gene flow from transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.) to different weedy rice (Oryza sativa f. spontanea) accessions based on reproductive compatibility.
Q83742158Prevention of allergic asthma by vaccination with transgenic rice seed expressing mite allergen: induction of allergen-specific oral tolerance without bystander suppression
Q86519521Process characterization of hCTLA4Ig production in transgenic rice cell cultures using a 3-L bioreactor
Q38732695Production and Purification of Recombinant Glucocerebrosidase in Transgenic Rice Cell Suspension Cultures
Q53585448Production and characterization of human CTLA4Ig expressed in transgenic rice cell suspension cultures.
Q35981157Production and characterization of recombinant human acid α-glucosidase in transgenic rice cell suspension culture.
Q40663107Production and immunogenicity of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae ApxIIA protein in transgenic rice callus
Q55202102Production of Marker-free Transgenic Rice (Oryza sativa L.) with Improved Nutritive Quality Expressing AmA1.
Q102986383Production of Recombinant Butyrylcholinesterase from Transgenic Rice Cell Suspension Cultures in a Pilot-Scale Bioreactor
Q57523441Production of Transgenic Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Plants from Agronomically Important Indica and Japonica Varieties via Electric Discharge Particle Acceleration of Exogenous DNA into Immature Zygotic Embryos
Q46812155Production of bioactive human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in transgenic rice cell suspension cultures
Q44723225Production of cecropin A in transgenic rice plants has an impact on host gene expression
Q44879737Production of coumaroylserotonin and feruloylserotonin in transgenic rice expressing pepper hydroxycinnamoyl-coenzyme A:serotonin N-(hydroxycinnamoyl)transferase
Q44086532Production of functional human vascular endothelial growth factor(165) in transgenic rice cell suspension cultures
Q53295186Production of functional recombinant bovine trypsin in transgenic rice cell suspension cultures
Q91473045Production of functional recombinant cyclic citrullinated peptide monoclonal antibody in transgenic rice cell suspension culture
Q50479181Production of green fluorescent protein in transgenic rice seeds.
Q40414117Production of human alpha-1-antitrypsin from transgenic rice cell culture in a membrane bioreactor
Q82637579Production of human growth hormone in transgenic rice seeds: co-introduction of RNA interference cassette for suppressing the gene expression of endogenous storage proteins
Q44995948Production of lupin acid phosphatase in transgenic rice for use as a phytate-hydrolyzing enzyme in animal feed.
Q42277175Production of marker-free and RSV-resistant transgenic rice using a twin T-DNA system and RNAi
Q42020528Production of marker-free transgenic rice expressing tissue-specific Bt gene
Q39435951Production of mouse granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor by gateway technology and transgenic rice cell culture
Q35649199Production of oleanane-type sapogenin in transgenic rice via expression of β-amyrin synthase gene from Panax japonicus C. A. Mey.
Q52183758Production of transgenic rice (Oryza sativa subspecies japonica cv. Taipei 309).
Q45366920Production of transgenic rice new germplasm with strong resistance against two isolations of Rice stripe virus by RNA interference
Q35555199Production of transgenic rice with agronomically useful genes: an assessment
Q44834346Production of two highly active bacterial phytases with broad pH optima in germinated transgenic rice seeds
Q118402199Prodution of Herbicide resistant Transgenic Rice Plants from Immature Embryos Using Biolistic Method
Q89649394Profiles of plant core-fucosylated N-glycans of acid alpha-glucosidases produced in transgenic rice cell suspension cultures treated with eight different conditions
Q52216333Promoter elements required for developmental expression of the maize Adh1 gene in transgenic rice.
Q52167651Promoter strength influences polyamine metabolism and morphogenic capacity in transgenic rice tissues expressing the oat adc cDNA constitutively.
Q53606516Promotion of photosynthesis in transgenic rice over-expressing of maize C4 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase gene by nitric oxide donors.
Q43743537Prophylactic effect of the oral administration of transgenic rice seeds containing altered peptide ligands of type II collagen on rheumatoid arthritis.
Q37847548Protective efficacy against Chlamydophila psittaci by oral immunization based on transgenic rice expressing MOMP in mice
Q92003040Proteo-metabolomic investigation of transgenic rice unravels metabolic alterations and accumulation of novel proteins potentially involved in defence against Rhizoctonia solani
Q99212037Proteomic analysis of the seeds of transgenic rice lines and the corresponding nongenetically modified isogenic variety
Q38475497Proteomic identification of an embryo-specific 1Cys-Prx promoter and analysis of its activity in transgenic rice.
Q119447070Public-private partnerships in commercialization of biotechnology:the case of transgenic rice in China
Q50143670Purification, Characterization, and N-glycosylation of Recombinant Butyrylcholinesterase from Transgenic Rice Cell Suspension Cultures.
Q77229844Quality and safety evaluation of genetically engineered rice with soybean glycinin: analyses of the grain composition and digestibility of glycinin in transgenic rice
Q37859661Quick testing-technology of transgenic rice with npt- screen marker gene
Q41987627RNA interference knockdown of aminopeptidase N genes decrease the susceptibility of Chilo suppressalis larvae to Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac and Cry1Ca-expressing transgenic rice
Q87390694RNA silencing is induced by the expression of foreign recombinant products in transgenic rice
Q43416180RNA silencing suppressor Pns11 of rice gall dwarf virus induces virus-like symptoms in transgenic rice
Q40430479RNAi-mediated resistance to rice black-streaked dwarf virus in transgenic rice
Q122691469Rapid Generation of Selectable Marker-Free Transgenic Rice with Three Target Genes by Co-Transformation and Anther Culture
Q81471593Rearrangements of large-insert T-DNAs in transgenic rice
Q79385363Recent advances in rice biotechnology--towards genetically superior transgenic rice
Q30389466Recent advances in the dissection of drought-stress regulatory networks and strategies for development of drought-tolerant transgenic rice plants
Q79430539Reciprocal control of flowering time by OsSOC1 in transgenic Arabidopsis and by FLC in transgenic rice
Q40483906Recombinant protein expression plasmids optimized for industrial E. coli fermentation and plant systems produce biologically active human insulin-like growth factor-1 in transgenic rice and tobacco plants
Q71420836Reduction of 14-16 kDa allergenic proteins in transgenic rice plants by antisense gene
Q111501554Reduction of Amylose Contents in Transgenic Rice with Different Copies of Anti-Waxy Gene
Q42108893Regeneration of Transgenic Rice with Bacterial ipt Gene Driven by Senescence Specific (SAG12) Promoter by Particle Bombardment
Q54260182Regeneration of herbicide resistant transgenic rice plants following microprojectile-mediated transformation of suspension culture cells.
Q111499573Regeneration of transgenic rice plants after trans-formation of a bacterial blight resistance gene Xa21 by using Agrobacterium-mediated system
Q52104689Regulation of expansin gene expression affects growth and development in transgenic rice plants.
Q35036358Relationship between disease resistance and rice oxalate oxidases in transgenic rice
Q66794692Research and Development of Highly Insert-resistant Transgenic Rice
Q118405606Resistance of cry1Ac + SCK Transgenic Rice and Its Filial Generation to the Rice Leaf Roller Cnaphalocrocis medinalis
Q111347929Resistance of transgenic rice events (rbcS:cry1Ac) against three lepidopteran rice pests
Q111504050Resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzicola in Transgenic Rice Introduced Flagellin Gene
Q52607100Resistance to green leafhopper (Nephotettix virescens) and brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) in transgenic rice expressing snowdrop lectin (Galanthus nivalis agglutinin; GNA).
Q111502241Response of Antioxidant System to Drought and Heat Stress in Transgenic Rice Roots Carrying GST and CAT1
Q118412847Response of Receptor-Like Protein Kinase Gene SiRLK35 of Foxtail Millet to Salt in Heterologous Transgenic Rice
Q82987239Response of transgenic rice at germination and early seedling growth under salt stress
Q45740191Ribozyme-mediated resistance to rice dwarf virus and the transgene silencing in the progeny of transgenic rice plants
Q43879371Rice alpha-amylase transcriptional enhancers direct multiple mode regulation of promoters in transgenic rice
Q48038713Rice oxalate oxidase gene driven by green tissue-specific promoter increases tolerance to sheath blight pathogen (Rhizoctonia solani) in transgenic rice
Q120524839Risk Assessment of Transgenic Rice in China from the Ethical Perspective
Q120464568Risk Communication of Controversial S&T Decision-making ——Taking Security Certificate of Transgenic Rice in China for Example
Q88993199Roles of a maize phytochrome-interacting factors protein ZmPIF3 in regulation of drought stress responses by controlling stomatal closure in transgenic rice without yield penalty
Q46138651Rubisco content and photosynthesis of leaves at different positions in transgenic rice with an overexpression of RBCS.
Q36304439SP-LL-37, human antimicrobial peptide, enhances disease resistance in transgenic rice
Q41994821Safety assessment of lepidopteran insect-protected transgenic rice with cry2A* gene
Q111501097Salt Resistance of Transgenic Rice Seedlings with Transformed BADH gene
Q35321440Salt tolerant SUV3 overexpressing transgenic rice plants conserve physicochemical properties and microbial communities of rhizosphere
Q42021099Screen of Bacillus thuringiensis toxins for transgenic rice to control Sesamia inferens and Chilo suppressalis
Q118407967Screening and Identification of Susceptibility and Fertility Related Mutants from Transgenic Rice IRBB13 (P:GFP)
Q35917577Seasonal Variability in Spider Assemblages in Traditional and Transgenic Rice Fields
Q42014521Seasonal expression of Bt proteins in transgenic rice lines and the resistance against Asiatic rice borer Chilo suppressalis (Walker).
Q87416909Secretory type of recombinant thioredoxin h induces ER stress in endosperm cells of transgenic rice
Q40137435Seed Metabolome Analysis of a Transgenic Rice Line Expressing Cholera Toxin B-subunit
Q43168581Selectable antibiotic resistance marker gene-free transgenic rice harbouring the garlic leaf lectin gene exhibits resistance to sap-sucking planthoppers
Q56639347Selection of Transgenic Rice Plants Using a Herbicide Tolerant Form of the Acetolactate Synthase Gene
Q36747041Semicontinuous Bioreactor Production of Recombinant Butyrylcholinesterase in Transgenic Rice Cell Suspension Cultures
Q73093143Ser162-Dependent inactivation of overproduced sucrose-phosphate synthase protein of maize leaf in transgenic rice plants
Q34148641Serotonin accumulation in transgenic rice by over-expressing tryptophan decarboxylase results in a dark brown phenotype and stunted growth
Q39102808Shared flowering phenology, insect pests, and pathogens among wild, weedy, and cultivated rice in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: implications for transgenic rice.
Q97067723SiMYB56 Confers Drought Stress Tolerance in Transgenic Rice by Regulating Lignin Biosynthesis and ABA Signaling Pathway
Q45391725Silencing by RNAi of the gene for Pns12, a viroplasm matrix protein of Rice dwarf virus, results in strong resistance of transgenic rice plants to the virus
Q74653317Silencing of an aleurone-specific gene in transgenic rice is caused by a rearranged transgene
Q51576353Silencing of the aleurone-specific Ltp2-gus gene in transgenic rice is reversed by transgene rearrangements and loss of aberrant transcripts.
Q73325362Simultaneous reduction of the activity of two related enzymes, involved in early steps of the polyamine biosynthetic pathway, by a single antisense cDNA in transgenic rice
Q77984072Single-step transformation for generating marker-free transgenic rice using the ipt-type MAT vector system
Q51297576Site-specific DNA excision in transgenic rice with a cell-permeable cre recombinase.
Q41572408Small subunit of a cold-resistant plant, Timothy, does not significantly alter the catalytic properties of Rubisco in transgenic rice
Q46682954Spatial and temporal activity of upstream regulatory regions of rice anther-specific genes in transgenic rice and Arabidopsis
Q81114356Spatial and temporal expression of endosperm transfer cell-specific promoters in transgenic rice and barley
Q57805287Specific region affects the difference in accumulation levels between apple food allergen Mal d 1 and birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 which are expressed in vegetative tissues of transgenic rice
Q46604982Specific roles of tocopherols and tocotrienols in seed longevity and germination tolerance to abiotic stress in transgenic rice
Q39349748Spermine facilitates recovery from drought but does not confer drought tolerance in transgenic rice plants expressing Datura stramonium S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase
Q50134297Spontaneous pepsin C-catalyzed activation of human pepsinogen C in transgenic rice cell suspension culture: Production and characterization of human pepsin C.
Q73157531Stable inheritance of the antisense Waxy gene in transgenic rice with reduced amylose level and improved quality
Q72270661State of the foreign gene and of the genome in transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Q45353720Strong resistance against Rice grassy stunt virus is induced in transgenic rice plants expressing double-stranded RNA of the viral genes for nucleocapsid or movement proteins as targets for RNA interference
Q118404028Structure Characteristics of Stomata in Leaves and Vascular Bundles in Culms of Transgenic Rice Expressing C4 Photosynthesis Enzymes
Q118401236Studies on Rapid Quantitative Analysis of Bt Toxin by Using Envirologix Kits in Transgenic Rice
Q98402614Studies on the Solution Conformations of Bt Toxic CryⅠ Ab Expressed by Bt Transgenic Rice
Q118405036Study of the Protective Effects in PEPC Transgenic Rice
Q111439867Study of the effects of transgenic rice to the rhizosphere microorganisms in the Plant Breeding Base of Hainan,China
Q118405067Study on Mutagenicity of Transgenic Rice Flour with a Synthetic cry1Ab Gene from Bacillus thuringiensis
Q101036202Study on antisenescence characteristics of transgenic rice (PSAG12-ipt)
Q120748048Study on the Controversy of Transgenic Rice Industrialization in China——Based on the Quantitative Statistical Analysis of the Network Controversial Texts of Core Groups
Q38820213Subchronic feeding study of high-free-lysine transgenic rice in Sprague-Dawley rats
Q45196520Subchronic toxicity test of transgenic rice
Q47864731Successful detection of foreign inserts in transgenic rice TT51-1 (BT63) by RNA-sequencing combined with PCR.
Q90632586Sucrose Synthase Enhances Hull Size and Grain Weight by Regulating Cell Division and Starch Accumulation in Transgenic Rice
Q88139743Suppression of GPI-induced arthritis by oral administration of transgenic rice seeds expressing altered peptide ligands
Q88206346Suppression of collagen-induced arthritis by oral administration of transgenic rice seeds expressing altered peptide ligands of type II collagen
Q51563306Suppression of glucose-6-phosphate-isomerase induced arthritis by oral administration of transgenic rice seeds expressing altered peptide ligands of glucose-6-phosphate-isomerase.
Q39339069Supra-optimal expression of the cold-regulated OsMyb4 transcription factor in transgenic rice changes the complexity of transcriptional network with major effects on stress tolerance and panicle development
Q72862353Systemic induction of a potato pin2 promoter by wounding, methyl jasmonate, and abscisic acid in transgenic rice plants
Q92022238T-cell activation by transgenic rice seeds expressing the genetically modified Japanese cedar pollen allergens
Q38489503TM2, a novel strong matrix attachment region isolated from tobacco, increases transgene expression in transgenic rice calli and plants.
Q37069195TaCPK2-A, a calcium-dependent protein kinase gene that is required for wheat powdery mildew resistance enhances bacterial blight resistance in transgenic rice
Q39061508TaSRG, a wheat transcription factor, significantly affects salt tolerance in transgenic rice and Arabidopsis
Q38064259Taking transgenic rice drought screening to the field
Q91383666Tapetum-specific expression of theOsg6B promoter-β-glucuronidase gene in transgenic rice
Q96768031Techno-economic analysis of semicontinuous bioreactor production of biopharmaceuticals in transgenic rice cell suspension cultures
Q81097427Temperature response of photosynthesis in transgenic rice transformed with 'sense' or 'antisense' rbcS
Q47654718ThPP1 gene, encodes an inorganic pyrophosphatase in Thellungiella halophila, enhanced the tolerance of the transgenic rice to alkali stress
Q43894215The 3'-untranslated region of rice glutelin GluB-1 affects accumulation of heterologous protein in transgenic rice
Q39375043The Arabidopsis AtNPR1 inversely modulates defense responses against fungal, bacterial, or viral pathogens while conferring hypersensitivity to abiotic stresses in transgenic rice
Q55036078The Bean Seed Storage Protein [beta]-Phaseolin Is Synthesized, Processed, and Accumulated in the Vacuolar Type-II Protein Bodies of Transgenic Rice Endosperm.
Q118401390The Effect of Bt Transgenic Rice Flour on the Development of Silkworm Larvae and the Sub-micro-structure of Its Midgut
Q47779626The GCN4 motif in a rice glutelin gene is essential for endosperm-specific gene expression and is activated by Opaque-2 in transgenic rice plants
Q50582233The LP2 leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase gene promoter directs organ-specific, light-responsive expression in transgenic rice.
Q80286728The Triticum aestivum non-specific lipid transfer protein (TaLtp) gene family: comparative promoter activity of six TaLtp genes in transgenic rice
Q50437667The activities of four constitutively expressed promoters in single-copy transgenic rice plants for two homozygous generations
Q46629824The fate of fusion Cry1Ab/1Ac proteins from Bt-transgenic rice in soil and water
Q37922059The first approved transgenic rice in China
Q46569526The hypocholesterolemic activity of transgenic rice seed accumulating lactostatin, a bioactive peptide derived from bovine milk β-lactoglobulin
Q45742988The maize streak virus coat protein transcription unit exhibits tissue-specific expression in transgenic rice
Q91344603The midgut V-ATPase subunit A gene is associated with toxicity to crystal 2Aa and crystal 1Ca-expressing transgenic rice in Chilo suppressalis
Q54227034The modified rice αAmy8 promoter confers high-level foreign gene expression in a novel hypoxia-inducible expression system in transgenic rice seedlings.
Q99350054The overexpression of OsACBP5 protects transgenic rice against necrotrophic, hemibiotrophic and biotrophic pathogens
Q48214826The overexpression of insect endogenous small RNAs in transgenic rice inhibits growth and delays pupation of striped stem borer (Chilo suppressalis).
Q92774120The overexpression of rice ACYL-CoA-BINDING PROTEIN2 increases grain size and bran oil content in transgenic rice
Q53699799The pepper Bs4C proteins are localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane and confer disease resistance to bacterial blight in transgenic rice.
Q45308873The promoter for C4-type mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase does not direct bundle sheath-specific expression in transgenic rice plants
Q38306803The promoter of a pine photosynthetic gene allows expression of a beta-glucuronidase reporter gene in transgenic rice plants in a light-independent but tissue-specific manner
Q38902888The promoter of the AlSAP gene from the halophyte grass Aeluropus littoralis directs a stress-inducible expression pattern in transgenic rice plants.
Q48077503The promoter of the barley aleurone-specific gene encoding a putative 7 kDa lipid transfer protein confers aleurone cell-specific expression in transgenic rice
Q44380525The redistribution of protein sulfur in transgenic rice expressing a gene for a foreign, sulfur-rich protein
Q38494342The relationship between homozygous and hemizygous transgene expression levels over generations in populations of transgenic rice plants.
Q48053029The structures of integration sites in transgenic rice
Q89957205The synthesis of strigolactone is affected by endogenous ascorbic acid in transgenic rice for l-galactono-1, 4-lactone dehydrogenase suppressed or overexpressing
Q38394667The trafficking pathway of a wheat storage protein in transgenic rice endosperm
Q111440011The weed community dynamics of direct seeding transgenic rice field under continuous single herbicide treatment
Q115563942Thrips-mediated impacts from transgenic rice expressing Cry1Ab on ecological fitness of non-target predator Orius tantilus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae)
Q43187846Tobacco OPBP1 enhances salt tolerance and disease resistance of transgenic rice
Q86822691Total Soluble Protein Extraction for Improved Proteomic Analysis of Transgenic Rice Plant Roots
Q46626063Toxic tetrapyrrole accumulation in protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase-overexpressing transgenic rice plants
Q57829546Trans-activation and stable integration of the maize transposable element Ds cotransfected with the Ac transposase gene in transgenic rice plants
Q33799860Transcriptional Network Analysis Reveals Drought Resistance Mechanisms of AP2/ERF Transgenic Rice.
Q44872793Transcriptional and post-transcriptional enhancement of gene expression by the 5' UTR intron of rice rubi3 gene in transgenic rice cells
Q46397345Transcriptional silencing and developmental reactivation of cry1Ab gene in transgenic rice
Q92297243Transcriptome analysis reveals potential roles of a barley ASR gene that confers stress tolerance in transgenic rice
Q102217015Transcriptomic and proteomic responses to brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens) in cultivated and Bt-transgenic rice (Oryza sativa) and wild rice (O. rufipogon)
Q36253168Transcriptomic response of wolf spider, Pardosa pseudoannulata, to transgenic rice expressing Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab protein
Q59519651Transformation and characterization of transgenic rice and Cleome spinosa plants carrying the maize phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase genomic DNA
Q118400994Transgene Expression of Mannitol 1 phosphate Dehydrogenase Enhanced the Salt stress Tolerance of the Transgenic Rice Seedlings
Q38494336Transgene behaviour across two generations in a large random population of transgenic rice plants produced by particle bombardment.
Q52608142Transgene stacking and marker elimination in transgenic rice by sequential Agrobacterium-mediated co-transformation with the same selectable marker gene.
Q28550773Transgenic Rice Expressing Ictb and FBP/Sbpase Derived from Cyanobacteria Exhibits Enhanced Photosynthesis and Mesophyll Conductance to CO2
Q42019635Transgenic Rice Plants Expressing a Fused Protein of Cry1Ab/Vip3H Has Resistance to Rice Stem Borers Under Laboratory and Field Conditions
Q28241537Transgenic rice (Oryza sativa) endosperm expressing daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) phytoene synthase accumulates phytoene, a key intermediate of provitamin A biosynthesis
Q82359802Transgenic rice accumulating modified cedar pollen allergen Cry j 2 derivatives
Q80769578Transgenic rice as a novel production system for Melanocarpus and Pycnoporus laccases
Q57523229Transgenic rice as a system to study the stability of transgene expression: multiple heterologous transgenes show similar behaviour in diverse genetic backgrounds
Q47340568Transgenic rice as a vehicle for the production of the industrial enzyme transglutaminase
Q52772246Transgenic rice as bioreactor for production of the Candida antarctica lipase B.
Q41686341Transgenic rice cell lines and plants: expression of transferred chimeric genes
Q46456829Transgenic rice containing human CYP2B6 detoxifies various classes of herbicides
Q38177654Transgenic rice endosperm as a bioreactor for molecular pharming
Q38563972Transgenic rice established to express corn cystatin exhibits strong inhibitory activity against insect gut proteinases
Q33375826Transgenic rice expressing Allium sativum leaf agglutinin (ASAL) exhibits high-level resistance against major sap-sucking pests
Q43169056Transgenic rice expressing Allium sativum leaf lectin with enhanced resistance against sap-sucking insect pests
Q39619733Transgenic rice expressing a cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) plasma membrane gene MePMP3-2 exhibits enhanced tolerance to salt and drought stresses
Q53354099Transgenic rice expressing a codon-modified synthetic CP4-EPSPS confers tolerance to broad-spectrum herbicide, glyphosate.
Q34729795Transgenic rice expressing amyloid β-peptide for oral immunization
Q42235966Transgenic rice expressing rice stripe virus NS3 protein, a suppressor of RNA silencing, shows resistance to rice blast disease
Q41992663Transgenic rice expressing the cry2AX1 gene confers resistance to multiple lepidopteran pests
Q34161259Transgenic rice for allergy immunotherapy
Q45095968Transgenic rice grains expressing a heterologous ρ-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase shift tocopherol synthesis from the γ to the α isoform without increasing absolute tocopherol levels
Q53670740Transgenic rice is a source of iron for iron-depleted rats.
Q79406992Transgenic rice lines expressing maize C1 and R-S regulatory genes produce various flavonoids in the endosperm
Q101240463Transgenic rice overexpressing insect endogenous microRNA csu-novel-260 is resistant to striped stem borer under field conditions
Q79206922Transgenic rice plants ectopically expressing AtBAK1 are semi-dwarfed and hypersensitive to 24-epibrassinolide
Q74180343Transgenic rice plants expressing a Bacillus subtilis protoporphyrinogen oxidase gene are resistant to diphenyl ether herbicide oxyfluorfen
Q42023962Transgenic rice plants expressing a modified cry1Ca1 gene are resistant to Spodoptera litura and Chilo suppressalis
Q33301391Transgenic rice plants expressing a novel antifreeze glycopeptide possess resistance to cold and disease
Q42016230Transgenic rice plants expressing cry1Ia5 gene are resistant to stem borer (Chilo agamemnon).
Q46773791Transgenic rice plants expressing human CYP1A1 remediate the triazine herbicides atrazine and simazine
Q37236821Transgenic rice plants expressing human p450 genes involved in xenobiotic metabolism for phytoremediation
Q53803457Transgenic rice plants expressing synthetic cry2AX1 gene exhibits resistance to rice leaffolder (Cnaphalocrosis medinalis).
Q47436964Transgenic rice plants expressing the antifungal AFP protein from Aspergillus giganteus show enhanced resistance to the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea
Q57523173Transgenic rice plants expressing the ferredoxin-like protein (AP1) from sweet pepper show enhanced resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae
Q50798965Transgenic rice plants expressing the snowdrop lectin gene (gna) exhibit high-level resistance to the whitebacked planthopper (Sogatella furcifera).
Q51121523Transgenic rice plants expressing trichothecene 3-O-acetyltransferase show resistance to the Fusarium phytotoxin deoxynivalenol.
Q47960996Transgenic rice plants harboring an introduced potato proteinase inhibitor II gene are insect resistant
Q53225136Transgenic rice plants harboring the grain hardness-locus region of Aegilops tauschii.
Q54375037Transgenic rice plants produced by electroporation-mediated plasmid uptake into protoplasts.
Q37081573Transgenic rice plants that overexpress transcription factors RF2a and RF2b are tolerant to rice tungro virus replication and disease
Q36380084Transgenic rice seed expressing flavonoid biosynthetic genes accumulate glycosylated and/or acylated flavonoids in protein bodies
Q86528720Transgenic rice seed synthesizing diverse flavonoids at high levels: a new platform for flavonoid production with associated health benefits
Q44199547Transgenic rice seeds accumulating recombinant hypoallergenic birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 generate giant protein bodies
Q93145993Transgenic rice seeds expressing altered peptide ligands against the M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor suppress experimental sialadenitis-like Sjögren's syndrome
Q45908803Transgenic rice with inducible ethylene production exhibits broad-spectrum disease resistance to the fungal pathogens Magnaporthe oryzae and Rhizoctonia solani.
Q34779941Transposition of the maizeactivatorelement in transgenic rice plants
Q54139817Triprimer-PCR method: rapid and reliable detection of transgenes in transgenic rice plants.
Q39955340Tumor targeting of humanized fragment antibody secreted from transgenic rice cell suspension culture
Q60476768Two-year field study shows little evidence that PPO-transgenic rice affects the structure of soil microbial communities
Q101038285Ultrastructure changes of chloroplast in leaves of transgenic rice (PSAG12-ipt)
Q43202127Unintended compositional changes in transgenic rice seeds ( Oryza sativa L.) studied by spectral and chromatographic analysis coupled with chemometrics methods
Q92901687Unintended effects of transgenic rice revealed by transcriptome and metabolism
Q44899322Update on the use of transgenic rice seeds in oral immunotherapy
Q43168320Use of a callus-specific selection system to develop transgenic rice seed accumulating a high level of recombinant protein
Q84947117Vaccination with transgenic rice seed expressing mite allergen: a new option for asthma sufferers?
Q101105252Variation of Non-target Agronomic Traits in the Offspring of Transgenic Rice Line E32 by Particle Bombardment
Q50603789Visual selection allows immediate identification of transgenic rice calli efficiently accumulating transgene products.
Q118413702Western Blot Detection of CAS9 Protein in Transgenic Rice
Q45259103Wheat puroindolines enhance fungal disease resistance in transgenic rice
Q50877090Wheat storage proteins in transgenic rice endosperm.
Q86574137Whole-Plant Growth and N Utilization in Transgenic Rice Plants with Increased or Decreased Rubisco Content under Different CO2 Partial Pressures
Q46837277Whole-plant growth and N utilization in transgenic rice plants with increased or decreased Rubisco content under different CO2 partial pressures
Q39608863ZmCBF3 overexpression improves tolerance to abiotic stress in transgenic rice (Oryza sativa) without yield penalty
Q85770342[A comparison study of hpt and bar as selection marker gene of transgenic rice]
Q78842462[A quick method to estimate the T-DNA copy number in transgenic rice using inverse PCR (IPCR)]
Q50781774[Analysis of the transgenic rice plants derived from transformed anther calli].
Q84304942[Application of competitive PCR for screening selectable marker-free Xa21 transgenic rice]
Q83171050[Changes in the activities of enzymes involved in starch synthesis and accumulation in caryopsis of transgenic rice with antisense Wx gene]
Q95351940[Construction of rice stripe virus NS2 and NS3 Co-RNAi transgenic rice and disease-resistance analysis]
Q74412663[Construction of transgenic rice populations by inserting the maize transponson Ac/Ds and genetic analysis for several mutants]
Q52109849[Detection and analysis of alien genes in transgenic rice by fluorescence in situ hybridization]
Q83918298[Determination of trace lead and cadmium in transgenic rice by crosslinked carboxymethyl konjac glucomannan microcolumn preconcentration combined with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry]
Q52656608[Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis transgenic rice and chemical insecticides on arthropod communities in paddy-fields].
Q80849292[Endosperm-specific expression of the ferritin gene in transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.) results in increased iron content of milling rice]
Q82474793[Expression and immunization testing of fusion protein of Newcastle disease virus in leaf tissue of transgenic rice]
Q52654263[Expression and root exudation of Cry1Ab toxin protein in cry1Ab transgenic rice and its residue in rhizosphere soil].
Q52036714[Expression specificity of hpt gene in sck transgenic rice].
Q52021029[Generation of selectable marker-free and vector backbone sequence-free Xa21 transgenic rice].
Q52109641[Genetic mapping of T-DNA integration sites in Xa21 transgenic rice].
Q54668847[Inducible expression of a promoter of the gene encoding barley beta-1, 3-glucanase isoenzyme GIII in transgenic rice].
Q80839557[Inheritance and expression of the maize pepc gene in progenies of transgenic rice bred by crossing]
Q52665977[Inheritance, expression and armyworm resistance of protease inhibitor II gene (Pin II) driven by different promoters in transgenic rice].
Q54542743[Initial functional analysis of the promoter region and coding region of Pib gene in transgenic rice].
Q52734871[Molecular characteristics and specific PCR detection of transgenic rice containing Cry1Ab].
Q64133469[Nutrition assessment of transgenic rice]
Q54080861[Obtaining transgenic rice plants and their progenies using Agrobacterium tumefaciens]
Q80237978[Primary investigation on metabolism of hpt gene in transgenic rice modified with cowpea trypsin inhibitor gene in rats]
Q83995240[Raising fat content in transgenic rice by anti-PEP gene transformation]
Q81252810[Rapidly obtaining the markerless transgenic rice with reduced amylose content by co-transformation and anther culture]
Q64131844[Research of the contents of in vitro protein in the seed of sck transgenic rice]
Q54658562[Specific expression of the foreign gene regulated by the rice rbcS promoter in transgenic rice].
Q54580232[Stability of hpt marker gene in transgenic rice in different food matrices and under varying food-processing conditions].
Q73962157[Stable inheritance of hpt gene in transgenic rice plants mediated by biolistic bombardment]
Q77298314[Studies of the integration and expression of exogenes in transgenic rice obtained via particle bombardment transformation]
Q52604180[Studies on the distorted segregation of foreign genes in transgenic rice progenies].
Q64126461[Study on endoplasmic reticulum localization of CpTI protein in sck transgenic rice]
Q51593150[The detection of plasmid pCAMBIA1301 in transgenic rice by arrayed primer extension].
Q81245569[The germinating characters of the transgenic rice seeds in the stress condition of antibiotic G418 and their application in crop breeding]
Q52605617[Toxicity of anti-herbicide gene (BAR) transgenic rice]
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