Swiss Journal of Geosciences


Swiss Journal of Geosciences is 

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scientific journalQ5633421

Eclogae Geologicae Helveticae
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P6981ACNP journal ID7495
P8375Crossref journal ID64177
P1250Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO17808
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P1058ERA Journal ID34512
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P1055NLM Unique ID101763965
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P1156Scopus source ID25753

P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level1
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
Science Citation Index ExpandedQ104047209
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P1476titleSwiss Journal of Geosciences

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published in (P1433)
Q11089557710Be surface exposure dating of the last deglaciation in the Aare Valley, Switzerland
Q595232005-year chemico-physical evolution of concrete–claystone interfaces, Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland)
Q57229156A brief review of Agenian rhinocerotids in Western Europe
Q104624560A derived sauropodiform dinosaur and other sauropodomorph material from the Late Triassic of Canton Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Q104428350A diverse rodent fauna from the middle Bartonian (Eocene) of Les Alleveys, Switzerland: snapshot of the early theridomyid radiation
Q108465700A map-view restoration of the Alpine-Carpathian-Dinaridic system for the Early Miocene
Q56156331A model for the bite mechanics in the herbivorous dinosaur Stegosaurus (Ornithischia, Stegosauridae)
Q61584219A new Isochirotherium trackway from the Triassic of Vieux Emosson, SW Switzerland: stratigraphic implications
Q29544374A new Triassic pterosaur from Switzerland (Central Austroalpine, Grisons), Raeticodactylus filisurensis gen. et sp. nov.
Q61584111A new assemblage of ray-finned fishes (Teleostei) from the Lower Oligocene “Schistes à Meletta” from the Gliùres plateau, Bornes Massif, eastern France
Q57423989A new azhdarchoid pterosaur from the Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) of Lebanon
Q59761039A new basal actinopterygian fish from the Late Ladinian of Monte San Giorgio (Canton Ticino, Switzerland)
Q104428348A new bourgueticrinid (Crinoidea) from the Castle Hayne Formation (Eocene) of southeastern North Carolina, USA
Q109648174A new magnetostratigraphic framework for the Lower Miocene (Burdigalian/Ottnangian, Karpatian) in the North Alpine Foreland Basin
Q59446569A new mammalian fauna from the earliest Eocene (Ilerdian) of the CorbiĂšres (Southern France): palaeobiogeographical implications
Q99655913A new ophiuroid (Geocoma schoentalensis sp. nov.) from the Middle Jurassic of northwestern Switzerland and remarks on the family Aplocomidae Hess 1965
Q59885125A new percoid fish from the Eocene of Monte Bolca, Italy: Hendrixella grandei gen. & sp. nov
Q57276486A new species of Macrocnemus from the Middle Triassic of the eastern Swiss Alps
Q64410883A new species of Palaeopython (Serpentes) and other extinct squamates from the Eocene of Dielsdorf (Zurich, Switzerland)
Q57276442A remarkable example of a Late Jurassic shallow-water ophiuroid assemblage from the Swiss Jura Mountains
Q61584116A tribute to the late Professor Jean-Pierre Berger (8 July 1956–18 January 2012)
Q104451684Aalenian to Cenomanian Radiolaria of the Bermeja Complex (Puerto Rico) and Pacific origin of radiolarites on the Caribbean Plate
Q104415296Age of cleft monazites in the eastern Tauern Window: constraints on crystallization conditions of hydrothermal monazite
Q63971479Ammonites from the latest Aalenian–earliest Bathonian of La Baume (Castellane area, SE France): palaeontology and biostratigraphy
Q57277655An assessment of the Cenozoic avifauna of Switzerland, with a description of two fossil owls (Aves, Strigiformes)
Q100871533Apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He thermochronology of the Rochovce granite (Slovakia) – implications for the thermal evolution of the Western Carpathian-Pannonian region
Q99655626Arzonella exotica n. g. n. sp., a new brachiopod of indeterminate systematic position from the Lower Liassic (Broccatello) of Arzo (Southern Alps of Switzerland): A short note
Q60719636Baptiste Dafflon receives the 2013 Paul Niggli Medal
Q104451685Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) crinoids of the Hidas Valley (Mecsek Mountains, S Hungary) and their biogeographic significance
Q129353321Benthic foraminifera in a deep-sea high-energy environment: the Moira Mounds (Porcupine Seabight, SW of Ireland)
Q59951235Bentho-planktonic evidence from the Austrian Alps for a decline in sea-surface carbonate production at the end of the Triassic
Q130040964Biostratigraphy of large benthic foraminifera from Hole U1468A (Maldives): a CT-scan taxonomic approach
Q57863608Burial history and thermal maturity of Mesozoic rocks of the Dolomites, Northern Italy
Q55895257CAD assessment of the posture and range of motion of Kentrosaurus aethiopicus Hennig 1915
Q57853068CT scanning, rapid prototyping and re-examination of a partial skull of a basal crocodylomorph from the Late Triassic of Germany
Q59522507Comparative study of methods to estimate hydraulic parameters in the hydraulically undisturbed Opalinus Clay (Switzerland)
Q101073237Continuity in geochemistry and time of the Tertiary Bergell intrusion (Central Alps)
Q129884918Coral- and oyster-microbialite patch reefs in the aftermath of the Triassic–Jurassic biotic crisis (Sinemurian, Southeast France)
Q108688340Correction to: Ion microprobe dating of fissure monazite in the Western Alps: insights from the Argentera Massif and the Piemontais and Briançonnais Zones
Q101073115Correction to: Magmatic and tectonic history of Jurassic ophiolites and associated granitoids from the South Apuseni Mountains (Romania)
Q57714243Corrosion of carbon steel in clay environments relevant to radioactive waste geological disposals, Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland)
Q59523149Coupled hydraulic-mechanical simulation of seasonally induced processes in the Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland)
Q128638401Crustal structure of the northern Dinarides and southwestern part of the Pannonian basin inferred from local earthquake tomography
Q105622125Dating emplacement and evolution of the orogenic magmatism in the internal Western Alps: 1. The Miagliano Pluton
Q105622127Dating emplacement and evolution of the orogenic magmatism in the internal Western Alps: 2. The Biella Volcanic Suite
Q113482356Dating the initiation of Piemonte-Liguria Ocean subduction: Lu–Hf garnet chronometry of eclogites from the Theodul Glacier Unit (Zermatt-Saas zone, Switzerland)
Q102469978Deep structure of the Pieniny Klippen Belt in Poland
Q128765842Deformation around a detached half-graben shoulder during nappe stacking (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria)
Q58815450Der nacheiszeitliche Bergsturz im Kandertal (Schweiz): Alter und Auswirkungen auf die damalige Umwelt
Q57866994Development of a seismic source model for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of nuclear power plant sites in Switzerland: the view from PEGASOS Expert Group 4 (EG1d)
Q96111980Die Ophiuren des englischen Jura
Q104451682Dienerian (Early Triassic) ammonoids from the Candelaria Hills (Nevada, USA) and their significance for palaeobiogeography and palaeoceanography
Q127324379Differential erosion and sediment fluxes in the Landquart basin and possible relationships to lithology and tectonic controls
Q104428353Dimerelloid rhynchonellide brachiopods in the Lower Jurassic of the Engadine (Canton GraubĂŒnden, National Park, Switzerland)
Q58825420Distribution of authigenic albites in a limestone succession of the Helvetic Domain, eastern Switzerland
Q100871439Ductile to brittle fault zone evolution in Austroalpine units to the southeast of the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps)
Q102190157Early Triassic (Late Griesbachian) gastropods from South China (Shanggan, Guangxi)
Q59838056Earthquake-induced deformation structures in lake deposits: A Late Pleistocene to Holocene paleoseismic record for Central Switzerland
Q57867113Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2003
Q57867084Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2004
Q57867063Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2005
Q57867048Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2006
Q57867021Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2007
Q57866999Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2008
Q57866977Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2009
Q57866948Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2010
Q57866930Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2011
Q57866910Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2012
Q57866867Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2013
Q57866830Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2014
Q60698176Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2015 and 2016
Q126837852Electron microprobe petrochronology of monazite-bearing garnet micaschists in the Oetztal-Stubai Complex (Alpeiner Valley, Stubai)
Q129459342Environmental changes and carbon cycle perturbations at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary in northern Switzerland
Q116818456Estimation of a maximum Lu diffusion rate in a natural eclogite garnet
Q101073130Evaluating igneous sources of the Taveyannaz formation in the Central Alps by detrital zircon U–Pb age dating and geochemistry
Q95498852Evaluation of U-Th-Pb whole-rock dating on phanerozoic sedimentary rocks
Q58825232Evidence of hydrothermal fluid flow in a hyperextended rifted margin: the case study of the Err nappe (SE Switzerland)
Q57870515Evolution, formation mechanism and kinematics of a contractional shallow shear zone within sedimentary rocks of the Northern Apennines (Italy)
Q127362208Examination of a relationship between atmospheric blocking and seismic events in the Middle East using a new seismo-climatic index
Q56156323Exceptional stegosaur integument impressions from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Wyoming
Q59523189Exploring diffusion and sorption processes at the Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland): lessons learned from 20 years of field research
Q90670313Facies and depositional environments of the Upper Muschelkalk (Schinznach Formation, Middle Triassic) in northern Switzerland
Q126276233Facies architecture, geochemistry and petrogenesis of Middle Triassic volcaniclastic deposits of Mt. Ivanơčica (NW Croatia): evidence of bimodal volcanism in the Alpine-Dinaridic transitional zone
Q59792989Fault zone signatures from ambient vibration measurements: a case study in the region of Visp (Valais, Switzerland)
Q57870541Faults linkage, damage rocks and hydrothermal fluid circulation: Tectonic interpretation of the Rapolano Terme travertines (southern Tuscany, Italy) in the context of Northern Apennines Neogene-Quaternary extension
Q59522485Fifteen years of microbiological investigation in Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland)
Q61968841First detailed description of Hispanomys decedens (Rodentia) from the Middle Miocene of La Grive-Saint Alban (France)
Q29999429First fossil primates from Eckfeld Maar, Middle Eocene (Eifel, Germany)
Q121199591First fossil record of Varanus (Reptilia, Squamata) from Switzerland and the earliest occurrences of the genus in Europe
Q125300607First record of fossil anguines (Squamata; Anguidae) from the Oligocene and Miocene of Turkey
Q58106022Flooding a landscape: impact of Holocene transgression on coastal sedimentology and underwater archaeology in Kiladha Bay (Greece)
Q121367154Fluid flow and rock alteration along the Glarus thrust
Q105622449Formal proposal for the Bathonian GSSP (Middle Jurassic) in the Ravin du BĂšs Section (Bas-Auran, SE France)
Q119917975Formation and decay of peat bogs in the vegetable belt of Switzerland
Q123007911From freshwater inflows to salt lakes and salt deposits in the Qaidam Basin, W China
Q58922600Full, constrained and stochastic source inversions support evidence for volumetric changes during the Basel earthquake sequence
Q56520429Geckos from the middle Miocene of DevĂ­nska NovĂĄ Ves (Slovakia): new material and a review of the previous record
Q126834627Geochemical constrains on dolomitization pathways of the Upper Jurassic carbonate rocks in the Geneva Basin (Switzerland and France)
Q126181715Glaciofluvial sequences recording the Birrfeld Glaciation (MIS 5d–2) in the Bern area, Swiss Plateau
Q90670305Greater Alpine river network evolution, interpretations based on novel drainage analysis
Q59522492High-resolution mini-seismic methods applied in the Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland)
Q129408343High-resolution monitoring of water temperature and oxygen concentration in Lake Murten (Switzerland)
Q60482481Holocene evolution of the Triftje- and the Oberseegletscher (Swiss Alps) constrained with 10Be exposure and radiocarbon dating
Q120969884Impact of mechanical stratigraphy on deformation style and distribution of seismicity in the central External Dinarides: a 2D forward kinematic modelling study
Q59523196Impact of the electron donor on in situ microbial nitrate reduction in Opalinus Clay: results from the Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland)
Q59523185Implementation of the full-scale emplacement (FE) experiment at the Mont Terri rock laboratory
Q59838153Integrated Ladinian bio-chronostratigraphy and geochrononology of Monte San Giorgio (Southern Alps, Switzerland)
Q56156329Internal vascularity of the dermal plates of Stegosaurus (Ornithischia, Thyreophora)
Q129030998Investigating distant effects of the Moesian promontory: brittle tectonics along the western boundary of the Getic unit (East Serbia)
Q108688342Ion microprobe dating of fissure monazite in the Western Alps: insights from the Argentera Massif and the Piemontais and Briançonnais Zones
Q123902189Ivrea mantle wedge, arc of the Western Alps, and kinematic evolution of the Alps–Apennines orogenic system
Q57647881K-feldspar rich shales from Jurassic bedded cherts in southeastern Slovenia
Q113107908Kinematic models of deformation at the front of the Alps: new data from map-view restoration
Q101072644Laser ablation U/Pb age patterns of detrital zircons in the Schlieren Flysch (Central Switzerland): new evidence on the detrital sources
Q60060809Late Early Miocene lake deposits near Mauensee, central Switzerland: Fish fauna (otoliths, teeth), accompanying biota and palaeoecology
Q130040849Late glacial and Holocene Ostracoda from the Melilla cold-water coral mound field
Q120969915Latest Pliocene to recent thick-skinned tectonics at the Upper Rhine Graben – Jura Mountains junction
Q60555046Le rĂ©gime alimentaire du Cervidae (Mammalia) Eucladoceros ctenoides (Nesti 1841) reconstituĂ© par la morphologie du crĂąne et par l’usure dentaire
Q60163342Living radiolarian feeding mechanisms: new light on past marine ecosystems
Q59946351Local and regional minimum 1D models for earthquake location and data quality assessment in complex tectonic regions: application to Switzerland
Q101073202Magmatic and tectonic history of Jurassic ophiolites and associated granitoids from the South Apuseni Mountains (Romania)
Q111670138Major fault zones in the Austroalpine units of the Kreuzeck Mountains south of the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps, Austria)
Q101074332Maria SchönbÀchler receives the 2007 Paul Niggli Medal
Q128881961Meliatic blueschists and their detritus in Cretaceous sediments: new data constraining tectonic evolution of the West Carpathians
Q60290786Mesopithecus (Primates: Cercopithecoidea) from Villafranca d’Asti (Early Villafranchian; NW Italy) and palaeoecological context of its extinction
Q129153549Middle Jurassic limestone megabreccia from the southern margin of the Slovenian Basin
Q96241557MikropalÀontologische Untersuchungen an Ophiuren II: Die Ophiuren aus dem Lias (Pliensbachien-Toarcien) von Seewen (Kt. Solothurn)
Q96738734MikropalÀontologische Untersuchungen an Ophiuren IV: Die Ophiuren aus dem Renggeri-Ton (Unter-Oxford) von Chapois (Jura) und Longecombe (Ain)
Q97682712MikropalÀontologische Untersuchungen an Ophiuren V: Die Ophiuren aus dem Argovien (unteres Ober-Oxford) vom Guldental (Kt. Solothurn) und von Savigna (Dépt. Jura)
Q96181901MikropalĂ€ontologische Untersuchungen an Ophiuren VI: Die Ophiuren aus den GĂŒnsberg-Schichten (oberes Oxford) vom Guldental (Kt. Solothurn)
Q96182054MikropalÀontologische Untersuchungen an Ophiuren VII. Die Ophiuren aus den Humeralis-Schichten (Ober-Oxford) von Raedersdorf (Haut-Rhin)
Q56687136Miocene emplacement and rapid cooling of the Pohorje pluton at the Alpine-Pannonian-Dinaridic junction, Slovenia
Q128614252Miocene syn-rift lacustrine sediments in the Mecsek Mts. (SW Hungary)
Q59522521Mont Terri rock laboratory, 20 years of research: introduction, site characteristics and overview of experiments
Q104666091Morphology and geological setting of Iseo Lake (Lombardy) through multibeam bathymetry and high-resolution seismic profiles
Q62516498Morphology and recent history of the Rhone River Delta in Lake Geneva (Switzerland)
Q59523113Multi-scale imaging of a slow active fault zone: contribution for improved seismic hazard assessment in the Swiss Alpine foreland
Q57779767Multiple advances of Alpine glaciers into the Jura Mountains in the Northwestern Switzerland
Q60719835Multistage shortening in the Dauphiné zone (French Alps): the record of Alpine collision and implications for pre-Alpine restoration
Q59523187Natural gas extraction and artificial gas injection experiments in Opalinus Clay, Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland)
Q61584123New coelacanth material from the Middle Triassic of eastern Switzerland, and comments on the taxic diversity of actinistans
Q104451687New early Late Carnian (Upper Triassic) radiolarians from the Pindos-Huğlu succession of the South-Taurides ophiolite belt
Q56521638New material of Laophis crotaloides, an enigmatic giant snake from Greece, with an overview of the largest fossil European vipers
Q116674735New paleontological and biostratigraphical data (calcareous nannofossils, ostracods, brachiopods), correlations and lithostratigraphic units in the Urgonian facies (latest Hauterivian-Barremian) of the Swiss and French Jura Mountains: the Falaises

Q57408183New specimen of Psephoderma alpinum (Sauropterygia, Placodontia) from the Late Triassic of Schesaplana Mountain, GraubĂŒnden, Switzerland
Q128859272On the pre-history of the turbidite concept: an Alpine perspective on occasion of the 70th anniversary of Kuenen’s 1948 landmark talk
Q57200824Origin of high Zn contents in Jurassic limestone of the Jura mountain range and the Burgundy: evidence from Zn speciation and distribution
Q125471819Overdeepenings in the Swiss plateau: U-shaped geometries underlain by inner gorges
Q123149608Palaeomagnetic and mineral magnetic analyses of the Deckenschotter of northern Switzerland and southern Germany
Q105621994Paleocene metamorphism along the Pennine–Austroalpine suture constrained by U–Pb dating of titanite and rutile (Malenco, Alps)
Q104907287Parajamesonite revisited: background of the discreditation of an enigmatic mineral species
Q104428354Pelmatozoan echinoderms from the Cambrian–Ordovician transition of the Iberian Chains (NE Spain): early diversification of anchoring strategies
Q124332152Permian magmatism and metamorphism in the Dent Blanche nappe: constraints from field observations and geochronology
Q112056185Peter Jung-Bandelier (1937–2019): a life-long dedication to Caribbean Cenozoic mollusks and to the Natural History Museum Basel
Q59614501Platform-basin transitions and their role in Alpine-style collision systems: a comparative approach
Q59523197Pore-water evolution and solute-transport mechanisms in Opalinus Clay at Mont Terri and Mont Russelin (Canton Jura, Switzerland)
Q129096671Post-Variscan metamorphism in the Apuseni and Rodna Mountains (Romania): evidence from Sm–Nd garnet and U–Th–Pb monazite dating
Q57779869Post-depositional impacts on ‘Findlinge’ (erratic boulders) and their implications for surface-exposure dating
Q59446423Postcranial skeleton of Birgeria liui (Osteichthyes, Actinopterygii) from the Longobardian (Ladinian, Middle Triassic) of Xingyi, Guizhou, South China
Q124826253Potential for deep geological sequestration of CO2 in Switzerland: a first appraisal
Q59295114Precambrian to Paleozoic zircon record in the Siviez-Mischabel basement (western Swiss Alps)
Q128708589Preface: Special issue - The Alps as part of a larger system of Circum-Mediterranean orogens: papers presented at the 13th Alpine Workshop held in Zlatibor (Serbia)
Q61311725Preface: Symposium on Stegosauria proceedings
Q59523112Preserved organic matter in a fossil Ocean Continent Transition in the Alps: the example of Totalp, SE Switzerland
Q57138405Provenance of the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene Gosau Group around and beneath the Vienna Basin (Austria and Slovakia)
Q60702493Quantification of strain rate in the Western Alps using geodesy: comparisons with seismotectonics
Q100969112Re-description of the sauropod dinosaur Amanzia (“Ornithopsis/Cetiosauriscus”) greppini n. gen. and other vertebrate remains from the Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic) Reuchenette Formation of Moutier, Switzerland
Q109869312Reconciling late faulting over the whole Alpine belt: from structural analysis to geochronological constrains
Q129233028Report on an open dataset to constrain the Balmuccia peridotite body (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy) through a participative gravity-modelling challenge
Q56851087Response of drainage systems to Neogene evolution of the Jura fold-thrust belt and Upper Rhine Graben
Q57874944Retrograde alterations of phyllosilicates in low-grade metapelite: a case study from the SzendrƑ Paleozoic, NE-Hungary
Q57698899Revised middle Triassic stratigraphy of the Swiss Prealps based on conodonts and correlation to the Briançonnais (Western Alps)
Q129559098Revision of the planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Voirons Flysch (Chablais Prealps, Haute-Savoie, France)
Q57534975Rudolf TrĂŒmpy (1921–2009): scientific achievements of an outstanding personality with a life-long commitment to teaching and research in geology
Q110879528Sediment provenance during Alpine orogeny: fluid inclusions and stable isotopes on quartz–calcite veins from detritic pebbles
Q123124467Sedimentology of the Jura Molasse: Miocene tidal clastics and freshwater carbonates from the Tramelan-2 Borehole, NW Switzerland
Q112271502Seismic history of western Anatolia during the last 16 kyr determined by cosmogenic 36Cl dating
Q57580376Space/time tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Umbria-Romagna-Marche Miocene Basin (Northern Apennines, Italy): a foredeep model
Q58034171Spatio-temporal variability in debris-flow activity: a tree-ring study at Geisstriftbach (Swiss Alps) extending back to AD 1736
Q61440762Species concept in North American stegosaurs
Q56156322Species of plated dinosaur Stegosaurus (Morrison Formation, Late Jurassic) of western USA: new type species designation needed
Q55967210Stegosauria: a historical review of the body fossil record and phylogenetic relationships
Q126153592Stratigraphic revision and reconstruction of the deep-sea fan of the Voirons Flysch (Voirons Nappe, Chablais Prealps)
Q64113803Stratigraphie et palĂ©oenvironnement des dĂ©pĂŽts volcano-dĂ©tritiques Ă  dinosauriens du Jurassique infĂ©rieur de Toundoute (Province de Ouarzazate, Haut-Atlas – Maroc)
Q122421672Stratigraphy, the measurement of geological time in the 21st century
Q101072608Structural and geochronological constraints from the Drina-Ivanjica thrust sheet (Western Serbia): implications for the Cretaceous–Paleogene tectonics of the Internal Dinarides
Q114314880Structural geology and petrography of the Naret region (northern Valle Maggia, N.Ticino, Switzerland)
Q112271825Subaqueous geomorphology and delta dynamics of Lake Brienz (Switzerland): implications for the sediment budget in the alpine realm
Q60717415Subaqueous landslide-triggered tsunami hazard for Lake Zurich, Switzerland
Q29303199Subglacial tunnel valleys in the Alpine foreland: an example from Bern, Switzerland
Q58300650Sur l’origine karstique et l’ñge plio-quaternaire des accumulations brĂ©chiques dites «brĂšches marines et palĂ©ocĂšnes» d’AmĂ©lie-les-Bains (PyrĂ©nĂ©es-Orientales, France)
Q129315967SwissSed: past, present, and future trends in Swiss sedimentology
Q67250998Synopsis of fossil fish fauna from the Hermanowa locality (Rupelian; Central Paratethys; Poland): current state of knowledge
Q61584259Sédimentologie et paléontologie des paléoenvironnements cÎtiers rupéliens de la Molasse marine rhénane dans le Jura suisse
Q59523190Tectonic evolution around the Mont Terri rock laboratory, northwestern Swiss Jura: constraints from kinematic forward modelling
Q13416617Tectonic map and overall architecture of the Alpine orogen
Q59523459Tectonic significance of Triassic mafic rocks in the June Complex, Sanandaj–Sirjan zone, Iran
Q60326762The Alpine-Carpathian-Dinaridic orogenic system: correlation and evolution of tectonic units
Q58797054The Aubonne karst aquifer (Swiss Jura)
Q58458957The Epiligurian wedge-top succession in the Enza Valley (Northern Apennines): evidence of a syn-depositional transpressive system
Q121367155The Glarus thrust: excursion guide and report of a field trip of the Swiss Tectonic Studies Group (Swiss Geological Society, 14.–16. 09. 2006)
Q56807184The Grenchenberg conundrum in the Swiss Jura: a case for the centenary of the thin-skin décollement nappe model (Buxtorf 1907)
Q117635818The Misery Point cliff, Mayaguana Island, SE Bahamas: a unique record of sea-level highstands since the Early Pleistocene
Q115450806The Mount Cameroon 1959 compound lava flow field: morphology, petrography and geochemistry
Q59787701The Oeschinensee rock avalanche, Bernese Alps, Switzerland: a co-seismic failure 2300 years ago?
Q104451686The Planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides eoconglobatus n. sp. in a glacial–interglacial context: IODP359 Sites U1467 and U1468
Q104451683The Pliensbachian ammonites of the Algarve Basin (Portugal) and their palaeobiogeographical significance for the “Iberia-Newfoundland” conjugate margins
Q111710804The Saint-Ursanne earthquakes of 2000 revisited: evidence for active shallow thrust-faulting in the Jura fold-and-thrust belt
Q104486954The evolution of the Sesia Zone (Western Alps) from Carboniferous to Cretaceous: insights from zircon and allanite geochronology
Q57779798The first major incision of the Swiss Deckenschotter landscape
Q123277963The fish fauna of the Late Jurassic Solothurn Turtle Limestone (NW Switzerland)
Q56459191The oldest azhdarchoid pterosaur from the Late Jurassic Solnhofen Limestone (Early Tithonian) of Southern Germany
Q57647942The plankton turnover at the Permo-Triassic boundary, emphasis on radiolarians
Q30048344The structural history of the Mont Blanc massif with regard to models for its recent exhumation
Q125762612The succession of the Val Marecchia Nappe (Northern Apennines, Italy) in the light of new field and biostratigraphic data
Q57779808Timing of retreat of the Reuss Glacier (Switzerland) at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum
Q112271198Traces of a prehistoric and potentially tsunamigenic mass movement in the sediments of Lake Thun (Switzerland)
Q100871461Tracing metamorphism, exhumation and topographic evolution in orogenic belts by multiple thermochronology: a case study from the NĂ­zke Tatry Mts., Western Carpathians
Q101073221Triassic magmatism on the transition from Variscan to Alpine cycles: evidence from U–Pb, Hf, and geochemistry of detrital minerals
Q57851317U-Pb SHRIMP data on the crystallization age of the Gran Paradiso augengneiss, Italian Western Alps: Further evidence for Permian magmatic activity in the Alps during break-up of Pangea
Q122680653Under the feet of sauropods: a trampled coastal marine turtle from the Late Jurassic of Switzerland?
Q128224023Unravelling the shape and stratigraphy of a glacially-overdeepened valley with reflection seismic: the Lienz Basin (Austria)
Q58940934Upper Jurassic Radiolaria from the Vocontian basin of SE France
Q127393076U–Pb zircon provenance of Triassic sandstones, western Swiss Alps: implications for geotectonic history
Q129050648Variscan granitoids of the East Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides: new insight inferred from U–Pb zircon ages and geochemical data
Q127209992Vertical-axis rotation in East Kopet Dagh, NE Iran, inferred from paleomagnetic data: oroclinal bending or complex local folding kinematics?

Q100451090Eclogae Geologicae Helveticaefollowed byP156

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