Czech Mycology


Czech Mycology is …
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scientific journalQ5633421

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P8375Crossref journal ID329946
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P10283OpenAlex IDS4210230785
P9456Periodical ID in a database of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech RepublicE 1336
P7662Scilit journal ID4205324
P1156Scopus source ID21100839164
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P495country of originCzech RepublicQ213
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
P407language of work or namemultiple languagesQ20923490
P921main subjectfungusQ764
P2896publication interval3
P123publisherCzech Scientific Society for MycologyQ36877419
P1365replacesČeská MykologieQ66317158
P1476titleCzech Mycology
Czech Mycology

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published in (P1433)
Q106106401A European find of Hymenoscyphus dearnessii (Ascomycota, Helotiales) on Reynoutria sachalinensis with notes on taxonomy and distribution.
Q106105817A comparison of two methods for the study of microscopic fungi associated with oak roots.
Q106104927A handful of Aphyllophorales collected in Greece.
Q106105058A new Chaetosphaeria with a Dictyochaeta anamorph.
Q106105849A new polypore from Cuba: Junghuhnia kotlabae.
Q106105000A new species of Mycoleptodiscus from Australia.
Q106106396A new species of Rhexoampullifera (Pezizomycotina) from a rotten broadleaved trunk.
Q106106348A new species of Stigmidium (Mycosphaerellaceae, Ascomycetes) from western North America.
Q106106138A new, conspicuously coloured Bolbitius species from the Czech Republic.
Q106106485A noteworthy record of endophytic Quambalaria cyanescens from Punica granatum in Iran.
Q106105003A preliminary survey of the genus Phallus sensu lato.
Q106106382A revised checklist of Marasmiellus for China Mainland.
Q106105723A revision of new species of Pholiota and Flammula (Fungi, Agaricales) described by Josef Velenovský.
Q106105903A revision of selected material of lignicolous Lachnum species from the Czech Republic with a note on graminicolous material of the Lachnum pygmaeum complex.
Q106105899A revision of selected material of lignicolous species of Brunnipila, Capitotricha, Dasyscyphella and Neodasyscypha from the Czech Republic.
Q106105833A revision of the type specimens of new species of Delicatula (Agaricales, Tricholomataceae) described by Josef Velenovský.
Q106106446Abstracts of the International Symposium „Fungi of Central European Old-Growth Forests“.
Q106106539Abstracts of the International Workshop “ONYGENALES 2020: Basic and Clinical Research Advances in Dermatophytes and Dimorphic Fungi”.
Q106106434Accumulation and bioconcentration factors of mineral macronutrients in representative species of macrofungi prevailing in beech-dominated forests affected by air pollution.
Q106106445Acidotolerant genus Fodinomyces (Ascomycota: Capnodiales) is a synonym of Acidiella.
Q106104965Actual state of the rust fungi systematics in the world.
Q106106516Addendum to the typification of Butyriboletus regius.
Q106104978Adiasporomycosis of rodents inhabiting the shores of fishponds.
Q106105851Aerometric study on thermophilous fungi in a farm house, Chennai.
Q106106132Amaurodon mustialaënsis (Basidiomycetes, Thelephoraceae), new to Slovakia.
Q106106310Amylosporus campbellii, a noteworthy polypore new to Southeast Asia.
Q106106444An albinotic form of Lactarius vietus and an annulate form of Psathyrella multipedata.
Q106105772An unusual Inocybe sp. from West Africa.
Q106106374Analyzing aquatic fungal communities in Australia: impacts of sample incubation and geographic distance of streams.
Q106106435Anatomical structure of pores in European species of genera Boletus s.str. and Butyriboletus (Boletaceae).
Q106105785Anquillospora mediocris sp. nov. from streams in Hungary.
Q106105007Anthracoidea michelii and Thecaphora affinis in Slovakia.
Q106105898Anthracoidea vankyi, a new smut fungus for Moravia.
Q106106509Antioxidative and L-asparaginase potentials of fungal endophytes from Rauvolfia densiflora (Apocynaceae), an ethnomedicinal species of Western Ghats.
Q106104942Antrodia pini-cubensis, a new polypore from the Caribbean area.
Q106104944Antrodiella genistae - a new polypore for Czech Republic and Slovak Republic.
Q106106368Antrodiella niemelaei, a new polypore species related to Antrodiella americana.
Q106106535Aphyllophoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) on juniper on the Gunib Plateau, inner-mountain Dagestan.
Q106106367Aquatic hyphomycetes and other water-borne fungi in Hungary.
Q106106473Aquatic hyphomycetes associated with leaves, leaf detritus and crown humus in palm canopies.
Q106106124Armillaria socialis - morphological-anatomical and ecological characteristics, pathology, distribution in the Czech Republic and Europe and remarks on its genetic variation.
Q106104912Arthonia pragensis spec. nov. (Ascomycetes, Arthoniales), a new lichenicolous fungus from the Czech Republic.
Q106105806Arthroxylaria elegans, a new coprophilous anamorphic fungus allied with the Xylariaceae, with the notes on the genus Bisporostilbella.
Q106105756Ascomycetes from burnt places in the NW Patagonia, Argentina.
Q106104989Aspergillus viridinutans and Stilbella aciculosa - new records from Czech Republic.
Q106106439Aurantiporus alborubescens (Basidiomycota, Polyporales) - first record in the Carpathians and notes on its systematic position.
Q106104969Australischer Rostpilz Puccinia lagenophorae auch in der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Republik und in Ungarn.
Q106106130Autecology of Scleroconidioma sphagnicola particularly in Šumava National Park (Czech Republic).
Q106105904Bankeraceae in Central Europe. 1.
Q106105905Bankeraceae in Central Europe. 2.
Q106105889Bark beetles and their galleries: well-known niches for little known fungi on the example of Geosmithia.
Q106106350Beitrag zur mykofloristischen Erforschung der Rost-, Brand und Falschen Mehltaupilze auf dem Králický Sněžník (Glatzer Schneeberg) und seiner Umgebung (Tschechische Republik).
Q106106531Biodiversity, spatial distribution and seasonality of heterotrophic straminipiles and true zoosporic fungi in two water bodies exposed to different effluents at Assiut (Upper Egypt).
Q106106470Biological control of postharvest fungal rots of rosaceous fruits using microbial antagonists and plant extracts - a review.
Q106105890Biological control of two phytopathogenic fungal species isolated from the rhizoplane of soybean (Glycine max).
Q106105916Boletus kluzakii, a new species related to Boletus radicans.
Q106106129Boletus marekii, a new species with truncate spores from the Boletus chrysenteron group.
Q106106402Boletus moravicus - ecological conditions of new localities in Slovakia.
Q106106489Boletus rubricitrinus belongs in Pulchroboletus (Boletaceae).
Q106106464Boubínský prales virgin forest, a Central European refugium of boreal-montane and old-growth forest fungi.
Q106106515Butyriboletus regius and Butyriboletus fechtneri: typification of two well-known species.
Q106106332Caloplaca aurantia and Caloplaca flavescens (Teloschistaceae, lichen-forming fungi) in the Czech Republic; with notes to their taxonomy and nomenclature.
Q106105910Central European genera of the Boletaceae and Suillaceae, with notes on their anatomical characters.
Q106105914Chaetomium in the Czech Republic and notes to three new records.
Q106105869Checklist of downy mildews, rusts and smuts of Moravia and Silesia.
Q106106545Checklist of macrofungi from oak forests in the Republic of Kosovo.
Q106106423Checklist of microlichens in Bolampatti II Forest Range (Siruvani Hills), Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India.
Q106106529Citizen science facilitates phylogenetic placement of old species of non-lichenised Pezizomycotina based on newly collected material.
Q106105901Clavulinopsis umbrinella (Basidiomycetes, Clavariaceae), the first record in the Czech Republic.
Q106106371Clitocybula familia (Fungi, Agaricales) - taxonomy, distribution, ecology and first records in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Q106105037Close encounters with Clathrus ruber, the latticed stinkhorn.
Q106105814Colloquium "Fungi as Model Organisms in Research and Biotechnology - II", Olomouc, Czech Republic, September 5th–6th, 2002.
Q106106712Colloquium "Fungi as Model Organisms in Research and Biotechnology", Olomouc, September 14th, 1999.
Q106105891Colloquium „Fungi as Model Organisms in Research and Biotechnology - III“ Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2 September 2005.
Q106105021Common polypores (Polyporales s. l.) collected on uncommon hosts.
Q106106498Comparative study of the antimycotic activity of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Berberis lyceum and Rumex obtusifolius against selected rot fungi.
Q120146874Comparative study of the diversity of zoosporic fungi (oomycetes and chytrids) in freshwater bodies in Assiut Governorate, Egypt and Jeddah Governorate, Saudi Arabia.
Q106106511Comparison of the occurrence of fungi causing postharvest diseases of apples grown in organic and integrated production systems in orchards in the Czech Republic.
Q106104988Concerning Pseudoanguillospora and water-borne Mycocentrospora spp.
Q106105873Contamination of meat stored in home refrigerators in Qena (Egypt).
Q106106338Contribution to a monograph of marasmioid and collybioid fungi in Europe.
Q106106420Contribution to physiological and biochemical diagnostics of Fusarium taxa commonly isolated in Egypt.
Q106106442Contribution to the Antrodiella americana species complex (Basidiomycota, Polyporales).
Q106106521Contribution to the knowledge of mycobiota of Central European dry grasslands: Phaeoclavulina clavarioides and Phaeoclavulina roellinii (Gomphales).
Q106104998Contribution to the knowledge of the Central European species of the genus Antrodiella.
Q106105779Contribution to the knowledge of the mycoflora in roots of oaks with and without tracheomycotic symptoms.
Q106106373Contribution to the knowledge of the very rare species Cytidiella albomellea (Corticiaceae s.l.).
Q106106436Contribution to the study of genus Boletus, section Appendiculati: Boletus roseogriseus sp. nov. and neotypification of Boletus fuscoroseus Smotl.
Q106106376Contribution to the study of the genus Scutellinia (Pezizales) II: Type study of Scutellinia uliginosa and S. phymatodea.
Q106106460Contributions to the Finnish aphyllophoroid funga (Basidiomycota): new and rare species.
Q106105913Cordyceps rouxii (Ascomycetes, Clavicipitales) in Slovakia and Czech Republic, with notes to distribution, ecology and taxonomy.
Q106106546Correction of a typing error in the holotype designation of Trichosporon spelunceum A. Nováková, Savická & M. Kolařík.
Q106106356Crepidotus ehrendorferi in Slovakia and taxonomic notes on related species.
Q106106404Crinipellis beninensis (Basidiomycota, Marasmiaceae), a new species from Benin (tropical Africa).
Q106106458Crinipellis mezzanensis, a new species from Italy.
Q106104971Cryptococcus neoformans in the environment (a review).
Q106105836Cryptosporiopsis radicicola and Pezicula eucrita - neglected species of microscopic fungi in the Czech Republic.
Q106104905Cystolepiota cystophora: first record from the Czech Republic.
Q106106131DNA sequence analysis of extraordinary fruiting specimens of Fuscoporia torulosa (Phellinus torulosus) on Pyrus spp.
Q106105788Dacryomyces ovisporus (Dacryomycetales, Basidiomycetes) new to the Czech Republic.
Q106104963Dacryonaema rufum (Basidiomycota) neu für die Slowakei (Westkarpaten).
Q106105896Daleomyces phillipsii (Ascomycota, Pezizaceae), new Moravian finds and its distribution in the Czech Republic.
Q106105776Degradation of human hair by three soil fungi. An electron microscopic study.
Q106105047Determination of toxigenic Fusarium spp. in the domestic wheat - using the ICFM methodological recommendation.
Q106106413Development of a PCR assay for amplification of mating-type loci of Alternaria spp. and related fungi.
Q106105015Dichotomomyces cejpii - some characteristics of strains isolated from soil in the Slovak Republic.
Q106105907Die Rost-, Brand- und Falschen Mehltaupilze des tschechischen Teiles des Erzgebirges (Krušné hory): erster Nachtrag.
Q106106474Dimargaris bacillispora - novel records from cave environment and its isolation in culture.
Q106105775Diplogelasinospora princeps (Sordariales), the first record in the Czech Republic.
Q106104991Discharge of basidiospores from Fistulina hepatica fruitbodies in the natural environment.
Q106105032Discomycetes of Madagascar - I. Phillipsia ranomafanensis sp. nov. and ascospore sculpture of Cookeina colensoi proved by SEM (Discomycetes, Pezizales, Sarcoscyphaceae).
Q106104970Discribution and ecophysiological characterics of the fungus Tilletia controversa in Slovakia.
Q106104889Distribution and characteristics of the fungus Tilletia controversa Kühn in the stands of winter wheat in eastern Slovakia.
Q106105855Distribution and ecology of Armillaria species in some habitats of southern Moravia, Czech Republic.
Q106105902Distribution and ecology of Camarops tubulina (Ascomycetes, Boliniaceae) in the Czech Republic and remarks on its European distribution.
Q106106412Distribution and ecology of Lactarius rostratus and Lactarius rubrocinctus (Basidiomycota, Russulales) in the Czech Republic.
Q106105049Distribution and ecology of the genus Thelocarpon (Lecaronales, Thelocarpaceae) in the Czech Republic.
Q106105870Distribution and ecology of the rare polypore Pycnoporellus fulgens in the Czech Republic.
Q106106141Distribution, ecology and fructification of a rare ascomycete, Pseudorhizina sphaerospora, in the Czech Republic and its habitats in Europe.
Q106106548Diversity and bioactivity of endolichenic fungi in Usnea lichens of the Philippines.
Q106106339Diversity and ecology of selected lignicolous Ascomycetes in the Bohemian Switzerland National Park (Czech Republic).
Q106105922Diversity of Russulaceae in the Vihorlatské vrchy Mts. (Slovakia).
Q106106478Diversity of filamentous and yeast fungi in soil of citrus and grapevine plantations in the Assiut region, Egypt.
Q106106345Diversity of filamentous fungi on coastal woody debris after tsunami on the southeast coast of India.
Q106106424Diversity of the family Russulaceae in the Scots pine forests of Záhorská nížina (SW Slovakia).
Q106106507Diversity of yeasts and filamentous fungi in mud from hypersaline and freshwater bodies in Egypt.
Q106106505Dung-inhabiting ascomycetes from the Ukrainian Carpathians.
Q106106375Early spring mycobiota of pine litter needles.
Q115301613Ecological relevance of the endophytic fungal diversity in velamen roots of tropical epiphytic orchids.
Q106106440Ecology and distribution of white milkcaps in Slovakia.
Q106106366Ecology and incidence of Polyporus umbellatus in Slovakia.
Q106106320Ecology of the rare fungus Hydropus atramentosus (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) in the Czech Republic and its potential value as a bioindicator of old-growth forests.
Q106106522Effect of cultivation conditions on mycelial growth and antibacterial activity of Lentinula edodes and Fomitopsis betulina.
Q106106517Effect of seventeen pesticides on mycelial growth of Akanthomyces, Beauveria, Cordyceps and Purpureocillium strains.
Q106105866Effect of temperature on the production of sclerotia by the psychrotrophic fungus Typhula incarnata in Poland.
Q106106536Effects of cultivation parameters on intracellular polysaccharide production in submerged culture of the edible medicinal mushroom Lentinula edodes.
Q106105077Effects of various forestry operations on the fungal flora of fir woods - first results.
Q106106524Eight new records of corticioid fungi from India.
Q106104983Ein interesanter Fund von Marasmiellus omphaliformis aus Italien.
Q106104986Einige neue Agaricales aus Böhmen (Tschechische Republik).
Q106105860Endophytic fungal assemblage of two halophytes from west coast mangrove habitats, India.
Q106106388Endophytic fungi in branches of sour cherry trees: a preliminary study.
Q106106408Entoloma jahnii (Fungi, Agaricales) reported from Slovakia and notes on differences with E. byssisedum.
Q106105909Entomopathogenic fungi associated with insect hibernating in underground shelters.
Q106104917Enzyme N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) as an early marker of intoxications by the Cortinarius species (nephrotoxic syndrom).
Q63979961Epitypification of Naucoria bohemica (Agaricales, Hymenogastraceae)
Q106106316Erweitertes Verzeichnis der Falschen Mehltaupilze Mährens und tschechisch Schlesiens.
Q106106713Erysiphe azaleae (Erysiphales) - a new species of powdery mildew for Slovakia and further records from the Czech Republic.
Q106106361Evaluation of the pathogenicity of selected nematophagous fungi.
Q106106506Evaluation of yield, biological efficiency and proximate composition of Pleurotus species cultivated on different wood dusts.
Q106106343Examination of rodents (Rodentia) for emmonsiosis in the Czech Republic, Israel and Africa.
Q106106431Exploring the limits of morphological variability and ecological preferences of Entoloma albotomentosum.
Q106104922First European records of Hohenbuehelia angustata (Berk.) Sing.
Q106106321First discovery of the European Psilocybe magica in America.
Q106105862First finds of "alder-Phytophthora" in the Czech Republic.
Q106106360First record of Ceratocystis laricicola (Ascomycota, Ceratocystidaceae) in the Czech Republic.
Q106106547First record of Coprinopsis strossmayeri (Psathyrellaceae) in Ukraine: morphological and cultural features.
Q106106399First record of Geoglossum uliginosum (Ascomycota, Geoglossales) in the Czech Republic.
Q106106486First record of Pythium mastophorum on celery seedlings in the Czech Republic.
Q106106499First record of Scutellinia legaliae (Ascomycota, Pyronemataceae) from relict endemic Liquidambar orientalis forest in Turkey.
Q106106438First record of Skeletocutis ochroalba (Polyporales) in the Czech Republic.
Q106105880First record of a Pseudobaeospora species from the Czech Republic.
Q106106471First record of the Mediterranean species Ciboria brunneorufa in the Balkan Peninsula.
Q106106502First records of Aspergillus porphyreostipitatus and Aspergillus carlsbadensis since their original descriptions.
Q106106340First records of Callistosporium pinicola in the Czech Republic and new findings on its ecology.
Q106106518First records of Cartilosoma rene-hentic (Polyporales) in the Czech Republic.
Q106105011First records of Pholiota subochracea and Pholiota elegans in the Czech Republic.
Q106106476First records of Tricholoma bresadolanum (Agaricales) in the Czech Republic.
Q106106421First records of Xerocomus chrysonemus (Boletaceae) in the Czech Republic.
Q106106441First records of Xerocomus silwoodensis (Boletaceae) in the Czech Republic.
Q106106477First records of gasteromycete Queletia mirabilis in the Czech Republic.
Q106106490First report of Mycena clavata (Fungi, Agaricales) in the Czech Republic including notes on its taxonomy, phylogenetic position and ecology.
Q106106533First report of Paraconiothyrium fuckelii (Didymosphaeriaceae, Pleosporales), causing stem canker of Rosa hybrida, from Iran.
Q106106135First report of the powdery mildew Golovinomyces cichoracearum on Telekia speciosa in Germany.
Q106106540Five polypore species new to India.
Q106106329Flammulina ononidis - a new species for Slovakia.
Q106105018Fontanospora fusirama sp. nov., a hyphomycete from live tree roots and from stream foam.
Q106106313Frantisekia - a new polypore genus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota).
Q106104935Fructification and sporulation of Laetiporus sulphureus in the urban environment.
Q106106334Fructification of Langermannia gigantea in artificially inoculated field soil.
Q106106494Fruitbody production of Hericium erinaceus and its distribution in Slovakia.
Q106105719Fruitbody quality and enzyme production of strains of Hericium erinaceus, an edible mushroom of medicinal relevance.
Q106105726Fungal association and deterioration of Oil-type Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) seed during storage.
Q106106380Fungal diversity in sandstone gorges of the Bohemian Switzerland National Park (Czech Republic): impact of climatic inversion.
Q106106714Fungal diversity in the Poloniny National Park with emphasis on indicator species of conservation value of beech forests in Europe.
Q106106415Fungal endophytes from two orchid species - pointer towards organ specificity.
Q106106385Fungal melanonychia caused by Onychocola canadensis: first records of nail infections due to Onychocola in the Czech Republic.
Q106106469Fungi and lichens recorded during the Cryptogam Symposium on Natural Beech Forests, Slovakia 2011.
Q106105009Fungi associated with sheep hairs in Saudi Arabia.
Q106105014Fungi described by and in honor of Carl Kalchbrenner. 1. Additions and corrections. 2. Eponymy.
Q106104977Fungi in biotechnology. Past, present, future.
Q106105022Fungi of the Kilimanjaro - II. Octospora kilimanjarensis sp. nov., a new species of the section Neottiellae (Discomycetes, Pezizales).
Q106105882Fungi on Juncus trifidus in the Czech Republic (II) with taxonomical notes to some species.
Q106105872Fungi on Juncus trifidus in the Czech Republic. I.
Q106105006Further localities of Phellinus cavicola in Europe.
Q106105795Fusarium moniliforme, F. subglutinans and Aspergillus flavus in maize products in Slovakia.
Q106106364Geoglossoid fungi in Slovakia II. Trichoglossum octopartitum, a new species for the country.
Q106106347Geographical distribution of Scleroconidioma sphagnicola in coniferous forests in Europe and Canada.
Q106106369Geomyces destructans, phenotypic features of some Czech isolates.
Q106106326Gerronema nemorale (Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes): anatomic-morphological, cultivational, enzymatic and molecular characteristics and its first records in the Republic of Korea.
Q106105002Growth and production of extracellular proteases by the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus on various media. I. Media without proteins.
Q106105843Gymnopilus igniculus - find from the Czech Republic and notes on its variability.
Q106105004Gymnopus herinkii spec. nov.: a critical review of the complex of Agaricus porreus and A. prasiosmus.
Q106106317Gymnopus obscuroides (Agaricomycetes, Omphalotaceae), a new species of sect. Levipedes from England.
Q106106432Gymnopus vernus (Omphalotaceae, Agaricales) recorded in Slovakia.
Q106104959Heat-resistant fungi.
Q106106379Helvella branzeziana (Ascomycota, Pezizales) - première récolte Monténégrine d’une espèce rare.
Q106106418Hemimycena longipilosa (Agaricales), a new species from Germany.
Q106105065Hydnaceous fungi of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Q106105762Hymenochaete cruenta and H. sphaericola, two sibling species of Hymenochaetales (Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycota).
Q106105740Hyphomycetes from Canadian streams. VI. Rare species in pure cultures.
Q106105029Identification of a fungal contaminant in a culture of Dunaliella salina.
Q106105064Induction of extracellular glycosidases in filamentous fungi and their potential use in chemotaxonomy.
Q106106491Inhibition of three toxigenic fungal strains and their toxins production using selenium nanoparticles.
Q106105886Intact leaves as substrate for fungi: distribution of endophytes and phylloplane fungi in rattan palms.
Q106106403Ionomidotis irregularis (Ascomycota, Helotiales) in the Czech Republic with comments on its distribution and ecology in Europe.
Q106105073Isolation of fungi from tomato rhizosphere and evaluation of the effect of some fungicides and biological agents on the production of cellulase enzymes by Nectria haematococca and Pythium ultimum var. ultimum.
Q106106355Jafnea semitosta (Ascomycota, Pyronemataceae), first collection in the Czech Republic.
Q106106452Kavinia alboviridis in the Czech Republic.
Q106105033Key to the species of Scutellinia subgen. Geneosperma (Rifai) comb. et stat. nov. (Discomycetes, Pezizales, Pyronemataceae).
Q106105917Lactarius hrdovensis, a new species of section Uvidi from Slovakia.
Q106106455Lamprospora tuberculata, Octospora ithacaensis, O. orthotrichi and O. affinis - four bryoparasitic ascomycetes new to the Czech Republic.
Q106106463Leaf surface and endophytic fungi associated with onion leaves and their antagonistic activity against Alternaria porri.
Q106105066Lichenicolous fungi from the Czech Republic. 1. Weddellomyces xanthoparmeliae Calatayud et Nav.-Ros.
Q106105768Lipid, sterol and ergosterol accumulation in isolates of dematiaceous Hyphomycetes.
Q106105045Loss of antifungal activity of selected fungicides in treated wood due to natural ageing. Part 1: Activity against moulds.
Q106105046Loss of antifungal activity of selected fungicides in treated wood due to natural ageing. Part 2: Activity against wood-destroying fungi.
Q106104946Luciotrichus lasioboloides, a new genus and a new species of the Pezizales.
Q106106426Macrofungi in Mediterranean Quercus ilex woodlands: relations to vegetation structure, ecological gradients and higher-taxon approach.
Q106106525Macrofungi on fallen oak trunks in the Białowieża Virgin Forest – ecological role of trunk parameters and surrounding vegetation.
Q106105871Macromycetes of permanent plots in cultural forests in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. and Vsetínské vrchy hills (Czech Republic).
Q106106480Macroscopic variability of Rubroboletus legaliae with special regard to Boletus spinarii.
Q106106422Marasmiellus carneopallidus: first Italian record of a rare taxon.
Q106105867Marasmius species (Tricholomataceae) found in man-influenced habitats in the vicinity of Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Q106104933Melastiza (Boud.) comb. et stat. nov. - a subgenus of the genus Aleuria Fuck. emend. nov. (Discomycetes, Pezizales).
Q106104953Merits and limitations of immunodiagnostic assays for systemic mycoses.
Q106105735Methods for determination of enzymatic activities of marine fungi.
Q106106143Microfungi on the kernels of transgenic and non-transgenic maize damaged by the European corn borer.
Q106104957Micromycetes in archives and book depositories in the Czech Republic.
Q106106508Microscopic fungi on cadavers and skeletons from cave and mine environments.
Q106106497Microthia nepenthis, a new combination for Zythia nepenthis.
Q106106475Mniaecia jungermanniae (Helotiales), an overlooked bryophilous ascomycete in the Liberec Region (Czech Republic).
Q106106319Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic position of Trametes cervina and description of a new genus Trametopsis.
Q106106429Multigene sequence-based identification of Colletotrichum cymbidiicola, C. karstii and C. phyllanthi from India.
Q106104982Mycena truncosalicicola - a new species of Mycena from Britain.
Q106106386Mycobiota and aflatoxins associated with imported rice grains stored in Uganda.
Q106106315Mycobiota associated with baby food products imported into Uganda with special reference to aflatoxigenic aspergilli and aflatoxins.
Q106106314Mycobiota of Czech wine grapes and occurrence of ochratoxin A and Alternaria mycotoxins in fresh grape juice, must and wine.
Q106105728Mycocoenological studies in Mediterranean forest ecosystems: calcicolous deciduous oak woods of central-southern Tuscany (Italy).
Q106105819Mycoflora in the intestine of Eisenia andrei (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) and in vermiculture substrates.
Q106106416Mycoparasitic fungi reducing the incidence and virulence of Bipolaris sorokiniana.
Q106105832Mycorrhizal revival: case study from the Giant Mts., Czech Republic.
Q106105844Mycotoxic effect of Abrus precatorius and Rauvolfia tetraphylla root extracts on the growth of Colletotrichum capsici.
Q106104984Myriosclerotinia caricis-ampullaceae on Carex rostrata and C. lasiocarpa - the first records for Austria, and two further Austrian localities for Lanzia henningsiana.
Q106105784Myxomycetes in Bohemian Karst and Hřebeny Mts.
Q106104975Natural occurence of entomopathogenic fungi on Aphids at an agricurtural field site.
Q106105790Nemania pouzarii, a new species from Oahu Island, Hawaii.
Q106106330Neoerysiphe galeopsidis on Stachys species in Slovakia and the Czech Republic based on a re-examination of herbarium collections.
Q106106457New European records of basidiomycete Burgoa anomala from coniferous litter and sediment in underground tunnel.
Q106106534New and remarkable records of lichenicolous fungi from Ternopil Oblast (Ukraine).
Q106106333New collections of Flammulina rossica.
Q106106451New combinations for ergot species described under their anamorphic names by S. Pažoutová and colleagues.
Q106105884New hyphomycete species from streams in the Šumava National Park (Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic).
Q106106393New localities of Gastropila fragilis (Lycoperdaceae) in Europe and Asia.
Q106104993New localities of Pilatoporus ibericus in Europe and Asia.
Q106106526New record of Aureobasidium mangrovei from plant debris in the Sultanate of Oman.
Q106105841New records and ecology of Naeviopsis carneola in Central Europe with notes on other fungi growing on Juncus filiformis.
Q106106137New records of Conocybe species from Ukraine. I. The sections Mixtae and Pilosellae.
Q106106133New records of Conocybe species from Ukraine. II. The section Conocybe.
Q106106377New records of Dacrymyces ovisporus and Tremella diaporthicola from the Ukraine.
Q106105928New records of Pholiotina species in Ukraine.
Q106105013New records of Pyrenomycetes from the Czech Republic I.
Q106105027New records of Pyrenomycetes from the Czech and Slovak Republics II. Some rare and interesting species of the orders Dothideales and Sordariales.
Q106106541New records of corticioid fungi in the Bohemian Forest (Czech Republic).
Q106106372New records of dung inhabiting Coprinus species in Ukraine II. Section Coprinus.
Q106106353New records of dung-inhabiting Coprinus species in Ukraine I. Section Pseudocoprinus.
Q106106537New records of fungi of the classes Sordariomycetes and Dothideomycetes from Europe.
Q106104894New records of micromycetes from Czech and Slovak Republics. III. Acremonium furcatum, Gonatobotryum parasiticum, Stachybotrys bisbyi, and Wardomyces inflatus.
Q106105782New records of micromycetes from the Czech Republic. IV. Acrodontium salmoneum, Chaunopycnis alba and Cylindrocarpostylus gregarius, and notes on Dactylaria lanosa and Trichoderma saturnisporum.
Q106106465New records of polypores from Iran, with a checklist of polypores for Gilan Province.
Q106106488New records of resupinate, non-poroid agaricomycetous fungi from India.
Q106106462New species of Geosmithia and Graphium associated with ambrosia beetles in Costa Rica.
Q106106327New species of Passalora (cercosporoid hyphomycete) from Western Ghats, India.
Q106105885New species of marasmioid genera (Basidiomycetes, Tricholomataceae) from tropical Africa - V. Marasmius violaceoides, a new species based on M. violaceus Henn. in the sense of Singer.
Q106106493New taxonomic combinations in endophytic representatives of the genus Nigrograna.
Q106105923New variety of Psilocybe moravica and notes on Psilocybe bohemica.
Q106105858New, rare and less known macromycetes in Slovakia I.
Q106106142New, rare and less known macromycetes in Slovakia II.
Q106104980New, remarkable and rare higher Basidiomycetes from Israel.
Q106105894Newly recorded Acremonium species from Slovakia: Acremonium atrogriseum, A. roseogriseum, A. spinosum, and Acremonium sp. (anamorph of Neocosmospora vasinfecta var. africana).
Q106106487Nomenclatural study and current status of the names Boletus emileorum, Boletus crocipodius and Boletus legaliae (Boletales), including typification of the first two.
Q106105069Norsolorinic acid mutants and aflatoxin research.
Q106105919Note on the excipular structure of Cheilymenia theleboloides (Discomycetes, Pezizales, Pyronemataceae).
Q106106342Notes on Hemimycena from European Russia.
Q106106482Notes on corticioid fungi of the Czech Republic. I. Phlebia acanthocystis and Phlebia bispora (Meruliaceae).
Q106106520Notes on corticioid fungi of the Czech Republic. II. Athelidium caucasicum (Stephanosporaceae, Agaricales).
Q106105900Notes on mycobiota associated with Ips typographus from the Šumava Mts. (Czech Republic).
Q106105893Notes on some European species of the genus Crepidotus (Agaricales).
Q106104985Notes on some species of genera Ceriporia and Ceriporiopsis (Polyporaceae).
Q106105770Notes on taxonomy and distribution of Aphyllophorales I.
Q106105883Notes on the exsiccatum „Vězda: Lichenes rariores“ with Index to fascicles 1-50 (Nos. 1-500).
Q106106410Notes on the identity of Hygrophoropsis rufa (Basidiomycota, Boletales).
Q106105801Notes on the taxonomy of Cordyceps longisegmentis based on collections from the Czech Republic.
Q106105729Notes on the variability of Gymnopus luxurians (Tricholomataceae).
Q106105852Notes on three Rimbachia species from the Alps.
Q106104990Notes on two hydnums - Bankera violascens and Sarcodon versipellis.
Q106105765Notes on two rare Lactarius species.
Q106106427Occurrence and distribution of Termitomyces (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) in the Western Ghats and on the west coast of India.
Q106104992Occurrence of phytopathogenous micromycetes of the order Erysiphales in the national park Slovenský raj.
Q106105725Occurrence of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) in coastal habitats of Bahrain.
Q106106527Occurrence, use and antioxidant potential of Termitomyces reticulatus in Cameroon.
Q111374057Old-growth forest fungi – new localities and habitat and host preferences in Slovakia (I).
Q106106496Old-growth forest fungus Antrodiella citrinella - distribution and ecology in the Czech Republic.
Q106104887Oligoporus folliculocystidiatus, a new polypore species allied to Oligoporus cerifluus.
Q106105808On a new Atractiella.
Q106105810On some Colacogloea species from Canada.
Q106105793On the ecology of Scytinostroma portentosum found in Poland.
Q106106127On the genus Microporellus, with two new species and one recombination (M. papuensis spec. nov., M. adextrinoideus spec. nov., and M. terrestris comb. nov.).
Q106106495On the identity of Lachnum winteri (Ascomycota, Helotiales).
Q106105887Ophiostoma stenoceras and O. grandicarpum (Ophiostomatales), first records in the Czech Republic.
Q106106139Overview of the genus Claussenomyces and a description of Italian collections.
Q106106349Pathogenicity assessment of entomopathogenic fungi infecting Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heteroptera: Coreidae).
Q106106513Patterns of Hericium coralloides growth with competitive fungi.
Q106104951Paxillus involutus - a dangerous mushroom?
Q106105075Peronospora swinglei - ein neuer Falscher Mehltaupilz für die Tschechische Republik.
Q106106383Peziza acroornata (Ascomycota, Pezizales) - quatrième récolte européenne, première du Monténégro.
Q106104973Phellinus cavicola, a new xanthochroic setae-less polypore with coloured spores.
Q106105812Phylogeny of Tetracladium based on 18S rDNA.
Q106105856Physiological reactions of Aspergillus niger isolates from different heavy metal polluted sites in Slovakia.
Q106106331Phytophthora cambivora causing ink disease of sweet chestnut recorded in the Czech Republic.
Q106105829Phytotoxin production and rice sheath blight development by Rhizoctonia solani mutants derived from gamma irradiation.
Q106105830Pigment production in incompatibility zones of Trametes versicolor is in correlation with the laccase activity of the dikaryons involved.
Q106106359Pirottaea lychnidis comb. nov. from the Bohemian Switzerland National Park, Czech Republic.
Q106105760Pleurotoid fungi of the family Polyporaceae in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Q106105741Plicaria (Pezizales) in Britain, and Plicariella reinstated.
Q106105071Polycoccum minutulum (Dothideales, Ascomycetes), a new lichenicolous fungus on Trapelia placodioides.
Q106105823Polypores (Polyporales s. l.) collected in Cuba.
Q106104995Polypores associated with native woody host plants in urban areas of Slovakia.
Q106104920Potentiated effect of ethanol on Amanita phalloides poisoning.
Q106106419Powdery mildew (Pseudoidium sp.) found on Chelidonium majus in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Q106106414Powdery mildew on Rhododendron caused by Erysiphe azaleae in Latvia.
Q106106125Preliminary checklist of the genus Psathyrella in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Q106104950Present state, modern methods and perspectives in Penicillium study.
Q106104947Production of abscisic acid and cytokinins in static liquid culture by Schizophyllum commune.
Q106104967Protective action against Amanita poisoning by iridoid glucoside, aucubin.
Q106106501Pseudobaeospora albidula (Agaricales) found in the Czech Republic.
Q106106449Pseudocercospora bischofigena, a new cercosporoid fungus from northeastern Uttar Pradesh, India.
Q106104962Pseudoomphalina kalchbrenneri (Agaricales) in the Czech Republic.
Q106106409Psilocybe allenii - a new bluing species from the Pacific Coast, USA.
Q106105915Puccinia trollii - ein neuer Rostpilz für die Karpaten.
Q122927811Pustula lactucae sp. nov. (Albuginales, Oomycota), a new species causing white blister rust disease on Lactuca undulata
Q106106447Rain-borne fungi in stemflow and throughfall of six tropical palm species.
Q106105920Ramaria bataillei (Basidiomycetes, Ramariaceae), the first finds in the Czech Republic.
Q106106481Ramariopsis robusta (Basidiomycota, Clavariaceae), a new European species similar to R. kunzei.
Q106106428Rare macromycetes from raised bogs in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts. (Czech Republic).
Q106105721Record of Cerebella sp. in Czech Republic and of Cerebella andropogonis in Brazil.
Q106105041Records of new, rare or overlooked lichens from the Czech Republic.
Q106106467Redescription and epitypification of Clavaria atrofusca Velen.
Q106105035Rediscovery of Trichoglossum hirsutum in Slovakia.
Q106105857Relationship of Cerebella to Epicoccum and their closest relatives among Dothideales.
Q106105746Remarks on the distribution of Hymenochaete carpatica in Central and Eastern Europe.
Q106105745Remarks to the taxonomy of Gymnopilus josserandii based on records from Bohemian Forest (Czech Republic).
Q106105031Revision and reclassification of some Chaetosphaeria species.
Q106106510Revision of specimens of Melastiza deposited in the PRM herbarium.
Q106106411Revision of the genus Cotylidia (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetales) in the Czech Republic.
Q106105061Revision of three Melanomma species described by L. Fuckel.
Q106105068Revision von Velenovskýs Galera-Arten, die den Gattungen Conocybe und Pholiotina angehören.
Q106105043Revival of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus spp.) strains after mineral oil preservation.
Q106105038Rhodocollybia giselae, a new species from the Mediterranean region in Europe.
Q106106392Rigidoporus pouzarii, a new polypore species related to Rigidoporus crocatus.
Q106105714Root mycoflora of pepper (Capsicum annuum) antagonistic to Verticillium dahliae.
Q106105825Rost-, Brand- und Falsche Mehltaupilze neu für Mähren und tschechisch Schlesien.
Q106106472Rubroboletus satanas f. crataegi, validly published name for xanthoid form of Rubroboletus satanas.
Q106105827Russula faginea and similar taxa.
Q106106459Sabuloglossum arenarium (Geoglossaceae) in the Czech Republic.
Q106105906Saprobic microfungi in tea (Camellia sinensis) and dried herbs.
Q106106309Saprotrophic microscopic fungi and dermatophytes accompanying infections of the skin and nails of patients in the Moravian-Silesian Region (Czech Republic).
Q106106352Sarcoporia polyspora and Jahnoporus hirtus: two rare polypores collected in South Bohemia, Czech Republic.
Q106104892Sclerotiniaceae on sweet chestnut burrs in the northern 'old world‘.
Q106105048Screening for efficient organopollutant fungal degraders by decolorization.
Q106106468Secondary conidia observed in Bartheletia paradoxa.
Q106106454Seltenere Falsche Mehltaupilze, Rost- und Brandpilze der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Republik. I. Teil Peronosporomycetes.
Q106105864Seminar “Mycoremediation 2003”, Prague, Czech Republic, October 9th-10th, 2003.
Q106104994Seven little known species of the genus Alternaria.
Q106106318Sistotrema dennisii (Basidiomycetes, Sistotremataceae) - a new species for the Czech Republic.
Q106106504Sixteen gasteromycetes collected in Cuba 50 years ago.
Q106106362Soil mycobiota of date palm plantations in Elche, SE Spain.
Q106105911Some interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the Czech Republic.
Q106104939Some new taxa and combinations in the Pezizales.
Q106105757Some notes on the remarkable variability of Ascobolus scatigenus (Discomycetes, Pezizales).
Q106104885Some species of Cortinariaceae and Russulaceae in the alpine belt of the Belaer Tatras - II.
Q106105895Some species of the genus Diatrype from the Czech Republic preserved in PRM, BRNM and KRAM.
Q106106325Some stereoid fungi from Cuba.
Q106105025Some uncommon or rare polypores (Polyporales s.l.) collected on uncommon hosts.
Q106104898Species of Taphrina on Alnus in Slovakia.
Q106105008Species of Taphrina on Betula in Slovakia.
Q106104930Species of Taphrina on Populus in Slovakia.
Q106105010Specific responses of some phytopathogenic fungi to fungicides.
Q106105839State of diversity research on macrofungi in Slovakia.
Q106105799Steccherinum albidum: a new species from southern England.
Q106105912Studies in the genus Mollisia s. l. II: Revision of some species of Mollisia and Tapesia described by J. Velenovský (part 1).
Q106106398Studies in the genus Mollisia s.l. III: Revision of some species of Mollisia and Tapesia described by J. Velenovský (part 2).
Q106105751Supplement to the Checklist of non-vascular and vascular plants of Slovakia. The species of microscopic fungi of the order Eurotiales.
Q106106443Supplementary notes on Xerocomus chrysonemus (Boletaceae): bluing context and distribution in the Czech Republic.
Q106106128Survey of fungal species vectored by Ips cembrae to European larch trees in Raciborskie forests (Poland).
Q106105848Survival rate of Trichophyton equinum and T. verrucosum mutants at lyophilisation.
Q116296530Svatopluk Šebek (1926-1996) in memoriam
Q106106140Symbiotic relationship between Cerrena unicolor and the horntail Tremex fuscicornis recorded in the Czech Republic.
Q106104956Tailoring fungal nomenclature to suit user needs.
Q106104902Taphrina viridis - a new species for the Karpaty Mts.
Q106106430Taxonomic evaluation of the polypore Daedaleopsis tricolor based on morphology and molecular data.
Q106105930Taxonomic literature on the genus Lepiota s. l. in the Czech Republic.
Q106105764Taxonomic notes on Dematioscypha and Amicodisca.
Q106105846Taxonomic revision of the genus Cheilymenia - 10. Cheilymenia apiculispora spec. nov., a new species of the section Coprobia.
Q106105052Taxonomic revision of the genus Cheilymenia - 6. Cheilymenia polaripustulata sp. nov. - a new species of the section Striatisporae.
Q106105861Taxonomic revision of the genus Cheilymenia - 7. A reassessment of the sections Paracheilymeniae and Raripilosae.
Q106105821Taxonomic revision of the genus Cheilymenia - 8. The section Micropilosae.
Q106104918Taxonomic revision of the genus Cheilymenia.
Q106106335Taxonomic studies on Psathyrella sect. Spadiceae.
Q106106543Taxonomy of Hohenbuehelia auriscalpium, H. abietina, H. josserandii, and one record of H. tremula.
Q106106492Taxonomy, ecology and distribution of Melanoleuca strictipes (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) in Europe.
Q106105074Teleomorph-anamorph connections in Ascomycetes. 1. Cylindrotrichum and Cacumisporium anamorphs of Chaetosphaeria.
Q106106425Ten wood-inhabiting agarics from Cuba.
Q106106530Texas microfungi: Hermatomyces amphisporus (Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes) revisited.
Q106105888The arachnogenous fungus Gibellula leiopus - second find from the Czech Republic.
Q106106312The ascomycete Meliniomyces variabilis isolated from a sporocarp of Hydnotrya tulasnei (Pezizales) intracellularly colonises roots of ecto- and ericoid mycorrhizal host plants.
Q106106323The correct author citation of the recently published name Pluteus fenzlii.
Q106106381The ecological knowledge on Crepidotus kubickae - a case study from central Slovakia.
Q106105012The effect of chloroform extracts of micromycete biomass on the movement of tracheal cilia in one-day old chickens in vitro.
Q106104907The effect of disinfection substances on the propagules of heat-resistant fungi in vitro.
Q106105815The effect of excluding plant litter on the aquatic hyphomycete conidia in a headwater stream.
Q106104900The effect of the heat-stable and chloroform-extractable secondary metabolites of filamentous fungi on the respiratory tract cilia movement of one-day-old chickens in vitro.
Q106105787The effect off excluding plant litter on the aquatic hyphomycete conidia in a headwater stream.
Q106105838The first record of Amyloflagellula inflata from Benin, West Africa.
Q106105879The first record of Cryphonectria parasitica in the Czech Republic.
Q110530487The genus Canalisporium (Savoryellaceae) from freshwater habitats in Egypt
Q106105001The genus Erysiphe in Serbia.
Q106105797The genus Phellinus in the Šumava Mts.
Q106104968The genus Rosellinia (Sphaeriales) from Peninsular India.
Q106106437The identity of Postia lowei (Basidiomycota, Polyporales) and notes on related or similar species.
Q106105792The mycoflora of Roman coastal woodlands. 7th contribution: some species of the WWF oasis of Macchiagrande - Chaetocalathus craterellus and Crepidotus calolepis.
Q106105737The nematophagous hyphomycete Esteya vermicola found in the Czech Republic.
Q106105754The occurence of rare Ciboria aestivalis in Europe.
Q106105926The occurrence of dermatophytes and other keratinophilic fungi from the soils of Himachal Pradesh (India).
Q106105051The occurrence of the rare species Circinella umbellata (Mucorales).
Q106105854The occurrence of yeasts in grass-grown soils.
Q106105767The problem of Pholiotina sulcatipes - P. aberrans.
Q106105748The role of some saprophytic micromycetes and fungus Micromucor ramannianus var. ramannianus in forest soil.
Q106105738The rust fungi, smut fungi and downy mildews in the Czech part of Krušné hory (Erzgebirge).
Q106105759The status of the ordinal name Leotiales.
Q106106126The taxonomic and ecological characterisation of the clinically important heterobasiodiomycete Fugomyces cyanescens and its association with bark beetles.
Q106105056The taxonomy of Pholiota aurivella and Pholiota adiposa - a return to Batsch and Fries.
Q106105717The taxonomy of Pholiota fusus - a critical evaluation.
Q106104883The ultrastructure of the spore wall and ornamentation in the Xerocomus group of Boletus.
Q106106354The variability of a Pyrenophora tritici-repentis population as revealed by inter-retrotransposon amplified polymorphism with regard to the Ptr ToxA gene.
Q106106324The wood-rotting bluing Psilocybe species in Central Europe - an identification key.
Q106106542Three new species of the genus Pseudosperma (Inocybaceae).
Q106106358Tilletia anthoxanthi, a smut fungus new to Moravia.
Q106105881Tomentella spinosispora Čížek spec. nov. (Thelephoraceae), a new species from the Czech Republic.
Q106104976Toxic terpenoids isolated from higher fungi.
Q106104909Trametites eocenicus, a new fossil polypore from the Bohemian Eocene.
Q106106453Trichoderma fassatiae, a new species from the section Pachybasium isolated from soil in the Czech Republic.
Q106106407Tricholoma borgsjoeënse found in the Czech Republic and Tricholoma luridum documented in Slovakia.
Q106106397Tricholomopsis osiliensis (Basidiomycota, Agaricales), recently described from Estonia, found in Slovakia.
Q106105016Triparental species hybrids from fused zoospores of Phytophthora.
Q106106363Tuber aestivum - hypogeous fungus neglected in the Czech Republic. A review.
Q106106405Two collections of albinotic forms of Tubaria (Basidiomycota, Agaricales, Inocybaceae).
Q106104996Two new Capronia species from the Czech Republic.
Q106104924Two new localities of Inonotus rickii in Europe.
Q113208888Two new records of Jahnula (Aliquandostipitaceae) from freshwater habitats in Egypt.
Q106105803Two new species of Psathyrella.
Q106106357Two new species of the genus Dendrothele (Corticiaceae) from the Czech Republic.
Q106106461Two novel species of the genus Trichosporon isolated from a cave environment.
Q106105921Two species of smut fungi on Polygonaceae from Thian Shan, Kazakhstan.
Q106105773Two undescibed Microporellus species and notes on M. clemensiae, M. setigerus and M. subincarnatus.
Q106104896Type specimens of fungi held in the Herbarium of the Slovak National Museum (BRA), Bratislava, Slovakia.
Q106105732Type specimens of fungi preserved in the Herbarium of the Moravian Museum in Brno, Czech Republic (BRNM).
Q106106390Type studies in Polyporaceae 27. Species described by P. Ch. Hennings.
Q106106389Type studies of corticioid Hymenomycetes (Basidiomycota) with aculei - Part II.
Q106106479Typhula spathulata - first record from Turkey.
Q106106406Typification of three European species epithets attributable to Strobilomyces (Boletales).
Q106104981Un cas de malformation sporale chez un Agaricus.
Q106105863Une réévaluation de Mycena radicifera J. Favre.
Q106106341Unusual occurrence of Phellinus nigrolimitatus in man-influenced habitats at low altitudes in the České Švýcarsko National Park, Czech Republic.
Q106106391Variability of internal transcribed spacer ribosomal DNA sequences of Fuscoporia gilva and Fuscoporia sp. in Thailand.
Q106105743Venturia glacialis, an overlooked species.
Q106104937Veramyces, a new hyphomycete genus from Kumaon Himalayas.
Q106104961Vergiftungen durch höhere Pilze (Intoxications by higher fungi.).
Q106106337Water-borne conidial fungi inhabiting tree holes of the west coast and Western Ghats of India.
Q106106394What is Polyporus burkillii Lloyd and how should it be spelled?
Q106104999What is in fact Nemecomyces mongolicus Pilát?
Q106104974Worldwide occurrence of psychoactive mushrooms - an update.
Q106106336Xerocomus s. l. in the light of the present state of knowledge.
Q106105716Xeromphalina brunneola (Tricholomataceae), a new member of the European mycoflora.
Q106106484Xylariaceous pyrenomycetes from Bohemia: species of Biscogniauxia and Hypoxylon new to the Czech Republic, and notes on other rare species.
Q106104979Yeast population in the water of a polluted fish-pond.
Q106105781Yeasts isolated from the lakes of Dhanmondi and Ramna, Bangladesh.
Q106105868Zur Systematik von Bacidia permira (foliicole Flechte, Ascomycotina).

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