
hindrance of neuron activation

inhibition is …
instance of (P31):
physiological processQ30892994
biological processQ2996394

sublass of (P279):

External links are
P9497Australian Thesaurus of Education Descriptors ID2131
P9545Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition) ID242797
P1417Encyclopædia Britannica Online IDtopic/inhibition-physiology
P3219Encyclopædia Universalis IDinhibition-psychologie-cognitive
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/122jqmfq
P2924Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID (old version)4198149
P486MeSH descriptor IDD009433
P672MeSH tree codeG07.265.755
P4342Store norske leksikon IDinhibisjon_-_nevrobiologi
P2892UMLS CUIC0027790

P1343described by sourceBelarusian encyclopedia (vol. 15)Q24038862
Great medical encyclopediaQ4091850
Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978)Q17378135
P1889different from???Q18460087
P361part ofneuronQ43054

Reverse relations

subclass of (P279)
Q6033829inhibitory control
Q1141237lateral inhibition

item for this sense (P5137)
uri /
uri /

main subject (P921)
Q66941570"Inhibition of inhibition" in neurons of the cerebral cortex
Q69787470A Modification of the French and Stein Neural Analog
Q49130466A comparative study of selective stimulation of raphe nuclei in the cat in inhibiting dorsal horn neuron responses to noxious stimulation
Q40208927A comparison of on-inhibition and off-excitation measures of the surround response mechanism in cat retinal ganglion cells
Q71008859A comparison of the recurrent inhibition of alpha‐ and gamma‐motoneurones in the cat
Q39303856A damping factor in human voluntary contraction
Q68457479A method to assess the relative contribution of lateral inhibition to the magnitude of visual-geometric illusions
Q48343090A model for an estimate in vivo of the ionic basis of presynaptic inhibition: an intracellular analysis of the GABA-induced depolarization in rat dorsal root ganglia
Q46707862A nervous mechanism for descending inhibition in guinea-pig small intestine
Q52210552A new form of caudate inhibition in electrostimulation of the deep structures of the human brain
Q52436990A nonlinear integral equation for visual impedance
Q52838844A note on stochastic modeling of shunting inhibition
Q39643967A potent inhibitory monosynaptic hypothalamo-hippocampal connection
Q67555493A progressive and cumulative suppression of the activity of spinal neurones in the nonspinal rat
Q72855335A re-evaluation of the mechanisms underlying simple cell orientation selectivity
Q41742524A simple model of delay, block and one way conduction in Purkinje fibers
Q67379569A smooth muscle inhibitory material extracted from the bovine retractor penis and rat anococcygeus muscles [proceedings]
Q39936315A study of inhibitory antagonism in cat visual cortex
Q39262344A theoretical study of neural adaptation and transient responses due to inhibitory feedback
Q46377693APB suppresses synaptic input to retinal horizontal cells in fish: a direct action on horizontal cells modulated by intracellular pH
Q44795262Acetylcholine, an inhibitory transmitter in the rat lateral hypothalamus
Q50793514Action profiles of nitric oxide, S-nitroso-L-cysteine, SNP, and NANC responses in opossum lower esophageal sphincter
Q41041208Activation and inhibition of olfactory bulb neurones by anterior commissure volleys in the rabbit
Q40191069Activation of locus coeruleus neurons by peripheral stimuli: Modulation by a collateral inhibitory mechanism
Q48476389Activity of interneurons mediating reciprocal 1a inhibition during locomotion
Q44466776Age characteristics of the strength of conditioned inhibition in dogs during food and defensive reinforcement
Q67424856All-Union Symposium: "Cytochemical Correlates of Neuronal Inhibition"
Q72416689Alteration of presynaptic alpha 2-mediated inhibition of norepinephrine release in perfused mesenteric arteries of young and adult spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q48440266Altered neuronal excitability accompanying experimental prevention of supersensitivity in undercut cortex
Q39345499Amygdala and masseteric reflex. I. Facilitation, inhibition and diphasic modifications of the reflex, induced by localized amygdaloid stimulation
Q39345506Amygdala and masseteric reflex. II. Mechanism of the diphasic modifications of the reflex elicited from the “Defence reaction area”. Role of the spinal trigeminal nucleus (pars oralis)
Q39248887An analysis of the inhibitory post-synaptic current in the voltage-clamped crayfish muscle
Q69445590An autoradiographic study of uptake of exogenous glycine by vertebrate spinal cord splicesin vitro
Q41068657An electrically mediated inhibition in goldfish medulla
Q48350690An inhibitory tripeptide from cat spinal cord
Q41041199An intracellular study of dendrodendritic inhibitory synapses on mitral cells in the rabbit olfactory bulb
Q39918194An intracellular study of thalamocortical synapses in the orbito-insular cortex
Q70229950Analysis of the paradoxical stage of neural cathodal parabiosis (the reciprocal inhibition of adjacent fibers)
Q48160843Anatomical evidence for interlamellar inhibition in the fascia dentata
Q41790747Antibacterial activity of some medicinal mangroves against antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria
Q48441279Aortic nerve-activated cardioinhibitory neurons and interneurons
Q40079380Aplysia bursting neurons as endogenous oscillators. II. Synchronization and entrainment by pulsed inhibitory synaptic input
Q72071410Assessment of neural inhibition of the lower esophageal sphincter in cats with esophagitis
Q48412550Associated movement in hemiplegia: the effects of force exerted, limb usage and inhibitory training
Q41744152Atrial receptors which effect reflex inhibition in renal nerves in dogs [proceedings]
Q39900005Autogenetic inhibition of motoneurones by impulses in group Ia muscle spindle afferents
Q70213819Axoaxonal synapse location and consequences for presynaptic inhibition in crustacean motor axon terminals
Q72725557Axonal transport of [3H] GABA and [3H] glutamate in excitatory and inhibitory neurons innervating lobster exoskeletal musculature
Q66844634Basis for late expiratory spinal inhibition of phrenic nerve discharge
Q41056993Behavioral choice: neural mechanisms in Pleurobranchaea
Q72886223Behavioral confirmation of “diffuse noxious inhibitory controls” (DNIC) and evidence for a role of endogenous opiates
Q48684073Behavioral evidence for a cholinoceptive pontine inhibitory area: Descending control of spinal motor output and sensory input
Q48433743Behavioral inhibition induced by pallidal stimulation in monkeys
Q44593229Bifurcation properties of the average activity of interconnected neural populations
Q41513576Blockade of excitation reveals inhibition of dentate spiny hilar neurons recorded in rat hippocampal slices
Q41729257Brain noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus: inhibition by blood volume load through vagal afferents
Q40196562Burst generation by electrically coupled network in the snail Helisoma: Analysis using computer simulation
Q66971412Cardio-inhibitory mechanism in the gigantocellular reticular nucleus of the medulla oblongata
Q44769040Cardioinhibitory mechanism around the inferior olivary nucleus of cats
Q48191052Cerebellar inhibition and ICSS from stimulation in the area of the nucleus locus coeruleus
Q48463814Cerebellar inhibition of auditory function
Q40173977Change in recurrent inhibition when standing in normal subjects and spastics (author's transl)
Q48308019Changes in cortical slow field potentials and in impulse activity of neurons during elaboration of conditioned reflexes and internal inhibition [proceedings]
Q41548192Changes in excitatory and inhibitory synaptic potentials leading to epileptogenic activity
Q72898183Changes in presynaptic potentiation and depression in the variation of the potassium component of the endplate current
Q69766392Characteristics of cerebral cortex inhibitory neurons
Q70220081Characteristics of post-spike and lateral inhibition in neurons of the primary auditory cortex in the cat
Q70250512Characteristics, neuronal mechanisms and functional role of cortical inhibition
Q68219923Chloride-mediated inhibitory junction potentials in opossum esophageal circular smooth muscle
Q37582881Cholinergic inhibition of adrenergic transmission
Q66939917Computer simulation of a dendrodendritic synaptic circuit for self- and lateral-inhibition in the olfactory bulb
Q46688996Conditions required for the inhibitory feedback loop in noradrenergic transmission
Q39457242Conduction velocity, input resistance and size of cat ocular motoneurons stained with Procion yellow
Q69772112Cones block signals from rods
Q52370844Contribution to the history of the discovery by I.M. Setchenov of central inhibition
Q52370842Contribution to the summational and accomodational processes in central inhibition, provoked by the rare electrical irritation of the afferent nerve
Q39928744Control by Preynaptic Correlation: a mechanism affecting information transmission from Ia fibers to motoneurons
Q39992630Convergence on Interneurones Mediating the Reciprocal Ia Inhibition of MotoneuronesIII. Effects from supraspinal pathways
Q44700568Convergence on interneurones mediating the reciprocal Ia inhibition of motoneurones. II. Effects from segmental flexor reflex pathways
Q48120637Cortically Induced Inhibition of Neurons of Rat Substantia Nigra (Pars Compacta)
Q44392733Crossed disynaptic inhibition of sacral motoneurones
Q44897359Cutaneous fiber groups involved in the inhibition of fictive locomotion in the rabbit
Q68925902Decrease of antidromic inhibition due to orthodromic tetanic stimuli
Q66875515Demonstration that the atria, ventricles, and lungs each are responsible for a tonic inhibition of the vasomotorcenter in the dog
Q67238376Depolarization of primary afferents in the spinal cord. Mechanisms and functions
Q48264604Depressant action of the posterior lobe of the cerebellum upon renal sympathetic nerve activity
Q48319108Depression of the recurrent inhibition of extensor motoneurons by the action of group II afferents
Q48452351Descending inhibitory influences exerted by the brain stem upon the activities of dorsal horn lamina V cells induced by intra-arterial injection of bradykinin into the limbs
Q52293994Development of Reciprocal Hemispheric Inhibition in Normal and Learning-Disabled Children
Q72886253Development of kindling in acute experiments and serial changes of field excitatory and inhibitory post-synaptic potentials during the ‘acute kindling’
Q41558541Development of the acoustic startle response in the rat: Ontogenetic changes in the magnitude of inhibition by prepulse stimulation
Q46690190Dichotic competition of simultaneous tone bursts of different frequency—II. Suppression and ear dominance functions
Q44296082Dichotic competition of simultaneous tone bursts of different frequency—III. The effect of stimulus parameters on suppression and ear dominance functions
Q48442044Different Organization of Cat Lateral Geniculate Neurons in Binocular Inhibitory Interaction
Q40030301Differentation of neurogenic inhibition from ATP-responses in guinea-pig taenia caeci [proceedings]
Q34052532Diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNIC). I. Effects on dorsal horn convergent neurones in the rat
Q41703220Diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNIC). II. Lack of effect on non-convergent neurones, supraspinal involvement and theoretical implications
Q41712101Direct Evidence for Recurrent Inhibition in Sliced Brain Preparation of the Cat's Visual Cortex
Q48202408Direct evidence for presynaptic inhibition of a trigeminal reflex
Q40197486Direct inhibitory synaptic linkage of pontomedullary reticular burst neurons with abducens motoneurons in the cat
Q45220172Direct neural inhibition of insulin secretion in response to systemic hypoglycemia
Q67894244Disinhibition and its role in central nervous system activity
Q36586037Disinhibition as a basic process in the expression of striatal functions
Q48273591Disinhibition of perigeniculate reticular neurons following chronic ablation of the visual cortex in rats
Q35176511Dissimilarity between the responses to adenosine triphosphate or its related compounds and non-adrenergic inhibitory nerve stimulation in the longitudinal smooth muscle of pig stomach
Q48381548Dynamic properties of excitation and two-tone inhibition in the cochlear nucleus studied using amplitude-modulated tones
Q34210789Dynamic single unit simulation of a realistic cerebellar network model. II. Purkinje cell activity within the basic circuit and modified by inhibitory systems
Q34423164Dynamics of pattern formation in lateral-inhibition type neural fields
Q69445346Dynamics of the somatic and visceral sympathoinhibitory reflexes
Q66944230Economical inhibition and processes in intracellular neuron organelles
Q66875746Effect of electroacupuncture on the pain perception threshold of human teeth
Q67832827Effect of light on the electrogenesis process in pigmented neurons of the pond snail
Q52294265Effect of low-frequency stimulation of the head of the caudate nucleus on an instrumental defensive reflex in dogs
Q42444577Effect of post-impulse depression on background firing of sympathetic preganglionic neurons
Q67313956Effect of sympathetic inhibition on maximal muscle blood flow in the normal and atherosclerotic human leg
Q41328787Effects of cryogenic blockade of visual cortex on the responses of lateral geniculate neurons in the monkey
Q52224983Either stimulation of the mesencephalic reticular formation or a flashing light increases latent inhibition to a tone-conditioned stimulus
Q67427241Electrophysiological Studies of the Forebrain-limbic Inhibitory Systems in Relation to Gonadotropin Regulation
Q40191531Electrophysiological and pharmacological studies of the inhibitory projection from the cerebellar cortex to the deep cerebellar nuclei in tissue culture
Q41906683Electrophysiological basis for the spatial dependence of the inhibitory coupling in the Limulus retina
Q40473357Electrophysiological evidence against negative neuronal feedback from the forebrain controlling midbrain raphe unit activity
Q72852456Endorphin-mediated inhibition of locus coeruleus neurons
Q68258879Endothelin causes prolonged inhibition of nicotinic transmission in feline colonic parasympathetic ganglia
Q59065859Enkephalin as a transmitter for presynaptic inhibition in sympathetic ganglia
Q36476406Epilepsy and γ-Aminobutyric Acid-Mediated Inhibition
Q46431699Evidence against vasoactive intestinal polypeptide being the non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic inhibitory transmitter released from nerves supplying the smooth muscle of the guinea-pig taenia coli
Q48714361Evidence for a GABAergic inhibitory influence on serotonergic neurons originating from the dorsal raphe
Q43953108Evidence for a computational distinction between proximal and distal neuronal inhibition
Q68224268Evidence for disinhibition in line detectors
Q41441573Evidence for lb inhibition in human subjects
Q48464910Evidence for recurrent inhibition by motoneurons in human subjects
Q67548295Evidence of a contralateral motor influence on reciprocal inhibition in man
Q48682197Evidence that diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNIC) are mediated by a final post-synaptic inhibitory mechanism
Q40131062Excitation and inhibition in the nervous system (author's transl)
Q72874216Excitation and inhibition mechanisms of local peripheral pain in man
Q41340870Excitation and inhibition of nociceptor-driven dorsal horn neurones
Q44731614Excitatory and inhibitory actions of intrathecally administered 5-hydroxytryptamine on sympathetic nerve activity in the rat
Q48369531Excitatory and inhibitory influences on tongue muscle activity in cat and monkey
Q66946516Excitatory potentials induced by stimulation of the inhibitory axon at the crustacean neuromuscular junction
Q48120521Excitatory-inhibitory processes in parietal association neurons during reticular activation and sleep-waking cycle
Q48435885Existence of a mutual tonic inhibitory interaction between the preoptic hypnogenic structure and the midbrain reticular formation
Q70965898Experimental Pain and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation at High Frequency
Q72603071Extent of alpha 2-receptor-mediated autoinhibition of vasoconstrictor nerve responses in mesenteric resistance vessels from normotensive and hypertensive rats
Q67905504Exteroceptive suppression of the trapezius muscle produced by mental nerve stimulation in normal subjects
Q44239185Eye movement-related inhibition of primate visual neurons
Q68326610FMRFamide modulation of secretory machinery underlying presynaptic inhibition of synaptic transmission requires a pertussis toxin- sensitive G-protein
Q72633747Facilication and antagonism of kindled seizure development in the limbic system of the rat
Q51868670Facilitated thyrotropin release after retrochiasmatic hypothalamic knife cuts
Q48682874Facilitation and inhibition of plasma cortisol following electrical stimulation of the goldfish forebrain
Q72604436Facilitation and inhibition of the human H reflex as a function of the amplitude of the control reflex
Q48196887Facilitatory and inhibitory effects of electrochemical stimulation of the amygdala on the release of luteinizing hormone
Q44162542Facilitatory and inhibitory modulation of wide-field neuron activity in postcruciate cerebral cortex of the domestic cat
Q48381575Field potentials in the olfactory bulb of the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri): evidence for a dendrodendritic inhibitory pathway
Q67001742Firing rates of neurons with random excitation and inhibition
Q41552867Foveal inhibition and facilitation caused by remote grating jerks: Interaction between long-range and short-range effects
Q48195720Frequency-dependent inhibition to tones in neurons of cat insular cortex (AIV)
Q37810678From descending pain modulation to obesity via the medullary raphe
Q48396895Frontal-striatal control of behavioral inhibition in the rat
Q52701517GABA-mediated biphasic inhibitory responses in hippocampus
Q44780543GABAergic inhibition of neuronal activity in the primate motor and premotor cortex during voluntary movement
Q44598532GABAergic mechanisms gate tactile discrimination learning
Q67898400Galanin inhibition of enteric cholinergic neurotransmission: guanosine triphosphate-binding protein interactions with adenylate cyclase
Q41914271Gamma aminobutytic acids and neuronal inhibition in the central nervous system
Q39663397Gating: a mechanism for selective receptivity in the respiratory center
Q41732717Generalized neural inhibition evoked by photogenic convulsive electric activity
Q66923126Generalized neuronal inhibition induced by photogenic convulsive electrical activity
Q54568330Glycine, GABA and synaptic inhibition of reticulospinal neurones of lamprey
Q67453003Glycine‐mediated inhibitory transmission of group 1A‐excited inhibitory interneurones by Renshaw cells
Q48714716Glycyl glutamine, an inhibitory neuropeptide derived from β-endorphin
Q41090009Guanylate cyclase inhibitors: effect on inhibitory junction potentials in esophageal smooth muscle
Q52301786Habituation and prestimulus inhibition of the auditory startle reflex in decerebrate rats
Q35176460Heterogeneity of inhibitory mechanisms in the nucleus accumbens and preoptic area of the [proceedings]
Q39994367Heterosynaptic inhibition modifies the presynaptic plasticities of the transmission process at a synapse inAplysia californica
Q48230703Hippocampal inhibition and the fornix
Q72861533Hippocampal inhibition of pituitary-adrenocortical function in female rats
Q71092344How the latencies of excitation and inhibition determine ganglion cell thresholds and discharge patterns in the frog
Q70896532Human esophageal response to rapid swallowing: muscle refractory period or neural inhibition?
Q48245465Hyperpolarization of the excitatory nerve terminals by inhibitory nerve stimulation in lobster
Q41734350Hyperventilation and inhibitory synapses
Q68471114Hypothalamic inhibition of neurones in the nucleus tractus solitarius of the cat is GABA mediated
Q68473878Idazoxan blocks the action of noradrenaline but not spinal inhibition from electrical stimulation of the locus coeruleus and nucleus Kolliker-Fuse of the cat
Q46175409Identification and molecular cloning of a neuropeptide Y homolog that produces prolonged inhibition in Aplysia neurons
Q52481898Identification of the somata of common inhibitory motoneurons in the metathoracic ganglion of the cockroach
Q34053253Impaired interhemispheric inhibition in writer's cramp
Q48302141Influence of voluntary movement and posture on recurrent inhibition in human subjects
Q72862891Inhibition and excitation of primate spinothalamic tract neurons by stimulation in region of nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis
Q40082964Inhibition and facilitation in parasympathetic ganglia of the urinary bladder
Q45262616Inhibition and the normal ocular dominance distribution in cat visual cortex [proceedings]
Q67774416Inhibition by efferent nerve fibres: action on hair cells and afferent synaptic transmission in the lateral line canal organ of the burbot Lota lota
Q70755604Inhibition from locus coeruleus of caudate neurons activated by nigral stimulation
Q49156185Inhibition from ventral tegmental area of nucleus accumbens neurons in the rat
Q39263353Inhibition in neurophysiology
Q68224352Inhibition in simultaneous and successive contour interaction in human vision
Q54017041Inhibition of Masticatory Muscle Activity After Stimulation
Q48287913Inhibition of cuneate neurones: its afferent source and influence on dynamically sensitive "tactile" neurones
Q44388902Inhibition of dipteran larval neuromuscular synaptic transmission by analogues of philanthotoxin-4.3.3: a structure-activity study
Q37034095Inhibition of electromyographic activity in human triceps surae muscles during sinusoidal rotation of the foot
Q39769955Inhibition of extensor? motoneurons by antagonistic primary and secondary spindle afferents
Q45297479Inhibition of gamma motoneurones by contraction of flexor digitorum longus and triceps surae in decerebrated, spinally transected cats [proceedings]
Q67657601Inhibition of human motoneurons, probably of Renshaw origin, elicited by an orthodromic motor discharge
Q54168315Inhibition of hypoglossal motoneurons by stimulation of the jaw-opening muscle afferents
Q49130556Inhibition of intracranial self-stimulation in brain stem-transected cats — A proposed mechanism of aversive effects produced by brain stimulation
Q72862884Inhibition of mechanosensory interneurons in the crayfish. I. Presynaptic inhibition from giant fibers
Q48176045Inhibition of nociceptive discharges of parafascicular neurons by direct electrical stimulation of nucleus centrum medianum
Q41481080Inhibition of nociceptive responses of spinal dorsal horn neurons by periaqueductal gray stimulation (author's transl)
Q49130987Inhibition of primate spinothalamic tract neurons by stimulation in ipsilateral or contralateral ventral posterior lateral (VPLc) thalamic nucleus
Q52303063Inhibition of spinal interneuronal activity by repeated cutaneous stimulation: A possible substrate of flexor reflex habituation
Q41283835Inhibition of spinothalamic tract cells and interneurons by brain stem stimulation in the monkey
Q49135104Inhibition of sympathetic activity by stimulating in the raphe nuclei and the role of 5-hydroxytryptamine in this effect
Q48346303Inhibition of the baroreceptor input to cardiac vagal preganglionic neurones by stimulation of the medullary reticular formation [proceedings]
Q40739395Inhibition of the monosynaptic responses in frog spinal motoneurons
Q40240702Inhibition of the spinal transmission of nociceptive information by supraspinal stimulation in the cat
Q48624189Inhibition of visual responses of single units in the cat superior colliculus by the introduction of a second visual stimulus
Q48460840Inhibition of visual responses of single units in the cat visual area of the lateral suprasylvian gyrus (Clare-Bishop area) by the introduction of a second visual stimulus
Q41550976Inhibition, disinhibition, and summation among orientation detectors in human vision
Q52294984Inhibitory Circuits Accounting for Development of Visual Cortical Mappings, Stimulus Preferences, and Psychophysical Performance
Q39965838Inhibitory Processes In The Medial Geniculate Body
Q72922609Inhibitory action of the ventral noradrenergic bundle on the lateral hypothalamic neurons through alpha-noradrenergic mechanisms in the rat
Q40293921Inhibitory actions from low and high threshold cutaneous afferents on groups II and III muscle afferent pathways in the spinal cat
Q48117937Inhibitory aftereffect as a manifestation of brain integrative activity during voluntary movements
Q40196548Inhibitory and excitatory binocular convergence to visual cortical neurons of the cat
Q48113415Inhibitory and facilitatory influences on mating in the female rat affected by lesions of the anterior hypothalamus or the preoptic area
Q72873686Inhibitory and facilitatory neural mechanisms involved in the regulation of lordosis behavior in female rats: Effects of dual cuts in the preoptic area and hypothalamus
Q41533774Inhibitory cardiovascular function of neurons in the caudal ventrolateral medulla of the rabbit: Relationship to the area containing A1 noradrenergic cells
Q70755303Inhibitory controls on thermal neurones in the spinal trigeminal nucleus of cats and rats
Q41434181Inhibitory effect of adenosine on adrenergic neuroeffector transmission in the rabbit heart
Q43593267Inhibitory effect of orbital cortex stimulation on sensory evoked potentials in thalamus and cortex
Q35282220Inhibitory effects of mesocortical dopaminergic neurons on their target cells: electrophysiological and pharmacological characterization
Q48435231Inhibitory interaction between labyrinthine, visual and neck inputs to the cat flocculus
Q67361951Inhibitory interaction between visual pathways tuned to different orientations
Q39951330Inhibitory interactions between group la masseter afferents and labial mechanosensitive input in man
Q41691449Inhibitory mechanisms influencing complex cell orientation selectivity and their modification at high resting discharge levels
Q48631540Inhibitory nystagmic interneurons. Physiological and anatomical identification within the abducens nucleus
Q41729424Inhibitory pathway from the frontal cortex to the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus in the rat
Q48610495Inhibitory post-synaptic currents in rat hippocampal CA1 neurones
Q41729388Inhibitory postsynaptic current in the crayfish muscle
Q48625149Inhibitory potentials in the optic nerve of Limulus
Q46108003Inhibitory potentials of the neuromuscular junctions of the smooth muscle of the guinea pig small intestine
Q49141909Inhibitory receptive fields of primate spinothalamic tract cells
Q43988181Inhibitory reticular neurons related to the quick phase of vestibular nystagmus--their location and projection
Q48415955Inhibitory serotonergic effects on rostral ventrolateral medullary neurons
Q52515567Inhibitory synaptic currents in voltage-clamped locust muscle fibres desensitized to their excitatory transmitter
Q72929525Inhibitory systems in brain structures
Q67321551Inhibitory transmission at a molluscan neuromuscular junction
Q72853217Innervation of airway smooth muscle in the baboon: evidence for a nonadrenergic inhibitory system
Q48435239Inputs from the posterior lateral line nerves upon the goldfish Mauthner cell. II. Evidence that the inhibitory components are mediated by interneurons of the recurrent collateral network
Q48218324Integration in descending motor pathways controlling the forelimb in the cat. 4. Corticospinal inhibition of forelimb motoneurones mediated by short propriospinal neurones
Q68284582Interaction between peripheral motoneurons of antagonist muscles in normal subjects and spastic hemiparesis studied by the H-reflex method
Q66696703International Symposium on GABA and Other Inhibitory Neurotransmitters November 6-10, 1979 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Abstracts
Q67028239Intracellular chloride concentration and postsynaptic inhibition in crayfish stretch receptor neurons [proceedings]
Q42447278Ionic mechanism of the efferent olivo-cochlear inhibition studied by cochlear perfusion in the cat
Q24657682Ipsilateral inhibitory responses in the cat lateral superior olive
Q72558780Is epilepsy a disorder of inhibition or excitation?
Q40244804Is reticular facilitation of lateral geniculate transmission due to inhibition of maintained firing of I-cells?
Q46889808Large long-lasting potentiation in the dentate gyrus in vitro during blockade of inhibition
Q66941884Lateral inhibition in the human pupillomotor pathway (author's transl)
Q70176427Lateral inhibition mediated by a non-spiking interneuron: circuit properties and consequences for behavior
Q48563952Lateral inhibition of Purkinje cells through climbing fiber afferents?
Q50896259Lateral interactions at direction-selective striate neurones in the cat demonstrated by local cortical inactivation
Q69029971Lateral sensory inhibition: a possible mechanism for paradoxes in the localization of dental pain
Q39364220Life-span alterations in visually evoked potentials and inhibitory function
Q49159235Lingually induced inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in hypoglossal motoneurons after axotomy
Q48408116Localization of central structures involved in descending inhibitory effect of acupuncture on viscero-somatic reflex discharges
Q70871046Locus coeruleus modulation of the motor thalamus: Inhibition in nuclei ventralis lateralis and ventralis anterior
Q72738494Long-lasting inhibition of neuron R 15 OF Aplysia: Role of the interneuron II network
Q37342149Long-term transformation of an inhibitory into an excitatory GABAergic synaptic response
Q43853020Loss of inhibition in the spinal cord during barbiturate withdrawal
Q71014081Magnitude of Suppression of Binocular Rivalry within the Invisible Pattern
Q40215859Maintained activity, excitation and inhibition of lateral geniculate neurons after monocular deafferentation in the adult cat
Q47960090Mechanism of long-lasting synaptic inhibition in Aplysia neuron R15
Q70228352Mechanism of the poststimulation inhibition of the lymphatic center in the frog
Q51681013Mechanism of the reflex inhibition of micturition contractions of the urinary bladder elicited by acupuncture-like stimulation in anesthetized rats
Q40209015Mechanism underlying prolonged inhibition of rat locus coeruleus neurons following anti- and orthodromic activation
Q46549498Mechanisms of chloride transport in crayfish stretch receptor neurones and guinea pig vas deferens: Implications for inhibition mediated by GABA
Q52722910Mechanisms of long-lasting inhibition of a bursting pacemaker neuron
Q72804098Mechanisms of vibration-induced inhibition or potentiation: tonic vibration reflex and vibration paradox in man
Q72907048Medullary raphé lesions do not reduce descending inhibition of dorsal horn neurones of the cat
Q26859850Methods for recording and measuring tonic GABAA receptor-mediated inhibition
Q52701698Microiontophoretic studies on noradrenergic inhibition from locus coeruleus of spinal trigeminal nucleus neurons
Q41024425Modification of orientation sensitivity of cat visual cortex neurons by removal of GABA-mediated inhibition
Q48909790Modulation of an inhibitory circuit by adenosine and AMP in the hippocampus
Q39971251Monoaminergic inhibitory synapses in the central pathways for the regulation of movements
Q48632083Monosynaptic inhibition of phrenic motoneurons: a long descending projection from Botzinger neurons
Q28246145Motor Pattern Production in Reciprocally Inhibitory Neurons Exhibiting Postinhibitory Rebound
Q40188482Multiterminal innervation: non-uniform density along single lobster muscle fibers
Q39796949Muscle Stretch and Chemical Muscle Spindle Excitation: Effects on Renshaw Cells and Efficiency of Recurrent Inhibition
Q39259770Muscular inhibitory and excitatory phenomena during spike-and-wave discharges: effect of posture
Q48690203Mutual inhibition between olivary cell groups projecting to different cerebellar microzones in the cat
Q40042711Mutual repression of synaptic efficacy by pairs of foreign nerves innervating frog skeletal muscle
Q40095169Nervous control of airway muscle tone
Q66953036Neural inhibition of insulin secretion from the isolated canine pancreas
Q66973974Neural mechanisms of reflex facilitation and inhibition of gastric motility to stimulation of various skin areas in rats
Q40178563Neural systems and the inhibitory modulation of agonistic behavior: A comparison of mammalian species
Q70202597Neurogenic cholinergic prejunctional inhibition of sympathetic beta adrenergic relaxation in the canine coronary artery
Q48429149Neuronal activity in the lateral vestibular nucleus of the cat. V. Topographical distribution of inhibitory effects mediated by the spino-olivocerebellar pathway
Q69443458Neuronal and focal reactions of the parietal association cortex to different peripheral stimuli
Q40270500Neuronal depolarization and the inhibition of short-term memory formation
Q67509881Neuropeptide Y inhibits sympathetic neurotransmission in ipsilaterally innervated but not contralaterally reinnervated superior tarsal smooth muscle of the rat
Q52304836Neuropsychological inhibition: observations and theories
Q67286714Neurotrophic regulation of GABA receptors at a crayfish inhibitory synapse
Q33189530Nitric oxide as a putative nonadrenergic noncholinergic inhibitory transmitter in the canine pylorus in vivo
Q40085574Nonadrenergic inhibitory innervation of the lung
Q41559209Noncholinergic nonadrenergic inhibitory innervation of the canine pylorus
Q67311754Noxious thermal input from the rat tail: Modulation by descending inhibitory influences
Q78970423On regulatory functions of the inhibitory nerve of Crustacea
Q52837767On the analysis of nerve signals deduced from metacontrast experiments with human observers
Q66986010On the inhibitory nature of binocular rivalry suppression
Q44353316Opioid and non-opioid mechanisms of stress analgesia: lack of cross-tolerance between stressors
Q48668562Organization of inhibitory unit responses in the frog primordial hippocampus
Q45283870Orientation-selective inhibition from beyond the classic visual receptive field
Q66841204Participation of muscle spindles in the mechanism of peripheral inhibition
Q52321128Participation of propriospinal neurons in inhibition of the afferent flow of impulses
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Q69655400Post-synaptic inhibition in the general cortex of the turtle forebrain
Q52289310Postnatal Development of GABA Binding Sites and Their Endogenous Inhibitors in Rat Brain
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Q70939944Posttetanic potentiation of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials of motor cortex neurons in the cat
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Q40113208Presynaptic inhibition: the mechanism of protection from habituation of the crayfish lateral giant fibre escape response
Q48140338Presynaptic inhibitory action of acetylcholine in area CA1 of the hippocampus
Q48737097Presynaptic α2- and dopamine-receptor-mediated inhibitory mechanisms and dopamine nerve terminals in the rat hypothalamus
Q67254069Primary afferent depolarization and inhibory interactions in spinal cord of the stingray, Dasyatis sabina
Q70159404Primary afferent depolarization and presynaptic inhibition of monosynaptic group Ia EPSPs during posttetanic potentiation
Q52370833Proactive Inhibition; A Function of Time-Interval
Q36837275Problems of postsynaptic autogenous and recurrent inhibition in the mammalian spinal cord
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Q48638661Proceedings: 142. Electrophysiological characteristics and recurrent inhibition in rat tubero-infundibular neurons
Q53704647Proceedings: 240. Mechanism of presynaptic inhibition
Q54170730Proceedings: 272. Inhibition of hypoglossal motoneurons by jaw opening muscle afferents
Q69708191Proceedings: 300. Non-adrenergic inhibitory nerves in trachial smooth muscle of guinea-pig (author's transl)
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Q39250088Prolonged Inhibition of Neurons by Neuroendocrine Cells in Aplysia
Q69787975Prolonged excitatory and inhibitory synaptic modulation of a bursting pacemaker neuron
Q52313326Protection from habituation by lateral inhibition
Q48183273Pulsatile growth hormone secretion: inhibitory role of medial preoptic area
Q51877901Quantal transmitter release in an identified inihibitory cholinergic synapse of Aplysia
Q48453001Quantitative characteristics of inhibition in the cuneate nucleus of the cat
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Q48631104Rat hippocampal neurons in culture: voltage-clamp analysis of inhibitory synaptic connections
Q24538834Receptive fields, geometry and conduction block of sensory neurones in the central nervous system of the leech
Q48414804Reciprocal Ia inhibition and voluntary movements in man
Q48365575Reciprocal Ia inhibition in spastic hemiplegia of man
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Q48479749Recurrent inhibition and facilitation: demonstration in the tubero-infundibular system and effects of strychnine and picrotoxin
Q68484050Recurrent inhibition in the cat distal forelimb
Q71046194Recurrent inhibition in type-identified motoneurons
Q66955525Recurrent inhibition: Its influence upon transduction and afferent discharges in slowly-adapting stretch receptor organs
Q48410125Reduction of GABAB inhibitory postsynaptic potentials by serotonin via pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms in CA3 pyramidal cells of rat hippocampus in vitro
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Q45361455Regional properties of dorsal and ventral hippocampus in suppression of intralaminar thalamic unit responses
Q39951158Regulation in the presynaptic inhibition chains
Q42946078Regulation of intermittent oscillatory activity of pyramidal cell neurons by GABA inhibitory interneurons is impaired in schizophrenia: rationale for pharmacotherapeutic GABAergic interventions
Q42015736Relation between trains of action potentials across an inhibitory synapse. Influence of presynaptic irregularity
Q52357933Relationship between trace excitation and inhibition neural processes during a brief action of conditioned stimuli
Q41751998Relative ‘trophic’ influences of excitatory and inhibitory innervation of locust skeletal muscle fibres
Q67016925Relaxation after a voltage step of inhibitory synaptic current elicited by nerve stimulation (crayfish neuromuscular junction)
Q48277874Response decrement in a hippocampal basket cell
Q48328672Response suppression produced by electrical stimulation in the neocortex of the cat
Q44587639Retinal resistance barriers and electrical lateral inhibition
Q52192327Retroactive Inhibition as a Function of the Time of Interpolation of the Inhibitor between Learning and Recall
Q52370698Retroactive inhibition as a function of the relative serial positions of the original and interpolated items
Q72922587Reversal in cutaneous control of Ib pathways during human voluntary contraction
Q48437726Reward-associated excitation and pain-associated inhibition lasting seconds in rat medial pallidal units
Q43745017Rod and cone contributions to the delayed response of the on-off ganglion cell in the frog
Q48298957Role of Ia afferents in the soleus motoneurones. Inhibition during a tibialis anterior voluntary contraction in man
Q40646090Role of electrogenic sodium pump in slow synaptic inhibition is re-evaluated
Q72588138Role of inhibitory neurotransmission in certain forms of aggressive behavior
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Q67356731Selective inhibition of distant afferent input to lamina 4 and 5 cells in cat dorsal spinal cord [proceedings]
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Q39568218Septal correlates of conditioned inhibition and excitation in rats
Q42450286Serotonin involvement in descending inhibition of spinal nociceptive transmission produced by stimulation of medial diencephalon and basal forebrain
Q39624482Serotonin receptors in the brain
Q41347300Shock-induced inhibition in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the rhesus monkey
Q47965232Short-term modulation of endogenous bursting rhythms by monosynaptic inhibition in Aplysia neurons: effects of contingent stimulation
Q48555050Simultaneous and independent IPSPs in nearby neurons in cat motor cortex
Q72847952Single-Shot Channel Activation Accounts for Duration of Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials in a Central Neuron
Q53949675Site(s) and ionic basis of α-autoinhibition and facilitation of [3H]noradrenaline secretion in guinea-pig vas deferens
Q48197314Slow potentials and spike activity of cortical neurons during development of internal inhibition
Q48632012Some mechanisms of central inhibiton
Q48399340Some preliminary observations on the interrelations between two-tone suppression and combination-tone driving in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus of the cat
Q48454736Some properties of sympathetic neuron inhibition by depressor area and intraspinal stimulation
Q72852904Sources of direct excitatory and inhibitory inputs from the medial rhombencephalic tegmentum to lateral and medial rectus motoneurons in the cat
Q72406531Specific and nonspecific mechanisms involved in generation of PAD of group Ia afferents in cat spinal cord
Q70879203Spinal inhibition of phrenic motoneurones by stimulation of afferents from peripheral muscles
Q48287716Spinal interneurons in the baroreceptor reflex arc
Q48406915Startle gating deficits occur across prepulse intensities in schizophrenic patients
Q72033030Stimulus parameters affecting paired-pulse depression of dentate granule cell field potentials. I. Stimulus intensity
Q72033032Stimulus parameters affecting paired-pulse depression of dentate granule cell field potentials. II. Low-frequency stimulation
Q48397907Striatal evoked inhibition of identified nigro-thalamic neurons
Q39286237Studies on the receptor responsible for vibration induced inhibition of monosynaptic reflexes in man
Q72866330Study of postinhibitory "rebound" in individual motor units of human hand muscles
Q40118898Substance P and Renshaw cells: a new concept of inhibitory synaptic interactions
Q48247992Suppression of an Epileptiform Type of Electrocortical Activity in the Rat by Stimulation in the Vicinity of Locus Coeruleus
Q43836685Suppression of attack behavior in the cat by the prefrontal cortex: role of the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus
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Q48194966Supraspinal inhibition of dorsal horn cell activity and location of descending pathways in the chicken (Gallus domesticus)
Q67575827Sustained oscillations, entrainment and lateral inhibition in the crayfish visual system
Q40244072Synaptic excitation and long-lasting inhibition of mitral cells in the in vitro turtle olfactory bulb
Q72409049Synaptic hyperpolarization and inhibition of turtle cochlear hair cells
Q69443454Synaptic manifestations following specific and non-specific inhibition of visual cortex neurons
Q67575829Synaptic modulation of endogenous neuronal oscillators
Q46505423Synchronized burst discharge in disinhibited hippocampal slice. I. Initiation in CA2-CA3 region
Q53926311Synchronized burst discharge in disinhibited hippocampal slice. II. Model of cellular mechanism
Q40257882Synergism and antagonism of neurons caused by an electrical synapse
Q48773845Systematic mapping of descending inhibitory control by the medulla of nociceptive spinal neurones in cats
Q40085308Temporal and spatial parameters of excitation and afferent inhibition in cuneothalamic relay neurons
Q67441572Temporal characteristics of peripheral inhibition of sustained and transient ganglion cells in cat retina
Q72694500Temporal facilitation of depressor responses evoked by stimulation of A-and C-fibres in the aortic nerve
Q41437366Temporary mirror writing and mirror reading as disinhibition phenomena? A case study
Q67250611Termination of Inspiration Through Graded Inhibition of Inspiratory Activity
Q42127391Thalamic inhibition of locomotion evoked by stimulation of the midbrain
Q49303041The Dynamics of Inhibition / Ralph W. Gerard. - (9.1948)
Q52716311The Effect of Diazepam on Presynaptic Inhibition in Patients with Complete and Incomplete Spinal Cord Lesions
Q40094584The Ferrier lecture, 1983 - Amino acids and peptides: fast and slow chemical signals in the nervous system?
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Q43497408The action of some vasoactive polypeptides and their antagonists on the anococcygeus muscle [proceedings]
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Q67855518The central neural mechanism of the gastric motility in the dog's medulla oblongata on the vagal inhibitory and excitatory reflexes (author's transl)
Q48618397The concentration of GABA within inhibitory nerve terminals
Q48442789The contribution of inhibitory mechanisms to the receptive field properties of neurones in the striate cortex of the cat
Q70755583The control of sodium chloride intake: Functional relationship between hypothalamic inhibitory areas and amygdaloid complex stimulating areas
Q48625226The dendritic geometry of an insect common inhibitory neuron
Q67066026The effect of transcutaneous nerve stimulation on the tooth pain threshold
Q40164348The effects of recurrent inhibition on the cross-correlated firing patterns of motoneurones (and their relation to signal transmission in the spinal cord-muscle channel)
Q40164341The effects of recurrent inhibitory feedback in shaping discharge patterns of motoneurones excited by phasic muscle stretches
Q48382742The effects of state of consciousness and latent inhibition on hippocampal unit activity in the rat during conditioning
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Q39928835The electrical basis of excitation and inhibition in the rat anoccygeus muscle
Q45083241The existence of facilitatory axon collaterals in neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus
Q40021224The identification of two inhibitory cells in each segmental ganglion of the leech and studies on the ionic mechanism of the inhibitory junctional potentials produced by these cells
Q48721597The inhibitory effects of thalamic stimulation on the spinal transmission of nociceptive information in the rat
Q45334049The inhibitory influence of the pyloric antrum on gastric secretion in dogs
Q40229445The inhibitory role of β-noradrenergic receptors in oxytocin release during suckling
Q39170065The ionic mechanisms concerned in generating the i. p. s. ps of hippocampal pyramidal cells
Q52710389The participation of enteric inhibitory nerves in accommodation of the intestine to distension
Q51595446The persistence of behavioral sensitization to cocaine parallels enhanced inhibition of nucleus accumbens neurons
Q69766414The post-inhibitory reaction of a crustacean stretch receptor neuron following direct and recurrent inhibition
Q41611650The presence and nature of inhibition in small slices of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of rat and cat incubated in vitro
Q41547893The properties of lingually induced IPSPs in the masseteric motoneurons
Q72561087The quest for the inhibitory neurotransmitter in bovine tracheal smooth muscle
Q69589495The reaction of motor units to spinal and supraspinal inhibitory influences in man
Q52325153The reaction of neurons of the anterior region of the suprasylvian gyrus to peripheral stimulation of different modalities
Q69444295The relationship between the inhibitory zone of inferior colliculus neuron responses and the temporal parameters of acoustic stimuli
Q39537437The role of cholinergic mechanisms in the corticofugal inhibition of the spinal trigeminal nucleus
Q64999550The role of homosynaptic depression in stabilizing spinal cord potentials
Q48655731The role of inhibitory mechanisms in hippocampal long-term potentiation
Q68456433The role of intracortical inhibition in forming homo- and heterosensory interaction on the neurons of the sensorimotor cortex in kittens
Q43473897The role of the dorsal and median raphe in the inhibition of muricide
Q66962665The stimulus locked interval histogram: a method that may allow investigation of Renshaw inhibition in man [proceedings]
Q46427852The tilt illusion: Length and luminance changes of induction line and third (disinhibiting) line
Q48478793The time course of inhibition during the delayed response of the on-off ganglion cell in the frog
Q37453477Theory of Delayed Lateral Inhibition in the Compound Eye of Limulus
Q52848675Theory of the response of the limulus retina to periodic excitation
Q72898996Thin-section and freeze-fracture studies of crayfish stretch receptor synapses including the reciprocal inhibitory synapse
Q34128938Tiotropium bromide inhibits TGF-ß-induced MMP production from lung fibroblasts by interfering with Smad and MAPK pathways in vitro
Q72906428Tonic catecholaminergic inhibition of the spinal somato-sympathetic reflexes originating in the ventrolateral medulla oblongata
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Q39806581Tonic inhibitory influence of a supraspinal monoaminergic system on presynaptic inhibition of an extensor monosynaptic reflex
Q70789020Tooth pulp input to the spinal trigeminal nucleus: A comparison of inhibitions following segmental and raphe magnus stimulation
Q66988722Topographic analysis of AChE-positive Renshaw elements: a light- and electronmicroscopic histochemical study on the morphological basis of recurrent inhibition
Q67438151Transient Responses of Rabbit Retinal Ganglion Cells to Photic and Electrical Stimuli
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Q48907202Transmission at a central inhibitory synapse. I. Magnitude of unitary postsynaptic conductance change and kinetics of channel activation
Q48907190Transmission at a central inhibitory synapse. III. Ultrastructure of physiologically identified and stained terminals
Q40035776Transmission in the Pathway of Reciprocal Ia Inhibition to Motoneurones and its Control during the Tonic Stretch Reflex
Q72556648Transmitters mediating inhibition of ganglion cells in the cat retina: Iontophoretic studies in vivo
Q54537893Two kinds of recurrent inhibition of cat spinal alpha‐motoneurones as differentiated pharmacologically
Q44599532Two types of depolarizing after-potentials in hippocampal pyramidal cells of rabbits
Q48449582Two types of inhibitory effects upon brain stem reticular neurons by low frequency stimulation of raphe nucleus in the rat
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Q48326070Two-stage lateral inhibition for auditory selectivity
Q46287905Two-tone rate suppression in lizard cochlear nerve fibers, relation to receptor organ morphology
Q36660542Ultrastructural specificity of synaptic sites in nerve terminals mediating both presynaptic and postsynaptic inhibition
Q47953234Unitary inhibitory synaptic potentials in the guinea-pig hippocampus in vitro
Q71798359Ventral pallidal GABA-A receptors regulate prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle
Q40029270Vertebrate Central Nervous System: Same Neurons Mediate Both Electrical and Chemical Inhibitions
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Q39670821Visual suppression from nondominant eye in the lateral geniculate nucleus: A comparison of cat and monkey
Q72906031Voltage clamp analysis of inhibitory synaptic action in crayfish stretch receptor neurons
Q41052017Voltage-clamp analysis of a self-inhibitory synaptic potential in the buccal ganglia of Aplysia
Q72500891What transmitters do
Q44414599γ-Frequency Excitatory Input to Granule Cells Facilitates Dendrodendritic Inhibition in the Rat Olfactory Bulb

Q18460087抑制different fromP1889

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