Learning and Behavior


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Abstract is: Learning & Behavior is a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Springer Science+Business Media on behalf of the Psychonomic Society. The journal was established in 1973 as Animal Learning and Behavior, obtaining its current title in 2003. The founding editor-in-chief was Abram Amsel, the current editor is Jonathan Crystal (Indiana University). The journal covers research into fundamental processes underlying learning and behavior in animals (including humans).

Learning and Behavior is …
instance of (P31):
scientific journalQ5633421

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P6981ACNP journal ID12036
P8375Crossref journal ID79344
P1250Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO347
P1609Dialnet journal ID10458
P1058ERA Journal ID6504
P646Freebase ID/m/0123kj0p
P1277JUFO ID62539
P1144Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) (bibliographic)2003212080
P4730Mir@bel journal ID20814
P1055NLM Unique ID0360135
P243OCLC control number890337525
P856official websitehttp://www.springer.com/psychology/psychology+general/journal/13420
P10283OpenAlex IDV16559285
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID186123
P8104Paperity journal ID84955
P1156Scopus source ID12030
P5983Springer journal ID13420

P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level1
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
Science Citation Index ExpandedQ104047209
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectneuroscienceQ207011
P123publisherSpringer Science+Business MediaQ176916
P1476titleLearning and Behavior

Reverse relations

published in (P1433)
Q51958208"Artificial grammar learning" in pigeons: a preliminary analysis.
Q48216827"Counting" by pigeons: discrimination of the number of biologically relevant sequential events
Q38768318"Zeroing" in on mathematics in the monkey brain
Q52046453A behavior systems view of the organization of multiple responses during a partially or continuously reinforced interfood clock.
Q60326241A behavioral field approach to instrumental learning in the rat: I. Partial reinforcement effects and sex differences
Q34217240A bottlenose dolphin discriminates visual stimuli differing in numerosity
Q59199960A chimpanzee’s (Pan troglodytes) long-term retention of lexigrams
Q51832190A common error term regulates acquisition but not extinction of causal judgments in people.
Q51927374A comparative approach to cue competition with one and two strong predictors.
Q52113511A comparison between elemental and compound training of cues in retrospective revaluation.
Q44826822A comparison of the aversive and female attractant properties of urine from dominant and subordinate male mice
Q50788112A configural theory of attention and associative learning.
Q50593446A delay-specific differential outcomes effect in delayed matching to sample.
Q86637629A derived transformation of emotional functions using self-reports, implicit association tests, and frontal alpha asymmetries
Q51889984A differential-outcome effect in pigeons using spatial hedonically nondifferential outcomes.
Q50453232A differential-outcomes effect using hedonically nondifferential outcomes with delayed matching to sample by pigeons.
Q90320266A dimensional summation account of polymorphous category learning
Q92830232A fish eye view of the mirror test
Q43818501A history of morphine-induced taste aversion learning fails to affect morphine-induced place preference conditioning in rats
Q48285207A landmark blocks searching for a hidden platform in an environment with a distinctive shape after extended pretraining
Q43264838A learned flavor preference persists despite the extinction of conditioned hedonic reactions to the cue flavors
Q41090035A long-term study of the impulsive choices of Lewis and Fischer 344 rats
Q120714390A method for producing avoidance behavior in the turtle
Q46434096A mixed design reveals that glucose moieties facilitate extinction of a conditioned taste aversion in rats
Q89450927A new approach to understanding canine social cognition
Q52147699A new direction for grid cells.
Q41478294A new tool-using bird to crow about.
Q38744532A pathway for spatial memory encoding
Q113202182A quantitative genetic analysis of change in open-field behavior of mice
Q52242474A role of stimulus compounds in eliciting responses: relatively spaced extinction following massed acquisition
Q60512383A serial effect in time estimation
Q30997933A signal detection analysis of contingency data
Q129744607A special issue honoring Ken Cheng: navigating animal minds
Q93043736A special issue in honour of Stephen Lea - a true comparative psychologist
Q61661283A test for dominance of cues during maze learning by toads
Q51799261A test of Rescorla and Wagner's (1972) prediction of nonlinear effects in contingency learning.
Q53111232A time course analysis of satiety-induced instrumental outcome devaluation.
Q48559310Abram Amsel (1922-2006) in memoriam
Q113999481Absolute time estimates as a function of complexity and interruption of melodies
Q50537355Abstract numerical discrimination learning in rats.
Q38839185Accumbens D2: Raters of the Loss Outcome
Q50700872Acquired equivalence and generalized suppression in a virtual reality environment.
Q52002529Acquisition and extinction of conditioned nicotine analgesic tolerance.
Q52022036Acquisition and extinction of facilitation in the C57BL/6J mouse.
Q50075537Acquisition and retention of conditioned aversions to context and taste in laboratory mice
Q114881985Acquisition of behavioral control by the auditory features of an imprinting object
Q48491939Acquisition of schedule-induced polydipsia by rats in proximity to upcoming food delivery
Q125799195Acquisition of the same/different concept by an African Grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus): Learning with respect to categories of color, shape, and material
Q81323628Acquisition with partial and continuous reinforcement in pigeon autoshaping
Q35782698Action imitation in birds
Q130121613Active and passive waiting in impulsive choice: Effects of fixed-interval and fixed-time delays
Q91872600Addition and subtraction by honeybees
Q38077508Adjunctive behaviors are operants
Q50516788Adolescent rats fail to demonstrate a LiCl-induced pre-exposure effect: Implications for the balance of drug reward and aversion in adolescence.
Q47587143Adult humans' understanding of support relations: an up-linkage replication
Q67854210Affiliation and aggression in rats
Q113202192Aggression and open field behavior in male mice
Q44188128Alternating exposure to two compound flavors creates inhibitory associations between their unique features
Q59938918Alternative accounts are preferable to value transfer theory: Commentary on Dorrance, Kaiser, and Zentall (1998)
Q115783036Altruistic behavior in the albino rat
Q114881925Among-individual differences in auditory and physical cognitive abilities in zebra finches
Q34499504Amount of training effects in representation-mediated food aversion learning: no evidence of a role for associability changes
Q46887180An analysis of visual oddity concept learning in a California sea lion (Zalophus californianus).
Q104204111An attempt to demonstrate magnetic compass orientation in two species of mammals
Q51918246An attention-modulated associative network.
Q41234308An avian perspective on simulating other minds
Q38213929An easy-to-hard effect after nonreinforced preexposure in a sweetness discrimination
Q46098076An elemental model of retrospective revaluation without within-compound associations
Q51954199An empirical analysis of the super-latent inhibition effect.
Q51833834An exploration of the feature-positive effect in adult humans.
Q50992786An instance theory of associative learning.
Q43567754Analogical reasoning in baboons (Papio papio): flexible reencoding of the source relation depending on the target relation.
Q51955340Analysis of a trial-spacing effect with relatively long intertrial intervals.
Q81196025Animal Learning & Behavior has consistently published high-quality and important articles
Q51889828Animal memory: the contribution of generalization decrement to delayed conditional discrimination retention functions.
Q92032736Animal procrastination: Pigeons choose to defer experiencing an aversive gap or a peck requirement
Q113202196Animal-experimenter interaction and open-field behavior: The rat
Q46881813Anxiolytic-like effect of ejaculation upon frustration
Q91015861Any reward will do: Effects of a reverse-reward contingency on size preference with pet dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)
Q98947753Anybody watching? How others affect helpful actions
Q38905743Apes have eyes to the future
Q47141443Apes perform like infants in false-belief tasks
Q47753256Apes track false beliefs but might not understand them
Q90648501Appetitive conditioning task in a shuttle box and its comparison with the active avoidance paradigm
Q48562959Appetitive latent inhibition in rats: now you see it (sign tracking), now you don't (goal tracking).
Q42868925Applicability to foraging simulation of a reinforcement schedule controlling the response energy of pigeons
Q114576363Approach tendency and threat display as related to social status of Siamese fighting fish,Betta splendens
Q35782713Approaches to the study of traditional behaviors of free-living animals
Q56394709Are chimpanzees "stuck" on their "selves" in video?
Q38389756Artificial grammar learning in pigeons
Q92105887Asking for help: Do dogs take into account prior experiences with people?
Q114109617Assessing human performance during contingency changes and extinction tests in reversal-learning tasks
Q91073001Assessing object-recognition memory in rats: Pitfalls of the existent tasks and the advantages of a new test
Q35185597Assessing power PC.
Q50496878Assessment of progressively delayed prompts on guided skill learning in rats.
Q50193298Associations and hallucinations in mice and men.
Q44536712Associative foundation of causal learning in rats.
Q34976497Associative learning and elemental representation: II. Generalization and discrimination
Q51856001Associative learning phenomena in the snail (Helix aspersa): conditioned inhibition.
Q89629918Associative models fail to characterize transitive inference performance in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
Q93021291Associative structure of conditioned inhibition produced by inhibitory perceptual learning treatment
Q37347312Associative structure of integrated temporal relationships
Q50170365Associative structure of second-order conditioning in humans.
Q51981601Associatively activated representations of food events resemble food outcome expectancies more closely than they resemble food-based memories.
Q50559456Associatively mediated stopping: Training stimulus-specific inhibitory control.
Q50576403Asymmetry in the discrimination of quantity by rats: The role of the intertrial interval.
Q48376984Attention and salience in associative blocking
Q50697578Attention as an acquisition and performance variable (AAPV).
Q49720559Attention toward contexts modulates context-specificity of behavior in human predictive learning: Evidence from the n-back task
Q51943217Attentional changes in blocking are not a consequence of lateral inhibition.
Q45143699Attenuation of the intermittent punishment effect: the effect of interpolated punishment and nonreward trials
Q113693478Attribute dimensions and patterns of trait inferences
Q114881960Auditory delayed discriminations by the dolphin: Nonequivalence with delayed-matching performance
Q114881967Auditory matching-to-sample in monkeys (Cebus apella)
Q30431993Auditory proactive interference in monkeys: the roles of stimulus set size and intertrial interval
Q98507131Auditory sentence comprehension in children with cochlear implants after simple visual discrimination training with specific auditory-visual consequences
Q114881964Auditory short-term memory in the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus)
Q51890523Aversive, appetitive and flavour avoidance responses in the presence of contextual cues.
Q52309415Avoidance differences between rats and gerbils
Q51018836Avoidance of interspecific mating in female Syrian hamsters is stronger toward familiar than toward unfamiliar heterospecific males.
Q90716883Awareness of danger inside the egg: Evidence of innate and learned predator recognition in cuttlefish embryos
Q48986780Bayesian approaches to associative learning: from passive to active learning
Q52046469Behavioral and associative effects of differential outcomes in discrimination learning.
Q34644216Behavioral contrast redux
Q51030253Behavioral expression of learned fear in rats is appropriate to their age at training, not their age at testing.
Q89643117Behavioral flexibility: A review, a model, and some exploratory tests
Q109039233Behavioral mechanisms underlying vocal communication in nonhuman primates
Q33691082Behavioral momentum and relapse of extinguished operant responding.
Q43076755Behavioral momentum and resurgence: Effects of time in extinction and repeated resurgence tests
Q88528343Behavioral synchronization and affiliation: Dogs exhibit human-like skills
Q120714426Behaviorally determined dark adaptation functions in the turtle, Pseudemys
Q47799158Benzodiazepine administration prevents the use of error-correction mechanisms during fear extinction.
Q62092023Bidirectional associations
Q63953551Bidirectional avoidance by mice as a function of CS, US, and apparatus variables
Q50219222Bigger brains may make better problem-solving carnivores
Q62092020Biological significance attenuates overshadowing, relative validity, and degraded contingency effects
Q97428977Biotremology in arthropods
Q30489885Bird brains: Does absolute size matter?
Q34458441Blocking between landmarks during 2-D (touchscreen) and 3-D (ARENA) search tasks with pigeons.
Q30417808Blocking in autoshaped lever-pressing procedures with rats
Q50670109Blocking in human causal learning is affected by outcome assumptions manipulated through causal structure.
Q120714394Body temperature change in the snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina)
Q50607591Boosting weakened synapses to treat Alzheimer's disease.
Q47330409Bumblebees at work in an emotion-like state
Q44855578CS-US interval determines the transition from overshadowing to potentiation with flavor compounds
Q36983680CS-US temporal relations in blocking
Q36408221CS-duration and partial-reinforcement effects counteract overshadowing in select situations
Q97428983Can a dog be spontaneous?
Q40431146Can squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) plan for the future? Studies of temporal myopia in food choice
Q29304582Can your dog read your mind? Understanding the causes of canine perspective taking
Q57022493Canine cognition
Q46433732Capuchin monkeys can make and use stone tools
Q40400379Causal and predictive-value judgments, but not predictions, are based on cue-outcome contingency
Q115290406Cause, development, function, and evolution: Toward a behavioral ecology of rescue behavior in ants
Q86526249Central amygdala lesions inhibit pontine nuclei acoustic reactivity and retard delay eyeblink conditioning acquisition in adult rats
Q120714419Cerebral lesions and climbing suppression in the turtle
Q51870269Changes in attention to an irrelevant cue that accompanies a negative patterning [corrected] discrimination.
Q36915296Changes in inhibition during differential eyeblink conditioning with increased training
Q115337453Changes in neuronal activity in the cochlear nucleus as a function of classical and instrumental conditioning
Q52102431Changes in stimulus salience as a result of stimulus preexposure: evidence from aversive and appetitive testing procedures.
Q113202190Changes in the open field behavior of female golden hamsters
Q50597098Characteristics of retrograde amnesia for CS preexposure.
Q41871375Characteristics of the lithium-mediated proximal US-preexposure effect in flavor-aversion conditioning
Q115484379Chemocommunication among prey and predator species
Q81323623Chemosensory conditioning in molluscs: I. Failure of contextual conditioning in Hermissenda
Q36021011Chemosensory conditioning in molluscs: II. A critical review
Q38667360Chimpanzee food preferences, associative learning, and the origins of cooking
Q46153613Chimpanzees, cooking, and a more comparative psychology
Q59265998Chlordiazepoxide and the determinants of negative contrast
Q48140979Choice and goal-directed behavior in preschool children
Q51067773Circadian-temporal context and latent inhibition of conditioned taste aversion: Effect of restriction in the intake of the conditioned taste stimulus.
Q120714400Classical and avoidance conditioning of the nictitating membrane in frogs (Rana pipiens) and toads (Bufo Americanus)
Q52304661Classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response: effects of reinforcement schedule on response maintenance and resistance to extinction.
Q120714391Climbing suppression: Passive avoidance in the turtle
Q47768695Cocaine preexposure enhances sexual conditioning and increases resistance to extinction in male Japanese quail
Q90954304Coffee time: Low caffeine dose promotes attention and focus in zebrafish
Q109039235Cognition in the African Grey parrot: Preliminary evidence for auditory/vocal comprehension of the class concept
Q97428310Cognitive control of working memory but not familiarity in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
Q39220766Cognitive theories as reinforcement history surrogates: the case of likelihood ratio models of human recognition memory
Q37236167Cognitive versus stimulus-response theories of learning
Q50476332Color vision in the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).
Q50443857Comparative approaches to same/different abstract-concept learning.
Q50421445Comparing cognition by integrating concept learning, proactive interference, and list memory
Q48531668Comparing demand functions when different price manipulations are used: does unit price help?
Q96826439Comparing pet and detection dogs (Canis familiaris) on two aspects of social cognition
Q36271443Comparing the context specificity of extinction and latent inhibition
Q51924826Comparison of auditory and visual conditioning stimuli in delay eyeblink conditioning in healthy young adults.
Q46794839Comparison of spatial learning in the partially baited radial-arm maze task between commonly used rat strains: Wistar, Spargue-Dawley, Long-Evans, and outcrossed Wistar/Sprague-Dawley
Q52042633Competence and performance in causal learning.
Q52102435Competition among spatial cues in a naturalistic food-carrying task.
Q44631131Competition between ethanol-induced reward and aversion in place conditioning
Q58853788Concept identification strategies used for positive and negative instances
Q48174104Concurrent VR VI schedules: Primacy of molar control of preference and molecular control of response rates
Q51889793Concurrent extinction does not render appetitive conditioning context specific.
Q51799209Concurrent schedules of wheel-running reinforcement: choice between different durations of opportunity to run in rats.
Q52113509Concurrent-chain performance in transition: effects of terminal-link duration and individual reinforcers.
Q46876947Conditioned avoidance responses survive contingency degradation in the garden slug, Lehmannia valentiana
Q46582318Conditioned context aversion learning in the laboratory mouse
Q45177485Conditioned inhibition and the UCS-CS interval
Q52113512Conditioned inhibitory effects of discriminated Pavlovian training with food in rats depend on interactions of search modes, related repertoires, and response measures.
Q36485465Conditioned suppression is an inverted-U function of footshock intensity
Q114109629Conditioning in garter snakes: Aversion to palatable prey induced by delayed illness
Q52002524Conditioning of tentacle lowering in the snail (Helix aspersa): acquisition, latent inhibition, overshadowing, second-order conditioning, and sensory preconditioning.
Q44924566Conditioning-specific reflex modification of the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) nictitating membrane response is sensitive to context
Q44898303Conditioning-specific reflex modification of the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) nictitating membrane response: US intensity effects
Q50596599Configural integration of temporal and contextual information in rats: Automated measurement in appetitive and aversive preparations.
Q114576348Conformity as a function of experimentally induced minority and majority competence
Q33632067Conserving and managing animals that learn socially and share cultures
Q103837636Conspecific presence, but not pilferage, influences pinyon jays' (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) caching behavior
Q108898676Constraints on vocal production learning in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulates)
Q50435413Context modulation of learned attention deployment
Q50595623Contextual control of conditioning is not affected by extinction in a behavioral task with humans.
Q51943209Contextual control of first- and second-learned excitation and inhibition in equally ambiguous stimuli.
Q34039456Contextual control of operant behavior: evidence for hierarchical associations in instrumental learning
Q50451876Contextual control over equivalence and nonequivalence explains apparent arbitrary applicable relational responding in accordance with sameness and opposition.
Q51790602Contextual modulation of attention in human category learning.
Q36216579Contiguity and covariation in human causal inference
Q58369786Contrast and value: Beyond the work ethic effect. A reply to Zentall (2008)
Q51890521Contrasting AAC and ABC renewal: the role of context associations.
Q113202189Contrasting effects of group housing and isolation on subsequent open field exploration in laboratory rats
Q40400373Contrasting predictive and causal values of predictors and of causes.
Q97535732Convergent evolution of complex cognition: Insights from the field of avian cognition into the study of self-awareness
Q67388084Copulatory behavior and nest building behavior of wild house mice (Mus musculus)
Q64945682Copulatory behavior of Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus).
Q51786304Counting absolute numbers of items, from 1 to 8, in pigeons.
Q39432006Creating a common terminology for play behavior to increase cross-disciplinary research
Q97547452Cross-modal tactile-visual neural representations in bumble bees
Q57243536Cross-modality contrast: Exteroceptive context habituation enhances taste neophobia and conditioned taste aversions
Q90583372Cues Associated with Alternative Reinforcement During Extinction Can Attenuate Resurgence of an Extinguished Instrumental Response
Q50191585Data archiving for animal cognition research: report of an NIMH workshop
Q51854150Deactivation and reactivation of the inhibitory power of a conditioned inhibitor: testing the predictions of an attentional-associative model.
Q83430167Decision making by humans in a behavioral task: do humans, like pigeons, show suboptimal choice?
Q50513665Delay discounting in rhesus monkeys: equivalent discounting of more and less preferred sucrose concentrations.
Q114881966Delayed matching of visual materials by a bottlenosed dolphin aided by auditory symbols
Q41898200Delayed matching to sample: reinforcement has opposite effects on resistance to change in two related procedures
Q114576336Dependency of the spectral reflectance curves of the Munsell color chips
Q48356231Deprivation level and choice in pigeons: a test of within-trial contrast.
Q120714398Depth vision in monocular frogs
Q50770292Derived relations and generalized alteration of preferences.
Q102381323Designer receptor inhibition suggests mechanism for monkey Theory of Mind
Q44918824Determinants of ejaculatory failure in the copulatory behavior of cactus mice (Peromyscus eremicus)
Q51977803Determinants of range effects in face recognition.
Q89643125Development of point following behaviors in shelter dogs
Q35782717Development, direction, and damage limitation: social learning in domestic fowl
Q51947856Differences in taste-potentiated odor aversions with O+/OT+ versus OT+/O+ conditioning: Implications for configural associations.
Q115337447Different neuronal responses in the cochlear nucleus of a cat during classical and instrumental conditioning
Q114576343Different nocturnal activity patterns of Peromyscus californicus and Peromyscus erenicus in lunar lighting
Q36614457Differential reinforcement and resistance to change of divided-attention performance.
Q91758848Directed forgetting in rats: Evidence for active memory control?
Q50440795Discrimination and representation of relative numerosity in a bisection task by pigeons
Q81401416Discrimination blocking: acquisition versus performance deficits in human contingency learning
Q61661287Discrimination learning and extinction in toads1
Q51899511Discrimination learning in humans: role of number and complexity of rules.
Q89643121Discrimination of artificial starry sky by pigeons
Q60134014Discrimination of geons by pigeons: The effects of variations in surface depiction
Q52119792Discrimination of individual vocalizations by black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapilla).
Q43871894Discrimination of what, when, and where is not based on time of day.
Q113250636Discrimination training and reversal in groups of honey bees
Q61820882Discrimination-reversal skills in squirrel monkeys: The reversal index and the reversal-acquisition ratio compared
Q36723193Discriminative properties of the reinforcer can be used to attenuate the renewal of extinguished operant behavior.
Q52029505Discriminative stimuli that follow the absence of reinforcement are preferred by pigeons over those that follow reinforcement.
Q52029496Disruption of latent inhibition by interpolation of task-irrelevant stimulation between preexposure and conditioning.
Q51902742Disruption of temporal discrimination and the choose-short effect.
Q50420727Distance and direction, but not light cues, support response reversal learning
Q35782723Distinguishing social and asocial learning using diffusion dynamics
Q114576342Diurnal and nocturnal sleep stage patterns following sleep deprivation
Q47180907Divergences in learning and memory among wild zebrafish: Do sex and body size play a role?
Q48380985Divided attention and the matching law: sample duration affects sensitivity to reinforcement allocation
Q52002531Divided attention performance and the matching law.
Q44768340Do adjustments in search behavior depend on the precision of spatial memory?
Q34337010Do monkeys choose to choose?
Q36428217Do pigeons prefer information in the absence of differential reinforcement?
Q39395427Does chess instruction improve mathematical problem-solving ability? Two experimental studies with an active control group.
Q42038264Does satiation close the open economy?
Q90970781Dogs do not demonstrate a human-like bias to defer to communicative cues
Q52094795Domestic pigeons (Columba livia) discriminate between photographs of individual pigeons.
Q51764238Domestic pigeons (Columba livia) discriminate between photographs of male and female pigeons.
Q91712376Domesticated dogs (Canis familiaris) tend to follow repeated deceptive human cues even when food is visible
Q51977804Dynamic object recognition in pigeons and humans.
Q52022045Dynamics of temporal discrimination.
Q115290413Early cold stress and emotional reactivity in BALB/c mice: A brief note on Schaefer’s temperature hypothesis
Q60922976Effect of age on discrimination learning, reversal learning, and cognitive bias in family dogs
Q56454651Effect of attitude similarity-dissimilarity on the utilization of additional stimulus inputs in judgments of interpersonal attraction
Q113693467Effect of context on ratings of personality traits
Q51889459Effect of extended training on generalization of latent inhibition: an instance of perceptual learning.
Q113693482Effect of group size on avoidance learning in zebra fish,Brachydanio rerio (Pisces: Cyprinidae)
Q113693473Effect of monetary rewards on an insight learning task
Q50693418Effect of odor preexposure on acquisition of an odor discrimination in dogs.
Q48216849Effect of outcome valence on positive and negative patterning in human causal reasoning
Q113202179Effect of presence of an imprinted object on response of ducklings in an open field and when exposed to a fear stimulus
Q51993062Effect of required response force on rats' performance on a VI+ schedule of reinforcement.
Q59265957Effect of taste context and ambient context changes on successive negative contrast
Q90070868Effect of the number of training trials on the event-related potential correlates of equivalence relations
Q51955342Effect on subsequent fixed-interval schedule performance of prior exposure to ratio and interval schedules of reinforcement.
Q114881987Effects of auditory stress on grooming dominance in the rat
Q114881988Effects of changeover contingencies on auditory stimulus control of two responses
Q51943965Effects of context exposure during conditioning on conditioned taste aversions.
Q47660607Effects of effort and difficulty on human preference for a stimulus: Investigation of the within-trial contrast
Q33676672Effects of forced movements on learning: Findings from a choice reaction time task in rats
Q52008945Effects of forced-choice runway variations on rats' T-maze serial pattern learning.
Q52309393Effects of habituation on threat display and dominance establishment in the Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens.
Q113693479Effects of hints and interpolated activity on solution of an insight problem
Q52046456Effects of identical context on visual pattern recognition by pigeons.
Q52102433Effects of postconditioning inflation on odor + taste compound conditioning.
Q51979890Effects of preexposure and retention interval placement on latent inhibition and perceptual learning in a choice-maze discrimination task.
Q51924829Effects of pretraining on acquisition of novel configural discriminations in human predictive learning.
Q113202205Effects of preweaning injections of adrenalin on later open field behavior of rats
Q114109623Effects of prey movement and background on predatory behavior of chameleons
Q43825752Effects of proximal unconditioned stimulus preexposure on ingestional aversions learned as a result of taste presentation following drug treatment
Q36954015Effects of reinforcer delay and variability in a successive-encounters procedure
Q51890518Effects of response-independent stimuli on fixed-interval and fixed-ratio performance of rats: a model for stressful disruption of cyclical eating patterns.
Q48491932Effects of runway shift and stay rules on rats' serial pattern learning in the T-maze
Q114576335Effects of shock, ego-threat, and neutral conditions on affective experience during paired-associates learning
Q60500062Effects of social isolation and crowding upon active-avoidance performance in the rat
Q51850690Effects of the amount of acquisition and contextual generalization on the renewal of instrumental behavior after extinction.
Q113202176Effects of two types of feeding on the weight and open-field behavior of rats
Q43908307Elemental representation and configural mappings: combining elemental and configural theories of associative learning
Q52098698Elemental versus configural perception in a people-present/people-absent discrimination task by pigeons
Q56271146Elements of syntax in the systems of three language-trained animals
Q52309410Elimination of self-punitive behavior with a novel stimulus and safety signal
Q114881958Embryonic auditory experience and maternal call recognition
Q50239014Emergent relations in pigeons following training with temporal samples
Q113202191Emotionality ratings and open-field behavior
Q39575578Empathy in prairie voles: Is this the consolation prize?
Q50648176Enhancement and reduction of associative retroactive cue interference by training in multiple contexts.
Q50621851Enhancement of equivalence class formation by pretraining discriminative functions.
Q89566399Enhancing "self-control": The paradoxical effect of delay of reinforcement
Q48532656Enumeration of briefly presented items by the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and humans (Homo sapiens).
Q92836839Episodic time in the brain: A new world order
Q94949586Erratum to Gershman and Niv (2012), Learning & Behavior, 40, 255-268
Q87193917Erratum to: An elemental model of retrospective revaluation without within-compound associations
Q114881972Erratum to: Auditory matching-to-sample in monkeys(Cebus apella)
Q43863820Erratum to: Learned predictiveness effects following single-cue training in humans.
Q50435641Erratum to: Relationship between individual and group learning in a marine teleost: A case study with sea bass under self-feeding conditions
Q88149641Erratum to: Renewal of extinguished instrumental responses: independence from Pavlovian processes and dependence on outcome value
Q85383073Erratum to: the goldfish conditioned withdrawal preparation: effects of some basic methodological variables
Q109667212Estimating on the fly: The approximate number system in rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus)
Q115484378Ethological analysis of predator avoidance by the paradise fish (Macropodus opercularis L.): II. Key stimuli in avoidance learning
Q51955346Evaluating conditioning of related and unrelated stimuli using a compound test.
Q44019935Evaluating the TD model of classical conditioning
Q30420309Evaluating the logic of perspective-taking experiments
Q52116778Evaluation and development of a connectionist theory of configural learning.
Q51867726Evaluation of bidirectional interstimulus interval (ISI) shift in auditory delay eye-blink conditioning in healthy humans.
Q57464283Even bees know zero is less than one
Q58853782Evidence for a two-process theory of problem solving
Q114106026Evidence for distinct serial processes in animals: The multiplicative-factors method
Q50616735Evidence for online processing during causal learning.
Q44301407Evidence for social learning in wild lemurs (Lemur catta).
Q49154493Evidence for the interchangeability of an avoidance behavior and a negative occasion setter
Q36216583Evidence for the role of higher order reasoning processes in cue competition and other learning phenomena
Q96158707Evidence of learning and memory in the juvenile dwarf cuttlefish Sepia bandensis
Q89706673Evidence that novel flavors unconditionally suppress weight gain in the absence of flavor-calorie associations
Q58853785Evidence that ‘thinking aloud’ constitutes an externalization of inner speech
Q51951404Evolution of an elemental theory of Pavlovian conditioning.
Q120714408Excretory electrolytes and habituation in the turtle
Q47327787Expanding the definitional criteria for imaginative play: Contributions of sociocultural perspectives
Q37772369Experimental identification of social learning in wild animals
Q37772372Experimental studies of animal social learning in the wild: Trying to untangle the mystery of human culture
Q50788109Exploring a latent cause theory of classical conditioning.
Q92423609Exploring individual and social learning in jackdaws (Corvus monedula)
Q97532860Exploring the impact of coherence (through the presence versus absence of feedback) and levels of derivation on persistent rule-following
Q44734933Exploring the limits of spatial memory in rats, using very large mazes
Q92389735Exploring the potential impact of relational coherence on persistent rule-following: The first study
Q114881949Exposure learning of auditory stimuli by rats
Q91538617Exposure to maternal odor enhances intake of a taste that mimicks the sensory attributes of ethanol
Q41817802Extended exposure to environmental cues, but not to sucrose, reduces sucrose cue reactivity in rats
Q51896422Extinction and blocking of conditioned inhibition in human causal learning.
Q52088394Extinction and retraining of simultaneous and successive flavor conditioning.
Q51859919Extinction context as a conditioned inhibitor.
Q50532157Extinction in multiple contexts: Effects on the rate of extinction and the strength of response recovery.
Q91265322Extinction of a Pavlovian-conditioned inhibitor leads to stimulus-specific inhibition
Q52014438Extinction of a saccharin-lithium association: assessment by consumption and taste reactivity.
Q52309409Extinction of a taste aversion in the absence of the consummatory response
Q36581803Extinction of chained instrumental behaviors: Effects of consumption extinction on procurement responding.
Q51943211Extinction of conditioned inhibition: effects of different outcome continua.
Q44905162Extinction produces context inhibition and multiple-context extinction reduces response recovery in human predictive learning.
Q48627221Extinction revisited: similarities between extinction and reductions in US intensity in classical conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response
Q36592546Extinction with multiple excitors
Q52991175Face facts: Even nonhuman animals discriminate human faces.
Q93021277Facilitation and retardation of flavor preference conditioning following prior exposure to the flavor conditioned stimulus
Q48305282Factors moderating blocking in human place learning: the role of task instructions.
Q51962755Failure to obtain value enhancement by within-trial contrast in simultaneous and successive discriminations.
Q88498972Fake snakes uncover chimpanzees' mind-reading ability
Q52008948Family resemblances facilitate formation and expansion of functional equivalence classes in pigeons.
Q113202202Fear level and rats’ open-field activity and defecation
Q51272777Fearfulness in female and male cats
Q50657478Feature-positive discriminations during a spatial-search task with humans.
Q56535380Feline indolence: Cats prefer free to response-produced food
Q68918706Female odors evoke ultrasounds from male mice
Q51896426First- and second-order configural sensitivity for greeble stimuli in baboons.
Q51947854Flattening generalization gradients, context, and perceptual learning.
Q46104259Flavor avoidance learning based on missing calories but not on palatability reduction.
Q46875549Flavor evaluative conditioning and contingency awareness
Q51983744Flavor-evaluative conditioning is unaffected by contingency knowledge during training with color-flavor compounds.
Q39228530Flexible goal imitation: Vicarious feedback influences stimulus-response binding by observation
Q114881970Frequency range size and the frequency range constraint in auditory perception by European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)
Q50980562Frustration and sexual behavior in male rats.
Q53241764Gambling in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta): The effect of cues signaling risky choice outcomes.
Q50786622Generalization decrements: further support for flexibility in stimulus processing.
Q51924827Generalization of causal efficacy judgments after evaluative learning.
Q115028543Generalization of visual matching and delayed matching by a California sea lion (Zalophus californianus)
Q50879808Genetic analysis of tonic immobility in young Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica).
Q114023478Geometrical representation of serial order in working memory
Q43427980Get out of the corner: Inhibition and the effect of location type and number on perceptron and human reorientation.
Q51742693Global undernutrition during gestation influences learning during adult life
Q62495677Grid-like units help deep learning agent to navigate
Q111896365Habituation in the polychaete Hesperonoë adventor
Q47745788Habituation, latent inhibition, and extinction
Q122459369Hatching behavior of the chick (Callus domesticus): Plasticity of the rotatory component
Q50317385Hearing is believing: Birds learn fear.
Q113693483Higher reliability and closer relationship between open-field test measures on aggregation data
Q51031628History effects on induced and operant variability.
Q46330574How New Caledonian crows solve novel foraging problems and what it means for cumulative culture.
Q46574823How comparative psychology can shed light on human evolution: Response to Beran et al.'s discussion of "Cognitive capacities for cooking in chimpanzees".
Q51918232How do adult humans compare with New Caledonian crows in tool selectivity?
Q34322748How do apes ape?
Q39525072How does the ecological foraging behavior of desert kangaroo rats (Dipodomys deserti) relate to their behavior on radial mazes?
Q38809819How lost "passenger" ants find their way home
Q99596102How to make smoke without fire. Minds are not (just) trainable machines
Q51936397Human and animal perceptual learning: some common and some unique features.
Q92718416Human and pigeon suboptimal choice
Q52102430Human causality judgments and response rates on DRL and DRH schedules of reinforcement.
Q47375775Human cumulative culture in the laboratory: Effects of (micro) population size
Q92389743Human free-operant performance varies with a concurrent task: Probability learning without a task, and schedule-consistent with a task
Q50523788Human nonverbal discrimination of relative and absolute number.
Q50592724Human performance on random ratio and random interval schedules, performance awareness and verbal instructions.
Q46881811Humidity as an aversive stimulus in learning in Drosophila melanogaster
Q109667206Hummingbirds modify their routes to avoid a poor location
Q50780920Hyperbolic discounting of delayed social interaction.
Q37772370Identifying teaching in wild animals
Q83011824Identity concept formation during visual multiple-choice matching in a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)
Q92214232Imagery in wild birds: Retrieval of visual information from referential alarm calls
Q22336969Imitative learning in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) using the bidirectional control procedure
Q61820871Immunization and helplessness phenomena in the rat in a nonaversive situation
Q46616910Impact of brief or extended extinction of a taste aversion on inhibitory associations: evidence from summation, retardation, and preference tests.
Q50313103Impact of intervening learning on resurgence in humans with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Q46316476Impact of stimulus format and reward value on quantity discrimination in capuchin and squirrel monkeys
Q46774037Implicit learning in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) and pigeons (Columba livia).
Q114881952Imprinting or exposure learning in rats given early auditory stimulation
Q50657187In a daily time-place learning task, time is only used as a discriminative stimulus if each daily session is associated with a distinct spatial location.
Q38162766In search of consolidation of short-term memory in nonhuman animals.
Q91712371In what sense are dogs special? Canine cognition in comparative context
Q88913312Incidental spatial memory in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris)
Q39278523Individual differences in learning predict the return of fear
Q51936394Individual differences: either relational learning or item-specific learning in a same/different task.
Q91712361Individual performance across motoric self-regulation tasks are not correlated for pet dogs
Q57125410Inequity aversion in dogs: a review
Q92894460Influence of seeing a red face during the male-male encounters of mosquito-specialist spiders
Q54623439Influences of social isolation during development on sexual behavior of the rat
Q52089377Influences of social learning on mate-choice decisions.
Q35782727Information and aggression in fishes
Q52014432Initial-link duration and acquisition of preference in concurrent chains.
Q104111582Innovative problem solving in macaws
Q39714236Instrumental electrodermal conditioning in the monkey (Cebus albifrons): Acquisition and long-term retention
Q36411943Integrating Tinbergen's inquiries: Mimicry and play in humans and other social mammals.
Q52113507Integration and representation in rats' serial pattern learning in the T-maze.
Q51042337Integration of cardiac responses to serial stimuli after Pavlovian conditioning in rats.
Q33757010Integration of spatial relationships and temporal relationships in humans
Q50614768Inter-response-time reinforcement and relative reinforcer frequency control choice.
Q81323632Interaction of retention interval with CS-preexposure and extinction treatments: symmetry with respect to primacy
Q35762209Interactions between retroactive-interference and context-mediated treatments that impair pavlovian conditioned responding
Q51022118Interactions of numerical and temporal stimulus characteristics on the control of response location by brief flashes of light.
Q46202614Interactive effects of the probability of the cue and the probability of the outcome on the overestimation of null contingency.
Q114881963Interference and auditory short-term memory in the bottlenosed dolphin
Q58853794Interpretation of information that an instance is positive or negative in concept identification
Q39519322Intertrial unconditioned stimuli differentially impact trace conditioning
Q47411236Interval timing under a behavioral microscope: Dissociating motivational and timing processes in fixed-interval performance
Q60941578Intervening activity and the retention of meaningful verbal material
Q114881926Intra-individual variation in the songs of humpback whales suggests they are sonically searching for conspecifics
Q42115769Intradimensional vs. extradimensional transfer in the discriminative learning of goldfish and pigeons
Q50050359Investigating the balance between goal-directed and habitual control in experimental and real-life settings
Q47375798Investigating the impact of observation errors on the statistical performance of network-based diffusion analysis
Q114914351Involvement of the neural social behaviour network during social information acquisition in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)
Q92672800Is symmetry inference an essential component of language?
Q98611864It's not just the animals that are STRANGE
Q129208704Jumping spiders: An exceptional group for comparative cognition studies
Q47640660Latent inhibition in flavor-preference conditioning: effects of motivational state and the nature of the reinforcer.
Q43094822Latent inhibition of conditioned disgust reactions in rats
Q39881929Learned predictiveness effects following single-cue training in humans
Q44320125Learned suppression of photopositive tendencies in Drosophila melanogaster
Q51951405Learning and the wisdom of the body.
Q48562975Learning by pigeons playing against tit-for-tat in an operant prisoner's dilemma
Q92830193Learning is negatively associated with strength of left/right paw preference in wild grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis)
Q45907474Learning of colonial odor in the ant Cataglyphis niger (Hymenoptera; Formicidae).
Q51927377Learning of contingent relationships.
Q38646581Learning to play: A review and theoretical investigation of the developmental mechanisms and functions of cetacean play
Q50582369Learning to write without writing: writing accurate descriptions of interactions after learning graph-printed description relations.
Q29036236Learning with prolonged delay of reinforcement
Q30479615Learning-related shifts in generalization gradients for complex sounds.
Q36489930Level of deprivation does not affect degree of discounting in pigeons
Q46696009Light stimulus change evokes an activity response in the rat.
Q120714392Light-contingent operant behavior in the turtle
Q79757992Limits of dynamic object perception in pigeons: dynamic stimulus presentation does not enhance perception and discrimination of complex shape
Q58853789Logical and empirical thinking in a problem solving task
Q52029512Looking for inhibition of return in pigeons.
Q44927496Magnetic compass orientation in C57BL/6J mice
Q48905698Maintenance of responding when reinforcement becomes delayed.
Q46921389Male-female associations in the domestic guinea pig
Q51010225Massive preexposure and preexposure in multiple contexts attenuate the context specificity of latent inhibition.
Q80116075Matching-to-sample in pigeons: in the absence of sample memory, sample frequency is a better predictor of comparison choice than the probability of reinforcement for comparison choice
Q93043752Measuring response inhibition with a continuous inhibitory-control task
Q50086526Measuring the "transfer of meaning" through members of equivalence classes merged via a class-specific reinforcement procedure
Q29029280Mechanisms for turn alternation in woodlice (Porcellio scaber): The role of bilaterally asymmetrical leg movements
Q61659648Mediated responding on a multiple-choice test-only list following the acquisition of a double-function list
Q58599483Memories of emotional expressions in horses
Q51998904Memory priming and trial spacing effects in Pavlovian learning.
Q44128098Memory span for heterospecific individuals' odors in an ant, Cataglyphis cursor
Q92950330Mental imagery in animals: Learning, memory, and decision-making in the face of missing information
Q93021284Metacognition in dogs: Do dogs know they could be wrong?
Q52841335Methodological-conceptual problems in the study of chimpanzees' folk physics: how studies with adult humans can help.
Q92775229Mickey Mouse's negative affect facing mistakes
Q46548207Microstructural analysis of conditioned and unconditioned responses to maltodextrin
Q39416467Microstructural analysis of negative anticipatory contrast: A reconsideration of the devaluation account.
Q92669952Midsession reversal learning by pigeons: Effect on accuracy of increasing the number of stimuli associated with one of the alternatives
Q36472742Midsession reversal learning: why do pigeons anticipate and perseverate?
Q37641805Midsession reversals with pigeons: visual versus spatial discriminations and the intertrial interval
Q87328657Midsession shifts in reward probability and the control of behavioral variability
Q50788104Modeling attention in associative learning: two processes or one?
Q51890525Modeling imitation and emulation in constrained search spaces.
Q79757994Modeling unidimensional categorization in monkeys
Q46232377Modulation of an activity response with associative and nonassociative fear in the rat: a lighting differential influences the form of defensive behavior evoked after fear conditioning
Q51852044Modulation of attention in discrimination learning: the roles of stimulus relevance and stimulus-outcome correlation.
Q52011452Monkey auditory list memory: tests with mixed and blocked retention delays.
Q51810099More but not less uncertainty makes adult humans' tool selections more similar to those reported with crows.
Q88990572More evidence that less is better: Sub-optimal choice in dogs
Q47739087Mothering matters: Maternal style predicts puppies' future performance
Q91073006Motivation to run measured by progressive ratio tests: Failure to support the addiction hypothesis for rats
Q60503040Motivational control after extended instrumental training
Q38498109Multiple determinants of transfer of evaluative function after conditioning with free-operant schedules of reinforcement
Q51951410Multiple-pair training enhances transposition in pigeons.
Q56522052Music discriminations by carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Q28596107Name that tune: Melodic recognition by songbirds
Q51826699Narrowing down the conditions for extinction of Pavlovian feature-positive discriminations in humans.
Q50760345Natural category discrimination in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) at three levels of abstraction.
Q52098690Negative priming and occasion setting in an appetitive Pavlovian procedure.
Q59702116Neophobia in wild and laboratory mice
Q38638070New perspectives in gaze sensitivity research
Q51950471No evidence for overshadowing or facilitation of spatial pattern learning by visual cues.
Q92508588No evidence that footedness in pheasants influences cognitive performance in tasks assessing colour discrimination and spatial ability
Q56002876Noise-induced changes in calls of the Japanese quail
Q114023479Nonhuman primates learn adjacent dependencies but fail to learn nonadjacent dependencies in a statistical learning task with a salient cue
Q36216574Nonnormative discounting: there is more to cue interaction effects than controlling for alternative causes
Q43631572Nonreinforced flavor exposure attenuates the effects of conditioned taste aversion on both flavor consumption and cue palatability
Q44523000Normalization between stimulus elements in a model of Pavlovian conditioning: showjumping on an elemental horse.
Q57151825North American river otters (Lontra canadensis) discriminate between 2D objects varying in shape and color
Q91501176Novel flexibility of social learning in dog puppies
Q92289202Novel methodology to assess vocal learning in nature
Q47220539Numbers and brains.
Q114881973Numerical discrimination by rats using sequential auditory stimuli
Q55919899Object permanence in cats and dogs
Q123278573On a conjecture of Bush and Mosteller
Q44320123On the determinants of induction in responding for sucrose when food pellet reinforcement is upcoming
Q51860365On the hunt for the gene of perspective taking: pitfalls in methodology.
Q35583207On the nature of CS and US representations in Pavlovian learning
Q60054669One-trial associative memory: comparison of food-storing and nonstoring species of birds
Q50942344Ontogenetic forgetting of stimulus attributes.
Q52309419Ontogeny of persistence: immediate extinction effects in preweanling and weanling rats
Q113202175Open field behavior of C57BL/6J mice as a function of age, experience, and prenatal maternal stress
Q113202195Open field behavior of the Mongolian gerbil
Q113202177Open-field activity and exploratory behavior
Q113202180Open-field activity of retinal regenerate C3H mice: Further evidence of some visual capacities
Q113202194Open-field behavior in mice: Analysis of maternal effects by means of ovarian transplantation
Q113202193Open-field behavior in mice: Effect of test illumination
Q113202178Open-field behavior in mice: Genetic analysis of repeated measures
Q113202203Open-field behavior of C3H mice: Effect of early handling, field illumination, and age at testing
Q113202184Open-field behavior of C3H mice: Effect of size and illumination of field
Q113202185Open-field behavior of C57BL/6J mice: Effect of illumination, age, and number of test days
Q50879813Open-field behavior of wild and domestic Norway rats
Q122963379Open-field behavior of young chicks (Gallus gallus): Antipredatory responses, social reinstatement motivation, and gender effects
Q35834241Operant avoidance learning in crayfish, Orconectes rusticus: Computational ethology and the development of an automated learning paradigm
Q120714393Operant rate in the turtle as a function of temperature
Q52008957Operant variability when reinforcement is delayed.
Q37772367Opportunities and constraints when studying social learning: Developmental approaches and social factors
Q41478355Optimisation of cognitive performance in rodent operant (touchscreen) testing: Evaluation and effects of reinforcer strength.
Q89161725Orienting asymmetries and physiological reactivity in dogs' response to human emotional faces
Q48229828Orthographic processing in animals: Implications for comparative psychologists
Q93043747Outcome expectancy and suboptimal risky choice in nonhuman primates
Q44734936Outcome-specific conditioned inhibition in Pavlovian backward conditioning
Q37344411Overshadowing and CS duration: counteraction and a reexamination of the role of within-compound associations in cue competition.
Q50786273Overshadowing and associability change: examining the contribution of differential stimulus exposure.
Q51873333Overshadowing and blocking between landmark learning and shape learning: the importance of sex differences.
Q52309413Overshadowing and stimulus intensity
Q51958210Overshadowing as a function of trial number: dynamics of first- and second-order comparator effects.
Q50774048Overshadowing of geometric cues by a beacon in a spatial navigation task.
Q89172444Parallel overinterpretation of behavior of apes and corvids
Q48143366Partial reinforcement and latent inhibition effects on stimulus-outcome associations in flavor preference conditioning
Q114109615Partial reinforcement effects on acquisition and extinction of a conditioned taste aversion
Q51947853Partial reinforcement effects on learning and extinction of place preferences in the water maze.
Q39659126Pattern Cue and Visual Cue Competition in a Foraging Task by Rats
Q93032865Perception and the metaphysics of information
Q51936403Perceptions of perceptual learning. Editorial.
Q30376284Perceptual learning and representational learning in humans and animals.
Q51936400Perceptual learning in human and nonhuman animals: a search for common ground.
Q50493925Perceptual learning transfer in an appetitive Pavlovian task.
Q39255783Perceptual learning with tactile stimuli in rodents: Shaping the somatosensory system
Q38038535Performance factors in associative learning: assessment of the sometimes competing retrieval model
Q51887188Pigeon and human performance in a multi-armed bandit task in response to changes in variable interval schedules.
Q50527971Pigeons exhibit higher accuracy for chosen memory tests than for forced memory tests in duration matching-to-sample.
Q51898572Pigeons learn to answer the question "where did you just peck?" and can report peck location when unexpectedly asked.
Q89643128Pigeons process actor-action configurations more readily than bystander-action configurations
Q50753981Pigeons rank-order responses to temporally sequential stimuli.
Q51972901Pigeons' memory for sequences of light flashes when gap duration is an unreliable discriminative cue.
Q51943213Pigeons' memory for time: assessment of the role of subjective shortening in the duration-comparison procedure.
Q97675209Pigeons' midsession reversal: Greater magnitude of reinforcement on the first half of the session leads to improved accuracy
Q36785132Pigeons' use of cues in a repeated five-trial-sequence, single-reversal task
Q114881977Pigeons’ memory for empty time intervals marked by visual or auditory stimuli
Q114881983Pigeons’ memory for event duration: Differences between visual and auditory signals
Q120714431Place and cue learning in turtles
Q51970989Place versus response learning in rats.
Q114914363Plasticity in the hippocampal formation of shorebirds during the wintering period: Stereological analysis of parvalbumin neurons in Actitis macularius
Q112765494Poison avoidance and patch (location) selection in rats
Q60723893Polymorphic response patterns under frequency-dependent selection
Q113202186Postexposition administration of d-amphetamine impairs the habituation of rats to an open field
Q52108978Postinjection suppression of drinking is modified by the presence of conditioned contextual cues: implications for both anticipatory and posttreatment nausea in humans.
Q48107744Posttraining flavor exposure in hungry rats after simultaneous conditioning with a nutrient converts the CS into a conditioned inhibitor
Q42036523Potentiation and overshadowing between landmarks and environmental geometric cues
Q46719880Potentiation of taste and extract stimuli in conditioned flavor preference learning
Q30477348Practice effects in the absolute judgment of frequency
Q50643077Pre-exposure enhances recovery of conditioned responding after extinction.
Q91838636Precrastination: The fierce urgency of now
Q51523662Predicting shifts in generalization gradients with perceptrons.
Q48634876Preference and resistance to change in concurrent variable-interval schedules
Q51924832Preference for 50% reinforcement over 75% reinforcement by pigeons.
Q48320123Preference for rewards that follow greater effort and greater delay
Q56444189Preference reversal and delayed reinforcement
Q46899146Preliminary evidence for color stimuli discrimination in the Asian small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinerea).
Q51889792Preserved nodal number effects under equal reinforcement.
Q113693477Prey selection in naive Elaphe obsoleta (Squamata: serpentes) — A reappraisal
Q50442397Prior beliefs influence symmetrical or asymmetrical generalizations in human causal learning.
Q47557860Proactive interference by cues presented without outcomes: Differences in context specificity of latent inhibition and conditioned inhibition.
Q47838243Proactive interference of open field on consummatory successive negative contrast.
Q50576704Procedure for preventing response strain on random interval schedules with a linear feedback loop.
Q114881959Processing of complex auditory stimuli (tunes) by rats and monkeys (Cebus apella)
Q50709020Processing of conflicting and redundant stimulus information by pigeons.
Q48491946Processing of empty and filled time intervals in pigeons
Q115484377Prolonged exposure to conspecific and predator odors reduces fear reactions to these odors during subsequent prod-shock tests
Q51057798Prospective and retrospective timing by pigeons.
Q33746300Protection from extinction provided by a conditioned inhibitor.
Q52102438Protection from extinction.
Q39519331Quantitative analysis of local-level resurgence
Q91364315Questioning the developmental effects of group size on cognitive abilities
Q104758597Rainbow trout discriminate 2-D photographs of conspecifics from distracting stimuli using an innovative operant conditioning device
Q53511397Raising the bar on studying cultural evolution.
Q91838632Rapid eye movement density during REM sleep in dogs (Canis familiaris)
Q51983739Rats acquire a low-response-cost daily time-place task with differential amounts of food.
Q90934033Rats can replay episodic memories of past odors
Q50780918Rats exhibit asymmetrical retention functions for hedonic and nonhedonic samples in many-to-one symbolic delayed matching to sample.
Q39121101Rats in a levered T-maze task show evidence of time-place discriminations in two different measures
Q89224993Rats respond where it counts
Q51962749Rats show preference for delayed rewards on the radial maze.
Q36688842Rats' choices between one and two delayed reinforcers
Q46696422Rats' midsession reversal performance: the nature of the response
Q52002534Rats' performance on an interval time-place task: increasing sequence complexity.
Q113202183Rats’ performance on repeated tests in the open field as a function of age
Q56115976Rats’ responses to a moving object related to food or water: A behavior-systems analysis
Q51998910Reaction time signatures of discriminative processes: differential effects of stimulus similarity and incentive.
Q125124391Reaction to novelty as a behavioral assay of recognition memory in homing pigeons and Japanese quail
Q44550793Reactions of selectively bred strains of rats to a cat.
Q57451023Recall of three-item sequences by pigeons
Q58839658Recency/primacy ratio: A short test of task orientation
Q47369800Reciprocal altruism in rats: Why does it occur?
Q91063333Reciprocity: Different behavioural strategies, cognitive mechanisms and psychological processes
Q64387428Recoding as a function of chunking and meaningfulness
Q52088397Recognition of static and dynamic images of depth-rotated human faces by pigeons.
Q52098688Recovery effects after extinction in the Morris swimming pool navigation task
Q50933667Recovery of conditioned fear by a single postextinction shock: effect of similarity of shock contexts and of time following extinction.
Q48491958Recovery of the rabbit's conditioned nictitating membrane response without direct reinforcement after extinction
Q91230565Red is the new orange: Nonlinguistic categorical color perception
Q50651632Reducing the feature positive effect by alerting people to its existence.
Q84834936Reevaluating canine perspective-taking behavior
Q120714401Reflex “training” in frogs
Q50582375Regularities in responding during performance of a complex choice task.
Q54223306Reinforcement of schedule-induced drinking in rats by lick-contingent shortening of food delivery.
Q64977996Relationship between behavioral measures of anxiety and latent inhibition in mature rats.
Q50949356Relationship between cooperation in an iterated prisoner's dilemma game and the discounting of hypothetical outcomes.
Q46390519Relationship between individual and group learning in a marine teleost: A case study with sea bass under self-feeding conditions
Q48127126Relationship between the rewarding and aversive effects of morphine and amphetamine in individual subjects
Q90220079Relative reinforcer rates determine pigeons' attention allocation when separately trained stimuli are presented together
Q46392665Release from proactive interference in rat spatial working memory
Q48380970Remembering as discrimination in delayed matching to sample: discriminability and bias
Q50743617Remembering: the role of extraneous reinforcement.
Q60512374Reminiscence in recognition memory for faces
Q50155359Removing but not adding elements of a context affects generalization of instrumental responses
Q51983746Renewal after overexpectation.
Q34691360Renewal after the extinction of free operant behavior
Q44020631Renewal of extinguished instrumental responses: independence from Pavlovian processes and dependence on outcome value
Q92508595Reorientation by features and geometry: Effects of healthy and degenerative age-related cognitive decline
Q52108975Representation of time in time-place learning.
Q48273265Representations of single and compound stimuli in negative and positive patterning.
Q51962745Required pecking and refraining from pecking alter judgments of time by pigeons.
Q52113505Research productivity in animal learning from 1953 to 2000.
Q52022043Resistance to interference in complex negative patterning.
Q114576347Resistance to threat
Q91054734Response and place learning in crayfish spatial behavior
Q100472124Response of male and female domestic chicks to change in the number (quantity) of imprinting objects
Q52029514Response rate is not an effective mediator of learned stimulus equivalence in pigeons.
Q120714424Response rate of turtles to fixed ratio reinforcement
Q48562968Response stability and variability induced in humans by different feedback contingencies
Q60530192Response to stimulus relations by a dog (Canis lupus familiaris)
Q46032032Response variability in pigeons in a Pavlovian task.
Q61820868Response-contingent sensory change in a causally structured environment
Q51962752Response-cost punishment with pigeons: further evidence of response suppression via token loss.
Q45394464Response-food delay gradients for lever pressing and schedule-induced licking in rats
Q50584976Response-independent outcomes impact response rates and judgments of control differentially depending on rate of response-dependent outcomes.
Q80771093Resurgence of behavior during extinction depends on previous rate of response
Q33650962Resurgence of instrumental behavior after an abstinence contingency
Q49906735Retention period differentially attenuates win-shift/lose-stay relative to win-stay/lose-shift performance in the rat.
Q126099411Rethinking syntax: A commentary on E. Kako’s “Elements of syntax in the systems of three language-trained animals”
Q49873718Retrieval practice after multiple context changes, but not long retention intervals, reduces the impact of a final context change on instrumental behavior.
Q50885457Retrograde amnesia for extinction: similarities with amnesia for original acquisition memories.
Q37684633Retrospective revaluation of associative retroactive cue interference.
Q50641516Revaluation of geometric cues reduces landmark discrimination via within-compound associations.
Q62092018Reversal from blocking in humans as a result of posttraining extinction of the blocking stimulus
Q92739806Reversal training facilitates acquisition of new learning in a Morris water maze
Q89397308Revisiting the famous farm foxes: A psychological perspective
Q50798208Revisiting the role of within-compound associations in cue-interaction phenomena.
Q48273242Reward contrast in delay and probability discounting
Q52682877Reward devaluation disrupts latent inhibition in fear conditioning.
Q51293093Reward magnitude and shock variables (continuity and intensity) in shuttlebox-avoidance learning
Q51912959Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) select Arabic numerals or visual quantities corresponding to a number of sequentially completed maze trials.
Q56443090Role of physical attractiveness in impression formation
Q36818552Role of the discriminative properties of the reinforcer in resurgence
Q37452564Roles of attention in perceptual learning from perspectives of psychophysics and animal learning
Q50465389Roles of context in acquisition of human instrumental learning: Implications for the understanding of the mechanisms underlying context-switch effects.
Q50060571Rotational stress influences sensitized, but not habituated, exploratory behaviors in the woodlouse, Porcellio scaber
Q50075543Running-based pica and taste avoidance in rats
Q51970986Sample and comparison location as factors in matching acquisition, transfer, and acquired equivalence.
Q51958213Savings in classical conditioning in the rabbit as a function of extended extinction.
Q51934569Scalar effects in the visual discrimination of numerosity by pigeons.
Q46773279Sea lions' (Zalophus californianus) use of human pointing gestures as referential cues
Q91501172Searching images and the meaning of alarm calls
Q50611477Second-order conditioning of LiCl-induced gaping with flavor and contextual cues.
Q35053543Secondary extinction in Pavlovian fear conditioning
Q115484376Selective habituation of defensive behavior: Evidence for predator-prey synchrony
Q92894456Selective overimitation in dogs
Q46200835Selective reinstatement of instrumental performance depends on the discriminative stimulus properties of the mediating outcome
Q113202174Sensory regulation of open-field activity in mice: Visual stimulation and discontinuous development
Q46043662Sensory-specific associations in flavor-preference reversal learning
Q57804425Separate brain areas for processing human and dog faces as revealed by awake fMRI in dogs (Canis familiaris)
Q114576341Sequential dependencies and children’s stimulus alternation
Q50569725Serial discrimination reversal learning in pigeons as a function of intertrial interval and delay of reinforcement.
Q50485479Serial discrimination reversal learning in pigeons as a function of signal properties during the delay of reinforcement.
Q51826696Serial overshadowing of taste aversion learning by stimuli preceding the target taste.
Q51977386Serial position effects in social transmission of food preference.
Q51857821Serial position effects in social transmission of food preference: retention/demonstration intervals.
Q50552451Sex differences after environmental enrichment and physical exercise in rats when solving a navigation task.
Q113202197Sex differences in the activity wheel and open field as a function of fetal x-irradiation
Q67388079Sexual excitation function of hamster vaginal scretion
Q67388081Sexual excitation function of hamster vaginal secretion
Q44915637Sexually dimorphic extinction of a conditioned taste aversion in rats
Q29397978Shock to a conspecific as an aversive stimulus
Q114881974Short-term memory for visual and auditory stimuli in pigeons
Q60512378Short-term memory: Are item and position information stored independently?
Q46434100Sign-tracking (autoshaping) in rats: a comparison of cocaine and food as unconditioned stimuli
Q40450977Signaling a change in cue-outcome relations in human associative learning.
Q47177989Simians in the Shape School: A comparative study of executive attention
Q58853779Similarities between memory for visually perceived relations and comparative sentences
Q90324942Similarity between an unfamiliar human and the owner affects dogs' preference for human partner when responding to an unsolvable problem
Q40400386Simulations of a modified SOP model applied to retrospective revaluation of human causal learning
Q50527975Simultaneous discrimination reversal learning in pigeons and humans: anticipatory and perseverative errors.
Q52119791Simultaneous temporal and spatial processing.
Q50532154Single-trial evaluative conditioning can be moderated by instructed forgetting.
Q90396434Smarter through group living: A response to Smulders
Q89543053Smarter through group living?
Q52089379Social and asocial cues about new food: cue reliability influences intake in rats.
Q46883425Social and nonsocial category discriminations in a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and American black bears (Ursus americanus).
Q48273254Social effects on spatial choice in the radial arm maze
Q29030261Social encounters in two prosimian species: Galago crassicaudatus and Nycticebus coucang
Q98611865Social factors in bird-song development: Learning to sing with friends and rivals
Q89629923Social housing enhances acquisition of task set independently of environmental enrichment: A longitudinal study in the Barnes maze
Q113202181Social isolation in young rats: Effects of cage size on open-field behavior
Q35782736Social learning about predators: a review and prospectus
Q51625812Social learning in New Caledonian crows.
Q89689828Social learning in great white pelicans (Pelecanus onocrotalus): A preliminary study
Q47375810Social learning research outside the laboratory: How and why?
Q35782693Social learning strategies
Q46325463Social play as joint action: A framework to study the evolution of shared intentionality as an interactional achievement
Q47555007Social tolerance in not-so-social pumas
Q35782730Social transmission of courtship behavior and mating preferences in brown-headed cowbirds, Molothrus ater
Q51947850Social working memory: Memory for another rat's spatial choices can increase or decrease choice tendencies.
Q35782705Socially biased learning in monkeys
Q52006541Socially transmitted food preferences can be used to study long-term memory in rats.
Q33354212Solving Pavlov's puzzle: attentional, associative, and flexible configural mechanisms in classical conditioning
Q51890515Some determinants of second-order conditioning.
Q110632213Some evidence supporting Nuttin’s explanation of spread of effect
Q48512071Some observations and remembrances of Kenneth W. Spence
Q52309416Some tests of the additivity (autoshaping) theory of behavioral contrast
Q92836854Sometimes a stick might just be a stick
Q37139637Spacing extinction trials alleviates renewal and spontaneous recovery
Q52046459Spatial configuration and list learning of proximally cued arms by rats in the enclosed four-arm radial maze.
Q54163098Spatial integration with rats.
Q56032222Spatial pattern learning in the radial arm maze
Q51931220Spatial patterns and memory for locations.
Q43592305Special issue on computational models of classical conditioning guest editors' introduction
Q88128593Specificity and flexibility of social influence on spatial choice
Q114881946Spontaneous alternation and middle ear disease
Q46602139Spontaneous alternation behavior in Paramecium
Q51970994Spontaneous recovery after reversal and partial reinforcement.
Q51855688Spontaneous recovery and ABC renewal from retroactive cue interference.
Q48442875Spontaneous recovery from overexpectation
Q48951965Spontaneous recovery varies inversely with the training-extinction interval
Q38447388Stable individual differences on developmental tasks in young yellow-crowned parakeets, Cyanoramphus auriceps
Q48137930Statistical learning of action: the role of conditional probability
Q91597145Sticks and stones: Associative learning alone?
Q38395191Still searching for the engram
Q42217111Stimuli associated with the cancellation of food and its cues enhance eating but display negative incentive value
Q48174122Stimuli that signal the absence of reinforcement are paid more attention than are irrelevant stimuli
Q50301227Stimuli with identical contextual functions taught independently become functionally equivalent
Q62092026Stimulus competition in the absence of compound conditioning
Q81196035Stimulus control in fixed interfood intervals
Q51799861Stimulus control in multiple temporal discriminations.
Q114109621Stimulus control of prey attack in naive rat snakes: A species duplication
Q114109618Stimulus control of the prey attack response in naive garter snakes
Q114881945Stimulus factors in auditory identification learning
Q50100192Stimulus preexposure speeds or slows subsequent acquisition of associative learning depending on learning test procedures and response measure
Q51998906Stimulus salience and asymmetric forgetting in the pigeon.
Q46881818Stimulus specificity of concurrent recovery in the rabbit nictitating membrane response
Q113202200Strain differences in open-field behavior of the rat
Q38369685Strategic interactions: Games of the Ju|'hoan
Q60359290Strike-induced chemosensory searching in Old World vipers and New World pit vipers
Q33349448Studying children's social learning experimentally "in the wild".
Q51847223Suboptimal choice in nonhuman animals: rats commit the sunk cost error.
Q120714404Subproblem analysis of discrimination shift learning in the turtle (Chrysemys picta picta)
Q44320127Superlatent inhibition and spontaneous recovery: differential effects of pre- and postconditioning CS-alone presentations after long delays in different contexts
Q51927376Surprise and change: variations in the strength of present and absent cues in causal learning.
Q60147294Symmetrical and asymmetrical sources of variance in temporal generalization
Q50780495Symmetrical generalization decrements: configural stimulus processing in human contingency learning.
Q115028537Tactual discrimination of size and shape by a California sea lion (Zalophus californianus)
Q50421756Taking an insect-inspired approach to bird navigation.
Q92830199Taking pigeons to heart: Birds proficiently diagnose human cardiac disease
Q125289968Taming the boojum: Being theoretical about peculiarities of learning
Q125289976Taming the boojum: Being theoretical about peculiarities of learning
Q41465629Target-absent controls in blocking experiments with rats
Q52116780Target-defining features in a "people-present/people-absent" discrimination task by pigeons.
Q47419810Task-specific modulation of adult humans' tool preferences: number of choices and size of the problem
Q46434093Taste + odor interactions in compound aversion conditioning
Q128490669Taste aversion learning during successive negative contrast
Q34217248Taste avoidance and taste aversion: evidence for two different processes
Q38712741Temporal discounting of aversive consequences in rats
Q50143821Temporal discrimination of alternate days in rats
Q52113513Temporal discrimination using different feature--target intervals in classical conditioning of the rabbit's nictitating membrane response.
Q80771100Temporal generalization and peak shift in humans
Q38618398Temporal integration and instrumental conditioned reinforcement.
Q52098694Temporal integration and temporal backward associations in human and nonhuman subjects
Q46101875Temporal integration in Pavlovian appetitive conditioning in rats
Q50707319Test order effects in simultaneous protocols.
Q52089380Testing social learning in a wild mountain parrot, the kea (Nestor notabilis).
Q33357063Testing the limits of optimality: the effect of base rates in the Monty Hall dilemma
Q113032629Testing the memory reconsolidation hypothesis in a fear extinction paradigm: The effects of ecological and arbitrary stimuli
Q50484215Testing the scalar expectancy theory (SET) and the learning-to-time model (LeT) in a double bisection task.
Q51887834Testing the translational-symmetry hypothesis of abstract-concept learning in pigeons.
Q47731868The Monty Hall dilemma with pigeons: No, you choose for me.
Q51993064The basic tastants in aversion conditioning: evidence for sensory preconditioning and not potentiation.
Q64081858The bottlenosed dolphin’s (Tursiops truncatus) understanding of gestures as symbolic representations of its body parts
Q45836722The criterion-calibration model of cue interaction in contingency judgments
Q89147082The curiously long absence of cooking in evolutionary thought
Q114576338The dependency of intermediate size problem responses upon sets in human Ss
Q38374339The derived generalization of thought suppression
Q114106027The determinants of random choice
Q113693472The determination of trait redundancy in personality impression formation
Q125287950The development of the concept of artistic style: A free classification study
Q45324378The differential expression of male sexual behavior in the Lewis, Fischer and Sprague-Dawley rat strains
Q45910669The dual role of the context in postpeak performance decrements resulting from extended training.
Q61979701The effect of a pratfall on increasing interpersonal attractiveness
Q50476258The effect of encoding conditions on learning in the prototype distortion task.
Q50689066The effect of filled and empty intervals on clock and memory processes in pigeons.
Q51827589The effect of mindfulness on extinction and behavioral resurgence.
Q52098696The effect of rate of reinforcement and time in session on preference for variability
Q114109626The effect of relative prey size on the ingestion behavior of rodent-eating snakes
Q120714415The effect of schedules of reinforcement upon the response rates of turtles
Q37139881The effect of subadditive pretraining on blocking: limits on generalization.
Q51904263The effect of task structure on diffusion dynamics: Implications for diffusion curve and network-based analyses.
Q114881982The effect of the controllability of auditory discriminative stimuli in the performance of go/no-go discriminations by pigeons
Q40450986The effectiveness of inhibitors in human predictive judgments depends on the strength of the positive predictor.
Q114914382The effects of an alien stimulus on reminiscence in pursuit rotor performance
Q50753985The effects of differential outcomes and different types of consequential stimuli on 7-year-old children's discriminative learning and memory.
Q114109624The effects of feeding experience on the response to prey-object extracts in rat snakes
Q57913315The effects of isolation rearing on exploration in the rat
Q113202199The effects of open-field size on activity in the Mongolian gerbil
Q50531614The effects of pool shape manipulations on rat spatial memory acquired in the Morris water maze.
Q48397049The effects of rapid eye movement sleep deprivation and recovery on spatial reference memory of young rats
Q45087120The effects of response cost and species-typical behaviors on a daily time-place learning task
Q114576337The effects of threat and attraction on interpersonal bargaining
Q45063281The evolutionary significance of pretend play: Two-year-olds' interpretation of behavioral cues
Q42734306The fate of redundant cues: Further analysis of the redundancy effect
Q51991047The fine-grained spatial abilities of three seed-caching corvids.
Q48501402The geometric module in the rat: independence of shape and feature learning in a food finding task
Q39005999The goldfish conditioned withdrawal preparation: effects of some basic methodological variables
Q120714411The immobility reaction in leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) as a function of noise-induced fear
Q50655212The impact of context relevance during extinction learning.
Q37772368The importance of history in definitions of culture: Implications from phylogenetic approaches to the study of social learning in chimpanzees
Q48627228The influence of a distractor during compound preexposure on latent inhibition.
Q46336734The influence of breed and environmental factors on social and solitary play in dogs (Canis lupus familiaris).
Q52739499The influence of light deprivation on implantation in the rat.
Q35554446The influence of multiple temporal memories in the peak-interval procedure
Q38223733The influence of partner cues on the extinction of causal judgments in people
Q52008952The influence of temporal spacing on time-place discrimination.
Q46612166The influences of guiding cues on motor skill autonomy in rats
Q50760079The informational value of contexts affects context-dependent learning.
Q51871813The learning of basic-level categories by pigeons: the prototype effect, attention, and effects of categorization.
Q93274809The midsession reversal task: A theoretical analysis
Q129799067The mosaic structure of the mammalian cognitive map
Q51951409The nature of discrimination learning in pigeons.
Q51951407The nature of the response in Simon discriminations by pigeons.
Q52659002The neuroscience of perceptual categorization in pigeons: A mechanistic hypothesis.
Q35983972The oddity preference effect and the concept of difference in pigeons
Q96688482The paradoxical performance by different species on the ephemeral reward task
Q33262881The pattern of responding after extensive extinction
Q114881993The perception of time relations in auditory tempo discrimination
Q52108982The pigeon's discrimination of visual entropy: a logarithmic function.
Q120714412The primacy effect of the first feeding experience in the snapping turtle
Q113202211The principle of aggregation in psychobiological correlational research: An example from the open-field test
Q46325458The processing of positional information in a two-item sequence limits the emergence of symmetry in baboons (Papio papio), but not in humans (Homo sapiens).
Q50580782The promise of cyborg intelligence.
Q49146286The propositional approach to associative learning as an alternative for association formation models
Q46336161The psychological significance of play with imaginary companions in early childhood
Q91431289The push and pull of dopamine in cue-reward learning
Q48531685The relation of multiple-schedule behavioral contrast to deprivation, time in session, and within-session changes in responding
Q43450564The relative effectiveness of an inanimate stimulus and a live surrogate during imprinting in Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica
Q53481140The rewarding effects of number and surface area of food in rats.
Q120714405The righting reflex in turtles: A description and comparison
Q91785859The road ahead for sunk costs
Q91344192The role of category density in pigeons' tracking of relevant information
Q51955344The role of comparison in perceptual learning: effects of concurrent exposure to similar stimuli on the perceptual effectiveness of their unique features.
Q92836846The role of context in animal memory
Q51955338The role of extramaze cues in spontaneous alternation in a plus-maze.
Q52029500The role of habituation of the response to LiCl in the US-preexposure effect.
Q43094825The role of injection cues in the production of the morphine preexposure effect in taste aversion learning
Q51918239The role of keypecking during filled intervals on the judgment of time for empty and filled intervals by pigeons.
Q51947593The role of sensory preconditioning in memory retrieval by preverbal infants.
Q81196039The role of temporal variables in inhibition produced through extinction
Q35889980The role of test context in latent inhibition of conditioned inhibition: Part of a search for general principles of associative interference
Q42722873The role of within-compound associations in learning about absent cues
Q48054697The roles of the anterior cingulate cortex and its dopamine receptors in self-paced cost-benefit decision making in rats.
Q37452571The search for symmetry: 25 years in review
Q47859337The transfer of social exclusion and inclusion functions through derived stimulus relations.
Q48634886The value hypothesis and acquisition of preference in concurrent chains
Q93020275The whole is equal to the sum of its parts: Pigeons (Columba livia) and crows (Corvus macrorhynchos) do not perceive emergent configurations
Q51858513Theory of mind in dogs: is the perspective-taking task a good test?
Q34203500Theory of mind in dogs?: examining method and concept.
Q58599489Thought control with the dopamine transient
Q113202204Time of day effects on learning and open field activity
Q52088396Time-course of control by specific stimulus features and relational cues during same-different discrimination training.
Q97532853Time-of-day affects the amount rats run during daily sessions in activity wheels
Q56701039Time-of-day discrimination by pigeons,Columba livia
Q52088391Time-place learning in the eight-arm radial maze.
Q52098693Timing in retroactive interference
Q50491401Timing of interfering events in one-trial serial overshadowing of a taste aversion.
Q38618410Timing with opportunity cost: concurrent schedules of reinforcement improve peak timing.
Q90434086Timmy's in the well: Empathy and prosocial helping in dogs
Q93021298To peck or not peck: Which do pigeons prefer?
Q115484370Tonic immobility as a reaction to predation: Artificial eyes as a fear stimulus for chickens
Q49947905Tool use in Goffin's cockatoos: Shape/frame matching
Q90970776Tools of engagement: Information seeking in chimpanzees
Q98396297Towards a resolution of some outstanding issues in transitive research: An empirical test on middle childhood
Q99618196Towards describing scenes by animals: Pigeons' ordinal discrimination of objects varying in depth
Q44918577Trace and long-delay fear conditioning in the developing rat.
Q48882394Tracking of the expected time to reinforcement in temporal conditioning procedures.
Q89523634Tracking of unpredictable moving stimuli by pigeons
Q50582372Training order and structural location of meaningful stimuli: effects on equivalence class formation.
Q50309960Training reinforcement rates, resistance to extinction, and the role of context in reinstatement.
Q113693471Trait similarity and trait evaluation as correlates of attraction
Q50541270Transcription inhibitors prevent amnesia induced by NMDA antagonist-mediated impairment of memory reconsolidation.
Q50621849Transfer of absolute and relative predictiveness in human contingency learning.
Q40626127Transfer of control between causal predictive judgments and instrumental responding.
Q50195065Transfer of discriminative control during stimulus fading conducted without reinforcement
Q51812943Transfer of judgments of control to a target stimulus and to novel stimuli through derived relations.
Q115028524Transfer of visual identity matching-to-sample in two california sea lions (zalophus californianus)
Q52242475Transient variations in responding to Pavlovian conditioned stimuli have implications for the mechanisms of "priming"
Q52046467Transposition in pigeons: reassessing Spence (1937) with multiple discrimination training.
Q52088392Trial number and compound stimuli temporal relationship as joint determinants of second-order conditioning and conditioned inhibition.
Q64883033Truth is in the eye of the beholder: Perception of the Müller-Lyer illusion in dogs.
Q59699686Twenty-four hour retention by neonates of an habituated heart rate response
Q114881944Two choice discrimination learning as a function of stimulus similarity along an auditory intensity dimension
Q51890508Two components of responding in Pavlovian lick suppression.
Q52309420Two-choice conditional discrimination performance of pigeons as a function of reward expectancy, prechoice delay, and domesticity
Q48235644Two-factor theory, the actor-critic model, and conditioned avoidance
Q46042590Two-item same-different concept learning in pigeons
Q50186210Ultimate and proximate mechanisms of reciprocal altruism in rats
Q41765247Understanding dog cognition by functional magnetic resonance imaging
Q114914357Understanding hippocampal neural plasticity in captivity: Unique contributions of spatial specialists
Q46269049Understanding social decision-making from another species' perspective
Q87161655Underwater observations of dolphin reactions to a distressed conspecific
Q48183412Unraveling sources of stimulus control in a temporal discrimination task
Q51993066Use of a single-code/default strategy by pigeons to acquire duration sample discriminations.
Q44642440Using action dynamics to assess competing stimulus control during stimulus equivalence testing.
Q46062929Using the reassignment procedure to test object representation in pigeons and people
Q51829457Variations on variability: effects of display composition on same-different discrimination in pigeons.
Q51829169Varied but not necessarily random: human performance under variability contingencies is affected by instructions.
Q51936402Varieties of perceptual learning.
Q67367400Visual cliff performance in 10 species of muroid rodents
Q114576351Visual discrimination learning and memory in nocturnal prosimians
Q47798107Visual discrimination learning in the fire-bellied toad Bombina orientalis
Q114881951Visual discrimination learning: Interactions of auditory input pattern, articulation, and instructions
Q43575266Visual observing by rhesus monkeys: some relationships with social dominance rank
Q60205119Vocal displays under water by the gray seal, the harbor seal,. and the stellar sea lion
Q113250634Vocal flexibility in a eusocial rodent
Q114881956Vocalization correlated with self-induced changes in visual-auditory contact between mated Japanese quail
Q51890511Waiting to decide helps in the face of probabilistic uncertainty but not delay uncertainty.
Q51943218What are association formation models?
Q91606002What influences a pet dog's first impression of a stranger?
Q38857021What is play fighting and what is it good for?
Q50516784What is timed in a fixed-interval temporal bisection procedure?
Q57804429What makes a landmark effective in adolescent and adult rats? Sex and age differences in a navigation task
Q48577355What makes a landmark effective? Sex differences in a navigation task
Q48161159When it looks and walks like an ant.
Q35661593When more is less: extending training of the blocking association following compound training attenuates the blocking effect
Q109039236Who is crying wolf? Seasonal effect on antipredator response to age-specific alarm calls in common ravens, Corvus corax
Q50734478Why don't guiding cues always guide in behavior chains?
Q41969356Win-stay and win-shift lever-press strategies in an appetitively reinforced task for rats.
Q98207205With a little help from my (Psittacidae) friends
Q30839912Within-group relationships and lack of social enhancement during object manipulation in captive Goffin's cockatoos (Cacatua goffiniana)
Q47708143Within-subjects assessment of the within-compound associations resulting from intermixed and blocked preexposure schedules.
Q53155768Within-trial contrast: when you see it and when you don't.
Q89450930Would dogs copy irrelevant actions from their human caregiver?
Q57987740“P-R” differences in intact cockroaches as a function of testing interval
Q56446338“Primary memory”: The effects of redundancy upon digit repetition

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