Swedish Dental Journal


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P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
P1476titleSwedish Dental Journal

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Q5115343620-year follow-up of patients receiving high-cost dental care within the Swedish Dental Insurance System: 1977-1978 to 1998-2000.
Q4456169527 years of forensic odontology in Göteborg, Sweden
Q6788175228th annual congress of the Swedish Dental Society. November 13-15, 1991. Abstracts
Q44009998A 15-year series analysis of caries development related to a socioeconomic variable. A study of the year group leaving the organised dental care in Göteborg, Sweden
Q44489144A 20-year study of dentists' and dental hygienists' assessment of dental caries lesions in bite-wing radiographs.
Q73145731A 3-year clinical evaluation of Ketac-Silver restorations in primary molars
Q32163628A 5-year evaluation of ceramic inlays (CEREC).
Q81413871A Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy analysis of the degree of conversion of a universal hybrid resin composite cured with light-emitting diode curing units
Q81413873A Swedish version of the GOHAI index. Psychometric properties and validation
Q51593537A calcium aluminate cement as restorative material in Class V cavities.
Q40804616A clinical and microbiological evaluation of the Dentocult dip-slide test
Q67955936A clinical evaluation of adhesively luted ceramic inlays. A two year follow-up study
Q77397823A clinical evaluation of long term retention with bonded retainers made from multi-strand wires
Q69840545A clinical evaluation of the ability of the Dentobuff method to estimate buffer capacity of saliva
Q40564582A clinical study on the relationship between malocclusions, occlusal interferences and mandibular pain and dysfunction
Q71989009A colourimetric screening test for evaluation of the buffer capacity of saliva
Q44716149A comparative study of plaque removing efficiency using rotary electric and manual toothbrushes
Q71482287A comparison between some paralleling instruments
Q47273790A comparison of 15 year old children with excellent occlusion and with crowding of the teeth, Angle Class I malocclusion, in respect of face size and shape and tooth size
Q39420920A comparison of oral health in 70-year-old city cohorts in Umeå northern Sweden in 1981 and 1990: oral problems, dental and periodontal status.
Q70258562A comparison of some aspects of dental technology in commercial laboratories in England and Sweden
Q50555179A comparison of the adult Swedish and Danish craniofacial morphology.
Q55062792A comparison of the effect of phenoxymethylpenicillin and azidocillin on postoperative complications after surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molars.
Q48568676A comparison of the reliability of measurement of cephalometric radiographs by tracings and direct digitization.
Q70171928A comparison of two methods of measuring the length of the dental arch in the lower jaw
Q48598050A critical view of treatment priority indices in orthodontics.
Q39108314A cross-cultural study of occlusal tooth wear
Q38033167A dental phobia treatment within the Swedish National Health Insurance.
Q81778461A description of a contemporary human skull material in respect of age, gender, temporomandibular joint changes, and some dental variables
Q39576989A double blind single dose comparison between two analgesics, rimazolium and acetylsalicylic acid in oral surgery outpatients
Q78111609A five-year evaluation of fissure sealants applied by dental assistants
Q70399117A follow-up study of screwpost-retained amalgam crowns
Q51101910A four-year cohort study of caries and its risk factors in adolescents with high and low risk at baseline.
Q40181277A historical review of hydrocolloids and an investigation of the dimensional accuracy of the new alginates for crown and bridge impressions when using stock trays.
Q45375801A history of frequent dental care reduces the risk of tooth loss but not periodontitis in older subjects
Q39904270A long-term controlled follow-up study of objective treatment need on young adults treated with functional appliances
Q73684552A longitudinal follow-up of the effect of occlusal adjustment in patients with craniomandibular disorders
Q72730513A longitudinal study of dental caries and cariogenic microflora in a group of young adults from Göteborg
Q80788127A longitudinal study of dental health from the age of 14 to 41
Q50979443A longitudinal study of dental health in a group of Swedish teenagers/young adults from the age of 14 to 25.
Q47829310A mandibular advancement device reduces sleep disordered breathing in patients with congestive heart failure.
Q35624377A mandibular protruding device in obstructive sleep apnea and snoring
Q40498293A matrix system for class II amalgam restorations in primary molars
Q72595012A method for dental care activities time study using observer monitored counting of frequencies
Q39180489A new caries initiation theory based on physico chemical measurements
Q45126251A new dental insurance scheme--effects on the treatment provided and costs
Q54704106A new experimental model for studies of local inflammatory reactions
Q68017588A new instrument for mercury vapor evacuation during clinical work with dental amalgam
Q72029189A new interceptive treatment of cases with missing maxillary lateral incisors. A preliminary report
Q72068568A preliminary study of the morphology of the upper gum pad at the age of 6 months
Q41050859A radiological inventory of possible sites for cylinder implants in edentulous regions of the jaws. An epidemiological study.
Q54104625A randomized controlled cross-over study of the effect of alcohol-free chlorhexidine and essential oils on interleukin-1 levels in crevicular fluid.
Q39324607A randomized double-blind comparative study of Biolight light therapy following surgical extraction of impacted lower third molars.
Q51547980A randomized prospective clinical evaluation of two desensitizing agents on cervical dentine sensitivity. A pilot study.
Q86162939A replica technique for studying the effect of fluoride solutions on enamel erosion
Q70241679A retrospective 5-year study of dental treatment in a group of elderly persons
Q51198663A retrospective long term study of teeth restored with prefabricated carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin posts.
Q68772137A retrospective study on the relevance of the dental curriculum in general practice
Q34273816A review of oral devices in the treatment of habitual snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea
Q71837466A scale for measuring the activities of daily living (ADL) of patients with craniomandibular disorders
Q67890386A six year follow-up of three dental alloy restorations with different copper contents
Q68729037A study of 11,525 18 year old men in southern Sweden in 1983
Q68066449A study on citric acid as a proposed replacement resorption inhibitor
Q41192643A survey of dental prosthetic technology in some commercial laboratories in Sweden
Q48822874A ten-year evaluation of the quality of orthodontic treatment.
Q51394122A three year follow-up of posterior doxadent restorations.
Q67924035A time-related study of healing in the marginal periodontal/root interface
Q71989002A time-related study of periodontal healing and root resorption activity after replantation of mature permanent incisors in monkeys
Q45739541ACP and Surgicel in bone hemostasis. A comparative experimental and histologic study
Q40740684Ability to estimate oral health status and treatment need in elderly receiving home nursing--a comparison between a dental hygienist and a dentist.
Q41789714Absele in bone hemostasis--a clinical and experimental investigation
Q48570614Absorbed doses at varying tube voltage in lateral cephalography
Q68724658Absorbed doses from intraoral radiography with special emphasis on collimator dimensions
Q68753005Abstracts of papers and posters presented at the 23rd annual congress, Odontologisk Riksstämma, of the Swedish Dental Society. November 26-28, 1986
Q69857218Abstracts of papers presented at the 22nd annual congress, Odontologisk Riksstämma, of the Swedish Dental Society. November 13-15, 1985
Q68837616Abstracts. 26th annual congress of the Swedish Dental Society. November 22-23, 1989
Q68043305Abstracts: 25th annual congress of the Swedish Dental Society. November 23-25, 1988
Q40617144Accumulation and clearance of fluoride in human mixed saliva after different topical fluoride treatments
Q39376599Accuracy and precision in some dental radiographic methods. A methodological study with special considerations in age estimation in juveniles
Q69838914Accuracy of radiographic caries diagnosis at different kilovoltages and two film speeds
Q39551214Acetylsalicylic acid compared with acetylsalicylic acid plus codeine as postoperative analgesics after removal of impacted mandibular third molars
Q41192639Acid-etch technique in temporary bridgework using composite pontics in the juvenile dentition. A four-year follow-up study
Q72595000Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and localized juvenile periodontitis. Clinical, microbiologic and histologic studies
Q77888626Activation of human B-lymphocytes by Prevotella intermedia
Q51700165Acupuncture and occlusal splint therapy in the treatment of craniomandibular disorders. Part I. A comparative study
Q68772141Acupuncture in the treatment of patients with chronic facial pain and mandibular dysfunction
Q68000652Acupuncture in the treatment of patients with craniomandibular disorders. Comparative, longitudinal and methodological studies
Q46451235Acute inflammation in peritoneal dialysis: experimental studies in rats. Characterization of regulatory mechanisms.
Q40520421Adherence of bacteria to tooth surfaces
Q95564366Adolescents with high periodontal risk in Public Dental Service
Q46616213Adolescents' experiences of participating in a school-based fluoride varnish programme in Sweden.
Q39554222Adult heavy and low users of dental services: treatment provided
Q34278584Adult patients with treated complete cleft lip and palate. Methodological and clinical studies
Q41182877Adverse events in Public Dental Service in a Swedish county--a survey of reported cases over two years
Q44278221Adverse health reactions in skin, eyes, and respiratory tract among dental personnel in Sweden.
Q83391440Aesthetic evaluation in subjects treated due to congenitally missing maxillary laterals. A comparison of perception in patients, parents and dentists
Q33986433Aetiology of severe demarcated enamel opacities--an evaluation based on prospective medical and social data from 17,000 children
Q68781197Agar impression materials, dimensional stability and surface detail sharpness following treatment with disinfectant solutions
Q48532628Age dependence of compliance with orthodontic treatment in children with large overjet. An interview study
Q69857213Alginate impression materials, dimensional stability and surface detail sharpness following treatment with disinfectant solutions
Q44992037Alginate impressions for fixed prosthodontics. A 20 year follow up study.
Q51410347All-ceramic fixed partial dentures. Studies on aluminum oxide- and zirconium dioxide-based ceramic systems.
Q51153438All-ceramic two- to five-unit implant-supported reconstructions. A randomized, prospective clinical trial.
Q72059891Allogeneic tooth transplantation with an observation time of 16 years. Clinical report of 32 cases
Q84138796Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency and periodontitis, a pilot study
Q69872640Alternative prosthodontic superstructure designs
Q54391543Alternatives to high noble dental casting gold alloys type 3. An in vitro in vivo study.
Q43326155Amalgam in dentistry. A survey of methods used at dental clinics in Norrbotten to decrease exposure to mercury vapour
Q51699914Amalgam, composite resin and glass ionomer cement in Class II restorations in primary molars--a three year clinical evaluation.
Q74262216An 8-year follow-up of removable partial denture treatment performed by the Public Dental Health Service in a Swedish county
Q51678328An alternative method for the fabrication of customised abutments for single tooth replacements. A clinical follow-up after 18 months.
Q40249469An analysis of present dental professions in Sweden.
Q72068580An electromyographic study of post retraction orthodontic patients
Q58308538An epidemiologic study of the relation between symptoms of fatigue, dental amalgam and other factors
Q41095882An evaluation of image quality for the assessment of the marginal bone level in panoramic radiography. A comparison of radiographs from different dental clinics.
Q74727710An experimental rabbit model for studying the healing of onlay bone grafts
Q47815740An explorative analysis of the recruitment of patients to a randomised controlled trial in adolescents with dental anxiety
Q67985272An individual training programme for speeding up prolonged oral sugar clearance in hospitalized elderly patients. A pilot study
Q47689307An interview study of persons who attribute health problems to dental filling materials--part two in a triangulation study on 65 and 75 years old Swedes
Q69847840An oral and psychosocial examination of patients with presumed oral galvanism
Q40507214An orthopantomographic study of hypodontia, supernumeraries and other anomalies in school children between the ages of 8-9 years. An epidemiological study
Q72870423Analysis of arsenic in dental cements according to the silverdiethyldithiocarbamate photometric method - ISO 2590
Q39574608Analysis of caries status development in relation to socio-economic variables using a case-based system
Q68762647Analysis of lead and cadmium in deciduous teeth by means of potentiometric stripping analysis
Q72308183Analysis of paediatric dental services provided at a regional hospital in Sweden. Dental treatment need in medically compromised children referred for dental consultation
Q72000796Analysis of pathogenesis and topography of replacement root resorption (ankylosis) after replantation of mature permanent incisors in monkeys
Q84512314Analysis of some elements in primary enamel during postnatal mineralization
Q83366307Analysis of the interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 polymorphisms in patients with chronic periodontitis. A pilot study
Q73980890Analysis of the metal content of in vivo-fixed dental alloys by means of a simple office procedure
Q71991496Analysis of topography of surface- and inflammatory root resorption after replantation of mature permanent incisors in monkeys
Q39356452Analysis of variance in assessing registrations of natural head position
Q39214851Anamnestic findings from patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis
Q40507208Anterior segmental osteotomy of the mandible
Q54562364Antibiotic susceptibility in oral bacteria.
Q71979584Antibiotic therapy in oral surgery. A general survey
Q45079186Antimicrobial effect of a dental varnish, in vitro
Q40804611Antimicrobial effect of some fluorides
Q73350832Apical root resorption of upper first molars as related to anchorage system
Q68782588Arthrotic changes and deviation in form of the temporomandibular joint--an autopsy study
Q67867775Aspects of bone healing and bone substitute incorporation. An experimental study in rabbit skull bone defects
Q69847829Aspects of dental casting alloys
Q69958674Aspects of dental plaque formation with special reference to colloid-chemical phenomena
Q40837653Aspects of maxillary sinus reconstruction with endosseous implants.
Q41400580Aspects of surface physics on titanium implants
Q78497534Aspects of the quality of the information contained in radiological referrals
Q51849109Aspiration in oral local anaesthesia. Frequency of blood in cartridges in an undergraduate student material.
Q34213644Assessing caries risk--using the Cariogram model
Q47287528Assessment of the proximal periodontal bone height from radiographs with partial reproduction of the teeth. A methodological study
Q77397820Atopic dermatitis, conjunctivitis, and hand dermatitis among Swedish dental personnel, including use of personal protective devices
Q79277007Attitudes and satisfaction with dental appearance in young adults with and without malocclusion
Q78079514Attitudes to and experience of dental care among 50-year-olds in two Swedish counties
Q51973808Attitudes, awareness and perceptions on evidence based dentistry and scientific publications among dental professionals in the county of Halland, Sweden: a questionnaire survey.
Q50348958Aural symptoms in patients referred for temporomandibular pain/dysfunction
Q75358975Autogenous free tooth transplantation with a two-stage operation technique
Q72580767Autotransplantation of 45 teeth to the upper incisor region in adolescents
Q46046368Awareness of toothbrushing and dentifrice habits in regularly dental care receiving adults.
Q51032896BMI status in Swedish children and young adults in relation to caries prevalence.
Q71979595Bacterial endocarditis of oral origin. Pathogenesis and prophylaxis
Q71979587Bacteriology of oral infections
Q68007163Base plate wax, dimensional stability and sorption of active components following treatment with disinfectant solutions
Q48243689Bed partners' and patients' experiences after treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea with an oral appliance
Q51192730Behaviour management problems in child dentistry. Frequency, therapy and prediction.
Q34705630Benzodiazepine sedation in paediatric dentistry.
Q43630175Benzodiazepines in child dental care: a survey of its use among general practitioners and paediatric dentists in Sweden
Q40568999Bite force and functional state of the masticatory system in young men
Q45333891Body weight maintenance and levels of mutans streptococci and lactobacilli in a group of Swedish women seven years after completion of a Weight Watchers' diet
Q33341438Bond strength between different bonding systems and densely sintered alumina with sandblasted surfaces or as produced.
Q75370854Bonded resin sealant on smooth surface dental enamel--an in vitro study
Q44618552Bonding of resin to dentin. Interactions between materials, substrate and operators
Q69915739Bone remodelling at implant sites after irradiation injury. Methodological approaches to study the effects of Co60 administered in a single dose of 15 Gy
Q74209690Bone support as per cent of tooth length. A methodological study
Q69857209Buffer effect, secretion rate, pH and electrolytes of stimulated whole saliva in relation to the renin-aldosterone system
Q46297468Calcium transport in dentinogenesis. An experimental study in the rat incisor odontoblast
Q84512308Can orthodontic treatment improve mastication? A controlled, prospective and longitudinal study
Q69847833Carbon/graphite fiber reinforced polymer implant bridge prostheses
Q79625859Caries and associated factors in a group of Swedish children 2- 3 years of age
Q50862997Caries and periodontal conditions in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome.
Q43627892Caries and salivary status in young adults with type 1 diabetes.
Q68007157Caries experience in teenagers related to changes in a dental health programme
Q74320131Caries extreme groups among adolescents, leaving organised dental care in Göteborg, Sweden
Q70970979Caries increment and progression in teenagers when using a prevention- rather than restoration-oriented treatment strategy
Q53791264Caries prevalence and distribution in individuals aged 20-80 years in Jönköping, Sweden, 1973 and 1983.
Q68100846Caries prevalence and distribution in individuals aged 3-20 years in Jönköping, Sweden, 1973, 1978 and 1983
Q39643075Caries prevalence in 3-year-old children living in a low socio-economic multicultural urban area in southern Sweden.
Q40516650Caries progression in the first permanent molars. A longitudinal study
Q40912801Caries risk assessment in adolescents.
Q73350825Caries risk assessment: a comparison between the computer program 'Cariogram', dental hygienists and dentists
Q38602368Caries treatment in Swedish adults: effectiveness, costs and equity. A 4-year follow-up study of data from the Swedish national dental health register
Q69847837Cariogenicity of isomaltulose (palatinose), sucrose and mixture of these sugars in rats infected with Streptococcus mutans E-49
Q70959333Cariogenicity of sorbitol
Q32116353Cariostatic effect of glass ionomer retained orthodontic appliances. An in vivo study.
Q70228122Casting accuracy at different mould temperatures
Q39826051Casting accuracy of a nickel and beryllium-free cobalt-chromium alloy for crown and bridge prostheses and resin-bonded bridges.
Q50251464Cellular responses to cobalt-chrome and CP titanium--an in vitro comparison of frameworks for implant-retained oral prostheses
Q48035275Cephalometric analysis of adults with Turner syndrome
Q70349790Cervical gap formation in class II composite resin restorations
Q44544817Cervical pain and discomfort among dentists. Epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects. Part 1. A survey of pain and discomfort.
Q57386682Changes in Swedish dental health 1968-91
Q80911695Changes in caries experience among 6-year-olds in Blekinge, Sweden between 1994 and 2000
Q43472839Changes in comprehensive dental care of the primary dentition from 1979 to 1989. I. Caries diagnosis and prevalence in a population treated at a university dental clinic
Q72905652Changes in comprehensive dental care of the primary dentition from 1979 to 1989. II. Restorative treatment of primary molars in a population treated at a university dental clinic
Q53796662Changes in length and torque of the masticatory muscles produced by the activator appliance. A cephalometric study.
Q41095887Changes in oral status and dental treatment in long term hospital inmates in Stockholm from 1988 to 1990.
Q47230620Changes in tobacco habits. A prospective longitudinal study of tobacco habits among boys who play ice hockey
Q70970975Changes in tooth length on radiographs after crown therapy
Q44738273Changes in tooth mortality between 1990 and 2002 among adults in Västerbotten County, Sweden: influence of socioeconomic factors, general health, smoking, and dental care habits on tooth mortality.
Q82778118Characteristics of patients referred for Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) of ectopically erupting maxillary canines
Q72359201Characterization of human oro-facial and masticatory muscles with respect to fibre types, myosins and capillaries. Morphological, enzyme-histochemical, immuno-histochemical and biochemical investigations
Q66872960Chewing efficiency in patients with osseointegrated oral implant bridges
Q72031469Chewing patterns in dentate and complete denture wearers - recorded by light-emitting diodes
Q73403499Children's dental health in Europe
Q44074498Children's dental health in Europe. An epidemiological investigation of 5- and 12-year-old children from eight EU countries
Q44711410Children's dental health in Europe. Clinical calibration of dental examiners in eight EU countries.
Q46779012Chlorhexidine-containing glass ionomer cement. A clinical investigation on the fissure caries inhibiting effect in first permanent molars
Q39251739Chronic intraoral pain--assessment of diagnostic methods and prognosis.
Q40307630Chronic orofacial pain. Understanding patients from two perspectives: the clinical view and the patient's experience
Q41182810Cineradiography in odontology
Q44220472Class I and II composite resin restorations: 4-year clinical follow up.
Q74020223Class I and II posterior composite resin restorations after 5 and 10 years
Q51742727Class II composite resin restorations: a three-year clinical study of six different posterior composites.
Q51613640Class II restorations in six different posterior composite resins: five-year results.
Q36772045Cleaning effect of toothbrushing with three different toothpastes and water.
Q72068612Clefts of the secondary palate associated with the "Pierre Robin syndrome". Management by early maxillary orthopaedics
Q72595004Clinical and microbiological effects of subgingival application of a chlorhexidine gel in chronic periodontitis. A pilot study
Q38602378Clinical and radiographic outcomes of lateral sinus floor elevation: a retrospective study
Q70973788Clinical and radiologic six-year follow-up study of patients with crepitation of the temporomandibular joint
Q70909951Clinical and radiological study of patients with anterior disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint
Q70922726Clinical and roentgenographic examination of 697 Swedish recruits, year group 1980
Q69915747Clinical application of osseointegration. An introduction
Q50606159Clinical aspects of restorative treatment in the primary dentition.
Q39373571Clinical characteristics of destructive periodontitis in a risk group of Swedish urban adults
Q41611852Clinical crown length of incisors in 13-year-old boys and girls with different malocclusions.
Q46029620Clinical evaluation of ceramic veneered titanium restorations according to the Procera technique.
Q82778089Clinical evaluation of fixed partial dentures made in Sweden and China
Q43652673Clinical evaluation of intra-alveolar transplantation of teeth with cervical root fractures
Q70925208Clinical evaluation of patients referred with symptoms related to oral galvanism
Q78603292Clinical impact of radiological examinations of patients with suspected temporomandibular disorders
Q68875257Clinical judgement and patients' evaluation of complete dentures five years after treatment. A follow-up study
Q68837613Clinical macrophotography for oral health monitoring purposes. Methods and results from a comparative study
Q48703856Clinical performance of enamel-dentine bonded all-ceramic restorations: retrospective evaluation in a postgraduate clinic
Q54364700Clinical psychiatric assessment of patients with burning mouth syndrome resisting oral treatment.
Q43778120Clinical routines and management of suspected child abuse or neglect in public dental service in Sweden
Q51239202Clinical signs indicative of temporomandibular disorders in adults: time trends and associated factors.
Q50563666Collective dose to the Swedish population from intraoral radiography.
Q50565696Collective doses to the Swedish population from panoramic radiography and lateral cephalography.
Q40520407Colloidal phenomena encountered in the bacterial adhesion to the tooth surface
Q39162343Combinations of gold alloys in soldered joints
Q72595010Combined use of hydroxy-apatite and Tisseel in experimental bone defects in the rabbit
Q44666210Common experiences of pain in children and adolescents--an exploratory factor analysis of a questionnaire
Q72595007Comparative SEM studies of the enamel surface appearance following the use of glass ionomer cement and a diacrylate resin for bracket bonding
Q40278818Comparative radiographic and morphologic investigation of normal and genuine pathological bone structure of the mandible. I. Literature review and description of a sectioning method.
Q40472956Comparing caries risk factors and risk profiles between children and elderly.
Q50430688Comparing patients with Apert and Crouzon syndromes--clinical features and cranio-maxillofacial surgical reconstruction.
Q33904433Comparison between high concentration EDTA (24%) and low concentration EDTA (3%) with surfactant upon removal of smear layer after rotary instrumentation: a SEM study
Q40550638Comparison between predicted and actual treatment outcome in patients with temporomandibular disorders treated by TMD-trained general dental practitioners
Q34176987Comparison between saliva stimulants and saliva substitutes in patients with symptoms related to dry mouth. A multi-centre study.
Q40554376Comparison between two groups of patients in respect of headache and mandibular dysfunction
Q70171933Comparison of changes in the pain threshold following oral administration of carisoprodol, acetylsalicylic acid, and placebo. A trial on volunteers
Q40131822Comparison of diagnostic performance on approximal caries detection among Swedish and Chinese senior dental students using analogue and digital radiographs
Q80788125Comparison of individual prediction of treatment outcome made by a TMD specialist and a TMD-trained general dental practitioner in patients with temporomandibular disorders
Q39572189Comparison of oral status in an adult population 35-75 year of age in the county of Dalarna, Sweden in 1983 and 2008.
Q84512310Comparisons of similar patients treated by general dental clinicians and orthodontic specialists. Outcome and economical considerations
Q70328942Composite retained onlay bridges. A follow-up study in adolescents
Q54221720Compressive fracture resistance of the marginal ridge in large Class II tunnels restored with cermet and composite resin.
Q39291201Computer aided photograph analyses in oral medicine--a pilot study
Q39296037Computer-assisted subtraction radiography in periodontal diagnosis
Q36486853Computerized registration of epidemiological data from intraoral radiographs.
Q51870550Conduction block analgesia in the mandible. A comparative investigation of the techniques of Fischer and Gow-Gates.
Q72068566Condyle neck periostomy and the mitotic activity in the condylar tissues of young rats
Q37984321Cone beam computed tomography in evaluations of some side effects of orthodontic treatment
Q83181853Cone beam computed tomography radiation dose and image quality assessments
Q43867967Conscious sedation by oral administration of midazolam in paediatric dental treatment
Q35656130Conservative treatment methods in craniomandibular disorder
Q49032894Conservative treatment of mandibular dysfunction. Clinical, experimental and electromyographic studies of biofeedback and occlusal appliances
Q72016409Conservative treatment of uncomplicated mandibular fractures
Q72016427Continuing training of dental care personnel. The realization of 5-year educational programmes within the county of Jönköping, Sweden
Q72068563Control of the quality of the occlusal position in orthodontic treatment
Q73353172Conventional spiral and low-dose computed mandibular tomography for dental implant planning
Q43481159Correction of temporomandibular joint disk displacement by occlusal therapy
Q84946502Correction of unilateral posterior crossbite in the mixed dentition. Studies of treatment effects, stability and cost-effectiveness
Q68627806Correlation between caries incidence and secretion rate/buffer capacity of stimulated whole saliva in 5-7-year-old children matched for lactobacillus count and gingival state
Q44405774Corrosion and strength of dental low-gold brazing materials
Q46455273Corrosion products from dental alloys and effects of mercuric and cupric ions on a neuroeffector system
Q51082977Cost of composite and glass ionomer class II molar restorations and theoretical analyses of cost per year of function at public dental services in Sweden.
Q39934726Cost-analysis of an oral health outreach program for preschool children in a low socioeconomic multicultural area in Sweden
Q74209684Costs for prevention of dental caries in a group of Swedish teenagers
Q39234685Counselling and communication in hospital dentistry.
Q80258821Craniofacial morphology and growth in the ferret: effects from alteration of masticatory function
Q72068590Craniofacial morphology in six-year-old Norwegian boys with complete cleft of lip and palate
Q39300508Craniomandibular disorders in adolescents. A longitudinal study in an urban Swedish population
Q40601717Craniomandibular disorders in children--a critical review of the literature.
Q54082175Craniomandibular function in juvenile chronic arthritis. A clinical and radiographic study.
Q47622760Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the oral Iimpacts on daily performances (OIDP) in Swedish.
Q40500596Current status on the application of image processing of digital intraoral radiographs amongst general dental practitioners
Q52781513Decision strategies in radiographic caries diagnosis
Q28255009Decreased gum bleeding and reduced gingivitis by the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri
Q51799962Defective direct composite restorations--replace or repair? A survey of teaching in Scandinavian dental schools
Q73145737Degenerative changes of the human temporomandibular joint. A radiological, microscopical, histomorphometrical and biochemical study
Q72112418Dentacolor as veneering material for titanium. A clinical evaluation after 51-72 months
Q83528076Dental agenesis patterns in Crouzon syndrome
Q84288674Dental appearance, with focus on the anterior maxillary dentition, in young adults with bilateral cleft lip and palate (CLP). A follow up study
Q56655525Dental appliances in the treatment of snoring. A comparison between an activator, a soft-palate lifter, and a mouth-shield
Q72177706Dental assistants' ability to select caries risk-children and to prevent caries
Q46571298Dental behaviour management problems among children and adolescents--a matter of understanding? Studies on dental fear, personal characteristics and psychosocial concomitants.
Q50310213Dental care of autistic children within the non-specialized Public Dental Service
Q40786882Dental care of young adults in west Sweden.
Q39970167Dental care utilization in a Swedish county in 1993 and 2003.
Q41154262Dental caries and associated factors in a group of Swedish snus users
Q80407850Dental caries and caries associated factors in Swedish 15-year-olds in relation to immigrant background
Q44544252Dental caries and related factors--a longitudinal study of Finnish immigrant children in the north of Sweden.
Q40602812Dental caries and restoration. IV. A six-year longitudinal study of the caries increment of proximal surfaces
Q40498323Dental caries and restorations in teenagers. I. Index and score system for radiographic studies of proximal surfaces
Q39206186Dental caries and restorations in teenagers. III. Social factors and attitudes in relation to dental status and caries increment among urban teenagers in Sweden
Q39206182Dental caries and restorations in teenargers. II. A longitudinal radiographic study of the caries increment of proximal surfaces among urban teenagers in Sweden
Q69739911Dental caries in Swedish 4-year-old children. Changes between 1967 and 1987
Q67955929Dental caries in a group of 15 to 16-year-olds from Göteborg. Part I
Q70159665Dental caries in one- and two-year-old children living in Sweden. Part I--A longitudinal study
Q70294697Dental caries in players belonging to a Swedish soccer team
Q71471622Dental ceramics and ceramic restorations. An in vitro and in vivo study
Q43331072Dental clinics--a burden to environment?
Q70907069Dental composites reinforced with microporous sintered glassfiber networks
Q47187183Dental conditions and temporomandibular joints in an early mesolithic bog man.
Q39427067Dental development, dental age and tooth counts. A prospective longitudinal study of Pakistani children
Q39724174Dental digital radiography: a survey of quality aspects.
Q46295787Dental enamel in relation to ionized calcium and parathyroid hormone. Studies of human primary teeth and rat maxillary incisors.
Q44821571Dental erosion and soft drink consumption in Swedish children and adolescents and the development of a simplified erosion partial recording system.
Q41154283Dental fear among children and adolescents in a multicultural population--a cross-sectional study
Q40519365Dental fear and behavior management problems in children. A study of measurement, prevalence, concomitant factors, and clinical effects.
Q84838716Dental gold and contact allergy
Q72086675Dental health 1973 and 1978 in individuals aged 3-20 years in the community of Jönköping, Sweden. A cross-sectional study
Q42654628Dental health and dental care in severely mentally retarded children
Q68043302Dental health and dental health behaviour in 8-year-old Finnish immigrant children in the north of Sweden
Q42141984Dental health and dietary habits in Greek immigrant children in southern Sweden compared with Swedish and rural Greek children
Q43987044Dental health in 13-year-old children in the north of Sweden - changes during a 10-year-period
Q68627817Dental health in 13-year-olds in Västerbotten County, Sweden. Changes over twenty years
Q30531133Dental health in professional musicians. A radiographic study in dental conscious subjects
Q72891903Dental health in suburban Jordanian preschool children
Q43479646Dental health knowledge in a group of Latin American refugees in Sweden
Q70916085Dental health of Finnish immigrants in Sweden
Q39356244Dental health of national servicemen in Umeå.
Q69671645Dental health status in Latin-American preschool children in Malmö
Q69671647Dental health, dental health knowledge and behaviour in 14-year-old children of Finnish immigrant families in the north of Sweden
Q68066451Dental needs of patients with myotonic dystrophy
Q47926631Dental nurses' experiences of performing a school-based fluoride varnish programme for children and adolescents in Sweden
Q51153980Dental problem behaviors in children of parents with severe dental fear
Q54537055Dental pulp inflammation; experimental studies in human and monkey teeth.
Q71979592Dental sinusitis
Q72016406Dental status of Swedish middle-aged women as found in a population study in Göteborg, Sweden
Q41204519Dental students' views on their education and study circumstances in Nordic countries.
Q52908562Dental survey at school with the purpose to select children with no actual need of dental treatment.
Q72062983Dental time study results in relation to a model for a dental health related patient group system
Q44092943Dental treatment in the primary dentition of 7-12 year-old Swedish schoolchildren
Q80376394Dental treatment of the primary dentition in 7-12 year-old Swedish children in relation to caries experience at 6 years of age
Q36415678Dentifrice abrasivity. The use of laser beams for comparative studies in vitro of surface changes
Q36615512Dentifrice abrasivity. The use of laser light and supplemental techniques for characterizing toothpastes containing different abrasives. An in vitro study.
Q36426479Dentifrice abrasivity. The use of laser light for determination of the abrasive properties of different silicas. An in vitro study
Q46294055Dentin formation after corticosteroid treatment. A clinical study and an experimental study on rats.
Q52504089Dentin sensitivity, odontoblasts and nerves under desiccated or infected experimental cavities. A clinical, light microscopic and ultrastructural investigation.
Q67924038Dentinogenesis imperfecta in a six-generation family. A clinical, radiographic and histologic comparison of two branches through three generations
Q51632446Dentists and eating disorders--knowledge, attitudes, management and experience.
Q69857206Dentists' experiences of immigrants as patients
Q74262211Dentists' perception of risks for molars without antagonists. A questionnaire study of dentists in Sweden
Q50562756Dentists' views on fearful patients. Problems and promises.
Q71342825Dentists' work location in relation to their origin
Q67985662Dentoalveolar ankylosis and associated root resorption in replanted teeth. Experimental and clinical studies in monkeys and man
Q53154728Dentofacial morphology in Turner syndrome karyotypes.
Q70216469Denture adhesives - their effect on the mobility of full upper dentures during chewing. A cineradiographic study
Q70365528Denture stomatitis in nursing home patients
Q69915744Design of superstructures for osseointegrated fixtures
Q40263618Detectability of normal anatomy in digital panoramic radiographs
Q81754543Detection of lingual root resorptions in the intraoral radiographs. An experimental study
Q39606838Determinants of costs of orthodontic treatment in the Finnish public health service
Q70904506Determination of dental age in adopted non-European children
Q69412168Developing solutions for dental X-ray processors
Q60457644Development and evaluation of a comprehensive screening for orofacial dysfunction
Q72029191Development of a preventive dental care programme for children and adolescents in the county of Jönköping 1973-1979
Q54542688Development of artificial carious lesions in enamel after F-varnish (Duraphat) and F-Fe-Al-solution treatment.
Q54054670Development of periapical lesions.
Q40360851Diagnoses and treatment proposals in periodontal treatment. A comparison between dentists, dental hygienists and undergraduate students
Q69840542Diagnosis and surgical treatment of internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint
Q70925209Diagnosis of approximal caries in pre-school children
Q35175826Diagnostic accuracy of Tuned Aperture Computed Tomography (TACT).
Q40500603Diagnostic accuracy of carious lesions in digital radiographs at a public dental clinic - can it be improved by optimizing viewing conditions and further education?.
Q67923001Diet in relation to number of remaining teeth in a population of middle-aged women in Gothenburg, Sweden
Q69842107Dietary habits and dental health in 6-year-old Finnish immigrant children in Sweden
Q69838911Dietary pattern and dental caries in 19-year-old adolescents subjected to preventive measures focused on oral hygiene and/or fluorides
Q42663572Differences in caries recording with and without bitewing radiographs. A study on 5-year old children in the County of Bohuslän, Sweden
Q67923000Differences in caries status and caries recording within and between two counties in Sweden
Q81520691Dimensions of good work for employees in oral and maxillofacial surgery in Sweden
Q68639231Diskectomy in treatment of disk derangement. A one and three year follow-up
Q70925210Distribution by age and sex of functional disturbances and diseases of the stomatognathic system in 7-18 year olds
Q72068584Do horizontal growers grow horizontally?
Q44335200Do intact collagen fibers increase dentin bond strength?
Q50570052Dose contributions to the Swedish population from oral radiography.
Q72056681Double-contrast arthrography and internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint
Q66870064Dummy sucking. A study of its prevalence, duration and malocclusion consequences
Q40523472Dummy- and finger-sucking habits with special attention to their significance for facial growth and occlusion. 7. The effect of earlier dummy- and finger-sucking habit in 16-year-old children compared with children without earlier sucking habit
Q51741110Duration of orthodontic treatment in conjunction with orthognathic surgery.
Q72031473Dust in workroom air of dental laboratories
Q72063000EMG studies of lip and cheek activity in sucking habits
Q36638828Early detection of enamel caries by the luminescence excited by visible laser light
Q48328501Eating disorders and signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders: a matched case-control study.
Q43963170Ectopic eruption of the maxillary first permanent molar. An epidemiological, familial, aetiological and longitudinal clinical study.
Q50111611Ectopic maxillary canines and root resorption of adjacent incisors. Does computed tomography (CT) influence decision-making by orthodontists?
Q72066623Effect of 250 and 1000 ppm fluoride dentifrice on caries. A three-year clinical study
Q46431997Effect of Pilocarpine on impaired salivary secretion in patients with Sjögren's syndrome
Q78079501Effect of a mouth rinse containing amyloglucosidase and glucose oxidase on recurrent aphthous ulcers in children and adolescents
Q41026861Effect of an enzyme dentifrice on caries. A two-year clinical pilot study
Q71979585Effect of antibiotic treatment on post-operative infections after surgical removal of mandibular third molars
Q72308175Effect of canine guidance of maxillary occlusal splint on level of activation of masticatory muscles
Q43055794Effect of chlorhexidine gel on approximal caries increment in adolescents with high caries risk using professional flossing compared to individual trays.
Q45098093Effect of dummy-sucking on the prevalence of posterior cross-bite in the permanent dentition
Q68627811Effect of early dental health education for Finnish immigrant families
Q40602808Effect of flouride varnish (Duraphat) treatment every six months compared with weekly mouthrinses with 0.2 per cent NaF solution on dental caries
Q68781193Effect of inactivated salivary lysozyme on L(+)-lactic acid production in saliva and in cultures of Streptococcus mutans BHT
Q70311320Effect of insertion of osseo-integrated prosthesis on the oral microflora
Q70500132Effect of long-term, peroral administration of sugar alcohols on man
Q36736318Effect of low level energy laser irradiation on gingival inflammation.
Q36736315Effect of low level energy laser irradiation on wound healing. An experimental study in rats.
Q69840548Effect of methylprednisolone on complications after removal of impacted mandibular third molars
Q71989004Effect of mouthrinsing with a sodium fluoride solution in children with different caries experience
Q68729039Effect of nicotine chewing gum on salivary secretion
Q86162945Effect of nicotine-free and nicotine-containing snus on plaque pH in vivo
Q33381315Effect of ozone treatment on different cariogenic microorganisms in vitro.
Q71506285Effect of phenoxymethylpenicillin, bacampicillin and clindamycin on the oral, throat and colon microflora of man
Q55054258Effect of post-brushing mouthrinse solutions on salivary fluoride retention.
Q72112414Effect of selenium on mercury vapour released from dental amalgams: an in vitro study
Q69902363Effect on caries of different fluoride prophylactic programs in preschool children. A two year clinical study
Q40507220Effect on caries prevalence in three year old children of a preventive program given at child health centre
Q40516639Effect on speech of mandibular prognathism before and after surgical treatment
Q50570330Effective dose equivalent from intraoral radiography.
Q48737196Effects and adverse events of a dental appliance for treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea.
Q72417912Effects of conservative treatment in patients who later will be candidates for TMJ surgery
Q69097167Effects of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on bone healing. An experimental study in the rat mandible and the rabbit tibia
Q68752993Effects of irradiation on growing bones
Q51878719Effects of local anesthetics on aerobic and anaerobic metabolism of the dental pulp.
Q32060367Effects of masticatory muscle function and bite-raising on mandibular morphology in the growing rat.
Q95475672Effects of oil-based and oil-free enamel prophylactic agents on bracket failure--a prospective randomized clinical trial
Q70399121Effects of rehabilitation with conventional removable partial dentures on oral health--a cross-sectional study
Q69931515Effects of rehabilitation with conventional removable partial dentures on oral health--a cross-sectional study. Part II. A comparative study of treatment results at two Public Dental Clinics and the Faculty of Odontology in Gothenburg
Q38564595Effects of static magnetic fields on human periodontal fibroblasts in vitro.
Q70294716Effects of the new undergraduate dental curriculum of 1979
Q70922731Effects of xylitol on the acid production activity from sorbitol by Streptococcus mutans and human dental plaque
Q71991509Elastomeric impression materials. Dimensional stability and surface detail sharpness following treatment with disinfection solutions
Q68729032Electrochemical action due to short-circuiting of dental alloys. An in vitro and in vivo study
Q51816884Electromyography and bite force studies of muscular function and dysfunction in masticatory muscles.
Q51926960Elemental composition of normal primary tooth enamel analyzed with XRMA and SIMS.
Q46275273Elemental imaging of dental hard tissues by secondary ion mass spectrometry.
Q40531567Elemental microanalysis of enamel and dentin by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Deciduous and permanent teeth from high and low fluoride area
Q39421423Emergency dental service is still needed--also for regular attenders within a comprehensive insurance system.
Q40973014Enamel bond--composite fillings in etched cavities. The appearance of resin surfaces facing enamel and dentine
Q34101573Enamel hypomineralization in permanent first molars. A clinical, histo-morphological and biochemical study
Q34239075Enamel of primary teeth--morphological and chemical aspects
Q52930134Endodontic retreatment. Aspects of decision making and clinical outcome.
Q39654659Endodontic treatment during childhood and adolescence. A survey of 19-year-olds living in the city of Malmö, Sweden.
Q43470489Endodontic treatment in young permanent teeth. Prevalence, quality and potential risk factors
Q68744957Energy imparted from intraoral radiography
Q68634391Enlarged tonsils and the effect of tonsillectomy. Characteristics of the dentition and facial skeleton. Posture of the head, hyoid bone and tongue. Mode of breathing
Q80116080Epidemiological aspects on apical periodontitis. Studies based on the Prospective Population Study of Women in Göteborg and the Population Study on Oral Health in Jönköping, Sweden
Q82778110Esthetic views on facial and dental appearance in young adults with treated bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP). A comparison between professional and non-professional evaluators
Q68115806Estimation of the possibility to treat the edentulous maxilla with osseointegrated implants
Q53313572Ethical aspects of dental care for demented patients. Methodological considerations.
Q48718990Ethical issues in dental management of patients with severe dementia: ethical reasoning by hospital dentists. A narrative study.
Q72664903Etiological and predisposing factors related to traumatic injuries to permanent teeth
Q53180856Evaluation of a Swedish version of the OHIP-14 among patients in general and specialist dental care.
Q54280833Evaluation of a periodontal risk assessment model in subjects with severe periodontitis. A 5-year retrospective study.
Q73145733Evaluation of a simplified method for site-specific determination of mutans streptococci levels
Q39547606Evaluation of caries preventive measures.
Q81520683Evaluation of orthodontic treatment, retention and relapse in a 5-year follow-up: a comparison of treatment outcome between a specialist and a post-graduate clinic
Q47883823Evaluation of preventive programs in high caries active preschool children
Q40132216Evaluation of surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion and orthodontic treatment. Effects on dental, skeletal and nasal structures and rhinological findings
Q73256920Evaluation of three years of dental care of adolescents in the Public Dental Service in west Sweden
Q80788136Experience of dental care for children with congenital heart disease among Swedish dentists
Q72068609Experiences with infant and delayed periosteoplasty
Q70260256Experimental investigations on sensitivity to nickel present in alloys used in dentistry carried out on guinea pigs previously sensitized to this metal
Q51834126Experimental studies of new topical anaesthetics on the oral mucosa.
Q38622252Experimental teeth clenching in man.
Q38103016Experimental tooth clenching. A model for studying mechanisms of muscle pain
Q40589379Extraction of teeth involved in the line of mandibular fractures. I. Indications for extraction based on a follow-up study of 185 mandibular fractures
Q68747604Facial asymmetry and unstable occlusion due to poliomyelitis. Report of a case
Q72047861Facial growth rate and its relation to somatic maturation in healthy children
Q50545365Facing a moral dilemma--introducing a dental care insurance within the public dental service.
Q80376406Factors affecting the duration of orthodontic treatment in children. A retrospective study
Q77683052Factors associated with snuffing habits among ice-hockey-playing boys
Q86162951Factors related to persons with health problems attributed to dental filling materials--part one in a triangular study on 65 and 75 years old Swedes
Q43879694Factors shaping demand for prostethic dentistry treatment with special focus on implant dentistry
Q80057169Factors that influence the proclination or retroclination of the lower incisors in children with prolonged thumb-sucking habits
Q69552772Failures and length of service in fixed prosthodontics after long-term function. A longitudinal clinical study
Q53435459Finnish immigrants and dental care in Stockholm county.
Q39983593Firing temperature accuracy of four dental furnaces.
Q77671614Fissure penetration and antibacterial effect in vitro of a glass ionomer cement containing chlorhexidine gluconate
Q43434754Fissure sealant in permanent first molars after 10 years.
Q73147639Fixed prosthodontics in adults in Jönköping, Sweden in 1983 and 1993. An epidemiological study of prevalence and choice of material
Q68772145Fluoride clearance of whole saliva in young school children after topical application
Q67890384Fluoride release from glass ionomer cement in vivo and in vitro
Q73147646Fluoride release in vitro from a resin-modified glass ionomer after exposure to NaF solutions and toothpastes
Q69898041Fluoride supplemented and non gamma 2 amalgam. A comparative clinical study into the primary and permanent dentition in children
Q42638115Fluoride toothpaste and toothbrushing; knowledge, attitudes and behaviour among Swedish adolescents and adults.
Q40498335Fluoride uptake and release in deciduous enamel after application of fluoride varnishes. An in vitro polit study
Q68043298Fluoride uptake on dry versus water-saliva wetted human enamel surfaces in vitro after topical application of a varnish (Duraphat) containing fluoride
Q51069321Fluoride use by gender, age and dental fear among patients in a private practice.
Q70965094Fluorine concentration in primary tooth enamel in 6-year-olds after 3 years of daily intake of fluoride-containing tablets (Fludent)
Q38718517Fluorine profiles in human enamel after in vitro treatment with dentifrices of different compositions and acidities.
Q68783876Fluorine uptake in bovine enamel from various treatment agents
Q41370481Formation of dental integuments--some basic chemical considerations
Q38522808Fortnightly fluoride rinsing combined with topical paintings with a fluoride solution containing Fe- and Al-ions
Q72426060Fracture mechanics design of dental gold soldered joints (author's transl)
Q95564368Fracture strength of all-ceramic (Y-TZP) three- and four-unit fixed dental prostheses with different connector design and production history
Q85052422Fracture strength of three-unit fixed partial denture cores (Y-TZP) with different connector dimension and design
Q39451419Fractures of the mandibular condyle
Q68747608Frequency of low values of stimulated saliva flow rate, Dentobuff and Dentocult in routine use
Q34338670Frequency of radiographic caries examinations and development of dental caries.
Q48271255Frequent jaw-face pain in chronic Whiplash-Associated Disorders
Q85052408Full-mouth versus quadrant-wise scaling--clinical outcome, efficiency and treatment discomfort
Q41338315Function and dysfunction of the masticatory system in individuals with intact and restored dentitions. A clinical, psychological and physiological study.
Q80029551Functional appliance treatment outcome and need for additional orthodontic treatment with fixed appliance
Q69847818Functional aspects of prosthetic rehabilitation on osseointegrated implants
Q38000292Functional importance of estrogen receptors in the periodontium.
Q78497522Functional rehabilitation using orthognathic surgery, bone transplants and implants after irradiation of malignancy in early childhood
Q43567078General musculoskeletal complaints in a group of patients with craniomandibular disorders (CMD). A case control study
Q68886846Gingival enlargement. A comparison between cyclosporine and azathioprine treated renal allograft recipients
Q72029187Gingival recession in 15-year old pupils
Q68007166Glass ionomer cement used as surgical dressing after radical surgical exposure of impacted teeth
Q45798900Glass ionomer cements as a fluoride release system in vivo.
Q70217177Glow-discharge pretreated implants combined with temporary bone tissue ischemia
Q50913122Good work for dentists--ideal and reality for female unpromoted general practice dentists in a region of Sweden.
Q33304348Graduates' characteristics and professional situation: a follow-up of five classes graduated from the Malmö model.
Q47806838Growth factors and bone regeneration. Implications of barrier membranes.
Q47270905HLA, salivary IgA and mutans streptococci--is there a relation?
Q39724562Halitosis - foeter ex ore. A literature review
Q50879537Hand dermatitis and symptoms from the fingers among Swedish dental personnel.
Q41200852Hard tissue changes of the temporomandibular joint in an archaeo-osteological material from the 11th century
Q70947008Healing of experimental excisional wounds in the rat palate. II. Histological study of electrosurgical wounds
Q68762655Healing of experimental excisional wounds in the rat palate. III. Effects of radiation on wound healing
Q68043300Healing of experimental midline osteotomies in the rat palate
Q42659286Hereditary amelogenesis imperfecta. An epidemiological, genetic and clinical study in a Swedish child population
Q69847839Hereditary amelogenesis imperfecta. I. Epidemiology and clinical classification in a Swedish child population
Q68744963Hereditary amelogenesis imperfecta. I. Oral health in children
Q67974544Heterogeneity of patients with craniomandibular disorders. A longitudinal study
Q50746754Homocystinuria and oral health. A report of 14 cases.
Q72417914How do 3 to 5-year-old children handle a lozenge? A clinical-experimental study
Q46257575How much information is remembered by the patients? A selective study related to health education on a Swedish public health survey.
Q51052597Human and experimental osteoarthrosis of the temporomandibular joint. Morphological and biochemical studies.
Q39485276Human jaw muscle motor behaviour. I. Motor drive
Q39653013Human jaw muscle motor behaviour. II. Reflex and receptor mechanisms
Q72068574Hypodontia in twins
Q74209679Identification of caries risk children and prevention of caries in pre-school children
Q72068607Identification of cases requiring orthodontic treatment. A longitudinal study
Q71742254Illness and use of medicines in relation to caries development and to immigrant status in infants and toddlers living in Sweden
Q39690577Image quality of digital and film radiographs in applications sent to the Dental Insurance Office in Sweden for treatment approval
Q70904509Immediate and prolonged effect of individual preventive measures in caries and gingivitis susceptible children
Q47445133Immediate loading of implants in the edentulous maxilla
Q83382026Immigrant background and orthodontic treatment need. Quantitative and qualitative studies in Swedish adolescents
Q68770921Impacted lower third molars and periodontal health. An epidemiological, methodological, retrospective and prospective clinical, study
Q68781189Impacted maxillary canines--a study of surgically treated patients over 20 years of age
Q83247544Impaired jaw function and eating difficulties in whiplash-associated disorders
Q83366306Impaired positioning of the gape in whiplash-associated disorders
Q84512305Implant periapical lesion. A case series report
Q40465315Implants for single-tooth replacement. A clinical and experimental study on the Brånemark CeraOne System
Q35583274Implementation of laser technology and treatment at county level in the Swedish Public Dental Service
Q44649620Implication of cervical enamel projection to furcation involvement in molars. A pilot clinical study
Q36606015Impregnation of ground, acid etched dentin in vivo, using five commercial resins
Q68639236Impression technique for RPDs. A comparison between two methods
Q52263781Improvement potential of isolated gingival recession in children.
Q72186584In vitro and in vivo studies of an NaF impregnated toothpick
Q40516655In vitro corrosion of screwposts and amalgam placed in contact
Q70150496In vivo resin impregnation of dentin fractures
Q51526297In vivo validity and reliability of IR fluorescence measurements for caries detection and quantification.
Q51018718Incidence of traumatic tooth injuries in children and adolescents in the county of Västmanland, Sweden.
Q54364372Incisal and occlusal tooth wear and wear of some prosthodontic materials. An epidemiological and clinical study.
Q68017592Increased (L+)-lactic acid production in lysozyme-inactivated suspensions of human dental plaque
Q48970393Indications for surgical removal of the mandibular third molar. Study of 2,630 cases
Q40703996Individual prediction of treatment outcome in patients with temporomandibular disorders.
Q40186907Individual prediction of treatment outcome in patients with temporomandibular disorders. A quality improvement model.
Q52203444Individual variation of tooth development in Swedish children.
Q67994964Individualised restricted intraoral radiography versus full-mouth radiography in the detection of periradicular lesions
Q38591659Infant feeding and dental caries--a longitudinal study of Swedish children.
Q52020903Infants and toddlers with caries. Mental health, family interaction, and life events in infants and toddlers with caries
Q51857019Inflammatory involvement of the temporomandibular joint. Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects and a study of individuals with ankylosing spondylitis.
Q70740187Influence of age and salivary secretion rate on oral sugar clearance
Q54388624Influence of dietary supplementation with Lactobacillus reuteri on the oral flora of healthy subjects.
Q73350843Influence of economic restraints and reduced specialist resources on delivery and quality of orthodontic care
Q39945410Influence of education level and experience on detection of approximal caries in digital dental radiographs. An in vitro study.
Q81754531Influence of interleukin (IL)-1 composite genotype on clinical variables in non-smoking, well-maintained compliant patients with chronic periodontitis
Q72012914Influence of social factors on the effect of different prophylactic regimens
Q72554517Influence of supply of heat to cobalt-chromium frameworks during soldering and subsequent hardening heat treatment of wrought clasps
Q56655264Influence of the modified Milwaukee brace on the dentofacial complex
Q69847815Influence of treatment with osseointegrated mandibular bridges on the clinical deformation of maxillary complete dentures
Q67818027Influence of tube voltage on radiographic diagnosis of caries in premolars and molars
Q72062979Influence of xylitol in dentifrice on salivary microflora of preschool children at caries risk
Q72016423Influence on dentofacial morphology of scoliosis therapy with the original and modified Milwaukee brace
Q70950327Infraocclusion of primary molars. An epidemiological, familial, longitudinal clinical and histological study
Q54524818Inhibiting effect on demineralization of permanent root surfaces after different topical application of fluorides and a solution containing Fe- and Al-ions.
Q44796050Instrumentation of the curved root canal using filing or reaming technique--a clinical study of technical complications.
Q73577816Integrated jaw and neck function in man. Studies of mandibular and head-neck movements during jaw opening-closing tasks
Q82933099Inter- and intra-individual variations in saliva secretion rates--a comparison of unsupervised and supervised sample collection
Q70959331Interaction between xylitol and sorbitol in plaque metabolism
Q73684549Interactory effect between marginal plaque and subgingival proximal restorations on periodontal pocket depth
Q39285377Interceptive Treatment Of Palatally Displaced Canines
Q48931151International perspectives for the first quarter of the twenty-first century
Q79592858Interocclusal appliances--indications and clinical routines in general dental practice in Sweden
Q40573919Interocclusal perception with anaesthetized and unanaesthetized TM-joints
Q52890763Intra- and inter-examiner variations in four dental methods for age estimation of children.
Q72006542Intra- and inter-observer variation in functional examination of the masticatory system
Q70932096Intra- and interobserver variability in the assessment of signs of disorder in the stomatognathic system
Q40554372Intra-alveolar transplantation of teeth with cervical root fractures
Q72989007Intra-alveolar transplantation. I. A 10-year follow-up of a method for surgical extrusion of root fractured teeth
Q84476687Intra-oral soft tissue expansion and volume stability of onlay bone grafts
Q69412160Intraalveolar transplantation of teeth. IV. Endodontic considerations
Q34273950Intraoral currents and taste thresholds
Q54393141Iron and dental caries.
Q44176243Is E-speed dental film more sensitive to storage than D-speed dental film?
Q43754116Is caries prevalence underestimated in today's caries examination? A study on 16-year-old children in the county of Bohuslän, Sweden.
Q67953521Is snuff a potential risk factor in occlusal wear?
Q70916069Is there not a strong relationship nowadays between caries and consumption of sweets?
Q68762643Jaw fractures in Malmö 1952-62 and 1975-85
Q41379073Jaw fractures in Stockholm 1988-90. Changing trends in injury dynamics over a 10 year interval
Q43476861Jaw fractures in the County of Kopparberg and Stockholm 1979-1988. A retrospective comparative study of frequency and cause with special reference to assault
Q39113954Jaw fractures in the country of Stockholm (1978-1980). Injury dynamics--etiologic factors in relation to anatomic site of fracture.
Q44306111Jaw fractures in the county of Stockholm (1978-1980). Jaw fractures in children and adolescents
Q71837463Jaw fractures in the county of Stockholm. A comparative study with an interval of 10 years
Q40474252Juvenile chronic arthritis. Dentofacial morphology, growth, mandibular function and orthodontic treatment
Q72036358Kinetics of fluorine in deciduous enamel after application of fluoride-containing varnish (Duraphat)
Q70909956Kinetics of fluorine in deciduous enamel after application of fluoride-containing varnish (Duraphat). II. A statistical approach to the design and evaluation of a clinical experiment
Q72177700Knowledge among Swedish dentists about rules for patient records
Q74345953Knowledge and habits of tobacco among ice-hockey-playing boys. An intervention study
Q40249475Knowledge of and attitude to oral health and oral diseases among young adolescents in Sweden.
Q46461191Knowledge of periodontitis and self-perceived oral health: a survey of periodontal specialist patients
Q81548950Knowledge on periodontal disease before and after a mass media campaign
Q30872548Laser treatment as an adjunct to debridement of periodontal pockets
Q36486795Laser-induced fluorescence from sound and carious tooth substance: spectroscopic studies.
Q40498311Light cross orientation for lateral cephalograms
Q39418254Linear unsharp mask filtering of linear cross-sectional tomograms of the posterior mandible.
Q41201763Local anaesthesia in elderly patients. An experimental study of oral infiltration anaesthesia
Q36767519Local inflammatory reactions in juvenile and adult rats
Q72000800Location of the allergenic monomer in warm-polymerized acrylic dentures. Part I: Causes of denture sore mouth, incidence of allergy, different allergens and test methods on suspicion of allergy to denture material - a survey of the literature. Case
Q67283581Location of the allergenic monomer in warm-polymerized acrylic dentures. Part II: Experiments aimed at establishing guidelines for production of acrylic dentures suited for patients allergic to acrylic monomer and complementary investigations
Q70258566Location of the allergenic monomer in warm-polymerized acrylic dentures. Part III: Testing of the theory of an "allergenic film" in the vestibular surface before polishing
Q81754529Location, complications and treatment of mesiodentes--a retrospective study in children
Q72308172Long term clinical evaluation of conical crown retained dentures
Q72112438Long term clinical evaluation of three luting materials
Q36908691Long time follow up of implant therapy and treatment of peri-implantitis.
Q77552331Long-lasting orofacial pain--a study of 109 consecutive patients referred to a pain group
Q78497525Long-term cost of direct Class II molar restorations
Q54669434Long-term dental implant success and survival--a clinical study after an observation period up to 6 years.
Q46779299Long-term development after treatment of mandibular dysfunction and osteoarthrosis. A clinical-radiographic follow-up and an animal experimental study.
Q74262203Long-term evaluation of a fissure sealing programme in Public Dental Service clinics in Sweden
Q39401227Long-term follow-up by means of a questionnaire of 109 patients with long-lasting orofacial pain
Q73065635Long-term follow-up of intra-articular injections into the temporomandibular joint in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Q54511335Loss of teeth and the frequency and condition of removable and fixed dentures in Finnish immigrants in Sweden.
Q36638740Lustre changes on teeth. The use of laser beams for comparative studies in vivo
Q36486725Lustre changes on teeth. The use of laser light for reflexion measurements on the tooth surface--in vivo
Q40602817Lysozyme activity in saliva from children with various degree of gingivitis
Q72016420Lysozyme and salivary immunoglobulin A in caries-free and caries-susceptible pre-school children
Q38661205MALOCCLUSIONS AND QUALITY OF LIFE. Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies in children
Q69851701Machinability of some dentin simulating materials
Q40520415Macromolecular components of oral fluids at tooth surfaces
Q68627815Macroscopic, microscopic and radiologic assessment of the condylar part of the TMJ in elderly subjects. An autopsy study
Q70294685Malignant tumours in Swedish dental personnel: a comparative study with the total population as well as with some specific occupational groups
Q72036361Malocclusion and some functional recordings of the masticatory system in Swedish schoolchildren
Q74020238Malocclusion and the need for orthodontic treatment in 9-year-old immigrant children in Stockholm, Sweden
Q41563920Malocclusions in a juvenile medieval skull material
Q52076780Malocclusions in physically and/or mentally handicapped children.
Q67818026Malpractice reports in prosthodontics in Sweden
Q51236488Management of dental behaviour problems. A 5-year follow-up.
Q70938968Management of periapical lesions in endodontically treated teeth. A study on clinical decision making
Q51783237Management of root resorption in a large orthodontic clinic.
Q50744314Management of tinnitus and jaw-muscle tenderness using an intraoral appliance and acupuncture.
Q82684470Management structures and beliefs in a professional organisation. an example from Swedish Public Dental Health Services
Q81347754Mandibular alveolar bone mass, structure and thickness in relation to skeletal bone density in dentate women
Q72047858Mandibular dysfunction in children and in individuals with dual bite
Q72006548Mandibular movements during mastication before and after rehabilitations with new complete dentures recorded by light-emitting-diodes
Q43413514Mandibular third molar eruption in relation to available space as assessed on lateral cephalograms.
Q81325372Mandibular third molar removal: patient preferences, assessments of oral surgeons and patient flows
Q51743645Marginal bacterial leakage and pulp reactions in Class II composite resin restorations in vivo.
Q50697622Marginal bone loss and tooth loss in a sample from the County of Stockholm--a longitudinal study over 20 years.
Q40114304Marginal bone loss in the adult population in the county of Skåne, Sweden
Q70909953Marginal failure of amalgam. Effect of alloy selection and bite forces
Q50577628Marginal tissue reactions at osseointegrated titanium fixtures.
Q40498341Masseter motor pause frequency as related to different bolus sizes
Q40498298Masseter motor pause frequency in full denture wearers as related to different food textures
Q68755550Masseter muscle performance. Significance of structure and metabolism. A morphological and experimental study
Q69846006Masticatory ability in patients with removable dentures. A clinical study of masticatory efficiency, subjective experience of masticatory performance and dietary intake
Q67985266Masticatory efficiency in individuals with natural dentition
Q38177833Masticatory function and temporomandibular disorders in patients with dentofacial deformities
Q70959328Masticatory mandibular movements. Analysis of a recording method and influence of the state of the occlusion
Q69915728Masticatory movements in patients treated with fixed prosthesis on osseointegrated dental implants in the mandible
Q43710833Masticatory muscle function and craniofacial morphology. An experimental study in the growing rat fed a soft diet
Q34502222Masticatory muscle function and transverse dentofacial growth.
Q69915724Masticatory muscle function in patients rehabilitated with OIB
Q41448444Maxillonasal dysplasia (Binder's syndrome). A study of craniofacial morphology, associated malformations and familial relations
Q37313340Measuring oral health from a public health perspective.
Q40554389Mechanical properties of noble alloys for porcelain veneering
Q51878712Medical complications of dental treatment under general anaesthesia in children.
Q69412163Mercury accumulation in tissues from dental staff and controls in relation to exposure
Q34180428Mercury concentrations in the human brain and kidneys in relation to exposure from dental amalgam fillings.
Q67923004Mercury exposure from dental fillings. I. Mercury concentrations in blood and urine
Q67923005Mercury exposure from dental fillings. II. Release and absorption
Q68724647Mercury in dental practice. I. The working environment of dental personnel and their exposure to mercury vapor
Q68752997Mercury in dental practice. II. Urinary mercury excretion in dental personnel
Q68879153Mercury release from dental amalgam in man. Influences on selenium, glutathione peroxidase and some other blood and urine components
Q69797656Mercury vapor from dental amalgams, an in vitro study
Q84562278Methodological studies of orofacial aesthetics, orofacial function and oral health-related quality of life
Q84063593Micro-topography of dental enamel and root cementum
Q40523479Microstructure and chemical composition of noble alloys for porcelain veneering
Q51118627Midazolam intravenous conscious sedation in oral surgery. A retrospective study of 372 cases.
Q72012916Milk and saliva as possible storage media for traumatically exarticulated teeth prior to replantation
Q40531583Mineralisation defects of primary teeth in intra-uterine undernutrition. II. A histological and microradiographic study
Q46275563Mineralization disturbances in the deciduous teeth of children with so called minimal brain dysfunction
Q83458426Molar incisor hypomineralization. Morphological and chemical aspects, onset and possible etiological factors
Q95409451Molar position associated with a missing opposed and/or adjacent tooth: a follow up study in women
Q68781187Morphologic, radiologic and thermometric assessment of degenerative and inflammatory temporomandibular joint disease. An autopsy and clinical study
Q80549710Morphology and chemical composition of dentin in permanent first molars with the diagnose MIH
Q78603300Move of adults with intellectual disability from institutions to community-based living: changes of food arrangements and oral health
Q72770765Muscle-fibre composition of the human mandibular locomotor system. Enzyme-histochemical and morphological characteristics of functionally different parts
Q40746829Musculoskeletal symptoms among dental personnel; - lack of association with mercury and selenium status, overweight and smoking
Q67985278Mutans streptococci, lactobacilli and caries prevalence in 15 to 16-year olds in Göteborg. Part II
Q47588987Mutans streptococci--in families and on tooth sites. Studies on the distribution, acquisition and persistence using DNA fingerprinting
Q95481931Native-born versus foreign-born patients' perception of communication and care in Swedish dental service
Q68724655Necrotizing sialometaplasia--a malignancy simulating oral lesion
Q40523487Neonatal asphyxia and mineralisation defects of the primary teeth. II. A histological and microradiographic study
Q38718522New trends in antibiotic prophylaxis of infective endocarditis in patients undergoing surgery in the oral cavity
Q51864231Nitrous oxide scavenging in dental surgery. I. A comparison of the efficiency of different scavenging devices.
Q51863932Nitrous oxide scavenging in dental surgery. II. An evaluation of a local exhaust system.
Q51863931Nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation in dentistry.
Q38602370Non-specific chronic orofacial pain patients' experiences of everyday life situations: a qualitative study
Q68344501Normal pituitary hormone response to thyrotrophin releasing hormone in dental personnel exposed to mercury
Q52907061Number and frequency of bitewing radiographs and assessment of approximal caries in 14-to-19-year-old Swedish adolescents.
Q71042710Number of applicants and examination frequency at the dental schools in Sweden 1968-1992
Q67890389Number of remaining teeth among adults in communities with optimal and low water fluoride concentrations
Q47244503Number of teeth and proximal periodontal bone height in relation to social factors
Q70916078Nursing - home patients in Orebro. Oral status and aspects of dental care
Q95521862ORTHODONTIC RETENTION. Studies of retention capacity, cost-effectiveness and long-term stability
Q50111279Objective and subjective need for orthodontic treatment in Stockholm County.
Q72027394Objective evaluation of mouth dryness. A methodological study
Q68522368Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Q69915722Occlusal force pattern in dentitions restored with mandibular bridges supported on osseointegrated implants
Q44512819Occlusal forces and chewing ability in dentitions with cross-arch bridges.
Q68747599Occlusal wear in miners
Q36638102Occlusion of dentinal tubules under superficial attrited dentine
Q68490711Occult radiopaque jaw lesions in familial adenomatous polyposis
Q44002249Occupational cervico-brachial disorders among dentists. Analysis of ergonomics and locomotor functions.
Q78079510Occurrence and distribution of caries in 6-year-old children in Blekinge, Sweden
Q34870629Odontoblast phosphate and calcium transport in dentinogenesis.
Q39653017Odontogenic keratocysts. A follow-up study of 29 cases.
Q84564170Oligodontia ectodermal dysplasia--on signs, symptoms, genetics, and outcomes of dental treatment
Q39216089On caries prevalence and school-based fluoride programmes in Swedish adolescents.
Q70922735On clinical corrosion of pins
Q33530359On cobalt-chrome frameworks in implant dentistry
Q34121264On composite resin materials. Degradation, erosion and possible adverse effects in dentists.
Q41445248On decision making in endodontics. A study of diagnosis and management of periapical lesions in endodontically treated teeth
Q40069266On dental caries and caries-related factors in children and teenagers.
Q43534570On dental caries and dental erosion in Swedish young adults
Q44344039On dental erosion and associated factors.
Q69736316On dental health in Icelandic children. Observations during a clinical dentifrice trial
Q73995756On dental trauma in children and adolescents. Incidence, risk, treatment, time and costs
Q69915750On electric current creation in patients treated with osseointegrated dental bridges
Q44846623On implementation of an endodontic program
Q32116337On longitudinal caries index data. A comparison study between cohort and cross-sectional attempts
Q50964658On minor salivary gland secretion in children, adolescents and adults.
Q68526706On occlusal forces in dentitions with implant-supported fixed cantilever prostheses
Q33668981On oral disease, illness and impairment among 50-year-olds in two Swedish counties.
Q43049235On oral health in children and adults with myotonic dystrophy.
Q40457940On oral health in infants and toddlers
Q44634524On salivary film formation and bacterial retention to solids. A methodological and experimental in vitro study
Q44246752On self-perceived oral health in Swedish adolescents
Q53975963On surgical intervention in the temporomandibular joint.
Q50869749On temporomandibular disorders. Time trends, associated factors, treatment need and treatment outcome.
Q34705645On the adsorption behaviour of saliva and purified salivary proteins at solid/liquid interfaces.
Q69915753On the application of photogrammetry to the fitting of jawbone-anchored bridges
Q44209958On the clinical performance of a glass ionomer cement
Q40520425On the formation of biological films
Q68886843On the functional deformation of extensive fixed partial dentures. An experimental clinical and epidemiological study
Q69497612On the functional deformation of maxillary complete dentures. A clinical and experimental study
Q51096186On the prosthodontic patient. An investigation of factors influencing patient expectations and satisfaction with extensive prosthodontic care.
Q34352323On the repair of the dentine barrier
Q77946299On the reporting of dental health, time for dental care, and the treatment panorama
Q47434159On the role of number of fixtures, surgical technique and timing of loading.
Q33211874On titanium frameworks and alternative impression techniques in implant dentistry.
Q82289312On tooth movements and associated tissue alterations related to edentulous areas and bone defects
Q82933105One year clinical performance and post-operative sensitivity of a bioactive dental luting cement--a prospective clinical study
Q95409448Onset of molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH)
Q69521416Opinions and wearing habits among patients new to removable partial dentures. An interview study
Q68744961Optimal processing of Ektaspeed dental film
Q68752988Oral changes in divers working with electrical welding/cutting underwater
Q38602375Oral condition and background factors in Somali immigrant children newly arrived in Sweden
Q52096958Oral conditions in Sjögren-Larsson syndrome.
Q69952029Oral conditions in patients receiving long-term treatment with cyclic antidepressant drugs
Q69851694Oral corrosion and corrosion inhibition processes--an in vitro study
Q75370862Oral disease and psychosocial risk determinants in relation to self-assessments of general health in persons with chronic whiplash-related disorders
Q69842105Oral galvanism and mandibular dysfunction
Q35741977Oral health among the elderly in Norway. A descriptive epidemiological study.
Q41154273Oral health and oromotor function in rare diseases--a database study
Q83941019Oral health and self-perceived oral treatment need of adults in Sweden
Q79592848Oral health and treatment need among older individuals living in nursing homes in Skaraborg, Västra Götaland, Sweden
Q39465493Oral health in 1000 individuals aged 3--70 years in the community of Jönköping, Sweden. A review
Q73656787Oral health in a population-based sample of the oldest-old: findings in twins 80 years and older in Sweden
Q44663951Oral health in adolescents with immigrant background in Stockholm
Q45207075Oral health in coeliac disease and cow's milk protein intolerance
Q43551260Oral health in groups of refugees in Sweden.
Q77888630Oral health in pre-school children living in Sweden. Part III--A longitudinal study. Risk analyses based on caries prevalence at 3 years of age and immigrant status
Q44887347Oral health in preschool children living in Sweden. Part II--A longitudinal study. Findings at three years of age
Q33341435Oral health in the adult population of Västerbotten, Sweden--a comparison between an epidemiological survey and data obtained from digital dental records
Q36389504Oral health of individuals aged 3-80 years in Jönköping, Sweden during 30 years (1973-2003). I. Review of findings on dental care habits and knowledge of oral health.
Q36389507Oral health of individuals aged 3-80 years in Jönköping, Sweden during 30 years (1973-2003). II. Review of clinical and radiographic findings.
Q38623526Oral health of individuals aged 3-80 years in Jönköping, Sweden during 40 years (1973-2013). II. Review of clinical and radiographic findings
Q39720268Oral health of individuals aged 3-80 years in Jönköping, Sweden in 1973 and 1983. I. A review of findings on dental care habits and knowledge of oral health.
Q41146073Oral health of individuals aged 3-80 years in Jönköping, Sweden in 1973, 1983, and 1993. I. Review of findings on dental care habits and knowledge of oral health.
Q41146079Oral health of individuals aged 3-80 years in Jönköping, Sweden in 1973, 1983, and 1993. II. Review of clinical and radiographic findings.
Q38623524Oral health of individuals aged 3-80 years in Jönköping, Sweden, during 40 years (1973-2013). I. Review of findings on oral care habits and knowledge of oral health
Q39724037Oral health of individuals aged 3-80 years in Jönköping, Sweden, in 1973 and 1983. II. A review of clinical and radiographic findings
Q68886842Oral health patterns in a Swedish county population aged 65 and above
Q68879148Oral health status in an adult Swedish population. A cross-sectional epidemiological study of the northern Alvsborg county
Q69742203Oral health status in an adult Swedish population. Prevalence of caries. A cross-sectional epidemiological study in the Northern Alvsborg county
Q45184245Oral health status in an adult Swedish population. Prevalence of teeth, removable dentures and occlusal supporting zones
Q48109007Oral health-related quality of life and its relationship to self-reported oral discomfort and clinical status
Q85052404Oral infections and their influence on medical rehabilitation in kidney transplant patients
Q51795738Oral mucoceles; extravasation cysts and retention cysts. A study of 298 cases.
Q71979590Oral mycoses and antifungal agents
Q44461650Oral status and estimated treatment need in Swedish air force conscripts.
Q51101914Oral status and treatment needs among elderly within municipal long-term care 2002-2004.
Q39733846Organisation and management of public dentistry in Sweden. Past, present and future.
Q84063588Orofacial and general disorders in oral medicine patients. Oral and medical history
Q37062232Orthodontic anchorage--Evidence-based evaluation of anchorage capacity and patients' perceptions.
Q38549747Orthodontic aspects on feeding of young children. 1. A comparison between Swedish and Norwegian-Sami children
Q71912138Orthodontic care in Sweden. Outcome in three counties
Q53163073Orthodontic care in the Swedish Public Dental Service, county of Västerbotten.
Q39427054Orthodontic care provided by general practitioners and specialists in three Swedish counties with different orthodontic specialist resources.
Q72359205Orthodontic magnets. A study of force and field pattern, biocompatibility and clinical effects
Q69838917Orthodontic movement of maxillary incisor into the midline. A case report
Q40461930Orthodontic tooth movement and root resorption with special reference to force magnitude and duration. A clinical and histological investigation in adolescents
Q48903181Orthodontic treatment by general practitioners in consultation with orthodontists--a survey of appliances recommended by Swedish orthodontists
Q85644499Orthodontic treatment need, outcome and residual treatment need in 15- and 20-year-olds
Q39427061Orthodontic treatment outcome in three Swedish counties with different orthodontic resources.
Q34543036Orthodontic treatment standards in a public group practice in Sweden.
Q40617988Orthodontics in 12-year old children. Demand, treatment motivating factors and treatment decisions
Q69497614Orthognathic surgery without the use of postoperative intermaxillary fixation. A clinical and cephalometric evaluation of surgical correction of mandibular and maxillary deformities
Q85644486Orthognathic surgery--postoperative clinical and radiographic follow-up routines at Swedish oral and maxillofacial surgery departments
Q72068588Orthopedic appliances modulate the bone formation in the mandible as a whole
Q45282899Osseointegrated bridge construction in partially edentulous patients
Q69915731Osseointegration in overdenture therapy. Preliminary comments
Q40617135Ostectomy in the mandible
Q74345948Outcome of a scheme for orthodontic care: a comparison of untreated and treated 19-year-olds
Q34039796Outcome of a scheme for specialist orthodontic care
Q37876876Outcome of a scheme for specialist orthodontic care, a follow-up study in 31-year-olds
Q41182897Outcome of orthodontic care and residual treatment need in Swedish 19-year-olds
Q73656814Outcome of orthodontic care in 19-year-olds attending the Public Dental Service in Sweden: residual need and demand for treatment
Q72016413Overjet, overbite, intercanine distance and root resorption in orthodontically treated patients. A ten year follow-up study
Q39512548Pain and discomfort in the musculoskeletal system among dentists
Q67905846Pain and discomfort in the musculoskeletal system among dentists. A prospective study
Q40278374Pain and functional disturbances of the masticatory system - a review of etiology and principles of treatment
Q67955931Pain control after third molar surgery--a comparative study of ibuprofen (Ibumetin) and a paracetamol/codeine combination (Citodon)
Q39347925Pain relief after scaling and rootplaning by monochromatic phototherapy (Biolight).
Q47832674Pain sensation and injection techniques in maxillary dento-alveolar surgery procedures in children--a comparison between conventional and computerized injection techniques (The Wand).
Q47339814Palatal dimensions and some inherited factors (body height and metacarpal index).
Q69840553Palatinose--a sucrose substitute. Pilot studies
Q72623765Palliative treatment of geographic tongue
Q71837475Panoramic and tomographic dimensional determinations for maxillary osseointegrated implants. Comparison of the morphologic information potential of two and three dimensional radiographic systems
Q41277043Panoramic radiography in dental diagnostics
Q67979944Panoramic radiography in the assessment of the marginal bone level
Q47832660Parental attitudes and experiences of dental care in children and adolescents with ADHD--a questionnaire study
Q71742257Parental awareness of dental caries in toddlers
Q40589374Partial edentulism and its prosthetic treatment. A frequency study within a Swedish population
Q70947016Particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis of trace elements in human coronal dentin
Q84181621Patient attitudes and expectations of dental implant treatment--a questionnaire study
Q81413868Patient flows in the care process of mandibular third molar surgery
Q71865369Patient reactions to some electromagnetic fields from dental chair and unit: a pilot study
Q80788144Patient satisfaction with dental care in one Swedish age cohort. Part 1--descriptions and dimensions
Q81520688Patient satisfaction with dental care in one Swedish age cohort. Part II--What affects satisfaction
Q39554187Patient-reported outcomes of caries prophylaxis among Swedish caries active adults in a long-term perspective
Q70965088Patients referred for stomatognathic treatment--a survey of 282 patients
Q82778096Patients' adherence to hard acrylic interocclusal appliance treatment in general dental practice in Sweden
Q50935940Patients' assessment of surgical removal of mandibular third molars. An inquiry study.
Q40158079Patients' choice of payment system in the Swedish Public Dental Service--views on dental care and oral health
Q51770030Patients' experience of care and treatment outcome at the Department of Clinical Oral Physiology, Dental Public Service in Stockholm.
Q53478750Patients' experiences of dental implant placement for treatment of partial edentulism in a student clinic setting.
Q80349259Patients' health in contract and fee-for-service care. I. A descriptive comparison
Q50557009Patterns of alveolar bone loss in the assessment of periodontal treatment priorities.
Q84718589Peri-implantitis in a specialist clinic of periodontology. Clinical features and risk indicators
Q44501095Periodontal bone height in relation to number and type of teeth in dentate middle-aged women. A methodological study
Q70973778Periodontal conditions following surgical exposure of unerupted maxillary canines--a long term follow-up study of two surgical techniques
Q77552338Periodontal conditions in 70-year-old women with osteoporosis
Q72062989Periodontal conditions in Vietnamese immigrant children in Sweden
Q39755720Periodontal conditions in a Swedish city population of adolescents: a cross-sectional study.
Q40461934Periodontal disease in adult insulin-dependent diabetics.
Q43545919Periodontal healing after scaling and root planing with the Kavo Sonicflex and Titan-S sonic scalers
Q70241683Periodontal healing after treatment with either the Titan-S sonic scaler or hand instruments
Q73980886Periodontal healing in horizontal and vertical defects following surgical or non-surgical therapy
Q30530291Periodontal health in Swedish professional musicians
Q50907241Periodontal health in adopted children of Asian origin living in Sweden.
Q51598996Periodontal health status in Swedish adolescents: an epidemiological, cross-sectional study.
Q51816878Periodontal ligament anaesthesia--effect on root cementum in homo.
Q68815595Periodontal status in relation to age of dentate middle aged women. A 12 year longitudinal and a cross-sectional population study
Q39301239Periodontal status in relation to education and dental attendance. A 12 year longitudinal and a cross-sectional study of a random sample of dentate middle-aged women in Gothenburg
Q51124669Periodontitis progession in patients subjected to supportive maintenance care.
Q42252547Perspectives in carbohydrate toxicology with special reference to carcinogenicity
Q71979582Pharmacokinetic considerations for antibiotic treatment of oral infections
Q40911559Physical and psychosocial work environments among Swedish dental hygienists: risk indicators for musculoskeletal complaints.
Q51864035Physical properties of nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation equipment used in dentistry.
Q39778883Physiology and pathology of melanin pigmentation with special reference to the oral mucosa. A literature survey
Q34316259Plasma-cell gingivitis in children and adults. A clinical and histological description
Q54435167Porcelain bonding to titanium with two veneering principles and two firing temperatures.
Q34160191Porcelain veneering of titanium--clinical and technical aspects.
Q40360826Positioning errors in panoramic images in general dentistry in Sörmland County, Sweden
Q40746832Possible sites for cylinder implants in Swedish individuals aged 20-70 years. A comparative radiological inventory in 1983 and 1993.
Q68000657Post-treatment effects of the Herbst appliance. A radiographic, clinical and biometric investigation
Q40573923Postjuvenile periodontitis. Immunological screening of 30 patients
Q51857035Postoperative complications in oral surgery. A study of cases treated during 1980.
Q44356989Postoperative status after partial removal of the mandibular third molar.
Q40498317Postural position of the mandible with ear-plug fixation and light-cross orientation
Q73403496Preauricular approach to the temporomandibular joint: a postoperative follow-up on nerve function, hemorrhage and esthetics
Q47174960Precision of computerized measurement of marginal alveolar bone height from bite-wing radiographs.
Q41050851Prediction of caries in 1 1/2-year-old children
Q72891899Preimplant radiographic assessment of available maxillary bone support. Comparison of tomographic and panoramic technique
Q37585217Premature birth--Studies on orthodontic treatment need, craniofacial morphology and function.
Q72177697Preoperative radiographic evaluation of implant sites by computed tomography. Radiation dose profiles
Q74020230Presence of orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorder in fibromyalgia. A study by questionnaire
Q46290431Preterm infants--odontological aspects
Q36640088Prevalence and distribution of gingivitis-periodontitis in children and adolescents. Epidemiological data as a base for risk group selection.
Q70740196Prevalence and technical standard of endodontic treatment in a Swedish population. A longitudinal study
Q44409769Prevalence of cervical enamel projection and its correlation with furcation involvement in eskimos dry skulls
Q43630172Prevalence of contact dermatitis among dental personnel in a Swedish rural county.
Q70916076Prevalence of crossbite among children with prolonged dummy- and finger-sucking habit
Q95386976Prevalence of dental caries among 16-year-olds in Troms County, Northern Norway
Q48657683Prevalence of different temporomandibular joint sounds, with emphasis on disc-displacement, in patients with temporomandibular disorders and controls
Q72016416Prevalence of ectopic eruption of the maxillary first permanent molar
Q72031467Prevalence of functional disturbances and diseases of the stomatognathic system in 15-18 year olds
Q72031465Prevalence of functional disturbances and diseases of the stomatognathic system in 7-14 year olds
Q43706057Prevalence of impacted third molars in dental students.
Q71865375Prevalence of malocclusion and awareness of dental appearance in young adults
Q42661637Prevalence of malocclusion traits and sucking habits among 3-year-old children.
Q39206603Prevalences of removable dentures and edentulousness in an adult Swedish population
Q44335194Prevention of allergy to acrylates and latex in dental personnel.
Q81754540Primary teeth in adults--a pilot study
Q68066446Problems associated with restorative materials--dentists' views in Finland and Sweden
Q69847831Prosthetic biotechnical considerations
Q69847827Prosthetic material properties
Q69915742Prosthetic material properties with special reference to aspects of dental polymer resins
Q50585649Prosthetic reconstructions for external hearing aids and facial epistheses.
Q69915721Prosthetic reconstructions on osseointegrated implants. Proceedings of the Gothenburg Conference. Gothenburg, Sweden, September 29-30, 1983
Q44697521Prosthetic rehabilitation of the edentulous mandible. A longitudinal study of treatment with tissue-integrated fixed prostheses
Q48573731Prosthodontic treatment of patients with disabilities at dental specialist clinics in the County of Västra Götaland.
Q73353170Prosthodontics and the general dentist. A study of practice profiles and prosthodontic decision making in Sweden
Q50981052Prosthodontics, care utilization and oral health-related quality of life.
Q95470834Protein and bacteria binding to exposed root surfaces and the adjacent enamel surfaces in vivo
Q70296468Proximal alveolar bone loss in a longitudinal radiographic investigation
Q52914247Proximal caries prevalence in 19-year-olds living in Sweden. A radiographic study in four counties.
Q40568994Proximal caries progression in connection with orthodontic treatment
Q69847821Psychiatric aspects of patients treated with bridges on osseointegrated fixtures
Q48953787Psychosocial and dental factors in the maintenance of severe dental fear.
Q51699210Psychosocial work environment related health in Swedish oral and maxillofacial surgery in comparison with other human service workers.
Q51949205Psychosomatic symptoms among female unpromoted general practice dentists.
Q39234279Pubertal growth and maturity pattern in early and late maturers. A prospective longitudinal study of Swedish urban children.
Q51175951Pulp exposures in adults--choice of treatment among Swedish dentists.
Q74223467Pulp survival and hard tissue formation subsequent to dental trauma. A clinical and histological study of uncomplicated crown fractures and luxation injuries
Q72059894Pulpal reaction and microorganisms under Clearfil Composite Resin in deep cavities with acid etched dentin
Q68007168Pulpal response to restoration of deep cavities with high-copper amalgam
Q72112428Quad-helix treatment in general practice. A retrospective study of failures of appliance and estimation of costs
Q39805466Quality aspects of digital radiography in general dental practice
Q46102722Quality evaluation of anterior restorations in private practice
Q72177703Quality evaluation of patient records in Swedish dental care
Q51644721Quality management and work environment in Swedish oral and maxillofacial surgery.
Q79592854Quality managements and work environment in oral and maxillofacial surgery in Sweden
Q39783197Quality of digital panoramic radiography in a newly established dental school.
Q68863153Quality of intraoral radiographs sent by private dental practitioners for therapy evaluation by the Social Insurance Office
Q71837472Quality of intraoral radiographs used for prosthodontic treatment planning by general dentists in the public dental health service
Q40571853Quality of periodontal healing. I: Review of the literature
Q72417910Quality of periodontal healing. II: Dynamics of reparative cementum formation
Q72580771Quality of periodontal healing. III: Periodontal width following long epithelial junction or reparative cementum formation
Q54221725Quality of periodontal healing. IV: Enzyme histochemical evidence for an osteoblast origin of reparative cementum.
Q70272543Quality of stone dies produced by different impression materials. A comparative study of impression techniques
Q72059899Radiation absorbed doses at radiographic examination of third molars
Q93856329Radiation absorbed doses in cephalography
Q72066621Radiation dose reduction in panoramic radiography. Orthopantomograph Model OP 3 modified for rare earth intensifying screens
Q70916081Radiation shielding in dental radiography
Q40617129Radiographic caries diagnosis and treatment decisions
Q40626798Radiographic caries diagnosis. A study of caries progression and observer performance
Q52914250Radiographic examinations as an aid to orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning.
Q47434151Radiographic follow-up analysis of Brånemark dental implants.
Q68115815Radiographic image characteristics of Brånemark titanium fixtures
Q69915734Radiographic techniques for precision analysis of bridges on osseointegrated fixtures
Q47273829Radiography in advanced periodontal disease. Determination of alveolar bone height over a 2-year interval.
Q71471627Radiography of the mandible prior to endosseous implant treatment. Localization of the mandibular canal and assessment of trabecular bone
Q68772133Rapid developing of Ektaspeed dental film by increase of temperature
Q40554382Reaction of the human dental pulp to silver amalgam restorations. Mercury determination in the pulp by flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry
Q40602801Reaction of the human dental pulp to silver amalgam restorations. The effect of enclosing amalgam of initially high plasticity in intermediate depth or deep cavities
Q41056481Reactions of human dental pulp to silver amalgam restorations. A study with emphasis on some material characteristics
Q38007608Reasons for replacement of Class II amalgam restorations in private practice
Q40973020Rectal administration of diazepam in solution. A clinical study on sedation in paediatric dentistry
Q43867964Rectal administration of midazolam for conscious sedation of uncooperative children in need of dental treatment
Q51593532Reduction of absorbed doses to the thyroid gland in orthodontic treatment planning by reducing the area of irradiation.
Q72068571Registration of natural head posture in children
Q67953527Regression of phenytoin-induced gingival overgrowth after withdrawal of medication
Q68215791Relationship between compressive strength and cervical shaping of the all-ceramic Cerestore crown
Q69412166Relationship between oral symptoms, salivary function, smoking habits and general health in patients with complaints related to dental restorative materials
Q83247538Relationship between smoking and periodontal probing pocket depth profile
Q80349254Relationship between tooth loss/probing depth and systemic disorders in periodontal patients
Q83247547Relationships between psychosocial work environmental factors, personality, physical work demands and workload in a group of Swedish dentists
Q72067902Release of cobalt from cobalt chromium alloy constructions and turnover and distribution of cobalt. Experiments in mice and humans
Q67978542Release of mercury vapor from dental amalgam
Q51101871Reliability, validity, incidence and impact of temporormandibular pain disorders in adolescents.
Q48505630Remineralization of natural carious lesions with a glass ionomer cement
Q71042701Removable partial denture design habits in general dental practice in Sweden
Q77671625Replacements of restorations in the primary and young permanent dentition
Q40850472Reporting dental caries disease in longitudinal studies - a suggestion
Q72066627Reproduction of details using dental stones and investment material in impressions of elastomers and waxes
Q49131225Resilient appliance therapy of temporomandibular disorders. Subdiagnoses, sense of coherence and treatment outcome.
Q41258771Resin modified glass ionomer cements. In vitro microleakage in direct class V and class II sandwich restorations
Q73973789Resin-bonded bridges by dental undergraduates: three-year follow-up
Q77888622Resin-modified glass ionomer cement restorations in primary molars
Q72308169Restitution of enamel after interdental stripping
Q77671619Restoration of small proximal dentin lesions with the tunnel technique. A 3-year clinical study performed in Public Dental Service clinics
Q49025650Results obtained from patients referred for the investigation of complaints related to oral galvanism
Q68762636Results of temporomandibular joint diskectomies in Sweden 1965-85
Q50891031Results with the caries activity test "Cariostat" compared to prevalence of mutans streptococci and lactobacilli.
Q84758463Rinsing with alcohol-free or alcohol-based chlorhexidine solutions after periodontal surgery. A double-blind, randomized, cross-over, pilot study
Q74727704Risk factors for dental caries in 2-year-old children
Q34563135Risk factors in oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: a population-based case-control study in southern Sweden
Q50533927Risk for periodontal disease in a Swedish adult population. Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies over two decades.
Q50889468Risk indicators for poor oral health in adolescents born extremely preterm.
Q36639423Roentgencephalometric standards for the facial skeleton and soft tissue profile of Swedish children and young adults. II. Comparisons with earlier Scandinavian normative data
Q36083952Root caries. A consensus conference statement
Q52234360Root development of the lower third molar and its relation to chronological age
Q71486223Root resorption following slow maxillary expansion
Q68875260Rotational panoramic radiography in epidemiological studies of dental health. Comparison between panoramic radiographs and intraoral full mouth surveys
Q85644489Routines for interocclusal appliance therapy among general dental practitioners in a Swedish county
Q45009141SEITO - Stockholm Eastman Index of Treatment Outcome.
Q66870066SR 3/60 and SR-Ivocap. A comparison between two heat cured denture base resins with dissimilar processings
Q50995178Salivary factors in children with recurrent parotitis. Part 1: Salivary flow rate, buffering capacity and inorganic components.
Q50979437Salivary factors in children with recurrent parotitis. Part 2: Protein, albumin, amylase, IgA, lactoferrin lysozyme and kallikrein concentrations.
Q70973786Salivary flow rate in children and adolescents
Q44310015Salivary levels of lactobacilli, buffer capacity and salivary flow rate related to caries activity among adults in communities with optimal and low water fluoride concentrations
Q43934971Salivary mutans streptococci and caries prevalence in 8-year-old Swedish schoolchildren.
Q42789043Scanning electron microscopic and X-ray micro analysis on tooth enamel exposed to alkaline agents
Q39468620Screening of medical and dental history of patients with chronic orofacial pain and discomfort using a questionnaire.
Q67953524Secondary caries related to various marginal gaps around amalgam restorations in vitro
Q70932091Secretion rate and buffer effect of resting and stimulated whole saliva as a function of age and sex
Q68747612Secretion rate and buffer effect of resting and stimulated whole saliva in relation to general health
Q78603297Secretion rate from minor salivary glands in patients with malignant haematological diseases receiving chemotherapy--a pilot study
Q35123682Secular changes in tooth size and dental arch dimensions in the mixed dentition
Q72112410Selection of restorative materials in dental treatment of children and adults in public and private dental care in Finland
Q39719553Self perceived oral health, oral treatment need and the use of oral health care of the adult population in Skåne, Sweden
Q83528070Self-estimated oral and general health are related and associated with clinically investigated dental health
Q46154256Self-perceived effects of occlusal appliance therapy on TMD patients: an eight-year follow-up
Q39554204Self-perceived oral health among 19-year-olds in a Swedish County--A comparative study between 2004 and 2011.
Q81778464Self-perceived oral health among 19-year-olds in two Swedish counties
Q45225320Self-perceived oral health among 65 and 75 year olds in two Swedish counties
Q57697724Self-perceived oral health and obesity among 65 years old in two Swedish counties
Q50461522Self-perceived oral health, dental care utilization and satisfaction with dental care
Q84718606Self-perceived orthodontic treatment need and prevalence of malocclusion in 18- and 19-year-olds in Sweden with different geographic origin
Q40573913Short term effect of intra-articular injections of a corticosteroid on temporomandibular joint pain and dysfunction
Q68762650Sick-leave in patients with functional disturbances of the masticatory system
Q50533524Signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in 19-year-old individuals who have undergone orthodontic treatment.
Q46611850Silicone sealers, acetic acid vapours and dental erosion: a work-related risk?
Q67923003Skin surface temperature over the temporomandibular joint and masseter muscle in patients with craniomandibular disorder
Q47869226Sleep apnoea in patients with stable congestive heart failure an intervention study with a mandibular advancement device.
Q48256369Sleeping position and reported quality of sleep. A comparison between subjects demanding treatment for temporomandibular disorders and controls.
Q70165866Snuff-induced changes associated with the use of loose and portion-bag-packed Swedish moist snuff. A clinical, histological and follow-up study
Q73350839Social equality and dental conditions--a study of an adult population in Southern Sweden
Q41927567Social network and regular dental care utilisation in elderly men. Results from the population study "Men born in 1914", Malmö, Sweden.
Q39848527Socio-economic and lifestyle factors in relation to priority of dental care in a Swedish adolescent population
Q41026853Some biological effects caused by prosthetic materials
Q51162098Some characteristics of children with dental behaviour problems. Five-year follow-up of pedodontic treatment.
Q39526798Some characteristics of solid-state and photo-stimulable phosphor detectors for intra-oral radiography
Q47273780Some craniofacial variables related to small or diminishing lower anterior face height
Q66872957Some factors influencing observer performance in radiographic caries diagnosis
Q67985275Some factors influencing the quantity of prosthodontic treatment performed by general practitioners in public dental service
Q43653663Sorbitol and dental plaque. Aspects of caries-related microbiological and biochemical factors
Q67979946Sorbitol transport and metabolism by oral streptococci
Q40498346Specific conditions of distress in the dental situation
Q40818665Speech and other oral functions. Clinical and experimental studies with special reference to maxillary rehabilitation on osseointegrated implants.
Q40498305Stability of rapid dental radiographic developing solutions
Q72031472Standardization of clinical investigators for studies of restorative materials
Q73980883Structural alterations in the TMJ disk in patients surgically treated for internal derangements (ADD)
Q72022396Studies of electrochemical action in the oral cavity
Q40961214Studies of gingival conditions in relation to orthodontic treatment. IV. The effect of oral hygiene measures on gingival exudation during the course of orthodontic treatment
Q40961222Studies of gingival conditions in relation to orthodontic treatment. V. A comparison between the gingival exudation in orthodontically activated teeth and non-activated teeth
Q68747596Studies of individuals with orofacial discomfort complaints. An investigation of a group of patients who related their sufferings to effects of dental materials and constructions
Q49222493Studies of maxillary overdentures on osseointegrated implants.
Q52898243Studies of occlusal adjustment therapy in patients with craniomandibular disorders.
Q43479982Studies on dental and periodontal conditions in normal mice and mice with genetic disorders. I. The effect of a hard diet or a soft sucrose-rich diet in the absence or presence of Streptococcus mutans in the normal (non-gnotobiotic) mouse, strain C5
Q74727750Studies on fluoridated toothpicks
Q54159552Studies on oral health in mentally retarded adults.
Q79896460Studies on periodontitis and analyses of individuals at risk for periodontal diseases
Q68639229Studies on posterior composite resins with special reference to class II restorations
Q41610581Studies on the need and demand for orthodontic treatment.
Q51715193Studies on the prevalence of reduced salivary flow rate in relation to general health and dental caries, and effect of iron supplementation.
Q39437952Studies on the use of digital radiography for the assessment of periapical bone lesions.
Q80349261Subjective evaluation of orthodontic treatment and potential side effects of bonded lingual retainers
Q68762638Subjective symptoms from the stomatognathic system in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthrosis
Q39554198Success rate, costs and long-term stability of treatment with activator/headgear combinations
Q68768599Suprahyoid biomechanics and head posture. An electromyographic, videofluorographic and dynamographic study of hyo-mandibular function in man
Q33188871Surface changes on dental materials. II. The influence of two different dentifrices on surface roughness measured by laser reflexion and profilometer techniques
Q35648624Surface changes on dental materials. The influence of two different dentifrices on surface roughness measured by laser reflexion and profilometer techniques
Q70410971Surface texture of stone model setting against elastomer impression materials
Q68150746Surgical approach in severe cases of maxillonasal dysplasia (Binder's syndrome)
Q73684557Surgical correction of dentofacial anomalies: an evaluation of two patient groups with the aid of a a questionnaire
Q40312540Surgical treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders. A review
Q73256914Surgical treatment of temporomandibular joint luxation
Q47912077Survival of onlay bone grafts. A study in the adult rat.
Q35014974Survival time of Class II molar restorations in relation to patient and dental health insurance costs for treatment.
Q40523460Susceptibility of bacteria isolated from oral infections to nine antibiotics in vitro
Q38602372Swedish orthodontists' opinions and experiences regarding miniscrew implants
Q41408408Symptoms and signs of mandibular dysfunction in primary fibromyalgia syndrome (PSF) patients
Q74020234Symptoms and signs of temporomandibular disorders before, during and after orthodontic treatment
Q80057166Symptoms and signs of temporomandibular disorders in individuals with chronic whiplash-associated disorders
Q39911059Symptoms and signs of temporomandibular disorders in patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
Q46494370Tactile stimulation as a complementary treatment of temporomandibular disorders in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. A pilot study.
Q72036351Taste thresholds, preferences for sweet taste and dental caries in 15-year-old children. A pilot study
Q72599442Temperature rise during root canal preparation--a possible cause of damage to tooth and periodontal tissue
Q40848371Temporal arteritis: a report on two cases
Q44289744Temporomandibular disorder pain in adult Saudi Arabians referred for specialised dental treatment.
Q33668974Temporomandibular disorders and mandibular function in relation to Class II malocclusion and orthodontic treatment. A controlled, prospective and longitudinal study
Q35626050Temporomandibular disorders in adolescents. Epidemiological and methodological studies and a randomized controlled trial
Q77552325Temporomandibular disorders in children and adolescents: a survey of dentists' attitudes, routine and experience
Q73147637Temporomandibular disorders in juvenile chronic arthritis patients. A clinical study
Q71342214Temporomandibular joint disc position in the sigittal and coronal plane. A macroscopic and radiological study
Q68189226Temporomandibular joint dysfunction and systemic joint laxity
Q54140794Temporomandibular joint involvement in rheumatoid arthritis. A clinical study.
Q40985394Temporomandibular joint morphology in a medieval skull material
Q40523466Temporomandibular pain-dysfunction and disorders of the parotid gland
Q43419320Tensile and shear strength of orthodontic bracket bonding with glass ionomer cement and acrylic resin. An in vitro comparison
Q42548977Teratological studies on craniofacial malformations
Q46791415The HIDEP model--a straightforward dental health care model for prevention-based practice management.
Q39554230The Shortened Dental Arch concept from the perspective of Swedish General Dental Practitioners: a qualitative study
Q74727738The Swedish National Dental Insurance's periodontal diagnosis. Used on an individual level
Q72186577The accuracy and precision of the "Demirjian system" when used for age determination in Chinese children
Q70159669The accuracy and precision of the third mandibular molar as an indicator of chronological age
Q51743637The actual dose delivery from a diazepam enema differs depending on the patients position during administration.
Q39285084The adoption of nickel-titanium rotary instrumentation increases root-filling quality amongst a group of Swedish general dental practitioners
Q70150493The anatomy of the lower-third-molar roots and its relation to the mandibular canal
Q53986653The association between root canal filling and treatment outcome.
Q51739076The biological role of the female sex hormone estrogen in the periodontium--studies on human periodontal ligament cells.
Q72068594The bonded lingual retainer and multiple spacing of anterior teeth
Q68007161The castability of unalloyed titanium in three different casting machines
Q35963983The combination of non-selective NSAID 400 mg and paracetamol 1000 mg is more effective than each drug alone for treatment of acute pain. A systematic review
Q72006551The connection between load distribution and fracture load in the diametral compression test. An experimental study
Q47260150The content of delmopinol and characterization of the molecular weight pattern of salivary protein precipitates
Q68753001The distribution of saliva buffer values in schoolchildren
Q72068598The effect of 50 per cent phosphoric acid on oral soft tissues
Q39782492The effect of Swedish and American smokeless tobacco extract on periodontal ligament fibroblasts in vitro
Q69851697The effect of a jet abrasive instrument (Prophy Jet) on root surfaces
Q72062995The effect of a low fluoride containing toothpaste on the development of dental caries and microbial composition using a caries generating model device in vivo
Q47913997The effect of a toothpaste containing aloe vera on established gingivitis
Q68639233The effect of an airbrasive instrument on soft and hard tissues around osseointegrated implants. A case report
Q70258570The effect of asbestos-alternatives on the accuracy of cast veneer crowns
Q72730518The effect of changed smoking habits on marginal alveolar bone loss. A longitudinal study
Q79277002The effect of different dental health programmes on young adult individuals. A longitudinal evaluation of knowledge and behaviour including cost aspects
Q70909948The effect of different levels of polishing of amalgam restorations on the plaque retention and gingival inflammation
Q72026652The effect of excessive occlusal trauma upon periodontal healing after replantation of mature permanent incisors in monkeys
Q64951268The effect of fluoride on the acid production of Streptococcus mutans and other oral streptococci.
Q33215476The effect of low level laser irradiation on implant-tissue interaction. In vivo and in vitro studies.
Q47984916The effect of mandibular advancement device on pharyngeal airway dimension in patients with congestive heart failure treated for sleep apnoea.
Q51777590The effect of polyphloretin phosphate (PPP) on oral infiltration anaesthesia. An experimental investigation.
Q70500134The effect of sugar alcohols on plaque and saliva level of Streptococcus mutans
Q72026654The effect of the supra-alveolar soft tissues on the relapse of orthodontic treatment. I. Surgical procedure minimizing the possible influence of the gingival soft tissues on orthodontic treatment relapse
Q72068602The effect of xylitol gum and rinses on plaque acidogenesis in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances
Q70959337The effect of xylitol on plaque metabolism
Q44409764The effects of two sodium lauryl sulphate-containing toothpastes with and without betaine on human oral mucosa in vivo
Q44992040The efficacy of ropivacaine as a dental local anaesthetic.
Q40520411The enamel substrate-characteristics of the enamel surface
Q40516645The first 100 patients with jaw fractures at the Department of Oral Surgery, Dental School, Huddinge
Q40265494The fit of crowns produced using digital impression systems
Q40531575The freezing-effect on the dimensional stability of impression materials
Q70217168The functional deformation of maxillary complete dentures in patients with flabby alveolar ridges. Part I: Before surgery
Q70217170The functional deformation of maxillary complete dentures in patients with flabby alveolar ridges. Part II: After surgery
Q72068576The influence of extractions caries cause on the development of malocclusion and need for orthodontic treatment
Q45044126The influence of image quality on radiographic diagnosis of approximal caries
Q40360843The influence of immigrant background on the choice of sedation method in paediatric dentistry
Q40617125The influence of observer performance in radiographic caries diagnosis
Q44510254The influence of pH and nicotine concentration in oral moist snuff on mucosal changes and salivary pH in Swedish snuff users
Q36772049The influence of silicone oil in toothpastes on abrasion in vitro.
Q77888638The influence of stabilisation appliance therapy and other factors on the treatment outcome in patients with temporomandibular disorders of arthrogeneous origin
Q72308179The influence of the caries definition on disease prevalence and distribution in 20-23 year old persons in Stockholm
Q69847835The interest taken by Swedish dentists in subsequent training during 1981 and 1982
Q52434817The labio-lingual position of the lower incisors in individuals with ideal occlusion. A study on medieval skulls.
Q36487118The laser reflection method. Computerized analysis of speckle pattern
Q72112434The longitudinal development of malocclusion in postnormal children with little respectively urgent need for orthodontic treatment
Q47963004The major factors that influence endodontic retreatment decisions
Q52888580The mandibular third molar. Dentists' judgment in the removal of asymptomatic molars.
Q80376398The microbial outcome observed with polymerase chain reaction in subjects with recurrent periodontal disease following local treatment with 25% metronidazole gel
Q28269180The miswak (chewing stick) and oral health. Studies on oral hygiene practices of urban Saudi Arabians
Q42500340The nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome--Gorlin's syndrome. Multiple jaw cysts and skin cancer
Q73256924The palatally displaced maxillary canine. A retrospective comparison between an interceptive and a corrective treatment group
Q71837455The paradental cyst a clinicopathologic study of 26 cases
Q50645354The preterm child in dentistry. Behavioural aspects and oral health.
Q45921695The prevalence and alterations of furcation involvements 13 to 16 years after periodontal treatment.
Q72047864The prevalence of copper-, silver-, tin-, mercury- and zinc-ions in human saliva
Q84288667The preventive effect of a modified fluoride toothpaste technique on approximal caries in adults with high caries prevalence. A 2-year clinical trial
Q33924055The relation between foetor ex ore, oral hygiene and periodontal disease
Q51542175The relation between xerostomia and hyposalivation in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia.
Q80057174The relationship between hypodontia in the second premolar region and heredity of cleft, lip and palate in children with isolated cleft palate
Q54140786The relative change in saliva secretion in relation to the exposed area of the salivary glands after radiotherapy of head and neck region.
Q72595017The reporting of dental care. A comparison of time and activity related follow-up methods
Q52357523The reproducibility and the validity of landmarks for the antero-inferior part of the maxilla in radiographic cephalometry.
Q43841127The time employed for care of permanent teeth in children and adolescents
Q67907758The timing of secondary sex characters and their relationship to the pubertal maximum of linear growth in girls
Q68150742The tissue-integrated prosthesis in the treatment of edentulous patients. A follow-up study
Q67985264The use of a bone lid to close the anterior wall defect after surgery in the maxillary sinus
Q51849112The use of acupuncture as an alternative dental analgesic in an individual with multiple allergies.
Q70311324The use of composites as core material in root-filled teeth. I. In vitro study
Q70410968The use of composites as core material in root-filled teeth. II. Clinical investigation
Q70897344The use of time study results in a system model for presenting dental care outcome
Q67985270The validity of estimated age in rural Pakistani children based on interviews with mothers and tooth counts of primary teeth
Q70897328The validity of four methods for age determination by teeth in Swedish children: a multicentre study
Q77888635Therapeutic jaw exercises and interocclusal appliance therapy. A comparison between two common treatments of temporomandibular disorders
Q50941095Thirteen-year-old boy with dentinogenesis imperfecta - pedodontic and orthodontic treatment.
Q44611472Thirty year trends in the prevalence and distribution of dental caries in Swedish adults (1973-2003).
Q51717260Timing and effect of fissure sealants on permanent molars: a study in Finland and Sweden.
Q72186575Timing of emergence of individual primary teeth. A prospective longitudinal study of Pakistani children
Q40158075Timing of mineralization of homologues permanent teeth--an evaluation of the dental maturation in panoramic radiographs
Q39300468Timing of tooth emergence. A prospective longitudinal study of Swedish urban children from birth to 18 years
Q50532103Tinnitus and craniomandibular disorders--is there a link?
Q72905649Tissue formation on cementum surfaces in vivo
Q68863150Tissue integration of A12O3-ceramic dental implants (Frialit)--a case report
Q39904275Titanium- and zirconia-based implant-supported fixed dental prostheses. A randomized, prospective clinical pilot study
Q71837469Titaniumtetrafluoride for treatment of hypersensitive dentine
Q35110997To what extent do deviations from an ideal occlusion constitute a health risk?
Q84181630Tobacco cessation interventions by Swedish dental hygienists--a questionnaire study
Q67953514Tobacco habits among teenagers in the city of Göteborg, Sweden, and possible association with dental caries
Q50952474Tobacco preventive measures by dental care staff. An attempt to reduce the use of tobacco among adolescents.
Q28276864Tobacco smoking and periodontal health in a Saudi Arabian population
Q46164341Tobacco smoking and vertical periodontal bone loss.
Q39481956Tooth loss and periodontal bone level in individuals of Jönköping County. A comparison between two adult populations living in the city and in the surrounding area.
Q53567915Tooth wear and temporomandibular joint morphology in a skull material from the 17th century.
Q72024054Toothpaste technique. Studies on fluoride delivery and caries prevention
Q40507226Total reflection in tooth substance and diagnosis of cracks in teeth. A clinical study
Q78079517Transient reduction of mutans streptococci on tooth surfaces using a chlorhexidine-containing glass ionomer cement varnish
Q39388684Traumatic injuries to permanent teeth among Swedish school children living in a rural area.
Q39253221Traumatic injuries to teeth in Swedish children living in an urban area
Q44282358Traumatic oral vs non-oral injuries
Q40498356Traumatized primary incisors - follow-up program based on frequency of periapical osteitis related to tooth color
Q80057157Treatment effect on signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders--comparison between stabilisation splint and a new type of splint (NTI). A pilot study
Q39554193Treatment of adolescent patients with class II division 1 malocclusion using Eruption guidance appliance: A comparative study with Twin-block and Activator-Headgear appliances
Q74020226Treatment of class II furcation defects using resorbable and non-resorbable GTR barriers
Q48705033Treatment of malocclusions in children and adolescents at a public dental service clinic in Sweden: extent and cost.
Q54437962Treatment of oral infections prior to heart valve surgery does not improve long-term survival.
Q71991499Treatment of patients with functional disturbances in the masticatory system. A survey of 80 consecutive patients
Q83247542Treatment of smarting symptoms in the oral mucosa by appliance of lingual acrylic splints
Q52906288Treatment of temporomandibular disorders of arthrogeneous origin. Controlled double-blind studies of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and a stabilisation appliance.
Q45990080Treatment of temporomandibular disorders with a combination of hard acrylic stabilisation appliance and a soft appliance in the opposing jaw. A retro- and prospective study.
Q78497529Treatment outcome of headache after occlusal appliance therapy in a randomised controlled trial among patients with temporomandibular disorders of mainly arthrogenous origin
Q47750238Treatment with local hemostatic agents and primary closure after tooth extraction in warfarin treated patients
Q50632134Tunnel restorations in permanent teeth. A 7 year follow up study.
Q50605934Tunnel restorations. A 3 1/2-year follow up study of Class I and II tunnel restorations in permanent and primary teeth.
Q42053959Type of treatment and estimation of time spent on dental trauma--a longitudinal and retrospective study
Q74320127Ultrasonic subgingival root planing and EDTA etching in a one-step procedure
Q53057583Uniformity in selection for subsidized orthodontic care--focus on borderline treatment need.
Q46279114Unilateral odontodysplasia
Q70294691Urinary mercury clearance of dental personnel after a longterm intermission in occupational exposure
Q51394111Use of abutment-teeth vs. dental implants to support all-ceramic fixed partial dentures: an in-vitro study on fracture strength.
Q43987092Use of different mouthrinses in an adult Swedish population
Q72112442Use of gloves among dentists in Sweden--a 3-year follow-up study
Q41979090Use of gloves among dentists in Sweden.
Q41222149Use of implant-supported prostheses in edentulous mandibles among prosthodontists in Sweden
Q73656795Use of mandibular implant overdentures: treatment policy in prosthodontic specialist clinics in Sweden
Q44724004Use of miniplates in the treatment of jaw fractures
Q51107260Use of polymer materials in dental clinics, case study.
Q85052419Use of radiography in public dental care for children and adolescents in northern Sweden
Q47972939Using clinical cases to stimulate active learning in a short periodontal continuing professional development course
Q69633469Utilization of dental services in an elderly population
Q31152925Variability of the cranial and dental phenotype in Williams syndrome.
Q44278838Variation in dental health in 70-year old men and women in Göteborg, Sweden. A cross-sectional epidemiological study including longitudinal and cohort effects
Q69847812Variation in dental state in elderly in Gothenburg
Q51065110Verbal communication in prosthetic dentistry. Input-process-outcome.
Q72068586Vertical dentofacial changes during Herbst appliance treatment. A cephalometric investigation
Q52405471Vertical forces developed by the jaw elevator muscles during unilateral maximal clenching and their distribution on teeth and condyles.
Q39554213Vital root resection with MTA: a pilot study
Q43314063Water cleaning systems improves the water quality in dental unit water lines (DUWL). A report from the Public Dental Health of Västra Götaland region, Sweden
Q82933081Water quality in water lines of dental units in the public dental health service in Göteborg, Sweden
Q38946755What factors can be protective for both self-rated oral health and general health?
Q79760001What findings do clinicians use to diagnose chronic periodontitis?
Q40059875Who cares for the oral health of dependent elderly and disabled persons living at home? A qualitative study of case managers' knowledge, attitudes and initiatives.
Q69740568Women's teeth. A cross-sectional and longitudinal study of women in Gothenburg, Sweden, with special reference to tooth loss and restorations
Q50771069Work environment factors affecting quality work in Swedish oral and maxillofacial surgery.
Q51009021Xerostomia: prevalence and pharmacotherapy. With special reference to beta-adrenoceptor antagonists.
Q72059895Zinc oxide-eugenol impression materials. Dimensional stability and surface detail sharpness following treatment with disinfection solutions
Q55054894Zirconium dioxide based dental restorations. Studies on clinical performance and fracture behaviour.
Q69872643gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase activity of rat submandibular gland after pilocarpine stimulation

cites work (P2860)
Q39731061A survey of housebound persons in Cardiff with special reference to dental care
Q40945948A survey of partial denture design in general dental practice
Q41066579Clinical improvement of gingival conditions following ultrasonic versus hand instrumentation of periodontal pockets
Q36601030Connective tissue reattachment as related to presence or absence of alveolar bone
Q40600888Crevicular temperature rises stimulated by plaque formation
Q40136788Dentine hypersensitivity - A review. Aetiology, symptoms and theories of pain production
Q39241922Development of gingivitis in pre-school children and young adults. A comparative experimental study
Q52252664Effect of Mouth Opening on Bite-Force Discrimination
Q41768515Effects of intranasal antrostomy and antral lavage upon unerupted permanent teeth
Q39780525Extrinsic discoloration of teeth
Q34109354Issues of Recruitment and Rationale for Conducting Clinical Trials on Mutans Streptococci Suppression in Mothers
Q41989777Marginal alveolar bone height in an adult Swedish population. A radiographic cross-sectional epidemiologic study
Q40600900Mucosal temperature rises following long-term use of full dentures
Q40600905Oral recognition of forms and oral muscular coordination ability. A longitudinal study in young adults
Q67804111Orofacial functions in patients with congenital and acquired maxillary defects: a fluoroscopic study
Q40172844Plaque and systemic disease: a reappraisal of the focal infection concept
Q43956068Prevalence of craniomandibular disorders in adults of Ilala District, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Q67921596Shortened dental arches and periodontal support
Q40557433Size of variables in mandibular movements in autopsy material
Q72772468Susceptibility to chlorhexidine of plaque streptococci after two years oral chlorhexidine hygiene
Q40170872Temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome and myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome: a critical review
Q33315294The effect of citric acid treatment on periodontal healing after replantation of permanent teeth
Q40514638The effect of orthodontic tilting movements on the periodontal tissues of infected and non-infected dentitions in dogs
Q39694964The effect on bone repair of aspirin cones placed in extraction sockets in dogs: a histopathologic study
Q51542698The orthodontic management of patients with profound learning disability
Q40572524The relationship between bruxism and temporomandibular joint dysfunction as shown by computer analysis of nocturnal tooth contact patterns
Q66867976Tooth Position after Orthodontic Extractions: A Follow-up Study after Activator Treatment
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