Journal of Modern Italian Studies


Journal of Modern Italian Studies is …
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P6981ACNP journal ID1029985
P8375Crossref journal ID4531
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P495country of originUnited KingdomQ145
P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level2
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
Arts and Humanities Citation IndexQ713927
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P123publisherTaylor & FrancisQ880582
P1476titleJournal of Modern Italian Studies

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described by source (P1343)
Q505206Camillo Ruini

published in (P1433)
Q58516597'A question of loyalty': mussolinismo and the collapse of the Italian Fascist regime in 1943
Q58343875'Criminali o discriminati?': crime, immigrants, police
Q58348111'Liberty and truth' or 'the sovereignty of reason': Carlo Cattaneo and the place of politics in the modern world
Q58354661150 years of the Italian economy, 1861–2010
Q576824211861–2011. The celebrations in Italy and in the international context
Q1266275271869: il Risorgimento alla deriva. Affari e politica nel caso Lobbia
Q5767981525 April 1994 – 17 March 2011: symbolic dates of the past and Italy's transition
Q121841746Italy and the US. Cultural change through language and narrative
Q58603863A British Fascist in the Second World War: The Italian War Diary of James Strachey Barnes, 1943–45
Q58510886A Christian democratization of politics? The new influence of Catholicism on Italian politics since the demise of the Democrazia Cristiana
Q57684461A Cinema of Poetry: Aesthetics of the Italian Art Film
Q58531592A Conflicted Nation. Storia dell’Italia nella Guerra Fredda (1943–1978)
Q58344646A Crocean critique of Gramsci on historicism, hegemony and intellectuals
Q58510854A Great Conspiracy against Our Race: Italian Immigrant Newspapers and the Construction of Whiteness in the Early Twentieth Century
Q58551949A History of Italy
Q58533406A Multitude of Women: The Challenges of the Contemporary Italian Novel
Q58603913A Political History of National Citizenship and Identity in Italy, 1861–1950
Q58577520A Round Table discussion ofThe Risorgimento Revisited. Nationalism and Culture in Nineteenth Century Italy(edited by Silvana Patriarca and Lucy Riall)
Q58533331A Tale of Two Parties: Forza Italia and the Left Democrats
Q58552184A Total Science. Statistics in Liberal and Fascist Italy
Q126666372A Translation of Luigi Paolucci’s On Birdsong. Phenomenology, Animal Psychology and Biology
Q58556084A bigger Settecento Italiano: wider vistas and open terrain
Q58599717A bridge in times of confrontation: Italy and Russia in the context of EU and NATO enlargements
Q58570288A changing Sicily: homage to Jane and Peter Schneider
Q58507599A colpi di cuore. Storie del sessantotto
Q58357075A community out of balance: nationality law and migration politics in the history of post-unification Italy
Q58510788A companion to early modern Naples
Q58510812A female war correspondent on the Italian front, 1915–17: the Austrian travel journalist and photographer Alice Schalek
Q58520475A forgotten generation: Italian cultural migration to the Americas (1930–45)
Q58577359A fragile political sphere
Q58531544A generational attitude: young adults facing the economic crisis in Milan
Q127969420A history of modern Italy. Transformation and continuity, 1796 to the present
Q127970161A legal theory for the nation state. Pasquale Stanislao Mancini, Hegelianism and Piedmontese liberalism after 1848
Q47593251A matter of fact rather than principle: women, work and property in papal Rome (eighteenth-nineteenth centuries)
Q58577540A morte il tiranno. Anarchia e violenza da Crispi a Mussolini
Q58557234A neglected chapter in Italy's transition from Fascism to the Republic: The Kingdom of the South (1943–1944)
Q58516623A neo-rationalist tendency in the field of the literary intellectual in 1970s Italy: Vittorini, Sciascia, Ginzburg
Q58563397A new era and new themes in Italian politics: The case of Padania
Q58552247A note on freedom of the press in Restoration France
Q58343253A occhi aperti: Letteratura dell’emigrazione e mito Americano
Q58510930A path towards Fascism: nationalism and large-scale industry in Italy (1910–1923)
Q56675086A peculiar pluralism
Q58347690A queen without a sceptre: public opinion and the political-constitutional debate in Italy in the first fifty years of national unification
Q128726876A short environmental history of Italy: variety and vulnerability
Q58340963A wolf in sheep's clothing? Italy's policies toward international organizations
Q128716893Accidental Orientalists: Modern Italian Travellers in Ottoman Lands
Q58507563Acqua minerale di Sangemini: the Italian mineral water industry finds a place at the table
Q58570374Adriano Celentano and the origins of rock and roll in Italy
Q58592759After Mussolini: Jewish Life and Jewish Memories in Post-Fascist Italy
Q126856669After difference. Queer activism in Italy and anthropological theory, by Paolo Heywood
Q58356567Against realism: on a ‘certain tendency’ in Italian film criticism
Q128731039Alessandro Torlonia: the Pope’s banker
Q58357200All'ombra di Murat Studi e ricerche sul Decennio francese
Q58551988Allegory, applicability or alibi? Historicizing intolerance in Ettore Scola'sConcorrenza sleale
Q58556168Allied escapers and thecontadiniin occupied Italy (1943 – 5) 1
Q58533385Amalia's Tale: An Impoverished Peasant Woman, an Ambitious Attorney, and a Fight for Justice
Q58343839Americanization and the judicialization of Italian politics
Q58357123Americans in Tuscany: Charity, Compassion and Belonging
Q58347369An Italian public sphere?
Q58510907An Unlikely Union: The Love-Hate Story of New York’s Irish and Italians
Q58350749An announcement from the Editorial Board
Q58520431An historical turning point: Italy's relations with China before and after 8 September 1943
Q58533298Ancestors, castles, tradition: the German and Italian nobility and the discovery of the Middle Ages in the nineteenth century
Q58507629Ancient Shore. Dispatches from Naples
Q57682052Anna Maria Ortese: Celestial geographies
Q58577474Answering Auschwitz: Primo Levi's Science and Humanism after the Fall
Q58552334Answering Auschwitz: Primo Levi's Science and Humanism after the Fall
Q57677854Antifascism, anticommunism, antipolitics: delegitimation in Berlusconi’s Italy
Q126328436Antipartito. Opposition to the political class and the party system in 1970’s Italy
Q58603867Antonio Maccanico: Con Pertini al Quirinale. Diari 1978–1985
Q57682458Architecture of Resignation: Photographs from the Mezzogiorno,
Q58510793Architettura di una chimera: rivoluzione e complotti in una lettera dell’anarchico Malatesta reinterpretata alla luce di inediti documenti d’archivio
Q58533647Arduous Tasks: Primo Levi, Translation and the Transmission of Holocaust Testimony
Q58510828Aretusa: continuity, rupture and space for intervention (1944–46)
Q58603778Arguing for a worldwide perspective: Italy and the reform of the international monetary system between transatlantic cooperation and European integration (1971–73)
Q58556181Armed and unarmed: struggles without weapons in Europe and in Italy
Q57474306Arrivano gli Alleati! Amori e violenze nell'Italia liberata
Q58353038Art for a new audience in the Risorgimento: a meditation
Q58507664Assassinations and Murder in Modern Italy: Transformations in Society and Culture
Q58353645Avant-garde modernism and Italian Fascism: cultural politics in the era of Mussolini
Q58520358Back to the future. The visual propaganda of Alleanza Nazionale (1994–2009)
Q58552042Becoming Neapolitan: Citizen Culture in Baroque Naples
Q58358425Becoming a camorrista : criminal culture and life choices in Naples
Q58346932Becoming imperialist: Italian colonies in Fascist textbooks for primary schools
Q58533358Behind the Cold War: rethinking the left, the state and civil society in Italy (1940s-1970s)
Q58501451Belittled America
Q58501468Belonging without believing: Catholics in contemporary Italy
Q58577418Benedetta and the creation of ‘Second Futurism’
Q126856556Benedetto Croce and the birth of the Italian Republic 1943–1952, by Fabio Fernando Rizi
Q58510926Beppe Grillo’s Five Star Movement: Organisation, Communication and Ideology
Q58508338Berlusconi and Other Matters: the Era of ‘Football-Politics’
Q58533323Berlusconi, strong government and the Italian state
Q127970743Bertrando Spaventa tra unificazione nazionale e filosofia europea
Q58533495Between Kafka andcarnevale: an introduction to the immigrant condition in Italy
Q58531657Between containment, confinement and dispersal: the evolution of the Italian reception system before and after the ‘refugee crisis’
Q58521917Between myth and reality: the euro crisis and the downfall of Silvio Berlusconi
Q58570407Between subversion and coup d'etat: military power and politics after the Great War (1919 – 1922)
Q58584717Beyond honor: a new approach to the many sides of shame
Q58599712Beyond the three circles: Italy and the rest of the world
Q58533397Birth and Death of the Housewife
Q57677779Blurred images: Indro Montanelli’s anti-politics
Q58533546Bodies, boundaries and desires: multiple subject-positions and micro-politics of modernity among young Muslim women in Milan
Q58570382Brief reflections on the journal Italianists keep
Q58531570Briefly remembering Rosario Villari (1925–2017)
Q58355016Britain, Ireland and the Italian risorgimento
Q58520414British Imperialism, French charity and the changing behaviour of Italian Franciscan missionaries in Shanxi Province, 1800–1850
Q58577403Brutal Vision: The Neorealist Body in Postwar Italian Cinema
Q58603881Building Transatlantic Italy: Architectural Dialogues with Postwar America
Q57682463By the Breath of Their Mouth: Narratives of Resistance in Italian America / Anti-Italianism: Essays on a Prejudice
Q58552354Capitalism, from Venice to the myth of the free market
Q58350149Carlo Levi's Visual Poetics: The Painter as Writer
Q58552037Carlo Rosselli, ‘Giustizia e Libertà’ and the enigma of justice
Q57684465Case del fascio and the Making of Modern Italy
Q58344753Catholic students at war: the Federazione Universitaria Cattolica Italiana, 1940–43
Q58510797Catholic women’s movements in liberal and fascist Italy
Q58584645Catholics and politics after the Christian Democrats: the influential minority
Q58592746Cattolici e fascisti. La Santa Sede e la politica italiana all'alba del regime (1919–1925)
Q58577291Cavour, l'Italia e l'Europa
Q58501461Challenging cultural categories: The transformation of the Venice Biennale under Fascism
Q127971169Challenging intellectual hierarchies. Hegel in Risorgimento political thought: an introduction
Q57682086Changes and turning points in welfare history. A case study: a comparison of France and Italy in the 1940s
Q58533538Children's social relationships in the Northern Italian school context: evidence for the immigrant paradox
Q57677702Chinese migrants, morality and film ethics in Italian cinema
Q58507540Church and state in the Italian crisis
Q58592660Church and state. Two different approaches to Italy: Pius IX's confrontation versus Pius XII's conciliation
Q58533347Church-state relations in colonial Eritrea : missionaries and the development of colonial strategies (1869–1911)
Q58501464Cinema and the city. Milan and Luchino Visconti'sRocco and his Brothers(1960)
Q58592823Citizen Emperor. Napoleon in Power
Q58533499Citizenship and multiple belonging. Representations of inclusion, identification and participation among children of immigrants in Italy
Q58520435Cittadini senza nazione: migranti francesi a Napoli, 1793–1860
Q58350089City and language in the thought of Carlo Cattaneo
Q58531600City making and global labor regimes: Chinese immigrants and Italy’s fast fashion industry
Q58577354Civil society in contemporary Italy: theory, history and practice
Q58552048Civilization and Self-Government: The Political Thought of Carlo Cattaneo
Q57684475Collision of Empires: Italy’s Invasion of Ethiopia and its International Impact
Q58541607Colonial rule, colonial repression and war crimes in the Italian colonies
Q58521874Combined Bibliograhy
Q57682479Commemorating the Holocaust: The Dilemmas of Remembrance in France and Italy
Q129877112Commemorating the work of Percy Allum, Paul Ginsborg, Gianni Toniolo and Stuart Woolf
Q58352052Commensurable language and incommensurable claims among the Greek linguistic minority of Southern Italy
Q58352881Comments on the paper by Andrea Colli
Q58344962Comments on the paper by Emanuele Felice
Q58340475Comments on the paper by Giandomenico Piluso
Q58353267Comments on the paper by Michelangelo Vasta
Q58520295Comments on the paper by Patrizia Battilani
Q57474278Comments on the paper by Pier Angelo Toninelli
Q58346575Comunismo e socialismo: Storia di un’idea
Q58603828Comunità omosessuali. Le scienze sociali sulla popolazione LGBT
Q58533508Conference Report: ‘Pius XI and America’, Brown University, 29–30 October 2010
Q58533651Conflicts of Memory: The Reception of Holocaust Films and TV Programmes in Italy, 1945 to the Present
Q58584721Conservation, development and self-commodification: doing ethnography in the Italian Alps
Q58603786Conspiracy theories in Republican Italy: the Pellegrino Report to the Parliamentary Commission on Terrorism
Q58603939Constitutional change: an explanation
Q58350904Constructing a national identity from a created literary past: Giosuè Carducci and the development of a national literature
Q58516613Constructing an intellectual identity: autobiography and biography in eighteenth-century Naples
Q57682524Construction of crime and the criminal: pathologies of the Italian legal system
Q58533354Containing containment: rethinking Italy's experience during the Cold War
Q58520345Contemporary Italian Women Writers and Traces of the Fantastic: The Creation of Literary Space
Q58592771Contro scettici e disfattisti. Gli anni di Ciampi, 1992–2006
Q57474310Cooperative modulations: the antimafia movement and struggles over land and cooperativism in eight Sicilian municipalities
Q57682496Corporate governance and the financial crisis in Italy
Q58577481Corporeal Bonds: The Daughter-Mother Relationship in Twentieth-Century Italian Women's Writing
Q58346070Corsica fatal, Malta baluardo di romanita’. L’irredentismo fascista nel mare nostrum (1922–1942)
Q58531596Criminal law in liberal and fascist Italy
Q58556098Cultural capitals and cosmopolitanism in eighteenth-century Italy: the historiography and Italy on the Grand Tour
Q58533343Culture and imperialism in a ‘backward’ nation? The Prima Guerra d‘Africa (1885-96) in Italian primary schools
Q58533489Culture nazionali e narrazioni straniere. Italia: 1903–1943
Q58603943Cyclical downturn or structural disease? The decline of the Italian economy in the last twenty years
Q58592829Dalla patria allo Stato: Bertrando Spaventa, una biografia intellettuale
Q58577400Darkness Before Daybreak: African Migrants Living on the Margins in Southern Italy Today
Q58533441Dear John, where is the world we lost?
Q57474327Debunking the cliché of Italian military cowardice: the Italian military internees and Guareschi
Q58570266Defining a field, describing a world: Jane and Peter Schneider and the study of modern Italy
Q58521842Delegitimation and anticommunism in Italian neofascism
Q57474329Delegitimation provided by the constitutional pact in the First Republic
Q126321211Democratic Italy in the ‘Seventies
Q58507668Differences, Deceits and Desires: Murder and Mayhem in Italian Crime Fiction
Q58592716DirectingTerramatta;. An interview with Costanza Quatriglio
Q57682118Dittature Mediterranee: Sovversioni fasciste e colpi di Stato in Italia, Spagna e Portogallo
Q58592902Divergenze parallele. Comunismo e anticomunismo alle origini del linguaggio politico dell'Italia repubblicana (1945–1953)
Q58545139Doing Italian history: Pleasure and politics
Q58570281Domestic work, family life, and immigration in Sicily
Q58339836Donne e uomini migranti: storie e geografie tra breve e lunga distanza
Q58533566Drawn and Dangerous: Italian Comics of the 1970s and 1980s
Q58577515Duelling after the Duce: postwar conflicts of honour in Italy
Q58599824Duties and rights in the thought of Giuseppe Mazzini
Q58520302Dwarf giants, giant dwarfs. Reflections about the Italian ‘industrial demography’ at the beginning of the new millennium
Q58592855EP Vol. 1: The Italian Avant-Garde: 1968–1978
Q58510904Eccentricity and Sameness. Discourses on Lesbianism and Desire between Women in Italy, 1860s–1930s
Q58524504Economic autonomy and male authority: female merchants in modern Italy
Q128491404Economic fears of mass migration from southern Italy in early twentieth century America
Q58341097Elena Aga-Rossi and Victor Zaslavsky (2007) Togliatti e Stalin. Il PCI e la politica estera staliniana negli archivi di Mosca
Q58599740Elite migrations in modern Italy: patterns of settlement, integration and identity negotiation
Q58356965Elsa Morante’s politics of writing. Rethinking subjectivity, history, and the power of art
Q57474272Emigrant Nation: The Making of Italy Abroad
Q57474290Empowerment of young migrants in Italy through nonformal education: putting equality into practice
Q58577364Emptypiazze. The waning of urban civism in Italian politics
Q58520314Energy and the puzzle of Italy's economic growth
Q58351791Enlightenment and reform: an overview of culture and politics in Enlightenment Italy
Q58577286Enrico Sappia: Cospiratore e agente segreto di Mazzini
Q57669394Enrique Díaz Retg and El Diluvio: reportage from the Italian frontline (1916)
Q58552350Entering the Frame: Cinema and History in the Films of Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi
Q58533615Eppur non si muove?Prospects for constitutional reforms in Italy after the 2009 European and 2010 regional elections
Q58342995Eugenio Colorni, dall'antifascismo all'europeismo socialista e federalista
Q57682473Everyday Life in Fascist Venice, 1929–1940
Q58533503Everyday practised citizenship and the challenges of representation: second-generation associations in Bologna
Q47647164Evolution and epidemiology of induced abortion in Italy.
Q58551972Explaining standing order reforms in theCamera dei Deputatiduring the liberal age
Q58533531Explaining the gap in educational achievement between second-generation immigrants and natives: the Italian case
Q57430682Extravagance and three other plays
Q57474302Extreme right parties in Western Europe: the case of the Italian Northern League
Q58510950Fabio Luca Cavazza, the New Frontier and the opening to the left in Italy
Q58521829Families, lovers, and their letters: Italian Postwar Migration to Canada
Q58599781Family politics: political rhetoric and the transformation of family life in the Italian Second Republic
Q58577350Fare gli ebrei italiani. Autorappresentazioni di una minoranza (1861–1918)
Q58592764Fascism and the Jews: Italy and Britain
Q58521900Fascism, Aviation and Mythical Modernity
Q58575652Fascist Italy and German Jews in south‐eastern France in July 1943
Q58603790Fascist Italy and the Middle East, 1933–40
Q58354889Fascist food politics: Mussolini’s policy of alimentary sovereignty
Q57684377Fashioning the Italian nation: Risorgimento and itscostumeall'italiana
Q57682128Fault Lines: Earthquakes and Urbanism in Modern Italy
Q57682444Female Sexual Inversion, Same-Sex Desires in Italy and British Sexology, c. 1870–1920
Q57474322Fictions of Appetite. Alimentary Discourses in Italian Modernist Literature
Q57682056Fictions of Youth: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Adolescence, Fascism
Q58501420Fifty years on: Resistance then, Resistance now
Q58510942Fighting for Trieste: nationalism and political violence at the edge of the Iron Curtain
Q57474270Fighting the Risorgimento: foreign volunteers in southern Italy (1860–63)
Q58541573Filippo Mazzonis and Italy’s monarchy
Q58351669Filippo Tommaso Marinetti: the Futurist as Fascist, 1929–37
Q58344251Filippo Tommaso Marinetti: the artist and his politics
Q58577315Filosofia di Berlusconi: L'essere e il nulla nell'Italia del Cavaliere
Q58533554Final remarks: Italy, dreams of a monochrome society?
Q58531574Financial policies in the Papal States, 1790s–1848: a comparative study of Napoleonic Europe
Q126328406For a criticism of the sexual revolution: from the liberation of mores to pornocracy (1968–1975)
Q57677612For a ‘normal government’ of the colony: Antonio Gandolfi and the first administration of Eritrea (1890–1892)
Q58533414Forced residence in liberal Italy: a pre-history, 1815–65
Q58346075Foreign Jews in the western Alps (1938 – 43)
Q127521718Foreign immigration to Italy: crisis and the transformation of flows
Q58577536Forza senza legittimità. Il vicolo cieco dei partiti
Q58357742Francesco Crispi, the problem of the monarchy, and the origins of Italian nationalism
Q58563342Francesco Crispi, ‘political education’ and the problem of Italian national consciousness, 1860–1896
Q58556115Franco Venturi's ‘crisis’ of the Old Regime
Q58552240Freedom of the press, public opinion and liberalism in the Risorgimento
Q58352016French businessmen in the nineteenth-century Mezzogiorno: technical innovation, sociability, networks and negotiation of identities
Q57474266French volunteers in Italy, 1848–49: a collective incarnation of the fraternity of the peoples and of the tradition of French military engagement in Italy and Europe
Q58533513Freud and Italian Culture
Q58352547From Alpine clubs to Baggio and Berlusconi: Italy reflected through sport
Q58599764From Central Europe to the northern Adriatic: Habsburg citizens between Italians and Croats in Istria
Q58603841From Universalism to Nationalism: Italian Freemasonry and the Great War
Q58570275From Villamaura to Palermo: two songs of the Mafia
Q127968308From clans to co-ops. Confiscated Mafia land in Sicily
Q58531668From crisis to creative critique: the early twenty-first century Mediterranean crossing on stage and screen in works by Teatro delle Albe and Andrea Segre
Q58521847From enemy to opponent: the politics of delegitimation in the Italian Christian Democratic Party (1945–1992)
Q58531635From exchange to voice. Voting in southern Italy
Q58521851From political enemy to profane reality: the ‘friend–enemy’ relation in the political ideology of Italian communists
Q58533336From the 'Republic of Parties' to a 'Fatherland for Italians': the Italian Political System in Search of a New Principle of Legitimation
Q57684500From the bottom of the bottle: justice, prison and social control in the Italian transition
Q58347109From the republic of antifascists to the republic ofparties
Q58520310From the universal bank to the universal bank: a reappraisal
Q58592712FromFontanazzatoTerra matta
Q58510831FromRisorgimentotoIl Politecnico:impegnoand intellectual networks in the Einaudi publishing house, 1945
Q57682468FromTerra mattatoTerramatta; and beyond
Q58533517Futurism and the Technological Imagination
Q58510816Futurism from foundation to world war: the art and politics of an avant-garde movement
Q58341399Gaetano Salvemini, Lettere americane 1927–1949
Q58520483Gaetano Salvemini: antifascism in thought and action
Q58351638Garibaldi and Mazzini: thought and action
Q58352406Garibaldi and parliamentary democracy
Q58520440Garibaldi. Orizzonti mediterranei
Q58599851Garibaldi: a hero and his making
Q58575596Gender trouble: Women and the making of Italy's ‘active population’, 1861‐1936
Q58341082Gender, Narrative and Dissonance in the Modern Italian Novel
Q55980114General Roatta's war against the partisans in Yugoslavia: 1942
Q58577297Generazioni intellettuali. Storia sociale degli allievi della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa nel Novecento (1918–1946)
Q58577501Geographical imaginations, public education and the everyday worlds of Fascist Italy
Q58592699George L. Mosse, l'Italia e gli storici
Q58510862George L. Mosse’s Italy. Interpretation, Reception, and Intellectual Heritage
Q57474268German volunteers in the armed conflicts of the Italian Risorgimento 1834–70
Q57682108Giganti petroliferi e grandi consumatori. Gli Stati Uniti, la Gran Bretagna e la rivoluzione petrolifera (1968–1974)
Q58347797Giorgio de Chirico and the Metaphysical City: Nietzsche, Modernism, Paris
Q58533427Giornali di donne in Toscana: un catalogo, molte storie (1770–1945)
Q58516593Giovanni Giolitti: a pessimist as modernizer
Q57474276Giudicare e punire, I processi per crimini di Guerra tra diritto e politica
Q58520470Giuliano Procacci and nationalism
Q58510805Giuseppe Antonio Borgese and Italian propaganda abroad
Q58592848Giuseppe Dossetti: L'avventura politica di un riformatore cristiano
Q58352000Gli Alleati e la Resistenza italiana
Q58344342Gli italiani e l'italiano nell'America del Nord
Q58584654Globalization, European integration and regulatory reform in Italy: liberalism, protectionism or reconstruction?
Q55883705Governing the Italian economy: a comparative perspective
Q58533471Gramsci in India: homage to a teacher
Q58533445Gramsci studies since 1989
Q58533453Gramsci's bibliographies
Q58533467Gramsci's concept of common sense: a useful concept for anthropologists?
Q58533462Gramsci's place in women's history
Q58577396Guerra alle donne. Partigiane, vittime di stupro, ‘amanti del nemico’, 1940–45
Q58531587Guerra civile: experience, memory and contrasting histories of the Resistance in Italy
Q58343386Habeas corpus. Sei genealogie del corpo occidentale
Q58556111Habsburg Italy in the age of reform
Q58516601Has Italy rejected the referendum path to change? The failed referenda of May 2000
Q57682071Historical Essay on the Neapolitan Revolution of 1799
Q58577413Historiographical perspectives on 1940s Futurism
Q58516660History as it really wasn't: the myths of Italian historiography
Q57474305History of the Mafia
Q57669568Honor and crisis: the chivalric assumptions of Italian intervention in 1915?
Q58563313Hope and despair: ‘Deviant’ immigrants in Italy
Q58351931How elections are fought in Ascoli: kinship, politics, history and culture
Q58577251How political were Verdi's operas? Metaphors of progress in the reception ofI Lombardi alla prima crociata
Q58508284How to lose a mayor: the case of Bologna
Q58510982I Macchiaioli, le collezioni svelate, Rome, Chiostro del Bramante 16 March – 4 September 2016
Q58584659I Quindici Giorni di Scanzano: identity and social protest in the New South
Q58552108I giovani raccontano gli anziani. Il contributo del VideoConcorso Francesco Pasinetti alla riflessione su invecchiamento, dialogo intergenerazionale e trasmissione culturale in Italia
Q58552178I piccoli cospiratori. Politica ed emozioni nei primi mazziniani
Q58341255Icons and iconoclasm: Roberto Saviano's Gomorrah and La Denuncia
Q58507548Identity, place and culture: Patrick McCarthy's columns in the Bologna pages of La Repubblica
Q58507571Ideology, clientelism and the ‘fascistization’ of the Italian state: fascists in the Interior Ministry police
Q58508289Ignazio Silone and the Fascist political police
Q58507593Il Borgo e la borgata. I ragazzi di don Bosco e l'altra Roma del dopoguerra
Q58521833Il Colore della Nazione
Q58552156Il Coltello e il mercato, La Camorra prima e dopo l'unità d'Italia; Alleanza nell'ombra, mafie ed economie locali in Sicilia e nel Mezzogiorno
Q58577309Il Giro d'Italia e la società italiana
Q58342993Il Papa non deve parlare: chiesa, fascismo e guerra d'Etiopia
Q58577451Il Regno delle due Sicilie e le potenze europee 1830–1861
Q126856960Il Vangelo Socialista. Rinnovare la cultura del socialismo italiano, by Bettino Craxi, Virgilio Dagnino and Luciano Pellicani
Q58592677Il berlsuconismo nella storia d'Italia
Q58339976Il cattivo tedesco e il bravo italiano. La rimozione delle colpe nella seconda guerra mondiale
Q57682510Il codice della Rivoluzione. L'introduzione del nuovo diritto nell' Europa napoleonica
Q58352192Il commissario distrettuale nel Veneto asburgico: un funzionario dell'Impero tra mediazione politica e controllo sociale (1819–1848)
Q57684446Il concilio in diretta: Il Vaticano II e la televisione tra informazione e partecipazione
Q58533380Il fantasma della libertà. Figure dello stato e forme del potere fra Sette e Novecento
Q58348822Il fascismo degli italiani. Una storia sociale
Q58521855Il martire necessario: Guerra e sacrificio nell’Italia contemporanea
Q58343931Il melodramma della nazione: Politica e sentimenti nell’età del Risorgimento
Q58533393Il mito della democrazia sociale. Giovanni Gronchi e la cultura politica dei cattolici italiani (1902–1955)
Q58510866Il nemico fidato. La guerra di sterminio in URSS e l’occupazione alpina sull’Alto Don
Q58520452Il primo De Gasperi. La formazione di un leader politico
Q58344125Il professorino. Giuseppe Dossetti tra la crisi del fascismo e la costruzione della democrazia, 1940–1948
Q58353915Il progetto della bellezza. Il design fra arte e tecnica dal 1851 a oggi
Q57474275Il secolo delle donne. L'Italia del Novecento al femminile
Q58603838Immigrants Turned Activists: Italians in 1970s Melbourne
Q58541595Immigrants in a segmented and often undeclared labour market
Q58501480Immigration and crime in contemporary Italy
Q58533311Imperial nostalgia: mythologizing Habsburg Trieste
Q58510946Imported memories: the Italian audience and the reception of American movies about the Second World War
Q58520461In Gold We Trust. Social Capital and Economic Change in the Italian Jewelry Towns
Q58584703In pursuit of ‘green gold’: immigration and the fortunes of a Sicilian greenhouse district
Q57474280In search of Alcide De Gasperi: innovations in Italian scholarship since 2003
Q58344425In search of normality, the political strategy of Massimo D'Alema
Q58348629In the Name of Italy: Nation, Family, and Patriotism in a Fascist Court
Q58577545In the Society of Fascists: Acclamation, Acquiescence, and Agency in Mussolini's Italy
Q58507544In the footsteps of George Orwell: Patrick McCarthy as Italian correspondent for Tribune, 1978–1980
Q128491188In the shadow of Franz Boas: the Italian Committee for the Study of Population Problems and the physical assimilation of immigrants (1938–1955)
Q58520427In the shadow of Marco Polo: writing about China in fascist Italy
Q57682153Indispensable immigrants: the wine porters of northern Italy and their saint, 1200–1800
Q58521926Insurgents against Brussels: Euroscepticism and the right-wing populist turn of the Lega Nord since 2013
Q58533527Integrazione internazionale e sviluppo interno. Stati uniti e Italia nei programmi di riarmo del blocco atlantico, 1945–1955
Q58520443Intellettuali ed economisti di fronte alla Prima Guerra Mondiale
Q58603774Interpreting foreign institutions. How the Italian academic culture dealt with the French Fifth Republic, 1958–1998
Q58510962Interventiste nella grande guerra: assistenza, propaganda, lotta per i diritti a Milano e in Italia (1911–1919)
Q58592808Interview with Romano Prodi
Q58603810Interview with Romano Prodi
Q58552198Intimacy and Italian Migration: Gender and Domestic Lives in a Mobile World
Q58531535Introducing the need to study young people in contemporary Italy
Q57474263Introduction - From philosophes to pundits: Italian intellectuals and politics from Vico to Eco
Q58533593Introduction Anti-Gypsyism and the politics of exclusion: Roma and Sinti in contemporary Italy
Q58531652Introduction: Italy and the Euro–Mediterranean ‘migrant crisis’: national reception, lived experiences, E.U. pressures
Q58577409Introduction: Reconsidering Futurism
Q58531611Introduction: not a normal election: roots and consequences
Q58592883Is history the strongest weapon? Corsica in the Fascistmare nostrum
Q57678584Istrasformismoa useful category for analysing modern Italian politics?
Q58510990Italia a colori. Storia delle passioni politiche dalla caduta del fascismo ad oggi
Q58351941Italia barbara: Italian primitives from Piero to Pasolini
Q58532462Italian Colonialism: Historical Perspectives Introduction
Q58531555Italian Fascism’s empire cinema
Q58533639Italian Folk: Vernacular Culture in Italian-American Lives
Q58552298Italian Immigrant Radical Culture: The Idealism of the Sovversivi in the United States, 1890–1940
Q57474288Italian National Identity in the Scramble for Africa: Italy's African Wars in the Era of Nation-building
Q57474282Italian Neorealist Cinema
Q58552172Italian Opera in the Age of the American Revolution
Q57682487Italian Politics 2010. Much Ado about Nothing?
Q58577566Italian Post-Neorealist Cinema
Q58521904Italian Psychology and Jewish Emigration under Fascism: From Florence to Jerusalem and New York
Q58533315Italian Security Policy after the Cold War
Q58592751Italian Silent Cinema. A Reader
Q57437880Italian Vices: Nation and Character from the Risorgimento to the Republic
Q57474320Italian Women Filmmakers and the Gendered Screen
Q58510875Italian Women Writers, 1800–2000. Boundaries, Borders, and Transgression
Q58358385Italian Women and International Cold War Politics, 1944–1968
Q58570415Italian bipolarism and the elections of 2006. End of the line or just a connecting stop?
Q58531630Italian candidates under the Rosato mixed electoral system. In search of personal votes in the plurality tier?
Q57669571Italian emigration policy during the Great Migration Age, 1888–1919: the interaction of emigration and foreign policy
Q58520318Italian export capacity in the long-term perspective (1861–2009): a tortuous path to stay in place
Q57474279Italian fascism: organization, enthusiasm, opinion
Q57474314Italian fashion: yesterday, today and tomorrow
Q58507536Italian foreign policy after the end of the Cold War
Q58575583Italian history and gli italiani nel mondo, Part II
Q58563328Italian history and gli italiani nel mondo, part I
Q58541589Italian immigration: the origins, nature and evolution of Italy’s migratory systems
Q58520423Italian land auctions in Tianjin: Italian colonialism in early twentieth-century China
Q57682158Italian modernities: competing narratives of nationhood
Q58552150Italian operatic fantasies in Latin America
Q58584671Italian politics: no improvement in sight
Q58570308Italian reactions to the racial laws of 1938 as seen through the classified files of the Ministry of Popular Culture
Q128023845Italian receptions of Hegel: Epilogue
Q58575643Italian religious historiography in the 1990s
Q58510899Italian sexualities uncovered, 1789–1914
Q58531559Italian style: fashion and film from early cinema to the digital age
Q57682506Italian universities, Fascism and the promotion of corporative studies
Q57682082Italian welfare as seen from the standpoint of the International Labour Organization (1944–68)
Q57684491Italiani in Ghana. Storia e antropologia di una migrazione (1900–1946)
Q57474289Italiani nuovi o nuova Italia? Citizenship and attitudes towards the second generation in contemporary Italy
Q57678628Italianness during Fascism: the case ofIl Selvaggio
Q58570366Italians and music. Financescape, ideoscape and mediascape
Q58521921Italians at war: war and experience in Fascist Italy
Q57684479Italo Svevo and his Legacy for the Third Millennium - Volume I: Philology and Interpretation
Q58603890Italo Svevo and his Legacy for the Third Millennium. Volume II: Contexts and Influences
Q58603851Italofilia: Opinione Pubblica Britannica e Risorgimento Italiano 1847–1864
Q58348990Italy 1990–2014: the transition that never happened
Q58592777Italy Today. The Sick Man of Europe
Q58599723Italy and Africa: how to forget colonialism
Q58556069Italy and America: politics and culture: Americanization of Italian politics?
Q57682542Italy and Yugoslavia: from distrust to friendship in Cold War Europe
Q58592800Italy and the European crisis: panel discussion
Q58603872Italy and the Mediterranean: Words, Sounds, and Images of the Post-Cold War Era
Q127969897Italy and the environmental humanities: Landscapes, natures, ecologies
Q58599728Italy and the south of the world: still a laggard in international development?
Q58351671Italy in Australia’s musical landscape
Q58349761Italy in European and world politics: new approaches
Q58533631Italy in the Age of Pinocchio: Children and Danger in the Liberal Era
Q58599776Italy inChiaroscuro: the dark shadows of modern Italian society
Q57682413Italy on the 150th anniversary of national unity
Q58521866Italy says no: the 2016 constitutional referendum and its consequences
Q58357902Italy's foreign policy toward China: missed opportunities and new chances
Q58599785Italy's path to federalism. Origins and paradoxes
Q58603925Italy's political system since 1989
Q58346691Italy's third fall
Q58603933Italy's unfinished transition: between domestic dynamics and international change
Q58563390Italy: A new language for a new politics?
Q58516655Italy: the idea and the reality of the nation
Q127609150Italy’s Southern Question: long-standing thorny issues and current problems
Q58533302Jewish experiences in the Italian Risorgimento: political practice and national emotions of Florentine and Leghorn Jewry (1849-1860)
Q58533449John Cammett's writings on Antonio Gramsci and the PCI*
Q58516629John Rosselli (1927–2001)
Q58552094Journeys through Fascism: Italian Travel Writing between the Wars
Q58508317Journeys to Italian East Africa 1936–1941: narratives of settlement
Q58599751Judging foreigners. Conflict strategies, consular interventions and institutional changes in eighteenth-century Naples
Q58556129Keystone of the patriarchal family? Indissoluble marriage, masculinity and divorce in Liberal Italy
Q58343426L'Alternativa liberale: Malagodi e l'opposizione al centrosinistra
Q58341954L'Arsenale di Venezia. Storia di una grande struttura urbana
Q58342998L'Impero Fascista. Italia ed Etiopia (1935–1941)
Q58533389L'Italia e il confine orientale
Q58603823L'Italia giovane dall'Unità al fascismo
Q58533575L'Italia sospesa. La crisi degli anni settanta vista da Washington
Q58533585L'apostolo a brandelli. L'eredità di Mazzini tra Risorgimento e fascismo
Q57474307La Fiat di Marchionne. Da Torino a Detroit
Q58533522La Palestra del Littorio. L'Accademia della Farnesina: un esperimento di pedagogia totalitaria nell’Italia fascista
Q58577390La Repubblica sociale italiana a Desenzano: Giovanni Preziosi e l'Ispettorato generale per la razza
Q57474271La Sicilia dei Moncada. Le corti, l'arte e la cultura nei secoli XVI–XVII
Q57682148La citazione è sintomo d’amore: Cantautori italiani e memoria letteraria
Q58577321La consistenza della luce: il pensiero della natura da Goethe a Calvino
Q58348524La distanza del cielo: Leopardi e lo spazio dell'ispirazione
Q57474274La filosofia della rivoluzione Gramsci, la cultura e la guerra Europea
Q57682553La fine dell'uguaglianza
Q58521953La lotta armata a Genova dal gruppo 22 ottobre alle Brigate rosse
Q58552342La metalmeccanica torinese: continuità e trasformazione
Q58510912La politica dei colori: Emozioni e passioni nella storia d’Italia dal Risorgimento al ventennio fascista
Q58533475La politica del massacro: per un atlante delle stragi naziste in Toscana
Q126626867La preghiera e la grande guerra. Benedetto XV e la nazionalizzazione del culto in Italia
Q126856539La preghiera e la grande guerra. Benedetto XV e la nazionalizzazione del culto in Italia, by M. Paiano
Q58577238La presa di RomaandIl piccolo garibaldino: the Risorgimento and national identity in early Italian cinema
Q58510858La prova della razza: cultura giuridica e razzismo in Italia negli anni trenta
Q58533485La qualità della democrazia in Italia. Capitale sociale e politica
Q127521948La scoperta dell’Italia: Il fascismo raccontato dai corrispondenti americani
Q58592687La società volontaria e solidale. Il cantiere del welfare pubblico e privato
Q126856975La stoffa dell’Italia, Storia e cultura della moda dal 1945 a oggi, by Emanuela Scarpellini
Q58507646La svolta di Enea. Retorica ed esistenza in Giorgio Caproni (1932–1956)
Q58603919La transizione politica italiana. Da Tangentopoli a oggi
Q58577469La via fascista alla democrazia americana: Cultura e propaganda nelle comunità italo-americane
Q58577495Landscapes of Desire in the Poetry of Vittorio Sereni
Q58516646Language and politics in Italy: from Moro to Berlusconi
Q58521939Late nineteenth century Italy in Africa: the Livraghi affair and the waning of civilising aspirations
Q58533623Le Grand Tour revisité: pour une archéologie du tourisme: le voyage des Français en Italie, milieu XVIIIesiècle – début XIXesiècle
Q58520397Le biblioteche e gli archivi durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Il caso italiano
Q57677718Le donne nell'accademia italiana: Identità, potere e carriera
Q58507642Le guerre del novecento
Q58603846Le légitimisme en armes: histoire d’une mobilisation internationale contre l’unité italienne
Q58533589Le ragioni di un decennio. 1969–1979. Militanza, violenza, sconfitta, memoria
Q57474293Le reazioni interne ed internazionali al crollo del regime fascista in Italia. 25 luglio 1943
Q58340622Leaders, dreams and journeys: Italy's new political communication
Q58344849Learning from L'Aquila: grassroots mobilization in post-earthquake Emilia-Romagna
Q58510882Lega democratica and the making of Italy’s center-left
Q58521896Legacies of Violence: History, Society, and the State in Sardinia
Q57678796Legal hyper-invasiveness and anti-legal practices in contemporary Italy
Q57684420Legitimacy and Revolution in a Society of Masses: Max Weber, Antonio Gramsci, and the Fin-de-Siècle Debate on Social Order
Q58349269Leonardo Sciascia andThe Disappearance of Majorana
Q58556122Liberal decorum and men in conflict: Rome, 1871 – 90
Q58533362Liberalism in the Cold War: Norberto Bobbio and the dialogue with the PCI
Q58556525Liberation and literature: Naples 1944
Q58340274Libere sempre: Una ragazza della Resistenza a una ragazza di oggi
Q58524522Life Is Beautiful : four riddles, three answers
Q58552076Lionello Venturi, Roberto Longhi and the Renaissance ‘primitives’
Q57679812Local autonomies and economic development in Italy's incomplete transition
Q58577378Looking for Italy's public sphere
Q58592783Looking in the wrong direction? Reflections on Italy's most recent ‘crisis’
Q58592875Looters, collectors and a passion for antiquities at the margins of Italian society
Q58541581Lost primacy: crime in Italy at the end of the twentieth century
Q58599839Luchino Visconti's La Terra Trema
Q58350336Luoghi. La produzione di località in età moderna e contemporanea
Q58521943L’Africa in casa. Propaganda e cultura coloniale nell’Italia fascista
Q127585106L’albero della cuccagna. L’affare emigrazione nel grande esodo tra ‘800 e ‘900
Q58531567L’immaginario devoto tra mafie e antimafia: Riti, culti e santi
Q58510824Maciste goes to war:Maciste alpino(1916)
Q58592910Made Men: Mafia Culture and the Power of Symbols, Rituals, and Myth
Q57684399Made in Italy (by the Chinese): migration and the rebirth of textiles and apparel
Q58603902Made in Italy: Rethinking a Century of Italian Design
Q58354680Mafia Movies: A Reader
Q57684450Mafie del Nord, Strategie criminali e contesti locali
Q58524514Maggi's Croce, Sasso's Gentile and the riddles of twentieth-century Italian intellectual history
Q58552141Magical thinking: reason and emotion in some recent literature on Verdi and politics
Q57684381Make-believe: fashion and Cinelandia in Rizzoli'sLei(1933–38)
Q58577509Making Italians: colonial history and the graduate education system from the liberal era to Fascism
Q58599770Making sense of recent Italian politics
Q57684486Making waves: Giacomo Balla and Emilio Pucci
Q58599734Man of faith and political commitment: Alcide De Gasperi in the history of Europe
Q58345690Manlio Rossi-Doria. Un riformatore del Novecento
Q58351285Mapping contemporary Catholic politics in Italy
Q58577486Marco Bellocchio: The Cinematic I in the Political Sphere
Q128727586Marco Tullio Giordana. Una poetica civile in forma di cinema
Q57678486Margaret Fuller and Mazzini again: an almost unedited letter
Q58520374Margareth Lanzinger and Raffaella Sarti (eds) (2006) Nubili e celibi tra scelta e costrizione (secoli XVI–XX)
Q58577255Marketing ‘Garibaldi panoramas’ in Britain (1860–1864)
Q58556519Marriage by exception: Marriage dispensations and ecclesiastical policies in nineteenth‐century Rome
Q127584534Marshall Plan modernism. Italian postwar abstraction and the beginnings of autonomia
Q58577231Masked faces. Verdi,Uncle Tomand the unification of Italy
Q58520327Mass Culture and Italian Society: From Fascism to the Cold War
Q58346602Material Nation: A Consumer’s History of Modern Italy
Q58520479Max Ascoli and Italian intellectuals in exile in the United States before the Second World War
Q58552031Mazzini and the making of the republican ideology
Q58599830Mazzini in Italian historical memory
Q58350969Mediating culture in the Italian literary field 1940s–50s
Q58577339Mediating the Risorgimento
Q58521930Mediterranean Enlightenment: Livornese Jews, Tuscan Culture, and Eighteenth-Century Reform
Q58533656Memoria in Noir: Un'indagine pluridisciplinare
Q58533436Memories of a Jewish Life: From Italy to Jerusalem, 1918–1960
Q58533559Memories of the Italian rice belt, 1945–65: work, class conflict and intimacy during the ‘great transformation’
Q58348770Memory and meaning: genealogy of a fertile protest
Q58520466Menshevichi. I riformisti nella storia dell'Italia repubblicana
Q58357356Merchandising and sanctity: the invasive cult of Padre Pio
Q128716844Merchants in the city of art: work, identity, and change in a Florentine neighborhood
Q58357680Metternich and the Anglo-Neapolitan Sulphur Crisis of 1840
Q58507608Michelangelo Antonioni: Interviews
Q57474311Migrant Imaginaries. Figures in Italian Migration Literature
Q58342991Migrant friendships, migrant loves – taking the sociability of second generations seriously
Q58287608Migration strategies and occupational outcomes of southern Italian graduates
Q58531663Migration, knowledge production and the humanitarian agenda in times of crisis
Q128730411Migrazioni contemporanee: Testi e contesti
Q58570401Mirror of the Second Republic. TheJournal of Modern Italian Studiesin the years of the Italian political crisis
Q57682440Missing an opportunity: the Italian Mezzogiorno's trading troubles during European integration
Q57682094Miti e ideologia nella politica estera della DC. Nazione, Europa e Comunità atlantica (1943–1954)
Q58345847Moderatismo e amministrazione nel granducato di Toscana: La carriera di Luigi Serristori and La ‘civil difesa’: Economia, finanza e sistema militare nel Granducato di Toscana (1814–1859)
Q58533480Modern Architecture and the Mediterranean: Vernacular Dialogues and Contested Identities
Q58501433Modern Italian history in Australia
Q58577444Modern Italy in Historical Perspective
Q58584697Modern Italy in anthropological perspective: essays in honor of Anthony Galt
Q58356854Moderns Abroad: Architecture, Cities and Italian Imperialism
Q128729553Montale, The Modernist
Q58577279Morals, modern identities and the Catholic woman: fashion inFamiglia Cristiana, 1954–1968
Q58570334More Mussolinis
Q58533570More Work! Less Pay! Rebellion and Repression in Italy, 1972–7
Q58510921Moro e il PCI. La strategia dell’attenzione e il dibattito politico italiano (1967–1969)
Q58603885Morte a Venezia. Thomas Mann / Luchino Visconti: un confronto
Q58341133Multi/Interdisciplinary investigations into Italy and World War I: An introduction
Q58352796Murder Made in Italy. Homicide, Media, and Contemporary Italian Culture
Q58570350Musical identity and social change in Italy
Q58342647Mussolini's Concentration Camps for Civilians. An Insight into the Nature of Fascist Racism
Q57684441Mussolini's Dream Factory: Film Stardom in Fascist Italy
Q58347999Mussolini's Policemen: Behavior, Ideology and Institutional Culture in Representation and Practice
Q58532472Mussolini's colonial race laws and state-settler relations in Africa Orientale Italiana (1935-41)
Q58575619Mussolini's unofficial mouthpiece: Telesio Interlandi ‐Il Tevereand the evolution of Mussolini's anti‐Semitism
Q58521908Mussolini’s Army in the French Riviera
Q55883213Muted violence: Italian war crimes in occupied Greece
Q57474318My Fault, Mussolini as I Knew Him
Q58352131My Two Italies
Q58347926Mysteries about mysteries
Q58584683Myths and the political use of religion in Christian Democratic culture
Q58520387Naming Italians in the borderland, 1926–1943
Q58533410Narrating Venice in nineteenth-century Italy: the notions of municipal and national in Samuele Romanin's patriotic project, theStoria documentata di Venezia(1853–64)
Q58592862Narrazioni contese
Q58508330Nation and state building in Italy: recent historiographical interpretations (1989–1997), I: Unification to Fascism
Q58516609Nation and state building in Italy: recent historiographical interpretations (1989–1997), II: from Fascism to the Republic
Q58552322National Belongings: Hybridity in Italian Colonial and Postcolonial Cultures
Q58552128National theater and the age of revolution in Italy
Q58346949Nationalists Who Feared the Nation: Adriatic Multi-Nationalism in Habsburg Dalmatia, Trieste, and Venice
Q57474297Nationality before liberty? Risorgimento political thought in transnational context
Q57684496Negotiating Memories of Protest in Western Europe: The Case of Italy
Q58516667Nello and the other Rossellis
Q58342649Neoavanguardia. Italian Experimental Literature and Arts in the 1960s
Q58508305New Labour and the Italian Left compared: a review essay
Q58577332New Reflections on Primo Levi. Before and After Auschwitz
Q57474316New Visions of the Child in Italian Cinema
Q58341656New idols: Catholicism in the face of Fascist totalitarianism
Q58557227Nicola Gallerano (1941–1996)
Q58501437Nineteenth‐century culture. The arts in Naples from the Bourbons to the house of Savoy
Q58355450Noir de Noir. Un'indagine pluridisciplinare, Testi Mobili
Q58552276Non-partisan governments Italian-style: decision-making and accountability
Q58521870Nordic welfare in post-war Italy
Q58592867Norms and illegality in the social margins
Q58592793North and south in the current crisis
Q58349275Novecento: Arte e storia in Italia and Italie 1880–1910: Arte alla prova della modernitÀ
Q58354690OSS and ORI: The Raimondo Craveri and max Corvo partnership
Q58348747Old masters, new trends: contemporary Italian cinema in the light of neo-neorealism
Q57682112On fascistization: Mussolini’s political project for Franco’s Spain, 1937–1939
Q58524518On mafiology . .
Q58599798On political fragmentation: stay in or stay out? The role of small parties in the Italian centre–left
Q128427725On the 80th Anniversary of the Racial Laws. Essays Reflecting the Current Scholarship on Italian Fascist Anti-Semitism in Honor of Michele Sarfatti
Q58510894On the current absence and future improbability of political Catholicism in Italy
Q58508326On the periphery/At the frontier: The Triestines in the northeastern borderland
Q58552121Opera and nation in nineteenth‐century Italy: conceptual and methodological approaches
Q58352961Opera as business? Fromimpresarito the publishing industry
Q58552165Opera's Orbit: Musical Drama and the Influence of Opera in Arcadian Rome
Q58552316Ordinary Violence in Mussolini's Italy
Q57682066Osservata speciale. La neutralità italiana nella Prima guerra mondiale e l’opinione pubblica internazionale (1914–1915)
Q57684454Out of Italy: The Story of Italians in North East England
Q58603813Painting and politics: Renato Guttuso at the Estorick Collection
Q58520362Paola Bertucci (2007) Viaggio nel paese delle meraviglie. Scienza e curiosità nell'Italia del Settecento
Q57684415Paolina's Innocence: Child Abuse in Casanova's Venice
Q58520366Paolo Frascani (2008) Il Mare. L'identità italiana 48
Q58510839Paragone: notes on hegemony and realism in the 1950s
Q58507656Partiti politici in Italia. Da Forza Italia al Partito democratico
Q58358217Pasolini e l'Africa. L'Africa di Pasolini. Panmeridionalismo e rappresentazione dell'Africa postcoloniale
Q58357436Patrick McCarthy and the Other Italy
Q58507532Patrick McCarthy: A Special Vision
Q58507553Patrick McCarthy: A Special Vision
Q58545132Patronage revisited: The dynamics of information and reputation
Q58552114Pensiero vivente. Origine e attualità della filosofia italiana
Q58510986Per una più grande Italia. Il cardinale Pietro Maffi e la prima guerra mondiale
Q58592723Performing the invisible past: Costanza Quatriglio'sTerramatta;
Q56484465Philhellenism in Italy: political friendship and the Italian volunteers in the Mediterranean in the nineteenth century
Q58577344Photography and Italy
Q58552068Photography of the ‘primitive’ in Italy: perceptions of the peasantry at the turn of the twentieth century
Q58531604Pier Paolo Pasolini: performing authorship
Q58350839Piero Gobetti and the Liberal Revolution in Italy
Q58520448Piero Gobetti and the Politics of Liberal Revolution
Q58533580Piero Gobetti's New World – Antifascism, Liberalism, Writing
Q58348797Pietro Scoppola (1926–2007): history as civil commitment
Q58552215Pietro Verri between Enlightenment and Risorgimento
Q58507580Pio XI, Hitler e Mussolini: La solitudine di un papa
Q114099015Policing and planning cross-border surveillance during the cold war. The South Tyrolean case
Q58577552Politica ed emozioni nella storia d'Italia dal 1848 ad oggi, (Politics and Emotions in the History of Italy From 1848 to the Present Day)
Q57682098Political Fellini: Journey to the End of Italy
Q57474328Political delegitimation in republican Italy, 1945–2011
Q58343252Political language in Italy and Great Britain
Q58355948Political philosophy across the Atlantic: a difficult relationship?
Q58552269Political thought in action: the moderates in 1859
Q58533457Politics and history in Gramsci
Q58520323Politics of Culture in Liberal Italy: From Unification to Fascism
Q58552192Popular Opinion in Totalitarian Regimes: Fascism, Nazism, Communism
Q58570317Population replacement, social mobility and development in Italy in the twentieth century
Q57682427Porta Palazzo: The Anthropology of an Italian Market
Q58577424Post-electoral politics in Italy: institutional problems and political perspectives
Q58603907Postal Culture. Writing and Reading Letters in Post-Unification
Q58603877Postcolonial Italy. Challenging National Homogeneity
Q58342990Postmodern impegno. Ethics and Commitment in Contemporary Italian Culture
Q58577226Postwar development in the Italian Mezzogiorno. Analyses and policies
Q58584690Povera Italia
Q58508294Power or policy: a comparative study of the cohesion of Italian coalition governments in the First and Second Republics
Q128430096Pre-occupied spaces: remapping Italy’s transnational migrations and colonial legacies
Q58552007Pride in Modesty: Modernist Architecture and the Vernacular Tradition in Italy
Q58533612Primary elections in Italy. An episode in institutional imitation
Q57682133Primo Levi and the Identity of a Survivor
Q58575635Primo Levi's sense of history
Q58346968Prison Notebooks,
Q128729610Prostitution and infection: transnational and comparative perspectives on Italian health policy (1922–1958)
Q58344051Protagonists and politics in the Italian women's movement: a reflection on the work of Annarita Buttafuoco
Q58524509Public vices, private remedies in nineteenth-century Italy: Giulia Falletti di Barolo Colbert and Le Forzate
Q58354150Publications of Patrick McCarthy (28 March 1941–22 March 2007)
Q58577382Publishing Translations in Fascist Italy
Q58552102Quando c'era la classe operaia. Storie di vita e di lotte al Cotonificio Valle Susa
Q58357387Quello che i numeri non dicono. L’Italia nel commercio internazionale tra ’800 e ’900: istituzioni, tecniche, protagonisti
Q58521935Quota zero. Messina dopo il terremoto: la ricostruzione infinita
Q58524531Racisms compared: Fascist Italy and ultra-nationalist Japan
Q58533619Re-narrating Italy, reinventing the nation: assessing the presidency of Ciampi
Q58524541Reading Federico Chabod's Storia dell'idea d'Europa half a century later
Q58545145Recent work on Italian cinema
Q58575611Recent works on Italian capitalism: A review essay
Q58341801Reconsidering Gramsci's interpretation of fascism
Q58577269Reconstructing the army of a collapsed nation: the Kingdom of the South of Italy (September 1943–March 1944)
Q127969943Reflections in Italian fascism: An interview with Antonio Messina
Q58358353Reflections on Italian Nationalism and Fascism: Essays for Alexander De Grand
Q57441552Reflections on Italian nationalism
Q58340771Reforming the Italian constitution
Q58520306Regional development: reviewing the Italian mosaic
Q130202119Rehumanizing the world: Paolo Milano’s transatlantic cultural politics
Q58552261Religion and liberty in European political thought 1800–1860 ca
Q57474325Religion and politics in the risorgimento. Britain and the New Italy, 1861–1875
Q58346679Remembering Anthony (Tony) Galt
Q57474315Renaissance and ‘Made in Italy’: marketing Italian fashion through history (1949–1952)
Q56535559Renzi: the government, the party, the future of Italian politics
Q58501413Renzo De Felice, the resistance and the historian' task
Q58501447Renzo De Felice,RossoeNero,1995
Q58501484Reorganization of the public education system in the Kingdom of Naples during the French period
Q58349061Representing the King's Splendour. Communication and Reception of Symbolic Forms of Power in Viceregal Naples
Q58552019Republicanism in Italy from the eighteenth century to the early Risorgimento
Q58501429Resistance mythology
Q58507650Resisting Bodies: Narratives of Italian Partisan Women
Q58520405Resisting the Tide. Cultures of Opposition under Berlusconi (2001–2006)
Q58508279Response to Anna Bull’s review of Paul Ginsborg
Q58340774Resurrections and rebirths: how the Risorgimento shaped modern Italian politics
Q58563359Rethinking a stereotype: Territorial differences and family models in the modernization of Italy
Q58599856Rethinking modern Italy after the cultural turn
Q58531579Reversing the view of ‘political pilgrims’: re-examining Italian travelogues about China in the 1950s
Q58510820Revisinghistory: Elvira Giallanella’sUmanitàand the editing of gender
Q58351058Revisiting Naples: clientelism and organized crime
Q58340571Revolution in Europa 1820–23. Verfassung und Verfassungskultur in den Königreichen Spanien, beider Sizilien und Sardinien-Piemont (Italien in der Moderne, Bd. 19)
Q58510967Richard Nixon e i partiti politici italiani (1969–1972)
Q58584678Riforma e Rinascimento, Protestantism and Catholicism in Antonio Gramsci's writings on Italian history, 1926 – 35
Q58345518Risorgimento: The History of Italy from Napoleon to Nation State
Q58353927Roberto Rossellini documentarista. Una cultura della realtà
Q58533603Roma and humanitarianism in the Eternal City
Q58603818Roma senza il Papa: La Repubblica romana del 1849
Q57682529Rome's ‘legal’ camps for Roma: the construction of new spaces of informality
Q57684437Rome, Postmodern Narratives of a Cityscape
Q58552284Rome: Continuing Encounters Between Past and Present
Q57682048Rosa Genoni: La moda è un cosa seria. Milano Expo 1906 e La Grande Guerra/Rosa Genoni: fashion is a serious business. The Milan world fair of 1906 and the great war
Q58510835Rosa e Ballo and German literature in Italy: the genesis of an intellectual network and the production of a new repertoire in the field of theatre
Q58501472Rosario Romeo ( 1924–1987)
Q58353706Rossini and post-napoleonic Europe
Q58521838Routledge Handbook of European Elections
Q57682501Ruinismo: the Catholic Church in Italy from ‘mediation culture’ to the Cultural Project
Q58521878Ruins past: modernity in Italy
Q128729013Rural ‘Italies’ and the Great Crisis. Provincial clusters in Italian agriculture between the two world wars
Q58350844Sant'Anna di Stazzema. Storia di una strage
Q58350508Schooling in Modernity. The Politics of Sponsored Films in Postwar Italy
Q58557219Science, gender and moral ascendancy in liberal Italy
Q58603833Scritture di Resistenza. Sguardi politici dalla narativa italiana contemporanea
Q57682515Scuole di responsabilità. I ‘Collegi nazionali’ nella Normale gentiliana (1932–1944)
Q57684433Secondary schools in Napoleonic Italy (1802–14)
Q58533534Segmented assimilation in Italy? The case of Latinos
Q58520370Sergio Parussa (2008) Writing as Freedom, Writing as Testimony: Four Italian Writers and Judaism
Q58355459Settling Accounts: Retribution, Emotion and Memory during the Fall of Mussolini
Q58520487Sforza in America: the dilemmas of exile politics, 1940–43
Q58531583Shaping labour migration to Italy: the role of labour market institutions
Q58348558Shaping the new man: youth training regimes in fascist Italy and Nazi Germany
Q58584709Sharecroppers, war, and social change in central Italy1
Q58570296Sicily: reflections on forty years of change1
Q58592895Signore e signori d'Italia: Una storia delle buone maniere
Q58344345Silvio Berlusconi and the traditions of Italian foreign policy: a comment on Ambassador Romano's presentation
Q128023994Silvio Spaventa and Marco Minghetti on party government
Q58541616Sins of memory: reflections on the lack of an Italian Nuremberg and the administration of international justice after 1945
Q58552025Sismondi, the republic and liberty: between Italy and England, the city and the nation
Q58508321Sobrietà Torinese
Q58531564Social class and wealth inequality in Italy over 20 years, 1993–2014
Q58347899Social practices and lifestyles in Italian youth cultures
Q58521886Socialism and democratic strategy in Italy’s Biennio Rosso: Gramsci contra Treves
Q58577572Soft Soil, Black Grapes: The Birth of Italian Winemaking in California
Q58592704Southern Thought and Other Essays on the Mediterranean
Q57677924Southern rebels against Italian unification: the Great Brigandage in the province of Capitanata
Q126627107Sovereignty in the Italian polling booths
Q58356363Special Issue onTerra Matta
Q58603954Spectacular Miracles: Transforming Images in Italy from the Renaissance to the Present
Q58508334Sport and society in Italy today
Q57474331Staging the Fascist War: The Ministry of Popular Culture and Italian Propaganda on the Home Front, 1938–1943
Q58354081Statisticians, economists and the ‘new economic order’ in wartime Italy (1940–1943)
Q58577526Stato e Chiesa nel Mezzogiorno napoleonico. Atti del quinto seminario di studi ‘Decennio francese (1806–1815)’
Q58346215Stephen Gundle (2007) Bellissima: Feminine Beaty and the Idea of Italy
Q58520353Still an outlier: Italy in a Southern European comparative perspective1
Q58603764Stitching modernity: the textile work of Fortunato Depero
Q57682483Storia culturale della fotografia italiana dal Neorealismo al Postmoderno
Q57682449Storia dell'IRI,vol. 1, Dalle origini al dopoguerra, 1933–1948
Q58507589Storia dell'Italia repubblicana
Q58510870Storia della magistratura italiana
Q58603897Storia della moda a Roma. Sarti, culture e stili di una capitale dal 1871 ad oggi
Q57474294Storia di Roma e dei romani da Napoleone ai nostri giorni
Q58552083Storia di una famiglia del Risorgimento: Sarina, Giuseppe, Ernesto Nathan
Q58356942Stranieri di antico regime: mercanti, giudici e console nella Napoli del settecento
Q129830065Stuart Woolf (1936–2021)
Q127585613Studying monumental cemeteries to understand societies
Q57682431Sul modernismo italiano
Q58603794Surviving the perfect storm: Italy after the 2013 elections
Q58355043Symposium on Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust in Italy
Q58533550Talking about identity: Milanese-Eritreans describe themselves
Q58545151Tangentopolior the democratization of corruption: Considerations on the end of Italy's first republic
Q35533998Television documentary, history and memory. An analysis of Sergio Zavoli's The Gardens of Abel
Q127584436Termini. Cornerstone of modern Rome
Q58570423The 2006 Italian general elections: issues, dimensions and policy positions of political parties 1
Q58351057The 2006 election: more than ever, a Berlusconi-centred campaign
Q58592815The 2013 elections and the Italian political system
Q58563320The Allies and the mafia
Q56909909The Annunziata scandal of 1897 and foundling care in turn‐of‐the‐century Italy
Q57678097The Antiquity of the Italian Nation: The Cultural Origins of the Political Myth in Modern Italy, 1796–1943
Q126858802The Archipelago: Italy since 1945, by John Foot
Q58577531The Arts of the Prima Donna in the Long Nineteenth Century
Q58348083The Austrian ‘occupation’ of Ferrara in 1847: its legal aspect between myth and reality
Q128491020The Board of Deputies of British Jews and the initial phase of the Italian Racial Laws: reactions and strategies (1938–1940)
Q58348176The Challenge of Modernity. Essays on Grazia Deledda
Q57682123The Codex Fori Mussolini: A Latin Text of Italian Fascism
Q58533351The Cold War in the Italian left Introduction
Q58220500The Commercialization of Discipline: Keep-Fit Culture and Its Values
Q58533327The Continuing Transformation of Italian Politics and the Contradictory Fortunes of the Lega Nord
Q58592694The Cult of the Duce. Mussolini and the Italians
Q58350789The Democratic Party and the restructuring of the Italian party system
Q58603959The Drama of the Assimilated Jew: Giorgio Bassani's Romanzo di Ferrara
Q126622808The Dynamics of the Electoral Geography of the Five Star Movement: The Role of Territorial Area and Municipality Size
Q58577559The Eloquence of Ghosts: Giorgio Manganelli and the Afterlife of the Avant-Garde
Q58556091The Enlightenment and the church in the work of Franco Venturi: the fertile legacy of a civil religion
Q57474296The Fall of Mussolini
Q128427934The Fascist racial turn: the view from the Italian-American community in the United States
Q56700355The Five-Star Movement: a hybrid actor in the net of state institutions
Q58533628The Frightful Stage. Political Censorship of the Theatre in Nineteenth-Century Europe
Q58599834The General's labyrinths and the knotty problems of Italian politics after Italy's unification
Q58521949The Grecanici of southern Italy: governance, violence, and minority politics
Q57684428The Greek mirror: philhellenism and southern Italian patriotisms (1750–1861)
Q58533306The Gubbio Papers: historic centers in the age of the economic miracle
Q58521913The Holocaust and Compensated Compliance in Italy: Fossoli di Carpi, 1942 to 1952
Q58592671The Holocaust in Italian Culture, 1944–2010
Q58510852The Italian American Table: Food, Family, and Community in New York City
Q58356337The Italian Army in Slovenia: Strategies of Antipartisan Repression, 1941–1943
Q58510953The Italian Baroque Table: cooking and entertaining from the Golden Age of Naples
Q58351068The Italian Christian Democratic Party within the international Christian Democratic organizations: nationalism, Europeanism, and religious identity (1947–1954)
Q58507604The Italian Expatriate Vote in Australia. Democratic Right, Democratic Wrong or Political Opportunism?
Q58524537The Italian Left in search of ideas: the rediscovery of the political ideas of the Action Party
Q58508309The Italian broadcasting system between politics and the market
Q57677914The Italian cinema book, The operatic and the everyday in postwar Italian film melodrama
Q127585173The Italian constitution after seventy years between referenda, electoral laws and institutional reform: a past that does not pass?
Q58347048The Italian constitutional architecture: from unification to the present day
Q57684410The Italian left and Italy's (evolving) foreign policy of immigration controls
Q58345618The Italian legal system: an introduction
Q58516651The Italian national elections of 13 May 2001
Q58531641The Italian party system’s three functional arenas after the 2018 election: the tsunami after the earthquake
Q58347234The Italian political system after the 9 – 10 April 2006 elections
Q58541621The Italian political system anddétente(1963 - 1981)
Q58577371The Italian public sphere: a case of dramatized polarization
Q58556161The Italian resistance between history and memory
Q58599803The Italian transition and national (non)reconciliation
Q57682492The Italian welfare state after the financial crisis
Q58521882The Italian welfare state in a supranational perspective: history and debates
Q126331359The Italian ‘Seventies: tracing the origins of Italian modernity
Q58552089The Italians in the Arctic Explorations – A Critique of the Reinterpretation of Nationalism
Q58507558The Jewish enemy. Fascism, the Vatican, and anti-Semitism on the seventieth anniversary of the 1938 race laws
Q58556541The Jews in nineteenth‐century Italy: Towards a reappraisal
Q58551993The Jews of San Nicandro
Q58552000The Legacy of the Italian Resistance
Q58552330The Liberty of Servants: Berlusconi's Italy
Q58577457The Life & Pontificate of Pope Pius XII. Between History and Controversy
Q126329251The Long Goodbye. Politics and economy in the crisis of the entrepreneurial State
Q58510916The Lost Wave. Women and Democracy in Postwar Italy
Q58570342The Mafia misunderstood – again
Q58556533The Mafia, the market and the state in Italy and Russia
Q58341070The Matteotti murder and the origins of Mussolini's totalitarian Fascist regime in Italy
Q58577463The Moral Neoliberal: Welfare and Citizenship in Italy
Q58358729The Neapolitan revolution of 1799
Q57474284The Neapolitan revolution of 1799
Q126329784The Origins of the Crisis of Christian Democracy: The End of Catholic Italy or the End of Cold War Italy?
Q58603948The Oxford Handbook of the Italian Economy Since Unification
Q57684404The PCI and the USA: rehearsal of a difficult dialogue in the era of détente
Q58501487The PCI between 1948 and 1956: Four perspectives on vol. VII of thestoria del PCI
Q57682090The PCI, reforms and welfare between the 1960s and 1970s
Q58353810The Papacy in the Modern World
Q58603804The Partito Democratico after the 2013 elections: all change?
Q58507633The Pinocchio Effect: On Making Italians, 1860–1920
Q57436528The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe
Q58510848The Pope’s Soldiers: A Military History of the Modern Vatican
Q58552290The Printed Media in Fin-de-siècle Italy. Publishers, Writers, and Readers
Q58552210The Puccini Problem: Opera, Nationalism and Modernity
Q57684424The Red Brigades and the Discourse of Violence. Revolution and Restoration
Q58348968The Revolution in the Televised Soccer Market
Q58592842The Rhetoric of Violence and Sacrifice in Fascist Italy: Mussolini, Gadda, Vittorini
Q58557241The Risiera di San Sabba: Fascism, anti‐Fascism and Italian nationalism
Q58552362The Risorgimento and religion. Notes on the ‘canon’ and Gramscian annotations
Q58520496The Risorgimento as international experience
Q58352121The Rothschilds in Naples
Q126856929The Routledge history of Italian Americans, edited by William J. Connell and Stanislao G. Pugliese
Q58510878The Ruini system and ‘Berlusconismo’: synergy and transformation between the Catholic Church and Italian politics in the ‘Second Republic’
Q58347290The Shock of America. Europe and the Challenge of the Century
Q58533402The Soul at Work: From Alienation to Autonomy
Q57682417The South and the Risorgimento: histories and counter-histories
Q58563367The Southern family. A comment on Paolo Macry
Q58599745The Swiss community in Genoa from the Old Regime to the late nineteenth century
Q58340818The Tenco effect. Suicide, San Remo, and the social construction of thecanzone d'autore
Q58520341The Time of the Crime. Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, Italian Film
Q58577304The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Modern Mourning, and the Reinvention of the Mystical Body
Q58346118The Transatlantic Gaze. Italian Cinema, American Film
Q57431675The Two Mafias. A Transatlantic History 1888–2008
Q58510843The Vatican and Mussolini’s Italy
Q58507637The White War. Life and Death on the Italian Front 1915–1919
Q58520491The antifascist climate and the Italian intellectual exile in interwar Argentina
Q58545124The battle of Turin, 1933–1936: Carlo Rosselli, Giustizia e Libertà, OVRA and the origins of Mussolini's anti‐Semitic campaign
Q58510972The beautiful country. Tourism and the impossible state of destination Italy
Q58592654The celebrations between history and politics
Q58344067The changing policy of education in Italy
Q58584631The church and Catholicism in contemporary Italy
Q58508297The complex case of 'Tuscan Urban Identities'
Q58356017The congresses of Italian scientists between Europe and the Risorgimento (1839 – 75)
Q58531616The conventional campaign of an extraordinary election
Q58592733The creation of value:Terra mattain anthropological perspective
Q58575576The crisis (collapse) of Italy's public enterprise system: A revised property rights perspective
Q58355651The crisis of the Italian state: then and now
Q58351240The cultural penetration of Fascist Italy abroad and in eastern Europe
Q58343620The culture of Enlightenment and reform in eighteenth-century Italy
Q58531536The dejuvenation of the Italian population
Q58524526The direct election of mayors: an assessment of the institutional reform following the Italian municipal elections of 2001
Q58592682The disappearance of a Rom community and the rejection of the politics of recognition
Q58552232The discreet charm of ‘Southernness’
Q57474264The election of the eleventh President of the Italian Republic
Q58501493The election of the tenth President of the Italian Republic
Q58520409The encounter between Italy and China: two countries, multiple stories
Q58552055The enduring vision of biodeterministic Sardinian inferiority in the works of Grazia Deledda
Q58507625The exiles of the Risorgimento: Italian volunteers in the Portuguese Civil War (1832–34)
Q58346635The flows and the flood: the public discourse on immigration in Italy, 1969–2001
Q58603769The foreign policy of First Republic Italy: new approaches
Q58356721The formation of a civil religion in republican Italy (1943–49)
Q58507567The gender dimension of business elites: Italian women directors since 1934
Q58520419The genesis of the Italian concession in Tianjin: a combination of wishful thinking and realpolitik
Q58533597The governance of Romani people in Italy: discourse, policy and practice
Q58356071The government, the opposition and the President of the Republic under Berlusconi
Q58339975The hidden comparison: Modern Italy in German perspectives
Q58541601The hidden pages of contemporary Italian history: war crimes, war guilt and collective memory
Q58563336The historiographical legacy of Franco Venturi (1914–1994)
Q58501496The history of modern and contemporary Italy: Made in France (from the late 1970s to the late 1990s)
Q58556103The history of the book and publishing in eighteenth-century Italy
Q58603798The impact of the 2013 general election on the Italian political system: the end of bipolarism?
Q58551965The institutional odyssey of the Italian Parliamentary Republic
Q58507621The international armed volunteers: pilgrims of a transnational Risorgimento
Q58563383The judicialization of politics, Italian style
Q58345175The landscape of the Macchiaioli. A path towards the modern
Q57682103The legacy of Cesare Lombroso and criminal anthropology in the post-war Italian police: a study of the culture, narrative and memory of a post-fascist institution
Q58355916The legacy of fascism in the present: ‘third millennium fascists’ in Italy
Q57682138The lost cause: failed French ultimata and the restoration of papal rule in Rome in 1849
Q58570440The mafia misunderstood – again. A reply
Q58507616The man who never was? The Italian transition and 2008 election
Q58521892The management and memory of fascist monumental art in postwar and contemporary Italy: the case of Luigi Montanarini’s Apotheosis of Fascism
Q58501417The many meanings of Anti‐Fascism
Q58556137The masculine mystique: antimodernism and virility in fascist Italy
Q58341647The meaning of literacy: an Italian reappraisal
Q58357349The mirage of America in contemporary Italian literature and film
Q57682062The misadventures of socialist anticommunism from the end of the war to the collapse of the Berlin Wall
Q57474292The moral perils of Mediterraneanism: second-generation immigrants practicing personhood between Sicily and Tunisia
Q58556153The never-ending liberation
Q57669849The notabile as actor and model of Italian politics
Q58356498The origin of the Racist Laws under fascism. Aproblem of historiography
Q58516639The origins of the 'Manifesto of racial scientists'
Q58570358The origins of the entertainment industry: the operetta in late nineteenth-century Italy
Q58575569The peculiarities of Italo‐American relations in historical perspective
Q58516619The people and the professors: socialism and the educated middle classes in Italy, 1870–1915
Q58533319The political culture of the Alleanza nazionale: an analysis of the party's programmatic documents (1995-2002)
Q58570326The political police and denunciation during Fascism: a review of recent historical literature 1
Q58575589The politics of finance in Napoleonic Italy (1802‐1814)
Q58584651The politics of the ‘Church’ in the Italy of Pope Wojtyła
Q58356414The politics of town planning in post-war Naples
Q58575626The prefects and party‐state relations in Fascist Italy
Q57474319The press at war
Q58507576The professors in and after the fascist regime. The purges in the universities of Italy (1944–46)
Q58552254The promised land: biblical themes in the Risorgimento
Q58584639The public relevance of the church and Catholicism in Italy
Q58541612The question of Fascist Italy's war crimes: the construction of a self-acquitting myth (1943 – 1948)
Q58557211The rhetoric of reform revealed (or: If you bite the ballot it may bite back)
Q58599808The right sweeps the board
Q57474298The rise of liberal constitutionalism in Italy: Pietro Verri and the French Revolution
Q127971166The rise of the ethical state in Italy. Neapolitan Hegelians and Risorgimento political thought (1848–1871)
Q57678755The role and impact of thearchivi della scrittura popolare
Q57684387The role of thesartoriain post-war Italy
Q58510938The shifting evocations ofsquadrismo:remembering the massacre of Palazzo d’Accursio in Fascist Bologna
Q58533607The social dangerousness of the defendant is ‘at one with her own condition of being nomadic’: Roma and Sinti in Italian Courts of Law1,2
Q58516605The social life of local museums
Q128429003The story-takers. Public pedagogy, transitional justice, and Italy’s non-violent protest against the Mafia
Q58533340The theatre of social change: nobility, opera industry and the politics of culture in Bologna between papal privileges and liberal principles
Q58533423The training and education of propagandists in the ‘repubblica dei partiti’: internal-circulation periodicals in the PCI and the DC (1946–58)
Q58552014The transformation of republicanism in modern and contemporary Italy
Q58563350The transformation of the Italian party system
Q58577262The two faces of Daniele Manin. French republican celebrity and Italian monarchic icon (1848–1880)
Q58541627The work of Paul Ginsborg
Q58556076The ‘Americanization’ of Italian foreign policy?
Q58345035The ‘Bel Paese’ and the transition to a service economy
Q58552223The ‘hermite des Apennins’: Leopardi and theAntologiain 1824–26
Q57474323The ‘indomitable’ Pignatellis
Q58552061The ‘other’ Africa: Giuseppe Pitrè's Mostra Etnografica Siciliana (1891–2)
Q58343216Thematic Portals: Tools for Research and Making the Archival Heritage Known
Q58599814Thought and action? Perspectives on Mazzini and Garibaldi on the bicentenaries of their births
Q58350368Through Partisan Eyes: My Friendships, Literary Education, and Political Encounters in Italy (1956–2013) with Sidelights on My Experiences in the United States, France and the Soviet Union
Q58563375Thumbs down for the family? A comment on Paolo Macry
Q58541633To Silvio Berlusconi, with irony: Giuseppe Rosato narrates Italy'sNormal Anomaliesin the era of the Cavaliere
Q58344413Towards a chequebook democracy? Business, parties and the funding of politics in Italy and the United States
Q128024091Towards a new philosophy of history. European Vichianism and Neapolitan Hegelianism (1804–48)
Q58533635Tra inclusione ed esclusione. Una storia sociale dell'educazione dei rom e dei sinti in Italia
Q58345915Tracking democracies: Italy and Japan in historical perspective
Q58533431Transatlantic Fascism: Ideology, Violence, and the Sacred in Argentina and Italy, 1919–1945
Q57679972Trasformismoin Italian regional assemblies: a systemic interpretation
Q58599757Trust, business groups and social capital: building a Protestant entrepreneurial network in nineteenth-century Naples
Q57682453Tuff City, Urban Change and Contested Space in Central Naples / The Art of Making Do in Naples
Q58350436Tuscan Spaces. Literary Constructions of Place
Q57253291Twenty years of persecution of Pentecostalism in Italy: 1935-1955
Q58510890Two forms of Catholicism in twenty-first-century Italian public debate: an analysis of positions on same-sex marriage and Muslim dress codes
Q58347289Two lives
Q58592889Two new books on Fascism. A review, the authors’ responses and the reviewer's comments
Q58345578Two views of Italy's failed revolution
Q57474303Ugo Foscolo and English Culture
Q58507660Ugo La Malfa: Il riformista moderna
Q126857023Un figlio per nemico. Gli affetti di Gaetano Salvemini alla prova dei fascismi, by Filomena Fantarella
Q57474313Un paese in guerra. La mobilitazione civile in Italia (1914–1918)
Q58577584Un salto nel voto. Ritratto politico dell'Italia di oggi
Q58507612Un'università che cambia in un mondo che cambia. Nuove prospettive negli studi europei
Q58349205Una Vita: Pensiero Selvaggio e Filosofia dell'Intensità
Q58603782Under special surveillance: Italy through German eyes, 1975–76
Q57682547Under the Volcano: Revolution in a Sicilian Town
Q58570431Understanding Stefano Jacini
Q57682538Understanding criminal mobility: the case of the Neapolitan Camorra
Q58584728Understanding neoliberalism: reflections on the ‘end of politics’ in northern Italy
Q58592666Undoing Time. The Cultural Memory of an Italian Prison
Q57684505Unfinished Business: Screening the Italian Mafia in the New Millennium
Q58350188Unità multiple. Centocinquant’anni? Unità? Italia?
Q58556146Unmaking the fascist man: masculinity, film and the transition from dictatorship
Q58520457Unraveled. A Weaver's Tale of Life Gone Modern
Q58545115Urban patricians and ‘bourgeois’ society: A study of wealthy elites in Florence, 1862–1904
Q57682533Valuing place/placing value: the elusive normativity of landscape in rural Tuscany
Q57474309Venice Incognito: Masks in the Serene Republic
Q58357705Verdi and the Germans. From Unification to the Third Reich
Q57679635Verdi and the historians: Politics, passion, and newmezzi di lavoro
Q58352972Verdipolitico: a wounded cliché regroups
Q58551956Vico and Naples. The Urban Origins of Modern Social Theory / On the Most Ancient Wisdom of the Italians. Drawn From the Origins of the Latin Language
Q57682163Victorian radicals and Italian democrats
Q58592728Vincenzo Rabito's autobiography #2. An interview with Giovanni Rabito
Q58533643Visions of Struggle in Women's Filmmaking in the Mediterranean
Q58599819Visions of republicanism in the writings of Giuseppe Mazzini
Q57669733Visions/versions of the war: Ramón Pérez de Ayala and Juan Pujol on the Italian front
Q58521862Visual Anthropology in Sardinia
Q57405558Visualizing the mountain: the photographer as ethnographer in the marble quarries of Carrara
Q58603856Vita e pensieri di Antonio Gramsci, 1926–1937
Q58520392Vittorio Mussolini, Hollywood and neorealism
Q58552305Vittorio Orlando, Italy
Q57682520Voci dal lager: Diari e lettere di deportati politici 1943–1945
Q58520349Voci e volti dell'Europa. Idee, Identità, Unificazione
Q58341817Voices of Italian America. A History of Early Italian American Literature with a Critical Anthology
Q58507596Vuoti di memoria. Usi e abusi della storia nella vita pubblica italiana
Q58350888Walter Tobagi (2009) La rivoluzione impossibile. L'attentato a Togliatti: violenza politica e reazione popolare
Q57474285Wanted: an eighteenth-century Chinese Catholic priest in China, Italy, India, and Southeast Asia
Q58556175War in the mental hospitals: sychiatry and clinical files (1940 – 52)
Q58510801War stories: British and American writers in/on the Italian front (1915–18)
Q58510934War veterans and the transnational origins of Italian Fascism (1917–1919)
Q58592834Warfare-Welfare. Intervento dello Stato e diritti dei cittadini (1914–1918)
Q58520383Was there a fascist revolution? The function of penal law in fascist Italy and in Nazi Germany
Q126857086Weapons, words, politics: the three seasons of the post-unification exile of the Bourbon Monarchy (1860–1866)
Q58354724Welcome ‘in’. Left-wing Tuscany and Romani migrants (1987–2007)
Q126328948Welfare in the seventies: rise or fall?
Q58508313What is still left for the Left in Italy? Piecing together a post-communist position on labor and employment
Q57678042What kind of veto player is the Italian Senate? A comparative analysis of European second chambers
Q57916232Wheeler dealers: Silvio Berlusconi in comparative perspective
Q57684393When fashion met industry. Biki and Gruppo Finanziario Tessile (1957–72)
Q58531646When populists meet technocrats. The Italian innovation in government formation
Q58520335Which Socialism, Whose Détente? West European Communism and the Czechoslovak crisis of 1968
Q58508301Which road to the south? Revisionists revisit the Mezzogiorno
Q56483546Who chopped down that cherry tree? The Italian Resistance in history and politics, 1945–1998
Q58577430Why has the growth of female employment in Italy been so slow?
Q58510958William Lloyd Garrison and Giuseppe Mazzini: abolition, democracy and radical reform
Q58531622Winners and losers. Turnout, results and the flows of vote
Q58592741Women and Gender in Post-Unification Italy. Between Private and Public Sphere
Q58552309Women and the Great War: Femininity under Fire in Italy
Q127967092Women helping women? Chain of command and gender discrimination at the workplace
Q58557248Women's history in Italy (nineteenth and twentieth centuries)
Q58507584Woodrow Wilson and the American Myth in Italy: Culture, Diplomacy, and War Propaganda
Q58575604Words, songs and books. Oral history in Italy. A review and discussion
Q58345372Working towards the Duce: five recent books on Mussolini
Q57669563Working with images and texts: Elio Vittorini’s Il Politecnico
Q58347291Writing Fashion in Early Modern Italy: From Sprezzatura to Satire
Q58531548Young people and drinking in Italy: the good side of familism
Q58531540Young people’s disadvantages on the labour market in Italy: reframing the NEET category
Q58531551Young writers: anthologies as an instrument for exploring Italian youth
Q58344109Youth as a metaphor: an interview with Carmen Leccardi
Q58349788‘A common law of nations’: Giuseppe Mazzini's democratic nationality
Q58551980‘A gust of cleansing wind’: Italian archaeology on Rhodes and in Libya in the early years of occupation (1911–1914)
Q58552134‘An atrocious indifference’: Rossini's operas and the politics of musical representation in early-nineteenth-century Italy
Q57669589‘An entirely new land’? Italy’s post-war culture and its Fascist past
Q58533542‘As a rice plant in a wheat field’: identity negotiation among children of Chinese immigrants
Q58350828‘Barbari civilizzatissimi’: Marinetti and the futurist myth of barbarism
Q58532467‘Defending the race’: the Italian reinvention of the Hottentot Venus during Fascism
Q58570302‘Fare di ogni famiglia italiana un fortilizio’: The League of Nations' economic sanctions and everyday life in Venice 1
Q57474301‘Friends of moderate opinions’: Italian political thought in 1859 in a British Liberal mirror
Q58501425‘Gentleman Rebel’: H. Stuart Hughes, the OSS and the Resistance
Q58577439‘Il deputato della bellezza’. Gabriele D'Annunzio's aesthetic politics in thefin-de-sièclecrisis
Q58533419‘In miglior tempo … ’: what fascism did not build in Rome
Q58520401‘La nostra sfida alle stelle’. Futuristi in politica
Q58577273‘Let's not talk about Italian sex’: the reception of the Kinsey reports in Italy
Q58341804‘Loud and clear’: the G2 Second Generations network in Italy
Q127829862‘Mafia Capitale’: judicial and symbolic constructions of the new Italian corruption
Q58520378‘Making Italians’? Cycling and national identity in Italy: 1900–1950
Q58599792‘O convergence, where art thou?’ Regional growth and industrialization in Italy1
Q57682436‘Reckless youth’. Cardinal Maffi and Fascism (1919–31)
Q58577245‘The Garibaldi of the sixteenth century’. Francesco Ferrucci and the heroes of the Risorgimento
Q57684471‘The Next Wave of Italians Has Come to America’: Italian Investments and Business in the United States, 1980-2013
Q58599845‘The disciplined revolutionary: Garibaldi and his myth’– a survey of bicentennial publications in Italy
Q58510977‘The vandals at home’: Antonio Cederna’s denunciation of the devastation of Italian cities in the postwar period
Q58343000‘These Romanians have ruined Italy’. Xoraxané Romá, Romanian Roma and Rome
Q57682076‘These new rights’: social security in the postwar Italian debate
Q58584666‘They call me a housekeeper, but I do everything.’ Who are domestic workers today in Italy and what do they do?
Q58501456‘Una scienza dell'amor patrio’: Public economy, freedom and civilization in Giuseppe Pecchio's works (1827–1830)
Q57682143‘War against the mosquito’: Allies, Italians and malaria during the occupation of Puglia, 1943–1946
Q58510809‘We are exiting the realm of life, for real, to enter the theatre of war’: Flavia Steno’s reports from the front
Q58570391‘You have to start with something’: towards an ethnographic research agenda for modern Italy

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