Theoretical Population Biology

scientific journal

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Abstract is: Theoretical Population Biology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering research on theoretical aspects population biology in its widest sense, including mathematical modelling of populations, ecology, evolution, genetics, demography, and epidemiology. The editor-in-chief is Noah A. Rosenberg (Stanford University), who in January 2013 succeeded the founding editor Marcus Feldman (Stanford University). The journal has a partnership with the journal Genetics, exchanging manuscripts in between the two if they are a better fit of the other journal's scope.

Theoretical Population Biology is …
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scientific journalQ5633421

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P6981ACNP journal ID13951
P8375Crossref journal ID663
P1250Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO8694
P5963Elsevier journal IDtheoretical-population-biology
P1058ERA Journal ID30253
P646Freebase ID/m/0wzymkv
P8903HAL journal ID19601
P1160ISO 4 abbreviationTheor. Popul. Biol.
P1277JUFO ID68378
P1055NLM Unique ID0256422
P243OCLC control number932477
P856official website;screen=info;ECOIP
P10283OpenAlex IDS17807283
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID133491
P12877ScienceDirect journal IDtheoretical-population-biology
P7662Scilit journal ID318131
P1156Scopus source ID14343

P495country of originKingdom of the NetherlandsQ29999
P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level1
P98editorNoah RosenbergQ7045447
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
Science Citation Index ExpandedQ104047209
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectpopulation biologyQ1098652
P123publisherElsevier BVQ746413
P1476titleTheoretical Population Biology

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published in (P1433)
Q90488796"Any news?" Special issue in honor of Marcus Feldman's 75th birthday
Q91676480: A unifying framework for modelling evolutionary trees
Q91676484: On the cusp of a revolution in foraging theory
Q51935543A Bayesian, combinatorial approach to capture-recapture.
Q64004738A Coalescence Approach to Gene Conversion
Q47426348A Darwinian approach to the origin of life cycles with group properties
Q52257964A Markov Chain Model of Coalescence with Recombination
Q36797516A Markov chain Monte Carlo strategy for sampling from the joint posterior distribution of pedigrees and population parameters under a Fisher-Wright model with partial selfing
Q56996557A Mechanistic Model for Partial Preferences
Q56764303A Mixed Ectoparasite–Microparasite Model for Bat-Transmitted Rabies
Q56834157A Persistence Criterion for Metapopulations
Q115611077A Predator-Prey Model for Zooplankton Grazing on Competing Algal Populations
Q30660742A bayesian framework for parentage analysis: the value of genetic and other biological data
Q74588000A bivalent polyploid model for linkage analysis in outcrossing tetraploids
Q115056826A central limit theorem concerning uncertainty in estimates of individual admixture
Q95312985A characterisation of the reconstructed birth-death process through time rescaling
Q98460552A class of fast-slow models for adaptive resistance evolution
Q50587255A coalescent dual process for a Wright-Fisher diffusion with recombination and its application to haplotype partitioning.
Q60500178A coalescent dual process in a Moran model with genic selection
Q60500171A coalescent dual process in a Moran model with genic selection, and the lambda coalescent limit
Q51685824A coalescent process with simultaneous multiple mergers for approximating the gene genealogies of many marine organisms.
Q35590069A comparison of three different stochastic population models with regard to persistence time
Q69759101A continuous model for the study of linkage in a random-mating population
Q46686854A continuum formulation of the ideal free distribution and its implications for population dynamics
Q70528816A criterion for stability--instability at fixation states involving an eigenvalue one with applications in population genetics
Q52771274A decomposition method for the stability analysis of large microbial systems
Q69744750A diffusion model for population growth in random environment
Q51921664A diffusion model for the fate of tandem gene duplicates in diploids.
Q69759098A discrete time stochastic model of a two prey, one predator species interaction
Q66950952A discrete-time epidemic model with classes of infectives and susceptibles
Q52875360A discussion of simulation results for various aspects of the neutral alleles model
Q88578306A downstream drift into chaos: Asymmetric dispersal in a classic density dependent population model
Q45060878A dynamic model for human population growth
Q48498113A dynamic model for the ideal-free distribution as a partial differential equation
Q30629321A dynamic model of the marriage market-Part 2: simulation of marital states and application to empirical data
Q44736620A dynamic model of the marriage market-part 1: matching algorithm based on age preference and availability
Q43131019A fast algorithm for computing multilocus recombination.
Q41026294A game-theoretic approach to valuating toxoplasmosis vaccination strategies
Q56912909A general accounting framework for ecological systems: A functional taxonomy for connectivist ecology
Q44797226A general analysis of resource allocation by competing individuals
Q36441320A general asymptotic property of two-locus selection models
Q46807338A general condition for adaptive genetic polymorphism in temporally and spatially heterogeneous environments.
Q41012418A general formula for the sensitivity of population growth rate to changes in life history parameters
Q80032270A general framework for marker-assisted selection
Q71719772A general investigation into the mortality and multiplication of the human species
Q36551848A general method for constructing increment-decrement life tables that agree with the data
Q57613771A general minimum principle for competing populations: Some ecological and evolutionary consequences
Q45105163A general model to account for enzyme variation in natural populations. V. The SAS--CFF model
Q69737482A general reduction principle for genetic modifiers of recombination
Q77760832A general theory of the sampling process with applications to the "veil line"
Q57041405A general version of optimal foraging theory: The effect of simultaneous encounters
Q50662499A generalization of Pontryagin's maximum principle for dynamic evolutionary games among relatives.
Q90701699A generalization of the informational view of non-random mating: Models with variable population frequencies
Q41572375A generalized Watterson estimator for next-generation sequencing: From trios to autopolyploids
Q41851158A graphical approach to multi-locus match probability computation: revisiting the product rule
Q41349943A graphical approach to relatedness inference
Q52018492A graphical model for the evaluation of cross-transfer evidence in DNA profiles
Q48338799A guide to central place effects in foraging.
Q102319603A heuristic model of the effects of phenotypic robustness in adaptive evolution
Q34778939A hidden Markov model for investigating recent positive selection through haplotype structure
Q126367449A hidden Markov model to estimate homozygous-by-descent probabilities associated with nested layers of ancestors
Q67828582A hybrid model of schistosomiasis with snail latency
Q45118835A master equation for a spatial population model with pair interactions
Q51284663A mathematical description of the inclusive fitness theory.
Q71719755A mathematical model for interaction of gene frequencies in a parasite and its host
Q51612906A mathematical model for progression and heterogeneity in colorectal cancer dynamics.
Q52132010A mathematical model with a modified logistic approach for singly peaked population processes.
Q50587439A metapopulation model with Markovian landscape dynamics.
Q36648863A method for estimating rates of nucleotide substitution using DNA sequence data
Q37230800A method for estimating the effective number of loci affecting a quantitative character
Q71380909A method to estimate demographic intensities via cumulative incidence rates
Q52016669A mixed strategy model for the emergence and intensification of social learning in a periodically changing natural environment.
Q52542755A model for Chagas disease involving transmission by vectors and blood transfusion.
Q44433663A model for genetic relationship in areally continuous plant populations
Q59185574A model for the dynamics of an annual plant population
Q73884655A model for the length of tracts of identity by descent in finite random mating populations
Q44118637A model for translocation inheritance in man, segregation patterns for a single centric-fusion translocation
Q43625363A model for tuberculosis with exogenous reinfection
Q70720963A model incorporating energy utilization for the dynamics of single species populations
Q39256775A model of HIV-1 transmission for urban areas of Africa
Q52757884A model of electrophoretic variation: finite populations and finite numbers of mutable sites.
Q41837886A model of migration modification
Q42979560A model of polymorphism with several seasons and several habitats, and its application to the mosquito Aedes aegypi
Q109042250A model of the burglar alarm hypothesis of prey alarm calls
Q68897024A model of the predator-prey relationship
Q52968186A model to explain the origin of a parasite sex-specific population structure.
Q38874044A model-based method for estimating effective dispersal distance in tropical plant populations
Q33541985A multi-dimensional coalescent process applied to multi-allelic selection models and migration models
Q90377520A multi-epoch model for the number of species within genera
Q67011701A multivariate model for growth of populations
Q34229466A necessary condition for equilibrium in systems exhibiting self-incompatible mating
Q113353588A neglected facet of island biogeography: The role of internal spatial dynamics in area effects
Q45952772A network approach to modeling population aggregation and genetic control of pest insects.
Q33396601A neutral model of edge effects
Q47386290A new look at the critical community size for childhood infections
Q31388364A non-parametric method for the reconstruction of age- and time-dependent incidence from the prevalence data of irreversible diseases with differential mortality.
Q50774976A non-zero variance of Tajima's estimator for two sequences even for infinitely many unlinked loci.
Q69658166A note on Das Gupta's two-sex population model
Q69442324A note on a first passage probability found in population genetic models
Q52855036A note on difference-delay equations
Q47174838A note on distributions of times to coalescence, under time-dependent population size
Q67591400A note on multidimensional models of neutral mutation
Q31051822A note on the accuracy of PAC-likelihood inference with microsatellite data
Q68865176A note on the sampling theory for infinite alleles and infinite sites models
Q51690960A novel fitness proxy in structured locally finite metapopulations with diploid genetics, with an application to dispersal evolution.
Q36370740A numerical approach to determine mutant invasion fitness and evolutionary singular strategies
Q60029422A pairing process
Q49644912A parametric interpretation of Bayesian Nonparametric Inference from Gene Genealogies: Linking ecological, population genetics and evolutionary processes
Q33879189A partial ordering approach for functional diversity.
Q41829814A path integral formulation of the Wright-Fisher process with genic selection
Q51222520A phenotypic model for the evolution of ecological characters.
Q68241384A phenotypic symmetric selection model for three loci, two alleles: the case of tight linkage
Q66950959A population model based on a life table that includes marriage and parity
Q66950954A population's stationary distribution and chance of extinction in a stochastic environment with remarks on the theory of species packing
Q51987471A predator-prey model with infected prey.
Q51178748A predator-prey refuge system: Evolutionary stability in ecological systems.
Q38970830A quasispecies on a moving oasis
Q45730293A random-walk model of human mortality and aging
Q115599582A reconciliation of simple and complex models of age-dependent predation
Q50867013A reconsideration of Galton's problem (using a two-sex population).
Q52795801A reexamination of stability in randomly varying versus deterministic environments with comments on the stochastic theory of limiting similarity
Q91970892A remark on "Biological control through provision of additional food to predators: A theoretical study" [Theor. Popul. Biol. 72 (2007) 111-120]
Q42921624A renewal theory approach to IBD sharing
Q69737485A resolution of the ascertainment sampling problem. I. Theory
Q40358356A review of theoretical aspects of HLA and disease associations
Q47851712A second-order impact model for forest fire regimes
Q33257786A self-similarity model for the occupancy frequency distribution
Q81415429A semi-symmetric two-locus model
Q36494838A sequentially Markov conditional sampling distribution for structured populations with migration and recombination
Q51766840A sexually neutral discrete Markov model for given sum males + females.
Q45992093A simple approach to optimal control of invasive species.
Q50774924A simple greedy algorithm for reconstructing pedigrees.
Q51636894A simple method for computing exact probabilities of mutation numbers.
Q54283808A simple proof that certain quantities are independent of the geographical structure of population
Q71016135A simple stochastic gene substitution model
Q86842432A simple, semi-deterministic approximation to the distribution of selective sweeps in large populations
Q42695762A simulated annealing algorithm for maximum likelihood pedigree reconstruction
Q59185590A single locus model of selection in permanent translocation heterozygotes
Q51928717A situation in which a local nontoxic refuge promotes pest resistance to toxic crops.
Q42161058A slow selection analysis of two locus, two allele traits
Q90029421A spatial Markovian framework for estimating regional and local dynamics of annual plants with dormancy
Q51935027A spatially explicit model for an Allee effect: why wolves recolonize so slowly in Greater Yellowstone.
Q53084262A spatially explicit model of sex ratio evolution in response to sex-biased dispersal.
Q38940561A spatially explicit neutral model of beta-diversity in tropical forests
Q67450582A standardized two-sex stable population
Q71493501A stochastic compartment model representation of chronic disease dependence: techniques for evaluating parameters of partially unobserved age inhomogeneous stochastic processes
Q90015856A stochastic epidemic model for the dynamics of two pathogens in a single tick population
Q115599599A stochastic foraging model with predator training effects. II. Optimal diets
Q71281826A stochastic foraging model with predator training effects: I. Functional response, switching, and run lengths
Q52065851A stochastic model for evolution of sociality in insects.
Q46120901A stochastic model for genetic linkage equilibrium
Q52430137A stochastic model of a temperature-dependent population
Q69658171A stochastic model of human reproduction: Some preliminary results
Q67843011A stochastic theory for rate genes in large populations with overlapping generations
Q54319287A strategy of movement and resource utilization.
Q54153783A study of a Malthusian parameter in relation to some stochastic models of human reproduction
Q52906117A study of some diffusion models of population growth.
Q93228524A temporal model of territorial defence with antagonistic interactions
Q35820594A theoretical analysis of the Allee effect in wind-pollinated cordgrass plant invasions
Q67057371A theoretical study of population dynamics in the sheep tick
Q42280805A theoretical study of the role of spatial population structure in the evolution of parasite virulence
Q72522607A theoretical study of the socioecology of ungulates. II. A dynamic programming study of the stochastic formulation
Q77663739A train of thoughts on gene mapping
Q114387701A two-locus model for polymorphism for sex-linked meiotic drive modifiers with possible applications to Aedes aegypti
Q40392228A two-locus model of spatially varying stabilizing or directional selection on a quantitative trait
Q41057764A two-locus selection hypothesis for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Q90539115A two-player iterated survival game
Q35075485A unifying framework for assessing changes in life expectancy associated with changes in mortality: the case of violent deaths
Q36732060A universal scaling law determines time reversibility and steady state of substitutions under selection.
Q46140817A vectorized method of importance sampling with applications to models of mutation and migration
Q35601106AABC: approximate approximate Bayesian computation for inference in population-genetic models.
Q40869149Abiotic and biotic interactions determine whether increased colonization is beneficial or detrimental to metapopulation management
Q67444767About the theory of competing species
Q115599589Absolute stability in predator-prey models
Q61025688Absorption and fixation times for neutral and quasi-neutral populations with density dependence
Q51699536Accounting for roughness of circular processes: using Gaussian random processes to model the anisotropic spread of airborne plant disease.
Q47597052Accumulation of independent cultural traits.
Q52228007Acidic deposition, plant pests, and the fate of forest ecosystems.
Q46131165Active Alu elements are passed primarily through paternal germlines
Q46765409Adaptive behaviour and multiple equilibrium states in a predator-prey model
Q54592042Adaptive diversification in heterogeneous environments.
Q34915102Adaptive evolution of attack ability promotes the evolutionary branching of predator species
Q85179261Adaptive evolutionary walks require neutral intermediates in RNA fitness landscapes
Q74016582Adaptive feeding across environmental gradients and its effect on population dynamics
Q73294869Adaptive host preference and the dynamics of host-parasitoid interactions
Q81405700Adaptive omnivory and species coexistence in tri-trophic food webs
Q52027057Adaptive peak shifts in a heterogenous environment.
Q35650569Adaptive walks on changing landscapes: Levins' approach extended
Q90667844Adaptive walks on high-dimensional fitness landscapes and seascapes with distance-dependent statistics
Q54595711Addendum to a paper of W. Ewens
Q64997491Additive genetic variation under intraspecific competition and stabilizing selection: a two-locus study.
Q51566296Admissible mixing distributions for a general class of mixture survival models with known asymptotics.
Q91641239Adult sex ratio as an index for male strategy in primates
Q33257761Advantage of storage in a fluctuating environment.
Q39668825Age profile of immunity to influenza: effect of original antigenic sin.
Q54638509Age structure and stability in models of prey-predator systems
Q52859101Age structure effects in predator-prey interactions
Q115599597Age structure in predator-prey systems. I. A general model and a specific example
Q115599595Age structure in predator-prey systems. II. Functional response and stability and the paradox of enrichment
Q71380900Age- and density-dependent population dynamics in static and variable environments
Q39295960Age- and time-dependent model of the prevalence of non-communicable diseases and application to dementia in Germany
Q52684763Age-dependent models of population growth.
Q115599593Age-dependent predation is not a simple process. I. Continuous time models
Q115599590Age-dependent predation is not a simple process. II. Wolves, ungulates, and a discrete time model for predation on juveniles with a stabilizing tail
Q47354875Age-specific optimal diets and optimal foraging tactics: a life-historic approach
Q58296852Age-structured optimal control in population economics
Q79328176Age-structured population growth rates in constant and variable environments: a near equilibrium approach
Q52795815Ages, extinction times, and first passage probabilities for a multiallele diffusion model with irreversible mutation
Q52401333Aggregated distributions in models for patchy populations.
Q52561658Aggregation and the coexistence of competing parasitoid species.
Q46613817Aggregation dynamics explain vegetation patch-size distributions.
Q47273297Aggregation of individual trees and patches in forest succession models: capturing variability with height structured, random, spatial distributions
Q34655111Aggregation, stability, and oscillations in different models for host-macroparasite interactions
Q51972950Algebraic determination of the evolutionary stable germination fraction.
Q56486431Allee Dynamics and the Spread of Invading Organisms
Q51905339Allee effects and extinction in a lattice model.
Q52132027Allee effects can both conserve and create spatial heterogeneity in population densities.
Q52009867Allee effects, extinctions, and chaotic transients in simple population models.
Q51660428Allele fixation in a dynamic metapopulation: founder effects vs refuge effects.
Q71281793Allele frequencies in multidimensional Wright-Fisher models with a general symmetric mutation structure
Q52425565Allele frequencies in multigene families. I. Diffusion equation approach.
Q52535809Allele frequencies in multigene families. II. Coalescent approach.
Q90110580Allele frequency spectra in structured populations: Novel-allele probabilities under the labelled coalescent
Q43487304Allelic frequencies given the sample's common ancestral type
Q84066037Alternative dynamical states in stage-structured consumer populations
Q46867141Alternative stable states and alternative endstates of community assembly through intra- and interspecific positive and negative interactions
Q35627472Alternative stable states in a stage-structured consumer-resource biomass model with niche shift and seasonal reproduction.
Q52837864Alternatives to Lotka-Volterra competition: models of intermediate complexity.
Q34124103Alternatives to the Wright-Fisher model: the robustness of mitochondrial Eve dating.
Q52070039An ESS maximum principle for matrix games.
Q40833711An Euler contribution to stable theory from Süssmilch's göttliche Ordnung
Q60477557An Evaluation of the Methods Used to Construct Life Tables in Capture-Mark-Recapture Studies
Q47716320An SIS model for cultural trait transmission with conformity bias
Q92400521An accurate approximation for the expected site frequency spectrum in a Galton-Watson process under an infinite sites mutation model
Q31152266An alternative derivation of the stationary distribution of the multivariate neutral Wright-Fisher model for low mutation rates with a view to mutation rate estimation from site frequency data
Q34044092An analytical model for genetic hitchhiking in the evolution of antimalarial drug resistance
Q52858639An application of kinship process to the gene frequencies: Linkage disequilibrium due to random drift in Mendelian genetics with reversible mutation and in molecular genetics
Q46674904An application of the logistic equation to the population dynamics of Salt-Marsh gastropods
Q33429359An approximate likelihood for genetic data under a model with recombination and population splitting
Q50598624An approximate stationary solution for multi-allele neutral diffusion with low mutation rates.
Q48529653An ecological framework linking scales across space and time based on self-thinning
Q47764683An efficient algorithm for generating the internal branches of a Kingman coalescent
Q93056234An empirical approach to demographic inference with genomic data
Q43769211An energy-based model of optimal feeding-territory size
Q52594983An evolutionary epidemiological mechanism, with applications to type A influenza.
Q51675211An exact steady state solution of Fisher's geometric model and other models.
Q43724458An experimental study of weak ergodicity in human populations
Q43226972An explicit transition density expansion for a multi-allelic Wright-Fisher diffusion with general diploid selection.
Q52009865An extension of the moment closure method.
Q52900018An extension of the probability approach to genetic relationships: one locus.
Q43556038An immunization model for a heterogeneous population
Q51899478An in-host model of acute infection: measles as a case study.
Q40446180An information theoretic approach to pedigree reconstruction
Q52858616An interactive nonrandom-mating two-sex model whose intrinsic growth rate lies between one-sex rates
Q52518395An interpretation and proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection.
Q47600544An investigation of the relationship between innovation and cultural diversity
Q43794620An optimizing principle of natural selection in evolutionary population genetics
Q46168495An uncertain life: demography in random environments
Q50770457Analysing nature's experiment: Fisher's inductive theorem of natural selection.
Q41853260Analysis and rejection sampling of Wright-Fisher diffusion bridges
Q36877777Analysis of DNA sequence variation within marine species using Beta-coalescents
Q92896232Analysis of author gender in TPB, 1991-2018
Q52757878Analysis of compensatory Leslie matrix models for competing species.
Q52867750Analysis of evolution: evolutionary rates, independence and treeness.
Q52643688Analysis of linkage disequilibrium in an island model.
Q44175458Analysis of partial assortative mating and sexual selection models for a polygamous species involving a trait based on levels of heterozygosity
Q45024777Analysis of periodic growth-disturbance models
Q52900007Analysis of some nonrandom mating models.
Q56910029Analytic approximation of spatial epidemic models of foot and mouth disease
Q51628792Analytic computation of the expectation of the linkage disequilibrium coefficient r2.
Q31029326Analytic solution of Hubbell's model of local community dynamics
Q124853325Analytical Bayesian approach for the design of surveillance and control programs to assess pest-eradication success
Q114127594Analytical Bayesian models to quantify pest eradication success or species absence using zero-sighting records
Q42030757Analytical and numerical tools for diffusion-based movement models
Q43438404Analytical results on the neutral non-equilibrium allele frequency spectrum based on diffusion theory
Q52564130Analytical threshold and stability results on age-structured epidemic models with vaccination.
Q90342548Ancel (2000) on the Baldwin effect
Q52262739Ancestral Processes with Selection
Q88500250Ancestral inference from haplotypes and mutations
Q51987478Ancestral inference on gene trees under selection.
Q73075137Ancestral processes for non-neutral models of complex diseases
Q34776712Ancient phylogenetic relationships
Q45935453Antibiotic exposure and resistance in mixed bacterial populations.
Q57063659Antigenic distance and cross-immunity, invasibility and coexistence of pathogen strains in an epidemiological model with discrete antigenic space
Q52978465Application of method of small parameters to multi-niche population genetic models.
Q42024868Approximating persistence in a general class of population processes
Q51992234Approximating selective sweeps.
Q34273867Ascertainment correction for a population tree via a pruning algorithm for likelihood computation
Q47630191Aspects of variance and covariance analysis with cultural inheritance
Q129622133Assessing mutualistic metacommunity capacity by integrating spatial and interaction networks
Q52007747Assessing predation risk: optimal behaviour and rules of thumb.
Q81268842Assessing spatial coupling in complex population dynamics using mutual prediction and continuity statistics
Q44877433Association studies under general disease models
Q46058686Assortative mating and grandparental transmission facilitate the persistence of a sign language
Q52708482Assortative mating and the segregation variance.
Q91807699Assortative mating by population of origin in a mechanistic model of admixture
Q42252258Assortative mating can impede or facilitate fixation of underdominant alleles
Q57477405Assortative mating on complex traits revisited: Double first cousins and the X-chromosome
Q91710771Asymmetric competition, ontogenetic growth and size inequality drive the difference in productivity between two-strata and one-stratum forest stands
Q47571406Asymmetric dispersal in the multi-patch logistic equation.
Q48620829Asymmetric population games and the legacy of Maynard Smith: From evolution to game theory and back?
Q52437698Asymptotic and numerical approximation of roots of Lotka's equation
Q51983670Asymptotic behavior of joint distributions of characteristics of a pair of randomly chosen individuals in discrete-time Fisher-Wright models with mutations and drift.
Q51961317Asymptotically exact analysis of stochastic metapopulation dynamics with explicit spatial structure.
Q49018759Autocratic strategies for alternating games
Q46070013Autoparasitism, interference, and parasitoid-pest population dynamics
Q51977783Backward simulation of ancestors of sampled individuals.
Q68865171Backwrd population projection by a generalized inverse
Q34776752Bacteriophages: evolution of the majority
Q52070037Balance of fitnesses maintaining polymorphisms in two-locus genetic systems.
Q91776572Bayesian inference of natural selection from spatiotemporal phenotypic data
Q40450425Bayesian pedigree inference with small numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms via a factor-graph representation.
Q52888172Behavior of pairs of loci in finite monoecious populations.
Q45722954Behavioral plasticity and virus propagation: the FIV-cat population example
Q129136247Bernoulli factories and duality in Wright–Fisher and Allen–Cahn models of population genetics
Q51176365Beyond diffusion: Modelling local and long-distance dispersal for organisms exhibiting intensive and extensive search modes.
Q127175881Beyond fitness: The information imparted in population states by selection throughout lifecycles
Q47446147Bias in estimators of archaic admixture
Q33344312Bifurcation analysis of piecewise smooth ecological models
Q115566579Bifurcations and hydra effects in Bazykin’s predator–prey model
Q77153513Bimodality for plant sizes and spatial pattern in cohorts: the role of competition and site conditions
Q70720998Bioassay of kinship
Q51914424Biological control through provision of additional food to predators: a theoretical study.
Q33411121Biological diversity: distinct distributions can lead to the maximization of Rao's quadratic entropy
Q48788907Biological information, kin selection, and evolutionary transitions
Q46978773Birth-death models and coalescent point processes: the shape and probability of reconstructed phylogenies
Q45034527Births averted by contraception: An approach through renewal theory
Q53734438Births averted by induced abortion: an application of renewal theory.
Q31146083Bistability in a size-structured population model of cannibalistic fish--a continuation study.
Q44964369Body condition dependent dispersal in a heterogeneous environment
Q47249404Body-size scaling in an SEI model of wildlife diseases
Q33391863Bottom-up derivation of discrete-time population models with the Allee effect
Q83077076Bottom-up derivation of population models for competition involving multiple resources
Q115599604Boundedness of solutions of predator-prey systems
Q39283653Bounds on the dynamics of sink populations with noisy immigration.
Q41502417Box-Jenkins forecasting in ecology: an answer to Poole
Q73382245Branching process models for mutant genes in nonstationary populations
Q52000023Brownian models and coalescent structures.
Q90278134Building a synthetic basis for kin selection and evolutionary game theory using population genetics
Q52438577Calculation of roots of Lotka's equation
Q41701236Can one hear the shape of a population history?
Q54243568Can one learn history from the allelic spectrum?
Q51677275Can possible evolutionary outcomes be determined directly from the population dynamics?
Q43865949Can there be more predators than prey?
Q77990261Can we tell how a community was constructed? A comparison of five evenness indices for their ability to identify theoretical models of community construction
Q51717965Canards and mixed-mode oscillations in a forest pest model.
Q41486663Cannibalism can be beneficial even when its mean yield is less than one.
Q48798678Carl Düsing (1884) on the regulation of the sex-ratio
Q30844797Carrying capacity and demographic stochasticity: scaling behavior of the stochastic logistic model.
Q34539216Case-control studies of association in structured or admixed populations.
Q46818312Caught in the middle: Asymmetric competition causes high variance in intermediate trait abundances
Q51652776Central-place seed foraging and vegetation patterns.
Q51783599Change and maintenance of variation in quantitative traits in the context of the Price equation.
Q43908911Change in gene frequency under selection in a finite population: A comment
Q67260211Change of fitness by selection for a quantitative character
Q52239150Chaos and peak-to-peak dynamics in a plankton-fish model.
Q47981786Chaotic dynamics of allele frequencies in condition-dependent mating systems
Q51995283Chaotic pairwise competition.
Q52647206Character displacement and niche shift analyzed using consumer-resource models of competition.
Q107129392Character displacement in the presence of multiple trait differences: Evolution of the storage effect in germination and growth
Q36071983Characteristics of temporal changes in communities where dynamics differ between species
Q47205408Characteristics of the variance effective population size over time using an age structured model with variable size
Q42039076Chemical evolutionary games
Q74588019Chromosomal distributions of breakpoints in cancer, infertility, and evolution
Q51439095Circular stochastic fluctuations in SIS epidemics with heterogeneous contacts among sub-populations.
Q46464039Clades, clans, and reciprocal monophyly under neutral evolutionary models.
Q83598400Classes of communication and the conditions for their evolution
Q41888321Clines in quantitative traits: the role of migration patterns and selection scenarios
Q46934340Clines with complete dominance and partial panmixia in an unbounded unidimensional habitat
Q46566952Clines with partial panmixia across a geographical barrier in an environmental pocket
Q50727190Clines with partial panmixia across a geographical barrier.
Q46877095Clines with partial panmixia in an environmental pocket
Q51555104Clines with partial panmixia in an unbounded unidimensional habitat.
Q51512941Clines with partial panmixia.
Q38526696Clone selection and the mutation rate
Q90484380Coalescence in the diffusion limit of a Bienaymé-Galton-Watson branching process
Q37771478Coalescent approximation for structured populations in a stationary random environment
Q82462055Coalescent histories for discordant gene trees and species trees
Q47435537Coalescent process with fluctuating population size and its effective size
Q46882361Coalescent simulation in continuous space: algorithms for large neighbourhood size
Q86918572Coalescent theory has many new branches
Q33706123Coalescing into the 21st century: An overview and prospects of coalescent theory
Q104503887Coevolution fails to maintain genetic variation in a host-parasite model with constant finite population size
Q124838877Coevolution in resource-limited competition communities
Q49164395Coevolution of competing species: ecological character displacement
Q44747539Coevolution of intelligence, behavioral repertoire, and lifespan
Q45971070Coevolution of pathogens and cultural practices: a new look at behavioral heterogeneity in epidemics.
Q68054671Coevolution of self-fertilization and inbreeding depression. I. Mutation-selection balance at one and two loci
Q68054673Coevolution of self-fertilization and inbreeding depression. II. Symmetric overdominance in viability
Q36948747Coevolution of self-fertilization and inbreeding depression. III. Homozygous lethal mutations at multiple loci
Q51559290Coexistence and community structure in a consumer resource model with implicit stoichiometry.
Q39224477Coexistence and evolutionary dynamics mediated by seasonal environmental variation in annual plant communities
Q46123636Coexistence in MacArthur-style consumer-resource models
Q42031840Coexistence of cytoplasmic incompatibility and male-killing-inducing endosymbionts, and their impact on host gene flow
Q51554366Coexistence of individual and social learners during range expansion.
Q52079125Coexistence of macroparasites without direct interactions.
Q48639680Coexistence of productive and non-productive populations by fluctuation-driven spatio-temporal patterns
Q40593649Coexistence of species competing for shared resources
Q44838195Coexistence of structured populations with size-based prey selection
Q44943015Colony response to graded resource changes: an analytical model of the influence of genotype, environment, and dominance
Q92716480Combined effect of environmental temperature and density-dependent processes on the evolution of seasonal metabolic rate patterns
Q52008561Combining endogenous and exogenous spatial variability in analytical population models
Q46099715Commentary: Fisher's infinitesimal model: A story for the ages
Q43564648Comments on "Improving estimates of the basic reproductive ratio: using both the mean and the dispersal of transition times".
Q66995261Comparative statics and stochastic dynamics of age-structured populations
Q81285427Comparative statics of games between relatives
Q40572406Comparing estimates of genetic variance across different relationship models.
Q51044822Comparison of linear and nonlinear models for human population dynamics
Q41943541Comparisons of positive assortative mating and sexual selection models
Q81700469Compensatory evolution in diploid populations
Q91296951Competing barnacle species with a time dependent reproduction rate
Q85954523Competing islands limit the rate of adaptation in structured populations
Q57663024Competing populations in flows with chaotic mixing
Q47204435Competition and body size
Q73294855Competition and dispersal in predator-prey waves
Q52039984Competition and species packing in patchy environments.
Q33195428Competition and stoichiometry: coexistence of two predators on one prey
Q53744262Competition and the form of habitat shift.
Q52594657Competition at the mouse t complex: rare alleles are inherently favored.
Q51987481Competition between near and far dispersers in spatially structured habitats.
Q44867165Competition between species: Theoretical models and experimental tests
Q57065505Competition by Allelopathy Proceeds in Traveling Waves: Colicin-Immune Strain Aids Colicin-Sensitive Strain
Q46914225Competition in a spatially heterogeneous environment: modelling the risk of spread of a genetically engineered population
Q47174843Competition in size-structured populations: mechanisms inducing cohort formation and population cycles
Q46366759Competition landscapes: scaling up local biotic and abiotic processes in heterogeneous environments
Q52669702Competition may determine the diversity of transposable elements.
Q41191558Competition, coinfection and strain replacement in models of Bordetella pertussis.
Q52792007Competition, kin selection, and evolutionary stable strategies
Q110630217Competitive Coexistence in a Seasonally Fluctuating Environment II. Multiple Stable States and Invasion Success
Q81050662Competitive coexistence in a dynamic landscape
Q58398880Competitive divergence in non-random mating populations
Q72170760Competitive exclusion and coexistence of species with complex life cycles
Q81390127Competitive exclusion and limiting similarity: a unified theory
Q69744752Competitive release in island song sparrow populations
Q51647709Complex dynamics occur in a single-locus, multiallelic model of general frequency-dependent selection.
Q34311319Complexity and demographic stability in population models
Q40658706Computational issues in mapping variation affecting susceptibility to complex disorders: the chicken and the egg.
Q33313548Computing additive beta-diversity from presence and absence scores: a critique and alternative parameters.
Q44252654Computing the joint distribution of the total tree length across loci in populations with variable size
Q104492601Computing the probability of gene trees concordant with the species tree in the multispecies coalescent
Q52978473Concepts of substitutional load in finite populations
Q51070155Condition-dependent mate choice: A stochastic dynamic programming approach.
Q64004739Conditional Genealogies and the Age of a Neutral Mutant
Q52949263Conditional diffusion processes in population genetics
Q47400199Conditional dispersal under kin competition: extension of the Hamilton-May model to brood size-dependent dispersal
Q50867296Conditions for genetic polymorphism in social hymentopera under selection at the colony level
Q85249169Conditions for patchiness in plankton models
Q113355645Conditions for the Maintenance of Prezygotic and Zygotic Isolation in a Continent-Island Model
Q40593661Conditions for the evolution of altruism under Darwinian selection
Q71281812Conditions for the existence of stationary densities for some two-dimensional diffusion processes with applications in population biology
Q113353589Conditions for the persistence of partial zygotic reproductive isolation in an island-continent model
Q43498751Confidence intervals for demographic projections based on products of random matrices
Q47828352Consequences of an uncertain mass mortality regime triggered by climate variability on giant clam population management in the Pacific Ocean.
Q35079226Consequences of asymmetric competition between resident and invasive defoliators: a novel empirically based modelling approach
Q42416554Consistency and inconsistency of consensus methods for inferring species trees from gene trees in the presence of ancestral population structure
Q47835357Consistency of estimators of the population-scaled recombination rate
Q67319010Constant rate population harvesting: Equilibrium and stability
Q52659552Constrained evolution of a quantitative character by pleiotropic mutation.
Q71281801Consumer functional response and competition in consumer-resource systems
Q53846152Continuous cycling of grouped vs. solitary strategy frequencies in a predator-prey model.
Q53911700Continuous selective models
Q69759105Continuous selective models with mutation and migration
Q67002347Convergence of human age-sex distributions to an equilibrium-state age-sex distribution
Q44377894Convergence of the age structure: Applications of the projective metric
Q54484762Core elements of a TPB paper.
Q30784682Correcting for ascertainment biases when analyzing SNP data: applications to the estimation of linkage disequilibrium
Q53744505Correlation and probability methods for one and two loci
Q41837513Correlation between relatives given complete genotypes: from identity by descent to identity by function
Q67580642Correlation of gene frequencies between neutral linked genes in finite populations
Q46111235Correlative coherence analysis: variation from intrinsic and extrinsic sources in competing populations
Q47195170Corridors for migration between large subdivided populations, and the structured coalescent
Q92499332Corrigendum to "A coalescent dual process for a Wright-Fisher diffusion with recombination and its application to haplotype partitioning" [Theor. Popul. Biol. 112 (2016) 126-138]
Q60485160Corrigendum to “Intraguild predation promotes complex alternative states along a productivity gradient” [Theor. Popul. Biol. 72 (2007) 264–273]
Q52257968Coupling and the Non-degeneracy of the Limit in Some Plasmid Reproduction Models
Q47835347Covariances among join-count spatial autocorrelation measures
Q36171094Covariation of gene frequencies in a stepping-stone lattice of populations
Q30711885Critical issues in bacterial phylogeny
Q90351843Cryptic selection forces and dynamic heritability in generalized phenotypic evolution
Q28203244Cultural and biological evolutionary processes, selection for a trait under complex transmission
Q92405215Cultural and evolutionary dynamics with best-of-k learning when payoffs are uncertain
Q91543913Cultural bistability and connectedness in a subdivided population
Q47220117Cultural coevolution of norm adoption and enforcement when punishers are rewarded or non-punishers are punished
Q47366914Cultural niche construction and the evolution of small family size
Q47227570Cultural niche construction in a metapopulation
Q122633037Cultural niche construction with application to fertility control: A model for education and social transmission of contraceptive use
Q40742526Cultural transmission in a demographic study of sex ratio at birth in China's future
Q47238674Cultural transmission of a sign language when deafness is caused by recessive alleles at two independent loci
Q57660513Cumulant Dynamics of a Population under Multiplicative Selection, Mutation, and Drift
Q52591133Cycles in nonlinear age-structured models. I. Renewal equations.
Q91885153Cyclic outbreaks of forest insects: A two-dimensional individual-based model
Q46766510Cyclical succession in grazed ecosystems: the importance of interactions between different-sized herbivores and different-sized predators
Q45272638Cytonuclear disequilibria in a spatially structured hybrid zone
Q36154246Cytonuclear dynamics in selfing populations under selection
Q81610046Cytonuclear models of epistatic mating with backcrossing and selection
Q36726375Damage segregation at fissioning may increase growth rates: a superprocess model
Q34679611Darwinian fitness
Q56514384Darwinian selection and "altruism"
Q33224855Decision-making in variable environments-- a case of group selection and inter-generational conflict?
Q46552062Delay driven spatiotemporal chaos in single species population dynamics models
Q41486670Deleterious mutations, variable epistatic interactions, and the evolution of recombination.
Q52303974Demographic Models for Subdivided Populations: The Renewal Equation Approach
Q52782988Demographic incidence rates
Q39762617Demographic inference under the coalescent in a spatial continuum
Q30977268Demographic inference using genetic data from a single individual: Separating population size variation from population structure
Q51715322Demographic stochasticity versus spatial variation in the competition between fast and slow dispersers.
Q80068981Demography in the 21st century: introduction
Q30829919Demography-adjusted tests of neutrality based on genome-wide SNP data.
Q51674451Density dependence, lifespan and the evolutionary dynamics of longevity.
Q69819680Density dependent selection in parthenogenetic and self-mating populations
Q52193090Density-Dependent Patch Exploitation and Acquisition of Environmental Information
Q91143603Density-dependent selection and the limits of relative fitness
Q112830912Density-independent mortality, density compensation, gap formation, and self-thinning in plant populations
Q48599123Dependency effects in multi-locus match probabilities
Q38836268Deploying dengue-suppressing Wolbachia : Robust models predict slow but effective spatial spread in Aedes aegypti
Q66950956Derivation of the eigenvalues of the configuration process induced by a labeled direct product branching process
Q38624511Derivatives of the stochastic growth rate
Q52935817Descent measures for two loci with some applications
Q51862106Detecting hybrid speciation in the presence of incomplete lineage sorting using gene tree incongruence: a model.
Q77663747Detection of human genetic linkage: foundations
Q47572423Determining the distribution of fitness effects using a generalized Beta-Burr distribution
Q122394901Determining the most recent common ancestor in a finite linear habitat with asymmetric dispersal
Q43942049Deterministic epidemic models on contact networks: correlations and unbiological terms
Q51813954Deterministic evolution of an asexual population under the action of beneficial and deleterious mutations on additive fitness landscapes.
Q28290483Development of Neutral and Nearly Neutral Theories
Q51705792Developmental variability and stability in continuous-time host-parasitoid models.
Q90127197Developments in coalescent theory from single loci to chromosomes
Q52789183Diet optimization in a generalist herbivore: the moose
Q72041758Diet optimization with a nutrient or toxin constraint
Q47927318Differences in the effective population sizes of males and females do not require differences in their distribution of offspring number
Q112830915Differential games in evolutionary theory: Height growth strategies of trees
Q113885862Diffuse coevolution in plant-herbivore communities
Q52214985Diffusion models for population dynamics incorporating individual behavior at boundaries: applications to refuge design.
Q52068922Diffusion-limited predator-prey dynamics in Euclidean environments: an allometric individual-based model.
Q115599576Direct and indirect effects of invasions of predators on a multiple-species community
Q52059337Directed movement of predators and the emergence of density-dependence in predator-prey models.
Q51024892Discrete clutch sizes, local mate competition, and the evolution of precise sex allocation.
Q52207533Discrete event versus continuous approach to reproduction in structured population dynamics.
Q82419567Discrete polymorphisms due to disruptive selection on a continuous trait--I: the one-locus case
Q52855015Discrete time models for two-species competition
Q51940140Disease evolution across a range of spatio-temporal scales.
Q46302103Disease in changing populations: growth and disequilibrium
Q57091776Disease regulation of age-structured host populations
Q43730436Disease-induced natural selection in a diploid host.
Q57805939Disentangling eco-evolutionary effects on trait fixation
Q52906097Disequilibrium among several linked neutral genes in finite population 1. mean changes in disequilibrium.
Q43575827Disequilibrium among several linked neutral genes in finite population. II. Variances and covariances of disequilibria
Q115611074Dispersal and Pattern Formation in a Discrete-Time Predator-Prey Model
Q51987476Dispersal and the evolution of specialisation in a two-habitat type metapopulation.
Q89522754Dispersal asymmetry in a two-patch system with source–sink populations
Q57656587Dispersal delays, predator–prey stability, and the paradox of enrichment
Q125767578Dispersal strategies in patchy environments
Q74588003Dispersal, kin competition, and the ideal free distribution in a spatially heterogeneous population
Q77928377Dispersal-induced instabilities in host-parasitoid metapopulations
Q51995275Dispersal-mediated coexistence of competing predators.
Q33636056Distance measures in terms of substitution processes
Q39494975Distance-responsive predation is not necessary for the Janzen-Connell hypothesis.
Q71223297Distinguishing migration from isolation using the variance of pairwise differences
Q69442300Distribution of birth intervals according to the sampling frame
Q42637214Distribution of genome shared IBD by half-sibs: approximation by the Poisson clumping heuristic.
Q52708480Distribution of mutants in aggregates of cultured cells.
Q47331621Distribution of nucleotide differences between two randomly chosen cistrons in a population of variable size
Q59204202Distribution of nucleotide differences between two randomly chosen cistrons in a subdivided population: The finite island model
Q70147125Distribution of transposable elements in prokaryotes
Q69759093Distributions of time to fixation of neutral genes
Q56763664Disturbance, coexistence, history, and competition for space
Q28284222Divergence time and population size in the lineage leading to modern humans
Q112830917Diversity and dissimilarity coefficients: A unified approach
Q33509691Diversity partitioning of Rao's quadratic entropy
Q51198746Diversity-stability relationships in community ecology: re-examination of the portfolio effect.
Q47232756Division synchrony and the dynamics of microbial populations: a size-specific model
Q52552568Do migratory or demographic disruptions rule the population impact of pollution in spatial networks?
Q47779706Do social learning and conformist bias coevolve? Henrich and Boyd revisited
Q57613789Does K-selection imply prudent predation?
Q39294633Does predator interference cause alternative stable states in multispecies communities?
Q51968451Does quasi-local competition lead to pattern formation in metapopulations? An explicit resource competition model.
Q51709267Dominance and the maintenance of polymorphism in multiallelic migration-selection models with two demes.
Q92727831Donnelly (1983) and the limits of genetic genealogy
Q37432795Drawing inferences about the coancestry coefficient
Q126510194Drewnowski’s index to measure lifespan variation: Revisiting the Gini coefficient of the life table
Q52812045Drift variances of FST and GST statistics obtained from a finite number of isolated populations
Q92772886Drivers of diversity in individual life courses: Sensitivity of the population entropy of a Markov chain
Q57593590Drug resistance in tuberculosis—a reinfection model
Q67002348Dual diffusions, killed diffusions, and the age distribution problem in population genetics
Q83707786Duality, ancestral and diffusion processes in models with selection
Q44554241Dwarf males, large hermaphrodites and females in marine species: a dynamic optimization model of sex allocation and growth
Q51368810Dying on the way: the influence of migrational mortality on clines.
Q51389900Dying on the way: the influence of migrational mortality on neutral models of spatial variation.
Q47967534Dynamic concurrent partnership networks incorporating demography
Q83926550Dynamic modeling of cooperative protein secretion in microorganism populations
Q72989501Dynamics and equilibrium behavior of cytonuclear disequilibria under genetic drift, mutation, and migration
Q52009871Dynamics and responses to mortality rates of competing predators undergoing predator-prey cycles.
Q50956550Dynamics and spatial organization of plant communities in water-limited systems.
Q39260781Dynamics and stability in coevolutionary ecological systems. I. Community stability and coevolutionarily stable states
Q51904447Dynamics of Fst for the island model.
Q40938229Dynamics of SI epidemic with a demographic Allee effect.
Q57065663Dynamics of a metapopulation with space-limited subpopulations
Q115599577Dynamics of an age-structured prey with density- and predation-dependent recruitment: The Dungeness crab and a nemertean egg predator worm
Q52225714Dynamics of co-infection with M. Tuberculosis and HIV-1.
Q52429470Dynamics of correlated genetic systems. II. Simulation studies of chromosomal segments under selection
Q52421833Dynamics of cytonuclear disequilibria in finite populations and comparison with a two-locus nuclear system.
Q51920753Dynamics of escape mutants.
Q68897029Dynamics of gene differentiation between incompletely isolated populations of unequal sizes
Q48406172Dynamics of infection with multiple transmission mechanisms in unmanaged/managed animal populations
Q52599378Dynamics of populations with changing rates: generalization of the stable population theory.
Q43531398Dynamics of sexual populations structured by a space variable and a phenotypical trait
Q77228663Dynamics of transposable elements in metapopulations: a model of P element invasion in Drosophila
Q50579588ESS germination strategies in randomly varying environments. I. Logistic-type models.
Q93640169ESS germination strategies in randomly varying environments. II. Reciprocal Yield-Law models
Q92845486Eco-epidemiological interactions with predator interference and infection
Q50205863Eco-evolutionary dynamics of social dilemmas
Q46285595Ecocultural range-expansion scenarios for the replacement or assimilation of Neanderthals by modern humans
Q56796900Ecogenetic models, competition, and heteropatry
Q51167241Ecological advantages of partial migration as a conditional strategy.
Q51200187Ecological and evolutionary conditions for fruit abortion to regulate pollinating seed-eaters and increase plant reproduction.
Q30581128Ecological and genetic effects of introduced species on their native competitors
Q88502383Ecological change points: The strength of density dependence and the loss of history
Q51183021Ecological consequences of evolution in plant defenses in a metacommunity.
Q91511498Ecological dynamics and large scale phenotypic differentiation in density-dependent populations
Q41839238Ecological public goods games: cooperation and bifurcation
Q44178211Ecological stability and social hierarchy
Q37365292Economic epidemiology of avian influenza on smallholder poultry farms
Q83015498Effect of age on germination of dormant seeds
Q84225592Effect of epistasis and linkage on fixation probability in three-locus models: an ancestral recombination-selection graph approach
Q70720948Effect of exclusion of sib-mating on genetic drift
Q44415386Effect of gene conversion on variances of digenic identity measures
Q34156693Effect of maternal and grandmaternal care on population dynamics and human life-history evolution: a matrix projection model
Q44468307Effective number of alleles in a subdivided population
Q46705543Effective population size in organisms with complex life-histories.
Q47265282Effective size and F-statistics of subdivided populations for sex-linked loci
Q47373148Effective size of populations with overlapping generations
Q46488894Effective sizes and time to migration-drift equilibrium in geographically subdivided populations
Q53944341Effects of Optimal Antipredator Behavior of Prey on Predator-Prey Dynamics: The Role of Refuges.
Q46305018Effects of cis-trans viability selection on some two-locus models
Q51626460Effects of colonization asymmetries on metapopulation persistence.
Q37952520Effects of demographic structure on key properties of stochastic density-independent population dynamics
Q52791965Effects of density-restricted food encounter on some single-level competition models
Q47581731Effects of encounter in a population of spatial prisoner's dilemma players
Q83234051Effects of epistasis and the evolution of genetic architecture: exact results for a 2-locus model
Q51610894Effects of genetic architecture on the evolution of assortative mating under frequency-dependent disruptive selection.
Q73138820Effects of immigration on some stochastic logistic models: a cumulant truncation analysis
Q52212355Effects of immigration on the dynamics of simple population models.
Q52029394Effects of local interactions and local migration on stability.
Q35126951Effects of polymorphism for locally adapted genes on rates of neutral introgression in structured populations
Q47214017Effects of population size and metapopulation dynamics on a mating-system polymorphism
Q89360955Effects of population- and seed bank size fluctuations on neutral evolution and efficacy of natural selection
Q51693038Effects of predation on host-pathogen dynamics in SIR models.
Q48459358Effects of predation pressure on species packing on a resource gradient: insights from nonlinear dynamics.
Q36926477Effects of public health educational campaigns and the role of sex workers on the spread of HIV/AIDS among heterosexuals
Q52207538Effects of spatial grouping on the functional response of predators.
Q44144167Effects of treatment and drug resistance on the transmission dynamics of malaria in endemic areas
Q47439967Efficient maximum likelihood pedigree reconstruction
Q51617379Efficient methods for studying stochastic disease and population dynamics.
Q44876719Egg size evolution and energetic constraints on population dynamics
Q31008103Eigenanalysis of SNP data with an identity by descent interpretation
Q58055257Elasticity analysis of density-dependent matrix population models: the invasion exponent and its substitutes
Q42272215Eliminating infectious diseases of livestock: a metapopulation model of infection control
Q52021402Emergence of a complex and stable network in a model ecosystem with extinction and mutation.
Q82645127Emergence of asymmetry in evolution
Q57065698Emergence patterns in male butterflies: A hypothesis and a test
Q46371682Endemic disease in host populations with fully specified demography
Q51911847Endemic persistence or disease extinction: The effect of separation into sub-communities.
Q59806616Energetic constraints and the paradox of a diffusing population in a heterogeneous environment
Q90456247Enhancing population stability with combined adaptive limiter control and finding the optimal harvesting-restocking balance
Q41043503Enhancing the mathematical properties of new haplotype homozygosity statistics for the detection of selective sweeps.
Q37979528Enrichment in a general class of stoichiometric producer-consumer population growth models
Q107968282Environmental Pseudointeraction: The Effects of Ignoring the Scale of Environmental Heterogeneity in Competition Studies
Q77437301Environmental Variability and the Persistence of Parasitoid-Host Metapopulation Models
Q114684639Environmental fluctuations and extinction—Single species
Q46016421Environmental uncertainty and variable diapause.
Q81764134Environmental variation, fluctuating selection and genetic drift in subdivided populations
Q73842997Epidemic thresholds and vaccination in a lattice model of disease spread
Q51911891Epidemiological effects of seasonal oscillations in birth rates.
Q49020164Epistasis and pleiotropy as natural properties of transcriptional regulation
Q74177610Epistasis and the conversion of non-additive to additive genetic variance at population bottlenecks
Q84539594Epistasis can increase multivariate trait diversity in haploid non-recombining populations
Q42152953Epistasis in a quantitative trait captured by a molecular model of transcription factor interactions.
Q45968405Epistatic selection in a multi-locus Levene model and implications for linkage disequilibrium.
Q70720943Equilibrium and growth of populations subjected to migrations
Q51866766Equilibrium between the "genuine mutualists" and "symbiotic cheaters" in the bacterial population co-evolving with plants in a facultative symbiosis.
Q39878718Equilibrium distributions for deleterious genes in large stationary populations
Q39442772Equilibrium population dynamics when mating is by mutual choice based on age.
Q37972570Equilibrium properties of a multi-locus, haploid-selection, symmetric-viability model
Q70739414Equilibrium studies of two locus haploid populations with recombination
Q40442252Equivalent probability density moments determine equivalent epidemics in an SIRS model with temporary immunity
Q71719760Ergodic properties of populations I: The one sex model
Q48587171Ernst Mayr (1904-2005): evolutionary leader, protagonist, and visionary
Q88070945Erratum to 'Projections of health indicators for chronic disease under a semi-Markov assumption' [Theor. Popul. Biol. 119 (2018) 83-90]
Q33273171Establishing a beachhead: a stochastic population model with an Allee effect applied to species invasion
Q57065040Establishment Probability in Fluctuating Environments: A Branching Process Model
Q49796193Establishment in a new habitat by polygenic adaptation.
Q98181702Establishment process of a magic trait allele subject to both divergent selection and assortative mating
Q52008555Establishment success and extinction risk in autocorrelated environments.
Q45991355Estimating change rates of genetic markers using serial samples: applications to the transposon IS6110 in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Q34215673Estimating covariation between vital rates: a simulation study of connected vs. separate generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs).
Q44599646Estimating demographic parameters using hidden process dynamic models
Q31120905Estimating genealogies from unlinked marker data: a Bayesian approach
Q51641639Estimating genetic architectures from artificial-selection responses: a random-effect framework.
Q80069019Estimating national disability risk
Q47612199Estimating primate divergence times by using conditioned birth-and-death processes
Q47619941Estimating the basic reproductive number during the early stages of an emerging epidemic
Q46561387Estimating the initial relative infection rate for a stochastic epidemic model
Q33572545Estimating the kernel parameters of premises-based stochastic models of farmed animal infectious disease epidemics using limited, incomplete, or ongoing data
Q30873218Estimating the scaled mutation rate and mutation bias with site frequency data
Q79328174Estimating variability in models for recurrent epidemics: assessing the use of moment closure techniques
Q51649077Estimation in an island model using simulation.
Q40829813Estimation of duration of separation, widowhood, and family life cycle
Q45730340Estimation of parameters in large offspring number models and ratios of coalescence times
Q37447287Estimation of the HIV-1 backward mutation rate from transmitted drug-resistant strains.
Q52949275Estimation of the age composition of current IUD users: example of Taiwan, Republic of China.
Q52927777Estimation of the amount of inbreeding due to subdivision of a population.
Q36620404Estimation of the neutral mutation rate in a finite population from DNA sequence data
Q51478132Estimation of the rate and effect of new beneficial mutations in asexual populations.
Q47404586Estimation of the variance effective population size in age structured populations
Q43466185Estimators for viability in experimental populations, their variances and covariances
Q51905100Evaluating the importance of within- and between-host selection pressures on the evolution of chronic pathogens.
Q60029382Evaluation of age-specific vaccination strategies
Q50709045Evidence of adaptive intergenerational sex ratio adjustment in contemporary human populations.
Q64032276Evolution and intraspecific competition. III. One-locus theory for small additive gene effects and multidimensional resource qualities
Q64032279Evolution and intraspecific exploitative competition I. One-locus theory for small additive gene effects
Q52687436Evolution and intraspecific exploitative competition. II. A two-locus model for additive gene effects.
Q42396365Evolution and polymorphism in the multilocus Levene model with no or weak epistasis
Q52561659Evolution in action across phylogeny caused by microclimatic stresses at "Evolution Canyon".
Q45094526Evolution in fine-grained environments. I. Environmental runs and the evolution of homeostasis
Q52906074Evolution in finite populations with infinitely many types.
Q51620652Evolution in heterogeneous populations: From migration models to fixation probabilities
Q51053394Evolution of altruism in stepping-stone populations with overlapping generations.
Q44213197Evolution of cannibalistic traits: scenarios derived from adaptive dynamics
Q48460048Evolution of contingent altruism when cooperation is expensive
Q47720583Evolution of cooperation in a multidimensional phenotype space
Q70720994Evolution of dimorphism in a predator-prey model
Q73884662Evolution of disassortative and assortative mating preferences based on imprinting
Q33932042Evolution of dispersal in a stepping-stone population with overlapping generations.
Q71281806Evolution of haplodiploidy: models for inbred and outbred systems
Q50126185Evolution of highly fecund haploid populations
Q47813631Evolution of improvement and cumulative culture
Q50720100Evolution of learning and levels of selection: A lesson from avian parent-offspring communication.
Q44643194Evolution of learning and levels of selection: a lesson from avian parent-offspring communication
Q51668487Evolution of learning capacities and learning levels
Q51947732Evolution of learning in subdivided populations that occupy environmentally heterogeneous sites.
Q38144635Evolution of learning strategies in temporally and spatially variable environments: A review of theory
Q26827961Evolution of learning strategies in temporally and spatially variable environments: a review of theory
Q50593066Evolution of life history strategies for an asexual annual plant model.
Q51935212Evolution of linkage disequilibrium of the founders in exponentially growing populations.
Q67020349Evolution of marine invertebrate reproduction patterns
Q52212334Evolution of mutualistic symbiosis without vertical transmission.
Q51308763Evolution of recombination rates in a multi-locus, haploid-selection, symmetric-viability model.
Q50590641Evolution of reduced mutation under frequency-dependent selection.
Q51777419Evolution of resistance and progression to disease during clonal expansion of cancer.
Q46598387Evolution of sexual preferences in quantitative characters
Q51296380Evolution of social behavior in finite populations: a payoff transformation in general n-player games and its implications.
Q51987474Evolution of social learning: a mathematical analysis.
Q45105971Evolution of social versus individual learning in a subdivided population revisited: comparative analysis of three coexistence mechanisms using the inclusive-fitness method
Q34776722Evolution of the Archaea
Q41838800Evolution of the segregation ratio: modification of gene conversion and meiotic drive
Q47639073Evolution of the sex ratio and effective number under gynodioecy and androdioecy.
Q99413109Evolution of transmission modifiers under frequency-dependent selection and transmission in constant or fluctuating environments
Q34776741Evolution of viral structure
Q44755803Evolution of virulence: interdependence, constraints, and selection using nested models
Q51709657Evolution under multiallelic migration-selection models.
Q51727491Evolution under the multiallelic Levene model.
Q51652935Evolution under the multilocus Levene model without epistasis.
Q86447401Evolution with stochastic fitnesses: a role for recombination
Q67591403Evolution, population dynamics, and stability: a comment
Q34172893Evolutionarily [corrected] stable strategies: a review of basic theory
Q80310775Evolutionarily stable germination strategies with time-correlated yield
Q47371132Evolutionarily stable growth rates in size-structured populations under size-related competition
Q51817991Evolutionarily stable learning schedules and cumulative culture in discrete generation models.
Q51960636Evolutionarily stable strategies and short-term selection in Mendelian populations re-visited.
Q52000027Evolutionarily stable strategies for stochastic processes.
Q52239062Evolutionary Stable Strategies and Trade-Offs in Generalized Beverton and Holt Growth Models.
Q51916139Evolutionary branching and long-term coexistence of cycling predators: critical function analysis.
Q45721928Evolutionary branching in a stochastic population model with discrete mutational steps
Q51644871Evolutionary consequences of a search image.
Q71373562Evolutionary dynamics in frequency-dependent two-phenotype models
Q35895628Evolutionary dynamics of a quantitative trait in a finite asexual population
Q35757862Evolutionary dynamics of biological auctions.
Q47263381Evolutionary dynamics of seed size and seedling competitive ability
Q42451818Evolutionary dynamics of tumor progression with random fitness values
Q51546479Evolutionary entropy predicts the outcome of selection: Competition for resources that vary in abundance and diversity.
Q38403619Evolutionary game dynamics in finite populations with strong selection and weak mutation
Q40888363Evolutionary game dynamics with non-uniform interaction rates
Q57065233Evolutionary jumping and breakthrough in tree masting evolution
Q40069474Evolutionary rescue of a parasite population by mutation rate evolution
Q120405984Evolutionary rescue via niche construction: Infrequent construction can prevent post-invasion extinction
Q47944671Evolutionary stability of first-order-information indirect reciprocity in sizable groups
Q56047461Evolutionary stability: States and strategies
Q59541010Evolving Populations with Overlapping Generations
Q47380931Ewens' sampling formula and related formulae: combinatorial proofs, extensions to variable population size and applications to ages of alleles
Q52851096Exact asymptotic analysis for metapopulation dynamics on correlated dynamic landscapes.
Q51955486Exact coalescent for the Wright-Fisher model.
Q90671377Exact limits of inference in coalescent models
Q59185475Exact moment calculations for genetic models with migration, mutation, and drift
Q81605484Exact sample sizes needed to detect dependence in 2 x 3 tables
Q52439382Exact solutions to certain stochastic differential equation models of population growth.
Q43559182Exclusion and spatial segregation in the apparent competition between two hosts sharing macroparasites
Q40136558Explaining the optimality of U-shaped age-specific mortality
Q111248923Exploring artificial habitat fragmentation to control invasion by infectious wildlife diseases
Q39540537Exploring epiallele stability in a population-epigenetic model
Q39786596Exploring the dynamics of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) transmission in children
Q30665410Exponential distance statistics to detect the effects of population subdivision
Q67319012Extinction and exponential growth in random environments
Q83679282Extinction and fixation times with dominance and inbreeding
Q43135023Extinction conditions for isolated populations affected by environmental stochasticity.
Q50852522Extinction probabilities and stationary distributions of mobile genetic elements in prokaryotes: The birth-death-diversification model.
Q52244499Extinction rate of a population under both demographic and environmental stochasticity.
Q40785449Extinction risk and the 1/f family of noise models
Q52898414Extinction risk in a temporally correlated fluctuating environment.
Q52977888Extinction risk, coloured noise and the scaling of variance.
Q114175176Extinction threshold and large population limit of a plant metapopulation model with recurrent extinction events and a seed bank component
Q52039979Extinction time and age of an allele in a large finite population.
Q70720978Extinction time of deleterious mutant genes in large populations
Q61025692Extinction times and moment closure in the stochastic logistic process
Q82220381F(ST) in the cytonuclear system
Q92316635FST and the triangle inequality for biallelic markers
Q46961106Facilitation of intraguild prey by its intraguild predator in a three-species Lotka-Volterra model
Q44006953Factors influencing the optimum sex ratio in a structured population
Q81738155Families of discrete kernels for modeling dispersal
Q41552176Family formation and the frequency of various kinship relationships
Q67376349Family formation and the frequency of various kinship relationships
Q52601012Fast cheater migration stabilizes coexistence in a public goods dilemma on networks.
Q91724004Fast likelihood calculation for multivariate Gaussian phylogenetic models with shifts
Q51887234Faà di Bruno's formula and the distributions of random partitions in population genetics and physics.
Q50951007Fecundity differences between mating pairs for a single autosomal locus, sex differences in viability and nonoverlapping generations.
Q52299329Fecundity, developmental time, and population growth rate: an analytical solution.
Q36527767Fertility measures based on birth interval data
Q91807537Fifty years of Theoretical Population Biology
Q41066412Filling a gap in the prediction of the equilibrium genetic variance
Q38949561Finch flocks in the Mohave Desert
Q36289024Finding all multiple stable fixpoints of n-species Lotka-Volterra competition models
Q92294424First-order effect of frequency-dependent selection on fixation probability in an age-structured population with application to a public goods game
Q49065890Fisher's contributions to genetics and evolution
Q52254001Fisher's fundamental theorem of natural selection revisited.
Q33458798Fisher-Wright model with deterministic seed bank and selection
Q47383300Fitness-valley crossing with generalized parent-offspring transmission
Q91791702Fitting Markovian binary trees using global and individual demographic data
Q33624648Fitting parameters of stochastic birth-death models to metapopulation data
Q112818481Fitting stochastic predator–prey models using both population density and kill rate data
Q51924806Fixation in haploid populations exhibiting density dependence I: The non-neutral case.
Q51912339Fixation in haploid populations exhibiting density dependence II: the quasi-neutral case.
Q56029138Fixation probabilities and effective population numbers in diploid populations with overlapping generations
Q57067773Fixation probabilities and hitting times for low levels of frequency-dependent selection
Q47244935Fixation probabilities when the population size undergoes cyclic fluctuations
Q80389313Fixation probability for a beneficial allele and a mutant strategy in a linear game under weak selection in a finite island model
Q50671550Fixation probability in a two-locus intersexual selection model.
Q56930132Fixation probability of mobile genetic elements such as plasmids
Q39998699Fixation probability with multiple alleles and projected average allelic effect on selection
Q67444771Fixation times and probabilities for an independent loci model in genetics
Q46955566Fixed point sensitivity analysis of interacting structured populations.
Q51647078Fluctuation domains in adaptive evolution.
Q38075679Fluctuations in fitness distributions and the effects of weak linked selection on sequence evolution.
Q91807692Fluctuations in lifetime selection in an autocorrelated environment
Q52008542Food web dynamics in correlated and autocorrelated environments
Q51003550Formal properties of the probability of fixation: identities, inequalities and approximations.
Q50491114Forward and backward evolutionary processes and allele frequency spectrum in a cancer cell population.
Q77437296Four-Periodicity in Leslie Matrix Models with Density Dependent Survival Probabilities
Q33651801Frequency responses of age-structured populations: Pacific salmon as an example.
Q52307279Frequency-Dependent Stability for Two-Species Interactions
Q46845031Frequency-dependent population dynamics: effect of sex ratio and mating system on the elasticity of population growth rate
Q45082447Frequency-dependent selection in logistic growth models
Q77990270From asexual to eusocial reproduction by multilevel selection by density-dependent competitive interactions
Q51792059From discrete to continuous evolution models: A unifying approach to drift-diffusion and replicator dynamics.
Q51195623From local interactions to population dynamics in site-based models of ecology.
Q90502754Full likelihood inference from the site frequency spectrum based on the optimal tree resolution
Q46561177Functional response and body size in consumer-resource interactions: Unimodality favors facilitation
Q47331781Fundamental theorem of natural selection in biocultural populations
Q52757872Further characterization of the long-run population distribution of a deleterious gene.
Q44864155Further observations on the evolution of additive genetic variation with mutation
Q34491501Game theory and human evolution: a critique of some recent interpretations of experimental games
Q45462705Gametic conflict versus contact in the evolution of anisogamy
Q84573782Gametophytic vs. sporophytic control of pollen aperture number: a generational conflict
Q44154011Gene drive through a landscape: Reaction-diffusion models of population suppression and elimination by a sex ratio distorter.
Q112327048Gene drives and population persistence vs elimination: The impact of spatial structure and inbreeding at low density
Q67057369Gene flow and genetic drift in a species subject to frequent local extinctions
Q67591405Gene frequency patterns in the Levene subdivided population model
Q52035024Gene mapping via the ancestral recombination graph.
Q48377569Gene surfing in expanding populations
Q34776734Gene transfer in bacteria: speciation without species?
Q44312714Gene-culture coevolution and sex ratios: II. Sex-chromosomal distorters and cultural preferences for offspring sex.
Q34059248Gene-culture coevolution and sex ratios: the effects of infanticide, sex-selective abortion, sex selection, and sex-biased parental investment on the evolution of sex ratios
Q88330744Gene-culture coevolution under selection
Q91414427Genealogical distances under low levels of selection
Q40856743Genealogical histories in structured populations
Q52771257Genealogical structure and correlations in gene extinction
Q88647617Genealogies and ages of cultural traits: An application of the theory of duality to the research on cultural evolution
Q44976597Genealogy of neutral genes in two partially isolated populations
Q44437715Genealogy-dependent variation in viability among self-incompatibility genotypes
Q64004727General theory for stochastic admixture graphs and F-statistics
Q28140547General theory of competitive coexistence in spatially-varying environments
Q67319005General two-locus selection models: Some objectives, results and interpretations
Q69442336Generalised selfing series as an experimental design: I. Theory
Q39003880Generalized Lotka stability
Q22162499Generalized population models and the nature of genetic drift
Q51745600Generation of variation and a modified mean fitness principle: Necessity is the mother of genetic invention.
Q39892311Generous cooperators can outperform non-generous cooperators when replacing a population of defectors
Q39631557Genetic demographic networks: Mathematical model and applications
Q77874372Genetic differentiation in populations with different classes of individuals
Q35072181Genetic diversity of microsatellite loci in hierarchically structured populations
Q52883054Genetic drift in exogamous marriage systems
Q50682794Genetic drift in populations governed by a Galton-Watson branching process.
Q61693795Genetic drift on networks: Ploidy and the time to fixation
Q60500160Genetic hitchhiking in spatially extended populations
Q33857404Genetic mapping of complex traits: promises, problems, and prospects
Q51205521Genetic variability in sensitivity to population density affects the dynamics of simple ecological models.
Q39722172Genetic variation in natural populations: Patterns and theory
Q93640167Genetical ESS-models. I. Concepts and basic model
Q45283666Genetical ESS-models. II. Multi-strategy models and multiple alleles
Q34539204Genomic control, a new approach to genetic-based association studies
Q45942858Genomic parasites or symbionts? Modeling the effects of environmental pressure on transposition activity in asexual populations.
Q41630600Genotype imputation in a coalescent model with infinitely-many-sites mutation
Q64935150Genotypic distribution at the limits to natural and artificial selection with mutation.
Q45142213Geographical distribution of a neutral allele considered as a branching process
Q90667838Germination variation facilitates the evolution of seed dormancy when coupled with seedling competition
Q51481668Global asymptotic stability of density dependent integral population projection models.
Q58285233Gompertz–Makeham life expectancies: Expressions and applications
Q92204144Goodman, Keyfitz & Pullum (1974) and the population frequencies of kinship relationships
Q69563657Group selection on the boundary of a stable population
Q45362475Growth, competition and cooperation in spatial population genetics.
Q52249022Habitat Deterioration, Habitat Destruction, and Metapopulation Persistence in a Heterogenous Landscape
Q31116915Habitat destruction in a simple predator-prey patch model: how predators enhance prey persistence and abundance
Q31041390Habitat destruction in mutualistic metacommunities
Q42041490Habitat destruction, environmental catastrophes, and metapopulation extinction
Q115599572Habitat dimensionality and mean search distances of top predators: Implications for ecosystem structure
Q73520526Habitat selection reduces extinction of populations subject to Allee effects
Q93035431Haigh (1978) and Muller's ratchet
Q87320952Hamilton's rule: Game theory meets coalescent theory
Q91404919Haploids, polymorphisms and fluctuating selection
Q52906089Hardy-Weinberg equilibria in random mating populations.
Q78454168Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium diagnostics
Q56536950Harnessing uncertainty to approximate mechanistic models of interspecific interactions
Q45950434Harsh environments and the evolution of multi-player cooperation.
Q53968405Herbivores, the Functional Diversity of Plants Species, and the Cycling of Nutrients in Ecosystems
Q41596066Heritable genetic variation via mutation-selection balance: Lerch's zeta meets the abdominal bristle
Q34776703Heterogeneity of genome and proteome content in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes
Q54340870Heterosis at the level of the chromosome and at the level of the gene
Q67345219Heterozygosity and relationship in regularly subdivided populations
Q33341368Heterozygote advantage and the maintenance of polymorphism for multilocus traits
Q44012080Heterozygote frequencies in small subpopulations
Q52639819Hierarchical selection theory and sex ratios. I. General solutions for structured populations.
Q41071351High mutation rate loci in a subdivided population.
Q36014575Highly fit ancestors of a partly sexual haploid population
Q91231517Holt (1977) and apparent competition
Q52789173Homage to the red queen. I. Coevolution of predators and their victims
Q43491446Homage to the red queen. II. Coevolutionary response to enrichment of exploitation ecosystems
Q45053523Homozygosity in three-allele populations
Q106509589Homozygosity of selected alleles in subdivided populations
Q34776774Horizontal gene transfer in microbial genome evolution
Q56833186Host Patch Selection Induced by Parasitism: Basic Reproduction Ratio R0 and Optimal Virulence
Q52207541Host exclusion and coexistence in apparent and direct competition: An application of bifurcation theory.
Q73294873Host heterogeneity and disease endemicity: a moment-based approach
Q81710440Host mating system and the spread of a disease-resistant allele in a population
Q52932919Host spatial heterogeneity and the spread of vector-borne infection.
Q51897222How can we model selectively neutral density dependence in evolutionary games.
Q80821638How do sessile dioecious species cope with their males?
Q47876083How environmental noise can contract and destroy a persistence zone in population models with Allee effect
Q68755604How gene families evolve
Q57596916How much does an individual habitat fragment contribute to metapopulation dynamics and persistence?
Q52453722How often are polymorphic restriction sites due to a single mutation?
Q46442585How optimally foraging predators promote prey coexistence in a variable environment
Q42042109How parasitism affects critical patch-size in a host-parasitoid model: application to the forest tent caterpillar.
Q51713915How patch configuration affects the impact of disturbances on metapopulation persistence.
Q53957024How phenotypic variation and life history trait correlation enhance mean fitness in prey populations.
Q51186165How predator functional responses and Allee effects in prey affect the paradox of enrichment and population collapses.
Q47305322How to compute the effective size of spatiotemporally structured populations using separation of time scales
Q46547026Ideal free distribution of metabolic activity: Implications of seasonal metabolic-activity patterns on competitive coexistence
Q73520529Ideal free distributions when resources undergo population dynamics
Q52076410Identifying predator-prey processes from time-series.
Q53802841Identity of genes by descent within and between populations under mutation and migration pressures
Q81460558Illustration of some limits of the Markov assumption for transition between groups in models of spread of an infectious pathogen in a structured herd
Q43451970Impact of stochasticity in immigration and reintroduction on colonizing and extirpating populations
Q41114099Impact of tuberculosis treatment length and adherence under different transmission intensities.
Q52008552Impacts of environmental variability in open populations and communities: "inflation" in sink environments.
Q44087736Implications of multilocus inheritance for gene-disease association studies
Q42173618Importance sampling for Lambda-coalescents in the infinitely many sites model
Q44874966Improved inference of mutation rates: I. An integral representation for the Luria-Delbrück distribution
Q52067136Improved inference of mutation rates: II. Generalization of the Luria-Delbrück distribution for realistic cell-cycle time distributions.
Q50642806Improved maximum likelihood reconstruction of complex multi-generational pedigrees.
Q51941219Improving estimates of the basic reproductive ratio: using both the mean and the dispersal of transition times.
Q126179292Improving pest monitoring networks using a simulation-based approach to contribute to pesticide reduction
Q38493545Impulsive control strategies in biological control of pesticide
Q67477924In memoriam. Ove Frydenberg
Q67319003Inbreeding: One word, several meanings
Q38742385Inclusive fitness analysis of cumulative cultural evolution in an island-structured population
Q35650560Inclusive fitness for traits affecting metapopulation demography
Q52551632Inclusive fitness models with two sexes.
Q52008544Incomplete mixing promotes species coexistence in a lottery model with permanent spatial heterogeneity.
Q46674661Incorporating environmental stochasticity within a biological population model
Q91296950Incorporating tick feeding behaviour into R0 for tick-borne pathogens
Q47781139Increased accuracy in analytical molecular distance estimation
Q66988336Index measures for assessing the mode of inheritance of continuously distributed traits: I, theory and justifications
Q91990845Indirect effects in a planktonic disease system
Q35619682Indirect effects of primary prey population dynamics on alternative prey.
Q52239154Indirect effects with a keystone predator: coexistence and chaos.
Q71545337Individual Energetics and the Equilibrium Demography of Structured Populations
Q68976692Individual and population sex allocation patterns
Q48788898Individual selection and altruistic relationships: the legacy of W. D. Hamilton
Q83482226Individual variation in prey choice in a predator-prey community
Q45251873Individual-based vs deterministic models for macroparasites: host cycles and extinction
Q51683851Individualism in plant populations: using stochastic differential equations to model individual neighbourhood-dependent plant growth.
Q91037315Inductive determination of allele frequency spectrum probabilities in structured populations
Q33900324Inference from gene trees in a subdivided population
Q51556428Inference from the stationary distribution of allele frequencies in a family of Wright-Fisher models with two levels of genetic variability.
Q44202680Inference in two dimensions: allele frequencies versus lengths of shared sequence blocks.
Q40285225Inference of directional selection and mutation parameters assuming equilibrium
Q51556182Inference on admixture fractions in a mechanistic model of recurrent admixture.
Q47299803Inference on microsatellite mutation processes in the invasive mite, Varroa destructor, using reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo
Q34760001Inference on the strength of balancing selection for epistatically interacting loci.
Q39724389Inferring the demographic history from DNA sequences: An importance sampling approach based on non-homogeneous processes
Q91921111Inferring trait-specific similarity among individuals from molecular markers and phenotypes with Bayesian regression
Q67444769Influence of competition on patchiness in a random environment
Q89575821Influence of demographically-realistic mortality schedules on vaccination strategies in age-structured models
Q52070036Influence of parasitized adult reproduction on host-parasitoid dynamics: an age-structured model.
Q47429730Influenza drift and epidemic size: the race between generating and escaping immunity
Q51956660Informativeness of genetic markers for pairwise relationship and relatedness inference.
Q47312191Innovativeness, population size and cumulative cultural evolution
Q30986407Insect seasonality: circle map analysis of temperature-driven life cycles
Q51509808Instabilities and spatiotemporal patterns behind predator invasions with nonlocal prey competition.
Q45456176Integrating genealogy and epidemiology: the ancestral infection and selection graph as a model for reconstructing host virus histories.
Q40058283Inter-locus interactions: A review of experimental evidence
Q30926186Interacting coexistence mechanisms in annual plant communities: Frequency-dependent predation and the storage effect
Q46671972Interactions between local dynamics and dispersal: insights from single species models
Q113885860Interactions between the fractal geometry of landscapes and allometric herbivory
Q50184401Interplay between habitat subdivision and minimum resource requirement in two-species competition
Q51936047Interplay of Darwinian and frequency-dependent selection in the host-associated microbial populations.
Q46393300Interrelations between death rates and birth rates
Q57065666Interspecific competition among metapopulations with space-limited subpopulations
Q38879457Interval estimates for epidemic thresholds in two-sex network models
Q69581054Intrachromosomal gene conversion, linkage, and the evolution of multigene families
Q51706859Intraguild predation promotes complex alternative states along a productivity gradient.
Q64032273Intraspecific competition and components of niche width in age structured populations
Q90344820Introduction to the Paul Joyce special issue
Q51704827Introgression of resistance genes between populations: a model study of insecticide resistance in Bemisia tabaci.
Q43414233Invariant distributions for multi-population models in random environments
Q120643375Invasion and Chaos in a Periodically Pulsed Mass-Action Chemostat
Q69676885Invasion and coexistence of two phenotypically variable species
Q47203068Invasion fitness for gene-culture co-evolution in family-structured populations and an application to cumulative culture under vertical transmission
Q94591313Invasion implies substitution in ecological communities with class-structured populations
Q56779552Invasive advance of an advantageous mutation: Nucleation theory
Q51136706Investigating the role of enemies in temporal dynamics: Differential sensitivity, competition and stable coexistence.
Q50791483Is dispersal always beneficial to carrying capacity? New insights from the multi-patch logistic equation.
Q67580640Is the most frequent allele the oldest?
Q90695434Is there a Trivers-Willard effect for parental investment? Modelling evolutionarily stable strategies using a matrix population model with nonlinear mating
Q38799404Isolation-by-distance-and-time in a stepping-stone model
Q44857081Issues and strategies in the DNA identification of World Trade Center victims
Q50791045Iterated prisoner's dilemma in an asocial world dominated by loners, not by defectors.
Q35000342Jackknife-corrected parametric bootstrap estimates of growth rates in bivalve mollusks using nearest living relatives
Q48620838John Maynard Smith and evolutionary game theory
Q48620848John Maynard Smith and recombination
Q47570016Joint coevolutionary-epidemiological models dampen Red Queen cycles and alter conditions for epidemics
Q43495416Joint evolution of altruistic cooperation and dispersal in a metapopulation of small local populations
Q51871503Joint stationary moments of a two-island diffusion model of population subdivision.
Q34539223Joint tests of linkage and association for quantitative traits
Q38893648Justifying the Gompertz curve of mortality via the generalized Polya process of shocks
Q83698019Karlin volume
Q71545319Kimura's Contributions to Molecular Evolution
Q81050642Kin selection and coefficients of relatedness in family-structured populations with inbreeding
Q73103151Kin selection and natal dispersal in an age-structured population
Q70847276Kin selection and strong evolutionary stability of mutual help
Q52879855Kinship, information and biological distance
Q103036685Kleptoparasitic interactions modeling varying owner and intruder hunger awareness
Q92804085L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza: A Renaissance Scientist
Q42028852Landscape refuges delay resistance of the European corn borer to Bt-maize: a demo-genetic dynamic model
Q33904579Lateral gene transfer in prokaryotes
Q49151687Learning to forage--optimally?
Q46488245Least squares estimation of molecular distance--noise abatement in phylogenetic reconstruction
Q46159132Levels of multiallelic overdominance fitness, heterozygote excess and heterozygote deficiency
Q60727599Life Histories with Lottery Competition in a Stochastic Environment: ESSs which Do Not Prevail
Q91561141Life history and temporal variability of escape events interactively determine the fitness consequences of aquaculture escapees on wild populations
Q69581052Life not lived due to disequilibrium in heterogeneous age-structured populations
Q50158420Life's third domain (Archaea): an established fact or an endangered paradigm?
Q51691539Life-history constraints on the success of the many small eggs reproductive strategy.
Q51305468Lifesaving, delayed deaths and cure in mortality modeling.
Q30689249Likelihood-based disequilibrium mapping for two-marker haplotype data
Q45730757Likelihood-based genetic mark-recapture estimates when genotype samples are incomplete and contain typing errors.
Q35104803Likelihood-based inference for genetic correlation coefficients
Q38882080Likelihood-based inference for stochastic models of sexual network formation
Q30882120Likelihood-based tree reconstruction on a concatenation of aligned sequence data sets can be statistically inconsistent.
Q31157128Limited resources and evolutionary learning may help to understand the mistimed reproduction in birds caused by climate change.
Q67376347Limiting similarity and the form of the competition coefficient
Q55062617Line-of-descent and genealogical processes, and their applications in population genetics models.
Q69442313Linearization of crossing-over and mutation in a finite random-mating population
Q71281789Lines of descent in the diffusion approximation of neutral Wright-Fisher models
Q44062418Linkage and inbreeding coefficients in a finite random mating population
Q71719751Linkage and selection: Two locus symmetric viability model
Q52639827Linkage disequilibria in finite populations.
Q45184988Linkage disequilibrium among multiple neutral alleles produced by mutation in finite population
Q43633645Linkage disequilibrium and homozygosity of chromosome segments in finite populations
Q52253998Linkage disequilibrium and the infinitesimal limit.
Q52935829Linkage disequilibrium in two-locus, finite, random mating models without selection or mutation
Q28675837Linking the population growth rate and the age-at-death distribution
Q31076269Local facilitation, bistability and transitions in arid ecosystems
Q91510450Local fluctuations of genetic processes defined on two time scales, with applications to effective size estimation
Q52212342Local frequency dependence and global coexistence.
Q92175192Local sensitivity equations for maximum sustainable yield reference points
Q41828035Local stability of a population with density-dependent fertility
Q77663735Locating genes by linkage and association
Q29399613Logistic growth with random density independent disasters
Q80667029Long-range correlations improve understanding of the influence of network structure on contact dynamics
Q46794197Long-range dispersal, stochasticity and the broken accelerating wave of advance.
Q51713912Long-term evolution of polygenic traits under frequency-dependent intraspecific competition.
Q44859188Long-term response to artificial selection with multiple alleles--study by simulations
Q36197439Long-term stability from fixation probabilities in finite populations: new perspectives for ESS theory
Q50928374Looking down in the ancestral selection graph: A probabilistic approach to the common ancestor type distribution.
Q52837847Loss of alleles in a haploid population with varying environment
Q102319601Loss of genetic variation in the two-locus multiallelic haploid model
Q71380904Loss of selectively neutral alleles in small populations and regular mating systems
Q72989508Lotka's game in predator-prey theory: linking populations to individuals
Q57613737Lyapunov Exponents and the Mathematics of Invasion in Oscillatory or Chaotic Populations
Q92175188MacArthur (1970) and mechanistic coexistence theory
Q47566383Macroparasite dynamics of migratory host populations
Q51721952Male killers and the origins of paternal genome elimination.
Q70720971Malthusian parameters in genetic populations part II. Random mating populations in infinite habitats
Q71719775Malthusian parameters in genetic populations. I. Haploid and selfing models
Q44506463Managing moose harvests by the seat of your pants
Q46313488Markov mortality models: implications of quasistationarity and varying initial distributions
Q44960677Markov population processes as models of primate social and population dynamics
Q61795220Markovian Modeling of Gene-Product Synthesis
Q51116873Markovian approximation to the finite loci coalescent with recombination along multiple sequences.
Q91666907Match fitness landscapes for macromolecular interaction networks: Selection for translational accuracy and rate can displace tRNA-binding interfaces of non-cognate aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
Q34728771Match probabilities in a finite, subdivided population
Q113862510Mathematical epidemiology for a later age
Q115599600Mathematical models for continuous culture growth dynamics of mixed populations subsisting on a heterogeneous resource base. II. Predation and trophic structure
Q52765612Mathematical models for continuous culture growth dynamics of mixed populations subsisting on a heterogeneous resource base: I. Simple competition.
Q40776422Mathematical models for the control of pests and infectious diseases: A survey
Q38919994Mathematical properties of Fst between admixed populations and their parental source populations.
Q42016611Mathematical properties of the r2 measure of linkage disequilibrium
Q113885868Mathematics and statistics in population
Q50749081Mating system and demographic constraints on the opportunity for sexual selection.
Q51061674Matrix inversions for chromosomal inversions: a method to construct summary statistics in complex coalescent models.
Q52214992Matrix representation of the Haseman-Elston method.
Q51870757Maximization principles for frequency-dependent selection I: the one-locus two-allele case.
Q33186242Maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods for estimating the distribution of selective effects among classes of mutations using DNA polymorphism data.
Q42678689Maximum likelihood estimation of population divergence times and population phylogenies under the infinite sites model
Q96612980Maximum likelihood estimators for scaled mutation rates in an equilibrium mutation-drift model
Q52812052Mean and variance of FST in a finite number of incompletely isolated populations
Q51931530Mean curvature versus normality: a comparison of two approximations of Fisher's geometrical model.
Q51980349Measure dynamics on a one-dimensional continuous trait space: theoretical foundations for adaptive dynamics.
Q72989505Measures of variation at DNA repeat loci under a general stepwise mutation model
Q33214945Measuring diversity from dissimilarities with Rao's quadratic entropy: are any dissimilarities suitable?
Q96110578Measuring the external branches of a Kingman tree: A discrete approach
Q34397937Memories of Moto
Q91852984Meng and Kubatko (2009): Modeling hybridization with coalescence
Q110762758Metacommunities, fitness and gradual evolution
Q52353948Metapopulation dynamics and total biomass: Understanding the effects of diffusion in complex networks.
Q51312393Metapopulation dynamics on the brink of extinction.
Q52007749Metapopulation dynamics with quasi-local competition.
Q84021208Metapopulation extinction risk: dispersal's duplicity
Q47393535Metapopulation inbreeding dynamics, effective size and subpopulation differentiation--A general analytical approach for diploid organisms
Q35153773Metapopulation theory for fragmented landscapes
Q42046440Metapopulation-level adaptation of insect host plant preference and extinction-colonization dynamics in heterogeneous landscapes
Q30870001Metapopulations, community assembly, and scale invariance in aspect space.
Q34539211Methods for linkage analysis of quantitative trait loci in humans
Q49971709Microbial dormancy and boom-and-bust population dynamics under starvation stress.
Q30841619Microevolutionary genomics of bacteria
Q38550907Microsatellite behavior with range constraints: parameter estimation and improved distances for use in phylogenetic reconstruction
Q51928270Microsatellite evolution: Markov transition functions for a suite of models.
Q79862038Migration load in males and females
Q92253076Mindel Sheps: Physician, health care activist, theoretical demographer
Q115599594Minimax strategies for a predator—Prey game
Q34287140Minimizing the dependency ratio in a population with below-replacement fertility through immigration.
Q40888116Mixing times towards demographic equilibrium in insect populations with temperature variable age structures
Q38550873Model Analysis of Spatial Patterns in Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreaks
Q31135067Model of hidden heterogeneity in longitudinal data
Q113862511Model of two competing populations in two habitats with migration: Application to optimal marine protected area size
Q86254388Modeling abrupt cultural regime shifts during the Palaeolithic and Stone Age
Q92574027Modeling and control of mosquito-borne diseases with Wolbachia and insecticides
Q52008557Modeling biological invasions into periodically fragmented environments
Q45253308Modeling direct positive feedback between predators and prey
Q43628794Modeling effective transmission pathways and control of the world's most successful parasite
Q50892034Modeling ephemeral mating encounters in insects: The emergence of mate-finding Allee effects and applications to theoretical models of sterile release.
Q73598608Modeling genetic architecture: a multilinear theory of gene interaction
Q36437264Modeling observation error and its effects in a random walk/extinction model
Q53092209Modeling population responses of Chinook and coho salmon to suspended sediment using a life history approach.
Q51280899Modeling reproductive trajectories of roe deer females: fixed or dynamic heterogeneity?
Q90627693Modeling the dispersal-reproduction trade-off in an expanding population
Q41837370Modeling the effect of changing selective pressures on polymorphism and divergence
Q42690769Modeling the effect of inbreeding among founders in linkage analysis
Q46338616Modeling the effects of variable feeding patterns of larval ticks on the transmission of Borrelia lusitaniae and Borrelia afzelii
Q47446140Modeling the genealogy of a cultural trait
Q47929725Modeling the impact of immigration on the epidemiology of tuberculosis
Q51712382Modeling toxoplasmosis spread in cat populations under vaccination.
Q93027934Modelling and simulating Lenski's long-term evolution experiment
Q40791474Modelling density-dependent resistance in insect-pathogen interactions
Q44232926Modelling disease spread through random and regular contacts in clustered populations
Q45181174Modelling epidemics with variable contact rates
Q92067438Modelling high pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks in the commercial poultry industry
Q52618837Modelling leptospirosis in livestock.
Q51907585Modelling sexually transmitted infections: the effect of partnership activity and number of partners on R0.
Q45759900Modelling the feline leukemia virus (FeLV) in natural populations of cats (Felis catus).
Q52225719Modelling the integration of a transgene by stocking.
Q91231423Modelling the outbreak of infectious disease following mutation from a non-transmissible strain
Q29394370Models for cultural inheritance I. Group mean and within group variation
Q52531320Models for haplotype evolution in a nonstationary population.
Q54327074Models for the logarithmic species abundance distributions
Q45995154Models of growth with density regulation in more than one life stage.
Q47616897Models of multifactorial inheritance. V. Linear assortative mating as against selective (nonlinear) assortative mating
Q71380894Models of multifactorial inheritance. VI. Formulas and properties of the vector phenotype equilibrium covariance matrix
Q46601136Models of multifactorial inheritance: I, multivariate formulations and basic convergence results
Q47630176Models of multifactorial inheritance: II, the covariance structure for a scalar phenotype under selective assortative mating and sex-dependent symmetric parental-transmission
Q47630162Models of multifactorial inheritance: III, calculation of covariance of relatives under selective assortative mating
Q47630149Models of multifactorial inheritance: IV, asymmetric transmission for a scalar phenotype
Q54533527Models of population genetics of Batesian mimicry
Q42071709Models on butterfly protandry: virgin females are at risk to die.
Q66950949Modifier theory and meiotic drive
Q67843013Modifier theory of meiotic drive: is Mendelian segregation stable?
Q69602852Modifiers of mutation rate: a general reduction principle
Q73075141Moment closure and the stochastic logistic model
Q42990076More on recombination and selection in the modifier theory of sex-ratio distortion
Q37952264More on selection for and against recombination
Q49164414Mortality and aging in a heterogeneous population: a stochastic process model with observed and unobserved variables
Q51792190Mortality rate versus age.
Q52068920Most recent common ancestor probability distributions in gene genealogies under selection.
Q52021400Mother's mitochondria and optimal offspring sex ratio.
Q45974229Motoo Kimura and Evolutionary Theory
Q34397943Motoo Kimura's Use of Diffusion Theory in Population Genetics
Q43202488Movement patterns, social dynamics, and the evolution of cooperation
Q91397079Multi-model inference of non-random mating from an information theoretic approach
Q33770993Multi-site adaptation in the presence of infrequent recombination
Q91037309Multi-task learning improves ancestral state reconstruction
Q81605489Multiallelic selection polymorphism
Q79878667Multilocus estimation of genetic structure within populations
Q51832182Multilocus genomics of outcrossing plant populations.
Q52647212Multilocus model of sympatric speciation. III. Computer simulations.
Q81170771Multilocus models in the infinite island model of population structure
Q71380897Multilocus population genetics: relative importance of selection and recombination
Q90346028Multilocus population-genetic theory
Q36942329Multiple attractors in a discrete competition model
Q68918010Multiple attractors in the response to a vaccination program
Q51896270Multiple attractors of host-parasitoid models with integrated pest management strategies: eradication, persistence and outbreak.
Q46457053Multiple coexistence equilibria in a two parasitoid-one host model.
Q45288771Multiple equilibria: tuberculosis transmission require unrealistic assumptions
Q53375611Multiple merger gene genealogies in two species: Monophyly, paraphyly, and polyphyly for two examples of Lambda coalescents.
Q125927507Multiple switches between vegetative and reproductive growth in annual plants
Q52809787Multivariate measures of niche overlap using discriminant analysis
Q52540446Multivariate measures of similarity and niche overlap.
Q63379835Mutating away from your enemies: The evolution of mutation rate in a host–parasite system
Q47578501Mutation in populations governed by a Galton-Watson branching process.
Q45981191Mutation modification with multiplicative fertility selection.
Q74266429Mutation-selection balance: ancestry, load, and maximum principle
Q34776798Mutational equilibrium model of genome size evolution
Q90585767Mutual altruism and long-term optimization of the inclusive fitness in multilocus genetic systems
Q52000026Mutual benefit can promote the evolution of preferential interactions and in this way can lead to the evolution of true altruism.
Q47826513Mutual benefit cooperation and ethnic cultural diversity.
Q51180444Mycobacterial ecology as a modulator of tuberculosis vaccine success.
Q115599592Natural selection and population density-feedback I. Population limitation by food shortage, predation, and self-damping factors
Q69744748Natural selection of life history attributes: An analytical approach
Q39756405Natural selection, fitness entropy, and the dynamics of coevolution
Q46479957Neutral changes and modifications of the genetic code
Q34118569Neutral evolution in spatially continuous populations
Q51197178New approaches to source-sink metapopulations decoupling demography and dispersal.
Q67563888Niche breadth in parasites: an evolutionarily stable strategy model, with special reference to the protozoan parasite Leishmania
Q111492622Niche overlap and invasion of competitors in random environments I. Models without demographic stochasticity
Q36137049Non-equilibrium allele frequency spectra via spectral methods
Q46543740Non-equilibrium theory of the allele frequency spectrum
Q73383246Non-equivalent loci and mutation–selection balance
Q43558419Non-identifiability of identity coefficients at biallelic loci
Q51888907Non-linear density dependence in time series is not evidence of non-logistic growth.
Q47547242Non-random mating and information theory.
Q39456081Nonlinear dynamics and pattern bifurcations in a model for vegetation stripes in semi-arid environments
Q52249018Nonlinear oscillations in models of immune responses to persistent viruses.
Q40093896Nonlinearity in eigenvalue-perturbation curves of simulated population projection matrices.
Q54117598Nonvulnerability of ecosystems in unpredictable environments
Q39878712Number of people and number of generations affected by a single deleterious mutation
Q67319008Numerical studies on two-loci selection models with general viabilities
Q39262870Numerically exploring habitat fragmentation effects on populations using cell-based coupled map lattices
Q79878687Nutrient enrichment and food chains: can evolution buffer top-down control?
Q81417118Nutrient-limited food webs with up to three trophic levels: feasibility, stability, assembly rules, and effects of nutrient enrichment
Q30408447Obituary. Mindel Cherniak Sheps 1913-1973.
Q93748085Obituary. Robert Helmer MacArthur. (1930-1972)
Q111266084Obligate mutualism with a predator: Stability and persistence of three-species models
Q50058895Occupancy time in sets of states for demographic models
Q47579108On Richerson and Boyd's model of cultural evolution by sexual selection
Q44210376On a general stochastic epidemic model
Q40223310On an extension of R.A. Fisher's result on the dynamics of the reproductive value
Q51925282On analytical approaches to epidemics on networks.
Q90066271On cherry and pitchfork distributions of random rooted and unrooted phylogenetic trees
Q51405372On equilibrium properties of evolutionary multi-player games with random payoff matrices.
Q52841276On eradication of schistosomiasis
Q33903297On estimating the heterozygosity and polymorphism information content value
Q70739411On evolution in a population with an infinite number of types
Q50766006On joint subtree distributions under two evolutionary models.
Q46877684On learning dynamics underlying the evolution of learning rules
Q70739407On mutation selection balance for two-locus haploid and diploid populations
Q52791978On necessary and sufficient conditions for group selection efficacy
Q71281815On optimal diet in a patchy environment
Q52430953On optimal oviposition behavior in phytophagous insects.
Q115599598On optimal predator search
Q51429934On ordered subpopulations and population mortality at advanced ages.
Q60457395On parameter estimation in population models II: Multi-dimensional processes and transient dynamics
Q46358870On parameter estimation in population models III: time-inhomogeneous processes and observation error.
Q42036038On parameter estimation in population models.
Q71719781On quasilinkage equilibrium and the fundamental theorem of natural selection
Q44877911On reducing the statespace of hidden Markov models for the identity by descent process
Q47581199On second order sensitivity for stage-based population projection matrix models.
Q71719764On simple approximate calculations appropriate to populations with random growth rates
Q41504805On sorting out Poole's paper "Stochastic difference equation predictors of population fluctuations" about the Box-Jenkins analysis and forecasting of ecological time series
Q44655725On spatial coalescents with multiple mergers in two dimensions
Q52007323On stochastic logistic population growth models with immigration and multiple births.
Q67457187On survival probabilities of mutant genes and the evolution of dominance
Q41520237On testing hypotheses concerning standardized mortality ratios
Q70720967On the Shannon-Weaver index of diversity, in relation to the distribution of species in bird censuses
Q51798681On the accuracy of a diffusion approximation to a discrete state-space Markovian model of a population.
Q92997397On the approximation of interaction effect models by Hadamard powers of the additive genomic relationship
Q52438656On the asymptotic trajectory of the roots of Lotka's equation
Q51361246On the botanic model of plant growth with intermediate vegetative-reproductive stage.
Q40892211On the choice of prior density for the Bayesian analysis of pedigree structure
Q113353590On the concavity of island biogeographic rate functions
Q36948750On the concept of effective number
Q47290698On the cumulants of population size for the stochastic power law logistic model
Q47172255On the decidability of population size histories from finite allele frequency spectra
Q52604940On the divergence of genes in multigene families.
Q40493839On the dynamics of dengue epidemics from large-scale information
Q44165339On the dynamics of flying insects populations controlled by large scale information.
Q71719767On the equivalence of random mating and random union of gametes models in finite, monoecious populations
Q55932327On the evolution of behavioral reproductive isolation: The Wallace effect
Q81610040On the evolution of epistasis I: diploids under selection
Q39787399On the evolution of epistasis II: a generalized Wright-Kimura framework
Q42024777On the evolution of epistasis III: the haploid case with mutation
Q68043325On the evolution of genetic incompatibility systems. III. Introduction of weak gametophytic self-incompatibility under partial inbreeding
Q43798157On the evolution of genetic incompatibility systems. IV. Modification of response to an existing antigen polymorphism under partial selfing
Q44248843On the evolution of genetic incompatibility systems. V. Origin of sporophytic self-incompatibility in response to overdominance in viability
Q38995140On the evolution of group-escape strategies of selfish prey
Q71016140On the evolution of multigene families
Q33316599On the evolution of specialization with a mechanistic underpinning in structured metapopulations.
Q51671193On the evolution of the timing of reproduction.
Q34235292On the evolutionary effect of recombination
Q71281786On the evolutionary significance of Mendel's ratios
Q43720796On the extended Moran model and its relation to coalescents with multiple collisions.
Q52960524On the extinction of a colonizing species
Q52436704On the founder effect and the evolution of altruistic traits
Q67591407On the founder effect and the evolution of altruistic traits: an ecogenetical approach
Q45973615On the genealogy of a rare allele.
Q52075220On the genealogy of a sample of neutral rare alleles.
Q67444773On the history of populations governed by a Leslie matrix
Q113885866On the hypothesis that polymorphic enzyme alleles are selectively neutral. I. The evenness of allele frequency distribution
Q40935855On the impact of epidemic severity on network immunization algorithms
Q46417698On the importance of dimensionality of space in models of space-mediated population persistence
Q60307500On the inadmissibility of Watterson’s estimator
Q57337297On the increase of chromosome mutations under random mating
Q57041358On the interaction between stabilizing social factors and destabilizing trophic factors in small rodent populations
Q38556572On the interpretation and relevance of the Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection
Q44470851On the interpretation of certain vital rates as averages of underlying forces of transition
Q44224798On the interpretation of the maternity function as a probability density
Q46038136On the joint distribution of tree height and tree length under the coalescent.
Q51910041On the length distribution of external branches in coalescence trees: genetic diversity within species.
Q67828585On the limit to niche overlap for nonuniform niches
Q81050653On the meaning of non-epistatic selection
Q51916090On the mechanistic underpinning of discrete-time population models with Allee effect.
Q52028639On the minimum number of topologies explaining a sample of DNA sequences.
Q67322177On the mutual maintenance of a polymorphism in two nonepistatic loci with partial selfing
Q52969920On the neighbor effect and the evolution of altruistic traits.
Q28206543On the number of segregating sites in genetical models without recombination
Q52949253On the principle of competitive exclusion.
Q52960505On the probability distributions of some stochastic epidemic models.
Q71719743On the rate of decrease of heterozygosity in circular stepping stone models of populations
Q36821065On the relative fitness of early and late stage Simian immunodeficiency virus isolates
Q45130080On the reproductive value and the spectrum of a population projection matrix with implications for dynamic population models
Q52717150On the resolution of chaos in population models.
Q34404465On the retention of gene duplicates prone to dominant deleterious mutations
Q56773839On the role of cross-immunity and vaccines on the survival of less fit flu-strains
Q52042366On the role of social clusters in the transmission of infectious diseases.
Q42054787On the size distribution of private microsatellite alleles
Q46193408On the stabilizing role of stage structure in piscene consumer-resource interactions
Q34298557On the statistical mechanics of species abundance distributions
Q111266085On the structure and stability of mutualistic systems: Analysis of predator-prey and competition models as modified by the action of a slow-growing mutualist
Q68897020On the theory of niche overlap
Q51467280On the transition of genetic differentiation from isolation to panmixia: what we can learn from GST and D.
Q31006857On the use of dense SNP marker data for the identification of distant relative pairs.
Q56513746On the within-sibship variance
Q67057376On transmission and control of schistosomiasis, with comments on Macdonald's model
Q69442320On two-sex models leading to stable populations
Q47273287Ontogenetic scaling of foraging rates and the dynamics of a size-structured consumer-resource model
Q39224281Optimal Bayesian foraging policies and prey population dynamics-some comments on Rodriguez-Girones and Vasquez
Q52303979Optimal Foraging and Predator-Prey Dynamics
Q56999064Optimal Level of Chemical Defense Decreasing with Leaf Age
Q57065589Optimal Mixed Strategies in Stochastic Environments
Q52647200Optimal allocation of energy to growth and reproduction.
Q60535277Optimal diet selection, frequency dependence and prey renewal
Q73383239Optimal foraging and predator-prey dynamics III
Q77754456Optimal foraging and predator-prey dynamics, II
Q43749743Optimal foraging area: size and allocation of search effort
Q52534825Optimal foraging in bumblebees: calculation of net rate of energy intake and optimal patch choice.
Q43917937Optimal foraging in patches: A case for stochasticity
Q52855058Optimal foraging, the marginal value theorem
Q52237193Optimal foraging: Movement patterns of bumblebees between inflorescences
Q57065627Optimal growth schedule of pathogens within a host: Switching between lytic and latent cycles
Q73103132Optimal intraguild foraging and population stability
Q34334706Optimal investment for enhancing social concern about biodiversity conservation: a dynamic approach
Q51726448Optimal movement between patches under incomplete information about the spatial distribution of food items.
Q125623373Optimal nectar production in a hummingbird pollinated plant
Q46093679Optimal policies aimed at stabilization of populations with logistic growth under human intervention.
Q112830914Optimal pursuit times: How long should predators pursue their prey?
Q71085400Optimal sampling for pedigree analysis: parameter estimation and genotypic uncertainty
Q52535668Optimal switching to diapause in relation to the onset of winter.
Q39166782Optimal viral immune surveillance evasion strategies
Q48292481Optimization under frequency-dependent selection.
Q34308074Origin of sex for error repair. I. Sex, diploidy, and haploidy
Q72139183Origin of sex for error repair. II. Rarity and extreme environments
Q50902955Origin of sex for error repair. III. Selfish sex.
Q40785856Oscillations and chaos in epidemics: a nonlinear dynamic study of six childhood diseases in Copenhagen, Denmark
Q52755886Oscillatory phenomena in a model of infectious diseases.
Q115599575Outbreaks and oscillations in a temperature-dependent model for a mite predator-prey interaction
Q115599581Overall population stability despite local extinction: The stabilizing influence of prey dispersal from predator-invaded patches
Q46753519Overdispersion in allelic counts and θ-correction in forensic genetics
Q64388112PRDM9 and the evolution of recombination hotspots
Q51962613Pair statistics clarify percolation properties of spatially explicit simulations.
Q44858187Pair-edge approximation for heterogeneous lattice population models
Q51873203Parameterization of Keeling's network generation algorithm.
Q51859174Parameterizing the growth-decline boundary for uncertain population projection models.
Q44381949Parasite infection drives the evolution of state-dependent dispersal of the host
Q43615732Parasite-mediated and direct competition in a two-host shared macroparasite system
Q69676890Partition structures, Polya urns, the Ewens sampling formula, and the ages of alleles
Q44621098Past sex prejudice and present sex ratios
Q73405807Patch choice under predation hazard
Q77437305Pattern Formation and the Spatial Scale of Interaction between Predators and Their Prey
Q57063750Pattern and scale in a serpentine grassland
Q115599573Pattern and stability in predator-prey communities: How diffusion in spatially variable environments affects the Lotka-Volterra model
Q51408143Patterns for four-allele population genetics model.
Q42053659Patterns of 2-year population cycles in spatially extended host-parasitoid systems
Q44866963Patterns of genetic polymorphism maintained by fluctuating selection with overlapping generations
Q74521995Patterns of multiallelic polymorphism maintained by migration and selection
Q47644266Paul Joyce and the infinite alleles model
Q52016960Peak-to-peak dynamics in food chain models
Q52906107Pearl-Reed type stochastic models for population growth.
Q92574031Pease (1987): The evolutionary epidemiology of influenza A
Q43550416Pedigree probability calculus by means of linear operators
Q40567724Pedigrees or markers: Which are better in estimating relatedness and inbreeding coefficient?
Q46497994Perenniality induces high inbreeding depression in self-fertilising species.
Q51642595Perfect simulation from population genetic models with selection.
Q51971646Periodic dynamics in a two-stage Allee effect model are driven by tension between stage equilibria.
Q52072463Periodic triggering of an inducible gene for control of a wild population.
Q52657334Persistence and coexistence of engineered baculoviruses.
Q52771278Persistence and stability of seed-dispersed species in a patchy environment
Q51435701Persistence of pollination mutualisms in plant-pollinator-robber systems.
Q83631811Persistence of structured populations in random environments
Q69442341Persistence of variances for stochastic, discrete-time, population growth models
Q42094977Persistence times of populations with large random fluctuations
Q46787261Persistence, spread and the drift paradox
Q40490956Perspectives in stochastic models of human reproduction: a review and analysis
Q51933537Perturbation expansions of multilocus fixation probabilities for frequency-dependent selection with applications to the Hill-Robertson effect and to the joint evolution of helping and punishment.
Q57065630Pessimistic plant: Optimal growth schedule in stochastic environments
Q92044130Phase-type distributions in population genetics
Q33927680Phenogenetic drift and the evolution of genotype-phenotype relationships
Q57065573Phenological Pattern of Tree Regeneration in a Model for Forest Species Diversity
Q47666275Phenotype adjustment promotes adaptive evolution in a game without conflict
Q30751906Phenotypic diversity and stability of ecosystem processes
Q35917269Phenotypic evolution by distance in fluctuating environments: The contribution of dispersal, selection and random genetic drift
Q52837856Phenotypic structure and bifurcation behavior of population models.
Q34776761Phylogenetic analysis and gene functional predictions: phylogenomics in action
Q34178025Phylogenetic inferences from molecular sequences: review and critique
Q93075566Pinned, locked, pushed, and pulled traveling waves in structured environments
Q51709336Plankton cycles disguised by turbulent advection.
Q34780941Plant-animal mutualism in biological markets: evolutionary and ecological dynamics driven by non-heritable phenotypic variance
Q46762346Plant-herbivore interactions mediated by plant toxicity
Q51622231Plant–pollinator population dynamics
Q41310760Pleiotropy and preadaptation in the evolution of human language capacity
Q71545330Pollinator Foraging Strategies in Mixed Floral Arrays: Density Effects and Floral Constancy
Q71493509Polymorphic equilibria with assortative mating and selection in subdivided populations
Q51659232Polymorphism in multiallelic migration-selection models with dominance.
Q51803565Polymorphism in the two-locus Levene model with nonepistatic directional selection.
Q51227617Polymorphisms for genetic and ecological systems with weak coupling.
Q46497115Polyploid and multilocus extensions of the Wahlund inequality
Q73561919Population Dynamics of Evolutionary Change: Demographic Parameters as Indicators of Fitness
Q54982480Population Dynamics of Resource Limited Plants and Their Pollinators
Q56836400Population Dynamics under Parasitic Sex Ratio Distortion
Q51206559Population Floors and the Persistence of Chaos in Ecological Models.
Q45983273Population Genetic Models of Source-Sink Metapopulations
Q97560990Population abundance in predator-prey systems with predator's dispersal between two patches
Q47691824Population and prehistory I: Food-dependent population growth in constant environments
Q33674378Population and prehistory II: space-limited human populations in constant environments
Q39969489Population and prehistory III: food-dependent demography in variable environments
Q43448294Population correlation and population kinship
Q37070419Population differentiation and migration: coalescence times in a two-sex island model for autosomal and X-linked loci.
Q46451705Population dynamics and competitive outcome derive from resource allocation statistics: The governing influence of the distinguishability of individuals
Q113885861Population dynamics and element recycling in an aquatic plant-herbivore system
Q52883058Population dynamics in a stochastic environment: spectral theory for the linearized N-species Lotka-Volterra competition equations
Q93640164Population dynamics in variable environments. VI. Cyclical environments
Q45381661Population dynamics of live-attenuated virus vaccines
Q44148947Population dynamics of mosquito-borne disease: persistence in a completely heterogeneous environment
Q52114899Population dynamics of plant-parasite interactions: thresholds for invasion.
Q73884669Population dynamics of prey exhibiting inducible defenses: the role of associated costs and density-dependence
Q52379410Population dynamics of sexual and resource competition.
Q115727699Population dynamics of species with gynogenetic sibling species
Q30309732Population dynamics with a refuge: fractal basins and the suppression of chaos
Q44190506Population genetic models can be used to study the evolution of the interacting behaviours of parents and their progeny
Q52482607Population genetics of modifiers of meiotic drive I. The solution of a special case and some general implications
Q52471029Population genetics of modifiers of meiotic drive. II. Linkage modification in the segregation distortion system.
Q41768414Population genetics of modifiers of meiotic drive. III. Equilibrium analysis of a general model for the genetic control of segregation distortion
Q52439439Population genetics of modifiers of meiotic drive: IV. On the evolution of sex-ratio distortion.
Q55982330Population growth regulated by intraspecific competition for energy or time: Some simple representations
Q43808941Population growth with stochastic fluctuations in the life table
Q113862515Population models, mathematical epidemiology, and the COVID-19 pandemic
Q42056695Population outbreaks in a discrete world
Q52334215Population persistence and spatially limited social interaction.
Q74016585Population persistence time under intermittent control in stochastic environments
Q38842941Population size vs. social connectedness - A gene-culture coevolutionary approach to cumulative cultural evolution
Q89906819Population structure and coalescence in pedigrees: Comparisons to the structured coalescent and a framework for inference
Q51589108Population-epigenetic models of selection.
Q47894489Population-genetic models of sex-limited genomic imprinting.
Q44022458Population-level consequences of antipredator behavior: a metaphysiological model based on the functional ecology of the leaf-eared mouse
Q51704821Populations embedded in trophic communities respond differently to coloured environmental noise.
Q71710096Populations with sinusoidal birth trajectories
Q63388226Positive interactions, discontinuous transitions and species coexistence in plant communities
Q74266435Potential impacts of multiple partners on mycorrhizal community dynamics
Q53673800Power calculations for a general class of tests of linkage and association that use nuclear families with affected and unaffected sibs.
Q115599570Predation across spatial scales in heterogeneous environments
Q28248676Predation, apparent competition, and the structure of prey communities
Q45387424Predator attack rate evolution in space: the role of ecology mediated by complex emergent spatial structure and self-shading
Q47334673Predator-prey coevolution driven by size selective predation can cause anti-synchronized and cryptic population dynamics
Q81637123Prediction of effects of genetic drift on variance components under a general model of epistasis
Q40202744Prediction of multi-locus inbreeding coefficients and relation to linkage disequilibrium in random mating populations
Q50720454Preface to the Theoretical Population Biology special issue on learning.
Q44848101Preferential mating. Nonrandom mating of a continuous phenotype
Q34776786Preferential orientation of natural lambdoid prophages and bacterial chromosome organization
Q59409216Prey refuges and predator-prey stability
Q115599585Prey-predator cycles and lags in space: Descriptive models from a laboratory experiment
Q69676878Private alleles in a partially isolated population. II. Distribution of persistence time and probability of emigration
Q52018488Probabilistic expert systems for DNA mixture profiling.
Q71719747Probabilistic fertility models of the life table type
Q38993374Probability and time to fixation of an evolving sequence
Q51921806Probability distribution of haplotype frequencies under the two-locus Wright-Fisher model by diffusion approximation.
Q52239163Probability of a segregating pattern in a sample of DNA sequences.
Q47376299Probability of fixation of genes in populations of variable size
Q51948899Probability of fixation under weak selection: a branching process unifying approach.
Q52900212Probability of same genotype or of graft compatibility, importance of the distribution of gene frequencies.
Q68043324Processes of pair formation leading to assortative mating in biological populations: dynamic interaction model
Q47572327Projections of health indicators for chronic disease under a semi-Markov assumption
Q35650574Prolonged diapause and the stability of host-parasitoid interactions.
Q51715319Proof of the Feldman-Karlin conjecture on the maximum number of equilibria in an evolutionary system.
Q61659048Properties of Bias and Variance of Two Multiallelic Estimators of FST
Q51634960Properties of Weir and Cockerham’s estimators and associated bootstrap confidence intervals
Q71016132Properties of a neutral allele model with intragenic recombination
Q71016128Properties of the major gene index for three-allele and two-locus models
Q53673803Prospects for association-based fine mapping of a susceptibility gene for a complex disease.
Q48510604Public goods games in populations with fluctuating size.
Q52708485Qualitative behavior of a selectively neutral allelic model.
Q44429981Quantifying and testing coexistence mechanisms arising from recruitment fluctuations
Q50999516Quantifying stochastic introgression processes in random environments with hazard rates.
Q52701106Quantifying stochastic introgression processes with hazard rates.
Q91410167Quantifying the forces that maintain prophages in bacterial genomes
Q46372801Quantifying the intrinsic transmission dynamics of tuberculosis
Q57065001Quantifying time-inhomogeneous stochastic introgression processes with hazard rates
Q52432212Quantitative characters under assortative mating: gametic model.
Q51694170Quantitative genetic models of sexual selection by male choice.
Q44861854Quantitative genetic variation in an ecological setting
Q34303568Quantitative genetics in the age of genomics
Q52466363Quantitative models of hybrid dysgenesis: rapid evolution under transposition, extrachromosomal inheritance, and fertility selection.
Q67990504Quantitative variability and multilocus polymorphism under epistatic selection
Q51290793Quasi equilibrium approximations of the fixation index under neutrality: the finite and infinite island models.
Q73827717Quasi-equilibrium theory for the distribution of rare alleles in a subdivided population: justification and implications
Q47591660Quasicycles revisited: apparent sensitivity to initial conditions
Q51933257Quasispecies and recombination.
Q44122929Random environments and stochastic calculus
Q52795787Random evolutionarily stable strategies
Q67376343Random temporal variation in selection intensities acting on infinite diploid populations: Diffusion method analysis
Q44195227Random temporal variation in selection intensities: case of large population size
Q95818349Randomized matrix games in a finite population: Effect of stochastic fluctuations in the payoffs on the evolution of cooperation
Q47564999Rapid adaptation in large populations with very rare sex: Scalings and spontaneous oscillations
Q64004737Rare Alleles and Selection
Q51805424Rare but severe concerted punishment that favors cooperation.
Q38505902Rate estimation from prevalence information on a simple epidemiologic model for health interventions.
Q31141499Rate matrix estimation from site frequency data
Q113862509Rate of coalescence of lineage pairs in the Spatial Λ-Fleming–Viot process
Q47321915Rates of cultural change and patterns of cultural accumulation in stochastic models of social transmission
Q43798588Rational behavioral response and the transmission of STDs
Q74598644Realistic distributions of infectious periods in epidemic models: changing patterns of persistence and dynamics
Q47317779Recessive hereditary deafness, assortative mating, and persistence of a sign language
Q40552088Recognizing the impact of endemic hepatitis D virus on hepatitis B virus eradication
Q51720134Recolonisation by diffusion can generate increasing rates of spread.
Q35599703Recombination and the evolution of coordinated phenotypic expression in a frequency-dependent game
Q52212352Recombination as a point process along sequences.
Q72628300Recombination modification with X-linked characters
Q80539475Recombination, gene conversion, and identity-by-descent at three loci
Q45077499Reconstructing parental genotypes when testing for linkage in the presence of association
Q42664835Reconstruction of pedigrees in clonal plant populations
Q52726507Recurrent and synchronous insect pest outbreaks in forests.
Q48035202Recursions for the exchangeable partition function of the seedbank coalescent
Q54099045Reduction of neutral gene flow due to the partial sterility of heterozygotes for a linked chromosome mutation.
Q50947941Reflections on the extinction-explosion dichotomy.
Q51222866Regular and chaotic cycling in models of ecological genetics
Q52558425Regular systems of inbreeding with mutation.
Q67990506Relatedness and inclusive fitness with inbreeding
Q46714101Relating dispersal and range expansion of California sea otters
Q31000771Relationship inference from the genetic data on parents or offspring: A comparative study.
Q51704205Relative nonlinearity and permanence.
Q52900036Relative-to-relative transition probabilities for two linked genes.
Q51983673Remarks on antipredator behavior and food chain dynamics.
Q53007876Remarks on the substitutional load
Q93056567Replicated point processes with application to population dynamics models
Q41739852Replicating disease spread in empirical cattle networks by adjusting the probability of infection in random networks
Q48775674Reproductive skew can provide a net advantage in both conditional and unconditional social interactions
Q45125478Reproductive success for social Hymenoptera
Q44723124Reproductive value, sensitivity, and nonlinearity: population-management heuristics derived from classical demography
Q39315284Resampling: An improvement of importance sampling in varying population size models
Q42090196Reservoir interactions and disease emergence
Q40593668Resource partitioning among competing species--a coevolutionary approach
Q36662115Resource transfers and evolution: helpful offspring and sex allocation
Q91019216Responses of generalist and specialist species to fragmented landscapes
Q77228659Restrictions on components of variance for epistatic models
Q52871380Retention function of all segments of IUD usage: A compound distribution
Q52837887Reversibility and the age of an allele. I. Moran's infinitely many neutral alleles model
Q44216025Reversibility and the age of an allele. II. Two-allele models, with selection and mutation
Q52257959Revisiting Strategic Models of Evolution: The Concept of Neighborhood Invader Strategies
Q51955485Revisiting matrix games: the concept of neighborhood invader strategies.
Q48033089Revisiting the logistic map: A closer look at the dynamics of a classic chaotic population model with ecologically realistic spatial structure and dispersal
Q128581661Riding the waves from epidemic to endemic: Viral mutations, immunological change and policy responses
Q52695977Risk spreading as an adaptive strategy in iteroparous life histories.
Q91704038Robust viability analysis of a controlled epidemiological model
Q51191868Robustness: predicting the effects of life history perturbations on stage-structured population dynamics.
Q45400905Role of very slightly deleterious mutations in molecular evolution and polymorphism
Q47416858Runaway sexual selection with paternal transmission of the male trait and gene-culture determination of the female preference
Q40552693SIR model with local and global infective contacts: A deterministic approach and applications
Q34974076Sam Karlin and multi-locus population genetics
Q34984876Sam Karlin and the stochastic theory of evolutionary population genetics
Q34984872Sam Karlin: a personal appreciation
Q67345217Sample sizes required to detect linkage disequilibrium between two or three loci
Q52440890Schoener's model and Drosophila competition
Q52262742Searching for Food or Hosts: The Influence of Parasitoids Behavior on Host-Parasitoid Dynamics
Q52426876Seasonal control for an endemic disease with seasonal fluctuations.
Q44266678Secondary Theorem of Natural Selection in biocultural populations
Q43521830Segregating sites in Wright's island model
Q52228010Segregating sites in a gene conversion model with mutation.
Q47378055Selecting among three basic fitness landscape models: Additive, multiplicative and stickbreaking
Q72142251Selection against deleterious mutations and the maintenance of biparental sex
Q52045270Selection and segregation distortion in a sex-differentiated population.
Q69658168Selection component analysis of natural polymorphisms using population samples including mother-offspring combinations
Q47321723Selection effects in a model of two intermigrating colonies of finite size
Q52969891Selection for linkage modification. I. Random mating populations.
Q71016143Selection in complex genetic systems. V. Some properties of mixed selfing and random mating with two loci
Q39863107Selection in complex genetic systems. VI. Equilibrium properties of two locus selection models with partial selfing
Q71719779Selection in populations with overlapping generations. I. The use of Malthusian parameters in population genetics
Q52960535Selection in populations with overlapping generations. III. Conditions for genetic equilibrium
Q52900182Selection in populations with overlapping generations. VI. Rates of change of gene frequency and population growth rate.
Q92387424Selection in two-sex stage-structured populations: Genetics, demography, and polymorphism
Q40593692Selection within and between heterogenetic associations in fungi
Q58055196Sensitivity analysis of periodic matrix population models
Q28647258Sensitivity of quantitative traits to mutational effects and number of loci
Q30663235Separation of the largest eigenvalues in eigenanalysis of genotype data from discrete subpopulations
Q95816110Separation of time scales, fixation probabilities and convergence to evolutionarily stable states under isolation by distance
Q51727681Separation of time scales, fixation probabilities and convergence to evolutionary stable states under isolation by distance.
Q47334725Sequence diversity under the multispecies coalescent with Yule process and constant population size
Q51831402Sequential Markov coalescent algorithms for population models with demographic structure.
Q51928613Sequential decision-making in a variable environment: modeling elk movement in Yellowstone National Park as a dynamic game.
Q52081282Sewall Wright's equation Deltaq=(q(1-q) partial differentialw/ partial differentialq)/2w.
Q51957441Sex allocation and dispersal in a heterogeneous two-patch environment.
Q46701398Sex allocation and the emergence of helping in cooperatively breeding species
Q72139179Sex determination in a symmetric autosomal multi-locus model
Q45256564Sex differences in linkage between autosomal loci
Q52379408Sex ratio in a stepping-stone population with sex-specific dispersal.
Q46240417Sex versus asex: An analysis of the role of variance conversion
Q51734912Sex-ratio distortion driven by migration loads.
Q83514612Sex-specific spatio-temporal variability in reproductive success promotes the evolution of sex-biased dispersal
Q91028105Sex: The power of randomization
Q51404656Sexual conflict in viscous populations: the effect of the timing of dispersal.
Q91759134Sexual conflict through mother's curse and father's curse
Q36293435Sexual dimorphism and sexual selection: a unified economic analysis
Q70618077Sexual recombination under the joint effects of mutation, selection, and random sampling drift
Q52528620Sexual selection and fertility.
Q54438564Sexual selection by male choice in monogamous and polygynous human populations.
Q46238572Sexual selection with a culturally transmitted mating preference
Q67002349Sexual selection, population density, and availability of mates
Q40390020Sexually transmitted infections and mate-finding Allee effects.
Q51205644Shaken not stirred: on permanence in ecological communities.
Q50782640Shaping the phylogenetic tree of influenza by cross-immunity.
Q92046617Shigesada et al. (1986) and population spread in heterogeneous environments
Q57065694Shoot/root balance of plants: Optimal growth of a system with many vegetative organs
Q115611075Short Term Refuge Use and Stability of Predator-Prey Models
Q80356227Shot noise perturbations and mean first passage times between stable states
Q52789157Sigmoid functional responses and population stability.
Q44237363Signalling among relatives. II. Beyond the tower of Babel
Q52924847Simple stochastic models and their power-law type behaviour.
Q68755611Simplified models for viability selection at multiple loci
Q33305748Simplifying a physiologically structured population model to a stage-structured biomass model.
Q51929944Simulated trust: a cheap social learning strategy.
Q52708476Simulating allele frequencies in a population and the genetic differentiation of populations under mutation pressure.
Q50060714Simulating the component counts of combinatorial structures
Q51174501Simulation of evolution implemented in the mutualistic symbioses towards enhancing their ecological efficiency, functional integrity and genotypic specificity.
Q52081284Simulation of selected genealogies.
Q40155867Simultaneous effects of food limitation and inducible resistance on herbivore population dynamics
Q38489114Simultaneous maximum likelihood estimation of linkage and linkage phases in outcrossing species
Q88360264Single and simultaneous binary mergers in Wright-Fisher genealogies
Q35469628Single generation cycles and delayed feedback cycles are not separate phenomena
Q37330187Site frequency spectra from genomic SNP surveys
Q47421455Size-dependent sex change can be the ESS without any size advantage of reproduction when mortality is size-dependent
Q33207622Slight differences among individuals and the unified neutral theory of biodiversity.
Q38499984Social evolution and genetic interactions in the short and long term
Q54393439Somatic mutations in organisms with complex life histories.
Q67376344Some basic elements of continuous selection models
Q52712880Some developments in mathematical demography and their application to the People's Republic of China.
Q41520244Some further remarks “on testing hypotheses concerning standardized mortality ratios”
Q69442317Some host parasite genetic interaction models
Q68755599Some models of neutral evolution, compensatory evolution, and the shifting balance process
Q40593655Some models of population structure and evolution
Q67450586Some multiallele partial assortative mating systems for a polygamous species
Q67566482Some observations on the evolution of reproductive rate and competitive ability in flowering plants
Q52906063Some one-dimensional migration models in population genetics theory.
Q44779054Some optimum problems in individual selection
Q46305139Some population genetic models combining artificial and natural selection pressures: I. One-locus theory
Q66927788Some population genetic models combining artificial and natural selection pressures: II. Two-locus theory
Q49923355Some properties of the conditioned reconstructed process with Bernoulli sampling
Q92032114Some simple rules for estimating reproduction numbers in the presence of reservoir exposure or imported cases
Q52900235Some simulation results for the neutral allele model, with interpretations.
Q47263387Some statistical improvements for estimating population size and mutation rate from segregating sites in DNA sequences
Q44215764Some stochastic models for plasmid copy number
Q44112273Some threshold and stability results for epidemic models with a density-dependent death rate
Q90798929Some topics in theoretical population genetics: Editorial commentaries on a selection of Marc Feldman's TPB papers
Q113911260Spatial Coupling of Plant and Herbivore Dynamics: The Contribution of Herbivore Dispersal to Transient and Persistent "Waves" of Damage
Q41016310Spatial and space-time correlations in systems of subpopulations with stochastic migration
Q52244496Spatial aspects of interspecific competition.
Q30620934Spatial coupling in cyclic population dynamics: models and data.
Q51125828Spatial effects favour the evolution of niche construction.
Q90738640Spatial evolutionary dynamics produce a negative cooperation-population size relationship
Q43503962Spatial heterogeneity and the stability of predator-prey systems
Q45106833Spatial heterogeneity and the stability of predator-prey systems: predator-mediated coexistence
Q44612154Spatial heterogeneity promotes coexistence of rock-paper-scissors metacommunities
Q57942179Spatial heterogeneity, social structure and disease dynamics of animal populations
Q51995279Spatial interactions within modular organisms: genetic heterogeneity and organism fitness.
Q57011022Spatial mechanisms for coexistence of species sharing a common natural enemy
Q42052095Spatial mosaic and interfacial dynamics in a Müllerian mimicry system
Q31105042Spatial patterns and coexistence mechanisms in systems with unidirectional flow
Q52207530Spatial scaling in a benthic population model with density-dependent disturbance.
Q52239160Spatial structure, environmental heterogeneity, and population dynamics: analysis of the coupled logistic map.
Q56512387Spatial subdivision of populations and estimates of genetic variation
Q46348652Spatial synchrony and harvesting in fluctuating populations:Relaxing the small noise assumption
Q51178147Spatially explicit neutral models for population genetics and community ecology: Extensions of the Neyman-Scott clustering process.
Q51718637Spatially extended host-parasite interactions: the role of recovery and immunity.
Q46606233Spatially heterogeneous populations with mixed negative and positive local density dependence
Q42052188Spatially structured metapopulation models: global and local assessment of metapopulation capacity
Q57001149Spatially structured superinfection and the evolution of disease virulence
Q45145200Spatiotemporal dynamics of viral hepatitis A in Italy
Q60582142Spatiotemporal population distributions and their implications for species coexistence in a variable environment
Q87089832Special issue on New Developments in Relatedness and Relationship Estimation
Q52053437Speciation through the learning of habitat features.
Q57065511Species Coexistence by Permanent Spatial Heterogeneity in a Lottery Model
Q45890681Species abundance distributions, statistical mechanics and the priors of MaxEnt
Q35094947Species ages in neutral biodiversity models
Q33646306Species coexistence under resource competition with intraspecific and interspecific direct competition in a chemostat.
Q114747282Species diversity: Prey refuges modify the interactive effects of predation and competition
Q43691751Species packing and competitive equilibrium for many species
Q69759088Species packing and the competition function with illustrations from coral reef fish
Q47738026Spread of costly prestige-seeking behavior by social learning
Q53291581Spread of pedigree versus genetic ancestry in spatially distributed populations.
Q70959037Stability and bifurcation in age-dependent population dynamics
Q56796904Stability and harvesting of competing populations with genetic variation in life history strategy
Q52007744Stability in N-species coevolutionary systems.
Q112830916Stability in an evolutionary game
Q50955993Stability of a perturbed Leslie model.
Q45291169Stability of an age specific population with density dependent fertility
Q44454030Stability of ecosystems with complex food webs
Q46254286Stability of two-species communities: Drift, environmental stochasticity, storage effect and selection
Q51679612Stabilization of metapopulation cycles: toward a classification scheme.
Q38971235Stabilization of species coexistence in spatial models through the aggregation-segregation effect generated by local dispersal and nonspecific local interactions
Q52039974Stabilizing dispersal delays in predator-prey metapopulation models.
Q35771273Stabilizing effects in spatial parasitoid-host and predator-prey models: a review
Q67580644Stabilizing effects of spatial heterogeneity in predator-prey systems
Q52236528Stable equilibria in multilocus genetic systems: a statistical investigation.
Q52892960Stable linkage disequilibrium without epistasis in subdivided populations.
Q67566480Stable population analysis in periodic environments
Q42984135Stage and age structured Aedes vexans and Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) climate-dependent matrix population model.
Q51940944Static recipient cells as reservoirs of antibiotic resistance during antibiotic therapy.
Q57296402Stationary distribution of a 2-island 2-allele Wright-Fisher diffusion model with slow mutation and migration rates
Q92405207Stationary distribution of the linkage disequilibrium coefficient r2
Q52042369Statistical analysis of the influence of conspecifics on the dispersal of a soil collembola.
Q37312456Statistical models of the overdispersed molecular clock
Q34289006Statistical properties of segregating sites
Q92690882Statistical tools for seed bank detection
Q45251227Statistics for microsatellite variation based on coalescence
Q35016102Statistics for phylogenetic trees.
Q51910612Steady state of homozygosity and Gst for the island model.
Q52016957Steady-state analysis of structured population models.
Q50766421Stepwise mutation likelihood computation by sequential importance sampling in subdivided population models.
Q73842984Stochastic Dispersal Processes in Plant Populations
Q51946591Stochastic analogues of deterministic single-species population models.
Q41957490Stochastic difference equation predictors of population fluctuations
Q52570225Stochastic effects in LMC models.
Q51679408Stochastic fluctuations in frequency-dependent selection: a one-locus, two-allele and two-phenotype model.
Q46446268Stochastic modeling of cellular colonies with quiescence: an application to drug resistance in cancer
Q73827709Stochastic modelling of environmental variation for biological populations
Q87132014Stochastic population dynamics in a Markovian environment implies Taylor's power law of fluctuation scaling
Q66927791Stochastic selection in large and small populations
Q47983955Stochastic stability and the evolution of coordination in spatially structured populations
Q37679892Stochasticity, heterogeneity, and variance in longevity in human populations
Q51987484Stochasticity, invasions, and branching random walks.
Q45160610Stoichiometry and food-chain dynamics.
Q92499670Strategies of host resistance to pathogens in spatially structured populations: An agent-based evaluation
Q43684929Structural instability of models of sexual selection
Q52044677Structural instability, multiple stable states, and hysteresis in periphyton driven by phosphorus enrichment in the Everglades.
Q113862514Structure of theG-matrix in relation to phenotypic contributions to fitness
Q57589973Structured Population Models: Introduction
Q83809336Structured coalescent processes from a modified Moran model with large offspring numbers
Q33860950Structured models of infectious disease: inference with discrete data
Q30982883Sturdy cycles in the chaotic Tribolium castaneum data series
Q34215506Subdivided populations: A review of the one- and two-locus deterministic theory
Q80431764Subfunctionalization: How often does it occur? How long does it take?
Q41276244Subunit size and genetic variation of enzymes in natural populations of Drosophila
Q47193633Success-biased social learning: cultural and evolutionary dynamics
Q51686623Sufficiency of the number of segregating sites in the limit under finite-sites mutation.
Q34697780Summary statistics of neutral mutations in longitudinal DNA samples
Q46978250Superinfection reconciles host-parasite association and cross-species transmission
Q36948764Superparasitism as a differential game
Q60204635Surnames in Western Europe: A comparison of the subcontinental populations through isonymy
Q51190020Surprising evolutionary predictions from enhanced ecological realism.
Q38786599Survival and aging in the wild via residual demography
Q67985316Survival enhancement through food sharing: a means for parental control of natal dispersal
Q52426064Survival of small populations under demographic stochasticity
Q47667733Survival probabilities at spherical frontiers.
Q50611493Survivor's dilemma: Defend the group or flee?
Q39905001Sustainability of culture-driven population dynamics
Q92321806Systematic comparison of coexistence in models of drug-sensitive and drug-resistant pathogen strains
Q51547330Systematization of a set of closure techniques.
Q92168795TPB and the invasion of adaptive dynamics
Q48615122Taking the rough with the smooth: foraging for particulate food in continuous time
Q51214359Taylor's power law of fluctuation scaling and the growth-rate theorem.
Q34547204Temporally variable dispersal and demography can accelerate the spread of invading species
Q51191660Tension versus ecological zones in a two-locus system.
Q52935836Testing for increased mutation rate for neutral alleles
Q33306215Testing for phylogenetic signal in phenotypic traits: new matrices of phylogenetic proximities
Q91827967Testing for population decline using maximal linkage disequilibrium blocks
Q46515419Testing neutrality at copy-number-variable loci under the finite-allele and finite-site models
Q113885864Testing the generalized neutrality hypothesis
Q52591139The "battle of the sexes": a genetic model with limit cycle behavior.
Q48264124The 2018 Marcus W. Feldman Prize in Theoretical Population Biology
Q92044725The 2020 Feldman Prize
Q73294864The Chitty effect: a consequence of dynamic energy allocation in a fluctuating environment
Q52551700The Dynamics of Insect-Pathogen Interactions in Seasonal Environments
Q125257140The Dynamics of Linkage Disequilibrium Under Temporal Environmental Fluctuations: Two-Locus Selection
Q52075224The ESS under spatial variation with applications to sex allocation.
Q60135197The Effect of Migration During the Divergence
Q52041856The Effects of a Limited Memory Capacity on Foraging Behavior
Q61693875The Evolution of Genomic Imprinting: Two Modifier-Locus Models
Q57613743The Evolutionary Optimality of Oscillatory and Chaotic Dynamics in Simple Population Models
Q92076875The Evolving Moran Genealogy
Q71545327The Genetic Variance Maintained by Pleiotropic Mutation
Q34751729The IBD process along four chromosomes
Q67566478The IUD follow-up study: a stochastic model
Q56827964The Impact of Environmental Variation on Demographic Convergence of Leslie Matrix Population Models: An Assessment Using Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents
Q112839304The Importance of Being Discrete (and Spatial)
Q115611078The Influence of a Hierarchy in Time Scales on the Dynamics of, and the Coexistence within, Ensembles of Predator-Prey Pairs
Q57613747The Interaction between Soil Acidity and Forest Dynamics: A Simple-Model Exhibiting Catastrophic Behavior
Q86046016The Moran model with selection: fixation probabilities, ancestral lines, and an alternative particle representation
Q56083581The Number of Evolutionary Steps on Random and Minimum Length Trees for Random Evolutionary Data
Q73561923The Optimum Recombination Rate That Realizes the Fastest Evolution of a Novel Functional Combination of Many Genes
Q44450731The SIS and SIR stochastic epidemic models: a maximum entropy approach
Q51905497The SMM model as a boundary value problem using the discrete diffusion equation.
Q47327480The Sampling Theory of Neutral Alleles in an Island Population of Fluctuating Size
Q90165871The Wright-Fisher model with efficiency
Q57296403The Wright-Fisher site frequency spectrum as a perturbation of the coalescent's
Q67444775The accumulation of deleterious genes in a population--Muller's Ratchet
Q39415885The adaptive invasion of epialleles in a heterogeneous environment
Q52008548The age-structured lottery model
Q42563009The allele-frequency spectrum in a decoupled Moran model with mutation, drift, and directional selection, assuming small mutation rates
Q39930297The amino acid composition of proteins: A method of analysis
Q52138993The ancestral graph and gene genealogy under frequency-dependent selection.
Q43652856The ancestral selection graph under strong directional selection
Q48681188The approximately ideal, more or less free distribution
Q37844964The arrested immunity hypothesis in an immunoepidemiological model of Chlamydia transmission
Q46919832The average number of sites separating DNA sequences drawn from a subdivided population
Q73075133The balance between pleiotropic mutation and selection, when alleles have discrete effects
Q125288696The best of both worlds: Combining population genetic and quantitative genetic models
Q71719777The birth trajectory corresponding to particular population sequences
Q35769741The case for negative senescence.
Q73294861The characteristics of epidemics and invasions with thresholds
Q47694062The co-evolution of culturally inherited altruistic helping and cultural transmission under random group formation
Q34803823The co-evolution of intergenerational transfers and longevity: an optimal life history approach
Q79859983The coalescence time of sampled genes in the structured coalescent model
Q73751242The coalescent in an island model of population subdivision with variation among demes
Q88500245The coalescent of a sample from a binary branching process
Q52212347The coalescent time in the presence of background fertility selection.
Q51857859The coevolution of two phytoplankton species on a single resource: allelopathy as a pseudo-mixotrophy.
Q79328170The competitive dynamics of metapopulations subject to the Allee-like effect
Q33225132The competitive exclusion principle versus biodiversity through competitive segregation and further adaptation to spatial heterogeneities
Q51846700The conditional ancestral selection graph with strong balancing selection.
Q40303281The consequences of dominance and gene flow for local adaptation and differentiation at two linked loci
Q34213206The consequences of rare sexual reproduction by means of selfing in an otherwise clonally reproducing species
Q42028436The covariance of relatives derived from a random mating population
Q36124660The cumulative effect of risk compensation on infection preventive measures
Q73103142The cytonuclear effects of facultative apomixis. I. Disequilibrium dynamics in diploid populations
Q73103147The cytonuclear effects of facultative apomixis. II. Definitions and dynamics of disequilibria in tetraploid populations
Q46894182The decay of genetic variability in geographically structured populations. II
Q52075225The decay of linkage disequilibrium under random union of gametes: how to calculate Bennett's principal components.
Q46915728The demography of a metapopulation in an environment changing in time and space
Q70847260The detection of particular genotypes in finite populations. I. Natural selection effects
Q70847268The detection of particular genotypes in finite populations. II. The effects of partial penetrance and family structure
Q47557968The distance decay of similarity in tropical rainforests. A spatial point processes analytical formulation
Q70720954The distribution and comparison of “genetic loads” under heterotic selection and simple frequency-dependent selection in finite populations
Q47413730The distribution of coalescence times and distances between microsatellite alleles with changing effective population size
Q69676872The distribution of homozygosity for four alleles
Q44744748The distribution of lethal allelism in finite populations
Q52717138The distribution of nucleotide site differences between two finite sequences.
Q33195211The distribution of surviving blocks of an ancestral genome.
Q46139691The distribution of the coalescence time and the number of pairwise nucleotide differences in a model of population divergence or speciation with an initial period of gene flow
Q80539469The distribution of the coalescence time and the number of pairwise nucleotide differences in the "isolation with migration" model
Q41254950The distribution of the proportion of the genome which is homozygous by descent in inbred individuals
Q81637120The dynamic effects of an inducible defense in the Nicholson-Bailey model
Q46615584The dynamical implications of disease interference: correlations and coexistence
Q58055308The dynamics of a size-classified benthic population with reproductive subsidy
Q51974237The dynamics of adaptation: an illuminating example and a Hamilton-Jacobi approach.
Q77928374The dynamics of infinitesimally rare alleles, applied to the evolution of mutation rates and the expression of deleterious mutations
Q50626042The dynamics of measles epidemics.
Q112830913The dynamics of multispecies, multi-life-stage models of aquatic food webs
Q52432215The dynamics of population models with distributed maturation periods.
Q115599588The dynamics of predation and competition in patchy environments
Q35895430The dynamics of sexual contact networks: effects on disease spread and control
Q37034936The dynamics of simultaneous infections with altered susceptibilities
Q79890570The dynamics of the rec-system in variable environments: haploid selection in a cyclical two-state environment
Q43575337The dynamics of two diffusively coupled predator-prey populations
Q84979818The early phase of a bacterial insertion sequence infection
Q36027562The effect of Wolbachia on dengue outbreaks when dengue is repeatedly introduced.
Q51231414The effect of fluctuating selection on the genealogy at a linked site.
Q66988335The effect of genetic incompatibility of demes on total population development
Q88959505The effect of harvesting on the spatial synchrony of population fluctuations
Q52859051The effect of immigration on genetic control.
Q52935824The effect of lactation on the length of the post partum anovulatory period: An application of a bivariate stochastic model
Q43478426The effect of linkage in a finite random-mating population
Q49164431The effect of long time delays in predator-prey systems
Q42840038The effect of recurrent mutation on the frequency spectrum of a segregating site and the age of an allele
Q72170756The effect of scale dependent processes on kin selection: mating and density regulation
Q47330329The effect of selection on genetic balance when the population size is varying
Q46131535The effect of selective sweeps on the variance of the allele distribution of a linked multiallele locus: hitchhiking of microsatellites
Q47316668The effect of size-dependent growth and environmental factors on animal size variability
Q67376345The effect of spatial heterogeneity on the persistence of predator-prey interactions
Q92639599The effect of temporal fluctuations on the evolution of host tolerance to parasitism
Q51721596The effect of the Holling type II functional response on apparent competition.
Q68043321The effect of the reproductive system on mutation load
Q51177557The effect of the spatial configuration of habitat fragmentation on invasive spread.
Q80821642The effect of unequal migration rates on FST
Q70166985The effect on homozygosity of selective differences between sites of transposable elements
Q52523244The effect on neutral gene flow of selection at a linked locus.
Q47202256The effective size of fluctuating populations
Q46552717The effectiveness of marine protected areas for predator and prey with varying mobility
Q43529702The effects of abrupt topography on plankton dynamics
Q67979979The effects of admixture and population subdivision on cytonuclear disequilibria
Q50743929The effects of background mortality on optimal reproduction in a seasonal environment.
Q52212338The effects of density dependence and immigration on local adaptation and niche evolution in a black-hole sink environment.
Q98954073The effects of diploid male production on honey bee colony evolution and survival
Q46591031The effects of dispersal patterns on marine reserves: does the tail wag the dog?
Q113350411The effects of epistasis and linkage on the invasion of locally beneficial mutations and the evolution of genomic islands
Q67002350The effects of extra chances to live on life table functions
Q52028642The effects of genetic drift in experimental evolution.
Q78102169The effects of habitat fragmentation on persistence of source-sink metapopulations in systems with predators and prey or apparent competitors
Q115599574The effects of interacting species on predator-prey coevolution
Q40385915The effects of linkage and gene flow on local adaptation: a two-locus continent-island model
Q51995277The effects of mixotrophy on the stability and dynamics of a simple planktonic food web model.
Q39854919The effects of refuges on predator-prey interactions: a reconsideration
Q69442310The effects of stochastic environments on allele frequencies in natural populations
Q52879868The eigenvalues of the neutral alleles process
Q38983388The entropy of the life table: A reappraisal.
Q72905669The establishment of underdominant chromosomal rearrangements in multi-deme systems with local extinction and colonization
Q36546772The estimation of parameters from population data on the general stochastic epidemic
Q24678043The evolution of bet-hedging adaptations to rare scenarios
Q90656989The evolution of coexistence theory
Q51988721The evolution of conformist transmission in social learning when the environment changes periodically.
Q62022850The evolution of continuous variation. II. Complex transmission and assortative mating
Q59701016The evolution of dominance: A direct approach through the theory of linkage and selection
Q92185224The evolution of frequency-dependent cultural transmission
Q50721628The evolution of generalized reciprocity in social interaction networks.
Q44922650The evolution of genetic topologies
Q46484667The evolution of interference: reduction of recombination among three loci
Q33462264The evolution of juvenile-adult interactions in populations structured in age and space
Q59185586The evolution of recombination in permanent translocation heterozygotes
Q52717156The evolution of resource partitioning in a multidimensional resource space.
Q34279404The evolution of strong reciprocity: cooperation in heterogeneous populations
Q54495332The evolution of surnames: An analysis of their distribution and extinction
Q46249920The evolution of toxicant resistance in daphniids and its role on surrogate species
Q52035025The evolution of virulence in vector-borne and directly transmitted parasites.
Q91399484The evolutionary advantage of cultural memory on heterogeneous contact networks
Q70720990The evolutionary advantages of sexual dimorphism
Q51951447The evolutionary consequences of plasticity in host-pathogen interactions.
Q44546391The evolutionary potential of paramutation: a population-epigenetic model.
Q68115818The exact values of the probability of fixation of underdominant chromosomal rearrangements
Q48048553The existence and abundance of ghost ancestors in biparental populations
Q69819678The expected changes in the frequency of alleles affecting the sex ratio
Q52132019The expected number of alleles in a gene conversion model with mutation.
Q91759129The expected time to cross extended fitness plateaus
Q71156410The fate of autosomal modifiers of the sex-ratio trait in drosophila and other sex-linked meiotic drive systems
Q51702358The fixation probability of two competing beneficial mutations.
Q51713341The form of host density-dependence and the likelihood of host-pathogen cycles in forest-insect systems.
Q82791378The frequency of the perfect genotype in a population subject to pleiotropic mutation
Q52009862The frequency spectrum of a mutation, and its age, in a general diffusion model.
Q52322848The fundamental theorem of natural selection in Ewens' sense (case of many loci).
Q52039975The fundamental theorem of natural selection.
Q71493505The gene identity states of a descendant
Q53310687The genealogical decomposition of a matrix population model with applications to the aggregation of stages.
Q64004733The genealogy, site frequency spectrum and ages of two nested mutant alleles
Q51041116The genetic signature of rapid range expansions: How dispersal, growth and invasion speed impact heterozygosity and allele surfing.
Q51627428The genetical bandwidth mapping: a spatial and graphical representation of population genetic structure based on the Wombling method.
Q67450590The genetics of sex ratio distortion by cytoplasmic infection under maternal and contagious transmission: an epidemiological study
Q67566481The genotypic probability structure of an individual at the head of a Pedigree
Q43846088The geometry of transient crashes and their dependence on demographic rates
Q51325105The ideal free distribution and bacterial growth on two substrates.
Q37087722The ideal free distribution: a review and synthesis of the game-theoretic perspective
Q78454179The impact of consumer-resource cycles on the coexistence of competing consumers
Q128665377The impact of dormancy on evolutionary branching
Q56827883The impact of environmental fluctuations on structured discrete time population models: Resonance, synchrony and threshold behaviour
Q47374142The impact of mortality on predator population size and stability in systems with stage-structured prey
Q51772516The impact of network clustering and assortativity on epidemic behaviour.
Q51848913The impact of parasitoid emergence time on host-parasitoid population dynamics.
Q46001517The impact of resource limitation and the phenology of parasitoid attack on the duration of insect herbivore outbreaks.
Q56937151The implications of network structure for epidemic dynamics
Q90667833The importance of Durrett and Levin (1994): "The importance of being discrete (and spatial)"
Q40613014The importance of being atomic: Ecological invasions as random walks instead of waves
Q47356056The inbreeding effective number and the effective number of alleles in a population that varies in size
Q47415318The independent loss model with ordered insertions for the evolution of CRISPR spacers
Q41733639The index of dispersion of molecular evolution: slow fluctuations
Q39435977The infinitesimal model: Definition, derivation, and implications
Q50736491The influence of demographic stochasticity on evolutionary dynamics and stability.
Q51618843The influence of partial panmixia on neutral models of spatial variation
Q46807121The influence of pleiotropy between viability and pollen fates on mating system evolution
Q67843015The influence of saturation on the predator-prey relations
Q52132004The influence of spatial inhomogeneities on neutral models of geographical variation IV. Discontinuities in the population density and migration rate.
Q115599602The influence of the type 3 (sigmoid) functional response upon the stability of predator-prey difference models
Q44695975The interaction of genetic drift and mutation with selection in a fluctuating environment
Q69676882The interdependence of mating structure and inbreeding depression
Q120405988The interplay of dormancy and transfer in bacterial populations: Invasion, fixation and coexistence regimes
Q93187104The inverse relationship between life expectancy-induced changes in the old-age dependency ratio and the prospective old-age dependency ratio
Q51478042The joint allele frequency spectrum of multiple populations: a coalescent theory approach.
Q52429472The joint effects of the release of sterile males and immigration of fertilized females on a density regulated population
Q51002925The largest strongly connected component in the cyclical pedigree model of Wakeley et al.
Q37383607The limitation of species range: a consequence of searching along resource gradients
Q44555110The local enhancement conundrum: in search of the adaptive value of a social learning mechanism
Q46373837The long-run distribution of births across environments under environmental stochasticity and its use in the calculation of unconditional life-history parameters
Q46833319The loss of statistical power to distinguish populations when certain samples are ambiguous
Q53747281The maintenance of heterozygosity under the diffusion model
Q80431759The many-demes limit for selection and drift in a subdivided population
Q82596507The mapping of epistatic effects onto a genealogical tree in haploid populations
Q52791955The mathematical theory of group selection. I. Full solution of a nonlinear Levins E = E(x) model
Q44683976The measurement of the characteristics of natural selection
Q83035658The mechanistic basis of discrete-time population models: the role of resource partitioning and spatial aggregation
Q77767400The metapopulation dynamics of an infectious disease: tuberculosis in possums
Q83462330The metapopulation fitness criterion: proof and perspectives
Q43567322The molecular nature of allelic diversity for two models of balancing selection
Q48740861The multivariate Dirichlet-multinomial distribution and its application in forensic genetics to adjust for subpopulation effects using the θ-correction
Q61889450The multivariate Wright–Fisher process with mutation: Moment-based analysis and inference using a hierarchical Beta model
Q51182126The natural selection of metabolism and mass selects allometric transitions from prokaryotes to mammals.
Q51159884The nest site lottery: how selectively neutral density dependent growth suppression induces frequency dependent selection.
Q33343353The neutral effective migration rate in a mainland-island context
Q89379702The neutral frequency spectrum of linked sites
Q39631551The non-equilibrium allele frequency spectrum in a Poisson random field framework
Q90720513The nonlinear structure of linkage disequilibrium
Q52495673The number of alleles in multigene families.
Q42767575The number of equilibria in the diallelic Levene model with multiple demes
Q73740005The number of lines of descent and fixation probabilities of alleles in the pure genetic drift process: analytical approximations
Q70720986The number of neutral alleles maintained in a finite, geographically structured population
Q92849808The opportunity cost of walking away in the spatial iterated prisoner's dilemma
Q71744838The origin of male haploid genetic systems and their expected sex ratio
Q47673685The parent-offspring probability when sampling age-structured populations
Q91042953The popularity spectrum applied to a cross-cultural question
Q41577540The population biology of bacterial viruses: why be temperate
Q40698953The population dynamics of microparasites and vertebrate hosts: the importance of immunity and recovery.
Q40787418The population dynamics of two vertically transmitted infections
Q52242153The population genetics of antibiotic resistance. II: Analytic theory for sustained populations of bacteria in a community of hosts.
Q52312703The population genetics of assortative mating based on imprinting
Q67580647The population structure associated with the Ewens sampling formula
Q48286192The positive effects of negative interactions: can avoidance of competitors or predators increase resource sampling by prey?
Q122940362The potential for control of cereal rust by natural enemies
Q51995274The prevalence of asymmetrical indirect effects in two-host-one-parasitoid systems.
Q81801529The probability density of the total IBD length over a single autosome in unilineal relationships
Q57317208The probability distribution under a population divergence model of the number of genetic founding lineages of a population or species
Q51002915The probability of improvement in Fisher's geometric model: a probabilistic approach.
Q88578309The probability of reciprocal monophyly of gene lineages in three and four species
Q46364406The probability of topological concordance of gene trees and species trees
Q51659805The probability that related individuals share some section of genome identical by descent.
Q48411286The propagation of a cultural or biological trait by neutral genetic drift in a subdivided population.
Q41236686The propagation of uncertainty in human mortality processes operating in stochastic environments
Q44129164The random walk model of human migration
Q41491337The rate at which asexual populations cross fitness valleys
Q42272794The rate of convergence to early asymptotic behaviour in age-structured epidemic models
Q44356740The rate of loss of multiple alleles in finite haploid populations
Q51543938The rate of multi-step evolution in Moran and Wright-Fisher populations.
Q52588040The reduction of gene exchange due to a prezygotic isolating mechanism with monogenic inheritance.
Q49222576The reduction principle for recombination under density-dependent selection
Q52717145The reduction property for central polymorphisms in nonepistatic systems.
Q46679449The relative importance of relative nonlinearity and the storage effect in the lottery model
Q51727103The reproductive value in distributed optimal control models.
Q51645651The risk of competitive exclusion during evolutionary branching: effects of resource variability, correlation and autocorrelation.
Q44311524The role of cultural transmission in human demographic change: an age-structured model
Q50630572The role of epistasis on the evolution of recombination in host-parasite coevolution.
Q81117035The role of epistatic gene interactions in the response to selection and the evolution of evolvability
Q51175575The role of harvesting in age-structured populations: disentangling dynamic and age truncation effects.
Q51995282The role of marriage rules in the structure of genetic relatedness.
Q44786521The role of migration in the genetic structure of populations in temporally and spatially varying environments. II. Island models
Q67730445The role of mosaic phenomena in natural communities
Q41665292The role of population size in molecular evolution
Q69043959The role of recombination and selection in the modifier theory of sex-ratio distortion
Q85101748The role of reproductive plant traits and biotic interactions in the dynamics of semi-arid plant communities
Q71281822The role of stepping-stone islands
Q55980431The role of the Allee effect in species packing
Q51722746The role of transmissible diseases in the Holling-Tanner predator-prey model.
Q34216106The sampling theory of selectively neutral alleles
Q46949780The shape of things to come: using models with physiological structure to predict mortality trajectories
Q86259989The site frequency spectrum of dispensable genes
Q35998511The site-frequency spectrum associated with Ξ-coalescents
Q98578781The spatial Muller's ratchet: Surfing of deleterious mutations during range expansion
Q52552091The stability and persistence of mutualisms embedded in community interactions.
Q51980351The stability of predator-prey systems subject to the Allee effects.
Q73827712The stability of symmetric solutions to polygenic models
Q52871369The stable decomposition of the rate of natural increase
Q51945185The stationary distribution of allele frequencies when selection acts at unlinked loci.
Q71281809The stationary distribution of an asymmetrical model of selection in a random environment
Q28286867The storage effect due to frequency-dependent predation in multispecies plant communities
Q36901012The structure of allelic diversity in the presence of purifying selection
Q34053752The structure of food webs
Q52486062The survival of recessive lethals in finite populations.
Q52855047The theory of prey-predator oscillations
Q50138233The third moments of the site frequency spectrum.
Q52214996The time to the ancestor along sequences with recombination.
Q67439594The time-energy budget of a moose
Q67002346The transition density for multiple neutral alleles
Q40593638The transmission of genes via pollen and ovules in gynodioecious angiosperms
Q41853709The traveling-wave approach to asexual evolution: Muller's ratchet and speed of adaptation
Q52014213The two-locus model of Gaussian stabilizing selection.
Q52639814The two-sex multiethnic stable population model.
Q52588045The two-sex problem with persistent unions: a generalization of the birth matrix-mating rule model.
Q52045274The use of Markovian metapopulation models: a comparison of three methods reducing the dimensionality of transition matrices.
Q52657050The use of sample genealogies for studying a selectively neutral m-loci model with recombination.
Q46122324The variance of pairwise nucleotide differences in two populations with migration
Q43434979The variance of sample heterozygosity
Q51659044The vitality model: a way to understand population survival and demographic heterogeneity.
Q28216452Theoretical and empirical aspects of gene-culture coevolution
Q44570448Theoretical and simulation results relating to the neutral allele theory
Q67057373Theoretical aspects of sexual selection
Q43862946Theoretical aspects of sexual selection: a generalized model of mating behaviour
Q47718081Theoretical aspects of the mode of transmission in cultural inheritance
Q80482981Theoretical description of chromosome architecture after multiple back-crossing
Q70720959Theoretical foundation of population genetics at the molecular level
Q52693272Theoretical models of genetic map functions.
Q40640067Theoretical recombination processes incorporating interference effects
Q44160151Theoretical studies on the use of translocations for the control of tsetse flies and other disease vectors
Q62022841Theories of kin and group selection: A population genetics perspective
Q40467838Theory and applications of a deterministic approximation to the coalescent model.
Q50969546Theory in population biology, or biologically inspired mathematics?
Q41416468Theory of oviposition strategy of parasitoids. I. Effect of mortality and limited egg number
Q36262982Theory of partitioning of disease prevalence and mortality in observational data
Q46670334There are no caterpillars in a wicked forest
Q51469697Threshold policies control for predator-prey systems using a control Liapunov function approach.
Q37034933Time required for gene frequency change in a deterministic model of gene-culture coevolution, with special reference to the lactose absorption problem
Q45442218Time symmetry and asymmetry in population and deterministic dynamic systems
Q115056848Time to extinction of a cultural trait in an overlapping generation model
Q84753876Time to fixation in the presence of recombination
Q47349094Time to the MRCA of a sample in a Wright-Fisher model with variable population size
Q45269328Time-dependent solution to age-structured equations for sexual populations
Q33944005Time-dependent solutions of the spatially implicit neutral model of biodiversity
Q53522842Times on trees, and the age of an allele.
Q51946817Timescales of population rarity and commonness in random environments.
Q115611076Timid Consumers: Self-Extinction Due to Adaptive Change in Foraging and Anti-predator Effort
Q52535666Timing in the life histories of insects.
Q46137084To what extent does genealogical ancestry imply genetic ancestry?
Q51499652Top-down control in a patchy environment: revisiting the stabilizing role of food-dependent predator dispersal.
Q91653121Topological linkage disequilibrium calculated from coalescent genealogies
Q70720982Total number of individuals affected by a single deleterious mutation in large populations
Q52717768Towards a genetic theory for the evolution of the sex ratio. III. Parental and sibling control of brood investment ratio under partial sib-mating.
Q39292807Towards a theory of ecotone resilience: coastal vegetation on a salinity gradient
Q54238172Towards a theory of the evolution of modifier genes.
Q51722767Towards a unifying approach to diversity measures: bridging the gap between the Shannon entropy and Rao's quadratic index.
Q47718970Trade-off between learning and exploitation: the Pareto-optimal versus evolutionarily stable learning schedule in cumulative cultural evolution
Q61659145Trade-offs and the evolution of virulence of microparasites: do details matter?
Q48012008Trait level analysis of multitrait population projection matrices
Q36365151Transience after disturbance: Obligate species recovery dynamics depend on disturbance duration
Q57596926Transient Dynamics in Metapopulation Response to Perturbation
Q84505090Transients and tradeoffs of phenotypic switching in a fluctuating limited environment
Q39944498Transmission dynamics of Toxoplasma gondii along an urban-rural gradient
Q47868913Transmission-virulence trade-offs in vector-borne diseases
Q33225760Transport on fractal river networks: application to migration fronts
Q74588023Transposable elements and fitness of bacteria
Q125791482Traveling periodic waves in heterogeneous environments
Q47825934Travelling Wave Solutions for the Spread of Farmers into a Region Occupied by Hunter-Gatherers
Q81572793Truthful signalling, the heritability paradox, and the Malthusian equi-marginal principle
Q90415567Tuljapurkar and Orzack (1980) and Tuljapurkar (1982a,b): Population dynamics in variable environments
Q34564661Twin studies in behavioral research: a skeptical view
Q52448720Two chromosomes with multigene families.
Q67703810Two loci with two alleles: linkage equilibrium and linkage disequilibrium can be simultaneously stable
Q44959441Two success-biased social learning strategies
Q58034988Two-Locus Drift with Sex-Chromosomes: The Partitioning and Conversion of Variance in Subdivided Populations
Q47722012Two-locus clines on the real line with a step environment
Q52051790Two-sex population dynamics in space: effects of gestation time on persistence.
Q39409355Two-state spatial dynamics in the absence of age.
Q40756812Uncertainties in predicting the demographic impact of AIDS.
Q73405799Undermining the Baldwin expediting effect: does phenotypic plasticity accelerate evolution?
Q51901735Understanding mating systems: a mathematical model of the pair formation process.
Q112818483Understanding the role of environmental variation in population and community dynamics
Q51952329Unifying evolutionary dynamics: from individual stochastic processes to macroscopic models.
Q51955471Uninvadability in N-species frequency models for resident-mutant systems with discrete or continuous time.
Q91889142Uniqueness and multiplicity of clines in an environmental pocket
Q36369633Unlimited niche packing in a Lotka-Volterra competition game
Q100501135Unstable population dynamics in obligate co-operators
Q41959142Upper bounds on FST in terms of the frequency of the most frequent allele and total homozygosity: the case of a specified number of alleles
Q51207353Using Moment Equations to Understand Stochastically Driven Spatial Pattern Formation in Ecological Systems
Q93228522Using YY supermales to destabilize invasive fish populations
Q45760210Using mass scaling of movement cost and resource encounter rate to predict animal body size-population density relationships
Q43566365Vaccinating behaviour, information, and the dynamics of SIR vaccine preventable diseases
Q52855028Variability in the amount of heterozygosity maintained by neutral mutations
Q115599591Variable predators and switching behavior
Q67012424Variable spatial selection with two stages of migrations and comparisons between different timings
Q42043984Variable timing of reproduction in unpredictable environments: adaption of flood plain plants
Q38607853Variance in estimated pairwise genetic distance under high versus low coverage sequencing: The contribution of linkage disequilibrium
Q34271887Variance of actual inbreeding
Q59204196Variance of genetic distance and correlation of heterozygosity between populations under the pressure of stepwise mutation
Q68382502Variances and covariances of squared linkage disequilibria in finite populations
Q39074385Variation in moisture duration as a driver of coexistence by the storage effect in desert annual plants.
Q33377763Vegetation pattern shift as a result of rising atmospheric CO2 in arid ecosystems
Q111267400Vertical Transmission and Evolution of Mutualism from Parasitism
Q93349450Vertical and oblique cultural transmission fluctuating in time and in space
Q44777265Viral diversity limits immune diversity in asymptomatic phase of HIV infection
Q34224438Vito Volterra and theoretical ecology
Q51224684Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kostitsin and theoretical ecology.
Q48788889W. D. Hamilton-evolutionary theorist: life and vision (1936-2000).
Q51926477Wagner's canalization model.
Q63379857Waiting with and without Recombination: The Time to Production of a Double Mutant
Q44704475Wandering distributions and the electrophoretic profile
Q43945088Wandering distributions and the electrophoretic profile. II
Q52065849Wave of chaos: new mechanism of pattern formation in spatio-temporal population dynamics.
Q47172984Weight of the evidence of genetic investigations of ancestry informative markers
Q52262736What happens when predators do not completely consume their prey?
Q51175882What makes ecological systems reactive?
Q104799890What the reproductive number R0 can and cannot tell us about COVID-19 dynamics
Q33277463When and why do non-neutral metacommunities appear neutral?
Q46708831When can dispersal synchronize populations?
Q44851362When can environmental variability benefit population growth? Counterintuitive effects of nonlinearities in vital rates
Q93151636When do factors promoting genetic diversity also promote population persistence? A demographic perspective on Gillespie's SAS-CFF model
Q69442328When does a leaky compartment model appear to have no leaks?
Q43465200When will evolution lead to deceptive signaling in the Sir Philip Sidney game?
Q30543896Why does human culture increase exponentially?
Q42040160Widening the window of persistence in seasonal pathogen-host systems
Q48788927William D. Hamilton's work in evolutionary game theory
Q48788916William D. Hamilton: a tribute
Q37621839Within a sample from a population, the distribution of the number of descendants of a subsample's most recent common ancestor
Q40136746Wolbachia spread dynamics in stochastic environments
Q44231133Worker-queen conflict and the evolution of social insects
Q47656160Wright-Fisher diffusion bridges
Q30841612Wright-Fisher revisited: the case of fertility correlation
Q47971148Year-class coexistence in biennial plants

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