methyl palmitate

chemical compound


methyl palmitate is …
instance of (P31):
type of chemical entityQ113145171

sublass of (P279):
wax monoesterQ63446172
biogenic acyclic esterQ109923912

External links are
P7049AICS Chemical ID (BEING DELETED)3058
P11160Cannabis Database ID000182
P231CAS Registry Number112-39-0
P683ChEBI ID69187
P661ChemSpider ID7889
P3073CosIng number78375
P8494DSSTOX compound identifierDTXCID909149
P3117DSSTox substance IDDTXSID4029149
P232EC number203-966-3
P2566ECHA Substance Infocard ID100.003.606
P9066FL number09.180
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/1z3t2xz_6
P2062HSDB ID5570
P2057Human Metabolome Database IDHMDB0061859
P4168IEDB Epitope ID969156
P665KEGG IDC16995
P2064KNApSAcK IDC00030755
P6689MassBank accession IDMSBNK-Fac_Eng_Univ_Tokyo-JP006223
P2840NSC number4197
P11949PesticideInfo chemical IDPRI4144
P11199Probes And Drugs IDPD020306
P662PubChem CID8181
P3345RxNorm ID1486520
P11089UniChem compound ID150900
P679ZVG number530454

P703found in taxonVaccinium vitis-idaeaQ93235
Chamaecyparis pisiferaQ74068
Aloe veraQ80079
mandarin orangeQ125337
Cryptomeria japonicaQ147388
Capparis spinosaQ156251
Camellia sinensisQ101815
Equisetum arvenseQ107592
Bellis perennisQ26158
Brassica rapaQ3384
Hordeum vulgareQ11577
Alliaria petiolataQ160097
Platycladus orientalisQ33482
Mentha pulegiumQ161235
Valeriana officinalisQ157819
Zingiber officinaleQ35625
Tussilago farfaraQ26302
Cannabis sativaQ26726
Azadirachta indicaQ170461
Lonicera japonicaQ161083
Catharanthus roseusQ161093
Apium graveolensQ28298
Nicotiana tabacumQ181095
Oryza sativaQ161426
Aristolochia clematitisQ158273
Coriandrum sativumQ41611
Maerua oblongifoliaQ393159
Nelumbo luteaQ468996
Achillea millefoliumQ25408
Matricaria chamomillaQ28437
Trichosanthes kirilowiiQ847006
Hamamelis virginianaQ913129
Lycoris radiataQ161828
Aucuba japonicaQ163114
Chamaecyparis obtusaQ917187
European Corn BorerQ1049481
Smenospongia aureaQ3516463
Daphne odoraQ1156295
Zanthoxylum ailanthoidesQ1156537
Centipeda minimaQ6744117
Thermotoga maritimaQ7783261
Mangifera indicaQ3919027
Acanthophora spiciferaQ4672006
Typhonium flagelliformeQ7861089
Begonia heracleifoliaQ9168329
Trichosanthes tricuspidataQ10865852
Hellenia speciosaQ42744454
Chamomilla recutitaQ50837010
Leea guineenseQ104374931
Brassica junceaQ504781
Pellia epiphyllaQ1247948
Artemisia annuaQ1308044
Hedysarum polybotrysQ10932602
Aristolochia debilisQ11289074
Bathynella natansQ11708280
Panax pseudoginsengQ10888482
Cinnamomum kotoenseQ10893587
Cajanus cajanQ632559
Neolitsea daibuensisQ5474294
Aristolochia paucinervisQ5704212
Myrtus communis L.Q6122027
Thujopsis dolabrataQ1330391
Acyrthosiphon pisumQ1348560
Astragalus trimestrisQ12232253
Diospyros mollisQ13018882
Bonagota salubricolaQ13441849
Tripterygium wilfordiiQ1424919
Siraitia grosvenoriiQ1544966
Paris polyphylla var. chinensisQ10905961
Leea guineensisQ10914832
Beilschmiedia erythrophloiaQ10915784
Peperomia leptostachyaQ104415542
Anchietea salutarisQ104838459
Streptomyces antioxidansQ104861392
Andrographis paniculataQ1551608
Aplysina lacunosaQ2231412
Casimiroa greggiiQ15388831
Aristolochia fontanesiiQ15463701
Mitracarpus hirtusQ15473105
Cirsium palustreQ659846
Cornus officinalisQ728125
Haminoea templadoiQ13653311
Pueraria montana var. lobataQ15198502
Saussurea involucrataQ15224177
Aplysina fistularisQ2539618
Diphasiastrum alpinumQ2715589
Crinum augustumQ104944264
Illicium merrillianumQ15227571
Cinnamomum philippinenseQ15227678
Lepidium meyeniiQ795158
Scutellaria baicalensisQ803769
Astragalus mongholicusQ15520533
Asparagus adscendensQ15522563
Astragalus membranaceusQ15532251
Garcinia dulcisQ2717605
Castanopsis cuspidataQ2717620
Hyptis spicigeraQ3144432
Gynura japonicaQ15227695
Trichosanthes cucumeroidesQ15238217
Zanthoxylum schinifoliumQ15249901
Peperomia humilisQ15604966
Burkholderia tropicaQ16919648
Bauhinia purpureaQ3245410
Polygala senegaQ3395566
Casearia membranaceaQ15250194
Etlingera philippinensisQ15328153
Nepeta hindostanaQ15344804
Pellia fabbronianaQ17263419
Plagiochila elegansQ17269741
Zanthoxylum beecheyanumQ18083681
Citrus × deliciosaQ20686225
Brassica campestrisQ21872049
Salvia hydrangeaQ15359492
Teucrium leucocladumQ15371310
Anchietea pyrifoliaQ15385781
P527has part(s)carbonQ623
P2101melting point31

Reverse relations

main subject (P921)
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Q104415565A lupane triterpenoid from Maerua oblongifolia
Q105237381A new 15,16-dimethyl-30-glyceryloxytriacontanoic acid from lipids of Thermotoga maritima
Q104997133A peculiar fatty acid, (Z,Z)-9,12,17-octadecatrienoic acid, identified in the phospholipids of the pea aphid,Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (homoptera: aphididae)
Q104375100A triterpene acid from Nepeta hindostana
Q104374150Acetylenes and terpenoids of Bellis perennis
Q104923747Alcaloïdes de Lycopodium alpinum
Q104384670Aliphatic hydroxyketones from Crinum augustum
Q104386326Alkaloidal Constituents of the Flowers of Lycoris radiata Herb. Amaryllidaceae.
Q35131553Analysis of volatile compounds from Siraitia grosvenorii by headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Q72702053Anti-inflammatory constituents of topically applied crude drugs. V. Constituents and anti-inflammatory effect of Aoki, Aucuba japonica Thunb
Q55172539Antimicrobial compounds from leaf extracts of Jatropha curcas, Psidium guajava, and Andrographis paniculata.
Q46717755Antitubercular constituents from the stem wood of Cinnamomum kotoense
Q104375261Benzoquinones from Costus speciosus seeds
Q115784612Bio-fuel oil characteristic of rice bran wax pyrolysis
Q67714208Biologically Active Constituents of Centipedaminima: Sesquiterpenes of Potential Anti-allergy Activity
Q68954678Biologically active constituents of Centipeda minima: isolation of a new plenolin ester and the antiallergy activity of sesquiterpene lactones
Q43874586Brine shrimp lethality test active constituents and new highly oxygenated seco-prezizaane-type sesquiterpenes from Illicium merrillianum
Q104936817Cerebrosides from the Rhizomes ofGynura Japonica
Q115784051Characteristic Aroma Components of the Volatile Oil of Yellow Keaw Mango Fruits Determined by Limited Odor Unit Method.
Q104374258Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Hyptis spicigera Lam. from Burkina Faso
Q104375257Chemical Constituents from Shoots of Hordeum vulgare Infested by the Aphid Schizaphis graminum
Q104838436Chemical Constituents from the Root Bark of FormosanZanthoxylum Ailanthoides
Q104415150Chemical Constituents of Heartwood ofBauhinia purpurea
Q104997120Chemical Constituents of the Red Alga Acanthophora spicifera
Q104838172Chemical analysis and biological activities of the essential oil of Teucrium leucocladum Boiss. (Lamiaceae)
Q104865346Chemical and Antiplatelet Constituents from the Stem ofZanthoxylum Beecheyanum
Q73535060Chemical and cytotoxic constituents from Peperomia sui
Q104415441Chemical constituents from the leaves of Cinnamomum philippinense
Q104938794Chemical constituents of chloroform and petroleum extracts from Cirsium palustre flower heads
Q46427188Chemistry, antioxidant and antimicrobial investigations on essential oil and oleoresins of Zingiber officinale
Q115783992Comparison of Headspace SPME with Hydrodistillation and SFE for Analysis of the Volatile Components of the Roots of Valeriana officinalis var. latifolia
Q80330982Comparison of different extraction methods: steam distillation, simultaneous distillation and extraction and headspace co-distillation, used for the analysis of the volatile components in aged flue-cured tobacco leaves
Q104989038Components of essential oil from the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra.
Q70425726Components of fruits of Diospyros mollis
Q104375123Components of the Essential Oil of Saussurea involucrata (Kar. et Kir.) ex Maxim
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Q104375127Constituents of the volatile oil ofMitracarpus scaber Zucc.
Q37712506Core Microbiota and Metabolome of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Corvina Grapes and Musts.
Q46822200Cuticular waxes from potato (Solanum tuberosum) leaves
Q104375040Diterpene production by callus of some plants belonging to cupressaceae.
Q82915022Endiandric Acid Analogues from the Roots of Beilschmiedia erythrophloia
Q104374417Essential Oil ofSalvia hydrangeaDC. ex Benth.
Q104374312Essential oil of Scutellaria baicalensis G.
Q39753595Ethnobotanical survey and cytotoxicity testing of plants of South-western Nigeria used to treat cancer, with isolation of cytotoxic constituents from Cajanus cajan Millsp. leaves
Q115784022Extraction of essential oil from discarded tobacco leaves by solvent extraction and steam distillation, and identification of its chemical composition
Q104997139Fatty acid esters in the volatile oil from the liverwort, Pellia fabbroniana
Q104851403Fatty acids and esters from Panax pseudo-ginseng rhizomes
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Q115783981Identification and Characterization of Constituents in Si-Wu-Tang by Liquid Chromatography Connected with Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry and Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry
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Q106631917Mixture of methyl linoleate and methyl linolenatehas part(s)P527

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