Cardinal Vicar

bishop to whom the pope delegates the government of the Italian portion of the diocese of Rome. title given to the Vicar General of the Diocese of Rome.

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Abstract is: Cardinal Vicar (Italian: Cardinale Vicario) is a title commonly given to the vicar general of the Diocese of Rome for the portion of the diocese within Italy (i.e. excluding the portion within Vatican City). The official title, as given in the Annuario Pontificio, is Vicar General of His Holiness. The bishop of Rome is responsible for the spiritual administration of this diocese, but because the bishop of Rome is the pope, with many other responsibilities, he appoints a cardinal vicar with ordinary power to assist in this task. Canon law requires all Catholic dioceses to have one or more vicars general, but the cardinal vicar functions more like a de facto diocesan bishop than do other vicars general. The holder has usually been a cardinal. A similar position exists to administer the spiritual needs of the Vatican City, known as the vicar general for Vatican City or, more exactly, Vicar General of His Holiness for Vatican City.

Wikimedia Commons category is Cardinal Vicars

Cardinal Vicar is …
instance of (P31):
Catholic vocationQ63188808
ecclesiastical occupationQ11773926

sublass of (P279):
Latin Catholic bishopQ102039658
vicar generalQ1044528

External links are
P3241Catholic Encyclopedia ID03341b
P646Freebase ID/m/0dhh34

P1001applies to jurisdictionDiocese of RomeQ665037
P708dioceseDiocese of RomeQ665037
P2389organization directed by the office or positionDiocese of RomeQ665037
P1308position holderAngelo De DonatisQ20971281
P910topic's main categoryCategory:Cardinal VicarsQ8343893

Reverse relations

position held (P39)
Q395751Agostino Vallini
Q20971281Angelo De Donatis
Q535834Angelo Dell'Acqua
Q810147Basilio Pompilj
Q505206Camillo Ruini
Q1100339Clemente Micara
Q953930Costantino Patrizi Naro
Q1237196Domenico Jacobini
Q1348506Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani
Q1522175Giacomo Savelli
Q3107698Girolamo Rusticucci
Q614929Giulio Maria della Somaglia
Q763988Lucido Parocchi
Q958659Luigi Traglia
Q132711Paul V
Q1353787Pietro Respighi
Q591653Ugo Poletti
Q323554Virgilio Rosario

Q30203509Vicario generale di Sua Santitàdifferent fromP1889
Q665037Diocese of Romeposition held by head of the organizationP2388
Q8343893Category:Cardinal Vicarscategory's main topicP301
Q164448Italian Episcopal Conferencehas part(s)P527
Q56326607Q56326607located in the religious territorial entityP5607

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

Catalan (ca / Q7026)Cardenal vicariwikipedia
      Kardinál vikářwikipedia
      Cardinal Vicarwikipedia
      Vicario general para la diócesis de Romawikipedia
      Kardinal vikariswikipedia
      Vicario generale per la diocesi di Romawikipedia
      Wikariusz generalny Rzymuwikipedia
      Генеральный викарий Римаwikipedia
      Kardinál vikárwikipedia

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