Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology


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P495country of originUnited States of AmericaQ30
P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level1
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P123publisherSpringer Science+Business MediaQ176916
P1476titleNeuroscience and Behavioral Physiology

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published in (P1433)
Q30431106"Brain music" in the treatment of patients with insomnia
Q47606443"Decision-making" stage in the systemic organization of the purposeful behavioral act.
Q48968682"Forced normalization" of the EEG and some mechanisms of psychopathological manifestations in epileptics
Q34477837"Imprints of reality" in the systems mechanisms of brain activity
Q37967134"Reflexes of purpose and freedom" in the comparative physiology of higher nervous activity
Q48277741"Training" of subicular neurons and the theta rhythm
Q4835443645Ca exchange in rat cortex slices in conditions of long-term potentiation
Q130161056A Comparative Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial of the Efficacy and Safety of Glatiramer Acetate 20 mg in Patients with Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: First-Year Study Results
Q128749235A Comparative Study of the Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Zopiclone in Chronic Insomnia
Q128818408A Comparison of Classifiers in a Task Consisting of Classifying Single Visual Event-Related Cortical Potentials in Humans
Q128467198A Differential Approach to the Treatment of Acute Psychosis Due to Consumption of Synthetic Cannabinoids
Q128583171A Method for Training Rats to Electrical Self-Stimulation in Response to Raising the Head Using a Telemetry Apparatus to Record Extracellular Dopamine Levels
Q128882155A Motor Imagery-Based Brain–Computer Interface with Vibrotactile Stimuli
Q126626209A Multifactorial Model of the Medical Help-Seeking Behavior of Patients with Depressive and Neurotic Disorders
Q128882723A Novel Neural Network Approach to Creating a Brain–Computer Interface Based on the EEG Patterns of Voluntary Muscle Movements
Q129135223A Weakened Geomagnetic Field: Effects on Genomic Transcriptiln Activity, Learning, and Memory in Drosophila Melanogaster
Q48146331A case of Korsakov's syndrome with colloidal cyst of the third ventricle
Q48298644A case of brain damage due to a high-energy proton beam
Q47183258A common system of sparsely-branched projection (reticular) NADPH-diaphorase neurons in formations of densely-branched cells in the human forebrain
Q48251649A comparative analysis of learning and exploratory behavior of rats with varying resistance to stressor influences and the level of brain monoamines
Q52290869A complex form of adaptive activity in rats.
Q39414489A computer analysis of EEG-intersignal reactions during the development of motoric alimentary conditioned reflexes in dogs
Q44613864A computer model of neural processes observed in the cat motor cortex during performance of an operant movement
Q51813378A device for the stereotaxic fixation of the spine in animals.
Q50949871A functional continuum of regulatory anxiety-enhancing peptides. The search for complexes providing the optimal basis for developing inhibitory therapeutic agents.
Q48166381A maternal methyl-containing diet alters learning ability in the Morris swimming test in adult rats
Q46465731A mechanism of the influence of interleukin-1 on blood glucocorticoid level: absence of a direct effect of interleukin-1 on adrenal cortical cells
Q78622756A method for assessing the kinetics of evoked secretion of transmitter quanta determining the generation of multiquantum endplate currents
Q46271853A method for making histological preparations equivalent to semithin sections with large examination areas for multipurpose morphological studies.
Q48559376A method for the diagnosis of interhemispheric brain asymmetry
Q52130905A method of operant training to differentiate signals during a delay in providing reinforcement in primates.
Q71113223A method of removing the tentorium cerebelli in cats for electrophysiological study of hindbrain structures
Q48436197A microdialysis investigation of the release of norepinephrine in the hypothalamus induced by 2-deoxyglucose in awake rats
Q52171378A micromanipulator for two-channel recording of neuron activity with high-impedance electrodes in freely moving animals.
Q83179372A miniature multichannel preamplifier for recording electrophysiological activity in freely moving animals
Q52135063A model of a neuronal network for detection of single bands and cross-like figures.
Q52082492A model of adaptive visual processes of primary image processing.
Q48468383A model of anxious depression: persistence of behavioral pathology
Q36117160A model of attention and memory based on the principle of the dominant and the comparator function of the hippocampus
Q52265884A model of neuronal network learning based on variations in the efficiency of excitatory and inhibitory synapses.
Q46761418A model of reward choice based on the theory of reinforcement learning
Q48750226A model reproducing the characteristics of conditioned reflex formation and manifestation
Q68845918A monosynaptic connection between identified snail neurons
Q48262382A morpho-functional investigation of the interaction of neurochemical signals in neurons of the cerebral cortex of rats
Q48487551A neuropharmacological analysis of compensatory-restorative processes in organic deficit of the parafascicular complex of the thalamus
Q73090866A new class of agonists and antagonists of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptors: derivatives of imidazole-4,5- and pyrazole-3,4-dicarboxylic acids
Q36893609A new mechanism of synapse-specific neuronal plasticity
Q51864011A new model for studying group learning in mice (synthesis of conditioned reflex and ethologic approaches).
Q70241709A new modification of impregnation technique for the intramural nervous apparatus
Q36836311A new pathway of the central nervous regulation of carbohydrate homeostasis
Q48200464A new population of calretinin-positive cells, presumptively neurons, with polymorphous spines in the mouse forebrain.
Q48166296A periodic pattern in the distribution of cytochrome oxidase activity in the visual cortex in kittens
Q71113219A platform for the rat's head for long-term experiments
Q41551493A polarization-electrotonic hypothesis of formation of simple forms of temporary connection
Q72728308A possible function of Schwann cells in neuromuscular transmission in the frog
Q34756384A possible mechanism for the dopamine-evoked synergistic disinhibition of thalamic neurons via the "direct" and "indirect" pathways in the basal ganglia
Q42497036A possible mechanism for the effect of modifiable lateral inhibition in the striatum on the selection of conditioned reflex motor responses
Q35557170A possible mechanism for the effect of neuromodulators and modifiable inhibition on long-term potentiation and depression of the excitatory inputs to hippocampal principal cells
Q36688521A possible mechanism of unilateral hippocampal stroke after bilateral occlusion of the common carotid arteries in rats with different types of behavior
Q70884863A possible model of interaction between regions of the cat cerebral cortex
Q49043629A possible molecular mechanism for the interaction of defensin with the sensory neuron membrane
Q52713423A radioimmunological method of determining prolactin in human blood plasma. Statistical substantiation of the method and determination of the content of the hormone in healthy persons of both sexes and in infertile patients.
Q73961802A rare case of "mirror writing.".
Q48443217A special case of learning disorder in isolant rats as a model of disintegration
Q48251710A spectral correlation analysis of the electrical activity of the sensorimotor cortex and the medial geniculate body in the presence of a motor polarizational dominant
Q48323118A study of the connectedness among distant neuronal populations in the human brain during mental activity
Q41558932A systems process of reinforcement
Q48165370A visual analog of mismatch negativity when stimuli differ in duration.
Q52260543A. A. Ukhtomskii and the reflex theory of behavior.
Q48926001A.A. Ukhtomskii's ideas on the nature of man.
Q48626457Absolute number of neurons and thickness of the cerebral cortex during aging, senile and vascular dementia, and Pick's and Alzheimer's diseases
Q49135908Acceleration of the acquisition of a conditioned reflex to time in rats with disruption of the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus
Q49083443Accessory groups of nonapeptidergic cells of the diencephalon in intact and hypophysectomized rats
Q129718795Acid Phosphatase Activity and the Structure of Neurons in the Stellate Ganglion in Cattle
Q81603856Acoustic aspects of the formation of speech in children in the third year of life
Q51983586Acquisition and extinction of a conditioned passive avoidance reflex in mice with genetic knockout of monoamine oxidase A.
Q48439319Acquisition of a conditioned avoidance reflex and morphometric characteristics of the sensorimotor cortex in rats subjected to social deprivation in early ontogenesis
Q43065147Acquisition of an active avoidance reaction in rats and morphological changes in the hippocampus in pentylenetetrazol kindling
Q70215063Action of acetylcholine on hippocampal responses during prolonged potentiation and depression following tetanization of the medial septum and dentate fascia
Q48214068Action of anticholinergic drugs and their combinations with pentobarbital on theta burst neurons of the rabbit septum
Q51093037Action of modulated electromagnetic fields on the emotional component of the systems organization of behavioral acts in rats.
Q68544131Action of vasopressin analog on neuronal excitability in Helix lucorum
Q69420442Action potentials of fast fibers of the ocular muscles
Q48558643Actions of pulsed ultra-broadband electromagnetic irradiation on the EEG and sleep in laboratory animals
Q41108414Activation by GABAb, reduction of the intracellular concentration of Ca++, and inhibition of protein kinases are possible mechanisms of the long-term posttetanic modification of the efficiency of inhibitory transmission in the new cortex
Q57953489Activation of Brain Structures Demonstrated by fMRI Data on Viewing Video Clips and Recall of the Actions Shown
Q57417455Activation of Type I Interferon Signal Pathway in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis by the Russian Analog of β-Interferon-1b (transcriptional profiling data)
Q42947315Activation of the Noergic System of the Nucleus Accumbens on Presentation of Contextual Danger Signals
Q52172513Activation of the cholinergic system of the striatum improves attention to conditioned reflex stimuli.
Q38549813Activation of the cholinergic system of the striatum improves the differentiation of sound signals by dogs
Q36801050Activation of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenocortical system as an important gastroprotective component of the stress reaction
Q52521148Activators of G-proteins increase the plasticity of cholinoreceptors of common snail neurons.
Q52229225Active attention and the conditioned slow negative potential in schizophrenics.
Q52230127Active electrogenesis of command neurons of defense behavior of the snail during conditioning.
Q43166515Activity in the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenocortical system on experimental induction of chronic fatigue syndrome
Q48867048Activity of adenylate cyclase and 5'-nucleotidase in the sensorimotor and limbic structures of the brain in rats after manipulatory training
Q48459978Activity of cat parietofrontal neurons during the performance of a voluntary movement
Q48912098Activity of forelimb muscles under vestibular stimulation in guinea pigs with cerebellum removed
Q52201648Activity of frontal cortex neurons of the dog with change in motoric conditioned reflex programs.
Q48128623Activity of medial wall neurons in frontal cortex of rat brain during delayed response reactions
Q48399224Activity of neurons in limbic cortex during stimulation of somatosensory zones
Q42473791Activity of neurons in the basal magnocellular nucleus during performance of an operant task
Q49089347Activity of neurons in the mouse inferior colliculus in relation to the position and direction of displacement of spectral contrast
Q52093478Activity of neurons in the pedunculopontine nucleus during a food-related operant conditioned reflex.
Q52208866Activity of neurons of the cat motor cortex during differentiation between reactions of right and left paw placement on a support developed in response to stimulation of the parietal cortex of the different hemispheres.
Q51255514Activity of nucleases in the rat brain during training with emotionally varying reinforcement.
Q47975467Activity of rabbit neocortex and hippocampus neurons in orientational-investigative behavior and freezing
Q48422117Activity of substantia nigra neurons in the cat brain during a self-initiated behavioral act.
Q126806940Activity of the Serotonin System of the Prefrontal Cortex in Rats with High and Low Level of Contextual Fear Generalization
Q43261070Activity of the brain dopaminergic system of administration of exogenous dopa
Q39679288Activity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid gland system in the presence of a change in the functional state of the sex glands. Communication 2
Q48413256Activity of the neurons of the medial region of the septum of the rabbit brain in early ontogenesis
Q48322386Activity of the positive and negative reinforcement motivation systems and baseline arterial blood pressure in humans
Q129713320Acute Cerebrovascular Accidents and Gender
Q66947353Adaptive and compensatory reaction of the brain to irradiation
Q47680796Adaptive behavior in active and passive rats after intranasal administration of corticotrophin-releasing hormone
Q48650586Adaptive regulation of the biopotentials of the brain (alpha-rhythm) in patients with neuroses
Q48380790Adaptive regulation of the nonlinear dynamics of electrical activity of the brain
Q50623931Adaptive responses in the auditory system of patients with schizophrenia, presenile psychoses, and alcoholic hallucinosis
Q44773144Adaptivity of receptive fields of neurons in the posterotemporal cortex and their sensitivity to parameters of light stimulation in cats
Q52249532Adaptogenic significance of serotonin in dogs emerging from experimental neurosis.
Q48380764Adenylate cyclase system of the rat striatum: regulatory properties and the effects of gangliosides
Q48348434Administration of aggregated beta-amyloid peptide (25-35) induces changes in long-term potentiation in the hippocampus in vivo
Q73958002Adrenal cortex hormones and the testicles in emotional stress in rats with a genetic predisposition to cataleptic responses
Q48562958Adrenocortical and thyroid systems of rats during the initial period of nociceptive influences
Q58202021Advantages and Disadvantages of Zinc-Ethanol-Formaldehyde as a Fixative for Immunocytochemical Studies and Confocal Laser Microscopy
Q48559506Afferent and efferent connections of cortical transplants implanted into the damaged sensorimotor area of the cerebral cortex of adult rats
Q52211447Afferent and efferent mechanisms of the intensification of neostriatal cholinergic activity.
Q80493919Afferent connections of fields 17 and 18 of the cat cerebral cortex formed by neurons of the dorsal lateral geniculate body
Q48629414Afferent connections of the nucleus accumbens with the amygdaloid body and the dopaminergic mesencephalic formations of the cat brain
Q48410175Afferent control of cortically evoked reactions of spinal cord ventral horn interneurons
Q67234585Afferent flow patterns in a cat cutaneous nerve during painful and painless mechanical stimulation of the skin
Q49136003Afferent inhibition and the functional properties of neurons in the projection zone of the whiskers in the somatosensory cortex of the cat.
Q48581720Afferent projections of the body of the caudate nucleus in the cat brain
Q46392083Aftereffects of microinjections of neurotensin into the substantia nigra of the brain on conditioned motor responses in rats with lesions to serotoninergic neurons
Q57821256Age as a Risk Factor for Cognitive Impairments in Patients Undergoing Coronary Bypass
Q48471417Age characteristics of the efferent innervation of the pia mater arteries in the human brain
Q48433834Age dynamics of evoked brain potentials in involuntary and voluntary attention to a deviant stimulus in schoolchildren from the northern region.
Q127464669Age-Related Differences in LPS-Induced BDNF and iNOS Expression in the Substantia Nigra in Rats
Q128989682Age-Related ECoG Dynamics of and Convulsive Activity of Wistar Rats in a Cortical Model of Focal Epilepsy
Q51927836Age-related and individual differences in the performance of a delayed response task (the A-not-B task) in infant twins aged 7-12 months.
Q48380806Age-related changes in oxytocinergic neurosecretory cells in the accessory magnocellular neuroendocrine nuclei of the hypothalamus in rats
Q82851499Age-related changes in rhythmic electrical activity in the cervical sympathetic trunk in rats and cats
Q48960241Age-related changes in the characteristics of evoked responses in field CA1 in rat hippocampus slices after deafferentation of the forelimb
Q48380820Age-related changes in the cytoarchitectonics of the human sensorimotor cortex
Q48471960Age-related characteristics of brain development in children living in the north
Q80212992Age-related characteristics of the neurotransmitter composition of neurons in the stellate ganglion
Q70215794Age-related features of the blood vessels of the rat brain (morphometric investigation)
Q51959956Age-related features of the interaction of learning success and characteristics of auditory operative memory.
Q68480789Age-related morphofunctional features of the adrenal cortical substance with the administration of ACTH
Q49089524Age-related structural and functional characteristics of rabbit hippocampal neurons during the formation of temporal associations
Q48378304Aggression and the composition of conflicting pairs in green monkeys
Q80243566Aging-related changes in the expression of apoptosis-associated molecules in neurosecretory cells of the mouse hypothalamus
Q48460179Agonistic behavior during stress prevents the development of learned helplessness in rats
Q34021800Agonistic behavior: a model, experimental studies, and perspectives
Q49063616Aldehyde dehydrogenase activity in rat cerebral structures
Q52244406Alimentary conditioned reflexes in dogs on activation and blockage of the cholinoreactive amygdaloid system.
Q52251838Alpha-diapazon of EEG at directed attention.
Q41665233Amiridin and tacrine modulation of the activity and plasticity of the cholinoreceptors of neurons of the common snail: phenomenology and mechanisms
Q39700656Amplitudinal principle for the structural-functional classification of cortical neurons
Q126651845An Immunohistochemical Study of the Pathways of the Influence of Dopamine on Orexinergic Neurons in the Perifornical Area of the Hypothalamus
Q127703281An Infection Hypothesis of Parkinson’s Disease
Q48133732An antioxidant-induced improvement in the cognitive characteristics of monkeys: neurophysiological correlates in the visual cortex
Q48960974An apparatus for recording defensive responses to tactile stimulation in the ground snail
Q44585423An electrophysiological analysis of the hippocampal projections to the neurosecretory cells of the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus and the neurons of the perinuclear zone of rats
Q52079792An expert system based on the principle of the functional asymmetry of the brain.
Q40904218An hypothesis regarding the cortical mechanisms of operative memory
Q74301314An improved method for isolating parts of the rat neocortex
Q48386931An investigation of certain physiological mechanisms of the neurohumoral regulation of vascular tone
Q48805152An investigation of hippocampal theta rhythm of rats as a nonlinear dynamic process
Q52223268An investigation of the effect of amtizol on the plastic properties of the membrane of the Retzius neuron of the leech.
Q48354405An investigation of the topographic organization of cortical electrical activity during hypnotic analgesia
Q41821785An unknown nucleus in the lateral loop of the dophin brain, its morphological organization and origin
Q84729920Analgesic actions of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) on somatic pain sensitivity: involvement of glucocorticoid and CRF-2 receptors
Q52293588Analog of a conditioned reflex of sensomotor cortical units following microinjection of acetylcholine
Q68564769Analysis of "scalp potential fields" and three-dimensional localization of the sources of epileptic activity of the human brain
Q57417449Analysis of Associations of Polymorphisms of Genes Encoding Cytokine Receptors with the Clinical Features of Multiple Sclerosis
Q127463065Analysis of Neural Stem Cells from Krushinskii–Molodkina Rats, Which Have a Genetic Predisposition to Audiogenic Seizures
Q36733701Analysis of auditory information in the brains of cetaceans.
Q67249156Analysis of cross-correlation functions of cortical unit activity
Q44458618Analysis of cyclic adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate levels in structures of the "informational" and "motivational" systems of the rat brain during acquisition of a conditioned active avoidance reaction
Q52207938Analysis of electroencephalograms using a modified amplitude-interval algorithm.
Q48706733Analysis of evoked EEG synchronization and desynchronization during perception of emotiogenic stimuli: association with autonomic activation processes
Q50984449Analysis of evoked EEG synchronization and desynchronization in conditions of emotional activation in humans: temporal and topographic characteristics.
Q52296124Analysis of hippocampal RNA in rats with genetically determined differences in learning ability.
Q49160890Analysis of hypothalamic self-stimulation with stimulation of fixed duration
Q72302995Analysis of hypothalamohypophyseogonadal interrelationships in female rats in experimentally-induced diabetes
Q48923505Analysis of interaction between evoked potentials to stimuli of different modalities in the auditory, sensomotor, and visual cortex in cats
Q44075093Analysis of ligand-receptor interactions from the molecular level to the whole-body level
Q45134313Analysis of neocortical electrical responses evoked by stimulation of various hypothalamic structures
Q49063771Analysis of neuronal processes in activating systems of rat brain during development of the instrumental defense reflex
Q52250364Analysis of participation of the hippocampus in organization of behavior in animals.
Q49105428Analysis of power spectra and coherence functions of neocortical potentials during the formation of a postural dominant focus
Q44331129Analysis of responses of the neurons of the hippocampus to endogenous opioid peptides in mice
Q68467199Analysis of spike activity of two neurons monosynaptically excited by a third, using cross-correlation histograms and Cos' method. Possibility of detecting plasticity of neurons and synapses
Q44146310Analysis of striopallidal interactions in the control of avoidance behavior
Q126671354Analysis of the Pathways of the Influences of the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus on the Basal Ganglia Based on the Topography of the Projections between Them
Q127463320Analysis of the Structural-Functional Organization of a Counting Task in the Context of a Study of Executive Functions
Q49099988Analysis of the action of the neuropeptide-inducing delta-sleep in cats and white rats
Q52209919Analysis of the caudatoventrotegmental influences during the realization of the motor alimentary conditioned reflexes
Q52143077Analysis of the dynamics of interneuronal functional connections during conditioned reflex activity.
Q52087552Analysis of the effects of antibodies to gangliosides on the electrical activity of Retzius neurons in the leech and on the functional activity of influx sodium current channels.
Q46678253Analysis of the excitatory and inhibitory components of postsynaptic currents recorded in pyramidal neurons and interneurons in the rat hippocampus
Q44450631Analysis of the linkage of the Taq1A and Taq1B loci of the dopamine D2 receptor gene with schizophrenia in patients and their siblings.
Q48721539Analysis of the linked spike activity of pairs of neurons in cortical microstructures
Q51940672Analysis of the morphological substrate for information processing in the pallidal nuclear complex of the dog brain in terms of the organizational characteristics of its afferent projections.
Q51940673Analysis of the morphological substrate for information processing in the striatum based on the organizational characteristics of its afferent projections.
Q49022510Analysis of the neuronal mechanism of conditioned-reflex switching
Q48377164Analysis of the role of central noradrenergic structures in memory trace recall
Q48000602Analysis of the structural bases of information processing in the basal ganglia: the spatial organization of thalamocortical projections in the dog brain
Q48576685Analysis of the studies of the perception of fragmented images: global description and perception using local features
Q67905539Analysis of two types of dopaminergic responses of neurons of the spinal ganglia of rats
Q52297797Analysis of unit activity in cortical and basal structures of the conditioned reflex.
Q72565352Androgen function of the testes and gonadotropic activity of the pituitary in various forms of cryptorchidism in young boys and adolescents
Q52062315Angioarchitectonics of the cerebral cortex and the blood-brain barrier in Alzheimer's disease.
Q41458732Angiotensin II as a factor inhibiting the fear response
Q43551910Anti-dopamine antibodies: effects on behavior in an "open field," pain sensitivity, CNS monoamine content, and functional activity of immunocytes in C57Bl/6 mice
Q60596919Antibodies to Acetylcholine Receptors in Assessment of the Efficacy of Pathogenetic Treatment Patients with Myasthenia
Q60596927Antibodies to acetylcholine receptors in patients with different clinical forms of myasthenia and Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome
Q44551232Antibodies to dopamine as neuromodulators of behavioral responses of mice of different genotypes
Q80975627Anticipatory postural adjustment before bimanual unloading reactions: the role of the motor cortex in motor learning
Q48581702Antidromal and synaptic activation of neurons of the associative parietal cortex of the cat brain elicited by spike activity from the intrinsic nuclei of the pons
Q70884870Antidromic action potentials as a manifestation of trace excitation
Q48459133Antigen-induced activation of hypothalamic cells (assessed by expression of the c-fos gene).
Q56038800Antioxidant Treatment of Ischemic Brain Lesions
Q48494572Anxiety in females induced by long-lasting psychoemotional influences
Q44767923Anxiety levels and neurosteroid synthesis in the brains of prenatally stressed male rats
Q43537477Apoptosis and the receptor specificity of its mechanisms during the neurotoxic action of glutamate
Q48563012Apoptosis of hypothalamic neurosecretory cells in stress mice at different stages of ontogenesis
Q48771788Appearance of functional connections between neurons resulting from changes in the frequency of their spike activity during the performance by animals of conditioned-reflex food-procuring responses
Q45299995Approaches to the study of cerebral dopamine metabolism in certain extrapyramidal diseases
Q67506561Arachidonic acid and its acyclic derivatives regulate short-term plasticity of the cholinoreceptors of neurons of the edible snail
Q48258738Are the thalamic projections of nucleus Z of the medulla oblongata reorganized after partial deafferentation of the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus?
Q48919002Arterial hypertension in dogs with experimental informational pathology of their higher nervous activity
Q83179377Artificial vestibular feedback in conditions of a modified body scheme
Q48855132Assessment of brightness and color differences by neurons in the superior colliculus of the rabbit
Q48460194Assessment of contrast sensitivity in kittens after the critical developmental period
Q48459154Assessment of disturbances in internal time counting and emotional behavior in rats with lesions to the striatum and hippocampus
Q48576637Assessment of neuron differentiation during embryogenesis in rats using immunocytochemical detection of doublecortin
Q126627202Assessment of the Neuroprotective Potential of Glucose-Regulated Heat Shock Protein in a Model of Parkinson’s Disease in Rats
Q115448926Assessment of the Velocity of Traveling Waves in the High-Frequency Cochlea of the Dolphin
Q45038140Assessment of the efficiency of hyperbaric oxygenation therapy in early forms of cerebrovascular disorders
Q48422086Assessment of the high-frequency components of brain electrical activity using inhomogeneity indexes
Q48225547Assessment of the state of activation of the cortical zones in humans during visual attention and selection
Q60445396Association between Polymorphism of the Neuregulin Gene (NRG1) and Cognitive Functions in Schizophrenia Patients and Healthy Subjects
Q51061202Association between a synaptosomal protein (SNAP-25) gene polymorphism and verbal memory and attention in patients with endogenous psychoses and mentally healthy subjects.
Q44173438Association of short-latent processes in the rabbit visual system with pre-excitation inhibition in the retina
Q60445389Association of the COMT and DRD2 Genes with the Ability of Schizophrenia Patients to Understand the Mental State of Other People
Q48952586Associative properties of a neuron micropopulation in the sensorimotor cortex
Q69429357Asymmetrical dendritic fields of retinal ganglion cells
Q46045781Asymmetry in dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens and motor preference in rats
Q80238664Asymmetry of the amplitude-time properties of directed saccades in monkeys depending on the complexity of the spatial scheme of visual stimulation
Q48460168Asymmetry of the internal connections of the striate cortex of the cat in the projection zone of the center of the field of vision
Q71220401Asymmetry of visual perception and interhemispheric interaction
Q40185802Asynchronous maturation of pathways for impulses from muscle and skin receptors to the sensomotor cortex in rabbits
Q48712482Atropine inhibits associative potentiation in the hippocampus
Q50609052Attention parameters in visual search tasks in different age groups.
Q70737203Auditory cortical evoked responses to systematic application of standard series of stimuli to the medial geniculate body
Q48258770Auditory evoked potentials and impairments to psychomotor activity evoked by falling asleep.
Q51110779Auditory stimulus duration effects on discrimination and brain activity.
Q46064469Autoantibodies to glutamate receptors and products of nitric oxide metabolism in serum in children in the acute phase of craniocerebral trauma
Q51966349Autoantibodies to nerve growth factor in disorders of mental development in infants.
Q80963255Autochronometric abnormalities in patients with cerebral pathology in various locations
Q48825058Autocorrelation analysis of spontaneous discharges of cortical neurons during learning
Q48603344Autonomic responses in children with residual manifestations of early cerebral pathology
Q48905977Autoradiographic study of the connections between field 17 of the visual cortex and the hypothalamus in the cat.
Q52194708Autosomal mutations in Drosophila which reduce operant learning ability.
Q52297798Averaged auditory cortical evoked potentials during secondary defensive instrumental conditioned reflexes with short delay in dogs.
Q51177429Avesicular intercellular junctions in the neuropil of ganglia of the subpharyngeal complex and in nerves of the snail.
Q40765138Avoidance behavior of the snail
Q48632005Avoidance conditioning in rats following changes in activity of the noradrenergic and cholinergic systems of the brain
Q52282373Avoidance reactions to tape-recorded pain cry in rats.
Q80514835Axon reactions precede demyelination in experimental models of multiple sclerosis
Q64941426Baby blues syndrome as an adaptation disorder in the early stages of formation of the mother-child system.
Q51430901Background activity of rabbit hippocampal neurons in conditions of functional exclusion of structures which regulate the theta rhythm.
Q48330584Background gamma-oscillations in neuronal networks with interhemisphere connections
Q48629445Backward conditioned connection and inhibitory reorganization of the receptive fields of cortical neurons as the basis of subconscious change in the thresholds of visual recognition and detection
Q72302992Basal and luliberin-stimulated secretion of gonadotropins in ovariectomized rat females with streptozotocin-induced diabetes
Q48422139Basal ganglia: structure and function
Q48595873Baseline and evoked spike activity in neurons in embryonic transplants of the somatosensory cortex in rats
Q51624753Baseline spike activity of neurons in the locus coeruleus of the rat after lesions to a number of medulla oblongata nuclei.
Q128581671Basic and Superordinate Image Categorization. Influences of the Extent of Congruence and the Time Parameters of Presentation of the Preceding Stimulus
Q41508035Basic molecular-cellular mechanisms of adaptive responses of the brain
Q39468588Basic trends in research into the neurochemical mechanisms of learning and memory
Q60163580Basis for a method of dynamic proprioceptive correction in the restorative treatment of patients with residual-stage infantile cerebral palsy
Q48420227Behavior and measures of respiration in rabbits differing in terms of movement activity in an open field
Q37603104Behavior and spatial learning in radial mazes in birds
Q126864926Behavior of Rats in a Forced Swimming Test Is Not an Unambiguous Predictor for the Development of Anhedonia in Chronic Stress
Q126626670Behavior of Rats with High and Low Levels of Freezing in Defensive Situations and on Selection of Food Reinforcement
Q41678384Behavior of rats during chronic activation and blockade of the neostriatal opiate system
Q40185054Behavior of the organs of the digestive system
Q52089464Behavior-reactive neuron populations in the monkey neostriatum.
Q46649708Behavior-related neuron reactions and the dynamics of neuronal activity
Q129968962Behavioral Characteristics of Mice with Knockout of the IRR Alkali Sensor Gene
Q44386344Behavioral analysis of the consequences of chronic blockade of NMDA-type glutamate receptors in the early postnatal period in rats
Q48653372Behavioral characteristics of mice with genetic knockout of monoamine oxidase type A.
Q52007699Behavioral impairments in acute and chronic manganese poisoning in white rats.
Q40765146Behavioral plasticity in a snail and its neural mechanisms
Q45339369Behavioral plasticity of Myrmica rubra ants during learning in a multi-alternative symmetrical labyrinth
Q52522140Behavioral reaction of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus to changes in sonic stimulation.
Q68015978Behavioral specialization of neurons of the cortex and hypothalamus of the rabbit
Q52174423Behavioral strategies in ants in changing conditions of food motivation.
Q52143462Behavioral tactics of rats in a radial maze.
Q48502391Bibliographic analysis of the scientific publications of academician I. P. Pavlov
Q48471522Bilateral disturbances of perception function of the brain in patients with unilateral disorders as a result of acute disturbances of cerebral circulation
Q71121603Bilateral influences from the motor cortex on lumbar ventral horn interneurons
Q51759173Binding of [3H]diazepam to the synaptic membranes of the rat neocortex after development of a conditioned reflex of bilateral avoidance.
Q53845331Biochemical and autoradiographic analysis of specific 3H-estradiol binding by uterus of androgen-sterile rats.
Q41558984Biochemical correlates of individual behavior
Q48403031Biochemical markers of apoptosis in different parts of the brain during learning
Q48459954Bioelectrical activity of the cerebral cortex in patients with the secondary generalized form of epilepsy in hypnosis
Q48568846Bioelectrical correlates of protective mechanisms of the brain
Q45371586Biofeedback control of systemic arterial pressure
Q30376937Biofeedback in psychomotor training. Electrophysiological basis.
Q48771743Biogenic amine content in the brains of rats with different levels of resistance to emotional stress
Q69420440Biogenic monoamines in the central nervous system of mollusk Tritonia sp
Q69246336Biological activity of surfagon--a synthetic luliberin agonist
Q71220424Biological standardization of gonadotropin-inhibiting factor
Q48327001Biosynthesis of immunoreactive luteinizing hormone in the rat central nervous system
Q44861069Blockade of D1 dopamine receptors in the cat motor cortex induces increases in the latent period of a conditioned forepaw support-placing reflex
Q51967120Blockade of corticoliberin receptors prevents the development of post-stress psychopathology in rats with an active strategy of adaptive behavior.
Q52550044Blockade of glutamate- and cholinergic ion channels by amantadane derivatives.
Q33893507Blockade of ion channels as an approach to studying AMPA receptor subtypes
Q43953372Blocker studies of the functional architecture of the NMDA receptor channel
Q48570755Blood albumin in the mechanisms of individual resistance of rats to emotional stress
Q48380697Blood flow dynamics in different layers of the somatosensory region of the cerebral cortex on the rat during mechanical stimulation of the vibrissae
Q48197238Blood flow velocity in cerebral cortex capillaries (microcinephotographic study)
Q79905790Blood protein reactions to ablation of capsaicin-sensitive neurons
Q30850284Blood testosterone in rats: correlation of the level of individual anxiety and its impairment after "death threat".
Q48924838Blood-flow and pO2 in the posterior hypothalamus of cats during paradoxical sleep
Q44767917Brain blood flow modulates the neurotoxic action of hyperbaric oxygen via neuronal and endothelial nitric oxide
Q48504555Brain catecholamines and the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenocortical system in inherited arterial hypertension
Q70920425Brain levels of noradrenalin, dopamine, and serotonin in rats with different levels of motor activity
Q35756227Brain mechanisms for the formation of new movements during learning: the evolution of classical concepts.
Q41558943Brain mechanisms of emotions
Q43656627Brain serotonin metabolism during water deprivation and hydration in rats
Q48323089Brain structure of skates in relation to their ecology
Q126828066Brain–Computer Interfaces in Poststroke Rehabilitation: a Clinical Neuropsychological Study
Q128818151Brain–Computer Interfaces: Neurophysiological Bases and Clinical Applications
Q52185702Brightness perceptive space in monkeys (rhesus macaques).
Q49129363Burst pattern of unit discharges as a reflection of expectation of food reinforcement by hungry animals
Q48330597Bursts of high-frequency synchronized electrical activity in the dog neocortex during food-related operant conditioning
Q44075084Ca-dependent regulation of the Na-K-pump by post-tetanic sensitization of extrasynaptic cholinoreceptors in common snail neurons
Q46837670Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II--a target for sodium valproate?
Q38173116Calcium channels in the cell membrane
Q74626893Calcium currents and GABAB receptors in the dorsal sensory cells of the lamprey spinal cord
Q48510337Calculation disturbances in the clinical picture of local brain lesions
Q67706794Calmodulin blockers decrease short-term plasticity of the cholinoreceptors of neurons of the edible snail
Q127465827Can Consciousness in Animals Be Assessed on the Basis of Their Behavior?
Q52199907Capacity of birds for transitive inference: the solution of the Gillan test by corvids and pigeons.
Q52237679Capacity of bottle-nosed dolphins for generalization based on a relative sign.
Q128025329Cardioprotective Effect of the Adaptive Phenomenon of Early Hypoxic Preconditioning and Its Pharmacological Imitation
Q83002265Caspase-3 activity in hippocampal slices reflects changes in synaptic plasticity
Q48487517Catalepsy and hyperkinesis induced by the chronic injection of a tetrapeptide into the neostriatum
Q48722022Cell analog of the conditioned reflex to cortical electrical stimulation
Q73228652Cell structure in the islands of Calleja in carnivore brains
Q52246380Cellular analog of "instrumental behavior" in individual neurons of a mollusk with intracellular automatic electrostimulation.
Q129548189Cellular and Molecular Bases of Changes to Neuroimmune Interactions in Stress
Q46933555Cellular composition of the piriform cortex of the rat brain in experimental epilepsy
Q48635646Cellular gliosis of the white matter of the human brain and its importance in the pathogenesis of focal epilepsy
Q37209631Cellular mechanisms of behavioral plasticity in simple nervous systems
Q52102073Cellular mechanisms of voluntary motor activity.
Q48728542Cellular organization of the paraventricular nuclei of the rat hypothalamus
Q47892017Central Asian black scorpion venom protects Mauthner neurons from damage due to prolonged stimulation
Q48329125Central and peripheral thermoreceptors. Comparative analysis of the effects of prolonged adaptation to cold and noradrenaline
Q48728458Central neurophysiologic mechanisms of the regulation of inhibition
Q48220852Central nystagmus and its interaction with optokinetic and reversive postoptokinetic forms of nystagmus
Q71113262Central program of hind limb interaction during locomotion in cats
Q71121611Central representation of the anterior lateral line nerve in the catfish
Q40185797Centrifugal and centripetal connections of the cat visual cortex
Q51113528Cerebellar unit responses to repetitive stimulation of somatic nerves.
Q126647867Cerebral Metabolism in Patients with Cognitive Disorders: a Combined Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Positron Emission Tomography Study
Q80514839Cerebral cortex ultrastructure during exposure to hydrogen sulfide gas
Q48969826Cerebral cortical nerve cells in extracranial arterial diversion
Q84046343Cerebral hemodynamic reactions to low-intensity physical exercise
Q41205690Cerebral interrelationships of cognitive and emotional activity: pathways and mechanisms
Q46626881Cerebral substrates of Pavlovian conditioning of discrete behavioral responses
Q67455921Cerebrospinal fluid channels of the pia mater
Q48410220Certain methods of biomechanical description of various postural adjustment patterns during motoric learning in dogs
Q48868849Change in behavior with the development of long-term sensitization of a defensive reflex in the edible snail
Q48285348Change in certain forms of aggressive behavior and monoamine content in the brain during selection of wild rats for taming
Q69239690Change in functional significance of cat cerebral structures as a result of reorganization of cerebral activity
Q48457804Change in insulin secretion soon after ventromedial-hypothalamic lesion
Q48559466Change in neuronal excitability in hippocampal sections of rats isolated after the destruction of the medial septal area
Q69431845Change in sensitivity to dopamine in amygdalar neurons of free-moving rats at initiation of interspecies aggression
Q48786235Change in spatial synchronization of cerebral cortex in mice after development of defensive conditioned reflex
Q69431843Change in temporal structure of neuronal pulse activity of rabbit visual cortex during stimulation of the reticular formation
Q69239670Change in the activity of cortical neurons under the influence of biogenic amines
Q70255501Change in the basal secretion of gonadotropins and LH-RH content of the hypothalamus of male rats on local administration of catecholamines into hypothalamic nuclei
Q52235157Change in the blood glucose level under the influence of "failure" of an avoidance reaction.
Q51253289Change in the receptive fields of the visual cortex of the cat in relation to the level of wakefulness
Q42455848Changes associated with the organization of motor acts in the on-going frequency of the discharges of neurons of subcortical structures of the human brain
Q46837679Changes at the focus of experimental ischemic stroke treated with neuroprotective agents
Q114689519Changes in Behavior and the Expression of Ionotropic Glutamate Receptor Genes in the Brains of Adult Rats after Neonatal Administration of Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide
Q128025260Changes in Caspase-3 Activity in Early Ontogenesis Lead to Impairments to Memory and Learning in Adult Rats
Q49112193Changes in EEG spectral power on perception of neutral and emotional words in patients with schizophrenia, their relatives, and healthy subjects from the general population.
Q126864843Changes in Histone H3 Acetylation in the Rat Hippocampus Due to Severe Hypoxia and the Role of Hypoxic Postconditioning
Q58338615Changes in Motor Activity and the Sleep–Waking Cycle in an MPTP Model of Parkinson’s Disease in Mice
Q42948667Changes in Neurons and Gliocytes in the Mesoaccumbocingulate System on Perinatal Exposure to Morphine in Rats
Q54377736Changes in RNA content in neurons and perineuronal glia of the caudal vagus ganglion after a single maximal overloading.
Q52291988Changes in acetylcholine sensitivity of sensomotor cortical neurons during extinction of a conditioned reflex.
Q46358532Changes in anxiety after administration of cortisol to rats selected for the ability to acquire active avoidance
Q34793378Changes in anxiety in abstinence correlate with the state of the nigrostriatal system in the rat hippocampus.
Q46870511Changes in anxiety levels are followed by changes in behavioral strategy in mice subjected to stress and in the extent of stress-induced analgesia.
Q68845922Changes in behavioral responses of nereids to vibration after unconditioned stimulation
Q43208518Changes in cell proliferation in the subventricular zone of the brain in adult rats given beta-amyloid peptide (25-35).
Q48701282Changes in cerebral blood flow and their correction in the interparoxysmal period of epilepsy
Q43213475Changes in corticospinal excitability in the reactions of forearm muscles in humans to vibration
Q68813283Changes in cutaneous-fascial autotransplant after transplantation on vascular-nervous connections using microsurgical technique
Q71151876Changes in defensive reflexes of Helix lucorum in ontogeny
Q48489590Changes in dendrites in chronic morphine intoxication
Q43551907Changes in direct and interhemisphere responses of the pyramidal tract after tetanization of the cortex and lateral hypothalamus
Q48631987Changes in dopamine sensitivity in isolated neurons of the preoptic region during the estrous cycle
Q43551922Changes in enzyme activity in brain structures in august rats in response to delta sleep peptide in conditions of prolonged administration of L-dihydroxyphenylalanine
Q38578053Changes in evoked potentials during differential inhibition
Q80018591Changes in evoked potentials during the action of sound signals with different localizing characteristics
Q69239642Changes in evoked potentials of rabbit visual field during stimulation of raphe nuclei and locus ceruleus
Q52296780Changes in excitability of a command neuron in the initial period of conditioning in Helix pomatia.
Q48174873Changes in hippocampal excitability after exclusion of amygdalohypothalamic connections
Q52294484Changes in input resistance of a cortical neuron and in threshold of stimulation of its electrically excitable membrane by a depolarizing current during habituation
Q69463448Changes in ionic composition of Pacinian corpuscular fluid with activity
Q48631996Changes in minute waves of superslow brain activity after various methods for electrostimulating two neocortical zones
Q39186469Changes in monoamine content in various regions of the hypothalamus in different stages of the estrous cycle
Q48489565Changes in neocortical function in response to the direct action of optical radiation
Q48430843Changes in neuroglial ultrastructure in various parts of the rat brain during manganese chloride poisoning
Q48674903Changes in neuron activity in the dorsolateral part of the pons during stimulation of areas of the brainstem inhibiting movement and muscle tone
Q48437080Changes in neurons and interneural connections of the higher sections of the motor system in the progeny of alcoholized male and female rats
Q48576623Changes in neuropil ultrastructure in hippocampal field CA1 in rat pups after application of hyaluronidase
Q77377336Changes in neurotransmitters in multiple sclerosis
Q46271871Changes in oscillatory activity of neurons in the medial septal area in animals with a model of chronic temporal epilepsy
Q69669937Changes in reactivity of neurons of the visual cortex under influence of the posterolateral hypothalamus and the nuclei of the midbrain raphe
Q43788380Changes in redox potential in rat brain tissue developing during episodes of paradoxical sleep
Q67235791Changes in reflex excitability of spinal motor neurons during day sleep in newborn infants
Q66947342Changes in responses of neurons to serotonin produced by blood serum from schizophrenics
Q46846293Changes in serotonin metabolism in the rat brain on presentation of a habituated stimulus
Q83179365Changes in spectral measures of brain electrical activity in rats after transection of the sciatic nerve
Q48166355Changes in spontaneous brain bioelectrical activity during transcranial electrical and electromagnetic stimulation
Q49160727Changes in steady potential level and in brain bioelectrochemical potential during orienting and conditioned reflexes in rabbits
Q93598739Changes in structural heterogeneity of surviving nerve cells
Q46610107Changes in succinate dehydrogenase activity in various parts of the brain during combined exposure to vibration and licorice root
Q57704498Changes in the Ethogram in Rats Due to Contagion Behavior
Q129720127Changes in the Expression of Neurotransmitter System Genes in the Ventral Tegmental Area in Depressed Mice: RNA-SEQ Data
Q58202016Changes in the Number of Regenerating Myelin Fibers in Damaged Nerves in Rats after Allotransplantation of Dissociated Embryonic Central Nervous System Rudiments
Q121327964Changes in the Structural Organization of the Nucleus Raphe Pallidus in Conditions of Decreased Endogenous Serotonin During Prenatal Development in Rats
Q129909233Changes in the Ultrastructure of Synapses in the Anterior Cortical Nucleus of the Amygdaloid Body of the Brain in Female Rats in Relation to Sex Hormone Levels
Q45139203Changes in the activity of NO synthase, energy metabolism enzymes, and the ultrastructure of cerebral cortical neurons in a model of transient ischemia
Q48229231Changes in the activity of the neurons of the visual cortex on stimulation of the midbrain raphe nuclei
Q51979920Changes in the adaptive behavior of active and passive wistar rats in a water immersion model of depression.
Q48771699Changes in the auditory cortex of the brain in situations affecting the hypothalamus in clinical states and experimental studies
Q49135730Changes in the capillary bed of the brain in experimental venous congestion (a quantitative analysis).
Q73393718Changes in the cholecystokinin-synthesizing system of the hypothalamus in experimental diabetes mellitus in rats
Q48258788Changes in the coherence of cortical biopotentials during performance of a verbal creative task in men and women.
Q51427887Changes in the constant potential in brain structures in rats during focal ischemia and systemic hypoxia.
Q45302125Changes in the content of serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in the brain in the selection of silver foxes according to behavior
Q52297391Changes in the cortical slow potential and unit activity during conditioning in rabbits.
Q52193790Changes in the electrical characteristics of command neurons on development of a conditioned defensive reflex in the edible snail.
Q46790830Changes in the excitability of pyramidal neurons in hippocampal slices from aged rats in conditions of periodic transient episodes of hypoxia
Q48369797Changes in the functional relationships between close and distant neurons of the cat motor cortex during electrodefensive conditioning
Q79449684Changes in the functioning of the electromechanical connection during tetanic contraction
Q48675849Changes in the latency of mouse inferior colliculus neuron responses depending on the position and direction of movement of spectral contrast
Q48878836Changes in the level of catecholamines in the epinephrine-synthesizing structures of the medulla oblongata of rats that react differently to a single prolonged immobilization
Q79764753Changes in the masticatory muscles, periodontal tissues, and the pharyngeal ring in Wistar rats in chronic psychophysical stress
Q40552199Changes in the metabolic activity of neurons in the anterior hypothalamic nuclei in rats during hyperthermia, fever, and hypothermia.
Q48874653Changes in the pattern of metabolic activity of striate cortex neurons in cats reared in conditions of flashing illumination
Q33544044Changes in the physiological roles of neurotransmitters during individual development
Q73228664Changes in the ratio of the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum in fish Mauthner neurons as a measure of compensatory processes occurring in response to sensory stimulation
Q46837675Changes in the redox potential of the rabbit cerebral cortex accompanying episodes of ECoG arousal during slow-wave sleep
Q49063665Changes in the sensorimotor cortex of offspring after chronic intoxication by tobacco smoke through the mother-fetus system
Q73010378Changes in the serum levels of autoantibody to nerve growth factor in patients with schizophrenia
Q52099230Changes in the signal value of a conditioned stimulus during acquisition of a conditioned two-way avoidance reflex in rats.
Q73269756Changes in the spike activity of neurons in the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus in humans during performance of a voluntary movement
Q48424124Changes in the structure of neuronal connections in the visual cortex of cats with experimentally induced bilateral strabismus.
Q46165555Changes in the synaptoarchitectonics of the retina after light-induced damage and their correction with antioxidants of plant origin.
Q48510317Changes in the time required for a simple motor response of the hand in patients with craniocerebral injuries
Q73090847Changes in the topography of a number of outer membrane proteins in cultured neurons in conditions of selective lesioning of different elements of the cytoskeleton with neurotoxins
Q72153680Changes in the ultrastructural indices of axospinous synapses and the reactions of long-term posttetanic potentiation in surviving slices of the sensorimotor cortex of mice
Q46806954Changes in the ultrastructure and function of goldfish Mauthner neurons in the presence of 3,4-dihydro-2(1H)-pyrimidinethione
Q43709189Changes in the ultrastructure of the rat cerebral cortex after oral doses of manganese chloride
Q34869931Changes in the ventral dendrite of Mauthner neurons in goldfish after optokinetic stimulation.
Q80493914Changes in the volume of the intercellular space of the cerebral cortex in conditions of peripheral stimulation in rats
Q43551914Changes in various measures of immune status in mice subject to chronic social conflict
Q48229291Changes of phasic activity of neuronal microsystems in the cat somatosensory cortex under extinction of activation responses to unreinforced stimuli
Q48330573Chaotic components in the high-frequency EEG of rabbit cortex during formation of a conditioned defensive reflex
Q48282103Character and origin of rotatory movements evoked by electrical stimulation of the caudate nucleus in cats
Q44613860Characteristic of changes in the structure and metabolism of the vastus lateralis muscles in monkeys after space flight
Q43065154Characteristics and interaction of GABAergic and glycinergic processes in frog spinal cord neurons
Q128759615Characteristics of CART Peptide-Immunopositive Cells in the Subventricular Zone of the Brain
Q58219687Characteristics of Spontaneous Motor Activity in Neonatal Rats in a Novel Context
Q48189414Characteristics of activation in the parietal areas of the cortex in humans in different types of visual attention
Q70536375Characteristics of adaptation of muscle stretch receptors of dynamic type
Q48220833Characteristics of afferent impulse activity at various levels of the auditory pathway of rats during the action of sound signals
Q42606968Characteristics of behavior and stress reactivity of the hypophyseal-adrenocortical system in rats with prenatal inhibition of testosterone metabolism
Q52090110Characteristics of behavior associated with alternative choice in a Y maze in rats and their interpretation in terms of complex probability amplitudes.
Q81116848Characteristics of brain bioelectrical activity in post-traumatic Korsakov's syndrome
Q42666419Characteristics of c-fos gene expression in the brains of rats with different investigative and defensive behaviors
Q42467571Characteristics of cellular proliferation in the developing human retina
Q73090870Characteristics of cholinoreceptors on identified TAN neurons of the ground snail Achatina fulica
Q84729949Characteristics of cognitive functions in children with epilepsy
Q52275618Characteristics of compensatory processes after unilateral transection of the brachia of the inferior colliculus in cats.
Q47736915Characteristics of cytochrome oxidase activity in visual system neurons in kittens reared in conditions of flashing illumination
Q52291702Characteristics of defensive conditioning in rats in different stages of circadian activity.
Q48386363Characteristics of differential inhibition during selection between food-related and aversive responses
Q52295395Characteristics of evoked potentials during fine differentiation
Q48960177Characteristics of evoked potentials of the human brain during recognition of short acoustic stimuli of different frequencies
Q40219791Characteristics of excitation and inhibition in the receptive fields of the retina and lateral geniculate body
Q50915199Characteristics of extinction of a conditioned passive avoidance reflex in mice with different levels of anxiety.
Q52292416Characteristics of habituation in visceral systems.
Q71201067Characteristics of human auditory evoked potentials during lateralization of a "moving" acoustic image
Q48493556Characteristics of intercellular contacts in the reticular nucleus of the thalamus in WAG/Rij rats
Q48537101Characteristics of interhemisphere interactions at different levels of consciousness
Q45059876Characteristics of learning voluntary control of posture in lesions of the pyramidal and nigrostriatal systems
Q48706777Characteristics of mast cells in the choroid plexus of the ventricles of the human brain in aging
Q49158601Characteristics of motor potentials on impairment of the function of subcortical human brain motor structures
Q63533038Characteristics of neurological and cognitive status in patients with multiple sclerosis in relation to the location and volumes of demyelination foci and the severity of brain atrophy
Q48261575Characteristics of neurological status and the electroencephalogram in nuclear power station control operators
Q39132712Characteristics of neuron activity in the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) in conditions of kynurenine deficiency
Q48229254Characteristics of neuronal activity in prefrontal cortex during performance of spatial delayed reactions in monkeys
Q71121597Characteristics of neuronal responses in the sensorimotor cortex of the cat to monaural and binaural stimulation
Q68100568Characteristics of neurosecretory centers of the hypothalamus of rats which are associated with regulation of the function of the adrenal cortex
Q44075426Characteristics of poly(A)-containing RNA from liver mitochondria of normal and adrenalectomized rats
Q69239694Characteristics of receptive fields of neurons of the posterotemporal cortical region in the cat
Q48786291Characteristics of receptive fields of posterior temporal cortical neurons in cats
Q33233391Characteristics of small neurons of the reticular thalamic nucleus in WAG/Rij rats
Q93559403Characteristics of speech dynamics in patients with various forms of motor aphasia after insult
Q129718618Characteristics of the Formation of Variants of the Anatomy of the Radial Nerve at the Shoulder
Q44901743Characteristics of the actions of neurotensin on motor reactions in rats in response to positive and negative conditioned signals
Q42635973Characteristics of the behavior and stress-reactivity of the hypophyseal-adrenal system in prenatally stressed rats
Q52208865Characteristics of the chemical sensitivity of cerebral cortical neurons at the stages of food-procuring behavior of cats as a function of the quality of reinforcement.
Q48792005Characteristics of the development of motoric-alimentary conditioned reflexes in dogs with creation of a hunger motivational dominant
Q74384733Characteristics of the development of speech motor areas 44 and 45 in the left and right hemispheres of the human brain in early post-natal ontogenesis
Q46473418Characteristics of the development of the sensorimotor cortex in rats aged 7-8 days in roller cultures of free-floating brain slices
Q48275804Characteristics of the formation of chronic fatigue syndrome and approaches to its treatment in young patients with focal brain damage
Q51700373Characteristics of the formation of systems activity in the brain and autonomic functions in children in conditions of the European North (discussion paper).
Q37513819Characteristics of the functioning of the hippocampal formation in waking and paradoxical sleep
Q46735470Characteristics of the hippocampal cortical input. Functional differences between lateral and medial entorhinal areas
Q52209923Characteristics of the influences of the centrum medianum of the thalamus on the neuronal activity of the caudate nucleus
Q70612073Characteristics of the parental EEG related to the course of schizophrenia in children
Q48369470Characteristics of the performance of a formed motor skill by rats with different motor preferences
Q45139207Characteristics of the photoconversion of rhodopsin in the early stages of photolysis
Q49089493Characteristics of the post-tetanic modification of synaptic transmission in the thalamocortical input of the somatosensory cortex in rats.
Q48189427Characteristics of the responses of visual cortex neurons with sensitivity to bars or cross-shaped figures in cats
Q80018619Characteristics of the structure of the speech motor cortex of the frontal area of the brain of a deaf mute child
Q80514849Characteristics of the surgical microneuroanatomy of formations of the posterior cranial fossa in relation to the retrosigmoidal and transcondylar approaches
Q52036210Characteristics of the time course of evoked secretion of transmitter quanta in different parts of the motor nerve ending in the frog.
Q48295815Characteristics of the trace reproduction of rhythm by neurons of the sensorimotor cortex of rabbits in the aftermath of periodic stimulation
Q71311595Characteristics of thermosensitive neurons of the posterior hypothalamus
Q50282990Characteristics of tremor in normal subjects and in the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinsonism
Q72961296Characteristics of unit activity in hippocampal structures (the subiculum)
Q48962844Characteristics of visual seeking and evoked potentials in the extrastriate areas of the cortex in humans
Q48750190Chemical sensitivity of visual cortical neurons at different stages of food behavior formation
Q48601998Cholinergic dependence of a cortical neuronal mechanism that supports Pavlovian eyeblink conditioning
Q48397915Cholinergic mechanisms of the medial preoptic areas of the hypothalamus in the control of thermoregulation and the states of sleep and waking in pigeons
Q44613869Cholinergic modulation of neuron spike responses to dendritic and somatic application of excitatory amino acids
Q48146322Cholinergic neurons in the motor areas of the human cerebral cortex
Q48214049Cholinergic regulation of neuronal activity in the somatosensory cortex in early postnatal ontogenesis in the cat.
Q72480073Cholinergic synapses of the associative temporal area of the neocortex in the realization of cognitive functions
Q40765115Cholinoreceptor neurons of the snail: identification, plasticity, and its regulation by opioids and second messengers
Q48892784Cholinoreceptors of early (preneural) sea urchin embryos
Q70700674Cholinosensitivity as an indicator of functional differences of neurons of the cortex of young and old rabbits
Q68544141Chorionic gonadotropin as a modulator of cell interactions in the induction of primary immune response
Q43261909Chronic actions of thyroxine on behavior and serotonin receptors in mouse strains with contrasting predispositions to catalepsy
Q46064453Chronic administration of imipramine normalizes decreased sexual motivation and increased predisposition to catalepsy induced by propylthiouracil in rats
Q74626887Chronic remitting experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in Lewis rats as a model of multiple sclerosis
Q52011037Chronobiological approach to the assessment of the role of the striatum in the genesis of mental depression.
Q128581668Circadian Rhythm Genes and Sleep Disorders in an Open Population of Men Aged 25–64 Years (an Epidemiological Study under the WHO MONICA-Psychosocial Program)
Q70640612Circadian and seasonal rhythms of androgen content in the blood plasma of rhesus monkeys
Q51035177Circadian rhythm of fluctuations in the level of gonadoliberin in the hypothalamus of rats and the influence on it of various xenobiotics.
Q71411082Circadian rhythm of neurosecretion in hypothalamic magnocellular nuclei under different conditions of light and darkness
Q48626416Clinical and electroencephalographic study of the effect of emotional stress on the convulsive susceptibility of epileptics
Q72390929Clinical and electromyographic characteristics of pathological muscular-fatigue syndromes of the myasthenia type
Q28284357Clinical features and differential diagnosis of puerperal schizophrenic psychoses
Q48664953Clinical heterogeneity of dementias of the Alzheimer's type
Q72598865Clinical picture and neurotransmitter activity during long-term simulation of some space flight factors
Q49146493Clinical-electroencephalographic analysis of epilepsy of waking ad epilepsy of sleep.
Q51888751Clinical-epidemiological characteristics of mental disturbances comorbid with somatic pathology in patients attending a regional polyclinic.
Q48330634Clinical-neuroendocrinological syndromes due to lesions of the cingulate gyrus in humans
Q73269796Clinical-neurophysiological features of motor lesions in patients with post-stroke epilepsy
Q48106056Clinical-physiological and biochemical aspects of artificial stable functional connections in the human brain
Q33150456Clinical-physiological characteristics of syncopal states in a prolonged Q-T interval syndrome (Ward-Romano syndrome)
Q50312190Clinical-psychological characteristics of children with dysgenesis of the cerebellar vermis
Q49112243Clinical-psychophysiological studies of patients with panic attacks with and without agoraphobic disorders
Q53181810Clinico-genealogical study of Alzheimer's disease
Q51079843Co-housing in a stable hierarchical group is not aversive for dominant and subordinate individuals.
Q28299302Coaxil (tianeptine) in the treatment of depression in Parkinson's disease
Q114689517Cognitive Dysfunction in the Offspring of Rats with Experimental Preeclampsia at the Early and Late Stages of Ontogeny and Its Correction with GABA Derivatives
Q128025575Cognitive Impairment and Treatment Compliance in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure
Q48332841Cognitive function and the emotional state of stroke patients on antihypertensive therapy.
Q48962874Cognitive functions and the state of nonspecific brain systems in panic disorders
Q48796362Cognitive impairments in cerebellar infarcts
Q82251334Cognitive impairments in progression of Parkinson's disease
Q73269777Coherence analysis of electrical activity in the rabbit brain during the process of substitution of dominants
Q48165527Coherence analysis of the electrical activity of the rabbit brain in the presence of a hunger dominant
Q68564777Coherence analysis of the electrical activity of the rabbit brain in the process of the formation of the polarization dominant
Q48128606Coherent EEG analysis during development of trace processes of the polarization dominant in rabbits
Q128201598Cold Adaptation as a Means of Increasing Antioxidant Protection
Q48422124Collective responses of neostriatal (putamen) neurons during alternative behavior in monkeys
Q73090862Colocalization of neurotransmitters in presynaptic boutons of inhibitory synapses in the lamprey spinal cord
Q71525061Combinations of methods for monitoring the microcirculation of the brain
Q48610433Combined specific pathogenetic treatment of the stereotyped behavior syndrome (experimental study)
Q41385943Comparative activity of memory-modulating neuropeptides before and after electric shock in white rats
Q38410806Comparative analysis of cognitive impairments in lewy body dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Q51288286Comparative analysis of mimic and autonomic components of the emotional state in man
Q48252127Comparative analysis of spike activity of neurons in hippocampal field CA1 and CA3 in rats of different typological groups on exposure to emotional stimuli
Q48945859Comparative analysis of statistical relations between spontaneous cortical unit activity and the EEG in different states of brain function
Q49112264Comparative analysis of the EEG in babies in the first month of life with gestation periods of 30-42 weeks
Q54333200Comparative analysis of the action of a vasopressin analogue on functionally different neurons of the edible snail.
Q80975650Comparative analysis of the activation of MAP/ERK kinases in the CNS of animals with different learning abilities
Q48562967Comparative analysis of the baseline spike activity of neurons in the fastigial nucleus of the cerebellum at different durations of exposure to vibration
Q46761430Comparative analysis of the expression of c-Fos and interleukin-2 proteins in hypothalamus cells during various treatments
Q48174905Comparative analysis of the frequency of neuron spike activity in the sensorimotor cortex of the right and left hemispheres in conditions of immobilization catatonia in rabbits
Q44670621Comparative analysis of the locations of the NR1 and NR2 NMDA receptor subunits in honeybee (Apis mellifera) and fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster, Canton-S wild-type) cerebral ganglia
Q51973296Comparative analysis of the persistence of a conditioned passive avoidance reflex in rats with different forms of inherited hypertension.
Q42258134Comparative analysis of the sensitivity of single neurons of the central nervous system to thyrotropin-releasing hormone and its structural analog
Q45851797Comparative assessment of the disorders of higher brain functions in various types of cerebral atrophy
Q52030421Comparative characteristics of learning and behavior processes in conditions of elevated sex hormone levels.
Q44767929Comparative characteristics of respiratory pattern responses to microinjection of kainic acid into different parts of the nucleus ambiguus
Q48912055Comparative characteristics of short-term plasticity in the hippocampus of mature and developing rats
Q50606792Comparative characteristics of spatial hearing in the dolphin Tursiops truncatus and man.
Q72728305Comparative characterization of the background activity of neurons of the central cerebellar neurons of the awake cat
Q72610479Comparative electron microscopic and autoradiographic studies of ?dark? and ?light? neurons of the cerebral cortex
Q80514832Comparative morphological analysis of neuron populations in the ganglion layer of the rodent cerebellum
Q48771689Comparative morphological study of homo- and heterotopic neural transplants
Q50527747Comparative neurobiology of color vision in humans and animals.
Q39656891Comparative neurochemical and physiological characteristics of catalepsy-type rest and sleep
Q48728444Comparative neurophysiologic analysis of trace processes in delayed spatial choice and the trace conditioned reflex in rhesus macaques
Q39679293Comparative ontogenetic development of the brain-stem reticular formation in Macaca rhesus and man
Q48581656Comparative physiological features of the regulatory effect of vasopressin on higher nervous activity in an ascending series of mammals
Q45184601Comparative psychological approach to the analysis of the functions of the hippocampus
Q54249724Comparative roles of acetylcholine and noradrenaline in controlling the spontaneous activity of cortical neurons.
Q46113549Comparative studies of Noopept and piracetam in the treatment of patients with mild cognitive disorders in organic brain diseases of vascular and traumatic origin
Q48603649Comparative studies of four Drosophila P-insertion mutants with memory defects.
Q79905813Comparative studies of the effects of chlorpromazine and 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine on locomotion, defensive reactions in the snail Helix lucorum, and command neuron excitability in long-term sensitization
Q49105548Comparative study of interneuronal relations in the auditory cortex of waking and anesthetized cats
Q48189367Comparative study of the gamma rhythm in normal conditions, during examination stress, and in patients with first depressive episode
Q48581767Comparative study of the roles of ACTH and beta-endorphin in regulating conditioned reflex activity in the hedgehog
Q44204368Comparative topography of functional interhemispheric asymmetry in the visual cortex during stimulation of different intensity
Q128818066Comparison of Results Obtained Using Brain–Computer Interface Classifiers in a Motor Imagery Recognition Task
Q42170278Comparison of binaural release from forward masking in animals and humans. Electrophysiological studies
Q44551219Comparison of changes in glutamate levels in the nucleus accumbens of the rat brain during food consumption in conditions of blockade of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors
Q48611595Comparison of clinical and encephalographic parameters in children with various types of intellectual subnormality
Q48871809Comparison of coupling of impulse activity of cerebral cortical neurons and spatial synchronicity of the EEG.
Q44238258Comparison of cutaneous-galvanic and voluntary reactions during recognition of emotional mimicry
Q39646415Comparison of electrophysiological characteristics of the retino-collicular and retino-thalamo-cortical parts of the visual system of the monkey Macaca rhesus
Q51571329Comparison of measurements of local brain blood flow by hydrogen clearance with the inhalation of hydrogen and its electrochemical generation in brain tissue.
Q48277767Comparison of reactions of neurons in various neocortical areas of rabbits to conditioned positive and inhibitory stimuli
Q42626034Comparison of the anticonvulsive activities of organic mono- and dications with their abilities to inhibit NMDA and AMPA glutamate receptors.
Q48433818Comparison of the behavior of rats after immobilization with structural changes in the motor cortex.
Q42526160Comparison of the cholinergic system in neocortical field Ep in cats with strong and weak cognitive abilities
Q48033967Comparison of the effects of dopamine agonists on self-stimulation of the hypothalamus with lesioning of mesolimbic brain structures in rats reared in conditions of social isolation
Q43216351Comparison of the effects of systemic (intramuscular) and intrastriatal administration of a selective D1 dopamine receptor blocker on motor behavior and postural rearrangement in dogs
Q43952118Comparison of the hormonal and behavioral activity of luliberin and its analogs
Q47448684Comparison of the postural and movement components during learning by dogs of an operant defensive reflex
Q48377102Comparison of the role of the first and second cortical somatosensory areas in the conditioned behavior of animals
Q48846673Comparison of the somatosympathetic reflex in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q48128597Compensation and habituation in the cortical segment of the visceral analyzer
Q44979338Compensation for behavioral disorders due to administration of 6-hydroxy-dopamine in transplantation of embryonic locus coeruleus tissue in rats
Q48410183Compensatory plasticity of the brain under conditions of its injury
Q52171379Compensatory restorative processes and operant reflexes in rats after neurotoxin lesioning of the inferior olive.
Q38478896Complex sensorimotor choice reaction time in individuals with varied functional motility of nervous processes
Q44344185Components of the intracellular cAMP system supporting the olfactory reception of amyl alcohol
Q48510401Compressed spectral analysis of the EEG in patients with acute cerebrovascular disturbance
Q44114909Compression spectral analysis of the EEG in patients with occlusive lesions of the carotid and vertebral arteries
Q48275785Computation of color and brightness differences by neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the rabbit
Q46933546Computation of color and brightness differences by rabbit visual cortex neurons
Q80566715Computerized morphometric analysis of the dendrites of Dogiel type II neurons
Q54454328Computerized tomography of the head in the diagnosis of some forms of hereditary-familial ataxia.
Q69420447Concentration gradient of Na+ and K+ions in outer segments of retinal rods
Q68711106Condition of nonspecific systems of the brain in the presence of certain hypothalamic syndromes
Q48923460Conditioned and unconditioned food reflexes in dogs during electrical stimulation of the orbital cortex
Q48847111Conditioned avoidance reflex and intersignal movements: interrelationship of cardiac and motor components
Q48712501Conditioned defensive reflex in the edible snail (molecular-genetic aspects).
Q52240373Conditioned inhibition of action potential generation in isolated Helix pomatia neurons.
Q52278933Conditioned motor reactions in free-moving elasmobranchs and bony fishes.
Q52297396Conditioned motor responses at different stages of normal nocturnal sleep in man and their electrographic correlates.
Q52257315Conditioned reflex changes in relations between afferent inputs from the lateral geniculate body and pulvinar in the cat visual and association cortex.
Q48380778Conditioned reflex release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens after disruption of the hippocampal formation in rats
Q50900882Conditioned reflex responses of the sympathetico-adrenal system to an aversive taste stimulus.
Q52293586Conditioned reflex to time inHelix lucorum
Q52280640Conditioned reflexes in white rats during space flight.
Q48825067Conditioned responses of striopallidal neurons to time
Q48454226Conditioned states of cortical cells
Q43823328Conditioned suppression of action potential generation in an isolated snail neuron
Q52245686Conditioned-reflex activity during the aging process in white rats.
Q48747491Conditioned-reflex analysis of functional connections of the hippocampus and limbic structures
Q52297395Conditioned-reflex placing of the limb induced by stimulation of brain structures.
Q52219516Conditioning and sensitization in the snail: neurophysiological and metabolic characteristics.
Q51110775Conditioning of single unit activity by intracortical electric stimulation of neuronal-isolated cortex.
Q46761409Conditions required for the appearance of double responses in hippocampal field CA1 to application of single stimuli to Shäffer collaterals in freely moving rats
Q69429360Conduction of excitation in spinal reflex arcs in cat fetuses
Q52251836Conjugation of unit activity in the visual and sensorimotor areas of rabbit neocortex during conditioned reflexes to light and sound.
Q52251840Conjugation of unit activity in visual and sensorimotor neocortical areas of rabbits during calm wakefulness and pseudoconditioning.
Q71505743Connections between field 17 of the optic cortex (cerebrum) and the mammillary nuclei in cats
Q48900416Connections between fields 18 and 19 of the visual cortex of the cat brain via the white matter
Q48172928Connections between the zona incerta of the dog diencephalon and the substantia nigra, ventral tegmental field, and pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus
Q42439948Connections of the auditory and vestibular cortex with the claustrum in cats (microscopic and electron-microscopic investigation).
Q66947351Connections of the frontal and parietal regions of the cortex with the caudate nucleus in cats
Q71411077Connections of the globus pallidus and putamen with the hypothalamus and subthalamus
Q48323101Connections of zone AIV with zones AI, AII, and Ep of the cat auditory cortex
Q37011083Consciousness and information selection
Q48133806Consciousness and the brain
Q42525343Contacts between basal processes of visual cones in the outer plexiform layer of the ocular sensory tunic in turtles
Q129163657Contemporary Algorithms for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis Based on Individual Assessment of Patients’ Status
Q41205681Contemporary state of reflex theory
Q72933834Content of dopamine in the nigrostriatal system during electrical stimulation of the caudate nucleus head
Q48520492Content of norepinephrine and serotonin in symmetrical divisions of the brain of rats in the norm during learning and with the administration of peptides
Q48460222Contrasting of synaptic signals by simultaneous modification of excitatory and inhibitory inputs
Q128571437Contribution of Epigenetic Mechanisms to the Formation, Maintenance, and Reconsolidation of a Long-Term Food-Related Aversive Memory in Terrestrial Snails
Q46358527Contribution of GABA receptors to extinction of memory traces in normal conditions and in a depression-like state
Q47774074Contribution of presynaptic dopaminergic receptors to the mechanism of the reactivating effects of blockade of the GABA-benzodiazepine-ionophore complex
Q48899997Control of fine movements mediated by propriospinal neurons
Q48483433Control of locomotor activity in humans and animals in the absence of supraspinal influences
Q48489575Convergence and interaction of somatic and visceral impulsation on neurons of the ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus
Q48693370Convergence of corticospinal and rubrospinal influences on cervical motoneurons
Q48454220Convergent properties of three types of visual-cortex neurons recorded with different action-potential amplitudes
Q43166512Convulsive activity in the electroencephalogram in rats sensitive and tolerant to pentylenetetrazol kindling
Q48450386Cooperative activity of neurons in the nucleus accumbens and frontal cortex in cats trained to select reinforcements of different value
Q115451739Coordination of slow and fast ocular nystagmus
Q43788368Coordination of the activity of monoaminergic pedal neurons in freshwater snails
Q72728296Correction of a disturbance in visual recognition in monkeys with the aid of an antioxidant
Q68022712Correction of apathic-abulic manifestations of the processual defect by cholinotropic preparations
Q48493480Correlated activity of sensorimotor cortex neurons in the left and right hemispheres of the rabbit brain in immobilization catatonia
Q83047969Correlates of measures of voluntary force with the functional state of the motor system
Q48256723Correlates of sequential elements of bimanual behavior in the neuronal activity of the neostriatum in monkeys
Q43700833Correlation analysis of EEG rhythms and functional asymmetry of the hemispheres in children with the hyperdynamic syndrome
Q49160719Correlation between EEG changes in the cortex, thalamus, and mesencephalic reticular formation during defensive conditioning in rabbits
Q54307162Correlation between RNA synthesis and electrogenesis in the sensory neuron of the crayfish stretch receptor
Q52087823Correlation between cataleptic freezing and prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex in rats.
Q69232662Correlation between changes in LH-RH content in the synaptosomal fraction of the olfactory bulb and some hypothalamic zones and level of sexual activity in male rats
Q48951149Correlation between energy characteristics of the cortical theta rhythm and motor responses in rabbits
Q51976329Correlation between levels of autoantibodies to nerve growth factor and the clinical features of schizophrenia in children.
Q48377115Correlation between neocortical and hippocampal biopotentials in lobectomized dogs
Q48628325Correlation between postsynaptic activity and surface potentials in the gigantopyramidal area of the cat cortex
Q52225460Correlation between retention of defensive conditioned reflexes and brain acetylcholinesterase activity in rats
Q48303243Correlation between spatial synchronization and human EEG rhythms
Q52250361Correlation between spike trains of neighboring cortical neurons during conditioning in cats.
Q52294268Correlation between the EEG and cortical unit activity during defensive conditioning
Q52293587Correlation between the rate of avoidance conditioning and the brain catecholamine level in rats
Q48595829Correlation between the sizes of Mauthner neurons and the preference of goldfish to turn to the right or left
Q48648007Correlation between unit activity of the auditory cortex and the conditioned blink reflex in cats
Q54296480Correlation between unit activity of the leech Retzius cells and fluorescence of the RNA acridine derivative in the same neurons.
Q44213388Correlation relationships of evoked activity of the auditory cortex and the amygdalae of cats during conditioned reflex activity
Q48165521Correlational association between changes in cell excitability and synaptic efficiency during posttetanic reorganizations in the cortex
Q48513303Correlational relationships between the hippocampus and medial septal area and their changes during epileptogenesis
Q48125175Correlations between neuron activity in the sensorimotor cortex of the right and left hemispheres in rabbits during a defensive dominant and "animal hypnosis".
Q128025246Correlations between the Effectiveness of Performance of Cognitive Tests and Blood Flow Reactions in Humans in Normoxia and Hypoxia
Q64996232Correlative relationships between the specific binding of labeled adrenoligands in the brain and plasma testosterone in mice.
Q48260314Cortical evoked potentials and unit activity during conditioned reflexes
Q51876616Cortical inhibition processes and the anticonvulsant action of benzodiazepine derivatives.
Q48602059Cortical mechanisms of programmed brain activity in the organization of behavioral acts in cats
Q48912083Cortical multineuronal activity in dogs with defensive instrumental conditioned reflex
Q44623498Cortical projection zones of Pacinian corpuscles of the cat hind limb
Q48722006Cortical projections of the caudal part of the head and body of the caudate nucleus in cats
Q71248657Cortical representation of nonclassical parts of the visual system
Q52250363Cortical unit activity in cats during conditioned inhibition.
Q48621022Cortical-subcortical interactions and the regulation of the functional state of the brain in acute hypoxia in humans
Q71121618Cortico-cortical connections between the auditory fields and the sensorimotor region of the cortex
Q69728038Cortico-hippocampal relations of electrical activity in rabbits with a polarization-induced motor dominant focus
Q44047947Cortico-hypothalamic interneuronal correlation during learning in cats
Q48725555Cortico-mamillary tracts of the brain
Q48471468Cortico-striatal relations under conditions of interaction of monomodal afferent volleys
Q48626956Cortico-visceral interrelationships during periodic activity of the stomach
Q43972579Corticofugal influence on spontaneous unit activity in the rabbit lateral geniculate body
Q48133758Corticohypothalamic relationships during the development and realization of the conditioned reflex
Q44613848Corticoliberin protects neurons from the negative influences of "dysfunctins" in living olfactory cortex slices
Q48167490Corticospinal influences on the distal muscles of the hand in conditions of inertial loading
Q45137864Corticosteroid circadian rhythms in female hamadryas baboons under prolonged hypokinesia
Q129916370Corticosterone-Induced Changes in Inhibitory Neurotransmission in Hippocampal Field CA1 Synapses Depending on the Activity of Inhibitory Synapses Expressing Cannabinoid Receptors
Q48581781Corticostriatal mechanisms of behavior
Q68004973Coupled inhibition at blink reflex dominant in rabbits
Q53735095Creation of a defense dominant during the functioning of a blink dominant in the rabbit.
Q70650041Creation of an artificial vagina in patients with false male hermaphroditism
Q48354389Cross-correlation analysis of neuron connections in the cerebellum of conscious rabbits
Q48229266Cross-correlation analysis of the background impulse activity of cells located at various distances in the visual cortex of the alert rabbit
Q48424067Cross-interval histograms for analysis of brain electrical activity
Q84396783Crossbills (Loxia curvirostra) are able to form the "larger than" concept
Q127978219Current Concepts in the Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Treatment Strategies
Q129574400Current Perspectives in the MRI Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis: The 2016 Revised MRI Criteria
Q128024783Current Trends in the Epidemiology of Dementia and the Management of Patients with Cognitive Impairments
Q39700667Current problems in the higher nervous activity of man.
Q73393741Cyclic GTP imitates the potentiating effect of the nootrope vinpocetine on the high-threshold A-current in mollusk neurons
Q39897039Cyclic changes in cortical excitability in waking rats during induced changes in serotonin and noradrenalin metabolism
Q48354361Cyclical processes in neuronal populations of the cat somatosensory cortex during extero- and interoceptive activation and in the course of its extinction
Q48471433Cytoarchitectonic and quantitative characteristics of cell groups of layer IV of the rat cerebral cortex in the region of representation of vibrissae
Q45216934Cytoarchitectonics of some areas of the human cerebral cortex in Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia
Q128783605Cytoarchitectonics of the Sensorimotor Cortex and Hippocampal Field CA1 in White Rats with Different Levels of Convulsive Activity in the Post-Trauma Period
Q48854925Cytoarchitectonics, neuronal organization, and the effects of gender on the dendroarchitectonics of neurons in the posterior medial nucleus of the amygdaloid body in rats
Q72632355Cytochemical and historadioautographic analysis of changes in epithelium of submaxillary gland of albino rats after ovariectomy
Q43506144Cytochemical aspects of the central interrelations of the motor and visual analyzers during light deprivation
Q48260374Cytochemical characteristics of proteins in mirror epileptogenic focus neurons (an experimental study).
Q52171375Cytochemical parameters of synaptic neurons in rats with different abilities to learn a food-procuring habit.
Q50303000Cytogenetic, molecular-cytogenetic, and clinical-genealogical studies of the mothers of children with autism: a search for familial genetic markers for autistic disorders
Q43861779Cytopathological changes in human and animals brains in prion diseases
Q48945567Cytophotometric study of ATPase activity in brain neurons and gliocytes of paradoxical sleep-deprived rats
Q36590520Cytophysiology of spiny stellate cells in the striate cortex and their role in the excitatory mechanisms of intracortical synaptic circulation
Q44599132Cytoplasmic and nuclear testosterone receptors in the hypothalamus of androgenized female and castrated male rats
Q48378536Cytoplasmic syncytial connections between neuron bodies in the CNS of adult animals
Q44075104Decreases in Ca2+-dependent K+-currents due to cyclic guanosine monophosphate are not dependent on phosphorylation.
Q61896182Decreases in Neuron Density in the Compact Zone of the Substantia Nigra Correlate with Low Peak-Wave Activity in WAG/Rij Rats
Q45139205Decreases in glucocorticoid sensitivity as a factor of stress-producing changes in the activity of monoamine oxidase, lipid peroxidation, and behavior in rats
Q70181725Defensive conditioning inHelix lucorum and associated changes in command neuron activity
Q127369404Deficit of Neurotrophins in Experimental Diabetes – Correction with a Proline-Containing Dipeptide
Q67293157Degradation of insulin and proinsulin in the normal state and in experimental diabetes
Q49105454Degree of uniformity of forms of statistical dependence between the EEG and spike trains of neurons
Q73237348Delay in the development of auditory sensitivity in nestlings and reorganization of feeding behavior
Q45106416Delta sleep-inducing peptide and Deltaran: potential approaches to antistress protection
Q48463730Delta sleep-inducing peptide as a factor increasing the content of substance P in the hypothalamus and the resistance of rats to emotional stress
Q48354407Delta-sleep-inducing peptide and its analogs and the serotoninergic system in the development of anticonvulsive influences
Q71573013Delta-sleep-inducing peptide as a modulator of the ultrastructure of synapses
Q51282141Delusions of self-justification, innocence, pardon, and acquittal in schizophrenia
Q48721998Dendritic spines in the dog frontal cortex
Q46521921Dendroarchitectonics of neurons in the posterior cortical nucleus of the amygdaloid body of the rat brain as influenced by gender and neonatal androgenization
Q48369826Dependence of defensive behavior of altricial nestlings upon alarm-signal parameters. Neuroethological approach
Q43833053Dependence of electrical activity of the amygdaloid complex on level of motivation and emotional state of the dog.
Q46474455Dependence of impulse reactions in surviving sections of cortex on stimulation parameters
Q48736824Dependence of secretion of follicle stimulating hormone on the level of receptors of sex hormones in the hypophysis and on the activity of catecholaminergic systems of the CNS.
Q58338610Dependence of the Accuracy of Automatic Identification of Sleep and Waking States in Mice on the Spectral Characteristics of the Electroencephalogram
Q48595928Dependence of the cognitive set on the involvement of the ventral and dorsal visual systems in cognitive activity.
Q48701378Dependence of the electrical activity of the hippocampus on the probability of reinforcement of an alimentary conditional stimulus
Q67239255Dependence of the perception of low-frequency amplitude modulation on age and training in man
Q42003182Dependence of the ultrastructural changes in cortical synapses on the time interval between associated neurochemical signals
Q40247368Depression of evoked potentials in rat thalamic ventro-basal complex and somatosensory cortex after reticular stimulation
Q45924288Depressive disorders in stroke patients.
Q44034258Descending neuronal projections to the lumbar division of the cat spinal cord
Q74384744Descending pathways of the frontal lobe cortex to nuclei of the hypothalamic mamillary bodies in craniocerebral trauma in humans
Q77377363Desensitization of the post-synaptic membrane of neuromuscular synapses induced by spontaneous quantum secretion of mediator
Q48251658Destruction of the catecholaminergic system in newborn rats impedes the formation of cholinergic innervation of the neocortex
Q46806968Detection of bimodal stimuli in the frog retina
Q81719078Detection of narrow bars when presented in the right and left visual hemifields
Q48604393Detection of neurotropic properties of the serum in schizophrenics
Q52552960Determination of the form of reaction of cortical neurons to acetylcholine.
Q126787527Development of Insulin Resistance after Prolonged Exposure to Glucocorticoid Hormones as One of the Mechanisms of Transformation of Their Gastroprotective Effect into a Proulcerogenic Action
Q130204587Development of Intermodule Interactions in Field 18 in Kittens Reared in Different Visual Environments: Orientation Modules
Q70737196Development of accessory structures of the mechanoreceptor and chemoreceptor system of the rat tongue in ontogeny (scanning electron microscopy)
Q69453857Development of afferent function of striatum in rabbits during early ontogenesis
Q67560974Development of auditory sensitivity of altricial birds: absolute thresholds of the generation of evoked potentials
Q46653284Development of brain vessels in human embryos and fetuses in conditions of prenatal exposure to alcohol
Q71573021Development of grafts of the neocortex of human embryos in the anterior chamber of the rat eye
Q45139192Development of neural stem/progenitor cells from human brain by transplantation into the brains of adult rats.
Q52032764Development of passive avoidance in KHA and KLA rats.
Q82250053Development of rat stellate ganglion neurons containing membrane-bound muscarinic receptors and purinoreceptors
Q48260362Development of synaptic contacts in the human brain at early stages of embryogenesis
Q48649332Development of the auditory cortex of monkeys during prenatal ontogenesis
Q93857009Development of the entorhinal cortex in Macaca rhesus during ontogeny
Q38347685Development of the olfactory bulbs in human fetuses (an immunohistochemical study).
Q126424494Developmental Changes in Peak-Wave Discharges in WAG/Rij Rats with Genetic Absence Epilepsy
Q61896184Developmental Changes in the Frequency-Time Structure of Sleep Spindles on the EEG in Rats with a Genetic Predisposition to Absence Epilepsy (WAG/Rij)
Q114689516Developmental Changes in the Thickness of the Cortex and Its Layers in the Paramedian Lobule of the Cerebellum in Children
Q61142982Developmental Continuity in the Capacity of Working Memory from Infancy to Preschool Age
Q48867006Device for artifact-free recording of brain electrical activity during exposure of rats to UHF fields in conditions of free behavior
Q68049019Device for the investigation of metabolic processes of the nerve cell in the period of the generation of the action potential
Q128749967Diagnosis and Treatment of Cognitive Impairments in Attention Deficit Syndrome in Adults
Q127962844Diagnosis of Lewy Body Dementia at the Prodromal Stage
Q42446798Diagnostic importance and possible mechanism of a dynamic characteristic of the EEG in brain tumors
Q48716594Difference of neurophysiological mechanisms of delayed reaction and trace conditioned reflex
Q130187271Differences in Assessment of the Severity of Depression by Doctors and Patients during Combined Therapy with Agomelatine (the EMOTION multicenter trial)
Q68492981Differences in habituation of nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors of snail neuron RPa4
Q70801733Differences in ontogeny, premorbid personality, and severity of schizophrenia in twins
Q48935287Differences in responses of identified neurons to chemostimuli in satiated and hungry grape snails
Q44450627Differences in serotonin and dopamine metabolism in the rat brain in latent inhibition
Q43271638Differences in the activation of inhibitory motoneuron receptors in the frog Rana ridibunda by GABA and glycine and their interaction
Q48513247Differences in the spike activity of hippocampus and neocortex neurons in active and passive rabbits in emotionally negative situations
Q126412589Differentially Expressed Genes of the Slc6a Family as Markers of Altered Brain Neurotransmitter System Function in Pathological States in Mice
Q48277777Differentiation by dogs with ablated auditory cortex of signals modeling movement of a sound source
Q48380815Differentiation of neurons in the locus ceruleus after allotransplantation into previously denervated white rat hippocampus
Q52284256Differentiation of the intensity of photic stimuli.
Q36117162Diffusional extrasynaptic neurotransmission via glutamate and GABA.
Q39514290Digital processing of images in physiological studies
Q44589608Dimensions of the hippocampus, memory, and learning in the ontogenesis of rats
Q48666649Direct activating effect of the lateral preoptic region of the hypothalamus on the synchronizing system of the thalamus
Q38576492Discrimination of frequency-modulated signals against a noise background by the dolphin, Tursiops truncatus
Q50450864Discrimination of the spectral structures of sound signals on the background of interference
Q36691561Discussion of the sensory innervation of the brain
Q52046650Disinhibition as a mechanism for visual cortex neurons to tune to cross-shaped figures.
Q52030681Disorders of higher mental function due to single infarctions in the thalamus and in the area of the thalamofrontal tracts.
Q48424148Disorders of learning and memory processes in a monkey model of Alzheimer's disease: the role of the associative area of the cerebral cortex
Q46165563Dissociated learning using GABAergic drugs
Q49083715Distinctions in the neuronal activity of the rabbit limbic cortex under different training strategies
Q81804926Distortions in length perception: visual field anisotropy and geometrical illusions
Q58202029Distribution and Structural Organization of the Autonomic Nervous Apparatus in the Rat Pancreas (an immunohistochemical study)
Q46286752Distribution of DNA, proteins, and lipids in cells of the olfactory bulb in rats of different ages
Q48348406Distribution of behaviorally specialized neurons and expression of transcription factor c-Fos in the rat cerebral cortex during learning
Q81548545Distribution of calcium ions in the mixed synapses of Mauthner neurons in the goldfish in normal conditions, in exhaustion, and in conditions of adaptation to exhaustion
Q48375043Distribution of efferent neurons of various types in the motor cortex of the cat.
Q77420818Distribution of neuro- and macrogliocytes in layers in different parts of the auditory cortex of the cat brain (quantitative studies)
Q48504486Distribution of nitric oxide synthetase in rat cerebral cortex cells
Q48906812Distribution of the hypothalamic cholinergic and adrenergic systems controlling the function of the pituitary-adrenal system
Q44687182Distribution of visual cortical neurons according to variability of response
Q52255819Disturbance of developed motor coordination after injury of parietal and premotor associative regions in dogs.
Q48610422Disturbance of functional relations between specific and nonspecific brain systems after mild craniocerebral trauma
Q72728289Disturbance of neuroendocrine regulation of sexual behavior of male rats with streptozotocin diabetes
Q48968666Disturbance of visual-spatial thinking in patients suffering local brain lesions
Q52211446Disturbances in cognitive activity and its neuropharmacological correction in structural-functional insufficiency of the head of the caudate nucleus in cats.
Q49160735Disturbances of food-getting movements after ablation of the motor or premotor cortex in cats
Q48510350Disturbances of verbal memory in local lesions of the left and right cerebral hemispheres
Q45031108Dizocilpine blocks the effects of delta sleep-inducing peptide-induced suppression of c-fos gene expression in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in rats
Q48785599Does synthetic Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide possess hypnogenic properties?
Q42504549Does the destruction of catecholaminergic neurons in newborn rats influence the modulator function of the cholinergic system?
Q51097845Dominant afferentation and quantitative reorganization of auditory and visual analyzers in the brainstem of carnivores and primates, including man.
Q44041335Dopamine D1 receptors regulate the extracellular citrulline level in the nucleus accumbens during performance of a conditioned reflex fear reaction
Q48712345Dopamine and the reinforcing system of the brain
Q45012803Dopamine deficiency syndrome in children with a special reaction to treatment with levodopa preparations
Q46678240Dopamine synthesis by non-dopaminergic neurons in the arcuate nucleus of rat fetuses
Q43656624Dopamine-dependent inhibition of glycine release in the nucleus accumbens of the rat brain during food consumption
Q46806963Dopamine-dependent nature of depression-like behavior in WAG/Rij rats with genetic absence epilepsy.
Q52167293Dopaminergic mechanisms of neostriatum in the regulation of adaptive behavior by corticoliberin.
Q46846311Dopaminergic modulation of spike activity in sensorimotor cortex neurons in a conditioned reflex
Q43953379Dopaminergic transmission in the rat striatum in vivo in conditions of pharmacological modulation.
Q42170252Dose-dependence of the excitatory effects of acetylcholine on common snail neurons after orthodromic tetanization
Q51110772Dual nature of the negative phase of the primary sensorimotor cortical response in rabbits.
Q51996574Duration of retention of changes in the electrical characteristics of command neurons during acquisition of a conditioned defensive reflex in snails.
Q52187346Duration of the persistence of movement activity in rats induced by single injections of haloperidol.
Q68004968Duration of trace processes in rabbit neocortex
Q48874678Dynamic changes in the tuning of striate neurons to the shapes of cross-shaped figures
Q48666591Dynamic character and age dependence of functional brain organization in attention
Q48303220Dynamic characteristics of central auditory neurons and their relation to selective-combination mechanisms of organization of brain functions
Q81458050Dynamic encoding of amplitude-modulated sounds at the level of auditory nerve fibers
Q52232517Dynamic reorganization of the central program of precision instrumental movements in cats.
Q52206120Dynamic shifts in the parameters of the traditional frequency range of the EEG during learning in dogs.
Q127462092Dynamics of Changes in GABA and Catecholamines Contents and MAO-A Activity in Experimental Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Rats
Q114904881Dynamics of Changes in the Fatty Acid Composition of the Auditory Cortex of the Brain in Rats after Single Audiogenic Convulsions
Q110578922Dynamics of Cognitive Processes in Middle-Aged Women Treated with a Fraction Derived from Hydroponic Teucrium Polium Lamiaceae
Q48125168Dynamics of EEG power spectra at 1-60 Hz during the prestimulus periods at different stages of a cognitive set to a facial expression
Q127772384Dynamics of Postischemic Changes in the Microcirculation in the Rat Cerebral Cortex
Q128201625Dynamics of Structural Transformations and the Expression of CD68 and Ki-67 Markers in the Rat Thymus after Single Exposures to Ionizing Radiation
Q48874728Dynamics of assessments of time intervals by patients with heroin addiction
Q70737187Dynamics of axonal degeneration in the neuronally isolated cerebral cortex
Q84274878Dynamics of changes in electrical activity in the rabbit cerebral cortex during sequential sessions of "animal hypnosis"
Q44196192Dynamics of changes in operant reflexes in rats after transection of the corticospinal tract and removal of the sensorimotor region of the cerebral cortex
Q71220409Dynamics of changes in orienting reflex of rabbits to visual stimuli of increasing intensity
Q48310181Dynamics of cognitive anomalies in patients with first episodes of juvenile endogenous psychosis.
Q52230802Dynamics of defense and alimentary reactions in the development of sensitization in edible snails
Q52219517Dynamics of defense and feeding conditioned reactions in the snail during long-term sensitization.
Q48604376Dynamics of evoked potentials in the course of progressive schizophrenia
Q48377129Dynamics of evoked potentials in the dog auditory cortex during the formation of goal-directed behavior after ablation of the medial geniculate bodies
Q48666619Dynamics of high-frequency (up to 200 Hz) components of brain electrical activity during learning reflect the functional mosaicism of the neocortex
Q69576834Dynamics of immunoglobulin levels and neuroimmune processes in children with intellectual deficiencies
Q48436216Dynamics of interstimulus intervals in the activity of neurons of the sensorimotor cortex during the development of a food-procuring reflex in the rabbit
Q44458614Dynamics of intracellular dopamine contents in the rat brain during the formation of conditioned contextual fear and extinction of an acoustic startle reaction
Q71573038Dynamics of ion currents in the membrane of the isolated mollusc neuron under high pressure
Q43698930Dynamics of latent periods of the avoidance reaction and its correlation with the adaptive behavior of rats
Q48956326Dynamics of local blood flow in different regions of the hypothalamus in the sleep-wakefulness cycle
Q48348424Dynamics of local changes and oscillations in energy metabolism in the rabbit cerebral cortex during the formation of a conditioned defensive reflex
Q48175018Dynamics of neuron activity in the lateral preoptic area of the hypothalamus during the sleep-waking cycle
Q80243573Dynamics of neuron activity levels in the monkey striatum associated with performance of a multistage behavioral program
Q48583226Dynamics of neuron spike activity in the oral nucleus of the pons during the sleep-waking cycle in cats
Q47366459Dynamics of neuronal, autonomic, and motor measures in animals performing an acquired habit
Q41232166Dynamics of reactions of nonspecific and somatic activation during biofeedback training
Q81597374Dynamics of repair regeneration of rat cutaneous nerves after traumas of different severity
Q52293577Dynamics of single unit activity in the association cortex of waking cats during defensive conditioning
Q52281482Dynamics of spatiotemporal organization of cortical potentials during extinction of an electrodefensive conditioned reflex in rabbits.
Q44072815Dynamics of synchronization in the functioning of neurons of the new cortex and hippocampus during learning before and after the administration of nootropic agents and narcotics
Q128884503Dynamics of the Cortical Motor Representation of the Extensor Digitorum Communis Muscle after Motor Imagery Training Using a Brain–Computer Interface: a Controlled Study
Q128487279Dynamics of the Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease on the Background of Chronic Bilateral Electrical Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus Using Two Methods to Verify Target Structure
Q71113249Dynamics of the change in the content of estradiol receptors in the nuclear fraction of the hypothalamus of female rats during ontogenesis
Q44146307Dynamics of the development of microvascular reactions in the projection zones of the somatosensory cortex of the brain in rats
Q41091148Dynamics of the impulse activity of neurons of the neocortex of monkeys in a visual recognition task after brief oxygen deprivation
Q49083490Dynamics of the impulse activity of neurons of the neocortex of monkeys in a visual recognition task after brief oxygen deprivation
Q57945574Dynamics of the protein content in the neurons of the chronic ?mirror? eptileptiform focus
Q52211452Dynamics of the reactivity of cortical neurons to the repeating isolated action of L-glutamate and acetylcholine.
Q53452884Dynamics of the remodeling of neural connections in the superior cervical ganglion in rats after dosed compression of the preganglionic trunk.
Q52101602Dynamics of the reorganization of an operant food-procuring response during an increase in the delay of reinforcement in monkeys.
Q52291985Dynamics of the response of neurons of the visual cortex of the rabbit to repetitive nonvisual stimuli and their complexes with light.
Q80243551Dynamics of the spatial organization of cortical electrical activity during the formation and actualization of a cognitive set to facial expression
Q52106424Dynamics of the temporal parameters of sensorimotor reactions as a function of movement type in man.
Q70884874Dynamics of visual cortical and hippocampal electrical activity during prolonged immobilization
Q52297799Dynamics of visual cortical unit activity during elementary conditioning to time and association in rabbits.
Q41990091Dyscirculatory encephalopathy in Chernobyl disaster clean-up workers (a 20-year study).
Q48771654Dystrophic and reparative changes in cortical neurons in the offspring of rats with moderate prenatal alcoholism
Q61143036EEG alpha activity in the human brain during perception of an illusory kanizsa square
Q50725087EEG asymmetry in humans: relationship with success in recognizing emotions in the voice.
Q50742189EEG coherence in humans: relationship with success in recognizing emotions in the voice.
Q51988943EEG frequency ranges during perception and mental rotation of two- and three-dimensional objects.
Q50437778EEG frequency-amplitude characteristics of the successful recognition of emotional speech
Q52250365EEG of interimpulse intervals during habituation of auditory evoked potentials in depressed moods.
Q48377111EEG patterns in children aged 6-7 years during formation of a complex motor-visual skill
Q126814813Early Electrophysiological Sequelae of Dosed Craniocerebral Trauma in Rats
Q43551894Early and long-term neuroendocrine effects of prenatal stress in male and female rats
Q69838375Early diagnosis of Tourette's syndrome
Q48354375Effect of 2-amino-5-phosphopentanoic acid (AP5), a glutamate NMDA receptor blocker, on neuron activity in the cat motor cortex during performance of a paw placement conditioned reflex.
Q69669929Effect of CSF from animals with damage to the motor cortex on compensation of motor disorders
Q48377008Effect of L-dopa on pituitary gonadotropic function
Q48771730Effect of NMDA on the activity of cortical glutaminergic structures in delayed visual differentiation in monkeys
Q129729652Effect of Spontaneous Partial Sensory Deprivation on the Behavior of Male C57BL/6N Mice
Q46495757Effect of TRH on the central nervous system
Q48741535Effect of a dominant focus in the mesencephalic reticular formation on the functional state of the sensomotor cortex
Q48399196Effect of a local focus of enhanced excitability in the mesencephalic reticular formation and sensomotor cortex on superior collicular function
Q71311600Effect of a local rise of temperature of the anterior hypothalamus on the electroencephalogram
Q52041331Effect of a polysaccharide fraction of ginseng root on learning and memory in rats (using an active escape response as an example).
Q48413249Effect of a unilateral cortical lesion on the monoamine content in the cat brain
Q48930920Effect of acetylcholine and glutamate on septal neuronsin vitro
Q52123062Effect of activation and blockade of the GABAergic system on disturbance of memory trace reproduction.
Q48437093Effect of afferent visual impulses on morphological and biochemical indices of the development of neurons of the optical, motor, and parietal cortex of the brain
Q38581732Effect of amygdalectomy on sensomotor cortical evoked potentials in cats
Q52291972Effect of anodal polarization of deep brain structures on spatial synchronization of cortical potentials during defensive conditioning in rabbits.
Q52228953Effect of antiglial and antineuronal immunoglobulins on short-term and long-term memory in rats.
Q52102732Effect of antiglial and antineuronal immunoglobulins on storage and recall of a consolidated skill.
Q68243155Effect of atropine and d-tubocurarine on the monosynaptic connections between identified neurons in the central nervous system of the edible snail
Q69793168Effect of background activity of a net of excitatory neuron-like elements on conduction of excitation
Q48413291Effect of catecholaminergic drugs on epileptogenic properties of the caudate nucleus
Q69669921Effect of cerebral neurite-stimulating protein on morphogenesis of organotypical culture of spinal ganglia
Q52104121Effect of changes in stimulus informativeness on dynamics of brain evoked activity in psychopathic personalities.
Q66891165Effect of cholinesterase inhibitors on synaptic potentials of the frog neuromuscular junction
Q40996999Effect of clomiphene on the restoration of ovulation in androgen-sterile rats
Q51197823Effect of cortisol on a model of stereotyped behavior of rabbits in the form of thumping.
Q48454199Effect of cyproheptadine on neuronal ultrastructure in the arcuate nucleus of the rat hypothalamus
Q69239652Effect of delta-sleep-inducing peptide on the interaction of symmetric cerebral cortical structures after transection of the corpus callosum
Q71121614Effect of denervation of the sinuous hairs on Merkel's tactile cells in the cat
Q49138007Effect of deprivation of paradoxical sleep on the formation and differentiation of food conditioned reflexes
Q67983847Effect of destruction of the lateral nucleus of the septum of the morpho-functional state of the reproductive system of albino male rats
Q70181717Effect of early light deprivation on acetylcholinesterase activity in the visual cortex
Q48673080Effect of early locomotor training on evoked potentials and structural organization of visual cortex dendrites of rats during ontogeny
Q70703044Effect of early motor training on visual and sensomotor cortical evoked potentials in rats
Q48786224Effect of electrical stimulation of afferent pathways on neurons in septal slices
Q48460187Effect of electrical stimulation of the mamillary nuclei of the hypothalamus on skin vessel permeability in intact and capsaicin-treated rats
Q49160681Effect of electrical stimulation of the somatosensory cortex and caudate nucleus on extinctive inhibition of a food conditioned reflex to sound
Q70158897Effect of enkephalins on the function of calcium-regulating endocrine glands
Q40205830Effect of experimentally induced generalized seizures on the wakefulness-sleep cycle
Q48220886Effect of eye rotation on visual perception in the turtle Emys orbicularis
Q48602012Effect of generalized seizures on the structure of the sleep-waking cycle and the EEG in rats with an inherited predisposition to audiogenic convulsions
Q71151842Effect of heteromodal stimulation on visual evoked responses in rabbits
Q69359060Effect of hydrocortisone on synaptic transmission in surviving rat olfactory cortex slices
Q48252824Effect of hydrocortisone on the activity of the angiotensin-converting and renin-like enzymes and kininase I in rat brain and hypophysis
Q40247375Effect of hypothalamic deafferentation on the functional state of the pituitary-adrenal system
Q71151845Effect of inactivation of sensomotor cortical function by cold on unit activity in the head of the caudate nucleus
Q71151862Effect of injury to the neocortical association areas on visuomotor coordination in cats
Q49136748Effect of injury to the serotoninergic and noradrenergic brain systems on food and defensive conditioned reflexes in rats
Q122961289Effect of intensity and wavelength of photic stimulus on evoked responses of general cortex and optic tectum in turtles
Q49097288Effect of intermittent hypokinesia of varied duration on conditioned reflexes, the EEG, and blood neurotransmitter levels in rats
Q48281819Effect of interruption of the cortical input on hippocampal unit activity
Q42549973Effect of intranigral dosage with delta-sleep-inducing peptide and its analogs on movement and convulsive activity in rats
Q72921358Effect of isolated and combined stimulation of thalamic nuclei on the character of functional connections between sensomotor cortical neuron
Q36178355Effect of laser radiation on post-traumatic restoration of interneuronal connections of the sympathetic trunk
Q52075302Effect of leu-enkephalin on verbal forms of mental activity in alcoholics and healthy persons.
Q67269827Effect of level of spatial synchronization of cortical potentials on spread of evoked responses to cortical electrical stimulation
Q71220398Effect of light deprivation on binding activity of serotonin with light and heavy synaptosomes from various brain formations
Q66947364Effect of lithium chloride on the neurosecretory system of the rat hypothalamus
Q71248652Effect of lithium chloride on ultrastructure of isolated brain mitochondria incubated with or without blood serum from schizophrenic patients
Q52294265Effect of low-frequency stimulation of the head of the caudate nucleus on an instrumental defensive reflex in dogs
Q74349985Effect of low-intensity millimeter-range electromagnetic irradiation on the recovery of function in lesioned sciatic nerves in rats
Q68183919Effect of luliberin on the secretion of the luteinizing hormone depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle in intact and castrated female Papio hamadryas
Q48454189Effect of microionophoresis of met-enkephalin into various brain structures on the secretion of luteinizing and thyrotropic hormones
Q44171788Effect of microiontophoretic application of acetylcholine on visual cortical evoked activity to direct cortical stimulation
Q72657822Effect of monaural and binaural stimulation on cytoplasmic RNA content in cells of the central nucleus of the cat inferior colliculus
Q48303180Effect of motor training on evoked potentials and synaptic organization of sensomotor cortical neurons in rats during ontogeny
Q52284254Effect of mutant genes with a known biochemical effect on rate of formation of motor conditioned reflexes in honeybees.
Q72409470Effect of naloxone on the state of patients with endogenous psychoses
Q49160659Effect of nembutal anesthesia, electric shock, and shock avoidance conditioning on acetylcholinesterase activity and protein content in various regions of the rat brain
Q45285425Effect of neocortical electrical stimulation on systemic organization of brain processes during conditioning in cats
Q43472901Effect of neonatal castration on capacity of male rat brain septal complex neurons for binding sex steroids
Q73836961Effect of nerve growth factor on the regeneration of fibers in the rat sciatic nerve
Q67259605Effect of neuroleptics on aggressive behavior
Q71334552Effect of noradrenalin on growth and differentiation of explanted rat hippocampal cells
Q48345917Effect of noradrenalin on spatial synchronization and evoked potentials of the rabbit cerebral cortex
Q48345889Effect of oxytocin in the activity of cells of the hypothalamic cyclic center in rats
Q71220412Effect of precursors and cofactors of nucleic acid and protein synthesis on responses of cortical neurons to polarization
Q52295394Effect of prolonged electrical stimulation of the head of the caudate nucleus on secretory reflexes to food in dogs
Q71220418Effect of repetitive stimulation on cortical single unit activity
Q48665606Effect of reticular formation and hypothalamus on the cortical hemodynamics
Q48175643Effect of sensitization and desensitization on brain ultrastructure
Q48665663Effect of sensorimotor cortex cooling on mesencephalic reticular neurons
Q48874354Effect of sensory and motivation factors on unit activity in the monkey frontal cortex
Q48304911Effect of serotonin and acetylcholine on electrical activity of the isolated rabbit cortex
Q49124760Effect of serotonin injected into the amygdala on conditioned and unconditioned food reflexes and the EEG in cats
Q52293578Effect of serotonin on formation and fixation of various conditioned reflexes
Q71248648Effect of serotonin on growth and differentiation of hippocampal cells in culture
Q43758614Effect of serotonin on the development of a rat cerebral cortex tissue culture.
Q48260350Effect of single stimulation of the posterior hypothalamus on visual evoked potentials in anesthetized rabbits
Q47774086Effect of sodium nitrite on the execution of defensive and inhibitory conditioned reflexes
Q72693505Effect of steroid hormones on the template activity of DNA and glucocorticoid-receptor interaction
Q42272858Effect of steroids with antiandrogenic properties on androgenic and myotrophic activity of testosterone and some of its derivatives
Q44120353Effect of stimulation and destruction of the amygdaloid nuclei on the ovaries of sexually mature and infantile female rats
Q48825048Effect of stimulation of cortical association areas in rabbits on evoked potentials and unitary responses in the visual cortex
Q48460229Effect of stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus on the correlation of neuron spike activity in the rabbit neocortex
Q71070789Effect of stimulation of the locus coeruleus on spontaneous and evoked cortical unit activity
Q48771770Effect of stimulation of the medial geniculate body on the motor polarization dominant in rabbits
Q69793180Effect of stimulation of the reticular nucleus of the thalamus on neuronal activity of associative and nonspecific thalamic structures
Q48375051Effect of substance P on behavior and cortical neuron activity during learning in rabbits
Q52102072Effect of successive electrical stimulation of different parts of the brain on delayed spatial choice in monkeys
Q69623994Effect of surface charge on stationary potassium conductance of the Ranvier node membrane. II. Changes in ionic strength of external solution
Q69593455Effect of surface charge on stationary potassium conductivity of the Ranvier node membrane. I. Change in pH of external solution
Q71151838Effect of the antiandrogen flutamide (Niftolide) on testicular androgen production in hypophysectomized rats
Q52197446Effect of the orbital cortex on the neuronal activity of the tegmentum of the midbrain during a feeding reflex in cats.
Q42209270Effect of the thyrotropin-releasing hormone analogue on an electrographic picture of sleep
Q41110968Effect of thyroid hormones on functional activity of the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-gonadal system in female rats
Q52255817Effect of tryptophan and its metabolites on conditioned reflex activity of the honey bee.
Q48867100Effect of unconscious interoceptive afferentation on the spatial organization of electrical activity in the human cerebral cortex
Q70920431Effect of unilateral division of the septo-hippocampal tract on electrical activity of the dorsal hippocampus and behavior in rabbits
Q48187791Effect of vasopressin analog on fixation of temporary connections in intact rats and rats after ablation of locus ceruleus
Q48581758Effect of veratridine on the release of neurotrophic factors in nerve tissue cultures
Q69728020Effect of weightlessness on some indices of brain development (results of residence of pregnant rats aboard the Cosmos-1514 biosatellite and investigation of subsequent development of their offspring on earth)
Q48432073Effect of whisker removal on defensive behavior in rats during early ontogenesis
Q43930281Effectiveness of Soviet-produced human somatotropin in the treatment of hypothalamo-pituitary dwarfism
Q49025291Effectiveness of various types of reinforcement in a controlled experiment
Q48414112Effector peptides of the renin-angiotensin system in the central mechanisms of acquired and innate behavior in thirst in rats
Q80243555Effects of "animal hypnosis" on a rhythmic defensive dominant
Q127375128Effects of Acute Cooling on Expression of Genes for Thermosensitive TRP Ion Channels in the Hypothalamus
Q130141315Effects of Administration of Serotonin 5-HT1A Receptor Ligands into the Amygdala on the Behavior of Rats with Different Manifestations of Conditioned Reflex Fear
Q114904877Effects of Auditory LTP-Like Stimulation on Auditory Stimulus Processing
Q48166339Effects of BT-melanin on recovery of operant conditioned reflexes in rats after ablation of the sensorimotor cortex
Q60777172Effects of Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Deficiency on the Reinforcing Effects of Cocaine (an experimental study)
Q116766414Effects of Cerebellar Dysfunction Acquired as a Result of Tumor Therapy on the Functioning of the Saccadic System in Children
Q127369765Effects of Childhood Trauma on the Biological Correlates of Stress in Men and Women with Borderline Mental Disorders
Q60502169Effects of Cognitive Loading on the Development of Muscle Fatigue
Q129710993Effects of Cold Shock on Responses of Phosphomonoesters and Free Amino Acids in Phospholipid-Rich Organs in the Amur Sleeper Perccottus Glehni
Q129909637Effects of Cytoflavin on Recovery of Cognitive Functions in Elderly Alcoholics
Q128949132Effects of Derivatives of 3-Hydroxypyridine and Succinic Acid on Stereotypical Behavior and Catalepsy in Mice
Q61896204Effects of Early Sensory Experience on the Formation of the Functional Properties of Neurons in the Whisker Projection Area in the Rat Neocortex
Q128903632Effects of Emotional Stability on Success in Learning to Control a Brain–Computer Interface
Q61687738Effects of Exogenous Phosphatidylserine on Cognitive Functions and Phospholipid Metabolism in the Hippocampus of Aged Rats
Q129914110Effects of Instructions on the Early Stages of the Visual Perception of Verbal Stimuli in Health and Schizophrenia
Q115448927Effects of Lateral Tilting on Optokinetic and Post-Optokinetic Nystagmus in Pigeons
Q42947317Effects of Memantine on Convulsive Reactions and the Organization of Sleep in Krushinskii–Molodkina Rats with an Inherited Predisposition to Audiogenic Convulsions
Q48102276Effects of Moderate Hypobaric Hypoxic Preconditioning on the Expression of the Transcription Factors pCREB and NF-κB in the Rat Hippocampus Before and After Severe Hypoxia
Q129970988Effects of Neuropeptide Y on the Functional State of the Afferent Inputs from the Arcuate Nucleus to the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus in Rats in Vitro
Q130160880Effects of Octopamine on Aggressive Behavior in Red Wood Ants
Q128989569Effects of Oxytocin and Thyroliberin on Anxiety in Male White Mice in Social Stress
Q60682468Effects of Prenatal Stress on Serotoninergic Neurons in the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus and on Pain Behavior during the Neonatal Period of Development
Q114689525Effects of Quercetin on the Severity of Chemically Induced Convulsions and 70-kDal Heat Shock Protein Content in Brain Structures in Rats
Q58338618Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Consolidation of Spatial Memory in Rats after One-Day Training in a Morris Water Maze
Q58052016Effects of Transplantation of Human Cord Blood Mononuclear Cells Expressing the Recombinant VEGF and FGF2 Genes into Spinal Cord Traumatic Injury Sites in Rats
Q48033958Effects of a number of short peptides isolated from the brain of the hibernating ground squirrel on the EEG and behavior in rats
Q79905817Effects of a sound source moving in a vertical plane on postural responses in humans
Q48716636Effects of acetylcholine, norepinephrine, and serotonin on neurons of the septum in vitro
Q50900600Effects of activation and blockade of NMDA receptors on the extinction of a conditioned passive avoidance response in mice with different levels of anxiety.
Q80975659Effects of activation and blockade of dopamine D(2) receptors on the immune response in mice with different types of behavior
Q43220343Effects of activation and blockade of dopamine receptors on the extinction of a passive avoidance reaction in mice with a depressive-like state
Q48493488Effects of activation of D1 dopamine receptors on extinction of a conditioned passive avoidance reflex and amnesia in aggressive and submissive mice
Q46908638Effects of active transport of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid on measures of serotonin metabolism in the brain
Q48631969Effects of acute hypoxia on the EEG and impulse activity of the neurons of various brain structures in rats
Q43353336Effects of administration of sodium glutamate during the neonatal period on behavior and blood corticosterone levels in male mice
Q48332815Effects of alexithymia on the activity of the anterior and posterior areas of the cortex of the right hemisphere in positive and negative emotional activation
Q84267039Effects of amplitude-frequency characteristics of a noise-masked test stimulus on the shapes of visual evoked potentials
Q51808043Effects of an NO synthase inhibitor on aggressive and sexual behavior in male crickets.
Q46761416Effects of an imprinting procedure on cell proliferation in the chick brain
Q51978784Effects of an inhibitor of alpha-secretase, which metabolizes the amyloid peptide precursor, on memory formation in rats.
Q80685867Effects of antisense oligonucleotides to mRNA for the early gene zif268 on the mechanisms of synapse-specific plasticity
Q80497568Effects of artificial feedback to the vestibular input on postural instability induced by asymmetric proprioceptive stimulation
Q46936239Effects of baclofen on anxiety, sexual motivation, and olfactory perception in male mice in different psychoemotional states
Q51959959Effects of beta-amyloid (25-35) on learning in the common snail.
Q43220340Effects of blockade of dopamine D2 receptors on extracellular citrulline levels in the nucleus accumbens during performance of a conditioned reflex fear response
Q46496740Effects of cerebrolysin on moderate cognitive impairments in cerebral vascular insufficiency (a clinical-electrophysiological study).
Q73577192Effects of changes in dynamic equilibrium in microtubule and microfilament systems on the plastic responses of neurons
Q43065150Effects of chronic fluoxetine treatment on catalepsy and the immune response in mice with a genetic predisposition to freezing reactions: the roles of types 1A and 2A serotonin receptors and the tph2 and SERT genes
Q43271639Effects of chronic hypotension on the adrenergic nervous plexus of the saphenous artery in rats and its regeneration after femoral nerve injury
Q48493531Effects of chronic neuroticization on the monoaminergic systems of different structures in the brains of rats with different typological characteristics
Q48504566Effects of controllable and uncontrollable stresses on the receptor binding of dexamethasone in the hypophysis and hippocampus of rats with different behavior strategies
Q79443000Effects of corticoliberin CRF(4-6) fragment on pain sensitivity in rats
Q48439313Effects of corticoliberin fragment CRF(4-6) on sexual behavior in male rats [corrected].
Q48513236Effects of corticoliberin on synaptic transmission in rat olfactory cortex slices in a water immersion model of depression
Q46717169Effects of corticotropin on the thymus and the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal system
Q47401838Effects of deafferentation on the size and myosin phenotype of muscle fibers on stretching of the rat soleus muscle in conditions of gravitational unloading
Q44037739Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate on the conversion of corticosterone into 11-dehydrocorticosterone in stress: a regulatory scheme
Q48787221Effects of delta-sleep-inducing peptide in cerebral ischemia in rats
Q48778757Effects of delta-sleep-inducing peptide on NMDA-induced convulsive activity in rats
Q45854030Effects of distractors on the perception of right angles
Q43036103Effects of divergent strabismus on the horizontal connections of neurons in the cat visual cortex
Q52036902Effects of doses of fragment (25-35) of beta-amyloid peptide on behavior in rats.
Q48380747Effects of electrical stimulation of the caudate nucleus on functionally identified neurons of the sensorimotor cortex in the cat brain
Q48537088Effects of electrical stimulation of the posterior part of the hypothalamus on the spike activity of neurons in the oral nucleus of the pons
Q42151758Effects of electrical stimulation of vagal nuclei in anesthetized and unanesthetized cats
Q48678396Effects of electrostimulation and destruction of thalamic median center in patients with akinetic forms of parkinsonism
Q70627553Effects of enkephalins and their analogs on gastric secretion
Q70737183Effects of estradiol on adenohypophyseal prolactin levels in sexually mature and immature rats
Q43065153Effects of ethanol on neuron density in the limbic cortex of the brain and correction of evoked changes with the antioxidant Dolivin
Q48968653Effects of ethymisol on behavior and brain serotonin and plasma corticosteroid levels
Q46908633Effects of experimental increases and decreases in thyroxine levels on the extent of cataleptic freezing reactions in rats
Q48378355Effects of extracellular calcium on the volley activity of entorhinal cortex neurons in neonatal rats: computer simulation.
Q48200441Effects of factors inducing diffuse damage to brain tissue on sleep structure in laboratory rats.
Q43208532Effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid on the Hering-Breuer inspiration-inhibiting reflex
Q48452295Effects of glyprolines on stress-induced behavioral disorders in rats
Q33222606Effects of helium-neon laser irradiation and local anesthetics on potassium channels in pond snail neurons
Q79905825Effects of high-potassium solutions and caffeine on synaptic vesicle exoendocytosis processes in the frog neuromuscular junction
Q48354399Effects of hippocampectomy on the development and recovery of a conditioned reflex to time in rats
Q48171492Effects of hypoxic preconditioning on expression of transcription factor NGFI-A in the rat brain after unavoidable stress in the "learned helplessness" model.
Q48166367Effects of impaired testosterone metabolism during prenatal ontogenesis on the level of anxiety and behavior of rats in a novel environment
Q51909646Effects of intracerebroventricular administration of beta-amyloid on the dynamics of learning in purebred and mongrel rats.
Q51891710Effects of intracisternal administration of insulin on the time dynamics of behavior in rats.
Q48489558Effects of intracortical microstimulation on the activity of limb muscles in alert rabbits
Q46936248Effects of intranasal administration of epitalon on neuron activity in the rat neocortex.
Q79443005Effects of ionotropic glutamate receptor channel blockers on the development of pentylenetetrazol kindling in mice
Q48354363Effects of iontophoretic administration of acetylcholine to rabbit motor cortex neurons on the functioning of intracortical connections
Q81574590Effects of lesioning of the medial cervical nucleus on the baseline spike activity of neurons in the central and basolateral nuclei of the amygdala
Q48380729Effects of lesioning of the parafascicular nucleus of the thalamus on an operant food-procuring reflex in rats
Q48380737Effects of lesions to the parafascicular nuclei of the thalamus on the development of a conditioned active escape reflex in rats
Q48568485Effects of leucine-enkephalin on potassium currents in neurons in the rat respiratory center in vitro
Q77672980Effects of limiting afferent flow in early postnatal ontogenesis on the development of defensive reflexes in adult rats
Q48402972Effects of local infusions of apomorphine on the extracellular citrulline level in the striatum: Involvement of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors
Q48712334Effects of microinjection of scopolamine into the neostriatum of rats on performance of a food conditioned reflex at different levels of fixation
Q48563114Effects of partial intraspecies deprivation of rats on short-term image memory
Q48677138Effects of prenatal stress on free-radical lipid and protein oxidation and superoxide dismutase activity in cerebral cortex neurons and neuroglia in the rat brain
Q46790825Effects of prenatal stress on the activity of an enzyme involved in neurosteroid synthesis during the "critical period" of sexual differentiation of the brain in male rats
Q46936241Effects of protein synthesis inhibitors during reactivation of associative memory in the common snail induces reversible and irreversible amnesia
Q80342996Effects of protein synthesis inhibitors on the sensitization of a defensive response in common snails and potentiation of the cholinosensitivity of command neurons
Q79442999Effects of rapid and slow cooling on thermoregulatory reactions in hypertensive rats after administration of calcium
Q48515009Effects of repeated experience of aggression on the aggressive motivation and development of anxiety in male mice
Q30985375Effects of selective visual attention in the parietal and temporal areas of the human cortex using evoked potential data
Q77534189Effects of serotonin levels on postsynaptically induced potentiation of snail neuron responses
Q48386354Effects of single episodes of severe stress on the behavior of male and female CBA/Lac and C57BL/6J mice
Q40362994Effects of sleep deprivation on measures of the febrile reaction and the recovery of somatovisceral functions and sleep in endotoxemia
Q43117888Effects of stimulation of the insular cortex on execution of the antrofundal reflex in conscious dogs
Q44551221Effects of stimulation of the trigeminal caudal nucleus on microvascular permeability in the eye in normal and capsaicin-treated rats
Q48424114Effects of streptokinase on the development of rat cerebral cortical cells in vitro
Q83179376Effects of synthetic monocyte chemotactic protein-1 fragment 65-76 on neointima formation after carotid artery balloon injury in rats
Q45031094Effects of temperature on the spike activity of cortical neurons in guinea pigs
Q70256549Effects of testosterone and its 5 alpha-reduced metabolites on serum luteinizing hormone and hypothalamic luliberin levels in the castrated rat. Communication I
Q60445390Effects of the 5-HTTLPR Polymorphism of the Serotonin Transporter Gene on the Recognition of Mimicked Emotional Expressions in Schizophrenia
Q129971100Effects of the Atypical Antipsychotic Quetiapine on the Immune Response in Aggressive Mice in a Model of Social Stress
Q46392095Effects of the C-terminal peptide of the alphaS subunit of the G protein on the regulation of adenylyl cyclase and protein kinase A activities by biogenic amines and glucagon in mollusk and rat muscles.
Q126426595Effects of the C1473G Polymorphism in the Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2 Gene and the Length of Daylight on Behavior in Mice
Q46496761Effects of the GABA receptor agonist phenibut on behavior and respiration in rabbits in emotionally negative situations
Q127375105Effects of the Information Output Modality on the Effectiveness of Working Memory in Young School-Age Children, Adolescents, and Adults: Ontogenetic Analysis
Q60445391Effects of the Interaction Between the Level of Anxiety and the Val66Met Polymorphism of the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Gene on Attention in Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
Q60445401Effects of the Interaction of Variants of the Serotonin Transporter and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor on Platelet Serotonin Levels in Stroke Patients
Q114904875Effects of the Periodicity and Vowelness of Sounds on Auditory Cortex Responses in Children
Q127496047Effects of the TrkB Receptor Agonist 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone on the Serotonin System and the Genes Encoding BDNF, TrkB, and Bax in the Mouse Brain
Q127772242Effects of the Val158Met Polymorphism of the Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Gene on Measures of Sensory Gating in Health and Schizophrenia
Q48329138Effects of the action of microwave-frequency electromagnetic radiation on the spike activity of neurons in the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus in rats
Q50470874Effects of the azimuthal position of stationary and moving sound images on the mismatch negativity phenomenon.
Q48581673Effects of the cholinergic system of the rat neostriatum on learning active escape in normal animals and in animals with lesions to the intralaminar thalamic nuclei
Q67784473Effects of the electrostimulation of various areas of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus on the electrical activity of the stomach wall
Q48166306Effects of the gender factor and neonatal androgenization on the dendroarchitectonics of neurons in the dorsomedial nucleus of the amygdaloid body of the brain
Q47936482Effects of thyroliberin on membrane potential and the pattern of spontaneous activity of neurons in the respiratory center in in vitro studies in rats
Q50562336Effects of tone intensity and frequency on discrimination of the sound stimulus transition process.
Q48380690Effects of transcranial micropolarization of the frontal cortex on the state of motor and cognitive functions in extrapyramidal pathology
Q47831492Effects of transient and prolonged flashing light stimulation on the cytochrome oxidase module system in layer IV of the primary visual cortex of kittens.
Q81548551Effects of vibrissae removal on search accuracy in the water maze
Q84379901Effects of vibrissectomy during early postnatal ontogenesis in rat pups on behavioral development
Q45508025Effects of visual deprivation on the development of auditory sensitivity during formation of the freezing reaction in pied flycatcher nestlings
Q84655477Effects of visual environment complexity on saccade performance in humans with different functional asymmetry profiles
Q48191738Effects of weak electromagnetic irradiation on various types of behavior in the mealworm Tenebrio molitor.
Q44613851Effects of weightlessness and movement restriction on the structure and metabolism of the soleus muscle in monkeys after space flight
Q69431867Efferent connections of various parts of the orbitofrontal cortex with the thalamic structures of the cat
Q49112309Efferent innervation of the cervical segment of the trachea in early postnatal ontogenesis
Q46271867Efficacy and safety of galantamine (reminyl) for dementia in patients with Parkinson's disease (an open controlled trial).
Q45973827Efficacy and safety of memantine in Lewy body dementia.
Q37476907Efficacy and safety of prolonged immunomodulatory treatment with interferon beta
Q128495320Efficacy of Botulinum Therapy in Correcting the Level of Pain Syndrome and Quality of Life in Patients with Cervical Dystonia
Q128749864Efficacy of Reslip (doxylamine) in Acute Insomnia: A Multicenter, Open, Comparative, Randomized Trial
Q42947318Efficacy of akatinol memantine in moderate cognitive impairments
Q80343016Efficacy of neuroprotectors in patients with tension headaches
Q51744645Efficacy of topiramate (Topamax) in epileptic patients of different ages.
Q43261072Efficacy of transcranial magnetotherapy in the complex treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Q72079567Eicosapolyynoic acids, inhibitors of lipoxygenases, weaken the short-term plasticity of cholinoreceptors of neurons of the edible snail
Q48867169Electrical activity of isolated rabbit cerebral cortex after direct application of acetylcholine
Q71334555Electrical activity of the chick embryo brain during development of stable rearrangements of movement
Q54754330Electrical activity of the cortex and reaction times to auditory signals and light stimuli.
Q48831453Electrical activity of the hippocampus of rats with the central administration of GABA agonists and antagonists
Q70215788Electrical activity of the visual cortex under conditions of change in the levels of monoamines in the brain of animals
Q68837600Electrical conductivity of acupuncture points of the face in odontogenic affections of the trigeminal nerve
Q48489516Electrical phenomena in the telencephalon of the pigeon during pecking
Q48536964Electrical stimulation of the brain in Wilson-Konovalov hepatocerebral dystrophy (a neuromorphological and neurophysiological analysis).
Q51242137Electrical stimulation of the claustrum and conditioned-reflex activity.
Q68661218Electrical transmission between symmetrical neurons in leech ganglia
Q34487517Electroconvulsive shock induces neuron death in the mouse hippocampus: correlation of neurodegeneration with convulsive activity
Q57821261Electroencephalogram Changes in Patients Undergoing On-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Q48945883Electroencephalographic analysis of a conditioned reflex to time
Q48410241Electroencephalographic and vegetative correlates of the mental reproduction of emotional states
Q71945819Electroencephalographic correlates of neurological disturbances at remote periods of the effect of ionizing radiation (Sequelae of the Chernobyl' NPP accident)
Q52224046Electroencephalographic study of relationships between the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in monkeys during delayed spatial choice.
Q128989256Electrographic Correlates of Predictions of the Time Course of Events
Q128903261Electrographic Properties of Movement-Related Potentials
Q52043802Electrographic correlates of "internal states" evoked by positive conditioned stimuli during operant training in dogs.
Q81574587Electrographic correlates of adequate and erroneous responses evoked by conditioned signals of different functional signs during operant learning in dogs
Q48175635Electrographic manifestation of drowsiness in the isolated cat cortex
Q73393729Electromyographic activity of the respiratory muscles in hyperbaric conditions
Q72833698Electromyographic investigations of tremor in aquanauts during simulated immersions
Q70002164Electron cytochemistry of acid phosphatase in giant neurons of the mollusk Tritonia diomedia
Q73090840Electron microscopic characteristics of the dorsomedial nucleus of the amygdaloid body of the brain
Q79991401Electron microscopic characterization of neurons in the anterior part of the amygdaloid body of the rat brain
Q39561117Electron microscopic study of the rat cerebral cortex, impregnated by the Golgi method
Q52074169Electron-cytochemical study of acetylcholinesterase in the cerebral cortex in Alzheimer's disease.
Q46837682Electron-microscopic characteristics of neuroendocrine neurons in the amygdaloid body of the brain in male rats and female rats at different stages of the estral cycle
Q48724560Electron-microscopic investigation of pathologic inclusions in neuron mitochondria during retrograde degeneration
Q48200501Electrooculogram detection of eye movements on gaze displacement
Q57821240Electrophysiological Parameters and the Possibility of Increasing Imaginal Creativity Using Monetary Rewards
Q68711097Electrophysiological analysis of efferent neurons of cat associative parietal cortex
Q48896843Electrophysiological analysis of the conditioned reflex activity of cats during thirst
Q48504515Electrophysiological analysis of the morphofunctional organization of the limbic control of magnocellular neurosecretory nuclei in the rat hypothalamus
Q48214078Electrophysiological and behavioral changes after destruction of the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus in rats
Q69728032Electrophysiological and clinical importance of early and late components of the winking reflex and their role in diagnosis
Q39100466Electrophysiological characteristics of a population of mushroom body neurons in Apis Mellifera honeybees in kynurenine deficiency
Q72873426Electrophysiological characteristics of crayfish inhibitory
Q46113554Electrophysiological characteristics of depressive states in rats with passive strategies of adaptive behavior
Q48771706Electrophysiological characterization of the functional state of the brain in mental disturbances in workers involved in the clean-up following the Chernobyl atomic energy station accident
Q52301405Electrophysiological correlates of habituation and conditioning
Q71113216Electrophysiological correlates of slow periodicity of cardiac rhythm
Q39620003Electrophysiological investigation of cortico-hypothalamic relations in cats
Q71311615Electrophysiological investigation of hippocampal-hypothalamic connections in rabbits
Q48626439Electrophysiological investigation of hippocampo-pallidal connections in cats
Q71311604Electrophysiological investigation of hypothalamo-neocortical connections in Macaca mulatta
Q68673897Electrophysiological investigation of natural sleep and waking in turtles and hens
Q68564766Electrophysiological investigation of the hippocampal projections to the neurosecretory cells of the supraoptic nucleus of the rat hypothalamus
Q52257312Electrophysiological manifestations of the monoaminergic systems' effects on the cerebral cortex.
Q51964596Electrophysiological studies of texture recognition mechanisms.
Q44613883Electrophysiological studies of the effects of 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine on the acquisition of a conditioned defensive reflex in snails
Q46064455Electrophysiological studies of the effects of chronic administration of caffeine on the formation of a conditioned defensive reflex in the common snail
Q48187767Electrophysiological study of reticulo-limbic interrelationships during prolonged action of vibration
Q69657162Electrotonic synapses in the spinal cord of mammals
Q44587031Elimination of granular cells after intrahippocampal colchicine injection causing disappearance of evoked potentials and deterioration of development of the conditioned avoidance reflex in rats
Q48920142Embryonic morphogenesis of the human pituitary
Q71525058Emotional stress and extracardiac regulation
Q48493500Emotionality and the temporospatial organization of instantaneous EEG potentials
Q44005242Encoding of conditioned reflex activity in different directions by neurons in the monkey striatum
Q48189359Encoding of stimulus movement parameters in the cat visual system
Q44667699Endogenous dopamine modulates corticopallidal influences via GABA.
Q48712476Endogenous regulators of long-term potentiation and depression in rat olfactory cortex slices
Q52253061Endoneural mechanisms of reinforcement
Q48277752Enhanced development of conditioned reaction during stimulation of amygdaloid complex in rats
Q81139155Ephaptic feedback in identified synapses in mollusk neurons
Q44629094Episodic schizophrenia with a regressive course with marked and sustained remission in old age
Q69110839Equilibrium potentials of the postsynaptic membrane of frog tonic fibers during changes in the extracellular ionic medium
Q33155186Errors in the differential diagnosis of various types of nonepileptic paroxysms in the initial period of their occurrence
Q44318743Estimation of the significance of the extrema of correlation functions of impulse sequences
Q48900456Estrogen-dependent changes in DNA synthesis in rat adenohypophyseal cells
Q48905788Estrogens as dopamine modulators in the regulation of pituitary gonadotropic function
Q51382301Ethanol modulates the ionic permeability of sodium channels in rat sensory neurons.
Q57953485Event-Related Spectral EEG Power on Presentation of Pseudowords and Words of the “Animate” and “Inanimate” Categories
Q44327722Evidence of existence of two independent components of the potassium current in the node-of-Ranvier membrane of the frogRana Vidibunda
Q48462774Evoked activity in the hypothalamus and amygdala of the cat in conditions of food-related motivation and emotional tension
Q70703020Evoked brain potentials and errors of perception
Q48960225Evoked brain potentials in adolescents in normal conditions and in attention deficit during solution of tasks requiring recognition of short-duration acoustic stimuli
Q49135846Evoked cerebral cortex activity in the human brain in conditions of the active and passive perception of facial expressions
Q48437050Evoked electrical responses of nucleus lateralis posterior of the rabbit thalamus and their dependence upon the functional state of the cortex and reticular formation
Q46936253Evoked motor response thresholds during transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with symptomatic partial epilepsy
Q48399213Evoked potentials from the posterior associative cerebral cortex among psychopathic individuals in response to human facial images
Q49089326Evoked potentials in the cat inferior colliculus during exposure to signals simulating movement of sound sources at different speeds in opposite directions
Q48214060Evoked potentials in the midbrain reticular formation of the rabbit during formation of a dominant focus
Q48874385Evoked potentials in the neocortical projection areas of dogs trained for a short-delay, defensive instrumental conditioned reflex
Q48369497Evoked potentials in the rabbit visual cortex reflect changes in line orientation and intensity
Q48197326Evoked potentials in the sensomotor cortex during the avoidance reaction in dogs
Q70920438Evoked potentials to light during aging
Q71121593Evoked responses of pyramidal tract neurons to stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus
Q48260342Evoked responses of the superior olive to amplitude-modulated signals
Q48693343Evoked responses to electrical stimulation of the facial nerve in the medulla and mesencephalon of Cyprinus carpio
Q48258779Evoked synchronization/desynchronization of cortical electrical activity in response to facial stimuli during formation of a set to an emotionally negative expression
Q41533683Evolution of the mechanisms of connection between neurons: Electrical, mixed, and chemical synapses
Q93637569Evolutionary and genetic problems of animal and human behavior
Q35888157Evolutionary aspects of the compensation for the functions of the damaged spinal cord
Q72139666Excitatory and inhibitory monosynaptic peptidergic transmissions in the Cns of the snail Helix pomatia
Q71630842Excitatory interactions in neuronal networks which include cells of the auditory cortex and the medial geniculate body
Q39897034Excretion of catecholamines and tryptophan derivatives in schizophrenia
Q129918018Experience in Continuous Neurobiocontrol Using fMRI Signals from the Primary Motor Cortex Using a 1.5-T MR Tomograph
Q34831391Experience in the use of Actovegin in the treatment of patients with cognitive disorders in the acute period of stroke
Q43208527Experience in the use of the anticonvulsant pregabalin as an add-on therapy in patients with partial epilepsy with polymorphic seizures
Q46165559Experience of the out-patient use of memotropil in the treatment of cognitive disorders in patients with chronic progressive cerebrovascular disorders
Q46113546Experience of the use of velaxin (venlafaxine) in anxious depression
Q127374018Experimental Approaches to the Study of Behavioral Impairments Associated with Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol
Q48303430Experimental analysis of the processes of systems genesis: expression of the c-fos gene in the chick brain during treatments inducing the development of the species-specific results-of-action acceptor
Q48746936Experimental and morphological study of cortical connections of the red nucleus
Q40997004Experimental aspects of the cns-insular system
Q41917463Experimental encephalitis in monkeys caused by the Powassan virus
Q52074898Experimental modeling of cellular mechanisms of some psychopathological syndromes.
Q51976326Experimental studies of the ability of ants to add and subtract small numbers.
Q73228659Experimentally induced actin depolymerization disrupts the adaptive state of neurons
Q41995636Experiments on the use of hormones of the posterior pituitary in memory disorders of various genesis
Q48874700Expression of early gene proteins, structural changes in brain neurons in hypobaric hypoxia, and the correcting effects of preconditioning
Q38357097Expression of early genes in the rat brain after administration of corticoliberin into the neostriatum
Q129140783Expression of mGluR2/3 Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors in the Ventrolateral Part of the Solitary Tract Nucleus in Rats During the Early Postnatal Period in Health and in Prenatal Serotonin Deficiency
Q47680789Expression of the bcl-2 protein in the developing human brain.
Q42526602Expression of the c-Fos gene in the rat hypothalamus in electrical pain stimulation and UHF stimulation of the skin
Q48653358Expression of the c-fos gene during emotional stress in rats: the clocking effect of delta sleep-inducing peptide
Q48850090Expression of the c-fos gene in spinal cord and brain cells in rats subjected to stress in conditions of exposure to various types of halothane anesthesia
Q48674872Expression of the c-fos gene in the mouse brain during the acquisition of defensive behavior habits
Q74256832Expression of the startle reaction in rats genetically predisposed towards different types of defensive behavior
Q46483117External acetylcholinesterase of the brain in the ontogenesis of maturely and immaturely born rodents
Q48430782Extinction of a conditioned defensive reflex in cats after lesioning of the entopeduncular nucleus
Q48275775Extracellular citrulline levels in the nucleus accumbens during the acquisition and extinction of a classical conditioned reflex with pain reinforcement
Q33893498Extraembryonic motor activity during the embryogenesis of higher vertebrates
Q48471456Eye movements in the cat evoked by electrical stimulation of the outer geniculate body
Q48563050Eye-rotation-induced spatial reorganization of horizontal connections in field 17 of the cat cortex.
Q40765105Facilitation of defense reactions during the consumption of food in snails: the participation of glucose and gastrin/cholecystokinin-like peptide
Q52165358Facilitation of transmission via inhibitory pathway 1a to spinal extensor motoneurons in response to stimulation of the forelimb nerves in cats.
Q54107053Factor analysis of rat behavior in an open field test.
Q48128590Factor of selectivity in organization of complex behavior in primates
Q40080602Facts and reflections on thalamocortical reverberation of impulses
Q72763375Fall in the firing rate of muscle spindles during stretching
Q68284597Family formation by patients with schizophrenia and manic-depressive psychosis based on the results of an epidemiological study of birth rates
Q53688866Fast and slow fibers in human muscles.
Q126411698Feature Binding in the Visual Modality Depends on Attention: Analysis of Mismatch Negativity
Q48708826Features distinguishing commissural connections of different areas of the cat visual cortex
Q129719866Features of Behavioral Changes Accompanied by Decreases in Corticosterone Levels in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Experimental Application of Novel Models and Test Methods
Q128581475Features of Decision-Making in Patients with Alcohol Dependence
Q52218006Features of active avoidance learning in rats with streptozotocin diabetes.
Q52238226Features of associative learning of small isolated neurons of the edible snail.
Q45924286Features of central neurotransmission in animals in conditions of dietary magnesium deficiency and after its correction.
Q52239759Features of formation of conditioned responses in isolated LPa3 neuron of the edible snail.
Q48941147Features of glial growth in tissue cultures of rat cerebral cortex
Q48602047Features of motor cortex neuron responses to specific stimulation in old rabbits
Q52109123Features of participation of spatial memory in choice reactions of white rats.
Q68017639Features of stuttering preschool children
Q114224575Features of the Development and Analysis of Impairments to Social Behavior and Cognitive Functions in Animals with Experimental Alzheimer’s Disease
Q126426337Features of the Dynamics of the Human EEG Spectrum at a Constant Level of Acute Hypoxia
Q49083458Features of the architectonics of motor speech fields of the brain of gifted people in relation to the study of the individual variability of the structure of the human brain
Q43817077Features of the behavioral reactions of rats during exposure to constant electrical fields of varied intensities
Q48763372Features of the coordinated activity functionally identified neurons in the hypothalamus in different motivational-emotional states
Q48487505Features of the electrical reactions of the sensorimotor cortex to real and mental movement in left-handed and ambidextrous individuals with speech disorders at age six to seven years
Q48871754Features of the ensemble organization of the human cerebral cortex from birth to 20 years of age.
Q48559458Features of the establishment of the spontaneous activity of neurons of the trigeminal sensory nuclei of viable sections of the rat brainstem in postnatal ontogenesis
Q48595908Features of the expression of the c-Fos gene along the rostrocaudal axis of the hippocampus in common voles after rapid training to solve a spatial task.
Q72153708Features of the parkinsonian syndrome induced experimentally by a deficit of nigrostriatal dopamine and stimulation of cholinergic neurons of the caudate nuclei
Q48354446Features of the spike activity of globus pallidus neurons and pallido-thalamic functional interactions during targeted verbally cued movements in humans
Q77420814Features of the structural organization of neuron groups in functionally different zones of the human cerebral cortex from birth to the age of 20 years
Q46187662Features of the systemic organization of cortical neurons with different forms of the manifestation of a conditioned reflex to time
Q48874770Features of the ultrastructure of the cerebellar cortex during postnatal development of animals under conditions of protein-energy insufficiency and subsequent rehabilitation
Q49131259Feeding and defensive conditioned reflexes to electrical stimulation of different formations of the limbic system
Q43694390Firing pattern of amygdaloid neurons of unrestrained rats during predatory aggression and food-getting behavior
Q73237310Focal reorganization of the synaptic pool of the molecular layer of the cerebellum during ischemia
Q52206118Food-procuring behavior of rats under the conditions of chronic activation and blockade of the neostriatal dopaminergic system.
Q38592778Formation and development of temporary connections involving unperceived and perceived acoustic stimuli
Q52217630Formation and interaction of memory traces of the results of action in animals with free choice of the direction of locomotion.
Q41558970Formation and realization of individual experience
Q80514844Formation and structural organization of the barrier on the outer surface of the brain
Q44344172Formation of AP-1 transcription factors during learning in Helix
Q42170240Formation of C/EBP transcription factors and possible pathways for controlling their activity during learning in Helix
Q52293585Formation of a motor food-getting conditioned reflex with two-way connection inHelix lucorum
Q42672755Formation of behavioral pathology in female C57BL/6J mice exposed to prolonged negative psychoemotional conditions
Q44116860Formation of cellular analog of instrumental reflex on identified Lymnaea stagnalis neurons in response to automatic intracellular electrical stimulation
Q51942716Formation of cognitive structures in conditioned-reflex behavior in monkeys: Relationship with type of visual information.
Q48471423Formation of connections between the raphe nuclei and hippocampus in tissue culture (intra vitam functional-morphological investigations).
Q71334557Formation of evoked potentials in cat orbital cortex during prenatal ontogeny
Q48101984Formation of hypothalamic regulation of the gonadotropic function of the hypophysis under the conditions of hypoinsulinemia in rats
Q81719072Formation of locomotor patterns in decerebrate cats in conditions of epidural stimulation of the spinal cord
Q69846708Formation of serotoninergic and GABAergic mechanisms of synaptic transmission in the cat neocortex during early ontogenesis
Q48450378Formation of spatial memory in rats with ischemic lesions to the prefrontal cortex; effects of a synthetic analog of ACTH(4-7).
Q52289945Formation of stable shifts of systemic arterial pressure in controlled experiments with feedback.
Q71334536Formation of structures of the cochlear complex, olfactory bulbs, and cerebellum during postnatal development in rats
Q48922590Formation of taste aversion and preference in protein synthesis inhibition in rats
Q46933562Formation of the astroglia in the mouse neocortex after temporary prenatal blockade of serotonin synthesis
Q52249581Formation of the behavioral act: problem of intrasystemic heterochronia.
Q48970003Formation of the conditioned reflexes to a complex signal in ontogenesis under alternate choice conditions
Q48563032Formation of the neocortex in mice developing in conditions of prenatal serotonin deficiency
Q80018633Formation of the neocortex in rats after prenatal hypoxia
Q48665654Formation of the structural and functional organization of the paleo-, archi- and neocortex in premammalian phylogeny
Q48563067Formation of the structural and ultrastructural organization of the striatum in early postnatal ontogenesis of rats in altered conditions of embryonic development
Q40247361Formation of tonic and phasic type reactions in segmental interneurons
Q52297394Forward and backward connections during combination of indifferent stimuli.
Q73936788Fragmentary control of vestibuloocular responses
Q48620989Free-radical lipid oxidation in the brains of active and passive rats during the development of post-stress depression
Q51112588Frequency characteristics of EEG spectra in the emotions.
Q69741252Frequency modulation of the neuronal theta bursts in the rabbit's septum deprived of ascending afferent input
Q61920634Frequency of the Alpha Activity Spectral Peak and Psychopathological Symptoms in Schizophrenia
Q48595897Frequency-amplitude characteristics of the EEG at different levels of consciousness
Q48493513Frequency-spatial organization of brain electrical activity in creative verbal thought: the role of the gender factor
Q37603111From communication signals to human language and thought: evolution or revolution?
Q37209627From gene to aggressive behavior: the role of brain serotonin
Q35939160From physiological theory to psychological facts (celebrating the 100th anniversary of I. P. Pavlov's Madrid speech).
Q71113242Fronto-striatal relationships in primate ontogeny
Q44800161Frontostriatal relationships on normal and pathological aging of the human brain
Q46392100Function of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenal system in mice with ectopic hyperproduction of the agouti protein
Q42170260Function of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical system during ontogenesis in rats with inherited stress-induced arterial hypertension
Q57681139Functional Asymmetry of the Cerebral Hemispheres: Its Role in the Pathogenesis of Ectromelia and Melanoma in (CBAxC57BL/6)F1 Mice
Q128948422Functional Neuroimaging of Speech-Related Brain Structures in Health and in Poststroke Aphasia
Q61142860Functional Segregation of Parts of the “Sensorimotor Complex” of the Human Cerebral Cortex by Magnetoencephalography
Q114904879Functional Studies of the Primary Auditory Cortex in the Cat
Q127461712Functional and Anatomical Connectivity of the Brain in Poststroke Aphasia
Q48628824Functional asymmetry of the animal brain
Q45721941Functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres in clinical types of schizophrenia
Q48515022Functional asymmetry of the frontal cortex and lateral hypothalamus of cats during an operant food-related conditioned reflex
Q43119314Functional characteristics of serotonin 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors in the brain and the expression of the 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptor genes in aggressive and non-aggressive rats
Q52437001Functional characteristics of stretch receptors of flight apparatus of cockroach Periplaneta americana
Q51941299Functional characteristics of the associative areas of the cortex involved in visual information discrimination learning processes in monkeys.
Q52248122Functional characteristics of the developing brain after early postnatal neuroimmunization in rats: behavioral analysis.
Q44652619Functional characteristics of the hippocampus after visual deafferentation in early ontogeny
Q73936773Functional characteristics of the input-output correlation in the vestibular nuclear complex of the frog
Q44364660Functional characteristics of the mature and developing brain following neuroimmunization: analysis of short-term plasticity in the rat hippocampus
Q41287123Functional conjugation of cerebral cortex neurons and signal meaning of the stimulus (based on hypothesis of informational switching-over of conditioned activity).
Q41641981Functional details of the basal ganglia as related to the spatial organization of their fibers in cortex and thalamus
Q48675871Functional electrostimulation of muscles as a method for restoring motor functions
Q48100943Functional features of receptive fields of neurons in the posterotemporal cortex of the cat
Q48460203Functional importance of alpha-activity in the visual cortex during recognition of images and movement
Q48721548Functional interactions of the suprachiasmatic nuclei and the hippocampus during the acquisition and recovery of a conditioned reflex to time in rats
Q51751138Functional interneuronal connections in the motor cortex of alert and anesthetized cats.
Q48504498Functional mapping of the motor cortex of the white mouse by a microstimulation method
Q42027679Functional maturation of the visula cortex during prenatal development of the cat.
Q122145828Functional organization of exteroceptive projections in the forebrain of the turtle
Q48657840Functional organization of local neural networks in the cat neocortex. Relationship to the level of food motivation
Q48413274Functional organization of sleep states in normal and brain-damaged infants
Q67983852Functional organization of the callosal connections of the cat auditory cortex
Q48329585Functional organization of the posterior lateral nucleus of the rat thalamus
Q48504596Functional rearrangements in the human brain during emotional self-regulation with biological feedback
Q93637574Functional rearrangements of the ultrastructure of the giant (Retzius') neuron of the medicinal leech and possible role of Ca++ ions in these processes
Q48275793Functional regional asymmetry in intrahemisphere coherencein the EEG during conditioning in dogs
Q69431835Functional regulation of activity of rat hippocampus neurons transplanted into rabbit septum
Q70181721Functional role of processes of an identified neuron in Helix pomatia
Q48559484Functional role of the neurospecific S-100 protein in the processes of memory
Q42166428Functional role of the retino-tecto-thalamo-cortical system in rats
Q46806965Functional roles of the monoaminergic and aminoacidergic mechanisms of the dorsal pallidum in anxiety of different aversive origins
Q73957996Functional state of segmental motoneurons in Wilson-Konovalov hepatocerebral dystrophy
Q48825099Functional state of the CNS at extremal levels of spatial synchronization of spontaneous neocortical potentials in rabbits
Q69762047Functional state of the autonomic nervous system in patients with euthyroid and thyrotoxic goiter
Q48283683Functional state of the pituitary-thyroid and pituitary-adrenal systems in normal pregnancy and pregnancy with late toxemia
Q35871639Functional systems theory and the probabilistic prediction of behavior
Q35871635Functional systems theory: a new approach to the question of the integration of physiological processes in the body
Q48963528Functional transswitching of dominant motivation in the systemic organization of behavioral acts
Q48664994Functional-statistical analysis of action potentials in the multineuronal activity of the brain of awake cats
Q47641032Functions of peptide CNP4, encoded by the HCS2 gene, in the nervous system of Helix lucorum
Q70144931Functions of the hypophyseal-adrenocortical system after application of supraphysiological doses of corticosteroids in rabbits
Q48354357Functions of the hypophysis-gonad and hypophysis-adrenal cortex systems during repeated administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the postnatal period
Q49135710Functions of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenal system in aging in female monkeys
Q46790818Gaba- and serotonin-immunoreactive structures and ca(2+)-binding protein in the neocortex of the reeler mouse mutant.
Q48166374Gender differences in interhemisphere interactions during distributed and directed attention
Q57821284Gender-Related Differences in Changes in the Coherence of Cortical Biopotentials during Image-Based Creative Thought: Relationship with Action Efficacy
Q51584180Gender-related characteristics of responding to prolonged psychoemotional stress in mice.
Q129970843Gene Polymorphisms Associated with Sleep and Cognitive Functions and Their Associations with Accident Proneness in Shift-Working Bus Drivers
Q48403022General laws for the formation of the state of monotony
Q48786243General physiology of the brain. Compensatory reorganization of the SI zone of the cat neocortex
Q72988744Generalised and signal-specific long-term nociceptive sensitization in the common snail
Q43551900Generalized post-tetanic changes in excitatory postsynaptic and acetylcholine-evoked currents in neurons in the common snail
Q121356900Generation of action potentials in intermediate muscle fibers of frogs
Q70612088Genetic analysis of right- and left-handedness in the house mouse (Mus musculus L.).
Q39115056Genetic approaches to the study of memory in insects
Q41508051Genetic aspects of the mechanisms of learning
Q80514851Genetic determination of neurophysiological mechanisms of cortical-subcortical integration of bioelectrical brain activity
Q74256836Genetic differences in the synthesis and reception of noradrenaline in the mouse brain and behavior in a novel environment
Q71041528Genetic features of the spatial organization of the human cerebral cortex
Q46126880Genetically determined predisposition to convulsions as the result of a generalized defect in the metabolism of catecholamines in the central nervous system
Q46194340Genotype-dependent characteristics of behavior in mice in cognitive tests. The effects of Noopept.
Q51915871Gestational hypothyroxinemia and cognitive function in offspring.
Q58202031Glial Reaction of the Subventricular Zone of the Telencephalon of the Rat Brain on Modeling of Alzheimer’s Disease
Q33222605Glial fibrillary acidic protein in astrocytes in the human neocortex
Q48458947Glutamate decarboxylase activity in the pituitary in the presence of a change in the corticotropin level in the rat organism
Q49160694Glutamate dehydrogenase activity in motor cortex neurons during recovery of impaired visual function
Q48602069Glutamate levels in the nucleus accumbens in a conditioned emotional response
Q46961601Glutamate receptor autoantibody concentrations in children with chronic post-traumatic headache
Q46933547Glutamate release in the nucleus accumbens during competitive presentation of aversive and appetitive stimuli
Q46496725Glutamatergic regulation of extracellular citrulline levels in the nucleus accumbens during an emotional conditioned reflex
Q39519471Gnostic micronets of cortical neurons
Q121074863Growth and transformation of embryonic ependyma in tissue culture
Q128952895Habituation of Somatosensory Event-Related Potentials in Subthreshold Rhythmic (1 Hz) Electrocutaneous Stimulation of the Arm during the Slow-Wave Stage of Daytime Sleep
Q52251154Habituation of command neurons against the background of introducing an analogue of vasopressin in snails.
Q52236995Habituation of completely isolated neurons of the edible snail to electrical stimulation.
Q52056274Habituation of horizontal nystagmus of the eyes in pigeons in conditions of alternating central and eccentric rotations.
Q45288753Hazard functions and expected spike density functions for neuron spike activity in the cochlear nucleus of the cat.
Q52482727Head receptors controlling wing muscle activity in the dragonflyAeschna grandis
Q118176211Hearing and Dementia: Is There a Connection?
Q46835803Hematological parameters in wistar rats in conditions of stress and treatment with heparin.
Q68052106Hemispheric asymmetry of food-getting behavior of mice in a multiple-choice symmetrical maze
Q54345889Hemodynamics in emotional responses and in emotional stress.
Q48374516Heterochronous involvement of neurotrophic factors in the neurochemical organization of learning and memory processes in adult organisms
Q48673107Heterogeneity of neurocyte response in various brain segments to repeated ultrahigh frequency irradiation
Q52308909Heterogeneity of the neuron membrane of Helix pomatia and its possible role in the organization of receptive fields
Q46194345Heterosynaptic potentiation of cholinergic excitatory postsynaptic responses of command neurons in the common snail
Q126412818Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Epileptogenesis
Q48945846Hippocampal electrical activity under instrumental choice conditions
Q48493495Hippocampal field Ca3 neurons in animals of different typological groups exposed to emotiogenic stimuli
Q52011039Hippocampal mossy fibers in Alzheimer's disease.
Q41818944Hippocampal pathology as a possible factor in the pathogenesis of senile dementias
Q44196196Histochemical and morphological changes in various regions of the rat hippocampus in swimming-induced stress
Q71573028Histochemical method for investigating the activity of monoamine oxidase A and B in the brain
Q71411097Histochemistry of choline acetyltransferase in the spinal cord and spinal ganglia of the cat
Q71334539Histofluorescence study of catecholaminergic cells of the mammalian autonomic nervous system
Q48354457Histological identification of Lugaro cells in the cat cerebellum
Q48935297Holographic homologies of biological motivation in the systemic organization of behavioral acts
Q48825077Homogeneous (food) conditioned reflex switching in rats after simultaneous injury to the hippocampus and amygdala
Q69793177Homotopic transplantation of embryonal neocortex tissue into damaged brains of adult rats
Q70921126Horizontal optokinetic nystagmus in the pigeon during static tilts in the frontal plane
Q127703327Hormonal and Behavioral Characteristics of Prenatally Stressed Female Rats in an Experimental Model of Depression
Q72141587Hormonal changes during experimental hypothalamic obesity in rats
Q72715802Hormonal control of the expression of a portion of the mitochondrial genome in animal cells
Q72610483Hormonal regulation of electrical properties of cell membrane
Q127704046How Can We Defend Free Will Conceptually?
Q41765938Human evoked potentials during perception of simple and complex visual stimuli
Q52251835Humoral link in the mechanism of formation of the food refusal conditioned response in the snail.
Q69463431Hydrogen ion role in active transport of potassium and sodium through neuron membranes in the snailHelix pomatia
Q44941589Hyperbaric oxygenation in comprehensive treatment of parkinsonism
Q81603860Hyperexcitability of neurons in field CAL1 evoked by transient episodes of hypoxia in hippocampal slices from rats of different ages
Q48595843Hyperexcitability of pyramidal neurons in field CA1 in hippocampal slices from rats evoked by episodes of hypoxia: the roles of GABAA and GABAB receptors
Q48136477Hyperoxic vasoconstriction in the brain is mediated by inactivation of nitric oxide by superoxide anions
Q48175653Hypnosis in man and very slow brain electrical activity
Q73274703Hypoglycemic effect of stresses and their use for the experimental prophylaxis of diabetes mellitus
Q46392089Hypothalamic monoamines in cold stress on the background of changes in the activity of the nitric oxide system
Q48786221Hypothalamic monoamines in the postnatal ontogenesis of rats
Q48434701Hypothalamic nonapeptidergic regulation of cell and tissue homeostasis: interactions of pro- and eukaryotes
Q48399219Hypothalamic self-stimulation in cats exposed to a hyperbaric environment
Q52297389Hypothalamic unit activity during defensive conditioning.
Q48750440Hypothalamo-hypophyseal neurosecretory system in Rana temporaria in early ontogenesis
Q70460204Hypothalamo-hypophyseal-gonadal function in boys with irregular puberty
Q48787848I. P. Pavlov's theory of higher nervous activity: landmarks and developmental trends
Q52255820I. S. Beritashvili's theoretical concepts in the physiology of higher nervous activity.
Q72715799Identification and characterization of the binding properties of steroid hormone receptors in the nuclear fraction of adenomas of the human prostate gland
Q47070290Identification of Drosophila mutant with memory defects after acquisition of conditioned reflex suppression of courtship
Q51131779Identification of a latent state arising in the hippocampus following the cessation of long-term potentiation.
Q70531561Identification of muscle spindles by direct and indirect electrical stimulation of intrafusal muscle fibers
Q42947314Identification of the Minimal Dose of Na2EDTA Able to Stimulate Respiration in Rats during Hypothermia
Q72529654Identified neuronal individuals in the buccal ganglia of Helix pomatia
Q48033663Identity of the acetylcholine, adrenalin and serotonin receptors
Q73090881Image features selected by neurons of the cat primary visual cortex
Q69576843Image perception during variation in display time
Q52090295Imagotherapy as a method of rehabilitation in neuroses and mental diseases.
Q40358183Immobility and hyperthermia in the tail suspension test: association with the Porsolt test and the reflex startle reaction in 11 inbred mouse strains and the effects of genetic knockout of MAO A.
Q129574948Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome and Rebound Syndrome on Withdrawal of Immunomodulatory Drugs for Multiple Sclerosis: Current Understanding and a Case Report
Q52182420Immunization against monoamine oxidase slows extinction of a conditioned active escape reflex in rats.
Q44871541Immunization of rats with conjugates of dopamine and serotonin with bovine serum albumin prevents the development of experimental MPTP-induced depressive syndrome (electrophysiological parameters).
Q40247391Immunochemical characterization of adenohypophyseal cells producing adrenocorticotrophic hormone
Q48947891Immunochemical identification of vasopressin in neurons and granule-containing cells of blood vessels of the human brain
Q80238660Immunocytochemical characteristics of neurons in the stellate ganglion of the sympathetic trunk in mice during postnatal ontogenesis
Q81603876Immunocytochemical detection of astrocytes in brain slices in combination with Nissl staining
Q48424094Immunocytochemical detection of brain neurons using the selective marker NeuN.
Q44260169Immunocytochemical detection of neuronal NO synthase in rat brain cells.
Q43220336Immunocytochemical detection of tissue antigens after prolonged storage of specimens in methylsalicylate.
Q57722375Immunohistochemical analysis of lens cells on formation of different types of age-related cataract in humans
Q48378323Immunohistochemical characteristics of the hypophysis in normal conditions and chronic stress.
Q46936251Immunohistochemical detection of the activation of CREB and c-Fos transcription factors in the nervous system of the terrestrial snail induced by pentylenetetrazole
Q30882985Immunohistochemical studies of the structural bases of inhibition in the central cerebellar nuclei in mice
Q48874342Immunoreactive luteinizing hormone in the CNS and peripheral tissues of hypophysectomized rats
Q43656617Impairment of learning the voluntary control of posture in patients with cortical lesions of different locations: the cortical mechanisms of pose regulation.
Q36733693Impairment of memory and attention in the elderly
Q48214025Impairment of memory and visual-spatial orientation in children with brain contusions and compressions in the acute period of trauma
Q52002627Impairments in premorbid knowledge recall in patients with hemispheric and intraventricular brain damage.
Q42477818Impairments in working memory and decision-taking processes in monkeys in a model of Alzheimer's disease
Q71334626Impairments of the nervous system in premature infants in "conjugational" jaundices
Q126652532Impairments to Visuomotor Functions on Development of MPTP-Induced Parkinsonism-Like Syndrome in Monkeys
Q58202054Implantation of embryonal brain tissue into regenerating peripheral nerve
Q52204049Improvement of retrieval in a system of conditioned reflexes elaborated in rats placed under the action of ACTH4-7 during ontogeny.
Q126660247Improvements in the Recognition of Sounds after Presentation during Sleep
Q52167289Improvements in the selective perception and training of rats using an original analog of the C-terminal fragment of vasopressin.
Q48489532Impulse activity of medulla oblongata in rats in response to stimulation of taste receptors and visceral chemoreceptors
Q68015976Impulse activity of mesencephalic neurons on nociceptive stimulation in awake rats
Q48716644Impulse activity of neurons of the brainstem reticular formation after functional (cold) disconnection of the temporal neocortex
Q48520472Impulse activity of neurons of the parietal associative cortex in conditioned instrumental food-procuring behavior of cats
Q52031803In vivo investigation of genome activity and synaptic plasticity of neurons in snails during learning.
Q54143982Inactivation kinetics of sensory neuron sodium channels depend on the type of hydrogen ion buffer.
Q38316494Inactivation of C/EBP transcription factors specifically affects the synaptic plasticity of a common snail neuron
Q70737177Incorporation of [3H]estradiol into elements of tanicytic and ciliary ependyma of third ventricle of brain in vitro
Q43854077Incorporation of labeled sex hormones into the ependyma of the mediobasal hypothalamus after intraperitoneal and intraventricular injection into rats
Q48459971Increase in excitability of cortical nonspecific structures in the presence of a decreased level of influences from the brainstem reticular formation
Q44871529Increased glutamate release into the intercellular space of the nucleus accumbens (N. accumbens) during substitution of food reinforcement with aversive or neutral stimuli
Q51075674Increases in glutamate release in the nucleus accumbens in rats with lesions to the hippocampal formation during an emotional conditioned response.
Q73228680Increases in the threshold for the development of epileptiform activity in field CA1 of Krushinskii-Molodnika rat hippocampal slices as an adaptive protective mechanism
Q47774095Increasing the activity of the neostriatum cholinergic system alters an established type of motor behavior in animals
Q69431840Indices of free-radical oxidation of lipids and antiradical protection of the brain--neurochemical correlates of development of the general adaptation syndrome
Q53740796Indices of the endocrine function of the gonads at the initial stages of postnatal ontogenesis of female sable.
Q73683911Indirect short-term influences of alternating magnetic fields on the brain in epilepsy
Q71334545Individual anatomical variations in cerebellar nuclei
Q70884858Individual and species interhemispheric asymmetry in animals
Q80672680Individual measures of electroencephalogram alpha activity and non-verbal creativity
Q33362395Individual variability in the cytoarchitectonics of anterior limbic field 24 in the human brain
Q48962886Individual variability in the structural asymmetry of the dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus in men and women
Q53644630Induction of NO synthase and glial acidic fibrillary protein in astrocytes in the temporal cortex of the rat with audiogenic epileptiform reactions.
Q80497558Induction of nestin synthesis in rat brain cells by ischemic damage
Q48330614Induction of the c-fos gene in the chick brain during visual imprinting
Q44241121Induction of the estrogen effect-switching phenomenon by ethanol and its correction
Q49083648Influence of "animal hypnosis" on the motor polarizational dominant in rabbits
Q68897196Influence of "central" and "peripheral" estrogen injection on several parameters of immune homeostasis
Q72854129Influence of ACTH on phosphorylation of ribosomal proteins from rat adrenal glands
Q54632734Influence of L-dopa administration on bioelectrical activity of brain of patients with hypothalamo-hypophyseal diseases.
Q48304919Influence of a cyclic enkephalin analog on learning and memory in mice
Q46371700Influence of a dominant focus, formed in the blink reflex center, on a local defensive reflex in the rabbit
Q41195885Influence of acetylcholine on shifts in spatial synchronization of cortical potentials of the rabbit, elicited by reversible interruption of the associations of the mammillary bodies
Q49092254Influence of active immunization of rats with conjugated serotonin-protein antigen on the content of biogenic amines in the brain and on behavioral responses
Q71113245Influence of alpha- and beta-adrenoblockers on the calorigenic effect of epinephrine in rats with experimental hyperthyroidism
Q41918152Influence of an analog of vasopressin on the reaction of command neurons of defensive behavior of the edible snail during the stimulation of nerves
Q48101961Influence of an antioxidant on the impulse activity of neurons of the prefrontal and inferotemporal cortex during visual recognition in monkeys
Q48922581Influence of aspirin on the contingent negative wave in healthy subjects
Q44235182Influence of biologically active substances of the spleen on the content of somatotropic hormone in the hypophysis of rats
Q48786314Influence of brain stem structures on the formation of the defensive behavior of animals
Q50468335Influence of cardiopulmonary bypass on the state of cognitive functions in patients with ischemic heart disease.
Q70737173Influence of castration and testosterone propionate on [3H]noradrenaline metabolism in various structures of male rat brain
Q41201531Influence of changes in the effectiveness of blockade of the benzodiazepine-GABA ionophore complex on the reproduction of the amnestic memory trace in mice after preliminary administration of diazepam
Q72632353Influence of chronic alcohol intoxication on circadian rhythm of neurosecretory centers of rat hypothalamus
Q72617106Influence of corticosterone on serotonin metabolism in rat brain
Q70921120Influence of damage to the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus of rats on the dynamics of short-period fluctuations of normal and abnormal behavior
Q49160670Influence of decrease in noradrenalin and serotonin levels in rat brain on defense and food-procuring conditioned reflexes
Q52245688Influence of destruction of the septum pellucidum on time interval estimation.
Q52214829Influence of different intracellular electrostimulation regimes on the dynamics of the adaptational processes of neurons.
Q71041553Influence of dilantin on the reactions of neurons of the sensorimotor cortex and hippocampus during learning
Q52211448Influence of dilantin on the reactions of neurons of the visual cortex and the behavior of rabbits during learning.
Q41872487Influence of dominant motivation on the functional organization of auditory input to the sensorimotor cortex of the cat brain
Q51187229Influence of emotiogenic zones of the hypothalamus on evoked potentials of the sensorimotor cortex in rabbits.
Q51197827Influence of emotional tension on spatial-temporal organization of prestimulus potentials in neocortex of human operator during recognition of meaningful light stimulus.
Q51123087Influence of emotional-algic stress on the activity of carboxypeptidase H--an enzyme involved in processing rat brain neuropeptides.
Q48260391Influence of epiphysectomy on the circadian rhythm of the glucocorticoid, androgenic, estrogenic, and gestagenic function of the endocrine glands
Q52241538Influence of extirpation of the sensorimotor area of the cortex on the formation of conditioned reflexes in response to a complex signal in the ontogenesis of the cat.
Q71945833Influence of female sex steroids on the capacity of splenocytes to form an adoptive immune response. Role of prostaglandin F2a in the mechanisms of hormonal immunoregulation
Q44956774Influence of glucose on polysensory properties of neurons of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus
Q48101946Influence of glutamate on the content and metabolism of dopamine in the nigrostriatal system of rats distinguished by capacity for learning
Q48728482Influence of hydrocortisone on the activity of 5'-nucleotidase and adenosine deaminase in the hypothalamus and hippocampus of the rat brain
Q43960236Influence of hypokinesia on the ultrastructure of the emotional structures of the rat cerebrum
Q47898477Influence of immobilization stress on the level of secretion of thyroid hormones
Q48304906Influence of immunization with neurospecific proteins and tubulin on learning in rats
Q71041522Influence of leukotrienes B4 and C4, 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid, and erythro epimers of hepoxilin B3 on the plasticity of cholinoreceptors of neurons of the common snail
Q48870757Influence of local injection of 5,7-DHT and 6-OH-DA into the neocortex on learning and exploratory behavior of rats in the open field
Q68897192Influence of luliberin and chorionic gonadotropin on luteinizing hormone and testosterone in the blood of monkeys under conditions of acute stress
Q52257317Influence of microiontophoretic application of GABA on the formation of the cellular analog of the conditioned reflex.
Q48457813Influence of monoamines on content of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone in different regions of the hypothalamus of male rats
Q44503959Influence of morphine on behavioral effects of pharmacological stimulation of cholinergic structures of the cat brain
Q48165512Influence of motivational centers of the hypothalamus on the functioning of the visual area of cerebral cortex
Q30392218Influence of music with different volumes and styles on recognition activity in humans
Q48701350Influence of nembutal on the impulse activity of cells of embryonal nervous tissue transplanted into the rat brain
Q48457824Influence of neonatal injection of estradiol and testosterone on hypothalamo-hypophyseal-gonadal interrelationships and fertility in male rats
Q49014113Influence of neurohypophyseal peptides on the formation of active avoidance conditioned reflex behavior
Q61784295Influence of neuropeptides on the processes of higher nervous activity in primates. The action of cyclic analogs of enkephalins on the behavior of the lower monkeys
Q48874776Influence of neurotransplantation on search for food in rats following electrolytic lesion of the amygdala
Q52213450Influence of new ACTH fragments on self-stimulation, avoidance, and grooming behavior in rabbits.
Q48679479Influence of nonspecific thalamic nuclei on individual loci of ensemble formation in the visual brain cortex
Q52211454Influence of norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and their blockers on the activity of cortical neurons in goal-directed behavior.
Q48199295Influence of oxytocin on identified neurons of the brain of the snail Helix pomatia L.
Q70921123Influence of perfusates of tetanized donor slices on the induction of long-term potentiation in recipient slices
Q48786289Influence of pineal peptides on the dynamics of the circadian and minute motor biorhythms in rats
Q52246381Influence of piracetam on activity of neurons of the neocortex of rabbits during learning.
Q71687849Influence of posttetanic potentiation of slices of the cerebral cortex of rats on the content of proteins and RNA in neurons and gliocytes
Q44344166Influence of postweaning social isolation in the rat on brain development, conditioned behavior, and neurotransmission
Q43838646Influence of pulse stimulation of the visual cortex on the function of the superior colliculus of the awake rabbit
Q45150295Influence of pyrogens on the ultrastructure of reticular nuclei and the nucleus magnus of the raphé of the cat medulla oblongata
Q48821716Influence of quinolinic acid, an endogenous neurotoxin, on a passive avoidance conditioned reflex in rats
Q71521050Influence of repeated exposures to stress on the sensitivity of the organism to glucocorticoids and insulin
Q68683156Influence of serotonin and noradrenaline on response amplitude in defensive-behavior command neurons in the garden snail
Q48220872Influence of serotonin on self-stimulation and conditioned avoidance reactions in rats
Q71630862Influence of serotonin on the speed of plastic processes in the hippocampus
Q67504914Influence of small cardioactive peptide (b) on the efficiency of synaptic transmission and the excitability of command neurons of the defensive behavior of the edible snail
Q70921144Influence of small doses of dehydroepiandrosterone on the inception of the hormonal function of testes of sexually immature monkeys
Q41406952Influence of some monoamine oxidase inhibitors on the sleep-wakefulness cycle of the cat.
Q72480058Influence of stimulation of movement-inhibiting areas of the pons on the activity of neurons of the medial region of the medulla oblongata
Q48489522Influence of stimulation of the head of the caudate nucleus on the activity of postural muscles during realization of an instrumental defensive reflex
Q48969937Influence of stimulation of the medial hypothalamus on the interaction of neurons of the rabbit neocortex.
Q44315378Influence of superficial polarization of the cerebral cortex of the dog on extinctive inhibition
Q67542742Influence of taurine on the electrically regulated ionic channels of the somatic membrane of neurons of the pond snail
Q48629424Influence of the administration of prednisolone in early postnatal ontogenesis on the diurnal activity of the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-adrenocortical system of adult rats
Q72302997Influence of the blockade of D2 dopamine receptors of the cat neostriatum on the baseline activity and saccadic eye movement-associated reactions of neurons of the reticular portion of the substantia nigra
Q68420674Influence of the genotype on the formation of aggressive and submissive behavior in mice
Q48629396Influence of the inhibition of free-radical oxidation processes in early postnatal ontogenesis on learning in adult rats
Q52201649Influence of the level of the transmembrane potential on the dynamics of the extinction of the amplitude of the synaptic reactions of the snail under voltage clamping conditions.
Q48345899Influence of the midbrain reticular formation upon reactions of cortical neurons in rabbits during learning
Q51627146Influence of the neuropeptide galanin on active avoidance in rats.
Q44334574Influence of the opioid peptide DADLE on the activity of neurons of the visual cortex and the behavior of rabbits during learning
Q42121454Influence of the posterior hypothalamus on the visual cortex in various states of the reticular formation
Q70921133Influence of the thyroid status of the organism in the realization of the adaptational effect of cold
Q41901391Influence of thymosin (fraction 5) and tactivin on the function of the adrenal cortex in mice
Q69453860Influence of thymosin on the formation of the functional activity of the adrenals in mice
Q41841447Influence of transplantation of embryonal brain tissue (early periods) on reactions of avoidance of artificial and zoosocial stimuli in rats
Q48165538Influence of tryptophan on the content of regulatory neuropeptides and cyclic nucleotides in the brain and blood
Q45253619Influence of unilateral cortical spreading depression on intraspecies aggression and sociability of isolated mice
Q42643607Influence of various types of species-specific acoustic signals on the heart rate of mammals
Q48579183Influence on the emotional reinforcing systems of the brain as a method of pathogenetic therapy of alcoholism and toxicomania
Q51753089Influences of an acoustic signal with ultrasound components on the acquisition of a defensive conditioned reflex in Wistar rats.
Q41558954Information synthesis in key parts of the cerebral cortex as the basis of subjective experience
Q48939329Information theory of emotions in heuristic learning
Q48260305Informational characteristics of sensory motor cortical unit activity in cats during defensive conditioning
Q41442721Informational switching hypothesis of conditioned-reflex activity
Q52042987Inhibition by the pentapeptide YFRKD of complex conditioned reflex activity during the ontogenesis of white rats.
Q45247588Inhibition of caspase-3 blocks long-term potentiation in hippocampal slices
Q67455917Inhibition of cat skeletal muscle cholinesterases by depolarizing muscle relaxants
Q48714330Inhibition of medullary reticulospinal neurons by excitation of the dorsolateral parts of the pons which block movement and muscle tone in rats
Q52255409Inhibitory correction of conditioned reflex behavior in rats at different stages in its realization.
Q48923497Inhibitory interaction between neurons in microregions of the visual cortex
Q54728131Inhibitory interactions in neuronal networks including cells of the auditory cortex and the medial geniculate body.
Q48304864Initial neurons of associative and callosal pathways of lateral suprasylvian area of the cat brain
Q73427832Initiation of locomotor activity in spinal cats by epidural stimulation of the spinal cord
Q71334529Innervation of the integument of pulmonata
Q46908620Inositol triphosphate and ryanodine receptors in the control of the cholinosensitivity of common snail neurons by the Na,K pump during habituation
Q47894135Instrumentalization of movements evoked by stimulation of the motor cortex by food reinforcement in dogs
Q67249149Integral extracellular postsynaptic potential of a single axon: EEG quantum in the rabbit neocortex
Q48256703Integrative activity of cortical neurons in the systems organization of food behavior
Q40561565Integrative activity of the neuron: the specific characteristics and plasticity of systemic mechanisms
Q71151872Integrative processes in an identified snail neuron with two trigger zones
Q128784780Interaction between Anxiety and Sleep in Experimental Studies and Clinical Practice
Q48329164Interaction between changes in local and temporospatial spectral EEG characteristics during exposure of humans to hypoxia
Q48454232Interaction between forward and backward conditioned connections as the neurophysiological basis of behavior motivation
Q72863460Interaction between hypophyseal-adrenal and genital system in silver foxes
Q48281783Interaction between impulses evoked by stimuli of different modalities in neurons of the parietal associative cortex
Q52284260Interaction between instrumental skills in the sphere of heterogeneous conditioned activity.
Q48975351Interaction between learning and paradoxical sleep in cats
Q68284582Interaction between peripheral motoneurons of antagonist muscles in normal subjects and spastic hemiparesis studied by the H-reflex method
Q48747563Interaction between regions of the hypothalamus regulating hypophyseal gonadotropic function in female rats
Q48197274Interaction between retinal and visual cortical fibers in several subcortical visual centers of the rat.
Q44075091Interaction between serotonin and nitric oxide (NO) in the activation of the serotoninergic system in the common snail
Q52281484Interaction between spontaneously active cortical neurons during defensive conditioning.
Q48945804Interaction between symmetrical cortical dominant foci formed during simultaneous bilateral polarization
Q54758547Interaction between the hippocampus and posterior hypothalamus during the orienting reflex.
Q72933838Interaction between transcallosal and thalamocortical excitation
Q48133798Interaction foci, information synthesis, and mental activity
Q128025275Interaction of EEG Rhythms in a Set to a Facial Expression
Q48650524Interaction of autorhythmic and reflex mechanisms in the responses of immature cortex of rabbit to rhythmic afferent stimuli
Q42968731Interaction of blockers of ionotropic NMDA receptors and metabotropic glutamate receptors in a working memory test in rats.
Q39519478Interaction of brain macrostructures in the behavior organization process
Q72533451Interaction of calcium and somatostatin in the control of prolactin and somatotropin release from a primary culture of rat adenohypophyseal cells
Q39546484Interaction of cortico-subcortical systems in the organization of acts of higher nervous activity
Q51899907Interaction of dopamine system genes and cognitive functions in patients with schizophrenia and their relatives and in healthy subjects from the general population.
Q48313463Interaction of hippocampal and neocortical neurons in emotionally negative situations in active and passive rabbits
Q44450646Interaction of histamine and glucocorticoids with neural structures of the respiratory tract
Q48962825Interaction of hypocapnia, hypoxia, brain blood flow, and brain electrical activity in voluntary hyperventilation in humans
Q67293165Interaction of insulin with muscle receptors: specific binding of [125I]insulin by the plasma membrane of the rat skeletal muscle
Q48680961Interaction of monoaminergic systems in processes of elaboration and consolidation of temporary associations
Q46908622Interaction of neurons at the level of cell bodies in the snail CNS. Heterogeneity of the neuroactive environment
Q48345929Interaction of neurons of the visual and sensorimotor regions of the neocortex during elaboration and extinction of a conditioned defensive reaction
Q48486548Interaction of sensory and cognitive processes during visual recognition: the role of the associative areas of the cerebral cortex
Q47700344Interaction of sensory neurons and satellite cells during stimulation of nerve regeneration
Q48871848Interaction of serotonin- and dopaminergic systems of the brain in mechanisms of latent inhibition in rats
Q48437087Interaction of the cholinergic and catecholaminergic systems of the brain during a change in the motivational behavior of animals
Q73237485Interaction of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenal and peptidergic systems of the hypothalamus in animals with experimental diabetes mellitus
Q46496748Interaction of the postsynaptic effects of glycine and GABA on spinal cord neurons in the frog Rana temporaria.
Q48093653Interaction of total blood calcium levels and brain catecholamines during the formation and reinforcement of memory traces in hypoparathyroidism
Q73269772Interaction of two "polarization" dominant foci in the mortor cortex
Q48175624Interaction of visceral and somatic afferent systems in the cerebral cortex
Q52197451Interactions between homogeneous conditioned motor reflexes during conditioned reflex switching: transfer of learning and interference.
Q43571547Interactions between neurons in the amygdala and hypothalamus during conditioned reflex behavior involving choice of reinforcement quality in cats
Q43427360Interactions between neurons in the frontal cortex and hippocampus in cats trained to select reinforcements of different value in conditions of cholinergic deficiency
Q48712397Interactions between the serotoninergic and noradrenergic systems of the brain and their role in the regulation of animal behavior
Q48716629Interactions of excitation foci and their complexes in cerebral cortex
Q48840567Interactions of motivation and reinforcement during the performance of a simple instrumental reflex by a monkey
Q48763391Interactions of rabbit neocortical neurons during natural food motivation
Q69627003Intercellular potentials of CNS neurons in the pteropod mollusk Clione limacina
Q43481200Intercellular relationships in elementary neuronal ensembles
Q48923488Intercentral and phase relations of brain potentials in children aged 6 and 7 years during direct and verbal stimulation
Q48487542Intercentral relationships of cortical bioelectrical activity of the human brain following operative interventions in brainstem structures
Q127375028Intercorrelation of the Activity of Close-Lying Neurons in the Cat Cerebral Cortex During Slow-Wave Sleep
Q71311586Intercortical connections of the auditory areas with the motor area
Q71945813Interdependance of the level of the steady potential of the brain and visual evoked potentials in human aging: the norm and Alzheimer's disease
Q84396788Interhemisphere asymmetry of auditory evoked potentials in humans and mismatch negativity during sound source localization
Q48361165Interhemisphere asymmetry of the neocortex and hippocampus during orientational-investigative behavior and freezing in rabbits
Q48620980Interhemisphere connections of eye dominance columns in the cat visual cortex in conditions of impaired binocular vision.
Q48402967Interhemisphere connections of the visual cortex in cats with bilateral strabismus
Q81408716Interhemisphere differences during tasks involving attention and selection of lateralized stimuli
Q48604349Interhemispheric asymmetry of associative responses in the cat parietal cortex
Q41406966Interhemispheric asymmetry of homotopic transcallosal responses of the auditory cortex in the cat.
Q48786322Interhemispheric asymmetry of the interaction of transcallosal and ascending flows of excitation in the visual cortex of the cat.
Q48650595Interhemispheric asymmetry of visual evoked potentials in psychopathies
Q51242144Interhemispheric functional relations during conditioning in man.
Q44717200Interhemispheric functional relations in patients with chronic alcoholism
Q48510363Interhemispheric relations in patients with chronic alcoholism
Q71151853Interhemispheric relations in the cat visual cortex during unilateral polarization and photic stimulation of different intensities
Q80403436Interleukin-6 in neurons of the pterygopalatine ganglion of the rat
Q38549061Interneuron relationships in the basolateral amygdala in cats treated to select food on the basis of quality
Q52087553Interneuronal frontohippocampal interactions in cats trained to choose on the basis of reinforcement quality.
Q71525035Interneuronal functional associations in the sensorimotor cortex of dogs
Q34477844Interrelated modification of excitatory and inhibitory connections in the olivocerebellar neural network
Q82334022Interrelationship between measures of pain reactions in inflammation and levels of depression in prenatally stressed rat pups
Q67293151Interrelationship between pineal gland and hypothalamic-hypophyseal complex. IV. Effect of pinealectomy on luteinizing function of rat hypophysis
Q42522110Interrelationship of monoamines and luliberin in the synaptosomes of the medial-basal hypothalamus and its individual structures
Q48283074Interrelationship of the circadian and ovulatory rhythms of secretion of sex and gonadotropic hormones in intact and neonatally androgenized female rats
Q48786264Interrelationships of the emotionally positive and negative regions of the brain of the edible snail
Q69669932Interzonal transcallosal connections of the auditory and parietal cortex
Q48665621Intracellular analysis of unit responses to afferent stimulation in the general and hippocampal cortex of turtles
Q80243576Intracellular expression of c-Fos protein in various structures of the hypothalamus in electrical pain stimulation and administration of antigens
Q48712452Intracellular mechanisms of glutaminergic and cholinergic signal transduction in the cerebral cortex
Q60307114Intracellular regulation of neuronal nicotinic cholinorceptors
Q48109127Intracellular studies of the interaction between paired-pulse facilitation and the delayed phase of long-term potentiation in the hippocampus.
Q42968735Intracellular tetanization with hyperpolarizing currents potentiates synapses formed by mossy fibers on pyramidal cells in hippocampal field CA3 in rats
Q48489550Intracentral connections of the brain structures participating in the regulation of blood flow
Q48701298Intracentral interstructural relationships in the process of kindling electrostimulations of the hippocampus
Q39922881Intracerebral development of transplanted glioblastoma C6 cells in rats after preliminary exposure to neuropeptides and an MAPK inhibitor
Q48493730Intracerebroventricular administration of cholecystokinin inhibits the activity of the dopaminergic and serotoninergic systems of the brain
Q45039757Intracortical synchronization of epileptic discharges at different stages of ultrastructural rearrangements in a completely neuronally isolated area of rat neocortex
Q48109703Intrahypothalamic connections of the lateral hypothalamus
Q48410231Intralimbic evoked potentials during the formation of an alimentary conditioned reflex in response to the electrostimulation of the hippocampus of dogs
Q57945567Intranuclear histone changes in neurons of different types in a ?mirror? epileptiform focus in the rat brain
Q68015968Intraspecies behavior of animals based on a model of experimental brain ischemia
Q34063806Intrasynaptic ephaptic feedback in central synapses
Q70544177Intrauterine development of neuromuscular spindles in muscles of the floor of the human mouth
Q50620706Invariability of auditory perception with respect to frequency ? Time signal transformations in the dolphin Tursiops truncatus
Q48329518Investigation of brain autoantigens in the blood serum of schizophrenics
Q70884878Investigation of excitatory unit responses arising at different times after application of an electrical stimulus to the cerebral cortex
Q48251633Investigation of neurons of the cell populations of the nuclei tractus solitarius in rats of different sexes
Q70581348Investigation of the causes of the decrease in enzyme induction after prolonged administration of a hormone: reception of cortisol in rat liver cells
Q48281763Investigation of the functional role of the septum
Q68938343Investigation of the influence of a cyclic luliberin analog on ovulation
Q48922611Investigation of the influence of a vasopressin analog on the efficiency of glutamatergic transmission in the hippocampus
Q48178698Investigation of the role of prolonged emotional stress in the genesis of hypercholesteremia and hypertension
Q52016910Investigation of the stages of the mental rotation of complex figures with the intracortical interaction mapping technique.
Q47201021Involvement of GABA(B) receptors in presynaptic inhibition of fibers of the descending projections of the spinal cord in the frog Rana ridibunda
Q53742885Involvement of N-cholinergic synapses in regulating RNA metabolism in sympathetic neurons and satellite gliocytes.
Q44386341Involvement of Na/Ca exchange and intracellular mobilized Ca2+ in Na,K-pump-mediated control of depression of the cholinosensitivy of common snail neurons [correction of neorons] using a cellular analog of habituation
Q45059884Involvement of actin in the electrotonic conductivity of mixed synapses in Mauthner neurons in the goldfish
Q48333380Involvement of angiotensin II and angiotensin IV in producing the individual characteristics of defensive and feeding behavior in rats
Q46653282Involvement of brain dopaminergic systems in the development of an MPTP-induced depressive state in rats
Q48093647Involvement of brain serotonin 5-HT1A receptors in genetic predisposition to aggressive behavior
Q93515475Involvement of brain serotonin in regulation of sexual maturity in male rats
Q43057598Involvement of different types of dopamine receptors in the formation of latent inhibition of a conditioned passive avoidance reaction in rats
Q48329152Involvement of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in the rat nucleus accumbens in immunostimulation
Q44613888Involvement of dopaminergic processes in the striatum during the effects of corticoliberin on the behavior of active and passive rats
Q42464905Involvement of extracellular superoxide dismutase in regulating brain blood flow
Q48874716Involvement of interferon-alpha in the regulation of apoptosis of cells of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenocortical system of aged mice in oxidative stress
Q52540813Involvement of intracellular regulatory systems in the adaptive effects of transient anoxia in vitro.
Q46653274Involvement of ionotropic glutamate receptors in the appearance of arecoline tremor in mice
Q80672711Involvement of neuropeptide mechanisms in the process of integration of heterotopic dental fascia transplants with recipient brains
Q46961585Involvement of nuclear progesterone receptors in the formation of anxiety in female mice
Q43065146Involvement of presynaptic 5-HT(1A) receptors in immunomodulation in conditions of psychoemotional tension
Q51975787Involvement of protein synthesis in the reconsolidation of memory at different time points after formation of conditioned reflex freezing in mice.
Q42477790Involvement of reticular neurons of the cat medulla oblongata in the integrative activity of the respiratory center
Q48422131Involvement of striatum (putamen) neurons in motor and nonmotor behavior fragments in monkeys
Q48602024Involvement of structures of the striato-thalamo-cortical system in an operant defensive conditioned reflex
Q115232112Involvement of the Hypothalamic Nuclei in Forming Object–Place Associations in Neurons of Hippocampal Field CA2 (a hypothetical mechanism)
Q48310172Involvement of the NO synthase system in stress-mediated brain reactions
Q48437069Involvement of the amygdala in evaluating the biological significance of conditioned stimuli
Q69239679Involvement of the catecholamine mechanisms in the activation of mouse hypophyseotesticular complex induced by the female presence effect
Q52169137Involvement of the cholinergic systems of the shell and core parts of the nucleus accumbens in regulating operant behavior in dogs.
Q52036900Involvement of the genetic apparatus in memory formation mechanisms: the role of the neuronal calcium-regulatory system in rats.
Q82099326Involvement of the motor cortex in the bimanual unloading reaction: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study
Q44339773Involvement of the nucleus accumbens in stimulation of the immune response in rats after activation of opioid mu receptors with DAGO.
Q47366488Involvement of the nucleus accumbens in the formation of spatial selection reactions in rats in a radial maze
Q52165360Involvement of the parafascicular nucleus of the thalamus and the cholinoreactive system of the neostriatum in controlling a food-procuring reflex in rats at different stages of learning.
Q48827453Involvement of the rat caudate nucleus in the immunostimulatory effect of DAGO.
Q46163957Involvement of the sacral parasympathetic nucleus in the innervation of the descending colon and rectum in cats
Q73090873Involvement of the striatum in the central regulation of the hormonal functions of the gonads
Q46870509Involvement of the transmitter systems of the neostriatum in automation of motor skills in dogs
Q48214038Involvement of transplanted neurons of rat embryonic neocortex in host's neocortical sensory functions
Q72907032Ionic mechanisms of analog-code conversion in nerve-fiber membrane
Q48436208Irreversibility of disruptions of integrative activity induced by damage to the amygdala, with unilateral transplantation of embryonal amygdalar tissue
Q48165504Is the electrical activity of the brain always electrical? (The factors forming the potential of the metallic electrode during its direct contact with the brain).
Q52104858Is transfer of acquired coordination of head and forepaw movements possible in dogs?
Q71113230Isaacs syndrome: a syndrome of continuous muscle-fiber activity
Q48295888Ischemic damage to neuron ultrastructure in organotypic cultures of hippocampal tissues
Q81603849Ischemic preconditioning of the rat brain as a method of endothelial protection from ischemic/repercussion injury
Q51950857Isolated neurons as biosensors responding to the release of neuroactive substances.
Q48572085Ivan Petrovich Pavlov and William Gantt--a meeting of generations. Unknown photographs
Q48490784Ivan Petrovich Pavlov and the authorities
Q48563137Joint application of independent component analysis and non-stationary fluctuation analysis for studying the mechanisms of the early phase of long-term potentiation in the rat hippocampus.
Q46961598Kindling in the early postnatal period: Effects on the dynamics of age-related changes in electrophysiological characteristics of hippocampal neurons
Q81053276Kindling-induced hippocampal cell death in rats
Q48354425Kindling-like state occurring on periodic increases in the extracellular K+ concentration in field CA1 in rat hippocampal slices
Q128989288Kinematic Parameters of Movement at the Shoulder Joint in Normal Gait in Humans
Q52236998Kinematic analysis of the formation of precise instrumental movements in cats.
Q44986817Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes in sympathetic neurons and satellite gliocytes in normal conditions and in blockade of nicotinic cholinoreceptors
Q48422101Large neostriatal neurons in humans and their possible role in neuronal networks
Q48945817Late components of evoked potentials in cortical projections of paired stimuli during food conditioning to electrical stimulation of the lateral geniculate body.
Q43656614Late excitatory responses of cat motor cortex neurons to stimulation of the pyramidal tract
Q38386170Late negativity in visual evoked potentials in humans to changes in the topology of simple nonverbal stimuli
Q52036212Lateral inhibition as a possible mechanism for evaluating stimulus intensity.
Q51851113Lateral inhibition in neural networks and the shape of EEG alpha rhythm waves.
Q48483426Lateralization of brain trauma in female Wistar rats determines the immune and neurological status of offspring
Q44340172Lateralization of opioid receptors and their putative ligands in the visual cortex of the tortoise
Q61142817Lateralization of the Processing of Semantic Information: An MEG Study of Word Priming
Q48867118Lateralization of visual-spatial perception in man in conditions of verbal reinforcement
Q48329557Layer by layer analysis of commissural hippocampal evoked potentials during glutamate microiontophoresis
Q44625118Layer-by-layer analysis of the components of thalamocortical responses of the sensorimotor cortex in the rabbit during ontogenesis
Q51934927Learning and extinction of a passive avoidance response in mice with high levels of predisposition to catalepsy.
Q52139907Learning and longterm memory characteristics in rhesus macaques.
Q36615990Learning and memory: traditional and systems approaches
Q126651936Learning with Reinforcement: the Role of Immediate Feedback and the Internal Model of the Situation
Q48923447Lenin's theory of reflection and Pavlov's teaching on higher nervous activity
Q44458611Lesioning of spatial memory in mice treated with agroclavin
Q44355252Leukocyte-endothelial interactions in pial arterioles and venules on development of cerebral ischemia in rats
Q69728028Level of glucocorticoid hormones in early postnatal ontogenesis and circadian rhythms of endocrine-metabolic functions in adult rats
Q73090835Levels of neurotransmitter amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with acute ischemic insult
Q48621011Levels of spontaneous activity and spike responses of cortical neurons to local administration of excitatory amino acids to their dendrites and bodies
Q48563127Limited plasticity of difference neurons in the visual cortex and hippocampus in rabbits during the oddball (random substitutions) test
Q48458169Linkage of neuron spike activity in the right and left amygdala in food motivation and emotional tension
Q48677109Linked activity of neurons in the sensorimotor cortex of the rabbit in the state of a defensive dominant and "animal hypnosis".
Q48483455Linked spike activity of neurons in the right and left lateral hypothalamus in conditions of food motivation
Q48827493Linked spike activity of rabbit neocortex neurons during self-stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus
Q44767920Lipid peroxidation in the striatum of rats during stress after administration of cortisol
Q128464603Local Changes in Water Balance as a Marker of Neuron Activity in the Somatosensory System in Neonatal Rat Pups
Q42948671Local Gabaergic Modulation of the Activity of Serotoninergic Neurons in the Nucleus Raphe Magnus
Q48348382Local and distributed neural networks and individuality
Q45039759Local bicuculline disinhibition does not disrupt acquired coordination between the tactile input and the motor output in the motor cortex of the cat.
Q48166318Local blood flow in the dorsal hippocampus and cerebellar cortex in the offspring of iodine-deficient rats
Q68015973Local blood flow in the thalamus and frontal cortex in alert and narcotized dogs
Q48277784Local cerebral hemodynamics in albino rats in the late stages after termination of neurotization (induction of neurosis).
Q47786759Local changes in the redox potential in the rabbit cerebral cortex accompanying the acquisition of a conditioned defensive reflex
Q54798868Local changes in transmembrane ionic currents during plastic reorganizations of electrogenesis of isolated neurons of the pond snail.
Q74112022Local characteristics of the temporal organization of tissue basophils in the dura mater in adult rats
Q52292655Localization of ATPase in the cerebral cortex and its role in neuronal functional activity.
Q43117892Localization of CART-positive neurons in the amygdaloid body and the relationship between their immunoreactivity and the sex steroid level
Q52164123Localization of NO synthase in Lugaro cells and the mechanisms of NO-ergic interaction between inhibitory interneurons in the rabbit cerebellum.
Q49158475Localization of alcohol- and aldehyde dehydrogenase in the human spinal cord and brain
Q70514490Localization of aspartate aminotransferase in structures of a human sensory neuron
Q46610092Localization of calcium ions in mixed synapses of Mauthner neurons during exposure to substances altering the conductivity of gap junctions
Q48295868Localization of corticoliberin receptors in the rat brain
Q93752202Localization of descending vasomotor paths in the spinal cord
Q38576960Localization of dichotically presented sounds in dogs
Q48956778Localization of human cortical areas activated on perception of ordered and chaotic images
Q71367813Localization of neurons giving rise to some descending fiber systems in the sensomotor and orbitofrontal cortex
Q48487510Localization of neurons innervating the upper portion of the duodenum in the motor nucleus of the vagus nerve
Q67506563Localization of opiate receptors on the internal surface of the cell membrane
Q80493902Localization of the motor and speech zones of the cerebral cortex by functional magnetic resonance tomography
Q48378518Location of neurons in the central nucleus of the amygdaloid body projecting to the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
Q46835799Locomotor responses and neuron excitability in conditions of haloperidol blockade of dopamine in invertebrates and vertebrates
Q48304876Locus ceruleus and neuronal activity of the reticular nucleus of the thalamus
Q72480095Long latency reflexes and somatosensory potentials in multiple sclerosis patients
Q42008212Long-lasting post-tetanic potentiation in the sensorimotor cortex of the awake rabbit
Q50563396Long-latency auditory evoked potentials in humans and the localization of a sound image.
Q43839532Long-term changes in hippocampus and neocortex EEG spectra in response to pharmacological treatments affecting the cholinergic system
Q44025796Long-term changes in the activity of superior colliculus neurons isolated from corticofugal influences
Q73237314Long-term changes in the efficiency of excitatory and inhibitory connections in neuronal micronetworks of the motor cortex induced by tetanization of the thalamic nuclei and the sensory cortex
Q48922622Long-term changes in the efficiency of inhibitory transmission in the thalamocortical neuronal networks induced by microstimulation of the cortex
Q48969960Long-term changes, induced by microstimulation of the neocortex, in the efficiency of excitatory postsynaptic transmission in the thalamocortical networks
Q46806957Long-term consequences of prenatal exposure to lead on brain development in rats
Q50764564Long-term disorders of behavior in rats induced by administration of tumor necrosis factor during early postnatal ontogenesis.
Q73228683Long-term increases in neuronal activity in the motor cortex evoked by simultaneous stimulation of the thalamus and somatosensory cortex in cats
Q35978265Long-term memory, neurogenesis, and signal novelty
Q73269789Long-term morphofunctional survival of guinea pig hippocampal slices after brief treatment with cyclooxygenase inhibitors
Q71630853Long-term ongoing reorganizations of the processes of analysis of kinesthetic afferentation at the level of cat motor cortex neurons after damage to the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus
Q69431861Long-term posttetanic changes in neuronal spike responses of the cat sensomotor cortex
Q69431838Long-term posttetanic changes in neuronal spike responses of the cat visual cortex
Q48460210Long-term posttetanic changes in the background activity of neurons in both hemispheres
Q52055130Long-term posttetantic changes in the reaction of neighboring neurons in microsegments of the cat motor cortex.
Q44667688Long-term potentiation and evoked spike responses in the cingulate cortex of freely mobile rats
Q48424135Long-term potentiation in the hippocampus in conditions of inhibition of caspase-3: analysis of facilitation in paired-pulse stimulation
Q48483421Long-term potentiation of glutamatergic transmission and epileptiform activity induced by transient episodes of anoxia in slices of rats hippocampus field CA1.
Q44196199Long-term potentiation of the AMPA and NMDA components of minimal postsynaptic currents in rat hippocampal field Ca1.
Q74301309Long-term potentiation of the late NMDA-dependent components of neuron responses in the cat motor cortex to stimulation of the direct cortical input from field 5 of the parietal cortex
Q43871461Long-term results of stereotactic operations in parkinsonism
Q71525041Long-term sensitization in the common snail: electrophysiological correlates in the defense behavior command neurons
Q46521905Long-term synaptic facilitation in defensive behavior command neurons in the snail during acquisition of sensitization depends on RNA synthesis
Q52261717Longterm habituation in neurons LPa3 and PPa3 of the snail.
Q73010373Low-conductivity calcium channels in the macrophage plasma membrane: activation by inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate
Q66947361Low-threshold mechanisms and cortical activation pathways
Q43441634MRI morphometry of the cerebral ventricles in patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Q77623652Macrophages of the human embryonic telencephalic choroid plexus
Q57953473Macroscopic Functional Networks in the Human Brain on Viewing and Recalling Short Video Clips
Q46961589Magnesium ions prevent the development of hyperkinesia evoked by administration of picrotoxin into the rat neostriatum
Q77534207Magnetic and electrical stimulation in the rehabilitative treatment of patients with organic lesions of the nervous system
Q71945837Magnetic stimulation in the diagnosis of diseases of central and peripheral nervous system
Q78083938Magnetic stimulation in the recuperative therapy of patients with spondylogenic diseases of the nervous system
Q69239634Magnitude of potential induced in a mollusk nerve cell in a low-frequency electric field
Q72529657Mapping of neurons participating in the innervation of the body wall of the snail
Q44022655Mathematical modeling of the reactivity of analyzer systems during the course of adaptation
Q47680839Mathematical simulation of the induction of long-term depression in cerebellar Purkinje cells
Q48399232Maturation of cerebellar neuronal elements in a tissue culture
Q48789128Mechanism of Sechenov inhibition
Q39442980Mechanism of action of neurohypophyseal hormones on sodium excretion and diuresis
Q39819097Mechanism of noradrenalin liberation from the rat brain under the influence of nicotine
Q52242783Mechanism of organization of different types of directed movements.
Q70294252Mechanism of origination of neuroparalytic keratitis
Q46806940Mechanism of suppression of physiological functions in hypothermia and means for their stimulation without body warming
Q52099634Mechanism of switching simple and systemic conditioned reflexes to time in animals.
Q45854628Mechanism of visual perception of movement
Q80238649Mechanisms by which dolphins identify target movement characteristics and their technical use in hydrolocation and radiolocation
Q126424971Mechanisms of Regulation of Vasopressinergic Neurons in the Hypothalamus of Rats Predisposed to Audiogenic Epilepsy
Q126413301Mechanisms of Regulation of the Targeted Grown of Nerves and Vessels by Components of the Fibrinolytic System and GPI-Anchored Navigation Receptors
Q46476874Mechanisms of action of ligands of potential-dependent sodium channels
Q46746664Mechanisms of binocular interaction in the visual cortex of rodents.
Q48958473Mechanisms of disorders of the characteristics of fine movements in long-term hypokinesia
Q72863455Mechanisms of disturbance in neuromuscular transmission in rats with alloxan diabetes
Q76350239Mechanisms of generation of mismatch negativity and their role in the recognition of brief auditory stimuli
Q52296778Mechanisms of habituation of the electrically excitable membrane of the cortical neuron.
Q42100112Mechanisms of memory disturbance during stages of memory acquisition and fixation
Q49135862Mechanisms of memory reorganization during retrieval of acquired behavioral experience in chicks: the effects of protein synthesis inhibition in the brain
Q35655490Mechanisms of motoric learning
Q79443003Mechanisms of recognition of the outlines of "vanishing" optotypes
Q36058768Mechanisms of regulation of sexual behavior
Q52281455Mechanisms of serotonin involvement in conditioned reflex consolidation.
Q42611959Mechanisms of the blockade of glutamate channel receptors: significance for structural and physiological investigations.
Q48579161Mechanisms of the central action of lithium
Q72529649Mechanisms of the development of sensitizations in the snail: the participation of calcium and calmodulin
Q44667693Mechanisms of the effects of adrenocorticotropic hormone on pain sensitivity in rats
Q42449821Mechanisms of the facilitation of neurotransmitter secretion in strontium solutions.
Q52203688Mechanisms of the formation of reactions of cat motor cortex neurons associated with the triggering of the conditioned placing reflex: a hypothesis.
Q44767927Mechanisms of the influences of the central administration of substance P on ethanol consumption in chronically alcoholic rats
Q73936780Mechanisms of the interaction of the angular and linear components of the horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex in the pigeon
Q43953370Mechanisms of the non-neurotransmitter actions of acetylcholine in the neuromuscular apparatus.
Q48125118Mechanisms of the respiratory activity of leptin at the level of the solitary tract nucleus
Q48489244Mechanisms underlying hypertensive reactions under emotional stress
Q128784163Melatonin – Known and Novel Areas of Clinical Application
Q51179982Memory and noise immunity in the recognition of emotional state by voice in patients with local lesions of the brain.
Q48859063Memory impairment and deep brain structures
Q51966351Memory impairment in Parkinson's disease.
Q114689515Memory: Axioms and Facts
Q51948542Mental disorders in patients with malignant tumors of the maxillofacial region and larynx.
Q46358540Metabolic changes in rat brain histaminergic neurons during subhepatic cholestasis.
Q31102911Metabolic reactions in sensory and motor neurons during the effect on the organism of certain physical factors
Q46908615Metabolism and receptor binding of serotonin in brain structures during performance of a conditioned passive avoidance response
Q44432924Metabolism of testosterone in discrete regions of the brain of rat embryos
Q48701330Metabolism of the sex steroids in the hypothalamus and its role in the neuroendocrine regulation of reproduction
Q79749936Methiothepin-sensitive serotonin receptors are involved in the postsynaptic mechanism of sensitization of the defensive response in the common snail
Q71573032Method and device for the removal of samples of organs and tissues for histological investigation
Q50873447Method for identifying adrenergic nervous elements by the glyoxylic method using pontamine sky blue.
Q54157231Method of estimating preference of the female rat for various sound stimuli while searching for pups
Q48922827Method of visual evoked potentials in the assessment of the condition of the central nervous systems in newborns
Q128884238Methods and Approaches to Optimizing Control Using a Brain–Computer Interface System by Healthy Subjects and Patients with Motor Disorders
Q73228676Methods and methodological approaches to studies of isolated neurons of brain from adult animals (Lymnaea stagnalis) in tissue culture
Q48229248Methods for estimating structure of trace reactions of neurons in medial geniculate body
Q48493547Microdialysis in freely moving animals with simultaneous recording of electrophysiological processes at the dialysate collection point
Q48665643Microelectrode investigations of unit activity in experimental photogenic epilepsy
Q48329537Microelectrode recording of responses in visually observed neurons of the cat motor cortex
Q48408686Microinjection of 70-kDal heat shock protein into the oral reticular nucleus of the pons suppresses rapid eye movement sleep in pigeons.
Q48536947Migration of neocortical neuroblasts in rat fetuses during repeated exposure to x-rays
Q52397920Milestones in P.K. Anokhin's scientific career (on the 90th anniversary of his birth).
Q48175004Mismatch negativity in evoked brain potentials in adolescents in normal conditions and attention deficit in response to presentation of short-duration acoustic stimuli.
Q48433837Mismatch negativity: the contribution of differences in the refractoriness of stimulus-specific neuron populations.
Q48711591Mitochondrial megaconia and pleioconia in the rat brain as possible adaptive reactions in conditions of lethal radiation and radiomodified lesions
Q48354480Mitotic activity and rosette formation in the neuroepithelium of the human embryo neocortex in vitro
Q52242765Model of classical conditioning on the isolated mollusk CNS.
Q52197449Model of the function of the neostriatum and its neuronal activity during behavior in monkeys.
Q49135820Model studies of the mechanisms of the dynamics of double orientation tuning of visual cortex neurons
Q48635666Model studies of the mechanisms of tuning of visual cortex neurons to incomplete cross-shaped figures
Q128817293Modeling Light Propagation through the Tissues of the Head Taking Account of Scattering Anisotropy to Optimize the Positioning of Irradiation Detectors and Sources in a Brain–Computer Interface Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Q127369106Modeling of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Mice: Nonlinear Relationship with the Strength of the Traumatic Event
Q44847491Modeling of latent inhibition in rats by activation of the central serotoninergic system
Q48912064Modelling the regulation of theta-rhythm by increasing afferent inflow in septal slices
Q70144933Modification of electrical characteristics of bilayer lipid membranes by intramitochondrial thyroid hormone receptor
Q48562994Modification of histogenetic processes in rat nervous tissue after administration of dexamethasone during prenatal development.
Q44613877Modification of redox sites of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors affects anoxia-induced changes in the bioelectrical activity of rat brain olfactory cortex slices
Q47774058Modification of the behavioral effects of corticoliberin by early post-natal administration of corticosteroid hormones
Q46653278Modification of the effects of glutamate by nitric oxide (NO) in a pattern-generating network
Q69312887Modifying effect of estradiol and progesterone on epileptic activity of the rat brain
Q48942664Modular organization of the granular layer of the human cerebellar cortex during post-natal ontogenesis
Q52256083Modulation by Ca ions of short-term plasticity of the cholinoreceptive membrane in molluscan neurons.
Q43709204Modulation by nitric oxide (NO) of the intensity of non-quantum mediator secretion in neuromuscular junctions in rats
Q126651942Modulation of Nicotinic Receptors in Neurons in the Common Snail by Noopept and Piracetam
Q52032763Modulation of long-term memory by delayed administration of the amide of L-pyroglutamyl-D-alanine, a nootropic agent, in spaced and massed training in rats.
Q42501191Modulation of neuron activity in the basal forebrain of the rat related to the outcome of food-procuring movements
Q42524703Modulation of septal influences on hippocampal neurons by cholinergic substances
Q50254187Modulation of the functional state of the brain with the aid of focused ultrasonic action
Q42523076Modulation of the influences of cortical input on hippocampal neurons by cholinergic substances
Q42522414Modulation of the reaction of hippocampal neurons to sensory stimuli by cholinergic substances
Q49135957Modulation of the spike activity of neocortex neurons during a conditioned reflex
Q69356281Modulation of the transmission of signals of the rabbit septum in the presence of influences on the cholinergic system
Q35407707Modules of cortical neurons and their "self-assembly"
Q60445403Molecular Genetic Studies of Early-Onset Schizophrenia
Q126840031Molecular Mechanisms of the Actions of Brain Peptide-Containing Drugs: Cortexin
Q128989485Molecular Mechanisms of the Effects of Metformin on the Functional Activity of Brain Neurons
Q48771757Molecular basis of the activity of the dopamine synapse in the mechanisms of learning and amnesia
Q51926209Molecular dynamics of rhodopsin and free opsin: computer simulation.
Q37939747Molecular mechanisms of neuronal plasticity during learning: the role of secondary messengers
Q123349629Molecular-Genetic and Immunological Aspects of the Formation of Psychopathological Symptoms in Schizophrenia
Q52216055Molecular-cellular mechanisms of learning of the common snail.
Q41508043Molecular-cellular mechanisms of the formation of long-term memory in the edible snail
Q39656886Molecular-epigenetic aspects of phylo- and ontogenetic memory
Q47448710Monitoring of the oxidation-reduction state of brain structures in freely moving rats during sleep-waking cycles by potentiometric recording
Q52219514Mono- and polysynaptic connections between identified neurons in the system of the passive avoidance reflex of the snail.
Q48581664Monoamine metabolism in the striatum of the rat brain during drug infusion into the nucleus accumbens
Q52209916Monoaminergic control by amygdalar nuclei of the reinforcing action of conditional stimuli
Q48277727Monoaminergic structures of the hypothalamus under chronic stress conditions
Q45973831Monoamines and sexual function in rats bred for increased catatonic reactivity.
Q43741138Monosynaptic connection: identifiable synapses in the CNS of the edible snail
Q68176250Monosynaptic connections in the central nervous system of the edible snail: receptive fields of presynaptic neurons
Q43208539Monotherapy of epilepsy in women: psychiatric and neuroendocrine aspects
Q128495785More Light on the Brain: 30 Years Later
Q51381261Morphine decreases the voltage sensitivity of slow sodium channels.
Q46653271Morphochemical characteristics of neuron responses in functionally different brain structures to amphetamine treatment of different durations
Q52024594Morphochemical features of plastic rearrangements of hippocampal neurons after rhythmic stimulation of the limbs in elderly rabbits.
Q73237390Morphochemical features of sensorimotor cortex and neostriatum neurons in rats with different levels of alcohol preference
Q42124534Morphochemical features of the brain of rats genetically predisposed to catalepsy
Q48706783Morphocytochemical analysis of neuron populations in the ganglion layer of the cerebellar cortex of birds and mammals living in similar habitats
Q60168546Morphofunctional Studies of the Involvement of the Serotoninergic System in the Control of Postural and Locomotor Functions
Q48365091Morphofunctional analysis of the effects of total sleep deprivation on the CNS in rats
Q48827438Morphofunctional changes due to thyroliberin in nonapeptidergic cells in living hippocampal slices from rats
Q45039763Morphofunctional changes in Mauthner neurons during exposure to the neuropeptide kyotorphin
Q51839852Morphofunctional changes in activated neurons for different depths of narcosis in animals
Q80514846Morphofunctional changes in adapted Mauthner neurons in goldfish after prolonged orthodromic stimulation of the auditory nerve in vitro
Q84655485Morphofunctional changes in goldfish Mauthner neurons after application of beta-amyloid
Q51996576Morphofunctional changes in incubated Mauthner neurons in goldfish treated with peptides from scorpion venom.
Q45139198Morphofunctional changes in neurons in the temporal cortex of the brain in relation to spatial memory in bulbectomized mice after treatment with mineral ascorbates
Q48846666Morphofunctional changes in spinal cord neurons after epidural lidocaine
Q44458621Morphofunctional changes in spinal cord tissues and spinal ganglia after epidural administration of clofelin
Q44458627Morphofunctional changes in the pineal gland during dynamic adaptation to hypothermia
Q83179382Morphofunctional changes in the rat spinal cord after focal photothrombosis
Q70514482Morphofunctional changes in the thyroid gland in different variants of chronic experimental stress
Q83216145Morphofunctional characteristics of neurons in the spinal ganglia of the dog in the post-distraction period
Q80963273Morphofunctional characteristics of spinal cord neurons after single integrative motor loads
Q44241109Morphofunctional characteristics of the gastrin-releasing peptide-synthesizing system of the hypothalamus in normal conditions and in experimental diabetes in rats
Q48920154Morphofunctional characteristics of the lumbar enlargement of the spinal cord in rats
Q48664942Morphofunctional characterization of the neurosecretory cells of the supraoptic nucleus in rats with parathyroprival hypocalcemia
Q48171485Morphofunctional interactions of peripheral nerve fibers of the iris with neurons developing in the anterior chamber of the eye in rats
Q74818049Morphofunctional organization of an accessory olfactory organ in mammals
Q48330547Morphofunctional specialization of the main and accessory magnocellular neuroendocrine nuclei of the hypothalamus
Q51959964Morphofunctional state of neurons in the temporal cortex and hippocampus in relation to the level of spatial memory in rats after ablation of the olfactory bulbs.
Q48380755Morphofunctional studies of the interactions of the glutamatergic, cholinergic, and dopaminergic systems in the neostriatum
Q34029268Morphogenesis of neuron systems in tissue culture repeats evolutionarily simple nervous systems
Q82334006Morphogenesis of the epidural space in humans during the embryonic and early fetal periods
Q43220632Morphogenesis of the paleoamygdala during the early juvenile period in rats
Q57722368Morphological Basis of Desympathization of the Eye as a New Means of Experimental Modeling of Cataract
Q128759554Morphological Changes and Characteristics of the Expression of Serine Racemase in the Hippocampus of Rats Exposed to Multiple Negative Gravitational Overloads
Q128136096Morphological Changes and Characteristics of the Expression of Serine Racemase in the Rat Hippocampus after Repeated Exposure to Negative Gravitational Overload
Q43709181Morphological analysis of the cluster organization of corticocortical neurons in field 17 of the cat visual cortex
Q48430827Morphological analysis of the formation of the clustered organization of neurons forming corticocortical connections in the visual cortex of the cat during early post-natal ontogenesis
Q52216698Morphological and functional changes in sensomotor cortical synapses during the summation reflex in rabbits.
Q48647992Morphological and functional organization of cortico-nuclear cerebellar projections
Q67269834Morphological and functional types of visual cortical neurons in rabbits during postnatal development
Q46424986Morphological assessment of the cerebroprotective action of lanthanum acetate in chronic cerebral ischemia in rats
Q51944496Morphological changes and manganese content in the brains of rat pups subjected to subchronic poisoning with manganese chloride.
Q42968729Morphological changes in retinal neurons in streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus and their correction with an isobornylphenol derivative
Q48673117Morphological changes in the brain following intranatal asphyxia (on the pathogenesis of mental retardation).
Q46358543Morphological changes in the retina in Pacific ocean salmon Oncorhynchus masou fry in response to neutralization of the geomagnetic field in conditions of normal illumination
Q69793175Morphological changes of electrically inactive afferent myelinated nerve fibers of the living bushlike interoceptor
Q80566712Morphological characteristics of Lugaro cells in the cerebellar cortex
Q37134181Morphological characteristics of apoptosis and its significance in neurogenesis
Q50750063Morphological characteristics of the retinomotor response in salmon trout (oncorhynchus masou) fry in a magnetic field and red light.
Q48369778Morphological criteria of structural asymmetry in cortical and subcortical formations of the human brain
Q44021423Morphological diagnosis of vascular and senile dementia (the importance of cerebral congophilic angiopathy).
Q73836946Morphological differentiation of NIE-115 mouse neuroblastoma cells
Q42996218Morphological features of cell death in various types of acute tick-borne encephalitis
Q48483464Morphological organization of large Golgi neurons in the cerebellum of the opisthocentrid Pholidapus dybowskii
Q48650565Morphological study of middle and posterior hypothalamic projections to forebrain in the pond turtle
Q48650573Morphological study of projections from hypothalamic anterior segment to the telencephalon in the pond turtle
Q48552082Morphological verifications in computerized axial tomography of the brain
Q67240144Morphology of receptor innervation of spinal ganglia
Q120985695Morphology of the visual system of the turtle,emys orbicularis
Q57945378Morphometric Characteristics of Cell Structures in the Substantia Nigra in Humans
Q48559425Morphometric analysis of synaptic contacts in the anterior limbic cortex in the endogenous psychoses.
Q48329180Morphometric characteristics of epitheliocytes in the choroid plexus of the cerebral ventricles in humans during aging
Q33518636Morphometric characteristics of the brain in children aged one year (magnetic resonance tomography data).
Q67455923Morphometric indices of human cardiac neurons during postnatal development
Q47890235Morphometric parameters of gyri in the lower parietal lobe of the human brain in post-natal ontogenesis
Q72109588Morphometric study of the influence of 5-hydroxytryptophan on the activity of certain hypothalamic centers in rats as a function of the state of their sexual system
Q67446905Morphophysiological and biochemical evolution
Q41318963Motivation and reinforcement in the systemic mechanisms of behavior: dynamic reinforcement engrams
Q52208863Motivational support of complex behavioral reactions in rats.
Q42640573Motor and cognitive functions of the neostriatum during bilateral blockade of its dopamine receptors
Q68420671Motor asymmetry of the forelimbs of rats
Q44901739Motor behavior in rats after separate and combined administration of GABAergic agents into the neostriatum
Q52293582Motor food conditioning before and after destruction of the red nucleus in cats
Q70581356Motor nucleus structure in the rat spinal cord during postnatal development: a light-optic and electron-microscopic study
Q48920089Motor recover during the acute period of craniocerebral trauma using kinetotherapy
Q70568405Motor responses of rabbits to repetitive photic stimuli
Q51175547Movement as a signal during elaboration of classical conditioned reflexes.
Q48750159Multineuronal characteristics of brain activation during extinction of the action of indifferent stimuli
Q48413283Multiplication of the late slow component of the evoked potential to light during chlorpromazine administration
Q44146304Muscarinic receptors of the neostriatum--their role in controlling operant behavior in dogs
Q48712425Mutational analysis and genetic cloning of the agnostic locus, which regulates learning ability in Drosophila
Q126424796N-Acetylaspartate Levels in Elderly Patients with Depression during Treatment with Antidepressants and Actovegin
Q43117895NADPH-diaphorase activity in motoneurons in different segments of the spinal cord in white rats in normal conditions and after deafferentation
Q46473423NADPH-diaphorase-positive cells in the thalamic nuclei and internal capsule in humans
Q46163959NADPH-diaphorase-positive neurons in sympathetic ganglia during postnatal ontogenesis
Q43709198NMDA glutamate receptor antagonists selectively affect the synaptic mechanisms of nociceptive sensitization in snails
Q48666614NMDA receptors and associative-type ultrastructural synaptic plasticity in the rat neocortex
Q44458616NMDA-dependent and NMDA-independent neural processes in the bicucculline-disinhibited motor cortex of the cat during the acquisition and reproduction of a conditioned paw-on-support placing reflex
Q50536074NO synthase and guanylate cyclase inhibitors block modulation of the plasticity of common snail cholinoreceptors by 15-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid.
Q46961592NO synthase-dependent increases in extracellular citrulline levels in the nucleus accumbens in an emotional conditioned reflex
Q81484935NO-Dependent mechanisms of amygdalofugal modulation of hypothalamic autonomic neurons
Q45059888NO-ergic neurons of the cervical nucleus of the rat brain in normal conditions and after administration of opiates
Q52167291NO-producing compounds transform neuron responses to glutamate.
Q73237351Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity in neurons and glial cells of the olfactory cortex of the rat brain during the development of long-term potentiation
Q46194342Natural activation of caspase-3 is required for the development of operant behavior in postnatal ontogenesis.
Q44551226Nature of the distribution of serotonin and a serotonin metabolite in brain structures and the development of immunosuppression in submissive mice
Q52102069Need-information organization of brain activity.
Q48945795Neocortical evoked responses and spike activity during startling in response to stimulation of the mesencephalic reticular formation
Q126671837Neonatal Proinflammatory Stress and Deficit of Induction of Long-Term Potentiation in the Hippocampus in Rats: Gender Differences
Q40765110Nervous system and neural maps in gastropod Helix lucorum L.
Q37057915Nestin in central nervous system cells
Q48706791Nestin-expressing cells in the human hippocampus
Q44241124Network activity in neurons of the motor and prefrontal areas of the cortex in trained cats in conditions of systemic administration of m-cholinoreceptor blockers
Q114017452Neural Interfaces Based on Endogenous Body Rhythms for Optimization of the Functional State of Humans and Cognitive Rehabilitation
Q44613846Neural correlates of the results-of-action acceptor in a functional biotechnical complex
Q41629802Neural mechanisms of autonomic responses elicited by somatic sensory stimulation
Q68273169Neural pathway of penetration of vitamin B1 into the central nervous system
Q36463086Neural stem cells and their role in recovery processes in the nervous system.
Q111899238NeuroInfoViewer: A Software Package for Analysis of Miniscope Data
Q41629786Neurobiological basis of creativity
Q45392643Neurobiology of cerebral integrative activity. Role of cAMP in providing for plastic properties of the electroexcitable membrane of neurons
Q48701362Neurobiology of the integrative activity of the brain dynamics of the activational and inhibitory types of synchronization of cortical neurons during the realization of a defensive reflex and of internal inhibition
Q72153711Neurobiology of the integrative activity of the brain: some properties of long-term posttetanic heterosynaptic depression in the motor cortex of the cat
Q71151850Neurochemical asymmetry of the human cerebral hemispheres
Q48101976Neurochemical cellular mechanisms of the assessment of the results of behavioral activity
Q48504470Neurochemical characteristics of neurons of the human hippocampal formation
Q52209922Neurochemical characteristics of the rat neostriatum and motor cortex after the development of a unilateral manipulatory reflex
Q44450640Neurochemical characteristics of the ventromedial hypothalamus in mediating the antiaversive effects of anxiolytics in different models of anxiety
Q45921028Neurochemical mechanisms of consolidation of associative aversive learning to food in the common snail.
Q43261073Neurochemical mechanisms of consolidation of associative aversive training to food in the common snail
Q48741571Neurochemical mechanisms of participation of the caudate nuclei in food-getting behavior
Q48471935Neurochemical mechanisms of the dorsal pallidum in the antiaversive effects of anxiolytics in various models of anxiety
Q48304885Neurochemical mechanisms of the involvement of cortical sensorimotor neurons in alimentary and orientational behavior
Q52022473Neurochemical mechanisms of the participation of individual neurons in the processes of anticipation and evaluation of the results of behavioral activity.
Q81603865Neuroeffector connections of giant multimodal neurons in the African snail Achatina fulica
Q48504609Neuroendocrine control of the gonadotropic function of the hypophysis in experimental diabetes
Q45992654Neuroendocrine effects of neonatal action of catechol-o-methyltransferase and sex steroids inhibitor.
Q42258566Neuroendocrine effects of thyroliberin and its analogs
Q48513268Neuroendocrine impairments in inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathies.
Q44667690Neuroendocrine mechanisms of development of experimental hyperandrogen-induced anovulation
Q41508067Neuroendocrine mechanisms of the formation of adaptive behavior
Q69850647Neuroendocrine regulation of immunogenesis in alcoholism
Q36653349Neurohistological and histochemical data on an additional fiber of some encapsulated receptors
Q48513259Neuroimmune aspects of the pathogenesis of Tourette's syndrome and experience in the use of immunoglobulins in children.
Q130159143Neuroleptic-Associated Hyperprolactinemia: Clinical Manifestations and Effects on Sexual Function
Q52090296Neurologic disturbances and EEG characteristics in children who had hyperthermic convulsions in infancy.
Q45013378Neurological aspects of the clinical features, pathophysiology, and corrections of impairments in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Q45892964Neurological changes in military personnel with post-traumatic stress disorders.
Q70612078Neurological complications during medication of epilepsy patients
Q48673098Neurological symptoms and syndromes in the diagnosis of perinatal brain lesions in newborns
Q43863626Neuromediator sensitivity of neurons of reticular formation and orbital cortex in fasted and fed rabbits
Q41533694Neuromediators and neuromodulators. Evolution of compounds and evolution of hypotheses
Q48187787Neuromediators in the neuronal mechanisms for attention and the perception of visual information during food-seeking behavior
Q69850644Neuromodulator mechanism of the inhibitory influence of deoxycorticosterone on the aggressive-defensive behavior of rats
Q48702724Neuromodulator role of luliberin in the regulation of sexual behavior in the male rat
Q44049260Neuromorphological aspects of experimental herpes infection
Q42948678Neuron Division or Enucleation
Q46610095Neuron activity in the anterolateral motor cortex in operant food-acquiring and alcohol-acquiring behavior.
Q48712368Neuron activity in the monkey striatum during parallel performance of actions
Q48706743Neuron activity in the monkey striatum of identifies integration sequential actions into functional blocks
Q48225514Neuron activity in the pedunculopontine nucleus during an operant conditioned defensive reflex
Q48671179Neuron activity in the prefrontal cortex of the brain in rats with different typological characteristics in conditions of emotional stimulation
Q33362392Neuron and gliocyte death induced by photodynamic treatment: signal processes and neuron-glial interactions
Q84587713Neuron changes in a mollusk in response to proteolytic enzymes
Q51959962Neuron density in the hippocampus in rat strains with contrasting nervous system excitability after prolonged emotional-pain stress.
Q48504534Neuron discharges in the rat auditory cortex during electrical intracortical stimulation
Q41629778Neuron theory and new concepts of nervous system structure
Q51063656Neuron-Glial relationships in various fields of the frontal area of the brain in children at different stages of life.
Q67239248Neuron-capillary interrelations in the lateral horn of the spinal chord
Q46653290Neuron-glial contacts formed in the cerebellum during electrical stimulation in the presence of an NO-generating compound
Q72728282Neuronal activity in suspension transplants of the neocortex
Q48871771Neuronal activity of medial wall of frontal cerebral cortex of rats at various stages of learning
Q48874368Neuronal activity of motor cortex during elaboration of a motor reflex conditioned to electrical stimulation of the thalamic ventrolateral nucleus
Q48679463Neuronal activity of the hippocampus deprived of ascending brain stem influences
Q54053501Neuronal analysis of hunting behavior of the pteropod mollusc Clione limacina.
Q54117731Neuronal and neurochemical mechanisms of hypothalamic inhibition of the nociceptive reflex.
Q48260383Neuronal changes in the lateral geniculate body resulting from prolonged dark maintenance: A cytochemical study
Q71113259Neuronal composition and interneuronal connection of area 5 in the cat parietal association cortex
Q48716612Neuronal composition of microareas of the cat sensorimotor cortex
Q48874663Neuronal connection of the cortex and reconstruction of the visual space
Q48962860Neuronal connections of eye-dominance columns in the cat cerebral cortex after monocular deprivation.
Q44448503Neuronal correlates of forward and backward conditioned connections in a food-getting reflex formed to electrical stimulation of the lateral geniculate body
Q48786207Neuronal correlates of the action results acceptor apparatus at the level of the hippocampus in the system of food-related behavior
Q41145271Neuronal correlates of the serotonin-dependent behavior of the pteropod molluscClione limacina
Q48900436Neuronal ensembles and problems of somatotopy
Q48652926Neuronal level of organization of the visual analyzer in frog tectum
Q48283081Neuronal mechanisms of goal-directed behavior in monkeys
Q42968726Neuronal mechanisms of reconsolidation of an associative aversive skill to food in the common snail
Q71248662Neuronal mechanisms of sensory integration in the visual system
Q78083925Neuronal mechanisms of site-specific nociceptive sensitization in the common snail
Q52242788Neuronal network simulating the simultaneous contrast of equiluminant colors.
Q43785215Neuronal organization of field 4 of the cat cerebral motor cortex
Q48960250Neuronal organization of structures in the central part of the amygdaloid body of the brain
Q44195105Neuronal organization of the pyramidal cortex of the cat brain
Q48563020Neuronal organization of the reticular nucleus of the thalamus in adult humans
Q43575515Neuronal organization of the thermosensory region of the anterior hypothalamus
Q48295899Neuronal organization of the ventral anterior and ventral lateral nuclei of the human thalamus
Q48786255Neuronal structure of the septal nuclei in the reptilian forebrain.
Q35756231Neurons of layer I and their significance in the embryogenesis of the neocortex
Q42461860Neurons of the basal ganglia of the human brain (striatum and basolateral amygdala) expressing the enzyme NADPH-d
Q42446171Neuropeptide modulation of evoked responses of neurons in the medial septal region of hibernating ground squirrels in conditions of chronic isolation of the medial septal region from preoptic-hypothalamic structures
Q48351663Neuropharmacologic analysis of dopaminergic, cholinergic, and GABAergic brain systems in organizing the reflex to time
Q43656631Neuropharmacological analysis of the role of the serotoninergic system in forming hyperalgesia in neurotic rats
Q48867033Neuropharmacological correction of cognitive processes disrupted by extirpation of the AI-AII and Ep fields in cats
Q71041513Neurophysiologic correlates of the decision-making processes in the cerebral cortex of monkeys during visual recognition
Q126425050Neurophysiological Features of Cognitive Activity in Patients with Anxiety-Depressive and Hypochondriasis Disorders
Q52251837Neurophysiological analysis of the critical period in delay of reinforcing stimulus in dogs.
Q48786278Neurophysiological and pathomorphological features of the development of alcoholism (experimental investigation).
Q48093663Neurophysiological and simulation studies of striate cortex receptive field maps: the role of intracortical interneuronal interactions
Q51894016Neurophysiological characteristics of cognitive functions in patients with first episodes of endogenous psychosis.
Q48000591Neurophysiological characterization of transitory global amnesia syndrome
Q43627142Neurophysiological correlates of delayed visual differentiation tasks in monkeys: the effects of the site of intracortical blockade of NMDA receptors
Q48867067Neurophysiological correlates of improvements in cognitive characteristics in monkeys during modification of NMDA-ergic structures of the prefrontal cortex
Q50949876Neurophysiological correlates of induced discrete emotions in humans: an individually oriented analysis.
Q44861062Neurophysiological effects of corticotropin-releasing factor in living slices of the olfactory area of the rat cortex
Q40457388Neurophysiological investigations of the features of the state and physiological activity of some structures of the striopallidum and thalamus in various forms of parkinsonism
Q67706797Neurophysiological mechanisms of aphasia in epilepsy
Q41508072Neurophysiological mechanisms of cortical-subcortical interactions in the organization of behavior
Q41158859Neurophysiological mechanisms of the attention disturbance in children with learning difficulties
Q44401754Neurophysiological studies of chronic cerebral ischemia
Q57821248Neuropsychological Status of Patients with Minor and Moderate Carotid Artery Stenosis Undergoing Coronary Bypass
Q48369834Neuropsychological phenomena of secondary stem dysfunction in patients with strokes of hemispheric localization
Q73836951Neurosecretory activity and dynamics of the lipid content of CNS neurons in Gray's mussel, a bivalve mollusk
Q68711102Neurotic states in children whose parents suffer from epilepsy
Q52208861Neurotransmitter basis of mollusc behavior: control of choice between the orienting and the defense response to the presentation of an unfamiliar object.
Q43208544Neurotransmitter composition of neurons in the cranial cervical and celiac sympathetic ganglia in postnatal ontogenesis
Q69375840Neurotransmitter diversity and its role in integrative brain functions
Q52289376Neurotransmitters and plasticity of cortical neurons during behavioral acts
Q129135420Neurotropic, Psychoactive, and Analgesic Properties of Benzimidazole and Its Derivatives: Physiological Mechanisms
Q48602123Neurovascular relationships in the human neocortex
Q73957992New approaches to the rehabilitation of patients with neurological movement defects
Q42933096New calretinin-positive cells with polymorphous spines in the mouse forebrain during early postnatal ontogeny.
Q36598117New data on the participation of ?-endorphin in the neuroendocrine control of the release of luteinizing hormone
Q40765125Newly identified nerve cells of the snail, Helix pomatia, associated with the generation of pacemaker activity
Q44861085Nitric oxide synthase in neurons in the nucleus dorsalis and ganglion nodosum of the vagus nerve and changes during inhalation of acetylcholine in normal conditions and in experimental bronchial asthma
Q43117896Nitroxidergic nerve fibers of intracerebral vessels
Q42613973Nociceptive reactions during stimulation of immunity in rats with different individual sensitivities to stress
Q44075098Non-dopaminergic neurons expressing dopamine synthesis enzymes: differentiation and functional significance
Q34981667Non-electrical functions of neurons
Q33530869Non-pharmacological correction of impaired microcirculation in children with diabetic polyneuropathy
Q48402981Non-specific brain systems and the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy
Q44450650Non-synaptic integration of the cell bodies of neurons into the central nervous system of the snail
Q72933841Nonsynaptic effect of the electrocorticogram of the intact hemisphere on unit activity of the neuronally isolated cortex
Q48033981Nootropic agent vinpocetine blocks delayed rectified potassium currents more strongly than high-threshold calcium currents
Q72674643Noradrenalin as a regulator of RNA and Na,K-ATPase synthesis in nerve cells
Q46165561Noradrenaline can restore decreased neurogenic vasoreactivity
Q126627594Novel Approaches to the Molecular Mapping of the Brain: 3D Cyclic Immunohistochemistry and Optical Clearing
Q48197225Nuclear histone level in neurons and neuroglia in certain parts of the hypothalamus during prolonged cooling of animals
Q69702927Nuclease sensitivity and methylation of liver chromatin DNA in rats in initial period of effect of glucocorticoids
Q48712494Number of correlates of membrane metabolism and long-term potentiation in rat brain slices
Q115451722Nystagmus after unilateral injury to the superior colliculus in rabbits
Q48402962Objective measurement of human visual acuity by visual evoked potentials
Q128745813Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome and Age-Related Hypogonadism
Q42116059Oligopeptides in the formation of biological motivations
Q43776455On the classification of neurons of the neocortex of the cat
Q49112378One-trial visual recognition in cats: the role of the rhinal cortex
Q40561568Ontogenesis of the establishment of various forms of higher nervous activity
Q48369483Ontogenetic characteristics of behavior in rats subjected to hypoxia on day 14 or day 18 of embryogenesis
Q69431852Ontogenetic development of chick cerebellar glomeruli
Q48187775Ontogenetic features of development of evoked potential in visual cortex of the awake rabbit
Q30541655Ontogenetic features of the psychophysiological mechanisms of perception of the emotional component of speech in musically gifted children
Q51058534Ontogenetic formation of the ability of rats to count time endogenously and its relationship with the level of anxiety.
Q114689512Ontogeny of the Corticolimbic System and the Risk of Anxiety Disorders in Adolescence
Q44871553Operant behavior in conditions of activation and blockade of neostriatal muscarinic receptors
Q73665687Optical recording of responses to odor in olfactory structures of the nervous system in the terrestrial mollusk Helix
Q51952924Optical-geometrical characteristics of fragmented figures and integral perception thresholds in repeated tests.
Q48945875Optimal level of EEG coherence and its role in evaluation of the state of human brain functions
Q80497554Optimization of a method for the immunocytochemical detection of nestin in paraffin sections of the rat brain
Q52244404Optimization of reinforcing current parameters in motor-defensive conditioning in rats.
Q128468986Optogenetic Stimulation of the Axons of Visual Cortex and Hippocampus Pyramidal Neurons in Living Brain Slices
Q128469144Optogenetics – New Potentials for Electrophysiology
Q109044321Organization of Frontostriate Interactions with the Involvement of the Brain Error Detector in Supporting Deceptive and Honest Manipulative Actions
Q48504542Organization of afferent and efferent projections in the hypothalamic subiculum-supraoptic region system in the rat hypothalamus
Q68052103Organization of early forms of kitten behavior after partial oral deprivation
Q48706807Organization of efferent projections of the pedunculopontine nucleus of the tegmentum of the striatum in the dog brain
Q45080153Organization of frontohippocampal neuronal networks in cats in different types of directed behavior
Q51179973Organization of human higher cortical functions with different forms of reinforcement.
Q48668562Organization of inhibitory unit responses in the frog primordial hippocampus
Q45327060Organization of interneuronal connections in the nucleus accumbens in "impulsive" and "self-controlled" behavior in cats
Q69669916Organization of interneuronal interaction in the cerebral cortex of cats during training in the recognition of visual signals
Q48559477Organization of network properties of cells in local and distributed neuronal networks of the brain of cats
Q48174927Organization of neural networks in the neocortex
Q48378543Organization of projections of the zona incerta of the diencephalon to pallidal structures in the dog brain
Q48626466Organization of receptive fields in the forebrain ofEmys orbicularis
Q48471486Organization of receptive fields of tonic and phasic neurons of the pulvinar in the cat.
Q52280645Organization of sensory input of command neurons.
Q52300009Organization of single unit responses in the sensomotor cortex to combined stimulation of brain structures.
Q52194706Organization of the Drosophila genome in mutants with changes in second messenger metabolism and learning ability.
Q48595818Organization of the efferent projections of the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus of the midbrain of the dog pallidum
Q44697372Organization of the hypothalamic-amygdaloid system in rabbits
Q64903980Organization of the thalamic projections of the striopallidum of the dog brain.
Q44458624Organization of working memory processes in monkeys: the effects of a dopamine receptor agonist
Q71121622Organizational details of the thalamic and cortical projections of the cat neostriatum
Q44895283Organizational typology of interneuronal connections in the ventral horn of the cat spinal cord
Q48986766Organotypic cultures of free-floating slices of human embryo medulla oblongata.
Q52292417Orientation of the catfish in uniform and nonuniform electric fields.
Q41318949Orienting reaction in invertebrates
Q48722011Orienting reflex and spectral characteristics of cortical biopotentials in rabbits
Q37603108Origin and molecular evolution of ionotropic glutamate receptors.
Q129642519Oscillatory Activity and Cross-Frequency Interactions in the Hippocampus and Connected Brain Structures during Sensory Information Processing
Q79759534Oxidant stress in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis
Q49112119Oxygen tension in rat cerebral cortex microvessels in acute anemia.
Q51120011Oxytocinergic neurosecretory system in genetically selected rats differing in emotionality. A morphometric investigation.
Q52419088P. K. Anokhin's concept of systems genesis and its subsequent development.
Q50252262Pain sensitivity in chronic psychoemotional stress in humans.
Q71334533Pallidothalamic projections in cats
Q43220346Paradoxical sleep as a tool for understanding the hippocampal mechanisms of contextual memory
Q48604361Parallel and sequential information processing in animals as a function of different hemispheres
Q53862526Parasympathetic control of the spontaneous defibrillation of the heart ventricles in animals of various ages.
Q48854994Parasympathetic innervation of the initial segments of the large intestine in cats
Q71151868Paroxysmal changes in electrochemical activity of the cerebral cortex on platinum electrodes
Q48329504Paroxysmal psychopathological symptoms in patients with brain tumors in the right and left temporal lobes
Q48146352Partial forelimb deafferentation during early ontogenesis in rats increases somatosensory cortex neuron reactivity
Q48969981Participation cholinergic systems of the dorsal and ventral striatum in the training of rats to avoidance in a T-maze
Q48229753Participation of RNA synthesis in the process of the development and maintenance of conditioned reflexes (an investigation using antitheines)
Q52235848Participation of beta-endorphin in the regulation of conditioned reflex activity of cats.
Q52209914Participation of cardioactive peptides in habituation and sensitization of the synaptic input of command neurons of snail defense behavior
Q48786305Participation of cholinergic mechanisms in the origination of the dendritic potential of the cerebral cortex
Q48101956Participation of cholinergic structures of the prefrontal and inferotemporal cortex in the processes of visual recognition in monkeys
Q72153698Participation of cholinergic systems in the bulbar mechanisms of the regulation of breathing
Q48969915Participation of cholinergic systems of the dorsal and ventral striatum in the training of rats to avoidance in a T-maze
Q48329602Participation of dopaminergic structures of the rat brain in passive conditioned avoidance responding
Q48626947Participation of emotional structures of the brain in the regulation of gastric secretory function
Q49083622Participation of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the negative feedback mechanisms of the hypothalamohypophyseotesticular complex
Q48559389Participation of glutamatergic and dopaminergic systems of the neostriatum in the organization of alimentary conditioned reflexes
Q48369787Participation of hypothalamic monoamines in regulation of gonadotropin secretion
Q71070796Participation of interoceptive afferent impulses in polymodal responses of superior collicular neurons in the cat
Q48720213Participation of monoamines in the mechanisms of hypothalamic regulation of cortical trace processes in rats
Q41105775Participation of nonlinear dynamic processes in the formation of the high-frequency EEG of the rabbit
Q72153700Participation of opiate delta-receptors in immunomodulation
Q52238223Participation of the amygdaloid complex in conditioned reflex learning in dogs.
Q71525031Participation of the anterior suprasylvian cortex of the cat in the preparation of the paw extension reaction
Q51242134Participation of the auditory cortex and emotiogenic subcortical systems in conditioned reflex formation and realization.
Q48128580Participation of the brainstem visceral centers in the formation of emotional and behavioral reactions
Q38581729Participation of the caudate-orbital subsystem in transfer of learning experience
Q52209920Participation of the cholinergic system of the dorsal and ventral striatum in the regulation of various forms of defense behavior
Q49083518Participation of the glutamatergic input of the nucleus accumbens in the regulation of the synaptic release of dopamine during associative learning
Q71220415Participation of the hypothalamus in the feedback regulation of the pituitary-adrenocortical system
Q48489583Participation of the lateral geniculate body in mechanisms of brain activation
Q46973532Participation of the medial reticular formation of the medulla oblongata in the supraspinal control of locomotor and postural activities in the guinea pig
Q48128570Participation of the nigro-striatal and mesolimbic dopaminergic systems of the brain in the control of components of learned motor responses in dogs
Q48128617Participation of the substantia innominata in differential inhibition in cats
Q52295758Participation of the zona incerta in mechanisms of the conditioned avoidance reaction.
Q48969874Participation of various divisions of the hypothalamus in the pathogenesis of experimental diabetes in rats
Q114689520Parvalbumin-Containing Enteric Metasympathetic Neurons in Postnatal Ontogeny
Q48680956Pathogenesis of hyperkinesias in children
Q68183909Pathogenesis of tremor in parkinsonism studied by computerized spectral analysis of the EMG envelope
Q71113234Pathogenetic therapy of diseases of the nervous system and muscles with large doses of prednisolone on alternate days
Q39739714Pathogenic mechanisms of depressive states
Q48626427Pathohistological and cytochemical changes in neurons of the nonspecific brainstem system in experimental epilepsy
Q83002224Pathophysiological aspects of the formation of neurological deficit in multiple sclerosis
Q70294245Pathways of activation and change of the endocrine function of testes elicited by effect of presence of the female
Q37930986Pathways of peripheral nerve microvascularization and their plasticity (review).
Q37011130Pathways of the evolution of hormonal signal realization systems
Q48693352Patterns of postnatal development of the ultrastructures of invertebrate and vertebrate nerve tissue
Q44275479Patterns of the functioning of the hypophyseoadrenocortical system in the presence of repeated stressful stimulations
Q48345946Peculiarities of the associative function of the brain in children with high and low lability of the nervous processes
Q71311577Peculiarities of the synapsoarchitectonics of the celiac plexus ganglia of the white rat
Q48871825Pentagastrin modulation of sensitivity of neurons of the lateral hypothalamus to noradrenaline and dopamine
Q48471941Pentylenetetrazol kindling in rats: Is neurodegeneration associated with manifestations of convulsive activity?
Q44861077Pentylenetetrazole kindling induces activation of caspase-3 in the rat brain
Q40572050Peptidergic mechanisms of hyperthermia-evoked convulsions in rats in early postnatal ontogenesis
Q52230129Peptidergic modulation of learning a motoric food-procuring conditioned reflex skill
Q45341355Perception and experience of time by patients with depression in manic-depressive psychosis and attack-like schizophrenia
Q50549677Perception of complex signals by unrestrained cats.
Q51698118Perception of fragmented images of three-dimensional objects as the observation angle changes.
Q44605320Perception of temperature elevation in human seasonal heat adaptation
Q47366507Perceptual binding of sensory events: the inclusive characteristics model.
Q52197453Perceptual brightness space in the carp (Cyprinus carpio L.).
Q48602096Perforated synapses in the neocortex and their role in the reorganization of interneuron interactions in the post-ischemic period
Q40095254Periods of development of brain structure in the ontogenesis of rats (review).
Q36688516Peripheral nervous system lesion syndromes and the mechanisms of their formation in connective tissue diseases
Q71521038Peroxidative oxidation of lipids in slices of olfactory cortex of the rat brain during long-term potentiation
Q46113550Persistent pain responses in inflammation and corticosterone levels in juvenile rats born to adrenalectomized dams
Q45107895Personality changes in patients with periodic psychoses
Q128450967Perspectives for the Optogenetic Prosthetization of the Retina
Q126626103Pharmacogenetic Markers for Metabolic Impairments in Treatment with Valproic Acid
Q71616127Pharmacological analysis of role of adrenergic influences of dorsal hippocampus in central mechanisms of ovulation and compensatory hypertrophy of rat ovaries
Q41066509Pharmacological analysis of slow potentials recorded in frog olfactory bulb during natural stimulation
Q43627144Pharmacological analysis of the subunit composition of the AMPA receptor in hippocampal neurons
Q43788377Pharmacological reminders of emotional state facilitate the retrieval of traces from amnesiac memory
Q71521040Pharmacological testing of intracortical interneuronal connections
Q128783968Pharmacotherapy of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children: Results of a Multicenter, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Hopantenic Acid
Q71521043Phase relationships between the rhythmic activity of cortical structures of the rabbit at different midbrain reticular formation stimulation frequencies
Q48369811Phase relationships of cortical potentials in rabbits during motor reactions
Q61142999Phase-Linked EEG Alpha Activity on Perception of an Illusory Kanisza Square in Healthy and Autistic Boys of Preschool Age
Q48000626Phase-dependent coordination of two motor programs in the buccal ganglion of a pteropod mollusk
Q45759072Phenomena of motility in the sensory neuron of a spinal cord ganglion with stimulation of its peripheral receptors
Q46026320Phenomenological description of local extremes on contrast sensitivity curves.
Q69420444Phospholipids and phospholipid-bound sodium ions in the outer segments of The retinal rods
Q48559447Phosphorylation of the proteins of synaptic membranes during the emergence of prolonged dissociated states induced by carbacholine
Q47920590Photoinactivation of cholinergic receptors in frog heart muscle
Q48922595Physiologic characterization of novel aggressotropic neuropeptides
Q52297795Physiological analysis of the effect of micropolarization on trace processes.
Q127369963Physiological and Pharmacological Characteristics of Native Proton-Activated Ion Channels
Q52297398Physiological and genetic investigation of extrapolating ability in mice.
Q70741599Physiological mechanisms of the "arousal response" in animals in a state of hypobiosis
Q48923523Physiological mechanisms of three-dimensional hearing
Q52208860Physiological problems of biofeedback control of the pulse rate.
Q51184291Physiology of animal behavior: dynamics of chimpanzee heart rhythm during perception of an emotionally charged human voice.
Q39700672Physiology of higher nervous activity as a natural-scientific basis for general psychology
Q39659953Physiology of higher nervous activity: prospects of its development
Q48867148Piracetam-induced changes in the functional activity of neurons as a possible mechanism for the effects of nootropic agents
Q43520895Plastic changes in the intact cerebral cortex as a result of local injury to a symmetrical division of it
Q68544128Plastic changes in the spontaneous activity of snail neurons under rhythmic and associated intracellular electrostimulation
Q43942402Plastic metabolism in neurons in the hypochromic type of alterations.
Q48923516Plastic properties of Purkinje cells of the paramedian lobe of the cerebellum
Q48741543Plastic properties of visual cortical neurons in cats
Q44146291Plastic rearrangements of the ultrastructure of the hippocampus in organotypic tissue cultures
Q48986685Plastic reorganization in the cerebellothalamic system after partial deafferentation of the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus
Q70921141Plastic reorganizations of the receptive fields of neurons of the auditory cortex and the medial geniculate body induced by microstimulation of the auditory cortex
Q51589129Plasticity of cholinoreceptors of neurons of the common snail after effects on inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate- and CA(2+)-dependant mobilization of stored CA2+ and the level of phosphatidic acid.
Q48843341Plasticity of frog cerebellar neurons in vitro
Q47935209Plasticity of function of hypothalamic glucoreceptors
Q48197302Plasticity of reactions of the sensomotor cortex to sound combined with electrophoretic application of acetylcholine
Q48563087Plasticity of secretory neurons in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus on exposure to light
Q52032157Plasticity of social behavior in Drosophila.
Q52263381Plasticity of the electroexcitable membrane of the neuron under conditions of calmodulin blockade.
Q52280859Plasticity of the receptive field of a molluscan polyfunctional neuron
Q129575357Polymorphic Variants of Immune Response Genes as a Risk Factor for the Development of Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
Q42947321Polymorphism of serotonin receptor genes (5-HTR2A) and Dysbindin (DTNBP1) and individual components of short-term verbal memory processes in Schizophrenia.
Q126806954Polymorphisms of Cytokine Genes in Genital Endometriosis
Q48712386Population profile of brain asymmetry in rats after intra-amniotic administration of vasopressin
Q48786281Positive and inhibitory conditioned reflexes to electrical stimulation of the amygdala
Q70093937Possibilities and limitations of the H-reflex test in the diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system
Q126425718Possibilities for Correcting Emotional and Behavioral Impairments in Stroke Patients during Rehabilitation Therapy
Q52275987Possible dependence of learning on nontemplate RNA synthesis in neurons.
Q64869449Possible mechanisms of delay in initiation of voluntary movements
Q80514854Possible mechanisms of involvement of the amygdaloid complex in the control of gastric motor function
Q36737734Possible mechanisms of plastic reorganizations of neuronal activity during different schedules of intracellular electrostimulation according to the data of systems analysis
Q69728015Possible mechanisms of synapse formation in ontogeny
Q36733697Possible mechanisms of the formation of chronic fatigue syndrome in the clinical picture of multiple sclerosis
Q42488644Possible mechanisms of the involvement of dopaminergic cells and cholinergic interneurons in the striatum in the conditioned-reflex selection of motor activity
Q34021796Possible molecular-cellular mechanisms of the regulation of gene expression during learning
Q48424086Possible regulation of venous outflow from deep brain structures
Q66947367Possible self-regulation of shape of evoked response in man
Q58052120Post-Traumatic Changes in the Spinal Cord in Rats after Transplantation of Mononuclear Cells from Human Umbilical Blood Modified with the vegf and fgf2 Genes
Q43839535Post-ischemic reorganization of the dendroarchitectonics of field CA3 of the hippocampus of white rats with high levels of convulsive readiness of the brain
Q51565979Post-stress changes in the attractiveness of female mouse chemosignals to intact males.
Q84586270Post-stroke cognitive impairments
Q48109154Post-tetanic changes in background gamma oscillations in interhemisphere interactions
Q42170221Post-tetanic modification of the efficiency of excitatory transmission in neural networks including interhemispheric connections
Q46837676Post-traumatic stress disorder in different types of stress (clinical features and treatment).
Q45288741Post-traumatic survival of sensory neurons of different subpopulations
Q114689523Postnatal Development of GABAergic Neurons in the Rat Cerebellum
Q129574733Postnatal Morphogenesis of Purkinje Cells in the Rat Cerebellum
Q130187268Postnatal Organellogenesis in Pyramidal Neurons in the Cerebral Cortex in Rats
Q81574583Postnatal development of conditioned reflex behavior: comparison of the times of maturation of plastic processes in the rat hippocampus
Q48786272Postnatal development of functional influences of cortical association areas on the visual cortex in rabbits
Q48645221Postnatal development of human spinal cord ependymal innervation
Q52064356Postnatal physiological development of rats after acute prenatal hypoxia.
Q43840022Postsynaptic mechanism of habituation of turtle cortical neurons to moving stimuli
Q48701306Posttetanic and frequency potentiation in slices of rat olfactory cortex
Q122508180Posttetanic potentiation and recruitment in cerebral cortex of the turtle
Q48871865Posttetanic potentiation of primary response and late negative wave in the somatosensory region of the cortex of the cat.
Q52038782Postural motoric and cognitive functions in children with dyspraxia.
Q48986624Postvibration changes in the spike activity of neurons in the medial vestibular nucleus
Q44613856Potential of phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in studies of the energy metabolism of skeletal muscles.
Q51589121Potentiating effect of vasopressin is not blocked by ketamine.
Q44075099Pre- and postsynaptic effects of the calcium channel blocker verapamil at neuromuscular junctions
Q52030683Pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms of the involvement of amygdaloid complex serotonin in the reproduction of a conditioned passive avoidance response in rats.
Q52197447Pre-movement activity of neurons in the parietal associative cortex of the cat during different types of voluntary movement.
Q44146313Preconditioning of the small intestine to ischemia in rats.
Q48959220Predatory aggression of rats after intraventricular administration of individual brain-specific proteins of group S-100 and their peptide fragments
Q68284587Predicting the frequency of episodes of schizophrenia (results of an epidemiological investigation)
Q51888736Prediction of outbreaks of post-traumatic stress disorder after large-scale terrorist acts.
Q126626805Predictors of Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents with Depressive Disorders
Q48329499Preferential ipsilateral influence of the posterior hypothalamus on the neocortex
Q48923478Prefrontal cortical unit activity in monkeys during conditioned reflex activity
Q80403431Preganglionic inputs to the stellate ganglion of the cat during postnatal ontogenesis
Q43478246Premorbid personality of patients with juvenile episodic schizophrenia
Q114689513Prenatal Hypoxia Impairs Olfactory Function in Postnatal Ontogeny in Rats
Q48471967Presence of depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition in a fraction of GABAergic synaptic connections in rat neocortical cultures
Q52221264Preservation and recovery of food-procuring skill of rats in a maze after space flight on the "Kosmos-782" biosatellite.
Q50764570Prestimulus EEG gamma frequencies during formation of a cognitive set to facial expressions.
Q68711095Prestimulus EEG parameters during recognition of a significant photic stimulus
Q42474404Prevention of neurodegenerative damage to the brain in rats in experimental Alzheimer's disease by adaptation to hypoxia
Q36463089Primary sensory neurons in the central nervous system
Q48329190Primary structural modules of the dorsal nuclei of the thalamus and motor cortex in humans
Q37691352Principles of medical care for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Q44488916Principles of signal coding by the discharge pattern of a neuron population.
Q73269784Principles of the structural organization of the chemosensory systems of freshwater gastropod mollusks
Q35162782Problem of excitability in the works of L. L. Vasil'ev and its further development
Q48673086Problems in electroencephalography of newborn children
Q48133781Problems of the analysis of altered states of consciousness
Q44129629Problems of the inheritance of conditioned reflexes in Pavlov's school
Q48165495Processes of visual recognition in monkeys and their neuronal correlates in the visual cortex: the influence of a blocker of M-cholinoreceptors
Q48200487Processing of functional maps of the cat visual cortex obtained using intrinsic optical signals
Q72529667Processing of mechano- and chemosensory information in the lip nerve and cerebral ganglia of the snail Helix pomatia L
Q31142826Prognosis of mild cognitive impairment syndrome: data from a two-year clinical follow-up study.
Q49105394Program and feedback in organization of the motor system
Q127375240Progress in Sleep Studies in the Epoch of Electrophysiology. The Visceral Theory of Sleep
Q49015407Projections of neurons of the substantia nigra and the ventral field of the midbrain tegmen of the cat to the putamen
Q80243562Projections of striatopallidal structures to the pedunculopontine nucleus of the tegmentum of the midbrain in dogs
Q48489595Projections of the amygdala to striopallidal formations in cats
Q48771646Projections of the amygdaloid body and dopaminergic mesencephalic formations in the entopeduncular nucleus of the cat brain
Q48330537Projections of the amygdaloid body, ventral tegmental area, and substantia nigra to various segments of the nucleus accumbens in the dog brain
Q48747527Projections of the auditory cortex to the neostriatum
Q48962917Projections of the basal ganglia to the zona incerta of the dog diencephalon
Q73683922Projections of the substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, and amygdaloid body to the pallidum in the dog brain
Q48602088Projections of the ventral tegmental area of the midbrain, the substantia nigra, and the amygdaloid body in different parts of the putamen in the dog.
Q71573017Projections of the ventral tegmentum area, formations of the substantia nigra and nuclei of the amygdaloid body on different segments of the caudate nucleus and the accumbens nucleus in dogs
Q42492787Proliferative activity and characteristics of the structural-functional organization of the chromosomes in cells of the developing brain, related to the genetically determined excitability of the nervous system in rats
Q73090843Proliferative zones in the epithelium of the choroid plexuses of the human embryo brain
Q44632439Prolonged changes in synaptic efficiency and cellular excitability during learning
Q48216699Prolonged excitation of individual neocortical neurons, structure of background impulse activity
Q48304895Prolonged negative surface potentials of the cat sensomotor cortex and responses of neurons and glial cells
Q48295828Prolonged postsynaptic changes in the sensorimotor cortex of the awake rabbit in response to stimulation of fibers of the white matter of the new cortex and the corpus callosum
Q73936795Prolonged reductions in the thresholds of evoked epileptiform discharges in slices of rat hippocampal field CA1 induced by periodic removal of Mg2+
Q52229768Prolonging effect of 5-hydroxytryptophan on trace processes in unit activity.
Q128888178Properties of EEG Responses to Emotionally Significant Stimuli Using a P300 Wave-Based Brain–Computer Interface
Q69463433Properties of axons of sympathetic preganglionic neurons of the lower thoracic spinal cord
Q73090878Properties of derived cochlear action potentials in forward tonal masking in guinea pigs
Q123150897Properties of neurons of the central nervous system of the freshwater gastropod mollusc
Q48415483Properties of spreading depression identified by EEG spectral analysis in conscious rabbits
Q51061371Prophylactic actions of the antioxidant agent AEKOL on behavioral (psychoemotional) disturbances induced by chronic stress in rats.
Q79449680Prophylactic treatment of migraine with topamax: long-term results
Q72046960Prostaglandin regulation of the content of sex hormone receptors in human decidual tissue
Q68492979Protective action of serotonin against acetylcholine-induced changes in ultrastructure of the Retzius neuron
Q48166347Protective effects of interleukin-10 on the development of epileptiform activity evoked by transient episodes of hypoxia in rat hippocampal slices
Q70791503Protein metabolism in structures of the autonomic nervous system in acute experimental emotional stress
Q52219520Protein metabolism in the formation of the conditioned avoidance reflex of molluscs.
Q46870516Protein synthesis-dependent reactivation of a contextual conditioned reflex in the common snail
Q47366478Protein-peptide complexes of angiotensins in the mechanisms of thirst motivation.
Q51948543Prototype symbolization in hooded crows.
Q48494566Psychoemotional manifestations in hippocampectomized rats
Q69431846Psychoendocrine interrelationships in patients in a state of emotional stress during cerebral obesity
Q52268030Psychogenic forms of epilepsy.
Q44412347Psycholinguistic diagnostic methods for focal cerebellar lesions
Q69669925Psychophysiological characteristics of visual perception of schizophrenic patients with polarization of the occipital and frontal cortex
Q38662132Psychotropic properties of ovarian estrogens (review).
Q69599024Psychotropic properties of oxytocin
Q66947346Pubertal decompensation in the clinical picture of schizoid psychopathy
Q127375136Quantitative Evaluation of Links between Inflammatory Markers and Alzheimer’s Disease
Q50653181Quantitative analysis of the distribution of the motor cortex representations of the fore-and hindlimbs in the red nucleus of the cat.
Q73228648Quantitative changes in human cerebellar pyriform neurons from birth to the age of 20 years
Q49089309Quantitative changes in the fibroarchitectonics of the human cortex from birth to the age of 12 years.
Q48581731Quantitative characteristics of changes in synaptic contacts in the hippocampus in Alzheimer's disease
Q48657286Quantitative characteristics of the associative projections of field 4y to subfields of the sensorimotor and parietal cortex of the cat.
Q48986784Quantitative characterization of the cellular elements of human cerebellar nuclei at different ages
Q72857049Quantitative characterization of the ultrastructural changes in axo-dendritic synapses induced by tetanus toxin
Q36428662Quantitative cytoarchitectural analysis of some human cerebral cortical fields according to the data of automated morphocorticography
Q44324636Quantitative estimation of the fluorescence of catecholamines, detected by Falck's method
Q48471511Quantitative evaluation of musculoarticular sensitivity associated with focal injuries of the brain
Q52200715Quantitative evaluations in gray crows: generalization of the relative attribute "larger set".
Q70737185Quantitative study of cells formed in early postnatal development in cytoarchitectonic layers of the normal parietal cortex and after brain trauma
Q71945808Quantitative ultrastructural characteristics of GABAergic synaptic terminals on neurons of the reticular portion of the substantia nigra
Q48380713Question of time in studies of the neuronal correlates of behavior
Q48419015RNA content in the neurons and glia of the hypothalamic nuclei after intermittent cooling
Q127388709Rate of Progression of Parkinson’s Disease in Early and Late Prescription of Levodopa
Q53790975Ratios of electroencephalographic and autonomic indexes in a stress situation in patients with different types of depression.
Q48187810Reaction characteristics of neurons of the cat sensorimotor cortical region during performance of rapid goal-directed movements
Q48664984Reaction of cats to species-specific acoustic signals during electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus before and after ablation of the sensorimotor region of the cortex
Q48399242Reaction of neurons of arcuate region of hypothalamus to microiontophoretic application of serotonin at different stages of the estrous cycle in rats
Q44153548Reaction of rat brain capillaries to immobilization stress
Q48867180Reaction of sensorimotor cortex neurons to stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus in conditions of microiontophoretic application of tetragastrin and bradykinin: the role of food reinforcement
Q67876589Reaction of sensory spinal ganglion neurons to transection of their peripheral and central processes
Q48922645Reaction of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and the dorsal nucleus of the vagus of rats to change in the gravitational environment
Q48786329Reactions of cell structures of the brain of laboratory animals to oxygen insufficiency
Q48520461Reactions of neurons of the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus to the stimulation of peripheral nerves
Q41111515Reactions of neurons of the posterior ventral nucleus of the thalamus of the rat during movements of the vibrissae
Q48786251Reactions of neurons of the somatosensory cortex of the rabbit to nociceptive stimuli of varying genesis
Q48454181Reactions of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and dorsal hippocampus during long-term adaptation to hypoxia
Q52443373Reactive changes in adrenal innervation of cerebral arteries in conditions of the activation of cholinergic mechanisms
Q70310084Reactive changes of live nerve endings in a culture of isolated glia-deprived neurons
Q77420807Reactive invagination of the neuroepithelium in the rudiments of the neocortex, tectum of the midbrain, and retina of the eye in humans at different stages of development
Q66947357Reactivity of castrated female rats to estrogen under conditions of alloxan diabetes
Q69239627Reactivity of cortical neurons of the rat to acetylcholine
Q48412274Reactivity of the dopa-dopamine-noradrenaline-adrenaline system in epileptic patients
Q45179737Reactivity of the hypophyseal-adrenocortical system to stress in rats with active and passive behavioral strategies
Q48666669Real-time distribution of linked spike activity in cortical neurons during learning in the cat.
Q42170111Receptor binding of corticosterone by various brain structures in extreme states of the organism
Q48665023Receptor binding of corticosterone in monoaminergic structures of the brain of rats after neonatal blockade of the hypophyseoadrenal system
Q48304860Receptor binding of corticosterone in some rat brain structures following neonatal blockade of the hypophyseoadrenal system
Q68183914Receptor binding of estradiol and testosterone in female rat pituitary
Q52209913Receptor binding of glutamate in the striatum of rats differing in learning capacity.
Q48913484Receptor glomeruli and their ultrastructural organization in the arteries and pia mater of the human brain and spinal cord
Q52479787Receptor interaction and ultrastructural organization of the auditory nerve in Locusta migratoria.
Q43438527Reciprocal connections between the first and second somatosensory cortical areas and the caudate nucleus
Q73393755Reciprocal inhibition of the AMPA and NMDA components of excitatory postsynaptic potentials in field CA1 of the rat hippocampus in vitro
Q48378348Reciprocal relationships between the oscillatory systems of the brain
Q45185455Recognition of lateralized halftone and outline images of everyday objects in conditions of masking
Q30322827Recognition of visual images in a rich sensory environment: musical accompaniment.
Q59282958Reconciliation in Hamadryas Baboons (Papio hamadryas): Testing the Relationship Quality Hypothesis
Q43533573Recording hypothalamic unit activity by long-term implanted electrodes
Q51975661Recording of spontaneous oscillations in the procerebrum of the terrestrial snail Helix during free behavior.
Q128819250Recovery Dynamics in Patients with Poststroke Motor Disorders after Multiple Courses of Neurorehabilitation Using an Exoskeleton Controlled by a Brain–Computer Interface
Q70884867Recovery cycles of brain evoked potentials in rats exposed to a constant magnetic field
Q72495636Recovery cycles of visual cortical primary responses during pharmacological and electrical intervention on monoaminergic systems of the rat brain
Q51055314Recovery of a motor habit after lesioning of the caudate nucleus in rats with different forelimb preferences.
Q48424070Recovery of a motor skill in rats with different forelimb preferences after lesioning of the caudate nucleus: the role of intense training.
Q71521036Recovery of behavioral functions following the transplantation of the embryonal striatum into the damaged amygdala of the rat brain
Q48093688Recovery of brain microcirculation during ischemia
Q81116844Recovery of mechanoreception at the initial stage of regeneration of injured sciatic nerve in rats in conditions of central axotomy of sensory neurons
Q48256741Recovery of memory in chicks after disruption during learning: the reversibility of amnesia induced by protein synthesis inhibitors
Q43833672Recurrent inhibition in patients with a lesion of the central nervous system
Q59282940Redirection of Aggression and Consolation in Hamadryas Baboons
Q47700396Reflection of an orienting reflex in the phases of evoked potentials in the rabbit visual cortex and hippocampus during substitution of stimulus intensity
Q48260293Reflection of decision making in cortical evoked activity
Q52211450Reflection of internal and external determinants of behavior in the neuronal activity of the neostriatum of monkeys.
Q52296782Reflection of phases of conditioned reflex limb placing on a support by cats in motor cortical unit activity.
Q52602029Reflection of plastic properties of two neurons with common monosynaptic input by statistical analysis of their firing pattern.
Q69820703Reflection of plasticity of two monosynaptically interconnected neurons in the statistical characteristics of their spike discharge
Q48750136Reflection of quantitative parameters of series of unreinforced stimuli of different modalities in cortical evoked potentials
Q48552068Reflection of stable dominant states on the EEG of schizophrenic and alcoholic patients
Q49112171Reflection of the effectiveness of heterosensory integration in measures of event-linked potentials.
Q48871974Reflection of the level of alimentary motivation in the electrical activity of the esophageal muscles of the rabbit in the process of reinforcement
Q48728509Reflection of the operations of comparison of current afferentation with internal pretuning in the impulse activity of neurons of the frontal cortex of the dog.
Q42635342Reflection of the pattern of cortical activation in the phase structure of the human EEG.
Q52238227Reflection of the prognostic activity of the brain in the activity of the neurons of the frontal cortex of rats.
Q80104919Reflection of the spatial characteristics of an acoustic signal in the activity of caudate nucleus neurons
Q48101968Reflection of the systemic mechanisms of instrumental behavior in the activity of brain neurons
Q48329524Reflection of visceral afferentation in unit activity in the caudate nucleus
Q77623645Regeneration of dorsal roots of spinal nerves in rats after transplantation of embryonic nerve tissue
Q72153684Regeneration of nerves under the influence of balyse-2 and lactovit
Q69431870Regeneration of the rat sciatic nerve after experimental injury (morphological and morphometric analysis)
Q79449676Regeneration of the rat spinal cord after thoracic segmentectomy: growth and restoration of nerve conductors
Q51215749Regeneration of the rat spinal cord after thoracic segmentectomy: restoration of the anatomical integrity of the spinal cord.
Q71573025Regional and cellular distribution of mitochondrial high-affinity aldehyde dehydrogenase in the rat brain (immunocytochemical investigation)
Q48424081Regional characteristics of electrical responses (in the band 1-225 Hz) in the cerebral cortex to conditioned stimuli in operant conditioning
Q49089281Regular structural organization of intrahemisphere interzonal connections in the visual cortex of the cat.
Q69657159Regularities in formation of ultrastructure of elements of the microcirculatory system during the early period of human embryogenesis
Q72823330Regularity of muscle spindle receptor discharges at a different muscle length
Q67693461Regulation by calcium of short-term plasticity of the cholinoreceptors of RPa3 and LPa3 neurons of the edible snail
Q80975640Regulation of c-Fos gene expression in the rat olfactory bulb during olfactory learning
Q48313455Regulation of food consumption during pregnancy and lactation in mice
Q72945987Regulation of genetic activity of thyroid hormones. I. Effect of purified cytoplasmic hormone-receptor complex on the template activity of chromatin
Q45975198Regulation of interleukin-1beta and interleukin-8 production by agonists of mu and delta opiate receptors in vitro.
Q52260606Regulation of plastic properties of electroexcitable neuron membrane by serotonin.
Q44767933Regulation of post-tetanic increases in the cholinosensitivity of neurons in the common snail by the Na,K pump: the role of Na/Ca exchange and calcium mobilization
Q81574580Regulation of tentacle length in snails by odor concentration
Q48867137Regulation of the septal pacemaker theta rhythm by the cervical nuclei of the midbrain
Q69011179Regulatory system of aldosterone secretion in old rats
Q41558962Reinforcement concept in investigations on simple nervous systems
Q48520483Reinforcing effect of stimulation of the mesocerebral region of the brain of the edible snail
Q52321167Relation between synaptic and pacemaker potentials of giant neurons in the snailHelix pomatia
Q49160707Relations between command neurons of feeding and avoidance behavior in Helix lucorum
Q52109366Relations between immunological and neurological memory: learning ability in rats during immunostimulation
Q48493507Relationship between EEG power and rhythm synchronization in health and cognitive pathology
Q127704071Relationship between Long-Term Potentiation and the Initial Properties of CA3–CA1 Synapses: Importance of the Effects of External Factors on Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity for Studies
Q126424818Relationship between Movement Stereotype and Focus Location in the Early Recovery Period after Mild Ischemic Stroke
Q115232108Relationship between Success in Motor Imagery of the Right and Left Hands and Users’ Personality Traits
Q48552032Relationship between different stages of sleep and epileptic activity
Q48093674Relationship between dopamine system genes and extraversion and novelty seeking.
Q44759453Relationship between electrical potentials of the hippocampus, amygdala, and neocortex during instrumental conditioned reflexes
Q48602016Relationship between learning characteristics and the properties of visual objects in Rhesus macaques
Q48146388Relationship between learning characteristics and the properties of visual objects in rhesus macaques with bilateral removal of parietal cortex field 7.
Q45247586Relationship between post-tetanic potentiation of the cholinosensitivity of neurons in the common snail and a humoral factor
Q41509145Relationship between spatial and spatial-frequency characteristics of receptive fields of cat visual cortex
Q52036298Relationship between the characteristics of visual short-term memory in monkeys and the spatial properties of images.
Q52262203Relationship between the level of conditioned-reflex activity and the serotonin concentration in the blood of normal and neurotized dogs.
Q50755774Relationship between the plasticity of a set to an emotional facial expression and the load on working memory.
Q48867083Relationship between the striatal regulation of the temporal organization of behavior and the state of beta-adrenergic mechanisms
Q48920070Relationship between the types of behavioral reaction in a conditioned shake-off reflex and neocortical lateralization
Q51061365Relationship between visual evoked potentials and subjective differences between emotional expressions in "face diagrams".
Q48330623Relationships between the epiphysis and hippocampus during formation of a stress response
Q48437064Reorganization of activity of neurons of orbital cortex during formation of classical second-order conditioned reflexes
Q51994743Reorganization of bimanual motor responses on formation of a lateralized food-procuring skill in rats.
Q48471402Reorganization of the red nucleus synaptoarchitecture after destruction of the cortical motor area in the rat cerebral hemispheres
Q48920130Reorganization of the vestibulothalamic projections in lesions to the interpositus nucleus of the cerebellum and the vestibular nucleus of Deiters
Q48604338Representation of both visual hemifields in the lateral suprasylvian area of one hemisphere
Q48626475Reproduction of frequency parameters of unconditioned responses in conditioned reflex responses of somatosensory cortical neurons
Q52183662Residual lesions of operant behavior in monkeys following recovery from MPTP-induced Parkinson-like syndrome.
Q80343005Resistance of the myocardium to ischemia and the efficacy of ischemic preconditioning in experimental diabetes mellitus
Q44871547Resolving ability and image discretization in the visual system
Q48410207Respiration and oxidative phosphorylation of the mitochondria of the brain of rats with various types of behavior.
Q48595857Respiratory reactions to microinjection of bombesin into the solitary tract nucleus and their mechanisms
Q46107978Respiratory responses to microinjections of leptin into the solitary tract nucleus
Q43699159Responses and properties of receptive fields of neurons in the visual projection zone of the pigeon hyperstriatum
Q52165361Responses of cat motor cortex neurons to electrical stimulation of the base of the forebrain used as a conditioned signal for a reflex consisting of placing the forelimb on a support.
Q45247604Responses of cat primary auditory cortex neurons to moving stimuli with dynamically changing interaural delays
Q73958009Responses of constantly firing motor units to afferent stimulation
Q46372167Responses of cortical neurons to microiontophoretic application of acetylcholine to their dendrites
Q48197261Responses of directionally selective neurons of the frog tectum mesencephali, their adaptation and extrapolation features
Q43814254Responses of frog vestibular neurons to combined temperature microstimulation of the semicircular canals
Q73393724Responses of granulation tissue to acetylcholine and noradrenaline during denervation
Q43953354Responses of hippocampal neurons at different stages of acquisition of conditioned reflex avoidance in rats
Q48256713Responses of hypothalamic neurons to stimulation of the vestibular nerve and lateral vestibular nucleus in the rabbit
Q80403461Responses of neurons in the spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve to electrical stimulation of the dura mater of the rat brain
Q48786215Responses of neurons of motor cortex during precision instrumental movements in cats
Q48454213Responses of neurons of primary visual cortex of awake unrestrained rats to visual stimuli
Q48942610Responses of populations of mitochondria in rat sensorimotor cortex neurons to prolonged continuous exposure to low-frequency vibration
Q33431543Responses of respiratory neurons in the medulla oblongata to stimulation of the septal nuclei during hypoxia
Q71121600Responses of single receptor units of the rat mammary gland parenchyma to tactile stimulation
Q44767915Responses of the hypophyseal-adrenal system to stress and immune stimuli in gray rats selected for behavior
Q48220882Responses of visual cortical neurons of the ground squirrel Citellus fulvus to shaped stimuli
Q70884882Responses of visual cortical neurons to nociceptive stimulation
Q45926378Responses to electrical stimulation of the recipient's brain in rat somatosensory cortical neurons transplanted into the area of vibrissa representation in the neocortex.
Q52281453Responses to moderate functional loads by rats with individual behavioral features.
Q71248659Responses to visual stimuli in thalamic neurons of the turtle Emys orbicularis
Q113106729Restoration of Speech Functions in Patients with Aphasia in the Early Rehabilitation Period of Ischemic Stroke
Q113106730Restoration of Vital Activity in Deeply Cooled Animals Using Physiological Methods without Rewarming
Q40719076Restoration of behavioral responses in the frog Rana esculenta during regeneration of optic nerve fibers
Q48256732Restoration of emotional stress reactions in rats following disruption of the limbic structures of the brain by delta-sleep-inducing peptide
Q52293579Restoration of instrumental movements in cats after division of spinal afferent pathways
Q48330559Restoration of locomotion in white rats after multiple lesioning of the motor cortex and heterotopic transplantation of cortex fragments
Q70612097Restoration of motor function in stroke patients: peculiarities relating to damage of the right or left hemisphere
Q45031092Restoration of the functions of the respiratory center in rats after total cold paralysis
Q69356279Restructuring of the topical organization of the motor cortex of the rat following damage to the opposite hemisphere
Q48559402Results of clinical and enzymatic immunoassay study of a neurospecific leucine aminopeptidase in neurological patients.
Q71471375Results of the use of therapeutic periorbital electrostimulation in neurological patients with partial atrophy of the optic nerves
Q69431858Results of transplanting sections of the midbrain of human embryos into the brain of mature rats
Q48627529Retention of memory traces in rats subjected to 10 minutes of clinical death
Q48723954Retinal detector activity in frogs behaving freely
Q48693335Retinal projection in the forebrain of Emys orbicularis
Q33826151Retrieval of attention-dependent long-term memory traces
Q48310160Return of excitatory waves from field CA1 to the hippocampal formation is facilitated after tetanization of Schäffer collaterals during sleep
Q48942652Reverberation of excitation in living "hippocampal formation-entorhinal cortex" slices from rats. Optical recording
Q43026666Reversible and irreversible stages in the development of amnesia after disruption of the reactivation of associative memory in snails
Q41678375Reversible blockade, induced by the neurotoxin MPTP, of corticofugal impulse activity to neurons of the caudate nucleus in cats
Q48874348Rhythm binding by electrical activity in different layers of the cat's visual cortex during conditioned stimulation
Q48631978Rhythmic activity of the brain evoked by local injections of carbachol into subcortical nuclei.
Q48942647Rhythmic alpha-activity generators in the human EEG.
Q80343011Rhythmic electrical activity in branches of the stellate ganglion in the cat during postnatal ontogenesis
Q47448671Rhythmic photostimulation and the number of alpha-rhythm dipoles in the human brain
Q48345955Rhythms of the electroencephalogram and their functional significance
Q48380797Ribonuclease improves the state of hippocampal sections in the post-ischemic period
Q113106727Robotic Restoration of Gait Function in Patients in the Early Recovery Period of Stroke
Q48033991Role of G-proteins and second messenger systems in the plasticity of a defensive reflex in the common snail
Q71573055Role of GABAA and GABAB receptors of the brain in the negative feedback mechanism of the hypothalamohypophyseotesticular complex
Q69239620Role of M- and N-cholinergic systems in the recovery of motor functions after ablation of the motor zones of the cat cerebral cortex
Q52074172Role of adrenergic mechanisms in the regulation of the reproduction of memory engrams and the energy metabolism in the structures of the rat brain.
Q40247386Role of adrenergic structures in functional control over the cerebral circulation
Q42115255Role of adrenoreactive structures of the amygdaloid complex in the regulation of blood coagulation
Q49082663Role of adrenoreceptors in the activation of the hypothalamo-hypophyseo-testicular complex of mice elicited by the presence of the female
Q77377360Role of atrial natriuretic peptide in the development of arterial hypertension in patients with pubertal hypothalamic syndrome
Q72153695Role of bulbospinal respiratory neurons in the generation of the breathing rhythm
Q52229222Role of catecholaminergic mechanisms of the brain in the fixation of temporary links.
Q48187819Role of caudate nucleus in differentiation of spatially separated sound signals in dogs
Q68516935Role of certain hormones with general metabolic action in the expression of sexual differentiation of the rat liver with respect to a special estrogen-binding protein
Q52293862Role of cholinergic and monoaminergic brain systems in dissociated learning
Q49158556Role of cholinergic mechanisms in alterations of rabbit brain functional activity during sea-sickness
Q93686624Role of corticosteroids in regulating cell migration during emotional-pain stress
Q68480799Role of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in simple forms of plasticity in the edible snail
Q49161311Role of dominant motivation in manifestation of the effects of electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus and limbic region
Q48345909Role of dominant motivation in organizing functions of higher segments of the auditory analyzer in cats
Q54317335Role of dopamine and serotonin in modulation of snail defensive behavior.
Q44621690Role of dopamine receptors in the regulation of aggression in mice; relationship to genotype
Q52211445Role of dopaminoreactive systems of the cortex and the neostriatum in the organization of situational conditioned reflexes.
Q70741596Role of electroencephalography in assessment of patients after meningococcal infection
Q48380786Role of enkephalinergic brain structures in regulating motivated behavior in rats with lesioned serotoninergic neurons
Q48100933Role of feedback in the dynamics of functional asymmetry in the cerebral hemispheres in humans
Q52275617Role of frontal cortex in differentiation of conditioned stimuli.
Q48945824Role of functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres in organization of an instrumental food conditioned reflex in cats
Q48100951Role of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the activation of the pituitary-testicular complex of mice induced by the presence of a female
Q48786232Role of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the inhibitory effect of emotional stress on the sexual activity of mice
Q83179386Role of gap junctions in local rhythmogenesis in cortical columns
Q52102149Role of genetic factors in the formation of human trace responses.
Q48187804Role of goal in determination of neuronal activity of the rabbit motor and visual cortical areas
Q48673126Role of higher parts of the auditory system in the location of a moving sound source
Q71041508Role of hormonal-cytokine interactions in the formation of the humoral immune response
Q45105696Role of hyperactive determinant structures in the creation of functional complexes of seizure activity in the cerebral cortex
Q45143106Role of inhibition in the formation of a dynamic mosaic of neuronal ensembles in the cerebral cortex
Q68004971Role of inhibitory processes in shaping functional characteristics of neurons of the vibrissae projection area of the somatosensory cortex in the cat
Q52297400Role of intervals between conditioned and unconditioned stimuli in formation of a cellular analog of temporary connection.
Q52053421Role of kynurenines in the regulation of the honeybee's memory process.
Q52104932Role of licking and associated changes in excitability of brain centers in the processing of taste information in rats.
Q49160876Role of motivational excitation in integrative activity of single brain neurons
Q48665615Role of muscle afferent activation on cortical evoked potential triggering in young rabbits
Q70920434Role of neocortical association structures in the spatiotemporal organization of brain potentials in children during perception of sensory stimuli of different modalities
Q42439972Role of neurotrophic factors in adaptational processes of the nervous system
Q49021231Role of noradrenaline in the development of conditioned responses to sound in neurons of the sensorimotor cortex of rabbits
Q51244873Role of orienting and defensive components in open field behavior of albino rats.
Q41629808Role of subcortical structures in the process of conditioning
Q48665014Role of testosterone metabolism in the hypothalamus in the regulation of the gonadotropic function of the hypophysis in pre- and postpubertal male rats
Q52204817Role of the activation of the intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus in regulating the participation of the neostriatal cholinergic system in the differentiation of acoustic signals in dogs.
Q48281789Role of the auditory cortex in recognition of synthesized vowels by dogs
Q48786240Role of the basal ganglia in the reproduction of instrumental reactions developed in response to electrostimulation of the hippocampus
Q44230074Role of the cerebral ganglia in the organization of alimentary behavior of the pteropod mollusc Clione limacina
Q46761427Role of the cholinergic mechanisms of the ventrolateral preoptic area of the hypothalamus in regulating the state of sleep and waking in pigeons.
Q52197448Role of the cholinergic system of the neostriatum in regulating several forms of defensive behavior.
Q48380770Role of the cholinergic systems of the dorsal and ventral striatum of the rat brain in controlling learned movements
Q44450635Role of the dopaminergic system of the brain in the effects of glucocorticoid hormones.
Q40719079Role of the duration and intensity of afferent activation in the regulation of morphological changes in the neuron
Q48417430Role of the frontal lobes in integrative activity of the brain in Macaca mulatta
Q48380706Role of the functional state of the central nervous system in the mechanism forming responses from the peripheral and central parts of the visual analyzer
Q48716588Role of the globus pallidus in the mechanisms of memory
Q48602035Role of the head of the caudate nucleus and the orbital cortex in neuronal activity of tegmentum of the midbrain in a food reflex in cats
Q48716650Role of the hippocampal cortex and dorsal ventricular ridge in conditioned reflex activity of the anguid lizard scheltopusik (Ophisaurus apodus).
Q48128565Role of the hippocampus and its monoamine-reactive systems in the mechanisms of sleep in cats
Q48399207Role of the hippocampus in delayed spatial choice and differentiation of time intervals in Macaca rhesus
Q52281486Role of the intralaminar thalamic nuclei in the potentiation of inhibition induced by caudate nucleus stimulation.
Q43996417Role of the lateral and medial hypothalamus in the reproduction of alimentary and defensive instrumental reactions
Q43574153Role of the lateral and medial hypothalamus in the reproduction of the motoric reaction which is a signal during the development of classical conditioned reflexes
Q72093561Role of the medial forebrain bundle in the organization of neocortical electrical activity
Q48128633Role of the medial geniculate body in the production of conditioned reflexes to amplitude-modulated stimuli in rats
Q71248650Role of the medial hypothalamus in regulation of the pituitary-adrenocortical system
Q48629014Role of the medial zone of the medulla in rhythmic activity of respiratory center neurons
Q71151831Role of the midbrain in interhemispheric integration
Q46278266Role of the motor cortex in the rearrangement of a natural movement coordination in dogs
Q48741592Role of the pallidum in the formation of different types of adaptive behavior
Q51898521Role of the parietal associative area of the cortex for "counting" behavior in dogs.
Q48712464Role of the phosphoinositide signal system and methylation of phosphatidylethanolamine in the development of long-term post-tetanic potentiation in rats
Q48874419Role of the posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus in mechanism of information transmission to the visual cortex
Q67784476Role of the rapid neurogenic component and its constituents in the organization of effort hyperpnea
Q52298413Role of the sensory innervation of the extraocular muscles in habituation of vestibulo-oculomotor responses.
Q44109305Role of the serotonin2-receptors in regulation of aggressive behavior
Q48825089Role of the spatial organization of efferent projections of the striopallidum in cortical and thalamic function
Q48878854Role of the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus in the regulation of the estrous function in rats under conditions of local hypothermia
Q48415058Role of the time interval in the effect of neurochemical signals in the changes in the ultrastructure of cortical synapses
Q51093041Role of the vagus nerves in neophobia and conditioned-reflex taste aversion.
Q41790769Role of vasopressin- and oxytocinergic cells of the magnicellular nuclei of the rat hypothalamus in thyroid gland regulation after administration of thyroliberin
Q48303230Role of visual impulsation in the development of receptor properties of synaptosomal membranes with age
Q117379252Role of von Economo and fork neurons in the evolution of vocal learning
Q48945836Salivation evoked by cortical polarization as an indicator of typology of an experimental animal
Q84373756Satellite cells of sensory neurons after various types of sciatic nerve trauma in the rat
Q43963080Scanning electron microscopic study of sympathetic neuron plexus organization in culture
Q52288842Seasonal changes in the conditioned reflex activity of Arctic long-tailed ground squirrels.
Q52255479Secondary reinforcing effects of opiate agonists in mice.
Q72480040Secretory activity of the magnocellular nuclei of the hypothalamus of the pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Walbaum (Salmonidae), when it moves from sea to river and is transported back
Q68564771Segment-by-segment histological analysis of the cervical division of the spinal cord and of the roots of the spinal nerves and ganglia in severe craniocerebral trauma
Q38375849Segmentation, grouping and accentuation during stimulus perception
Q44767913Selank and short peptides of the tuftsin family in the regulation of adaptive behavior in stress
Q48303193Selective action of decimeter waves on central brain structures
Q52298021Selective depression of neuronal excitability during habituation
Q43953359Selective effects of an NMDA glutamate receptor antagonist on the sensory input from chemoreceptors in the snail's head during acquisition of nociceptive sensitization
Q45179734Selective effects of antibodies to protein SMP-69 on the activity of defensive behavior command neurons in the common snail
Q43208524Selective impairments to memory consolidation in chicks produced by 5'-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine
Q46392077Selective involvement of opioids in the mechanisms of synapse-specific plasticity in the common snail during the acquisition of sensitization
Q48520652Selective participation of brain-specific nonhistone Np-3.5 proteins of chromatin in the processes of the reproduction of a defensive habit in response to food in edible snails
Q48146399Selective suppression of forward and recurrent "rapid" inhibition by local application of picrotoxin in area CA1 of rat hippocampal slices
Q48377158Senile amyloidosis in schizophrenia
Q48650542Sensitivity of "silent" and background-active neurons of the cat cortex to anoxia
Q83912451Sensitivity of intracellular calcium-binding sites for exo- and endocytosis of synaptic vesicles to Sr, Ba, and Mg ions
Q71411105Sensitization and habituation in command neurons of the defensive reflex in Helix lucorum
Q49083546Sensory and motoric components of various forms of learned movement with change in the activity of the cholinergic system of the neostriatum
Q41558977Sensory information--the major factor of ontogeny
Q36463082Sensory innervation of the brain (primary interoceptor neurons of the brain and their asynaptic dendrites).
Q48562974Sensory innervation of the brain - myth or reality?
Q77420831Sensory neurons and Schwann cells during pharmacological stimulation of a regenerating nerve
Q69429363Sensory neurons in the central nervous system of the crayfish
Q45288757Sensory responses of neurons in the medial septal area in conditions of modulation of theta activity using the alpha-2-adrenoreceptor agonist clonidine
Q52050665Separate training of hemispheres to perform visual discrimination in conditions of blocking of interhemisphere transmission by masking.
Q72921361Separation of potassium and calcium channels in the nerve cell soma membranes
Q34606136Sequelae of closed craniocerebral trauma and the efficacy of piracetam in its treatment in adolescents.
Q46790822Sequelae of prenatal serotonin depletion and stress on pain sensitivity in rats
Q52089462Sequential rearrangements of the ensemble activity of putamen neurons in the monkey brain as a correlate of continuous behavior.
Q126786572Serotonin and Dopamine in Biological Models of Depression
Q46424982Serotonin and NMDA glutamate receptor antagonists selectively impair the reactivation of associative memory in the common snail
Q77534182Serotonin imitates several of the neuronal effects of nociceptive sensitization in the common snail
Q43953384Serotonin modulates oscillations of the membrane potential in isolated spinal neurons from lampreys.
Q48602113Serotonin-reactive neurons in the neocortex
Q46496734Serotoninergic mechanisms of the effects of neurotensin on passive avoidance behavior in rats
Q41108409Set as a physiological determinant of behavior
Q114689514Sex-Dependent Effects of Stress in Male Rats on Memory and Expression of the Insulin-Like Growth Factor 2 Receptor Gene in the Brains of Offspring
Q128581667Sex-Related Differences in Selective Auditory Attention in Dichotic Listening with Different Levels of Difficulty: fMRI Data
Q46933554Sexual dimorphism of neuroglial relationships in the frontal fields of the human brain
Q49083573Sexual dimorphism of the interhemispheric asymmetry dynamics during the processing of the transcallosal signal
Q46016940Sexual function in adult male rats after prenatal modulation of the cholinergic system.
Q68004965Shifts in spatial synchronization of rabbit cortex potentials elicited by application of acetylcholine and amizil to the visual cortex
Q52030678Short-term memory processes in delayed visual differentiation in rhesus macaques after bilateral removal of field 7 of the parietal cortex.
Q51203476Significance of emotional excitation in the mechanisms of spatial short-term memory in lower apes.
Q50931691Significance of initial emotional state for neuroimmunomodulation in conditions of activation and blockade of 5-HT(1A) receptors.
Q79449687Significance of peripheral feedback in the generation of stepping movements during epidural stimulation of the spinal cord
Q48629431Significance of the character and probability of reinforcement in animals with transplantation of various embryonal tissue structures
Q48189420Significance of the context of cognitive activity in the formation of unconscious visual sets
Q71945824Significance of the interstimulus time interval in repeating combined presentations of L-glutamate and acetylcholine for change in the reactivity of cortical neurons
Q51903623Signs of apoptosis of immunocompetent cells in patients with depression.
Q48771779Similarity of the effects of training and application of serotonin on the electrical activity of live hippocampal slices from rats
Q74349997Simple apparatus for the electrical cleaning of glass microelectrodes
Q82099337Simulation studies of the role of intracortical inhibition in the formation of sensitivity to cross-shaped figures
Q43710897Single unit responses of the somatosensory cortex during formation of delayed evoked potentials in immobilized cats
Q48874379Situational conditioned reflexes in intact and callosectomized dogs: effects of changes in location of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli
Q128025222Skeletal Muscle Atrophy in Men with Chronic Alcoholic Myopathy (impairment to signal pathways)
Q128581477Sleep Disorders and Fatigue in Patients with Different Forms of Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1
Q49145414Sleep deprivation in the treatment of chronic depressive states
Q41509141Sleeping-waking rhythm and frequency of seizures in epilepsy without psychoses and with chronic psychoses
Q48197314Slow potentials and spike activity of cortical neurons during development of internal inhibition
Q127703463Slow-Wave Sleep and Anxiety Levels in Rats in Chronic Deficiency of Chaperone Hsp70i in the Preoptic Area of the Hypothalamus
Q45211560Slow-wave oscillations in the craniosacral space: a hemoliquorodynamic concept of origination
Q48430800Somatosensory evoked potentials during natural and learning rearrangements of posture accompanied by limb elevation in dogs
Q48197213Somatosensory evoked potentials in healthy people
Q71240318Somatotropin secretion in hyperprolactinemia
Q48650533Some aspects of a study of habituation in visceral systems
Q48920176Some aspects of the modular organization of the primary visual cortex of the cat: patterns of cytochrome oxidase activity
Q48133748Some biological mechanisms of the inborn predisposition to alcoholism
Q53348132Some blood biochemistry parameters during the cholinergic treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
Q40247379Some characteristics of premature and usual periods of rapid sleep during daytime narcoleptic attacks
Q48604385Some electrophysiological parameters of brain function in young schoolchildren
Q46496729Some features of learning in the Morris water test in rats selected for responses to humans
Q41064362Some features of the medium surrounding the mechano- and electroreceptors of the acousticolateral system of the ray Raja clavata
Q44029708Some indices of the catecholamine and indoleamine metabolism in groups of patients with paranoid and simple forms of schizophrenia
Q67983850Some mechanisms of action of vasopressin on animal behavior
Q48632012Some mechanisms of central inhibiton
Q48552050Some mechanisms of disturbances of visual gnosis in local brain lesions
Q72857053Some mechanisms of hypothalamo-hypophysio-adrenal disturbances in Itsenko-Cushing's disease
Q48436191Some neurophysiological aspects of the investigation of children with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
Q48632019Some neurophysiological correlates of visual perception
Q48664970Some neurophysiological mechanisms of the perception of interoceptive signals
Q48721512Some neurotropic effects of low-intensity electromagnetic waves in rats with different typological characteristics of higher nervous activity
Q48741559Some new experimental approaches to the analysis of complex forms of behavior
Q66947343Some pathogenetic mechanisms and a classification of manic-depressive psychosis
Q43345255Some physiological manifestations of the activity of the gene controlling the predisposition to pendulum-like movements in rats
Q68564773Some principles of the organization of the preterminal and terminal ramifications of the afferent conductors in the neuropil of the dorsal ganglia of the edible snail
Q36244999Some problems in the measurement of the frequency-resolving ability of hearing
Q121242637Some properties of olfactory bulb dendrites in frogs
Q46521913Some quantitative measures of structural asymmetry in fields 41 and 22 of the human auditory cortex
Q48471476Spatial distribution of activity of the neurons of the visual cortex during stimulation with a flash of diffused light
Q48174978Spatial distribution of coefficients of asymmetry of brain bioelectrical activity during the experiencing of negative emotions
Q48563076Spatial organization and morphometric characteristics of histaminergic neurons in the rat brain.
Q48380721Spatial organization of afferent inputs to the limbic cortex in rats and cats
Q48483476Spatial organization of afferent thalamic projections to structures of the pallidum in the dog brain
Q48422093Spatial organization of amygdaloid, nigral, and tegmental projections in the dog neostriatum
Q48093679Spatial organization of biopotentials and the originality of visual images
Q48354467Spatial organization of cortical and subcortical afferent projections of the neostriatum in dogs
Q51942719Spatial organization of cortical electrical activity at different stages of a visual set in preschool and early school age.
Q48330604Spatial organization of electrical processes in the brain: problems and solutions
Q48581710Spatial organization of hypothalamic neurons projecting to the "gastric" region of the vagosolitary complex
Q48610408Spatial organization of interaction of transcallosal and thalamocortical flows of excitation
Q44329694Spatial organization of structural elements in layer I of the neocortex and relations between them
Q77623682Spatial organization of the thalamic projections of the striatum in the dog
Q48513292Spatial recognition in cats: effects of parahippocampal lesions
Q38504120Spatial relations of electrical activity during recall of verbal signals in children
Q52294267Spatial resolving power of the auditory cortex in differential conditioning
Q48741551Spatial synchronization of brain potentials during extinctive inhibition
Q39552942Spatial synchronization of cortical potentials and high-frequency components of neocortical electrical activity during learning
Q70921137Spatial, bioelectrical, and neurochemical characteristics of the early afferent reaction of the caudate nucleus to an acoustic signal
Q48454207Spatial-temporal organization of internal connections of the somatosensory cortex under conditions of awakening and soporific influences of the hypothalamus
Q45267553Spatial-temporal organization of subcortical brain functions during immune responses
Q52204818Spatial-temporal organization of the functions of cortical neurons in a conditioned reflex to time.
Q128581669Spatiotemporal Patterns of Corticomuscular Interactions in Locomotion
Q48912074Specialization of motor cortex neurons in rabbits under normal conditions and after ablation of the visual cortex
Q43953351Specific GABA binding in the adrenals and blood corticosteroid levels in stress in intact rats and rats with changes in the functional activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal system
Q52251924Specific and nonspecific components of the neurohumoral link of food refusal conditioned response in the snail.
Q48283089Specific and nonspecific neuronal mechanisms of learning
Q52034938Specific characteristics of cholinergic mechanisms of short-term memory in monkeys for different types of visual information: the effects of amizil.
Q47567727Specific features of the electroretinogram of vertebrates induced by X-rays
Q48348396Specific functions of the motor cortex in reorganizing coordinations during motor training in animals and humans.
Q69576849Specific glucocorticoid receptors of human muscle cytosol
Q67583109Specificity of the neuropsychological syndromes of the disturbance of higher mental functions in Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia
Q48189378Spectral EEG characteristics during increases in the complexity of the context of cognitive activity.
Q48489539Spectral analysis of the EEG in neuronally isolated cortex of the rabbit brain
Q52602026Spectral analysis of the EMG envelope and its role in the study of physiological tremor.
Q48985706Spectral and integral temporal analysis of evoked brain potentials in epileptics
Q48604366Spectral characteristics of the cortex EEG for activation of the serotoninergic structures of the neocortex
Q48945854Spectral correlation analysis of neocortical electrical activity in chronic experiments to create a postural dominant focus
Q50984457Spectral correlation studies of emotional states in humans.
Q68683159Spectral electromyographic analysis of essential tremor
Q51953195Speech and motor disturbances in Rett syndrome.
Q34620350Speech disorders in right-hemisphere stroke
Q48462766Spike activity of neurons in the amygdala and hypothalamus in bilateral leads in food motivation
Q45031105Spike activity of neurons in the lateral hypothalamus in rats during microiontophoretic application of melatonin and noradrenaline
Q43656612Spike responses of neurons in the motor area of the cortex of elderly rabbits to specific stimuli
Q71113227Spinal mechanisms of motor disturbances in torsion dystonia (an electromyographic analysis)
Q49082509Spindlelike cortical potentials during postnatal development of rabbits
Q68268157Splenectomy in the treatment of severe forms of myasthenia
Q48657327Spontaneous activity and rhythm assimilation reactions in baby rabbit hippocampal neurons during learning: age-related characteristics
Q48354416Spontaneous activity of individual neurons in the human ventrolateral thalamus during changes in the functional state of the brain
Q48277733Spontaneous and evoked activity of neurons in deep structures of the brain during their anodal polarization
Q48329592Spontaneous and evoked hypothalamic unit activity in kittens during development
Q54073438Spontaneous discharges from muscle receptors of various functional types
Q72302988Spontaneous potentiation of focal potentials of the CA1 field in long-surviving hippocampal slices of the rat in the absence of electrical stimulation
Q69669911Spontaneous recovery of precise movement and of fixation of position of a limb following extirpation of the somatosensory area of the cortex in dogs
Q40219800Spread of excitation along neuron chains of the frog tectum opticum in response to various visual stimuli
Q70215058Stability of interneuron connections in the sensorimotor cortex of cats
Q48728524Stability of the behavioral specialization of neurons
Q70737180Stabilization of dexamethasone binding cytosol protein from the rat myocardium
Q51044992Stabilization of mauthner neuron structure on adaptation of goldfish to contralateral optokinetic stimulation.
Q48378313Stable modifications to the expression of neurohormones in the rat hypothalamus in a model of post-traumatic stress disorder
Q48647337Stages of sleep after psychoemotional tension: the individual character of changes
Q73010364Staining of central neurons of the pteropod mollusk Clione limacina with fluorescein-labeled alpha-bungarotoxin
Q69947456State of adrenergic and cholinergic systems in schizophrenia patients during psychopharmacotherapy
Q48165556State of hypophyseogonadal system in male rats with diabetes (experimental investigation).
Q48510415State of intercortical connections after cranial-cerebral trauma with injury to the lower parietal lobe
Q48214016State of rat adrenal glucocorticoid function in pinealectomy
Q45249910State of synapses of the cortex of cerebral hemispheres on gamma-irradiation
Q38662123State of the brain as a systemic neurophysiological mechanism of the conditioned reflex
Q48771674State of the cerebral cortex in severe penetrating gunshot injuries to the skull and brain (experimental studies).
Q46194356State of the cervical section of the spinal cord in patients with remitting multiple sclerosis during immunomodulatory treatment
Q48372806State of the effect of long-term administration of thyrotrophin releasing hormone to rats on the posterior lobe of the pituitary
Q52069820State of the hippocampus in patients with various forms senility.
Q44009299State of the hypothalamic-pituitary neurosecretory system in rabbits with anaphylactic shock
Q44187969State of the mechanisms of autonomous regulation in Raynaud's disease
Q33170236State of the nonspecific brain systems during cerebral autonomic neurovascular crises and neurogenic syncope
Q72988748State of the peripheral nervous system in patients with hypothalamic insufficiency
Q74818057State of the sympathetico-adrenal system in patients with hypothalamic pubertal syndrome
Q48165546State of the vasopressin-, oxytocin-, and corticoliberin-synthesizing structures of the hypothalamus in experimental diabetes in rats of both sexes
Q121311791Statistical Characteristics of the Spike Activity of Neurons in the Midbrain Auditory Center in Frogs on Exposure to Tones Modulated by Low-Frequency Noise
Q48716135Statistical analysis of impulse activity of the diencephalon during immobilization emotional stress in rats
Q48520503Statistical analysis of the functional connections between the neurons of the visual and motor cortex in different forms of conditioned reflex behavior
Q44667695Status of the "protein kinase CK2-HMG14" system in age-related amnesia in rats
Q69702931Status of type-II glucocorticoid receptors in tissues of adrenalectomized rats
Q48725565Stepping movements evoked by repetitive dorsal root stimulation in a mesencephalic cat.
Q48303200Stereotaxic coordinates of midbrain structures of the guinea pig
Q69262371Stereotaxic investigation of the lateral horn of the cat spinal cord
Q43953365Steroids in the control of reproductive function in fish
Q67583103Stimulated shift in the stability of heart rhythm as a condition of the activation of the CNS and perception of a stimulus
Q45039769Stimulation of the immune response during activation of the dopaminergic system in mice with opposite types of behavior
Q49089443Stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus provokes the initiation of robust long-term potentiation of the thalamo-cortical input to the barrel field of the adult, freely moving rat.
Q52102071Stimulus recognition as a factor in the formation of effective properties of a trigger signal
Q51382292Stimulus-dependent effects in the actions of sodium channel blockers on sensory C-units.
Q48866973Stress-induced analgesia. The role of hormones produced by the hypophyseal-adrenocortical system
Q80497564Stress-induced changes in cellular responses in hypothalamic structures to administration of an antigen (lipopolysaccharide) (in terms of c-Fos protein expression)
Q43117889Stress-induced changes in the functional activity of the neuroendocrine system: the modulatory activity of derinat
Q73393736Striatal mechanism of action of corticoliberin on behavior in dogs in conditions of dopamine deficiency
Q52197450Striato-nigro-thalamic mechanisms in the organization of behavior.
Q48787920Striatonigral level of neurochemical organization of avoidance conditioned reflexes of various complexity
Q48824402Striohypothalamic functional connections in pharmacologically induced catalepsy in wistar rats
Q128583169Structural Changes in Human Brain Tissue in Prenatal Alcoholization at Different Periods of Intrauterine Development
Q128581474Structural Features of the Brain in Juvenile Depression with Clinical High Risk of Psychosis
Q127476280Structural and Biomechanical Characteristics of Blood Neutrophils on the Background of Exposure to Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles (an atomic force microscopy study)
Q128759153Structural and Histochemical Changes in Neurons in the Frontal Cortex of the Brain in Rats with Cholestasis
Q48812277Structural and functional changes in neurons and glia in the sensomotor cortex in experimental neurosis
Q39899418Structural and functional properties of synapses in insects
Q44030956Structural and immunochemical characteristics of the neuronal organization of field 4 of the sensorimotor cortex in cats
Q80963268Structural and quantitative characteristics of the dendrites of neurons in the posterior zone of the amygdaloid body in the rat brain
Q42512706Structural asymmetry of the basal nucleus of Meynert in men and women
Q43788374Structural bases of intracortical processes underlying the synchronization of epileptic potentials in the sensorimotor areas of the neocortex in rats
Q48504583Structural basis for the functional specialization of the pallidal complex of the cat brain
Q48146308Structural basis of changes in the thermodynamic stability of synapses in the cerebral cortex of white rats in the post-asphyxia period
Q42524698Structural basis of the interaction of the limbic and motor systems in the striopallidum
Q81408723Structural basis of the involvement of the striopallidum and pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus in the organization of adaptive behavior
Q48945867Structural changes in receptive fields of visual cortical neurons of lightly anesthetized cats
Q44901730Structural changes in the dendritic spines of pyramidal neurons in layer III of the sensorimotor cortex of the rat cerebral cortex in the late post-ischemic period
Q48657257Structural changes in the nucleus ambiguus of the medulla oblongata and intracardiac ganglia in growing rats in immobilization stress
Q70700646Structural changes of the human embryonal cortex during explantation
Q43953375Structural characteristics of ionotropic glutamate receptors as identified by channel blockade.
Q42968727Structural characteristics of neurons and macrogliocytes in interconnected regions of the mesoaccumbocingulate dopaminergic system in rats
Q66947349Structural characteristics of the dorsomedial nucleus of the cat thalamus
Q48459164Structural differences between desmosome-like contacts in afferent chemical and mixed synapses of Mauthner neurons in the goldfish
Q48510436Structural organization indexes of some cortical formations in the left and right hemispheres of the human brain
Q46521917Structural organization of astrocytes in the rat hippocampus in the post-ischemic period.
Q73836956Structural organization of receptor elements and organs of the land mollusk Pomatia elegans (Prosobranchia)
Q42467567Structural organization of the amygdaloid complex of the rat brain
Q74384739Structural organization of the area postrema in normal rats and in conditions of chronic gravitational overload
Q44267897Structural organization of the frontoparietal zone of the sensorimotor cortex of the rat cerebrum
Q47894091Structural organization of the nervous system of the mantle cavity wall and organs in prosobranch mollusks
Q46678233Structural organization of the pedunculopontine nucleus of the tegmentum of the dog midbrain
Q39656880Structural organization of the prefrontal cortex in cats and its differences from that in monkeys
Q40765130Structural organization of the sensory systems of the snail
Q40950623Structural organization of the synaptic connections of the spinal cord motor neurons of mammals
Q73228668Structural organization of the thoracic nucleus of the spinal cord of the cat after destruction of the amygdaloid body of the brain
Q46496752Structural organization of the zona incerta of the dog diencephalon
Q36615995Structural organization, neurochemical characteristics, and connections of the reticular nucleus of the thalamus
Q71113238Structural peculiarities of the cornea of the reptilian eye
Q73453424Structural rearrangements in the gray matter of the spinal cord after gravitational overloading
Q79196845Structural transformations in sympathetic ganglia and the thoracic part of the vagus nerve in conditions of gravitational overloading
Q48866952Structural transformations in the human cerebellar cortex from birth to the age of three years
Q67249143Structural-functional analysis of identified neurons in the snailHelix pomatia
Q48580854Structural-functional organization of neurons in the cerebral cortex of rats with different levels of resistance to emotional stress in conditions of exposure to delta sleep-inducing peptide
Q49158533Structural-functional organization of thalamic deficiency
Q48424103Structural-functional reorganization of nonapeptidergic neurosecretory hypothalamic nuclei in experimental acute pancreatitis
Q72153703Structural-functional state of opiate receptors in surviving slices of the olfactory cerebral cortex of rats during long-term potentiation
Q48969857Structural-metabolic bases of the effect of vibration on thalamic structures of the brain
Q46271858Structural-metabolic changes in histaminergic neurons of the rat hypothalamus in conditions of loss of bile.
Q45288747Structural-metabolic organization of field 4 of the cat brain in normal conditions and after unilateral enucleation of the eye.
Q67583105Structure and nature of macrophages participating in the wallerian degeneration of nerve fibers
Q81116853Structure of dependent relationships between neurons in the sensorimotor cortex of the left and right hemispheres in rabbits in immobilization catatonia
Q71334521Structure of dorsal branches of spinal nerves in the human fetus, neonate, and adult
Q48422073Structure of higher sections of the motor system of the rat brain after various forms of hypokinesia
Q80566705Structure of internal interneuronal connections in field 17 of the cat cerebral cortex
Q41004470Structure of neuronal activity of the caudate nucleus of monkeys during decision-making and the realization of the motor program in different variants of a delayed spatial choice task
Q48422066Structure of nocturnal sleep in patients with cerebral insult
Q71113253Structure of receptive fields of cat pulvinar neurons sensitive to photic stimulation
Q48174966Structure of reciprocal connections of visual cortical fields 17 and 18 in the cat.
Q113400973Structure of the Retina in Pacific Ocean Salmon Fry in Conditions of Crepuscular Illumination during Geomagnetic Field Changes
Q48303449Structure of the insular region of the rat neocortex
Q71573035Structure of the motor cortex of the brain of the hypokinesic rat
Q45139196Structure of the sensorimotor area of the cerebral cortex in the offspring of alcoholized rats
Q43627149Studies of chemoreceptor perception in mollusks.
Q52298412Studies of complex forms of behavior in various vertebrates.
Q48859088Studies of cortical interactions over short periods of time during the search for verbal associations
Q74256820Studies of cytokines in nerve tissue cultures
Q46846305Studies of damage to hippocampal neurons in inbred mouse lines in models of epilepsy using kainic acid and pilocarpine
Q37777355Studies of histogenetic and neurodegenerative processes in the nervous system using heterotopic neurotransplantation.
Q52174422Studies of individual differences as a method for discriminating the stages of acquisition of a conditioned reflex.
Q46064461Studies of learning and memory processes in adult rats in conditions of intracerebral administration of caspase inhibitors
Q48033974Studies of long-term potentiation and depression of inhibitory transmission by mathematical modeling of post-synaptic processes
Q48468391Studies of reconciliation in anubis baboons.
Q48174935Studies of selective attention in dogs using the coherence-phase characteristics of cortical potentials over a wide range of frequencies, 1-220 Hz.
Q48430775Studies of selective attention in dogs using the energy characteristics of neocortical potentials in the frequency range 1-220 Hz.
Q126413027Studies of the Cognitive Abilities of Rhesus Macaques
Q114689524Studies of the Dynamics of Transmitter Contents in Neurons in the Sympathetic Ganglia in Cats in Early Ontogeny
Q127462096Studies of the Membrane-Protecting Potential of the Combination of 2-Ethyl-6-Methyl-Hydroxypyridine Succinate and Citicoline
Q48374508Studies of the Rf = 0.58 protein in common snail command neurons during learning
Q81574594Studies of the effects of central administration of beta-amyloid peptide (25-35): pathomorphological changes in the Hippocampus and impairment of spatial memory
Q80403449Studies of the effects of fragment (25-35) of beta-amyloid peptide on the behavior of rats in a radial maze
Q52082490Studies of the functional characteristics of central neurons of the brain in a behavioral experiment.
Q44146295Studies of the interaction between behavioral stereotypes and the effects of activation of presynaptic dopamine receptors during extinction and amnesia in mice
Q48430794Studies of the mechanism of development of "deprivation" potentiation of population responses of neurons in field CA1 of living hippocampal slices
Q48581684Studies of the mechanism of the anticonvulsant effect of delta-sleep-inducing peptide in conditions of increased oxygen tension
Q80975645Studies of the molecular mechanisms of action of relaxin on the adenylyl cyclase signaling system using synthetic peptides derived from the LGR7 relaxin receptor
Q84729937Studies of the perception of incomplete outline images of different sizes
Q48146358Studies of the relationship between ultrastructural synaptic plasticity and ribosome number in dendritic terminals in the rat neocortex in a cellular conditioning model
Q46678248Studies of the reproduction of long-term memory during exposure to kainic Acid
Q48666659Studies of the role of the brain cholinergic system in the mechanisms of dissociative learning
Q73936793Studies of the role of the central nucleus of the amygdala in controlling cardiovascular functions
Q45179730Studies of the roles of NMDA and AMPA glutamate receptors in the mechanism of corasole convulsions in mice.
Q44450637Studies of the structure of glutamate receptor ion channels and the mechanisms of their blockade by organic cations.
Q48675884Studies of the synaptic plasticity of field CA3 of the hippocampus during tetanization of the perforant path
Q52064355Studies of the topography of c-Fos-expressing neurons in the mouse neocortex during training to conditioned reflex freezing.
Q52209917Study by nontraditional analytic methods of features of cortical potentials, taking high-frequency components into account, in dogs during instrumental learning
Q48679493Study of higher nervous activity and current neurophysiology
Q71334549Study of hypothalamic projections to the mesencephalic reticular formation and parafascicular complex in cats by the retrograde HRP transport method
Q93686621Study of motor activity and level of sex hormones in female rats in conditions of a lengthy sexual conflict situation
Q52199908Study of the activity of head ganglion cells of larvae of the Drosophila ts-mutant with altered capacity for learning and increased activational properties of calmodulin.
Q42017827Study of the glucocorticoid receptors of the cytosol of various rat organs
Q49025267Study of the organization of associative connections in the motor cortical area of cats by means of horseradish peroxidase
Q41637148Study of the structuro-catalytic peculiarities of brain acetylcholinesterase in the postnatal ontogenesis of rabbits
Q48648712Subcellular localization of hexokinase in the rat cortex
Q71411092Subcellular reaction of the brain to hypoxia
Q35096501Subcortical white matter interstitial cells: their connections, neurochemical specialization, and role in the histogenesis of the cortex
Q48413264Submicroscopic localization of H3-noradrenaline in the hypothalamus
Q48229277Super-slow oscillations in the characteristics of states of the human operator under conditions of monotony
Q52200716Superconsolidated conditioned reflex--a highly adaptive system of behavior.
Q72961305Suppressing effect of hydrocortisone and corticotropin on the self-stimulation reaction
Q48493521Suppression of EEG gamma activity--an informative measure of spreading depression waves in the neocortex of the conscious rabbit
Q48657242Suppression of glial fibrillary acidic protein expression in astrocytes of the superficial glial delimiting membrane in traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Q43220333Suppression of hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenocortical system function as the cause of aggravation of the ulcerogenic action of indomethacin on the stomach after administration of pharmacological doses of hydrocortisone
Q71573049Suppression of synaptic input of defense behavior command neurons by stimulation of neurons of the mesocerebrum in a preparation of the isolated CNS of the common snail
Q48707684Supraspinal control over segmental centers of antagonist muscles in man. 3. Tuning of spinal reciprocal inhibition system during organization preceding voluntary movement
Q48100917Surface structure of nervous tissue grafts developing in the anterior eye chamber of the rat (electron microscopic investigation)
Q80403427Survival and phenotypic characteristics of axotomized neurons in spinal ganglia
Q52321168Sympathetic influences on presynaptic inhibition of the dorsal spinal cord potential.
Q48399253Synapse ultrastructure of the initial axon segment of the pyramidal neuron
Q48410192Synaptic architectonics of the molecular layer of the cerebral cortex of rats during audiogenic epileptiform attacks against the background of regulation of the level of cerebral convulsive readiness
Q33869876Synaptic contacts in schizophrenia: studies using immunocytochemical identification of dopaminergic neurons
Q69657168Synaptic cytoarchitecture of the cat septum pellucidum
Q43478951Synaptic morphological changes resulting from conduction block in a medium with decreased ionic strength
Q71121607Synaptic organization of individual layers in area 4 of the cerebral cortex of the cat
Q33702896Synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus during afferent activation reproducing the pattern of the theta rhythm (theta plasticity).
Q48493525Synaptic plasticity of the neocortex of white rats with diffuse-focal brain injuries
Q80566698Synaptic potentials in common snail muscles during stimulation of command neurons
Q40080608Synaptic processes in pericruciate cortical neurons evoked by pyramidal tract stimulation in cats
Q51003325Synaptic proteins of the temporal associative area of the neocortex of cats (field Ep) with normal and reduced cognitive capacities.
Q48581746Synaptic responses of neurons in the parietal associative cortex of the cat to stimulation of the red nucleus
Q49105521Synaptic responses of sensomotor cortical neurons to stimulation of emotionally significant brain structures
Q41144927Synchronization and cooperative interaction in brain activity
Q48369523Synchronization of EEG theta and alpha rhythms in an unconscious set to the perception of an emotional facial expression.
Q73936776Synchronization of evoked secretion of quanta of mediator as a mechanism facilitating the action of sympathomimetics
Q48329628Synchronization of spontaneous activity of skeletal muscle, autonomic nerves, and brain structures in cats
Q48712356Synchronization processes in the mechanisms of short-term memory in monkeys: the involvement of cholinergic and glutaminergic cortical structures
Q71240316Synchronizing role of serotonin in regulation of pituitary gonadotropic function in female rats
Q71573046Synchronous recording of neuronal activity and dynamics of the content of intracellular bound calcium in the cerebral cortex of the cat
Q37134177Syncytial coupling of neurons in tissue culture and early ontogenesis
Q83912429Syncytial cytoplasmic anastomoses between neurites in caudal mesenteric ganglion cells in adult cats
Q39292507Syndrome of transient global amnesia
Q128136811Synergistic Application of Zinc and Vitamin C to Support Memory and Attention and to Decrease the Risk of Developing Nervous System Diseases
Q48559412Synthesis of proteins in the critical periods of early postnatal ontogenesis: its role in the formation of intraspecies aggressive behavior of rats
Q37011049System of synaptic influences on neurons of the neocortex in the presence of a conditioned reflex
Q39700661Systemic mechanisms of higher nervous activity
Q48703197Systems analysis of the neuroimmunological mechanisms of memory
Q71367798Tactile (Merkel's) cells of sinuous hairs after colchicine application to a nerve in cats
Q42486715Tangential segregation of simple and complex cells in the visual cortex and their connections. A universal neocortical module
Q72153689Target cells of serotoninergic innervation in the locus coeruleus
Q43771635Tectocortical connections in the rat visual system
Q48985688Telemetric electroencephalographic and stereoelectroencephalographic investigations in the topical diagnosis of the epileptic focus
Q49063706Temperature reactions of the rat cerebral cortex and distant effects of an experimentally induced excitatory focus
Q41175890Temporal specificity in the action of stimuli during the formation of associative ultrastructural reorganizations in neurons of the cerebral cortex
Q68052096Temporal structure of conjugated discharges of neocortical neuronal pairs in rabbits during calm alertness
Q52248121Temporal structure of conjugated discharges of visual and sensorimotor neocortical units during conditioned reflex activity in rabbits.
Q81804923Temporal summation and reaction times for detecting gratings
Q39459341Temporospatial organization of membrane-synaptic modifications and topograms of slow oscillations in cortical potentials during learning
Q66947355Testosterone secretion and gonadotropic function of the hypophysis under conditions of a limited diet
Q46678244Tetrodotoxin-dependent glycine release in the rat nucleus accumbens during correction of feeding behavior
Q48922634Thalamocortical relationships in the brain of white rats in the postischemic period (a morphometric investigation of cyto- and synaptoarchitectonics).
Q127475539The 5-HTTLPR Polymorphism of the Serotonin Transporter Gene and the Intellectual Environment of Work Activity as Factors Associated with Changes to Memory in Aging
Q129907678The Adaptogenic and Neuroprotective Properties of Lithium Ascorbate
Q128816564The Brain–Computer Interface: Experience of Construction, Use, and Potential Routes to Improving Performance
Q128571439The Ca2+-Regulated Enzymes Calpain and Calcineurin in Neurodegenerative Processes and Prospects for Neuroprotective Pharmacotherapy
Q60445404The Cys allele (the Ser311Cys polymorphism) of the dopamine d2 receptor is associated with schizophrenia and impairments to selective attention in patients
Q128954483The Dorsal and Ventral Hippocampus Have Different Reactivities to Proinflammatory Stress: Corticosterone Levels, Cytokine Expression, and Synaptic Plasticity
Q52223275The EEG analysis of the interrelationships of structures of the thalamofrontal system during the recovery of conditioned reflex behavior of amygdalectomized rats.
Q127369993The Functions of Dopamine in Operant Conditioned Reflexes
Q128025025The GABAergic System of the Basolateral Nucleus of the Amygdaloid Complex of the Brain in Formation of Alcohol Dependence
Q126666353The Importance of Extracellular Potassium for Differentiation of Cerebellar Purkinje Cells in Tissue Cultures
Q115232109The Influence of Genotype on Phenotype in Contemporary Research into the Genetic Causes of Schizophrenia
Q116766419The Link between Visual Attention and the Subjective Perception of Time
Q129721413The Main Physiological Mechanisms of Cold Adaptation in Humans
Q127463374The Mirror System of the Brain on Observation, Performance, and Imagination of Motor Tasks – Neurophysiological Reflection of the Perception of Another Person’s Consciousness
Q42512372The Na,K pump regulates decreases in the cholinosensitivity of neurons in the common snail to a cellular analog of habituation: the role of cellular calcium
Q48101065The Potential of Transcranial Magnetotherapy in Color and Rhythm Therapy in the Rehabilitation of Ischemic Stroke
Q127772276The Problem of Free Will and Modern Neuroscience
Q60445405The Role of Genotype-Environment Interactions in the Development of Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Stress Associated with Disease in a Family Member
Q128135542The Role of Humoral Factors in Producing the Cardioprotective Effect of Remote Ischemic Preconditioning
Q128989290The Role of the Autonomic Nervous System in the Mechanism Triggering the Adaptive Phenomenon of Remote Preconditioning
Q126469442The Role of the Stress Factor in Mediating the Genetic Predisposition to Stroke of the Background of Hypertensive Disease
Q48374493The ability of Drosophila mutants with defects in the central complex and mushroom bodies to learn and form memories
Q44450643The ability of new non-competitive glutamate receptor blockers to weaken motor disorders in animals
Q48368823The action of agonists and an antagonist of GABA on the frequency composition of the electrical activity of various brain structures of rats
Q44386347The action of mexidol on the state of conditioned reflex activity after traumatic brain lesions
Q48251680The activity of Krebs cycle enzymes in the visual analyzer of rats in the norm and under stress
Q48941200The activity of neurons of the sensorimotor cortex of the rabbit with constant and partial reinforcement of a defensive reflex
Q48146377The activity of thalamus and cerebral cortex neurons in rabbits during "slow wave-spindle" EEG complexes
Q35078174The adaptive effects of hypoxic preconditioning of brain neurons
Q48136461The advantages of electrophysiological control for the localization and selective lesioning of the nucleus accumbens in rats
Q71220393The afferent pathway to the locus coeruleus from the nucleus of the solitary tract
Q80514826The age dynamics of monoamine oxidase activity and levels of lipid peroxidation products in the human brain
Q40776529The amygdaloid complex in the sex differentiation of the brain
Q51966347The angiotensin-converting enzyme gene as a possible risk or protective factor in Alzheimer's disease.
Q48716128The antistress role of the GABAergic system of the brain
Q36201542The appearance of long-latency responses to a conditioned signal in the cortex is explained by strengthening of collateral connections between pyramidal neurons
Q40765135The architecture of the reflex arc.
Q48295845The assessment of the strength of interaction between neurons of the motor cortex of the cat in a conditioned reflex to time
Q73228655The astrocyte glia of the motor cortex in conditions of application of acetylcholine
Q48377147The autonomic basis of certain forms of activity in local lesions of the limbico-reticular complex (mathematical analysis of the cardiac rhythm)
Q43420754The behavior of ants in a maze in response to a change from food motivation to protective motivation
Q42691445The behavior of rats in response to changes in the light regime and administration of melatonin
Q48251719The behavioral effects of the destruction of the magnocellular basal nucleus of the forebrain of cats
Q46936244The brain is one of the most important sources of dopamine in the systemic circulation in the perinatal period of ontogenesis in rats
Q83179368The causes of intragroup aggression in rhesus macaques
Q48299311The cellular and fiber organization of the locomotor areas of the brain stem of the cat.
Q81603873The cellular composition of the cerebral cortex of rat fetuses after fractionated low-dose irradiation
Q35888161The central nucleus of the amygdaloid body of the brain: cytoarchitectonics, neuronal organization, connections
Q46194351The characteristics of motor activity in ISIAH rats in an open field test are controlled by genes on chromosomes 2 and 16.
Q48354390The chemical nature of the hypothalamocortical activation underlying drinking behavior
Q69431859The cholinergic system of the forebrain modulates activity of GABA-ergic interneurons responsible for presynaptic regulation in the neocortex of kittens
Q34756387The complex perception of stimuli during the acquisition of conditioned reflexes
Q52105530The concept of nervous system levels.
Q37039680The conditioned reflex: detectors and command neurons
Q44343045The contribution of serotonin 1A receptors to kappa opioid immunosuppression
Q36964542The contribution of synaptic plasticity in the basal ganglia to the processing of visual information
Q46473413The contributions of the right and left hemispheres of the brain to the polymorphism and heterogeneity of pyramidal syndrome
Q80403439The corpus callosum, interhemisphere interactions, and the function of the right hemisphere of the brain
Q79991410The correcting influence of the locus ceruleus on ophthalmic hypertension of hypothalamic origin
Q52214830The correlation between changes in synaptic efficiency and cellular excitability during the development of a conditioned reflex analog.
Q37662256The counting function and its representation in the parietal cortex in humans and animals
Q51862117The course and outcomes of episodic endogenous psychoses with juvenile onset (a follow-up study).
Q44551236The critical role of intracellular calcium in the mechanisms of plasticity of common snail defensive behavior command neurons LPl1 and RPl1 in nociceptive sensitization
Q36306310The current state of S. S. Korsakov's concept of alcoholic polyneuritic psychosis
Q48595888The degree of oxidative stress in the rat brain during ischemia and reperfusion in conditions of correction of the L-arginine-NO system.
Q52223274The dependance of neuronal reactions of the sensorimotor cortex to a simultaneous complex stimulus upon the level of differentiation of its components.
Q48683504The development of the scientific ideas of I. P. Pavlov on the goal reflex in studies of the mechanisms of biological motivation
Q47686630The diagnostic significance of electrophysiological analysis of an orientational reflex in hemispheric ischemic stroke
Q80975654The differential contribution of dopamine D(1) and D (2) receptors to mu-opioidergic immunomodulation
Q52089463The differentiating activity of monkey putamen neurons during performance of alternative spatial selection.
Q33893510The differentiation of dopaminergic neurons in situ, in vivo, and in transplants
Q48430819The disinhibitory zone of the striate neuron receptive field and its sensitivity to cross-like figures
Q48295804The disruption of intracortical interaction in endogenous depression
Q43656610The diurnal rhythm of adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion in the assessment of the adequacy of replacement therapy in primary chronic adrenal failure.
Q46358537The dopaminergic nigrostriatal system in sleep deprivation in cats
Q43271637The dopaminergic system of the telencephalo-diencephalic areas of the vertebrate brain in the organization of the sleep-waking cycle
Q73665704The duration of persistence of the electrical characteristics of command neurons during acquisition of long-term sensitization in the common snail
Q48251690The dynamic of thermal fields of the brain of rats in the late post-resuscitation period under stress
Q44450624The dynamics of morphological measures and lipid peroxidation during aging of the cerebral cortex in humans
Q48703195The dynamics of pain perception in conditions of purposive activity
Q81603880The dynamics of the spatial synchronization of brain biopotentials in conditions of intense attention in the hypnotic state
Q44075086The effect of L-tryptophan on conditioned reflex learning and behavior in rats with experimental pathology of the thyroid gland
Q48437075The effect of cerebral cortex isolation on sleep-wakefulness cycles in cats
Q71220390The effect of hypokinesia on the blood vessels of the rabbit telencephalon
Q48251625The effect of increased nitrogen pressure on motor activity and the intercentral relationships of the brain of monkeys
Q52101067The effect of vasopressin and oxytocin on behavioral processes and brain neurotransmitter metabolism in rats
Q70639152The effectiveness of amiridin in senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type
Q46473427The effects of 6-hydroxydopamine on the electrical characteristics of snail neurons in long-term sensitization
Q46473433The effects of L-DOPA and transcranial magnetic stimulation on behavioral reactions in kindled rats
Q46521908The effects of Mexidol on the acquisition of food-related conditioned reflexes and synaptic ultrastructure in field CA1 of the rat hippocampus after single acoustic stimuli with ultrasonic components
Q114955165The effects of Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransporter inhibition on passive avoidance learning and memory deficit in a rat model of traumatic brain injury
Q51084344The effects of a novel analog of the C-terminal fragment of vasopressin on the behavior of white rats.
Q43551897The effects of a serotoninergic substrate of the nucleus accumbens on latent inhibition
Q40540122The effects of activation and blockade of central P2X receptors on body temperature
Q44551229The effects of activation of glutamate ionotropic connections of neurons in the sensorimotor cortex in a conditioned reflex
Q44871534The effects of activation of kainate receptors on tonic and phasic gabaergic inhibition in interneurons in field CA1 of guinea pig hippocampus slices
Q52015482The effects of active immunization against plasma amine oxidase on the formation of a conditioned passive avoidance reaction in white rats.
Q43709192The effects of afferent stimulation on neurons in slices of the medial septal area and their modulation by biologically active substances in hibernating and awake ground squirrels
Q43627137The effects of aluminum ions on the phosphorylation of tubulin and microtubule proteins in the brain.
Q43627139The effects of an NDMA receptor antagonist on delayed visual differentiation in monkeys and rearrangements of neuron spike activity in the visual and prefrontal areas of the cortex
Q52032759The effects of analogs of the C-terminal fragment of arginine-vasopressin on the dynamics of development of a conditioned active avoidance response in rats.
Q28208951The effects of ante- and postnatal hypoxia on the central nervous system and their correction with peptide hormones
Q42170232The effects of antibodies against proteins of the s100 group on neuron plasticity in sensitized and non-sensitized snails
Q44613874The effects of anxiogenic stress on glucocorticoid sensitivity, glucose tolerance, and alloxan resistance in rats
Q52172832The effects of atropine microinjections into the motor cortex of rats on the development of a motor habit.
Q73393760The effects of atropine on associative-type ultrastructural postsynaptic plasticity in the rat neocortex
Q74626895The effects of baclofen on calcium channel currents in dorsal sensory cells of the spinal cord in the lamprey
Q74301319The effects of cAMP on the excitability and responses of defensive behavior command neurons in the common snail evoked by sensory stimuli
Q44241119The effects of carbachol on the proximal and distal parts of frog motor nerve endings
Q52026510The effects of changes in extracellular calcium concentrations on the electrical properties of command neurons after acquisition of a defensive conditioned reflex in snails.
Q48430811The effects of corticoliberin at different concentrations on long-term potentiation in slices of rat olfactory cortex
Q45059879The effects of corticotropin-releasing factor on anoxia-induced changes in evoked potentials in living slices of rat olfactory cortex
Q43551918The effects of delta sleep-inducing peptide on the intensity of lipid peroxidation and xanthine oxidase activity in rat tissues during cold stress
Q45973833The effects of desensitization of capsaicin-sensitive afferent neurons on the microcirculation in the stomach in rats depend on the blood glucocorticoid hormone level.
Q52171376The effects of development of a food-related operant reflex on the receptor binding of glutamate in the rat brain.
Q48986668The effects of direct sequential masking on evoked potentials in the auditory area of the cortex in guinea pigs
Q44075095The effects of dopamine synthesis inhibitors and dopamine antagonists on regeneration in the hydra Hydra attenuata
Q81116839The effects of electrical stimulation of the paleocerebellar cortex on penicillin-induced convulsive activity in rats
Q42457333The effects of epiphyseal peptides on the release of immunoglobulins in Peyer's patches in rats in vitro.
Q44902646The effects of estrogens on learning in rats with chronic brain cholinergic deficiency in a Morris water test. Identification of the "passive swimming" component
Q44241115The effects of exogenous nitric oxide on the function of neuromuscular synapses
Q45031096The effects of fentanyl and morphine on local blood flow and oxygen tension in the frontoparietal cortex and nucleus accumbens of the brain in white rats
Q48595919The effects of fluoxetine and its complexes with glycerrhizic acid on behavior in rats and brain monoamine levels.
Q48827467The effects of forelimb deafferentation on the post-natal development of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus
Q44241113The effects of glutamate on spontaneous acetylcholine secretion processes in the rat neuromuscular synapse
Q73269758The effects of high-frequency microstimulation of the cortex on interhemisphere synchronization in the rat motor cortex
Q45247601The effects of hormones of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenal, renin-angiotensin, and thyroid hormone systems on the formation of dyscirculatory encephalopathy
Q43709200The effects of hypothyroidism on 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors and the serotonin transporter protein in the rat brain
Q43953382The effects of immunization against cholecystokinin fragment 30-33 in the behavior of white rats
Q45924289The effects of interleukin-10 on the development of epileptiform activity in the hippocampus induced by transient hypoxia, bicuculline, and electrical kindling.
Q48295913The effects of lesioning of the entopeduncular nucleus on the behavior of rats in simultaneous discrimination and open field conditions
Q48109183The effects of lesions to subcortical conducting pathways on the electrical activity of the human cerebral cortex
Q51627299The effects of lesions to the striatum on the function of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenal system in adrenalectomized rats.
Q48493562The effects of leucine-enkephalin on the membrane potential and activity of rat respiratory center neurons in vitro
Q44146299The effects of microinjection of neurotensin into the caudate nucleus of the rat brain on the performance and extinction of a conditioned motor reflex
Q42675442The effects of microinjection of the selective blocker of muscarinic M1 receptors pirenzepine into the neostriatum on the motor behavior of rats
Q33953762The effects of microwave radiation from mobile telephones on humans and animals
Q44386349The effects of motivational and emotional factors in glutamate release in the nucleus accumbens of the rat brain during food consumption
Q81458055The effects of moving sound images on postural responses and the head rotation illusion in humans
Q46610103The effects of neurochemical lesioning of dopaminergic terminals in early ontogenesis on behavior in adult rats
Q52167290The effects of nitrite on the excitability of brain neurons in the common snail.
Q44196206The effects of noradrenaline on the amplitude-time characteristics of multiquantum endplate currents and the kinetics of induced secretion of transmitter quanta
Q48570779The effects of novelty and behavioral stereotype on the development of amnesia in mice
Q51968697The effects of oxytocin on the activity of cells in the anterior hypothalamus in experimental stress.
Q52024598The effects of peripheral endocrine hormone deficiencies on the processes of behavior, learning, and memory.
Q74626899The effects of phototherapy on psychoautonomic neurotic disorders
Q52137829The effects of prenatal stress on learning in rats in a Morris maze.
Q48452305The effects of proinflammatory cytokines on the formation of behavior in early postnatal ontogenesis.
Q48471952The effects of repeated audiogenic convulsions on the organization of sleep in rats
Q49135931The effects of restricting afferent input during early ontogenesis on evoked activity of projection neurons depend on the maturity of the sensory inputs
Q45247597The effects of rotation stress on measures of immunity. The role of opiate receptors.
Q43551904The effects of scopolamine on the spatial organization of cortical potentials in the rat brain
Q42170287The effects of serotonin on functionally diverse isolated lamprey spinal cord neurons
Q44613857The effects of serotonin on the differentiation of neurons producing vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the rat.
Q48827485The effects of sodium nitrite on neocortical neuron activity during performance of defensive and inhibitory conditioned reflexes
Q73090875The effects of sodium nitroprusside on mediator release and the functional properties of postsynaptic membranes in the neuromuscular synapse
Q51806565The effects of sodium pump inhibitors on sensory ganglion neurite growth.
Q47894105The effects of stages of the estrous cycle on pain thresholds in female white rats
Q73936785The effects of stimulation and lesioning of afferent nerves on blood glucose and free fatty acid contents in rats in conditions of changing glycemia
Q45139209The effects of substance P after central administration on the activity of the mesolimbic system of the rat brain as studied by microdialysis
Q46846308The effects of systemic administration of selective antagonists of dopamine D1 and D2/D3 receptors on food-related and defensive (escape responses) conditioned paw-placing responses in cats
Q46392111The effects of the D1 receptor antagonist SCH-23390 on individual and aggressive behavior in male mice with different experience of aggression
Q51001880The effects of the duration of adaptation to laboratory conditions on the formation of a passive avoidance reflex in rats.
Q74256842The effects of the dynamic state of the cytoskeleton on neuronal plasticity
Q48403006The effects of the experience of forming visual images on the spatial organization of the EEG.
Q52169139The effects of the hormones of peripheral endocrine glands on the processes of behavior, learning, and memory.
Q33422247The effects of the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus on respiratory neurons of the medulla oblongata and respiration in rats in conditions of hypoxia.
Q80403454The effects of the quality and probability of reinforcement on feeder selection by lobectomized dogs
Q43709205The effects of thyroxine isomers on free-radical oxidation processes in subcellular fractions of rat cerebral cortex
Q51002195The effects of transcranial electrostimulation on the adaptive state.
Q48721504The effects of transcranial micropolarization on the severity of convulsive fits in children
Q48109167The effects of vasopressin on hippocampal slices from trained rats
Q30922978The effects of vasopressin on memory processes in Java monkeys
Q48424140The effects of vibration on the baseline spike activity of neurons in the superior vestibular nucleus
Q74301298The effects of visual stimulation of the dominant and non-dominant eyes on the latent period of saccades and the latency of the peak of rapid pre-saccade potentials
Q44075089The effects of xenografts of dopamine-rich ganglia from the immature CNS of the mollusk Helix aspersa L. on learning time during acquisition of an operant food-procuring reflex in WAG/Rij rats
Q52169138The electrical characteristics of command and motor neurons during acquisition of a conditioned defensive reflex and formation of long-term sensitization in snails.
Q33893502The endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria as elements of the mechanism of intracellular signaling in the nerve cell
Q70639155The epidemiology of congenital abnormalities of the central nervous system in children
Q36801054The evoked potential as a measure of perceptual and semantic differences
Q37560766The evolution of evolutionary physiology
Q48109196The facilitatory and depressive effects of iontophoretically applied acetylcholine on different components of neuron responses in the motor cortex of the cat during performance of a conditioned paw positioning reflex
Q48354377The features of the influence of "reward areas" on the electrical activity of the parafascicular complex of nuclei in the developing rabbit
Q48865832The features of the influence of psychotropic agents on the structural-functional state of the adrenals of intact and stressed animals
Q52214826The features of the participation of the cholinergic mechanisms of the accumbens and caudate nuclei in the regulation of an instrumental defense reflex in dogs.
Q46806951The fine branches of the human trigeminal nerve
Q48943561The formation of ACTH-containing cells of the hypothalamus and the hypophysis in the norm and in protein insufficiency.
Q52225456The formation of a complex skill in Black Sea dolphins under free choice conditions.
Q52059765The formation of lateralized motor habits in rats.
Q72962669The functional activity of cell membranes in multiple sclerosis
Q48295787The functional plasticity of cells of the paraventricular nucleus of surviving sections of the hypothalamus
Q51211772The functional role of adrenocorticotropin in the postnatal ontogenesis of rats.
Q52223277The functional role of an increase in cell excitability and synaptic efficiency in the new cortex during learning.
Q52214831The functional role of the motor area of the cortex in the formation of riddance reactions in dogs.
Q70700633The heightened sensitivity of hypophyseal cells of neonatal rats to corticosteroids
Q34831410The hippocampus and cognitive impairments
Q36147218The hippocampus and neurotransplantation
Q34981662The histophysiology of neocortical basket cells
Q84036686The human magno and parvo systems and selective impairments of their functions
Q52922789The influence of ablation of the sensorimotor area of the cortex on the spectral characteristics of the species-specific of the domestic cat.
Q48325448The influence of acetylcholine and atropine on the temporary connection in neuronal populations of the motor cortex
Q72728302The influence of activation of the superior colliculi on convulsive activity during picrotoxin kindling
Q44278921The influence of an enkephalin derivative, DAGO, on the behavior and activity of neurons of the neocortex and hippocampus of rabbits during the development of defensive and inhibitory conditioned reflexes
Q71630847The influence of an inhibitor of lipoxygenases on the modulation of the plasticity of cholinoreceptors by 15-HETE
Q52226347The influence of antibodies to brain-specific nonhistone chromatin proteins on the development and reproduction of a passive avoidance conditioned reflex in rats.
Q52221819The influence of chronic activation and blockade of the dopamine- and enkephalinergic systems of the neostriatum on conditioned reflex behavior and dopamine metabolism in the rat nigrostriatal system.
Q72480083The influence of cingulate cortex stimulation on the activity of neurons of the motor cortex in the white rat
Q72586382The influence of exogenous gangliosides on the dynamics of the development of prolonged posttetanic potentiation
Q52226350The influence of high-frequency stimulation of the midbrain reticular formation on the interaction of neurons of the neocortex.
Q72586389The influence of immune suppression on the take rate and development of the human neocortex transplanted to the spinal cord of the adult rat
Q52223269The influence of injections of 6-hydroxydopamine into the nucleus accumbens and the substantia nigra on the behavior of rats.
Q48251666The influence of microinjections of serotonin and dopamine into the dorsal raphé nucleus on the extinction of a conditioned reflex in rats
Q48941216The influence of microiontophoretic application of acetylcholine on the formation of conditioned reactions of neurons of the motor cortex
Q48354371The influence of picrotoxin on the methylation of phospholipids of the olfactory cortex of the brain of rats
Q48251702The influence of stimulation of the hypothalamus on the choice of food during maintenance of rats on various salt and water diets
Q42286531The influence of the delta-sleep-inducing peptide on convulsive activity
Q48368832The influence of the intraventricular administration of naloxone on stress-induced hormonal reactions
Q41219002The influence of the probability of random performance of a reaction to be developed on the rate of formation of an instrumental reflex
Q49063748The influence of the stimulation of the CA3 field of the dorsal hippocampus on the motor polarization dominant in rabbits
Q48251673The influence on the realization of alimentary conditioned reflexes of the chronic injection of leu-enkephalin and its analog tetrapeptide into the caudate nucleus of dogs
Q46194337The influences of cytokines as a possible substrate for the psychological effects of immunomodulation therapy in multiple sclerosis
Q43709185The initial stages of the differentiation of pyramidal cells in the deep layers of the neocortex in mice during prenatal development
Q48262394The interaction of mediators with the processes of protein synthesis in neurons of the visual cortex in the goal-directed behavior of cats
Q70700669The intercentral relationships of rabbit brain biopotentials during the creation of a blink dominant
Q42442113The involvement of dopamine in strengthening cortical signals activating NMDA receptors in the striatum (a hypothetical mechanism).
Q73090858The involvement of glutamatergic transmission in the mechanism of movement disorders induced by reversive rotation of white mice
Q73393711The involvement of intracerebral monoamines in the development of intracellular process in neocortex neurons
Q52165587The involvement of neurotrophic factors in the central mechanisms of behavior in adult animals.
Q48146369The involvement of rostral ventromedullary neuronal structures in regulating the mechanism of formation of the respiratory rhythm in rats
Q48109223The kinetics of neurite structure after isolation from the mollusk brain
Q44196202The leading role of mitochondrial depolarization in the mechanism of glutamate-induced disruptions in Ca2+ homeostasis.
Q48311918The lemniscal and paralemniscal pathways of the trigeminal system in rodents are integrated at the level of the somatosensory cortex
Q40765098The long path of the snail
Q72537933The main neural processes as a basis of the evolution of neural activity
Q52217048The manifestation of "learned helplessness" in rats with various capacities for active avoidance.
Q34111756The minimal provision principle of functional systems. Neuronal mechanisms
Q36733705The mirror brain, concepts, and language: the price of anthropogenesis
Q74256847The modulating effects of various muscle factors on the function of motor nerve terminals
Q46761424The modulatory influence of polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene on characteristics of mental maladaptation in relatives of patients with endogenous psychoses
Q70612092The monosynaptic H-reflex in patients operated on for hernia of a lumbar intervertebral disk
Q44331928The monosynaptic connection: modulating influence of opioid peptides on the plasticity of presynaptic neurons and identified synapses
Q52223272The morphofunctional characteristics of neurons of the sensorimotor cortex of aged rabbits during the trace assimilation of rhythm.
Q70700640The morphofunctional state of the supraopticoneurohypophyseal system of rats in hypoparathyroidism
Q73090850The morphogenesis of Mauthner neurons in tadpoles of the common frog after early unilateral enucleation of the eye
Q41529277The morphological basis of age-induced memory changes
Q73269764The motivational dominant in goal-directed behavior
Q48665631The nature of neuron epileptic activity
Q48229240The nature of transcallosal responses in the parietal cortex of kittens
Q44458631The neurite-stimulating activity of components of the salivary gland secretion of the medicinal leech in cultures of sensory neurons
Q73079469The neurite-stimulating influence of components of medicinal leech salivary gland secretions in organotypic culture of spinal ganglia
Q48900398The neurocellular index
Q48386940The neurochemical basis of backward inhibition in a defense reaction reflex arc.
Q48251640The neuropharmacological restoration of cognitive functions of cats following a lesion to the basal nuclei of the forebrain (Meynert's nucleus).
Q48133772The neurophysiological parameters of human memory
Q45039766The neuroprotective effects of Semax in conditions of MPTP-induced lesions of the brain dopaminergic system
Q73683917The neurotoxicity of environmental pollutants: the effects of tin (Sn2+) on acetylcholine-induced currents in greater pond snail neurons
Q48454192The neurotropic effect of pituitary somatotropin and a fragment of it.
Q46761412The nicotinic receptor blocker hexamethonium alters neuronal responses to glutamate in the medial septal area of the brain of the ground squirrel in vitro
Q49135759The nucleolar apparatus of neuroepithelial cells and the organization of the ventricular zone in the neocortex rudiment in humans
Q81458053The optical-geometrical characteristics and thresholds of perception of fragmented outline figures
Q44613841The optimizing action of the synthetic peptide Selank on a conditioned active avoidance reflex in rats
Q34873708The orientating reflex: the "targeting reaction" and "searchlight of attention".
Q48133766The pacemaker of dominant motivation
Q46678237The paleoamygdala: cytoarchitectonics, organization, and the cytological characteristics of its neurons
Q52221822The participation of cholinergic systems of the nucleus accumbens in the differentiation of acoustic signals in dogs.
Q51143343The participation of cortical areas of the brain in processes of the perception and reproduction of emotional states of man.
Q48947883The participation of mediator and peptidergic systems of the brain in conditioned reflex mechanisms
Q39890930The participation of serotonin receptors of the brain in mechanisms of negative feedback of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testis system
Q67234607The pathogenesis of chronic alcoholism
Q48679448The pathogenesis of stereotypic behavior
Q48471445The pattern of response of the inferior colliculus of the cat during the movement of a sound source
Q38466728The perceptive, mnemic, and semantic levels of subjective representation
Q48453493The phenomenon of reduced convulsive readiness in Krushinskii-Molodkina rats after multiple audiogenic convulsive seizures
Q48295854The plasticity of the interneuronal connections of the cerebral cortex
Q47448701The polysynaptic spine-stem reflex in clinical neurology
Q72099159The possibility of the use of interferon in the treatment of alcoholism
Q33440537The possible use of hypoxic preconditioning for the prophylaxis of post-stress depressive episodes
Q48133813The potentials of magnetic resonance tomography in the diagnosis of the "empty" sella turcica.
Q48109146The pre-Bötzinger complex participates in generating the respiratory effects of thyroliberin
Q46933565The presynaptic effects of arachidonic acid and prostaglandin E2 at the frog neuromuscular junction
Q48323132The principle of the dominant in modern psychophysiology
Q41558922The problem of gestalt in neurobiology
Q48220859The problem of interhemispheric relations
Q52214828The processes of anticipation and evaluation of the results of behavior and their cellular neurochemical mechanisms.
Q70700657The projections of the amygdaloid body and the dopaminergic mesencephalic formations to the dorsal and ventral pallidum of the cat brain
Q37603114The prokaryotic origin and evolution of eukaryotic chemosignaling systems
Q73269761The properties and possible mechanisms of interhemisphere synchronization in the motor cortex of the rat
Q46496718The protective action of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) on the hypersensitivity of pyramidal neurons in field CA1 in rat hippocampal slices induced by episodes of hypoxia
Q73228672The protective effect of nerve growth factor in nerve tissue cultures exposed to diphtheria toxin
Q81574576The protective effect of vipera raddei venom on peripheral nerve damage
Q73228643The protective effects of negative air ions in acute stress in rats with different typological behavioral characteristics
Q40449772The psychomodulatory action of subpyrogenic doses of interleukin-1beta in conditions of chronic administration to rats.
Q81999529The question of the fusion of neuron processes
Q43636007The reaction of neurons of the amygdaloid complex in the dynamics of the estrous cycle
Q70700681The reactions of neurons of the sensorimotor cortex of rabbits to stimulations of various sensory modalities against the background of the action of actinomycin D, a protein synthesis blocker
Q52223270The reactivity and interaction of neurons of the cerebral cortex of rats in the presence of the microiontophoretic action of acetylcholine in a model negative learning situation.
Q45129279The recovery of locomotion following partial extirpation of the motor cortex and transplantation of cortical tissue in the white rat.
Q52610911The reflection of the plastic properties of the simplest neuronal junctions in the statistical characteristics of the impulse activity of their elements. Polysynaptically linked neurons.
Q40776523The reinforcing function of the emotions
Q74301327The relationship between analgesia and corticosteroid levels in rats
Q49135976The responses of vasopressin- and tyrosine hydroxylase-expressing neurons of the supraoptic nucleus in rats to chronic osmotic stimulation
Q48295797The restoration of locomotion following double ablations of the motor cortex and heterotopic transplantation of cortical tissue in the white rat.
Q48354410The restoration of the function of the hypophyseal-gonadal system following its prolonged suppression by luliberin agonists
Q46358547The retinomotor reaction of the retina of young dog salmon Oncorhynchus keta on adaptation to light and the field of a permanent magnet
Q43709196The role of D1-dependent dopaminergic mechanisms of the frontal cortex in delayed responding in rats
Q48943571The role of GABAA and GABAB receptors in the development of amnesia
Q46806947The role of L-type calcium channels in the accumulation of Ca2+ in soleus muscle fibers in the rat and changes in the ratio of myosin and serca isoforms in conditions of gravitational unloading
Q45059882The role of adrenocorticotropic hormone in the inhibition of pain reactions in conscious rats
Q45933521The role of axonopathy in the mechanisms of development of demyelination processes in the central and peripheral nervous system.
Q41175900The role of cGMP in the extinction of the reactions of identified neurons of the edible snail in response to acetylcholine
Q44344178The role of central parts of the brain in the control of sound production during courtship in Drosophila melanogaster
Q42948673The role of cholesterol in the exo- and endocytosis of synaptic vesicles in frog motor nerve endings.
Q81814303The role of cutaneous afferents in controlling locomotion evoked by epidural stimulation of the spinal cord in decerebrate cats
Q82499664The role of defensin NP-1 in restoring the functions of an injured nerve trunk
Q48863945The role of dermorphin in the regulation of the processes of hibernation in mammals
Q37134185The role of dopamine-dependent negative feedback in the hippocampus-basal ganglia-thalamus-hippocampus loop in the extinction of responses
Q48133741The role of dopaminergic mechanisms on the brain in various models of anxious states
Q48957293The role of gravitation-dependent systems in visual tracking
Q37273369The role of hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenocortical system hormones in controlling pain sensitivity
Q74384771The role of interleukin-1 in stress-induced changes in immune system function
Q43788371The role of intracellular cAMP in mediating the synchronizing action of noradrenaline on the evoked release of quanta of mediator in the frog synapse
Q46233646The role of motivation in the performance of conditioned reflex switching of a maze skill in response to substitution of food reward quality in ants of the species Myrmica rubra
Q43656620The role of muscarinic cholinoceptors in the retrieval of an operant food-related conditioned reflex in cats
Q48716622The role of neuropeptides and blockers of protein synthesis in neuronal mechanisms of food-getting behavior
Q74384776The role of neutral sphingomyelinase in interleukin-1beta signal transduction in mouse cerebral cortex cells
Q79449678The role of nitric oxide in the apoptosis of neurons in the retina of the human fetal eye
Q43328512The role of permeability to calcium in the formation of the level of local blood supply of the cerebral cortex
Q44395878The role of phase changes in sound signals in localization of sound sources
Q43419870The role of serotonin in the pathogenesis and clinical presentations of migraine attacks
Q44458633The role of sex steroids in forming anxiety states in female mice
Q44702070The role of tanycytes in the mechanisms of sexual differentiation of the brain
Q35777201The role of the basal ganglia in organizing behavior
Q42651265The role of the cholinergic system of the sensorimotor cortex of the rat brain in controlling different types of movement
Q51981004The role of the cognitive activity context in the conservatism of unconscious visual sets.
Q45247591The role of the electrophysiological properties of neurons in the mechanisms grouping their discharges in the cerebral cortex
Q48675831The role of the flabellar and ellipsoid bodies of the central complex of the brain of Drosophila melanogaster in the control of courtship behavior and communicative sound production in males
Q51084342The role of the hippocampal formation in controlling GABA release in the nucleus accumbens during an emotional conditioned response.
Q48189386The role of the hormones of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenocortical system in the analgesic effect of corticotropin-releasing hormone
Q48595051The role of the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus in organizing the paradoxical phase of sleep
Q74111972The role of the neurodynamic factor in repair morphogenesis
Q42640578The role of the neuropeptide galanin in forming type-specific behavioral characteristics
Q48657229The role of the parafascicular complex (CM-Pf) of the human thalamus in the neuronal mechanisms of selective attention
Q48109209The role of the pineal gland in forming a conditioned reflex to time in rats
Q48719055The role of the posterior hypothalamus in controlling the paradoxical phase of sleep
Q45031100The role of the septal nuclei in controlling the activity of vagosensitive neurons in the solitary tract nucleus in cats
Q48354396The role of the specific and nonspecific afferent systems in the mechanism of changes in evoked cortical responses in the presence of vibration
Q44901735The role of the substantia nigra in cognitive activity in cats
Q42170271The role of the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus in the switching of descending influences to motor activity in the rat.
Q34021791The role of volume transmission of adaptogenic signals in forming the adaptive reactions of the brain
Q45179738The roles of different types of serotonin receptors in activation of the hypophyseal-testicular complex induced in mice by the presence of a female
Q46908626The roles of nitric oxide and carbon dioxide gas in the neurotoxic actions of oxygen under pressure
Q48402999The roles of various projection areas of the motor cortex in the reorganization of the natural coordination of head and forelimb movements in dogs
Q48923439The science of human higher nervous activity and the problem of psychophysiology
Q44342582The selective action of opioid peptides on excitability and the various sensory inputs of defensive behavior command neurons LPl1 and RPl1 of the common snail
Q80493897The selective effect of a protein kinase C inhibitor on synaptic plasticity in defensive behavior command neurons during development of sensitization in the snail
Q52178478The selective effects of a monoclonal antibody against neural growth-related protein A3G7 on central mechanisms of several types of defensive behavior in adult rats.
Q80018597The selectivity of neurons in the auditory zone of the mouse midbrain to the direction of movement of a spectral notch in wide-band noise
Q77420840The sensitivity of neurons in the lateral geniculate body of the cat to the orientation vectors of brightness gradients
Q45247593The serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine suppresses theta oscillations in the electroencephalogram of the rabbit hippocampus
Q70700650The serotoninergic innervation of the area postrema
Q46392105The significance of individual resistance to hypoxia for correction of the consequences of craniocerebral trauma
Q38477336The significance of unrecognized feedback stimuli in cognitive activity
Q43709178The spatial distribution of horizontal connections in field 18 of the cortex in cats
Q48256751The spatial organization of the cortical projection system of the nucleus accumbens of the dog brain
Q74384751The spatial organization of the projections of field 18 into field 17 of the cat visual cortex
Q44850474The spectrum of the calling signals, phonotaxis, and the auditory system in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
Q48510388The speech syndrome and its dynamics in patients after ischemic stroke
Q42504545The spontaneous activity of hippocampal neurons during the modulation of theta rhythm by cholinergic substances
Q73683928The state and quantitative characterization of congested capillaries in the brain in conditions of acute and chronic venous congestion
Q48732731The state of cerebral hemodynamics in conditions of prolonged adaptation to hypercapnic hypoxia
Q83912456The state of erythrocytes in intact and vagotomized rats of different ages after massive hemorrhage
Q48677208The state of peroxidation processes in the basal nuclei of the brain in conditions of an altered photoperiod.
Q83047963The state of the contralateral neuromotor apparatus of the rat in conditions of unilateral tenotomy
Q72225956The state of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in patients with the neuroendocrine-metabolic form of the hypothalamic syndrome
Q43629972The state of the serotonin transporter protein in the platelets of patients with somatoform [correction of somatiform] disorders.
Q34351287The stimulating influence of the raphé nuclei on the morphofunctional development of the hippocampus during their combined cultivation
Q33888058The structural bases of the regulation of neuron sensitivity
Q73665684The structural organization of the statocyst sensory system in nudibranch mollusks
Q74384757The structure and quantitative characteristics of nuclear and screen-type formations of the posterior part of the amygdaloid body
Q73269769The structure of cortical-subcortical relationships between electrical processes of the brain during a motor polarization dominant
Q73322418The structure of interrelationships between neuroglial and ganglion cells in the retina
Q46610087The structure of mixed synapses in Mauthner neurons during exposure to substances altering gap junction conductivity
Q46113545The sympathetic neural apparatus of the rat uterus during the sexual cycle
Q73228670The synaptology of two types of neurons in the sympathetic ganglia of the frog
Q48328337The systemic approach to the stability and plasticity of neurophysiological processes during adaptive brain activity
Q46846301The temperature sensitivity of the cholinergic responses of cortical neurons in the guinea pig brain
Q52221817The temporal organization of the correlational association of neurons of the cat motor cortex.
Q82499672The three-dimensional electrical field around the body of the african snail Achatina fulica on activation of the giant neurons
Q51958860The threshold signal:noise ratio in the perception of fragmented figures.
Q39738318The time course of disinhibition of visual cortex neurons and sensitivity to cross-shaped figures
Q73269780The time distribution of linked spike activity of rabbit sensorimotor cortex neurons in the presence of a rhythmic motor dominant
Q72728293The topical organization of projections of the nuclei of the amygdaloid body, ventral tegmental field, and substantia nigra in the striopallidum of the cat brain
Q73683925The topography and cellular organization of the reticular formation of the thoracic part of the spinal cord in the cat
Q74256825The transient stage of long-term synaptic facilitation in defensive behavior command neurons in sensitized snails
Q48295774The trigger role of the left cerebral hemisphere in the generalization of epileptic activity
Q48251617The ultrastructural bases of the effect of haloperidol on the brain
Q52922785The ultrastructure of axospinous synapses during functional reorganizations.
Q48430851The unilateral spatial neglect phenomenon in patients with arteriovenous malformations of deep brain structures
Q73090856The use of antioxidants to prevent glutamate-induced derangement of calcium ion metabolism in rat cerebral cortex synaptosomes
Q70171550The use of cyproheptadine (peritol) as a drug blocking corticotropin secretion in the treatment of Itsenko-Cushing's disease
Q67234594The use of long acting lithium carbonate (Micalith) in patients with affective psychoses
Q33893494The use of micropolarization in the treatment of spinal cord lesions
Q79321303The use of pulsed electromagnetic fields with complex modulation in the treatment of patients with diabetic polyneuropathy
Q72480103The use of the method of transcranial micropolarization to decrease the severity hyperkineses in patients with infantile cerebral palsy
Q83389148The vesicle cycle in motor nerve endings of the mouse diaphragm
Q72529662The vision of the snail: the spectral sensitivity of the dark-adapted eye
Q36616700The wake-sleep cycle in poikilothermic vertebrates according to data of continuous, noncontact recording of heart rate and motor activity
Q47339979The weight and linear dimensions of the human cerebellum
Q127703417Therapeutic Monitoring and Prediction of the Efficacy of Neurotrophic Therapy in Patients with Amnestic-Type Mild Cognitive Decline Syndrome
Q48631962There are receptors for neurotensin in the caudate nucleus and posterior hypothalamus
Q68052101Thermovision control of neurotransplant in rats
Q48189350Theta driving both inhibits and potentiates the effects of nicotine on dentate gyrus responses.
Q48295836Theta modulation of neurons of the hippocampus of the rabbit and its interrelationship with other parameters of spontaneous and evoked activity
Q66947359Theta-volleys of neurons of the hippocampus and septum
Q51944494Thioredoxin-1 expression levels in rat hippocampal neurons in moderate hypobaric hypoxia.
Q128495824Three Families of Channelrhodopsins and Their Use in Optogenetics (review)
Q79759545Three types of inhibitory miniature potentials in frog spinal cord motoneurons: possible GABA and glycine cotransmission
Q33216285Three-dimensional reconstruction of synapses and dendritic spines in the rat and ground squirrel hippocampus: new structural-functional paradigms for synaptic function
Q46610110Thyroliberin blocks the potassium A-current in neurons in the respiratory center of adult rats in vitro
Q46551089Thyrotropic activity of hypophysis in rats of different ages
Q48923469Time course of formation of instrumental conditioned reflexes to water and food in unrestrained dogs
Q48741613Time course of functional relations between brain structures during differentiation of time intervals by monkeys
Q48728422Time course of the redox state potential of the cerebral cortex, developing as a reaction to implanted platinum electrodes.
Q41629792Time factors in the conditioning of behavioral responses
Q48666637Time organization of frontal-motor cortex interneuron interactions in the cat neocortex in conditions of different levels of food motivation
Q48125132Tissue oxygen tension profiles close to brain arterioles and venules in the rat cerebral cortex during the development of acute anemia.
Q77623690Tonic organization of the inferior colliculi in the cat in conditions of simulated sound source motion
Q44359816Topical organization of the projections of neurons of the substantia nigra and the ventral field of the tegmentum of the midbrain to the head of the caudate nucleus of the cat.
Q44520563Topographic organization of amygdaloid nuclear projections to the putamen in cats
Q71041533Topography of afferent and efferent flows in the mechanisms of auditory selective attention
Q126786758Training of Rhesus Macaques to Complex Cognitive Tasks
Q45863617Trajectories of shifting dipole sources of visual evoked potentials across the human brain
Q71220420Transcallosal modulation of a focus of maximal activity in the motor cortex
Q52297392Transcommissural afferent projections of lemniscal and spino-reticulo-thalamic systems.
Q126655054Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation as a Tool to Induce Language Recovery in Patients with Post-Stroke Aphasia
Q48189405Transcranial electrostimulation activates reparative regeneration and the insulin-producing function of pancreatic B-cells in alloxan diabetes in rats
Q46016937Transcranial magnetotherapy in the complex treatment of affective disorders in patients with alcoholism.
Q84212570Transcranial magnetotherapy of non-psychotic anxiety disorders in psychiatric practice
Q48706720Transcranial micropolarization in the combined therapy of speech and general psychomotor retardation in children of late preschool age.
Q46835807Transcranial stimulation normalizes blood sugar levels in alloxan diabetes in rats
Q38306378Transcription factor serum response factor is selectively involved in the mechanisms of long-term synapse-specific plasticity
Q37690181Transfection of nerve cells.
Q52297793Transformation of the afferent tactile signal into a motor command in the cat motor cortex.
Q51899904Transformation of the kinematic characteristics of a precise movement after a change in a spatial task.
Q38559740Transmission of information regarding the quantitative characteristics of an object in ants
Q44613881Transmitter secretion in the frog neuromuscular synapse after prolonged exposure to calcium-free solutions
Q52169140Transmitter-dependent switching of respiratory interneurons to the locomotor rhythm in the pulmonate mollusk Lymnaea.
Q46223583Transmural oxygen tension gradients in rat cerebral cortex arterioles
Q69793170Transplantation of embryonal amygdalar tissue into the brain of amygdalectomized rats
Q48735104Transplantation of human embryonal nervous tissue into the spinal cord of adult rats
Q128495556Treatment of Speech Development Disorders in Preschool Children
Q68049022Treatment of negative crises (panic attacks)
Q52293583Trend of statistical characteristics of evoked potentials in modality-specific brain structures during defensive conditioning
Q39519486Trends and perspectives in the development of the physiology of higher nervous activity
Q68669010Trophic influences of the nervous system: their biochemical basis and disturbance in skeletal muscle
Q74301304Tuning of striate neurons to cross-shaped figures in conditions of local blockade of intracortical inhibition
Q68004976Two forms of noradenergic modulation of neocortical neurons in early ontogeny of cats
Q51919539Two phases of the contingent negative variation in humans: association with motor and mental functions.
Q38386174Two semantic systems in the brain for rapid and slow differentiation of abstract and concrete words.
Q52261148Two types of neurons differing in plastic properties: study of ionic mechanisms.
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Q48333361Typological features in the behavior of rats
Q44428641Typology of post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents
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Q51749822Ultrastructural changes in receptor terminals on prolonged action by local anesthetics.
Q67296732Ultrastructural changes in synapses of rat cortical neurons on their functional isolation by means of EGTA ionophoresis
Q70703032Ultrastructural changes in synapses of the rabbit sensomotor cortex during stimulation of the reticular formation
Q45186786Ultrastructural changes in the autonomic interneuron synapse activated during acetylcholinesterase suppression
Q48471499Ultrastructural changes in the brain of rats that have suffered acute emotional stress
Q67698040Ultrastructural changes in the juxtamembranous layer of ganglionar neurons with orthodromic pessimal stimulation
Q70215792Ultrastructural changes in the septum of the cat brain with prolonged self-stimulation
Q48175614Ultrastructural changes in the supraoptic nucleus and posterior lobe of the hypophysis following experimentally induced burns
Q73836943Ultrastructural features of spinal cord sensorimotor synapses in amphibia
Q71411087Ultrastructural features of synapses of gap junction type in frog spinal motor nuclei
Q42126371Ultrastructural localization of cytochrome oxidase in human embryo brain cells
Q48369773Ultrastructural localization of lactate dehydrogenase activity in human embryo brain cells
Q48650553Ultrastructural organization of AI and AIV projection zones of the cat auditory cortex in the inferior colliculi of the lamina tecti
Q44168089Ultrastructural organization of chromaffin paraganglia in nodes of the solar plexus
Q48100961Ultrastructural organization of efferent fiber endings in zones A1 and A4 of the cat auditory cortex in the superior olivary complex
Q70597349Ultrastructural organization of the gastric ganglion in the crayfish
Q71311582Ultrastructural organization of the mammalian pineal gland during postnatal ontogenesis
Q49063793Ultrastructural organization of the medial preoptic region of the hypothalamus and its alterations under the influence of pyrogens
Q69431849Ultrastructural organization of the surface of the cingulate cortex of rat cerebrum
Q69431873Ultrastructural reorganizations in the rat cerebral cortex after injection of ascorbic acid into the ventricular fluid
Q48602080Ultrastructure of Mauthner neurons in the living brainstem of the goldfish
Q48905774Ultrastructure of adrenaline-synthesizing group-A1 neurons in the rat brain under normal and emotionally stressful conditions
Q71006868Ultrastructure of arborization receptor terminals
Q48100927Ultrastructure of blood capillaries in nervous tissue grafts developing in the anterior eye chamber
Q44239128Ultrastructure of cells of the neural crest
Q40829926Ultrastructure of components of the functional element of the sensomotor cortex in endotoxin shock
Q80566709Ultrastructure of desmosome-like contacts of mixed synapses of Mauthner neurons in long-term potentiation
Q43208521Ultrastructure of hippocampal field CA1 in rats after status epilepticus induced by systemic administration of kainic acid
Q48323108Ultrastructure of layer 1 of the rat cingulate cortex
Q48510330Ultrastructure of nerve tissue on experimental brain injuries in animals with increased immunobiological reactivity of the body on action of some desensitizing preparations
Q69431855Ultrastructure of neurons of the sensorimotor cortex in progeny of rats receiving alcohol during pregnancy
Q70581353Ultrastructure of sensory terminals in sympathetic ganglia
Q48422077Ultrastructure of synapses in the upper layers of the cat cerebral cortex after application of strychnine
Q71573010Ultrastructure of telencephalic myelinated fibers of the hypokinesic rat
Q71367809Ultrastructure of the locus coeruleus in the brain of rats in early ontogenesis
Q77420825Ultrastructure of the main sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve of the cat in normal conditions and in conditions of threshold pain stimulation
Q70792693Ultrastructure of the meninges
Q52445605Ultrastructure of the neuromuscular synapses of three types of muscle fibers of the rat diaphragm in acute chlorophos poisoning
Q46790815Ultrastructure of the sensorimotor cortex of pubertal offspring of alcoholic male rats
Q44555088Ultrastructure of the serotoninergic system of the motor region of the cerebral cortex
Q36058772Unipolar brush cells--a new type of excitatory interneuron in the cerebellar cortex and cochlear nuclei of the brainstem
Q48923454Unit activity during the formation of backward conditioned connections
Q40173396Unit activity in the cat visual cortex in the sleep-waking cycle
Q42002454Unit activity in the hypothalamic arcuate area in rats at different stages of the estrous cycle
Q48874362Unit activity in the striate cortex during behavior in response to changes in the visual environment
Q48693379Unit activity of bulbar raphe nuclei and reticular formation in cats
Q49105491Unit activity of hippocampal structures (the presubiculum)
Q48747553Unit activity of raphe nuclei in the cat brainstem
Q52293005Unit responses of the auditory cortex of waking cats at rest and after defensive conditioning.
Q48329637Unit responses of the first and second somatosensory areas to stimulation of the ventroposterior thalamic nucleus
Q43515883Unit responses of the first and second somatosensory cortical areas to peripheral, thalamic, and cortical stimulation
Q52297791Unit responses of the secondary somatosensory cortex during defensive conditioning in cats.
Q48747540Unit responses of the turtle forebrain to visual stimuli
Q48197202Unitary responses of the caudate nucleus to direct stimulation
Q71573043Universal method for microelectrode and neurochemical investigations of subcortical brain structures of awake cats
Q126652203Use of Anchoring Motifs to Support the Central and Peripheral Locations of Opsins in Optogenetics
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Q42642454Use of Selank to correct measures of integrative brain activity and biogenic amine levels in adult rats resulting from antenatal hypoxia
Q128902913Use of a BCI-Exoskeleton Simulator with Multichannel Biofeedback in a Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Program in Poststroke Patients
Q52297393Use of a hierarchical cluster procedure to classify neuronal responses during conditioning.
Q39569487Use of a simplified method of optical recording to identify foci of maximal neuron activity in the somatosensory cortex of white rats.
Q54072877Use of a vibrostimulatory shoe as a component in the treatment of patients suffering cerebral insult.
Q48125150Use of adaptol in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia
Q70597355Use of aluminum-formaldehyde for the detection of catecholamines in frozen sections
Q48908126Use of antero- and retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase in analyzing interneuronal connections in the bat auditory system
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Q45816642Use of disulfiram in histochemical study of effect of different stimuli on content of noradrenaline in brain structures
Q46271863Use of magnetophoresis of glutamic acid and magnesium sulfate in the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy
Q43208535Use of memantine (akatinol) for the correction of cognitive impairments in Parkinson's disease complicated by dementia
Q70093934Use of nicotinamide and pyridoxal-5-phosphate in the treatment of experimental epilepsy
Q51922900Use of p300 cognitive evoked potentials in the diagnosis of impairments of higher mental functions after cardiac surgery in conditions of cardiopulmonary bypass.
Q48712407Use of phenylthiocarbamide for assessing cAMP-dependent resistance to anoxia in animals
Q35200814Use of the "partition" test in behavioral and pharmacological experiments
Q129969682Use of the Placebo Effect in the Psychotherapy of Narcology Patients: Therapeutic and Ethical Aspects
Q36893605Use of the dopamine receptor agonist Mirapex in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
Q43065152Use of the glutamate NMDA receptor antagonist PK-Merz in acute stroke
Q46271880Use of the new levodopa agent Stalevo (levodopa/carbidopa/entacapone) in the treatment of Parkinson's disease in out-patient clinical practice (the START-M open trial).
Q81597388Use of the principle of proprioceptive correction in the restoration of voluntary movements in the paralyzed arm in patients in the late recovery and residual post-stroke periods
Q48225586Use of transcranial magnetic stimulation with measurement of motor evoked potentials in the acute period of hemispheric ischemic stroke.
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Q126626003Vaccination in Children, Febrile Convulsions, and Epilepsy
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Q71334541Variability of sulci and gyri in the inferior parietal region of the human brain during ontogeny
Q48920163Variants in the structure and topography of the superior margin of the epidural space of the human spinal cord.
Q46961604Variants of personality maladaptation in patients with multiple sclerosis.
Q48437044Variation of the input resistance and membrane potential of a neuron in trace formation
Q51594678Varied influence of damage to the motor cortex on precision avoidance and escape reactions in dogs.
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