Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research

scientific journal

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P6981ACNP journal ID15262
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P1250Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO6962
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P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level2
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScience Citation Index ExpandedQ104047209
P1476titleOrthodontics and Craniofacial Research: genes, growth and development

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published in (P1433)
Q58670786"High technology," biomedical ethics, and recombinant DNA impacts in the 1980
Q57467676"The Ball on the Hill": A new perspective on TMJ functional anatomy
Q36196754'Smart' delivery systems for biomolecular therapeutics.
Q919081883D Airway changes using CBCT in patients following mandibular setback surgery ± maxillary advancement
Q919081453D Airway changes using cone beam computed tomography in patients following mandibular advancement surgery with and without constriction
Q870862513D asymmetry of operated children with oral clefts
Q891744743D facial soft tissue changes after rapid maxillary expansion on primary teeth: A randomized clinical trial
Q894161803D follow-up study of facial asymmetry after developmental dysplasia of the hip
Q919082403D landmarks of Craniofacial Imaging and subsequent considerations on superimpositions in orthodontics-The Aarhus perspective
Q902647253D soft-tissue evaluation of a Class III treatment with rapid maxillary expander and face mask in pre-pubertal phase-A retrospective cohort study
Q354119413D superimposition and understanding temporomandibular joint arthritis
Q919081363D superimposition of craniofacial imaging-The utility of multicentre collaborations
Q1015662393D virtual surgical planning for maxillary positioning and orientation in orthognathic surgery: Methodological issues on accuracy and agreement
Q734843963D-computed tomography: a new method for the evaluation of fetal cranial morphology
Q100406272A 3D finite element analysis of maxillary molar distalization using unilateral zygoma gear and asymmetric headgear
Q92887073A Bayesian network meta-analysis of orthopaedic treatment in Class III malocclusion: Maxillary protraction with skeletal anchorage or a rapid maxillary expander
Q58547870A Modified steiner's analysis that does not require radiographic exposure of the cranial base
Q84240906A Mongolian patient with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with a novel P121S variant in EDARADD
Q73804167A case of Japanese cleidocranial dysplasia with a CBFA1 frameshift mutation
Q46899249A case of amelogenesis imperfecta, cleft lip and palate and polycystic kidney disease
Q70214194A cephalometric study in Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
Q53764502A cephalometric study on craniofacial morphology of Iranian children with beta-thalassemia major
Q77732388A comparative analysis of Class II treatments: a retrospective/prospective alternative
Q102384406A comparative evaluation of midfacial soft tissue and nasal bone changes with two maxillary protraction protocols: Tooth-borne versus skeletal-anchored facemasks
Q70631399A comparative study of craniofacial growth during secondary palate development in four strains of mice
Q54434957A comparative study of development during primary palate formation in A/WySn, C57BL/6, and their F1 crosses.
Q52175645A comparison of the craniofacial morphology in 2-month-old unoperated infants with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate, and unilateral incomplete cleft lip.
Q92977676A cone-beam computed tomography analysis of angulation and inclination of whole tooth and clinical crown in adults with normal occlusion
Q56394693A craniometric study of bicoronal craniosynostosis (BCC)
Q56394945A craniometric study of sagittal craniosynostosis (SC)
Q37961410A craniometric study of the C. de Lange syndrome (CdLS).
Q88292381A cross-sectional analysis of Wits and Riedel in adults with skeletal III malocclusion: How informative are they?
Q36349275A cross-sectional survey of 5-year-old children with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate: the Cleft Care UK study. Part 1: background and methodology
Q36890947A developmental approach to mental health for children and adolescents with orofacial clefts
Q48543093A direct in vivo measurement of the three-dimensional orientation of the occlusal plane and of the sagittal discrepancy of the jaws
Q86057288A finite element analysis of the maxillary first molar PDL with maxillary protraction in a mixed dentition Class III malocclusion
Q47225626A finite element analysis of the optimal bending angles in a running loop for mesial translation of a mandibular molar using indirect skeletal anchorage.
Q52710886A genetic analysis of the mandible and maxilla in the rat.
Q52302079A genetic study of dentin growth in the mandibular second and third molars of male mice
Q73116102A histomorphometric and scanning electron microscopy study of human condylar cartilage and bone tissue changes in relation to age
Q53871771A less-invasive approach with orthodontic treatment in Beckwith-Wiedemann patients.
Q74317288A longitudinal evaluation of pulpal pain during orthodontic tooth movement
Q52185899A longitudinal observation of the postnatal craniofacial growth in artificial monozygotic twin mice
Q73807836A longitudinal study of the postnatal maternal effect on the craniofacial growth of mouse offspring by cross-nursing
Q71445197A monoclonal antibody against neural crest-stage Xenopus laevis lectin perturbs craniofacial development of Xenopus
Q46468396A morphometric analysis of cell densities in facial prominences of the rhesus monkey embryo during primary palate formation.
Q48460487A morphometric analysis of craniofacial growth in cleft lip and noncleft mice
Q48569131A morphometric analysis of human embryonic craniofacial growth in the median plane during primary palate formation
Q68527646A morphometric analysis of the fetal craniofacies by ultrasound: fetal cephalometry
Q77905408A morphometric analysis of the posed smile
Q91065442A multilevel analysis of craniofacial growth in subjects with untreated Class III malocclusion
Q51515641A network approach to orthodontic diagnosis
Q52197300A new craniofacial disorder involving hypertelorism and malformations of external nose, palate and pituitary gland
Q38667626A new cyte in orthodontics: Osteocytes in tooth movement
Q33231904A new method for the 3D measurement of postoperative swelling following orthognathic surgery.
Q53307888A new method to evaluate the positional stability of a self-drilling miniscrew
Q39457204A new perspective of human origin and dispersals derived from the microevolution of teeth
Q39843284A new system for scanning, measuring and analyzing dental casts based on a 3D holographic sensor
Q44331608A newly recognized partial alopecia syndrome associated with distinct personality traits
Q98728381A novel missense mutation of LRP6 identified by whole-exome sequencing in a Chinese family with nonsyndromic tooth agenesis
Q73804161A novel missense mutation of the CBFA1 gene in a family with cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) and variable expressivity
Q91908232A novel nonsense substitution identified in the AMIGO2 gene in an Occulo-Auriculo-Vertebral spectrum patient
Q52199668A novel type of developmental dentin defect
Q35412120A pilot study of ambulatory masticatory muscle activities in temporomandibular joint disorders diagnostic groups
Q41934166A preliminary study of mandibular shape
Q48178096A prospective cohort study assessing the appearance of retrieved aesthetic orthodontic archwires
Q48080857A prospective longitudinal controlled assessment of pain experience and oral health-related quality of life in adolescents undergoing fixed appliance treatment
Q74502920A précis of the proceedings of the First International Orthodontic Editors' Symposium, 28 April 2000
Q48243764A quantitative and qualitative study of craniofacial development in the rat embryo aged 302 hours to 374 hours (days 12.5 to 15.5).
Q45872385A quantitative genetic analysis of localized morphology in mandibles of inbred mice using finite element scaling analysis
Q60636194A quantitative genetic study of cephalometric variables in twins
Q64048593A radiological study on intra- and extra-cranial calcifications in adults with X-linked hypophosphatemia and associations with other mineralizing enthesopathies and childhood medical treatment
Q85905090A randomized controlled trial of three orthodontic retention methods in Class I four premolar extraction cases – stability after 2 years in retention
Q45066511A rat model for orthodontic translational expansive tooth movement
Q34249575A recurrent pattern syndrome of craniosynostosis associated with arachnodactyly and abdominal hernias
Q40899468A region of the mouse genome homologous to human chromosome 1q21 affects facial clefting
Q39393792A review of craniofacial and dental findings of the RASopathies.
Q39246115A scoping review of outcomes related to orthodontic treatment measured in cleft lip and palate.
Q56393128A severe case of Pfeiffer syndrome associated with stub thumb on the maternal side of the family
Q71106978A simple photographic method for demonstration of skeletal features in teratological studies
Q68002112A small region of chromosome 9 in liability to cleft palate (CP) in mice
Q40601278A stochastic evaluation of the decision to specialize in orthodontics
Q74795910A study to evaluate the parent-offspring similarity in the maxillofacial profile using fingerprints in Japanese families
Q35180128A systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental clinical evidence on initial aligning archwires and archwire sequences.
Q38027559A systematic review of methods for tissue analysis in animal studies on orthodontic mini‐implants
Q73418311A therapeutic concept for the combined orthodontic surgical correction of angle Class II deformities with short-face syndrome: Surgical lengthening of the lower face
Q33361414A three-dimensional look for facial differences between males and females in a British-Caucasian sample aged 151/2 years old.
Q46445784A three‐dimensional evaluation of the upper airway in adolescents
Q44647835AP‐2 and HNK‐1 define distinct populations of cranial neural crest cells
Q45161868Abnormal craniofacial development and expression patterns of extracellular matrix components in transgenic Del1 mice harboring a deletion mutation in the type II collagen gene
Q72572653Abnormal craniofacial morphology and cartilage structure in transgenic mice harboring a Gly --> Cys mutation in the cartilage-specific type II collagen gene
Q71169414Abnormal facial development in the mouse mutant first arch
Q71689746Abnormalities in secondary cartilages in four lines of transgenic mice harboring two different types of mutations in the cartilage-specific type II collagen gene
Q88971247Accuracy and reliability of digital craniofacial measurements using a small-format, handheld 3D camera
Q46259745Accuracy and reliability of landmark-based, surface-based and voxel-based 3D cone-beam computed tomography superimposition methods.
Q92568069Accuracy of 3D virtual surgical planning for maxillary positioning and orientation in orthognathic surgery
Q41085562Accuracy of alveolar bone measurements from cone beam computed tomography acquired using varying settings
Q92337197Accuracy of the measurements from multiplanar and sagittal reconstructions of CBCT
Q39465519Accuracy of volumetric measurement of simulated root resorption lacunas based on cone beam computed tomography
Q44571340Accuracy of volumetric measurement of teeth in vivo based on cone beam computer tomography
Q73952485Action of ethanol on different skull and brain parameters in the chick embryo
Q36196736Actively regulating bioengineered tissue and organ formation
Q69061675Adenoid hypoplasia in the velo-cardio-facial syndrome
Q36599345Adhesion molecules (N-CAM and tenascin) in embryonic development and tissue regeneration
Q41075805Adolescents' experiences of using removable functional appliances.
Q53551650Adult orthodontic therapy: extraction versus non-extraction.
Q43499696Advances in imaging: impact on studying craniofacial bone structure
Q74654198Advances in orthodontics
Q36196743Advances in skeletal tissue engineering with hydrogels
Q115031946Adverse pregnancy outcomes and occlusal traits in the primary dentition: A prospective cohort (BRISA)
Q41190393Agnathia malformation complex associated with a cystic distention of the oral cavity and hydranencepahly
Q74502965Agreement between normative and perceived orthodontic need amongst deprived multiethnic school children in London
Q41832410Alcohol and smokeless tobacco effects on the CD-1 mouse fetus
Q91107753Alignment efficiency of coaxial tubular superelastic nickel-titanium vs single-stranded superelastic nickel-titanium in relieving mandibular anterior crowding in extraction cases: A single-centre randomized controlled clinical trial
Q51823238Alkaline phosphatase activity in gingival crevicular fluid during canine retraction
Q44867858Alteration of functional loads after tongue volume reduction
Q46277247Alterations in cranial morphogenesis in the Lp mutant mouse
Q68002084Alterations in craniofacial growth induced by isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid) in mouse whole embryo and primary mesenchymal cell culture
Q38692786Alterations in mandibular morphology associated with glypican 1 and glypican 3 gene mutations.
Q52178316Altered expression of retinoic acid (RA) receptor mRNAs in the fetal mouse secondary palate by all-trans and 13-cis RAs: implications for RA-induced teratogenesis.
Q52211874Altered gene expression in murine branchial arches following in utero exposure to retinoic acid
Q68171580Altered retinoid distribution in the repeated epilation (Er) mutant mouse
Q91908288Altering calcium and phosphorus levels in utero affects adult mouse mandibular morphology
Q98305359Alveolar bone changes in maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth during orthodontic treatment: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q50220469Alveolar bone preservation subsequent to miniscrew implant placement in a canine model
Q45960702Amelogenin control over apatite crystal growth is affected by the pH and degree of ionic saturation.
Q74502961American perspective - part II. Strategies for the survival of the species
Q42462403An SEM analysis of the epithelial--mesenchymal interface in the mandible of the embryonic chick
Q43881690An analysis of different approaches to the assessment of upper airway morphology: a CBCT study
Q69694268An autosomal-dominant form of juvenile periodontitis: its localization to chromosome 4 and linkage to dentinogenesis imperfecta and Gc
Q70603622An effective fixative for glucocorticoid receptors in fetal tissues
Q72725267An estimation of the number of susceptibility loci for isolated cleft palate
Q73116136An in situ caries model to study demineralisation during fixed orthodontics
Q79271079An in vitro assessment using transverse microradiography of the effect on mineral loss of etching enamel for in situ studies
Q46140922An in vitro study into the efficacy of complex tooth alignment with conventional and self-ligating brackets
Q42495401An ultrastructural and histochemical study of the development of secondary palate in Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica.
Q30640813Analysis of craniofacial growth in Crouzon syndrome using landmark data
Q50750024Analysis of developmental potentials of dental pulp in vitro using GFP transgenes
Q74370908Analysis of facial growth in subjects with syndromic ectodermal dysplasia: a longitudinal analysis
Q91908117Analysis of facial skeletal asymmetry during foetal development using μCT imaging
Q36720337Analysis of neural crest cell lineage and migration
Q38403680Analysis of polycaprolactone scaffolds fabricated via precision extrusion deposition for control of craniofacial tissue mineralization
Q87029630Analysis of the association of COL2A1 and IGF-1 with mandibular prognathism in a Chinese population
Q91000777Analysis of the relationship between the morphology of the palate and facial skeletal patterns in Class III malocclusion using structural equation modelling
Q96827453Anatomical assessment by cone beam computed tomography with the use of lateral cephalograms to analyse the vertical bone height of the anterior palate for orthodontic mini-implants
Q39238702Anatomical macroelements in the study of craniofacial rat growth
Q52247972Anatomical observations of holoprosencephaly in swine.
Q90936115Anatomical relationship between the maxillary posterior teeth and the sinus floor according to an anterior overbite
Q52409086Andrei Sakharov and the fate of biological science in the USSR.
Q37961418Anencephaly: its spectrum and relationship to neural tube defects
Q37041377Animal models for human craniofacial malformations
Q47675892Ankyloglossia as a risk factor for maxillary hypoplasia and soft palate elongation: A functional - morphological study.
Q70214188Annual Society of Craniofacial Genetics Symposium Syndromic Cleft Palate: Etiology and Management. July 7, 1991, Vancouver, Canada
Q78028401Anomalies of craniofacial skeleton and teeth in cleidocranial dysplasia
Q102216367Answer To The Authors: 3D virtual surgical planning for positioning and orientation of the maxilla in orthognathic surgery: Methodological issues on accuracy and agreement
Q86391137Answer to the authors
Q51729808Anthropometric and cephalometric measurements in X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia.
Q51549844Apoptosis in the regenerate produced by mandibular osteodistraction in the mature rat.
Q89503341Application of computational fluid dynamics models for the evaluation of salivary flow patterns and related bacterial accumulation around orthodontic brackets
Q80137880Application of magnetic resonance imaging movie to assess articulatory movement
Q48094716Appropriate cyclic tensile strain promotes biological changes of cranial base synchondrosis chondrocytes.
Q36434111Arachidonic acid reversal of phenytoin-induced neural tube and craniofacial defects in vitro in mice.
Q96827107Are temporomandibular joint disorders associated with facial asymmetry? a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q43914085Arrest of amelogenin transcriptional activation in bromodeoxyuridine-treated developing mouse molars in vitro.
Q48313940Assessment of a condition‐specific quality‐of‐life measure for patients with developmentally absent teeth: validity and reliability testing
Q34424108Assessment of facial asymmetry in growing subjects with a three-dimensional laser scanning system
Q87920138Assessment of sella turcica area and skeletal maturation patterns of children with unilateral cleft lip and palate
Q104563598Assessment of the mandibular buccal shelf for orthodontic anchorage: influence of side, gender and skeletal patterns
Q92686025Association between forkhead box E1 polymorphisms and risk of non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate: A meta-analysis
Q92988473Association between malocclusion and orofacial myofunctional disorders of pre-school children in Latvia
Q43563100Association between non-right-handedness and cleft lip with or without cleft palate in a Chinese population
Q44892638Association between ratings of facial attractivess and patients' motivation for orthognathic surgery
Q91908128Associations of pretreatment parameters with changes during orthodontic treatment
Q91842967Asymmetric nasomaxillary expansion induced by tooth-bone-borne expander producing differential craniofacial changes
Q50546118Asymmetry in mandibulofacial dysostosis
Q40827435Attitudes and compliance of pre-adolescent children during early treatment of Class II malocclusion
Q28314719Atypical expression of cleidocranial dysplasia: clinical and molecular-genetic analysis
Q76387809Auricular anthropometry of Hong Kong Chinese babies
Q47892838Australian aborigines represent the first branch from Eurasian antecedents: odontometric evidence
Q33361411Automated diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome using 3D facial image analysis
Q44120027Autosomal dominant ectodermal dysplasia.
Q38595327Autosomal dominant inheritance of the DeMyer Sequence.
Q51147316Axial cervical vertebrae-based multivariate regression model for the estimation of skeletal-maturation status
Q74502981Bacterial degradation of composite bonding materials
Q41590580Basal lamina persistence during epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in murine tooth development in vitro
Q42457359Behaviour of odontogenic epithelial cells in primary culture
Q52912260Bias and variability in clinical research.
Q81312218Bilaterally impacted maxillary canines and multiple missing teeth: a challenging adult case
Q91563085Bimaxillary transverse constriction in adults: Short-term follow-up of non-surgical arch expansion
Q36196731Bioengineered tissues: the science, the technology, and the industry
Q92808347Biomarkers in the gingival crevicular fluid used to detect root resorption in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment: A systematic review
Q92965196Biomechanical analysis for total mesialization of the mandibular dentition: A finite element study
Q87333500Biomechanical characteristics of self-ligating brackets in a vertically displaced canine model: a finite element analysis
Q50535437Biomechanical potential of the temporal muscle in brachyfacial and dolichofacial subjects: a study on dry mandibles
Q38436993Biomedicine in orthodontics: from tooth movement to facial growth
Q51400348Bioreactor cultivation of osteochondral grafts
Q37676331Bisphosphonates treatment and orthodontic considerations
Q123243463Blockchain technology and federated machine learning for collaborative initiatives in orthodontics and craniofacial health
Q74503012Bodily tooth movement through the maxillary sinus with implant anchorage for single tooth replacement
Q38417326Bone anchors--can you hitch up your wagon?
Q53373950Bone density at interradicular sites: implications for orthodontic mini-implant placement
Q91967407Bone fill following secondary alveolar bone grafting for children with cleft of the alveolus in New Zealand
Q36292241Bone induction in craniofacial defects
Q73884184Bone mineral density in the growing human mandible
Q34993663Bone morphogenetic proteins for periodontal and alveolar indications; biological observations - clinical implications
Q39694278Bone structure effect on root resorption
Q36196748Bone--special problems of the craniofacial region
Q47272633Bony interorbital distance (BIOD), head size, and level of the cribriform plate relative to orbital height: I. Normal standards for age and sex.
Q41625661Bony interorbital distance (BIOD), head size, and level of the cribriform plate relative to orbital height: II. Possible pathogenesis of orbital hypertelorism
Q74503008Breadth of the mandibular condyle affected by disturbances of the sex hormones in ovariectomized and orchiectomized mice
Q36570640CD 95 mediated apoptosis in embryogenesis: implication in tooth development
Q36413253CO2 low-level laser therapy has an early but not delayed pain effect during experimental tooth movement.
Q52956643Calcification of the interclinoid and petroclinoid ligaments of sella turcica: a radiographic study of the prevalence
Q69357166Calmodulin quantification and immunolocalization in developing embryonic orofacial tissue
Q48230925Calvarial bone development and suture closure in Dicer-deficient mice
Q96350492Can palatal splint improve stability of segmental Le Fort I osteotomies?
Q38602727Caries preventive measures in orthodontic practice: the development of a clinical practice guideline.
Q47288812Cavitation defects on the lingual ramus: a further expression of Stafne's defect
Q52860094Cell morphologic changes and PCNA expression within craniofacial sutures during monkey Class III treatment
Q37041364Cell movements and control of patterned tissue assembly during craniofacial development
Q37041372Cell proliferation during formation of the embryonic facial primordia
Q40153837Cell-tissue interactions: a rationale and resume
Q37472189Cellular and molecular basis of tooth eruption
Q37041368Cellular interactions during cartilage and bone development
Q36570636Cellular response to force application at craniofacial sutures.
Q36349259Centralization of cleft care in the UK. Part 6: a tale of two studies
Q46147615Centre-level variation in behaviour and the predictors of behaviour in 5-year-old children with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip: The Cleft Care UK study. Part 5.
Q38702862Centre-level variation in dental treatment and oral health and individual- and area-level predictors of oral health in 5-year-old children with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate: the Cleft Care UK study. Part 3.
Q47802480Centre-level variation in outcomes and treatment for otitis media with effusion and hearing loss and the association of hearing loss with developmental outcomes at ages 5 and 7 years in children with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate: Th
Q46711589Centre-level variation in speech outcome and interventions, and factors associated with poor speech outcomes in 5-year-old children with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate: The Cleft Care UK study. Part 4.
Q38702859Centre-level variation in treatment and outcomes and predictors of outcomes in 5-year-old children with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip treated within a centralized service: the Cleft Care UK study. Part 6: summary and implications
Q38702853Centre-level variation of treatment and outcome in 5-year-old children with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate: The Cleft Care UK study. Part 1: Methodology and results for dento-facial outcomes
Q51170998Cephalometric assessment of craniofacial dysmorphologies in relation with Msx2 mutations in mouse.
Q33231901Cephalometric evaluation of condylar and mandibular growth modification: a review
Q73533953Cephalometric evaluation of maxillary advancement with an internal distractor in an adult boxer dog
Q74502947Cephalometric evaluation of the effects of pendulum appliance on various vertical growth patterns and of the changes during short-term stabilization
Q42604058Cephalometric study of the Apert syndrome in adolescence and adulthood
Q40133770Cervical column morphology in patients with skeletal open bite
Q50873722Change in maximum occlusal force in association with maxillofacial growth
Q71847642Change of dentin formation during the reproductive cycle in mice
Q68538603Change of microtubular arrangement around centrioles in rat incisor odontoblasts during cell differentiation
Q91574728Changes in canine inclination after rapid and slow maxillary expansion compared to untreated controls
Q81528946Changes in cranial base morphology in different malocclusions
Q47186686Changes in craniofacial size and shape with two modes of orthodontic treatment.
Q67941263Changes in cytosolic calcium, bleb formation, and cell death in neural crest cells treated with isotretinoin and 4-oxo-isotretinoin
Q52227822Changes in human palatine bone location and tongue position during prenatal palatal closure
Q52055282Changes in masticatory jaw movement and muscle activity following surgical orthodontic treatment of an adult skeletal Class III case
Q51736908Changes in maxillofacial morphology due to improvement of nasal obstruction in rats.
Q38563990Changes in temporomandibular joint morphology in class II patients treated with fixed mandibular repositioning and evaluated through 3D imaging: a systematic review.
Q74502958Changes in the masticatory jaw movement following orthodontic traction of an impacted and transposed upper canine and occlusal adjustment
Q69492169Changes in the subepithelial mesenchymal cell process meshwork in developing facial prominences in mouse embryos
Q102216291Changes in the upper airway, hyoid bone, and craniofacial morphology between patients treated with headgear activator and Herbst appliance: a retrospective study on lateral cephalometry
Q40289211Changes of masseter muscle activity following injection of botulinum toxin type A in adult rats
Q52000046Characteristic dental arches and occlusion in patients with aspartylglucosaminuria
Q80165339Characteristics of patients with severe root resorption
Q39257487Characteristics of the infant Apert skull and its subsequent development
Q40271592Characterization of short root anomaly in a Mexican cohort--hereditary idiopathic root malformation
Q36219599Characterization of soluble cyclic adenosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinase isozymes in murine embryonic palatal tissue
Q46275240Chimpanzees as an outgroup for the examination of human dental evolution.
Q69061682Chondroid bone arises from mesenchymal stem cells in organ culture of mandibular condyles
Q48178335Chromosomal localization of the retinol binding protein gene and its elimination as a candidate gene for the repeated epilation (Er) mutation in mice
Q98161471Class II Division 1 malocclusion treatment with extraction of maxillary first molars: Evaluation of treatment and post-treatment changes by the PAR Index
Q52033931Classification of oral clefts by affection site and laterality: a genotype-phenotype correlation study
Q91908159Clastic cells in orthodontic treatment: Translational challenges and recent advances
Q36349269Cleft Care UK study. Part 5: child psychosocial outcomes and satisfaction with cleft services.
Q45940957Cleft lip and palate etiology and its meaning in early 20th century England: Galton/Pearson vs. Bateson; polygenically poor protoplasm vs. Mendelism
Q74654207Cleft lip with or without cleft palate and dermatoglyphic asymmetry: evaluation of a Chinese population
Q52253692Cleft palate: more genetic lessons from mice
Q72536662Cleidocranial dysplasia: craniofacial morphology in adult patients
Q81528936Clinical and microbiological effects of fixed orthodontic appliances on periodontal tissues in adolescents
Q104069859Clinical applications of miniscrews that broaden the scope of nonsurgical orthodontic treatment
Q74654222Clinical bond failure of pre-coated and operator-coated orthodontic brackets
Q77905416Clinical comparison between a resin-reinforced self-cured glass ionomer cement and a composite resin for direct bonding of orthodontic brackets Part 1: Wetting with water
Q73780728Clinical comparison between a resin-reinforced self-cured glass ionomer cement and a composite resin for direct bonding of orthodontic brackets. Part 2: Bonding on dry enamel and on enamel soaked with saliva
Q57379219Clinical comparison of an adhesive precoated vs. an uncoated ceramic bracket system
Q48230904Clinical effectiveness of late maxillary protraction in cleft lip and palate: A methods paper
Q92983633Clinical implications of age-related change of the mandibular plane angle
Q39507708Clinical studies in orthodontics--an overview of NIDR-sponsored clinical orthodontic studies in the US.
Q40233590Clinical, laboratory, and genetic investigations of hypophosphatasia: support for autosomal dominant inheritance with homozygous lethality
Q67905623Clouston syndrome: a rare autosomal dominant trait with palmoplantar hyperkeratosis and alopecia
Q73804173Collagen I and II mRNA distribution in the rat temporomandibular joint region during growth
Q50750021Collagen gel delivery of Tgf-beta3 non-viral plasmid DNA in rat osteoblast and calvarial culture
Q41463000Combinatorial process for extracellular matrix influences on gene expression: a hypothesis
Q98284885Common variants of EDA are associated with non-syndromic hypodontia
Q104692816Comparative Study of three composite Materials in bonding Attachments for clear aligners
Q99632490Comparing the effects of CAD/CAM nickel-titanium lingual retainers on teeth stability and periodontal health with conventional fixed and removable retainers: A randomized clinical trial
Q81378727Comparison of BMP-2 and -4 for rat mandibular bone regeneration at various doses
Q52940801Comparison of CT scanograms and cephalometric radiographs in craniofacial imaging.
Q94675645Comparison of Treatment Effects of Different Maxillary Protraction Methods in Skeletal Class III Patients
Q91908193Comparison of condylar position in orthognathic surgery cases treated with virtual surgical planning vs. conventional model planning
Q84747457Comparison of cortical bone thickness and root proximity at maxillary and mandibular interradicular sites for orthodontic mini-implant placement
Q95644835Comparison of early and conventional autogeneous secondary alveolar bone graft in children with cleft lip and palate: a systematic review
Q90816616Comparison of linear and angular changes assessed in digital dental models and cone-beam computed tomography
Q52118168Comparison of the expression patterns of two LIM-homeodomain genes, Lhx6 and L3/Lhx8, in the developing palate
Q91793793Comparison of the microbial flora from different orthodontic archwires using a cultivation method and PCR: A prospective study
Q45932942Comparison of the stress direction on the TMJ in patients with class I, II, and III skeletal relationships.
Q41470246Comparison of tryptophan-labeled constituents of developing rodent molar enamel matrix, non-enamel occlusal cusp, Hertwig's epithelial root sheath, and presumptive root furcation regions: light microscopic autoradiography
Q69053003Comparison of two methods for linear measurement of ossified tissue in cleared mouse fetuses
Q101577960Comparison of two protocols for early treatment of dentoskeletal Class III malocclusion: Modified SEC III versus RME/FM
Q50946505Complex segregation analysis of facial clefting in Chile
Q91908153Compliance monitoring via a Bluetooth-enabled retainer: A prospective clinical pilot study
Q48583306Components of soft tissue deformations in subjects with untreated angle's Class III malocclusions: thin-plate spline analysis.
Q77905434Composite hooks enhance rotational control
Q80501360Comprehensive gene expression analysis in human periodontal ligaments of the mandibular third molars performing vertical movement and the maxillary second premolars with occlusal contact
Q70579639Comprehensive longitudinal team care
Q48261338Computer reconstructions of human embryonic craniofacial morphology showing changes in relations between the face and brain during primary palate formation
Q33194770Computer simulation system for orthognathic surgery
Q77085801Computer‐aided measurement and grading of cranial asymmetry in children with and without torticollis
Q35579281Computer‐assisted simulations in orthodontic diagnosis and the application of a new cone beam X‐ray computed tomography
Q79271112Computer‐assisted treatment planning and analysis
Q73116131Condylar bony change and craniofacial morphology in orthodontic patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) symptoms: a pilot study using helical computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging
Q92661643Condyle-glenoid fossa relationship after Herbst appliance treatment during two stages of craniofacial skeletal maturation: A retrospective study
Q51800618Cone beam computed tomography in craniofacial imaging
Q51400415Conference on Orthodontic Advances in Science and Technology (COAST) ''Craniofacial Skeletal Bioengineering'' held at Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, August 27-30, 2004.
Q51333559Conferences on Orthodontics Advances in Science and Technology (COAST) Foundation's Second Biennial Symposium: Craniofacial Skeletal Bioengineering, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, August 27-30, 2004.
Q73252669Confirmation of linkage of Van der Woude syndrome to chromosome 1q32: evidence of association with STR alleles suggests possible unique origin of the disease mutation
Q73533928Conflict of interest
Q38542200Congenital heart disease and external ear anomalies with hearing loss: a report of two new cases and a review of the literature.
Q57928064Considerations about the cloverleaf skull
Q52916354Consistency of orthodontic treatment planning decisions.
Q51831639Conventional wisdom and the surgical exposure of impacted teeth
Q52061412Correlated appearance of ossification and nerve tissue in human fetal jaws
Q42840092Correlation between genotype and supernumerary tooth formation in cleidocranial dysplasia
Q74568947Correlation between speech outcome and cephalometric dimensions in patients with diastrophic dysplasia
Q73884177Correlation of HSP110 expression with all-trans retinoic acid-induced apoptosis
Q83960051Correlation of Hsp110 expression with caspase-3 and -9 during apoptosis induced by in vivo embryonic exposition to retinoic acid or irradiation in early mouse craniofacial development
Q104074192Cortical bone thickness and bone density effects on miniscrew success rates A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q45076662Corticosteroid-induced cleft palate in short-ear mice
Q96220216Costochondral graft in growing patients with hemifacial microsomia case series: Long term results compared with non treated patients
Q97560064Could medications and biologic factors affect post orthodontic tooth movement changes? a systematic review of animal studies
Q72614811Cranial base and vertebral column in human anencephalic fetuses
Q52430972Cranial base angulation and prognathism related to cranial and general skeletal maturation in human fetuses
Q47439123Cranial base changes following coronal suturectomy in craniosynostotic rabbits
Q28335640Cranial effects of retinoic acid in the loop-tail (Lp) mutant mouse
Q47373381Cranial size and configuration in the Apert syndrome.
Q30304512Cranial suture obliteration is induced by removal of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 3 activity and prevented by removal of TGF-beta 2 activity from fetal rat calvaria in vitro
Q54050077Craniofacial abnormalities in 52 school-age and adult patients with cleidocranial dysplasia.
Q72001147Craniofacial abnormalities in animal models of mucopolysaccharidoses I, VI, and VII
Q48546559Craniofacial abnormalities in osteopetrosis with precocious manifestations: report of a case with serial cephalometric roentgenograms
Q69974969Craniofacial and mucopolysaccharide abnormalities in Kniest dysplasia
Q28512568Craniofacial and otic capsule abnormalities in a transgenic mouse strain with a Col2a1 mutation
Q52021006Craniofacial anthropometry of Hong Kong Chinese babies: the eye.
Q56266824Craniofacial cephalometric morphology in 8-year-old children with operated sagittal synostosis
Q79353632Craniofacial cephalometric morphology in children with CATCH 22 syndrome
Q69549600Craniofacial changes in hemifacial microsomia
Q71394661Craniofacial changes in unilateral microtia: I. An anthropometric study
Q71394647Craniofacial changes in unilateral microtia: II. An X-ray study
Q91908208Craniofacial characterization of Marfan Syndrome
Q34275447Craniofacial computed tomography scanning: technology, applications and future trends
Q71042726Craniofacial correlates of dietary consistency in a nonhuman primate
Q52290331Craniofacial development in the absence of muscle contraction.
Q52290333Craniofacial developmental biology upon the horizon.
Q33957945Craniofacial disorders caused by mutations in homeobox genes MSX1 and MSX2.
Q52480227Craniofacial dysmorphogenesis in transgenic mice
Q42615054Craniofacial features associated with amelogenesis imperfecta
Q72536652Craniofacial features in patients with deficient and excessive growth hormone
Q71394650Craniofacial genetics and developmental biology: research implications for the near future
Q48154980Craniofacial growth in a whole rat head transplant: how does a non-functional head grow?
Q71847635Craniofacial growth in cleidocranial dysplasia--a roentgencephalometric study
Q74284069Craniofacial growth in short children born small for gestational age: two years follow-up after high-dose growth hormone treatment
Q73252672Craniofacial growth in subjects with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate, and unilateral incomplete cleft lip, from 2 to 22 months of age
Q50861093Craniofacial growth: a three-dimensional soft-tissue study from 6 years to adulthood.
Q40550906Craniofacial imaging informatics and technology development.
Q71797037Craniofacial malformation among endemic cretins in Ecuador
Q53934823Craniofacial manifestations in the Marfan syndrome: palatal dimensions and a comparative cephalometric analysis.
Q73103412Craniofacial morphology and dental age in children with Silver-Russell syndrome
Q91418077Craniofacial morphology and soft tissue profile outcomes for complete unilateral and complete bilateral cleft lip and palate in New Zealand
Q71105500Craniofacial morphology as a marker of predisposition to isolated cleft palate
Q93660908Craniofacial morphology in Turner syndrome
Q48314797Craniofacial morphology in pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome: a retrospective study.
Q71394654Craniofacial morphology in the velo-cardio-facial syndrome
Q68002091Craniofacial pattern similarities and additional orofacial findings in siblings with the Robinow syndrome
Q44356127Craniofacial skeletal deviations following in utero exposure to the anticonvulsant phenytoin: monotherapy and polytherapy
Q88039165Craniofacial structures' development in prenatal period: An MRI study
Q52290008Craniofrontonasal dysplasia in a three-generation kindred.
Q40960663Craniosynostosis with autosomal dominant transmission in New Zealand white rabbits.
Q71042730Criteria for distinction of different epithelial phenotypes covering murine palatal shelves at the stage of fusion
Q102384402Critical Issues Concerning Biocreative Strategy in Contemporary TSAD Orthodontics: A Narrative Review
Q36292250Current concepts in periodontal bioengineering
Q35579269Current status and future needs in craniofacial imaging
Q72725265Current status of genetic linkage studies of a major gene that causes CL(P) in mice: exclusion map
Q68976655Cyclic AMP inhibits the release of prostaglandins and arachidonic acid from cultures of mouse embryo palate mesenchyme cells
Q43471428Cyclic adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate alters hydrolysis of phospholipids by mouse embryo palate mesenchyme cells
Q92957104Cyclic tensile strain promotes the ECM synthesis of cranial base synchondrosis chondrocytes by upregulating miR-140-5p
Q48250551Cyclopia-otocephaly association: a new case of the most severe variant of agnathia-holoprosencephaly complex.
Q69428610Cyclopia-synotia: an unusual presentation
Q77908976Cytochemical identification of HSP110 during early mouse facial development
Q54011727Cytokeratin, vimentin and E-cadherin immunodetection in the embryonic palate in two strains of mice with different susceptibility to glucocorticoid-induced clefting
Q47175687Deciduous tooth crown size and asymmetry in strabismic children
Q71098050Decreased number of glucocorticoid receptors in dermal fibroblasts from individuals with facial clefting: a preliminary report
Q72536663Defective development of the craniofacial/digestive complex of Xenopus laevis after treatment with endogenous galactoside-binding lectin or its hapten inhibitor thiodigalactoside
Q54005610Deficient and delayed primary palatal fusion and mesenchymal bridge formation in cleft lip-liable strains of mice.
Q104074174Deformation of the circummaxillary sutures during acute microimplant assisted rapid palatal expansion and tooth-supported expansion: An ex-vivo study
Q51745583Delayed dental maturity in dentitions with agenesis of mandibular second premolars
Q94583211Delayed maturation and reduced crown width of the permanent first mandibular molar in all subgroups of cleft lip and palate
Q33599677Dental abnormalities associated with X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia in dogs
Q51043293Dental age assessment in orthodontic patients with and without skeletal malocclusions.
Q90684159Dental anomalies in craniofacial microsomia: A systematic review
Q72001143Dental arch dimensions in unoperated adult cleft-palate patients: an analysis of 37 cases
Q53098518Dental arch relationship in 5-year-olds with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate after early alveolar bone grafting
Q91454502Dental arch relationship outcomes for children with complete unilateral and complete bilateral cleft lip and palate in New Zealand
Q92873562Dental crown symmetry in unilateral cleft lip and palate patients: A three-dimensional analysis on digital dental models
Q48229040Dental development in Down syndrome and healthy children: a comparative study using the Demirjian method.
Q72816931Dental development in Sardinian children
Q69223455Dental findings in osteogenesis imperfecta: I. Occurrence and expression of type I dentinogenesis imperfecta
Q52258348Dental findings in osteogenesis imperfecta: II. Dysplastic and other developmental defects.
Q91014590Dental inclination with self-ligating and conventional fixed appliances, with and without rapid maxillary expansion
Q41451439Dental lamina develops even within the mouse diastema
Q74568944Dental manifestations of osteogenesis imperfecta and abnormalities of collagen I metabolism
Q28264066Dentin dysplasia, type II linkage to chromosome 4q
Q52135305Dentition development and budding morphogenesis.
Q54074069Dentofacial morphology and upper respiratory function in 8-10-year-old children.
Q33225613Design and assessment of a tissue-engineered model of human phalanges and a small joint
Q52203902Detailed staging of inbred C57BL/6 mice between Theiler's [1972] stages 18 and 21 (11-13 days of gestation) based on craniofacial development.
Q42583377Detection of root resorption using dentin and bone markers
Q102373868Determınatıon of growth and development perıods ın orthodontıcs wıth artıfıcıal neural network
Q91640461Development of a clinical practice guideline for orthodontic retention
Q46322449Development of a condition-specific measure to assess quality of life in patients with hypodontia
Q74502976Development of a three-dimensional imaging system for analysis of facial change
Q39668849Development of dento‐maxillofacial cone beam X‐ray computed tomography system
Q47414051Development of facial sexual dimorphism in children aged between 12 and 15 years: a three-dimensional longitudinal study
Q72572656Development of the basilar part of the occipital bone in normal human fetuses
Q39388228Development of the dentition: four‐dimensional visualization and open questions concerning the morphogenesis of tooth form and occlusion
Q52259202Development of the mandibular skeleton in the embryonic chick as evaluated using the DNA-inhibiting agent 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine
Q41451434Development of the secondary palate in the rat: a scanning electron microscopic study.
Q72816943Development of the skull in infants with cleidocranial dysplasia
Q36841898Developmental biology and genetics of dental malformations
Q52205475Developmental regulation of various annexins in the embryonic palate of the mouse: dexamethasone affects expression of annexin-1.
Q52236457Developmental stage of the dentition and speech sound production in a series of first-grade schoolchildren
Q92959180Diabetes mellitus and periodontitis: Inflammatory response in orthodontic tooth movement
Q35411785Diagnostic group differences in temporomandibular joint energy densities
Q44877625Dietary consistency and craniofacial development related to masticatory function in minipigs
Q36062778Dietary consistency and the midline sutures in growing pigs
Q92092561Differences in RUNX2 and P2RX7 gene expression between mono- and coculture of human periodontal ligament cells and human osteoblasts under compressive force application
Q92653785Differences in craniofacial growth of Class II individuals from different decades: A retrospective study
Q42458520Differences in extracellular matrix components and cell density during normal and dexamethasone-treated secondary palate development in two strains of mice with different susceptibility to glucocorticoid induced-clefting
Q52277323Differences in protocols of craniofacial development related to twinship and zygosity
Q52112799Different morphotypes of functional dentition in the lower molar region of tabby (EDA) mice
Q52112797Different morphotypes of the tabby (EDA) dentition in the mouse mandible result from a defect in the mesio-distal segmentation of dental epithelium.
Q37324643Differential gene expression in the perichondrium and cartilage of the neonatal mouse temporomandibular joint
Q69752363Difficulties encountered in the clinical description of the dysmorphic patient
Q41679207Diprosopia revisited in light of the recognized role of neural crest cells in facial development
Q52173580Discovery: Osf2/Cbfa1, a master gene of bone formation
Q96122130Displacement and stress distribution of Kilroy spring and Nickel-Titanium closed-coil spring during traction of palatally impacted canine: a 3-dimesional finite element analysis
Q93351893Displacement of mandibular dentition during total arch distalization according to locations and types of TSADs: 3D Finite element analysis
Q70238291Disruption of pattern formation in palatal rugae in fetal mice heterozygous for First arch (Far)
Q73804179Distinctive pitted enamel hypoplasia and short stature
Q38302291Distraction osteogenesis versus orthognathic surgery for the treatment of maxillary hypoplasia in cleft lip and palate patients: a systematic review
Q68034037Distribution of F-actin during mouse facial morphogenesis and its perturbation with cytochalasin D using whole embryo culture
Q52519919Distribution of basement membrane components in the mouse primary palate.
Q30844773Distribution of fibroblast growth factors (FGFR-1 and -3) and platelet-derived growth factor receptors (PDGFR) in the rat mandibular condyle during growth
Q50930984Distribution of glycosaminoglycans in the developing facial region of mouse embryos.
Q83294008Disturbances in dental development and craniofacial growth in children treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Q47260802Disturbances of dental development distinguish patients with oligodontia-ectodermal dysplasia from isolated oligodontia.
Q48230995Diverse contribution of Col2a1-expressing cells to the craniofacial skeletal cell lineages.
Q51973628Diversity of supernumerary tooth formation in siblings with cleidocranial dysplasia having identical mutation in RUNX2 : possible involvement of non-genetic or epigenetic regulation
Q91203997Do analgesics used for the pain experienced after orthodontic procedures affect tooth movement rate? A systematic review based on animal studies
Q39457211Does a parasite have a better chance of survival if an Inuit or a Mayan spits on it?
Q53314601Does orthodontic loading influence bone mineral density around titanium miniplates? An experimental study in dogs
Q68538617Does the broth become simpler? Serumless and chemically-defined medium for in vitro cell, tissue, and organ cultures
Q67803240Does the tongue play a role in the initial development of vertical palatal shelf in hamster?
Q53630378Does the transition temperature of Cu-NiTi archwires affect the amount of tooth movement during alignment?
Q86109782Drifting of teeth in the mandible studied in adult human autopsy material
Q30472705Dura mater maintains rat cranial sutures in vitro by regulating suture cell proliferation and collagen production.
Q35579278Dynamic modeling and jaw biomechanics
Q47396956Dynamic stereometry of the temporomandibular joint
Q52494633Dysmorphogenesis of the inner ear: disruption of extracellular matrix (ECM) formation by an L-proline analog in otic explants
Q51043295Early alveolar bone grafting has a negative effect on maxillary dental arch dimensions of pre-school children with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate
Q46274416Early development of the primitive cranial vault in the chick embryo
Q41327505Early embryonic mouse mandibular morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation in serumless, chemically defined medium: a model for studies of autocrine and/or paracrine regulatory factors.
Q37041360Early events in mammalian craniofacial morphogenesis
Q70676444Early hypercementosis and arrested dental eruption: heritable multiple ankylodontia
Q47699863Early post-natal development of the mandibular permanent first molar in infants with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate
Q77732376Early treatment of Class II, division 1 malocclusion--comparison of alternative treatment modalities
Q77908980Ectodermal ablation of the third branchial arch in chick embryos and the morphogenesis of the parathyroid III gland
Q43930144Editorial: Sakharov and genetic science in the Soviet Union
Q88393265Effect of 5% benzocaine gel on relieving pain caused by fixed orthodontic appliance activation. A double-blind randomized controlled trial
Q93335957Effect of Geometric Dimensions and Material Models of the Periodontal Ligament in Orthodontic Tooth Movement
Q39795023Effect of a thin-neck pacifier on primary dentition: a randomized controlled trial.
Q46422246Effect of chlorhexidine mouth rinse on Streptococci counts of tooth-tissue-borne palatal expander biofilm.
Q93262149Effect of clear aligners on oral health-related quality of life: a systematic review
Q39393797Effect of cyclical forces on orthodontic tooth movement, from animals to humans
Q53212094Effect of cyclosporine‐A on orthodontic tooth movement in rats
Q45406203Effect of diazepam on the embryonic development of the palate in the rat.
Q85890868Effect of different advancement positions on the maximum retrusive force of the mandible
Q52764760Effect of exogenous retinoic acid on tooth movement and periodontium healing following tooth extraction in a rat model
Q90366436Effect of facial profile convexity on the perception of mandibular asymmetry using three-dimensional stereophotogrammetric images
Q40083066Effect of gender and Frankfort mandibular plane angle on orthodontic space closure: a randomized controlled trial
Q69643817Effect of glucocorticoid on glycosaminoglycans synthesis in cultured mouse embryonic palatal mesenchymal cells
Q89343735Effect of hyaluronic acid on bone formation in the expanded interpremaxillary suture in rats
Q71233547Effect of hydroxyurea on neural tube defects in the curly-tail mouse
Q52093148Effect of in utero exposure to anticonvulsants on craniofacial development and growth
Q68002104Effect of iodine deficiency on craniofacial growth in young common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
Q73418290Effect of landmark identification on cephalometric measurements: guidelines for cephalometric analyses
Q50950686Effect of light‐cure initiation time on polymerization efficiency and orthodontic bond strength with a resin‐modified glass‐ionomer
Q35548942Effect of low-level laser therapy on dental root cementum remodeling in rats.
Q50873727Effect of mandibular distraction osteogenesis on developing molars
Q82259285Effect of modified and conventional facemask therapy on condylar position in Class III patients
Q39579202Effect of molar rotation on arch length
Q47883043Effect of organic solvents and ultrasound on the removal of orthodontic brackets
Q91173734Effect of orthodontic management and orofacial muscle training protocols on the correction of myofunctional and myoskeletal problems in developing dentition. A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q90360317Effect of orthodontic treatment on the subgingival microbiota: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q50573928Effect of orthodontic treatment with preadjusted edgewise appliances on the buccolingual inclination of mandibular canines: a CBCT study
Q91562004Effect of ovariectomy on maxilla and mandible dimensions of female rats
Q84240904Effect of periosteal stimulation therapy on bone formation in orthopedically expanded suture in rats
Q115031941Effect of personality traits on the association between clinically assessed malocclusion and the psychosocial impact of dental aesthetics
Q38729615Effect of platelet-rich plasma on orthodontic tooth movement in dogs.
Q91908252Effect of pore size in bone regeneration using polydopamine-laced hydroxyapatite collagen calcium silicate scaffolds fabricated by 3D mould printing technology
Q83765028Effect of resveratrol on bone formation in the expanded inter‐premaxillary suture: early bone changes
Q69061679Effect of retinoic acid on in vitro proliferation activity and glycosaminoglycan synthesis of mesenchymal cells from palatal shelves of mouse fetuses
Q45213284Effect of route of administration on phenytoin teratogenicity in A/J mice
Q91908198Effect of scan substrates on accuracy of 7 intraoral digital impression systems using human maxilla model
Q54140714Effect of thyroid hormone and epidermal growth factor on tactile hair development and craniofacial morphogenesis in the postnatal rat.
Q71169422Effect of triamcinolone acetonide on proliferation and collagen and glycosaminoglycan syntheses in palatal mesenchymal cells from the mouse fetus
Q90937725Effectiveness of clear aligner therapy for orthodontic treatment: A systematic review
Q47270718Effectiveness of nickel-titanium springs vs elastomeric chains in orthodontic space closure: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q38047390Effectiveness of pre‐surgical infant orthopedic treatment for cleft lip and palate patients: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
Q70671292Effects of 5-fluorouracil on collagen synthesis during quail secondary palate development
Q45059299Effects of a liquid diet on the response properties of temporomandibular joint nociceptive neurons in the trigeminal subnucleus caudalis of growing rats
Q80137874Effects of aging on RANKL and OPG levels in gingival crevicular fluid during orthodontic tooth movement
Q71105493Effects of caffeine and nicotine administration on growth and ossification of the ICR mouse fetus
Q38712386Effects of cocoa-enriched diet on orofacial pain in a murine model.
Q72816938Effects of collagen concentration on epithelial differentiation: in vitro analysis with a mucosal tissue model
Q89174462Effects of curcumin and melatonin on bone formation in orthopedically expanded suture in rats: A biochemical, histological and immunohistochemical study
Q41289808Effects of cyclophosphamide on the secondary palate development in golden Syrian hamster: teratology, morphology, and morphometry.
Q35899205Effects of diabetes on tooth movement and root resorption after orthodontic force application in rats.
Q47683007Effects of different orthodontic retention protocols on the periodontal health of mandibular incisors.
Q36443854Effects of epidermal growth factor and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate on protein phosphorylation in mouse embryo palate mesenchyme cells in vitro.
Q42974878Effects of immunosuppressant FK-506 on tooth movement
Q84553343Effects of increased surgical trauma on rates of tooth movement and apical root resorption in foxhound dogs
Q47261769Effects of loading on chondrocyte hypoxia, HIF-1α and VEGF in the mandibular condylar cartilage of young rats.
Q54592047Effects of local osteoprotegerin gene transfection on orthodontic root resorption during retention: an in vivo micro-CT analysis
Q33231908Effects of low-level laser therapy on the rate of orthodontic tooth movement
Q91107777Effects of masticatory muscle function affected by BTX on maxillofacial bone growth through the sutural modification
Q47400053Effects of maxillary distraction osteogenesis on the upper-airway size and nasal resistance in subjects with cleft lip and palate
Q47267362Effects of pre-surgical nasoalveolar moulding on maxillary arch and nasal form in unilateral cleft lip and palate before lip surgery
Q46627488Effects of prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke on developmental stability in children.
Q54458475Effects of relaxin on collagen type I released by stretched human periodontal ligament cells.
Q37041387Effects of retinoids on chick face development
Q52253782Effects of sodium valproate and oxygen on the CD-1 mouse fetus.
Q45198143Effects of sodium valproate and oxygen on the craniofacial skeletal pattern in the CD-1 mouse embryo.
Q51948233Effects of the headgear-activator Teuscher appliance in the treatment of Class II Division 1 malocclusion: a geometric morphometric study
Q28593869Effects of the muscular dysgenesis gene on developmental stability in the mouse mandible
Q91544225Effects of two frequencies of vibration on the maxillary canine distalization rate and RANKL and OPG secretion: A randomized controlled trial
Q39637435Effects of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) on MC3T3-E1
Q69492173Efficacy of and patient preference for three counseling formats
Q38203966Efficacy of orthopedic treatment with protraction facemask on skeletal Class III malocclusion: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Q49018501Efficacy of the Sander bite-jumping appliance in growing patients with mandibular retrusion: a randomized controlled trial
Q77905411Efficiency of multi-strand steel, superelastic Ni-Ti and ion-implanted Ni-Ti archwires for initial alignment
Q31973179Efficiency of root torquing auxiliaries
Q38761943Efficiency, effectiveness and treatment stability of clear aligners: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Q53328599Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) focusing on oral symptoms: a questionnaire study
Q68002109Electron microscopic observations on the fate of hypertrophic chondrocytes in condylar cartilage of rat mandible
Q69127125Electron microscopic study of condylar cartilage of rat mandible stained with ruthenium red: proteoglycans and hypertrophic chondrocytes
Q70631409Electrophoretic mobility of lymphocytes in neonates with cleft lip/palate and neural tube defect: a pilot study
Q48511078Elliptic Fourier analysis of mandibular shape.
Q48146212Embryogenesis in cultured whole rat embryos after combined exposures to 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) plus all-trans-retinoic acid and to T3 plus 9-cis-retinoic acid
Q37559845Enamel matrix proteins; old molecules for new applications
Q38134901Enamel roughness and incidence of caries after interproximal enamel reduction: a systematic review.
Q28565725Endochondral and intramembranous fetal bone development: osteoblastic cell proliferation, and expression of alkaline phosphatase, m-twist, and histone H4
Q51400377Engineering craniofacial scaffolds.
Q53702128Enhancement of post-orthodontic tooth stability by carbonated hydroxyapatite-incorporated advanced platelet-rich fibrin in rabbits.
Q45885126Enzymatically cross-linked hydrogels and their adhesive strength to biosurfaces
Q74654213Epidemiological and genetic study of 121 cases of oral clefts in Kuwait
Q39229819Epidemiology underpinning research in the aetiology of orofacial clefts.
Q69428617Epidermal growth factor alters metabolism of inositol lipids and activity of protein kinase C in mouse embryo palate mesenchyme cells
Q69463860Epithelial bridging of the primary palate: I. Characterization of sub-cultured epithelial cells
Q69463863Epithelial bridging of the primary palate: II. In vitro model mimics in vivo behavior
Q36720344Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in tooth morphogenesis: the roles of extracellular matrix, growth factors, and cell surface receptors
Q91908246Establishment and characterization of immortalized mouse ameloblast-like cell lines
Q47214250Estimation of jaw-opening forces in adults.
Q41455858Estrogen receptor alpha mediates mandibular condylar cartilage growth in male mice
Q52243369Ethanol induces the generation of reactive free radicals by neural crest cells in vitro
Q91075910Ethnic differences in the root to crown ratios of the permanent dentition
Q96773867Evaluating mandibular symphysis bone density according to various skeletal patterns with CBCT
Q50454507Evaluation of BSP expression and apoptosis in the periodontal ligament during orthodontic relapse: a preliminary study
Q37902714Evaluation of methodology and quality characteristics of systematic reviews in orthodontics
Q100566595Evaluation of pain intensity in patients treated with aligners and conventional fixed appliances: randomized clinical trial
Q38401620Evaluation of the 3dMDface system as a tool for soft tissue analysis
Q39751482Evaluation of the cytotoxicity of latex and non-latex orthodontic separating elastics
Q50568158Evaluation of three-dimensional root surface changes and resorption following rapid maxillary expansion: a cone beam computed tomography investigation
Q68171578Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it
Q91908214Examination of rare genetic variants in dental enamel genes: The potential role of next-generation sequencing in primary dental care
Q42595666Exclusion of coding region mutations in MSX1, PAX9 and AXIN2 in eight patients with severe oligodontia phenotype
Q69643820Exencephaly and axial skeletal dysmorphogenesis induced by maternal exposure to cadmium in the mouse
Q42280741Exencephaly and axial skeletal malformations induced by maternal administration of sodium valproate in the MF1 mouse
Q39393806Exosomes: novel regulators of bone remodelling and potential therapeutic agents for orthodontics
Q77085826Expansion: how much can the periodontium tolerate?
Q48640057Expertise and experience
Q35793485Exploring the third dimension in root resorption.
Q28593952Expression and activity of protein kinase C isoenzymes during normal and abnormal murine palate development
Q37041392Expression and structure of cartilage proteins
Q73579677Expression of CSF-1 receptor on TRAP-positive multinuclear cells around the erupting molars in rats
Q72614807Expression of E-cadherin during craniofacial development
Q88085295Expression of bone markers and micro-CT analysis of alveolar bone during orthodontic relapse
Q74568940Expression of the endogenous galactoside-binding lectin of Xenopus laevis during cranial neural crest development: lectin localization is similar to that of members of the N-CAM and cadherin families of cell adhesion molecules
Q52108139Expression of the retinoblastoma family of tumor suppressors during murine embryonic orofacial development
Q70603628Extracellular matrix influences on gene expression
Q91908273Extracellular vesicle identification in tooth movement models
Q71648239Eye findings in the linear sebaceous nevus syndrome: a possible clue to the pathogenesis
Q70579650Eye measurements in preterm and term newborn infants
Q80438902FGF signaling in mandibular skeletogenesis
Q101059693Face mask therapy with skeletal anchorage: A Possible Alternative to Orthognathic Surgery
Q37396061Face shape of unaffected parents with cleft affected offspring: combining three-dimensional surface imaging and geometric morphometrics.
Q47638955Facial anthropometry of Hong Kong Chinese babies
Q85905018Facial asymmetry index in normal young adults
Q39806382Facial biometry of Amazon indigenous people of the Xingu River - Perspectives on genetic and environmental contributions to variation in human facial morphology.
Q69752360Facial dysmorphology, roentgenographic measurements, and clinical genetics
Q49020332Facial esthetics in children with unilateral cleft lip and palate 3 years after alveolar bonegrafting combined with rhinoplasty between 2 and 4 years of age.
Q52220258Facial growth and development during puberty in unilateral cleft lip and palate: a longitudinal study.
Q71960199Facial growth and development in unilateral cleft lip and palate from the time of palatoplasty to the onset of puberty: a longitudinal study
Q70671289Facial growth and development in unilateral complete cleft lip and palate from palate surgery up to adulthood
Q90142308Facial mobility and recovery in patients with unilateral facial paralysis
Q38697561Facial morphology as determined by anthropometry: keeping it simple.
Q51896683Facial morphology of Finnish children with and without developmental hip dysplasia using 3D facial templates.
Q73579680Facial skeletal growth in growing "toothless" osteopetrotic (op/op) mice: radiographic findings
Q33231903Facial templates: a new perspective in three dimensions
Q69061671Facio-thoraco-genital syndrome: a newly recognized birth defect syndrome
Q37139806Factors influencing efficiency of sliding mechanics to close extraction space: a systematic review
Q86529732Factors other than root resorption may result in root shortening
Q68106826Familial similarity in dental arch form and tooth position
Q69643828Familial variant of maxillonasal dysplasia?
Q41504349Family resemblance for components of craniofacial size and shape
Q54544942Fate of recombinants of the rat mandibular epithelium with cranial ectomesenchymal cells of different sources in vitro.
Q36652278Fetal alcohol syndrome and developing craniofacial and dental structures--a review
Q43540843Fiberotomy enhances orthodontic tooth movement and diminishes relapse in a rat model
Q41716766Final height and craniofacial development after surgical resection of craniopharyngioma
Q42462631Fine structural aspects of the cranial neuroepithelium in early embryos of the rhesus monkey.
Q70671287Finite element method analysis of craniofacial morphology in unilateral cleft lip and palate prior to palatoplasty
Q41409634Finite element method comparison of murine mandibular form differences.
Q50928945Finite element morphometry of the midfacial complex in subjects with Angle's Class III malocclusions
Q69643822Finite element scaling analysis of human craniofacial growth
Q47973986Five year follow-up of mandibular distraction osteogenesis on the dentofacial structures of syndromic children
Q38667622Fluid pressurization and tractional forces during TMJ disc loading: A biphasic finite element analysis
Q71106984Folate deficiency and in vitro palatogenesis I: effects of a folate-deficient culture on rabbit palate fusion and folate pools
Q70736861Folate deficiency and in vitro palatogenesis II: Effects of methotrexate on rabbit palate fusion, folate pools, and dihydrofolate reductase activity
Q73116067Force systems developed by six different cantilever configurations
Q93010707Forces and moments generated by aligner-type appliances for orthodontic tooth movement: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q45024462Forces and moments on posterior teeth generated by incisor intrusion biomechanics.
Q52263514Formation of anterior maxillary teeth in 0-3-year-old children with cleft lip and palate and prenatal risk factors for delayed development
Q46278025Formation of intermediate cementum. I: early mineralization of aprismatic enamel and intermediate cementum in monkey.
Q72684302Formation of intermediate cementum. II: a scanning electron microscopic study of the epithelial root sheath of Hertwig in monkey
Q70603625Formation of intermediate cementum. III: 3H-tryptophan and 3H-proline uptake into the epithelial root sheath of Hertwig in vitro
Q104584498Functional characterization of atf1, grem2 and wnt10b variants associated with tooth agenesis
Q37106405Functional outcomes in the Cleft Care UK study--Part 3: oral health and audiology.
Q35579272Fundamentals of image acquisition and processing in the digital era.
Q91678204Further evidence for the role of WNT10A, WNT10B and GREM2 as candidate genes for isolated tooth agenesis
Q104285393Fusion patterns of the spheno-occipital synchondrosis in the age range of 9-22: A computed tomography analysis
Q33871705GAPO syndrome: a new case of this rare syndrome and a review of the relative importance of different phenotypic features in diagnosis
Q81312210Gatekeepers of scholarship
Q39393820Gene/environment interactions in craniosynostosis: A brief review
Q28330783Generation of radical oxygen species by neural crest cells treated in vitro with isotretinoin and 4-oxo-isotretinoin
Q51973625Genes affecting tooth morphogenesis
Q36890925Genes affecting tooth morphogenesis.
Q52269851Genes and morphogenesis--challenges for developmental biology
Q37755463Genes, genetics, and Class III malocclusion.
Q52872411Genetic analysis in families with van der Woude syndrome
Q37425152Genetic analysis of familial non-syndromic primary failure of eruption
Q36890936Genetic analysis of non-syndromic craniosynostosis
Q71847624Genetic analysis of the construction of the AEJ.A congenic strain indicates that nonsyndromic CL(P) in the mouse is caused by two loci with epistatic interaction
Q28586212Genetic and developmental studies of a new mouse mutation that produces otocephaly
Q72572658Genetic and environmental effects on preimplantation development of mouse embryo in vitro
Q47186571Genetic and environmental factors in the longitudinal growth of rats: I. Body weight and overall craniofacial size.
Q47186563Genetic and environmental factors in the longitudinal growth of rats: II. Ventrodorsal craniofacial size
Q52579449Genetic and environmental factors in the longitudinal growth of rats: III. Craniofacial shape change
Q46298868Genetic and epigenetic challenges in tooth development.
Q45800210Genetic and family study of the Apert syndrome
Q36735185Genetic and treatment-related risk factors associated with external apical root resorption (EARR) concurrent with orthodontia.
Q39690707Genetic disorders associated with severe alopecia in children: a report of two unusual cases and a review
Q70921445Genetic linkage studies with cleft lip and palate: report of two family studies
Q36197214Genetic studies of craniofacial anomalies: clinical implications and applications
Q70238296Genetic study of dentinal growth in mandibular first molars of mice
Q68106823Genetic study of the craniofacial growth in male rats by factor scores
Q68637646Genetic study on the mandibular molar size of rats
Q70736857Genetic variation and craniofacial growth in inbred rats
Q35564848Genetics of the dentofacial variation in human malocclusion
Q48126782Genotype and malocclusion in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta.
Q48576075Geometric morphometric evaluations of a randomized prospective split-mouth study on modes of ligation and reverse-curve mechanics
Q51734867Gingival crevicular fluid alkaline phosphatase activity as a non-invasive biomarker of skeletal maturation.
Q76387799Giving is serious business
Q72929972Glucocorticoid inhibition of cyclic AMP in the developing secondary palate
Q52217397Glucocorticoid receptor expression during the development of the embryonic mouse secondary palate
Q70454304Glucocorticoid receptors in palatal mesenchymal cells from the human embryo: relevance to human cleft palate formation
Q28586310Glucocorticoids, TGF-beta, and embryonic mouse salivary gland morphogenesis
Q69061665Groping in the dark with humility
Q52207220Growth allometry of the mandibles of giant transgenic mice: an analysis based on the finite-element scaling method.
Q48261349Growth and morphogenesis of the human embryonic midface during primary palate formation analyzed in frontal sections
Q28607625Growth characteristics underlying the lack of a chin in pigs: a histomorphometric study
Q51143461Growth factor effects on passaged TMJ disk cells in monolayer and pellet cultures
Q70993984Growth in the area of the inferior dental foramen of rats
Q48529242Growth in the lateral part of the human skull during the second trimester
Q93204719Growth patterns and overbite depth indicators of long and short faces in Korean adolescents: Revisited through mixed-effects analysis
Q70671284Growth-related changes in familial resemblance of maxillofacial morphology
Q46954076Guided and unguided mandibular reference positions in asymptomatic individuals.
Q46074517H-2 haplotype and heterochronic orofacial morphogenesis in congenic mice: consideration as a possible explanation for differential susceptibility to teratogenesis
Q54029119H-2 histocompatibility region influences the inhibition of arachidonic acid cascade by dexamethasone and phenytoin in mouse embryonic palates
Q68538611Head measurements in newborn infants
Q70736851Head measurements in newborn infants
Q57928058Hemifacial deficiency induced by a shift in dominance of the mouse mutation far: a possible genetic model for hemifacial microsomia
Q57386905Hemifacial microsomia in cri du chat (5p-) syndrome
Q81802005Hemimandibular elongation: treatment and long-term follow-up
Q36124180Herbal therapy: a review of potential health risks and medicinal interactions
Q54293709Heritability of dental arch dimensions in humans.
Q52258444Heterochrony in the development of vestigial and functional deciduous incisors in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.).
Q43786736Heterozygosity and craniofacial dimensions of Zapotec school children from a subsistence community in the valley of Oaxaca, southern Mexico
Q41674314High levels of GM1-ganglioside beta-galactosidase in the salivary glands and GM1-like-ganglioside storage in parotids of deficient mice
Q34717965Hirschsprung megacolon and cleft palate in two sibs
Q44209989Histochemical analysis of the neural basal lamina in the hindbrain region of exencephalic mutant mice.
Q46422244Histological analysis of orthodontic root resorption in rats treated with the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor celecoxib
Q71289243Histological observations of teeth and peridental tissues in cleidocranial dysplasia imply increased activity of odontogenic epithelium and abnormal bone remodeling
Q51345560Histological study of the nasal septal cartilage in BALB/c‐bm/bm mouse which spontaneously induces malocclusion
Q50621932Histomorphometric evaluation of maxillary molar roots and surrounding periodontium following molar intrusion in rats
Q81096612Histopathological changes in collagen and matrix metalloproteinase levels in articular condyle of experimental model rats with jaw deformity
Q48229684Holoprosencephalic synophthalmia (cyclopia) in an 8 week fetus
Q28235955Holoprosencephaly and hypognathia with two proboscides: report of a case and review of unusual proboscides
Q52050134How best to 'time' education
Q56331349How does occipitalization influence the dimensions of the cranium?
Q70483426How is mandibular growth controlled during development and evolution?
Q130174932How well does Invisalign ClinCheck predict actual results: A prospective study
Q42521179Human embryonic palatal epithelial differentiation is altered by retinoic acid and epidermal growth factor in organ culture.
Q52205473Human fetal pituitary gland in holoprosencephaly and anencephaly
Q52248523Human prenatal palatal closure related to skeletal maturity of the jaws
Q91908341Hunting for genes that shape human faces: Initial successes and challenges for the future
Q50507974Hyaluronan is essential for the expansion of the cranial base growth plates
Q44357923Hydrocortisone-induced embryotoxicity and embryonic drug disposition in H-2 congenic mice
Q73418306Hyoid position, pharyngeal airway and head posture in relation to relapse after the mandibular setback in skeletal Class III
Q68538622Hyperthermia and neural tube defects of the curly-tail mouse
Q52103031Hypoplasia of the nose and eyes, hyposmia, hypogeusia, and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism in two males
Q38328462Hypoxia triggers a HIF‐mediated differentiation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells into osteoclasts
Q33439963IL-1 gene polymorphisms, secretion in gingival crevicular fluid, and speed of human orthodontic tooth movement
Q93660910ISDB pre-congress workshop: Joseph J. Bonner Memorial Workshop. Mechanisms of craniofacial and oral birth defects. Los Angeles, California, August 1-2, 1985. Abstracts
Q87100003Ideal orthodontic alignment load relationships based on periodontal ligament stress
Q91908295Identification of biomarkers indicative of functional skeletal stem cells
Q71394657Identification of inner and outer cell proliferation centers during fetal tooth morphogenesis
Q53676401Identification of temporal pattern of mandibular condylar growth: a molecular and biochemical experiment
Q30883806Image file interoperability for data protection, communication and trans‐system connectivity
Q73418288Immediate loading of implants used for orthodontic anchorage
Q41251678Immunochemical homology between elasmobranch scale and tooth extracellular matrix proteins in Cephaloscyllium ventriosum
Q70236634Immunofluorescent localization of type III collagen and the N-terminal propeptide of type III procollagen in dentin matrix in osteogenesis imperfecta
Q33379226Immunohistochemical PGP 9.5 positivity in human osteoblasts may indicate that compensatory and dysplastic craniofacial growth are under control by peripheral nerves
Q67803233Immunohistochemical localization of TGF-B1 during morphogenetic movements of the developing mouse palate
Q68872941Immunohistochemical localization of prostaglandins E and F2 alpha in the developing murine palate
Q56365767Immunolocalization of urokinase and its receptor in prematurely fused cranial sutures of infants
Q95660609Impact of coronavirus pandemic in appointments and anxiety/concerns of patients regarding orthodontic treatment
Q90588801Impact of pharmacologic inhibition of tooth movement on periodontal and tooth root tissues during orthodontic force application
Q53868633Improved development of rat embryos in culture during the period of craniofacial morphogenesis
Q69846439Improvement of dental development in osteopetrotic mice by maternal vitamin D3 sulfate administration
Q69574512In memoriam Richard M. Goodman 1932-1989
Q52409171In memoriam Samuel Pruzansky.
Q68527643In memoriam. L. Stefan Levin. 1939-1989
Q45061922In silico and functional evaluation of PTH1R mutations found in patients with primary failure of eruption (PFE).
Q128901173In vitro biomechanics of divot use, and their placement, in orthodontic aligner therapy
Q93616927In vitro development of the hamster and chick secondary palate
Q46603021In vitro engineering of cartilage: effects of serum substitutes, TGF-beta, and IL-1alpha
Q47338338In vitro evaluation of surface properties of Pro Seal® and Opal® SealTM in preventing white spot lesions
Q38834383In vitro evaluation of the influence of velocity on sliding resistance of stainless steel arch wires in a self-ligating orthodontic bracket.
Q46485633In vitro friction of stainless steel arch wire-bracket combinations in air and different aqueous solutions
Q82534109In vitro lingual bracket evaluation of indirect bonding with plasma arc, LED and halogen light
Q43685816In vitro reformation of the perichondrium from perichondrial-free Meckel's cartilages of the embryonic chick
Q44113514In vivo evaluation of a moisture-activated orthodontic adhesive: a comparative clinical trial
Q91432635In vivo evaluation of tooth colour alterations during orthodontic retention: A split-mouth cohort study
Q80501373In vivo study of metal content of oral mucosa cells in patients with and without fixed orthodontic appliances
Q83204709In-vitro evaluation of the corrosion behavior of orthodontic brackets
Q80165341Incidence and severity of root resorption in orthodontically moved premolars in dogs
Q51734874Incidental maxillary sinus findings in orthodontic patients: a radiographic analysis using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT).
Q104585437Incisive canal remodeling following maximum anterior retraction reduces apical root resorption
Q94540894Incremental or maximal mandibular advancement in the treatment of Class II malocclusion through functional appliances: a systematic review with meta-analysis
Q98305386Individualization of the three-piece base arch mechanics according to various periodontal support levels: A finite element analysis
Q39613482Induced leukemia and antineoplastic agent carmustine cause permanent changes in craniofacial growth of immature rats
Q36292233Inducers and inhibitors of biomineralization: lessons from pathological calcification
Q37366200Induction of MMP-1 (collagenase-1) by relaxin in fibrocartilaginous cells requires both the AP-1 and PEA-3 promoter sites
Q68860478Induction of cleft palate in mice by inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis
Q35412096Infield masticatory muscle activity in subjects with pain-related temporomandibular disorders diagnoses
Q91714246Influence of corticosteroid therapy on orthodontic tooth movement: A narrative review of studies in animal-models
Q51729813Influence of facial convexity on facial attractiveness in Japanese
Q52578265Influence of human parathyroid hormone during orthodontic tooth movement and relapse in the osteoporotic rat model: A preliminary study.
Q91908321Influence of mini-screw diameter and loading conditions on static and dynamic assessments of bone-implant contact: An animal study
Q93186484Influence of omega-3 fatty acid on orthodontic tooth movement in rats: A biochemical, histological, immunohistochemical and gene expression study
Q38834388Influence of pharyngeal airway respiration pressure on Class II mandibular retrusion in children: A computational fluid dynamics study of inspiration and expiration
Q46899252Influence of steroid drugs on orthodontically induced root resorption
Q100959483Influence of surgical technique and timing of primary repair on interarch relationship in UCLP: A randomized clinical trial
Q100381594Influence of thyroxine supplementation on orthodontically-induced tooth movement and/or inflammatory root resorption: a systematic review
Q73254219Influences of osteoclast deficiency on craniofacial growth in osteopetrotic (op/op) mice
Q54120288Influences of ovariectomy and orchiectomy on the remodeling of mandibular condyle in mice.
Q111853943Informed consent challenges and strategies: A qualitative study of the orthodontists’ perspective
Q47828883Inheritance of cleft palate in South America: evidence for a major locus recessive.
Q67955971Inhibition of embryonic palatal shelf horizontalization and medial edge epithelial breakdown by cortisol: role of H-2 in the mouse
Q40488362Inhibition of human embryonic palatal mesenchymal cell cycle by secalonic acid D: a probable mechanism of its cleft palate induction
Q69492179Inhibition of secondary cartilage of the intermaxillary suture in Sprague-Dawley rats following the enucleation of maxillary molars
Q53635725Initial orthodontic tooth movement of a multirooted tooth: a 3D study of a rat molar
Q53711592Inner enamel epithelia synthesize and secrete enamel proteins during mouse molar occlusal "enamel-free area" development
Q46485639Interaction between Smad 3 and Dishevelled in murine embryonic craniofacial mesenchymal cells
Q52135303Interrelation between fusions in the primary dentition and agenesis in the succedaneous permanent dentition seen from an embryological point of view.
Q41470240Interrelations between the involvement of individual branchiogenic components in microtia
Q98476182Interventions for impacted maxillary canines: A systematic review on the relationship between initial canine position and treatment outcome
Q47725215Into the future
Q35560275Intra-arch dimensional measurement validity of laser-scanned digital dental models compared with the original plaster models: a systematic review.
Q72572661Intrauterine effect of dam on prenatal development of craniofacial complex of mouse embryo
Q57788858Introduction by the Editor
Q114078969Intrusion of overerupted periodontally compromised posterior teeth using orthodontic mini implants: A mechanobiological finite element study
Q63350567Investigating the etiology of multiple tooth agenesis in three sisters with severe oligodontia
Q51789077Investigation of pneumatized articular eminence in orthodontic malocclusions
Q98243334Involvement of astrocytes activation in orofacial hyperalgesia induced by experimental tooth movement
Q48464543Is Far a Hox mutation?
Q64923043Is Short Root Anomaly (SRA) a risk factor for increased external apical root resorption in orthodontic patients? A retrospective case control study using cone beam computerized tomography.
Q34545802Is gingival crevicular fluid volume sensitive to orthodontic tooth movement? A systematic review of split‐mouth longitudinal studies
Q92012730Is orthodontic therapy able to induce genetic damage on oral cells?
Q90431934Is the buccal alveolar bone less affected by mini-implant assisted rapid palatal expansion than by conventional rapid palatal expansion? - A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q94583191Is the early mixed dentition dental arch relationship related to the antero-posterior alignment of the maxillary segments in infants with CUCLP?
Q70301694Isolation and characterization of chondrocytes and non-chondrocytes from high-density chick limb bud cell cultures
Q50466869Isolation and characterization of multipotent human periodontal ligament stem cells
Q54733825Isotretinoin embryopathy and the cranial neural crest: an in vivo and in vitro study.
Q68727970Isotretinoin teratogenicity in mouse whole embryo culture
Q38712388Jaw mechanics in dolichofacial and brachyfacial phenotypes: A longitudinal cephalometric-based study
Q48931715Josef Warkany, 1902-1992: a personal remembrance.
Q52945418Judgment of excellence in scholarship
Q52209252Kallmann syndrome and delayed puberty associated with agenesis of lateral maxillary incisors
Q39558414Klippel-Feil anomaly with sacral agenesis: an additional subtype, type IV.
Q68637645Lack of either chondrocyte hypertrophy or osteogenesis in Meckel's cartilage of the embryonic chick exposed to epithelia and to thyroxine in vitro
Q40990201Lack of linkage of apparently dominant cleft lip (palate) to two candidate chromosomal regions
Q78028422Lack of the bone remodeling in osteopetrotic (op/op) mice associated with microdontia
Q103812796Lactobacillus brevis CD2 attenuates traumatic oral lesions induced by fixed orthodontic appliance: A randomized phase 2 trial
Q51496259Late gestational vascular disruptions inducing craniofacial anomalies: a fetal lamb model
Q96434242Laypeople's and dental students' perceptions of a diastema between central and lateral incisors: Evaluation using scanpaths and color coded maps
Q40814006Let them eat cake: the struggle between form and substance in orthodontic clinical investigation
Q70483422Lethal and mild hypophosphatasia in half-sibs
Q83960033Levels of RANKL and OPG in gingival crevicular fluid during orthodontic tooth movement and effect of compression force on releases from periodontal ligament cells in vitro
Q43929912Life scientists in the Soviet Union: violations of scientific freedom and human rights continue
Q48187980Lithium enhances alveolar bone formation during orthodontic retention in rats.
Q48336497Local myogenic pulp-derived cell injection enhances craniofacial muscle regeneration in vivo
Q70368800Localization of H-2Kk in developing mouse teeth using monoclonal antibody
Q41663857Localization of a mutant gene for cleft palate and ankyloglossia in an X-linked Icelandic family.
Q38414010Locally limited inhibition of bone resorption and orthodontic relapse by recombinant osteoprotegerin protein.
Q52205474Locally released retinoic acid leads to facial clefts in the chick embryo but does not alter the expression of receptors for fibroblast growth factor.
Q63350427Long-term changes in microbiology and clinical periodontal variables after completion of fixed orthodontic appliances
Q46362558Long-term follow-up of successful orthodontic-periodontal treatment of localized aggressive periodontitis: a case report
Q48358785Longitudinal dental maturation of children with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate: A case-control cohort study
Q44110263Longitudinal roentgencephalometric study of the growth of the New Zealand white rabbit: cumulative and biweekly incremental growth rates for skull and mandible
Q77905430Loose joint bodies of the temporomandibular joint: a case report
Q33511352Low-energy laser irradiation accelerates the velocity of tooth movement via stimulation of the alveolar bone remodeling.
Q33361408Low-energy laser stimulates tooth movement velocity via expression of RANK and RANKL.
Q48650634Lysle E. Johnston, Jr: a perspective
Q63350782Magnetic resonance imaging of the masseter muscle: a preliminary genetic study in monozygotic and dizygotic twins
Q39859488Male-to-male transmission of the velo-cardio-facial syndrome: a case report and review of 60 cases
Q38417318Management of sleep apnea: a critical look at intra-oral appliances
Q50687088Management of the severe cleft and syndromic midface hypoplasia
Q51482681Mandibular and femoral growth alteration after sex hormone disruption in growing mice
Q35411103Mandibular distraction osteogenesis assisted by cell-based tissue engineering: a systematic review
Q40254552Mandibular morphogenesis and craniofacial malformations
Q52195308Mandibular movements during elevation and fusion of palatal shelves evaluated from the course of Meckel's cartilage
Q37396476Mandibular necrosis in beagle dogs treated with bisphosphonates.
Q40792408Mandibular setback osteotomy: facial soft tissue behavior and possibility to improve the accuracy of the soft tissue profile prediction with the use of a computerized cephalometric program: Quick Ceph Image Pro: v. 2.5.
Q77905424Mandibular stability after sagittal split ramus osteotomy without post-operative maxillomandibular fixation in the treatment of prognathic patients with symmetric mandibles
Q39821868Masseter muscle thickness as a predictive variable in treatment outcome of the twin-block appliance and masseteric thickness changes during treatment
Q92107762Maternal-related factors in the origin of isolated cleft palate-A population-based case-control study
Q51036627Maturation of the middle phalanx of the third finger and cervical vertebrae: a comparative and diagnostic agreement study
Q33579477Maxillary arch width in unoperated adult bilateral cleft lip and alveolus and complete bilateral cleft lip and palate
Q52129679Maxillary expansion: a meta analysis
Q61895528Maxillary incisor torque with conventional and self-ligating brackets: a prospective clinical trial
Q48188158Maxillary molar distalization therapy in adult patients: a multicentre study
Q104067078Maximum insertion torque loss after miniscrew placement in orthodontic patients -a randomized controlled trial
Q79271130Measurement of mechanical strain on mandibular surface with mastication robot: influence of muscle loading direction and magnitude
Q93067392Measurement of the bone height of mandibular incisors and canines on computed tomography-Limitations according to bone thickness
Q47316579Measurement precision and reliability in craniofacial anthropometry: implications and suggestions for clinical applications
Q84575612Measuring buccolingual inclination of mandibular canines and first molars using CBCT
Q35700179Mechanical environment change in root, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone in response to two canine retraction treatment strategies
Q80165337Mechanical stress generated by orthodontic forces on apical root cementum: a finite element model
Q37472182Mechanism and control of tooth eruption: overview and clinical implications
Q40148240Mechanobehaviour in dolichofacial and brachyfacial adolescents
Q91908267Mechanobiology of bone and suture - Results from a pig model
Q89872506Median Lingual Foramen, a new midmandibular cephalometric landmark
Q39821666Medical treatment of craniosynostosis: recombinant Noggin inhibits coronal suture closure in the rat craniosynostosis model
Q34095459Merging the old skeletal biology with the new. I. Intramembranous ossification, endochondral ossification, ectopic bone, secondary cartilage, and pathologic considerations
Q34095465Merging the old skeletal biology with the new. II. Molecular aspects of bone formation and bone growth
Q47807232Mesenchymal changes associated with retinoic acid induced cleft palate in CD-1 mice
Q74503015Mesial bodily movement of maxillary and mandibular molars with segmented mechanics
Q47183491Mesiodistal size of deciduous teeth in subjects with unilateral cleft lip and palate.
Q35793489Meta analysis of the treatment-related factors of external apical root resorption
Q35155551Meta-analysis in evidence-based orthodontics
Q45968184Metabolic changes of human dental pulp after rapid palatal expansion
Q68171590Metabolic transitions in rat jaw muscles during postnatal development
Q68746376Metabolism of prostaglandin E2 by mouse embryo palate mesenchyme cells in vitro
Q56417641Metacarpophalangeal pattern profile in ACPS type II (Carpenter syndrome)
Q46286175Micro X‐ray computed tomography analysis for the evaluation of asymmetrical condylar growth in the rat
Q46717746Micro-anatomical responses in periodontal complexes of mice to calibrated orthodontic forces on the crown
Q71104927Microanalysis of epithelial and mesenchymal acid hydrolase activities in the developing palate
Q71689753Microanatomy of the dental enamel in autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED): report of three cases
Q41932588Microcephaly in familial holoprosencephaly
Q34029539Microcephaly: general considerations and aids to nosology
Q51776942Microdontia after chemotherapy in a child treated for neuroblastoma
Q53067812Microleakage between composite/wire and composite/enamel interfaces of flexible spiral wire retainers: direct versus indirect application methods
Q68002099Microtia in infants with chromosomal trisomy
Q97436051Microtomographic analysis of the effect of sodium alendronate on orthodontic movement in rats
Q73952476Midfacial morphology of Koreans with class III malocclusions investigated with finite-element scaling analysis
Q71847638Midsagittal dimensions of the prenatal human cranium
Q52200738Mild dental findings associated with severe osteogenesis imperfecta due to a point mutation in the alpha 2(I) collagen gene demonstrate different expression of the genetic defect in bone and teeth
Q103751217Miniplate-anchored maxillary protraction in adolescent patients with cleft lip and palate: A literature review of study design, type and protocol, and treatment outcomes
Q77732372Misinterpreting growth and treatment outcome from serial cephalographs
Q35411493Modeling of muscle forces in humans with and without temporomandibular joint disorders
Q35579275Modeling of structure, quality, and function in the orthodontic patient
Q37195494Modulation of murine bone marrow-derived CFU-F and CFU-OB by in vivo bisphosphonate and fluoride treatments
Q36720352Molecular determinants during dental morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation: a review
Q38312474Molecular fingerprinting of BMP2- and BMP4-treated embryonic maxillary mesenchymal cells
Q38348313Molecular fingerprinting of TGFß‐treated embryonic maxillary mesenchymal cells
Q57925253Morphological change of the nasopremaxillary suture in growing "toothless" osteopetrotic (op/op) mice
Q46295762Morphological changes during survival, cellular transformation, and calcification of the embryonic mouse: Meckel's cartilage transplanted into heterotopic sites
Q40123720Morphological characteristics of frontal sinus and nasal bone focusing on bone resorption and apposition in hypophosphatemic rickets
Q83960038Morphological differences in the temporomandibular joints in asymmetrical prognathism patients
Q42437208Morphological effects of streptomyces hyaluronidase treatment on the outgrowth of the nasal processes in mouse embryos
Q51482670Morphological evaluation of cranial and maxillary shape differences of the brachymorphic mouse with spontaneous malocclusion using three‐dimensional micro‐computed tomography
Q33584477Morphological integration of the skull in craniofacial anomalies
Q74284078Morphology of the mandibular condyle in "toothless" osteopetrotic (op/op) mice
Q72572665Morphometric analysis of potential maxillary diastemal dental anlagen in three strains of mice
Q68538599Morphometric analysis of the craniofacial development of the CD-1 mouse fetus exposed to alcohol on gestational day eight
Q48243755Morphometric analysis of the forebrain anomalies in the delayed Splotch mutant embryo.
Q47283809Morphometric analysis of the maxillary root apex positions according to crowding severity.
Q96945773Morphometric evaluation of the alveolar bone around central incisors during surgical orthodontic treatment of high-angle skeletal class III malocclusion
Q70214191Morphometric nasopharyngeal characteristics in facial clefts
Q48182872Morphometry of the hard palate in Down's syndrome through CBCT-image analysis
Q50108020Morphometry of the normal human ear: a cross-sectional study from adolescence to mid-adulthood.
Q48505699Morphospatial analysis of soft-tissue profile in patients with Class II Division 1 malocclusion treated using twin block appliances: geometric morphometrics
Q39393785Mouse models for the study of cranial base growth and anomalies
Q74284084Mouse palatal width growth rates as an "at risk" factor in the development of cleft palate induced by hypervitaminosis A
Q38667619Moving towards precision orthodontics: An evolving paradigm shift in the planning and delivery of customized orthodontic therapy
Q46076031Msx-2 expression and glucocorticoid-induced overexpression in embryonic mouse submandibular glands
Q36815608Murine MLP: cloning and expression in the embryonic head
Q84553337Mutations in the PAX9 gene in sporadic oligodontia
Q30721834Nasal fossa malformations and paramedian facial cleft: new perspectives
Q96434720Nasolabial Fold Dynamics: Implications for Facial Paralysis and Facial Reanimation Surgery
Q48098034Nasolabial appearance after two palatoplasty types in cleft lip and palate
Q92228636Nasolabial outcomes in a nationwide study of orofacial cleft in New Zealand
Q68538614Natal teeth and steatocystoma multiplex: a newly recognized syndrome
Q41618340Neural tube defects, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mutation, and north/south dietary differences in China
Q73952489New biomaterials and methods for craniofacial bone defect: chondroid bone grafts in maxillary alveolar clefts
Q52294971New clinical observations in the trichorhinophalangeal syndrome
Q37041395New genetic approaches to craniofacial growth and malformation in the mouse
Q33759789New horizons in understanding early tooth development
Q50926973New insights on age‐related association between nasopharyngeal airway clearance and facial morphology
Q38697559New methods for quantitative and qualitative facial studies: an overview
Q50559883Newly recognized ectrodactyly/deafness syndrome
Q33821720Nicotine inhibits palatal fusion and modulates nicotinic receptors and the PI-3 kinase pathway in medial edge epithelia
Q91908175Night-time autonomic nervous system ultradian cycling and masticatory muscle activity
Q80165345Nitric oxide synthase expression is increased by occlusal force in rat periodontal ligament
Q40397338Non-viral-mediated gene therapy approaches for bone repair
Q71960201Normal prenatal development of the human parietal bone and interparietal suture
Q71098046Normal values of philtral length, oral intercommissural distance, and sternal length in newborn infants
Q91908262Novel application and validation of in vivo micro-CT to study bone modelling in 3D
Q30326798Novel esthetic bonded retainers: a blend of art and science.
Q48094707Novel evaluation and treatment techniques for white spot lesions. An in vitro study
Q68002107Numeric anomalies of teeth in concomitant hypodontia and hyperdontia
Q53064074Objective classification of nose-lip-chin profiles and their relation to dentoskeletal traits.
Q69694273Occlusal morphology in 45,X females
Q40476181Occlusal traits in children with neurofibromatosis type 1.
Q52502962Occlusofacial morphological integration lowered in baboons raised on soft diet
Q52169804Occurrence and temporal variation in matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors during murine secondary palatal morphogenesis
Q70631406Occurrence of cleft palate, micrognathia, and agnathia in selected strains of cortisone- and phenytoin-treated mice
Q68106829Ocular malformations associated with agnathia: a case report
Q73804175Oculo-auriculo-vertebral (Goldenhar) spectrum associated with pericentric inversion 9: coincidental findings or etiologic factor?
Q73484400Oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum: cranial and vertebral malformations due to focal disturbed chondrogenesis
Q41235307Odontometric variation among American black, European, and Mongoloid populations
Q69643825Odontometric variations of permanent crown in Punjabi and U.S. twins
Q70631395On the fringes of normality
Q48230891Oncologic doses of zoledronic acid induce site specific suppression of bone modelling in rice rats.
Q73252674Optic, olfactory, and vestibular dysmorphogenesis in the homozygous mouse insertional mutant Tg9257
Q98198497Optimal Sites For Mini-Implant Insertion In The Lingual Or Palatal Alveolar Cortical Bone As Assessed By Cone Beam Computed Tomography In South Indian Population
Q69694277Oral and craniofacial morphology of a patient with Larsen syndrome
Q91908222Oral dysfunction as a cause of malocclusion
Q56331585Oral features in Apert syndrome: a histological investigation
Q37961413Origin, formation, and prenatal maturation of the human cerebral cortex: an overview
Q104475440Orofacial clefts in low and middle-income countries: A scoping review of quality and quantity of research based on literature between 2010-2019
Q37902712Orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedic management of juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a systematic review of the literature
Q74654233Orthodontic appliances made of organic polymer used in the metal allergic patient can withstand orthognathic surgery
Q102328551Orthodontic bone screws: A quick update and its promising future
Q74317292Orthodontic education and the Board certification process
Q37825970Orthodontic measurements on digital study models compared with plaster models: a systematic review
Q49020313Orthodontic miniscrew failure rate and root proximity, insertion angle, bone contact length, and bone density
Q33631748Orthodontic process and outcome: efficacy studies--strategies for developing process and outcome measures: a new era in orthodontics
Q73418272Orthodontic research directions
Q33629251Orthodontic therapy and gingival recession: a systematic review
Q50503930Orthodontic tooth movement causes decreased promoter expression of collagen type 1, bone sialoprotein and alpha‐smooth muscle actin in the periodontal ligament
Q48909355Orthodontic treatment of a case of Becker muscular dystrophy
Q40686900Orthodontically stressed periodontium of transgenic mouse as a model for studying mechanical response in bone: The effect on the number of osteoblasts
Q81054357Orthodontics and its discontents
Q91908348Orthodontics in the era of big data analytics
Q50973593Orthopedic protraction of the maxilla may affect cranial base synchondroses indicated by increased expressions of growth factors
Q48315045Ossification of lateral components in the human prenatal cranial base
Q68860476Ossification of the human fetal basicranium
Q41084864Ossification sequence of occipital bone and vertebrae in human fetuses
Q92157171Osteoblast differentiation during orthodontic tooth movement
Q37472200Osteoclast polarization and orthodontic tooth movement
Q91908309Osteocytes and mechanical loading: The Wnt connection
Q40887871Osteogenesis imperfecta: clinical, cephalometric, and biochemical investigations of OI types I, III, and IV.
Q70236630Osteogenesis imperfecta: fibronectin in dentin matrix
Q51790199Osteoglophonic dysplasia: dental and orthodontic implications
Q53295176Osteoprotegerin and zoledronate bone effects during orthodontic tooth movement
Q48133990Outcome of orthodontic palatal plate therapy for orofacial dysfunction in children with Down syndrome: A systematic review
Q73418302Outsourcing orthodontic teaching: Mission impossible
Q93964388Outsourcing orthodontic teaching: Mission impossible
Q34635733Ovariectomy stimulates and bisphosphonates inhibit intracortical remodeling in the mouse mandible.
Q47720982PTH [1-34]-induced alterations predispose the mandibular condylar cartilage to mineralization.
Q90297465Pain perception in orthodontic patients: A model considering psychosocial and behavioural aspects
Q43933312Palatal anteversion as part of the iniencephaly malformation sequence
Q94540605Palatal changes in crossbite patients treated with rapid maxillary expansion versus untreated ones: A geometric morphometric study
Q93616921Palatal dimensions in 45,X-females
Q73533932Palatal lift prosthesis for palatopharyngeal closure in Wilson's disease
Q91773147Palatal morphology in unilateral cleft lip and palate patients: Association with infant cleft dimensions and timing of hard palate repair
Q102130654Palatal rugae positional changes during orthodontic treatment of growing patients
Q104074813Palatal temporary skeletal anchorage devices (TSADs): What to know and how to do
Q93022369Palatal volume estimation in operated unilateral and bilateral cleft lip and palate subjects using digital study models
Q74502924Palatally displaced upper lateral incisors: relapse after orthodontic treatment and its correlation with dentoskeletal morphology
Q70282961Palate cell motility and substrate interaction
Q68034039Palate teratogenicity and embryotoxicity of cyclosporin A in mice
Q73884181Palate vault morphology in Down syndrome
Q91313153Parental age in relation to the severity of cleft lip and/or palate
Q82293609Parental craniofacial morphology in cleft lip with or without cleft palate as determined by cephalometry: a meta-analysis
Q28377406Pathogenesis of encephaloschisis in retinoic-acid-treated hamster embryos I: a morphometric study of the craniofacial structures
Q69428612Pathogenesis of exencephaly and cranioschisis induced in the rat after neural tube closure: role of the mesenchyme
Q37510285Pathways in external apical root resorption associated with orthodontia.
Q73116122Patient and parent preferences for orthodontic practices
Q69463866Patient with the combination of Klippel-Feil anomaly, partial agenesis of the sacrum, bladder incontinence, and unilateral hydronephrosis
Q91887261Patients with cleft: Experiences, understanding and information provision during treatment
Q69223468Pattern of mineral uptake in the developing human deciduous enamel
Q43930378Peer oppression in the Soviet Union.
Q73914638Perceived long-term prognosis of teeth with orthodontically resorbed roots
Q47998400Perception of facial profiles: influence of female sex hormones and personality traits
Q61895507Periodontal condition of the mandibular anterior dentition in patients with conventional and self-ligating brackets
Q46292518Periostin‐like‐factor‐induced bone formation within orthopedic maxillary expansion
Q47804518Permanent tooth agenesis in individuals with non-syndromic Robin sequence: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Q39018944Personalized and precision orthodontic therapy
Q91908329Personalized scaffolding technologies for alveolar bone regenerative medicine
Q35665153Perspectives on holoprosencephaly: Part II. Central nervous system, craniofacial anatomy, syndrome commentary, diagnostic approach, and experimental studies
Q34164698Peter Medawar--scientific meliorist.
Q56379053Pfeiffer syndrome caused by haploinsufficient mutation of FGFR2
Q56263102Pfeiffer syndrome is not caused by haploinsufficient mutations of FGFR2
Q44988268Pharmacological management of pain during orthodontic treatment: a meta-analysis.
Q48337229Pharyngeal airway changes following maxillary expansion or protraction: A meta-analysis.
Q35412168Phenotype-genotype correlations of facial width and height proportions in patients with Class II malocclusion
Q71689749Phenotypic features of dentition in diastrophic dysplasia
Q40436365Phonetic analysis during treatment with rapid maxillary expander.
Q69694286Phospholipase C activity in palate mesenchyme cells: calcium and pH requirements, substrate specificity, and subcellular localization
Q38515179Picasso and the art of distortion and dislocation: the artist as researcher and experimentalist
Q69848238Picrotoxin, a gamma-aminobutyric acid-receptor antagonist, retards craniofacial development in the weaning rat: I. Effect on mandibular bone growth
Q69848240Picrotoxin, a gamma-aminobutyric acid-receptor antagonist, retards craniofacial development in the weaning rat: II. Effect on mandibular condylar cartilage
Q73116117Piggyback archwires
Q69382692Polyamine biosynthesis in the developing rabbit palate
Q52167132Position and growth of upper and lower tooth primordia in prenatal mouse--3D study.
Q30740226Positional changes of the frontoparietal ossification centers in perinatal craniosynostotic rabbits.
Q76387822Post-operative optimization of gum-chewing kinematics in a prognathic patient
Q47178267Postnatal changes in the cranial base in rabbits with congenital coronal suture synostosis.
Q50999556Postpubertal growth and development of the face in unilateral cleft lip and palate as compared to the pubertal period: a longitudinal study.
Q100696171Potential interactions among single nucleotide polymorphisms in bone- and cartilage-related genes in skeletal malocclusions
Q38440885Potential role of PC-1 expression and pyrophosphate elaboration in the molecular etiology of the FGFR-associated craniosynostosis syndromes.
Q43790840Pre- and post-conceptional tobacco effects on the CD-1 mouse fetus
Q39535156Pre- and postnatal findings in Pena Shokeir I syndrome: case report and a review of the literature.
Q44408634Preauricular pits in Hungary: epidemiologic and clinical observations.
Q91908170Predicting adult facial type from mandibular landmark data at young ages
Q104284177Predicting mandibular growth based on CVM stage and gender and with chronological age as a curvilinear variable
Q77905421Prediction of mandibular third molar impaction in the orthodontic patient from a panoramic radiograph
Q52009522Prediction of mesiodistal canine and premolar tooth width in a sample of Peruvian adolescents
Q39727113Predictors of surgical‐orthodontic treatment duration of unilateral impacted maxillary central incisors
Q38667630Preface to COAST 2016 innovators' workshop on personalized and precision orthodontic therapy
Q91886306Preface to COAST 2018 Innovators' Workshop: Bridging the biology and technology gap in orthodontics and craniofacial care
Q45082387Preliminary observations on isotretinoin-induced ear malformations and pattern formation of the external ear.
Q77453175Prenatal anticonvulsant drug exposure: teratogenic effect on the dentition
Q34275454Prenatal craniofacial morphogenesis: four‐dimensional visualization of morphogenetic processes
Q52258347Prenatal development of rugae palatinae in mice: scanning electron microscopic and histologic studies
Q52216033Prenatal development of the human osseous temporomandibular region.
Q44030389Prenatal exposure to phenytoin and its effect on postnatal growth and craniofacial proportion in the rat.
Q70238282Prenatal human cranial development evaluated on coronal plane radiographs
Q39387554Prenatal sagittal growth of the osseous components of the human palate.
Q34944921Prenatal sex hormones, digit ratio, and face shape in adult males
Q42136547Prenatal skeletal maturation of the human maxilla
Q72001126Prenatal smokeless tobacco effects on the rat fetus
Q39471435Preoperative morphology and development in sagittal synostosis
Q47725226Prepared for the future
Q72001130Presence of dentin phosphoprotein in molars of a patient with dentinogenesis imperfecta type II
Q48402268Presence of gamma-aminobutyric acid in embryonic palates of AJ and SWV mouse strains.
Q48025000Pressure simulation of orthodontic force in osteoblasts: a pilot study.
Q91313134Prevalence of malocclusion in children with obstructive sleep apnoea
Q52970224Prevalence of temporomandibular joint dysfunction in Ehlers-Danlos syndromes
Q91970193Prevention of orthodontic enamel demineralization: A systematic review with meta-analyses
Q39583410Pre‐treatment radiographic features predict root resorption of treated impacted maxillary central incisors
Q52243310Primary neonatal hyperparathyroidism: a devastating neurodevelopmental disorder if left untreated.
Q47324170Primary tooth size asymmetry in twins and singletons
Q38697568Problems in nomenclature of craniofacial disorders
Q75219159Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference: Craniofacial Imaging in the 21st Century. 6-9 September 2002, Pacific Grove, California, USA
Q81618449Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference: Craniofacial Skeletal Bioengineering. Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 27-30 August 2004
Q104799793Prognostic Approach to class III Malocclusion through case-based reasoning
Q72725273Proliferation of nasal epithelial and mesenchymal cells during primary palate formation
Q98188630Prolonged water immersion alters resistance to sliding of esthetic orthodontic coated wires
Q129243554Prospective study of nasal growth in bilateral cleft lip and palate patients after naso‐alveolar moulding and primary columella lengthening compared to controls at 5, 10 and 20 years
Q96612043Pyk2-Deficiency Enhances Bone Mass During Midpalatal Suture Expansion
Q114078970Quantification and visualization of the tooth extraction effects on face with spatially dense geometric morphometrics
Q46327062Quantitative analysis of the maxilla and the mandible in hyper- and hypodivergent skeletal Class II pattern
Q48394687Quantitative aspects of the cell cycle in the cranial neural tube of the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) during early stages of gestation.
Q52199670Quantitative complete tooth variation among east Asians and Native Americans: developmental biology as a tool for the assessment of human divergence
Q73116141Quantitative description of overjet and overbite and their relationship with the craniofacial morphology
Q48553506Quantitative localization of polystyrene microspheres following microinjection in the avian metencephalic neural crest pathway
Q37472206RANK/RANKL/OPG during orthodontic tooth movement
Q91976158RANK/RANKL/OPG gene polymorphisms and loss of orthodontic mini-implants
Q93660909Racial differences in cephalometric measurements and incidence of cleft lip with or without cleft palate
Q54467224Racial variation of cephalometric measurements in Hawaii.
Q57168771Radiation reduction using a modified collimated lateral skull radiograph during orthodontic treatment
Q52243311Radiographic determination of prenatal basicranial ossification
Q52290011Radiographic hand abnormalities in fifteen cases of Crouzon syndrome.
Q91418010Radiographic prediction of mandibular third molar eruption and mandibular canal involvement based on angulation
Q91003566Range and timing of surgery, and surgical sequences used, in primary repair of complete unilateral cleft lip and palate: The Cleft Care UK study
Q92623839Rapid maxillary expansion effects of nasal airway in children with cleft lip and palate using computational fluid dynamics
Q91401128Rapid palatal expansion (RPE): Meta-analysis of long-term effects
Q51745578Rate of orthodontic tooth movement after changing the force magnitude: an experimental study in beagle dogs
Q74502972Reappraisal of Class II molar relationships diagnosed from the lingual side
Q68637644Reciprocal interactions between epithelium, mesenchyme, and epidermal growth factor (EGF) in the regulation of mandibular mitotic activity in the embryonic chick
Q40104572Recombinant DNA technology and its application to developmental biology
Q69428614Reduced epithelial surface activity is related to a higher incidence of facial clefting in A/WySn mice
Q76387817Reduction of gingival recession following orthodontic intrusion in periodontally compromised patients
Q44297784Reference values for three‐dimensional surface cephalometry in children aged 3–6 years
Q100938643Reference values of mandibular condyles metabolic activity: A study using 99M Tc-MDP single photon emission computed tomography
Q74502990Reflections On Science I. The Biological Imagination
Q77085782Reflections on science II. The language of bioscience
Q53430502Reflections on science III. A lifetime of looking
Q45951988Reflections: ethics and the recombinant DNA debate.
Q36292246Regenerating the periodontium: is there a magic formula?
Q47183485Regional size differences in four commonly used cephalometric atlases: the Ann Arbor, Cleveland (Bolton), London (UK), and Philadelphia atlases compared
Q42458824Regional ultrastructural and cytochemical comparisons of the epithelial-mesenchymal interface during rat incisor development
Q40440154Registration of serial maxillary models via the weighted rugae superimposition method.
Q37472194Regulation of mechanical signals in bone
Q98213642Relating Three-dimensional Airway Measurements to the Apnea-hypopnea index in Pediatric Sleep Apnea Patients
Q89707580Relationship between pharyngeal airway depth and ventilation condition in mandibular setback surgery: A computational fluid dynamics study
Q47679275Relationship between the cranial base and the mandible in artificially deformed skulls
Q80501363Relationship of TMJ osteoarthritis / osteoarthrosis to head posture and dentofacial morphology
Q93027191Relationships among tongue volume, hyoid position, airway volume and maxillofacial form in paediatric patients with Class-I, Class-II and Class-III malocclusions
Q91896498Relationships of maxillofacial morphology and malocclusion with handgrip strength in adult women
Q67955972Relative growth rates of maxillary mesenchyme in the chick embryo
Q74502927Relaxin affects the dentofacial sutural tissues
Q73780732Reliability of a method for the localization of displaced maxillary canines using a single panoramic radiograph
Q79701135Reliability of cranial base measurements on lateral skull radiographs
Q45729958Reliability of different methods for measuring the inclination of the maxillary canines on panoramic radiographs.
Q83125031Reliability of panoramic radiographs for the assessment of mandibular elongation after distraction osteogenesis procedures
Q91908301Remineralization of demineralized dentin using a dual analog system
Q57925196Remodeling of the sagittal suture in osteopetrotic (op/op) mice associated with cranial flat bone growth
Q34134577Remodelling of the palatal dome following rapid maxillary expansion (RME): laser scan‐quantifications during a low growth period
Q92012737Reply to the letter-Short-term "in vivo" study on cellular DNA damage induced by acrylic Andresen activator in oral mucosa cells
Q90079251Reproducibility of Natural Head Position assessed with stereophotogrammetry
Q33401048Reproducibility of facial soft tissue landmarks on 3D laser-scanned facial images
Q67651677Research advances in prenatal craniofacial development. In honor of Robert M. Pratt. Proceedings of an international congress. North Carolina, April 20-22, 1988
Q38712392Resolving differences between animal models for expedited orthodontic tooth movement.
Q28323164Restriction fragment length polymorphisms, glucocorticoid receptors, and phenytoin-induced cleft palate in congenic strains of mice with steroid susceptibility differences
Q71106975Retardative effects of a corticosteroid hormone upon chondrocyte growth in the mandibular condyle of neonatal mice
Q42456629Retention of epithelial basal lamina allows isolated mandibular mesenchyme to form bone.
Q45149396Retinoic acid alters epithelial differentiation during palatogenesis
Q42548823Retinoic acid exposure of the mouse on embryonic day 9 selectively spares derivatives of the frontonasal neural crest
Q41442582Retinoic acid inhibits migration of cranial neural crest cells in the cultured mouse embryo
Q36468221Retinoid-binding proteins in craniofacial development
Q52258642Retinoids and epidermal growth factor alter embryonic mouse palatal epithelial and mesenchymal cell differentiation in organ culture
Q36890930Review of the etiologic heterogeneity of the oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum (Hemifacial Microsomia).
Q40358239Review: the Michigan cleft twin study
Q40330273Review: the value of the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) as a model for research in craniofacial development
Q52259013Robert Miles Pratt, Jr. (1942-1987): an appreciation
Q71106989Roentgencephalometric analysis of cerebral gigantism: report of four patients
Q34284935Roentgencephalometric analysis of craniofacial growth in the Johanson-Blizzard syndrome.
Q70676442Roentgencephalometric measurements in trisomy 8 mosaicism: report of three cases
Q52253565Roentgencephalometric study of cranial interrelations
Q28372622Role of endothelin in the human craniofacial morphogenesis
Q67885653Role of the early epithelium in the patterning of the teeth and Meckel's cartilage
Q80165334Root resorption and its association with alterations in physical properties, mineral contents and resorption craters in human premolars following application of light and heavy controlled orthodontic forces
Q92025574Root resorption in orthodontic treatment with clear aligners: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q70631402Sagittal growth trends of the development of cleft palate in mice homozygous for the "paddle" gene
Q82534098Sagittal, vertical and transversal dimensions of the maxillary complex in patients with ectopic maxillary canines
Q43930152Sakharov and genetic science in the Soviet Union.
Q34017284Salivary diagnostics
Q50305467Salivary glands and human selection: a hypothesis.
Q91908278Salivary protein biomarkers associated with orthodontic tooth movement: A systematic review
Q50592066Saturation of the biological response to orthodontic forces and its effect on the rate of tooth movement
Q36494763Scanning electron microscope study of tongue development in the CD-1 mouse fetus
Q43930546Scientists as targets in the Soviet Union
Q68034042Scoring mitotic activity in longitudinal sections of mouse embryonic incisors: significant differences exist for labial and lingual inner dental epithelia
Q28594276Secalonic acid D alters the expression and phosphorylation of the transcription factors and their binding to cAMP response element in developing murine secondary palate
Q52959939Second premolar agenesis as a subclinical phenotype of isolated cleft palate.
Q73418276Seeking academia
Q71797035Selachian tooth development: I. Histogenesis, morphogenesis, and anatomical features in Squalus acanthias
Q70270124Selachian tooth development: II. Immunolocalization of amelogenin polypeptides in epithelium during secretory amelogenesis in Squalus acanthias
Q42465363Selachian tooth development: III. Ultrastructural features of secretory amelogenesis in Squalus acanthias.
Q37961424Selected clinical research involving the central nervous system
Q52033933Self-etching vs. traditional bonding systems in orthodontics: an in vitro study
Q53883600Self‐ligating brackets and treatment efficiency
Q99401547Sella turcica morphology in patients with genetic syndromes: a systematic review
Q92029424Sella turcica morphometrics in children with unilateral cleft lip and palate
Q33997574Sensory retraining: burden in daily life related to altered sensation after orthognathic surgery, a randomized clinical trial
Q70185596Serotonin regulation of palatal cell motility and metabolism
Q69463857Shape of the craniofacial complex in 45,X females: cephalometric study
Q30583225Shape of the face and tongue in obstructive sleep apnea patients--statistical analysis of coordinate data.
Q41561908Shear bond strength of an orthodontic self-etching adhesive after intracoronary bleaching
Q87615544Shear bond strength of orthodontic attachments bonded to impacted teeth under in vivo and in vitro conditions
Q44479557Shear-peel bond strength of orthodontic primers in wet conditions
Q39716537Short hard palate in prenatal trisomy 21.
Q61635479Short mandible - a possible risk factor for cleft palate with/without a cleft lip
Q92447199Short- and long-term potential effects of accelerated osteogenic orthodontic treatment: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q92601336Short-term "in vivo" study on cellular DNA damage induced by acrylic Andresen activator in oral mucosa cells
Q47769208Short-term changes in temporomandibular joint function in subjects with cleft lip and palate treated with maxillary distraction osteogenesis.
Q48846359Short-term effects of a modified Alt-RAMEC protocol for early treatment of Class III malocclusion: a controlled study.
Q104558387Short-term efficacy of vacuum-formed maintainer for deciduous second molar space maintenance in the mixed dentition: A single-center, randomized controlled clinical trial
Q46298191Short-term etidronate treatment prevents glucocorticoid-induced bone debility of the mandible in growing rats
Q92447032Short-term pharyngeal airway space changes after mandibular advancement surgery in Class II patients-a two-dimensional retrospective study
Q99612966Short-term variation in the subgingival microbiota of two groups of patients treated with clear aligners and vestibular fixed appliances: a prospective study
Q44007695Short‐term soft‐ and hard‐tissue changes following Class III treatment using a removable mandibular retractor: a randomized controlled trial
Q52698142Sibling correlations for cranial measurements from serial radiographs.
Q84747470Simplified stress analysis on the temporomandibular joint in Class III patients with and without mandibular asymmetry using a rigid body spring model
Q56377393Simultaneous induction of apoptosis, collagen type I expression and mineralization in the developing coronal suture following FGF4 and FGF2 application
Q44433674Sites of serotonin uptake in epithelia of the developing mouse palate, oral cavity, and face: possible role in morphogenesis
Q40229692Size and shape of the sella turcica in subjects with Down syndrome
Q36018594Skeletal effects of bite jumping therapy on the mandible - removable vs. fixed functional appliances.
Q98284938Skeletally-anchored forsus fatigue resistant device for correction of Class II malocclusions -a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q37676334Skin and oral mucosa equivalents: construction and performance
Q51770923Skull thickness in patients with clefts.
Q79701149Skull thickness in patients with skeletal Class II and Class III malocclusions
Q81096617Skull thickness in patients with skeletal deep bite
Q50879592Smallest detectable differences in clinical functional temporomandibular joint examination variables in juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Q92007566Smell and taste in titanium and nickel allergic sensitization in orthodontic patients: Cross-sectional study
Q94463278Smile attractiveness in cases treated with self-ligating and conventional appliances with and without rapid maxillary expansion
Q91908184Smile dimensions in adult African American and Caucasian females and males
Q50946499Soft tissue facial morphology related to headform: a three-dimensional quantitative analysis in childhood
Q48576530Soft tissue thin-plate spline analysis of pre-pubertal Korean and European-Americans with untreated Angle's Class III malocclusions.
Q38697572Some approaches toward the mathematical modeling of the craniofacial complex
Q43944637Spacing and crowding among African and Caucasian children
Q52118167Spatiotemporal expression of NGFR during pre-natal human tooth development
Q50940963Spatiotemporal patterns of fibronectin distribution during embryonic development. II. Chick branchial arches
Q40148232Speed of human tooth movement in growers and non-growers: Selection of applied stress matters.
Q70238286Spontaneous, asymmetrical microphthalmia in C57B1/6J mice
Q73116080Stability after sagittal split ramus osteotomy without post-operative maxillomandibular fixation in the treatment of prognathic patients with asymmetric mandibles
Q103811942Stability of Class II treatment with Pendulum and Jones Jig followed by fixed appliances
Q88051214Stability of anterior open bite treatment with bonded spurs associated with high-pull chincup
Q104284262Stability of single-jaw versus two-jaw surgery following the correction of skeletal class III malocclusion: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q37559831Stability, adaptation and growth following distraction osteogenesis in the craniofacial region
Q33860381Stable region for maxillary dental cast superimposition in adults, studied with the aid of stable miniscrews
Q50754813Stage-specific onset of condensation and matrix deposition for Meckel's and other first arch cartilages in inbred C57BL/6 mice.
Q69492174Stage-specific response of the mesenchyme to excess vitamin A in developing rat facial processes
Q37340256Static and dynamic mechanics of the temporomandibular joint: plowing forces, joint load and tissue stress
Q38697574Statistical methodology applied to facial studies
Q47883896Statistical modelling of lip movement in the clinical context
Q43504311Staurosporine, a protein kinase inhibitor, stimulates cartilage differentiation by embryonic facial mesenchyme
Q36501679Steiner cephalometric analysis: predicted and actual treatment outcome compared.
Q36124176Stem cells in craniofacial and dental tissue engineering
Q52709805Stickler syndrome: a cephalometric study of the face.
Q51707346Stigma experiences in youth with facial differences: a multi-site study of adolescents and their mothers
Q51833208Strains in periodontal ligament and alveolar bone associated with orthodontic tooth movement analyzed by finite element
Q36349255Structural outcomes in the Cleft Care UK study. Part 2: dento-facial outcomes
Q71431635Studies on "Repeated Epilation" mouse mutant embryos: II. Development of limb, tail, and skin defects
Q71104931Studies on "repeated epilation" mouse mutant embryos: I. Development of facial malformations
Q47243753Studies on facial growth and arch size in cleft lip and palate
Q70631416Studies on hormonal regulation of the growth of the craniofacial skeleton: II. Effects of a glucocorticoid hormone on sulfate incorporation by neonatal condylar cartilage
Q70231747Studies on hormonal regulation of the growth of the craniofacial skeleton: III. Effects of 24,25 (OH)2D3 on cartilage growth in the mandibular condyle of suckling mice
Q69549605Studies on hormonal regulation of the growth of the craniofacial skeleton: IV. Specific binding sites for glucocorticoids in condylar cartilage and their involvement in the biological effects of glucocorticoids on cartilage cell growth
Q36841908Subclinical features in non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P): review of the evidence that subepithelial orbicularis oris muscle defects are part of an expanded phenotype for CL/P.
Q88796582Subjective and objective evaluation of frontal smile esthetics in patients with facial asymmetry-a comparative cross-sectional study
Q46035366Subsite specificity of divalent metal ions to glucosyltransferase.
Q92190534Superimposition of maxillary digital models using the palatal rugae: Does ageing affect the reliability?
Q48520602Surface modeling of craniofacial form in human embryos with a limited graphics terminal.
Q73780740Surgical orthodontic treatment of skeletal Class III malocclusion with anterior disc displacement without reduction (ADNR): a case report
Q98297737Survival and success of autotransplanted impacted maxillary canines during short-term follow-up: a prospective case control study
Q94606458Sutural Loading in Bone- Versus Dental-Borne Rapid Palatal Expansion: An Ex Vivo Study
Q40728323Suture biology: Lessons from molecular genetics of craniosynostosis syndromes
Q51105208Synchrotron radiation-based microtomography of alveolar support tissues
Q36841903Syndromic craniosynostosis: from history to hydrogen bonds
Q70118883Synthesis of prostaglandins and cyclic AMP by cultured embryonic palate mesenchyme at various population densities
Q79733869Tails of the unexpected: palatal medial edge epithelium is no more specialized than other embryonic epithelium
Q40483934Taking stock: a century of orthodontics--has excellence been redefined as expediency?
Q53328605Taking stock: a critical perspective on contemporary orthodontics
Q40483945Taking stock: assessing the present, planning the future
Q40483928Taking stock: assessing the present-planning the future 'you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows'.
Q45053296Taking stock: from chasing occlusal contacts to vulnerability alleles
Q53328601Taking stock: hippocratic and platonic thoughts on orthodontic tooth movement
Q40483937Taking stock: passing the torch, who has the light? Reflections about teaching orthodontics at the occasion of the retirement of Prof. Lysle E. Johnston, Jr PhD.
Q69752364Taurodontism in females with extra X chromosomes
Q46485636Temporary loss of plasma membrane integrity in orthodontic tooth movement
Q37559835Temporary orthodontic anchorage devices for improving occlusion
Q79701152Temporomandibular joint adaptations following two-phase therapy: an MRI study
Q72614815Temporomandibular joint development in the marmoset--a mirror of man
Q48160699Temporomandibular joint positional change accompanies post-surgical mandibular relapse-A long-term retrospective study among patients who underwent mandibular advancement.
Q44238239Temporomandibular joint problems and self-registration of mandibular opening capacity among adults with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. A questionnaire study
Q46480102Temporomandibular joint sound evaluation with an electronic device and clinical evaluation
Q64991379Temporomandibular malformations in the bonnet monkey (Macaca radiata) fetus following maternal ingestion of thalidomide.
Q46156715Tenoxicam controls pain without altering orthodontic movement of maxillary canines
Q37041382Teratogenic effects of alcohol and isotretinoin on craniofacial development: an analysis of animal models
Q70507130Teratogenic effects of dosage levels and time of administration of carbamazepine, sodium valproate, and diphenylhydantoin on craniofacial development in the CD-1 mouse fetus
Q28567708Tgf-beta1, Tgf-beta2, Tgf-beta3 and Msx2 expression is elevated during frontonasal suture morphogenesis and during active postnatal facial growth
Q34260433The "FACES" syndrome: a new syndrome with unique facies, anorexia, cachexia, and eye and skin lesions
Q74502945The American perspective: Orthodontics - The first specialty of dentistry is at risk to be the first to disappear
Q46275344The CORT-GR signal transduction pathway and CORT-induced cleft palate in H-2 congenic mice
Q36349280The Cleft Care UK study. Part 4: perceptual speech outcomes
Q40347091The Cohen syndrome: report of five new cases and a review of the literature.
Q104484054The Effect of Overexpression of Lrp5 on Orthodontic Tooth Movement
Q51767690The acceptability of variations in smile arc and buccal corridor space
Q71105497The adenohypophysis and the cranial base in early human development
Q77732360The anatomy of clinical research
Q71620041The antigens of the chick blastula: a comparison between the epiblast, primary hypoblast, yolk entoderm, and extraembryonic yolk by immunoprecipitation in agar
Q53966873The association between prenatal sella turcica morphology and notochordal remnants in the dorsum sellae
Q67803217The biological imagination
Q52271121The common developmental origin and phylogenetic aspects of teeth, rugae palatinae, and fornix vestibuli oris in the mouse.
Q74502934The design of custom orthodontic mechanics
Q36651787The developing ferret palate--a scanning electron microscope study: I. Primary palate and secondary palatal shelves
Q70671282The development and morphology of the incisive fissure and the transverse palatine suture in the human fetal palate
Q38270748The development and validation of a psychological questionnaire for patients undergoing orthognathic treatment
Q73418314The development of a tactile graphic version of IOTN for visually impaired patients
Q44530196The distribution of syndecan during murine secondary palate morphogenesis
Q87580514The effect of IL-17 on the production of proinflammatory cytokines and matrix metalloproteinase-1 by human periodontal ligament fibroblasts
Q90253723The effect of altered head and tongue posture on upper airway volume based on a validated upper airway analysis-An MRI pilot study
Q50999820The effect of an anterior biteplate on dental and skeletal Class II correction using headgears: a cephalometric study
Q38563609The effect of antimicrobial agents on bond strength of orthodontic adhesives: a meta-analysis of in vitro studies
Q84588503The effect of chewing gum on the impact, pain and breakages associated with fixed orthodontic appliances: a randomized clinical trial
Q71105483The effect of dam strain on the craniofacial morphogenesis of CL/Fr mouse fetuses
Q36652273The effect of drugs on orthodontic tooth movement
Q52379109The effect of embryo transfer on the intrauterine growth of the mandible in mouse fetuses
Q72152680The effect of four strains of recipients on the intrauterine growth of the mandible in mouse fetuses
Q77908971The effect of growth hormone therapy on craniofacial growth and dental maturity in children with Down syndrome
Q83204694The effect of maximum bite force on alveolar bone morphology
Q50945938The effect of potassium diclofenac and dexamethasone on MMP-1 gene transcript levels during experimental tooth movement in rats.
Q73116126The effect of surgically induced anterior disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint on the midface and cranial base
Q52229695The effect of teratogens on maternal corticosterone levels and cleft incidence in A/J mice
Q70090313The effects of colchicine on the ultrastructure of the dental epithelium and odontoblasts of teleost tooth buds
Q54429262The effects of different orthodontic appliances upon microbial communities.
Q43679283The effects of in vitro fluoride mouth rinse on the antibacterial properties of orthodontic cements
Q34415842The effects of lip revision surgery on nasolabial esthetics in patients with cleft lip.
Q31973163The effects of low level laser irradiation on osteoblastic cells
Q56329544The effects of testosterone on craniosynostotic calvarial cells: a test of the gene/environmental model of craniofacial anomalies
Q35412191The effects of tissue-non-specific alkaline phosphatase gene therapy on craniosynostosis and craniofacial morphology in the FGFR2C342Y/+ mouse model of Crouzon craniosynostosis.
Q74502929The effects of torque control spurs in twin-block appliances
Q81054364The efficacy of a fluoride varnish in reducing enamel demineralization adjacent to orthodontic brackets: an in vitro study
Q28262011The efficacy of mesenchymal stem cells to regenerate and repair dental structures
Q73116089The emerging soft tissue paradigm in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning
Q46585302The epidemiology of orofacial clefts. 1. Some general epidemiological characteristics
Q43680573The epidemiology of orofacial clefts. 2. Associated malformations
Q70454301The ethmoid bone: implications for normal and abnormal facial development
Q73116097The etiology of palatal displacement of maxillary canines
Q77085795The expression of osteopontin with condylar remodeling in growing rats
Q48230974The fate of Osterix-expressing mesenchymal cells in dental root formation and maintenance
Q31131845The feasibility of measuring three-dimensional facial morphology in children
Q56382309The feet in Crouzon syndrome
Q54534951The function of platelet‐derived growth factor in the differentiation of mouse tongue striated muscle
Q56383702The hands in Saethre-Chotzen syndrome
Q47726211The impact of dental appearance and anxiety on self-esteem in adult orthodontic patients
Q39668844The impact of medical technology on office workflow
Q47891767The impact of occlusal plane cant along with gingival display on smile attractiveness
Q81054369The influence of jaw innervation on the dental maturation pattern in the mandible
Q38027560The influence of malocclusion on the diagnostic value of the orthopantomogram in the maxillary labial segment
Q51662057The interdental gingiva, a visible guide for placement of mini-implants
Q33214944The investigation of the changing facial appearance of identical twins employing a three-dimensional laser imaging system
Q92315562The long-term influence of orthodontic treatment on adults' psychosocial outcomes: An Australian cohort study
Q101232850The long-term influence of orthodontic treatment on adults' psychosocial outcomes: Reflections and critique on a recent commentary
Q91382272The many faces of genetic contributions to temporomandibular joint disorder: An updated review
Q37247213The many faces of the genetics contribution to temporomandibular joint disorder
Q73116144The mechanical advantage of the masseter muscle in subjects with different vertical and sagittal facial morphology
Q46296386The mineral composition and enamel ultrastructure of hypocalcified amelogenesis imperfecta.
Q52242719The mouse mandibular condyle: an investigative model in developmental biology
Q37266314The mouse palate and its cellular responses to midpalatal suture expansion forces
Q52129676The nature of human craniofacial growth studied with finite element analytical approach
Q51959410The neurocranial and craniofacial morphology in children with solitary median maxillary central incisor (SMMCI).
Q52243721The new craniofacial developmental biology for the 1990s
Q38569629The ontogeny of morphological differences in the mandible in two inbred strains of mice.
Q56394938The oral manifestations of Apert syndrome
Q74795892The origin of Europeans is not rooted in the Middle East but in southern east Asia
Q48204134The pre-natal development and osseous growth of the human cerebellar field
Q48150841The prenatal development of the human cerebellar field in Down syndrome
Q72152682The prenatal development of the human nasal and vomeral bones
Q92453959The prevalence of clinically meaningful malocclusion among US adults
Q46405573The prevalence of taurodontism in a select population.
Q77085809The quantitative and qualitative analysis of the craniofacial skeleton of mice lacking the IGF‐I gene
Q54107393The rationale, evolution and clinical application of the self-ligating bracket.
Q104130233The relation of cephalometric features to internal derangements of the temporomandibular joint: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Q50631004The relationship between upper airways and craniofacial morphology studied in 3D. A CBCT study.
Q52055285The reliability of crown-root ratio, linear and angular measurements on panoramic radiographs
Q38348310The role of craniofacial growth in leptin deficient (ob/ob) mice
Q90485574The role of lip thickness in upper lip response to sagittal change of incisor position
Q54504056The role of the yolk sac in craniofacial development of cultured rat embryos.
Q36018599The role of type X collagen in facilitating and regulating endochondral ossification of articular cartilage
Q71445212The search for hemizygosity at 22qll in patients with isolated cleft palate
Q71105490The strain effect of dam on intrauterine incisal growth in mouse fetuses
Q40686891The trabecular structure of developing human mandible
Q54622398The ultrastructural effects of prednisolone on the mesenchyme of the palatal shelf in the mouse.
Q36636090The ultrastructure of murine secondary palatal ectomesenchyme during shelf reorientation
Q38712382The use of cell culture platforms to identify novel markers of bone and dentin resorption.
Q42609721The use of gene therapy vs. corticotomy surgery in accelerating orthodontic tooth movement.
Q73116086The use of linear and angular measurements of maxillo-mandibular anteroposterior discrepancies
Q36729692The use of recombinant adeno-associated virus for skeletal gene therapy
Q86603656The validity, reliability, and time requirement of study model analysis using cone-beam computed tomography-generated virtual study models
Q47214438The weight of the evidence--or--more likely than not.
Q33631742Thoughts on the early treatment of Class II malocclusion.
Q91574828Three-dimensional analyses of short- and long-term effects of rapid maxillary expansion on nasal cavity and upper airway: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q34549465Three-dimensional analysis of facial shape and symmetry in twins using laser surface scanning.
Q34549604Three-dimensional analysis of lip and perioral soft tissue changes after debonding of labial brackets
Q47373680Three-dimensional analysis of palatal shape in patients treated with SARME using traditional and geometric morphometrics
Q101123886Three-dimensional assessment of accelerating orthodontic tooth movement - micro-osteoperforations versus piezocision: A randomized, parallel group and split-mouth controlled clinical trial
Q38763027Three-dimensional assessment of condylar position and joint spaces after maxillary first premolar extraction in skeletal Class II malocclusion.
Q89546022Three-dimensional assessment of craniofacial asymmetry in children with transverse maxillary deficiency after rapid maxillary expansion: A prospective study
Q35077040Three-dimensional cephalometric analysis in orthodontics: a systematic review
Q90079260Three-dimensional comparison of the skeletal and dentoalveolar effects of the Herbst and Pendulum appliances followed by fixed appliances: A CBCT study
Q91908336Three-dimensional evaluation of the holographic projection in digital dental model superimposition using HoloLens device
Q91726873Three-dimensional evaluation of the maxillary effects of two orthopaedic protocols for the treatment of Class III malocclusion: A prospective study
Q85764005Three-dimensional evaluation of upper airway in patients with different anteroposterior skeletal patterns
Q39805669Three-dimensional facial morphology following surgical repair of unilateral cleft lip and palate in patients after nasoalveolar molding
Q47202545Three-dimensional hard tissue palatal size and shape in human adolescents and adults
Q73418296Three-dimensional imaging of the craniofacial complex
Q90581354Three-dimensional measurement and analysis of mandibular characteristics in subjects with impacted mandibular second molars
Q104510678Three-dimensional mixed longitudinal study of facial growth changes and variability of facial form in preschool children using stereophotogrammetry
Q53389618Three-dimensional motion analysis - an exploratory study. Part 1: assessment of facial movement
Q51677134Three-dimensional motion analysis - an exploratory study. Part 2: reproducibility of facial movement
Q85904894Three-dimensional pharyngeal airway changes in orthodontic patients treated with and without extractions
Q93197206Three-dimensional prediction of roots position through cone-beam computed tomography scans-digital model superimposition: A novel method
Q37213313Three-dimensional regional displacement after surgical-orthodontic correction of Class III malocclusion.
Q33194767Three-dimensional simulation and prediction of craniofacial surgery.
Q48269535Three-dimensional skeletal mandibular changes associated with Herbst appliance treatment.
Q38697564Three-dimensional surface imaging from CT scans for the study of craniofacial dysmorphology.
Q33194769Three‐dimensional assessment of treatment outcomes on the face
Q129644767Three‐dimensional evaluation of mandibular lingula: Comparisons of skeletal angle classifications and growth patterns
Q53234221Three‐dimensional tomographic mapping related to primary stability and structural miniscrew characteristics
Q30883802Three‐dimensional visualization of the craniofacial patient: volume segmentation, data integration and animation
Q47370438Time and natural history: the changing face
Q74502995Time might have come for the ABO to reinvent itself
Q39507715Timing the early treatment of Class II, division 1 malocclusion--clinical and research considerations.
Q51333549Tissue engineering of bone: search for a better scaffold.
Q51333537Tissue engineering osteochondral implants for temporomandibular joint repair
Q42460375Tissue interactions in basal regions of the cranial neuroepithelium in the C57BL mouse
Q44780129Tissue reaction to orthodontic tooth movement in acute and chronic corticosteroid treatment
Q46286486Tissue reaction to orthodontic tooth movement in different bone turnover conditions
Q73418280Titanium-niobium, a new finishing wire alloy
Q86391142To editor, orthodontics and craniofacial research
Q53297751Tolerance of deviations in eye and mouth position.
Q84575614Tongue position after deglutition in subjects with habitual open-mouth posture under different functional conditions
Q36292238Tooth developmental biology: disruptions to enamel-matrix assembly and its impact on biomineralization
Q63441992Tooth eruption: altered gene expression in the dental follicle of patients with cleidocranial dysplasia
Q47349148Tooth size and dental arch dimensions: a stereophotogrammetric study in Southeast Asian Malays
Q87392627Torque capabilities of self‐ligating and conventional brackets under the effect of bracket width and free wire length
Q96689583Torque expression by active and passive self-ligating brackets in patients with four premolar extractions: a retrospective study
Q52175646Tracing craniosynostosis to its developmental stage through bone center displacement.
Q28578731Transforming growth factor-beta3 (Tgf-beta3) down-regulates Tgf-beta3 receptor type I (Tbetar-I) during rescue of cranial sutures from osseous obliteration
Q36468211Transmembrane and intracellular signal transduction during palatal ontogeny
Q69223475Transmission of human craniofacial dimensions
Q71439847Transplantation of the reversed dermis from skin leading to repair of the buccal mucosal epithelium
Q40003331Transversal maxillary dento-alveolar changes in patients treated with active and passive self-ligating brackets: a randomized clinical trial using CBCT-scans and digital models
Q50926978Transverse changes determined by rapid and slow maxillary expansion--a low-dose CT-based randomized controlled trial
Q48601078Transverse facial morphology in patients with diastrophic dysplasia
Q81312214Transverse maxillary deficiency in Class II and Class III malocclusions: a cephalometric and morphometric study on postero-anterior films
Q56457000Treacher Collins syndrome
Q53657437Treating Class II malocclusion in children. Vertical skeletal effects of high-pull or low-pull headgear during comprehensive orthodontic treatment and retention
Q98213398Treatment Outcome and Long-term Stability of Class II Correction with Forsus Fatigue Resistant Device in Non-growing Patients
Q38821444Treatment effects of Reverse Twin-Block and Reverse Pull Face Mask on craniofacial morphology in early and late mixed dentition children.
Q52679726Treatment efficiency and stability of skeletal Class III malocclusion with a surgery-first approach.
Q38081231Treatment for agenesis of maxillary lateral incisors: a systematic review
Q53886133Treatment of a Class II deformity with skeletal open bite and lateroocclusion
Q74502954Treatment of the noncompliant Class III growing patient
Q42642498Treatment results and long-term stability of anterior open bite malocclusion
Q77085818Treatment time, outcome, and patient satisfaction comparisons of Damon and conventional brackets
Q95660496Trending topics in orthodontics research during the last three decades: a longitudinal bibliometric study on the top-cited articles
Q41628393Triamcinolone-induced alteration of the notochordal-basichondrocranial relationship in the rhesus monkey
Q71106981Trisomy 7 mosaicism and manifestations of Goldenhar syndrome with unilateral radial hypoplasia
Q71169409Trisomy 9 mosaicism: another etiology for the manifestations of Goldenhar syndrome
Q45178809Two gene products for beta-galactosidase are differentially expressed in the mouse salivary glands
Q84575611Two novel mutations in the gene EDAR causing autosomal recessive hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
Q74502940Types of corrosion in removable appliances: annotated cases and preventative measures
Q41934211Ultrasonographic visualization of the fetal eye.
Q51617513Ultrasonography, lateral cephalometry and 3D imaging of the human masseter muscle.
Q74568953Ultrastructural and histochemical changes and apoptosis of inner enamel epithelium in rat enamel-free area
Q42472297Ultrastructure of the epithelial-mesenchymal interface in the mouse tooth germ
Q40792417Understanding orthodontic treatment satisfaction from the patients' perspective: a qualitative approach.
Q41927901Unilateral cleft lip in a boy with Angelman syndrome.
Q36494757Unilateral clefts: a new defect of the rat secondary palate
Q40658256Unusual cranial aspects of the Apert syndrome.
Q48198479Upper airway changes in Pierre Robin sequence from childhood to adulthood
Q34135622Upper molar distalization: a critical analysis
Q78474851Upper removable appliance or Jones Jig for distalizing first molars? A randomized clinical trial
Q31146572Upregulation of immunoreactivity of endothelin-1 and alpha-SMA in PDL microvasculature following acute tooth loading: an immunohistochemical study in the marmoset
Q39668829Using three‐dimensional imaging to assess treatment outcomes in orthodontics: a progress report from the University of the Pacific
Q36413248Utilizing three-dimensional data in orthodontic practice and research
Q39668836Validation of Align Technology's Treat IIITM digital model superimposition tool and its case application
Q47331436Validity of the American Board of Orthodontics Discrepancy Index and the Peer Assessment Rating Index for comprehensive evaluation of malocclusion severity.
Q52875573Variance of occlusion traits in twins.
Q54571492Velo-cardio-facial syndrome: language and psychological profiles.
Q53790588Velopharyngeal variations in relatives of cleft-affected individuals
Q91349523Vertical growth in mono-and dizygotic twins: A longitudinal cephalometric cohort study
Q52144141Vertical regulation of En-2 expression and eye development by FGFs and BMPs
Q33194768Video reconstructions in dentistry
Q51705220Viscoelastic response of the midpalatal suture during maxillary expansion treatment
Q38312553Viscoelastic shear properties of porcine temporomandibular joint disc
Q35534293Visible red and infrared light alters gene expression in human marrow stromal fibroblast cells
Q47828363Visual pathway‐related horizontal reference plane for three‐dimensional craniofacial analysis
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Q63407740WNT10A mutation results in severe tooth agenesis in a family of three sisters
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