Mammalian Biology


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P495country of originGermanyQ183
P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level1
P98editorDeutsche Gesellschaft für SäugetierkundeQ774072
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
multiple languagesQ20923490
P921main subjectmammalogyQ183904
P123publisherSpringer Science+Business MediaQ176916
Elsevier BVQ746413
P1365replacesZeitschrift für SäugetierkundeQ24199498
P1476titleMammalian Biology
Mammalian biology

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published in (P1433)
Q115600175A cat in paradise: hunting and feeding behaviour of Eurasian lynx among abundant naive prey
Q115440166A cytotaxonomic and DNA-based survey of rodents from Northern Cameroon and Western Chad
Q104206636A karyological study on subterranean mole rats of the Spalax leucodon Nordmann, 1840 superspecies in Turkey
Q120967495A landscape-level assessment of Asian elephant habitat, its population and elephant–human conflict in the Anamalai hill ranges of southern Western Ghats, India
Q57096097A maze-lover's dream: Burrow architecture, natural history and habitat characteristics of Ansell's mole-rat (Fukomys anselli)
Q60463616A meta-analysis of the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on genetic diversity in mammals
Q56518976A new mitochondrial haplotype confirms the distinctiveness of the Italian wolf ( Canis lupus ) population
Q54647227A new record and an evaluation of the phylogenetic relationships of Abrothrix olivaceus markhami (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae)
Q59037083A new sexual signal in rutting male red deer: Age related chemical scent constituents in the belly black spot
Q54800125A new sibling species of Taterillus (Muridae, Gerbillinae) from West Africa
Q58918790A new species of Eumops (Chiroptera: Molossidae) from southeastern Brazil and Bolivia
Q54677356A new species of Micronycteris (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from Saint Vincent, Lesser Antilles
Q56767814A new species of Miniopterus (Chiroptera: Miniopteridae) from lowland southeastern Madagascar
Q56777193A new species of Monodelphis (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae) from southeastern Peru
Q54654722A new species of Myotis Kaup, 1829 (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) from Ecuador
Q54788845A new species of Oryzomys (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) of the subflavus group from the Cerrado of Central Brazil
Q29040564A new species of Philander Brisson, 1762 (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae)
Q56767823A new species of Phyllotis (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) from Tucumán province, Argentina
Q56777197A new species of Wiedomys (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) from Brazilian Cerrad
Q54801891A new species of mastiff bat (Chiroptera, Molossidae, Molossus ) from Guyana and Ecuador
Q54655033A new species of mastiff bat (Chiroptera: Molossidae: Molossus) from Mexico
Q54800356A new species of murid rodent (genus Mayermys) from south-eastern New Guinea
Q54767384A new species of recently extinct rice rat (Megalomys) from Barbados
Q104452649A new species of small-eared shrew of the genus Cryptotis Pomel, 1848 (Mammalia, Eulipotyphla, Soricidae) from the easternmost mountains of the Venezuelan Andes
Q104430840A new subspecies of the little desert bat (Rhogeessa minutilla) from a Venezuelan semiarid enclave
Q58862941A pilot study on the ontogeny of digestive physiology in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata)
Q59843507A recent shift in the pigmentation phenotype of a wild Neotropical primate
Q118130984A review of the impacts of invasive wild pigs on native vertebrates
Q114686981A simple tool for linking photo-identification with multimedia data to track mammal behaviour
Q60536224A spatio-temporal decrease in molar size in the western European house mouse
Q29307789A taxonomic revision of the tigers (Panthera tigris) of Southeast Asia
Q124995532Aboveground activity, reproduction, body temperature and weight of armadillos (Xenarthra, Chlamyphoridae) according to atmospheric conditions in the central Monte (Argentina)
Q60557548Absence of heterothermy in the European red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
Q58470467Acorns were good until tannins were found: Factors affecting seed-selection in the hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius)
Q125588478Acoustic detection of radiotracked foraging bats in temperate lowland forests
Q59292604Acoustics of male rutting roars in the endangered population of Mesola red deer Cervus elaphus italicus
Q57248181Activity budget, pattern and rhythm of maned sloths (Bradypus torquatus): Responses to variations in ambient temperature
Q61075267Activity monitoring of a brown bear – a model approach to test field methods
Q128825241Activity patterns of African elephants in nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor savannas
Q60463640Activity patterns of ocelots and their potential prey in the Brazilian Pantanal
Q115569696Activity patterns of the threatened northern tiger cat Leopardus tigrinus and its potential prey in a Brazilian dry tropical forest
Q57041206Activity patterns of the vulnerable guiña (Leopardus guigna) and its main prey in the Valdivian rainforest of southern Chile
Q61794414Activity, habitat use, density, and reproductive biology of the crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) and comparison with the pampas fox (Lycalopex gymnocercus) in a Restinga area in the southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Q128985768Additional row of outer hair cells – The unique pattern of the Corti organ in a subterranean rodent, the Gansu zokor (Eospalax cansus)
Q56458676Admixture of two phylogeographic lineages of the Eurasian beaver in Poland
Q107002786Afrotherian affinities for endemic South American “ungulates”
Q58895092Age and sex differences in hibernation patterns in free-living Anatolian ground squirrels
Q60487649Akodon montensis (Thomas, 1913) (Muridae) as a disperser of endozoochoric seeds in a coastal swamp forest of southern Brazil
Q114747076Alien versus alien: spatiotemporal overlaps among introduced ungulates in a Mediterranean island ecosystem
Q113869263Allosuckling in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus): A test of the improved nutrition and compensation hypotheses
Q129995434Allosuckling in southern right whale calves
Q56211487Among habitat variation in prey availability and use by caracal Felis caracal
Q56212249An exploratory analysis of geographic genetic variation in southern African nyala (Tragelaphus angasii)
Q114308143An update on the distribution of the coypu, Myocastor coypus, in Asia and Africa through published literature, citizen-science and online platforms
Q55881855Analysis of mitochondrial DNA data reveals non-monophyly in the bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus) complex
Q114395160Ancient mitochondrial DNA analyses of Bronze Age pigs from Hallstatt – Results from a pilot study
Q56135977Annual secretional activity of the skin glands in the Southern pudu (Pudu puda Molina 1782, Cervidae)
Q56441615Anthropogenic and environmental effects on invasive mammal distribution in northern Patagonia, Argentina
Q115046726Anthropogenic and seasonal determinants of giant otter sightings along waterways in the northern Brazilian Amazon
Q115569781Anti-predator response of Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) to predator calls of tawny owls (Strix aluco)
Q60567234Apprehension affecting foraging patterns and landscape use of mule deer in arid environments
Q56017057Aquatic escape behaviour in mouse-deer provides insight into tragulid evolution
Q63379787Arboreal gaits in three sympatric rodents Apodemus agrarius, Apodemus flavicollis (Rodentia, Muridae) and Myodes glareolus (Rodentia, Cricetidae)
Q125620720Are Asian elephants afraid of honeybees? Experimental studies in northern Thailand
Q60477099Are degraded habitats from agricultural crops associated with elevated faecal glucocorticoids in a wild population of common vole (Microtus arvalis)?
Q125389471Are female camels capital breeders? Influence of seasons, age, and body condition on reproduction in an extremely arid region
Q60537914Assessing environmental requirements effects on forest fragmentation sensitivity in two arboreal rodents
Q124802997Assessing male gelada chest patches: color measurement and physiological mechanisms
Q126079931Assessing neophobia and exploration while accounting for social context: an example application in scimitar-horned oryx
Q114686980Assessing social structure: a data-driven approach to define associations between individuals
Q114388451Assessing the performance of open-source, semi-automated pattern recognition software for harbour seal (P. v. vitulina) photo ID
Q114204697Assessment of social mixing and spatial overlap as a pathway for disease transmission in a northeast Florida estuarine dolphin community
Q125748633Association patterns and community structure among female bottlenose dolphins: environmental, genetic and cultural factors
Q115569750Attraction-repulsion among top predators following reintroduction efforts
Q61648503Autopodial skeletal diversity in hystricognath rodents: Functional and phylogenetic aspects
Q127485056Baiting improves wild boar population size estimates by camera trapping
Q125599786Basic considerations on seasonal breeding in mammals including their testing by comparing natural habitats and zoos
Q57948033Bat frugivory in two subtropical rain forests of Northern Argentina: Testing hypotheses of fruit selection in the Neotropics
Q61896036Bats as bioindicators: an introduction
Q130068763Bats of the Philippine Islands—A review of research directions and relevance to national-level priorities and targets
Q128568082Bats use larval galleries of the endangered beetle Cerambyx cerdo as hibernation sites
Q110812788Beaver (Castor fiber) activity patterns in a predator-free landscape. What is keeping them in the dark?
Q56484701Beavers (Castor canadensis) facilitate early access by Canada geese (Branta canadensis) to nesting habitat and areas of open water in Canada's boreal wetlands
Q58339075Behavioural and endocrine correlates to the aardwolf mating system
Q115569769Behavioural and morphological strategies by small savannah rodents to avoid predation
Q115569631Behavioural ecology in a predator-prey system
Q56444933Behavioural ecology of four-horned antelope (Tetracerus quadricornis de Blainville, 1816) in the tropical forests of southern India
Q59884707Behavioural ecology of the black mongoose (Galerella nigrata) in Namibia
Q114181858Biodiversity lost: The phylogenetic relationships of a complete mitochondrial DNA genome sequenced from the extinct wolf population of Sicily
Q57124011Biology and ecology of Thallomys nigricauda (Rodentia, Muridae) in the Thornveld savannah of South Africa
Q114216274Black-backed jackal niche analysis: a stable isotope approach to a generalist mesopredator
Q119522245Book review
Q112831110Burrowing activity by large hairy armadillos (Chaetophractus villosus) increases in plots under no-till farming
Q111265015Camera traps reveal an apparent mutualism between a common mesocarnivore and an endangered ungulate
Q114216272Camera-trapping reveals new insights in the ecology of three sympatric muntjacs in an overhunted biodiversity hotspot
Q123220700Can bats help paper industry? An evaluation of eucalypt insect-related predation by bats
Q58064091Can mesowear analysis be applied to small mammals? A pilot-study on leporines and murines
Q110790270Can pinewoods provide habitat for a deciduous forest specialist? A two-scale approach to the habitat selection of Bechstein's bat
Q114216285Can prey occupancy act as a surrogate for mesopredator occupancy? A case study of ocelot (Leopardus pardalis)
Q90697363Canine distemper virus may affect European wild cat populations in Central Spain
Q115440165Changes in lion (Panthera leo) home range size in Waza National Park, Cameroon
Q125337505Changes in the social behavior of urban animals: more aggression or tolerance?
Q115569772Characteristics of African wild dog natal dens selected under different interspecific predation pressures
Q60397125Characterization of 151 SNPs for population structure analysis of the endangered Tatra chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica) and its relative, the Alpine chamois (R. r. rupicapra)
Q114216251Cheetah marking sites are also used by other species for communication: evidence from photographic data in a comparative setup
Q123292388Cheetah spatiotemporal overlap with other large carnivores and prey at camera-trap sites: do they fit the niche-complementarity hypothesis?
Q56210135Chromosomal aspects and inheritance of the XY female condition in Akodon azarae (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae)
Q127347709Climate change and its potential impact on the conservation of the Hoary Fox, Lycalopex vetulus (Mammalia: Canidae)
Q55980947Colour polymorphism and genetic relationships among twelve subspecies of Callosciurus finlaysonii in Thailand
Q115440167Comments on Welwitsch's mouse-eared bat (Myotis welwitschii) with the first record from Cameroon
Q63101814Communal latrines act as potentially important communication centers in ocelots Leopardus pardalis
Q114663763Comparative post-weaning ontogeny of the mandible in fossorial and semi-aquatic water voles
Q127903804Comparative spatial genetic structure of two rodent species in an agro-ecological landscape in southern Africa
Q129670856Comparing direct (live-trapping) and indirect (camera-trapping) approaches for estimating the abundance of weasels (Mustela nivalis)
Q112820811Comparison of diet and prey selectivity of the Pyrenean desman and the Eurasian water shrew using next-generation sequencing methods
Q114395161Comparison of genetic and morphological characters in fossil teeth of grey voles from the Russian Far East (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Alexandromys)
Q114150581Comparison of microhabitat selection and trace abundance of giant pandas between primary and secondary forests in Liziping Nature Reserve, China: effects of selective logging
Q115046769Comparison of the feeding habits of Eurasian otters on a fast flowing river and its backwater habitats
Q56226166Comparisons of digestive function between the European hare (Lepus europaeus) and the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus): Mastication, gut passage, and digestibility
Q60533920Confirmation of wolf residence in Northern Hungary by field and genetic monitoring
Q127350322Context-specific tool use by Sus cebifrons
Q60728544Coping with environmental stress: The effects of wastewater pollutants on energy stores and leptin levels in insectivorous bats
Q113890400Correction to: Safety or satiety? Spatiotemporal behaviour of a threatened herbivore
Q110451286Cranial morphological variation of Dromiciops gliroides (Microbiotheria) along its geographical distribution in south-central Chile: A three-dimensional analysis
Q104207215Craniodental and forelimb specializations for digging in the South American subterranean rodent Ctenomys (Hystricomorpha, Ctenomyidae)
Q115046701Craniometric and epigenetic variability of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in eastern Saxony
Q56504703Craniometric variation in the tiger (Panthera tigris): Implications for patterns of diversity, taxonomy and conservation
Q61896059Curiosity killed the bat: Domestic cats as bat predators
Q57206464Cytochrome b haplotype divergences in West European Apodemus
Q60395744Daily and seasonal variation in wolf activity in the Bieszczady Mountains, SE Poland
Q29036555Day-bed choice by the brown palm civet (Paradoxurus jerdoni) in the Western Ghats, India
Q110789972Decreasing dietary diversity following habitat loss: the case of the thin-spined porcupine in the Atlantic forest
Q60433250Density and niche segregation of two armadillo species (Xenarthra: Dasypodidae) in the Vale Natural Reserve, Brazil
Q126788983Density and spatio-temporal behaviour of Geoffroy's cats in a human-dominated landscape of southern Brazil
Q113890398Density, habitat use and activity patterns of the last giant armadillo population in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Q127020396Density-dependent decline of early horn growth in European mouflon
Q130085044Density-related pattern of variation in body growth, body size and annual productivity in the common hamster
Q113027816Determinants of smooth-coated otter occupancy in a rapidly urbanizing coastal landscape in Southeast Asia
Q58881087Diel variation in movement patterns and habitat use by the Iberian endemic Cabrera vole: Implications for conservation and monitoring
Q117656961Diet and prey selection of wolves (Canis lupus) recolonising Western and Central Poland
Q58519883Diet footprint of Egyptian mongoose along ecological gradients: effects of primary productivity and life history traits
Q58837232Diet of Mongolian gazelles and Tibetan antelopes from steppe habitats using premaxillary shape, tooth mesowear and microwear analyses
Q111164457Diet of a semiaquatic invasive mammal in northern Italy: Could it be an alarming threat to the endemic water vole?
Q111376927Diet of badgers living in a deciduous forest in Hungary
Q57276000Diet of the mara (Dolichotis patagonum), food availability and effects of an extended drought in Northern Patagonia (Mendoza, Argentina)
Q60433429Diet of the thin-spined porcupine (Chaetomys subspinosus), an Atlantic forest endemic threatened with extinction in southeastern Brazil
Q57247323Diet of three didelphid marsupials (Mammalia, Didelphimorphia) in southern Brazil
Q112820813Diet selection and plant nutritional quality in Attwater's pocket gopher (Geomys attwateri)
Q61051067Diet, habitat use, and relative abundance of pampas fox (Pseudalopex gymnocercus) in northern Patagonia, Argentina
Q58064115Dietary divergence in space and time – Lessons from the dwarf-goat Myotragus balearicus (Pleisto-Holocene, Mallorca, Spain)
Q127391680Dietary habits of wild Javan lutungs (Trachypithecus auratus) in a secondary-plantation mixed forest: Effects of vegetation composition and phenology
Q104206638Dietary shifts of the badger (Meles meles) in Mediterranean woodlands: an opportunistic forager with seasonal specialisms
Q60523091Diets of prairie dogs (Cynomys mexicanus) co-existing with cattle or goats
Q56590612Differences in diet and trophic interactions of Patagonian carnivores between areas with mostly native or exotic prey
Q61794409Differential patterns of home-range, net displacement and resting sites use of Conepatus chinga in southern Brazil
Q125908249Differential responses of large mammals to logging and edge effects
Q57041260Differentiation of animals from different age classes by means of pellet size: Assessment of a field method in European rabbits
Q125585153Differentiation underground: Range-wide multilocus genetic structure of the silvery mole-rat does not support current taxonomy based on mitochondrial sequences
Q111162306Direct and indirect effects of roads on activity patterns of the largest South American artiodactyl (Lama guanicoe) in a hyper-arid landscape
Q127962946Discovery of the rare Handley’s short-tailed opossum, Monodelphis handleyi, in the threatened southern Amazonian savanna of Brazil
Q111162316Disease monitoring and surveillance: case studies in the applied conservation of fragmented red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) populations in England and Wales
Q115569594Distribution and activity pattern of stone marten Martes foina in relation to prey and predators
Q110756705Distribution patterns of the native Eurasian and the non-native North American beaver in Finland—possible factors affecting the slow range expansion of the native species
Q125130686Diurnal pattern of pre-weaning den visits and nursing in breeding pairs of captive dingoes (Canis dingo)
Q114016605Diverging ecological traits between the Balkan lynx and neighbouring populations as a basis for planning its genetic rescue
Q107327176Diversity and distribution of the Myotis nattereri complex (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in the Middle East: filling the gaps
Q126010279Diversity patterns of small mammals in the Zambales Mts., Luzon, Philippines
Q113293552Do breeders and non-breeders in eusocial Ansell's mole-rats (Fukomys anselli) represent different personalities?
Q59938565Do wolves hunt freshwater fish in spring as a food source?
Q111147458Does a non-invasive method – latrine surveys – reveal habitat preferences of raccoon dogs and badgers?
Q116754246Early and late fawn mortality in a remnant population of Arabian gazelles (Gazella arabica)
Q110772394Ecological gradients explain variation of phyllostomid bat (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) diversity in Honduras
Q114204700Ecosystem engineering by endangered Mongolian marmots supports darkling beetles
Q57114455Effect of distance to forest and habitat characteristics on endemic versus introduced rat species in agroforest landscapes of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Q90697358Effect of sex and reproductive status on the immunity of the temperate bat Myotis daubentonii
Q57020002Effects of a drought episode on the reproductive success of European free-tailed bats (Tadarida teniotis)
Q60442695Effects of agro-forestry activities, cattle-raising practices and food-related factors in badger sett location and use in Portugal
Q123236936Effects of forest degradation on the moonrat Echinosorex gymnura in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo
Q56524623Effects of livestock and non-native mouflon on use of high-elevation pastures by Alpine chamois
Q60528784Effects of sewage-water contamination on the immune response of a desert bat
Q57568164Effects of temporary closure of a national park on leopard movement and behaviour in tropical Asia
Q56588440Effects of wild boar disturbance on vegetation and soil properties in the Monte Desert, Argentina
Q128628155Elephant body mass cyclicity suggests effect of molar progression on chewing efficiency
Q57049821Enriching agroecosystems with fruit-producing tree species favors the abundance and richness of frugivorous and nectarivorous bats in Veracruz, Mexico
Q57209529Environmental determinants of the distribution of the Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae) in Portugal: Implications for conservation
Q56526056Erratum to “Morphological variation of introduced species: The case of American mink (Neovison vison) in Spain” [Mammalian Biology 77 (2012) 345–350]
Q124819604Estimating the density of a small population of leopards (Panthera pardus) in central Iran using multi-session photographic‐sampling data
Q57062626Eurasian badger habitat selection in Mediterranean environments: Does scale really matter?
Q59702466Evaluating ex situ conservation projects: Genetic structure of the captive population of the Arabian sand cat
Q111162302Evaluating the effectiveness of footprint platforms to detect invasive mammals: coypu (Myocastor coypus) as a case study
Q114385161Evaluating trap performance and volunteers’ experience in small mammal monitoring programs based on citizen science: The SEMICE case study
Q130115567Evaluation of methods to monitor wild mammals on Mediterranean farmland
Q115046756Evaluation of methods used for diet analysis of the neotropical otter Lontra longicaudis (Carnivora, Mustelidae) based on spraints
Q55980930Evaluation of the classification of Indian hares (Lepusnigricollis) into the genus Indolagus Gureev, 1953 (Leporidae, Lagomorpha)
Q60397648Evidence for phenotypic plasticity but not for compensatory horn growth in male Iberian ibex
Q59652733Evidence of cross-transfer of maternal antibodies through allosuckling in a mammal: Potential importance for behavioral ecology
Q62397494Evidence of two genetically deeply divergent species of warthog, Phacochoerus africanus and P. aethiopicus (Artiodactyla: Suiformes) in East Africa
Q55893248Evolution and systematics of the feliform Carnivora
Q60530328Evolution of ecological traits and phylogeny of the genus Gazella
Q54601488Evolutionary association between subterranean lifestyle and female sociality in rodents
Q58471643Evolutionary history and biogeography of the genus Crocidura (Mammalia, Soricidae) in Europe, with emphasis on Crocidura kornfeldi
Q56767837Evolutionary history of Caribbean species of Myotis, with evidence of a third Lesser Antillean endemic
Q57094309Exploring (Rodentia, Muridae) as a possible species complex using geometric morphometrics on dental morphology
Q116754254Extended diurnal activity patterns of European rabbits along a rural-to-urban gradient
Q57248572Factors affecting roe deer occurrence in a Mediterranean landscape, Northeastern Portugal
Q57209491Factors affecting southern water vole ( Arvicola sapidus ) detection and occupancy probabilities in Mediterranean farmland
Q111162313Factors affecting the crop damage by wild boar (Sus scrofa) and effects of population control in the Ticino and Lake Maggiore Park (North-western Italy)
Q57247669Factors affecting the prey preferences of jackals (Canidae)
Q124986504Factors associated with hantavirus infection in a wild host rodent from Cholila, Chubut Province, Argentina
Q110798601Factors influencing forage selection by the North American beaver (Castor canadensis)
Q60463688Factors influencing red deer occurrence at the southern edge of their range: A Mediterranean ecosystem
Q115046746Features of the predation of the Eurasian otter upon toads in north-western Spain
Q115046695Feeding ecology of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) in freshwater habitats: Preliminary results of a stable isotope approach
Q56029468Feeding habits of golden jackal and red fox in south-western Hungary during winter and spring
Q56838447Female teat size is a reliable indicator of annual breeding success in European badgers: Genetic validation
Q59672187Fetal growth and development of the coypu (Myocastor coypus): Prenatal growth, tooth eruption, and cranial ossification
Q126033476Fine-scale habitat selection of a small mammalian urban adapter: the West European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)
Q57871519Fine-scale movements of rural free-ranging dogs in conservation areas in the temperate rainforest of the coastal range of southern Chile
Q112064651First assessment of habitat suitability and connectivity for the golden jackal in north-eastern Italy
Q102064935First evaluation of the population structure, genetic diversity and landscape connectivity of the Endangered Arabian tahr
Q60364668First report of fern (Culcita macrocarpa) spore consumption by a small mammal (Apodemus sylvaticus)
Q122641779Flexible habitat use and range extension by the striped hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus semistriatus) in Brazil
Q59794875Fluctuating asymmetry and blood parameters in three endangered gazelle species
Q57501492Fluctuating asymmetry as a proxy for oxidative stress in wild boar
Q115142946Flukebook: an open-source AI platform for cetacean photo identification
Q57003592Food choice of Eurasian red squirrels and concentrations of anti-predatory secondary compounds
Q125705219Food habits of the American mink Mustela vison in the Mazurian Lakeland, Northeastern Poland
Q115569560Food habits of wolves and selection of wild ungulates in a prey-rich Mediterranean coastal area
Q60182850Food preferences and nutrient composition in captive pacas, Agouti paca (Rodentia, Dasyproctidae)
Q58064129Food preferences and tooth wear in the sand gazelle (Gazella marica)
Q115569742Food selection and predation risk in the Andean white-eared opossum ( Didelphis pernigra Allen, 1900) in a suburban area of Bogotá, Colombia
Q125371357Foot postures and grasping of free-ranging Sunda colugos (Galeopterus variegatus) in West Java, Indonesia
Q115046734Foraging behavior and prey of sea otters in a soft- and mixed-sediment benthos in Alaska
Q58470461Forest management affects individual and population parameters of the hazel dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius
Q117218353Forest-edge utilization by carnivores in relation to local and landscape habitat characteristics in central European farmland
Q129865158From isolation to integration: assessing habitat connectivity of the endangered saiga antelope in Mongolia
Q127936235Functional morphology and ventilatory implications of the intracoelomic organization of three-toed sloths
Q128458672GIS-based habitat mapping and population estimation for the Gulf Coast kangaroo rat (Dipodomys compactus) in the Carrizo Sands Region of Texas, USA
Q59645142Genetic analyses reveal further cryptic lineages within the Myotis nattereri species complex
Q60535463Genetic analysis of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) reveals high admixture in Finland and pronounced differentiation in Sweden
Q109042885Genetic and alarm call diversity across scattered populations of speckled ground squirrels (Spermophilus suslicus)
Q54670408Genetic comparisons between Heteromys desmarestianus and the recently described H. nubicolens (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) in northwestern Costa Rica
Q125956903Genetic differentiation in Cricetulus migratorius Pallas, 1773 (Rodentia, Cricetidae)
Q128272248Genetic diversity and population structure of white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) in the Pantanal, Cerrado and Atlantic Forest from Brazil
Q129182403Genetic diversity of the genus Vulpes (Red fox and Fennec fox) in Tunisia based on mitochondrial DNA and noninvasive DNA sampling
Q61794398Genetic diversity of the swamp rat in South America: Population expansion after transgressive-regressive marine events in the Late Quaternary
Q114686983Genetic identifications challenge our assumptions of physical development and mother–calf associations and separation times: a case study of the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis)
Q130025483Genetic relationships of wild boars highlight the importance of Southern Iran in forming a comprehensive picture of the species’ phylogeography
Q57207007Genetic structure and dispersal in a small South African rodent. Is dispersal female-biased?
Q58839489Genetic structure in Mongolian gazelles based on mitochondrial and microsatellite markers
Q128999764Genetic structure of bank vole populations in the contact zone of two lineages in north-eastern Poland
Q56518984Genetic structure of expanding wolf (Canis lupus) populations in Italy and Croatia, and the early steps of the recolonization of the Eastern Alps
Q115046749Genetic structure of otter (Lutra lutra) populations from two fishpond systems in Hungary
Q127581920Genetic structure of populations of the Pampean grassland mouse, Akodon azarae, in an agroecosystem under intensive management
Q58537972Genetic structure of the wild boar population in Portugal: Evidence of a recent bottleneck
Q57062298Genetic structure of, and hybridisation between, red (Cervus elaphus) and sika (Cervus nippon) deer in Ireland
Q60397339Genetic structure, habitat fragmentation and bottlenecks in Danish bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus)
Q122418487Genetic studies in the recently divergent Eligmodontia puerulus and E. moreni (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) from Puna and Monte deserts of South America
Q115046691Genetic variability and size estimates of the Eurasian otter ( Lutra lutra ) population in the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem
Q114181862Genetic variability of the cold-tolerant Microtus oeconomus subspecies left behind retreating glaciers
Q116754260Genetic variation and subspecific status of the grey wolf (Canis lupus) in Saudi Arabia
Q57545117Genetic variation of the weasel (Mustela nivalis) in Corsica based on mitochondrial control region sequences
Q58693029Genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) identification and characterization in a non-model organism, the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer), using next generation sequencing
Q56767830Geographic variation and molecular evidence of the Blackish Deer Mouse complex (Peromyscus furvus, Rodentia: Muridae)
Q56767827Geographic variation in South American populations of Myotis nigricans (Schinz, 1821) (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae), with the description of two new species
Q127977866Geographic variation in skull shape and size of the Pampas fox Lycalopex gymnocercus (Carnivora: Canidae) in Argentina
Q56779124Geographically large-scale genetic monomorphism in a highly successful introduced species: the case of the muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) in Europe
Q57012599Geometric craniometric analysis of sexual dimorphism and ontogenetic variation: A case study based on two geographically disparate species, Aethomys ineptus from southern Africa and Arvicanthis niloticus from Sudan (Rodentia: Muridae)
Q59947458Geometric morphometric analysis of geographic variation in the Río Negro tuco-tuco, Ctenomys rionegrensis (Rodentia: Ctenomyidae)
Q104207212Geometric morphometrics of the scapula of South American caviomorph rodents (Rodentia: Hystricognathi): Form, function and phylogeny
Q112064656Golden jackal expansion in Europe: First telemetry evidence of a natal dispersal
Q58064068Grinding away in feeding ecology: Exploring sexual and seasonal variation in chimpanzees
Q56504196Group size, sex and age composition of chital (Axis axis) and sambar (Rusa unicolor) in a deciduous habitat of Western Ghats
Q116754280Growth stages and ageing criteria of Arabian Mountain gazelles (Gazella gazella Pallas, 1766: Antilopinae, Bovidae)
Q114216266Growth trajectories of wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) determined from parallel laser photogrammetry
Q111162307Guest or pest? Spatio-temporal occurrence and effects on soil and vegetation of the wild boar on Elba island
Q56976232Guillaume Grandidier's mammal collections from Madagascar
Q111377736Habitat associations of the Sunda stink-badger Mydaus javanensis in three forest reserves in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo
Q60566465Habitat occupancy by Artibeus planirostris bats in the Pantanal wetland, Brazil
Q57003576Habitat selection and activity patterns in Alpine mountain hare (Lepus timidus varronis)
Q57247300Habitat selection by large mammals in a southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Q57001893Habitat selection by two predators in an urban area: The stone marten and red fox in Wrocław (SW Poland)
Q111377737Habitat selection by two species of small mammals in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil: Comparing results from live trapping and spool-and-line tracking
Q127315254Habitat selection of Cape porcupines in a farmland-suburban context in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Q120556007Habitat suitability of a peatland landscape for tiger translocation on Kampar Peninsula, Sumatra, Indonesia
Q129368664Habitat use and sensitivity to fragmentation in America’s smallest wildcat
Q58848983Habitat use by honey badgers and the influence of predators in iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa
Q58829345Habitat use of adult male South American fur seals and a preliminary assessment of spatial overlap with trawl fisheries in the South Atlantic
Q56524742Habitat use of coexisting introduced eastern cottontail and native European hare
Q56172430Habitat use of the raccon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in north-eastern Germany
Q113400735Hair cortisol concentration as a marker of long-term stress: sex and body temperature are major determinants in wild-living Alpine marmots
Q57038139Hair tubes for estimating site occupancy and activity-density of Sorex minutus
Q125352995Health conditions of Guiana dolphins facing cumulative anthropogenic impacts
Q57653336Heterothermy in free-ranging male Egyptian Free-tailed bats (Tadarida aegyptiaca) in a subtropical climate
Q126979597Histological structure of baleen plates and its relevance to sampling for stable isotope studies
Q57567493Histological study of the cloacal region and associated structures in the hedgehog tenrec Echinops telfairi
Q122878089Historical demography and climatic niches of the Natal multimammate mouse (Mastomys natalensis) in the Zambezian region
Q122587550Home range and habitat selection of female mountain nyalas (Tragelaphus buxtoni) in the human-dominated landscape of the Ethiopian Highlands
Q111376926Home range and habitat selection of southern flying squirrels in fragmented forests
Q62125702Home range size and social organisation of black-footed cats
Q58849502Home range size in the blue-eyed black lemur (Eulemur flavifrons): A comparison between dry and wet seasons
Q60433424Home range, movements and diurnal roosts of the endangered thin-spined porcupine, Chaetomys subspinosus (Rodentia: Erethizontidae), in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Q60580714Home ranges of Cape porcupines on farmlands, peri-urban and suburban areas in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Q114663764Home ranges, activity patterns and habitat preferences of leopards in Luambe National Park and adjacent Game Management Area in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia
Q114663766Home ranges, activity patterns and habitat preferences of leopards in Luambe National Park and adjacent hunting area in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia
Q114181860How integrative taxonomy can save a species from extinction: The supposedly extinct mouse opossum Cryptonanus ignitus (Diaz, Flores and Barquez, 2000) is a synonym of the living C. chacoensis (Tate, 1931)
Q114216310How the South was won: current and potential range expansion of the crested porcupine in Southern Italy
Q115046682Humpback whale ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) and killer whale ( Orcinus orca ) feeding aggregations for foraging on herring ( Clupea harengus ) in Northern Norway
Q129866329Hybridization between the European and Asian badgers (Meles, Carnivora) in the Volga-Kama region, revealed by analyses of maternally, paternally and biparentally inherited genes
Q58537753Hybridization between wolf and domestic dog: First evidence from an endangered population in central Portugal
Q114553177Identifying biodiversity hotspots for threatened mammal species in Iran
Q111162310Identifying prey of the Javan mongoose (Urva javanica) in Java from fecal samples using next-generation sequencing
Q123366018Immune differences in captive and free-ranging zebras (Equus zebra and E. quagga)
Q115046717Impact of fish stocking on Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) densities: A case study on two salmonid streams
Q128001045Impact of wild boars on the feeding behavior of smaller frugivorous mammals
Q110789974Implications of climate change for the distribution of the water opossum (Chironectes minimus): habitat loss and conservation opportunities
Q114216303Incisor microwear of Arctic rodents as a proxy for microhabitat preference
Q119572743Incongruent patterns of morphological, molecular, and karyotypic variation among populations of Ctenomys pearsoni (Rodentia, Ctenomyidae)
Q104207218Individual condition and inflammatory response to PHA in the subterranean rodent Ctenomys talarum (Talas tuco-tuco): A multivariate approach
Q114950506Individual identification and distribution assessment of otters (Lutra lutra) through non-invasive genetic sampling: Recovery of an endangered species in the Basque Country (Northern Spain)
Q57411378Inferring spatial and temporal behavioral patterns of free-ranging manatees using saltwater sensors of telemetry tags
Q114150578Influence of microhabitat and landscape-scale factors on the richness and occupancy of small mammals in the northern Western Ghats: A multi-species occupancy modeling approach
Q111377734Influence of vegetation and abiotic factors on habitat use by insectivorous bats in subtropical mountain forests
Q115569713Integrating space and time in predator-prey studies: The case of wildcats and rabbits in SE Spain
Q119572429Integrative taxonomy of the southernmost tucu-tucus in the world: differentiation of the nominal forms associated with Ctenomys magellanicus Bennett, 1836 (Rodentia, Hystricomorpha, Ctenomyidae)
Q112820814Interatheriidae (Typotheria; Notoungulata), body size and paleoecology characterization
Q57003538Interspecific competition mediated by climate change: which interaction between brown and mountain hare in the Alps?
Q122732728Interspecific interactions, human proximity, and season affect spatiotemporal structure of a Mojave Desert wetlands rodent community with a highly endangered species
Q59487088Intra-specific trophic variation in false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) from the southwestern South Atlantic Ocean through stable isotopes analysis
Q54800845Intrapopulation variation in Ibarra's Verapaz shrew (Sorex veraepacis ibarrai) from Guatemala
Q114216248Inundation area drives hippo group aggregation and dispersal in a seasonal floodplain system
Q56523899Invasion status of Asiatic red-bellied squirrels in Argentina
Q120556013Invasive water buffalo population trends and competition-related consequences for native rusa deer in eastern Indonesian protected areas
Q114204698Investigating local population dynamics of bottlenose dolphins in the northern Bahamas and the impact of hurricanes on survival
Q57436703Investigating the effects of forest structure on the small mammal community in frequent-fire coniferous forests using capture-recapture models for stratified populations
Q60560500Is habitat selection by the Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae) related to food preferences?
Q57062618Is polecat (Mustela putorius) diet affected by “mediterraneity”?
Q58812404Isotopic niche structure of a mammalian herbivore assemblage from a West African savanna: Body mass and seasonality effect
Q60580596Jaguar and puma activity patterns in relation to their main prey
Q115569770Jaguars (Panthera onca) increase kill utilization rates and share prey in response to seasonal fluctuations in nesting green turtle (Chelonia mydas mydas) abundance in Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica
Q57091493Karyotypes of some members of the genus Cavia (Rodentia: Caviidae) from Bolivia
Q114216277Kill rates and associated ecological factors for an apex predator
Q57837425Lack of polymorphism at the MC1R wild-type allele and evidence of domestic allele introgression across European wild boar populations
Q57263876Land use is more important than climate for species richness and composition of bat assemblages on a regional scale
Q61794411Landscape genetics of mountain lions (Puma concolor) in southern Brazil
Q129335920Landscape heterogeneity and ecological niche isolation shape the distribution of spatial genetic variation in Iranian brown bears, Ursus arctos (Carnivora: Ursidae)
Q125800509Landscape-level field data reveal broad-scale effects of a fatal, transmissible cancer on population ecology of the Tasmanian devil
Q57002958Large mammal species richness and habitat use in an upper Amazonian forest used for ecotourism
Q57245978Large mammals in Ruaha National Park, Tanzania, dig for water when water stops flowing and water bacterial load increases
Q60545890Large-scale assessment of the presence of Darwin’s fox across its newly discovered range
Q56029462Late-Pleistocene and early Holocene history of the canid fauna of Europe (Canidae)
Q116754266Latrine survey as a method to estimate the population size of Arabian gazelles (Gazella arabica)
Q114216281Leopard Panthera pardus camera trap surveys in the arid environments of northern Namibia
Q60117608Lethal male–male interactions in Eurasian lynx
Q57248563Life at the edge: Roe deer occurrence at the opposite ends of their geographical distribution, Norway and Portugal
Q60496972Life history of a neotropical marsupial: Evaluating potential contributions of survival and reproduction to population growth rate
Q115227678Like mother like daughter: quantifying the relationship between relatedness and phenotypic similarity in leopard pelage patterns
Q128979172Linear forest patches and the conservation of small mammals in human-altered landscapes
Q60459916Linking changes in small mammal communities to ecosystem functions in an agricultural landscape
Q129186109Linking plasma sex steroid hormone levels to the condition of external genitalia in European badgers (Meles meles): A critical evaluation of traditional field methodology
Q128207989Livestock depredation by leopards around Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Q60433416Local and landscape influences on the habitat occupancy of the endangered maned sloth Bradypus torquatus within fragmented landscapes
Q54527789Location of a contact zone between Mus musculus domesticus and M. m. domesticus with M. m. castaneus mtDNA in southern New Zealand
Q58470481Long distance field crossings by hazel dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius) in fragmented landscapes
Q60397676Long-term assessment of roe deer reintroductions in North-East Spain: A case of success
Q58862884Low scaling of a life history variable: Analysing eutherian gestation periods with and without phylogeny-informed statistics
Q60432632Lunar phobia in bats and its ecological correlates: A meta-analysis
Q113869265MHC class II DQA gene variation across cohorts of brown hares (Lepus europaeus) from eastern Austria: Testing for different selection hypotheses
Q56383938Macronutritional consequences of food generalism in an invasive mammal, the wild boar
Q60472026Major histocompatibility complex DRB genes and blood parasite loads in fragmented populations of the spotted suslik Spermophilus suslicus
Q54800371Major mammalian clades: a review under consideration of molecular and palaeontological evidence
Q113890399Manatee population traits elucidated through photo-identification
Q127181433Mapping an elusive arboreal rodent: Combining nocturnal acoustic surveys and citizen science data extends the known distribution of the edible dormouse (Glis glis) in the Czech Republic
Q130056799Mapping risk: Quantifying and predicting the risk of deer-vehicle collisions on major roads in England
Q129154248Marked reduction in body size of a wood mouse population in less than 30 years
Q129803374Mating calls are a sensitive indicator of phylogenetic relationships in tropical tree squirrels (Callosciurus spp.)
Q55888904Merycism in western grey ( Macropus fuliginosus ) and red kangaroos ( Macropus rufus )
Q58862834Metabolic rates of three gazelle species (Nanger soemmerringii, Gazella gazella, Gazella spekei) adapted to arid habitats
Q59198831Methodological challenges in monitoring bat population- and assemblage-level changes for anthropogenic impact assessment
Q114216300Microhabitat and diet composition of the Yucatán vesper mouse, Otonyctomys hatti, in southeastern Mexico
Q114150584Microhabitat preferences and spatial distribution of the vesper rat (Nyctomys sumichrasti) in Colima, Mexico
Q114150583Microhabitat use by rodent species in a central Brazilian cerrado
Q60304370Milk production of the dam limits the growth rate of Sundevall's jird (Meriones crassus) pups
Q60425733Mitigating the impacts of agriculture on biodiversity: bats and their potential role as bioindicators
Q57066491Mitochondrial demographic history of the Egyptian mongoose ( Herpestes ichneumon ), an expanding carnivore in the Iberian Peninsula
Q60267670Mitochondrial sequences yield new insight into the Quaternary history of the edible dormouse on the landbridge Adriatic islands
Q129231466Mitogenomics of the jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi, Felidae, Carnivora): Disagreement between morphological subspecies and molecular data
Q59485286Mitogenomics of the mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque, Tapiridae, Perissodactyla, Mammalia) in Colombia and Ecuador: Phylogeography and insights into the origin and systematics of the South American tapirs
Q129540544Modeling the growth curves for body weight and some biometric traits in Caspian horses (Equus ferus caballus) using non-linear mixed models
Q58849267Modelling large spotted genet (Genetta tigrina) and slender mongoose (Galerella sanguinea) occupancy in a heterogeneous landscape of South Africa
Q118178928Modelling the effect of covariates on the detectability and density of native blackbucks and invasive feral-horse using Multiple Covariate Distance Sampling at Point Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary, Southern India
Q107711590Molecular and morphological revision of small Myotinae from the Himalayas shed new light on the poorly known genus Submyotodon (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)
Q114686984Molecular data reveal a structured puma (Puma concolor) population in northern Patagonia, Argentina
Q56767819Molecular evidence of conspecificity of South African hares conventionally considered Lepus capensis L., 1758
Q55920020Molecular phylogenetics of Reig's short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis reigi) and its distributional range extension into Guyana
Q130134568Molecular phylogeny and historical biogeography of Iranian murids (Rodentia: Muridae)
Q56767811Morphological evidence of species differentiation within Lepus capensis Linnaeus, 1758 (Leporidae, Lagomorpha) in Cape Province, South Africa
Q104429931Morphological relationships among populations in the Sorex caecutiens/shinto group (Eulipotyphla, Soricidae) in East Asia, with a description of a new subspecies from Cheju Island, Korea
Q56586488Morphological variation of introduced species: The case of American mink (Neovison vison) in Spain
Q59037208Mothers that produce sons and daughters are genetically different in red deer
Q114663769Motorway verges: Paradise for prey species? A case study with the European rabbit
Q112064664Movement, space-use and resource preferences of European golden jackals in human-dominated landscapes: insights from a telemetry study
Q60545698Multiple captures as indicator of social tolerance in a guild of terrestrial rodents
Q59212876Multiple paternity and kinship in the gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
Q129408742Multiple paternity in a population of free-living edible dormice (Glis glis)
Q56226184Natal dispersal of European hare in a high-density population
Q111164451Native red foxes depredate nests of alien pond sliders: Evidence from molecular detection of prey in scats
Q60464562Natural history, physiology and energetic strategies of Asellia tridens (Chiroptera)
Q56610283Near threatened? First report of unsuspected human-driven decline factors in the Ryukyu flying fox (Pteropus dasymallus) in Japan
Q119572766New data of the long-clawed mouse Pearsonomys annectens (Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) and additional comments on the distinctiveness of Pearsonomys
Q57026665New data on the distribution and phylogenetic position of Mastomys awashensis (Rodentia, Muridae)
Q104430839New insectivores from the Early Miocene of Nebraska, USA and the Hemingfordian faunal exchange
Q114747073New insights into the taxonomy of duiker antelopes (Artiodactyla: Bovidae) from the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, with the formal description of a new genus
Q29011790New investigations on the taxonomy of the zebras genus Equus, subgenus Hippotigris
Q128175149New phylogeographic insights support the distinctiveness and conservation value of the little-known Greek roe deer populations
Q60550932Niche constraints to the northwards expansion of the common genet (Genetta genetta, Linnaeus 1758) in Europe
Q58862928No distinct stratification of ingesta particles and no distinct moisture gradient in the fore-stomach of non-ruminants: The wallaby, peccary, hippopotamus, and sloth
Q129155544No evidence for multimodal body mass distributions and body mass-related capture order in wild-caught Damaraland mole-rats
Q127930800No evidence for recent introgressive hybridization between the European and Siberian roe deer in Poland
Q125316293No lunar phobia in insectivorous bats in Kenya
Q84348054No respect for apex carnivores: Distribution and activity patterns of honey badgers in the Serengeti
Q57003619No sex bias in natal dispersal of Eurasian red squirrels
Q90697352No short-term effect of handling and capture stress on immune responses of bats assessed by bacterial killing assay
Q60485197Noninvasive genetic assessment of brown bear population structure in Bulgarian mountain regions
Q112279529Northernmost record of reproduction of the expanding golden jackal population
Q56976237Notes on a collection of mammals from the Moluccas, with new geographic records
Q114950504Novel real-time PCR species identification assays for British and Irish bats and their application to a non-invasive survey of bat roosts in Ireland
Q59211114Now you see me, now you don’t: The locomotory activity rhythm of the Asian garden dormouse (Eliomys melanurus) from Saudi Arabia
Q62270103Observations of cavity-roosting behavior in Costa Rican Lophostoma brasiliense (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae)
Q55878685Observations of the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) and the hairy-legged vampire bat (Diphylla ecaudata) in captivity
Q29037149Observations on feeding behavior in the vesper mouse, Nyctomys sumichrasti
Q60549030Occurrence of the Sunda colugo (Galeopterus variegatus) in the tropical forests of Singapore: A Bayesian approach
Q104206633Olfactory discrimination of gender by colonial tuco-tucos (Ctenomys sociabilis)
Q56226155On shortcomings of using mtDNA sequence divergence for the systematics of hares (genus Lepus): An example from cape hares
Q56068875On the distinctiveness of the Cape lion (Panthera leo melanochaita Smith, 1842), and a possible new specimen from the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen
Q119522253On the growth of the largest living rodent: Postnatal skull and dental shape changes in capybara species (Hydrochoerus spp.)
Q112164559Opportunity and peril: how wolves use a dense network of forest roads
Q28749393Original biological and ecological data on the endemic Chinese jumping mouse Eozapus setchuanus (Pousargues, 1896)
Q59198840Out of the dark: Diurnal activity in the bat Hipposideros ruber on São Tomé island (West Africa)
Q60145221Past and present small mammals of Isla Mocha (Chile)
Q128043807Past experiences drive citizen perception of wild boar in urban areas
Q58841702Paternity assessment in free-ranging wild boar (Sus scrofa) – Are littermates full-sibs?
Q56767816Pattern of shape variation in the eastern African gerbils of the genus Gerbilliscus (Rodentia, Muridae): Environmental correlations and implication for taxonomy and systematics
Q58747609Patterns in the local assembly of Egyptian rodent faunas: Areography and species combinations
Q98662382Patterns of activity rhythms of invasive coypus Myocastor coypus inferred through camera-trapping
Q58833114Pellet group count methods to estimate red deer densities: Precision, potential accuracy and efficiency
Q128994427Periodic resource scarcity and potential for interspecific competition influences distribution of small carnivores in a seasonally dry tropical forest fragment
Q115442595Pest control service provided by bats in Mediterranean rice paddies: linking agroecosystems structure to ecological functions
Q112831109Phenotyping in the era of genomics: MaTrics—a digital character matrix to document mammalian phenotypic traits
Q61896041Photography as a low-impact method to survey bats
Q119572773Phylogenetic analysis of sigmodontine rodents (Muroidea), with special reference to the akodont genus Deltamys
Q116754265Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses suggest a potential species boundary between Mountain (Gazella gazella) and Arabian Gazelles (G. arabica) in the Levant
Q57976341Phylogenetic relationships of three “Nycticeiini” genera (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera, Mammalia) as revealed by karyological analysis
Q61650174Phylogenetics and biogeography of least sac-winged bats (Balantiopteryx) based on morphological and molecular data
Q127253955Phylogeny and genetic structure of the Yellow ground squirrel, Spermophilus fulvus (Lichtenstein, 1823), in Iran
Q128221085Phylogeography of Martes foina in Greece
Q125553815Phylogeography of the striped field mouse, Apodemus agrarius (Rodentia: Muridae), throughout its distribution range in the Palaearctic region
Q60311427Pine marten density in lowland riparian woods: A test of the Random Encounter Model based on genetic data
Q115046676Plasticity and specialisation in the isotopic niche of African clawless otters foraging in marine and freshwater habitats
Q119583114Pleistocene diversification of Afghan pikas Ochotona rufescens (Gray, 1842) (Lagomorpha; Ochotonidae) in Western Asia
Q57019609Population characteristics of Dromiciops gliroides (Philippi, 1893), an endemic marsupial of the temperate forest of Patagonia
Q113351773Population density of a coastal island population of the ocelot in Atlantic Forest, southeastern Brazil
Q124822101Population dynamics of small rodents in a grassland between fragments of Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil
Q128204241Population genetics of the capybara, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, in the Chaco-pampean region
Q60303144Population history and taxonomy of African hares (genus Lepus) inferred from genetic variation
Q122750259Population parameters of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) in a southern Brazilian estuary
Q61387328Positional behaviour and tail use by the bare-tailed woolly opossum Caluromys philander (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae)
Q57516009Possible effects of roadside verges on vole outbreaks in an intensive agrarian landscape
Q112162321Post-glacial phylogeography and variation in innate immunity loci in a sylvatic rodent, bank vole Myodes glareolus
Q127240164Potential distribution and areas for conservation of four wild felid species in Mexico: Conservation planning
Q125789741Potential of red deer ( Cervus elaphus ) to disperse viable seeds by spitting them from the cud
Q114953923Pre-trained models are not enough: active and lifelong learning is important for long-term visual monitoring of mammals in biodiversity research—Individual identification and attribute prediction with image features from deep neural networks and dec
Q115600176Predation and survival in reintroduced populations of the Common hamster Cricetus cricetus in the Netherlands
Q111162312Predation of invasive raccoon (Procyon lotor) on hibernating bats in the Nietoperek reserve in Poland
Q56769408Predicting animal performance through climatic and plant phenology variables: The case of an omnivore hibernating species in Finland
Q60485199Preservation of genetic diversity in a wild and captive population of a rapidly declining mammal, the Common hamster of the French Alsace region
Q125723479Preserving identity in capture–mark–recapture studies: increasing the accuracy of minimum number alive (MNA) estimates by incorporating inter-census trapping efficiency variation
Q60190914Prevalence of allosuckling behaviour in Subantarctic fur seal pups
Q57048472Prevalence of renal calculi in wolverine ( Gulo gulo ) from northwestern Canada
Q125586048Prevalence of zoonotic parasites in an endangered Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus) population in Portugal
Q56829319Prey selection and food habits of three sympatric large carnivores in a tropical lowland forest of the Eastern Himalayan Biodiversity Hotspot
Q112831111Primer biases in the molecular assessment of diet in multiple insectivorous mammals
Q60120152Puma spatial ecology in open habitats with aggregate prey
Q118173517Quantifying mammalian diets
Q115569767Quantifying prey selection of Northern and Southern European wolves (Canis lupus)
Q119576769Quaternary range-shifts of arboreal rodents of the genus Habromys (Cricetidae, Neotominae) in Mesoamerica and their evolutionary consequences
Q114150580Range expansion in unfavorable environments through behavioral responses to microclimatic conditions: Moose (Alces americanus) as the model
Q56423622Range expansion of Pallas's squirrel ( Callosciurus erythraeus ) introduced in southern France: Habitat suitability and space use
Q125122790Range expansion of the pine marten (Martes martes) in an agricultural landscape matrix (NW Italy)
Q59489782Ranging behavior of the Asian elephant in Sri Lanka
Q128658930Rapid descent flight by a molossid bat (Chaerephon plicatus) returning to its cave
Q115569778Raptor predation and new locality records for the poorly known Patagonian Weasel (Lyncodon patagonicus) (Carnivora: Mustelidae)
Q113351772Rare migrants suffice to maintain high genetic diversity in an introduced island population of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus): Evidence from molecular data and simulations
Q30052840Reasons for arboreality in wood mice Apodemus sylvaticus and Bank voles Myodes glareolus
Q57654586Recapture of a banded Bechstein’s bat (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) after 16 years: An example of high swarming site fidelity
Q57038050Recent negative trends of wild rabbit populations in southern Spain after the arrival of the new variant of the rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus RHDV2
Q56772890Red and sika deer in the British Isles, current management issues and management policy
Q119572767Rediscovery of Chacodelphys: A South American marsupial genus previously known from a single specimen
Q56767833Reevaluation of several taxa of Chinese lagomorphs (Mammalia: Lagomorpha) described on the basis of pelage phenotype variation
Q111377740Relating bat species presence to habitat features in natural forests of Slovakia (Central Europe)
Q114663765Relationship between moonlight and nightly activity patterns of the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) and some of its prey species in Formosa, Northern Argentina
Q115046760Relative spraint density and genetic structure of otter (Lutra lutra) along the Drava River in Hungary
Q57208640Reproduction of the opossums Micoureus paraguayanus and Philander frenata in a fragmented Atlantic Forest landscape in Brazil: Is seasonal reproduction a general rule for Neotropical marsupials?
Q56525079Reproductive aspects of American minks (Neovison vison) in central Spain: Testing the effects of prey availability
Q60459688Reproductive biology and genealogy in the endangered Iberian lynx: Implications for conservation
Q116754272Reproductive biology and life history traits of Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx) founder females reintroduced to Mahazat as-Sayd, Saudi Arabia
Q54638365Reproductive biology of Río Negro tuco-tuco, Ctenomys rionegrensis (Rodentia: Octodontidae)
Q58231156Reproductive biology of the Iberian hare, Lepus granatensis, in Portugal
Q125561962Reproductive phenologies of phyllostomid bats in the Central Amazon
Q58784569Reproductive photo-responsiveness in male forest shrews (Myosorex varius) from the Eastern Cape of South Africa
Q113890396Reproductive rates of invasive Castor canadensis respond to management in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
Q104207213Reproductive state does not influence activity budgets of eusocial Ansell's mole-rats, Fukomys anselli (Rodentia, Bathyergidae): A study of locomotor activity by means of RFID
Q90697367Research trends on bats in China: A twenty-first century review
Q130165331Responses of small mammal communities to environment and agriculture in a rural mosaic landscape
Q112785977Responses of wolf feeding habits after adverse climatic events in central-western Belarus
Q60306964Return of the bats? A prototype indicator of trends in European bat populations in underground hibernacula
Q115227685Revealing hidden sexually dimorphic male traits in the little white-shouldered bat, Ametrida centurio Gray 1847 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae)
Q115046671Riparian vegetation provides crucial shelter for resting otters in a human-dominated landscape
Q113293553Riverine refuging by proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) and sympatric primates: Implications for adaptive benefits of the riverine habitat
Q129265439Roost selection and ecology of Stoliczka’s trident bat, Aselliscus stoliczkanus (Hipposideridae, Chiroptera) in China
Q58862933Rumination of different-sized particles in muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) and moose (Alces alces) on grass and browse diets, and implications for rumination in different ruminant feeding types
Q60466568Rural populations of the red fox Vulpes vulpes show little evidence of reproductive senescence
Q114016608Rutting behavior of male Balkan chamois
Q113890401Safety or satiety? Spatiotemporal behaviour of a threatened herbivore
Q115053995Salty divides: geometric morphometrics reveal Danish straits as barriers to otter migration
Q111810825Sarcoptes mange (Sarcoptes scabiei) increases diurnal activity of bare-nosed wombats (Vombatus ursinus) in an agricultural riparian environment
Q113890395Scale-dependent habitat selection of sympatric mesocarnivore species in a cool temperate forest in eastern Japan
Q58820860Scent signals individual identity and country of origin in otters
Q125979569Seasonal and diel variations in the acoustic communication of tree hyraxes in Taita Hills, Kenya
Q59211153Seasonal changes in reproductive development in male spiny mice (Acomys spinosissimus) from South Africa
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Q111377735Seasonal habitat use in three species of wild ungulates in Sikkim Himalaya
Q129095346Seasonal intake responses could reflect digestive plasticity in the nectar-feeding bat Anoura geoffroyi
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Q126833295Seasonal space-use and resource limitation in free-ranging black rhino
Q60533977Seasonal variation in molar outline of bank voles: An effect of wear?
Q125908855Seasonality of reproduction in the three largest terrestrial rodents of French Guiana forest
Q61896045Sensitivity of bats to urbanization: a review
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Q59209920Sexual and individual cues in the peri-anal gland secretum of crested porcupines (Hystrix cristata)
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Q128542960Sika deer Cervus nippon out of the blue: a cryptic invasion in Italy
Q123016925Site occupancy of Dasypus novemcinctus (Mammalia, Cingulata) and daily activity of four armadillo species in the Uruguayan Savanna and southern Atlantic Forest
Q29014413Small mammal assemblages in a disturbed tropical landscape at Pozuzo, Peru
Q60128377Small rodents in the shrub tundra of Yamal (Russia): Density dependence in habitat use?
Q129724755Small-bodied mammal diversity facets vary discretely across an understudied ecotone in the western Amazon-Cerrado
Q126033322Social integration of translocated wildlife: a case study of rehabilitated and released elephant calves in northern Kenya
Q114216254Social responses to the natural loss of individuals in Barbary macaques
Q55981730Social vocal communication in captive Pacific walruses Odobenus rosmarus divergens
Q112248072Soil nutrients and deer density affect antler size of the Carpathian red deer
Q56767807Sorex rohweri sp. nov. (Mammalia, Soricidae) from northwestern North America
Q57003739Space and habitat use of the African elephant in the Tarangire–Manyara ecosystem, Tanzania: Implications for conservation
Q54638368Space use by Río Negro tuco-tucos (Ctenomys rionegrensis): Excursions and spatial overlap
Q56398081Spatial and dietary overlap between blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) and feral horse (Equus caballus) at Point Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary, Southern India: Competition between native versus introduced species
Q58833109Spatial and temporal habitat use and selection by red deer: The use of direct and indirect methods
Q128374624Spatial and temporal variability in the distribution, daily activity and diet of fennec fox (Vulpes zerda), red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and African golden wolf (Canis anthus) in southern Tunisia
Q57048547Spatial distribution of meadow jumping mice (Zapus hudsonius) in logged boreal forest of northwestern Canada
Q60545894Spatial ecology of monito del monte (Dromiciops gliroides) in a fragmented landscape of southern Chile
Q125813468Spatial organization and habitat selection of Geoffroy’s cat in the Espinal of central Argentina
Q109352009Spatial organization in wolves Canis lupus recolonizing north-west Poland: Large territories at low population density
Q60360723Spatial organization of the fat dormouse (Glis glis) in an oak-hornbeam forest during the mating and post-mating season
Q114747071Spatio-temporal distribution and reproductive phenology of Neotropical bat species in an altitudinal gradient in Costa Rica
Q125864346Spatiotemporal pattern in the autumn invasion behaviour of the common pipistrelle, Pipistrellus pipistrellus: Review with a case study
Q64013608Spatiotemporal patterns of Amur leopards in northeast China: Influence of tigers, prey, and humans
Q119578710Species delimitation in mammals: A comment on Zachos (2018)
Q129807003Species delimitation in mammals: A response to Gippoliti
Q114216242Species differentiation in two closely related Neotropical rodents across a transition zone between ecoregions
Q57939374Species inflation and taxonomic artefacts—A critical comment on recent trends in mammalian classification
Q114747070Species richness and activity of insectivorous bats in cotton fields in semi-arid and mesic Mediterranean agroecosystems
Q114747074Species richness, relative abundance and occupancy of ground-dwelling mammals denote the ineffectiveness of chimpanzee as flagship species
Q59304430Spiny mice of the Zambezian bioregion – phylogeny, biogeography and ecological differentiation within the Acomys spinosissimus complex
Q113397699Splitting hairs: How to tell hair of hares apart for predator diet studies
Q113397697State of knowledge and potential distribution of the Colombian endemic brown hairy dwarf porcupine Coendou vestitus (Rodentia)
Q125561591Structure and roles in pollination networks between phyllostomid bats and flowers: a systematic review for the Americas
Q115046773Structure of an otter (Lutra lutra) population in Germany – results of DNA and hormone analyses from faecal samples
Q112064655Substantial functional diversity accompanies limited major histocompatibility complex class II variability in golden jackal (Canis aureus): A comparison between two wild Canis species in Croatia
Q129503129Suckling and allosuckling behavior in wild giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi)
Q111164454Supplementary feeding can attract red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) to optimal environments
Q60496968Swimming performance in semiaquatic and terrestrial Oryzomyine rodents
Q54646519Systematics of the southern Patagonian-Fueguian endemic Abrothrix lanosus (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae): Phylogenetic position, karyotypic and morphological data
Q119572736Systematics of the subgenus of mouse opossums Marmosa (Micoureus) (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) with noteworthy records from Paraguay
Q60463763Taxonomic and conservation status of the elusive Oecomys cleberi (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) from central Brazil
Q115569578Temporal and dietary segregation in a neotropical small-felid assemblage and its relation to prey activity
Q115053997Temporal and individual variation in the diet of the Neotropical otter, Lontra longicaudis (Olfers, 1818) (Carnivora, Mustelidae), as revealed by stable isotope analysis of vibrissae
Q123477873Territory size and age explain movement patterns in the Eurasian beaver
Q125568777Testing and quantification of cranial shape and size variation within Meriones hurrianae (Rodentia: Gerbillinae): A geometric morphometric approach
Q66107544The Balkan long-eared bat (Plecotus kolombatovici) occurs in Italy – first confirmed record and potential distribution
Q58064095The Farasan gazelle—A frugivorous browser in an arid environment?
Q60488270The Mexican mouse opossum (Marmosa mexicana) as a flower visitor at a neotropical palm
Q59620188The Omiltemi rabbit (Sylvilagus insonus) is not extinct
Q57248200The cacao agroforests of the Brazilian Atlantic forest as habitat for the endangered maned sloth Bradypus torquatus
Q29011234The curious case of Gazella arabica
Q56767804The description of a new species of Myzopoda (Myzopodidae: Chiroptera) from western Madagascar
Q125340868The diet of Malagasy Microchiroptera based on stomach contents
Q57031069The diet of Savi's pine vole: a new quantitative approach
Q111164452The diet of introduced cats on San Cristobal Island, Galapagos: cat feces as a proxy for cat predation
Q56039412The dietary habits of the Brown bear (Ursus arctos) in western Greece
Q111162304The dynamics of pine marten predation on red and grey squirrels
Q61896072The early bat catches the fly: Daylight foraging in soprano pipistrelles
Q128722889The effect of oil palm agricultural expansion on group size of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in Peninsular Malaysia
Q127485162The effects of aridity on land use, biodiversity and dietary breadth in leopards
Q125903749The endangered Ganges river dolphin heads towards local extinction in the Barak river system of Assam, India: A plea for conservation
Q129756809The first record of mitochondrial haplotypes of Gazella marica (Artiodactyla, Bovidae) in wild populations in Iran
Q29302255The genus Akodon (Muroidea: Sigmodontinae) in Misiones, Argentina
Q123121332The home range and multi-scale habitat selection of the threatened maned three-toed sloth (Bradypus torquatus)
Q60439535The importance of forest conservation for the survival of the range-restricted Pipistrellus hanaki, an endemic bat from Crete and Cyrenaica
Q128573401The importance of lagomorphs for the Eurasian lynx in Western Asia: Results from a large scale camera-trapping survey in Turkey
Q59267700The influence of human disturbance on occupancy and activity patterns of mammals in the Italian Alps from systematic camera trapping
Q57209516The influence of local, landscape and spatial factors on the distribution of the Lusitanian and the Mediterranean pine voles in a Mediterranean landscape
Q111162301The influence of population-control methods and seasonality on the activity pattern of wild boars (Sus scrofa) in high-altitude forests
Q115046738The marine otter Lontra felina ( ): A review of its present status and implications for future conservation
Q60311297The negative impact of heavy rains on the abundance of a Mediterranean population of European rabbits
Q57247316The occurrence of the mouse opossum Marmosops ocellatus (Marsupialia, Didelphidae) in western Brazil
Q102190753The oldest South American tuco-tuco (late Pliocene, northwestern Argentina) and the boundaries of the genus Ctenomys (Rodentia, Ctenomyidae)
Q126169725The origin and population genetics of wolves in the north Hungarian mountains
Q58339083The pattern of ovulation in the southern African spiny mouse (Acomys spinosissimus)
Q126865722The penial and bacular morphology of the solitary silvery mole-rat (Heliophobius argenteocinereus, Bathyergidae) from Malawi and evolutionary patterns across the African mole-rat family
Q56502589The polyphyly of Neotragus – Results from genetic and morphometric analyses
Q111164456The price of being bold? Relationship between personality and endoparasitic infection in a tree squirrel
Q112064654The re-establishment of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) in FYR Macedonia: Implications for conservation
Q54561056The rediscovery of Rhagomys rufescens (Thomas, 1886), with a morphological redescription and comments on its systematic relationships based on morphological and molecular (cytochrome b) characters
Q108525066The relationships between food and energy intakes, salt content and sugar types in Egyptian fruit bats
Q114181857The relative influence of abiotic and biotic factors on suitable habitat of Old World fruit bats under current and future climate scenarios
Q114016603The rhythm of the night: patterns of activity of the European wildcat in the Italian peninsula
Q123477848The role of forage availability on diet choice and body condition in American beavers (Castor canadensis)
Q60519750The role of temperature on clustering behavior and mating opportunity in Bonin flying foxes
Q115046753The social organization of resident-type killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Avacha Gulf, Northwest Pacific, as revealed through association patterns and acoustic similarity
Q59645127The spatial ecology of the whiskered bat (Myotis mystacinus) at the western extreme of its range provides evidence of regional adaptation
Q115600178The summer spatial distribution of Japanese serows (Capricornis crispus) in an area without predation risk
Q54561192The taxonomic status of Neoromicia somalicus malagasyensis
Q116237777The timing of breeding and independence for snow leopard females and their cubs
Q127483485The use of spatially explicit capture-recapture models for estimating Iberian lynx abundance in a newly reintroduced population
Q29036247Thermoregulation in free-ranging Nycteris thebaica (Nycteridae) during winter: No evidence of torpor
Q115569569Tiger density, dhole occupancy, and prey occupancy in the human disturbed Dong Phayayen – Khao Yai Forest Complex, Thailand
Q57208618Timing and environmental cues associated with triggering of reproductive activity in Atlantic forest marsupials
Q61822044Timing of ontogenetic changes of two cranial regions in Sotalia guianensis (Delphinidae)
Q57038379Timing of reproduction and paternal cares in the crested porcupine
Q58064205Tooth wear in captive wild ruminant species differs from that of free-ranging conspecifics
Q56777189Trinomys mirapitanga, a new species of spiny rat (Rodentia: Echimyidae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Q56525070Trophic ecology of a top predator colonizing the southern extreme of South America: Feeding habits of invasive American mink (Neovison vison) in Tierra del Fuego
Q115046765Trophic flexibility of the otter (Lutra lutra) in southern Italy
Q128838509Two major clades of blind mole rats (Nannospalax sp.) revealed by mtDNA and microsatellite genotyping in Western and Central Turkey
Q57000831Unbiased sex-specific survival in Alpine chamois
Q56864764Uncovering the diversity of dog-faced bats of the genus Cynomops (Chiroptera: Molossidae), with the redescription of C. milleri and the description of two new species
Q123255993Understanding the diversification pattern of three subspecies of swamp deer (Rucervus duvaucelii) during the Pleistocene–Holocene based on mitochondrial and Y chromosome markers
Q111164455Unmasking the invader: Genetic identity of invasive wild boar from three minor islands off Sardinia (Italy)
Q130154375Unraveling the cryptic life of the southern naked-tailed armadillo, Cabassous unicinctus squamicaudis (Lund, 1845), in a Neotropical wetland: Home range, activity pattern, burrow use and reproductive behaviour
Q57065228Unusual observation of an ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) eating an adult Linnaeus's two-toed sloth (Choloepus didactylus)
Q125721900Unveiling the identity of Kerr's Atlantic tree rat, Phyllomys kerri (Rodentia, Echimyidae)
Q111203584Urban habitat use and home ranges of fishing cats in Colombo, Sri Lanka
Q60442736Usage patterns of Mediterranean agro-forest habitat components by wood mice Apodemus sylvaticus
Q57212180Use of early and late successional forest patches by the endangered Lowland tapir Tapirus terrestris (Perissodactyla: Tapiridae)
Q115046684Use of non-invasive techniques to determine population size of the marine otter in two regions of Peru
Q60493996Use of space and activity pattern of Sphiggurus villosus (F. Cuvier, 1823) from Brazil (Rodentia: Erethizontidae)
Q126176644Use of space and homesite attendance by Iberian wolves during the breeding season
Q60496980Use of space by the marsupial Marmosops incanus (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil
Q123362943Using camera trap bycatch data to assess habitat use and the influence of human activity on African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in Kasungu National Park, Malawi
Q114216293Using camera traps to study hyenas: challenges, opportunities, and outlook
Q57246015Using occupancy models to investigate space partitioning between two sympatric large predators, the jaguar and puma in central Brazil
Q114216268Using spot pattern recognition to examine population biology, evolutionary ecology, sociality, and movements of giraffes: a 70-year retrospective
Q115046707Variability and sexual dimorphism in skull morphometry of California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus) in Mexico
Q126006860Variation in the diet of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in mountain habitats: Effects of altitude and season
Q104206635Ventilation of badger Meles meles setts
Q113890397Water dependence structures predation risk for large herbivores in insular protected areas
Q57001839Water vole Arvicola amphibius population under the impact of the American mink Neovison vison : Are small midfield ponds safe refuges against this invasive predator?
Q57003824Weight operated see-saw feeding hoppers are not selective for red squirrels when greys are present
Q57915828What are you eating? A stable isotope insight into the trophic ecology of short-beaked common dolphins in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
Q60519697What bite marks can tell us: Use of on-fruit tooth impressions to study seed consumer identity and consumption patterns within a rodent assemblage
Q115046743What do otters eat where there is no fish?
Q57066529Where have the ‘black genets’ gone? A likely restriction of melanistic cases of the common genet (Genetta genetta) to its introduced range
Q114204695Whisker spots on polar bears reveal increasing fluctuating asymmetry
Q56213632Whistle characteristics in free-ranging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Mediterranean Sea: Influence of behaviour
Q127281138White-nose syndrome dramatically altered the summer bat assemblage in a temperate Southern Appalachian forest
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Q56029467Winter diet composition of the golden jackal (Canis aureus L., 1758) in Serbia
Q129518904Winter habitat of Mongolian gazelles in areas of southern Mongolia under new railroad construction: An estimation of interannual changes in suitable habitats
Q57611921Winter site occupancy patterns of the northern flying squirrel in boreal mixed-wood forests
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Q58837207Within-island local variations in tooth wear of sika deer (Cervus nippon centralis) in northern Japan
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Q128329321Work behaviour and biting performance in the cooperative breeding Micklem’s mole-rat Fukomys micklemi (Bathyergidae, Rodentia)
Q56068271Y-chromosome microsatellite variation in Italian wolves: A contribution to the study of wolf-dog hybridization patterns

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