Brain Research Reviews


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P1250Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO12227
P5963Elsevier journal IDbrain-research-reviews
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P495country of originKingdom of the NetherlandsQ29999
P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level2
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P123publisherElsevier BVQ746413
P1476titleBrain Research Reviews

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published in (P1433)
Q36464466"Listening" and "talking" to neurons: implications of immune activation for pain control and increasing the efficacy of opioids
Q41955470A century of neuroscience discovery: reflecting on the Nobel Prize awarded to Golgi and Cajal in 1906.
Q33501866A combined histological and MRI brain atlas of the common marmoset monkey, Callithrix jacchus
Q36976581A critical survey on nitric oxide synthase expression and nitric oxide function in the retinotectal system.
Q36785381A feed-forward neural logic based on synaptic and volume transmission.
Q29011606A field guide to the anterior olfactory nucleus (cortex)
Q34626850A historical reflection of the contributions of Cajal and Golgi to the foundations of neuroscience.
Q36401774A meta-regression to examine the relationship between aerobic fitness and cognitive performance
Q48599947A method for specific transmitter identification of retrogradely labeled neurons: immunofluorescence combined with fluorescence tracing
Q57986125A molecular perspective of human circadian rhythm disorders
Q36510342A new insight on Al-maltolate-treated aged rabbit as Alzheimer's animal model
Q37155079A new road to neuroinflammation in Parkinson's disease?
Q37808019A new taxonomy for perceptual filling-in
Q36791232A reassessment of the role of activity in the formation of eye-specific retinogeniculate projections
Q37808017A review of lateralization of spatial functioning in nonhuman primates.
Q37620741A review on the inferior temporal cortex of the macaque
Q30440130A role for the androgen receptor in the sexual differentiation of the olfactory system in mice
Q36368996AMIGO and friends: an emerging family of brain-enriched, neuronal growth modulating, type I transmembrane proteins with leucine-rich repeats (LRR) and cell adhesion molecule motifs
Q37745640ATP in neuron-glia bidirectional signalling.
Q60977046ATP regulates oligodendrocyte progenitor migration, proliferation, and differentiation: involvement of metabotropic P2 receptors
Q37227278Abdominal vagal signalling: a novel role for cholecystokinin in circulatory control?
Q33301799Action-based sensory encoding in spinal sensorimotor circuits
Q60619053Actions of dehydroepiandrosterone and its sulfate in the central nervous system: effects on cognition and emotion in animals and humans
Q60722522Activity of medullary serotonergic neurons in freely moving animals
Q37375197Activity-dependent structural plasticity
Q37176758Adaptive properties and heterogeneity of dopamine D(2) receptors - pharmacological implications
Q37491529Adiponectin protects hippocampal neurons against kainic acid-induced excitotoxicity
Q36846530Aging, plasticity and environmental enrichment: structural changes and neurotransmitter dynamics in several areas of the brain
Q37166385Alarm or curse? The pain of neuroinflammation
Q59853775Allodynia in rats infected with varicella zoster virus—a small animal model for post-herpetic neuralgia
Q28264142Amino acids as dietary excitotoxins: a contribution to understanding neurodegenerative disorders
Q57341921Amyloid-β: a chameleon walking in two worlds: a review of the trophic and toxic properties of amyloid-β
Q56385730Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis associated with mutations in superoxide dismutase: a putative mechanism of degeneration
Q37212542An alternative perspective on "semantic P600" effects in language comprehension
Q56268063An alternative to the LTP orthodoxy: a plasticity-pathology continuum model
Q36535254An endocannabinoid mechanism in relapse to drug seeking: a review of animal studies and clinical perspectives.
Q56601749An update on GABAA receptors
Q60731237Anatomical and biochemical evidence for the synthesis of unconjugated and sulfated neurosteroids in amphibians
Q36666722Androgen regulation of beta-amyloid protein and the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Q36418227Animal models of behavioral dysfunctions: basic concepts and classifications, and an evaluation strategy
Q36353947Apolipoprotein E variants and cognition in healthy individuals: a critical opinion
Q36780236Apoptotic neuronal death in Parkinson's disease: involvement of nitric oxide
Q56442716Applications of the Morris water maze in the study of learning and memory
Q31158427Assessing the role of cingulate cortex in bipolar disorder: neuropathological, structural and functional imaging data
Q37233761Association between the interleukin-1beta polymorphisms and Alzheimer's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q37626176Astrocyte dysfunction in epilepsy.
Q30484201Auditorily-induced illusory self-motion: a review
Q22337374Autism, fever, epigenetics and the locus coeruleus
Q37813849Automated reconstruction of neuronal morphology: an overview.
Q37714022Automatic auditory intelligence: an expression of the sensory-cognitive core of cognitive processes
Q57898658BDNF: a neuromodulator in nociceptive pathways?
Q36971332Behavioral characteristics and neurobiological substrates shared by Pavlovian sign-tracking and drug abuse
Q30492329Behavioral functions of the mesolimbic dopaminergic system: an affective neuroethological perspective
Q36649186Behavioral neuroscience, exploration, and K.C. Montgomery's legacy
Q37728385Between molecules and experience: role of early patterns of coordinated activity for the development of cortical maps and sensory abilities
Q34173729Biocytin-labelling and its impact on late 20th century studies of cortical circuitry
Q33570161Biological rhythms, higher brain function, and behavior: Gaps, opportunities, and challenges
Q22252332Bipolar disorder and mechanisms of action of mood stabilizers
Q36401006Brain deficits associated with fetal alcohol exposure may be protected, in part, by peptides derived from activity-dependent neurotrophic factor and activity-dependent neuroprotective protein
Q59489845Brain energy metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease: 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT imaging during verbal fluency and role of astrocytes in the cellular mechanism of 99mTc-HMPAO retention
Q60339409Brain nicotinic receptors: structure and regulation, role in learning and reinforcement1Published on the World Wide Web on 24 October 1997.1
Q37847678Brain regions and genes affecting limb-clasping responses
Q37778880Branched thalamic afferents: what are the messages that they relay to the cortex?
Q34571476BrdU immunohistochemistry for studying adult neurogenesis: paradigms, pitfalls, limitations, and validation
Q28327704Caffeine and the central nervous system: mechanisms of action, biochemical, metabolic and psychostimulant effects
Q36894821Cajal and Lorente de Nó on cortical interneurons: coincidences and progress
Q37009948Cajal and brain plasticity: insights relevant to emerging concepts of mind.
Q46776512Cajal's debt to Golgi
Q83102358Cajal's second great battle for the neuron doctrine: the nature and function of neurofibrils
Q36780241Cajal: lessons on brain development.
Q61850016Calcium pumps in the central nervous system
Q48936873Calculation of cerebral glucose phosphorylation from brain uptake of glucose analogs in vivo: a re-examination.
Q37771743Camillo Golgi and Santiago Ramon y Cajal: the anatomical organization of the cortex of the cerebellum. Can the neuron doctrine still support our actual knowledge on the cerebellar structural arrangement?
Q48449003Camillo Golgi and modern neuroscience
Q33229894Cannabinoids, opioids and eating behavior: the molecular face of hedonism?
Q61260620Cell death and axon regeneration of Purkinje cells after axotomy: Challenges of classical hypotheses of axon regeneration
Q60714232Cells of the sympathoadrenal lineage: Biological properties as donor tissue for cell-replacement therapies for Parkinson's disease
Q37858078Cellular and molecular insights into neuropathy-induced pain hypersensitivity for mechanism-based treatment approaches
Q37148749Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the neurotoxicity of opioid and psychostimulant drugs
Q28302183Central mechanisms in phantom limb perception: the past, present and future
Q54057886Cerebellar aminergic neuromodulation: towards a functional understanding
Q30496480Cerebral cortex astroglia and the brain of a genius: a propos of A. Einstein's
Q60010754Cerebral cortex pathology in aging and Alzheimer's disease: a quantitative survey of large hospital-based geriatric and psychiatric cohorts
Q57341934Cerebrovascular requirement for sealant, anti-coagulant and remodeling molecules that allow for the maintenance of vascular integrity and blood supply
Q36963262Changes in neuroactive steroid content during social isolation stress modulate GABAA receptor plasticity and function
Q37640219Characteristics of the athletes' brain: evidence from neurophysiology and neuroimaging
Q37215729Chemokines and pain mechanisms.
Q33991375Chloride regulation in the pain pathway
Q37111137Cholinergic modulation of midbrain dopaminergic systems.
Q56866989Circadian rhythms
Q37570713Clusterin: a forgotten player in Alzheimer's disease
Q37777881Cognitive domains affected by histamine H(1)-antagonism in humans: a literature review
Q37376706Cognitive motor processes: the role of motor imagery in the study of motor representations
Q60679915Combined application of excitatory amino acids and substance P produces long-lasting changes in responses of primate spinothalamic tract neurons
Q37009395Combining modules for movement
Q36963272Common pathological processes in Alzheimer disease and type 2 diabetes: a review
Q33413266Comparing histological data from different brains: sources of error and strategies for minimizing them
Q36980927Comparison of biochemical effects of statins and fish oil in brain: the battle of the titans
Q36380340Complement and demyelinating disease: no MAC needed?
Q36942748Complex mental activity and the aging brain: molecular, cellular and cortical network mechanisms
Q36588547Congo red and protein aggregation in neurodegenerative diseases
Q62556292Connexin43 null mice reveal that astrocytes express multiple connexins
Q58493657Connexins and gap junctions of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in the CNS
Q36610057Consistent affection of the central somatosensory system in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 and type 3 and its significance for clinical symptoms and rehabilitative therapy
Q36615387Contribution of noninvasive cortical stimulation to the study of memory functions
Q37680227Contributions of astrocytes to synapse formation and maturation - Potential functions of the perisynaptic extracellular matrix
Q73009700Contributions of the motor cortex to the control of the hindlimbs during locomotion in the cat
Q36725482Copper deficiency and neurological disorders in man and animals
Q36970782Cortical mechanisms involved in visuomotor coordination during precision walking.
Q36907966Corticosteroid receptors and neuroplasticity
Q56429612Cortistatin: a member of the somatostatin neuropeptide family with distinct physiological functions
Q59808685Current perspectives on antiangiogenesis strategies in the treatment of malignant gliomas
Q36820421Current trends in shape and texture analysis in neurology: aspects of the morphological substrate of volume and wiring transmission
Q36463425Cyclooxygenases, lipoxygenases, and epoxygenases in CNS: their role and involvement in neurological disorders
Q56113096Cytoarchitectonic delineation of the ventral lateral thalamic region in the monkey
Q48492022Cytoarchitectonic organization of the entorhinal cortex of the canine brain
Q36659679D-Aspartic acid: an endogenous amino acid with an important neuroendocrine role
Q58064430Dendritic Spine Pathology: Cause or Consequence of Neurological Disorders?
Q36713604Dendritic development of newly generated neurons in the adult brain
Q37114209Dendritic spine plasticity--current understanding from in vivo studies.
Q36967435Descending command systems for the initiation of locomotion in mammals.
Q24624664Descending control of nociception: Specificity, recruitment and plasticity
Q57572080Development of precerebellar nuclei: instructive factors and intracellular mediators in neuronal migration, survival and axon pathfinding
Q33739750Development, plasticity and modulation of visceral afferents
Q37313521Dexterous movement complexity and cerebellar activation: a meta-analysis
Q57161912Differential gene expression studies to explore the molecular pathophysiology of Down syndrome
Q31157190Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates parenchymal pathophysiological changes in epilepsy
Q57251313Discovering genes: the use of microarrays and laser capture microdissection in pain research
Q57745083Disorders of cochlear blood flow
Q33917779Distinct patterns of neuronal inputs and outputs of the juxtaparaventricular and suprafornical regions of the lateral hypothalamic area in the male rat.
Q60705113Diversity of neurotrophin action in the postnatal spinal cord
Q36357325Does male sexual behavior require progesterone?
Q36816330Does the human brain have unique genetically determined networks coding logical and ethical principles and aesthetics? From Plato to novel mirror networks
Q56814693Dopamine and depression: A review of recent evidence. I. Empirical studies
Q24681363Dopamine reward circuitry: two projection systems from the ventral midbrain to the nucleus accumbens-olfactory tubercle complex.
Q33888216Dopamine spillover after quantal release: rethinking dopamine transmission in the nigrostriatal pathway
Q64386018Dopamine transmission in the initiation and expression of drug- and stress-induced sensitization of motor activity
Q36733132Dopaminergic signaling in the developing retina
Q34983910Dorsal-ventral integration in object recognition
Q57318252Drug delivery to damaged brain
Q57997191Drug metabolizing enzymes in the brain and cerebral microvessels
Q60589501Dual role of nitric oxide in adult neurogenesis
Q56061340Dynamics of electrical transmission at club endings on the Mauthner cells
Q28300234Dynamin-related protein 1 and mitochondrial fragmentation in neurodegenerative diseases
Q29619431EEG alpha and theta oscillations reflect cognitive and memory performance: a review and analysis
Q36556038EEG alpha oscillations: the inhibition-timing hypothesis.
Q57403411Early and late environmental risk factors for schizophrenia
Q36610053Early brain development disruption from NMDA receptor hypofunction: relevance to schizophrenia
Q36849809Effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on brain hemodynamics, hemoglobin oxygenation and mitochondrial NADH.
Q33653544Effects of normal aging on prefrontal area 46 in the rhesus monkey.
Q33605497Electromagnetic fields and the blood-brain barrier
Q37728388Electrophysiological measures as potential biomarkers in Huntington's disease: review and future directions
Q37501284Emerging role of glutamate in the pathophysiology of major depressive disorder.
Q56592755Emerging roles for semaphorins in neural regeneration
Q56047916Emotion in the perspective of an integrated nervous system1Published on the World Wide Web on 27 January 1998.1
Q37116275Emotional memory function, personality structure and psychopathology: a neural system approach to the identification of vulnerability markers
Q36502670End-to-side (terminolateral) nerve regeneration: a challenge for neuroscientists coming from an intriguing nerve repair concept.
Q36919178Endocannabinoid signaling in the spinal locomotor circuitry
Q24644950Endogenous and synthetic neurosteroids in treatment of Niemann-Pick Type C disease
Q36584198Enigmatic GABAergic networks in adult neurogenic zones
Q58856671Ependyma: Normal and pathological. A review of the literature☆
Q37047208Epigenetic programming of the stress response in male and female rats by prenatal restraint stress.
Q58852437Erratum to “Camillo Golgi and modern neuroscience” [Brain Res. Rev. 66/1–2 (2011) 1–4]
Q36639679Estrogen and adult neurogenesis in the amygdala and hypothalamus
Q56594972Estrogen neuroprotection: the involvement of the Bcl-2 binding protein BNIP2
Q36866366Estrogen positive feedback to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons in the rodent: the case for the rostral periventricular area of the third ventricle (RP3V).
Q36642471Estrogen receptor beta in the brain: from form to function
Q34424216Ethanol-enhanced GABA release: A focus on G protein-coupled receptors
Q57318970Evolution of nociception in vertebrates: comparative analysis of lower vertebrates
Q36995659Excitatory components of the mammalian locomotor CPG.
Q37185728Experimental and clinical evidence of the role of cytokines and growth factors in the pathogenesis of acquired cobalamin-deficient leukoneuropathy.
Q56083265Explaining the symptoms of schizophrenia: Abnormalities in the awareness of action
Q56698465Eye fields in the frontal lobes of primates
Q36932814Face familiarity feelings, the right temporal lobe and the possible underlying neural mechanisms
Q28240137Fas ligand/Fas system in the brain: regulator of immune and apoptotic responses
Q28259633Feedforward and feedback inhibition in neostriatal GABAergic spiny neurons
Q34582055Fetal programming of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function and behavior by synthetic glucocorticoids
Q36173635Fly MARCM and mouse MADM: genetic methods of labeling and manipulating single neurons
Q36926161Forebrain control of locomotor behaviors
Q37238581Forebrain pain mechanisms
Q34183334Friedreich's ataxia: past, present and future
Q34619017From the Golgi-Cajal mapping to the transmitter-based characterization of the neuronal networks leading to two modes of brain communication: wiring and volume transmission
Q56093340Functional anatomy of the basal ganglia. I. The cortico-basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical loop
Q37214022Functional brain abnormalities in psychiatric disorders: neural mechanisms to detect and resolve cognitive conflict and interference
Q37583073Functional neuroanatomy of sleep and circadian rhythms
Q31167715Functional neuroimaging of reward processing and decision-making: a review of aberrant motivational and affective processing in addiction and mood disorders
Q61948259Functions of ephrin/Eph interactions in the development of the nervous system: Emphasis on the hippocampal system
Q37629216GLIA modulates synaptic transmission.
Q28141007Gap junction systems in the mammalian cochlea
Q56227725Gap junctions in the eye: evidence for heteromeric, heterotypic and mixed-homotypic interactions
Q28138727Gating of information flow within the limbic system and the pathophysiology of schizophrenia
Q59544643Genetic contributions to Parkinson's disease
Q37099768Genetic factors involved in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease.
Q37691711Genetic influences on cognitive functions in the elderly: a selective review of twin studies
Q60628072Genetics of human prefrontal function
Q36808343Ghrelin in the CNS: from hunger to a rewarding and memorable meal?
Q48341007Giuseppe Moruzzi: A tribute to a “formidable” scientist and a “formidable” man
Q33823638Gliotransmission: Exocytotic release from astrocytes
Q37149010Global profiling of influence of intra-ischemic brain temperature on gene expression in rat brain
Q36831301Glucocorticoid receptor transgenic mice as models for depression
Q37625334Glucose and lactate supply to the synapse
Q37016446Glutamate in dopamine neurons: synaptic versus diffuse transmission
Q37013384Glutamate-dopamine-GABA interactions in the aging basal ganglia
Q43450410Golgi in retrospect: a historiographic examination of contextual influence in tracing the constructs of neuronal organization
Q34623274Golgi's contribution to medicine
Q36672106Golgi, Cajal, and the fine structure of the nervous system
Q36899285Gonadal hormone modulation of neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of adult male and female rodents.
Q37596629Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in experimental stroke and its effects on infarct size and functional outcome: A systematic review
Q36404571Green-fluorescent-protein-expressing mice as models for the study of axonal growth and regeneration in vitro.
Q28240128Hemispheric specialization for language
Q37652218Heterogeneity in astrocyte morphology and physiology
Q34002498Hippocampal abnormalities and memory deficits: new evidence of a strong pathophysiological link in schizophrenia
Q37752868Hippocampal cell loss and neurogenesis after fetal alcohol exposure: insights from different rodent models.
Q36180252Hippocampal formation: shedding light on the influence of sex and stress on the brain
Q33520149How and when the fMRI BOLD signal relates to underlying neural activity: the danger in dissociation
Q37110851How do mutant Nav1.1 sodium channels cause epilepsy?
Q22337344How the 1906 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was shared between Golgi and Cajal
Q55953987Human brain plasticity: an emerging view of the multiple substrates and mechanisms that cause cortical changes and related sensory dysfunctions after injuries of sensory inputs from the body
Q56430783Human polyomaviruses and brain tumors
Q60010156Humoral immunity in brain aging and Alzheimer's disease
Q36946203Hyperammonemia-induced toxicity for the developing central nervous system
Q36358514Immune and inflammatory mechanisms in neuropathic pain
Q42456219Immunocytochemical detection of synaptophysin in C57BL/6 mice cochlea during aging process
Q35027999Impaired regulation of synaptic actin cytoskeleton in Alzheimer's disease
Q57381561Impairments in spatial learning and memory: ethanol, allopregnanolone, and the hippocampus
Q60223546Improving axonal growth and functional recovery after experimental spinal cord injury by neutralizing myelin associated inhibitors
Q37006810Individual dopamine midbrain neurons: functional diversity and flexibility in health and disease.
Q28291920Inducible and constitutive transcription factors in the mammalian nervous system: control of gene expression by Jun, Fos and Krox, and CREB/ATF proteins
Q37055470Inflammation, genes and zinc in Alzheimer's disease.
Q34682005Influence of endocrine active compounds on the developing rodent brain
Q36960682Initiation of locomotion in lampreys.
Q37595845Insight into zinc signaling from dietary zinc deficiency
Q60693599Insulin-like growth factor I treatment for cerebellar ataxia: Addressing a common pathway in the pathological cascade?
Q36400493Interaction of endogenous ligands mediating antinociception
Q28174277Interactions between Alzheimer's disease and cerebral ischemia--focus on inflammation
Q62111163Interactions between growth factors and steroids in the control of LHRH-secreting neurons
Q60542576Interactions of estrogens and insulin-like growth factor-I in the brain: implications for neuroprotection
Q37092791Interleukin-18 and stress
Q37828952Interleukin-6, a mental cytokine.
Q36564344Interplay between computational models and cognitive electrophysiology in visual word recognition
Q37852170Interpreting actions: the goal behind mirror neuron function
Q24644954Intracellular degradation of misfolded proteins in polyglutamine neurodegenerative diseases
Q56115059Intrinsic function of a neuronal network — a vertebrate central pattern generator1Published on the World Wide Web on 8 April 1998.1
Q58356678Invertebrate molecular neuroimmune processes
Q36821183Invertebrate preparations and their contribution to neurobiology in the second half of the 20th century.
Q60696249Investigating the cortical origins of motor overflow
Q46242942Involvement of NOS/NO in the development of chronic dental inflammatory pain in rats
Q37628864Ion changes and signalling in perisynaptic glia
Q28203397Ion channel variation causes epilepsies
Q59267253Is synchronized neuronal gamma activity relevant for selective attention?
Q36769132Janus faces of microglia in multiple sclerosis.
Q36825364Kisspeptin signalling in the brain: steroid regulation in the rodent and ewe.
Q33540522Language comprehension in the bilingual brain: fMRI and ERP support for psycholinguistic models
Q37875346Late-life depression and Alzheimer's disease: the glutamatergic system inside of this mirror relationship.
Q54982173Learning and memory
Q36367149Lipid metabolism in cognitive decline and dementia
Q36837516Local shaping of function in the motor cortex: motor contrast, directional tuning.
Q37777780Looking at the blood–brain barrier: Molecular anatomy and possible investigation approaches
Q37026102Loss of aromatase cytochrome P450 function as a risk factor for Parkinson's disease?
Q56115822Low-level lead-induced neurotoxicity in children: an update on central nervous system effects
Q30482277MAP kinase and pain
Q36926166MHC class I expression and synaptic plasticity after nerve lesion.
Q31155641Magnetic resonance imaging as an approach towards identifying neuropathological biomarkers for Huntington's disease
Q57725335Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in cognitive research
Q54087078Manganese action in brain function
Q33266487Manganese and epilepsy: a systematic review of the literature
Q57253176Matrix metalloproteinases: multifunctional effectors of inflammation in multiple sclerosis and bacterial meningitis
Q37748104Mechanism(s) of deep brain stimulation and insights into cognitive outcomes in Parkinson's disease
Q36918353Mechanisms involved in the cerebrovascular dilator effects of N-methyl-d-aspartate in cerebral cortex
Q57839822Mechanisms of axonal dysfunction after spinal cord injury: with an emphasis on the role of voltage-gated potassium channels
Q24655280Mechanisms of chronic central neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury
Q36424400Memory formation by neuronal synchronization
Q37225963Mental fatigue: costs and benefits
Q36797523Mesolimbic dopamine and cortico-accumbens glutamate afferents as major targets for the regulation of the ventral striato-pallidal GABA pathways by neurotensin peptides
Q63302035Metabotropic glutamate receptors provide intrinsic modulation of the lamprey locomotor network
Q37369271Metabotropic receptors for glutamate and GABA in pain.
Q57204867Methamphetamine neurotoxicity: necrotic and apoptotic mechanisms and relevance to human abuse and treatment
Q24647617Methamphetamine toxicity and messengers of death
Q56029409Microglia: Intrinsic immuneffector cell of the brain
Q80357102Mitochondrial mechanisms of estrogen neuroprotection
Q37356257Mitochondrial structural and functional dynamics in Huntington's disease
Q56031372Modular construction of nervous systems: A basic principle of design for invertebrates and vertebrates
Q59205785Modular organisation and spinal somatosensory imprinting
Q59537253Modulation of fibroblast growth factor-2 by stress and corticosteroids: from developmental events to adult brain plasticity
Q36628971Modulation of glutamatergic transmission by sulfated steroids: role in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Q63488858Modulation of native and recombinant GABAA receptors by endogenous and synthetic neuroactive steroids
Q36499391Molecular and cellular mechanisms of altered GAD1/GAD67 expression in schizophrenia and related disorders
Q37769856Molecular and functional heterogeneity of neural circuits: an example from the olfactory bulb.
Q30909532Molecular mechanisms underlying anorexia nervosa: focus on human gene association studies and systems controlling food intake
Q36780231Molecular networks of brain and immunity
Q28267974Molecular pharmacology of glutamate transporters, EAATs and VGLUTs
Q36707914Molecular targets in cerebral ischemia for developing novel therapeutics
Q36418831More attention must be paid: the neurobiology of attentional effort
Q37696641Morphology and dynamics of perisynaptic glia
Q35027903Motor neuron trophic factors: Therapeutic use in ALS?
Q36934886Motor pattern deletions and modular organization of turtle spinal cord
Q56699980Movement of zinc and its functional significance in the brain
Q37665589NG2 cells: Properties, progeny and origin
Q34698698Neural bases of goal-directed locomotion in vertebrates--an overview
Q60679919Neural changes in acute arthritis in monkeys. I. Parallel enhancement of responses of spinothalamic tract neurons to mechanical stimulation and excitatory amino acids
Q60679920Neural changes in acute arthritis in monkeys. II. Increased glutamate immunoreactivity in the medial articular nerve
Q60679922Neural changes in acute arthritis in monkeys. III. Changes in substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide and glutamate in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord
Q60679923Neural changes in acute arthritis in monkeys. IV. Time-course of amino acid release into the lumbar dorsal horn
Q58413507Neural correlates of cognitive dysfunction after cardiac surgery
Q30493168Neural networks a century after Cajal
Q36368631Neural substrates of cognitive and behavioral deficits in atypical Alzheimer's disease
Q24301055Neuregulins: versatile growth and differentiation factors in nervous system development and human disease
Q37769854Neurite outgrowth: this process, first discovered by Santiago Ramon y Cajal, is sustained by the exocytosis of two distinct types of vesicles
Q57244015Neuro-cognitive impairment following acquired central nervous system infections in childhood: a systematic review
Q36347985Neuroactive steroid effects on cognitive functions with a focus on the serotonin and GABA systems
Q56591723Neuroactive steroids and peripheral myelin proteins
Q36837521Neuroactive steroids and peripheral neuropathy.
Q36537596Neuroanatomical, molecular genetic, and behavioral correlates of fragile X syndrome
Q36894541Neuroanatomy: Cajal and after Cajal
Q60545863Neurobiological findings in early phase schizophrenia
Q37257934Neurobiological mechanisms of the reinstatement of drug-conditioned place preference.
Q33344711Neurobiology of orofacial proprioception
Q58428382Neurochemical and morphological changes associated with human epilepsy
Q37002028Neuroendocrine and behavioral effects of embryonic exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in birds.
Q36501861Neurogenesis and cell death in the ganglion cell layer of vertebrate retina
Q37640508Neuroglia in neurodegeneration
Q37332782Neurogliogenesis in the mature olfactory system: a possible protective role against infection and toxic dust
Q33649354Neuroimaging for Lewy body disease: is the in vivo molecular imaging of α-synuclein neuropathology required and feasible?
Q36707992Neuroimmunopathology in a murine model of neuropsychiatric lupus
Q47955527Neuroinflammation and brain infections: historical context and current perspectives
Q36953842Neuromodulation and developmental plasticity in the locomotor system of anuran amphibians during metamorphosis
Q33823760Neuron-glia synapses in the brain.
Q36938797Neuroprogesterone: key to estrogen positive feedback?
Q37012623Neuroprotection by pravastatin in acute ischemic stroke in rats
Q34592614Neuroprotective properties and mechanisms of erythropoietin in in vitro and in vivo experimental models for hypoxia/ischemia.
Q28261782Neurotensin receptors as modulators of glutamatergic transmission
Q58828763Neurotransmission in the carotid body: transmitters and modulators between glomus cells and petrosal ganglion nerve terminals
Q36087867Neurotransmitter receptor heteromers and their integrative role in 'local modules': the striatal spine module.
Q37699465Neurotransmitter signaling in postnatal neurogenesis: The first leg.
Q37680407Neurotransmitter transporters expressed in glial cells as regulators of synapse function.
Q37420920Neurotrophins and neuronal migration in the developing rodent brain
Q35701568New advances in musculoskeletal pain.
Q33830473New and emerging imaging techniques for mapping brain circuitry
Q22252335New insights into brain BDNF function in normal aging and Alzheimer disease
Q37518038New insights into cellular prion protein (PrPc) functions: the "ying and yang" of a relevant protein.
Q36821187Nitric oxide in the injured spinal cord: synthases cross-talk, oxidative stress and inflammation
Q37371153Nociceptive sensitization by endothelin-1.
Q56864679Noradrenergic mechanisms in neurodegenerative diseases: a theory
Q37058637Noradrenergic modulation of arousal
Q34794903Novel pharmacological targets based on receptor heteromers
Q35446092Nucleotide signaling and cutaneous mechanisms of pain transduction.
Q36342857Objective evaluation of manual performance deficits in neurological movement disorders
Q56674434Olfactory coding in the mammalian olfactory bulb
Q36947509Olfactory ensheathing glia: their contribution to primary olfactory nervous system regeneration and their regenerative potential following transplantation into the injured spinal cord
Q34159075Oligodendrogenesis in the subventricular zone and the role of epidermal growth factor
Q33437276On sex/gender related similarities and differences in fMRI language research
Q48217832On the role of receptor-receptor interactions and volume transmission in learning and memory
Q30054461On the scent of human olfactory orbitofrontal cortex: Meta-analysis and comparison to non-human primates
Q37561935On whether the environmental enrichment may provide cognitive and brain reserves.
Q36805371One century of progress in neuroscience founded on Golgi and Cajal's outstanding experimental and theoretical contributions.
Q36963266Organisation of the spinal central pattern generators for locomotion in the salamander: biology and modelling.
Q37025400Organization of cell and tissue circadian pacemakers: a comparison among species
Q28273412Organization of inputs to the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus: a reexamination with Fluorogold and PHAL in the rat
Q36971102Organization of mammalian locomotor rhythm and pattern generation
Q36948783Organizing network action for locomotion: insights from studying insect walking
Q36933949Origin of excitatory drive to a spinal locomotor network
Q55924207Out-of-body experience, heautoscopy, and autoscopic hallucination of neurological origin
Q37500908Pain and learning in a spinal system: contradictory outcomes from common origins.
Q37636835Pain and purinergic signaling
Q57405371Pathophysiological roles of extracellular nucleotides in glial cells: differential expression of purinergic receptors in resting and activated microglia
Q37058634Pathways for control of face and neck musculature by the basal ganglia and cerebellum
Q28254908Patterning the developing diencephalon
Q36548863Peptidergic nerves in the eye, their source and potential pathophysiological relevance
Q37314270Peripheral mechanisms of pain and analgesia
Q36873009Peripheral neuropathy and neurosteroid formation in the central nervous system
Q36734195Permanent, bilateral common carotid artery occlusion in the rat: a model for chronic cerebral hypoperfusion-related neurodegenerative diseases
Q37644993Pharmacological and genetic approaches to study connexin-mediated channels in glial cells of the central nervous system
Q30499124Phosphene induction by microstimulation of macaque V1.
Q36375506Physiological function and putative therapeutic impact of the FGF-2 system in peripheral nerve regeneration--lessons from in vivo studies in mice and rats.
Q61479746Physiopharmacological interactions between stress hormones and central serotonergic systems
Q55879865Piracetam and other structurally related nootropics
Q37493113Plasma biomarkers for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.
Q37016451Plasticity of interneuronal networks of the functionally isolated human spinal cord
Q36932823Plasticity of locomotor sensorimotor interactions after peripheral and/or spinal lesions.
Q34704024Plasticity of spinal cord locomotor networks and contribution of cation-chloride cotransporters
Q36894171Polysialic acid-neural cell adhesion molecule in brain plasticity: from synapses to integration of new neurons.
Q36960687Postnatal ontogeny of expression of the corticosteroid receptor genes in mammalian brains: inter-species and intra-species differences
Q37376975Predicting therapeutic efficacy - experimental pain in human subjects
Q31139887Predictors of amygdala activation during the processing of emotional stimuli: a meta-analysis of 385 PET and fMRI studies.
Q34424490Prefrontal cortex and drug abuse vulnerability: translation to prevention and treatment interventions.
Q33605502Prenatal stress and brain development
Q62473013Preservation of DNA integrity and neuronal degeneration
Q82723627Proceedings of a symposium: Camillo Golgi and Modern Neuroscience, September 29-October 1, 2009, Pavia, Italy
Q84345555Proceedings of the Spring Pain Research Conference, April 2008
Q24642671Progesterone exerts neuroprotective effects after brain injury
Q60683592Progesterone synthesis and myelin formation in peripheral nerves
Q36960325Protease-activated receptors in the brain: receptor expression, activation, and functions in neurodegeneration and neuroprotection
Q57394739Protein kinases modulate the cellular adaptations associated with opioid tolerance and dependence
Q22252336Psychosurgery: past, present, and future
Q36791401Pulvinar contributions to the dorsal and ventral streams of visual processing in primates
Q36459874Quest for the basic plan of nervous system circuitry
Q28275517RNA editing of brain glutamate receptor channels: mechanism and physiology
Q37165927Rab GTPases and their roles in brain neurons and glia
Q37857950Rabs, SNAREs and α-synuclein--membrane trafficking defects in synucleinopathies
Q34682021Rapid modulation of synaptic plasticity by estrogens as well as endocrine disrupters in hippocampal neurons
Q36964412Rapid pain modulation with nuclear receptor ligands
Q36569677Rapid signaling mechanisms of estrogens in the developing cerebellum
Q63472156Re-evaluation of the role of the dopamine transporter in dopamine system homeostasis1Published on the World Wide Web on 27 January 1998.1
Q57987519Recent developments in structure–activity relationships for steroid modulators of GABAA receptors
Q34023810Recent insights into a new hydrodynamics of the cerebrospinal fluid
Q36998801Receptor mosaics of neural and immune communication: possible implications for basal ganglia functions
Q37206080Receptor webs: can the chunking theory tell us more about it?
Q34742184Receptor-receptor interactions within receptor mosaics. Impact on neuropsychopharmacology
Q36932828Reconstruction of an average cortical column in silico.
Q28264561Recycling and EH domain proteins at the synapse
Q48483423Reflections on Jacques Paillard (1920-2006)--a pioneer in the field of motor cognition
Q36720195Reflections on the specificity of synaptic connections
Q37434845Regeneration of the ischemic brain by engineered stem cells: fuelling endogenous repair processes.
Q36968592Regenerative potential of allopregnanolone
Q37321443Regulation of ceramide-induced neuronal death: cell metabolism meets neurodegeneration.
Q59869406Regulation of exocytosis in neuroendocrine cells: spatial organization of channels and vesicles, stimulus-secretion coupling, calcium buffers and modulation
Q36769137Regulation of neuronal nicotinic receptor traffic and expression
Q36344394Regulatory mechanisms of cortical laminar development
Q36735851Relating the neuron doctrine to the cell theory. Should contemporary knowledge change our view of the neuron doctrine?
Q34568265Resveratrol--a boon for treating Alzheimer's disease?
Q37110524Role of DNA dynamics in Alzheimer's disease
Q45839232Role of glia in epilepsy-associated neuropathology, neuroinflammation and neurogenesis.
Q37636837Role of glial cells in the formation and maintenance of synapses
Q37376506Role of interleukin-1beta during pain and inflammation
Q57767749Role of kainate receptors in nociception
Q60439426Role of nitric oxide in subventricular zone neurogenesis
Q57963103Role of reelin in the control of brain development1Published on the World Wide Web on 21 October 1997.1
Q34673031Role of sensory feedback in the control of stance duration in walking cats
Q36926498Role of the neural crest in face and brain development
Q30436560Role of voltage-gated calcium channels in ascending pain pathways
Q36506982Roles of Eph receptors and ephrins in the normal and damaged adult CNS.
Q60143328Roles of primate spinal interneurons in preparation and execution of voluntary hand movement
Q37388690Roles of transient receptor potential channels in pain
Q36780224Santiago Ramón y Cajal at Clark University, 1899; his only visit to the United States
Q28252676Satellite glial cells in sensory ganglia: from form to function
Q28281318Satellite glial cells in sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia: in search of function
Q56518928Schizophrenia as the price that Homo sapiens pays for language: a resolution of the central paradox in the origin of the species
Q57382396Schizophrenia: the fundamental questions
Q56611276Selenium and brain function: a poorly recognized liaison
Q73369565Sensory regulation of immediate-early gene expression in mammalian visual cortex: implications for functional mapping and neural plasticity
Q57252714Serotonergic innervation of the cerebral vasculature: relevance to migraine and ischaemia
Q28138722Serotonin model of schizophrenia: emerging role of glutamate mechanisms
Q56554929Sets of neurons in somatic cerebral cortex of the cat and their ontogeny
Q34005833Sexsomnia: abnormal sexual behavior during sleep
Q36418230Some aspects of astroglial functions and aluminum implications for neurodegeneration
Q30365018Some historical reflections on the neural control of locomotion.
Q24679591Spatial organization of direct hippocampal field CA1 axonal projections to the rest of the cerebral cortex
Q57572085Specification of the meso-isthmo-cerebellar region: The Otx2/Gbx2 boundary
Q36932819Spinal and supraspinal postural networks
Q37808016Spinal cord repair in regeneration-competent vertebrates: Adult teleost fish as a model system
Q36947506Spinal interneuronal networks in the cat: elementary components
Q37250259Spontaneous neuronal burst discharges as dependent and independent variables in the maturation of cerebral cortex tissue cultured in vitro: a review of activity-dependent studies in live 'model' systems for the development of intrinsically generated
Q36962718Spontaneous rhythmic activity in early chick spinal cord influences distinct motor axon pathfinding decisions
Q83198484Spring pain research conference 2008
Q36831305Steroid-dependent plasticity of vocal motor systems: novel insights from teleost fish
Q36955588Strategies for delineating spinal locomotor rhythm-generating networks and the possible role of Hb9 interneurones in rhythmogenesis
Q36780227Stress and ageing interactions: a paradox in the context of shared etiological and physiopathological processes.
Q57540064Structural and functional evolution of the basal ganglia in vertebrates
Q37005557Structural plasticity in G-protein coupled receptors as demonstrated by the allosteric actions of homocysteine and computer-assisted analysis of disordered domains.
Q46333499Structure and function in the conceptual development of mammalian neuroendocrinology between 1920 and 1965.
Q57003900Studying spontaneous EEG activity with fMRI
Q37796315Subverting the hegemony of the synapse: Complicity of neurons, astrocytes, and vasculature in spreading depression and pathology of the cerebral cortex
Q33427261Superior temporal gyrus volume change in schizophrenia: a review on region of interest volumetric studies
Q48217610Synaptic processes-The role of glial cells. Preface
Q60494632Synchronous Gamma activity: a review and contribution to an integrative neuroscience model of schizophrenia
Q37484377Systematic review by meta-analyses on the possible role of TNF-alpha polymorphisms in association with Alzheimer's disease
Q37371095Targeting CB2 receptors and the endocannabinoid system for the treatment of pain
Q37728628Targets and consequences of protein SUMOylation in neurons.
Q58028348Tau and transgenic animal models
Q57897029Tau protein isoforms, phosphorylation and role in neurodegenerative disorders11These authors contributed equally to this work
Q36744685The Cajal Club: Its origin, originator and benefactor, Wendell J. S. Krieg
Q58112339The DARPP-32/protein phosphatase-1 cascade: a model for signal integration1Published on the World Wide Web on 22 January 1998.1
Q56481539The N-methyl-d-aspartate antagonists phencyclidine, ketamine and dizocilpine as both behavioral and anatomical models of the dementias
Q37000937The N400 potential could index a semantic inhibition
Q60646702The Project for a Scientific Psychology (1895): a Freudian anticipation of LTP-memory connection theory
Q37360942The R6 lines of transgenic mice: a model for screening new therapies for Huntington's disease
Q36501866The X11/Mint family of adaptor proteins.
Q37243491The acute effects of NMDA antagonism: from the rodent to the human brain
Q58356629The angiotensin system elements in invertebrates
Q42443078The basal ganglia-from neuronal systems to molecular networks. Preface
Q55954264The biology of the opioid growth factor receptor (OGFr)
Q36846084The butterfly and the loom
Q33233559The centrifugal visual system of vertebrates: a comparative analysis of its functional anatomical organization.
Q37800523The cerebellar network: From structure to function and dynamics
Q36404568The cerebellar-hypothalamic circuits: potential pathways underlying cerebellar involvement in somatic-visceral integration
Q34121119The cerebellum and pain: passive integrator or active participator?
Q57829553The circadian visual system
Q33991981The circadian visual system, 2005.
Q34005374The circumventricular organs: an atlas of comparative anatomy and vascularization.
Q28187205The cognitive neuroscience of sustained attention: where top-down meets bottom-up
Q28275515The complex multidomain organization of SCO-spondin protein is highly conserved in mammals
Q37641451The contribution of astrocyte signalling to neurovascular coupling.
Q37626178The cytosolic redox state of astrocytes: Maintenance, regulation and functional implications for metabolite trafficking.
Q21710695The diffuse nervous network of Camillo Golgi: Facts and fiction
Q36742872The dorsal raphe nucleus--from silver stainings to a role in depression
Q36735854The effects of age and attention on motor overflow production--A review
Q56061339The emergence of the volume transmission concept1Published on the World Wide Web on 12 January 1998.1
Q37114893The endocrine nervous system: source and target for neuroactive steroids.
Q33261282The evolution of the centrifugal visual system of vertebrates. A cladistic analysis and new hypotheses.
Q57532389The evolutionary origin of the language areas in the human brain. A neuroanatomical perspective
Q35737302The first images of nerve cells: Golgi on the olfactory bulb 1875
Q37740602The formation of cerebrospinal fluid: nearly a hundred years of interpretations and misinterpretations
Q37607563The functional role of the medio dorsal thalamic nucleus in olfaction.
Q28253599The functional significance of mu rhythms: translating "seeing" and "hearing" into "doing"
Q36579967The gate for reading: reflections on the recognition potential
Q36838018The human mirror system: a motor resonance theory of mind-reading
Q34043602The impact of vascular burden on late-life depression
Q28280305The importance of 'awareness' for understanding fetal pain
Q48482360The innervation of the primate fungiform papilla--development, distribution and changes following selective ablation
Q56505475The insula (Island of Reil) and its role in auditory processing
Q28248612The insulin-like growth factor-II/mannose-6-phosphate receptor: structure, distribution and function in the central nervous system
Q55922778The interaction between neuroactive steroids and the σ1 receptor function: behavioral consequences and therapeutic opportunities
Q55921579The locus coeruleus–noradrenergic system: modulation of behavioral state and state-dependent cognitive processes
Q36641659The making of successful axonal regeneration: genes, molecules and signal transduction pathways
Q37589803The mammalian central pattern generator for locomotion
Q30479278The mechanism of life-threatening water imbalance in schizophrenia and its relationship to the underlying psychiatric illness
Q36873573The membrane-associated progesterone-binding protein 25-Dx: expression, cellular localization and up-regulation after brain and spinal cord injuries.
Q36825360The microglial networks of the brain and their role in neuronal network plasticity after lesion
Q56456657The neonate-6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rat: a model for clinical neuroscience and neurobiological principles
Q29547475The neural basis of drug craving: an incentive-sensitization theory of addiction
Q24324223The neurobiology of apolipoproteins and their receptors in the CNS and Alzheimer's disease
Q36617571The neurocognitive bases of human multimodal food perception: consciousness
Q36854753The neuron classification problem
Q33515954The neuronal correlates of intranasal trigeminal function-an ALE meta-analysis of human functional brain imaging data
Q24646616The neuroprotective properties of calorie restriction, the ketogenic diet, and ketone bodies
Q64217858The neuropsychological basis of addictive behaviour
Q36424395The novelty value of the combined use of electroencephalography and transcranial magnetic stimulation for neuroscience research
Q36792017The olfactory granule cell: from classical enigma to central role in olfactory processing
Q60728718The organization of motor responses to noxious stimuli
Q36692339The origin and cell lineage of microglia: new concepts
Q59504815The pharmacology of latent inhibition as an animal model of schizophrenia
Q38582116The phylogenetic distribution of electroreception: evidence for convergent evolution of a primitive vertebrate sense modality
Q36710436The physiological and pharmacological role of basic fibroblast growth factor in the dopaminergic nigrostriatal system
Q61635989The planum temporale: a systematic, quantitative review of its structural, functional and clinical significance
Q36805936The radial edifice of cortical architecture: from neuronal silhouettes to genetic engineering
Q37791661The retinohypothalamic tract: comparison of axonal projection patterns from four major targets
Q30985077The rise and fall of Golgi's school.
Q37604526The role and regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha expression in brain development and neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury
Q34601728The role of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in regeneration and plasticity in the central nervous system
Q36990978The role of cortical inhibition in the pathophysiology and treatment of schizophrenia.
Q57255552The role of corticotropin-releasing factor-like peptides in cannabis, nicotine, and alcohol dependence
Q37840479The role of oxidative stress in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Q37840475The role of the central noradrenergic system in behavioral inhibition
Q37237977The role of the cerebellum in the pathophysiology and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders: a review.
Q36913603The role of the interhemispheric pathway in hearing
Q37876998The role of α oscillations in temporal attention.
Q56057667The roles of microtubule-associated proteins in brain morphogenesis: a review
Q34615744The sensory neuron and the triumph of Camillo Golgi
Q57083693The shifting biology of prions
Q59486481The socially-isolated mouse: a model to study the putative role of allopregnanolone and 5α-dihydroprogesterone in psychiatric disorders
Q36866372The somatosensory system, with emphasis on structures important for pain
Q37074503The spinal pattern generator for ejaculation.
Q36918349The spinobulbar system in lamprey
Q36831297The stress system in depression and neurodegeneration: focus on the human hypothalamus.
Q37827610The thalamocortical vestibular system in animals and humans
Q30471584The unipolar brush cell: a remarkable neuron finally receiving deserved attention
Q36502663The urocortin 1 neurocircuit: ethanol-sensitivity and potential involvement in alcohol consumption
Q36953846The use of tDCS and CVS as methods of non-invasive brain stimulation.
Q56555429The whole body receptive field of dorsal horn multireceptive neurones
Q28280318The yin and yang of cardiac autonomic control: vago-sympathetic interactions revisited
Q34673045Therapeutic potential and biological role of endogenous antioxidant enzymes in multiple sclerosis pathology
Q34923662Therapeutic potential of vanilloid receptor TRPV1 agonists and antagonists as analgesics: Recent advances and setbacks
Q34012470Thomas Graham Brown (1882--1965), Anders Lundberg (1920-), and the neural control of stepping.
Q36329860Thyroid hormones and retinoids: a possible link between genes and environment in schizophrenia
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cites work (P2860)
Q48910730Destruction of Noradrenergic Neurons in Rabbit Brainstem Elevates Plasma Vasopressin, Causing Hypertension
Q31048991The transmissible amyloidoses: Genetical control of spontaneous generation of infectious amyloid proteins by nucleation of configurational change in host precursors: Kuru-CJD-GSS-Scrapie-BSE

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