Abstract is: Cardinal Vicar (Italian: Cardinale Vicario) is a title commonly given to the vicar general of the Diocese of Rome for the portion of the diocese within Italy (i.e. excluding the portion within Vatican City). The official title, as given in the Annuario Pontificio, is Vicar General of His Holiness. The bishop of Rome is responsible for the spiritual administration of this diocese, but because the bishop of Rome is the pope, with many other responsibilities, he appoints a cardinal vicar with ordinary power to assist in this task. Canon law requires all Catholic dioceses to have one or more vicars general, but the cardinal vicar functions more like a de facto diocesan bishop than do other vicars general. The holder has usually been a cardinal. A similar position exists to administer the spiritual needs of the Vatican City, known as the vicar general for Vatican City or, more exactly, Vicar General of His Holiness for Vatican City.
Catholic vocation | Q63188808 |
ecclesiastical occupation | Q11773926 |
Cardinal | Q45722 |
Latin Catholic bishop | Q102039658 |
vicar general | Q1044528 |
P1001 | applies to jurisdiction | Diocese of Rome | Q665037 |
P17 | country | Italy | Q38 |
P708 | diocese | Diocese of Rome | Q665037 |
P2389 | organization directed by the office or position | Diocese of Rome | Q665037 |
P1308 | position holder | Angelo De Donatis | Q20971281 |
P910 | topic's main category | Category:Cardinal Vicars | Q8343893 |
Q395751 | Agostino Vallini |
Q20971281 | Angelo De Donatis |
Q535834 | Angelo Dell'Acqua |
Q810147 | Basilio Pompilj |
Q505206 | Camillo Ruini |
Q1100339 | Clemente Micara |
Q953930 | Costantino Patrizi Naro |
Q1237196 | Domenico Jacobini |
Q1348506 | Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani |
Q1522175 | Giacomo Savelli |
Q3107698 | Girolamo Rusticucci |
Q614929 | Giulio Maria della Somaglia |
Q763988 | Lucido Parocchi |
Q958659 | Luigi Traglia |
Q132711 | Paul V |
Q1353787 | Pietro Respighi |
Q591653 | Ugo Poletti |
Q323554 | Virgilio Rosario |
Q30203509 | Vicario generale di Sua Santità | different from | P1889 |
Q665037 | Diocese of Rome | position held by head of the organization | P2388 |
Q8343893 | Category:Cardinal Vicars | category's main topic | P301 |
Q164448 | Italian Episcopal Conference | has part(s) | P527 |
Q56326607 | Q56326607 | located in the religious territorial entity | P5607 |
Catalan (ca / Q7026) | Cardenal vicari | wikipedia |
Kardinál vikář | wikipedia | |
Kardinalvikar | wikipedia | |
Cardinal Vicar | wikipedia | |
Vicario general para la diócesis de Roma | wikipedia | |
Cardinal-vicaire | wikipedia | |
Kardinal vikaris | wikipedia | |
Vicario generale per la diocesi di Roma | wikipedia | |
Kardinaal-vicaris | wikipedia | |
Wikariusz generalny Rzymu | wikipedia | |
Cardeal-vigário | wikipedia | |
Генеральный викарий Рима | wikipedia | |
Kardinál vikár | wikipedia | |
Kardinalvikarie | wikipedia | |
Кардинал-вікарій | wikipedia | |
羅馬教區代理主教 | wikipedia |
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