scientific journal | Q5633421 |
P6981 | ACNP journal ID | 1029985 |
2338330 | ||
P8375 | Crossref journal ID | 4531 |
P1250 | Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO | 1685 |
P1058 | ERA Journal ID | 7332 |
P8903 | HAL journal ID | 15809 |
P236 | ISSN | 1354-571X |
1469-9583 | ||
P7363 | ISSN-L | 1354-571X |
P4730 | Mir@bel journal ID | 9329 |
P1055 | NLM Unique ID | 101533915 |
P856 | official website |,1,1;homemain,1,1; |
P10283 | OpenAlex ID | S22127372 |
P7662 | Scilit journal ID | 2589530 |
P1156 | Scopus source ID | 15693 |
P495 | country of origin | United Kingdom | Q145 |
England | Q21 | ||
P1240 | Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level | 2 | |
P8875 | indexed in bibliographic review | Scopus | Q371467 |
Arts and Humanities Citation Index | Q713927 | ||
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P123 | publisher | Taylor & Francis | Q880582 |
Routledge | Q1508259 | ||
P1476 | title | Journal of Modern Italian Studies |
Q58516597 | 'A question of loyalty': mussolinismo and the collapse of the Italian Fascist regime in 1943 |
Q58343875 | 'Criminali o discriminati?': crime, immigrants, police |
Q58348111 | 'Liberty and truth' or 'the sovereignty of reason': Carlo Cattaneo and the place of politics in the modern world |
Q58354661 | 150 years of the Italian economy, 1861–2010 |
Q57682421 | 1861–2011. The celebrations in Italy and in the international context |
Q126627527 | 1869: il Risorgimento alla deriva. Affari e politica nel caso Lobbia |
Q57679815 | 25 April 1994 – 17 March 2011: symbolic dates of the past and Italy's transition |
Q121841746 | Italy and the US. Cultural change through language and narrative |
Q58603863 | A British Fascist in the Second World War: The Italian War Diary of James Strachey Barnes, 1943–45 |
Q58510886 | A Christian democratization of politics? The new influence of Catholicism on Italian politics since the demise of the Democrazia Cristiana |
Q57684461 | A Cinema of Poetry: Aesthetics of the Italian Art Film |
Q58531592 | A Conflicted Nation. Storia dell’Italia nella Guerra Fredda (1943–1978) |
Q58344646 | A Crocean critique of Gramsci on historicism, hegemony and intellectuals |
Q58510854 | A Great Conspiracy against Our Race: Italian Immigrant Newspapers and the Construction of Whiteness in the Early Twentieth Century |
Q58551949 | A History of Italy |
Q58533406 | A Multitude of Women: The Challenges of the Contemporary Italian Novel |
Q58603913 | A Political History of National Citizenship and Identity in Italy, 1861–1950 |
Q58577520 | A Round Table discussion ofThe Risorgimento Revisited. Nationalism and Culture in Nineteenth Century Italy(edited by Silvana Patriarca and Lucy Riall) |
Q58533331 | A Tale of Two Parties: Forza Italia and the Left Democrats |
Q58552184 | A Total Science. Statistics in Liberal and Fascist Italy |
Q126666372 | A Translation of Luigi Paolucci’s On Birdsong. Phenomenology, Animal Psychology and Biology |
Q58556084 | A bigger Settecento Italiano: wider vistas and open terrain |
Q58599717 | A bridge in times of confrontation: Italy and Russia in the context of EU and NATO enlargements |
Q58570288 | A changing Sicily: homage to Jane and Peter Schneider |
Q58507599 | A colpi di cuore. Storie del sessantotto |
Q58357075 | A community out of balance: nationality law and migration politics in the history of post-unification Italy |
Q58510788 | A companion to early modern Naples |
Q58510812 | A female war correspondent on the Italian front, 1915–17: the Austrian travel journalist and photographer Alice Schalek |
Q58520475 | A forgotten generation: Italian cultural migration to the Americas (1930–45) |
Q58577359 | A fragile political sphere |
Q58531544 | A generational attitude: young adults facing the economic crisis in Milan |
Q127969420 | A history of modern Italy. Transformation and continuity, 1796 to the present |
Q127970161 | A legal theory for the nation state. Pasquale Stanislao Mancini, Hegelianism and Piedmontese liberalism after 1848 |
Q47593251 | A matter of fact rather than principle: women, work and property in papal Rome (eighteenth-nineteenth centuries) |
Q58577540 | A morte il tiranno. Anarchia e violenza da Crispi a Mussolini |
Q58557234 | A neglected chapter in Italy's transition from Fascism to the Republic: The Kingdom of the South (1943–1944) |
Q58516623 | A neo-rationalist tendency in the field of the literary intellectual in 1970s Italy: Vittorini, Sciascia, Ginzburg |
Q58563397 | A new era and new themes in Italian politics: The case of Padania |
Q58552247 | A note on freedom of the press in Restoration France |
Q58343253 | A occhi aperti: Letteratura dell’emigrazione e mito Americano |
Q58510930 | A path towards Fascism: nationalism and large-scale industry in Italy (1910–1923) |
Q56675086 | A peculiar pluralism |
Q58347690 | A queen without a sceptre: public opinion and the political-constitutional debate in Italy in the first fifty years of national unification |
Q128726876 | A short environmental history of Italy: variety and vulnerability |
Q58340963 | A wolf in sheep's clothing? Italy's policies toward international organizations |
Q128716893 | Accidental Orientalists: Modern Italian Travellers in Ottoman Lands |
Q58507563 | Acqua minerale di Sangemini: the Italian mineral water industry finds a place at the table |
Q58570374 | Adriano Celentano and the origins of rock and roll in Italy |
Q58592759 | After Mussolini: Jewish Life and Jewish Memories in Post-Fascist Italy |
Q126856669 | After difference. Queer activism in Italy and anthropological theory, by Paolo Heywood |
Q58356567 | Against realism: on a ‘certain tendency’ in Italian film criticism |
Q128731039 | Alessandro Torlonia: the Pope’s banker |
Q58357200 | All'ombra di Murat Studi e ricerche sul Decennio francese |
Q58551988 | Allegory, applicability or alibi? Historicizing intolerance in Ettore Scola'sConcorrenza sleale |
Q58556168 | Allied escapers and thecontadiniin occupied Italy (1943 – 5) 1 |
Q58533385 | Amalia's Tale: An Impoverished Peasant Woman, an Ambitious Attorney, and a Fight for Justice |
Q58343839 | Americanization and the judicialization of Italian politics |
Q58357123 | Americans in Tuscany: Charity, Compassion and Belonging |
Q58347369 | An Italian public sphere? |
Q58510907 | An Unlikely Union: The Love-Hate Story of New York’s Irish and Italians |
Q58350749 | An announcement from the Editorial Board |
Q58520431 | An historical turning point: Italy's relations with China before and after 8 September 1943 |
Q58533298 | Ancestors, castles, tradition: the German and Italian nobility and the discovery of the Middle Ages in the nineteenth century |
Q58507629 | Ancient Shore. Dispatches from Naples |
Q57682052 | Anna Maria Ortese: Celestial geographies |
Q58577474 | Answering Auschwitz: Primo Levi's Science and Humanism after the Fall |
Q58552334 | Answering Auschwitz: Primo Levi's Science and Humanism after the Fall |
Q57677854 | Antifascism, anticommunism, antipolitics: delegitimation in Berlusconi’s Italy |
Q126328436 | Antipartito. Opposition to the political class and the party system in 1970’s Italy |
Q58603867 | Antonio Maccanico: Con Pertini al Quirinale. Diari 1978–1985 |
Q57682458 | Architecture of Resignation: Photographs from the Mezzogiorno, |
Q58510793 | Architettura di una chimera: rivoluzione e complotti in una lettera dell’anarchico Malatesta reinterpretata alla luce di inediti documenti d’archivio |
Q58533647 | Arduous Tasks: Primo Levi, Translation and the Transmission of Holocaust Testimony |
Q58510828 | Aretusa: continuity, rupture and space for intervention (1944–46) |
Q58603778 | Arguing for a worldwide perspective: Italy and the reform of the international monetary system between transatlantic cooperation and European integration (1971–73) |
Q58556181 | Armed and unarmed: struggles without weapons in Europe and in Italy |
Q57474306 | Arrivano gli Alleati! Amori e violenze nell'Italia liberata |
Q58353038 | Art for a new audience in the Risorgimento: a meditation |
Q58507664 | Assassinations and Murder in Modern Italy: Transformations in Society and Culture |
Q58353645 | Avant-garde modernism and Italian Fascism: cultural politics in the era of Mussolini |
Q58520358 | Back to the future. The visual propaganda of Alleanza Nazionale (1994–2009) |
Q58552042 | Becoming Neapolitan: Citizen Culture in Baroque Naples |
Q58358425 | Becoming a camorrista : criminal culture and life choices in Naples |
Q58346932 | Becoming imperialist: Italian colonies in Fascist textbooks for primary schools |
Q58533358 | Behind the Cold War: rethinking the left, the state and civil society in Italy (1940s-1970s) |
Q58501451 | Belittled America |
Q58501468 | Belonging without believing: Catholics in contemporary Italy |
Q58577418 | Benedetta and the creation of ‘Second Futurism’ |
Q126856556 | Benedetto Croce and the birth of the Italian Republic 1943–1952, by Fabio Fernando Rizi |
Q58510926 | Beppe Grillo’s Five Star Movement: Organisation, Communication and Ideology |
Q58508338 | Berlusconi and Other Matters: the Era of ‘Football-Politics’ |
Q58533323 | Berlusconi, strong government and the Italian state |
Q127970743 | Bertrando Spaventa tra unificazione nazionale e filosofia europea |
Q58533495 | Between Kafka andcarnevale: an introduction to the immigrant condition in Italy |
Q58531657 | Between containment, confinement and dispersal: the evolution of the Italian reception system before and after the ‘refugee crisis’ |
Q58521917 | Between myth and reality: the euro crisis and the downfall of Silvio Berlusconi |
Q58570407 | Between subversion and coup d'etat: military power and politics after the Great War (1919 – 1922) |
Q58584717 | Beyond honor: a new approach to the many sides of shame |
Q58599712 | Beyond the three circles: Italy and the rest of the world |
Q58533397 | Birth and Death of the Housewife |
Q57677779 | Blurred images: Indro Montanelli’s anti-politics |
Q58533546 | Bodies, boundaries and desires: multiple subject-positions and micro-politics of modernity among young Muslim women in Milan |
Q58570382 | Brief reflections on the journal Italianists keep |
Q58531570 | Briefly remembering Rosario Villari (1925–2017) |
Q58355016 | Britain, Ireland and the Italian risorgimento |
Q58520414 | British Imperialism, French charity and the changing behaviour of Italian Franciscan missionaries in Shanxi Province, 1800–1850 |
Q58577403 | Brutal Vision: The Neorealist Body in Postwar Italian Cinema |
Q58603881 | Building Transatlantic Italy: Architectural Dialogues with Postwar America |
Q57682463 | By the Breath of Their Mouth: Narratives of Resistance in Italian America / Anti-Italianism: Essays on a Prejudice |
Q58552354 | Capitalism, from Venice to the myth of the free market |
Q58350149 | Carlo Levi's Visual Poetics: The Painter as Writer |
Q58552037 | Carlo Rosselli, ‘Giustizia e Libertà’ and the enigma of justice |
Q57684465 | Case del fascio and the Making of Modern Italy |
Q58344753 | Catholic students at war: the Federazione Universitaria Cattolica Italiana, 1940–43 |
Q58510797 | Catholic women’s movements in liberal and fascist Italy |
Q58584645 | Catholics and politics after the Christian Democrats: the influential minority |
Q58592746 | Cattolici e fascisti. La Santa Sede e la politica italiana all'alba del regime (1919–1925) |
Q58577291 | Cavour, l'Italia e l'Europa |
Q58501461 | Challenging cultural categories: The transformation of the Venice Biennale under Fascism |
Q127971169 | Challenging intellectual hierarchies. Hegel in Risorgimento political thought: an introduction |
Q57682086 | Changes and turning points in welfare history. A case study: a comparison of France and Italy in the 1940s |
Q58533538 | Children's social relationships in the Northern Italian school context: evidence for the immigrant paradox |
Q57677702 | Chinese migrants, morality and film ethics in Italian cinema |
Q58507540 | Church and state in the Italian crisis |
Q58592660 | Church and state. Two different approaches to Italy: Pius IX's confrontation versus Pius XII's conciliation |
Q58533347 | Church-state relations in colonial Eritrea : missionaries and the development of colonial strategies (1869–1911) |
Q58501464 | Cinema and the city. Milan and Luchino Visconti'sRocco and his Brothers(1960) |
Q58592823 | Citizen Emperor. Napoleon in Power |
Q58533499 | Citizenship and multiple belonging. Representations of inclusion, identification and participation among children of immigrants in Italy |
Q58520435 | Cittadini senza nazione: migranti francesi a Napoli, 1793–1860 |
Q58350089 | City and language in the thought of Carlo Cattaneo |
Q58531600 | City making and global labor regimes: Chinese immigrants and Italy’s fast fashion industry |
Q58577354 | Civil society in contemporary Italy: theory, history and practice |
Q58552048 | Civilization and Self-Government: The Political Thought of Carlo Cattaneo |
Q57684475 | Collision of Empires: Italy’s Invasion of Ethiopia and its International Impact |
Q58541607 | Colonial rule, colonial repression and war crimes in the Italian colonies |
Q58521874 | Combined Bibliograhy |
Q57682479 | Commemorating the Holocaust: The Dilemmas of Remembrance in France and Italy |
Q129877112 | Commemorating the work of Percy Allum, Paul Ginsborg, Gianni Toniolo and Stuart Woolf |
Q58352052 | Commensurable language and incommensurable claims among the Greek linguistic minority of Southern Italy |
Q58352881 | Comments on the paper by Andrea Colli |
Q58344962 | Comments on the paper by Emanuele Felice |
Q58340475 | Comments on the paper by Giandomenico Piluso |
Q58353267 | Comments on the paper by Michelangelo Vasta |
Q58520295 | Comments on the paper by Patrizia Battilani |
Q57474278 | Comments on the paper by Pier Angelo Toninelli |
Q58346575 | Comunismo e socialismo: Storia di un’idea |
Q58603828 | Comunità omosessuali. Le scienze sociali sulla popolazione LGBT |
Q58533508 | Conference Report: ‘Pius XI and America’, Brown University, 29–30 October 2010 |
Q58533651 | Conflicts of Memory: The Reception of Holocaust Films and TV Programmes in Italy, 1945 to the Present |
Q58584721 | Conservation, development and self-commodification: doing ethnography in the Italian Alps |
Q58603786 | Conspiracy theories in Republican Italy: the Pellegrino Report to the Parliamentary Commission on Terrorism |
Q58603939 | Constitutional change: an explanation |
Q58350904 | Constructing a national identity from a created literary past: Giosuè Carducci and the development of a national literature |
Q58516613 | Constructing an intellectual identity: autobiography and biography in eighteenth-century Naples |
Q57682524 | Construction of crime and the criminal: pathologies of the Italian legal system |
Q58533354 | Containing containment: rethinking Italy's experience during the Cold War |
Q58520345 | Contemporary Italian Women Writers and Traces of the Fantastic: The Creation of Literary Space |
Q58592771 | Contro scettici e disfattisti. Gli anni di Ciampi, 1992–2006 |
Q57474310 | Cooperative modulations: the antimafia movement and struggles over land and cooperativism in eight Sicilian municipalities |
Q57682496 | Corporate governance and the financial crisis in Italy |
Q58577481 | Corporeal Bonds: The Daughter-Mother Relationship in Twentieth-Century Italian Women's Writing |
Q58346070 | Corsica fatal, Malta baluardo di romanita’. L’irredentismo fascista nel mare nostrum (1922–1942) |
Q58531596 | Criminal law in liberal and fascist Italy |
Q58556098 | Cultural capitals and cosmopolitanism in eighteenth-century Italy: the historiography and Italy on the Grand Tour |
Q58533343 | Culture and imperialism in a ‘backward’ nation? The Prima Guerra d‘Africa (1885-96) in Italian primary schools |
Q58533489 | Culture nazionali e narrazioni straniere. Italia: 1903–1943 |
Q58603943 | Cyclical downturn or structural disease? The decline of the Italian economy in the last twenty years |
Q58592829 | Dalla patria allo Stato: Bertrando Spaventa, una biografia intellettuale |
Q58577400 | Darkness Before Daybreak: African Migrants Living on the Margins in Southern Italy Today |
Q58533441 | Dear John, where is the world we lost? |
Q57474327 | Debunking the cliché of Italian military cowardice: the Italian military internees and Guareschi |
Q58570266 | Defining a field, describing a world: Jane and Peter Schneider and the study of modern Italy |
Q58521842 | Delegitimation and anticommunism in Italian neofascism |
Q57474329 | Delegitimation provided by the constitutional pact in the First Republic |
Q126321211 | Democratic Italy in the ‘Seventies |
Q58507668 | Differences, Deceits and Desires: Murder and Mayhem in Italian Crime Fiction |
Q58592716 | DirectingTerramatta;. An interview with Costanza Quatriglio |
Q57682118 | Dittature Mediterranee: Sovversioni fasciste e colpi di Stato in Italia, Spagna e Portogallo |
Q58592902 | Divergenze parallele. Comunismo e anticomunismo alle origini del linguaggio politico dell'Italia repubblicana (1945–1953) |
Q58545139 | Doing Italian history: Pleasure and politics |
Q58570281 | Domestic work, family life, and immigration in Sicily |
Q58339836 | Donne e uomini migranti: storie e geografie tra breve e lunga distanza |
Q58533566 | Drawn and Dangerous: Italian Comics of the 1970s and 1980s |
Q58577515 | Duelling after the Duce: postwar conflicts of honour in Italy |
Q58599824 | Duties and rights in the thought of Giuseppe Mazzini |
Q58520302 | Dwarf giants, giant dwarfs. Reflections about the Italian ‘industrial demography’ at the beginning of the new millennium |
Q58592855 | EP Vol. 1: The Italian Avant-Garde: 1968–1978 |
Q58510904 | Eccentricity and Sameness. Discourses on Lesbianism and Desire between Women in Italy, 1860s–1930s |
Q58524504 | Economic autonomy and male authority: female merchants in modern Italy |
Q128491404 | Economic fears of mass migration from southern Italy in early twentieth century America |
Q58341097 | Elena Aga-Rossi and Victor Zaslavsky (2007) Togliatti e Stalin. Il PCI e la politica estera staliniana negli archivi di Mosca |
Q58599740 | Elite migrations in modern Italy: patterns of settlement, integration and identity negotiation |
Q58356965 | Elsa Morante’s politics of writing. Rethinking subjectivity, history, and the power of art |
Q57474272 | Emigrant Nation: The Making of Italy Abroad |
Q57474290 | Empowerment of young migrants in Italy through nonformal education: putting equality into practice |
Q58577364 | Emptypiazze. The waning of urban civism in Italian politics |
Q58520314 | Energy and the puzzle of Italy's economic growth |
Q58351791 | Enlightenment and reform: an overview of culture and politics in Enlightenment Italy |
Q58577286 | Enrico Sappia: Cospiratore e agente segreto di Mazzini |
Q57669394 | Enrique Díaz Retg and El Diluvio: reportage from the Italian frontline (1916) |
Q58552350 | Entering the Frame: Cinema and History in the Films of Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi |
Q58533615 | Eppur non si muove?Prospects for constitutional reforms in Italy after the 2009 European and 2010 regional elections |
Q58342995 | Eugenio Colorni, dall'antifascismo all'europeismo socialista e federalista |
Q57682473 | Everyday Life in Fascist Venice, 1929–1940 |
Q58533503 | Everyday practised citizenship and the challenges of representation: second-generation associations in Bologna |
Q47647164 | Evolution and epidemiology of induced abortion in Italy. |
Q58551972 | Explaining standing order reforms in theCamera dei Deputatiduring the liberal age |
Q58533531 | Explaining the gap in educational achievement between second-generation immigrants and natives: the Italian case |
Q57430682 | Extravagance and three other plays |
Q57474302 | Extreme right parties in Western Europe: the case of the Italian Northern League |
Q58510950 | Fabio Luca Cavazza, the New Frontier and the opening to the left in Italy |
Q58521829 | Families, lovers, and their letters: Italian Postwar Migration to Canada |
Q58599781 | Family politics: political rhetoric and the transformation of family life in the Italian Second Republic |
Q58577350 | Fare gli ebrei italiani. Autorappresentazioni di una minoranza (1861–1918) |
Q58592764 | Fascism and the Jews: Italy and Britain |
Q58521900 | Fascism, Aviation and Mythical Modernity |
Q58575652 | Fascist Italy and German Jews in south‐eastern France in July 1943 |
Q58603790 | Fascist Italy and the Middle East, 1933–40 |
Q58354889 | Fascist food politics: Mussolini’s policy of alimentary sovereignty |
Q57684377 | Fashioning the Italian nation: Risorgimento and itscostumeall'italiana |
Q57682128 | Fault Lines: Earthquakes and Urbanism in Modern Italy |
Q57682444 | Female Sexual Inversion, Same-Sex Desires in Italy and British Sexology, c. 1870–1920 |
Q57474322 | Fictions of Appetite. Alimentary Discourses in Italian Modernist Literature |
Q57682056 | Fictions of Youth: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Adolescence, Fascism |
Q58501420 | Fifty years on: Resistance then, Resistance now |
Q58510942 | Fighting for Trieste: nationalism and political violence at the edge of the Iron Curtain |
Q57474270 | Fighting the Risorgimento: foreign volunteers in southern Italy (1860–63) |
Q58541573 | Filippo Mazzonis and Italy’s monarchy |
Q58351669 | Filippo Tommaso Marinetti: the Futurist as Fascist, 1929–37 |
Q58344251 | Filippo Tommaso Marinetti: the artist and his politics |
Q58577315 | Filosofia di Berlusconi: L'essere e il nulla nell'Italia del Cavaliere |
Q58533554 | Final remarks: Italy, dreams of a monochrome society? |
Q58531574 | Financial policies in the Papal States, 1790s–1848: a comparative study of Napoleonic Europe |
Q126328406 | For a criticism of the sexual revolution: from the liberation of mores to pornocracy (1968–1975) |
Q57677612 | For a ‘normal government’ of the colony: Antonio Gandolfi and the first administration of Eritrea (1890–1892) |
Q58533414 | Forced residence in liberal Italy: a pre-history, 1815–65 |
Q58346075 | Foreign Jews in the western Alps (1938 – 43) |
Q127521718 | Foreign immigration to Italy: crisis and the transformation of flows |
Q58577536 | Forza senza legittimità. Il vicolo cieco dei partiti |
Q58357742 | Francesco Crispi, the problem of the monarchy, and the origins of Italian nationalism |
Q58563342 | Francesco Crispi, ‘political education’ and the problem of Italian national consciousness, 1860–1896 |
Q58556115 | Franco Venturi's ‘crisis’ of the Old Regime |
Q58552240 | Freedom of the press, public opinion and liberalism in the Risorgimento |
Q58352016 | French businessmen in the nineteenth-century Mezzogiorno: technical innovation, sociability, networks and negotiation of identities |
Q57474266 | French volunteers in Italy, 1848–49: a collective incarnation of the fraternity of the peoples and of the tradition of French military engagement in Italy and Europe |
Q58533513 | Freud and Italian Culture |
Q58352547 | From Alpine clubs to Baggio and Berlusconi: Italy reflected through sport |
Q58599764 | From Central Europe to the northern Adriatic: Habsburg citizens between Italians and Croats in Istria |
Q58603841 | From Universalism to Nationalism: Italian Freemasonry and the Great War |
Q58570275 | From Villamaura to Palermo: two songs of the Mafia |
Q127968308 | From clans to co-ops. Confiscated Mafia land in Sicily |
Q58531668 | From crisis to creative critique: the early twenty-first century Mediterranean crossing on stage and screen in works by Teatro delle Albe and Andrea Segre |
Q58521847 | From enemy to opponent: the politics of delegitimation in the Italian Christian Democratic Party (1945–1992) |
Q58531635 | From exchange to voice. Voting in southern Italy |
Q58521851 | From political enemy to profane reality: the ‘friend–enemy’ relation in the political ideology of Italian communists |
Q58533336 | From the 'Republic of Parties' to a 'Fatherland for Italians': the Italian Political System in Search of a New Principle of Legitimation |
Q57684500 | From the bottom of the bottle: justice, prison and social control in the Italian transition |
Q58347109 | From the republic of antifascists to the republic ofparties |
Q58520310 | From the universal bank to the universal bank: a reappraisal |
Q58592712 | FromFontanazzatoTerra matta |
Q58510831 | FromRisorgimentotoIl Politecnico:impegnoand intellectual networks in the Einaudi publishing house, 1945 |
Q57682468 | FromTerra mattatoTerramatta; and beyond |
Q58533517 | Futurism and the Technological Imagination |
Q58510816 | Futurism from foundation to world war: the art and politics of an avant-garde movement |
Q58341399 | Gaetano Salvemini, Lettere americane 1927–1949 |
Q58520483 | Gaetano Salvemini: antifascism in thought and action |
Q58351638 | Garibaldi and Mazzini: thought and action |
Q58352406 | Garibaldi and parliamentary democracy |
Q58520440 | Garibaldi. Orizzonti mediterranei |
Q58599851 | Garibaldi: a hero and his making |
Q58575596 | Gender trouble: Women and the making of Italy's ‘active population’, 1861‐1936 |
Q58341082 | Gender, Narrative and Dissonance in the Modern Italian Novel |
Q55980114 | General Roatta's war against the partisans in Yugoslavia: 1942 |
Q58577297 | Generazioni intellettuali. Storia sociale degli allievi della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa nel Novecento (1918–1946) |
Q58577501 | Geographical imaginations, public education and the everyday worlds of Fascist Italy |
Q58592699 | George L. Mosse, l'Italia e gli storici |
Q58510862 | George L. Mosse’s Italy. Interpretation, Reception, and Intellectual Heritage |
Q57474268 | German volunteers in the armed conflicts of the Italian Risorgimento 1834–70 |
Q57682108 | Giganti petroliferi e grandi consumatori. Gli Stati Uniti, la Gran Bretagna e la rivoluzione petrolifera (1968–1974) |
Q58347797 | Giorgio de Chirico and the Metaphysical City: Nietzsche, Modernism, Paris |
Q58533427 | Giornali di donne in Toscana: un catalogo, molte storie (1770–1945) |
Q58516593 | Giovanni Giolitti: a pessimist as modernizer |
Q57474276 | Giudicare e punire, I processi per crimini di Guerra tra diritto e politica |
Q58520470 | Giuliano Procacci and nationalism |
Q58510805 | Giuseppe Antonio Borgese and Italian propaganda abroad |
Q58592848 | Giuseppe Dossetti: L'avventura politica di un riformatore cristiano |
Q58352000 | Gli Alleati e la Resistenza italiana |
Q58344342 | Gli italiani e l'italiano nell'America del Nord |
Q58584654 | Globalization, European integration and regulatory reform in Italy: liberalism, protectionism or reconstruction? |
Q55883705 | Governing the Italian economy: a comparative perspective |
Q58533471 | Gramsci in India: homage to a teacher |
Q58533445 | Gramsci studies since 1989 |
Q58533453 | Gramsci's bibliographies |
Q58533467 | Gramsci's concept of common sense: a useful concept for anthropologists? |
Q58533462 | Gramsci's place in women's history |
Q58577396 | Guerra alle donne. Partigiane, vittime di stupro, ‘amanti del nemico’, 1940–45 |
Q58531587 | Guerra civile: experience, memory and contrasting histories of the Resistance in Italy |
Q58343386 | Habeas corpus. Sei genealogie del corpo occidentale |
Q58556111 | Habsburg Italy in the age of reform |
Q58516601 | Has Italy rejected the referendum path to change? The failed referenda of May 2000 |
Q57682071 | Historical Essay on the Neapolitan Revolution of 1799 |
Q58577413 | Historiographical perspectives on 1940s Futurism |
Q58516660 | History as it really wasn't: the myths of Italian historiography |
Q57474305 | History of the Mafia |
Q57669568 | Honor and crisis: the chivalric assumptions of Italian intervention in 1915? |
Q58563313 | Hope and despair: ‘Deviant’ immigrants in Italy |
Q58351931 | How elections are fought in Ascoli: kinship, politics, history and culture |
Q58577251 | How political were Verdi's operas? Metaphors of progress in the reception ofI Lombardi alla prima crociata |
Q58508284 | How to lose a mayor: the case of Bologna |
Q58510982 | I Macchiaioli, le collezioni svelate, Rome, Chiostro del Bramante 16 March – 4 September 2016 |
Q58584659 | I Quindici Giorni di Scanzano: identity and social protest in the New South |
Q58552108 | I giovani raccontano gli anziani. Il contributo del VideoConcorso Francesco Pasinetti alla riflessione su invecchiamento, dialogo intergenerazionale e trasmissione culturale in Italia |
Q58552178 | I piccoli cospiratori. Politica ed emozioni nei primi mazziniani |
Q58341255 | Icons and iconoclasm: Roberto Saviano's Gomorrah and La Denuncia |
Q58507548 | Identity, place and culture: Patrick McCarthy's columns in the Bologna pages of La Repubblica |
Q58507571 | Ideology, clientelism and the ‘fascistization’ of the Italian state: fascists in the Interior Ministry police |
Q58508289 | Ignazio Silone and the Fascist political police |
Q58507593 | Il Borgo e la borgata. I ragazzi di don Bosco e l'altra Roma del dopoguerra |
Q58521833 | Il Colore della Nazione |
Q58552156 | Il Coltello e il mercato, La Camorra prima e dopo l'unità d'Italia; Alleanza nell'ombra, mafie ed economie locali in Sicilia e nel Mezzogiorno |
Q58577309 | Il Giro d'Italia e la società italiana |
Q58342993 | Il Papa non deve parlare: chiesa, fascismo e guerra d'Etiopia |
Q58577451 | Il Regno delle due Sicilie e le potenze europee 1830–1861 |
Q126856960 | Il Vangelo Socialista. Rinnovare la cultura del socialismo italiano, by Bettino Craxi, Virgilio Dagnino and Luciano Pellicani |
Q58592677 | Il berlsuconismo nella storia d'Italia |
Q58339976 | Il cattivo tedesco e il bravo italiano. La rimozione delle colpe nella seconda guerra mondiale |
Q57682510 | Il codice della Rivoluzione. L'introduzione del nuovo diritto nell' Europa napoleonica |
Q58352192 | Il commissario distrettuale nel Veneto asburgico: un funzionario dell'Impero tra mediazione politica e controllo sociale (1819–1848) |
Q57684446 | Il concilio in diretta: Il Vaticano II e la televisione tra informazione e partecipazione |
Q58533380 | Il fantasma della libertà. Figure dello stato e forme del potere fra Sette e Novecento |
Q58348822 | Il fascismo degli italiani. Una storia sociale |
Q58521855 | Il martire necessario: Guerra e sacrificio nell’Italia contemporanea |
Q58343931 | Il melodramma della nazione: Politica e sentimenti nell’età del Risorgimento |
Q58533393 | Il mito della democrazia sociale. Giovanni Gronchi e la cultura politica dei cattolici italiani (1902–1955) |
Q58510866 | Il nemico fidato. La guerra di sterminio in URSS e l’occupazione alpina sull’Alto Don |
Q58520452 | Il primo De Gasperi. La formazione di un leader politico |
Q58344125 | Il professorino. Giuseppe Dossetti tra la crisi del fascismo e la costruzione della democrazia, 1940–1948 |
Q58353915 | Il progetto della bellezza. Il design fra arte e tecnica dal 1851 a oggi |
Q57474275 | Il secolo delle donne. L'Italia del Novecento al femminile |
Q58603838 | Immigrants Turned Activists: Italians in 1970s Melbourne |
Q58541595 | Immigrants in a segmented and often undeclared labour market |
Q58501480 | Immigration and crime in contemporary Italy |
Q58533311 | Imperial nostalgia: mythologizing Habsburg Trieste |
Q58510946 | Imported memories: the Italian audience and the reception of American movies about the Second World War |
Q58520461 | In Gold We Trust. Social Capital and Economic Change in the Italian Jewelry Towns |
Q58584703 | In pursuit of ‘green gold’: immigration and the fortunes of a Sicilian greenhouse district |
Q57474280 | In search of Alcide De Gasperi: innovations in Italian scholarship since 2003 |
Q58344425 | In search of normality, the political strategy of Massimo D'Alema |
Q58348629 | In the Name of Italy: Nation, Family, and Patriotism in a Fascist Court |
Q58577545 | In the Society of Fascists: Acclamation, Acquiescence, and Agency in Mussolini's Italy |
Q58507544 | In the footsteps of George Orwell: Patrick McCarthy as Italian correspondent for Tribune, 1978–1980 |
Q128491188 | In the shadow of Franz Boas: the Italian Committee for the Study of Population Problems and the physical assimilation of immigrants (1938–1955) |
Q58520427 | In the shadow of Marco Polo: writing about China in fascist Italy |
Q57682153 | Indispensable immigrants: the wine porters of northern Italy and their saint, 1200–1800 |
Q58521926 | Insurgents against Brussels: Euroscepticism and the right-wing populist turn of the Lega Nord since 2013 |
Q58533527 | Integrazione internazionale e sviluppo interno. Stati uniti e Italia nei programmi di riarmo del blocco atlantico, 1945–1955 |
Q58520443 | Intellettuali ed economisti di fronte alla Prima Guerra Mondiale |
Q58603774 | Interpreting foreign institutions. How the Italian academic culture dealt with the French Fifth Republic, 1958–1998 |
Q58510962 | Interventiste nella grande guerra: assistenza, propaganda, lotta per i diritti a Milano e in Italia (1911–1919) |
Q58592808 | Interview with Romano Prodi |
Q58603810 | Interview with Romano Prodi |
Q58552198 | Intimacy and Italian Migration: Gender and Domestic Lives in a Mobile World |
Q58531535 | Introducing the need to study young people in contemporary Italy |
Q57474263 | Introduction - From philosophes to pundits: Italian intellectuals and politics from Vico to Eco |
Q58533593 | Introduction Anti-Gypsyism and the politics of exclusion: Roma and Sinti in contemporary Italy |
Q58531652 | Introduction: Italy and the Euro–Mediterranean ‘migrant crisis’: national reception, lived experiences, E.U. pressures |
Q58577409 | Introduction: Reconsidering Futurism |
Q58531611 | Introduction: not a normal election: roots and consequences |
Q58592883 | Is history the strongest weapon? Corsica in the Fascistmare nostrum |
Q57678584 | Istrasformismoa useful category for analysing modern Italian politics? |
Q58510990 | Italia a colori. Storia delle passioni politiche dalla caduta del fascismo ad oggi |
Q58351941 | Italia barbara: Italian primitives from Piero to Pasolini |
Q58532462 | Italian Colonialism: Historical Perspectives Introduction |
Q58531555 | Italian Fascism’s empire cinema |
Q58533639 | Italian Folk: Vernacular Culture in Italian-American Lives |
Q58552298 | Italian Immigrant Radical Culture: The Idealism of the Sovversivi in the United States, 1890–1940 |
Q57474288 | Italian National Identity in the Scramble for Africa: Italy's African Wars in the Era of Nation-building |
Q57474282 | Italian Neorealist Cinema |
Q58552172 | Italian Opera in the Age of the American Revolution |
Q57682487 | Italian Politics 2010. Much Ado about Nothing? |
Q58577566 | Italian Post-Neorealist Cinema |
Q58521904 | Italian Psychology and Jewish Emigration under Fascism: From Florence to Jerusalem and New York |
Q58533315 | Italian Security Policy after the Cold War |
Q58592751 | Italian Silent Cinema. A Reader |
Q57437880 | Italian Vices: Nation and Character from the Risorgimento to the Republic |
Q57474320 | Italian Women Filmmakers and the Gendered Screen |
Q58510875 | Italian Women Writers, 1800–2000. Boundaries, Borders, and Transgression |
Q58358385 | Italian Women and International Cold War Politics, 1944–1968 |
Q58570415 | Italian bipolarism and the elections of 2006. End of the line or just a connecting stop? |
Q58531630 | Italian candidates under the Rosato mixed electoral system. In search of personal votes in the plurality tier? |
Q57669571 | Italian emigration policy during the Great Migration Age, 1888–1919: the interaction of emigration and foreign policy |
Q58520318 | Italian export capacity in the long-term perspective (1861–2009): a tortuous path to stay in place |
Q57474279 | Italian fascism: organization, enthusiasm, opinion |
Q57474314 | Italian fashion: yesterday, today and tomorrow |
Q58507536 | Italian foreign policy after the end of the Cold War |
Q58575583 | Italian history and gli italiani nel mondo, Part II |
Q58563328 | Italian history and gli italiani nel mondo, part I |
Q58541589 | Italian immigration: the origins, nature and evolution of Italy’s migratory systems |
Q58520423 | Italian land auctions in Tianjin: Italian colonialism in early twentieth-century China |
Q57682158 | Italian modernities: competing narratives of nationhood |
Q58552150 | Italian operatic fantasies in Latin America |
Q58584671 | Italian politics: no improvement in sight |
Q58570308 | Italian reactions to the racial laws of 1938 as seen through the classified files of the Ministry of Popular Culture |
Q128023845 | Italian receptions of Hegel: Epilogue |
Q58575643 | Italian religious historiography in the 1990s |
Q58510899 | Italian sexualities uncovered, 1789–1914 |
Q58531559 | Italian style: fashion and film from early cinema to the digital age |
Q57682506 | Italian universities, Fascism and the promotion of corporative studies |
Q57682082 | Italian welfare as seen from the standpoint of the International Labour Organization (1944–68) |
Q57684491 | Italiani in Ghana. Storia e antropologia di una migrazione (1900–1946) |
Q57474289 | Italiani nuovi o nuova Italia? Citizenship and attitudes towards the second generation in contemporary Italy |
Q57678628 | Italianness during Fascism: the case ofIl Selvaggio |
Q58570366 | Italians and music. Financescape, ideoscape and mediascape |
Q58521921 | Italians at war: war and experience in Fascist Italy |
Q57684479 | Italo Svevo and his Legacy for the Third Millennium - Volume I: Philology and Interpretation |
Q58603890 | Italo Svevo and his Legacy for the Third Millennium. Volume II: Contexts and Influences |
Q58603851 | Italofilia: Opinione Pubblica Britannica e Risorgimento Italiano 1847–1864 |
Q58348990 | Italy 1990–2014: the transition that never happened |
Q58592777 | Italy Today. The Sick Man of Europe |
Q58599723 | Italy and Africa: how to forget colonialism |
Q58556069 | Italy and America: politics and culture: Americanization of Italian politics? |
Q57682542 | Italy and Yugoslavia: from distrust to friendship in Cold War Europe |
Q58592800 | Italy and the European crisis: panel discussion |
Q58603872 | Italy and the Mediterranean: Words, Sounds, and Images of the Post-Cold War Era |
Q127969897 | Italy and the environmental humanities: Landscapes, natures, ecologies |
Q58599728 | Italy and the south of the world: still a laggard in international development? |
Q58351671 | Italy in Australia’s musical landscape |
Q58349761 | Italy in European and world politics: new approaches |
Q58533631 | Italy in the Age of Pinocchio: Children and Danger in the Liberal Era |
Q58599776 | Italy inChiaroscuro: the dark shadows of modern Italian society |
Q57682413 | Italy on the 150th anniversary of national unity |
Q58521866 | Italy says no: the 2016 constitutional referendum and its consequences |
Q58357902 | Italy's foreign policy toward China: missed opportunities and new chances |
Q58599785 | Italy's path to federalism. Origins and paradoxes |
Q58603925 | Italy's political system since 1989 |
Q58346691 | Italy's third fall |
Q58603933 | Italy's unfinished transition: between domestic dynamics and international change |
Q58563390 | Italy: A new language for a new politics? |
Q58516655 | Italy: the idea and the reality of the nation |
Q127609150 | Italy’s Southern Question: long-standing thorny issues and current problems |
Q58533302 | Jewish experiences in the Italian Risorgimento: political practice and national emotions of Florentine and Leghorn Jewry (1849-1860) |
Q58533449 | John Cammett's writings on Antonio Gramsci and the PCI* |
Q58516629 | John Rosselli (1927–2001) |
Q58552094 | Journeys through Fascism: Italian Travel Writing between the Wars |
Q58508317 | Journeys to Italian East Africa 1936–1941: narratives of settlement |
Q58599751 | Judging foreigners. Conflict strategies, consular interventions and institutional changes in eighteenth-century Naples |
Q58556129 | Keystone of the patriarchal family? Indissoluble marriage, masculinity and divorce in Liberal Italy |
Q58343426 | L'Alternativa liberale: Malagodi e l'opposizione al centrosinistra |
Q58341954 | L'Arsenale di Venezia. Storia di una grande struttura urbana |
Q58342998 | L'Impero Fascista. Italia ed Etiopia (1935–1941) |
Q58533389 | L'Italia e il confine orientale |
Q58603823 | L'Italia giovane dall'Unità al fascismo |
Q58533575 | L'Italia sospesa. La crisi degli anni settanta vista da Washington |
Q58533585 | L'apostolo a brandelli. L'eredità di Mazzini tra Risorgimento e fascismo |
Q57474307 | La Fiat di Marchionne. Da Torino a Detroit |
Q58533522 | La Palestra del Littorio. L'Accademia della Farnesina: un esperimento di pedagogia totalitaria nell’Italia fascista |
Q58577390 | La Repubblica sociale italiana a Desenzano: Giovanni Preziosi e l'Ispettorato generale per la razza |
Q57474271 | La Sicilia dei Moncada. Le corti, l'arte e la cultura nei secoli XVI–XVII |
Q57682148 | La citazione è sintomo d’amore: Cantautori italiani e memoria letteraria |
Q58577321 | La consistenza della luce: il pensiero della natura da Goethe a Calvino |
Q58348524 | La distanza del cielo: Leopardi e lo spazio dell'ispirazione |
Q57474274 | La filosofia della rivoluzione Gramsci, la cultura e la guerra Europea |
Q57682553 | La fine dell'uguaglianza |
Q58521953 | La lotta armata a Genova dal gruppo 22 ottobre alle Brigate rosse |
Q58552342 | La metalmeccanica torinese: continuità e trasformazione |
Q58510912 | La politica dei colori: Emozioni e passioni nella storia d’Italia dal Risorgimento al ventennio fascista |
Q58533475 | La politica del massacro: per un atlante delle stragi naziste in Toscana |
Q126626867 | La preghiera e la grande guerra. Benedetto XV e la nazionalizzazione del culto in Italia |
Q126856539 | La preghiera e la grande guerra. Benedetto XV e la nazionalizzazione del culto in Italia, by M. Paiano |
Q58577238 | La presa di RomaandIl piccolo garibaldino: the Risorgimento and national identity in early Italian cinema |
Q58510858 | La prova della razza: cultura giuridica e razzismo in Italia negli anni trenta |
Q58533485 | La qualità della democrazia in Italia. Capitale sociale e politica |
Q127521948 | La scoperta dell’Italia: Il fascismo raccontato dai corrispondenti americani |
Q58592687 | La società volontaria e solidale. Il cantiere del welfare pubblico e privato |
Q126856975 | La stoffa dell’Italia, Storia e cultura della moda dal 1945 a oggi, by Emanuela Scarpellini |
Q58507646 | La svolta di Enea. Retorica ed esistenza in Giorgio Caproni (1932–1956) |
Q58603919 | La transizione politica italiana. Da Tangentopoli a oggi |
Q58577469 | La via fascista alla democrazia americana: Cultura e propaganda nelle comunità italo-americane |
Q58577495 | Landscapes of Desire in the Poetry of Vittorio Sereni |
Q58516646 | Language and politics in Italy: from Moro to Berlusconi |
Q58521939 | Late nineteenth century Italy in Africa: the Livraghi affair and the waning of civilising aspirations |
Q58533623 | Le Grand Tour revisité: pour une archéologie du tourisme: le voyage des Français en Italie, milieu XVIIIesiècle – début XIXesiècle |
Q58520397 | Le biblioteche e gli archivi durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Il caso italiano |
Q57677718 | Le donne nell'accademia italiana: Identità, potere e carriera |
Q58507642 | Le guerre del novecento |
Q58603846 | Le légitimisme en armes: histoire d’une mobilisation internationale contre l’unité italienne |
Q58533589 | Le ragioni di un decennio. 1969–1979. Militanza, violenza, sconfitta, memoria |
Q57474293 | Le reazioni interne ed internazionali al crollo del regime fascista in Italia. 25 luglio 1943 |
Q58340622 | Leaders, dreams and journeys: Italy's new political communication |
Q58344849 | Learning from L'Aquila: grassroots mobilization in post-earthquake Emilia-Romagna |
Q58510882 | Lega democratica and the making of Italy’s center-left |
Q58521896 | Legacies of Violence: History, Society, and the State in Sardinia |
Q57678796 | Legal hyper-invasiveness and anti-legal practices in contemporary Italy |
Q57684420 | Legitimacy and Revolution in a Society of Masses: Max Weber, Antonio Gramsci, and the Fin-de-Siècle Debate on Social Order |
Q58349269 | Leonardo Sciascia andThe Disappearance of Majorana |
Q58556122 | Liberal decorum and men in conflict: Rome, 1871 – 90 |
Q58533362 | Liberalism in the Cold War: Norberto Bobbio and the dialogue with the PCI |
Q58556525 | Liberation and literature: Naples 1944 |
Q58340274 | Libere sempre: Una ragazza della Resistenza a una ragazza di oggi |
Q58524522 | Life Is Beautiful : four riddles, three answers |
Q58552076 | Lionello Venturi, Roberto Longhi and the Renaissance ‘primitives’ |
Q57679812 | Local autonomies and economic development in Italy's incomplete transition |
Q58577378 | Looking for Italy's public sphere |
Q58592783 | Looking in the wrong direction? Reflections on Italy's most recent ‘crisis’ |
Q58592875 | Looters, collectors and a passion for antiquities at the margins of Italian society |
Q58541581 | Lost primacy: crime in Italy at the end of the twentieth century |
Q58599839 | Luchino Visconti's La Terra Trema |
Q58350336 | Luoghi. La produzione di località in età moderna e contemporanea |
Q58521943 | L’Africa in casa. Propaganda e cultura coloniale nell’Italia fascista |
Q127585106 | L’albero della cuccagna. L’affare emigrazione nel grande esodo tra ‘800 e ‘900 |
Q58531567 | L’immaginario devoto tra mafie e antimafia: Riti, culti e santi |
Q58510824 | Maciste goes to war:Maciste alpino(1916) |
Q58592910 | Made Men: Mafia Culture and the Power of Symbols, Rituals, and Myth |
Q57684399 | Made in Italy (by the Chinese): migration and the rebirth of textiles and apparel |
Q58603902 | Made in Italy: Rethinking a Century of Italian Design |
Q58354680 | Mafia Movies: A Reader |
Q57684450 | Mafie del Nord, Strategie criminali e contesti locali |
Q58524514 | Maggi's Croce, Sasso's Gentile and the riddles of twentieth-century Italian intellectual history |
Q58552141 | Magical thinking: reason and emotion in some recent literature on Verdi and politics |
Q57684381 | Make-believe: fashion and Cinelandia in Rizzoli'sLei(1933–38) |
Q58577509 | Making Italians: colonial history and the graduate education system from the liberal era to Fascism |
Q58599770 | Making sense of recent Italian politics |
Q57684486 | Making waves: Giacomo Balla and Emilio Pucci |
Q58599734 | Man of faith and political commitment: Alcide De Gasperi in the history of Europe |
Q58345690 | Manlio Rossi-Doria. Un riformatore del Novecento |
Q58351285 | Mapping contemporary Catholic politics in Italy |
Q58577486 | Marco Bellocchio: The Cinematic I in the Political Sphere |
Q128727586 | Marco Tullio Giordana. Una poetica civile in forma di cinema |
Q57678486 | Margaret Fuller and Mazzini again: an almost unedited letter |
Q58520374 | Margareth Lanzinger and Raffaella Sarti (eds) (2006) Nubili e celibi tra scelta e costrizione (secoli XVI–XX) |
Q58577255 | Marketing ‘Garibaldi panoramas’ in Britain (1860–1864) |
Q58556519 | Marriage by exception: Marriage dispensations and ecclesiastical policies in nineteenth‐century Rome |
Q127584534 | Marshall Plan modernism. Italian postwar abstraction and the beginnings of autonomia |
Q58577231 | Masked faces. Verdi,Uncle Tomand the unification of Italy |
Q58520327 | Mass Culture and Italian Society: From Fascism to the Cold War |
Q58346602 | Material Nation: A Consumer’s History of Modern Italy |
Q58520479 | Max Ascoli and Italian intellectuals in exile in the United States before the Second World War |
Q58552031 | Mazzini and the making of the republican ideology |
Q58599830 | Mazzini in Italian historical memory |
Q58350969 | Mediating culture in the Italian literary field 1940s–50s |
Q58577339 | Mediating the Risorgimento |
Q58521930 | Mediterranean Enlightenment: Livornese Jews, Tuscan Culture, and Eighteenth-Century Reform |
Q58533656 | Memoria in Noir: Un'indagine pluridisciplinare |
Q58533436 | Memories of a Jewish Life: From Italy to Jerusalem, 1918–1960 |
Q58533559 | Memories of the Italian rice belt, 1945–65: work, class conflict and intimacy during the ‘great transformation’ |
Q58348770 | Memory and meaning: genealogy of a fertile protest |
Q58520466 | Menshevichi. I riformisti nella storia dell'Italia repubblicana |
Q58357356 | Merchandising and sanctity: the invasive cult of Padre Pio |
Q128716844 | Merchants in the city of art: work, identity, and change in a Florentine neighborhood |
Q58357680 | Metternich and the Anglo-Neapolitan Sulphur Crisis of 1840 |
Q58507608 | Michelangelo Antonioni: Interviews |
Q57474311 | Migrant Imaginaries. Figures in Italian Migration Literature |
Q58342991 | Migrant friendships, migrant loves – taking the sociability of second generations seriously |
Q58287608 | Migration strategies and occupational outcomes of southern Italian graduates |
Q58531663 | Migration, knowledge production and the humanitarian agenda in times of crisis |
Q128730411 | Migrazioni contemporanee: Testi e contesti |
Q58570401 | Mirror of the Second Republic. TheJournal of Modern Italian Studiesin the years of the Italian political crisis |
Q57682440 | Missing an opportunity: the Italian Mezzogiorno's trading troubles during European integration |
Q57682094 | Miti e ideologia nella politica estera della DC. Nazione, Europa e Comunità atlantica (1943–1954) |
Q58345847 | Moderatismo e amministrazione nel granducato di Toscana: La carriera di Luigi Serristori and La ‘civil difesa’: Economia, finanza e sistema militare nel Granducato di Toscana (1814–1859) |
Q58533480 | Modern Architecture and the Mediterranean: Vernacular Dialogues and Contested Identities |
Q58501433 | Modern Italian history in Australia |
Q58577444 | Modern Italy in Historical Perspective |
Q58584697 | Modern Italy in anthropological perspective: essays in honor of Anthony Galt |
Q58356854 | Moderns Abroad: Architecture, Cities and Italian Imperialism |
Q128729553 | Montale, The Modernist |
Q58577279 | Morals, modern identities and the Catholic woman: fashion inFamiglia Cristiana, 1954–1968 |
Q58570334 | More Mussolinis |
Q58533570 | More Work! Less Pay! Rebellion and Repression in Italy, 1972–7 |
Q58510921 | Moro e il PCI. La strategia dell’attenzione e il dibattito politico italiano (1967–1969) |
Q58603885 | Morte a Venezia. Thomas Mann / Luchino Visconti: un confronto |
Q58341133 | Multi/Interdisciplinary investigations into Italy and World War I: An introduction |
Q58352796 | Murder Made in Italy. Homicide, Media, and Contemporary Italian Culture |
Q58570350 | Musical identity and social change in Italy |
Q58342647 | Mussolini's Concentration Camps for Civilians. An Insight into the Nature of Fascist Racism |
Q57684441 | Mussolini's Dream Factory: Film Stardom in Fascist Italy |
Q58347999 | Mussolini's Policemen: Behavior, Ideology and Institutional Culture in Representation and Practice |
Q58532472 | Mussolini's colonial race laws and state-settler relations in Africa Orientale Italiana (1935-41) |
Q58575619 | Mussolini's unofficial mouthpiece: Telesio Interlandi ‐Il Tevereand the evolution of Mussolini's anti‐Semitism |
Q58521908 | Mussolini’s Army in the French Riviera |
Q55883213 | Muted violence: Italian war crimes in occupied Greece |
Q57474318 | My Fault, Mussolini as I Knew Him |
Q58352131 | My Two Italies |
Q58347926 | Mysteries about mysteries |
Q58584683 | Myths and the political use of religion in Christian Democratic culture |
Q58520387 | Naming Italians in the borderland, 1926–1943 |
Q58533410 | Narrating Venice in nineteenth-century Italy: the notions of municipal and national in Samuele Romanin's patriotic project, theStoria documentata di Venezia(1853–64) |
Q58592862 | Narrazioni contese |
Q58508330 | Nation and state building in Italy: recent historiographical interpretations (1989–1997), I: Unification to Fascism |
Q58516609 | Nation and state building in Italy: recent historiographical interpretations (1989–1997), II: from Fascism to the Republic |
Q58552322 | National Belongings: Hybridity in Italian Colonial and Postcolonial Cultures |
Q58552128 | National theater and the age of revolution in Italy |
Q58346949 | Nationalists Who Feared the Nation: Adriatic Multi-Nationalism in Habsburg Dalmatia, Trieste, and Venice |
Q57474297 | Nationality before liberty? Risorgimento political thought in transnational context |
Q57684496 | Negotiating Memories of Protest in Western Europe: The Case of Italy |
Q58516667 | Nello and the other Rossellis |
Q58342649 | Neoavanguardia. Italian Experimental Literature and Arts in the 1960s |
Q58508305 | New Labour and the Italian Left compared: a review essay |
Q58577332 | New Reflections on Primo Levi. Before and After Auschwitz |
Q57474316 | New Visions of the Child in Italian Cinema |
Q58341656 | New idols: Catholicism in the face of Fascist totalitarianism |
Q58557227 | Nicola Gallerano (1941–1996) |
Q58501437 | Nineteenth‐century culture. The arts in Naples from the Bourbons to the house of Savoy |
Q58355450 | Noir de Noir. Un'indagine pluridisciplinare, Testi Mobili |
Q58552276 | Non-partisan governments Italian-style: decision-making and accountability |
Q58521870 | Nordic welfare in post-war Italy |
Q58592867 | Norms and illegality in the social margins |
Q58592793 | North and south in the current crisis |
Q58349275 | Novecento: Arte e storia in Italia and Italie 1880–1910: Arte alla prova della modernitÀ |
Q58354690 | OSS and ORI: The Raimondo Craveri and max Corvo partnership |
Q58348747 | Old masters, new trends: contemporary Italian cinema in the light of neo-neorealism |
Q57682112 | On fascistization: Mussolini’s political project for Franco’s Spain, 1937–1939 |
Q58524518 | On mafiology . . |
Q58599798 | On political fragmentation: stay in or stay out? The role of small parties in the Italian centre–left |
Q128427725 | On the 80th Anniversary of the Racial Laws. Essays Reflecting the Current Scholarship on Italian Fascist Anti-Semitism in Honor of Michele Sarfatti |
Q58510894 | On the current absence and future improbability of political Catholicism in Italy |
Q58508326 | On the periphery/At the frontier: The Triestines in the northeastern borderland |
Q58552121 | Opera and nation in nineteenth‐century Italy: conceptual and methodological approaches |
Q58352961 | Opera as business? Fromimpresarito the publishing industry |
Q58552165 | Opera's Orbit: Musical Drama and the Influence of Opera in Arcadian Rome |
Q58552316 | Ordinary Violence in Mussolini's Italy |
Q57682066 | Osservata speciale. La neutralità italiana nella Prima guerra mondiale e l’opinione pubblica internazionale (1914–1915) |
Q57684454 | Out of Italy: The Story of Italians in North East England |
Q58603813 | Painting and politics: Renato Guttuso at the Estorick Collection |
Q58520362 | Paola Bertucci (2007) Viaggio nel paese delle meraviglie. Scienza e curiosità nell'Italia del Settecento |
Q57684415 | Paolina's Innocence: Child Abuse in Casanova's Venice |
Q58520366 | Paolo Frascani (2008) Il Mare. L'identità italiana 48 |
Q58510839 | Paragone: notes on hegemony and realism in the 1950s |
Q58507656 | Partiti politici in Italia. Da Forza Italia al Partito democratico |
Q58358217 | Pasolini e l'Africa. L'Africa di Pasolini. Panmeridionalismo e rappresentazione dell'Africa postcoloniale |
Q58357436 | Patrick McCarthy and the Other Italy |
Q58507532 | Patrick McCarthy: A Special Vision |
Q58507553 | Patrick McCarthy: A Special Vision |
Q58545132 | Patronage revisited: The dynamics of information and reputation |
Q58552114 | Pensiero vivente. Origine e attualità della filosofia italiana |
Q58510986 | Per una più grande Italia. Il cardinale Pietro Maffi e la prima guerra mondiale |
Q58592723 | Performing the invisible past: Costanza Quatriglio'sTerramatta; |
Q56484465 | Philhellenism in Italy: political friendship and the Italian volunteers in the Mediterranean in the nineteenth century |
Q58577344 | Photography and Italy |
Q58552068 | Photography of the ‘primitive’ in Italy: perceptions of the peasantry at the turn of the twentieth century |
Q58531604 | Pier Paolo Pasolini: performing authorship |
Q58350839 | Piero Gobetti and the Liberal Revolution in Italy |
Q58520448 | Piero Gobetti and the Politics of Liberal Revolution |
Q58533580 | Piero Gobetti's New World – Antifascism, Liberalism, Writing |
Q58348797 | Pietro Scoppola (1926–2007): history as civil commitment |
Q58552215 | Pietro Verri between Enlightenment and Risorgimento |
Q58507580 | Pio XI, Hitler e Mussolini: La solitudine di un papa |
Q114099015 | Policing and planning cross-border surveillance during the cold war. The South Tyrolean case |
Q58577552 | Politica ed emozioni nella storia d'Italia dal 1848 ad oggi, (Politics and Emotions in the History of Italy From 1848 to the Present Day) |
Q57682098 | Political Fellini: Journey to the End of Italy |
Q57474328 | Political delegitimation in republican Italy, 1945–2011 |
Q58343252 | Political language in Italy and Great Britain |
Q58355948 | Political philosophy across the Atlantic: a difficult relationship? |
Q58552269 | Political thought in action: the moderates in 1859 |
Q58533457 | Politics and history in Gramsci |
Q58520323 | Politics of Culture in Liberal Italy: From Unification to Fascism |
Q58552192 | Popular Opinion in Totalitarian Regimes: Fascism, Nazism, Communism |
Q58570317 | Population replacement, social mobility and development in Italy in the twentieth century |
Q57682427 | Porta Palazzo: The Anthropology of an Italian Market |
Q58577424 | Post-electoral politics in Italy: institutional problems and political perspectives |
Q58603907 | Postal Culture. Writing and Reading Letters in Post-Unification |
Q58603877 | Postcolonial Italy. Challenging National Homogeneity |
Q58342990 | Postmodern impegno. Ethics and Commitment in Contemporary Italian Culture |
Q58577226 | Postwar development in the Italian Mezzogiorno. Analyses and policies |
Q58584690 | Povera Italia |
Q58508294 | Power or policy: a comparative study of the cohesion of Italian coalition governments in the First and Second Republics |
Q128430096 | Pre-occupied spaces: remapping Italy’s transnational migrations and colonial legacies |
Q58552007 | Pride in Modesty: Modernist Architecture and the Vernacular Tradition in Italy |
Q58533612 | Primary elections in Italy. An episode in institutional imitation |
Q57682133 | Primo Levi and the Identity of a Survivor |
Q58575635 | Primo Levi's sense of history |
Q58346968 | Prison Notebooks, |
Q128729610 | Prostitution and infection: transnational and comparative perspectives on Italian health policy (1922–1958) |
Q58344051 | Protagonists and politics in the Italian women's movement: a reflection on the work of Annarita Buttafuoco |
Q58524509 | Public vices, private remedies in nineteenth-century Italy: Giulia Falletti di Barolo Colbert and Le Forzate |
Q58354150 | Publications of Patrick McCarthy (28 March 1941–22 March 2007) |
Q58577382 | Publishing Translations in Fascist Italy |
Q58552102 | Quando c'era la classe operaia. Storie di vita e di lotte al Cotonificio Valle Susa |
Q58357387 | Quello che i numeri non dicono. L’Italia nel commercio internazionale tra ’800 e ’900: istituzioni, tecniche, protagonisti |
Q58521935 | Quota zero. Messina dopo il terremoto: la ricostruzione infinita |
Q58524531 | Racisms compared: Fascist Italy and ultra-nationalist Japan |
Q58533619 | Re-narrating Italy, reinventing the nation: assessing the presidency of Ciampi |
Q58524541 | Reading Federico Chabod's Storia dell'idea d'Europa half a century later |
Q58545145 | Recent work on Italian cinema |
Q58575611 | Recent works on Italian capitalism: A review essay |
Q58341801 | Reconsidering Gramsci's interpretation of fascism |
Q58577269 | Reconstructing the army of a collapsed nation: the Kingdom of the South of Italy (September 1943–March 1944) |
Q127969943 | Reflections in Italian fascism: An interview with Antonio Messina |
Q58358353 | Reflections on Italian Nationalism and Fascism: Essays for Alexander De Grand |
Q57441552 | Reflections on Italian nationalism |
Q58340771 | Reforming the Italian constitution |
Q58520306 | Regional development: reviewing the Italian mosaic |
Q130202119 | Rehumanizing the world: Paolo Milano’s transatlantic cultural politics |
Q58552261 | Religion and liberty in European political thought 1800–1860 ca |
Q57474325 | Religion and politics in the risorgimento. Britain and the New Italy, 1861–1875 |
Q58346679 | Remembering Anthony (Tony) Galt |
Q57474315 | Renaissance and ‘Made in Italy’: marketing Italian fashion through history (1949–1952) |
Q56535559 | Renzi: the government, the party, the future of Italian politics |
Q58501413 | Renzo De Felice, the resistance and the historian' task |
Q58501447 | Renzo De Felice,RossoeNero,1995 |
Q58501484 | Reorganization of the public education system in the Kingdom of Naples during the French period |
Q58349061 | Representing the King's Splendour. Communication and Reception of Symbolic Forms of Power in Viceregal Naples |
Q58552019 | Republicanism in Italy from the eighteenth century to the early Risorgimento |
Q58501429 | Resistance mythology |
Q58507650 | Resisting Bodies: Narratives of Italian Partisan Women |
Q58520405 | Resisting the Tide. Cultures of Opposition under Berlusconi (2001–2006) |
Q58508279 | Response to Anna Bull’s review of Paul Ginsborg |
Q58340774 | Resurrections and rebirths: how the Risorgimento shaped modern Italian politics |
Q58563359 | Rethinking a stereotype: Territorial differences and family models in the modernization of Italy |
Q58599856 | Rethinking modern Italy after the cultural turn |
Q58531579 | Reversing the view of ‘political pilgrims’: re-examining Italian travelogues about China in the 1950s |
Q58510820 | Revisinghistory: Elvira Giallanella’sUmanitàand the editing of gender |
Q58351058 | Revisiting Naples: clientelism and organized crime |
Q58340571 | Revolution in Europa 1820–23. Verfassung und Verfassungskultur in den Königreichen Spanien, beider Sizilien und Sardinien-Piemont (Italien in der Moderne, Bd. 19) |
Q58510967 | Richard Nixon e i partiti politici italiani (1969–1972) |
Q58584678 | Riforma e Rinascimento, Protestantism and Catholicism in Antonio Gramsci's writings on Italian history, 1926 – 35 |
Q58345518 | Risorgimento: The History of Italy from Napoleon to Nation State |
Q58353927 | Roberto Rossellini documentarista. Una cultura della realtà |
Q58533603 | Roma and humanitarianism in the Eternal City |
Q58603818 | Roma senza il Papa: La Repubblica romana del 1849 |
Q57682529 | Rome's ‘legal’ camps for Roma: the construction of new spaces of informality |
Q57684437 | Rome, Postmodern Narratives of a Cityscape |
Q58552284 | Rome: Continuing Encounters Between Past and Present |
Q57682048 | Rosa Genoni: La moda è un cosa seria. Milano Expo 1906 e La Grande Guerra/Rosa Genoni: fashion is a serious business. The Milan world fair of 1906 and the great war |
Q58510835 | Rosa e Ballo and German literature in Italy: the genesis of an intellectual network and the production of a new repertoire in the field of theatre |
Q58501472 | Rosario Romeo ( 1924–1987) |
Q58353706 | Rossini and post-napoleonic Europe |
Q58521838 | Routledge Handbook of European Elections |
Q57682501 | Ruinismo: the Catholic Church in Italy from ‘mediation culture’ to the Cultural Project |
Q58521878 | Ruins past: modernity in Italy |
Q128729013 | Rural ‘Italies’ and the Great Crisis. Provincial clusters in Italian agriculture between the two world wars |
Q58350844 | Sant'Anna di Stazzema. Storia di una strage |
Q58350508 | Schooling in Modernity. The Politics of Sponsored Films in Postwar Italy |
Q58557219 | Science, gender and moral ascendancy in liberal Italy |
Q58603833 | Scritture di Resistenza. Sguardi politici dalla narativa italiana contemporanea |
Q57682515 | Scuole di responsabilità. I ‘Collegi nazionali’ nella Normale gentiliana (1932–1944) |
Q57684433 | Secondary schools in Napoleonic Italy (1802–14) |
Q58533534 | Segmented assimilation in Italy? The case of Latinos |
Q58520370 | Sergio Parussa (2008) Writing as Freedom, Writing as Testimony: Four Italian Writers and Judaism |
Q58355459 | Settling Accounts: Retribution, Emotion and Memory during the Fall of Mussolini |
Q58520487 | Sforza in America: the dilemmas of exile politics, 1940–43 |
Q58531583 | Shaping labour migration to Italy: the role of labour market institutions |
Q58348558 | Shaping the new man: youth training regimes in fascist Italy and Nazi Germany |
Q58584709 | Sharecroppers, war, and social change in central Italy1 |
Q58570296 | Sicily: reflections on forty years of change1 |
Q58592895 | Signore e signori d'Italia: Una storia delle buone maniere |
Q58344345 | Silvio Berlusconi and the traditions of Italian foreign policy: a comment on Ambassador Romano's presentation |
Q128023994 | Silvio Spaventa and Marco Minghetti on party government |
Q58541616 | Sins of memory: reflections on the lack of an Italian Nuremberg and the administration of international justice after 1945 |
Q58552025 | Sismondi, the republic and liberty: between Italy and England, the city and the nation |
Q58508321 | Sobrietà Torinese |
Q58531564 | Social class and wealth inequality in Italy over 20 years, 1993–2014 |
Q58347899 | Social practices and lifestyles in Italian youth cultures |
Q58521886 | Socialism and democratic strategy in Italy’s Biennio Rosso: Gramsci contra Treves |
Q58577572 | Soft Soil, Black Grapes: The Birth of Italian Winemaking in California |
Q58592704 | Southern Thought and Other Essays on the Mediterranean |
Q57677924 | Southern rebels against Italian unification: the Great Brigandage in the province of Capitanata |
Q126627107 | Sovereignty in the Italian polling booths |
Q58356363 | Special Issue onTerra Matta |
Q58603954 | Spectacular Miracles: Transforming Images in Italy from the Renaissance to the Present |
Q58508334 | Sport and society in Italy today |
Q57474331 | Staging the Fascist War: The Ministry of Popular Culture and Italian Propaganda on the Home Front, 1938–1943 |
Q58354081 | Statisticians, economists and the ‘new economic order’ in wartime Italy (1940–1943) |
Q58577526 | Stato e Chiesa nel Mezzogiorno napoleonico. Atti del quinto seminario di studi ‘Decennio francese (1806–1815)’ |
Q58346215 | Stephen Gundle (2007) Bellissima: Feminine Beaty and the Idea of Italy |
Q58520353 | Still an outlier: Italy in a Southern European comparative perspective1 |
Q58603764 | Stitching modernity: the textile work of Fortunato Depero |
Q57682483 | Storia culturale della fotografia italiana dal Neorealismo al Postmoderno |
Q57682449 | Storia dell'IRI,vol. 1, Dalle origini al dopoguerra, 1933–1948 |
Q58507589 | Storia dell'Italia repubblicana |
Q58510870 | Storia della magistratura italiana |
Q58603897 | Storia della moda a Roma. Sarti, culture e stili di una capitale dal 1871 ad oggi |
Q57474294 | Storia di Roma e dei romani da Napoleone ai nostri giorni |
Q58552083 | Storia di una famiglia del Risorgimento: Sarina, Giuseppe, Ernesto Nathan |
Q58356942 | Stranieri di antico regime: mercanti, giudici e console nella Napoli del settecento |
Q129830065 | Stuart Woolf (1936–2021) |
Q127585613 | Studying monumental cemeteries to understand societies |
Q57682431 | Sul modernismo italiano |
Q58603794 | Surviving the perfect storm: Italy after the 2013 elections |
Q58355043 | Symposium on Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust in Italy |
Q58533550 | Talking about identity: Milanese-Eritreans describe themselves |
Q58545151 | Tangentopolior the democratization of corruption: Considerations on the end of Italy's first republic |
Q35533998 | Television documentary, history and memory. An analysis of Sergio Zavoli's The Gardens of Abel |
Q127584436 | Termini. Cornerstone of modern Rome |
Q58570423 | The 2006 Italian general elections: issues, dimensions and policy positions of political parties 1 |
Q58351057 | The 2006 election: more than ever, a Berlusconi-centred campaign |
Q58592815 | The 2013 elections and the Italian political system |
Q58563320 | The Allies and the mafia |
Q56909909 | The Annunziata scandal of 1897 and foundling care in turn‐of‐the‐century Italy |
Q57678097 | The Antiquity of the Italian Nation: The Cultural Origins of the Political Myth in Modern Italy, 1796–1943 |
Q126858802 | The Archipelago: Italy since 1945, by John Foot |
Q58577531 | The Arts of the Prima Donna in the Long Nineteenth Century |
Q58348083 | The Austrian ‘occupation’ of Ferrara in 1847: its legal aspect between myth and reality |
Q128491020 | The Board of Deputies of British Jews and the initial phase of the Italian Racial Laws: reactions and strategies (1938–1940) |
Q58348176 | The Challenge of Modernity. Essays on Grazia Deledda |
Q57682123 | The Codex Fori Mussolini: A Latin Text of Italian Fascism |
Q58533351 | The Cold War in the Italian left Introduction |
Q58220500 | The Commercialization of Discipline: Keep-Fit Culture and Its Values |
Q58533327 | The Continuing Transformation of Italian Politics and the Contradictory Fortunes of the Lega Nord |
Q58592694 | The Cult of the Duce. Mussolini and the Italians |
Q58350789 | The Democratic Party and the restructuring of the Italian party system |
Q58603959 | The Drama of the Assimilated Jew: Giorgio Bassani's Romanzo di Ferrara |
Q126622808 | The Dynamics of the Electoral Geography of the Five Star Movement: The Role of Territorial Area and Municipality Size |
Q58577559 | The Eloquence of Ghosts: Giorgio Manganelli and the Afterlife of the Avant-Garde |
Q58556091 | The Enlightenment and the church in the work of Franco Venturi: the fertile legacy of a civil religion |
Q57474296 | The Fall of Mussolini |
Q128427934 | The Fascist racial turn: the view from the Italian-American community in the United States |
Q56700355 | The Five-Star Movement: a hybrid actor in the net of state institutions |
Q58533628 | The Frightful Stage. Political Censorship of the Theatre in Nineteenth-Century Europe |
Q58599834 | The General's labyrinths and the knotty problems of Italian politics after Italy's unification |
Q58521949 | The Grecanici of southern Italy: governance, violence, and minority politics |
Q57684428 | The Greek mirror: philhellenism and southern Italian patriotisms (1750–1861) |
Q58533306 | The Gubbio Papers: historic centers in the age of the economic miracle |
Q58521913 | The Holocaust and Compensated Compliance in Italy: Fossoli di Carpi, 1942 to 1952 |
Q58592671 | The Holocaust in Italian Culture, 1944–2010 |
Q58510852 | The Italian American Table: Food, Family, and Community in New York City |
Q58356337 | The Italian Army in Slovenia: Strategies of Antipartisan Repression, 1941–1943 |
Q58510953 | The Italian Baroque Table: cooking and entertaining from the Golden Age of Naples |
Q58351068 | The Italian Christian Democratic Party within the international Christian Democratic organizations: nationalism, Europeanism, and religious identity (1947–1954) |
Q58507604 | The Italian Expatriate Vote in Australia. Democratic Right, Democratic Wrong or Political Opportunism? |
Q58524537 | The Italian Left in search of ideas: the rediscovery of the political ideas of the Action Party |
Q58508309 | The Italian broadcasting system between politics and the market |
Q57677914 | The Italian cinema book, The operatic and the everyday in postwar Italian film melodrama |
Q127585173 | The Italian constitution after seventy years between referenda, electoral laws and institutional reform: a past that does not pass? |
Q58347048 | The Italian constitutional architecture: from unification to the present day |
Q57684410 | The Italian left and Italy's (evolving) foreign policy of immigration controls |
Q58345618 | The Italian legal system: an introduction |
Q58516651 | The Italian national elections of 13 May 2001 |
Q58531641 | The Italian party system’s three functional arenas after the 2018 election: the tsunami after the earthquake |
Q58347234 | The Italian political system after the 9 – 10 April 2006 elections |
Q58541621 | The Italian political system anddétente(1963 - 1981) |
Q58577371 | The Italian public sphere: a case of dramatized polarization |
Q58556161 | The Italian resistance between history and memory |
Q58599803 | The Italian transition and national (non)reconciliation |
Q57682492 | The Italian welfare state after the financial crisis |
Q58521882 | The Italian welfare state in a supranational perspective: history and debates |
Q126331359 | The Italian ‘Seventies: tracing the origins of Italian modernity |
Q58552089 | The Italians in the Arctic Explorations – A Critique of the Reinterpretation of Nationalism |
Q58507558 | The Jewish enemy. Fascism, the Vatican, and anti-Semitism on the seventieth anniversary of the 1938 race laws |
Q58556541 | The Jews in nineteenth‐century Italy: Towards a reappraisal |
Q58551993 | The Jews of San Nicandro |
Q58552000 | The Legacy of the Italian Resistance |
Q58552330 | The Liberty of Servants: Berlusconi's Italy |
Q58577457 | The Life & Pontificate of Pope Pius XII. Between History and Controversy |
Q126329251 | The Long Goodbye. Politics and economy in the crisis of the entrepreneurial State |
Q58510916 | The Lost Wave. Women and Democracy in Postwar Italy |
Q58570342 | The Mafia misunderstood – again |
Q58556533 | The Mafia, the market and the state in Italy and Russia |
Q58341070 | The Matteotti murder and the origins of Mussolini's totalitarian Fascist regime in Italy |
Q58577463 | The Moral Neoliberal: Welfare and Citizenship in Italy |
Q58358729 | The Neapolitan revolution of 1799 |
Q57474284 | The Neapolitan revolution of 1799 |
Q126329784 | The Origins of the Crisis of Christian Democracy: The End of Catholic Italy or the End of Cold War Italy? |
Q58603948 | The Oxford Handbook of the Italian Economy Since Unification |
Q57684404 | The PCI and the USA: rehearsal of a difficult dialogue in the era of détente |
Q58501487 | The PCI between 1948 and 1956: Four perspectives on vol. VII of thestoria del PCI |
Q57682090 | The PCI, reforms and welfare between the 1960s and 1970s |
Q58353810 | The Papacy in the Modern World |
Q58603804 | The Partito Democratico after the 2013 elections: all change? |
Q58507633 | The Pinocchio Effect: On Making Italians, 1860–1920 |
Q57436528 | The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe |
Q58510848 | The Pope’s Soldiers: A Military History of the Modern Vatican |
Q58552290 | The Printed Media in Fin-de-siècle Italy. Publishers, Writers, and Readers |
Q58552210 | The Puccini Problem: Opera, Nationalism and Modernity |
Q57684424 | The Red Brigades and the Discourse of Violence. Revolution and Restoration |
Q58348968 | The Revolution in the Televised Soccer Market |
Q58592842 | The Rhetoric of Violence and Sacrifice in Fascist Italy: Mussolini, Gadda, Vittorini |
Q58557241 | The Risiera di San Sabba: Fascism, anti‐Fascism and Italian nationalism |
Q58552362 | The Risorgimento and religion. Notes on the ‘canon’ and Gramscian annotations |
Q58520496 | The Risorgimento as international experience |
Q58352121 | The Rothschilds in Naples |
Q126856929 | The Routledge history of Italian Americans, edited by William J. Connell and Stanislao G. Pugliese |
Q58510878 | The Ruini system and ‘Berlusconismo’: synergy and transformation between the Catholic Church and Italian politics in the ‘Second Republic’ |
Q58347290 | The Shock of America. Europe and the Challenge of the Century |
Q58533402 | The Soul at Work: From Alienation to Autonomy |
Q57682417 | The South and the Risorgimento: histories and counter-histories |
Q58563367 | The Southern family. A comment on Paolo Macry |
Q58599745 | The Swiss community in Genoa from the Old Regime to the late nineteenth century |
Q58340818 | The Tenco effect. Suicide, San Remo, and the social construction of thecanzone d'autore |
Q58520341 | The Time of the Crime. Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, Italian Film |
Q58577304 | The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Modern Mourning, and the Reinvention of the Mystical Body |
Q58346118 | The Transatlantic Gaze. Italian Cinema, American Film |
Q57431675 | The Two Mafias. A Transatlantic History 1888–2008 |
Q58510843 | The Vatican and Mussolini’s Italy |
Q58507637 | The White War. Life and Death on the Italian Front 1915–1919 |
Q58520491 | The antifascist climate and the Italian intellectual exile in interwar Argentina |
Q58545124 | The battle of Turin, 1933–1936: Carlo Rosselli, Giustizia e Libertà, OVRA and the origins of Mussolini's anti‐Semitic campaign |
Q58510972 | The beautiful country. Tourism and the impossible state of destination Italy |
Q58592654 | The celebrations between history and politics |
Q58344067 | The changing policy of education in Italy |
Q58584631 | The church and Catholicism in contemporary Italy |
Q58508297 | The complex case of 'Tuscan Urban Identities' |
Q58356017 | The congresses of Italian scientists between Europe and the Risorgimento (1839 – 75) |
Q58531616 | The conventional campaign of an extraordinary election |
Q58592733 | The creation of value:Terra mattain anthropological perspective |
Q58575576 | The crisis (collapse) of Italy's public enterprise system: A revised property rights perspective |
Q58355651 | The crisis of the Italian state: then and now |
Q58351240 | The cultural penetration of Fascist Italy abroad and in eastern Europe |
Q58343620 | The culture of Enlightenment and reform in eighteenth-century Italy |
Q58531536 | The dejuvenation of the Italian population |
Q58524526 | The direct election of mayors: an assessment of the institutional reform following the Italian municipal elections of 2001 |
Q58592682 | The disappearance of a Rom community and the rejection of the politics of recognition |
Q58552232 | The discreet charm of ‘Southernness’ |
Q57474264 | The election of the eleventh President of the Italian Republic |
Q58501493 | The election of the tenth President of the Italian Republic |
Q58520409 | The encounter between Italy and China: two countries, multiple stories |
Q58552055 | The enduring vision of biodeterministic Sardinian inferiority in the works of Grazia Deledda |
Q58507625 | The exiles of the Risorgimento: Italian volunteers in the Portuguese Civil War (1832–34) |
Q58346635 | The flows and the flood: the public discourse on immigration in Italy, 1969–2001 |
Q58603769 | The foreign policy of First Republic Italy: new approaches |
Q58356721 | The formation of a civil religion in republican Italy (1943–49) |
Q58507567 | The gender dimension of business elites: Italian women directors since 1934 |
Q58520419 | The genesis of the Italian concession in Tianjin: a combination of wishful thinking and realpolitik |
Q58533597 | The governance of Romani people in Italy: discourse, policy and practice |
Q58356071 | The government, the opposition and the President of the Republic under Berlusconi |
Q58339975 | The hidden comparison: Modern Italy in German perspectives |
Q58541601 | The hidden pages of contemporary Italian history: war crimes, war guilt and collective memory |
Q58563336 | The historiographical legacy of Franco Venturi (1914–1994) |
Q58501496 | The history of modern and contemporary Italy: Made in France (from the late 1970s to the late 1990s) |
Q58556103 | The history of the book and publishing in eighteenth-century Italy |
Q58603798 | The impact of the 2013 general election on the Italian political system: the end of bipolarism? |
Q58551965 | The institutional odyssey of the Italian Parliamentary Republic |
Q58507621 | The international armed volunteers: pilgrims of a transnational Risorgimento |
Q58563383 | The judicialization of politics, Italian style |
Q58345175 | The landscape of the Macchiaioli. A path towards the modern |
Q57682103 | The legacy of Cesare Lombroso and criminal anthropology in the post-war Italian police: a study of the culture, narrative and memory of a post-fascist institution |
Q58355916 | The legacy of fascism in the present: ‘third millennium fascists’ in Italy |
Q57682138 | The lost cause: failed French ultimata and the restoration of papal rule in Rome in 1849 |
Q58570440 | The mafia misunderstood – again. A reply |
Q58507616 | The man who never was? The Italian transition and 2008 election |
Q58521892 | The management and memory of fascist monumental art in postwar and contemporary Italy: the case of Luigi Montanarini’s Apotheosis of Fascism |
Q58501417 | The many meanings of Anti‐Fascism |
Q58556137 | The masculine mystique: antimodernism and virility in fascist Italy |
Q58341647 | The meaning of literacy: an Italian reappraisal |
Q58357349 | The mirage of America in contemporary Italian literature and film |
Q57682062 | The misadventures of socialist anticommunism from the end of the war to the collapse of the Berlin Wall |
Q57474292 | The moral perils of Mediterraneanism: second-generation immigrants practicing personhood between Sicily and Tunisia |
Q58556153 | The never-ending liberation |
Q57669849 | The notabile as actor and model of Italian politics |
Q58356498 | The origin of the Racist Laws under fascism. Aproblem of historiography |
Q58516639 | The origins of the 'Manifesto of racial scientists' |
Q58570358 | The origins of the entertainment industry: the operetta in late nineteenth-century Italy |
Q58575569 | The peculiarities of Italo‐American relations in historical perspective |
Q58516619 | The people and the professors: socialism and the educated middle classes in Italy, 1870–1915 |
Q58533319 | The political culture of the Alleanza nazionale: an analysis of the party's programmatic documents (1995-2002) |
Q58570326 | The political police and denunciation during Fascism: a review of recent historical literature 1 |
Q58575589 | The politics of finance in Napoleonic Italy (1802‐1814) |
Q58584651 | The politics of the ‘Church’ in the Italy of Pope Wojtyła |
Q58356414 | The politics of town planning in post-war Naples |
Q58575626 | The prefects and party‐state relations in Fascist Italy |
Q57474319 | The press at war |
Q58507576 | The professors in and after the fascist regime. The purges in the universities of Italy (1944–46) |
Q58552254 | The promised land: biblical themes in the Risorgimento |
Q58584639 | The public relevance of the church and Catholicism in Italy |
Q58541612 | The question of Fascist Italy's war crimes: the construction of a self-acquitting myth (1943 – 1948) |
Q58557211 | The rhetoric of reform revealed (or: If you bite the ballot it may bite back) |
Q58599808 | The right sweeps the board |
Q57474298 | The rise of liberal constitutionalism in Italy: Pietro Verri and the French Revolution |
Q127971166 | The rise of the ethical state in Italy. Neapolitan Hegelians and Risorgimento political thought (1848–1871) |
Q57678755 | The role and impact of thearchivi della scrittura popolare |
Q57684387 | The role of thesartoriain post-war Italy |
Q58510938 | The shifting evocations ofsquadrismo:remembering the massacre of Palazzo d’Accursio in Fascist Bologna |
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Q58533340 | The theatre of social change: nobility, opera industry and the politics of culture in Bologna between papal privileges and liberal principles |
Q58533423 | The training and education of propagandists in the ‘repubblica dei partiti’: internal-circulation periodicals in the PCI and the DC (1946–58) |
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Q58563375 | Thumbs down for the family? A comment on Paolo Macry |
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Q57669589 | ‘An entirely new land’? Italy’s post-war culture and its Fascist past |
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Q58570391 | ‘You have to start with something’: towards an ethnographic research agenda for modern Italy |
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